Scenario for an extracurricular activity on the topic: “The first spring flowers.” Extracurricular event “Hello spring”

Extracurricular activity"Hello Spring!"

    Development of creative and artistic abilities of students;

    Fostering a culture of family recreation;

    Involving parents to participate in the educational work of the class and school;

    Fostering a sense of kindness and empathy;

    Fostering love and respect for the environment;

I’ll tell you about how one of the holidays dedicated to the seasons took place in my class. In mid-February, the guys received three green envelopes with tasks:

Tell how birds welcome spring.
– What changes occur in the life of plants.
– How animals welcome spring.

The children joined groups at will. They decided that to complete the task they needed to: learn poems about spring, choose and learn songs about spring, come up with ditties, collect signs of spring, draw pictures to decorate the classroom, make costumes, hats, masks.

All preparatory work was carried out separately in groups. Parents were involved not only in the preparation of the holiday, they also played some roles. And then the day of the holiday came.

Leaders - parents:

    Spring has come to us again.
    How much light and warmth!
    The snow is melting, the streams are babbling,
    Sparrows jump in the puddles.
    It's getting warmer outside,
    And freedom for the children.

    Forests and fields woke up again,
    And it rings and sings, blooming.
    Under the spring sun, my native land.
    Let's go towards the long-awaited spring.
    She will melt the snow with her rays,
    She will dispel gray fogs
    And scatters flowers in the meadows.

Students perform school ditties:

A quarter past two has passed
We are overjoyed.
And now we sit and eat
School ditties.

And our Vitya will certainly
Wants to become president
It's the only one on the map for now
The Kremlin can't find it.

Natasha is fine:
On the table, in the closet, in a notebook.
Everyone in the class knows about it
And they sigh with envy.

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here's an example for you guys,
How not to solve an example.

Vasya was late for school
But he won’t say that he overslept,
Just now, as luck would have it,
It dawned too late.

According to the accelerated program
Our class is studying
Like an express train, we rush, mom,
You won't catch up with us.

The task was difficult,
She “fought off” Dima.
But Dima “grabbed” her like that,
I decided in five minutes.

If, Petya, you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!

Deuces in our diaries
We won't let you get through.
Promises the third “B”
Try for a whole year.

Teacher: Guys, I congratulate everyone on the holiday of spring and beauty, and I also congratulate you on the successful completion of the longest academic quarter and invite everyone to take an exciting journey. Today we will go to visit Spring.

The sun laughs tenderly.
Shines brighter, hotter,
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream.

Do you hear? What wonderful words! It was a poetic stream babbling. He picked up our paper boat and carries it from table to table.

Each group of children reads one poem on a spring theme. The ship passes to the guests, who also read poems about spring. In the background of the reading, the melody of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play from “The Seasons” sounds softly.

Leading. Many writers and poets sang this time of year. Our poetic stream flows intomusical . Listen to how P.I. Tchaikovsky expressed the unique beauty of nature in music.(The music becomes louder.) Everyone is waiting for spring, calling, singing songs - chants.

Children perform one verse of the Ukrainian folk song “Vesnyanka”.

We are singing spring flowers -
We call red spring.
Oh, let's eat, oh, let's eat,
We call red spring.

Class includesSPRING. Her role is played by one of the mothers.


My name is Spring - I am a girl - Spring.
I walk along a forest path without rest or sleep.
I want the rays of the sun to warm everyone.
So that merry rooks will fly from the south

Leading. In nature there are three springs; spring of light - March, spring of water - April, spring of green grass - May.

Spring. Guys, what signs of spring do you know?

Children read proverbs and signs.

About March.

March is the morning of spring.
How in March winter does not get angry, but submits to spring.
A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - a sign of bad weather.
The early arrival of cranes means early spring.
Long icicles - for a long spring.

About April.

April – snowman, Aquarius, juicer.
April with water - May with grass.
Don't break the stoves, April is still around the corner.
April does not like the lazy, but loves the agile one.

About May.

May is cold - a grain-bearing year.
March is dry and May is wet - there will be porridge and loaf.

Spring signs:

If in the spring icicles form on the roofs when the snow melts, it means a long spring.
Forest birds build nests on the south side of the tree - summer will be cold.
Fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
A dry March promises a fertile year, a rainy March promises a crop failure.
When the spring water flows, but the ice remains, this means a bad year.
Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.

And now you can guess who we are talking about by solving this crossword puzzle:


1. I wake everyone up on time
At least I don’t wind the clock.

2. On the claws on the pine trunk,
The red-headed fitter climbed in.
He worked hard
But the light did not flash in the forest...

