Autumn games in kindergarten. “Feast of Folk Games” Scenario of a family holiday for children of preparatory groups and their parents

Raising the moral qualities of children through folk games

“If you want to know the soul of a people, take a closer look at how their children play and with what.”

The harmonious development of a child is the basis for the formation of a future personality. It depends on the successful solution of many problems, among which issues of moral education occupy a special place.

The main popular content of any holiday or event is a game.The game has great educational power. Currently, among children and adolescents, folk outdoor games are increasingly giving way to computer games. Traditional terminology, symbols, game items, and marking methods have almost completely disappeared from children's games. playing field, division into teams, rules. The main carriers of childhood gaming culture have been destroyed. It is these elements that form the core of any traditional game and make it a factor in the assimilation and transmission of folk culture. PrimaryThe task of education is to expand the play spectrum of children's leisure, preserve folk traditions, and awaken children to active play activities. NFolk games instill in the child respect for national customs, form personality traits that are valuable for a given ethnic group, knowledgeculture of their homeland, moral actions. In the sociocultural development of any state, a folk game is important factor education in the process of preparing children for future life.Game is a sphere of comfortable communication, unique opportunity development of personality and formation of children's culture. The folk game contains the genetics of the past, as well as folk songs, dances, folklore, therefore the game is a phenomenon of civilization.In the folk game Some sports that many of us are fond of were also born from folk games, for example, boxing from fist fights, hockey from the game “cauldron”.Characteristic features of the folk game: a single goal, one-dimensionality of action, a game beginning (“counting table”, “draw of lots”), verbal sentences and refrains for carrying out the game action, determining the driver or dividing the players into groups (theater begins with a hanger, and a folk game with determining the driver or dividing the players into two groups), the explanation of the conditions should be brief and clear, the game should be emotional and cognitivecontent. Over time, folk games are subject to changes made by the children themselves (updating the content, complicating the rules, using different gaming material).Children love it when adults take part in their games. When they feel equal to adults, their behavior becomes more serious and meaningful. This helps a lot in the educational process, reducing the distance between the teacher and the children.

Russian folk game “Pleten”

Eat An old game called “Wicket”.
We want to play it, we are not too lazy to play it.

One fence, two fences, let's hide from the sun in the shade.
Let's sit, relax and start playing again.

Participants line up in two lines opposite each other, clasping their hands in a cross-to-cross position. At the signal, the first line goes to meet

to the second rank, which stands still, and bows to her. Then he goes away

initial positions. The second rank does the same. At the signal, the children begin to move chaotically around the playground and then sit down. At the signal, the children must line up. Rules of the game. The team that lines up quickly and correctly wins.
Belarusian folk game “Mill”
The mill spun, spinning its wings.
The mill is an idle one, circling slowly.
But if a dry wind blows, it will work faster.
The breeze blows, the player quickly catches the ball.

Anyone who didn't catch their ball is probably tired.
He will stand on the sidelines and watch others
All players stand in a circle at a distance of at least 2 m from each other. One of the players receives the ball and passes it to another, who passes it to the third, etc. round. Gradually the transmission speed increases. Each player tries to catch the ball. Rules of the game. A player who misses the ball or throws it incorrectly is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who remains in the game last.

Tatar folk game “Leap-jump”

We will take our mugs, we will stand quietly in them,

But, having heard “Leap”, we quickly rush to jump.
I’m jumping on one leg, I want to join the other group.
I have to get ahead of everyone, I don’t want to drive.

Draw a large circle with a diameter of 15-25 m with chalk, inside it there are small circles 30-35 cm for each participant in the game. The driver stands in the center of a large circle. The driver says: “Jump!” After this word, the players quickly change places (in circles), jumping on one leg. The driver tries to take the place of one of the players, also jumping on one leg. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. You can't push each other out of the circles. Two children playing cannot be in the same circle.

The moral education of the younger generation cannot be abstract; it is always concrete, national. High requirements to honesty, justice, kindness, tolerance and other human qualities are inherent in all folk games.“We don’t stop playing because we get older, but we get older because we stop playing!”

Samantsova E.V.

teacher MBUDO "House of Children's Creativity"

Volodarsky district of Bryansk

The players stand one after another in a long row. A rope is stretched across the entire row, which everyone holds in their hand.

Everyone dances, follows the leader and sings:

We walk around the birch tree,
We weave everything around us,
The lash is wicker,
The trunk is circled.
The fence curls, weaves,
While singing, it drags itself into the forest.
Unravel, wattle fence, unravel,
Golden knot, untie.

