What is LGBT: the meaning of the community and deciphering the abbreviation. LGBT movement

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You've probably heard or seen the abbreviation LGBT more than once in magazines and newspapers, but not everyone understood what was hidden behind these four letters (although you guessed it 🙂).

Today I will try to explain in simple words what it is, how this abbreviation stands for, and tell other information on this topic.

What is LGBT and what does it stand for?

Let's figure it out.

According to Wikipedia, LGBT is an acronym used to refer to all sexual minorities: lesbians, gays, bisexuals and.

The designation came from in English, where LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. The abbreviation has been used since the 90s of the 20th century to unite all representatives gay to tell the world about its different sides.

The goal of the movement under this name is the fight for the rights of sexual minorities, and the motto “My life - my rules” encourages others to consider gay people as full members of society.

Flag color and other symbols of the LGBT community

Now that you know what LGBT means, it's time to talk about the symbolism of the movement. There are several distinctive signs that help representatives of non-traditional sexual minorities stand out; they are regularly used in gay pride parades and other events.

Among them:

LGBT activists and the fight for equal rights

In principle, this knowledge about LGBT (decoding each letter of the abbreviation and information about symbolism) will be enough for most readers (for general, so to speak, development). But I still briefly propose to talk about the activists of the movement.

The leaders of this movement are seeking recognition of the rights of sexual minorities in each specific country at the legislative level.

Activists, in order to popularize their views, organize gay pride parades, demonstrations, and others in order to win people over to their community.

In addition to stories about LGBT, what it is and what goals it pursues, they try to draw attention to the problems of modern sexual minorities in society.

Priority Goals movement activists:

  1. the opportunity for representatives of non-traditional orientations to social adaptation;
  2. reducing the level of hostility, attacks and insults towards LGBT people;
  3. providing timely medical care transgender people, homosexuals, lesbians;
  4. the opportunity to enter into official same-sex marriages and have children;
  5. equality in all areas of activity, including when applying for work or studying at a higher educational institution.

In the European Union and the United States, LGBT activists have achieved their goals. Gay pride parades are periodically held in China, Venezuela and even Turkey, where the majority of the population professes Islam.

The situation is deplorable for gay people in the CIS and strict Muslim countries like Iran, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, where homosexuals are sometimes physically destroyed.

Many celebrities do not hesitate to openly declare their sexuality and actively fight for equal rights for representatives of sexual minorities, being an example for others.

Here are a few famous personalities, who did not hesitate to reveal themselves:

  1. Elton John. The singer came out (admitted to homosexuality) back in 1976, when even Western countries were not so loyal to homosexuals. Now Sir Elton John is officially married and has children.
  2. Tom Ford. Famous designer admitted to being gay in 1997, later married a man, and since 2012 they have been raising a child together.
  3. Thomas Hitzlsperger. In the sports world, people are still afraid to admit their non-traditional sexual orientation, fearing misunderstanding from fans and potential employers. German footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger played for clubs such as Bayern Munich, Aston Villa, Stuttgart, Lazio, Westham, Wolfsburg and Everton, after which he ended his playing career and admitted to homosexuality.

How do LGBT people live in Russia?

IN Western countries children with early years they talk “about this” (what this concept means), and explain that such people also have the right to self-expression (which is not bad). Another thing is that Lately it has become more like an advertisement such a way of life as more correct (which is absurd).

In Russia, representatives of sexual minorities face not only homophobia (although this does happen), but intolerance on the part of the population and government towards advertising and popularization of deviations. Officially at the legislative level Propaganda prohibited non-traditional sexual relations among persons under 18 years of age.

Gay pride parades, same-sex marriages, direct or indirect support for LGBT people - all this is an unaffordable luxury in Russia. Representatives of sexual minorities most often have to hide their orientation, and there is no opportunity for them to create a family at the official level.

Tolerance, but not the creation of a cult (IMHO)

Now you know more about this topic and which celebrities openly talk about their homosexuality, and how do they relate to sexual minorities in Russia. I’ll dwell a little on the latter.

