How to remove a foreign body from the nose. Foreign body of the nose

Cases when, for some reason, a foreign body ends up in a child’s nose are not uncommon. Most often, this is due to the inattention of parents who left the baby unattended, bought him unsuitable toys, or did not limit access to small objects. It’s good if you can find and remove the object quickly. But sometimes it penetrates too deeply and it is no longer possible to do without the help of specialists.

How does a foreign body enter?

A foreign body can get into a baby’s nose in several ways. Most often, he pushes it to himself - accidentally or intentionally. Thus, small parts of toys, grains, beads, bones, buttons and other household items may end up in the nose. Kids can generally do this unconsciously, and therefore the problem cannot be detected immediately.

Older children may be afraid of punishment and simply not tell their parents about it, but try to pull the object out on their own. Not understanding how to do this, they usually push it even further and without medical care in this case there is no way around it. Moreover, an object stuck far away can injure the nasal mucosa and cause bleeding or purulent inflammation.

Sometimes, during medical procedures or procedures, pieces of gauze, cotton wool, etc. remain in the nose. The cotton wool can remain in the nose even when using cotton swabs in the nasal passages at home (just come off the stick). Such soft objects are not immediately felt in the nose, so they are often detected only after inflammation has occurred.

Another common way for foreign bodies to enter the nasal cavity is through a sharp inhalation. This is how particles of dust, dirt, small insects, grains of sand, grains, etc. fly in. Although during outdoor recreation or in case of non-compliance elementary rules hygiene in the house, ants, cockroaches and small bugs can crawl into your nose on their own. It is difficult to extract them at home, but it is possible.

Pieces of food sometimes fly into the nose when coughing or vomiting. If they are small and not hard, then after a while they dissolve and are easily blown out. Large and hard pieces get stuck, the process of rotting begins, which results in severe inflammation of the nasal mucosa or sinuses. In this case, you will have to treat not only the cause, but also the accompanying symptoms.

Obvious symptoms

Children who can already speak well usually still tell their parents that something has gotten into their nose. Children under 2 years old cannot do this, moreover, they often do not even realize it. Therefore, you should be concerned if your child suddenly develops the following symptoms:

More obvious symptoms appear a little later, when a foreign body provokes an active inflammatory process. They are varied and depend on the type of foreign body. The temperature may rise sharply, a purulent runny nose, and swelling of the mucous membranes may appear.

If the problem is ignored, then the inflammatory process covers everything large area, goes to the sinuses. Sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and chronic rhinitis gradually develop. If the inflammation spreads to the middle ear, purulent otitis media appears, and if the bones are affected, osteomyelitis occurs. With prolonged chronic intoxication, severe cases include meningitis and sepsis.

You should not try to detect and remove a foreign body from a child’s nose on your own. Wrong actions can only make the situation worse. Therefore, the only correct way out is to immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, a thorough examination using modern equipment often becomes necessary.

Diagnostic methods

The easiest way to detect an object stuck in the nasal passage is to examine it from the inside using a rhinoscope. But this method only works with solid foreign bodies that have penetrated shallowly. But what if it is located somewhere above the upper sky? This is where hardware diagnostics are needed.

It usually starts with an x-ray. But not all objects can be seen on it. Metal and solid organic matter (seeds, pits, etc.) are clearly visible in the image. Rubber, plastic, and silicone are less visible. Small insects, grains of sand, grains, food particles are practically invisible on it. In this case it is necessary to use computed tomography, which gives more detailed information.

In stationary conditions, the nasal passage is examined using an endoscope. It allows you to display an image from a miniature camera on a monitor, and at the end of the tube there is a special loop that you can immediately grab an object and remove it, if possible.

First aid

If a foreign body that gets into a child’s nose does not cause bleeding, it does not cause severe pain and does not injure the mucous membrane, you can try to remove it yourself. But before you start any manipulations, you need to remember well what you should never do:

What remains to be done? To begin, wash your hands thoroughly. Then close the “healthy” nostril with your finger, tilt the baby’s head down and ask him to exhale sharply through his nose. If there are grains of sand, grains or seeds in your nose, this usually helps.

