Rules for handling biological waste. Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste

Biological waste includes organs and biological tissues that are generated as a result of veterinary or medical activities, the death of livestock, poultry and animals, medical and biological experiments, as well as waste from the biotechnological industry and waste from the processing of non-food or food raw materials of animal origin.

Biological waste must be disposed of by processing it in factories and workshops that deal with veterinary and sanitary disposal; they are also disinfected in biothermal pits and destroyed by burning in crematoria (recycling facilities). In exceptional cases biological waste may be buried in specially designated places. Russian legislation, acting on this moment, prohibits the dumping of waste that falls under the category of biological into rivers, reservoirs and bolts. It is also strictly prohibited to collect such waste in ordinary household garbage containers, transport it to landfills and landfills, and destroy biological waste by burying it in the ground. Rules and regulations regarding the equipment of cattle burial grounds are violated almost everywhere. The territory of the buildings of cattle burial grounds is very often not fenced, the dimensions of protective and sanitary zones from livestock burials to residential buildings are not respected, and there are also no drawbridges, earth shafts and trenches. Also, often these objects are not guarded and both animals and strangers have access to them. Many biological wastes are not disinfected. All this creates a great threat to public health and has a negative impact on the environment. According to adopted laws, biothermal pits and cattle burial grounds that belong to organizations must be operated at their expense. If the facility ceases its activities, responsibility for the equipment of the cattle burial ground and the sanitary condition of its territory falls on the local authorities.

In fact, in reality the situation is completely different and local governments are in no hurry to take on balance objects that do not belong to anyone. This situation with biological waste disinfection facilities is aggravated by the lack in Russia of cost-effective organizational and regulatory conditions in the field of waste management. As a result, uncontrolled and illegal burials and dumping of animal and bird corpses and other biological waste into household garbage containers and solid waste landfills are taking place everywhere. household waste. All this leads to a real threat of the emergence and spread of various diseases, including infectious ones, as well as pollution environment, deterioration of the epidemiological, environmental and epizootological situation. Therefore, it is very important to properly dispose of biological waste. The best way to cope with this task is specialized organization providing similar services.

Their parts; aborted and stillborn animal fetuses; products of animal origin recognized as unsuitable for food, feed, pharmaceutical, scientific and technical purposes; feed and their components of animal origin that do not meet veterinary safety standards. Biological waste is disposed of at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants (or workshops) by processing into meat and bone meal or destroyed by burning or burial, depending on the conclusion of a veterinary specialist and in accordance with regulatory documents. Biological waste contaminated with pathogens of particularly dangerous diseases and diseases that have not previously been recorded in the territory Russian Federation, burn. Biological waste is buried in specially designated places, so-called cattle burial grounds. A plot of land with an area of ​​600 m2, located on a dry, elevated place no closer than 1 km from other buildings, reservoirs and populated areas, is surrounded by a solid fence no less than 2 m high. inside A ditch 1.4 m deep and 1.5 m wide is dug out of the fence, a shaft is made from the excavated soil, and a bridge is thrown over the ditch. Standing depth groundwater on the site there must be at least 2 m. On the territory of the cattle burial ground, one or more biothermal pits are built - special structures (size 3.0 x 3.0 m; depth 9-10 m) for the disinfection of biological waste. The walls of the pit are laid out of red brick or other moisture- and heat-resistant material, raised 40 cm above ground level and plastered with concrete mortar. A layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom and filled with concrete. The ceiling is made of two layers, with insulation placed between the layers. A hole is left in the center of the ceiling, tightly closed with a lid. An exhaust pipe is removed from the pit, and a canopy is built over the pit. When a biological substrate decomposes under the influence of thermophilic bacteria, after 20 days a temperature of 65-70 ° C is created, ensuring death pathogenic microorganisms. In exceptional cases, in case of mass death of animals from natural disaster and the impossibility of their transportation for disposal, burning or disinfection, burial of corpses in the ground is allowed only by decision of the authorized state veterinary inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In the breeding zone reindeer(districts permafrost) if it is not possible to equip cattle burial grounds, it is allowed to bury biological waste in earthen pits on dry high places, not visited by deer. If biological waste is radioactively contaminated, it must be buried in special storage facilities in accordance with the requirements for radioactive waste.