Now in the USA it costs the most pressing problem(all their major media write about her) - men. This may seem strange to us from Russia, but for our rights it has distorted the situation so much that men in the United States now find themselves practically powerless and are slowly “degenerating.”

In South Africa, the situation with the struggle of the black population for their rights led to a completely opposite result. Now apartheid there is the opposite - the white population is practically deprived of all rights and is openly discriminated against.

Once you accelerate, it is very difficult to stop and not tip the balance in the other direction.

It will lead to the same sad result aggressive fight for the right to “normality” of the LGBT community. This needs to be understood and taken into account. It’s one thing to cultivate a tolerant attitude in society (it’s not people’s fault that nature has decreed it this way) and another thing to “pump up rights,” as feminists have done for decades in the States.

Therefore, I am impressed by Russia’s balanced approach to this issue. But that doesn't mean you have to agree with me. It is even good when there are many opinions, because this allows you to achieve the most.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Every person has the right to personal feelings And happy life according to his own convictions. Every year more and more more people do not hesitate to openly express their preferences, and the public is slowly but surely replacing anger with a more loyal attitude towards LGBT people.

Turning to Wikipedia, the acronym LGBT symbolizes all sexual minorities: lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders. This abbreviation began to be used at the end of the 20th century in order to create an emphasis on different aspects of sexuality and gender identity. The meaning of LGBT is to unite gay people with common hobbies, goals and problems. The main goal and intention of LGBT is a movement for the rights of gender and sexual minorities. Referring to Wikipedia, the community's motto reads: "My life - my rules", which translated into English means "My life - my rules."

The community has several signs that differ in meaning and are created, first of all, so that people can stand out from the crowd. We can highlight the most common LGBT symbols:

Who are LGBT activists?

In every community there are leaders who perform important tasks for the LGBT movement. Activists are trying to ensure that legislative framework made changes and changed attitudes towards minorities . This is extremely significant for those who wants to have the opportunity to socially adapt in society. Activists are busy organizing parades, flash mobs and other events to win over the public towards the LGBT community.

LGBT - pros and cons

People who are for or against same-sex marriage support their views with moral and legal norms, but few of them consider science in this matter, which provides enough material for thought. Arguments in favor of same-sex steam:

Arguments against the existence of LGBT people:

  • according to research by psychologists and sociologists, same-sex couples do not create adequate comfort for the child, in particular, families without fathers;
  • homosexuality has not been sufficiently researched and studied scientifically, especially for children raised in legal same-sex marriages;
  • sexual minorities are destroying traditional gender roles formed back in the Stone Age.

Discrimination against the LGBT community

Sexual minorities are being harassed in different areas life. Discrimination manifests itself in families and in society. LGBT rights are violated when people belonging to sexual minorities are fired from work without reason, excluded from educational institutions etc. There are countries in which discrimination manifests itself even at the legislative level: there are state bans on the dissemination of information about homosexuality. Some minority rights that are violated by society or the law:

  • transgender and gay people are denied medical care in some hospitals;
  • Unreasonable problems arise at work and in educational institutions;
  • attacks and beatings by some young people who show aggression towards minorities;
  • inability to officially start a family;
  • Personal information about sexual orientation may be disclosed to third parties.

LGBT and Christianity

Attitude towards the rights of sexual minorities usually associated with different beliefs of churches:

What is a festival of sexual minorities (gay pride)

Gay Pride is an entertaining procession in the form of a fun festival. The objective of the festival is the visibility (coming out) of LGBT representatives, the protection of human rights and civil equality, regardless of sexual orientation. The term is in the title gay- a particle of an established expression and is used not only in relation to gays, but also to other representatives of the LGBT community.

Festivals are held in more than 50 countries around the world, even in such conservative ones as Turkey, China, Lebanon, India, Venezuela and others. The festival can act as carnival or human rights demonstration, depending on the situation.

