Games and tasks for disabled children. Outdoor games for children with cerebral palsy

The use of didactic games and gaming techniques to correct defects in the perception of space and orientation in it in children with disabilities

The problem of the group of children with disabilities is that the contingent is heterogeneous, the simultaneous assimilation of program materials is difficult, therefore the relationship between the teacher, psychologist and speech therapist is important in general correctional activities. When determining the content and stages of correctional education, as well as when developing teaching methods, one should proceed from modern ideas about the genesis, psychophysiological mechanisms of space exploration, and the basic patterns of the development of children’s sensory and cognitive abilities. To form the most basic knowledge about space, it is necessary to accumulate a large number of specific ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.
The use of didactic games and gaming techniques to correct defects in the perception of space and orientation in it in children with disabilities is the most important prerequisite for the development of all types of children's activities, and is also a necessary means of learning in sensory education, in the process social adaptation and creates the basis for successful mastery of educational activities (counting, reading, writing).
The formation of spatial concepts in children of this category has a complex structure, develops in stages, going through a long and difficult path. One of the primary tasks of teaching is to enrich the child’s motor experience, forming on this basis ideas about the body diagram, one’s own position among surrounding objects, the main directions of space and orientation in it, helping children with disabilities learn to navigate the world around them more easily and quickly.
In the process of correctional and developmental work, conditions are created so that children develop an attitude of success and acceptance of adult help. In this case, the exercises are selected in such a way that the child can independently see his mistakes and correct them. Teacher's tasks:
-increase children's cognitive activity;
-enrich with meaningful spatial relationships;
- create an emotional mood for the upcoming independent and joint activities with the child.
Practice has shown that the use of entertaining game material for children with disabilities helps maintain continuity of learning to perceive space and orientate in it. Thus, the use of didactic games on the perception of space and orientation in it contributes to the personal development of a child with disabilities and the earliest possible social adaptation.

We present correctional and educational games.

Memory development games:
"Draw a figure"
The child closes his eyes, is allowed to touch the geometric figure, then it is removed. The child must draw a figure from memory.
"Find out the subject"
Goal: development of tactile memory.
The child is blindfolded and various objects are placed in his outstretched hand in turn. At the same time, their names are not spoken out loud; the child himself must guess that this is a thing. After a number of objects (3-10 objects) have been examined, he is asked to name all these things, and in the order in which they were placed in his hand. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that the child is required to perform two mental operations - recognition and memorization.
"Laying out from memory"
The child is shown cards with geometric shapes, which they then lay out from memory.
"Learn a poem"
A short poem or quatrain is read to the child, which must be learned through as few repetitions as possible.
"Remember the pictures"
From a set of 20-30 pictures, select 10 and present them to the child to memorize for 20 seconds. Then remove it and find out how many pictures the child remembers.
"Remember the words"
Read out 10 to your child simple words for memorization. Strive to remember the list completely.
Games to develop attention:
"Four forces"
At the teacher’s command, the child performs certain movements with his hands.
“EARTH” - put your hands down
“WATER” - stretch your arms forward
“AIR” - raise your hands up
“FIRE” - rotate your arms at the elbow and wrist joints.
"Guessing Game"
For this exercise you will need a set of cards with images of different objects. The more varied the better. Subject lotto materials are suitable for this. The teacher lays out 30-40 cards in front of the child.
Instructions: “I will now wish for one of the objects shown on the cards. Try to guess what I wished for in no more than 20 attempts. To do this, ask me questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” If it is difficult for a child to understand what is being said, tell him, “Imagine that I made a wish for this pencil. What questions could you ask to make a guess? For example, “Does this write?” or “Is this long?” etc.
Some children try to guess by listing all the objects in a row. In this case, it is necessary to show them that this is not an effective method, and invite them to ask questions about the properties of these objects. You can even give him a hint: prepare a card with points about which it makes sense to ask questions: shape (“Is it round?”), color (“Is it red?”), size (“Is it long?”), weight (“Is it light? "), function ("Is this what they eat from?"), material ("Is this made of wood?").
"Find the Words"
Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it. For example: laughter, wolf, post, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, injection, road, deer, pie, jacket.
"Find differences"
Tasks of this type require the ability to identify the characteristics of objects and phenomena, their details and master the comparison operation. Systematic and purposeful teaching of comparison to schoolchildren contributes to the development of the skill of timely activation of attention and its inclusion in the regulation of activity. For comparison, children can be offered any objects, their images, pictures that differ a certain number details.
"Search non-stop"
Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects as possible of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.). At a signal, one child begins the enumeration, the others complete it.
To develop thinking:
"Help the artist"
Didactic task: teach children to create images based on a schematic image.
The teacher informs the children that one artist could not finish the picture and asked the children to help him finish the work. The teacher shows the children a schematic image of a person and says that now they will all help the artist together. The children will come up with ways to finish this picture, and the teacher will draw whatever the children come up with. The teacher consistently asks the children questions: who is drawn here (a boy or a girl?)? What color are your eyes and hair? How is he dressed, what is he carrying in his hands? Etc. Children answer differently, the adult discusses the answers with them and chooses the most interesting ones. The teacher uses the most interesting answers when completing the picture, gradually turning the diagram into a drawing.
When the drawing is ready, you can invite the children to come up with a story about the drawn man. If children find it difficult, you should help them with leading questions.
"Making proposals"
Initial letters are given (for example, V-S-E-P), each of which represents the beginning of words in a sentence. You need to form various sentences, for example, “The whole family ate pie.”
"Who will call more signs»
The presenter names the item environment, and the players take turns, without repeating themselves, to name as many features as possible that are characteristic of this item. The one who names the last sign wins.
To develop imagination:
"How can this be used"
The teacher names a common object. For example, "book". The child comes up with more ways to use it.
The teacher gives the child pictures with drawn letters, the child draws each letter to an object.
"Magic Blots"
The child looks at the blots and imagines what each of them looks like. You can also add blots to different objects.
1. Gurovets G.V., Lenok Ya.Ya. “Correctional and developmental games as a teaching method in special pedagogy” / G.V. Gurovets, Ya.Ya. Lenok. J. Defectology, 1996. - No. 3. – 77 s.
2. Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. " Didactic games and exercises in teaching mentally retarded preschoolers”/ A.A. Kataeva, E.A. Strebeleva. – M.: Book-Master, 1993. – p. 100-118
3. Levchenko I.Yu., Prikhodko O.G. “Technologies for teaching and raising children with musculoskeletal disorders” / I.Yu. Levchenko, O.G. Prikhodko. – M.: Academy, 2001. – p. 102-103.
4. Loginova V.I., Samorukova P.G. “Preschool pedagogy” / V.I. Smirnova. St. Petersburg “Childhood-Press”, 2003. – 62, 100, 106 p.

