At what time of year are babies born most often? How many weeks do they give birth - first, second births?

In what month do our forum members most often give birth? Is it true that the first birth is easier than the second? What time of day do Belarusian babies prefer to be born?

Child BY analyzed data on newborn “forum members”. Turns out...

The most favorite months for birth are June, July and October.

In 39% of cases, the baby’s weight determined by ultrasound coincides with reality.

For 20% of women, the first birth was easier than the second.

Babies love to be born on Mondays, Fridays and Thursdays...

... and preferably from 6.00 to 12.00

Would you like to contribute to the history of the birth of Baby BY? Then you

In the meantime, catch another sea of ​​positive rays - newborn babies of our forum on the first day of their lives.

The day begins with happiness,
Happiness arose before everyone else!
Happiness smiles at mom
Turning the smile into laughter.

Children come from their mother's fairy tales,
From blue skies, from surprise candies,
From pencils, pearlescent paints,
With which my mother draws sketches.

What is the sweetest candy in the world?
Sugar - I could once answer,
Honey, marmalade, jam, sherbet. . .
Only now I understood the answer!

The smell of the top of the head of a dear child,
What remains on our pillow;
Tender fingers and nails,
Butt, knees and elbows. . .

Children are joy, children are happiness,
Children of the sun's rays,
The clatter of feet, the shine of eyes
And warmth in your chest.

Carry your children in your arms!
It's hard to be spoiled by love
And the opinion about this is false
Carry your children in your arms! Be brave!

A miracle is walking around the apartment,
There is no one he loves more in the world.
Like lakes of saucer-eyes,
A little gnome from a fairy tale.

Warm, sweet, quivering little bundle
Requires attention and patience
Needs care sleepless night,
Swaddling, petting and feeding...

Your baby is sleeping sweetly,
How little angels probably sleep.
And my little nose sniffles
Beloved son or daughter.

The night sat timidly in the palm of the sky...
Sleep, sweet little bunny, close your eyes.
I won't let the wind disturb my happiness...
Sleep, my ray of fairy tale. Bye-bye-bye...

An angel appeared in the house,
Small, cute, dear,
His laughter is like a ringing bell,
For parents it is the most expensive.

Dear readers! In what month was your baby born? Are your births included in the average statistics on the site? What did your baby look like in the first minutes of life?

We are waiting for your photos

Children are born around the world every day. According to statistics, a baby is born every 6-7 seconds. The birth of children occurs regardless of the time of day or time of year. They are born day and night, winter and summer. But at the same time, still studying the birth rate, experts calculated and came to the conclusion that in different time year, born different quantities children. Studying the birth rate, it was found that the birth rate is not the same in all months. There are months in which more children are always born, and there are those months in which the birth rate is minimal.

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It turns out that a lot of babies are born in the autumn season, and more specifically, the highest birth rate falls in the month of September.

In addition, it is worth noting that from mid-September, or more precisely from the 16th, the number of newborns is 9% more than from September 1 to 15. Accordingly, the possibility of conception falls in the month of December.

This phenomenon can be easily explained:

  1. IN winter time years, the quality of the seed is higher;
  2. In the winter season, parents are full of energy, just like in the warm season, their body is healthier, a good supply of vitamins has been created, and immunity has been improved;
  3. As paradoxical as it sounds, it is during the winter season that many people have more free time, which people devote to each other.

Many inexperienced parents are still concerned about the question: at what stage are children born, and in what week is the second or third child born? Answers may differ depending on the number of children being carried: one baby - approximately 38-40 weeks, two - 36-37, three - approximately 35 weeks.

What blood type is a child born with?

In the twentieth century, it was proven that all people do not have the same blood. That is, there are 4 types of blood.

Moreover, each blood group has its own Rh factor, negative or positive.