The festival in most countries is the most significant part“gay pride” or, simply put, “pride”, which is held in a variety of forms: from fairs to picnics. Traditionally, such events are held in June as a tribute to the Stonewall riots, during which thousands of sexual minorities protested against police repression. This event became a symbol of the fight for civil rights of gays, lesbians and transgender people.

Gay celebrities

Many celebrities do not hide their sexual orientation, without hesitation to tell the world about it. They often actively fight for the rights of the LGBT community. They are an example for many who, for some reason, are embarrassed to reveal themselves to the people around them and society as a whole.

  1. Elton John. The singer announced his sexual orientation in 1976, but this negatively affected his career. Now Elton and his official partner David Furnish are raising two sons.
  2. Tom Ford. In 1997, the designer revealed his sexual orientation and this moment is married to Richard Buckley, who was previously editor of Vogue Hommes International. Since 2012, the couple has been raising a son.
  3. Chaz Bono. At the age of 18, the daughter of the singer Cher confessed her true sexual orientation, and later Chastity Bono (now Chaz Bono) was subject to gender reassignment procedures. Later she was an author in a magazine for sexual minorities and even published a book. Singer Cher supports LGBT people and is proud of her daughter.

Nowadays, every person can defend their rights. To do this, he only needs to join a community of interests (as one of the options) or common views on different things. There are many associations of people who strive to improve their lives or... prove a point. Communities of this type direct their activities to achieve certain results, goals, or to combat emerging problems.

Beyond specific communities, there is the concept of “movement.” It also consists of different groups of people who share common views on life or certain things. They strive to prove their point of view to the world and want to be heard. Among such groups are LGBT. Who it is, or rather what it is, is not known to everyone. So let's try to figure it out.

What is LGBT?

One thing is clear - this is an abbreviation. Among tens of thousands of different communities, there are many whose names consist of only a few letters. But what do they mean? For example, many are interested in what LGBT stands for. In simple words, is a group of people united by their views and principles of life. They are often called gay communities. They include representatives of various communities, communication groups, movements, neighborhoods and organizations.

But why LGBT? The decoding is simple: a community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people. All people who consider themselves to be part of this formation are united common problems, interests and goals. In any case, LGBT representatives consider themselves full members of society, which they try to prove to others, since many do not recognize their views and way of life.

LGBT movement

In addition to the community of gays, lesbians and other representatives of sexual minorities, there is a special LGBT movement. It consists of the same people with non-traditional orientation, but they are actively involved in proving their rights and living as full-fledged individuals in today’s society.

Video: “LGBT” - True transcript - “Educational program” (Announcement of a series of programs).

The LGBT movement, whose acronym consists of the first letters of four words - lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, stands for equal rights of citizens, sexual freedom, tolerance, respect for human rights and, of course, the eradication of xenophobia and discrimination. In addition, the main goal of the participants is the integration of people with non-traditional orientation into society.

Community history

The history of the LGBT movement dates back to the Second World War. Yes, yes, oddly enough, but at a time when asking the question of how LGBT stood for was not only shameful, but even scary, a society of gay people already existed, and every day there were more and more supporters. People slowly gained courage and stopped being afraid of society's reaction to them.

Video: decoding abbreviations

In general, the history of society is divided into five long periods: pre-war, post-war, stonewall (gay liberation uprising), AIDS epidemic and modern. It was after the second stage of the formation of LGBT people that the ideology in society changed. Post-war period became the impetus for the formation of gay neighborhoods and bars.

Community symbols

The LGBT community is a formation that was formed by people who have the same views and interests, namely non-traditional orientation, which in our time is perceived in completely different ways. As development progresses unusual organization its own symbolism appeared. These are special signs that have meaning and a unique origin. They help you navigate society and distinguish your like-minded people and supporters. Additionally, the symbolism demonstrates the pride and openness of the community. It's quite clear that she's playing special role for every gay person.

Signs symbolizing the LGBT community include the pink triangle. Of course, these are not all designations, but they are the most common.

Previously, during the Second World War, it was considered a major crime for which the government punished and the person was prosecuted by law. Homosexuals were forced to hide. LGBT community as public organization was founded by the US government in 1960, after which the lives of all sexual minorities have improved significantly.