Children with disabilities (disabilities) need a special approach. Specialized corrective outdoor games have a positive effect on such children, helping to improve their health and helping them develop important skills. Such activities are not only fun, but also extremely effective therapeutic agents. In our article you will find out what types of games can be used for children with various features development.

Outdoor games for children with musculoskeletal disorders

  • "Christmas tree". Children stand in a circle holding hands. The teacher begins to tell the story about the Christmas tree. If the leader said the word “wide,” the kids should expand the circle, “small” should sit down, “high” should raise their arms, etc.

  • "Looking for a mate." To play, you need icons or flags of two colors, for example, yellow and green. On command, the little ones scatter in different directions. When the teacher gives the signal, each kid must quickly find a partner, choosing a participant with the same flag color as his. The created pair depicts some figure.
  • "Circle". The participants form a circle, and on the teacher’s command they begin to pass the ball to each other. As soon as the leader gives a signal (for example, one clap of the palms), the kids change the direction of the ball.
  • "The fastest". To play you will need a rope, colored ribbon and two sticks. The ends of the rope are tied to sticks, and a ribbon is tied in the middle of the rope. Participate in the entertainment in pairs. At the teacher’s command, each participant begins to tie a rope onto a stick. Whoever does it faster and reaches the middle first wins.

Outdoor games for children with mental retardation and mental retardation (psychomotor development delay)

Let's consider outdoor games for children with intellectual disabilities.

  • “Say the word.” The children stand in a line. The teacher throws a ball to each of them and names a letter. The kid must catch the ball, sit down, stand up, say a word starting with this letter, and throw the ball back to the teacher.
  • "Sparrows". Using a counting rhyme, one participant is chosen to be the “cat”. His task is to catch the “sparrows” - the remaining players. “Sparrows” can hide from the “cat” by standing on a log or on a line marked with chalk. When the presenter says the phrase “the sparrows have flown,” the participants must jump from the “perch,” “chirping” and “flapping their wings,” while the “cat” begins its hunt.

PECULIARITIES! Each child with developmental disabilities requires an individual approach. It is necessary to take into account not only the preserved motor and intellectual functions of the baby, but also his temperament, age and gender, as well as volitional qualities.

Outdoor games for children with hearing loss

Let's consider outdoor games for deaf and hard of hearing children.

  • "In zoo". Several kids, together with the teacher, stand one behind the other, holding the shoulders of the participant in front, pretending to be a train. The rest of the children stand in a drawn circle or in a hoop and, as soon as the train approaches them, they depict any animal using movements, gestures and facial expressions. The other kids' task is to guess. At the end of the game, you can reward the children who performed best.
  • "Catch a squirrel." A “hunter” is chosen from among the players. He must catch up with the rest of the participants - the “squirrels”, who in turn can hide in the house, standing on some wooden elevation (bench, stump, etc.). If the “hunter” catches the “squirrel”, they change roles.

Outdoor games for children with visual impairments

Let's consider outdoor games for blind and visually impaired children.

  • "Catch-up with a bell." Each of the children is given a bell. A pair of drivers is selected, they must catch up with the participant with the bell, surrounding him. In turn, the player can pass the bell to any other participant. If the drivers catch the player, he drops out and passes the bell to another child or becomes the driver himself. Instead of a bell, you can use a bright hat or cap.

  • “Make the figure laugh.” The little ones perform voluntary movements and freeze in one position or another on command. The water should approach the figure and make it laugh. Participants are not allowed to smile or change their position. Those players who cannot fulfill these conditions are eliminated.
  • "Fishing". Two kids join hands, they will play the role of a “net” and catch the “fish” - the rest of the children. With each “fish” caught, the “net” increases in size. The children who are caught join hands with the kids from the net. The last participant not caught wins. When catching “fish” you cannot “break” the “net”; you need to hold hands as tightly as possible.