You can simply provoke sneezing by placing a pinch of black (ground!) pepper under the baby’s nose, dripping Kalanchoe juice into the free nostril, asking him to look at the light bulb or bright sun. When sneezing, it is also advisable to close the unstuffed nostril with your finger. If these simple techniques did not help, there is no point in experimenting further. Ask your baby to try to breathe through his mouth so as not to pull the object in even deeper, and go with him to the hospital.

Extraction methods

Of course, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist for help. He is better acquainted with the structure and features of the nose than other specialists, and also has whole set tools and techniques for its examination. Keep in mind that children with foreign objects in the nose are examined without waiting in line!

After an external examination, the doctor decides whether the foreign body can be removed immediately, whether additional examination is necessary or surgical intervention. Removal of a shallowly stuck small object is carried out under local anesthesia (an anesthetic solution is poured into the nose) using a hook and loop or an endoscope. The whole manipulation takes a few minutes, the mother receives the necessary recommendations and takes the baby home.

If blood flows from the nose, and needles, pins and other traumatic objects are found in the picture, surgical intervention becomes inevitable.

This operation is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting, and after it the child is under constant medical supervision for at least 1-2 days. If necessary, the operation is performed immediately. But if there is no danger to the life and health of the baby, then important tests are taken before it (for blood clotting, etc.), and the test itself is scheduled for the next day.

Care and prevention

After removing a foreign body from the child’s nasal cavity, measures are required to prevent or eliminate the inflammatory process. If a purulent runny nose and other complications have already appeared, the doctor may consider it necessary to use antibacterial drugs, orally or in the form of nasal drops. In the absence of severe inflammation, it is enough to treat the nasal passages with an antiseptic solution 2-3 times a day.

Nasal drops have a good anti-inflammatory effect. plant based"Pinosol." Included in it essential oils have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, well moisturize the mucous membranes, relieve irritation and swelling. But on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use other drugs. If you managed to blow out a foreign body at home, it is useful to drip the nose with sea buckthorn oil for prevention.

Of course, no one is safe from accidentally getting small objects into the nose, especially a child. But if parents pay attention and take preventive measures, the risks can be greatly reduced:

  • do not leave a child under 2 years of age playing unattended;
  • put sharp and very small objects out of reach of the baby;
  • do not allow your child to eat on the go or while playing;
  • teach him that you can’t talk, much less laugh, while eating;
  • Explain to your baby that it is important to chew food thoroughly;
  • buy only toys that are appropriate for the child’s age;
  • Inspect the toys you already have for small and dangerous parts.

Talk to your child about the importance of telling parents about any troubles. He should know that if he made a mistake, he will receive help from his parents, not punishment. The sooner the situation becomes clear and the baby receives help, the less likely it is that various complications will occur.

Dear Parents! This article is once again about how to provide emergency assistance on one's own. Those who have read the second part of Dr. Komarovsky's reference book - "Emergency Care" - most likely remember that this method was described there. But repetition, I think, will not harm anyone.
What will you do if your baby (or older preschooler) puts something up his nose? With thisThis is a problem that many parents face head-on.
What will you do? Will you call an ambulance, will you look for tweezers, will you go to the hospital?
Dr. StephanieCook, aGP (general practitioner, emergency physician), an Englishman, described in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) a technique for removing foreign bodies from the nose called "mommy's kiss" back in 1965.
How safe is this technique? What is it? - these are the questions asked by Dr. Cook and his colleagues.
What is the “mom’s kiss” technique?
-Place your lips tightly to the baby's mouth
- With one finger, press firmly on the foreign body-free nostril
- Exhale forcefully into your child's mouth.
- The air will “press” on the stuck foreign body, which can lead to its expulsion.
During the study of the safety of the method, scientists relied on data published in Embase, CINAHL, MEDLINE, AMED. Animal-only data were completely excluded from the sample of articles, and reports of adverse outcomes were also examined. Factors influencing the likelihood of a successful outcome using this technique were carefully checked. Ultimately, 8 articles that met the selected criteria were reviewed. The study found that the effectiveness of the technique is approximately 59.9%. No side effects were noted.
Dr. Cook's conclusion:
"Evidence reviewed indicates that the 'Kiss Mama' technique is a useful and safe first aid method for removing foreign bodies from the nasal cavity of children."
The advantage of this method is the high probability of removing a foreign body, practically without side effects. The worst thing that can happen with this technique is that the foreign body remains in the same place. Doctors say that quite often they have to resort to this technique in case of emergency, and children do not find anything unpleasant, inconvenient or scary in it. The main thing is to persuade parents to do this. Most health experts advise parents to perform the "mommy kiss" technique in the presence of a doctor.
Important! Follow guidelines to prevent the object from being pushed through and entering the lower respiratory tract. Experts prefer to use this particular technique in emergency situations, and only if the result is negative, resort to more invasive techniques: the use of forceps, hooks or sedation.

Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about little children and their curiosity. Little children, especially those under 3 years of age, explore the world not only with their eyes and hands, but also try to stick various objects of suitable size into their nose or ear. Let's look specifically at a situation where a child might put a foreign body in his nose, what parents should do in such a situation, and how to properly provide first aid to a child.

Quite often, when parents are not around, the baby, while playing, either consciously or accidentally, can put any foreign object in his hands into his nose. These can be various small toys, beads, small coins, buttons, fruit seeds, peas, nuts, etc.

While walking outside, insects (midges) can fly into your nose. Worms can get into the nose - roundworms, pinworms, fly larvae. If a child grows up in unsanitary conditions, a cockroach may crawl into his nose while he sleeps.

Sometimes, during vomiting, a piece of food can enter the nasal cavity; it is especially dangerous if this particle gets stuck and completely closes the nasal lumen.

Rarely, there are cases when, after medical procedures, pieces of cotton swabs or tips remain in the nasal passage, which are not visible during the operation due to heavy bleeding.

Even less often, but still there are cases when a child stuffs batteries into his nose. This is very dangerous, since in such a situation a chemical burn of the mucous membrane is possible, up to the melting of the cartilage of the nasal septum.

Foreign body in the nose - symptoms

The presence of a foreign body in the nose in children is a fairly common reason for seeking help from an ENT doctor. Parents do not immediately notice that such a problem has occurred. Parents, as a rule, do not notice the moment when a baby puts something in himself or another child’s nose. And small foreign bodies do not immediately make themselves known.

Parents become concerned when they notice that

  • the child begins to sneeze (the body’s natural reaction to remove something unnecessary);
  • lacrimation and pain appear in the nostril where the foreign object is located.

Later, difficulty in nasal breathing appears, a runny nose with purulent discharge develops, bloody discharge and an unpleasant odor from the nose are observed.

As a rule, all symptoms are unilateral.

Consequences and complications

If first aid is not provided correctly in time, serious complications may develop over time:

  • Chronic, sometimes purulent, rhinitis or rhinosinusitis,
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing due to swelling of the mucous membrane in the nose,
  • Headaches due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain,
  • The development of rhinolitis is the formation of a nasal stone around a foreign body.

Rhinolith is the most serious complication of prolonged exposure to a foreign object. Calcium and phosphate salts of calcium and magnesium settle on its surface. Mixing with mucus, peculiar capsules are formed, which can be soft or hard, have a smooth or rough surface. In any case, such a “growth” irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to a persistent runny nose.

The development of rhinolitis leads to even more serious complications, this may be

  • inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses - sinusitis or frontal sinusitis,
  • inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media,
  • purulent rhinosinusitis,
  • frequent nosebleeds,
  • osteomyelitis of the nasal bones - inflammation of the spongy substance of the bone and periosteum,
  • perforation of the nasal septum.

Foreign body in a child’s nose - first aid

Sometimes the baby’s life depends on whether first aid was provided correctly. If this happens, what should parents do at home?

  1. First of all, you need to find out how far the foreign object is in the nose. To do this, take an ordinary flashlight and shine it on it. First, find out what kind of object is in the nasal cavity: live insect or not.
  2. If it's a living insect, run to the hospital! Urgent help is needed: the insect can crawl even further into the nasal passage.
  3. Explain to the child that he breathes through his mouth, as when inhaling air through the nose, the object can penetrate further and enter the respiratory tract, which is very dangerous.
  4. Ask your baby to blow his nose. To do this, let him press his free nostril, tilt his head forward a little, and try to blow his nose through the other nostril. If the object is small, it will come out.
  5. Before your child blows his nose, drop short-acting vasoconstrictor drops into his nose to relieve swelling (children's Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Virocil, Polydex, Nazol baby) or 1-2 drops vegetable oil. Sometimes, if the object is small, after the swelling is removed, it comes out easily.
  6. Blowing your nose cannot always help, especially when the child is small and cannot blow his nose on his own. In this case, try clearing your nose with a small rubber enema. Use an enema to blow air into the nostril free of foreign objects, asking the child to close his mouth.

