What are BCAA's for and how to take them correctly? VSAA - how to take it to achieve maximum effect

Athletes often include specialized supplements and drugs in their diet that cover the deficiency of essential substances. BCA sports nutrition is often used to replenish amino acid levels. Harm and benefit, possible side effects, dosages and rules of administration are those points that need to be studied before starting the course. Every day the demand for such supplements is growing, which is why counterfeits are becoming more common. There are several signs that will help establish the authenticity of the composition.

Description and purpose

Muscles, walls internal organs, skin and its derivatives are protein structures that require an uninterrupted supply of building material. Without it, tissues will gradually deteriorate, causing aging of the body and its rapid wear and tear. The human body is capable of producing such material on its own using amino acids. The vast majority of them are produced by the body itself, the rest must come from food.

If a person is seriously involved in sports, he is forced to eat intensively, otherwise the muscle fibers will begin to starve. It happens that a diet enriched with proteins is not enough, in which case various additives are used. Today, one of the most common products is the BCA complex.

Sports nutrition BCA (BCAA) consists of three essential amino acids. Valine, leucine and isoleucine are those substances that the body is not able to assemble on its own, using chemical compounds supplied with food as “ingredients”. The components not only interact well, complementing each other, but can also be used by the body to synthesize other necessary components.

Benefits and rules of admission

BCA is usually taken before training to:

  1. Relieve muscle fatigue.
  2. Stimulate performance and endurance by increasing the quality of your workout and increasing its duration.
  3. Prevent muscle tissue breakdown.

Interesting fact
Contrary to popular belief, high-quality sports nutrition, including BCA, does not provide negative impact on the functioning of blood vessels and does not cause impotence, since they do not contain hormones. Practice shows that athletes who correctly use such complexes, on the contrary, support their body, protecting it from such consequences.

You can take BCA after physical activity. This will lower the level of cortisol, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Such an effect will be an impetus for the synthesis of other essential amino acids and the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Dosages of BCA sports nutrition depend on gender, weight, lifestyle and body condition:

  • A man of average height and weight, not very leading active image life, 6 g of product per day is enough.
  • When actively playing sports, the basic indicator should be increased by at least 2 times.
  • If physical activity is needed to form a beautiful body shape by gaining muscle mass, the daily requirement will increase even more.

Contraindications and side effects

A few years ago, the benefits and harms of the amino acid complex were actively discussed. To date, experts have come to a consensus and established the following:

  • Evidence of the harmful effects of BCA on the body of a healthy person has not been found.
  • Adverse effects may occur if the product is taken on an empty stomach. Special acids in its composition trigger digestion, and the sports nutrition itself is processed very quickly. It turns out that after some time the stomach begins to empty, which causes heartburn, belching, and diarrhea.
  • You should not exceed the recommended dosages; such experiments will still not allow you to gain weight faster. muscle mass or remove fat.
  • Many athletes, feeling a surge of energy and strength, suddenly move to a new level of loads. This can lead to sprains, sprains and other injuries.
  • The use of BCA will have to be abandoned in case of acute or chronic diseases of the digestive organs and pancreas, or enzyme deficiency.
  • Consumption of sports nutrition creates a certain load on the kidneys and liver. Dysfunctions of these organs are also considered a contraindication to the use of the complex.

BCA, due to its composition, rarely causes allergies. And yet, while taking it, you need to carefully monitor your condition and, if necessary, make adjustments to your nutrition program.

How to spot a fake

Today, sports nutrition is often purchased through the Internet and the customer is often faced with counterfeit products. If you introduce such a product into your diet, you may, at best, not see the expected effect, and at worst, you may end up with serious poisoning. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to determine the authenticity of the composition from the packaging. It is recommended to purchase sports nutrition from trusted sellers.

The easiest way to distinguish a real supplement from a counterfeit is the first time you use it:

  • BCA has a bitter taste.

Sometimes you can find a BCA complex on sale, which is sold at large discounts. Most often, this is due to the low quality of the composition or the fact that its expiration date has expired. You should not listen to sellers who claim that the “use by” date for such products is set with a reserve; it is better to refrain from purchasing.

  • After the powder dissolves, a specific film is formed on the surface of the liquid.
  • The crystals do not dissolve completely.
  • The positive effect of taking BCA begins to appear already in the first days after the start of use.

You should not purchase such sports nutrition with various additives (in addition to taste enhancers). Manufacturers sometimes take a similar step, trying to disguise the low quality or not entirely “pure” composition of the product.

The most affordable are powder forms of sports nutrition. The only inconvenience is that they have to be diluted in water. If a product with some flavor is introduced into the diet, you should carefully read its dosage. Also, “pure” BCA contains more working portions than “improved” ones.

The complex can also be produced in the form of tablets or capsules. They are affordable, easy to use and no less effective than powder. In addition, their shelf life after opening the package is much longer than that of their powder counterpart.

Many people are skeptical about BCA, but do not confuse sports nutrition with steroids or doping. In general, these are exactly the same substances that enter the body with turkey and chicken meat and dairy products. But they are absorbed much better, and their concentration is higher. The product is made from cow's milk, from which the necessary ingredients are isolated through fermentation.

When an athlete wants to quickly gain muscle mass and increase endurance, the ideal solution would be to take a special BCAA complex (BCA).

The composition of the complex is a set of important amino acids that actively influence the gain of muscle mass and the rapid elimination of excess fat, which allows athletes to short time achieve good results.

Features and Benefits of BCAA

BCAA (BCA) is a new generation sports nutrition, the harm and benefits of which are absolutely individual for each athlete. The effectiveness of taking the drug depends on many factors of a person’s health status, his immunity and individual characteristics body.

BCA is a sports nutrition, the harm and benefits of which are strictly individual.

Experts highlight the features of this food additive over others:

  1. The special structure of amino acids, contained in this complex, improve the process of their regeneration into energy. Considering that they are essential (the body does not synthesize them itself), this property simplifies the absorption of amino acids during intense physical activity.
  2. With their help, protein synthesis is launched, thereby reducing muscle damage. After all, muscle mass increases or decreases depending on the availability of amino acids necessary for its construction. From a theoretical point of view, this indicates that taking this complex will increase muscle growth during training.
  3. Occupies an important place in energy production during training, due to which it is necessary for athletes whose activities focus on endurance from training with weights. In this case, you need products that help maintain muscle mass than BCAA and are useful even in the absence of appetite.