3. Vereshchunya, white-sided,
And their names are all...

4. She can't sit still:
Everything flies all day long
Fussing, fussing,
All day long it rings: “Shadow, shadow!”
Guess what kind of bird it is?
That's funny...

5. And in the forest, mind you, children,
There are night watchmen.
The watchmen are afraid of these
Mice - hiding, trembling:
Very harsh
Eagle owls and...

The word appears in the highlighted cellsBirds.

Reference: Eat interesting birds who in the spring mutter: “I’ll buy a robe, sell a fur coat.”(Kosach, male black grouse. These words were chosen in imitation of his song - muttering. The kosach mumbles in spring and autumn.)

It turns out that not all migratory birds fly south from us in the fall. Some fly away from us in the fall to the east (via Ural Mountains), for example, a small warbler, a lentil, a sandpiper - a phalarope).

Spring. Birds are my messengers.

Do you know that birds are the only animals in the world that have wings?

Children : Yes, because their wings are hands.

Spring. The songs and dances of birds are especially beautiful in the spring, during the period of love.

Children perform “Bird Dance” to the music of “Cancan”.

Spring. Guys, do you know the birds that flew to us for the holiday?

The first group of children represents birds.

What kind of spring black bird
Doesn't it almost sit on the tractor's nose?
Who's running after the plow?

He builds his nest in the field,
Where the plants grow.
His song and flight
Entered into poems.

This bird never
Doesn't build nests for itself,
Leaves eggs for neighbors
And he doesn’t remember the chicks.(Cuckoo)

Comes to us with warmth,
It's been a long journey.
Sculpts a house under the window
Made from grass and clay.(Martin)

Student. (Wearing a starling mask.) Do you guys recognize me? For those who don't know, let me introduce myself:

I'm speaking to you
Like a young spring messenger.
I'm glad to see my friends!
Well, my name is...(starling)

Two students (one at a time).

We even got up at night
Looking out the window into the garden
Well when, oh when
Will our guests arrive?

And today we looked
A starling sits on an alder tree.
We've finally arrived!

There's a song playing“The starlings have arrived” (lyrics by M. M. Matusovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky).

Spring. I'll go see how my animals are doing there. How they spent the winter.

The second group of children represents forest animals.

Hedgehog. I was asleep. Lost weight.

Squirrel. I had a lot of supplies. I didn't go hungry. Now I feel so good, as if winter never happened.

Fox. And I was starving. She ate only mice. Well, occasionally I counted chickens in the neighboring village. Why are you so skinny?


You'll be miserable eating this kind of food.
I haven't eaten for four days.
I saw lunch by the tree stump.
And lunch is in full swing
He walked away from me.
What a misfortune, what a disaster!
Fleet food!

Fox. Misha! Tell me how you almost overslept spring?


Without worries and without anxiety
The bear slept in his den,
Slept all winter until spring

Hedgehog. And perhaps he had dreams?


Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,
Hears: caplet -
What a disaster!
I groped in the dark with my paw
And he jumped up - there was water all around.

Hedgehog. The bear hurried outside:

Bear. It floods - no time for sleep.


He got out and saw puddles,
The snow is melting... Spring has come.

Takes the floor"Plants" group.

1st student.

In a snow-white hat,
In a light jacket
There is a snowdrop in the forest
On bare feet.


Snowdrop, snowdrop
Woke up in the forest.
Snowdrop, snowdrop
Welcome spring!

2nd student.

Poor little snowdrop,
The flowers are still sleeping.
Look - in such clothes
You'll catch a runny nose!


But I can't sleep,
Is it time for bed here?
You might get lost
It's spring without me.


Spring primrose –
Yellow flower.
Reached for the sun
Delicate petal.

Spring primrose –
The key to spring
Aren't you dreaming
Golden dreams?

Be careful
Don't rip it off
Soft, fragrant
my friend

Teacher. How easy and free it is to breathe in the forest in spring. Guys, while Sunny was away, they poured heavy rains, there were puddles all around.(Children receive sheets with puddles glued on.)

Let's turn these puddles into beautiful drawings. For this we need colored pencils.(At the end creative work an exhibition of works is organized.)


Our performance has come to an end.
We think you found it very interesting
Dear guests, dear, good!
Have fun singing this song with us.

Children sing the song “Migratory Birds Are Flying.”

Spring. Thank you, kind people, nice people! For your affection, for your wide fun. Let everything take its course. I wish you good health and success in your endeavors. Many years to you!

