Is the spider web mushroom edible? Yellow cobweb

People call cobweb mushrooms that are found in different types forests Some adherents healthy image life eat the fruiting bodies raw, and they are also tasty when salted. Distinctive feature These representatives of the natural kingdom have a kind of white “veil” located on the lower part of the cap and descending onto the stem.

People call cobweb mushrooms that are found in different types of forests

Scientists have identified mushrooms belonging to the Pautinnikov family in the order Agaricaceae. Popularly, the described representatives of the natural kingdom are called marshlanders, and you can recognize them in the forest by the characteristic cobwebby formation in the lower part of the fruiting body.

The shape of the cap varies from hemispherical to conical, and both smooth and fibrous specimens are found. The color of mushrooms can vary and fades with age. The flesh of the cap can be fleshy or, on the contrary, thin; the color of the fruiting body on the cut may change. The stem of the mushroom is club-shaped, less often cylindrical and with a tuberous thickening at the bottom; there is always a remnant of the “veil” on it. It is curious that it is clearly visible only in young specimens; the old fruiting bodies, the described part remains in the form of a coating.

Triumphal cobweb (video)

Edible and poisonous species of spider webs

When going into the forest, do not forget that some types of spider webs are unsuitable for consumption. Let's consider the varieties of representatives of the kingdom that are often found in nature.

Common spiderwort

The cap of this mushroom is small, its diameter rarely exceeds 5 cm. In young fruiting bodies it is hemispherical, then with age top part becomes spread out and convex. The color of the common spider web varies from pale yellow to brown, the plates are weak and frequent. The cobwebby tissue is mucous, its color is lighter than other parts of such a mushroom. The cylindrical leg is slightly expanded, its structure is dense and continuous. The flesh of this species is whitish and sometimes has a slight unpleasant odor.

The common spiderwort is considered inedible mushroom and collecting it is not recommended.

Scaly cobweb

You can recognize such a mushroom by its cap, decorated with many dark brown scales, and the upper part of the fruiting body is crowned with a small tubercle. The olive or ocher color makes the described species stand out among other representatives of the kingdom, and the cobwebby tissue has a light brown color and is always noticeable. The length of the leg reaches 5 cm or more, it is solid and hollow, with loose pulp. Sometimes you can detect a faint musty smell coming from the mushrooms.

The scaly cobweb is an edible mushroom; it is better to use it fresh and boil or pickle. Mushroom caps are edible.

Scaly cobweb

Goat's web

The described mushroom is popularly called stinking or goat mushroom, since it emits an unpleasant odor and is therefore inedible. At the same time, its cap is quite large, reaching more than 10 cm in diameter, and its shape is regular and round with rolled edges. The color of the young fruiting body is violet-gray; with age, the mushrooms become bluish. The pulp is very dense, the leg of the goat webwort is short and thick, has a massive tuberous thickening at the bottom and is covered with the remains of arachnoid tissue.

This swamp plant stands out among other mushrooms for its bright color- hemispherical caps of orange-yellow color are noticeable in the forest; with age, their shape becomes cushion-shaped and prostrate. The flesh of the fruiting body is thick, soft, and exudes a pleasant aroma, which is not typical for cobwebs. The plates of young specimens are narrow and frequent; they are almost completely covered with cobwebby tissue.

The leg of this web spider is high, its length reaches 10 cm. Triumphal marsh grass does not contain harmful substances, therefore, young fruiting bodies have a pleasant taste.

Triumphal cobweb (yellow)

Gossamer violet

A bright and memorable mushroom is listed in the Red Book and is edible, but it is best to refrain from collecting it. The cap of such a web spider is cushion-shaped, convex, with age it becomes flat and overgrown with tiny scales. The plates are wide, rich purple in color. The flesh is bluish, without a special odor, and the stem of the mushroom is dark purple in color and has a thickening at the base.

The most beautiful cobweb

The small orange-ocher cobweb, the cap of which has a sharp tubercle, is a deadly poisonous mushroom and therefore cannot be collected. Old specimens turn rusty brown, their stem grows up to 12 cm and becomes dense with remnants of arachnoid tissue. The plates of the mushroom are sparse, the pulp has no distinct odor. People also call it reddish, or very special.