In addition to these benefits, an interesting feature is the use of the dietary supplement in question. in combination with taurine.

Sports nutrition BCA consists of a complex of amino acids. Among them there are 3 main ones: leucine, valine and isoleucine.

This combination has the following beneficial properties:

  • an increase in the water content in muscle fibers, thereby reducing the damage caused to them during training;
  • an increased total amount of amino acids makes muscle fibers more sensitive to calcium;
  • this pair inhibits the production of byproducts that cause fatigue, which promotes better recovery.

Unique BCAA composition

Sports nutrition BCA, the harm and benefits of which is still a highly debated issue, consists of a complex of amino acids. Among them there are 3 main ones: leucine, valine and isoleucine. Each amino acid contributes to the growth of sports performance and performance.

The main role in this trinity is assigned to leucine, which helps maintain normal muscle fibers and ensures their growth, and also participates in the production of collagen. An amino acid such as isoleucine is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates and the breakdown of cholesterol.

Valine is important for replenishing the body's energy reserves, which is also involved in glycogen synthesis.

It is important to know! Each component of BCAAs individually has a positive effect on the human body, but only with complex use is it possible to achieve maximum effect.

Beneficial properties of BCAA dietary supplement (BCA)

The sports nutrition in question has the following positive characteristics:

  1. Rapid recovery of the body after complex and prolonged physical activity.
  2. Reducing muscle fatigue, due to which their tone is maintained for a long time at the desired level of work.
  3. Building muscle mass.

Harmful properties of BCA amino acids for the body

Experts and many medical sources say that with the correct dosages, no harm can come from taking this complex. Amino acids are the basis for the construction of proteins, which are necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. Accordingly, they cannot cause harm.

The most common prohibition against consuming BCAAs is considered to be an allergy to milk protein.. It may be present in sports nutrition, so this complex should be excluded.

Note! Considering that supplements are used to eliminate nutritional imbalances, they are not mandatory for non-professional athletes, provided that protein intake is optimal.

BCAA - sports nutrition (harm and benefit): what clinical trials say

All the beneficial properties described above are not unfounded, because they are confirmed by clinical studies.

One of these was an experiment in which subjects were divided into three groups. The first consisted of athletes who limited themselves as much as possible from protein consumption, the second, on the contrary, of those for whom it was a priority in the diet, and the third group included athletes with a restriction in food, but adding a BCA complex to it.

After a certain period of time, it was revealed that the third group of athletes had the least weight loss, which is important in sports.

The benefits of BCA sports nutrition are not unfounded, because they are confirmed by clinical studies. But do not forget about the possible harm.

A whole series of studies was also conducted in which trained and non-sports people took part. Its result allowed doctors to claim that This dietary supplement reduces the level of muscle pain after training.

For example, consuming 100 mg/kg reduced the period of muscle soreness by 2 days, which helped ordinary women regain strength faster.

Review of popular BCAAs

How to take BCAA for muscle growth

Gaining muscle mass when consuming the sports nutrition in question occurs in certain situations, such as:

  1. Workouts on an empty stomach or prolonged endurance exercise.
  2. If there is no time window for eating before or after training.
  3. Vegetarianism. Taking BCA (sports nutrition), the harms and benefits of which have already been discussed earlier, is necessary for vegetarians due to the inclusion of leucine in it. This amino acid strongly stimulates protein production.

To increase muscle mass you need to use this complex constantly, regardless of the training time. In order to take it during training, it is necessary to dilute the additive with water so that amino acids, gradually entering the body, can feed it with energy.

To close the protein-carbohydrate window, you need to consume this complex in the morning after waking up.

The norm is a single dose of 5 g. According to the recommendations of many sources, the consumption of BCAAs can be increased by 3-4 times, but there is no scientific confirmation of this. There is an opinion among scientists that the amount of this supplement that is absorbed by the intestines at one time does not exceed 7 g, so an increased intake is not advisable.

Rules for using BCAA for weight loss

There are a number of rules thanks to which you can lose weight. To start It is necessary to build your diet in such a way as to ensure a calorie deficit, that is, you need to come to a point where there are more calories burned than consumed.

Further, important point is the inclusion of intense training in power loads with maximum weight and repetitions no more than 10 times. Just this approach will give greater results than repeated exercises many times.

It is natural that you need to consume the required amount of protein. There should be at least 35 g of it in one meal. Despite the fact that BCA increases the amount of amino acids in the body, the main share comes from food.

A one-time dose of this complex should be taken half an hour before training and immediately after it. in a volume of no more than 8 g. On days without exercise, the use of this sports nutrition is reduced to 5 g.

Contraindications and possible consequences of BCA (sports nutrition)

Experts do not recommend consuming this complex of amino acids for people with kidney disease., due to its high protein content, as well as for pregnant and lactating women due to insufficient study of the effect on the fetus and lactation. Generally Negative consequences are possible with excessive use.

Be careful! In case of an overdose of BCA sports nutrition, it can not only bring no benefit, but also cause significant harm to the body.

Among the consequences are the following:

  1. Malfunctions of an organ such as the kidneys. They remove many human waste products, including processed proteins. In the presence of chronic diseases and an increased dose of the complex over 50 g per day, their work is disrupted.
  2. Sleep problems. Amino acids themselves are much stronger in action compared to those bound by protein structures. For example, glutamine has a stimulating effect on nervous system human, and glycine is calming. At excessive concentrations, the effect is impressive, which is why experts do not recommend experimenting with dosages.

It should be noted that such harm from taking BCA (sports nutrition with benefits) occurs only if the norm is significantly exceeded - at least 5 times. Subject to compliance with standards and recommendations, no negative consequences there is no question, as has been proven by many professionals in the field of sports nutrition.

For professional athletes, an important point in their activities is increasing or maintaining muscle mass. This is the main advantage of the BCA dietary supplement. A complex of important amino acids helps to increase results, while reducing the burden on the body.

Video about sports nutrition BCA

To learn how to take and why you need BCAA sports nutrition, watch this video:

What harm can be and what benefits from BCA can be learned from this video:

The technology for the production of sports nutrition has reached such a level of perfection that it can offer men and women a product that contains only the group of substances that are necessary to achieve a certain effect without unwanted additives. In addition, the level of purification of the components is so good that you don’t have to worry that using the product will lead to unpredictable consequences.

What is hidden under this mysterious abbreviation?

