White magician Yuri. Biography

One of my most capable students was Yuri Longo. For many years now he has independently acted as a hypnotist, psychic, sorcerer, and so on in the same regard. He can control a lot. He also conducts his own practice - healing.
So, let's consider the antipode of V. Lenin - the General Secretary, the President, now "ex", Gorbachev... Yuri Longo said about Gorbachev that he is a hypnotist and has great power of hypnosis. He believes that "Gorbachev is the strongest..."
Master of white and black magic Yu. A. Longo once said in a conversation: “Our president knows the techniques of hypnosis and suggestion.” And further: “This is obvious to a professional. If possible, I watch every speech of the president... In addition, six psychics help Gorbachev. They are also present at Mikhail Sergeevich’s speeches” (as Yu. Longo reasoned at the beginning of 1991). At the same time, he predicted that Gorbachev would hold out for several more years. But he was a little mistaken. Gorbachev did not last even a year. It didn’t even last until the beginning of 1992.
To the correspondent’s question: “Would you like to be among those six psychics?” Longo responded at the time: “Yes, I would.”
- What is the difference between a sorcerer and a hypnotist?
- Ten years ago, when I started my public
performances, and it was impossible to imagine being called a sorcerer. They would have simply thrown me into a “psychiatric ward.”
I went several times to study with sorcerers. My grandfather, who lived to be 105, also taught me. Died in 1972. He chose psychology by vocation. Then I was taught by hypnotists - Professor Ivan Sergeevich Kachalin and Gennady Arkadyevich Goncharov.
The sorcerer is universal; he can do everything. Not only hypnosis, suggestion and treatment - I predict the future, bewitch, remove the evil eye and damage. In my next room there are bags of letters, thousands of letters. And every second author of them believes that he has been jinxed.
...Someone with even a small degree of psychic abilities just looked at you angrily. His gaze seemed to violate your aura - your outer protective shell. settled in you foreign body. You gradually begin to feel mental and physical discomfort. Everything falls out of your hands, troubles one after another, often illness.
- But everyone has periods when everything falls out of hand.
- Damage is when such a condition becomes protracted.
- What should we do then?
- Contact the sorcerer.
- But there are not many sorcerers.
- Yes, if you look for it. Especially in old villages. For several years I went to study with sorcerers in Belarus.
- Your experiments with “resurrection of the dead” are still perceived as a sensation. Are you continuing these experiments?
- More than half of these experiments were successful.
And they were carried out on unclaimed corpses, in the Sklifosovsky hospital. Under strong bioenergetic pressure, the corpses not only moved, but also sat down, stood up, and opened their eyes. The body came to life, the brain remained dead.
I'm not doing this now. There was a ban. Then they called me and said that I could continue my experiments. They even offered to create a laboratory. But I refrain, so as not to incur God's curse. I have made my peace with the church.
- How did this happen?
- I was invited to the New Year's program, which was filmed at the Slavyanskaya Hotel. There were many church representatives there. They flatly refused to participate in the same program with me and swore terribly. In general, the director reconciled us, especially since I was already ready for this. I spend as much vital energy on a corpse as would last me for five years. So it’s better to give this energy to sick people, to alleviate their suffering.
- For what purpose did you revive corpses? Wanted to test your capabilities? Or did you have some big idea? Or maybe you needed a sensation?
Giving a chance at immortality is a childhood dream. To extend a person’s life so that after centuries he can see the results of his activities, creative or destructive.
- So that each generation has time to answer for its mistakes?
- No, just so that people become wiser.
Yuri Longo is all business. Contracts, performances and trips. It's in great demand. An unabating longing for miracles calls him, as a wizard, sorcerer, hypnotist and spellcaster, to travel.
I don't agree with "revitalization". Yuri, with whom we worked on stage for a year and a half, was a good magician and always strived for fame. Once I told him about seven points on the human body, by acting on which you can “breathe” life into your body for a while. dead body. Yura decided to try it.
It's definitely difficult. Here we must agree with Longo. Because it would be possible to “revive” many. We must agree that something didn’t work out for Longo, something didn’t work out. He himself admitted to the difficulties emanating from him personally and about the difficulties that arose with the priests.