What kind of blood will a baby inherit from parents with different blood types:

  1. A baby from parents with the first blood group will also have this blood type;
  2. The situation is different with parents of the fourth blood group. Their children may have, in addition to the fourth blood group, both the second and third blood groups. That is, anyone, but not with the first blood group;
  3. But if the baby’s parents have the second and third blood groups, then what blood type the baby will be born with is a mystery, which is very difficult to solve. Future child, can become the owner of any blood group from all four groups.

What eye color?

Besides blood type, what else can a baby inherit? All the time, parents could only imagine how their child should be born. With the advent of ultrasound diagnostics, you can find out whether a boy or a girl will be born. But even an ultrasound scan is not able to guess what eye color a child will be born with. For this there is such a science as genetics. With its help, it became possible to find out what eye color the baby will be born with, what hair color, whether he will have a good ear for music, or whether he will be an artist.

  1. Dominant.
  2. Recessive.

Dominant characteristics include brown eyes, dark hair. That is, if one of the parents has brown eyes And dark color hair, then in 90% of cases, the baby will be born with dark eyes and dark hair color.

But the light ones Blue eyes, bright skin, blonde hair, these are all traits that fall into the recessive group and are less likely to be inherited than dark hair and brown eyes.

The question of how tall and what weight children are born is difficult to answer. The size of newborn babies, boys and girls, is different. There are very small children and quite large ones. The average size a newborn girl is 46.1 centimeters. Moreover, the size of newborn girls can be 43.6 centimeters and 54.7 centimeters, which is considered normal.

The average size of newborn boys is 49.9 centimeters, the largest small size is 44.2 centimeters and 55.6 centimeters, which is also not considered a deviation.

Immediately after birth, the ratio of the baby's height and weight is determined. The result obtained is an indicator of the development of a full-term baby. The height, weight and developmental indicator of premature babies will be different.

Parents do not have healthy children. Despite the fact that 75% of women with Down syndrome are able to become pregnant, only 30% can give birth to a child; the remaining 45% experience fetal rejection in early pregnancy, and, as a rule, a miscarriage.

Among children born to mothers with Down syndrome, only 1% of children have a normal chromosome set, which once again confirms the fact that there are practically no normal healthy children from parents with Down syndrome.

Firstly, pregnancy itself for a woman with this disease is already a threat to her life and the life of the child. The presence of concomitant diseases, for example, heart disease, diseases thyroid gland affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Pregnant women with Down syndrome have a high risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, which can cause death for both the child and his mother.

Pregnancy and alcoholism, drugs are incompatible things.

The most common influence on a child is alcoholism of both parents. Alcoholism is a family disease. Moreover, alcoholism is not a hereditary disease, but a result of upbringing.

The negative impact on the development of the fetus begins from the first seconds of the union of a drunken egg and a drunken sperm. If the father takes part only in the conception of the child, then the mother, in this case, takes part in the development of the child for all 9 months. Statistics say that every fifth child conceived from drunken parents is stillborn or dies in the first day after birth.

90% of the remaining number, children are born with all sorts of dangerous abnormalities and pathologies that affect the child’s health (psychological abnormalities, seizures, epilepsy, heart disease, kidney disease, mental impairment), and alcohol addiction in future.

Not in the best possible way This is the situation with newborns born to drug addicts. Most young women believe that if they stop using drugs at the beginning of pregnancy, the baby will not be in any danger? Unfortunately, this is not true. Even a single drug use can affect pregnancy and fetal development after 8-10 years.

Drug addicts do not have healthy children. These are children born with various pathologies, defects, and mental retardation.

In addition, newborn children of drug addicts:

  1. These are children who die on the first day due to drug addiction and the so-called withdrawal;
  2. Surviving children are at risk; in 99% of cases they become drug addicts by the age of 23-24;
  3. These are children with weak immunity, they often get sick;
  4. Have various congenital abnormalities;
  5. These are deformed children, mentally retarded, schizophrenics.