Have a joyful and tender spring
Happy days and pink dreams,
May March give you even a snowy one
Your smiles and flowers!

Leading: Thank you, Spring! We are glad to meet you, your sun, blue sky, flowers and birdsong.

Children in chorus:

Hail, Spring, glory, red,
Kings and hello... it's your turn!
Let the whole earth rejoice and bloom!

Summary of extracurricular activities in primary school"Spring is coming! Make way for spring! (1-2 grade)

Author: Stupchenko Irina Nikolaevna, primary teacher MBOU classes Secondary school No. 19, Krasnodar city
Target: formation of ideas about the spring season, about the signs of spring.
Tasks: introduce folk signs spring, astronomical calendar, spring holidays;
-create conditions for familiarization with spring months and their differences;
-bring up careful attitude to nature and appreciate the beauty of our native nature;
-introduce the migratory birds of your native land;
-develop the ability to distinguish changes in nature that occur in spring.
Equipment: reproductions of paintings with spring landscapes, an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “Spring is Red,” a poster with a crossword puzzle, pictures “Birds,” a slide show “ Spring landscapes", audio recordings from the piano cycle "Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, tokens, emblems.

Event scenario

1. Organizational moment.
Teacher. How clean the air is! How clear is the sky!
He blinds my eyes with his living azure.
How high on the wings of the breeze,
Caressing to sun rays, clouds are flying!
The streams are noisy, the streams are shining!
Roaring, the river carries on a triumphant ridge
The ice she raised!
Soared under the sun and in bright silence
The invisible lark sings a cheerful hymn...
Students. SPRING!

Teacher. Today we will talk about a wonderful time of year, about the time of nature’s awakening - spring.
2. Reading poems prepared by students.
Student 1. Sergey Gorodetsky “Hello, first grass of spring!”
Hello, first grass of spring!
How did you blossom? Are you happy about the warmth? I know you have fun and crowd there.
They work together in every corner.
Put out a leaf or a blue flower
Every young stub is in a hurry
Earlier than the willow from tender buds
The first one will show a green leaf.
Student 2. Genrikh Sapgir “Quiet than all”
Who came so quietly?
Well, of course, not an elephant. And of course, Behemoth
I couldn’t come so quietly.
The rain is falling, knocking on the roof.
We can also hear the clock ticking.
The clock has a normal pitch: tick-tock, tick-tock.
But none of us heard the leaf come out of the bud.
And of course, and of course, sometimes in the spring morning
You couldn’t hear how green blades of grass
Taking off their green boots, they quietly emerged from the ground.
Who silently looked up with a white cap?
The Hare and the Hare watched as the snowdrop came out quietly.
And there is silence everywhere. This is so and not otherwise.
This means, this means, SPRING has come quietly!

3. Acquaintance with popular names and signs of spring.
Teacher. Spring is one of the four seasons, after winter and before summer. Includes three months: March, April, May.
In March there is still a lot of snow, but in the sun top part becomes crusty and more and more thawed patches form. That's why March is called Protalnik.

(The quiet melody of the piano piece “Snowdrop” by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds)
Teacher. Do you know what people say about March?
March is February's little brother.
In March, the pike breaks the ice with its tail.
March – wind-carrier, watercourse, rookery.
March sows with snow and warms with sun.
(Demonstration of the reproduction of A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks have Arrived”)
Student. The rooks have returned to us! Listen to them and be silent.
Spring has come and now they have no time to sleep.
A horse ran out into the field, its mane like fire.
Spring has come - and he has no time to sleep.

Teacher. What month does March follow? What will change in nature? In April, the days are rapidly growing, and the sun is even hotter, the snow is rapidly melting and streams are babbling everywhere. So the month was given the name Snegogon.
Here's what folk wisdom says about this:
April streams awaken the earth.
Wet April is good arable land.
In April the earth is humming – it’s windy and warm.
(Demonstration of reproductions of spring landscapes)
Student. Like after March snowstorms, fresh, transparent and light,
In April, the birch forests suddenly turned palm pink.
The spring frost gently dried and invigorated the forest.
One more day, another day, and the sap will awaken under the bark.
And the birch winter day will be filled with pink foam.