The sorcerer Yuri Longo was born in 1950. In those days, he was recorded in documents under the name Golovko. The future famous magician was born in the village of Nezamaevskaya. He will live long life, will die at age 55 in the Capital District. The man became known as an illusionist, built a career as a magician, hosted several shows, and published a number of quite popular books. For himself, he chose a master's degree in the field of white magic, applicable in practice.

Why is it famous?

Yuri Andreevich Longo participated in the creation of the television program “The Third Eye” simultaneously as a producer and author in a team with other people. His participation in several films is known. Perhaps the most popular is “Lenin’s Body”. Many have seen the video film “The Wizard,” created with the participation of Longo. He participated in the filming of “The Moment of Witchcraft” and played a role in the film “The Master”.

The books written by the magician Yuri Longo are quite famous and popular. The most popular one is called “Third Eye”. Those interested have probably heard more than once, and perhaps read from cover to cover, the work “Profession is a Sorcerer,” also published by Longo. From his pen came publications telling about the sacraments of magic used in practice, love witchcraft. He published a collection of recipes that, according to the author, help to recover from absolutely any disease. Longo was the author of a family herbalist that addressed treatment options for a variety of health problems.

How it all began

As is known from the biography of Yuri Longo, the boy was born into a teacher’s family, in particular, his mother taught mathematics to village children. During his youth, Yuri entered an art school, but he did not have the opportunity to complete his studies there. Arriving in the capital region, he went to study at a theater studio. In addition, Yuri successfully received a diploma from Leningrad University confirming his specialization as a psychologist. His career was marked by a productive working relationship with Goncharov, who directed the Hypnotic School in Moscow.

The perestroika period was marked, as evidenced by the biography of Yuri Longo, with new opportunities and paths. The time of crisis was characterized by a rather pliable consciousness of the public, which the sorcerer took advantage of - he allegedly began to heal the suffering. Later it was possible to organize magic sessions through television broadcasting. It was then that his masterfully staged performance gained popularity, in which a sorcerer resurrected a seemingly hopelessly dead person. In his performances, the magician actively showed his strong qualities as a born theatergoer; the audience could see the results of hypnosis, pyro-, and telekinesis. Longo became a popular and famous clairvoyant; his predictions were published more than once in central publications. In the 90s, an interview with a popular person was repeatedly published by the publication “God Forbid!”

Life: milestones

As we know from biographies, Yuri Longo’s personal life was quite eventful. Three times he had official wives, in his second marriage a daughter, Julia, was born. Subsequently, the sorcerer will have grandchildren: Ilyusha and Ksyusha.

In February 2006, magician Yuri Longo suffered a heart attack. The man was hospitalized and soon released to go home for rehabilitation. Two days after the first incident, the attack repeated. Calling Safronov on the phone, Longo convinced him to urgently fly to Moscow and bring him medicine. This did not produce results - at half past ten in the morning on February 17, the clairvoyant died. The medical report stated an aortic aneurysm. Unofficial version says that the reason for everything was black caviar. As the sorcerer’s secretary later said, shortly before this he received a jar of product as a present from an unknown lady. Secretary Alla was firmly convinced that the man had been poisoned.

Rumors and speculation

Some people are convinced that the magician Yuri Longo received Orthodox baptism shortly before death. This version seems doubtful to others, since the ministers of Orthodoxy demanded that the sorcerer officially renounce his activities as publicly as possible. There was no such renunciation. The funeral service for the deceased was organized at the St. Nicholas Church in Khamovniki. The remains were buried at the Moscow Vostryakovsky cemetery. The burial ceremony took place on February 20.

The master of “revival” Yuri Longo left his heirs, according to some, about one and a half million American dollars. His inheritance was valued at this amount in the month of his death.

True or not?