The most beautiful cobweb

The web spider is excellent

This mushroom has a lamellar fruiting body; remnants of arachnoid tissue are visible on its surface. The diameter of the cap sometimes reaches 15 cm or more; as it matures, it becomes flat and even depressed. Immature specimens are colored purple, and in ripe ones the upper part is wine or red-brown.

The thick leg of the superb cobweb reaches 10 cm in height, its flesh is light, darkens over time. The mushroom is edible Suitable for consumption when salted or pickled, the fruiting bodies can also be dried.

Bracelet web plant

You can recognize such a mushroom by its neat hemispherical cap, its diameter gradually reaches 12 cm or more. With age, the upper part of the fruiting body opens, its surface is dry. The color of the forest products varies from orange to red-brown, and dark fibers are also present.

On a high stalk, slightly widened towards the base, there are remnants of arachnoid tissue of a reddish hue, by which mushroom pickers identify the bracelet cobweb. It is considered non-poisonous, but is not eaten.

Bracelet web plant

White-violet cobweb

The cap, with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm, has a rounded bell-shaped shape, atypical for other types of spider webs. In damp weather, the mushroom becomes sticky, its color varies from silver to lilac-gray, and with age, the fruiting bodies fade and lose part of the cobweb tissue.

The stalk of the white-violet spiderwort is mucous and thick. Unlike similar mushroom, called goat, this gift of the forest does not have a pungent odor, however, It is considered a low quality product and is not collected by mushroom pickers.

Places of growth and fruiting season of the spider web mushroom

You can meet cobwebs not only in deciduous and mixed, but also in coniferous forests, where these mushrooms choose damp places. Fruiting bodies grow singly or in small groups, they are capable of forming mycorrhiza with birches and other trees, and you can also see the described species among mosses.

Spider webs are widespread throughout Europe; in Russia, people start collecting such mushrooms in May, the mushroom produces good harvest until the end of September.

Gallery: spider web mushroom (45 photos)

Recipes for making edible spider webs

Not all species of swampweeds are dangerous to humans, but it is important to be able to distinguish between edible specimens. For example, the excellent spider web is noble mushroom, which is why it is recommended to fry it and serve it with any side dish. To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • mushrooms (500 g);
  • wheat flour (4 large spoons);
  • sunflower oil (3 large spoons);
  • greens to taste.

Pre-boil fresh fruit bodies for 15 minutes, draining the water repeatedly. Next, cut them into small slices, fry in a frying pan until half cooked, mix with flour and continue to simmer the cobwebs for a few more minutes. It is recommended to eat this dish hot.

White-violet cobweb

Triumphant mushroom pickers collect cobwebs in order to pickle them. Take the following ingredients before you start cooking:

  • boiled mushrooms (1 kg);
  • black peppercorns (10 pcs.);
  • bay leaf (3 pcs.);
  • garlic (4 cloves);
  • table vinegar (4 large spoons);
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Boil water, then add all the spices for the marinade and the prepared cobwebs to the liquid. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, then pour the product into sterilized jars, season with vinegar and close the lids tightly.

How to recognize the lazy web spider (video)

Collect mushrooms carefully and never take suspicious specimens, because they can be poisonous. Gather people you know well and known species cobwebs that are suitable for human consumption.

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Abundant scatterings of strong, fine, golden-sunny mushrooms seem to beckon you to approach them. Everyone loves the yellow spider web: it is charming in appearance, it is easy and pleasant to collect, dishes and preparations made from it are highly valued even by the most demanding gourmets. For all these qualities, almost all mushroom pickers love him.

Yellow cobweb (Cortinarus triumphans), also known as triumphal cobweb, triumphal cobweb, yellow cobweb, is a mushroom belonging to the genus Cortinarius of the Cortinariaceae family. If a number of foreign sources classify it as inedible, then domestic researchers not only classify the yellow spider web as conditionally edible, but also consider it the most delicious representative Cortinarius.