The leader confuses the round dance until the fence “curls.”
They are unraveling the fence under sentences:

Dressed up -
Out of a hundred guys
All in one row
Standing tied together.
Braid, unravel,
Curl the birch tree.

Then the leader runs the round dance into the field, while it loops, makes circular turns, and whoever does not stay on his feet is eliminated from the game.

Zhmurki (Fantomas) is a children's outdoor game in which one of the participants, blindfolded, catches the others. It develops well the coordination of movements and hearing of the players.

Russian outdoor games are very diverse. The Russian outdoor game Zhmurki, or rather several of its types, is described below.

Ordinary blind man's buff.

One of the players, the blind man's buff, is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they talk to him, for example:

“Cat, cat, what are you standing on?” - “On a kvashnya” (kvashnya is a wooden utensil for kneading dough) - “What’s in a kvashnya?” - “Kvass”. - “Catch mice, not us.”

After the words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man's buff.

Rules of the game:
If the blind man's buff comes close to any object that can be hit, the players must warn him and shout: “Fire!”
You can't shout "Fire!" in order to distract the blind man's buff from the player. who cannot escape from him;
Players should not hide behind any objects or run too far;
Players can dodge blind man's buff, crouch, walk on all fours;
The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player and call him by name without removing the bandage.

Instructions for playing the game:

The game can be played both indoors and outdoors. The boundary of the playing area must be clearly defined, and participants in the game must not go beyond it.

If a blind man’s buff crosses the boundary of the playing area, then he should be stopped with the word “Fire!”

Children should run silently around the blind man's buff. brave players can quietly approach him, touch his shoulder, back, arm and also silently run away; can say quietly behind the blind man's buff's back a short word: “Ku-ku!”, “Ah!”

The blind man's buff is in place.

The blind man's buff is placed in the middle of the playing area, blindfolded, and he turns around himself several times.

The players ask him: “Where are you standing?” - "On Bridge". - "What do you sell?" - “Kvass”. - “Look for us for three years!”

After the words, the players disperse around the site, the blind man's buff goes to look for them. Children, while the blind man's buff is looking for them, do not leave their places, but they can squat, kneel or get on all fours.

The found player becomes a blind man's buff only if the driver recognizes him and calls him by name.

Circular blind man's buff (Tube).

Children stand in a circle and choose a blind man's buff. He goes out into the middle, is blindfolded, given a paper tube in his hand and forced to turn around three times.

At this time, the players join hands and walk around the blind man's buff so that he does not know who is standing where.

When everyone stops, the blind man's buff takes a few steps towards the players and touches someone with a straw, asking him: “Who?” They answer him: “Me-oo!”, “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Game of blind man's buff

Only snow will dress Susanna in furs
And the diamond will hang on the shepherd's nose,
A bench in front of a large fireplace is dear to me
Yes, the walls are illuminated by fire all around.

Pile up coal like a mountain,
And place a log across it.
And put the stools in a circle
For our boyfriends and girlfriends.

The ale in the barrel is darker than walnut.
Love whisper. Bursts of laughter
When will chatting get boring?
Let's start games by the fire.

Girls are smart guys
They strive to prick with a pin.
But the guys are not in their debt -
The pranksters face retribution.

Roger winked his eyebrows
And he stole Dolly’s chair.
And so, not expecting a catch,
Kissed half the idiot!
Then she straightened her outfit,
Casting a languid glance at John.

John sympathized with the girl.
Meanwhile, they decided to play blind man's buff
And they began to quickly clean up
Everything that prevented them from playing.

Meg folded the scarf twice
And blindfolded both eyes
Oblique Villa in order to
So that he doesn't see anything.

He almost grabbed Meg by the dress,
And Meg, laughing, runs into his arms
Pushed Roger, but Will
He lost his prey.

The girls tease the mouthy guy:
"Catch me! Catch me quickly!"
And now, completely exhausted,
Poor Kate was blindsided.
He ran in pursuit
And he drove the girl into a corner.

Gotcha, Katie? Your turn
Catch whoever hits!
Look, there's Roger, Roger is close!.. -
And Katie is fast, like a pussy,
She rushed after him.
(Jim tripped him up.)

Wearing a headscarf is against the rules
He left his eyes free.
And, looking through transparent silk,
He attacked Jim like a wolf
But Jim didn’t fall into his hands
And knocked little Sookie off her feet.
It doesn't do any good
People are playing a dishonest game!..

