Libra talismans. Which tree matches your zodiac sign?

Everyone knows that each sign of the zodiac circle has several types of different talismans, for example, stones, metals, flowers and other symbols. Any of these elements has its own influence on a particular sign, and for one it can be a positive effect, and for another it can be negative. But it is important to know that each person has his own natural patron- tree according to zodiac sign.

general characteristics

For any representative of the zodiac circle, there are several such patrons in nature. And it is the person himself who decides which representative of the flora is closer to him or which grows in his place of residence. The right tree according to your zodiac sign can perform many functions, such as protection, giving peace, replenishing energy and even restoring health. Many types of trees are so-called donors, because they are capable of accumulating cosmic energy in very large quantities. However, if the patron is chosen illiterately, such a tree may not only fail to provide the necessary life-giving energy, but also take away what is already available. Although in some cases such “vampires” can be useful, taking away negative and waste energy. The most important thing is to know your patrons for sure and not make a mistake in finding a protector. In addition to direct contact with a living plant beneficial properties They may also have products and amulets made from certain breeds.

Spring signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

Who has the most diverse set of tree patrons is Pisces - the zodiac sign whose tree must bear fruit to achieve maximum effect"communication" with him. Mid-summer is best for these purposes. Viburnum, honeysuckle, yew and larch are Pisces' best friends. Fruits from patron trees have special significance for this sign. But aspen will take away all the negative energy, but you should be careful with it.

In order to restore vitality as much as possible and replenish the energy balance, Aries needs to “communicate” with trees in the summer. Conifers- these are definitely their faithful allies, especially spruce and pine. In addition to them, it is worth paying attention to alder, linden, and oak. It is desirable that the trees have a well-developed crown, and it is better to choose the specimen that stands apart, away from the rest.

Taurus has a rather unique patron tree. Poplar cleanses a person’s energy field very well, but one must communicate with it with caution, because it can also take away the necessary energy. Taurus men prefer to choose chestnut, but women prefer walnut. Other trees of the sign are rowan and oak.

Summer signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo

The tree of the zodiac sign Gemini is primarily a fruit tree, mainly an apple or pear tree during their flowering period. But maple can become a faithful assistant in the prevention of various diseases, but it is best to turn to your Gemini trees at the end of summer.

When choosing a tree according to your zodiac sign, Cancer needs to pay attention to alder, willow and elm, which work as filters of energy flows. They are especially effective in recent months spring and summer.

Elm is also the main tree of the zodiac sign Leo. Cypress has protective and healing properties, but Leo men must interact with oak.

Autumn signs: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

The practical Virgo is not always spiritually stable, so her faithful patrons will be alder and hazel, as well as fruit trees: plum and apple trees, especially when their fruits ripen. July, August, as well as October are the best times for Virgo to contact her tree.

For Libra, the main tree according to their zodiac sign is birch, a true healer body and soul for people born under this constellation. Linden will also heal and relieve fatigue, but you can also pay attention to maple and rowan.

Scorpions are favored not only by tall and tall chestnut and pine trees, but also by bushes - rose hips and hawthorn. Spruce and rowan are also great for Scorpio for “communication,” for which the ideal time would be early spring, when the buds have just begun to swell.

Winter signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

In March, August and October, Sagittarius should definitely turn to any of their two main talisman trees: cedar or hornbeam, which protect and restore the spiritual strength of this sign.

Those born under the sign of Capricorn have three strong patrons who have powerful healing properties. These are fir, beech and birch. It is best to contact them when the first snow has just melted, or in late summer, when the harvest is in full swing.

Although Aquarius and Taurus have completely different elements, there is one patron tree for both. Poplar will give Aquarius an energy balance, and linden and euonymus will become a life-giving force for them. Late spring is the best time to contact these trees.

People who asked the question: “ I wonder what my tree is based on its date of birth?", will find the answer in the Druid horoscope.

Romantic and talented Druids, who deified everything they saw around them, believed that stones, trees and herbs were living beings endowed with a soul.

Feeling like a part of living nature, the Druids believed that each individual had his own tree - a talisman based on his date of birth. Knowing the date of birth of a person, the Druid priests determined his belonging to a particular plant.

The Druids believed that a person's character depended on where the Sun was in relation to the Earth on the day of his birth.

How to find your Druid tree by date of birth

The horoscope developed by the Druids consists of 22 names of trees - patrons of people. For example, Aries, born from March 22 to March 31 and Libra, whose birthday is from September 24 to October 3 – Hazelnuts.