At one time, Yuri Longo's "Revival of the Dead" was a unique show that caused exceptional popular interest. Many wondered how possible it was to bring a dead person back to life, and whether it was worth believing what was shown on the screens. In '91 in " Komsomolskaya Pravda" an article was published about the discovery of this popular trick. It turned out that the man first showed on camera how he revived the deceased, but after turning it off he admitted that it was his assistant, a master of pretending, who was supposedly dead. The dead man in stunts was Alexey Gaivan, and the idea of ​​such a number belonged to Goncharov, by this time - good friend sorcerer

From the photo, Yuri Longo looks with the confident gaze of a man who has no doubt in his abilities to work with the forces of this and the other world. But he was much less confident in the capabilities of other sorcerers of his time. In particular, he repeatedly entered into polemics with Grabovsky. This magician became famous for his numerous assurances of his ability to resurrect victims of the Beslan terrorist attack. Longo accused Grabovsky, called him a liar and a cynic. As many said, it was this quarrel that caused a heart attack, which was followed by the development of an aortic aneurysm and sudden death.

Politics and life

Yuri Longo gained fame because of his attitude towards Ukrainian politics. In 2004, Yushchenko took the presidential post, about whom the magician immediately declared authoritatively: this person is nothing more than a fake. He convinced those around him: the real Yushchenko had been killed long ago, and the presidential chair was taken by his double, who had several steps made to make him look more like him. plastic surgery. The sorcerer claimed that the medical activities were organized in a secret center in Poland.

Yuri Longo did not ignore the story of Yushchenko’s dioxin poisoning. The magician claimed that nothing like that actually happened, but strange looking politics is associated exclusively with the replacement of a person. The environment, which had no idea how to explain the changes in appearance to the people, invented a variant with dioxin. The presidential administration, however, did not support the sorcerer’s opinion, officially putting forward its own assumption: in this way the magician and clairvoyant is simply trying to become famous, to attract attention to his person, and is doing this rather unsuccessfully and ineptly.

What did people say?

Many acquaintances and relatives, including Yuri Longo’s wife Elena Longo, admitted that the man was amazing, unique - it was as if two completely different things got along in him. similar friend on a friend's personality. The whole power knew the one who was able to lead the crowd into ecstasy, possessed amazing abilities healing, could show tricks for which the ordinary viewer did not and could not have an explanation. The other Yuri was known only to his friends and relatives. Then they will compare the magician with a child, entangled in the problems and complexities of the adult world. When he died, it happened so suddenly that many simply refused to believe it. Even at the time of the funeral ceremony, many people were sure: now he would stand up, smile, and speak. Indeed, could a person really die who, during his lifetime, seemed to be able to revive the deceased? The public was sure that the funeral was nothing more than a show.

As Yuri Longo said in his interviews, there is a tradition in the magical community - a dying sorcerer is obliged to take his student by the hands. He assured that this method is the only method of transferring knowledge; There is simply no other way to convey the accumulated valuable information to another. Yuri said that this is how he received his talents and abilities from his dying grandfather: Dmitrius lived for more than a century, died at the age of 105, shortly before his death he took his grandson’s hands in his own, thereby passing on to him all the secrets that made Yuri so popular in the future.

Curious and interesting

Goncharov, a friend and person close to Yuri Longo, said that the sorcerer was confident in his family ties with Longo. Dmitrius was a fairly popular fakir, showing the public various miracles. He could, as it was gathered from the stories of the spectators, take the eye out of the socket and put it on a plate. Dmitrius was an authority for Yuri. As Goncharov explained, it was for this reason that the man chose the surname Longo for himself and actively promoted the idea of ​​kinship.

To perform independently, the clairvoyant worked out his image in detail. Even Yuri Longo's wives will perceive him as stage image like a distant hermit - this is exactly how he wanted to look to others, posing as a monk. For any performance, Longo always selected suitable chains and put on a snow-white robe. It was as if he was far from any worldly troubles and difficulties, from everything mundane. However, this was the image created for the public. A real man was distinguished by his characteristic features and features.