In addition, the degree of danger to the baby’s health depends on the type of drug used. Each drug works differently:

  • Marijuana – children with fetal underdevelopment, underweight, reduced head size, visual and auditory pathologies, cerebral palsy;
  • Cocaine – hypoxia, stroke, placental abruption, high mortality at birth and congenital genitourinary pathologies;
  • LSD – mutation, developmental pathologies, high degree mortality, and the surviving children from LSD-loving mothers are mentally retarded, physically underdeveloped children;
  • Heroin is newborn drug addicts. Usually children from such mothers die in the first day of life.

The consequences of narcotic harm cannot be corrected.

About influence bad habits more details on the fruit in the video:

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The approaching date of birth is a rather alarming period of time, filled with anticipation and a very attentive attitude to one’s condition. It’s very scary to find yourself outside the walls of the maternity hospital when contractions begin, so expectant mothers look for signs of an approaching birth, sleep poorly and count the days.

There are numerous beliefs among the people. For example, it is believed that boys are born earlier than girls, and in the first pregnancy, childbirth occurs later. What determines the due date, and what are the statistics?

What week do they usually give birth?

The normal period is 37 seven days, but when more often depends on the menstrual cycle. Statistics show that childbirth most often occurs at 39-41. Approximately 70% of children are born during this period of time.

However, do not take these deadlines as true and binding for you. It doesn’t matter when everyone else is giving birth, your readiness for childbirth and the maturity of your baby are necessary. For some, 39 is too early; the baby is born immature and has difficulties. And other children adapt perfectly, being born after just 35 seven days. Your child will choose when it is best to give birth.

It is important to remember: the optimal period for childbirth is from 37 to 42. Before 37 seven days, the child is premature, and after 42 - post-term.

The obstetric pregnancy period is 40 times 7 days. However, only 4-5% of babies are born on time, why does this happen?

Main factors:

Menstrual cycle length

How long is your cycle? The time when you become a mother depends on its duration.

Two women had their last menstruation since March 1st. Today is May 1st. What will it be like obstetric term pregnancy, and what is the real age of the fetus? For both, the doctor will count the obstetric gestational age from March 1, and it will be 9 weeks and 4 days.

The first woman has a 24-day cycle. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 10th. Real age fetus 7 weeks and 3 days. The second woman has a 35-day cycle. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 21. The actual age of the fetus is only 5 seven days and 6 days.

It turns out that with the same calculated gestational age, the life of the baby in two women differs by almost 14 days, and of course, for them, a difference in the due date of approximately the same amount will be completely normal. But according to classical calculations, they will be given the same due date.

By the way, our service, which allows, takes into account the length of the cycle - use it (you will find out when you need to go to the maternity hospital, much more accurately than from an obstetrician-gynecologist in the office).


Hereditary predisposition is another factor. Ask which of your female relatives became a mother when they became a mother. You will most likely repeat the fate of your mother or grandmother.

Course of pregnancy

The due date depends on the characteristics of the pregnancy itself. During the Great Patriotic War, during a period of famine and devastation, children were in no hurry to be born. It was as if they knew that a warm nursery and proper nutrition were not waiting for them, and they remained in utero for as long as possible. Several pregnancies have been described that lasted 11 months instead of the normal 9.

If the baby is ill in utero, for example, the placenta is not coping with its function, the likelihood of premature birth increases. This is also facilitated by overstretching of the uterus due to gestational diabetes in the mother, or multiple pregnancy. Despite the fact that babies can be born with quite a serious difference in gestational age, they are born full-term and healthy. Therefore, the timing of normal childbirth in obstetrics is not limited to a precisely calculated number.

What week can you give birth?

This is one of the main concerns of any expectant mother. Throughout pregnancy, there is first the fear of a possible miscarriage, and then of the baby being born too early. However, even if your baby is in a hurry and was born before the 37th, do not despair! Once upon a time, this period was only 28. Now children weighing 1 kg or more are successfully nursed, but many survive and grow healthy after being born even before 27-28. There are known cases of successful nursing at 24-25, with the baby’s weight slightly exceeding 500 grams.