Is Hazel your Druid tree by date of birth? You may be the epitome of ideal and the fiend of hell rolled into one, but no one will know this secret thanks to your innate ability to cover your tracks. A typical representative of this sign is Lavrenty Beria.

The oak trees, which made their first cry on March 21, are strong-willed and strong Aries (according to their zodiac sign). They are charismatic, but lack charm; they endure all the hardships of life, but are laconic. Their actions speak for these extremely responsible silent people. The personal life of the Oak man, despite his calm disposition, resembles a raging sea.

From December 22 to January 1 (Capricorn) and from June 25 to July 4 (Cancer) Apple Tree people are born. Born in the midst of the New Year's bustle or in the midst of summer, people who chose this Druid tree are lovers of holidays and vacations by date of birth, and sensitive and vulnerable in soul. Apple trees are devoted spouses and true friends.

Joan of Arc - Fir Man

Are you a Capricorn or Cancer, born from January 2 to 11 and from July 5 to 14? Your Druid tree by date of birth is Fir. Both winter and summer Fir people are somewhat similar to each other. They are so beautiful and majestic that they seem detached from the rest of the world. Among the representatives of this sign there are many scientists and analysts - narcissistic, but ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of society. A typical representative of this sign is Joan of Arc.

From January 12 to 24 (Capricorn, Pisces) and from July 15 to 25 (Cancer, Virgo) Elm people are born. They are as beautiful as this spreading tree. Despite their attractive appearance and relaxed attitude, Elms prefer to maintain a reasonable distance when communicating with other people. If the Elm person failed to occupy the chair of a manager, then he will make an excellent deputy or head of a department.

Aquarius, whose birthday falls on January 25 - February 3 and Leo, born from July 28 to August 4, patronizes Cypress. Cypress people are dreamy intellectuals who love to talk about lofty matters, while showing clarity of mind and sharp thinking. Sometimes it may seem that Cypress is too proud and acts distant towards the team, but this is not so.

Poplar people are born from February 4 to 8 (Aquarius) and from August 5 to 13 (Leo). They are completely different from trees with the same name. These vulnerable creatures seem to be woven from feelings. Classical music makes them sad, their main fear is to be alone (although noisy society is not for them either).

From February 9 to 18 (Aquarius) and from August 14 to 23 (Leo) Frames are born. People whose Druid tree by date of birth is Karthas or iron tree live their entire lives surrounded by deeply unhappy people and irreparable incidents. They end up in terrible situations all their lives. But they know how to inspire people and give hope. Able to accept quickly right decisions, and it is believed that they are always right!

From February 19 to February 28/29 (Aquarius, Pisces) and during the period August 24 - September 2 (Virgo) - birthdays of Pine people. All Pines are “workaholics.” They do not spare themselves in order to achieve the goal set for them. They are rebellious, smart and brave. Main question, which always worries them, regardless of the situation - their own well-being.

Don't trust politicians - Willows!

Some Pisces (March 1 - 10) and Virgos born from September 3 to 12 are patronized by Willow. Willow people are excellent politicians and natural intriguers. It costs them nothing to force other people to work to achieve their goal. Representatives of this sign also have poetic talent.

The birthdays of the Linden man coincide with the name days of Pisces from March 11 to 20 and Virgo from September 13 to 22. These are extremely contradictory people, capable of yearning and rejoicing almost simultaneously. The main character quality of people born under the sign of Linden is envy, which can hardly be called a flaw. After all, envying others, the Linden man tries to catch up with them, and then “outdo” them.

If you were born from April 1 to April 10 (Aries) or from October 4 to October 13 (Libra), then you are a Rowan. The Rowan Man cannot stand routine; his main principle in life is all or nothing. Possessing rich inner world Rowan prefers not to demonstrate this quality.

From April 11 to 20 and from October 14 to 23, Maples are born under the constellations of Aries and Libra. They are very mobile, and one can only envy their drive to achieve their goals.

From April 21 to April 30 (Taurus) and during the period October 24 - November 2 (Scorpio) – Nuts’ birthdays. They say about such people: “A person of mood.” By some miracle, outbursts of fatal aggression coexist in them with charming friendliness.

Jasmine man comes into this world from May 1 to 14 (Taurus) and from November 3 to 11 (Scorpio). Jasmine is gentle and touching, and his artistic talent makes him a welcome guest at any holiday.

From May 15 to 24 (Taurus, Gemini) and from November 12 to 21 (Scorpio) Chestnut people accept congratulations. Kashtan is energetic, honest and frank, and his manner of dressing and behaving is more than original.