IMPORTANT! Watch your baby carefully while playing, identifying his potential. Encourage your baby to develop new capabilities through joint activities, gradually teaching him to participate in them without your help.

Outdoor games for children with cerebral palsy

  • "Follow the command." Children stand opposite the leader and close their eyes, starting to complete tasks. For example, “take 2 steps forward”, “stand on your toes”, “turn your back”, etc.
  • “Pass the ball around.” The kids of each team stand in a circle. Then the captains are chosen and the ball is given to them. At the signal from the leader, the ball must be passed to each other so that it ends up with the captain again as quickly as possible. The team that finishes it faster wins.
  • “Push the cube away.” The players' task is to move the cube as far as possible by throwing the ball. You can use a toy instead of a cube.
  • "Hot ball" Children pass the ball around in a circle while the music plays; as soon as the melody ends, the player in whose hands the ball ends up is eliminated. You can play without music and use a whistle as a signal.

Regular corrective play sessions will definitely bear fruit. Kids will be able to smoothly adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world, spend their leisure time interestingly, and also learn communication skills and self-expression.

From this article you will learn:

    What games for older people can be organized at the holiday?

    What games would be appropriate on Elderly Person's Day?

    What board games are there for older people?

    What board games were invented for visually impaired elderly people?

    Are outdoor games beneficial for older people?

    Why games for older people are main part residential programs for the elderly

Surely someone remembers nostalgic pictures from childhood, when our elderly grandparents spent free time not while watching television series, but gathered around the table at home or even in the yard to enjoy interesting board games. We decided to revive those good traditions of cozy evenings, remembering interesting universal games for older people.

Entertainment program and games for seniors at the holiday

Is one of your dear elderly people celebrating a birthday or celebrating another occasion, and you are wondering how to entertain your elderly relatives? Well, you just need to plan this event correctly to make the pensioners’ holiday unforgettable! First of all, you should find out approximately the number of guests, taking into account that due to their respected age, not everyone will be able to take part in the same entertainment. For example, if we are talking about making crafts, then participants who are worried about joint diseases will not be able to fully participate. The scenario you develop should cover possible large quantity participants, while at the same time being exciting for them. Here are some recommendations for organizing games for older people:


This entertainment is one of the most popular among the older generation. A set for this game can be purchased in the store at a fairly budget price, and in order to diversify it and add intrigue, we recommend offering small prizes for participants. Moreover, beautiful packaging will add some extra value to the gift recipient positive emotions. There may be small souvenirs, kitchen items, and cosmetics. Or you can announce that each participant in the game can choose what he likes.

Another interesting variation of this game for the elderly is possible. You need to prepare a sufficient number of cards, with the name of the song written on each of them. Of course, it is better to choose a repertoire from among the popular hits of past years, those that your family and their guests like. In this case, one participant in the game begins to perform the song indicated on the selected card, the other player guesses its name. Here anyone can join in, sometimes it turns out to be a whole friendly choir. Again, you can give prizes to game participants.


Very interesting and fun entertainment! As in previous game use gifts, these will be auction items. To add intrigue, all prizes must be carefully packaged so that their contents remain a secret to older auctioneers. Prepare some kind of conditional “money”, then distribute amounts sufficient for any purchase to each of the participants.

Guess the melody

For this game, a person who owns any musical instrument must be present. You can simply download the musical works that our elderly participants love from the Internet and listen to them in parts. First, you play three to five notes and, if no one guesses the melody, according to the rules of the game, another passage is played, and so on. When someone guesses the song, they can sing it along with their friends.

Photo competition

This game will require some preparation from the participants themselves. She can give you many pleasant memories and emotions! Elderly people should be asked to bring their childhood photographs. Hold a competition “Guess who is in the photo”, and when someone is recognized, many will be very interested in hearing their friend’s story about when and under what circumstances the photo was taken. You can organize a competition for the best photos, and with all sorts of nominations.

Master classes

A range of lessons can be taught to interest the majority of our older participants. If, for example, our esteemed audience is the fair sex, organize a master class on decorating bouquets, taking care in advance of the availability different colors, vases, tools. At the end, you can organize a competition for the most beautiful bouquet with the subsequent distribution of gifts and flowers to the winners.


Quiz games are always popular among older people, especially if the questions are directly related to the youth of those gathered. Memories of youth and discussing them with each other are always imbued with a touch of nostalgia and arouse the keen interest of pensioners. Older participants must complete questionnaires with questions you have prepared regarding their background. The game is that after reading these completed questionnaires, the others will guess who we are talking about. An excellent option would be to hold a quiz with one main character, usually the one for whom the guests gathered. Save questions regarding his biography: studies, first working years, significant milestones of fate, children and grandchildren.

A little movement

However, the leisure time of older people is not limited to board games alone. And among older people there are a sufficient number of dance lovers. Give the crowd a chance to dance by playing the music of their youth.