I especially want to warn parents: you should not engage in amateur activities if you cannot remove the foreign body yourself using the above methods. The fact is that when removed, a foreign object can be pushed even further and enter through the larynx into the respiratory tract. And this is very dangerous, since if an object gets into the larynx, a spasm of the glottis is possible for several minutes and the child can die.

What parents should never do:

  • to remove a foreign body, use tweezers (you can injure and cause bleeding) or a cotton swab (you can push the foreign body even further);
  • try to remove a foreign object with your fingers;
  • rinse your nose with water;
  • press down with your fingers the nasal passage with an object stuck there;
  • let the baby eat and drink until removed foreign object.

Which doctor should I contact?

If such a situation has happened and you are unable to remove the foreign body yourself, contact an otolaryngologist, or, in extreme cases, a surgeon. If your clinic does not have an ENT doctor or it is after hours, contact the ambulance station. They will definitely help you.

If you removed an object from your nose yourself, you should still see a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to say that parents need to be more vigilant and not leave young children unattended. Then you won’t have to provide assistance to the child to remove a foreign object from the nose.
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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

A foreign body of the nose is a foreign object that has accidentally entered the nasal cavity - a berry seed, a bead, a seed, a mosquito or other insect, a small part of a toy, a piece of plastic, wood, food, paper or cotton wool. A foreign body in the nose can occur without symptoms. Basically, this is manifested by pain, discharge from the affected half of the nose and one-sided congestion. Diagnosis of a foreign body in the nose is based on medical history, results of rhinoscopy, otolaryngological examination, radiography and CT data. The essence of treating a foreign body in the nose is to eliminate it as quickly as possible by blowing it out, surgical or endoscopic removal.

Most often, otolaryngologists diagnose foreign bodies in the nose in children. While playing, a child may intentionally insert various objects into his nose without thinking about the consequences. Foreign bodies that enter the nasal cavity in this way are, as a rule, located in the lower nasal passage. Among the total number of foreign bodies in the nose, such cases account for 80%. Much less common are foreign objects in which one half is stuck in the nasal septum and the other in the inferior turbinate. Foreign bodies that accidentally enter the nose are often localized very deeply.

Classification of foreign bodies in the nose

Foreign bodies in the nose are extremely varied in size, shape and character. Thus, foreign bodies of the nasal cavity are classified into:

  • metal (screws, coins, parts of a metal construction set, nails, needles, fragments of firearms, buttons);
  • inorganic (beads, plastic parts, pebbles, beads, pieces of glass, cotton wool);
  • live (larvae, insects, roundworms, leeches);
  • organic (peas, seeds of various plants, parts of food products, small beans, fruit seeds, pieces of vegetables and fruits).

Also, foreign bodies of the nose are divided into radiopaque and radiopaque, depending on whether they are visualized during X-ray examination or not. Radiopaque bodies include glass, metal objects, bones, parts of toys, and buttons.

Pathogenesis of a foreign body in the nose

A foreign object can enter the nose naturally from environment. Thus, the object can enter from the pharynx through the choanal openings and through the nostrils. As a rule, foreign bodies that enter the nose through the nostrils occur in children preschool age. It is at this age that children can put things in their noses for fun. various items. Also, living organisms that are in the inhaled air or in water from reservoirs and open sources can accidentally enter the nose.

Foreign bodies of the nose of an iatrogenic nature are not very common. These items are a cotton swab left in the nose, part of a surgical instrument that was used during operations (resection of the nasal concha, correction of choanal atresia, septoplasty, removal of a tumor of the nasal cavity, etc.) or various otolaryngological procedures.