People who long time spend in the gym, they know that BCA is a sports nutrition, reviews of which are mostly positive. But for many it remains a mystery what this mysterious product is. For lack of large quantity available information about this type food additives, the athletes don’t even pay attention to him. In addition, there is a widespread belief that without a protein-rich diet, even BCA will not help. These reviews are unfounded and belong to the group of prejudices. In the same series of statements you can hear that this product is harmful to health, has a chemical origin and other misconceptions. Let's try to understand the topic “BCA - sports nutrition”. Reviews about this group of supplements will also allow you to form a more correct opinion.

BCAA are branched chain amino acids. This generalized group includes three substances:

  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine.

What makes them special?

The difference between these three essential amino acids and the other 17 similar protein monomers lies in the peculiarities of their metabolism. They are converted mainly in skeletal muscles. In the liver, their metabolism proceeds very slowly. The thing is that to convert BCA amino acids, a special enzyme is needed - keto acid dehydrogenase. It is found in greater concentration in skeletal muscles. This fact determines the peculiarity of BCA metabolism. Sports nutrition, consumer reviews confirm this, based on these amino acids has an ambiguous effect on the body. This product allows you to achieve significant athletic results, being a kind of supplier of building material for skeletal muscles. Branched chain amino acids are also included in the diet for the correction of certain diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

How do BCAAs work?

Once in the human body, these amino acids begin active activity, which is carried out in the following areas:

  • Synthesis of necessary protein substances.
  • Formation of essential amino acids such as glutamine and alanine.
  • Formation of a kind of energy “depot”.
  • Establishing the metabolic mechanisms of protein synthesis by regulating insulin synthesis.

Thus, BCA is a sports nutrition, reviews of which indicate its high importance in the full functioning of the human body. Its effectiveness was appreciated not only by people leading an active lifestyle, but also by those who have problems with impaired protein metabolism.

BCAA - an assistant in energy production

It is known that during active physical activity, active oxidation of amino acids with branched side chains occurs in human muscles. Thus, it is possible to maintain energy homeostasis by taking BCA. Sports nutrition, reviews of which talk about it good quality, based on three essential acids. They allow the body to receive carbohydrate substances. These substances, the main one being glucose, are the main source of energy and carry out the Krebs cycle.

Classification of amino acids

According to the principle of metabolism, amino acids can be divided into three main groups:

  • Glucogenics are special in that they increase the concentration of pyruvate and other intermediates that are synthesized during the Krebs cycle. These substances serve as the basis for the formation of glucose molecules. Thus, amino acids of this type allow the synthesis of the main source of energy. This is a very important quality that BCAs possess. Reviews from doctors in a positive way are best recommendations to the use of this product. A striking example of a glycogenic amino acid is valine.
  • Ketogenic protein monomers are metabolized to form fatty acids. In addition, in this process there is an increase in the concentration of acetyl-coenzyme A, which is a precursor of lipoacid substances. Leucine is a representative of this group of amino acids. Its content decreases significantly in blood plasma during aerobic and anaerobic exercise. According to scientists, ketogenic amino acids can give the body much more large quantity energy than glucose. Their metabolism follows a different path and releases a volume of ATP that exceeds that of the Krebs cycle. This allows us to appreciate the BCA. Reviews from athletes indicate that this is an unsurpassed source of energy during training.
  • Combined amino acids are able to exhibit the properties of two groups and enhance the effect of both glucogenic and ketogenic substances. An example of such a dual substance is isoleucine.

The main benefit of products with BCAA

Having understood the composition, we can conclude that BCAA sports nutrition, consumer reviews confirm this, is a comprehensive product for effective classes in the gym and achieving excellent results without harming the body.

During intense physical activity, the body experiences an increased need for BCA amino acids and is ready to remove them from muscle tissue, which leads to its destruction. If you take these substances from the outside, the destruction process can be avoided.

How are these amino acids involved in protein synthesis?

All amino acids that exist in nature can be divided into essential and non-essential. If the human body is able to synthesize the first type of substances on its own, then we must receive the latter along with nutrition. Their deficiency negatively affects overall health and is fraught with serious consequences. Sports nutrition containing BCAA, doctors' reviews confirm this, can replenish the body's internal reserves and satisfy the need for essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They actively participate in the processes of protein construction, which means that at the molecular level they support the normal function of all organs and systems.

BCAA as a precursor to other amino acids

If you look deep into the mechanisms that occur every minute in the human body, you can see the following: the amino acid alanine is formed as a result of a cycle based on glucose molecules. The product of its hydrolysis, pyruvate, undergoes transamination. BCAAs act as nitrogen donors. Thus, a new amino acid is formed - alanine, which is sent to the liver and can be converted there into glucose, used as an energy source for muscles.

By a similar mechanism, glutamine is formed, which plays a major role in protein synthesis throughout the body, regulates anabolism, slows down catabolism, stimulates immune reactions and intestinal cells, and participates in the synthesis of nucleotides.

BCAAs act as a universal donor of amine nitrogen. These groups are incorporated into amino acid precursor molecules to form valuable protein monomers. By taking them externally, it is possible to save the muscles from which BCA is usually removed. Sports nutrition (reviews, photos and recommendations for the use of these sources of branched chain amino acids must be studied in advance) can be found in every specialized store. An experienced instructor can give useful advice taking into account the characteristics of the organism. However, you should first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of consuming BCAAs in your case.

Features of the mechanism of action of leucine

There is one interesting mechanism in our body called target of rapamycin or mTOR. Through it, protein synthesis in the body is regulated: when high level ATP is active; in the opposite situation, it is blocked.

It is known that protein formation is the most energy-intensive process. It is mTOR that can regulate protein synthesis and prevent muscular dystrophy and hypertrophy, and it also promotes the availability of leucine. In turn, this amino acid is key to muscle growth, acting as a trigger for the mTOR system.

Why are BCAAs so attractive to girls?

An interesting fact is that branched chain amino acids can not only stimulate the formation of muscle tissue, but also help normalize weight. The source of BCA is sports nutrition, the reviews (for girls) are simply impressive. Representatives of the fair half of humanity note the elimination of the problem of excess body weight after using this drug. What is the reason for this effect?