Geminis born on May 25 - June 3, as well as some Scorpios and Sagittarius (November 22 - December 1) enjoy the favor of Ash. Distinctive features Ash man – beauty and grace. Being cautious by nature, he will never take actions that could later turn against him.

Birthdays of Hornbeam people are from June 4 to 13 (Gemini) and from December 2 to 11 (Sagittarius). They are calm, beautiful and pleasant to talk to, but their unusual beauty fades over the years without proper care.

From June 14 to 23 (Gemini, Cancer) and from December 12 to 20 (Sagittarius) – Fig’s birthdays. Classic Fig people are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. In order for a fig to be at its best psychologically and physically, it is necessary to constantly feel the care of loved ones.

Crayfish born on June 24 fall under the protection of Birch. The uniqueness of the Birch man is his ability to attract attention to himself without resorting to any tricks. These are, as a rule, sympathetic and kind people with an open soul.

People whose Druid tree by date of birth is Olive - in warm weather They are cheerful and cheerful, but in the cold season they become sleepy and irritable. Their lifestyle and manners, regardless of weather conditions and seasons, attract crowds of fans to them.

Buks - oligarchs

People born at the junction of the Zodiac symbols of Sagittarius and Capricorn - December 21 and 22 - are patronized by the Beech tree. All Beech people are potential oligarchs: when faced with the choice “happiness - wealth”, as a rule, they choose the second option.

From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and can influence people in the most incredible ways. Some trees can heal and cleanse the energy field of a person, while others, on the contrary, can be called energy vampires. Every person should know their patron tree according to the Zodiac, because in this way they will receive an excellent ally who can help restore energy flows at any time of the year.


The horoscope of trees according to the Zodiac sign says that the trees of Aries are pine, oak, fir, alder and linden. The stars recommend that people belonging to this constellation choose lonely trees that will have a lush and well-developed crown. It is better to communicate with trees at the beginning of summer.


The Zodiac tree for Taurus is, first of all, poplar. Also, one of the main trees for representatives of this Sign is the chestnut for men, and the walnut for women. You just have to be extremely careful when dealing with poplar, since it can not only cleanse energy, but also take it away.


Patron trees for Gemini are maple and apple. Gemini can also choose a pear as their energy assistant, especially during its flowering period. This Sign should communicate with trees in late summer.


For people born under the constellation Cancer, the tree according to the Zodiac Sign will be elm, willow and alder. The best time In order to cleanse their energy, it will be May or August for Cancers.

a lion

For Leo, a cypress or elm tree will be an excellent natural talisman. The stars especially highlight the men of this constellation, for whom oak will become a powerful source of positive energy. These people are recommended to communicate with their patron tree in September or April.


According to the horoscope, Virgo is one of the most practical and at the same time spiritually unstable Signs. The source of energy for this Sign is hazel, plum or alder. Many astrologers also highlight the apple tree and the time when it bears fruit. Virgos are recommended to communicate with the talisman tree in October, July and August.


For Libra, birch or linden will be a strong patron. Special attention should be turned to birch, since this particular tree can not only stabilize emotional condition representatives of the Sign, but will also save them from physical ailments.


The tree according to the Zodiac Sign for people of this constellation is rosehip, hawthorn, pine and chestnut. You can also note rowan. Scorpios should communicate with their tree in early spring when the buds are just beginning to swell.


Perhaps the most powerful talisman tree in the Zodiac for Sagittarius is the hornbeam or cedar. It is these two trees that are capable of directly influencing the physical and spiritual state of the representatives of this Sign. The time to communicate with a tree for Sagittarius is March, August and October.


healing power for Capricorn will have beech, birch and fir. The stars recommend that people belonging to this constellation communicate with their tree according to the Zodiac as soon as the first snow melts, or in late summer.


The strongest patron for Aquarius is poplar. You can also call linden and euonymus, since they are also capable of influencing the representatives of this constellation. The time for any energetic contacts with your tree for Aquarius is late spring.


But for Pisces, according to the Zodiac, trees can be called larch, yew, honeysuckle and viburnum. The fruits of their patron trees will be especially useful for people of this Sign. You should be careful with aspen. The most suitable time for restoring the energy balance of representatives of this constellation is mid-summer.

We wish you good health, and that this year brings only the brightest and most beautiful moments into your life! And so that success accompanies you in all your endeavors, do not forget to press the buttons and

28.02.2014 10:50

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina claims that in zodiac horoscope There is weak signs who give in to any...