Games for Older Person's Day

"101 Babies"

Guests bring their childhood photos with them. Having placed the previously numbered photographs on the wall, the presenter provides the participants with pieces of paper with numbers. Next, guests try to guess who owns this or that photo by signing names next to each number. Soon the presenter collects the pieces of paper and, having found out from them who guessed more names, gives a prize to the winner of the game.

"Remember the Song"

Reading out one line from different popular songs, the presenter asks the older participants to guess them. Examples: “The petals fly from the branches and swirl…” (“White Bird Cherry”, Spanish Anna German), “There is only one thing in these lines - it’s very cool for us here...” (“Manzherok”, Edita Piekha), “In the Stream sunlight you are standing at the kiosk... (“Beauty Queen”, Muslim Magomaev), etc.

“Damaged phone (drawing)”

A game similar to the famous “deaf telephone”, where a certain phrase is transmitted along a chain, turning at the end into something completely different from the original version. Only here, instead of words, a piece of paper with a drawing will be used. The first one in line draws something arbitrary on it. The second one examines it while the first one counts down the agreed number of seconds, then tries to repeat the drawing from memory and passes it on, etc. The final stage of the game is to compare the first drawing with the image on a piece of paper of the last one in the chain.

“Sing a song!”

By saying only the last words of each line of the first verse of the song, participants are asked to remember it.

- “...edge,...hut,...salt,...tub” (“Winter”, E. Khil);

- “...distance,...rising,...sadness,...Pushcha” (“Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, gr. Pesnyary).

If older experts musical creativity are easy to handle, try to complicate the game by asking them to recognize the song by the last verse.

"The closest"

Guests arriving for the holiday write down their names and dates of birth on a piece of paper. Having collected all the data sheets, proceed to a simple game in which the elderly contestant whose date of birth is closest to the date of the celebration you are celebrating will win.

Competitions and games for older people at the table

It’s no secret that many grandmothers tend to gather on a bench to relieve some boredom while talking. Of course, during conversations, someone can be thoroughly “washed out”, for example, the nearest noisy neighbor. Let's not judge our erudite elderly ladies; we'd rather offer them an interesting game called "Gossip", very simple and funny. First you need to decide who you will “gossip” about, then one by one you need to write about this familiar sentence on a piece of paper. The first one starts, who usually writes a phrase that is not far from the truth. Next, the piece of paper needs to be folded and passed to the second participant, who writes down his phrase based on last word previous player. Then, following a chain and the same pattern, each new “gossip” begins with the last word of the previous one, just as different rumors are born. After the last player writes his phrase, you can read the entire text out loud. It turns out to be a funny game-parody of real gossip, with a funny distortion of meaning.

Another one interesting game for the elderly, which is called “Remember Everything”. The competition will make guests plunge into memories of the Soviet past. Ask them to remember different features life in those distant years. Start by discussing the prices of various products, what you had to buy at during the Soviet era. You can try to remember the names of songs, performers, composers, or, for example, ask old-timers to list some of the names of members of the Soviet Politburo. There are plenty of options. If an elderly participant in the competition was unable to refresh his memory of the correct information, he goes into the category of those eliminated from the game. The owner of the most accurate knowledge about the past becomes the winner.

For a change, we will offer another simple but fun game. First, you need to put a blindfold on one of the elderly participants, then place in front of him a plate containing something inedible, such as a toy or a small household item. Ask him to name the contents of the plate using a fork and knife. The one who correctly identifies the object using the tools is considered the winner and can receive a prize, for example, the guessed object.

We will also recommend you a game for older people, where you need to remember and sing a larger number of songs in which a certain word appears. Any words are suitable for this competition: Earth, sea, road, Motherland, love. Or remember songs that mention a certain name, then of course it’s better to try to sing them.

What board games are there for older people?

A board game provides an opportunity for an elderly person to have a good time in the company of good friends. And it will be more interesting if more participants take part in it. But if there are no partners nearby, this is not a reason to despair. And one old man in the field, a warrior, when he takes up, for example, games such as playing solitaire, putting together puzzles, or sitting down to solve a crossword puzzle.

Board games come in a wide variety: chess and checkers, playing cards, dominoes, different playing fields, using a pencil and a piece of paper.

Some games will not require older people to react quickly; on the contrary, they will require calm thoughtfulness and leisurely play. In contrast to them are games that evoke an emotional response and excitement from the participants, where you need to think less and make moves faster in an attempt to catch luck. In the fight for victory, they will require coordination, speed of movement, concentration and physical capabilities of older competitors.

Let's look at what options there are for board games for older people:

    Team. This type of game for seniors involves two teams, special cards with tasks and a playing field. The plot may well be based on computer game or a movie.

    brain teaser. This category of games helps maintain and develop the intellectual abilities of pensioners, but they are also perfect for children and middle-aged people. By varying the difficulty of the questions or, for example, making the criteria more complex when composing words, you can get both older and younger participants thinking.

    Economic. A bright representative games of this class is the well-known Monopoly. The players are engaged in planning, trying to correctly distribute funds to build a business, acquire production facilities, and try to make a profit. The game teaches how to distribute material resources, promotes correct calculation and goal setting.

    Card. They practically do not require any special preparation due to their general knowledge. These games are not difficult for older people; moreover, some elderly masters are able to give a head start to their younger opponents at the gaming table. Good for a quiet family evening.