Scientists have found out the cause of the problem with excess weight. The culprit is a specific hormone – leptin. Its action is based on the regulation of metabolism, appetite and, as a consequence, body weight. The secretion of this hormone directly depends on the amount of fat in the human body. The higher the weight, the more actively leptin is produced. When we diet and lose fat reserves, the concentration of this hormone decreases. The body gets used to a certain level of leptin, which nutritionists call a control point. To replenish its concentration and accumulate the previous fat reserve, the body begins to kindle a brutal appetite.

Leucine is able to balance the concentration of leptin and moderate the feeling of hunger. As a result, a feeling of fullness appears when eating a small amount of food. The source of available leucine is sports nutrition with BCA. Reviews from girls allow us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of these products in the fight against excess weight. In addition, these nutritional supplements allow you not only to lose weight, but also gain toned muscles and a beautiful silhouette coupled with training in the gym.

What is special about sports supplements with BCA?

Some athletes, having heard about the benefits of leucine, believe that it will be enough to include only this amino acid in the diet, neglecting isoleucine and valine. This, of course, helps to save a lot, but it leads to a lack of these important substances in the blood plasma and leads to an imbalance of BCA in the body. Therefore, it would be more correct to take all three amino acids simultaneously as part of a complex, balanced product.

Athletes are also concerned about the following questions: “Is it necessary to take BCA along with protein? Is there any benefit from such synergy?” These questions are justified, since sports nutrition with BCA amino acids is not cheap.

Scientists who studied these nutritional supplements came to the conclusion that sports nutrition with BCA is certainly of great value. These amino acids quickly penetrate the bloodstream and reach the required concentration in a short time. Their metabolic effect cannot be compared with whey hydrolyzate; it is ten times higher.

How to take BCA?

It is very important to follow the dosage of these nutritional supplements to achieve good result. When purchasing, contact a consultant with a question about how to use BCA - sports nutrition. Reviews on how to take this product state that for a person weighing 70-80 kg, taking 5-6 g of the BCAA complex will be sufficient. If the athlete’s weight is 90-100 kg, then the dosage should be increased to 6-7 g.

Is there any harm from such sports nutrition?

Like any other supplement, sports nutrition with BCA amino acids raises some doubts and concerns. Before trying something new, we should consider whether it will negatively affect our body. Reviews characterize BCAA differently. Harm or benefit - what prevails? However, it is worth reassuring athletes. These substances are native to the human body and are not capable of causing damage to it. An exception may be severe hereditary diseases that are associated with aversion to amino acids, but these cases are so rare that practice does not perceive them as serious warnings to the use of sports nutrition with BCA.

Each issue requires a rational and sober approach. If you are an athlete-bodybuilder and the honor and good name, then the use of sports nutrition is justified and necessary. Or you want to achieve an impressive result so much that the cost of the BCA is not a hindrance. Under such conditions, the use of expensive sports nutrition is completely justified. However, if you go to the gym 2-3 times a week for general development, then full balanced nutrition will be enough, you can do without specialized additives.

Valin, leucine And isoleucine are three essential amino acids, which belong to the group of branched chain amino acids, or BCAA.

From the article you will learn

  • About each of the three amino acids that make up BCAA
  • Benefits of BCAA for the body
  • How many BCAAs should you take every day?
  • What foods contain BCAAs?

play an important role in the metabolic process and are actively used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, as well as in intensive care. BCAA are a popular and widely available sports supplement. It is especially famous in bodybuilding and other sports that require growth. muscle tissue. BCAAs are classified as essential amino acids, since they cannot be synthesized in the body, and therefore must be supplied to it with food containing protein.

  • Valin
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine

Branched chain amino acid –

valine, used in industry for fermentation alcoholic drinks, in addition, is the basis of many important enzymes. Valine contributes to the body's energy production process, which means it plays an important role in building strength and muscle mass. Foods rich in valine are popular among athletes, especially bodybuilders, who are trying to accelerate muscle growth (hypertrophy), increase strength, performance and speed.

Leucine plays a central role in the metabolism of muscle tissue and therefore contributes to its formation and maintenance. He is important" building material"for many proteins, which means it supports various processes associated with recovery. Adults should consume 10-50 mg of leucine per kilogram of body weight. However, its deficiency can be caused by a lack of vitamin B6.

Likewise, a key role in providing energy to muscle tissue is played by isoleucine, which is especially important during periods of intense training or extreme hunger.

If isoleucine is not present in the blood in sufficient quantities, the body will begin to consume its reserves, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in levels leucine and decrease in muscle mass. This effect should be avoided by athletes who are trying to build muscle.

11 beneficial properties of BCAAs

  • BCAA accelerates synthesis muscle protein to increase hypertrophy (growth) and maintain muscle mass in the absence of training, for example, during periods of recovery from injury. This happens especially actively when BCAAs are consumed together with amino acids such as alanine, aspartate and glutamic acid.
  • BCAA complex enriched with leucine helps build muscle in older athletes. The most effective ratio of leucine to valine and isoleucine is 4:1.
  • BCAAs activate fat burning (leucine) and increase glucose tolerance (isoleucine), thus improving body composition. During fat loss training, the athlete should increase the consumption of foods and supplements high in BCAAs.
  • BCAAs improve hormonal balance, increasing strength, performance and endurance by increasing testosterone levels and decreasing cortisol levels. Plus, BCAAs can reduce inflammation.
  • When consuming more than 4 g of BCAAs per day, strength development during training is improved by effectively increasing neuromuscular coordination.
  • BCAAs increase endurance and reduce fatigue because they can be used by the body as an energy source to replenish ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main energy carrier in the cell. It also reduces fatigue by inhibiting tryptophan repressors in the brain.
  • BCAA maintains the integrity of muscle fibers, which reduces muscle soreness and allows you to train more often, more effectively revealing your athletic potential.
  • BCAAs reduce catabolism (breakdown), protecting muscle tissue. It also prevents muscle loss during endurance sports, where plasma BCAA levels may be significantly reduced.
  • BCAA provides positive influence on metabolism and insulin production, improving body composition. Insulin sensitivity may also reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
  • BCAA has an anti-aging effect because it accelerates the formation of new mitochondria and thus reduces age-related muscle loss. These amino acids are also successfully used in the treatment of cancer and liver diseases.
  • BCAA improves cognitive function by positively influencing neurotransmitters and glutamic acid synthesis.

Foods High in BCAAs

Branched chain amino acids are three of the eight essential amino acids. They are found mainly in protein-rich foods. With a balanced and healthy diet, you should not have any problems meeting your body's daily minimum needs for nutrients Oh. However, certain factors can radically increase these needs, so supplementation may be necessary.

