The role of nature in the life of human society. The role of nature in human life

The importance of nature for humans is great and diverse, it can be industrial, economic, scientific, health, educational, aesthetic. In accordance with this, nature conservation has its own characteristics.

Production and economic importance nature is that any products consumed by humans are ultimately created by the use natural resources. IN modern conditions A lot of natural substances are involved in economic selection, and the reserves of some of them are small. This means that in order to ensure the further development of social production, it is necessary first of all to preserve all the resources necessary for this or to find protection for them.

In the process of protecting nature, combating poaching, and increasing natural resources, economic calculations often turn out to be decisive.

The scientific significance of nature stems from the fact that it is the source of all knowledge. By observing and studying, a person discovers objective laws, guided by which, he uses natural forces and processes for his own purposes. Thus, the growth of knowledge leads to an increase in human influence on nature, but it should be remembered, “... that we do not at all rule over nature, since a conqueror rules over a foreign people, does not rule over them like someone outside of nature , - that we, on the contrary, are our flesh and blood, the brain belonging to it and located inside it, that all our dominance over it consists in the fact that we, unlike all other creatures, know how to recognize its laws and apply them correctly.”

The healing value of nature. Clean air, good drinking water, rest in the forest, sea bathing, excursions to the mountains, etc. Nature is not only a storehouse of material goods, it is a source of health, joy and spiritual wealth. How cleaner air, water and soil, the more reservoirs, forests, parks, gardens, the Better conditions are created for the health of the population. From a sanitary and hygienic point of view, nature conservation is, first of all, the preservation of adequate human living conditions.

The educational value of nature. Communication with nature has a beneficial effect on a person at any age and develops a diversified worldview in children. Being among nature, the child begins to feel the need for constant communication with it, to love it, and this love, skillfully directed, turns into love for the world around him. It is especially important to cultivate humane communication with animals; attitudes towards them also shape attitudes towards people.

Aesthetic meaning of nature. Nature has always been an inspiration for art, occupying, for example, a central place in the work of landscape and animal painters.

Pictures of nature are reflected in the works of many great writers. The beauty of nature attracts people and has a beneficial effect on their mood.

Without the communication of nature, it is impossible to develop a sense of beauty in a person.

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Definition 1

The concept of “Nature” includes the entire material world, or more precisely, that part of it that was formed under the influence of natural processes, without human intervention. This term is close to the concept of “natural environment”. The meaning of nature for humans is diverse; the very existence of nature is a necessary condition for the conservation human society.

Nature as a habitat

Man exists in a certain range of environmental factors, primarily abiotic, determined by the characteristics of the Earth as a planet. This is certain Atmosphere pressure, temperature indicators and amplitudes, chemical composition minerals dissolved in water, the content of oxygen and other gases in the atmosphere, etc. – all these are parameters of the natural state of the planet; it is this state that is normal for human life.

In the absence of even one of the key abiotic factors, or its values ​​that differ greatly from the norm under which humans developed as a biological species, the environment will become lethal for humans. Even seemingly insignificant changes in nature can cause dramatic changes in the life of all humanity. Thus, nature can easily exist normally without humans, but humans cannot exist without it.

Nature as a source of resources

People satisfy all their needs at the expense of nature, either directly or indirectly. Natural environment provides a person with all the conditions and resources necessary for existence. Most economic sectors are in one way or another based on the extraction or processing of natural resources. Despite the fact that much of what a person uses these days, he receives through transformation and significant processing of natural resources, they still remain the basis of the economy, and will remain so for a very long time, probably until the end of human existence as a biological species.

Aesthetic and scientific-cultural significance of nature

IN historical period customs, economic features, aesthetic views and mentality of the population various countries were formed under conditions of strong influence of climate, relief, and resources. Nowadays, nature also plays an important role in the basis of many social processes.

The state of people’s health depends on the weather conditions, which can change under the influence of:

  • changing phases of the moon,
  • sun activity,
  • magnetic storms,
  • and other natural phenomena.

Its economy largely depends on the composition, quantity of reserves and state of natural resources in a state.

Nature serves as a source of various information that helps to interact with the outside world, in particular, thanks to such information it is possible to predict and partially prevent natural disasters.