The mushroom looks like this:

  • the cap is initially hemispherical in shape, then becomes convex-spread, colored in yellow-brown or orange tones, its surface is oily, with remnants of a cobwebby cover along the edges;
  • the pulp is fleshy, yellow-cream in color, with a bitter taste and a subtle mushroom smell;
  • the plates are frequent, adherent, with gray bluish tint in young mushrooms and beige-brown in old ones;
  • spores are elliptical, rusty-brown in color;
  • At the beginning of the growth of the fruiting body, the stalk is greatly expanded at the base (tuber-shaped), then cylindrical, 1.5-2 cm thick, reaches a length of up to 15 cm, dense, pale yellow, with brighter ring-shaped scaly belts - the remains of the spathe.

Distribution and fruiting season

The yellow spider web is widely but locally distributed on the Eurasian continent, living on the calcareous clay soil of mixed and deciduous forests. You can also find it on the moist fertile soils of landscape gardens or the outskirts of swamps.

Mycorrhiza yellow cobweb is formed in association with birch. Small families and single specimens are found as early as August, and fruiting continues until October.

Similar species and how to distinguish

The outlines and proportions of the fruiting body are most similar to representatives of its species, with the following characteristic differences:

  • Cortinarius cliduchus – darker color of the cap, it prefers alkaline soils, its symbionts are hardwood trees;
  • Cortinarius olidus – does not form mycorrhiza with birch, its cap is darker, the spathe is colored brownish-olive;
  • Cortinarius anserinus (goose) – inedible, its smell is reminiscent of plum.

Among the spider webs there are also poisonous species, but they can be easily distinguished from the marsh grass by their unpleasant odor, bright color of the stem, and more elongated proportions of the fruiting bodies.

Primary processing and preparation

The triumphant cobweb exhibits its taste best in marinades and soups. And even when preserved, these mushrooms retain their appetizing, attractive appearance, remaining light and dense.

Mushrooms brought from the forest must be cleaned of debris, ensure that there are no wormholes, remove any remaining soil, rinse and boil, draining the water twice, to remove bitterness.

But no matter how desirable the prospect of collecting an excellent harvest of triumphal spider webs, it should be remembered that this is a rare species, in a number of regions of Russia it is listed in the Red Book and it must be treated with care, preserving the mycelium as much as possible for the next season of “quiet hunting”.

Yellow cobweb belongs to the Cobweb family. This is a lamellar mushroom.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Cortinarius triumphans.

It is also called yellow marshweed and triumphal cobweb. It is considered a conditionally edible mushroom.

The young web spider has a hemispherical cap, while its lower part is covered with a whitish film. Later, the cap opens and takes on a convex-flat shape, and the edges become wavy. Its diameter can reach up to 2 centimeters. The color of the cap is bright yellow, the edges are lighter than the center.

Under the cap of the yellow marshweed there are wide plates. They are located frequently. The edges of the plates are uneven. At first the color of the plates is pale yellow, and over time they acquire an ocher color.

The pulp of the triumphal cobweb is fleshy, thick, dense. The color of the pulp is off-white. The pulp of yellow marsh grass has a pleasant mushroom aroma.

The leg is thick. When young, its shape is tuberous, later it becomes cylindrical with a wider base. Under the cap there is a fibrous ring on the stem, and closer to the base there are several more rings yellow color. The surface of the leg is dry.

Places of growth of triumphal cobwebs and their fruiting time

In our forests, cobwebs of this type are observed quite often, and they grow abundantly. Often, triumphal cobwebs can be found in birch and conifer forests. There is a small chance of seeing the mushroom at the edge of the forest, near lakes and swamps. This representative of the mushroom kingdom prefers bright places. Fruiting bodies can be found among forest litter or grass.

The first fruiting bodies of yellow spider webs appear in early August, and can be seen until October. These marshlands bear fruit en masse in September, when the black milk mushrooms are growing. If there are a large number of black milk mushrooms in the forest, then yellow cobwebs will definitely grow nearby.

How to recognize spider webs

About 40 species of spider webs grow in our forests. Almost all species are edible, but there may also be poisonous ones. The web spider differs in that in at a young age It has a film between the stem and the edge of the cap. Over time, the film separates into thin threads, similar to a spider's web. In mature mushrooms, the web disappears.