However, for this, the baby must be born in a maternity hospital that can give him everything he needs to survive. In many cities this is not yet possible. Therefore, remember the following “adapted to Russia” facts:

  • Births from 28 to 27 are premature, your baby will be premature, but he will have a good chance.
  • From 24 to 27 - children are born with extremely low body weight. The prognosis for them depends on the presence of other complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and on the conditions of nursing. Chances of health and survival are 50/50.
  • Before 24, the baby has no chance of survival, at least in our country.
Fortunately, if the baby is pregnant normally, the chance of premature birth is only 2%.

What week do primiparas give birth?

The first pregnancy and childbirth become a kind of “break-in” for the mother’s body, a test of reproductive function. For you, everything is for the first time, just as the genetic program for bearing a fetus is being used for the first time. Right now, certain stereotypes and interactions are taking shape in the body that make it possible to safely bear and give birth to a child. If successful, all your subsequent pregnancies will be based on this tracing paper.

Unfortunately, the exact date childbirth cannot be predicted, but statistically, primiparous women give birth a little later than others. Approximately 6-9% of them carry the pregnancy beyond 42 weeks. Primiparas are characterized by late recognition of signs of labor that has begun due to inexperience, and a slow development of labor. The first birth lasts a long time, the cervix dilates slowly. This is just an acquaintance with such processes; there is no point in worrying about the fact that you are at 39 and labor is not starting, just be patient.

What week do multiparous women give birth?

There is already a certain pattern according to which the body must act in order for the baby to be born. Events develop along well-trodden rails, and this leads to more early start childbirth In 95% of cases, the second birth begins before the 39th week and proceeds much faster and easier.

If you are multi-pregnant, after 37 weeks, be prepared for contractions to start at any time. As a rule, the second or third time a pregnant woman easily recognizes the first signs of labor. The cervix dilates faster, pushing is more effective, and the overall duration of labor is shorter than the first time. You may not even be having training contractions, just going into labor.

What week are boys born?

More boys are born than girls; for every 100 girls, approximately 107 boys are born. However, if we talk about conception, then the statistics are even more interesting: the ratio of “girl” zygotes to “boy” zygotes is approximately 1 to 1.5, for every 100 girls there are 150 boys. But even at the very beginning, a significant number of pregnancies with a boy are spontaneously aborted. This happens before mothers find out that they were pregnant.

The average weight of a newborn girl is smaller than a boy, but by the month of life the indicators change places. Boys are more likely to have developmental defects, have weaker immune systems, and get sick more often. It's connected with biological role girls, they will continue the race and give birth, so they are given great stamina and health. And the purpose of boys is the progress of humanity and its development. Excessive depreciation resources of the body are not necessary in this matter, only physical strength and mind in the future. A boy needs more time to be born mature and ready for independent life, so gestation periods are often longer.

What week do girls give birth?

You can argue for a long time who is the stronger sex here, but the facts are facts... Girls are really born earlier. And if premature contractions occur, the survival rate among girls is much higher than among boys.

The earlier maturation and rapid development of girls continues throughout childhood. In the middle grades of school, the difference is especially striking; girls are already beginning to “bloom,” while boys remain children. A girl's growth and maturation ends at 16 years old, boys grow up to 21 years old.

Of course, the date of birth depends on the health of the mother, but in general, girls are given more vitality and abilities than boys, they are in a hurry to grow and get stronger, they are in a hurry to be born and physiologically develop faster.

What week do twins give birth?

Twins... Many people dream of having two children at once, but nature provides for the birth of only one child. Multiple pregnancies are not normal for humans, and one of the most common complications is the birth of twins too early. They increase the internal volume of the uterus 2 times faster, which reacts to overstretching with contractions. Births of twins often begin at the 34th-35th stage. Despite the fact that many people give birth to twins earlier, the chances of survival for twins are very high. They seem to be preparing to be born prematurely, and are often already quite mature even at that age.