Watch your diet

For example, the Flash Diet dramatically reduces the body's reserves of BCAAs, which must be replenished immediately to avoid muscle tissue breakdown. In this case, BCAAs will help with the support and restoration of muscle tissue.

Liver disease and high-intensity training also increase the need for leucine, valine and isoleucine, so athletes and patients should regularly take increased amounts of them.

What types of meat are rich in BCAAs?

Products especially rich leucine, are: beef (approx. 1690 mg/100 g), raw salmon (approx. 1615 mg/100 g), eggs (approx. 1090 mg/100 g) and wheat products (approx. 920 mg/100 g).

Valin And isoleucine are also found in significant quantities in meat and other products of animal origin. Dried peas (approx. 1160 mg/100 g) are especially good for vegetarians, as well as walnuts(approx. 750 mg/100 g) with their high content of BCAA.

Meat eaters can get most of their minimum daily intake of BCAAs by eating chicken breast (approx. 1220 mg/100 g) and rice (approx. 330 mg/100 g). A healthy adult needs about 10 g of BCAAs per day, but this amount, of course, can vary depending on each individual case.

If you regularly exercise, then you should consider taking either BCAAs alone or in combination with whey protein.

The aminoacidstudies website has compiled the top 7 proteins to make it easier for you to choose the right product for you.

BCAA functions

  • Muscle growth
  • Stimulation of insulin production
  • Fighting with age

Unlike most amino acids, BCAA Metabolized predominantly in muscles rather than liver. This indicates their extreme importance in the process of providing energy to muscle tissue.

BCAAs are also useful in the treatment of diseases associated with decreased protein levels in tissues, such as tumors, since they slow down the natural catabolism and breakdown of amino acids. For chronic liver diseases Taking enough BCAAs is critical, since it is able to stop the flow of harmful substances from the blood into the brain.

In particular, leucine plays an important role in formation and preservation of muscle tissue, supporting protein synthesis in muscles and liver, and stopping the breakdown muscle cells. In addition, it regulates energy levels in the body and is involved in the synthesis of glucose, so its reserves must be replenished if you follow a low-carb diet.

Valin– an important element in protein biosynthesis and the proper conversion of food into energy. He is important muscle nutrient, and is therefore regularly consumed by professional athletes.

Another important property of this organic compound is stimulation of insulin production, which controls blood sugar levels and accelerates the absorption of amino acids in the muscles and liver. A lack of valine in the body can lead to impaired growth and decreased muscle tissue.

Isoleucine It is also an important basis for protein synthesis and can significantly enhance the process of energy production in mitochondria (the energy stations of each cell). BCAAs also stimulate insulin secretion and constantly maintain nitrogen levels in the body.

This is especially important for the formation of new tissues, and provides the opportunity for healthy growth, especially in childhood and adolescence. In very rare cases of overdose, these amino acids are easily excreted by the body through urine and do not cause any side effects.

BCAAs can be used for effective treatment some diseases, because they play a significant role in many important metabolic processes. Leucine and valine are especially important, as has been proven by many scientific studies in the past.

Recently, a study was conducted on the effect of leucine supplements on protein synthesis in old age. A group of subjects consumed 4g of leucine per day through food. As a result, it has been proven that improvements in protein synthesis, as well as phosphorylation of certain transmitters that play important roles in nutrition, are a direct consequence of regular consumption of leucine in supplement form.

Thus, gaining muscle mass is very significant not only for bodybuilders, but also for older people who want to lead an active lifestyle, resist the aging process and use supplements according to their metabolic needs.

Another study conducted in 2010 showed a relationship between daily BCAAs intake and individual body weight based on BMI (body mass index). In particular, it has been proven that high concentrations of BCAAs correlate with low content fat in the body, which means that the appropriate dose of this supplement has an extremely positive effect on the overall health of a person.

BCAAs and amino acids in general play an important role in healthy, sustainable weight loss.

In addition, it has been demonstrated that BCAAs deficiency may contribute to diabetes. The same study found that supplementation with leucine, valine and isoleucine can stimulate insulin production in diabetics, resulting in improved general condition sick.

Similar results were obtained in studies examining the relationship between arginine, L-carnitine and diabetes.

Is it beneficial to take BCAA during exercise instead of regular water?

Will taking extra amino acids during exercise really help improve results? It depends on your goals.

I'm often asked if you really need to take extra BCAA. Despite their delicious taste, the answer ultimately comes down to two things: the type of exercise you do and your fitness and bodybuilding goals.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are made up of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are considered "essential" because our bodies cannot produce them on their own, so they must be consumed through food. You can, of course, consume foods that are rich in amino acids - chicken, beef and eggs - but supplementation has its benefits because pure BCAAs bypass the liver and intestines and go straight into your bloodstream.

BCAAs are especially important for people who want to build muscle or maintain muscle mass. BCAAs, especially leucine, help regulate protein metabolism by promoting muscle protein synthesis and inhibiting protein breakdown.

But is this reason enough to take a pre-workout serving? The answer is a little more complicated.

BCAA: a scientific approach

Research has shown that consuming BCAAs before exercise can help increase the rate of protein synthesis, inhibit muscle protein breakdown, and reduce muscle damage and symptoms of soreness. Sounds pretty impressive, right?

But these results do not necessarily prove that BCAAs increase strength or muscle mass. If your training goal is to increase power and strength, and you already meet your daily protein needs through high-protein foods and protein shakes, then supplemental BCAAs likely won't help you.

However, don't throw away your shaker just yet! BCAAs may not stimulate muscle hypertrophy on their own, but taking 6-10 grams before training can help increase your weights enough to stimulate muscle growth and get you back to the gym sooner, as it will also speed up your recovery.

In addition, BCAA during physical exercise used as a direct source of energy. Decreased circulating levels of BCAA lead to increased concentrations of serotonin in the brain, which researchers believe contributes in part to the reduction of fatigue during exercise. This is especially true for endurance exercise.

Adding a spoonful or two of BCAAs to your pre-workout drink can also be beneficial if you're following a low-carb diet or exercising in a fasted state, because they can reduce fatigue and increase fat burning during exercise when your muscles are glycogen-starved .


Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are indispensable for the human body and play an important role in hypertrophy and maintenance of muscle mass. They have a positive effect on the formation of various tissues, healing and metabolic processes through protein synthesis in the liver.