Lit.: Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste dated December 4, 1995 No. 13-7-2/469. M., 1995.

The natural cycle of substances, established ecosystems and food chains in nature have ensured the natural recycling of biological materials for years. This even applied to cases where animals died as a result of infections.

But intensively developing human activities related to the treatment of animals have led to the need for proper disposal and destruction of biological waste. This is important to reduce the impact on the environment and the spread of infectious diseases.

What are biological materials

Before delving into the recycling scheme, it is necessary to find out what the concept of biological waste includes.

This includes the corpses of animals and people, including stillborn fetuses, tissues and organs that are formed as a result of the activities of medical and veterinary institutions and laboratories. In addition, this category includes products from meat, poultry and fish processing plants that are unfit for consumption, including those confiscated after veterinary and sanitary inspections.

Biological waste associated with human body and activities medical institutions, are more often classified as medical. Handling them is regulated by SanPiN dated December 12, 2010.

Biological waste refers to waste of animal origin. The rules for handling them were approved by the chief state sanitary inspector of the Russian Federation.

The most an important condition disposal of biological waste is a ban on their burial. This rule has its exceptions that allow burial:

  • mass mortality of animals resulting from natural disasters and disasters, under conditions that it is not possible to dispose of corpses in any other way;
  • complex climatic conditions and distance from the benefits of civilization.
The decision to authorize burial is made at the level of the Chief Veterinary Inspector of the federal subject.

In addition to unauthorized burial, biological waste cannot be:

  • dump into reservoirs, watercourses and swamps;
  • dispose of in household waste collection areas.

The last point is very often violated, which can lead not only to worsening ecological situation, but also to the spread of infectious diseases.

According to the rules, biowaste is allowed to be disposed of in the following ways:

  • provide it to special plants that process waste of this type;
  • burn;
  • disposed of at cattle burial grounds, in biothermal pits in which not only decomposition of organic matter occurs, but also disinfection of waste material.

Let’s try to understand the biological waste disposal scheme in more detail, starting from the moment of collection and transportation of this type of pollutant and ending with its complete neutralization.

Preparatory stage

The decision on the method of disposal of biological materials is made by a veterinarian, who is called if a dead animal, a stillborn fetus or the appearance of another type of waste of this category. In case of infection of livestock with one of the serious pathogens specified in the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Disposal of Biowaste, a veterinarian is also called, who makes a decision on the slaughter of infected animals. Among the diseases that require the killing of livestock are, for example, rinderpest and bird plague, anthrax, and hemorrhagic disease of rabbits.

It is the responsibility of the farm or barnyard owner to transport the waste to the disposal site. As for wild or stray animals, the collection and transportation of their bodies must be carried out by the owners of the territory where the corpses were found. In cities and towns, public utilities are required to do this.

For transportation of biological waste it is not Any will do transport, as well as a car, which will later be used to transport food for people and animals.

The procedure for collecting and transporting waste of animal origin is as follows:

  • vehicles are equipped with a waterproof box;
  • the carcass of an animal is placed in the car;
  • disinfect the place where the body lay, as well as the tools that were used to load the animal;
  • after transportation, the car and instruments are disinfected and the clothes of the employees who collected and transported the corpses are soaked in a disinfectant solution.

The main stage of waste destruction and recycling

Depending on the type of biological waste, as well as the cause of death of the animal, there are several main ways to completely destroy the biomaterial.

Incineration can be carried out on site or taken to special furnaces. Animal corpses, as well as other biological materials, are burned in case of infection with one of the dangerous infectious diseases listed in the Disposal Rules, as well as those unknown in the Russian Federation. In addition, exposure to fire is resorted to if disposal by any other method is not possible.
Large volumes of waste are burned in cremators - furnaces, inside of which the temperature reaches +800 oC. In addition to furnaces, combustion can be carried out in specially equipped pits. The volumes of the pits depend on the size of the animals.

Animal corpses and biomaterials that do not pose an infectious risk are disposed of at special plants. Many livestock breeding and processing plants are equipped with biological waste disposal facilities. But such workshops do not have the right to process products brought from other complexes.
During the recycling process, feed additives for animals are obtained, mainly in the form of meal from meat, bones, and bird feathers.