Nature has great scientific, cultural, aesthetic, and educational significance. It serves as an object of contemplation, admiration, pleasure, a source of inspiration for writers, artists and musicians, and the object of their numerous creations.

Note 1

It has already been proven that the beauty and harmony of nature can have a healing effect on the human body. The spiritual component, largely formed by nature, plays a vital role in the existence of society. Important role All of the above is emphasized by numerous terms that have appeared in abundance in recent decades to describe this aspect of the interaction between man and nature. These include aesthetic nature management, recreational nature management, etc. The corresponding types of activities have become for modern society quite natural, they even become branches of specialization of regions and entire countries.

The Importance of Nature in Human Life
“Could there be something more important than that?

The world in which we have to live has specific features. Everything that surrounds us is objects assembled according to the principle of a designer from the smallest elementary particles. Man, in this regard, is also no exception. For their existence, people need to constantly satisfy their basic needs (food, water, breathing, protection, reproduction).

The importance of nature in human life is directly related to the above. That is, everything that a person needs for life (his existence) is given to him by the environment. Our planet (mostly its surface) is designed in such a way that it provides all the favorable opportunities for the appearance and existence on it various forms life. Man, as a species of living beings, also has the opportunity to live and develop thanks to the existing conditions provided by nature. The importance of nature in human life is paramount, fundamental, fundamental.

Simply put, we all live with you because this is facilitated natural conditions. But, as we know, the environment can have various states, which may not be suitable for the normal existence of living creatures, including humans. Paradoxically, the importance of nature in human life, by people themselves, is greatly underestimated, which gives rise to the principle - sawing the branch on which I am sitting. I think many will agree with me that the current ecological state environment leaves much to be desired. People everywhere begin to crap and actively worsen the conditions of nature, which, first of all, has a detrimental effect on the person himself.

The importance of nature in human life, although it has a vital status, but the recklessness of a humanoid creature is higher than all forces aimed at the well-being and development of life. It won’t go far, let’s take an example from ordinary life, most people acquire material values ​​every day, which results in a minute-by-minute increase in city landfills, the release of toxic waste, air, water and soil pollution.

Nature- this is the material world, which is the main object of study of science. Most often, “nature” is used to describe natural environment human habitation. This is the Universe, everything that surrounds a person, with the exception of man-made things. Nature is a collection natural conditions the existence of man and the society in which he is. Nature can be divided into categories and definitions: living and non-living, wild and cultivated, natural and artificial, etc. The Russian term “nature” partly comes from the Latin natura (material world). The encyclopedic meaning of this word defines it as all things in the broadest sense. That is, the whole world in the diversity of its forms. Often used in conjunction with the concepts: universe, matter, Universe. Nature is an object of natural science. Human and social activities have a significant impact on nature, both negative and positive. These factors require the establishment of harmonious interaction between nature and. Constituting a single link, man and nature cannot do without each other. It is quite difficult to express the concept of “nature” in words, since it is something unsolved and immense. On the other hand, nature created us, it surrounds us. Nature- this is everything that our planet is filled and populated with: forests, mountains, seas, oceans, flora, people... It’s not that man is helpless in front of nature, but he is capable of destroying it. The state of nature depends to a great extent on human attitudes towards it. If modern, wittingly or unwittingly, there is natural harmony, then one should not be surprised by global catastrophes and natural disasters. Everything in the world is interconnected. A person should treat it more carefully so as not to harm himself. He is quite capable of this.

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While taking a walk in the forest or relaxing on the river bank, you can see various plants And amazing trees. Moreover, the lush vegetation in the forests of the Moscow region differs sharply from the traditional trees and dead wood of the steppe area. Wild animals inhabiting different natural habitats also differ from each other. All types of plants and animal world are called the "flora and fauna" of a particular region.

Flora and vegetation

Today, flora in botany represents all subspecies of plants that grow or previously grew in a strictly defined area. You can confuse the concepts of “vegetation” and “flora”, perceiving them as synonyms, although they are different things. For example, you can talk about flora Kursk region, Kola Peninsula or flora of Primorye. Moreover, what larger size region, the richer its flora is represented.