    Adventure. Similar games will require a script. This could be some kind of mysterious story, where by unraveling the mysteries you need to get to the bottom. Older players and other participants can try on the roles of various characters, detectives, sorcerers, good fairies, ordinary people.

Let's not forget to mention these team games, like football or volleyball, useful for developing dexterity and coordination.

Why are these games and quizzes interesting for an older person? First of all, because he has fun and usefully spends time among friends, communicating with peers and the younger generation. An elderly person receives new information, trains your memory and applies your knowledge in different areas.

Games have the ability to unite people, promote the search for new hobbies, develop logic, and lead to an understanding of the possibility of both winning and losing. However, board games for an elderly person are not limited to the actual table and room. You can play anywhere, be it outdoor recreation or travel.

Board games for older people with low vision

There are a number of classic board games that date back to the distant past, remaining relevant even today. They are familiar to all generations and loved by gambling people of all ages.

Dice with convex points. These cubes with contrasting (black on white) convex dots are designed for comfortable play by people with visual impairments. Used, for example, in backgammon and Monopoly. It will also be more convenient to play with such dice for older people who have vision problems due to age.

Checkers are tactile. Board game for the visually impaired and blind. Usually a strong plastic board, marked into squares, with indentations for chips. Wooden checkers round or square shape, “queens” are doubled.

Sudoku for the visually impaired and blind. A popular entertainment in Asia has now become accessible to the visually impaired and blind.

Braille Monopoly game. The game “Monopoly”, familiar to millions, originated in the early 30s of the last century and is still quite fashionable and in demand. In the version for visually impaired and blind people, including the elderly, any inscriptions on the cards or the field itself are made in Braille, and the bones have raised dots.

Textured domino. Dominoes for blind children or elderly people, where classic pictures are replaced by tactile ones.

"Tic-tac-toe." This game is intended for children from four years old, as well as for older people with visual impairments. It promotes the development of mathematical abilities, logic, memory training, attention, helps visually impaired elderly people develop spatial orientation, and maintains normal fine motor skills of the hands.

Playing cards for blind and visually impaired people in Braille. Cards with an enlarged design, on which the suits are indicated in Braille. This makes the game much easier for visually impaired older people.

Tactile backgammon. The set includes a board separated by special barriers, as well as white chips, which differ from black ones by the presence of a small metal bulge on the top. Dice also have similar raised points. Such backgammon has a positive effect on the abilities of visually impaired older people to think logically, maintain and develop concentration, memory, fine motor skills hands

Dominoes with raised dots. People with impaired vision are greatly helped by special raised black dots on the white dominoes.

Chips for the game "Bingo" in Braille. Bingo is a great game for the visually impaired and blind, including the elderly. Randomly selected numbers from 1 to 75 are placed on cards by the participant. The one who fills it completely with chips first wins. Such entertainment improves memory, attention, logical thinking and fine motor skills of the fingers.

What are the benefits of outdoor games for older people?

Outdoor games available to older people who do not have significant health problems. Pensioners can ski, ride a bike, play gorodki, and go boating. For those of them who were previously familiar with sports, jogging is available. However, your running speed should be in the range of 120-140 steps per minute. Elderly people should be extremely careful when increasing running loads. This needs to be done gradually.

Hiking on the fresh air. This natural and accessible form of physical activity is the most convenient for exercise. Moreover, the pace of walking is selected depending on the physical condition and general well-being an elderly person. It is recommended to periodically accelerate, increasing your normal pace by 10-20 steps per minute. At the initial stage of training (3-4 weeks), such accelerations should not last longer than 2 minutes. After about six months of regular training, this high-tempo segment can be increased to 8-10 minutes.

Older people are encouraged to engage in a variety of forms of physical activity. Light physical activity during traditional garden maintenance, simple plumbing and carpentry work will be useful.

In many Russian cities there are health groups for older people, where the staff have significant experience working with such groups. Classes in such groups attract the older generation, because regular exercise improve mood, improve sleep and appetite, and train the body’s cardio system. Of course, thanks to constant communication, united by the common interests of group members, their psychological state is normal.

For older people, health groups are a kind of hobby club, where they not only improve their well-being, but also where they have pleasant communication with equally enthusiastic peers 2-3 times a week. A varied program of classes involves a wide range of types of physical activity in such groups. Elderly people have access to therapeutic exercises, sports games, and individually selected exercises.

Games for the elderly in a nursing home as part of a residential program

The lifestyle and leisure activities of older people determine the quality of their life no less than healthy nutrition and medical care. Cognitive rest in a pleasant company is necessary for older people for versatile training of the intellect and promotes socialization. Organizing this type of recreation for older people contains elements of creativity, reveals a number of positive personal qualities, and promotes confidence in one’s abilities. Constantly being in the company of people with similar needs, interests, problems, an elderly person often increases self-esteem and is active in work activities.

There are many options for interesting ways to spend your free time, be it New Year holidays or other special dates, there are always enough of them on the calendar. These are expected events that are prepared for in advance. However, it is also necessary to remember about organizing the daily leisure of older people, preferably with a certain amount of creative component. You should not forget about regular walks in the fresh air and other types of physical activity. If an elderly person has lost the ability to perform such physical activity, then an interesting type of activity of a different nature can be found.

