Eilat Israel water temperature by month. Rain-free Eilat - weather by month

Unique in Eilat subtropical climate. Since this is the driest region of Israel, its climate is very mild even in winter, and the sun warms 365 days a year. The reason for this is the location between the main deserts North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

The air humidity here is only 20-30%, and in summer the air temperature can sometimes rise to 50°C. True, the heat in this region is tolerated quite easily - thanks to the dry air and winds.

Winter in Eilat is warm and mild, a large number of precipitation. Thanks to such a unique climate, Eilat has become a recognized center winter holiday, which attracts numerous tourists from all over the world.

Marc Radermacher

Vegetation and fauna

The natural landscapes of Eilat are wonderful, because the city itself is an oasis in the middle of the sultry desert And. The vegetation of Eilat is amazing. You will be able to see fancy Coral reefs and smoky purple mountains that make Eilat look like a fairyland.

The Gulf of Eilat is famous for its rich underwater world, which attracts a large number of people who want to admire it.

Thanks to high temperatures and excellent transparency, the Red Sea has all the necessary conditions for the emergence and reproduction of unique underwater fauna and flora. Today it is home to about a thousand different species of fish, including some exotic and truly rare ones. In order to see bright schools of fish and beautiful coral reefs, you just need to scuba dive on an underwater excursion.

Wildlife & Nature Photograp

There are a lot of coral reefs here - they are literally everywhere and tightly adjacent to each other. Due to high evaporation, the bay concentrates high percent salts This environment is very favorable for corals.

In 1966, the Eilat coast was declared nature reserve. Now, 40 kilometers from Eilat, you can visit the Hai Lat nature reserve and get acquainted with different types animals.

You need to travel around the park by car, but the windows must be closed. The local animals are very peaceful and have long been accustomed to people, but ostriches are also very curious - they boldly approach the car, testing its strength with their powerful beak. At the end of the path, you can get out of the car and approach the enclosures containing birds and predatory animals.

Eilat is located on the bird migration route. And twice a year, millions of birds fly through these places to winter in Africa and back to Europe. Therefore, at the entrance to Eilat, not far from the checkpoint to Jordan, an ornithological center was founded. Part of it is reserved for scientific work, and the second is intended for visiting by curious visitors. Sitting in a cozy gazebo, you can observe the behavior through the bushes and trees rare species birds, as well as flocks near the water that stop here to rest after a difficult flight.


The park has an artificial landscape and a pond with fresh water and plants familiar to most birds were planted. All this, of course, attracts birds that fly over the desert. They always stop here to rest after a hard journey, to eat and gain strength.

There is also a wonderful botanical garden in Eilat. Although it is small, the walks here are very cozy and interesting. Rain Forest creates a simulated rain every 9 minutes. There you can take a photo at a mini-waterfall, a large African baobab, a giant cactus, and also take a break in the shade of the trees in a cozy equipped corner.

At the Visitor Center you can purchase seeds and seedlings, and a Russian-speaking employee will tell you in detail about the features of growing plants in harsh desert conditions.

Eilat is a small town located on the Red Sea coast. It can easily be called a paradise for tourists. The main attractions of the year-round resort are the sea, the mountains and the sun, which warms the tourist oasis at any time of the year. Rains are very rare here, and they last only a short time.

Eilat - large nature reserve. A huge number of hiking mountain routes offer beautiful views of the surrounding nature. Waters of the Red Sea - wonderful place for diving and snorkeling. Well, if you didn’t come to look at the beauty of the mountains and the underwater world, but to soak up the sun, there is more than enough of it here.

When choosing a place for a vacation or weekend, a reasonable question arises - what time of year is best to visit this or that part of the world in order to get the most comfortable stay and not be disappointed by the air or water temperature? You already know that the rainy season in Eilat is not in danger. But when weather the most favorable conditions for visiting the paradise town, you will understand by comparing weather data in different months.


While in the middle latitudes children are making snowmen and skating, the tourist season. The mild climate contributes to a pleasant holiday and travel around the area ancient city. This time of year is the most - summer heat does not interfere with educational walks and sightseeing. On average, it rains in Eilat for 4 days in January. The rest of the time, tourists can enjoy the warm and gentle rays of the sun, calm seas and cool evenings. Rain in January is perceived rather as a gift from heaven - in an arid and hot region, both children and adults welcome drops of water from the sky.