Thus, the flora of the entire Stavropol Territory has approximately 1,200 species of plants, and the flora of Russia already has more than 18 thousand, including gymnosperms, ferns, horsetails and ground cover plants. Greenhouse and houseplants do not belong to flora.

The definition of “vegetation of a certain territory” is understood as the totality of plants growing in this region. For example, the Moscow region is characterized by different kinds forests, swamps and meadows. But the vegetation of the entire territory of Russia will be much richer and more diverse. It includes significantly more plant communities, incl. mountain, tundra, forest-steppe, desert, etc.

The phrase “flora and” is also used in the study of all microorganisms that are characteristic of a specific human organ. Like, for example, the flora of the larynx.

Representatives of fauna

The concept of fauna means the totality of all species of animals that lived or still live in a given area. Animals in zoos and pets are not included in the fauna. The main characteristic of each fauna is ecological nature species included in its composition. Yes, fauna tropical forest characterized by the presence large quantity animals adapted to living in trees. These are various climbing mammals, reptiles, birds, many insects and other animals that are accustomed to eating the fruits of trees or living off destroyed wood.

Using various methods of analysis, botanists can confidently talk about the origin of a particular fauna, as well as its relationships with distant and nearby faunas. Based on the results of these analyses, animal species with similar distributions are combined into certain groups according to their habitat, for example, the fauna of the island of Madagascar. In addition, the exact location of a particular animal in the corresponding section of the fauna is recorded. Thus, it refers to the entomofauna or insect fauna.

Nature is the place where we live our whole lives, nature is what allows us to live. It is nature that gives us everything we need for life: water, food, air and much more. In addition, nature allows us to draw inspiration to realize our creative potential, and this is not a small thing, there are many inventions that work on the same principles that nature itself works on (the laws of thermodynamics, energy exchange, even the structure of plants and animals). We should not forget creative works, the inspiration for which is also nature.

It is also worth noting that nature can either support human life or destroy it; an example of this is all sorts of natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the importance of nature for human life is enormous, since our life itself is nature, and we ourselves are part of it.

What nature brings up in a person

Nature cultivates in a person a certain list of qualities, of which:

  • Take responsibility for your decisions and actions;
  • Nature disciplines;
  • It forces a person to think about how to arrange all processes of vital activity, production and life in general according to the most favorable scenario for nature, and therefore for man himself.

If a person destroys nature, then it is unlikely that this person can be called intelligent, it is like someone biting the hand that feeds him.

So we can also add that nature instills in a person the rational use of resources that nature provides, and if a person still does not learn this, does not learn to take care of his home, then he is doomed to death.

What does the expression mean: “man is the king of nature”

This expression can be understood as follows: a person, by his actions, determines the fate of nature and himself; if a person begins to protect nature, then it will in return provide everything necessary for life, and if a person begins to destroy nature, then he will thereby doom himself to certain death.

Truly the person has big influence on nature, and nature, in turn, on man.

It is almost impossible to disagree with this statement, because the human influence on nature is obvious: the most common example is cutting down forests (if you start cutting down forests, this will lead to an imbalance in the forest ecosystem, as well as the balance of gases in the atmosphere and the water cycle). Consider other examples: animal breeding (some animals survive and others die), plant breeding, city construction, manufacturing, automotive industry and much more.

First of all, nature gives life to man. Man is a part of nature. Green plants provide oxygen so that a person can breathe; flora and fauna provide food, water arteries the planets provide for man drinking water. Using forest plantations, a man builds his own home. This is only part of the material benefits that nature provides to humans. But it not only gives a person material food, it gives spiritual food. Nature nurtures in man, first of all, careful attitude To her. So, we plant trees in wastelands and on the slopes of ravines to strengthen the soil, people protect rare species plants and animals, so that they do not disappear, builds treatment facilities so that waste from production and human activities does not pollute the environment. Nature, with its pristine beauty, fosters the ability to contemplate the beauty of the surrounding world and love for animals. The expression “Man is the king of nature” means that man is the highest intelligent being in nature. We cannot agree with such a statement, since man, although he is the highest rational being, is completely helpless in front of the forces of nature and natural phenomena.