Pensioners who do not have the opportunity to engage in sports themselves can always be involved in it as interested spectators, event organizers, and advisors on various issues.

The emphasis on the participation of older people in the entertainment program is shifting to the artistic design of the event. Many beautiful paintings, elegant embroideries, wicker household items were created by middle-aged craftsmen in spite of boring everyday life. This is how a true hobby is born. Of particular note is the touching care of many pensioners for their pets, to which they are boundlessly attached.

Often social activity fully fills the leisure time of older people. It seems that these people are unaware of the restrictions associated with their age! They are frequent guests theatrical productions, in cinemas, at all kinds of exhibitions.

Any form of leisure should correspond to the capabilities of an old person and be accessible. Naturally, leisure is required to develop the personal qualities of pensioners, as well as the ability to self-service for effective adaptation in society.

Individual rest for respectable people often requires more time due to their infirmity. Quality leisure time, doing favorite things, creative activities, interesting communication add to their lives new meaning. We should get rid of the misconception that older people do not need entertainment. It’s just that by this age your character and preferences change. Elderly people become more inclined to knowledge, philosophical conversations, and creative activity.

Now there are special games and competitions developed for the elderly and wheelchair users, which are actively used in the program of residence in boarding houses for the elderly. The point of these games is that the patient solves problems sequentially, moving from simpler to more complex ones. It’s not for nothing that pensioners are so active in filling out crossword puzzles. The form of their leisure activities most directly affects their training logical thinking, attention and memory training. It is probably for this reason that many older people retain a clear mind and the ability to reason sensibly throughout their lives, and a significant proportion of older people have learned to use a computer.

Due to age-related changes, not all ways to participate in games and activities are available to older adults. But for many, for example, those confined to a wheelchair, a simple walk in the fresh air brings a whole range of positive emotions. Do not forget about organizing the free time of pensioners in order to ensure a dignified old age for loved ones.

Pensioners with age restrictions and disabled people at a certain point in their lives may encounter difficulties and problems associated with adapting to new living conditions. Sometimes this is observed when an elderly person is in a specialized boarding house, during the organization of treatment. Here, high-quality provision of all necessary assistance, friendly atmosphere and social environment.

Undoubtedly, sometimes some boarding house patients have a special character and are not satisfied with the surrounding reality. In such cases, older people only need a little more attention and an individual approach. It is important that all guests understand that any concerns they have are brought up for discussion, and the opinions of the guests are taken into account. The high-quality organization of leisure activities for older people is closely related to the latest development programs that expand the horizons of life of older citizens.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 full and dietary meals a day.

    1-2-3-bed occupancy (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crosswords, walks).

    Individual work psychologists: art therapy, music classes, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions (well-appointed country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, elderly people will always be helped, no matter what problem worries them. Everyone in this house is family and friends. There is an atmosphere of love and friendship here.