But then a unanimous cry was heard:
"He sees, he sees!" - Dick shouted.
"Oh, blind man!" - the guys shout.
Roger doesn't argue because he's guilty.

And so, as the charter requires,
Roger was fined:
A harsh trial forced the rogue
It's cool to turn over three times.
And, having forgiven him his sins,
Pinwheel Krt read poetry,
To start the game over again.
"Catch it!" - the turntable screamed.

The blind man ran straight,
But he didn't know that sly Dick
Insidiously waiting for him in ambush -
On all fours - for fun.

He just crashed... Alas!
All our plans are like this.
The one who catches happiness does not know
What a surprise fate has in store...

Gorodki - Russian folk sport game. Knocking out of a square, the so-called “city”, five towns with sticks from certain distances, that is, cylindrical blocks, in the form of various figures.


The game has existed for more than two centuries.

The first reliable information about the spread of the game of gorodki among Russians dates back to early XIX century. These are color engravings contained in several Western European publications and accompanied by brief description Russian folk fun. From these publications one can judge that by the beginning of the 19th century, the game of gorodki (or ryukhi) was widespread throughout Russia and had its own rules. Therefore, the emergence of the game of gorodki should be attributed to the middle or first half of the 18th century. This game originated in the midst of the Russian people and spread both among the peasantry and among urban residents.

Russian writers Tolstoy and Gorky, singer Chaliapin, music critic and composer Stasov, academician Pavlov, geneticist Timofeev-Resovsky, as well as Soviet leaders Lenin, Stalin, Kalinin, Voroshilov enjoyed playing towns.

As a sport that has uniform rules, the towns were formed by 1923, when the first All-Union competitions were held in Moscow. In 1928, the towns were included in the program of the All-Union Olympics. In 1933, new rules were issued in which 15 figures were defined. Beginning in 1987, asymmetrical targets for left-handers began to be reversed.

The towns gained particular popularity in the 20th century. Since 1936, USSR championships have been held in small towns.

Almost all competitions were won by Muscovites. Honored Master of Sports, champion of the Union in towns in team and individual competitions, Semyon Gromov, jokingly claimed that in the 50s, championship titles were distributed on the train that carried Moscow town residents to competitions. In team battles, the most famous teams were “Sickle and Hammer” (5 years of championship), “Spartak” (5 years of championship), “Zil”.

According to official statistics, in the 60s and 70s, about 350 thousand people worked in towns in the USSR. The popularity of the towns began to decline in the 80s and 90s.

After the collapse Soviet Union the number of students decreased sharply, gorodosh equipment was no longer produced.

WITH beginning of the XXI century, interest in urban sports began to increase again. In particular, the European Cup is held annually in different towns.


The essence of the game is to throw bats (sticks) to knock out from the “city” (hence the name) one by one a certain number of figures made up of 5 towns - cylindrical columns of birch, linden, and beech. the main task— spend as few throws as possible to knock out 15 pieces. Whoever used fewer attempts at the end of three rounds won.

The dimensions of the site (“city”) are 2x2 m; distance from the throwing point: far ("con") - 13 m, near ("half con") - 6.5 m; the length of the towns is 20 cm, their diameter is 4.5-5 cm; the length of the bat is no more than 1 m. The pieces are knocked out from the “kon”, but if at least one town is knocked out from the figure, the rest are knocked out from the “half-kon”. But the “letter” only gets off the mark. A town is considered knocked out if it completely goes beyond the lines of the square or mustache. Towns that have rolled out beyond the front (front) line of the square or within the borders of the mustache are considered not knocked out. The “mark” in the “letter” is considered knocked out if neither it nor the bit touched other towns.

The throw is considered lost if:
the bat touches the foul line or the ground in front of it;
the player at the moment of the throw stepped or stepped beyond the line of the stake (half-con);
during the throw, the player stepped over the side bar with his foot;
the player spent longer time(30 sec) to prepare for the throw.

In these cases, all towns are placed in their original places; repeating the blow is not allowed.

The town game consists of 15 pieces:

In this sequence they are knocked out.

Gorodoshnik competitions can be personal - between two athletes, as well as team ones. Before the match, a draw is held for who will be the first to enter the game. After all the gorodoshniks hit two beats, the other team starts. After the end of the game, the other team gets the right to start the next one. The team that wins two games in a row wins the match. If the score is equal, a third match is scheduled. At major competitions, a match usually consists of three games. The winner is the one who spent the least number of bits on knocking out pieces.

For the game, a flat area is selected on any surface - on asphalt, on the ground, on the lawn - and markings are made.