Equality for sexual minorities!

"LGBT - what is it?" - many people ask, and after learning the decoding, they perceive such unions as something frivolous. In fact, the strength and agency of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community should not be underestimated. After all, it is thanks to him that all LGBT people can now make legal contracts and no one has the right to condemn them for this.

Throughout the existence of the community, it tried to change legislation in favor of sexual minorities. After all main goal LGBT is the protection of human rights and it should be noted that this organization was once opposed by the anti-homosexual movement, which does not recognize LGBT people as equal members of society, or religion does not allow them to accept them.

In addition to the fact that sexual minorities fought for human rights, they all long dreamed of marrying each other. Previously this was unacceptable! In this regard, same-sex civil partnerships did not suit gays and lesbians; they needed official legitimation of relationships and a family. Even the possibility of adopting a child was not excluded. Ultimately, permission to enter into same-sex marriage was received by thousands of gay couples.

Right to Adoption

Not many people know what LGBT stands for, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be interested in it. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people have fought and continue to defend their rights. And it’s not in vain. After all, after a lot of effort, they were finally allowed to enter into same-sex marriages. A little later, gay couples began to desire. Thus, another problem arose - adoption. LGBT people are seeking the right to have a child, and in some countries, members of sexual minorities can do this. The only problem is identifying the parent. Many social services do not understand how to register mom and dad as guardians when they are both female or male.

Activities of the LGBT community

It should be noted that LGBT (an abbreviation whose meaning is now clear to you) is successfully engaged in social activities. Community organizes various events, including original film festivals, competitions, concerts, sport competitions, photo exhibitions and flash mobs, theatrical performances and more. The purpose of these events is the adaptation of people with non-traditional orientation. A special feature of the event is its educational nature. It should be noted that LGBT people publish magazines, books, and also appear on television and radio. Community representatives provide amazing psychological, legal, medical and other types of support and assistance to their like-minded people.

Cancellation of bans on professions

Now you know what LGBT is. Note that this formation is often mentioned in connection with social activities. Surprisingly, there were times when gay people were prohibited from working in certain positions. For example, they could not serve in the army, be a teacher or a doctor. Today, most of these prohibitions have been lifted, and all this has been achieved by representatives of sexual minorities. Of course, what LGBT stands for is known only to those people who are interested in this issue. In other cases, they prefer to remain silent about such formations.

Lifting bans on donation

When asking the question of what LGBT is, a person with a traditional orientation wants to receive a normal, satisfying answer. But not everyone “likes” reality and the whole truth contained in deciphering this concept. Thus, there were times when lesbians and gays were prohibited from becoming donors. Their blood was considered “dirty”, unworthy ordinary person. It is quite natural that sexual minorities were extremely offended by this attitude, and they began to fight injustice. Nevertheless, today there are still countries that continue to prohibit homosexuals from having organs.

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So, we looked at what LGBT is. Who they are and what goals they are pursuing have also been clarified. The main task of this community today is to eradicate negative attitudes towards people who are different from the majority.

Attention, TODAY only!

People have the right to live happily according to their own beliefs and feelings. Every year more and more people openly talk about their sexual preferences, and the public is changing its anger and complete renunciation to a more loyal attitude.

What is LGBT?

Different abbreviations are used around the world, so the combination of letters LGBT stands for all sexual minorities: lesbians, gays, bisexuals and. The LGBT acronym began to be used at the end of the 20th century in order to emphasize different aspects of sexuality and. The meaning behind these four letters is to unite gay people with common interests, problems and goals. The main task of LGBT is the movement for the rights of sexual and gender minorities.