The weather in December and February differs little from January. In the first month of winter, the average daily air temperature reaches +15 0 C. Cold nights and warm pleasant days attract everyone large quantity vacationers on the coast. It’s not for nothing that many people prefer to celebrate the traditional New Year in Israel.

In February, the air in Eilat begins to warm up a little. And there are fewer rainy days - on average, last month In winter, you risk getting rain for 2 days. February is considered the most favorable month to visit the tourist paradise in winter.

average temperature air in winter is not very different:

  • in January during the day the thermometer shows +18 0 C, at night +10 0 C;
  • in February, daytime temperatures reach +21 0 C, night temperatures +16 0 C;
  • in December - during the day you will find +20 0 C, and at night +10 0 C.


With the arrival of spring, the flow of tourists to the Red Sea coast increases. And this is not surprising - the climate of Eilat at this time of year is very favorable to vacationers.

The air temperature in spring favors a comfortable stay:

  • in March during the day the air warms up to +24 0 C, at night to +13 0 C;
  • in April, the average daytime temperature is +28 0 C, night temperature +17 0 C;
  • in May - during the day you can enjoy +31 0 C, and at night +22 0 C.

Rainy days in March are still as few as in winter - on average, you can admire raindrops over Eilat 2 days a month. And even then, it’s not necessary. March holidays on the beaches are characterized by an abundance of warm and tender sun rays. In the evening it’s better to stroll through the streets of the city and breathe in Fresh air ancient city.

April and May greet tourists with rapidly rising air temperatures and sea ​​water. The likelihood of precipitation is becoming less and less, and stormy days now seem like manna from heaven. For beach lovers, a real paradise is coming. The only thing that can darken spring holiday- dust storms, which are not uncommon at this time of year. But this phenomenon does not last long and you can spend this time visiting attractions of interest to tourists, restaurants or spas, of which there are plenty in Eilat.


If you prefer hot, dry and sunny weather for your holiday, the summer season on the Red Sea is what you need. Already from the first days of June, the heat (there is no other way to call it) opens its arms to everyone who decides to visit Eilat:

  • the average air temperature in June reaches +38-40 0 C during the day and +28 0 C at night;
  • in July +42 0 C during the day and +26 0 C at night will delight lovers of hot beaches;
  • the temperature in August during the day rises to +43 0 C, and at night to +32 0 C.

Sometimes the thermometer continues to move mercilessly upward and crosses the mark of +44 0 C. At such times, the best thing the resort gives to vacationers is a light and refreshing sea breeze.

In July, the temperature does not decrease at all, but on the contrary, reaches its average annual peak. Rather, it promotes pleasant evening walks and relaxation in a hotel in daytime. There is no need to be afraid of precipitation at this time of year in Eilat - you are unlikely to experience any.

August, like July - great time for relaxation for lovers of hot and dry weather. Very hot and very dry. If you decide to visit Eilat during this wonderful season, consider your leisure time during peak air temperatures. In this case, an excellent solution would be to relax by the pool or sit down with friends in an air-conditioned cafe.


The autumn months, like spring, can be called the most favorable for relaxing on the coast blessed by the gods. Fabulous landscapes and pleasant air encourage swimming in warm waters Red Sea and sunbathing on numerous beaches. During the day the average temperature reaches:

  • +37 0 C in September;
  • in October +33 0 C;
  • +26 0 C in November.

In September, the daytime temperature is literally a few degrees lower than in summer, but it feels much more pleasant. The heat ceases to be exhausting and aggressive, and brings pleasure. At night, a comfortable +24 0 C helps you take a break from the hot sun and relax.

October and November can be called truly a velvet season. The nights become cool (from +20 0 C in October to +15 0 C in the last month of autumn), and it is pleasant to be in the sun during the day.

But sea water remains as warm as in summer. It is during this period that the beaches of Eilat are most crowded with tourists trying to recharge themselves with the energy of the sun for the entire period until their next vacation.