You can play towns alone, one-on-one, or team-on-team. Each team must have at least 5 players, and there may also be a reserve player on the team. When the first team finishes its throws (each player in turn can throw only two bats), the second team begins to knock out its pieces, and so on.

In each game, from 5 to 15 pieces can be played, the pieces are placed sequentially one after another in the order established by the players. During the game, by agreement, you can change or clarify the conditions and rules of the game, simplifying or complicating it.

All pieces, except the 15th, are built in the middle of the front line.

This game is on fresh air presupposes accurate calculation, perseverance, the ability to choose the right strategy, develops accuracy and endurance, and is conducive to pleasant communication... No, this is not the ancient pastime of Scottish shepherds, who, out of boredom, drove stones into rabbit holes with staffs, but now the sport of aristocrats - golf. These are our traditional TOWNS!

When they say that this game is only about ninety years old, they mean urban sport. In 1923, the first All-Union competitions were held in Moscow. And without uniform written rules with arbitrary “cities”, “kons”, “half-kons” and the size of the bat in Rus', ruffles - that’s what the wooden cylindrical chocks were called - were having fun for a long time. Mention of the towns can be found both in fairy tales and in official historical documents. And the game could be called “chukhami”, and “chushka”, and “wooden dough”. Rumor has it that Peter I, Generalissimos Suvorov and Stalin, the leader of the proletariat Lenin, writers Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky, academician Ivan Pavlov, Opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin and test pilot Valery Chkalov.

The essence modern game consists of throwing a bat to alternately knock out from the site - the city (hence the name) - a certain number of different figures made up of five cylindrical columns of birch, linden or beech. And to knock out fifteen pieces you need to spend as few throws as possible. The winner is determined based on the results of three rounds. The main gorodshka tool is made of strong wood - oak, dogwood, hawthorn. The length of the bat should be no more than 1 m, weight 1.5-2 kg. The length of the towns is 20 cm, and the diameter is 4-5 cm.

Since 1936, individual and team championships have been regularly held in the USSR. They began to play gorodki everywhere - gorodki playgrounds were installed in stadiums, parks, rest homes, boarding houses and pioneer camps.

Today the traditions of the game are preserved International Federation Gorodoshnogo Sports, which unites athletes from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

By the way, Scandinavians have their own variations of towns. Kyykka- ancient game, the twin sister of the Slavic ryuhs, was once very loved in Karelia, Finland and Estonia. In it, as in the Old Russian version, two platforms are used at once. And not five, but twenty towns are installed. The ancient game Kubb is still quite popular in Sweden. This type of city fun also has an intricate plot, and wooden blocks among the Swedes different shapes and are called "Vikings" and "King".

Child preschool age incapable of long periods of studying at a desk. The principle of frequent changes of activity dictates the alternation of sedentary work with physical activity. The child experiences a constant need to move. As the famous song says: “He must run and jump...”.

Characteristics of outdoor games for preschoolers

The rapid penetration of gadgets and tools into our lives mass media also affects the development of children. There is a decrease in motivation for outdoor games in older preschoolers (5–7 years old). Of course, kindergartens and centers regularly conduct classes on physical culture And sports holidays. But on weekends and during vacations, children are less likely to feel the desire to play hopscotch, rubber band, and Cossack robbers. Games in mobile devices They are addictive and offer online communication with other guys.

Games on mobile devices draw children's attention away from noisy fun in the yard and live communication with peers

Particular attention in educational process is devoted to teaching children outdoor games. This game form combines an entertaining element with clear rules aimed at developing physical qualities. The goals of outdoor games are to increase motor activity and enrich the gaming experience of preschoolers. Recent studies show that today's children do not move enough during the day. They don’t walk much in the fresh air due to decreased interest in outdoor games with peers. The teacher must teach children games that are available to them for independent organization, as well as motivate them for active entertainment.

In the game, children improve motor skills, have fun and communicate

The reason for decreased interest in outdoor games is often poor gaming experience. Children know several simple games. Soon they get tired of playing the same thing. It is difficult for children to come up with rules for such a game on their own.

When my children and I arrived at the dacha last year, for the first week they spent the first week with friends somewhere outside the site. They showed up at home only to have a snack or take a new attribute: a ball, jump ropes, ribbons, a hoop. And then one of the older guys took a tablet outside, and the whole company sat down on a bench. To the question: “Why don’t you play dodgeball now?”, they answered: “We played dodgeball so many times, I’m tired of it.” Then we began to learn new types of ball games together.