Young spider webs have a strong similarity, so determining their edibility is not easy; only experienced mushroom pickers can do this. And beginners are advised not to collect questionable or unknown mushrooms.

Taste qualities of yellow marshweed

In our country, yellow marsh mushrooms are considered quite edible mushrooms. But mushroom pickers do not collect yellow cobwebs too often, since they bear fruit simultaneously with more delicious mushrooms. When boletus mushrooms and milk mushrooms begin to appear, mushroom pickers do not pay any attention to the marsh plants.

In the West, triumphal spiderworts are classified as inedible species. But our connoisseurs of mushroom hunting successfully salt, boil and dry them. Special nutritional value This type of mushroom does not have.

Poisonous counterparts of the triumphal webweed

Triumphal cobwebs do not have poisonous counterparts, but they should only be collected by experienced mushroom pickers who understand what they are putting in the basket.

Related species of yellow webweed

The edible cobweb is edible, as indicated by its name. It is also called fatty. His hat is dense, fleshy with edges rolled inward, which later open up. The surface of the cap is moist, smooth, white-gray in color. The pulp is fleshy, dense, white. The taste and smell of the pulp are pleasant.

Edible cobwebs grow from September to October. They can be found in the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus. The habitats of these mushrooms are coniferous forests.

Red-olive cobweb is a conditionally edible mushroom. The cap is first spherical in shape, later it becomes spread out. The surface of the cap is mucous. The middle of the cap is lilac-purple in color, and the edges are bright purple. The leg is also purple. The pulp is very bitter. The shade of the flesh is olive green or pale purple.

Red-olive cobwebs grow in broad-leaved and mixed forests. They can form mycorrhizae with deciduous trees. Red-olive spider webs are found in large groups. They are mainly found under oaks, beeches and hornbeams. Their favorite places to grow are regions with warm climates and calcareous soils.

Have you heard of such a mushroom as cobweb? And it turns out that it is deadly poisonous! Detailed information you will find in the article.

The most beautiful cobweb - a deadly poisonous mushroom

A photo of the mushroom in question is presented to your attention in the article. The most beautiful cobweb (reddish) - is of the genus Cobweb, family Cobweb family. People also call it the marsh plant. They should not be eaten either raw or cooked, because the toxins they contain can cause kidney failure. This genus consists of at least 40 species. Some are considered poisonous, some are edible, and some are considered edible. By external signs These mushrooms are quite similar, which is why they are often confused. This suggests that it is better not to collect them without proper knowledge about cobwebs and mushrooms in general. And in order to decide to eat such a mushroom, you need to be 100% sure what type of spider web you found.

Until the 1950s, it was believed that these mushrooms could be eaten. And only as a result large quantity After incidents of poisoning with orange-red cobwebs and later with beautiful cobwebs were registered in 1957, it was decided to classify these mushrooms as deadly poisonous. These two species are the most toxic.


The width of the cap ranges from 4 to 9 cm, starting from a conical shape, flowing into a flat, prostrate shape, with a tubercle in the center. The outer layer is dry, matte with a velvety and fibrous structure. The color is reddish-orange or reddish-brown, the central part is darker. Does not increase in size upon contact with water.

The plates are planted infrequently, they are wide and thick. At first the color matches the cap, then changes to reddish-brown. Young mushrooms have a cobweb-like cover of yellow-ocher color.

The leg is cylindrical, increasing or tapering at the base, while its length is 60-100 mm and thickness 4-10 mm. On the fibrous coating you can find curved bands of a barely yellow tint.

The pulp is light orange or yellow-brown in color with a bad odor.

The spore trail is reddish-brown in color. Their dimensions are 8-8.5 microns, their shape is wide elliptical or almost spherical, with a warty outer layer. Cheilocystids are practically never found.

Where does it grow

The most beautiful spider web - deadly poisonous mushroom, which is found in numerous regions in Europe. In our areas they grow in the central regions, as well as in the northern part. You can see such mushrooms in mountainous areas, on the slopes of hills. They are quite rare.

How it grows

This mushroom grows most often in oak and old coniferous forests, where light sandy soil is common. Raw spruce forests with green sphagnum mosses are also favorable for growth.