Teacher. Which month is the most blooming, brightest and most elegant?
Students. May.
Teacher. In May, nature awakens, trees bloom, flowers bloom and herbs grow. That’s why the month was nicknamed Traven.
They write about May affectionately and cheerfully. The sun is warming, the earth is fragrant, the gardens are blooming, the friendly choir of songbirds does not stop. This is so invigorating and happy!
4. Game moment.
And now we will play the game "Carousel". Repeat after me and move so that the carousels don't break.
The carousel was barely spinning.
(Slowly circle to the right)
The carouses spun barely, barely, barely.
(Slowly circle to the left)
And then, then, then, keep running, running, running!
They ran and ran and waved their arms.
(The pace of speech and movements gradually accelerate. Running in place)
Hush, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel.
(The pace of movements gradually slows down. Step in place.)
One-two, one-two, the game is over.
(At the word “one-two” everyone stops, bows, clap their hands, and sit down.)
5. Acquaintance with the astronomical calendar and folk holidays.
Teacher. Do you know that astronomical spring comes later than the calendar one - during the vernal equinox, March 20 and lasts until summer solstice, 21st of June.
Until the 18th century, in the Muscovite state, spring was counted from the Annunciation on March 25 to the Nativity of John the Baptist on June 24.

And spring holidays were celebrated on the following days: March 1-17 - The turning point of winter.
March 18 - April 15 - Snowmelt.
April 16 - May 5 - Revival of spring.
May 6 - 21 - Mid-spring.
May 22 - 31 - Predletye.
(Slideshow “Spring Landscapes”)
6. Conversation about birds. Crossword.

Student. The breeze is right on your face...
Spring sends a beautiful messenger.
And the rook rushes as a messenger on a black horse! He sings about spring!
Teacher. According to V. Bianchi's Forest Calendar, spring is the time of mass arrival of birds to their native nesting grounds. The first to fly are the birds that flew away last, and the last to fly away are the birds that flew away first: rooks, starlings, larks, finches, wagtails, gulls, lapwings, magpies, cranes, redstarts, thrushes, buntings, wild geese, ducks, kites, snipe, nightingales, swallows, swifts, robins, cuckoos, etc.
The last to arrive are birds with bright plumage - kingfishers, bluethroats, minnows, warblers, robins and others. Orioles are the last to arrive, already when the trees are covered with bright young foliage.
(Demonstration of illustrations depicting the listed birds.)
Crossword “Birds” based on pictures
1. A red-breasted bird that loves to eat viburnum. (Bullfinch)
2. A bird that cooked porridge and fed the children. (Magpie)
3. Night bird. (Owl)
4. A bird that is often confused with a swallow. (Swift)
5. Who lives in the birdhouse? (Starling)
6. Small yellow-breasted bird. (Tit)
7. Competition of spring experts.

Teacher. I propose a competition. Everyone answers the questions and receives a token for the correct answer. The winner is the student who has greatest number tokens.
Questions for the competition:
1. What trees have catkins? (poplar, birch, alder)
2. What are early flowering plants called? (primroses)
3. Why are they called that? (they are the first to grow)
4. What are the names of bird houses? (nests)
5. What helps leaves bloom in spring? (light, heat, moisture)
6. When in the forest you hear the first “ku-ku2?” (in April)
7. When will the first swallow arrive? (in April)
8. In what month do dandelion heads become covered with white fluff? (in May)
9. When will you hear the first thunder? (in May)
10. In what month do lilies of the valley bloom? (in May)
11. When will the spring streams begin to flow? (in March)
(Summing up the results of the competition. The results are counted and the winner is determined, who is awarded the “Connoisseur” emblem spring nature»)

8. Final word from the teacher.
Did you like our event? What was your prevailing mood? What do you think allowed you to get a charge of vigor, joy, health and Have a good mood? Yes, it's spring! That's what she is like. Like a Sorceress, capable of giving a smile, fun, warmth and celebration.
Ding! Don! Ding! Don! What is this gentle ringing?
This snowdrop is smiling through its sleep!
This is whose fluffy ray tickles so much from behind the clouds,
Making kids smile from ear to ear?
Whose warmth is this, Whose kindness is this?
Makes the hare, chicken, cat smile?
And for what reason? Spring is coming to the city!
And the poodle has a smile!
And in the aquarium the fish smiled from the water.
An immense smile - How pleasant!
So it turns out that it doesn’t fit
On one page of this length, This width!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming through the city!
Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova,
Vesna Mayevna Chereshnikova!
Teacher. Thank you for your attention! Best wishes!