Outdoor play has such a wide range of effects on the body and personality that it creates unlimited opportunities to influence all spheres of life of children and adolescents with mental retardation. The deepest meaning of children's games is that they, functionally loading the entire body, all its tissues, organs and systems, structurally create, shape and improve them (V. M. Lebedev).
Purposeful emotional play load has a stimulating effect on the body of a mentally retarded child and, more than other means, corresponds to the satisfaction of the natural need for movement. Outdoor play not only counteracts hypokinesia, but also helps restore lost health, strengthen all body functions, and develop physical abilities.
Outdoor games use familiar and accessible types of natural movements: walking, running, climbing, climbing, jumping, exercises with a ball, they have simple techniques and tactics, and the rules can always be changed according to the physical and intellectual capabilities of the child. The desire to play is the main stimulus that encourages a child to play. It has been noticed that during play, children willingly and with interest do things that seem uninteresting and difficult outside the game, so mental and emotional problems are easier to overcome in play.
The special value of outdoor games for children with mental retardation lies in the possibility of simultaneous impact on the motor and mental spheres. The rapid change of game situations places increased demands on the mobility of nervous processes, speed of reaction and non-standard actions. Games force you to think more economically, react to the actions of your partners, and adapt to the situation. A playing child has to choose and perform from many operations one that, in his opinion, can bring success. The more diverse information enters the brain, the more intensely mental processes are activated. That is why, with the help of games, a child with mental retardation develops perception, thinking, attention, imagination, memory, motor skills, speech, increasing mental activity, and therefore cognitive activity in general.
This effect is achieved due to the multifunctionality of outdoor games, when correction motor disorders(spatial orientation, accuracy, rhythm, coordination of movements, balance, etc.) initiates active activity of the brain, intact analyzers, mental functions, autonomic systems that provide movement. This relationship is especially clearly manifested in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, when purposeful motor actions, organized in the form of game compositions, relay races, role-playing and simulation games, performed to the accompaniment of poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, with the solution of simple mathematical problems, facilitate the assimilation of counting and concepts of quantity, shape, size, direction, amplitude; activate speech activity, correct sound pronunciation; enrich lexicon, develop memory, attention, motor skills of small muscles of the hands.
It is known that mentally retarded children lag behind in the development of spiritual interests and needs. Therefore, the play activity itself, which arouses interest in children and contains the necessary components of personality development, is a means spiritual development. In play, relationships between children are formed, habits are developed, behavior rules. Children get to know each other more, interact with each other, experience simple game situations, show independence, imitate, rejoice, fantasize, i.e. in the game there is an active formation of personality, which has great social significance. According to G.V. Kuleshova (1992), moral habits formed in the game lay the character that mature age allows you not only to understand the world around you, but also to find your place in it.
When selecting outdoor games, it is important to take into account the emotional state, character, and behavior of children. The condition of a mentally retarded child is unstable. Emotional stress and fatigue can cause internal discomfort, which is often expressed in behavioral disturbances, whims, quarrels, and fights. Sometimes they can cause the opposite reaction: passivity, reluctance to make contact. Overcome emotional stress possible with the help of outdoor games.
Thus, when preparing for outdoor games, the teacher must take into account the following points:
- content of games (plot, rules, motor actions, exercise stress) must be accessible and appropriate to the age, level of intellectual and motor abilities, emotional state and personal interests of children;
- outdoor games offer options for increasing complexity, but the process of saturation with motor actions should be carried out gradually as mastery occurs simple forms movements;
- the content of the games should provide for the complex nature of the impact - correction of motor disorders, physical qualities, coordination abilities, strengthening and healing of the entire organism as a whole;
- during the game it is necessary to stimulate cognitive activity, activate mental processes, creativity and imagination of the child.
In an experimental study by O.A. Shpitalnoy (2000), conducted on schoolchildren aged 8-11 years with mild and moderate mental retardation, brought up in orphanage, about 150 outdoor games recommended in the literature for healthy students of the same age were tested. It was found that only a third of these games are suitable for children with mental retardation, 2/3 of the games turned out to be too difficult to memorize and play, some games were incomprehensible and did not arouse interest. As a result, 52 outdoor games were selected (10 of them for winter conditions), which were conducted during extracurricular hours as recreational play sessions for 1 hour 3 times a week. Specific features of gaming activity have been established junior schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities.
1. Among those participating in the experiment, there was not a single child who refused to play. The opinion of defectologists that children of this nosological group have undeveloped play activity skills was not confirmed. The ability to play develops.
2. The process of mastering gaming activities is quite long. It took 2 years to master 52 outdoor games, but this indicates the potential capabilities of children.
3. The greatest interest is generated by games that are simple in plot and content and that correspond to the games of healthy children. preschool age. It is noted that children play their favorite games independently in their free time.
4. The game clearly reveals the shortcomings of the child’s mental development (distractibility, instability of emotions, reluctance to learn new things, rapid fatigue), which can be partially neutralized by methodological techniques: changing outdoor games in direction, duration, complexity, emotional intensity, etc., allowing you to focus attention children at the game and maintain interest.
5. Adequate to age, mental characteristics, and state of physical fitness are 40-60-minute recreational activities, the content of which includes from 10 to 20 outdoor games lasting from 1 to 3-5 minutes.
The methodology of recreational physical education and health activities, based on the use of correctional and developmental outdoor games, selected taking into account the personal interests of children, made it possible to emotionally diversify the life of children brought up in conditions of maternal deprivation, increase the volume of motor activity, expand the range of knowledge, motor skills and physical abilities Positive changes occurred in the level of development of short-term memory, thinking, sound-letter synthesis, and elementary mathematical concepts. Indicators of physical fitness have significantly improved: in hanging with bent arms, throwing a medicine ball at a distance, standing long jump, bending forward in a sitting position, the number of squats in 30 seconds, running 20 m, the speed of local movements. In the most lagging link - coordination abilities - significant positive changes were noted in static and dynamic balance, the ability to evaluate spatial and power characteristics of movement, mastering a given rhythm of movements, coordination facial muscles, motor memory.
Below are some outdoor games for younger schoolchildren with mental retardation (Shapkova JI.B., 2001).

Municipal budget special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education boarding schoolVIII view of the city Chernushka"


methodological association of educators

Compiled by:

Zotova E.V.

Teacher 1 qualification category

Currently, a whole direction in pedagogical science has emerged - game pedagogy, which considers play as the leading method of raising and teaching children of preschool and primary school age. According to this concept, reliance on play activities, play forms, and techniques is the most important way to include children in academic work, a way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences and normal conditions life activity.

The game performs the following functions: 1) general educational - the assimilation of norms and rules of behavior, the development of moral and volitional qualities, the ability to empathize, provide assistance, collectivism and friendship. 2) cognitive - the child receives all information about the environment through games, knowledge of social roles.6 3) developmental - mental and physical development children. 4) speech development.

As a form of organizing the life and activities of children with OVZ game must have its own certainplace in the daily routine and pedagogical process generally. There must be a time in the daily routine when children can calmly play games, knowing that they will not be distracted or rushed.

Thus, the teacher, organizing life and activity in the form of a game, consistently develops the activity and initiative of children with developmental disabilities, and develops self-organization skills.



Game description

What it corrects

What shapes and develops

Methodology for children to master


All participants take turns showing movements characteristic of the animal they have conceived according to the conditions of the game. The rest are trying to guess. Then the participants are united into subgroups of 2-3 people. The presenter, pointing to any subgroup, gives the name of the animal. Participants, without saying a word, together depict one named animal. Next, the subgroup can also depict an animal, and the other participants guess which one.