Toxic spores can be dispersed to other areas by air flow and tactile contact. Mycorrhiza forms with spruce.

Fruits from July until the first frost occurs. Near clusters of the most beautiful spiderwort you can find others of this genus.

The most beautiful cobweb - a deadly poisonous mushroom: types

In our territories you can find up to 40 species of mushrooms of this genus, and only 2 of them are edible. Some of them are so dangerous that they are equated to The vast majority of mushrooms are simply inedible.

Only specialists can find the difference among all these types, which means that it is better to avoid them.

Similar species

Mountain cobweb is another poisonous mushroom, the consumption of which can be fatal. The width of its cap is 30-80 mm, at first it is convex, and when the mushroom ages, its shape becomes flat, with a flat tubercle located in the central part. The outer layer is dry. The color varies from yellow-brown to reddish-brown. The height of the leg is 40-90 mm, and its width is 10-20 mm. It's narrower at the bottom. The surface of the cap and stem is fibrous.

Edible cobweb is a type of mushroom that can be eaten. His middle name is fatty. Its 50-80 mm cap has a dense, fleshy structure with edges turned toward the ground. With the flow life cycle, it takes on a flat, slightly depressed shape. Its color is grayish-white and its surface is moist. The leg has a height of 20-30 mm and a width of 15-20 mm, it is dense, without bends.

Slime cobweb - conditionally edible mushroom. It should not be confused with the mucous cobweb. The hat has a diameter of 100-120 mm. At first it has a bell-shaped shape, which over time becomes flat with a curved edge. The color of the cap varies between yellowish, brown and brown. The entire mushroom is covered with mucus. The leg reaches 200 mm in length, it resembles a spindle. Its color is white, with a bluish tint. On the stem you can find particles in the form of lumps and rings.

There is another one similar deadly poisonous species- brilliant spider web. It is quite rare. It is very easy to recognize by its bright yellow cap covered with mucus. Found in coniferous forests.

The most beautiful cobweb (deadly poisonous mushroom, similar species which were presented to your attention above) can also be confused with some edible mushrooms. These are purple hygrophorus, camphor milkweed and a species of honey fungus - armillaria glubnieva. The main difference between the poisonous mushroom and the honey fungus is the presence of ocher belts and red plates on its stem - in the honey mushroom they are white or light yellow.


What else is known about such a mushroom as the beautiful cobweb? Deadly poisonous which includes the following basic data:

  • Overkingdom - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Mushrooms.
  • Sub-kingdom - Higher mushrooms.
  • Department - Basidiomycetes.
  • Subsection - Agaricomycotina.
  • Class - Agaricomycetes.
  • Subclass - Agariaceae.
  • Family - Cobwebs.
  • Rod - Cobweb.
  • Subgenus - Leprocybe.
  • View - The most beautiful spider web.
  • World scientific name: Cortinarius rubellus Cooke.

Toxic substances

The most beautiful cobweb is a rare, deadly poisonous mushroom that contains a very strong toxin, a complex polypeptide - orellan. It does not lose its toxic properties after processing high temperatures, placing it in a different acidic environment and drying it. Toxicity is greatly reduced only under the influence of ultraviolet and solar radiation. This mushroom contains 7.5 mg of orellanine for every 1 g of dried mushrooms.

Experts believe that in addition to orellanine, mushrooms contain two additional polypeptides - cortinarine A and B, which determine the totality of manifestations in the form of patient complaints. The combined presence of these 3 components was revealed only in 2 species of mushrooms of this family: the beautiful cobweb (reddish) and the orange-red.

Main symptoms and how quickly they appear

Thanks to a large number of studies, it has been determined that the main organ that affects orellanin is the kidneys. Due to its combined effects with metabolites, free radicals arise in the epithelial cells of the kidneys, destruction of cell membranes occurs, suppression of alkaline phosphatase and protein production, as well as damage to the structure of RNA and DNA.

Even a small amount of the product can cause harm to the body. 40 g of freshly picked mushrooms consumed as food can lead to death. That is why, to save your life, it is recommended not to pay attention to the brown-red cobwebs, and not to collect suspicious mushrooms at all.