The Druid horoscope (Gallic horoscope or tree horoscope) is very ancient. According to some sources, it is more than 2000 years old. However, people know little about the Druids themselves. What is known is that in ancient Ireland and Britain they were a closed caste of priests - successors to the traditional beliefs and rituals of the Celts. All their knowledge was transmitted orally, and because of this, most of it was lost. Unfortunately.

The high officials of the Druids had the status of sorcerers. Legends say that they guarded the past and could predict the future. And also, based on the stars and astronomy, they compiled a calendar that determined the character and personal traits a person born on a particular day.

Tree horoscope

The position of the Sun relative to the Earth is the basis of the Druid horoscope. Consequently, the fate, future, character and abilities of a person depend on the distance the Sun is from the Earth on the day of that person’s birth. This is why each sign has two periods of activity.

* The article is very lengthy (although we tried to be brief), it contains a lot of images, so if the Internet speed is slow, it may take some time to load.

Druid horoscope by date of birth

To find out which tree patronizes you, see the list below:

Read more about each Druid horoscope sign below. For easier navigation, you can use the table of contents.

Apple tree

The apple tree is pleasing to the eye - it is very attractive, charming, sentimental and tender. Often she gets married without having great feelings for her partner (the apple tree is a very versatile tree and can adapt well), but this does not mean that she is completely ready to give up this wonderful feeling. If fate sends her a partner who is completely congenial, then their marriage will be a true pleasure for both. The apple tree is very loyal and tolerant in relationships, it’s easy to be with her.

The Druid horoscope says that apple tree people are selfless and trusting, they can be easily deceived. They are kind, if necessary, they will take off their shirt.

These people often live without thinking about tomorrow, just today, here and now. It happens that they borrow money and forget about it. They love life, philosophize, fantasize and do not like to prove anything to anyone. However, you should not take the apple tree as a frivolous creature. Being smart and thoughtful people, apple trees are inclined towards learning and science. They read everything related to the area that interests them. The volume of their knowledge is surprisingly large, but they do not try to impress anyone with it.

Monotonous “smooth” happiness, without any shortcomings, brings boredom to the apple tree. These people, from time to time, like to complicate their lives.


She is beautiful in her “simple” and sometimes even cold beauty. Loves antique jewelry, light scents and holidays full of mystery.

Fir is capricious and not always easy to get along with. Having a strong sense of self-sufficiency, she feels great alone. But

always listens to others and can follow someone's advice. Meanwhile, he rarely expresses his own position. Not too talkative, but a cheerful person.

Proud, stubborn, capable of achieving her goals - fir is successful in life. But in love affairs she can be difficult to please. Very demanding and uncompromising. He wants a lot from life, and since he knows his capabilities, he usually gets it. Can fall in love and then completely destroy everything. But her love may have no boundaries.

The tree horoscope says that the fir thinks scientifically, but this does not always lead her to the desired success. It happens that she chooses a field of activity that has nothing to do with her abilities.

He does not attach much importance to success in life; money and fame are far from the most important things for him. His goal is to be happy, and in achieving it he cannot be stopped.

Cypress loves easy summer walks, animals and nature. He is not afraid of loneliness, he enjoys it. But he will build his life in such a way that he will always be surrounded by friends and family.

Not a sentimental person. He can be quite rude, but he has inner warmth. It's nice to be around him, his presence is calming.

He loves to dream, his thoughts often fly somewhere far away. Avoids sensitive topics in conversation, regardless of his point of view. But he is not averse to organizing a debate, and his opinion is listened to. Flexible and faithful in friendship and love.

Most often, the life of these people passes easily and calmly among those who are dear to him.


From his youth there is a certain decorativeness, refined form and beauty in him. However, as he gets older, he causes trouble for himself: due to his strong sensitivity to time and fear of old age, Poplar looks older than he really is. But the support and praise of loved ones can help him, so these people carefully choose the people with whom they will communicate.

According to the date of birth, the Druid horoscope says that poplar needs to be careful in choosing a place of residence and work. Environment very important for these people. They really need friends, communication and comfort, and it happens that they often suffer from choosing the wrong environment.

Poplar is very sensitive to restrictions on freedom and can easily become depressed if you try to “put him on a leash.”

His love is fragile, any, even the smallest, trouble can throw him off balance and ruin everything. Therefore, it can be difficult to be married to him, however, he himself is able to smooth out certain rough edges, without hysterics and with a smile.