In some cases, with permission from regulatory authorities, biological material can be destroyed by burial. To do this, a reagent with a high content of active chlorine is poured into the bottom of the prepared pit, the abdominal cavity of the animal corpses is opened, and the resulting common grave is covered with earth to create a meter-long mound.
A special case of burying contaminated material is the creation of cattle burial grounds with biothermal pits.

How are cattle burial grounds organized?

To set up a cattle burial ground with biothermal pits, you need to choose the right location. The selection of a location is made by the local administration and approved by the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological supervisory authorities.

The location of the cattle burial ground must meet the following parameters:

  1. cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits should not be located in a protected area;
  2. the location of this type of burial should be dry and elevated;
  3. The area of ​​the territory for a cattle burial ground must be at least 0.6 hectares;
  4. the groundwater level should not be below the two-meter mark;
  5. from the cattle burial ground to residential buildings and livestock complexes there should be at least 1 km, to pastures - at least 0.20 km, and to roads and highways - 0.05–0.30 km;
  6. a two-meter fence with a gate should be built around the cattle burial ground;
  7. the walls of the pit must be concrete or brick;
  8. You can easily drive up to the cattle burial ground by car.

The process of waste decomposition in pits is combined with disinfection due to the activity of thermophilic bacteria, which ensures an increase in the temperature inside the pit to approximately 70 °C.

Reuse of biotherms is allowed after a two-year period has passed from the date of burial.

All cattle burial grounds and pits must have a veterinary and sanitary card, which indicates their individual number, address, nearest settlements, roads, pastures and distances to them, and the area of ​​the cattle burial ground.

The card indicates what material was buried and when, who is the responsible person, as well as information about the inspections performed.

The map is drawn up in three copies, which are kept by the owner of the burial, in the veterinary and sanitary services.

Who controls compliance with the rules for recycling and destruction of biowaste

Responsibility for compliance with the rules for handling biological waste lies with animal owners, processing plants, and local administrations. Employees of the state veterinary supervision monitor how correctly the disposal and destruction of biomaterials is carried out.

The same service checks biothermal pits and cattle burial grounds every two years. The inspection data is entered into the veterinary and sanitary record.

In any case, compliance with the rules not only protects against liability to sanitary and veterinary inspection services, but also ensures the protection of the environment and the population from contracting dangerous infections.

I wonder how veterinarians who go to euthanize animals at home dispose of animal corpses? If they drive out in a regular car, often their own, this results in a violation. Burned where? I heard that with ordinary garbage, Is it so? I don’t think that they bury euthanized animals; there is simply nowhere to do this in a metropolis. In this case, who is responsible for disposal?

Biological waste is considered to be the remains of tissues and organs, as well as whole corpses. different types animals and birds. Such waste is generated as a result of activities, deaths of birds and animals from infectious diseases, industrial processing animal materials.

The class of biological waste includes:

  • all carcasses of animals formed naturally and in the laboratory;
  • aborted and stillborn baby animals;
  • spoiled meat products identified by the veterinary and sanitary service at processing and trading points;
  • mass obtained as a result of processing non-food and food animal raw materials.

Such waste can pose a real danger to humans and should not be ignored. All hazardous animal waste must be destroyed or disposed of in accordance with sanitary regulations for working with livestock and poultry.

Classification of animal residues

All hazardous biological residues are classified based on the level of hazard they pose. This is how biological waste of the first and second hazard classes is isolated.

The first group includes homeless animals, pets, stillborn cubs, farm animals and poultry, and laboratory specimens. Such hazardous waste disposed of by burial, incineration or disinfection. They are not used as raw materials.

The second hazard class includes waste in the form of infectious diseases departments, secretions of viral animals, parts of body skin, materials from microbiological laboratories, and contact infectious materials. Such waste is subject to thermal processing using cremators and special technologies.

In addition, according to general classification garbage is isolated different shapes its danger, considered from the point of view of:

  • epidemiology;
  • toxicology;
  • radiation.

The first group includes biological waste, as it can be a source of infection.

What are the dangers of biowaste?

Biological waste can be a carrier dangerous viruses: atypical pneumonia, rabies, anthrax, plague, tetanus, tularemia, botulism, etc. These pathologies are deadly to humans. If you treat this waste negligently, you can provoke a deadly epidemic.