Week of pregnancy and childbirth, main facts

You only have a 4-5% chance of giving birth on your estimated due date. If this is your second birth, it will come earlier. If you're carrying a girl, your chances of giving birth earlier increase. If you are healthy and have a normal pregnancy, you only have a 2% chance of giving birth prematurely (before 37).

The baby is considered full-term from the 38th week, so at this time the prenatal period begins. It continues until labor develops. If a woman is expecting her first child, then childbirth is considered normal at a period of 38 to 42 weeks.

The preliminary date of how many weeks labor can begin is determined by the doctor. Most often, during the first pregnancy, this period is 40 obstetric weeks. If the child is born later, they speak of post-term birth.

The range of when you can give birth to your first child is wide – 4 weeks. During this entire period, expectant mothers are very interested in the question of what week they give birth to a healthy baby and when he will be born. The answer is sought not in books, but in a woman’s health, the state of her body.

Depending on how many weeks they give birth, each woman’s body warns her 2 days before the onset of labor.

What week do they give birth - normal timing

When first-time mothers give birth, the normal period is 37 seven days. If the timing of the birth of the first child is earlier, it depends on the day of the last menstruation. Statistics show that childbirth usually occurs at 39-40 weeks. About 70% of children are born at this stage of labor.

It is impossible to say the exact date and how many weeks the birth will be. According to statistics, for first-time mothers this period comes later than others. This is explained by late recognition of signs of pregnancy and precursors of labor, as well as the development of labor.

Waiting for a long time

The first pregnancy lasts a long time, the cervix opens slowly. The body is just getting acquainted with this process, so don’t worry about how many weeks labor starts. Firstborns give birth later.

We look at the baby's weight

Noting how many weeks the first child is born, doctors talk about 37 weeks. During this period, the baby is ready for birth. Everything is vital important systems and the organs are formed and ready for the baby to be born.

If labor begins at this time, the baby is considered full-term. The average height is about 48 cm, and body weight is 3 kg. The baby's weight increases every day by subcutaneous fat, which the child accumulated in the womb.

Depends on the length of the menstrual cycle

Gynecologists, when calculating the period at which week of pregnancy a woman can give birth, use the Naegele formula. When calculating the baby’s date of birth using it, you need to subtract 3 months from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle and add 7 days.

However this method Determining from what week a woman goes into labor is not accurate. It is used to indicate the approximate date when you can give birth to a healthy baby, if menstrual cycle the expectant mother is 28 days. If it is longer, then the date at which week you can give birth will come later.

With an irregular cycle, it is difficult to find out the date of ovulation, so this method of determining in what week the birth will occur is considered not suitable.

Heredity influences

If close female relatives had their first birth earlier or later than the due date, this situation may also happen to you. Ask the question at how many weeks the mother and grandmother went into labor. The hereditary factor plays an important role; you can repeat their story.

The course of pregnancy is another factor

The period at which week they give birth depends on the characteristics of this period. During wars and devastation, children were in no hurry to be born. They felt that there was no warm bed waiting for them and good nutrition, so they stayed in the mother’s belly longer.

When a child feels uncomfortable inside the womb: the placenta does not fulfill its function, the mother has suffered stress, a protracted illness - the likelihood of premature birth increases. The same consequences are observed with overstretching of the uterus, high fetal weight, polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies.

Regardless of the period at which primiparous women give birth, babies can appear healthy and full-term. Therefore, the timing of how many weeks normal labor begins is not limited to an exact number.

How many weeks do you usually give birth to your first baby?

If you are becoming a mother for the first time, then there is approximately a 70% chance that birth will come on time - about 40 weeks of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the woman’s body has not yet gone through the processes that occur inside and it takes time to expel the fetus.