Teaching new rules returns children's interest in playing in the yard

Table: tasks and methods of teaching outdoor games

Age group Tasks Teaching Techniques
First and second youngest (1.5–4 years)
  • Development of gross motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • Development of attention.
  • Formation of the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.
  • For younger preschoolers games with a simple plot and characters familiar to children are selected.
  • Participants perform the same movements.
  • One leading role stands out in the games; it is first performed by an adult, then each of the pupils learns it.
  • The teacher or physical education instructor is the play partner.
  • Games can be accompanied by simple songs or rhymes. If one of the children is silent, you should not focus on this during the game, but learn the text with the child later, in an individual lesson.
Medium (4–5 years)
  • Development of motor skills.
  • Development of attentiveness, dexterity, endurance, eye.
  • Formation of correlating verbal instructions with game action.
  • Fostering a sense of camaraderie.
  • Games with multiple roles are included. At the beginning of the school year, the teacher distributes roles and appoints the child who will cope with the task of the game as the leader. From the second half of the year, the children assign roles independently using counting rhymes.
  • Children begin to interact with each other. Therefore, in games, the teacher pays attention to the moments when it is necessary to support a classmate, help, act in concert, at the same pace or manner.
  • Making games familiar to children more difficult.
Senior and preparatory (5–7 years old)
  • Formation of verbal-logical memory: the ability to remember verbal instructions of games and reproduce them for other children.
  • Developing the ability to act in a team.
  • Fostering a competitive spirit.
  • Development of expressive performance of movements, artistry.
  • Nurturing self-organization.
  • The gaming experience of older preschoolers is expanding big amount games in which there is no plot or roles: games for speed, endurance, agility, with a ball, jump ropes, etc.
  • Conducting collective competitions.
  • The teacher gives instructions for the game briefly and clearly, but emotionally.
  • To explain the execution of a complex movement, the teacher demonstrates it to one of the children.
  • With older preschoolers, an adult participates in the game if necessary for proper organization. For example, the child did not have enough pair.
  • The teacher is an active observer of the game: he encourages, emotionally comments, and praises.
  • Most outdoor games in older groups are accompanied by text or song. When familiarizing yourself, the teacher expressively reads the entire text. When learning for children, he makes sure that the reproduction is harmonious and not a dry chant.

In the game, children learn to follow the teacher’s instructions and develop simple motor skills.

Types of outdoor games

There are several classifications of outdoor games.

According to the degree of motor activity, the following are distinguished:

  1. Plotless - games in which there are no roles, and the rules do not depend on any story (fairy-tale or everyday). That is, there is no script in the game, but it captivates children with competitiveness.

    Examples of storyless games:

    • “Find the Color” is a game for attentiveness and reaction speed: each child has a flag of a certain color in his hands, they walk around the room (area) and, at a signal, must put a flag on an object of the corresponding color, the last one is eliminated.
    • “Try to pass” is a game of dexterity: children take turns walking under a stretched cord (bar) so as not to touch it; with each pass, the obstacle is lowered.
    • “Take a Chair” is a game for reaction speed: children run around chairs (their number is 1 less than the number of participants), at a signal they sit down; those who do not have enough space are eliminated.
    • “Water Carriers” is a game of speed and agility: children are divided into two teams to determine who can quickly and accurately carry water from one barrel to another with buckets.

    The outdoor game “Take a Chair” takes place in the form of a competition: who will be the most dexterous?

  2. Story games are outdoor games played according to a script. The game simulates an everyday scene or a fairy-tale situation. Participants play roles, so story game expressiveness of movements develops.

    Examples of story games:

    • “Reel”: the teacher invites the children to become a thread, holding hands, and wind themselves on an imaginary reel.
    • “The Bear and the Bees”: children pretend to be bees, the leader pretends to be a bear, at a signal the bees fly away, the bear tries to catch them.
    • “Cat's House” is a game based on a fairy tale poem: children use game attributes to extinguish an imaginary fire.

    In the story game "Wolf and Hares" children develop motor skills and expressiveness in reproducing images

  3. Folk outdoor games reflect the ideas of ancestors about the world around them and contain folklore motifs. Since ancient times, play has been a means of all-round development of a child. Games fulfilled children's need for movement and entertainment. Folk games are divided into three groups:

In outdoor games, children are introduced to folk traditions. Folk games are one of the forms of implementing the regional-national component in education. Children get acquainted with folk heroes, perform movements to national music, learn poems and songs in their native language.