Biowaste cannot be disposed of independently by dumping it into garbage containers to be taken to landfills or landfills. An infected carcass will emit an unpleasant odor and become a source for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. For the same reason, it is not recommended to bury such waste in the ground.

This prohibition can be violated in the case when animals died en masse as a result of some natural disaster, and there is no other method of disposal. Such measures will slightly reduce the risk of an epidemic.

The importance of biowaste disposal rules

The Main State Veterinary Inspectorate of the Russian Federation has approved veterinary and sanitary rules that regulate the rules for the collection and subsequent disposal and destruction of biological waste.

The significance of this document is great. Compliance with the points of these rules is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • description of the algorithm of actions for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological residues that are formed on farms of different categories (large livestock complexes, personal, subsidiary, farm); also in places where animals roam, when transporting animals and products obtained from farm animals;
  • ensuring the destruction of pathogens that cause infectious and invasive diseases of animals;
  • prevention of human diseases by infections caused by zoonotic pathogens;
  • ensuring environmental protection from contamination.

These rules for the collection and further disposal and destruction of biological waste are mandatory for all animal owners and organizations that produce, store, transport and process livestock products.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to avoid undesirable consequences in case of death of animals and damage to livestock products.

Responsibility of animal owners

Animal owners are also responsible for a number of issues, for the outcome of which they are responsible. So, if an animal dies or a fetus is discovered (stillborn or aborted), they need to notify veterinary workers within 24 hours, who will then decide on the disposal or destruction of such biowaste.

Animal owners are required to independently deliver hazardous biological waste to the place of burial or processing.

If there is a mass death of animals, then in exceptional cases, by decision of the authorities, it is possible to bury animal corpses in the ground.

Animal owners are prohibited from throwing biological waste into the environment: rivers, swamps, and other bodies of water. It is also unacceptable to send biological residues into containers with household waste, transported to landfills and landfills.

Recycling stages

Disposal of biological waste is a complex and serious process aimed at preventing environmental pollution and the spread of infectious diseases.

The actions of specialists from relevant organizations are carried out within the following stages:

  • Preparatory stage. Includes a qualified examination of the material by a veterinarian. It is the doctor who decides on the method of disposal of the dead animal. In addition, he can decide to kill livestock if it is infected with a disease dangerous to humans.
  • Delivery of animal corpses to a cattle burial ground. It rests with the owner of the animals. Stray animals are delivered by the management company to which the territory where they are found is assigned. Transportation is carried out by special transport, which is hired by the owner of the animals.
  • Disposal. It is possible by burning contaminated biowaste in cremator furnaces or specially equipped pits (depending on the size of the biowaste); burial of biomaterial in a pit with active chlorine; processing at special enterprises of those wastes that do not pose an infectious hazard.

Once the biomaterial has passed all stages, it becomes harmless to humans and other animals.

Requirements for cleaning and transportation

A specialist’s conclusion on the removal and transportation of an animal’s corpse gives the right to destroy it. A vehicle transporting hazardous biological waste must be equipped with a special container that can be disinfected. Transporting feed and food products is prohibited here.

The product is disinfected after each use. For this, various solutions are used, for example, a solution of formaldehyde in a 3% concentration.

After hazardous biological material has been loaded onto vehicle, the place where the corpse lay, and the equipment and inventory used for loading are also subject to disinfection. The soil is sprinkled with dry bleach in a ratio of 5 kg: 1 sq.m., and then dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet.

The worker's overalls are also treated; they are soaked for 2 hours in a formaldehyde solution (2%).

Disposal methods

The veterinary service allows some of the biological waste to be processed for the purpose of producing feed for birds and animals. It is also allowed to remove skins from animal corpses; they are subsequently disinfected according to the rules and used for the manufacture of goods.

Disposal of approved biological waste can only be carried out on the farm itself; it cannot be imported from others.

Various flours are obtained from biological waste: meat, feather, bone, meat and bone. Other protein supplements are also made from crushed raw materials using technologies such as heating, sterilization, and drying.

For each type of raw material, depending on the disease that led to the death of the animal, its own temperature regime is used.

Feed prepared by cooking is used only on your farm and for your animals within 12 hours after preparation.

Types of destruction

Destruction presupposes the impossibility of further use of the dead animal in any of the species.