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These people are not materialists, they are altruistic. They have a sharp mind, they are insightful, and sometimes seem arrogant.

There are a lot of poplars among doctors.


The powerful cedar has a rather impressive appearance. He is able to adapt to any situation. I don’t mind comfort, but if I have to, I can sleep on a bench in the park. He has excellent health and this is important to him.

She doesn’t know what shyness is and feels at home everywhere. I am confident and that attracts people. But at the same time, the cedar is very sensitive to jokes about itself; it is unlikely to appreciate them.

He likes freedom, he loves to be in the center of attention, and will strive for it. Believes that the last word always behind him.

Sometimes prone to excesses, in all aspects of life.

Knows no fear, is able to get out of the water unscathed. Difficult situations don't break it, cedar is an incorrigible optimist. But for all its apparent power, it can fall under someone’s influence. A competent manipulator is able to “twist ropes out of him.” But cedar people can also have a colossal influence on those around them.

Kedr is a very dedicated person to his work, which is perhaps why there are many heroes and martyrs among them. These are persistent people who believe that they are always right.

However, in love he is soft, gentle and sentimental. He becomes attached to the object of passion forever, and in this situation he will perceive these feelings as something higher.

Very clever man, the speed of his thoughts and decisions is amazing. It has Creative skills, mostly in music, perhaps it is due to an innate sense of rhythm.

Born for adventure, cedar usually has a pretty eventful life.


She has an exquisite silhouette, she is graceful, this emphasizes her dignity. If you believe the Druid horoscope, she always knows what she wants and does not allow the current to simply carry her along the waves; what life itself gives is not enough for her, she always needs more. And these people know how to achieve their goals.

Being courageous, pine faces any problem with its head held high, and does not allow any difficulties in life to overcome it. Can be successful at work in any field of activity.

Pine is distinguished by the tenacity with which it goes through life. Very fast and precise in her actions, she can get out of any difficult situation.

Despite the friendliness and ability to be good friend, these people are not overly generous. They are a little selfish, their own prosperity and comfort come first.

Weakness is shown only in one thing - in love. They are sensitive and impulsive - they can easily fall in love, do reckless things, which will be too late to think about.

With all this, pines have a discerning mind and good organizational skills. Thanks to their proactive nature, they cope with any problems, even love ones.

The patronage of pine is especially favorable for women.


Willow attracts with its melancholic beauty, even if you do not take into account its visible charm, there is still something mysterious about it.

These people are very gentle, love the sun, and know how to capture moments of joy.

But don't be fooled by the outward tenderness of the willow tree. She is very decisive and knows what she wants. He will never force anything on anyone, it’s all about a great sense of respect for others.

Her helplessness is just a trick, sometimes for entertainment, and sometimes for personal gain, the willow can pretend to be weak and defenseless, but if necessary, it can also defend itself perfectly.

Willow has moments of melancholy. But don't take her too seriously autumn moods and conversations about the transience of life. Willows are prone to drama, this is their complexity; not everyone is able to understand and accept this.

Willow people find it difficult to adapt quickly; they do not like compromises. Here you just have to come to terms with it, because you won’t be able to “remake” them to suit yourself.

In love, willow is more romantic than sentimental. Does not like ordinary, dull feelings. In addition, love without suffering does not have too high a value for her, and therefore, “to increase weight,” willow introduces this bit of suffering into them.

She has good creativity, intuition and a rich imagination. Such people make talented psychologists.


She's stunningly charming and she knows it. She dreams of a stable, comfortable life, but this is far from the main thing for her, and does not always have any significant significance. Easily adapts to any living conditions. A hut is enough for her to create an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.

Lipa looks weak, quiet, mysterious, and with all this she is serene and even a little pessimistic. Often such people live their entire lives with a feeling of boredom. This is their main enemy.

Very susceptible to flattery, not used to doubting anything, and very attractive. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with such people; a feeling of psychological comfort immediately appears. Lipa will listen patiently to her interlocutor. These are, in general, very respectful people who treat their relatives with respect and do not seek to manipulate people. Everyone loves them.

Linden has a practical mind and a penchant for technical sciences; she is quick-witted and precise.

If in her life she meets a soul mate, then marital love will help get rid of internal contradictions. But it is difficult to have a relationship with a linden tree; without a strong sense of self-respect, she is often jealous for no reason.

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He looks weak and unattractive, but if you get close to him, you will undoubtedly succumb to his charm. Very smart and able to adapt to different living conditions.

There is something magical about it. If the hazel wants, he will make sure that those around him begin to adapt to him.