About personal life

Nikas Safronov was a friend of the famous author of numerous books, Yuri Longo. Later, when the sorcerer died, he would tell the press that he was always surprised unusual tastes his comrade. Yuri especially liked plump ladies - the kind Rubens depicted in his paintings. The most striking person was Elena, whom the sorcerer met in 1987. She was just getting started singing career, and by chance Yuri ended up at one of the presentations of her talent.

Having already become the widow of the famous book author Yuri Longo, Elena will tell: the man was short, but he always appeared in the company of attractive and fashionable people. Next to him were tall models of incredible beauty. Usually they led the sorcerer by the arm, and from the outside everything looked not just presentable, but very beautiful, immediately attracted attention and set the trio apart from the general background. One evening, at which Elena presented her talent, Yuri approached the young woman. She never knew why, but she assumed there was something about her that attracted her. She was only seventeen then, she was blonde, and wore a scarlet cloak. The man offered to work together, but Elena knew almost nothing about him. Her first decision was to refuse. Yuri had already celebrated his 38th birthday; the age difference scared the girl. True, the magician’s persistence could not be taken away, and he decided to resort to his strongest qualities.

You can achieve success

Then Elena will tell you that Yuri called her one day and offered to tell her where she was and what clothes she was using at the moment. She agreed to listen to the man, and he described in detail. As Longo’s widow would later recall, it was only then that she realized who exactly was interested in her. Yuri, who had already created a certain image by this time, received at his disposal a magnificent girl as an assistant - in the future she would become his wife. It was clear that career success could be achieved if you came up with a new act that suited the taste of the public, as well as correctly presented and advertised yourself. Considering the characteristics of a sorcerer's career, it was clear that best advertising could become a scandal. For the first time, the idea that it was necessary to create a sensation was proposed by Goncharov.

It was decided that success could be achieved by creating a kind of information bomb. The calculation turned out to be correct: sensations attract the public more than anything else. Even then, Longo was often shown on television, so there were good opportunities for advancement. Thoughts on possible scenario ended with the idea of ​​reviving the dead. Gonchakov recalled Tibetan techniques recorded in rare books, but immediately admitted that it was impossible to do everything in exact accordance with the descriptions of eastern magicians in the realities of Russia.

Oh times, oh morals!

Today, many people want to see a photo of Yuri Longo’s grave in order to identify it in the Moscow cemetery where the sorcerer who gained such significant fame is buried.

Many people remember how they first learned about him, from which show they met the promising magician. The persistent man quickly realized: the idea of ​​​​reviving the dead could bring him real success, the one thanks to which he will be remembered throughout his life and after death - his calculations were justified, and today Longo’s grave is constantly decorated with fresh flowers. A friend’s assurances of the impossibility of implementing Eastern practices had little effect on the magician’s confidence. He began preparations for a sensational show, setting himself the task of demonstrating the revival process to the whole world.

Later, Goncharov will recall that in those days Longo lived near the Sklifosovsky Institute. New ideas required activity, the sorcerer did not waste time: literally every day he visited the famous morgue to work. Goncharov himself, being at that moment to some extent Longo’s mentor, treated this rather condescendingly, not expecting much success. As the near future showed, Longo was right in assessing his prospects - the new show became a source of incredible popularity for him.


For the television show, several scenes were filmed as thoroughly and responsibly as possible, taking into account every little detail. It seems dead man suddenly begins to rise, and the nurse standing next to him is ready to faint. The video turned out to be an information bomb. It didn't take long to see its effect. Almost immediately after the release of the program, Yuri was recognized as one of the most important figures in parapsychology of his time. There were practically no television programs in this area where he was not invited. The main magic number was soaring. Yuri walked on water, using the energy emitted by his hands to set the grass on fire. The highlight of the program could be the revival of the deceased, but the sorcerer persistently rejected all proposals to repeat this practice. The details of what the real revival was like were not yet known to anyone - they will begin to be published later.