Choking while eating or vomiting can cause a foreign body to enter the nose. At such moments, pieces of food and other objects that were in the pharynx cavity enter the nose through the openings of the choanae, thanks to which the pharynx is connected to the nose. Also, a foreign body entering the nose can occur due to a trauma to the nose or various injuries adjacent facial structures. A foreign body in the nose can be a piece of wood, a piece of glass, a bullet or a loose piece of bone, or a sharp object.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the nose

The entry of a foreign object into the nasal cavity may be accompanied by reflex sneezing, lacrimation and watery discharge from one half of the nose. True, such symptoms pass very quickly, after which the patient will not feel anything. For example, small foreign bodies in the nose that have a smooth surface, for a long time may occur without clinical manifestations. There are cases when even objects with sharp corners and rough foreign bodies in the nose did not cause complaints in the patient, and for quite a long time.

Under the influence of a foreign object, the nasal mucosa is injured, which provokes a strong inflammatory process, which is accompanied by clinical symptoms such as pain in the nose and mucous or mucopurulent discharge from one half of the nose. As a result of inflammation, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, which makes nasal breathing difficult.

In other cases, a foreign body in the nasal sinuses immediately after entering the nose causes various kinds of discomfort:

  • feeling of a foreign object;
  • irritation;
  • tickling;
  • pain in the affected half of the nose.

Pain associated with a foreign body may radiate to the forehead, pharynx, or cheek. The most pronounced pain syndrome is with foreign bodies with sharp corners; this can be any metal object. Such objects greatly damage the internal tissues of the nose and often provoke nosebleeds. A foreign body in the nose is in some cases accompanied by dizziness and headaches. In the future, the pain intensifies, leading to increased irritability, sleep disturbances, and in children - anxiety, frequent whims and tearfulness.

For a foreign body in the nose, the classic triad of symptoms is pain, discharge and nasal congestion. These symptoms are bilateral in nature, which distinguishes them from the manifestations of allergic rhinitis, rhinitis and sinusitis. A foreign body in the nose in children is most often accompanied only by a runny nose with discharge that comes from one half of the nose. When taking a deep breath, in some cases, a foreign body in the nose can migrate into the pharynx or larynx, which is accompanied by increased pain and the appearance of a number of new symptoms.

Individual foreign bodies of the nose that are located in it long time, some changes are going through. For example, beans and peas from the humid environment of the nose significantly increase in size, which leads to blocking of nasal breathing, but only that part of the nose in which they are localized. Some foreign bodies can break down into pieces over time and even disintegrate completely. In the case when the foreign body of the nose does not resolve and leaves its original appearance, in the future it can become the core of a nasal stone. It is worth noting that it is formed by deposits of salts, which are contained in the secretion of the nasal mucosa. If a foreign body remains in the nasal cavity for a long time, this will increase the risk of developing granulation tissue; its growth provokes constant injury to the mucous membrane. Granulation tissue will hide the nasal foreign body, making it difficult to visualize during diagnosis.

Diagnosis of a foreign body in the nose

An otolaryngologist is responsible for diagnosing a foreign body in the pharynx based on medical history, results of rhinoscopy and examination of the nasal cavity. Much more problems occurs with the diagnosis of foreign bodies in the nose in children younger age. Very often, their medical history contains no indication of a foreign object entering the nose.

It is also difficult to diagnose a foreign body that has been in the nasal cavity for a long time. The fact is that due to severe edema, formed granulations or inflammatory changes in the mucosa, it may not be visualized during rhinoscopy. To detect a foreign body in the nose in such situations, palpation with a metal probe is used. True, this method can only detect dense foreign bodies.

In case of a foreign body in the nose, an ultrasound, culture of nasal discharge, CT or radiography of the paranasal sinuses, pharyngoscopy, CT or radiography of the skull are additionally performed.

Complications of a foreign body in the nose

Foreign bodies in the nose lead to difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired ventilation, which further provokes inflammatory changes in the nose. paranasal sinuses nose Prolonged stay of a foreign body in the nose can cause ulceration of the mucous membrane, necrosis of the nasal concha, the development of polypous growths, disorders of the lacrimal duct, and suppuration of the lacrimal sac.