Oral journal for 5th grade students of the Krasnodar boarding school
"Spring, spring outside."
Author: teacher of Russian language and literature Bzhigakova F.Kh.
Design: On the board: 1. Screen for presentation. 2.Children's drawings. 3.Paintings of famous artists. 4. Photo vernissage of children's works.
Colored pencils or markers. The sun without a smile, cut out of paper (6 pieces). Score sheets for the jury. (Appendix 1) Certificates, diplomas, prizes for awarding.
1. To introduce students to the works of different authors about spring, expanding the reader’s horizons and enriching lexicon children. 2. Summarize children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature. 3. Cultivate love for native nature, the ability to see beauty, respect for it, cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and kindness. 4. Develop speech, thinking, ingenuity, the ability to observe, compare, and draw conclusions. 5. Instill interest in subjects " Literary reading", "Speech development", " art».
1 slide. "Spring, spring outside."
- Hello dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to our oral magazine “Spring, Spring, Spring.
- Guys, welcome the guests.
- Today I invite you to visit... who you will now tell yourself by guessing the riddles.

If the river is blue
Woke up from sleep
And he runs, sparkling in the fields, -
So (spring) has come to us

If the snow has melted everywhere,
And the grass in the forest is visible,
And a flock of little birds sings, -
So (spring) has come to us
- So, we are going to visit spring. Or rather, it has already come to us, to our region, and today we have gathered to talk about the wonderful time of the year - about spring! Spring is an awakening!
Students read:
1 reader.
Spring gives its voice to everything -
Water, foliage, earth - everything:
Fires in the forest and bird couples,
To my eyes and heart.

2 reader.
It all started with a simple drop,
And now the snow is flowing,
And they began to murmur and ring
Trees, air and meadows.

3 reader.
The splash is rushing from the forest bends,
In the ravine the wind tears the strings,
The whole world is awakened and sounded
And he looks into the conductor's mouth.

Guys, what do you imagine Spring to be like? What is it like for you?
- Spring comes to us in different ways. Spring has its own signs and symptoms.
- Guys, how do we know that Spring has come to us? By what signs and signs?
(children answer)
- the snow has melted,
- thawed patches appeared;
- streams run;
- the rivers were freed from ice;
- the birds have arrived and are singing loudly;
- the sun is high above the horizon and shines brighter;
- it became warm;
- grass has appeared, flowers are blooming;
- the sky has become higher and more transparent, bluer and clouds are floating across it;
- the days have become longer, etc.
Well done!

2 slide
- Do you know the spring months?
- Now I will read you riddles about them, and you must guess what month we are talking about?

A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter,
The snow is thinning, the soft one is melting,
The loud rook flies,
What month? Who will know? (March)

The river roars furiously
And the ice breaks.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
What month has it come to us? (April)

The fields are turning green
The nightingale drinks it down.
IN White color the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles, guess what?
What month is this? (May)

Do you know that spring has three debts!
The first is to overcome the darkness of the earth. March copes with this.
remove the snow, wake up the earth and warm it up. To do this, April waters it from the streams with living water.
Third - warm earth remove from the greens. May does this. He is decorating the forest, waiting for summer to visit.

3 slide. "Think and answer"

And now we are starting to think, reason, and be smart again!
- Read together and guess!
Riddles about spring:
4 slide.
Hanging outside the window
Ice bag
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring. (Icicle)

5 slide.
At the snow-covered hummocks
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive. (Snowdrop)

6 slide.
They are silent in winter
They murmur in spring
Forest inhabitants
They will give you water to drink. (Streams)

Slide 7
good, good
He looks at people.
And to people for themselves
Doesn't tell me to look. (Sun)

8 slide.
Runs in the summer
Sleeps in winter
Spring has come
She ran again. (River).

Slide 9
On the branches -
Dense spines.
They sleep in them
Sticky leaves. (Kidneys)

10 slide.
She came and smiled -
The snowstorms have subsided,
Started calling
drop bell,
The river has awakened
The ice has melted
Snow-white outfit
We put on the gardens. (Spring)

Everyone always admires spring! Writers, poets, artists and musicians reflect it in their works. This can be seen in our exhibition of paintings and books.

11 slide.
- And the next page of our magazine “Literary page “Poems about Spring”.
- Now we will hear wonderful poems famous poets about the wonderful time of year - spring, which the guys will read to us.
- We read brightly, beautifully, expressively, take our time and don’t worry. Poets have entrusted you with conveying the beauty and grandeur of Spring!
- We are starting our poetry competition, which will evaluate our beauty,
good jury.
Present to the jury.
I introduce each reader to everyone, saying his first and last name. (The reader names the author and the title of the poem).

(Children read poetry)

12 slide.

What primroses do you know?
Phys. just a minute. - What can you tell about them?
A flower wakes up - Why can’t they be picked?
A petal reaches out to the sun
And it sways in the wind
Low, low to the ground bends
And then it rises again
And he smiles sweetly at everyone!