In kindergartens in different regions Russian Federation holds folk games

  • Bashkir;
  • Belarusian;
  • Buryat;
  • Kazakh;
  • Cossacks;
  • Mordovian;
  • Tatar;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Chukchi;
  • Yakut.

Photo gallery: outdoor games of the peoples of Russia

Game-competition at the Chuvash holiday Uyav in kindergarten The Bashkir game “Yurta” is a competition: who can make a yurt out of scarves the fastest? In the Mordovian game “Varakaso”, children play the roles of a stick with chickens and a kite attacking them. In the Kazakh game “Oramal”, participants throw a tied scarf to each other, and the leader catches it Children playing Cossack round dance game In the Tatar game “Skullcap,” children pass the skullcap around in a circle to the music; whoever has the headdress on, when the music stops, performs the task. The Russian folk game “Carousel” is colorful and fun, it is often played at festivities and holidays

Outdoor play is carried out in various regime moments. Games of low and medium mobility are possible between classes. Actually, the game is often part of activities: musical, educational, sports. The teacher takes into account the degree of load and the impact on emotional condition children: the game should not tire children or overstimulate them.

During walks, outdoor games are organized daily. If going outside was preceded by an energy-intensive activity (in physical education, rhythm), it is recommended to play the game in the middle or end of the activity. Traditionally, outdoor games during a walk are classified according to the natural calendar.

  • spring games: with songs, ribbons, flags, toy fruits (“Battle for the Flags”, “Zarya Zaryanitsa”, “Nimble Hares”);
  • summer games: with a rubber band, jumping ropes, crayons (“Fishermen and Little Fishes”, “Grasshoppers”, “Olympics, Mom’s Lipstick”);
  • autumn games: natural materials or imitation toys (“Falling leaves”, “Acorn in hands”, “Squirrels, cones and nuts”);
  • winter games: with sleds, skis, snowballs (“Capture of the Snow Town”, “Tag with Snowballs”, “Slalom”).

Photo gallery: outdoor games while walking

Spring games during walks are played with bright attributes, for example, with ribbons. Summer is the time to play hopscotch. In summer, girls love to play with jumping ropes. In autumn, natural materials are often used in games. In winter, you can organize a competition with ice skating. In winter, games use appropriate sports equipment, for example, hockey sticks What would winter be without snowballs?

Outdoor games- a component of leisure activities in kindergarten. Senior preschoolers conduct master classes on teaching games to their younger friends. The teacher organizes leisure activities together with parents in the yard and team games. Festive celebrations for Maslenitsa, Christmas, and Easter are not complete without folk games and dances.

Video: folk games festival

Carrying out outdoor games in kindergarten

Preparatory work begins with the teacher choosing an outdoor game in accordance with age and individual characteristics children. A routine moment or activity is determined when it is advisable to play the game. The teacher must know the rules and game text (if any), test the movements on himself, and select musical accompaniment (optional).

If the game will be held in a group room or gym, the teacher must take care of pre-ventilation and wet cleaning of the room.

Attributes or costume elements are prepared for the game. Necessary items are stored in the play or sports corner and are available to children. The teacher involves the children in preparation: asks them to bring a certain object, the required number of attributes, toys of given colors.