Walnuts and corn (as plant sources), meat, milk and eggs are best for coating daily requirement in amino acids. If the body does not receive the minimum amount of valine, leucine and isoleucine, which can often happen among professional athletes, then this deficiency can be easily compensated by the use of supplements, which are also useful in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, such as diabetes.

It is most important to consume supplements during periods of very intense training to help build muscle mass.

BCAA It should also be taken during a weight loss diet to prevent muscle atrophy, since the body may lack certain nutrients during this period. Most diets require the consumption of vital nutrients such as amino acids, including valine, leucine and isoleucine, and are highly recommended for healthy and sustainable weight loss.
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Based on materials from: aminoacidstudies.org/bcaa/

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Proteins are very important for humans, scientists realized this a very long time ago. The term " protein", from the Greek word " first" And this is true - for any athlete, and even more so for a bodybuilder, protein is a fundamental factor in all recovery processes.

Typically, protein is synthesized from 20 standard amino acids. And if the body can synthesize most of these amino acids on its own, then there are essential amino acids, which must enter the body from the outside. The three most important branched chain amino acids for building muscle mass are: leucine, isoleucine and valine. It was these three amino acids that were combined into one drug, which was called BCAA branched amino acids

Role in the body

  • Valin— One of the most active components in the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If an athlete trains intensively and with a high load, then fiber tears occur in the muscles. When these tears heal, muscle growth occurs. Additional intake of valine reduces the healing time of such microtraumas. In addition, taking valine significantly improves nitrogen balance, which also accelerates muscle growth and prevents protein destruction.
  • Leucine– Reduces blood sugar levels, promoting increased growth hormone production. How important growth hormone is for increasing muscle mass and restoring muscle fibers after heavy training probably shouldn’t be said. Leucine is also actively involved in the restoration of muscle tissue, skin and bones.
  • Isoleucine— An essential amino acid in the production of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases the overall endurance of the body and accelerates the recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

Taking the BCAA amino acid complex provides a powerful acceleration in the recovery of muscle fibers, stimulates an increase in the body's production of growth hormone and restores energy balance.

The most important amino acid in this trio for a bodybuilder is leucine. During scientific research, it was found that taking leucine together with isoleucine and valine greatly enhances the effect of the former. It is generally accepted that the optimal ratio of these amino acids is: 2:1:1. That is, for every mg of valine and isoleucine there are 2 mg of leucine. But such proportions are not dogma.

BCAA - When to use and in what dosages.

The bodybuilder’s body on training days and on rest days, when the body is recovering, experiences a different need for fast amino acids; the regimen for taking BCAA on these days is somewhat different.

On training days

When an athlete actively trains, not only anabolic processes (muscle growth) are launched in his body, but also catabolic destructive processes. The task is to stimulate anabolic processes and inhibit catabolic ones.

If anabolic processes are activated on rest days, then catabolic processes, on the contrary, are most dangerous during training. During intense exercise the body needs additional nutrition. And if this recharge is not given from the outside, then it will begin to look for additional reserves inside the body.

The first step is to use up the glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles. If there are not enough of them, the body begins to actively break down the amino acids that make up the muscles.

In this case, BCAA acts as an assistant. In order for the body not to even have the desire to start devouring itself, it needs to be given something else to “eat”. BCAA amino acids are perfect for this role! Due to the fact that branched chain amino acids are instantly absorbed, they are actively involved in the process and more prevents catabolism from developing during exercise, but also actively participate in building muscle mass and burning fat mass.

BCAAs should be taken immediately before and immediately after exercise. It would be useful to take a small amount of amino acids during training if its duration exceeds 1 hour.

After training, when glucose levels are at a minimum and there are practically no amino acids left, you should immediately replenish their supply. In this case, metabolic processes, which will continue for some time at a frantic pace, will receive material for processing.

On rest days

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to take BCAAs on non-training days. This is justified by the fact that since there is no effect on the body, then there is no catabolism. And for the anabolic process, there is enough protein from your regular diet. This is wrong.

Catabolic processes are strongest immediately after sleep. If at this moment we obtain protein from regular food or take protein, the body will need some time to break down the protein into amino acids. Taking BCAAs in the morning solves this problem - amino acids immediately reach the muscles. It is recommended to take 0.5-1 of a standard serving immediately after sleep.

Release forms

  • Capsules— The most popular form of release of BCAAs. For the first time, branched chain amino acids were produced in capsules. The main advantage of this form of release is ease of use. The capsules are easy to take with you and can be taken anywhere as long as you have a glass of water handy.
    Another advantage is the neutral taste.. Due to the fact that the powder is packaged in capsules, you do not feel the bitter aftertaste characteristic of pure powdered form of branched chain amino acids.
    Capsules containing from 250 to 1250 mg of BCAA are available in 60 to 1000 capsules per package. The main disadvantage of this form of administration is its high cost. At recommended dosages, one package will last a maximum of a couple of weeks.
  • Pills— As a rule, they are pressed powder. The benefits are the same as the capsules. In addition to the above mentioned disadvantages we can add relatively long digestibility, because tablets dissolve more slowly in the stomach.
  • Powder— The most economical form of BCAA release. Until recently, powdered BCAAs were consumed mainly by those who wanted to save money. For the same price, you could get 1.5 times more BCAA by purchasing them in powder form.
    Cons: pure powder is very poorly soluble in water and has a rather specific taste. Therefore, it is recommended to take it this way: put a portion of BCAA in your mouth and immediately wash it down with water so that the bitter taste is not felt for so long.
    In the last few years, quite a lot of powdered BCAAs have appeared on the sports nutrition market, which quickly dissolve in water and have pleasant fruity flavors.

Optimal portion

Each sports nutrition manufacturer indicates completely different dosages on their products, regardless of the athlete’s own weight. How to calculate the right dosage of branched chain amino acids for you? And how to measure it in capsules, tablets and powder?

Most professional trainers agree that for every kilogram of body weight the athlete must receive about 33 mg leucine per workout. This way, it is easy to calculate the dosage that is right for you.

For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then for training it is necessary to take at least 2475 mg leucine. With a standard 2:1:1 ratio this would be approximately 5 grams of BCAA. If your weight 90 kg, then take according 6 grams branched chain amino acids during training.