Disposal rules name several types of destruction:

  • Burial in earthen pits. Allowed in exceptional cases. The process is as follows: a trench is dug, a layer of bleach (2 kg/1 sq. m.) is poured onto the bottom (2 m from the surface of the earth), dead animals are laid out with their bellies open, the corpses are sprinkled with lime, the top is covered with earth and a mound is made in 1 m. The place is fenced.
  • Destruction of the corpses of animals infected experimentally. The process depends on the results of the study. The corpses are either burned or placed in an autoclave and then dumped in a pit. In some cases, corpses are sent for processing.
  • Burning. They are carried out in special ovens or cross-shaped trenches. They use dry firewood, rubber waste, and flammable liquid, which is poured over the animal’s corpse. After the corpse is burned, the remains and ashes are buried with earth.
  • Burial in cattle burial grounds or biothermal pits.

These types of destruction of corpses will help to avoid epidemics of infectious diseases among animals and prevent infection of humans.

Consequences of improper disposal

If a private owner or enterprise is faced with the problem of disposing of biological waste, then they need to act within the framework of the state law regulating the resolution of these issues.

When solving a problem independently, when the appropriate specialists are not involved, an individual or enterprise may be punished with a fine. This provision is confirmed by the articles of the RF Code on Administrative Offenses (Chapter 6, Article 6.3).

Territories located near cities, towns and villages are regularly inspected by specialists from inspection organizations under the jurisdiction of Rosselkhoznadzor. They identify unauthorized landfills where the carcasses of dead animals can be dumped if they are not disposed of properly.

Disposing of biological waste on your own can lead to undesirable consequences.

Dangerous is that which is released as a result of the decomposition process of organic residues. It can cause attacks of nausea and dizziness, and if it accumulates in the air, death. We also must not forget about contagious diseases that can be transmitted to humans through biowaste.

A frivolous attitude towards decomposing organic matter can become a serious problem compared to the minor issues that will have to be resolved when calling a specialist for the destruction of hazardous biological residues.

Supervisory authorities

Compliance with the rules for the disposal of biological waste in cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits is controlled by state veterinary supervision authorities.

The task of specialists civil service includes regular visits and inspection of the operation of cattle burial grounds and pits. Their veterinary and sanitary condition is monitored. If violations are revealed during the inspection, a report on their elimination is drawn up. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in prohibition of the operation of biothermal pits and cattle burial grounds.

All cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits are registered with the chief state inspector of the city (or district) with the obligatory assignment of an individual number. A veterinary and sanitary card is issued for each facility.

It indicates the location of the object, distance from settlement, characteristics of the area, list of livestock facilities, area and sanitary characteristics of the cattle burial ground. Such a document is drawn up in three copies.

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Disposal of biological waste is important aspect environmental conservation. Veterinary regulations on the disposal and collection of all types of biological waste state that the destruction of biological waste must be carried out at least 2 times a year. The safest method of destruction is to use a cremator oven.

State veterinary inspectors monitor how these rules are implemented. Upon completion of the inspection, a veterinary report on biological waste is drawn up. If veterinary service specialists detect any violations, they issue the owner an order indicating the conditions under which normal operation of the facility can be restored.

These wastes include:

  • corpses of all types of animals
  • stillborn and aborted fetuses
  • veterinary confiscation products
  • materials obtained as a result of processing food or non-food raw materials of animal origin

Collection and transportation

Veterinary and sanitary rules establish that the delivery of waste for subsequent destruction is the responsibility of its owner. Supervisor farm, that is, the owner of deceased livestock, is obliged to collect and deliver the corpses to the place where the animal corpses will be disposed of.

Costs associated with the collection, transportation, examination and processing of low-quality food products are also borne by its owner. Utility services are required to collect and destroy the carcasses of stray animals. municipal institutions, on the territory of which they were discovered.

In Russia it’s such a custom that instead of calling special service After the death of pets, people prefer to bury the deceased pet in a box themselves. Such actions are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation and may entail administrative punishment due to possible soil contamination at an unauthorized burial site. The disposal of pets is primarily carried out by veterinary services and clinics that have the appropriate license. For this purpose, each organization must acquire a furnace for burning animals.

Biowaste without dangerous infections can be disposed of in another way. Biological materials approved by the veterinary service for reuse, are processed into meat and bone meal, glue, protein and feed additives and fat used for technical purposes.