Table: stages of outdoor games

Stage of the game 1, 2 junior groups (1.5–4 years) Middle and older preschoolers (4–7 years old)
Gathering for the game
  • A bell rings, a pipe rings, a cheerful audio recording (for example, a march).
  • A surprise moment: a video letter, a package with attributes, the appearance of a fairy-tale hero visiting the guys.
  • Whistle signal.
  • Surprise moment.
  • Preliminary agreement on the place and time of the game.
Motivating start
  • Revealing the “surprise” from the previous stage (the collection was based on a surprise moment): watching a video message, reading a letter, studying the contents of the package, talking with a fairy-tale character, etc.
  • Emotional performance by the teacher of a poem or song on the topic of the upcoming game.
  • Examination of objects prepared for the game.
  • A short conversation on the topic of the game (discussion of the everyday situation, characters, their qualities).
  • Guessing the game from an illustration (photo) or a passage of text, if the children have played it before.
Explanation The explanation takes place directly during the game. The teacher gives a signal to change actions. He not only names each movement, but also shows it.
  • The teacher announces the name of the game: “The Cook and the Pie.”
  • Sets out the content: the cook has baked a pie and wants to serve it to you.
  • Explains the rules: the cook “kneads the dough”, the rest lead a round dance and recite a poem, run away at a signal, the cook tries to treat him to a pie (salt).
  • Asks several questions to reinforce the rules: “What does the cook do while the others are moving in a circle?”, “When to run in all directions?”
  • If the game is familiar, then after the name is announced, questions are asked about knowledge of the rules.
Distribution of roles
  • The role of the driver is the teacher.
  • When the children have repeated the game several times and have learned the rules, one of the children becomes the driver. Can be assigned by the teacher as encouragement or encouragement. Classmates choose the role based on personal qualities (“Petya is clever, he will be an excellent rat-catcher”).
  • First, the role of the driver is the teacher.
  • After getting acquainted with the game, the children choose their driver on their own - according to a counting rhyme.
  • Teams are divided into teams by lot.
A game
  • The teacher gives a signal to start the game: verbal, audio.
  • Actively monitors the progress of the game: gives hints, praises, directs the course of the game, helps to avoid conflict situations.
  • The teacher is always a participant in the game and at the same time leads.
  • Poems and songs are sung by an adult, and children echo over time.
  • The teacher participates in the game only if someone is missing a pair or one of the teams is missing a player.
Ending the game If the game began with a surprise moment, a response to it is expected in the finale: the children compose a letter orally, the teacher writes it down; the guys say goodbye to the fairy-tale character; They promise to make crafts for the return parcel.
  • Transition to a sedentary activity: finger play, listening to songs, etc.
  • Reflection stage. The children and the teacher discuss the game: what they liked or didn’t like, what difficulties arose, how the game could be made more interesting.

Video: master class on organizing and conducting outdoor games

Festival of outdoor games in kindergarten

Festivals dedicated to outdoor games are a variant of a sports festival in kindergarten. This is a kind of teacher reporting form on mastering games and at the same time entertainment for children.

It is best to spend sports holidays outdoors

Principles of organizing a sports festival:

  • choosing the optimal location: in the gym, on the territory of the kindergarten, on the sports ground of a neighboring school, in a nearby park;
  • identification of participants and guests: participation of children different ages(middle and senior groups, senior and preparatory), will parents, brothers, sisters be invited;
  • drawing up a holiday program: outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity alternate with singing, reading poetry, watching a presentation;
  • thinking through an award ceremony if competition games are planned: memorable medallions, diplomas.

Video: winter festival of outdoor games Video can’t be loaded: MADO18 Winter Festival of Outdoor Games (

Sports festivals are organized with pupils, starting from the middle group: children are invited to participate in games senior group. Outdoor games festivals should be held in different times year, so that children develop constant motivation for active recreation.

Duration of outdoor games festivals

  • IN middle group- 30–40 minutes.
  • In the senior - 40–50 minutes.
  • In the preparatory room - no more than 1 hour.

Holidays organized in the open air bring the greatest benefit to the health and hardening of children.

Festivals of Russian folk games are traditionally held during the Yuletide festivities, during Maslenitsa week, on Trinity Sunday and Ivan Kupala in the summer. It's colorful and happy holidays, by participating in which children become familiar with traditions. Pupils also take part in the “revelry” junior groups(necessarily together with parents): among folk games there are many that are suitable for the little ones. Stomping to the rhythm of a joke, dancing in circles and running away from Baba Yaga is a real delight for kids!

The festival of folk games is often held on Maslenitsa

Last summer, the head of the spiritual and moral education circle organized a festival of folk games on Trinity Sunday. A city park was chosen as the venue. Parents were involved in preparing the site for the holiday: they made a decorative fence, decorated the trees with ribbons and balloons. Unfortunately, there are no birch trees in the park, so they made a beautiful replica.

Trinity festivities began with the greeting of the guests by a beautiful maiden. The presenter told about the history of the holiday and got everyone involved in the round dance “Beryozka”.

At the festival, children and parents played “Pleten”, “Burn, Burn, Clear”, “Barynya”, “Bells”. Between the games there was a master class on weaving wreaths.

From time immemorial, Trinity festivities were during the day fun games for children and youth

Table: script for a holiday of folk outdoor games in kindergarten (fragments)
Author: O. I. Marchenko, physical education instructor