Share their impressions

A pregnant woman does not know how labor begins and what week the first child is born, so she may miss the beginning of this moment. Labor in first-years lasts a long time, it is weak and protracted, contractions can last up to 7 hours.

But there are exceptions here too. If we do not consider the causes of premature birth (before 36 weeks), when there are disturbances in the body of the expectant mother, then post-term pregnancies also occur. In this case, the baby is released into the world with a short interval - after 42 weeks.

Second birth statistics

When noting what week a second child is usually given birth, a period of 36 weeks is mentioned. The second birth begins suddenly, but passes faster and easier.

The cervix, as well as the birth canal, opens quickly, so women who have already given birth often do not have time to get to the maternity hospital. Repeated births occur around 38 weeks, but there are exceptions.

Third pregnancy

Preparing to become a mother for the third time, a woman is interested in the question of which week is the third child most often given birth. Labor usually starts earlier. If during the first pregnancy delivery occurs starting from the 38th week, then the third pregnancy is associated with a period of 36 weeks.

Time limits for boys and girls are different.

Usually girls want to see the world before boys, who are in no hurry to leave their mother’s tummy. If doctors note statistics on which week boys are most often born, then they talk about 40-41 weeks. Sometimes there are record holders who last up to 42 weeks. Girls are ready to make their first cry at an earlier stage - 38 weeks.

The princess is sleeping

It is important not to forget about the cycle of the expectant mother. If the cycle is standard or short, when ovulation occurs on the 14th day after the start of menstruation, the baby is born at the required 40 weeks.

There are several reasons why girls are born first:

  1. It takes time for a boy to be born ready to exist. Girls mature faster, which is due to their biological role in life: procreation.
  2. In what week girls are usually born depends on the health of the mother, but initially girls were born stronger than boys. They are in a hurry to grow and be born, and during life they develop more rapidly.

From what week can you give birth to twins?

For man multiple pregnancy- not the norm, so the consequences of complications are early birth. The uterus increases in volume twice as fast as children, and overstretching causes contractions.
Considering how many obstetric weeks a second baby is born, we talked about the period of 37 weeks. When talking about multiple pregnancies, 34-35 weeks are mentioned. Regardless of the fact that twins may be born earlier, they have a very high chance of survival.

The best time to give birth to a healthy baby

If we consider at what week the expectant mother can give birth to 1 girl or boy without chronic diseases, then doctors insist on 38-42 weeks. With this period of time, good, healthy, full-fledged children appear.

Sound asleep

Doctors focus on 40 weeks - this period is recorded in the medical record and sick leave as the date of birth. But even at 38 or 42 weeks, healthy, mature children are born.

Another issue is multiple pregnancy. IN in this case It is better to give birth 4 weeks earlier, which is due to the load on the body that the woman experiences. If not planned C-section, you need to prepare for childbirth at 35 weeks.

Symptoms and causes of premature birth

Unexpectedly starting labor causes anxiety and stress in a woman. Let's look at why this situation occurs:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. This reason is one of the most common among pregnant women, which leads to early birth. The expectant mother feels unwell, and the baby’s suffering inside the womb acts as a trigger for the onset of labor. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo examination to ensure that the pregnancy is safe.

  3. Aging of the placenta.
  4. Doctors assess the condition of the placenta based on the results of ultrasound and CTG. The most important thing is to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo all examinations. If the doctor detects aging of the placenta or its abruption, treatment is prescribed that improves blood flow and nutrition of the fetus.

    In advanced cases, it is prescribed medications, which accelerate the maturation of the baby’s respiratory system. Then even premature one-month-old babies survive and are nursed.

  5. Viral diseases.
  6. In season infectious diseases Not only the respiratory tract is affected, the amniotic fluid can be infected and the integrity of its membrane can be compromised. With early rupture or leakage of water, premature birth occurs.