Slide 13
Watching a movie.

14 slides. (additional)
Games with children.

As you and I prepared for the oral journal, we became artists and photographers, writers and even directors.
- The symbol of spring is bright sun. The sun is awakening, life, happiness, joy, warmth
- Now I will distribute the sun to everyone, and you will leave a piece of your warmth and wonderful mood on it! (Appendix 2)
-What do you think the smells of spring are?

(Thawed earth, young grass, green leaves, blooming flowers)
- Guys, listen to the music of spring, look at its colors, smell the smell of spring!
- Guys, is everyone in a great mood? Do you have guests?

15 slides.
- Dear Guys! Well done today! We were very pleased with our good reading poems, magnificent drawings. They are beautiful, almost like those of great artists. Wonderful essays and amazing photographs. You did a very good job!!! By taking part in these competitions, we were once again convinced that spring is a wonderful, amazing, delightful, wonderful time of year!
- Everything awakens with her!
- Everything begins to live, sing, love. With the arrival of spring, we become kinder, sweeter, smiling, happier!
16 slides.

I wish you all good health, spring mood, enthusiasm, love beauty and everything that and who surrounds you!
Let the first snowdrop
Will give you tenderness! The spring sun will bring warmth! And the May wind will give hope, And happiness, and joy, and only goodness!
So be kind, simple, Always with a smile on your face! In short, be as Spring should be.

Thank you everyone for participating in our Oral Journal “Spring, Spring on the Street.”
- And now, rewards for our guys’ participation in competitions.
The jury's word.


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Annex 1

Oral journal “Spring, spring on the street”

F.I. student
Poetry competition
Drawing competition

improving knowledge about the signs of spring; development creativity students.

Progress of the event


A quarter past two has passed

We are overjoyed.

And now we stand and sing

School ditties.

* * * * *

We add the table

They took it and hid it.

Give it to us to speed up


* * * * *

Deuces in our diaries

We won't let you get through.

Promises first class

Try for a whole year.

Teacher: Guys, I congratulate you on finishing the biggest quarter; and I invite everyone to take an exciting journey. Today we will go to visit spring.

Dance "Waltz of the Flowers"


Admire: spring is coming.

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams rustle through the ravines...

  1. Do you hear? What wonderful words? It was a poetic stream babbling. He picked up our paper boat and carries it...


Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

Teacher: Many writers and poets sang this time of year. Our poetic stream flows into a musical one. Listen to how P.I. Tchaikovsky expressed the unique beauty of nature in music.

(sounds like “Lark”)

Everyone is waiting for spring, calling, singing chant songs. Let's call too.

(Children perform the verse of “Vesnyanka”)

Spring: I am spring - red,

I wake the earth from sleep,

I fill my kidneys with juice,

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice from the rivers,

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere in the field and forest

I bring joy to people.

Teacher: What spring months do you know? There are three springs in nature: spring of light - March, spring of water - April, spring green grass- May.

Spring: Guys, what signs of spring do you know?

About March

March is the morning of spring.

How in March winter does not get angry, but submits to spring.

Blue clouds mean warmth or rain.

Sap flows from a birch tree - to bad weather.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

About April.

April with water, May with grass.

Don't break the stoves, April is still around the corner.

April does not like the lazy, but loves the agile one.

About May.

Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

Forest birds build nests on the south side of the tree - summer will be cold.

Nightingales sing all night - for dry weather.

Late flowering of rowan - for a long autumn.

Spring: Thanks guys, I really liked the way you responded.

(Song “Spring has come”)

Teacher : Guys, which of you has already made a bird house? Why is this needed?

Spring: Birds are my messengers. I sent them ahead. Guys, do you know the birds that flew to us for the holiday?

Group I “Birds”

What a spring black bird. Almost sit on the tractor's nose? Who's running after the plow?


He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His song and flight

Entered into poems.


Teacher: Find it difficult to answer? Then listen to V.A. Zhukovsky’s poem “The Lark”

In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

In the azure the lark is ringing.

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

Here I sing the coming of spring...

This bird will never

Doesn't build nests for itself,

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.


2 group “Animals”

Sketch “How animals welcome spring”

Wolf: You'll be miserable eating this kind of food.

I haven't eaten for 4 days.

I saw lunch by a tree stump,

And lunch is in full swing

He walked away from me.

What a misfortune, what a disaster!

Fleet food!

Fox: Misha! Tell me how you almost overslept spring?