Holiday stage Content
Introductory stage, inclusion in the game situation Children enter the hall to the music. Two buffoons run out.
1st buffoon. Hello, dear guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time, we will not start the holiday without you. Today there will be games, dancing, laughter. There is enough joy for everyone.
2nd buffoon. Today is a holiday of peace and spring.
Friendship among peoples grows stronger year by year!
Perish forever the signs of war.
Let there be peace, and happiness, and freedom!
1st buffoon. Guys! We gathered today to remember the old days and play folk games. Each nation has its own traditions, its own songs, fairy tales, and games.
Look, this is a globe - a model of our Earth. There are many people with skin on our planet. different color- white, black, yellow. And they all want to live in peace. Let's build a ship, guys, and call it "Friendship." Let our ship sail across the seas and oceans in different countries.
Children build a ship from a floor constructor.
1 PI (outdoor game) 1st buffoon. And our boat is sailing from the Rossiya station. And the favorite game of Russians is “Burn, Burn Clear!”
They are playing.
2 and 3 PI The presenter points on the globe with a pointer with a boat attached to it, where the travelers' ship stops.
We make our first stop in the northern country of Norway. The nature here is very harsh. The sea crashes into the shore. Fishermen live there and go out to sea every day and catch fish. And we will play the Norwegian folk game “Net”.
They are playing.
2nd buffoon. Our boat sails on.
Here's another one northern country- Netherlands. It is small and almost entirely stands on the water. In the Netherlands it blows all the time strong winds.
Dutch game "Windows".
Guessing riddles And now our ship is heading for France - the country of forests, vineyards and fairy tales. While the ship will sail. You and I will guess what fairy tales these riddles are about (the fairy tales of Charles Perrault).
4 PI 1st buffoon. A small strait separates France from England, a country located on a large island. England has always been famous for its rainy climate and fogs. But English children, like all children in the world, love to play.
English folk game “Let everyone do as I do.”
5 and 6 PI 1st buffoon. We change course and sail south, to the shores of Africa - the large black continent. It's very hot in Africa, there are big desert Sahara. People conserve water, trying not to spill a single drop. And you and I will become water bearers.
African game "Water Carriers".
1st buffoon. And now we are sailing to the shores of Brazil. There are a lot of swamps in it.
Game "Cross the swamp".
Completion We have traveled to many countries, and there are many left that we have not visited, but it is time for us to return to Russia. There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.
Children read poems about the Motherland.
In every country we visited, we played children's favorite games. Guys, what is the name of the region in which we live?
Children. Krasnodar. Kuban.
Let's play the Kuban game "Topolek".
Parting 2nd buffoon. Well done to us guys!
Strong, skillful, friendly and brave!
1st buffoon. It’s true, friends, it’s good on the planet,
When children are the masters of the planet!
Let's protect anyone from adversity
A large and trusting blue ball!
Source Pedkopilka

During this festival, children get acquainted with the features of various countries. The advantage of the above scenario is its subject integration. The event synthesizes elements of the areas " Physical development"(games), "Cognition" ( geographical information), “Artistic and aesthetic” (appeal to poems, fairy tales). The finale of the holiday is dedicated to Krasnodar region what brings up children reverent attitude to the small homeland.

Make it a rule: a festive event (sports, musical, educational) is implemented within the framework of the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard - the education of a comprehensively developed personality. Various forms of active leisure are fun and beneficial for children.

On festive events children relax, communicate and learn something new

Outdoor games contribute to the harmonious development of preschool children. In games and competitions, physical health is strengthened and strong-willed qualities are strengthened: determination, endurance, perseverance, and a sense of justice. The proverb says: “A man is known in trouble, but a child is known in play.” The experience of outdoor games should be constantly enriched with new versions of familiar games and folk traditions.

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Outdoor game "WALK FAST!”

At one end of the court, the players line up in one line. At the other end, the driver stands with his back to the players, facing the wall. He covers his face with his hands and says:

Walk quickly! Be careful not to yawn! Stop!

While the driver says these words, all the players try to get closer to him as quickly as possible. But with the command “Stop!” they must immediately stop and freeze in place, and the driver quickly looks back. If he notices that one of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least one movement, the driver sends him back beyond the starting line. After this, the driver again stands against the wall and says the same words.

This continues until one of the players manages to get closer to the driver so as to be able to stain him before he has time to look back. After this, all the players run beyond their line, the driver chases after them and tries to tarnish someone. The stained one becomes a driver.

Outdoor game "WICKER"

The players are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines, one opposite the other, at a distance of 10-15 steps.

The leader shows the guys how to build a fence. To do this, you need to cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left-right hand of the neighbor on the right.

When the guys understand this, both ranks, with their hands down, move towards each other with the words:

One two three four.

We read and count

We dream of flying to the moon...

Repeating the same words, the ranks return. The manager blows the whistle. The guys scatter, form one common circle in the middle of the site and dance merrily to the music. At the second whistle, they must return to their places, form lines and interlace their hands, forming a fence.