Eilat is a great place to relax with your family or in a close friendly company. This small oasis has everything that even the most demanding tourist needs - a warm and gentle sea, a gentle radiant sun, nice people, developed tourist network. Most vacationers admit best season to visit Eilat in spring and autumn. But, as they say, it depends on taste and color... Everyone chooses the vacation that he likes.

The Gateway of the Middle East, as Eilat is also called, will not greet you with rain - if you count the number cloudy days per year, there are no more than 12 of them. In winter, the temperature of sea water sometimes exceeds the air temperature, and swimming at this time in the sea turns into a comfortable and unforgettable vacation.

The weather in the sunny resort city is always beautiful. When to go on a trip is up to you. But rest assured, once you have visited the shores of the Red Sea, you will want to return to Eilat again and again.

Eilat is located on a short section of the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea. This is the southernmost geographical point of the State of Israel.

From ancient and modern history

The first mentions of this city are contained in and date back to the first millennium BC. In its vicinity were the legendary mines of King Solomon, in other words - mines according to His modern name Eilat received during the Roman Empire. A permanent garrison was located on this remote outskirts.

It can be assumed that the Roman legionnaires were not very keen to get into service in Eilat. The weather here was consistently hot, and living conditions were not the easiest. But this city was strategically important, since it provided access to the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. In subsequent historical eras it belonged to the Crusaders and Ottoman Turks. It became part of the State of Israel in 1949. For the successful existence and development of the city great importance had a modern highway connecting the south with the central and northern regions countries. It was built a little later.


If for some reason you find yourself in Israel, then this is a great reason to visit the Red Sea, Eilat. The weather here differs from month to month, but not so much as to cast doubt on the advisability of the trip. It's always good on this coast, beach season here is almost endless. And this circumstance served as a prerequisite for the successful development of the tourism business.

Over the past decades, a tourist infrastructure has been built on the coast of the Gulf of Eilat that meets world standards for beach holidays. Today there is everything here - a wide network of hotels and campsites, service structures along the entire beach coast, the opportunity to aquatic species sports Eilat has a modern international airport capable of receiving flights from all over the world. Therefore, today there are two routes to the south of Israel. You can get to Eilat by highway through the desert and by air. And, of course, the city is an economically significant trading port. It opens the way to the Indian Ocean.

Visit to Israel. Weather by month. Eilat and the Red Sea

In the tourism industry, the concepts of high and low price seasons are generally accepted. That is, it matters significantly what season of the year is best to travel to a particular country. It depends on what is of priority for the tourist - the price level for services or climatic comfort. Israel is no exception. The summer months are considered not the most attractive season here due to the intense heat.

Eilat is a different matter. The weather here is stable throughout the months; it never gets cold here. And those who are heading to this place simply cannot make a mistake with their choice. They are not looking for coolness, especially since the sweltering desert heat completely ceases to be felt on the sea coast. Despite all the conventions of such recommendations, the weather in Eilat in May is considered more suitable for a beach holiday. The mercury column of the thermometer here practically never drops below thirty degrees, even at night. And, naturally, the water temperature here is just as comfortable.

To complete the picture, let's note the hottest and coldest months of the year. The coolest weather in Eilat is in December, January and February. The air temperature here drops to 20-22 degrees during the day and to 14-16 at night. And the hottest months are June, July and August - 38-40 degrees during the day and 30-32 at night.

Virtually the same temperature regime observed in Eilat in the autumn and spring months. In March, April and May - from 28-36 degrees during the day and from 21 to 30 at night. In September, October and November - from 35 to 28 in daylight hours days and from 28 to 21 in the dark.

The water temperature in the Gulf of Eilat in December, January and February ranges from 20 to 22 degrees. In March, April and May - from 22 to 25 and in August - from 25 to 28. In September, October and November - from 28 to 23 degrees. In the summer months there are strong winds, sandstorms. Their local name is khamsin. Precipitation is extremely rare between November and April. Usually there are no more than three or four rainy days per season.

Plunging to the depths

One of the main attractions that makes tourists from all over the world head to this coast is the unique undersea world Red Sea. This is what Eilat is famous for in the first place. The weather over the months does not in any way interfere with diving and other types of water tourism. When diving to depths, you can not pay the slightest attention to the weather at all. And the uniqueness of the flora and fauna of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba is unanimously testified by those who have ever dived into different seas and oceans of the world. These people can be trusted. Beginner divers here have the opportunity to seek advice from experienced instructors. Eilat - a good place for those who have long wanted to scuba dive into the depths, but did not dare take the first step.