Correction of emotional withdrawal

Development of imagination, freedom of movement

Number: 4-10 people

Children sit in a circle. One of the students shows the animal, the rest try to guess.

Where to erase?

On a piece of paper, the participants in the game draw a “face”. Then, covering his eyes with a bandage, the player must erase in the order and only those fragments of the pattern that the presenter names (for example: first the left eye, then the right ear, chin, nose, hair, etc.). The one who completes the task more accurately wins.

Correction of visual perception and thinking

development of visual memory, training of the ability to navigate on a plane

(for visually impaired and normally sighted children)

Number: 4-10 people.

On a sheet of A4 paper, children draw smiley faces. They close their eyes. At the command of the leader they erase,

those fragments of the picture that the presenter names


A “cauldron” is a limited space in a group (for example, a carpet). During the game, participants become “water droplets” and move chaotically on the carpet without touching each other. The presenter says the words: “the water is heating up!”, “the water is getting warmer!”, “the water is hot!”, “the water is boiling!”, .... Children change their speed depending on the temperature of the water. It is forbidden to collide or go beyond the carpet. Those who break the rules leave the game. The winners are the most attentive and dexterous.

Development of motor coordination

promote team unity; removing the state of aggression; learn to control your emotional state;

Quantity: unlimited.

Participants stand in a limited space. At the command of the leader, they begin to move in a chaotic order in accordance with the commands of the leader. Main condition -

do not touch each other, do not go beyond the designated territory.

Find and remain silent

Children, standing, close their eyes. The presenter places the item in a place visible to everyone. After the driver’s permission, the children open their eyes and carefully look for him. The first one who saw the object should not say or show anything, but silently sit down in his place. Others do the same. Those who have not found the object are helped in this way: everyone looks at the object, and the children must see it by following the gaze of the others.

Correction of attention, intolerance

development of concentration; education of a stress-resistant personality; fostering camaraderie

Number: at least 5 people

The children stand in a chaotic order. They close their eyes.

The presenter puts some new item in the room. The task of children is to find an object with their eyes.

Box of experiences(

relaxation exercise)

The presenter shows a small box and says: “In this box today we will collect all the troubles, grievances and disappointments. If something bothers you, you can whisper it directly into the box. I'll let her go in circles. Then I will seal it and take it away, and with it, let your worries disappear.

speech correction,withdrawal psychological stress

relieving psychological stress; developing the ability to recognize and formulate one’s problems

Quantity: unlimited

Children express their worries, grievances, and sorrows “in the box.”


One participant becomes a traveler, the rest become his shadow. The traveler walks through the field, and two steps behind him is his shadow. The shadow tries to exactly copy the traveler's movements. It is desirable for the traveler to make movements: pick mushrooms, pick apples, jump over puddles, look into the distance from under his hand, balance on a bridge, etc.

development of motor coordination

speed of reaction; establishing interpersonal contacts

Quantity: unlimited.

One leader is selected and becomes a traveler. The rest of the students are his shadow.

The children’s task is to repeat the leader’s movements as accurately as possible.

Lords of the Ring

You will need a ring with a diameter of 7-15 cm (a roll of wire or tape), to which three threads, each 1.5 - 2 m long, are tied at a distance from each other. Three participants stand in a circle, and each takes a thread in their hands. Their task: acting synchronously, lower the ring exactly onto the target - for example, a coin lying on the floor.

Options: eyes are open, but no talking is allowed. The eyes are closed, but you can talk.

Correction of coordination of joint actions

Team development, learning to find ways collective decision Problems

Number of people: 3-5 people.

Participants stand in a circle, holding one end of the rope in their hands. And the other end is tied to the end of one ring.

The players' task is to lower the ring onto the target (bottle, toy, coin, etc.)

Creating a drawing

Everyone sits in a circle. Each participant has a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. In one minute, everyone draws something on their sheets. Next, they pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right, and receive the sheet from the neighbor on the left. They finish drawing something in one minute and again pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The game continues until the sheet returns to the owner. Then everything is reviewed and discussed.

correction of fine motor skills, development of imagination

Number: 4-8 people.

Children sit in a circle. Each has a piece of paper and a pencil. Each child draws something on his or her piece of paper for 1 minute, then, at the leader’s command, passes it to his neighbor in a circle.


(relaxation exercise)

Children stand in a wide circle. The teacher says: “You did a great job today, and I want to clap for you. The teacher selects one child from the circle, approaches him and, smiling, applauds him. The chosen child also chooses a friend and approaches him together with the teacher. The second child is applauded by two people. Thus, the last child The whole group applauds. For the second time, it is no longer the teacher who starts the game

Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere

establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group

Quantity: unlimited.

Children stand in a wide circle. Starting with the leader, they choose one child at a time and clap him, etc., along the chain, until all the students are “collected.”

Who will win

The group is divided into two parts. Everyone starts stomping or clapping at the same time. The team that clapped or stomped louder wins.

Correcting intolerance towards other people

removal of psychological and muscle tension; Creation Have a good mood

Quantity: unlimited.

Children are divided into two teams.

At the leader’s signal, students begin to perform a certain command (stomp, clap)