    Among the complications, it is noted that if the integrity of the bladder is broken, and the cervix is ​​not smoothed, the birth canal is not yet ready and the mucous plug has not moved away, an emergency cesarean section is required.

  7. Placenta previa.
  8. In this case, the pressure on the internal os increases, the cervix quickly smoothes out. By adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist and observing bed rest, you can prevent premature birth.

  9. Pathology of the cervix.
  10. A shortened cervix and obturator dysfunction can be congenital or result from trauma from previous births or abortions. This leads to premature birth.

    Sometimes early labor does not occur spontaneously, but the doctor prescribes an emergency caesarean section in order to preserve the health of mother and child. The causes are vascular, heart or endocrinological diseases.

New Generation

Early birth occurs at 28-36 weeks. If a woman experiences alarming symptoms, she should urgently visit a doctor:

  • pulling in the lower abdomen that feels like menstruation;
  • a feeling that something is pressing on the bladder;
  • slight bleeding from the vagina;
  • cramping pain lasting more than 30 seconds. Just don’t confuse it with training contractions;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • no fetal movements.

The gynecologist will assess the condition and suggest hospitalization if necessary. Don't panic, it's not scary. You can always slow down labor with special medications and procedures.

Why can there be late labor?

A post-term pregnancy is no less dangerous than a premature pregnancy, so ask your doctor at what time the third birth occurs. They come earlier than others, and the risk of carrying a child is higher.
Let's look at the reasons for late birth:

  1. Hormonal disorders in the mother.
  2. Changes in the hormonal system signal the body about the onset of labor. If the expectant mother's hormone levels and metabolism are disrupted, the signal will not be received and contractions will not begin.

  3. Extended cycle.
  4. At that time, if a woman had her period regularly, but her cycle was 30-35 days, the baby would be born later than the due date. Here we are talking about a natural physiological process, not a pathology. This type of pregnancy is called prolonged.

  5. Hereditary factor.
  6. This reason is physiological. Heredity affects early and late births. Knowing at what stage your mother and grandmother were born, you can prepare for your labor in advance.

  7. Taking medications.
  8. When taking medications to reduce the tone of the uterus, changes also affect childbirth. Medicines for chronic diseases also affect labor. Therefore, inform your gynecologist about your situation so that he can adjust the prescriptions.

Sincere look

When should you be concerned?

  1. Stomach ache.
  2. Any discomfort in the abdominal area is a reason to consult a doctor. The reasons may be different, but if the danger is not recognized in time, the child will die. With nagging pain in the lower abdomen, termination of pregnancy is possible. To prevent this from happening, timely treatment is required.

    If pain occurs that resembles inflammation of the bladder or appendicitis, there is a threat of premature birth. Do not rely only on your feelings, especially multiparous ones, but always find out the exact cause from a gynecologist.

  3. Bloody issues.
  4. In no case is bleeding during pregnancy normal. Suspicions are caused by color changes: brown, scarlet, dark yellow or burgundy. If this happens, immediately call an ambulance or rush in your car to the maternity hospital. Inform your gynecologist about this symptom.

  5. The stomach has changed shape.
  6. This case does not apply to moments of active movement of the baby. If in a calm state the stomach is asymmetrical, hard and tense for more than 30 minutes, sank down or changed shape after a fall - go to the maternity hospital immediately.

  7. Leakage or overflow of water.
  8. It is impossible to miss such a moment. If the water breaks at night, the bed will be wet; if during the day, it will flow down your legs. Leakage is more difficult to detect: wetness is observed underwear, which is dangerous during premature pregnancy. If rupture occurs, the amniotic sac is damaged, labor must begin.

  9. The child's movements are not felt.
  10. A woman feels the first movements of the baby from the 20th week, in the second pregnancy - from the 16th. If they disappear, you need to be wary. Lack of movement for more than 12 hours is an alarming sign that should be reported to your doctor.

    If this happens once, after which the baby is active again, this is the norm. An alarming sign is a regular lack of movement or low activity.