The clinical picture of orellan syndrome largely depends on personal susceptibility to the toxin. In case of spider web poisoning, there are four stages of the disease.

The particular danger of orellanine poisoning is that symptoms as a result of its entry into the body can appear only after a long time, when it is already too late, and everyone will happily forget about eating mushrooms. There are cases when symptoms appear after 7-14 days. During poisoning, the patient may experience nausea, a huge need to drink, a feeling of dryness and burning in the oral cavity, vomiting and pain in the abdominal area may occur. This condition can last from 1 to 2 weeks. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, death is possible. In special cases, when the patient’s condition is very serious, death can occur even 5 months after consuming the poisonous mushroom.

In the case of a short lethal stage, within 2-3 days, acute renal failure is formed with a prolonged oligoanuric stage. Children and the elderly suffer the most from the disease.

If nephropathy persists for quite a long time, then in 30-50% of cases it will be followed by the formation chronic form renal failure.

Violet cobweb (Latin name – Cortinarius Violaceus) is an edible mushroom of extraordinary beauty. Quite often it can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests. This plant is listed in the Red Book Russian Federation, since this is very rare view mushrooms

The cobweb belongs to the Lepista genus, to the Buttercup family. The following characteristics will present all the features of this plant.

Edibility: conditionally edible.


Purple webweed, or sometimes called violet webweed, is a decoration of any forest. Despite the fact that it is conditionally edible, it is not recommended to collect it due to its uniqueness. Behind mushroom season it can only be encountered once. Every year its number decreases.

The mushroom cap can reach 15 cm in diameter. It can be hemispherical or flat. There is a bump in the center. The young mushroom has a purple cap. In rare cases, its color may be red. It may fade over time. There are wide plates in the lower part.

The flesh at the break has a blue tint, and the smell of the mushroom is almost not noticeable. The pulp is quite fragile and easy to break in your hands.

The stem of the mushroom is long and pleasant to the touch. The same can be said about armor. A thickening can be seen towards the base. During maturation, the stem may become tubular. The outer layer of the mushroom is purple in color.

Where do they grow?

Often purple web spider can be found in damp birch forests. It can appear under spruce and pine trees. Single specimens are the most popular, but groups of cobwebs are also rare.

Types of webweed

There are many varieties of spider webs. The following are the most common of them:

White and purple spider web. This cap mushroom belongs to the group of lamellar mushrooms. Its cap can reach 12 cm in diameter, and its edges are connected to the stem using a cobwebby blanket. The pulp of the mushroom can be brown or light brown. It has a pleasant taste and smell.

Scaly cobweb. Its cap can be about 10 cm in diameter, it is convex or flat. In wet weather it is slimy and shiny.

Yellow cobweb. The most common representative of cobwebs, it is sometimes called yellow or triumphal marshweed.

Beneficial features

Cobweb contains many vitamins. It contains B1 and B2, zinc, copper, manganese. This mushroom is characterized by stearic acid and ergosterol.
The medicinal properties of this plant are noted by many pharmacists. This conditionally edible mushroom is used in the manufacture of fungal remedies and antibiotics. It can lower glucose levels. It can also be used to create drugs that control hypoglycemia.
Cobweb has anti-inflammatory properties, it perfectly supports the activity of the immune system. Due to the large amount of vitamins, it helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it also protects the body from infections and prevents overwork and fatigue.


If you take into account how many benefits this mushroom carries, you can understand that the contraindications here are insignificant. Some edible mushrooms may be confused with inedible. The threat is posed by cobwebs that were collected near the road. They managed to absorb everything toxic substances. Such mushrooms are contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

How to make pickling from purple spider webs?

To pickle such a mushroom, it must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of contaminated areas. Then they are boiled in salted water. The water needs to be drained and then you can proceed to pickling the mushrooms.

You need to marinate them with vinegar, sunflower oil, salt and pepper. The mushrooms need to be immersed in a saucepan, add the listed ingredients and put on low heat. Spider mushrooms will release a liquid in which salting will occur. Then they can be placed in jars and stored for no more than 12 months in a cool place.