In a desert

Your stay on the Red Sea coast can be diversified with excursions to historical places mentioned in Old Testament. The desert around Eilat is very expressive. Stones and rocks of bizarre shapes make you remember the scenery for Hollywood blockbusters about the life of alien civilizations. We should not forget that it was in these parts that some events of Sacred history took place. Remember such biblical cities as They were located nearby here. The weather in April in Eilat is optimal for such trips. If you are sensitive to heat, then in the summer months it is better to refrain from excursions in the desert or choose them in the morning. In the evening, the desert is as hot as during the day.

To describe in a nutshell what the weather is like in Eilat – either warm or hot. This city does not know negative temperatures.

It's always sunny and warm in Eilat. Hot and dry in summer, winter minimum temperature at night about + 9. Most best time for holidays in Eilat, determined by the weather, in late October - November, and in spring the end of March - April. Rain on the Red Sea in Israel is very rare and only occurs in winter months.

Eilat is a city where it is almost always sunny. The best time for vacation is October, November, March, April, May. Tourists are attracted to Eilat by its mild climate, warm, pure water Red Sea and the opportunity to see the sights of the city and interesting places in its vicinity.

Weather in Eilat by month

In the diagrams on the left you see how from the city of Haifa, located in the north of the country, to the city of Beer Sheva, the number of precipitation and growing temperature .

With further movement to the south there is a sharp jump in the increase in average temperatures and decrease in precipitation in Eilat.

This is explained by the fact that between Beersheba and Eilat there is the Negev Desert.

Of course, the weather on the Red Sea is of interest to Israeli guests from the point of view of comfortable swimming in the sea. Therefore, a few words about the period from September to April.


September in this city is the same summer month, like August. The city is filled mainly with Israeli tourists, and the beaches are crowded. Many people in the country are celebrating New Year, and he is in Israel just in September, precisely in Eilat. This month is not very popular among Russian-speaking tourists due to the heat. If this reassures anyone, then in the south of Israel the weather is about the same as in Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh.


The weather in October until the middle of the month differs little from September. Temperature within 30-34 degrees. Even at the very end of October, the public in the resort town prefers shorts and a T-shirt, including late at night.

After the holiday of Sukkot in the middle of the month, when there are traffic jams in the city and hotels raise prices by 2 times, Israelis leave for their cities and the best time comes to visit beaches and excursions.


November on the local coast is the Velvet season. When in Russia it is windy and damp, and sometimes the temperature is below zero, in Israel on the Red Sea it is warm, calm and comfortable. The average temperature is about 24 degrees, but people in swimming trunks and swimsuits still try to take a place under an umbrella in the morning. A protective skin cream will definitely come in handy in November. At the same time, it’s easy to freeze in the evenings without a good jacket.

Weather in December

The temperature is about 20 degrees. December for locals is the beginning of autumn. Swimming in the Red Sea is possible, but entering the water, much less getting out of it, is not entirely pleasant. There are cold days, but sometimes there are also warm days.

Weather in January

On forums where the weather in Eilat is the subject of discussion, you can often come across the statement that in January you can swim in the Red Sea. This cannot be confirmed and cannot be denied. At the same time, there is a high probability that a person, having believed and understood this in his own way, having bought a tour, will fly to Israel in the confidence that the warmth and sea are waiting for him there. Such a tourist will most likely be disappointed.

Of course, the climate sometimes brings surprises, but if you are deciding whether to go to Israel to the Red Sea in January, know that you have very little chance of enjoying sea swimming.


In February, Eilat is cool, the weather is reminiscent of the winter month, sometimes with winds and very rarely with rain. But there are exceptions here too - on one of the pages of the site there is a photo taken on the beach in mid-February. It shows one of the northern beaches with women and children on the beach and in the water. The second photo shows the street a few hours later - late evening, a dark cloud and a street wet from rain. The weather in February is unpredictable.


The weather changes quickly in better side. The average temperature is about 20 degrees. By the end of the month, the most impatient tourists appear on the beaches.