Side effects

Despite the above, many people starting bodybuilding have a question: “ Are BCAA's harmful?" To dispel all doubts, we will answer it. Since branched chain amino acids are essential for the functioning of our body, during intense exercise additional taking BCAA will not cause any disturbances or negative reactions in the human body, but will only benefit. You should not be afraid of an overdose: everything that does not have time to be absorbed will leave the body without disturbing the internal balance in the body.

There are many muscles in the human body and they differ in their functions and capabilities. But their structure is similar: the most significant components are water (70-80%) and amino acids (10-20%).

BCAA are about 35% in the structure of all types of amino acids that make up muscles (if we consider only essential ones, then their proportion will be 42% ).

That's quite a lot. Up to twenty-five percent of the energy during exercise comes from BCAA. When consuming food rich in protein, these amino acids are the first to enter the bloodstream.

The abbreviation BCAA stands for "Branched-chain amino acids" and literally translates as "branched chain amino acids." They differ from other amino acids in that the body is not able to synthesize them on its own. Therefore, BCAAs are essential and must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, especially during heavy physical activity.

They are broken down protein elements, which are represented by valine, leucine, and isoleucine. This means that the body does not need to waste energy on their absorption, which occurs much faster than when consuming regular protein. They are mainly used during “drying”, as a source of easily digestible protein from which the body can easily obtain energy and building material.

The main role of these amino acids is reflected below:

In other words, if there are no BCAA, the muscles begin to starve. Regular weightlifting or powerlifting leads to the destruction of part of the contractile protein. It is very important at this time to take exactly the protein that is needed.

BCAA relieve muscle fatigue and reduce the loss of other amino acids found in the body. If taken immediately before training, muscle endurance will increase and fatigue will decrease.

If used immediately after training, cortisol levels will begin to decrease and the supply of other amino acids in the muscles will increase, provided that they are not broken down to restore energy stores.

But you immediately need to take into account the fact that they are not suitable as a substitute for protein shakes.

This is simply not profitable - by drinking one cocktail, you deliver 40-50 grams of protein, and when taking essential amino acids this number is 2-3 times less. Of course, the likelihood of BCAA being absorbed by the body is much higher, but the price is much more expensive.

Therefore, only bodybuilders who are willing to spend decent amounts on their sports nutrition can afford such a luxury. Money. And so, they are often used exclusively during drying, when it is undesirable to take carbohydrates, which in excess can turn into fat. Essential amino acids, which cannot be deposited by the body in adipose tissue, are excellent for the function of energy supply, as well as for preserving the accumulated muscle mass.

Main functions

  1. Essential amino acids are broken down protein and are the main building blocks for muscles.
  2. Promote the formation of other amino acids that the body needs for normal functioning. In other words, they help make elements of a simple shape into a more complex protein molecule.
  3. They have a positive effect on the production of insulin, which ensures the circulation of sugar in the blood, and it, in turn, supplies muscle fiber cells with energy. And when insulin is produced, protein absorption occurs faster.
  4. Amino acids maintain cortisol and testosterone at a favorable level, increase protein synthesis, and stimulate the production of growth hormones. Thus, they prevent the breakdown of proteins and block the loss of muscle fibers. This is very important on a low-calorie diet.


As experiments have shown, in order to reduce the depletion of muscle tissue, athletes need to consume a sufficient amount of essential amino acids.

It was also found that in athletes, after heavy strength training, muscle recovery occurs in the following two phases.

First comes catabolism, after which comes anabolism– growth of muscle tissue. If the second process lasts longer than the first, then the muscles will begin to grow rapidly.

If catabolism lasts longer, then vice versa. If you shorten the period of catabolism, you can achieve rapid growth muscle tissue. BCAA can contribute to just such a reduction.

However, the maximum benefit can be obtained if you take amino acids after training along with fast carbohydrates, which, in turn, will provide the muscles with an additional source of energy and activate insulin production. Making this cocktail is easy. It is enough to mix 25 grams of carbohydrates with ten grams of broken down protein. The food will keep you full, and the bcaa will reduce catabolism and increase the effect of your workout.

Side effects

Many people underestimate this complex of amino acids. Some people think that taking it is dangerous. But this all comes from ignorance of the internal workings of the body. BCAA are the same amino acids that make up food, such as milk or meat. Therefore, the whole danger lies only in how much quality product you will use.

How to use?

There is an optimal dose that suits most - this is from four to eight grams at a time for both gaining muscle mass and burning fat. Amino acids should be consumed up to three times a day.

You can consume a smaller amount, but it will not be enough to saturate the body. Many manufacturers understand that some people do not know all the nuances and deliberately deceive customers.

In particular, they produce amino acids in small doses, while keeping prices high. To avoid getting scammed, always pay attention to the number of servings and dose size when purchasing. No breaks are required during administration.

To achieve better results, you need to take BCAA complex separately from other amino acids. The fact is that this way they will enter the body faster.

Since amino acids are absorbed much better when insulin levels are elevated, they should be taken with food half an hour before and after training. During this time, the restoration processes will have time to intensify and create favorable conditions for anabolism.

Is there enough natural food?

Sufficient doses of BCAA can also be extracted from regular food. However, athletes who need increased portions of essential amino acids will have to strain their jaws and stomach quite a lot due to the large amount of meat consumed per day. Here is an example of how much BCAA is contained in everyday foods.

There have long been many myths about the harm and benefits of BCA sports nutrition for the body. Most of these beliefs are imposed by people with little knowledge and old doctors of the Soviet school, for whom any supplements other than domestic medicines are dangerous. By the way, not so long ago one doctor, according to whom a lot of liver diseases can develop from protein, beat himself in the chest, claiming that putting fresh honey in the eyes cures cataracts. And there are quite a lot of such examples. Not only due to ignorance, but also for their own benefit, some people spread the opinion that sports nutrition is harmful. In many ways, this is beneficial to pharmaceutical companies, who are ready to sell their dietary supplements to you by any means. Think about it, is it worth believing this opinion?..

But that’s not even what we’re talking about now. There are many false opinions imposed for one reason or another, but we will help you figure it out and find out what benefits and harms BCAA have for the body.

What are essential amino acids, and is there any harm from BCAA?

Let's go back to the very beginning and understand our physiology. Since BCAAs are a supplement primarily for muscles, it is worth remembering that muscle tissue is largely built from proteins that are synthesized from amino acids. Our body can produce some amino acids on its own, while others must come from outside. A simple example - you are building a house, in the warehouse you have bricks, beams, slates, tools, but no, say, cement, but without it the house cannot be built! This rule also applies to our body; building muscle proteins requires certain amino acids, and the lack of just one can disrupt the process. Sports nutrition helps us maintain this building process constantly, and this is where we come to our BCAAs.