Makhmutov later admits that even at the time of filming he knew: in the place of the dead man to be revived lay the entertainer and presenter. An extremely narrow circle of initiates knew that the entire resurrection process was carefully planned, choreographed, acted out - all for the pleasure of the viewer. And Yuri himself, shortly before his death, admitted to this fraud of his. But the times were troubled, the public was ready to believe in any, even the most incredible stories, and Longo’s experiences in the morgue became a source of hope for many: anyone can be resurrected, even Lenin. The sorcerer controlled the mood of the crowd, moreover, he said more than once that his strength was enough to raise a great man from the dead politician. However, those close to him did not take his statements seriously. Goncharov, for example, admitted that even if Longo could actually revive the dead, he would not work with Lenin’s body. But for the newspapers, the main thing was material from which a sensation could be made, and everyone began to write about the possible resurrection of Lenin. This came in handy for the magician and benefited his career.

Life and death

Yuri Longo, as people close to him note, was distinguished by his amazing ability to work. He made efforts to achieve what he wanted, and as a result, he got what he wanted. The sorcerer did not forget to give himself the opportunity to rest. He regularly went to countries with warm climates and exercised. From the memories of relatives it is known that he constantly drank only green tea. Many celebrities turned to him for help.

Many noted that from the outside, Longo seemed surprisingly successful, but his loved ones knew: something was gnawing at the man. It seemed to him that there was something important in life that had not yet been done. He strove to join the church, but religious leaders pushed him away. Yuri was baptized as a child, but admitted that he did not realize what was happening then, so such a baptism cannot be considered real. He wanted to be baptized again. According to some reports, he achieved his goal and received Orthodox baptism before his death. Longo's funeral was held in the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki. He was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow on February 20, 2006.

In troubled times, when the country is at a crossroads, magicians and fortune tellers become the main characters. Russia is no exception. After the crash Soviet Union, the profession of a sorcerer turned out to be the most in demand. The main one was Yuri Longo. His whole life was full of mysteries, and the causes of death are still debated.

Magician or illusionist?

Everyone who has encountered Yuri Longo at least once in their life has certainly noted the hypnotic gaze of his dark brown eyes. The black robe, incense and heavy chains on his chest left no doubt that this was a real sorcerer. Yuri Longo became famous for his high-profile shows, demonstrating hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance. All-Russian fame was brought to him by experiments shown on television, in which the magician revived the dead and talked with those who had passed on to another world. True, then, under pressure from journalists, Yuri Longo admitted that these were just clever tricks, and not real magic at all. Nevertheless, in the 1990s, people came to see him in the thousands, hoping for a miracle. Long queues at his entrance to the Sukharevskaya metro station arose from the very early morning. Who was Yuri Longo, a magician or a pop artist? Considering the fact that the main Russian sorcerer studied at an art school, a theater studio and had a diploma in psychology, it is safe to say that Yuri Andreevich was nothing more than a talented artist.

Conqueror of women's hearts

It is not surprising that the entire life of the All-Russian sorcerer was constantly accompanied by numerous scandals. After the living and talking dead turned out to be a fake, the “witchcraft” authority of Yuri Longo was seriously shaken for the first time. Then they began to talk about him as a great lover of women. The press claimed that the number of his mistresses numbered in the thousands. The magician himself was in no hurry to refute these rumors. There is a version that his premature death was caused by the fact that the sorcerer significantly undermined his health on the love front. Alas, she is not wealthy, because her last years Yuri Andreevich spent his time as an exemplary family man, in love with his last wife Elena Longo. Although in public the magician tried to maintain the image of a conqueror women's hearts, apparently believing that it helps him attract clientele in need of improving their personal lives.