Summarize. The weather in Eilat by month demonstrates that guaranteed beach holiday continues until the end of November and resumes at the beginning of April.

The winter months are not cold and even at night the temperature does not drop below +9, and during this time it rains 2-3 times. However, at this time of year, you will most likely have to admire the Red Sea from afar, from the embankment or at the Underwater Observatory.

Temperature in Eilat by month during the day (at night)

January 18 (10), February 20 (10), March 24 (14), April 28 (17), May 32 (22), June 39 (28), July 42 (30), August 43 (32), September 37 (26), October 32 (20), November 24 (15), December 20 (11).

Water temperature in the Red Sea

In December-January the water is +22°C, in July-August +26°C.

As you can see, in Israel the water temperature in the bay does not change significantly throughout the year. This is due to great depth seas.

It rains extremely rarely. According to statistics, the weather presents an average of 7 rainy days a year. Such days occur only in the winter months - December, January, February.

The air temperature in January ranges from +9°C (minimum) at night to +18°C (maximum) during the day. The air temperature in early August ranges from +25°C (minimum) at night to +43°C (maximum) during the day.

Speaking about the weather in Eilat, it is important to note that the air humidity in the resort is very low, about 20%. That's why summer heat relatively easily tolerated.

However, from May to October the weather in Eilat is not something to joke about. To avoid ruining your holiday, always wear a hat, drink more water and use sunscreen.

Due to low air humidity, the human body quickly becomes dehydrated. Therefore, make it a rule to take water with you when going out into the city or to the beach. It is especially important to follow this rule if you are going to the mountains. Buy a special case at any supermarket for plastic bottle. It is comfortable to wear and the water will not heat up.

If we talk about the spring months, the weather in Eilat in March-April is wonderful. Very warm, but not hot yet. At this time of year it is about 30 degrees Celsius during the day and about 22°C at night.

The weather is similar in October and early November.

Weather in Eilat January, February- during the day about +20°C, at night +10°C.

Even at this time Sometimes you can swim in the sea.

Water temperature in the Red Sea in December-January +22°C.

The weather this season is not stable. It can be windy for a week. And getting out of the water will be very unpleasant. Or it may be sunny and warm for several days in a row.

As you can see, during the day the weather allowed swimming in the sea, and in the evening it rained.

And after another 3 hours everything was dry again.

This is how unpredictable the weather is in Eilat in December, January and February. Perhaps in the reviews about your holiday in Eilat you will find the necessary information about the weather.

To describe in a nutshell what the weather is like in Eilat – either warm or hot. This city does not know negative temperatures.

It's always sunny and warm in Eilat. In summer it is hot and dry, in winter the minimum temperature at night is about + 9. The best time for a holiday in Eilat, determined by the weather, is at the end of October - November, and in the spring the end of March - April. Rain on the Red Sea in Israel is very rare and only occurs in the winter months.

Eilat is a city where it is almost always sunny. The best time for vacation is October, November, March, April, May. Tourists are attracted to Eilat by its mild climate, warm, clear water of the Red Sea and the opportunity to see the sights of the city and interesting places in its surroundings.

Weather in Eilat by month

In the diagrams on the left you see how from the city of Haifa, located in the north of the country, to the city of Beer Sheva, the number of precipitation and growing temperature .

With further movement to the south there is a sharp jump in the increase in average temperatures and decrease in precipitation in Eilat.

This is explained by the fact that between Beersheba and Eilat there is the Negev Desert.

Of course, the weather on the Red Sea is of interest to Israeli guests from the point of view of comfortable swimming in the sea. Therefore, a few words about the period from September to April.


September in this city is the same summer month as August. The city is filled mainly with Israeli tourists, and the beaches are crowded. Many residents of the country celebrate the New Year, and in Israel it happens in September, precisely in Eilat. This month is not very popular among Russian-speaking tourists due to the heat. If this reassures anyone, then in the south of Israel the weather is about the same as in Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh.


The weather in October until the middle of the month differs little from September. Temperature within 30-34 degrees. Even at the very end of October, the public in the resort town prefers shorts and a T-shirt, including late at night.

After the holiday of Sukkot in the middle of the month, when there are traffic jams in the city and hotels raise prices by 2 times, Israelis leave for their cities and the best time comes to visit beaches and excursions.