In the entire Druid horoscope there is no more ambiguous sign than the hazel. He can be kind, wise, patient, but at the same time dangerous and evil. Everything about it is magic! And it all depends on his mood or whim. You can expect anything from these people. You need to be very careful with them - they are quite unbalanced.

Despite its natural modesty, the hazel tree is very original; it approaches life differently. Able to guess the most secret thoughts and make unexpected proposals.

In love, hazel can be either the sweetest, loving and beloved, or the most unbearable partner. But if you are not afraid to take risks, then take care of him. And even if living together will not bring peace, it will still be quite an exciting adventure.

These people are very erudite, learn quickly and easily. But, in general, everything depends only on their desire.


Her gentle appearance hides a strong character. She is incredibly charming and almost always smiles, but not because of inner cheerfulness, but because of self-control. Rowan can highlight her strengths and loves to dress well. She naturally has perfect taste. She is instantly able to adapt on the spot and adapts well to those around her.

She likes to enjoy people and make them happy, even to her own detriment. She is not an egocentric person, but there is definitely some selfishness in her. She is very independent, but sometimes allows others to think that she is not. May suffer from a guilt complex. It is difficult to communicate with her for a long time, and relationships are complicated.

Rowan is very impressionable, especially distinguished by its love of perfection and friendliness. You can always rely on her. She is sweet, looks naive and even a fool, but she will not allow others to exploit her.

In love, these people give a lot, but demand just as much in return. They constantly need to experience feelings, and if you are not able to give this to your Rowan partner, then she will disappoint you. And remember, you cannot joke with the mountain ash and deceive it, it does not forgive such things.

Rowan will not betray. Her personal life is very eventful and filled with worries and dreams about the future. Such people are prudent, smart and practical. Sometimes it happens that they do not materialize some of their plans, but this is only because they are too busy with everyday affairs.


He is impressive, well-groomed and a little flirtatious. You often end up where the most interesting things happen. Fashionista. Very cheerful and energetic.

The tree horoscope says that maple is always on top. An individualist, slightly reserved and not very brave. He doesn’t like to make risky decisions, but maybe, and most often they do not concern material things.

Maple is not a homebody at all, he needs new people, new emotions, new impressions! He almost never finds himself in a situation where there are no friends around. He always has them, he attracts people because he knows how to make friends: he will never judge anyone or reveal other people’s secrets.

Usually these people have many plans, often very eccentric. They are captivated by new ideas. Maples can be cynics, they do not love and are not afraid public opinion. And even on the contrary, they provoke people to talk about them.

It’s difficult to love a maple tree, but it will always find its happiness, the main thing, as they say, is to meet your person.

Maple is not devoid of imagination and intuition, he is smart, in general, these are very versatile and interesting people.


Stylish, sophisticated and attractive in appearance, in reality he is very timid. The walnut is woven from contradictions:




But very pleasant, polite and hospitable. Loyal and reliable, he can easily become fickle. You never know which side to approach it from. Without any reason, a walnut can please or offend you.

Sometimes he likes to suffer, and he takes pleasure in making others suffer with him. You need to be careful with such people, otherwise they will completely subjugate you to their will.

In life, the walnut is an excellent strategist. He knows where his intentions lead, is often capable of committing treacherous acts, and does not suffer much from remorse. He often dominates others. But there are also very humble walnuts.

Such a person strives to ensure that his life is not ordinary. He is not afraid of any risk, does not strive to please, does not accept compromises, does not follow beaten paths. U walnut there can be many friends, and just as many enemies. He believes that in life you can only count on yourself. He only cares about his independence. Such people are very difficult to ignore.


Lively and sociable, he attracts with his ability to build casual conversations, and even against his will, he becomes the object of everyone’s attention. To everyone, he seems balanced, funny and unencumbered by life’s difficulties. But only the closest people know how sensitive jasmine really is. He is easily upset, which is perhaps why many jasmines are pessimists.

Very secretive and suspicious. But he is capable of building harmonious relationships and diplomacy is not alien to him. Unfortunately, all this is rarely shown in own home. Here he will not behave with restraint, does not recognize restrictions, and obligations depress him, despite his heightened sense of duty.

Responsibility does not always bring joy and satisfaction to jasmine, but it is not alien to him. Marriage with him is very difficult. Jasmine is talented at disappointing her partners. But it’s easy for children with him, and for him with children, too, by the way. The kids adore him, and he is able to give them an answer to any question in a simple and understandable form. Children are his joy in life.