    Keep a diary with notes and control of the child’s activity time, and then present it to the doctor.

Thank you 3

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Women and girls have long wanted to know their future. This concerned not only marriage and wealth, but also the gender and time of birth of the child. What signs were turned to in order to clarify issues of interest. There are several unproven hypotheses that make it possible to give birth to a child of the exact gender desired by both parents of the unborn baby:

1. If fertilization occurs during ovulation, then the embryo will be male, but if a couple of days after ovulation, then it will be a girl.

2. The more often sexual intimacy occurs between spouses, the greater the chances of conceiving a boy.

3. Special diet will help you conceive a boy.

All these hypotheses are quite arbitrary, and in some cases dangerous. Therefore, you should not rely only on them.

Dreams about birth: prophetic or not

Since a pregnant woman is quite emotional and mentally labile, during pregnancy she often has dreams about her unborn baby. This is what the dream book predicts regarding the birth of a boy:

1. If you see childbirth in a dream, then this means changes in life.

2. The birth of a boy in a dream means profit and financial prosperity.

3. If you dreamed about someone else’s birth, it means you can expect good news soon.

4. In a dream, giving birth to a boy instead of a desired girl means unpleasant and empty troubles.

5. In a dream, giving birth to a boy without complications and other problems - joyful events in life.

6. If a non-pregnant woman dreams of the birth of a boy, then this is a warning for her and her reputation.

7. According to Miller’s dream book, see own birth- improving personal life, possible early pregnancy.

8. Vanga’s dream book says that seeing the birth of your child in a dream is a chance for a renewal of life.

How many weeks are boys born?

“At what week of pregnancy do they give birth to boys?” – this is a burning question many parents ask. There is an opinion that boys are born several weeks later than expected (38-42 weeks of pregnancy). As statistical data show, there is no specific pattern between the gender of the child and the date of his birth.

It all depends on the development of the pregnancy itself, the woman’s constitution, hereditary and other factors. And even more so, it is impossible to change the gender of an already conceived child, because gender is determined at the moment of conception. Therefore, if there is an urgent question regarding the sex of the baby, then it is better to resort to artificial insemination.

The birth of a boy depends on...

Some psychologists, doctors and other specialists put forward their theories according to which it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby, thereby answering the question of many women - “how to give birth to a boy.”

In particular, some psychologists argue that gender will depend on the level of testosterone in the blood. If a woman feels aggression, pride, even anger somewhere, it means that the level of this hormone is quite high, therefore, the woman is pregnant with a boy. If her emotions are softer and more labile, then she is waiting for the birth of a girl.

British scientists believe that hearty breakfasts and high-calorie foods during the period of ovulation are the key to conceiving a boy.

Other experts suggest that intense exercise also contributes to the conception of a male child.

According to Chinese beliefs, in order to calculate the date of conception of the required sex of the child, you need to know the age of the parents in a month and the very moment of pregnancy. It is necessary to divide the mother's age by 3, and the father's age by 4 and compare the numbers. This is due to the fact (according to Chinese experts) that women’s bodies are genetically renewed once every 3 years, and men’s – every 4 years, so the most active will be the gender whose body was last renewed.

But the method of calculating ovulation is considered the most accurate. This is due to the fact that at the time of ovulation, an optimal environment is created for the fertilization of the egg by sperm with Y chromosomes.

According to some experts, the sex of the child is influenced by the position during conception. And this has scientific basis. It is believed that the position when the man is behind, the sperm is close enough to the cervix and easily penetrates, and in the “missionary” position girls are born. This is due to the fact that the journey to the cervix is ​​much longer and only more resistant sperm with an X chromosome, responsible for the formation of a female embryo, can withstand it.

So is it possible to influence the sex of a child at the moment of conception?

To summarize, we can say with confidence that neither dreams, nor diets, nor other factors can give a 100% chance of conceiving a child of the desired gender.

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