About disposal and storage

Today, the problem of the decomposition of biological materials is as relevant as the problem of clogging the planet with inorganic waste. The rules state that there are only two permitted ways in which biological waste can be disposed of.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” with amendments and additions dated July 24, 2015, disposal is carried out:

  • Using a special furnace for burning biological waste at veterinary and sanitary disposal plants.
  • By carrying out burial in specially organized places where this material is subject to decomposition.

Unfortunately, as a legacy from Soviet Union we inherited territories that are still contaminated today due to the decomposition of biomaterials on them. Previously, they were used as fertile soils, but are now considered completely unsuitable. Disposal and decomposition of waste in designated areas, cemeteries and cattle burial grounds leads to soil contamination and the spread of various infectious diseases.

An alternative to the method of burying remains in animal burial grounds is cremation, that is, burning biological waste in specialized ovens. Among all the methods of neutralizing biomaterials, cremation is the most harmless. Combustion is relevant in major cities, where due to dangerous organic waste outbreaks may occur serious illnesses. Cremators for animals are especially popular in foreign countries for recycling biowaste without harming the environment.

The rules of veterinary legislation allow short-term storage of biological waste in enterprises with special refrigeration equipment, but with subsequent shipment to an enterprise equipped with cremators for animals.

  • into reservoirs and rivers
  • into garbage containers and landfills for solid waste
  • on the territory of forest belts and fields

These rules are established to prevent their decomposition and outbreaks of infectious diseases. Violation of disposal rules is fraught with consequences not only for people and animals, but also for the soil on which biowaste was left.

Disposal in crematoria

Organizations that have cremators for animals have the right to handle disposal. Cremators are special ovens for destroying biological waste. Special security rules have been established for such objects. A license is required to operate. Cremation is considered a fairly economical method of biowaste disposal due to minimal fuel consumption. However, the big disadvantage is poisoning atmospheric air emissions of mercury, arsenic and lead released during cremation.

The volume that can be cremated at a time in a furnace for the destruction of biological waste is equal to a ton, but there are cremators for animal disposal that can burn biomaterials weighing about three tons at once.

The combustion temperature reaches 800°C, but thanks to modern technologies this temperature can be raised to 1200 °C. This option for neutralizing biomaterials meets all sanitary standards. The combustion process takes place under the supervision of a veterinarian in crematoria or earthen pits to an inorganic and non-combustible residue.

Crematoria, unfortunately, are not installed in all districts and regions of our country. It is not entirely profitable for enterprises to build a crematorium, carry out incineration on their territory and purchase furnaces for biological waste at their own expense.

Despite the ban, entrepreneurs practice the destruction of biomaterials using sulfuric acid, followed by decomposition and burial in burial grounds. The result is massive contamination of soils and the environment as a whole. Entrepreneurs who systematically violate recycling rules are issued warnings and fines, followed by more serious administrative liability.

Specialized plants and installations for recycling

At the moment, local installations and plants for the recycling of biomaterials are becoming relevant. Initially, all waste goes through research and registration processes. The cause of death and the presence of infectious diseases are being established.

Biological waste that has a potential hazard to the environment is necessarily sent to a recycling plant for subsequent neutralization. Factories carry out regular monitoring of compliance temperature regime using thermometers and pressure gauges.

The efficiency and economic significance of such plants is invaluable in all respects. There are two main methods of recycling waste: wet and dry.

  • Using the first method, glue is produced. The animal's corpse is placed in an autoclave and the process of sterilization and boiling begins, followed by drying. The result is broth and fat. Glue is made from these components. The remaining ingredients are dried and ground to produce flour.
  • The dry method is based on the use of vacuum boilers with a stirrer. From waste placed in a vacuum space, excess water is first pumped out using steam. After this, sterilization and boiling of the product is necessary. Under the influence of steam, pressure and vacuum, the final stage is drying. The stirrer in the kettle is turned off so that the fat can drain from the processed material. Next, it is sent under a press and crushed. The result also becomes meat and bone meal and technical fat.

It is necessary to carry out sanitary and veterinary inspections for the disposal of biomaterials. Control over compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules is carried out by federal Service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision "Rosselkhoznadzor", it also establishes general rules concerning the collection, transportation and disposal of biological waste.