These people are not materialists, but they often have good earnings. They are not afraid of work, their intelligence and fresh ideas are highly valued by management.

An almost on-topic article - holidays of the pagan Wheel of the Year: their dates, short description and links to detailed articles.


The chestnut is incredibly beautiful, perhaps even slightly decorative, but it does not strive to conquer the whole world with its attractiveness. He needs space to live, he is full of strength. The chestnut tree has an innate sense of justice. He is ready to fight for what is right by any means, regardless of the consequences.

He does not like frugality, any tactical or diplomatic tricks, and this often turns people against him. Lack of agreement in communicating with others leads to a change in many professions and, of course, to disappointments, which he, due to his impressionability, remembers for a long time.

Despite his persistence and self-control, he is never stubborn, gives great importance rules of morality. He strives for comfort in everything.

It is very difficult for Kashtan to find mutual understanding with others, so sometimes he has the reputation of an unscrupulous person. This may be due to his passion for shocking others. He demands Great love, but he himself can love only once in his life, so it is difficult for him to find his happiness. The need for love and the simultaneous fear of defenseless love make his relationships very difficult.

His complexes lead to provocative behavior that is often incomprehensible to others.


Undoubtedly a mighty tree. He is elegant and free in movement. Narcissistic and demanding. He wants to be taken care of, but at this time he himself will only do what he wants. And if you take into account that freedom is the main thing for him, not everyone can withstand such communication. A terrible egoist, but not at all a miser.

He goes ahead towards his goals, and you shouldn’t stand in his way. Ash will achieve success in any case - it is a very strong nature.

However, this capricious person behaves completely differently in love - he becomes cautious, constant, and very reasonable. He almost never makes mistakes in choosing a partner and makes a lot of efforts to establish his family life. Ash is definitely capable of building an exemplary marriage.

Original, distinguished by extraordinary intuition. He has the gift of insight, loves to prophesy, and when his predictions actually come true, the ash tree’s vanity begins to go off scale.


Charming and cute on the outside, the hornbeam is not at all the same on the inside. On the world looks with some condescension. Such people are always interested not in the candy itself, but in its wrapper. Very obedient, and even loves submission (in in a good way words), he especially likes to follow established rules, which may be why the hornbeam is not proactive.

He is very afraid of mistakes, and therefore cannot stand making decisions. But I am always ready to take responsibility for my actions. Very conservative, does not like innovations.

In love, these people are very honest. They are good life partners. But if life forces him to choose between love and duty, he will choose the latter.


There is no special beauty in it, but it is impossible not to notice it. Figs are a little impressionable and have their own complexes, so they don’t feel good and comfortable everywhere. He copes with difficulties very poorly. Being impressionable, he is highly susceptible to sadness, which will certainly destroy him.

Him strong connection with a family. He is very emotional, which affects his peace of mind.

Even if the fig doesn’t like something (and he will most often remain silent about it), he will still fulfill his duties. Lazy, but works hard. You can always rely on these people.

Marriage with him is good and easy. But don’t expect much romance; figs appreciate simple feelings without embellishment or gloss. But, be careful: figs are very easy to offend!


He is full of life, strength and beauty, there is absolutely no fragility in him. He inspires respect and admiration and attracts thanks to his impressive appearance.

Oak has excellent health, which is extremely important for him, since he tolerates illness very poorly. Very brave, but his courage is dictated, rather, by phenomenal pride. Oak will not tolerate others considering him a coward, and therefore reacts to some situations more harshly than he should. Very consistent, usually achieves his goals.

But there is also back side: Such uncompromising nature does not allow oak to be flexible, which, of course, causes problems. He would have achieved greater success if he had been more diplomatic.

Oak will not tolerate restrictions, and its actions often border on arbitrariness. However, he respects the opinions of others.

In love, he is always looking for something new, and therefore often becomes a victim of unsuccessful relationships. But in marriage such a person can settle down.

Oak does not like change; it is very conservative. Despite his ability for selfless actions, he also remembers about himself, and will always gain his own benefit. The lives of others are of little interest to him.

Such people think clearly and do not change their habits. Usually they provide a completely comfortable existence for their family.


She is flexible, simple and pleasant to talk to. She is very delicate, does not impose her opinion, does not expect anything special from anyone and rarely regrets anything.

Birch is very modest; it naturally has a sense of proportion. Tolerant, but what infuriates the birch is vulgarity. Such people are devoid of any show, they do not like luxury, there is no snobbery in them. Despite its graceful appearance, birch is not afraid of work and loves to work.