Bear: Without worries and without anxiety

The bear slept in his den,

I slept all winter until spring.

Hedgehog: And, perhaps, he saw dreams?

Bear: Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,

He hears: caplet - what a disaster!

I groped in the dark with my paw

And he jumped up - there was water all around.

Hedgehog: The bear hurried outside!

Bear: Floods - no time for sleep

Hedgehog: He got out and saw puddles,

The snow is melting... Spring has come.

III group “Plants”

In a snow-white hat,

In a light jacket

There is a snowdrop in the forest

On bare feet.

Student: Comes to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay.


Student (wearing a starling mask):-Guys, do you recognize me? For those who didn't know. Let me introduce myself:

I'm speaking to you

Like a young spring messenger:

I'm glad to see my friends!

Well, my name is......


Two students (alternately):

We even got up at night

From the window we looked into the garden, well when, well when

Will our guests arrive?

And today we looked -

A starling sits on an alder tree.

They arrived, they arrived, they arrived - finally!

Spring: I'll go see how my animals are doing. How they spent the winter.

Hedgehog: I was sleeping. Lost weight.

Squirrel: I had a lot of supplies. I didn't go hungry. Now I feel so good, as if there was no cold winter.

Fox: And I was starving. She ate only mice. Well, occasionally I counted chickens in the neighboring village. Why are you, godfather, so skinny?

Snowdrop: Snowdrop, snowdrop

Woke up in the forest.

Snowdrop, snowdrop

Welcome spring!

Poor little snowdrop,

The flowers are still sleeping.

Look what clothes you're wearing

You'll catch a runny nose.

Snowdrop: But I can't sleep,

Is it time for bed here?

You might get lost

It's spring without me.

Primrose: Spring primrose –

Yellow flower.

Reached for the sun

Delicate petal.

Spring primrose –

The key to spring

Aren't you dreaming

Golden dreams?

Teacher: Be careful

Don't rip it off

Soft, fragrant

My friend.

Guys, the children's writer M.M. Prishvin in his work “Golden Meadow” has the following words:“...For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, and for man -Motherland..." And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

Our journey has come to an end.

Sounds song "Hello, my Motherland"

SCENARIO Educational game program “Spring, spring outside, spring days...”

Scenario educational event"Spring, spring outside..."

Target: Promote team unity through games, educational program summarizing the results of the academic year.
1) Talk about traditional spring holidays.
2) Summarize the results of the academic year and reward the best students.
3) Develop a sense of mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team.
Presenter, Vesna, team members.
MTB: Balloons, flower basket - 2 pcs., ribbons of two colors - 14 pcs., gloves - 2 pairs, brooms - 2 pcs., children's shovels - 2 pcs., corrugated paper, scissors, wire, puzzles, magnets, board, panel " Tree", paper leaves with the name of deciduous trees.
* * *
Children and guests are sitting in the festively decorated hall.
Music is playing.
Presenter enters:
From distant lands, where the sea wave
Lace crumbles into foam,
Spring flies to us on the wings of the winds
And it brings change with it.
Spring decorates the gardens and fields,
Covers the ravines with flowers.
The sun-warmed earth comes to life,
Drinks fragrant drops of moisture.
Presenter. Hello guys and guests! Have you already guessed why we have gathered here? It’s right that today we celebrate the holiday of Spring, the holiday of rebirth, the holiday of new life! The winter was very long and protracted, and finally SPRING has come! There is very little left until the end of the school year, and then it’s summer – Holidays…. Do you love vacations? What about the holidays? Let's remember what holidays happen in the spring?
Children call spring holidays...(March 8, Maslenitsa, April 1, Palm Sunday, May 1st, Easter, etc.)
Just recently the May 1st holiday passed, and who can say what kind of holiday it is? Right! May Day! International Workers' Day. The main slogan of this holiday at all times was:…. "PEACE LABOR MAY!" Absolutely right!
We also did a good job this year, and I would like to sum it up a little and reward the most hardworking, responsible, persistent and purposeful of us: The floor for awards is given to _________________________
Awarding certificates.
Presenter. For some reason Spring is delayed this year. Don’t rush to come to our north, but it’s time! Let's call her.
The presenter with the children. (in unison)
Oh, Spring is red!
You are blush, you are clear!
Come to us with goodness,
Wrap us all with warmth,
We've been waiting for you for a long time!
Music is playing. Spring appears.

Spring: I love it when gardens bloom
And the grasses turn green,
Dragonflies glide by the water,
The leaves of the oak forest rustle.
When everything breathes and lives,
No more snow storms,
When the sky is high
Azure pours onto the ground.
Then I'll touch lightly
To the bud of a sleeping flower,
With a wave of your hand
The flower will open its petals!