LGBT symbols

The community has several signs that differ in meaning, and they were created in order to make a statement and stand out among the crowd. When figuring out what LGBT is, you should indicate the most common symbols of this movement:

  1. Pink triangle. One of the oldest symbols that arose during Nazi Germany, when homosexuals became victims of the Holocaust. In 1970, triangle Pink colour became a symbol of the movement, thereby drawing a parallel with modern oppression of minorities.
  2. Rainbow flag. In LGBT, the rainbow symbolizes the unity, diversity and beauty of the community. He is considered the personification of pride and openness. The rainbow flag was designed by artist G. Baker for the gay pride parade in 1978.
  3. Lambda. In physics, the symbol means “rest potential,” which symbolizes future changes in society. There is another meaning, according to which lambda is associated with the community’s desire for civil equality.

Who are these LGBT activists?

Each movement has leaders who carry out important functions. LGBT activists are trying to do everything to bring about changes in the legislative framework and adjust attitudes towards sexual minorities. This is important for people to have a chance of social adaptation in society. Activists are organizing various parades and other flash mobs. Their goal is to endear the public to the community.

LGBT - pros and cons

Advocates and supporters of the legalization of same-sex marriage use different moral and legal arguments. At the same time, few people turn to science, which gives good material for thought. Arguments for LGBT minorities:

  1. Same-sex marriage is not unnatural because sexual orientation is almost always innate.
  2. The LGBT community and science confirm that there is no psychological difference between ordinary and same-sex couples, because all people experience a similar set of emotions.
  3. American psychologists have conducted research and found that lesbian couples give their children a better base and start for their future life.

Arguments that say that the LGBT movement does not have the right to exist:

  1. Studies by educators and sociologists believe that children in same-sex families are uncomfortable, especially for families without fathers.
  2. The phenomenon of homosexuality has not been sufficiently studied by science, and this is especially true for the condition of children who are brought up in legalized same-sex marriages.
  3. Sexual minorities are disrupting traditional gender roles that date back to the Stone Age.

LGBT discrimination

Sexual minorities are subject to discrimination in various areas of life. Oppression occurs within the family and community. LGBT rights are violated when people of non-traditional sexual orientation and transgender people are fired from their jobs without reason, they are expelled from educational institutions, and so on. In many countries, discrimination is observed even at the legislative level, for example, there are state bans on the dissemination of information about homosexuality. Understanding what LGBT is, it is necessary to indicate which rights of minorities are violated.

  1. In some medical institutions, doctors refuse medical care to homosexuals and transgender people.
  2. The emergence of unreasonable problems at work and in educational institutions.
  3. Attacks on personal integrity, so many representatives of the younger generation show aggression towards LGBT people.
  4. Personal information, i.e. sexual orientation, may be disclosed to third parties.
  5. Inability to officially start a family.

LGBT - Christianity

Attitudes towards the rights of sexual minorities are mainly associated with different concepts of churches:

  1. Conservative. Fundamentalists deny the rights of people with non-traditional orientation, considering them criminals and for them LGBT is a sin. In some European countries, LGBT rights are considered to be based on the truths of the Gospel, so a number of civil rights such Christians admit.
  2. Catholic. This church believes that people are born gay and face different challenges throughout their lives, so they need to be treated with sensitivity and compassion.
  3. Liberal. Such churches believe that discrimination against people with non-traditional orientation is unacceptable.

LGBT celebrities

Many celebrities do not hide their orientation, and they actively fight for LGBT rights. They are an example for those who are embarrassed to reveal their true insides.

Almost all over the world the attitude towards sexual minorities is very friendly. Today, gay people rarely cause confusion or ridicule. Moreover, the term LGBT has emerged, which is intended to unite all these individuals. How is the abbreviation LGBT correctly deciphered and what is its real meaning? Full information about all this is provided below.

Decoding and basic meaning of the abbreviation LGBT (LGBT)

What does LGBT mean, how to decipher this word? In fact, the word should be understood as a certain definition of all sexual minorities. The term LGBT (LGBT) has English origin, the full acronym can be deciphered as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. In Russian, LGBT literally has the following decoding: Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals.

That is, the word LGBT allows you to simply designate all bisexual, homosexual and transgender people.