Prefers calm and quiet love. However, strong, vivid feelings do not scare her. She easily creates coziness and comfort in her home, and not only for herself.

The power of her imagination and ingenuity simply have no limits! Very often, birch chooses a creative profession. And the ability to think logically and turn dreams into life, combined with its productivity, opens all doors for the birch.

However, such people also have shortcomings, and the main one is unsociability. But the birch is happy, this does not bother her. She requires so little life that it is enough for her to have loving person close and good library at hand.


Small, sometimes on the verge of beauty and ugliness, but not without its charm. Oliva often worries about rheumatism, so she likes the sun and suffers greatly from its absence.

Oliva knows that others can have their own opinions, and therefore never interferes in people's lives. She is delicate to such an extent that she is sometimes accused of indifference. On the contrary, if necessary, you can easily turn to her for help.

Smiles in any situation. This is partly due to the ability to control oneself, but primarily due to the fact that you need to protect the nervous system.

Has an innate sense of justice. Can always put himself in the place of others. Therefore, she is loved and appreciated, although she does nothing to impress others. Communicates with restraint.

In love, olive tries not to be jealous and respects the partner’s independence, even if it causes suffering. But that doesn't make her weak. Simply, the most important thing for her is peace. Despite the fact that she does not strive for this, she always attracts attention to herself and can sometimes become famous.

These are one of those people who bring relaxation and happiness to others, leaving behind pleasant memories.


He is slim and handsome, and his good shape, majestic silhouette, dexterity and flexibility of movements can be preserved until old age. Always takes care of appearance, and is not without some coquetry. If it hits good conditions- achieves success in any field. Full of various plans that can be successfully implemented. He does not allow anyone or anything to lead him away from his chosen path. He can arrange his life well.

Beech is capable of generosity, although he is usually thrifty and properly organizes his budget. Doesn't like to share his property. Beech is a decent creature, he has many good habits, he always weighs the pros and cons, and never relies on luck.

He lacks imagination in love, but he is an ideal husband. She strives to have children and loves to furnish her home.

Smart, has certain talents and common sense. A materialist, first wants to become rich, and after that, if possible, happy.

As you can see, the Gallic horoscope is very interesting. And very diverse, here we have described only part of it.

Since ancient times, people have believed that trees have a certain energy that can influence a person. That is why it is important to know which tree suits your zodiac sign in order to find an assistant who will charge you with energy at any time. It is worth noting that there are plants that have a positive effect on humans, and there are real “vampires” that suck out vital energy.

What is the assistant tree according to your zodiac sign?

  1. Aries. You can get energy support from pine, fir, oak, alder and linden. It is important to note that the best time to communicate with trees is early summer. It is recommended to choose single trees with a beautiful and lush crown.
  2. Taurus. The most powerful tree in terms of energy is the poplar, but it is important to note that it can both give and take energy, so rely on yours. Chestnut is also suitable for men, and walnut for women.
  3. Twins. Tree according to the zodiac sign - maple and apple tree. During the flowering period, a pear can become an energy helper. It is recommended to contact trees in late summer.
  4. Cancer. Representatives of this sign can get enough energy from elm, willow and alder. The best time to interact with trees is in May and August.
  5. a lion . For representatives of this sign, the talisman will be a cypress or an elm. Men are recommended to turn to oak for energy boost. The ideal time to talk to a tree is September and April.
  6. Virgo. Donor trees according to zodiac signs: hazel, plum and alder. You can also get energy from an apple tree, but only during the period when it bears fruit. The ideal time to apply is October, July and August.
  7. Scales. Birch and linden trees can share powerful energy with representatives of this sign. Separately, I would like to highlight birch, which allows you to get rid of ailments and...
  8. Scorpion. Rosehip, hawthorn, pine and chestnut will be an assistant for such people. It is recommended to contact trees in early spring, when buds appear.
  9. Sagittarius. Tree amulets according to the zodiac sign are hornbeams and cedars. From them, Sagittarius will be able to improve their physical and emotional well-being. You need to seek help in March, August and October.
  10. Capricorn. For representatives of this sign, beech, birch and fir will be assistants. You need to receive an energy charge from trees after the snow melts or at the end of summer.
  11. Aquarius. For such people, the best patron is poplar, but you can also turn to linden and euonymus for help. You can get energy from trees in late spring.
  12. Fish. Helpers are larch, yew, honeysuckle and viburnum. The fruits of these trees will provide special energy for such people. It is not recommended to contact aspen.