Presenter: Hello Spring! We've been waiting for you!
Spring: Hello! Thanks guys! I am very glad that you love me and are waiting for me. I was also looking forward to meeting you and prepared for you funny Games and competitions, are you ready to participate in them? Well, then come out here boldly. We need to assemble 2 teams.
(2 teams of 5-7 people)
Presenter: Our competitions will be assessed by a competent jury:
Presentation of the jury members:

Spring: 1 Competition – “Business card”
Each team presents a name, motto, and greeting to its opponents.
Spring: Before having fun, you need to work hard...
And our 2nd Competition is called “Subbotnik”. After all, in the spring there are cleanup days always and everywhere. Because with the arrival of spring, a lot of garbage and fallen autumn leaves appear from under the snow in yards, gardens, parks, which need to be removed, our streets and yards need to be put in order. Probably many of you have already taken part in community cleanups? There are such?
The presenter walks around the hall and scatters crumpled paper.
So I suggest our teams clean up their territory. How to do it?
In turn, each of you must put on gloves and, using a broom and shovel, lift 1 piece of paper, bring it to the bucket, put it in the bucket and, returning to the team, pass the gloves and equipment to the next participant. You cannot lift garbage with your hands only with the help of tools. So, is everything clear? started...
Music sounds (game)
Spring: Competition 3 “Decorate the branch”
Today you have already talked about the holiday of May 1, about its main slogan, and I also want to tell you that on May 1, your parents, grandparents, when there were people like you, went to a demonstration and for this they inflated balloons, prepared in advance and decorated the branches. And today we invite each team to decorate a branch with homemade flowers. Everything you need is on your tables. We work carefully, do not forget about safety precautions... So, let's get ready. ... Let's start!
Presenter: Playing with the audience.
While our teams are working, let's solve spring riddles.
Riddles about spring. Puzzles on the board. The audience solves puzzles in unison...
Presenter: Let's see what our teams did. Teams demonstrate decorated branches. Well done!
Spring: So, 4 Competition - relay race “Collect snowdrops”
You see snowdrops growing in a thawed patch. To prevent your feet from getting wet, you need to wear galoshes. After the signal, each team member must run to the snowdrops, take one flower, return to the team, and pass the galoshes to the next player. The team with the most flowers wins. All clear? Well then, ATTENTION..... MARCH!
Music sounds (game)
Spring. 4 Competition “Spring Words”
The teams stand in two lines, facing each other and throw the ball. The person who catches the ball must name something spring (sunny) and immediately throw the ball to the opponent. Anyone who falters or makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The team whose members remain in the largest number wins.
Spring. 5 Competition “Solve the crossword”
I ask each team to take their place and solve the spring crossword puzzle offered to you.
1. Migrant.
2. What forest animal wakes up in the spring with a baby? (bear)
3. What bird is called the “Messenger of Spring”? (starling)
4. First spring flower. (primary shooter - snowdrop)
5. Which tree gives us healing juice? (birch)
6. Which tree has the longest catkins? (alder)
7. What a spring Orthodox holiday translated as "VICTORY"? (EASTER)
Spring: Game with the audience “Stream”.
While our teams are solving the crossword puzzle, let's play a little. I ask those interested to come to me. To begin with, let's split equally and stand in two columns at the back of each other's heads. We raise our hands up.
Spring begins to move along the “stream”, choosing any of the participants as a mate. Having chosen one of the children, she walks with him along the “stream” and becomes the last pair. The child left without a partner becomes the leader.
Music sounds (game “Stream”)
Spring: Well, now it’s time to see how our teams coped with the crossword puzzle. Please, team captains, go out to the middle of the hall and tell us what you managed to solve...
Captains present completed crossword puzzles.
Spring: Game 5 “Young foliage” You see there are very few leaves on our tree, because I just came to you. The task for the teams - my assistants - is to plant a tree. Each participant chooses from the leaves on the table the leaf on which the name is written. deciduous tree, runs with him to a tree and pins him. Whichever team completes the task faster wins.
Music sounds (game)
Presenter: It's time to take stock. The jury gives the floor.
Announcement of results. Presentation of prizes.
Spring. Well done boys! I rested with you, had fun, and now it’s time for me to go. Now you come to visit me - to the fields, meadows, forests and gardens.
Presenter: We are not saying goodbye to you, but just saying GOODBYE!
See you again! BYE!!!
Photos from the holiday