In Europe and America, the term has been actively used since the 90s of the last century, but in Russia it has gained relative popularity recently. Abroad, LGBT has become an expanded variation of another term - LGB, which in Western countries from the mid-80s of the 20th century until the beginning of its last decade meant the gay community. At the same time, initially the word concerned only this sexual minority and was not used to define representatives of other people of non-traditional orientation.

It’s worth making a reservation right away: both the translation and the decoding of the LGBT acronym are not of any derogatory or offensive nature. Against! The term is intended to demonstrate other sides and directions sex life of people. Gender identity and sexuality are very diverse.

Possible interpretations of the term LGBT

By the way, there is another term from this category. It is represented by the acronym LGBTQ. In Russian it sounds like LGBTQ. Yes, yes, the last letter was given exactly this decoding. The whole point is that here it means “queer”. But in some versions the letter means questioning, which can be translated as doubting or hesitating. This term was introduced in 1996 and did not last long.

Within 3 years, the abbreviation LGBTI was proposed, which was written in English as LGBTI. But the version introduced by intersex people was soon combined with the previous version. The result is the acronym LGBTQI or LGBTQI.

There are other variations. So, previously there was a version with the addition of the letter “A” at the very end. It meant belonging to the category of such persons as asexuals (that is, Asexual).

Another option is an abbreviation in which the last letter is “P” (P). The meaning is simple - pansexual.

Other letters are also used to define the sexual minority community. For example, the presence English letter"H" stands for HIV positive. The additional number “2” or the letters “TS” mean two-spirit. This can be translated as the term berdache. Sometimes you can see "I" in the abbreviation. She indicates interosexuals, and "O" indicates others.

The extra "C" stands for experimental, and the "T" stands for transvestite.

There are other letters that can be used in the abbreviation, but, as a rule, today four basic letters are enough for everyone to fully reflect the essence of the LGBT movement.

Now the basic term LGBT, according to Wikipedia, can be deciphered as the self-name of all people who have created a certain community based on gender identity or sexual orientation. This meaning has thoroughly entered into the speech of the majority English speaking countries and the USA. It is also widely used in Europe and almost all countries of the world. Moreover, the term is often heard in the media and at meetings of public organizations.

LGBT symbols

LGBT people have their own symbols. A set of signs allows people of non-traditional sexual orientation to identify themselves.

Special LGBT symbols were invented, and the following are usually included among the special signs:

  • rainbow sign;
  • pink and black triangle;
  • lambda;
  • purple palm;
  • labrys.

Other LGBT symbols include bear signs, transgender symbols, overlaid gender markers, purple rhinoceros, calamus, green carnation, and others.

Rainbow LGBT flag

Of course, the most popular symbol of all sexual minorities is the rainbow flag. It is also called the freedom flag or pride flag. The sign is presented in the form of a canvas consisting of 6 longitudinal stripes. From top to bottom go all the same colors as a natural rainbow. But there is a difference - between the green and blue colors, blue is missing.

The peculiarity of such an LGBT sign is that it reflects all the diversity, freedom, openness and kindness of sexual minorities.

The rainbow flag was created a long time ago. It was invented by Gilbert Baker in 1978. He did this specifically for the gay pride parade that took place in San Francisco.

Colored triangles

Another popular LGBT symbol is the pink triangle. By the way, this sign is considered one of the oldest attributes of communities to which people with non-traditional sexual orientation belong. The symbol appeared in Germany when the Nazis were in power there. Then gays were sent to special camps, and as a mark, a mark in the form of a pink triangle was placed on their body. They were abused not only by the guards, but also by other men under arrest. Therefore, in the Third Reich, most of the gays were destroyed.

There is another interpretation of this sign. Lesbians prefer to use a black triangle, since this sign also has its own history: this is the mark that the fascists put on all asocial individuals, which included lesbians.

Other signs of the LGBT community

The history of some other symbols that relate to LGBT is also interesting. For example, the green carnation has become a sign of gays. And the sign originates in the poetry of Oscar Wilde. By the way, another gay symbol was taken by sexual minorities from the work of Walt Whitman. This is calamus.