BCAAs are three essential amino acids - Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, which make up 30% of muscle amino acids. That is, it is a simple organic supplement that our body uses for growth and recovery. For him, it doesn’t make much difference whether you get amino acids from fish or from a can of sports nutrition. Moreover, now products are made from very high quality raw materials. So theoretically, BCAA amino acids cannot cause any harm. What in practice?

Benefits and harms of BCAA - where do the legs come from?

Once upon a time, an article appeared on the website VrednoLi.ru criticizing sports nutrition, and specifically protein and amino acids.

“When you visit resources related to the sale of amino acids for athletes, you get the impression that after eating them, the body will instantly acquire “masculine” forms and the buyer will be incredibly happy. But there is not a word about the dangers of such drugs. Is there really no harm from consuming substances unusual for humans?”

This is just one quote from a supposedly authoritative article, but it already makes it clear that the author has a meager idea of ​​​​what amino acids are in general. We have already touched on a similar topic in an article about the dangers of gainers - you can see it at the link. So, there we wrote that a lot of people who shout about the fact that BCAA amino acids are harmful to the body simply, out of ignorance, confuse these safe supplements with anabolic steroids. It is, of course, difficult to confuse even with limited knowledge, but believe me, there are such people.

How are BCAA produced?

To completely dispel your doubts about the dangers and benefits of BCAA, we will tell you a little about how they are made.

The production of BCAAs is in many ways similar to the production of protein, but this technology goes a little further. Surely you know about three forms whey protein by production mechanism - concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate. Hydrolyzate is the purest and very close to amino acids, which means it is quickly digestible. Why this retreat? And besides, BCAA is obtained in a way very close to hydrolysis - under the influence of an enzyme, cow's milk protein is destroyed, goes through several stages of purification, and voila - you have in your hands super-high-quality BCAA, not harmful and without causing side effects!

Should beginners use BCAA?

This is another question that stems from the question “Are BCAA’s harmful to the body?” The fact is that this is not a supplement that can only be used by professionals - it can be used by everyone: from an ordinary person not familiar with sports to an athlete of any category! A beginner needs BCAA from the day he came to the gym and stressed his muscles. They help you recover and further maintain your muscles, preventing them from breaking down. So, yes, this is the first supplement a beginner should buy.

Another question is, in what dosage should I use it? The most effective dosage is considered to be: from 20 g per day for women and from 30 g per day for men. You can start right away with the recommended dosage or with a smaller one, either way there will be no harm!

Find out how to drink BCAA powder correctly! With this regimen, you will be able to feel that the BCAA are working!

Affordable BCAA for beginners!

In general, as a result, we will tell you absolutely affirmatively - there are NO side effects or harm from BCAA and amino acids! Again side effects BCAA is a myth! You can trust our word, and if we are wrong, then the cancer will whistle on the mountain)

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), translated from English - amino acids with branched chains. – These are food additives from the category of sports nutrition. It contains leucine, isoleucine, valine.

These essential organic compounds are:

  • are building material for new muscles
  • become the main participants in the process of anabolism
  • prevent the destruction of protein (muscle) tissue by suppressing the process of catabolism
  • burn subcutaneous fat.

Here are the main, but not all, positive effects that essential amino acids have. Can BCAA harm the body?

Is BCAA complex dangerous for health?

Many people, more or less associated with sports, are often wary of all kinds of food or dietary supplements, fat burners, etc. Judging by the advertisement, he ate a pill or drank powder, worked out in the gym and became a muscular handsome man, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger. What is this, magic or magic? No, completely natural biological processes. Amino acids really help increase and gain muscle mass, and also reduce fatigue, increase performance and endurance, which allows you to make your workout more intense and longer.

There is an opinion that similar BCAAs supplements harmful and can cause stomach ulcers, food poisoning, heart problems vascular system and, God forbid, impotence. However, such statements are not confirmed either by experienced athletes, or sports nutrition specialists, or various scientific studies.

What are BCAA's?

A set of three amino acids. But only. Is not medicines, not anabolic steroids, not hormones, not doping, but just completely natural substances that our body needs and which it receives daily from food. The only question is whether there is enough of it.

For a man of average build leading a normal lifestyle - about 6 grams, but if he is actively involved in sports, then this need increases at least twice. And even more so, if this sport is associated with a targeted increase in muscle mass, then the need for these elements increases significantly. It is not always possible to eat correctly, and not every individual has enough time or knowledge to replenish and give themselves the necessary amount of amino acids with food. For these purposes, special nutritional supplements have been developed. Also heavy physical activity, stress, strict diets lead to the fact that the body, in order to restore the lack of substances it needs, begins to “eat” the existing muscle mass. And this should absolutely not be allowed to happen to a bodybuilder.

If you seriously decide to become beautiful and muscular, you can supplement your diet by including an amino acid complex, nothing bad will happen, harm from BCAAs will not be. The fact is that it is obtained from natural protein taken from cow's milk. The protein is artificially destroyed under the influence of enzymes and three organic acids so necessary for athletes are released.

All products and processes are natural, without chemicals or harmful substances. It's the same as eating protein food, but the body doesn't have to spend time digesting it. final result he receives BCAA directly in the form of a dietary supplement. Do you think it is possible to get stomach diseases or impotence by eating a piece of chicken, an egg or drinking milk every day? Any sane person would answer such a question in the negative. Therefore, let's focus on the fact that this amino acid complex is unlikely to cause truly irreparable harm to your health. However, it is better to use it by following the instructions or after consulting with an experienced fitness instructor.

Do beginners need BCAA?

For example, a skinny boy came to the gym to become fit, strong, and build up his muscles. And he would like to achieve the desired result quickly, so that in a few months he could amaze pretty girls with his figure. In general, on initial stage he could do without nutritional supplements. For a beginner, it is enough to eat foods rich in protein every day, for example, meat, chicken breast, fish, as well as eggs, cottage cheese, and drink a couple of glasses of milk are especially good in this sense. But if, nevertheless, a novice athlete consumes this amino acid complex in required quantity before, during and after training, it won’t make him any worse, BCAA harm will not harm your health.

Although all people are completely different and there is such a thing as individual intolerance to certain components. Maybe you have noticed or heard about some consequences from consuming BCAA?