Magic duel

It is quite strange that a wealthy person who does not have bad habits, fully realized in his professional field, left this world in quite at a young age in the fifty-sixth year of life. What is this, retribution for sins, magic or a fatal accident? To answer this question, it is interesting to look at two scandals in which Yuri Longo was involved shortly before his early death. The first of them was associated with another “magician” Grigory Grabov, who promised to resurrect the children who died in Beslan. Yuri Longo did not believe the words of his “competitor,” calling him a liar and a cynic. Yuri Andreevich died in the midst of his quarrel with Grabov. The press has repeatedly heard the version that it was Grigory Grabovoi who sent Yuri Longo to death. The second scandal was associated with Yuri Andreevich’s assertion that Viktor Yushchenko, poisoned with dioxin, was actually killed, and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine was led by his double. It was assumed that the Ukrainian special services could deal with the magician for these statements.

Cause of death: arrogance

It is not surprising that the unexpected and early death the famous magician shook the whole country. Versions began to emerge, one more mysterious than the other. Nevertheless, the real reason the death of Yuri Longo is simple and tragic in its absurdity. As you know, on February 14, 2006, Yuri Longo suffered a heart attack. He was admitted to the hospital. However, as soon as he felt better, Yuri Andreevich went home. Two days later, he felt unwell again, but instead of turning to doctors, he asked his friend, the famous artist Nikas Safronov, to come to him for support. In vain. A day later, at 10-30 am on February 17, the most famous magician of the country died from an aortic aneurysm. Yuri Longo was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Despite the huge number of versions about the death of the sorcerer, the truth is simple and banal. Apparently Yuri Andreevich relied too much on his gift as a healer and good health, refusing the services of doctors. If he had stayed in the hospital after the heart attack, perhaps the main sorcerer of the country would still be alive...

) - "master of white practical magic", traditional healer. Author of methods for love magic, to remove the evil eye, damage, curses. Developed unconventional methods of treatment oncological diseases. Co-author and co-producer of the TV show “The Third Eye”, hero of the videos “Lenin’s Body”, “Master”, “A Moment of Witchcraft”, “The Wizard”. Author of the books: “Profession - sorcerer”, “Pure power. Practical and love magic”, “The Third Eye”, “School of Sorcerers. Secrets of practical magic", "Under the light full moon”, “Confession of a sorcerer”, “Monastery recipes for any ailment”, “Family herbalist for all diseases”, etc.


Studied at art school (did not graduate). In Moscow he studied at the theater studio of the KGB of the USSR. He has a diploma in psychology from Leningrad University. Worked with Gennady Goncharov, head of the Moscow School of Hypnosis.


His parents are teachers at a village school, his sister is a math teacher.

Officially he was married three times.

  • Oksana Lozovaya, Balashikha.
  • Lyudmila Borisovna Nikitina, Moscow. From his second marriage he has a daughter, Julia (September 23, 1981).
  • Anelina Arkadyevna Semenenko - the marriage lasted 4.5 months - from November 15, 1995 to April 3, 1996. After the divorce, she remained the magician’s “on-screen” wife. They lived separately: Yuri on Bolshaya Bronnaya Street, Anelina - in his apartment on Sushchevsky Val.


The official cause of death was an aortic aneurysm.

The unofficial reason is his conflict with Grigory Grabov. Shortly before his death, Yuri Longo spoke on the TNT television channel with sharp criticism of his promises to revive those killed in Beslan. The program on TNT with criticism of Grabovoi was recorded a month and a half before the show, but it was shown on the eve of the day when Yuri Longo had his first attack. It is believed that either Grabovoi’s supporters damaged the former magician, or Grabovoi personally dealt an energy blow. The reason does not contradict the official version, since Yuri Longo, despite the possible adoption of Orthodoxy, remained a superstitious person.


Yuri Longo's estate is estimated at $1.5 million.

see also


  • What is behind the death of the famous magician and hypnotist Yuri Longo
  • The magician Yuri Longo had thousands of mistresses - a description of some of the magician's tricks.
  • Yuri Longo and his women's secrets - Book by Alla Mikhailova, April 2007.


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    See what "Yuri Longo" is in other dictionaries: Longo (Golovko) Yuri Andreevich (September 23, 1950, Nezamaevskaya village Krasnodar region

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