November is a velvet season on the local coast. When in Russia it is windy and damp, and sometimes the temperature is below zero, in Israel on the Red Sea it is warm, calm and comfortable. The average temperature is about 24 degrees, but people in swimming trunks and swimsuits still try to take a place under an umbrella in the morning. A protective skin cream will definitely come in handy in November. At the same time, it’s easy to freeze in the evenings without a good jacket.

Weather in December

The temperature is about 20 degrees. December for locals is the beginning of autumn. Swimming in the Red Sea is possible, but entering the water, much less getting out of it, is not entirely pleasant. There are cold days, but sometimes there are also warm days.

Weather in January

On forums where the weather in Eilat is the subject of discussion, you can often come across the statement that in January you can swim in the Red Sea. This cannot be confirmed and cannot be denied. At the same time, there is a high probability that a person, having believed and understood this in his own way, having bought a tour, will fly to Israel in the confidence that the warmth and sea are waiting for him there. Such a tourist will most likely be disappointed.

Of course, the climate sometimes brings surprises, but if you are deciding whether to go to Israel to the Red Sea in January, know that you have very little chance of enjoying sea swimming.


In February, Eilat is cool, the weather is reminiscent of the winter month, sometimes with winds and very rarely with rain. But there are exceptions here too - on one of the pages of the site there is a photo taken on the beach in mid-February. It shows one of the northern beaches with women and children on the beach and in the water. The second photo shows the street a few hours later - late evening, a dark cloud and a street wet from rain. The weather in February is unpredictable.


The weather is quickly changing for the better. The average temperature is about 20 degrees. By the end of the month, the most impatient tourists appear on the beaches.

Summarize. The weather in Eilat by month demonstrates that guaranteed beach holidays continue until the end of November and resume in early April.

The winter months are not cold and even at night the temperature does not drop below +9, and during this time it rains 2-3 times. However, at this time of year, you will most likely have to admire the Red Sea from afar, from the embankment or at the Underwater Observatory.

Temperature in Eilat by month during the day (at night)

January 18 (10), February 20 (10), March 24 (14), April 28 (17), May 32 (22), June 39 (28), July 42 (30), August 43 (32), September 37 (26), October 32 (20), November 24 (15), December 20 (11).

Water temperature in the Red Sea

In December-January the water is +22°C, in July-August +26°C.

As you can see, in Israel the water temperature in the bay does not change significantly throughout the year. This happens due to the great depth of the sea.

It rains extremely rarely. According to statistics, the weather presents an average of 7 rainy days a year. Such days occur only in the winter months - December, January, February.

The air temperature in January ranges from +9°C (minimum) at night to +18°C (maximum) during the day. The air temperature in early August ranges from +25°C (minimum) at night to +43°C (maximum) during the day.

Speaking about the weather in Eilat, it is important to note that the air humidity in the resort is very low, about 20%. Therefore, the summer heat is relatively easy to bear.

However, from May to October the weather in Eilat is not something to joke about. To avoid ruining your holiday, always wear a hat, drink more water and use sunscreen.

Due to low air humidity, the human body quickly becomes dehydrated. Therefore, make it a rule to take water with you when going out into the city or to the beach. It is especially important to follow this rule if you are going to the mountains. Buy a special case for a plastic bottle at any supermarket. It is comfortable to wear and the water will not heat up.

If we talk about the spring months, the weather in Eilat in March-April is wonderful. Very warm, but not hot yet. At this time of year it is about 30 degrees Celsius during the day and about 22°C at night.

The weather is similar in October and early November.

Weather in Eilat January, February- during the day about +20°C, at night +10°C.

Even at this time Sometimes you can swim in the sea.

Water temperature in the Red Sea in December-January +22°C.

The weather this season is not stable. It can be windy for a week. And getting out of the water will be very unpleasant. Or it may be sunny and warm for several days in a row.

As you can see, during the day the weather allowed swimming in the sea, and in the evening it rained.

And after another 3 hours everything was dry again.

This is how unpredictable the weather is in Eilat in December, January and February. Perhaps in the reviews about your holiday in Eilat you will find the necessary information about the weather.