In turn, the addition of a secondary infection provokes the development of purulent rhinosinusitis, and in some cases osteomyelitis of the bone structures of the nose. In addition, there are severe cases when a foreign body in the nose begins to perforate its wall. That is why, at the first symptoms of a foreign body in the nose, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Treatment of a foreign body in the nose

A foreign body in the nose has a number of dangers, so its removal should occur as quickly as possible so that an inflammatory reaction and swelling do not develop. Otherwise, the extraction process will be significantly more complicated. If a foreign body just gets into the nose, it can be removed by simply blowing it out. The patient should take in air, close his mouth and forcefully blow out the collected air, while covering the healthy nostril with his finger. This method Suitable for adults and older children only.

If adults and small children were unable to remove the foreign body naturally, endoscopic removal is necessary. In young children, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia; for adults, local anesthesia is sufficient. A foreign body is removed surgically very rarely, only in cases where endoscopic removal was unsuccessful.

In addition to the above methods, rinsing the nasal cavity with antiseptic solutions, draining and rinsing the paranasal sinuses, and instilling vasoconstrictor drops into the nose are additionally used. If necessary, complications are treated.

Getting foreign objects into the nose is one of the most common reasons treatment in pediatric otolaryngology. But even adults are not immune from such a diagnosis. While children can purposefully place foreign bodies into the nasal cavity, in adults this phenomenon is most often accidental.

About pathology

A foreign body (FB) in the nose can be placed purposefully or accidentally. Moreover, this condition often occurs completely asymptomatic at first.

Then, over time, signs of a foreign object in the nose develop. Despite this, most often the symptoms of this phenomenon are quite bright, due to which the ENT doctor, after examination, removes the foreign body from the cavity.

Naturally, this condition is most often observed in children. As a rule, during games they place small parts of toys, beads, coins, fruit pits in the nose.

In 80% of cases, trapped objects are located in the lower part of the nasal passage. It happens a little less often that one end of a foreign body is wedged into the lower part of the nasal concha, and the other into the nasal septum. If a foreign body is accidentally introduced, it can be located in any location.

Classification of foreign bodies in the nose

Foreign bodies are classified into:

  • Inorganic - beads, beads, pebbles, plastic, and so on;
  • Organic - leaves, seeds, peas, seeds, etc.;
  • Metal - coins, construction parts, nails, needles, and so on;
  • Live – midges, roundworms, leeches, larvae.

Depending on how objects appear on x-rays, they are divided into radiopaque and radiopaque. The latter include living foreign bodies.

Foreign body in the nose, what you need to know:


The reasons for foreign objects entering the nasal cavity are:

  • Targeted introduction;
  • Accidental inhalation;
  • Objects left behind after medical procedures (including the patient’s own tissue);
  • while eating (when a person chokes);
  • Entry through vomit.

There are many reasons for this development of events. Only children, as well as people with mental disabilities, do this purposefully. But foreign objects do not appear randomly so often. It is not uncommon that with the help of protective reactions of a mechanism such as sneezing, it is possible to get rid of IT in the nose.


Symptoms are often confused by people with allergies, which in general, in a sense, is what it is. In essence, an irritant is the same foreign body that the body tries to remove in every possible way.

Therefore, when a foreign object gets into the nasal passages, many experienced the following symptoms:

  • Tearing.

Symptoms often resolve in short term. After this, the foreign object may not bother the patient. Only one-sided is present. Painful sensations make themselves felt less often and only when the object has sharp ends.

If a person does not see a doctor, chronic irritation and injury to the mucous membranes develops, after which an inflammatory reaction develops. It leads to the development of the usual symptoms - pain in the nose, mucopurulent secretion discharged from one half of the nose, swelling and difficulty in nasal breathing in general.

But in some cases, typical symptoms appear almost immediately after IT gets into the nose:

  • Irritation;
  • Sensation of a foreign object in the nose;
  • Pain in the affected half of the nose;
  • Pain can radiate to the eye, forehead, cheek, or throat.

If internal tissues are significantly damaged, it may develop nose bleed, . Painful sensations also lead to sleep disturbances, increased irritability, moodiness, tearfulness, and anxiety (especially in children).

Unlike other types of pathologies of the nasal passages and sinuses, the manifestations are one-sided. The danger of the condition is that when you try to inhale, the FB may move into the larynx or pharynx.

Some foreign objects may undergo changes, such as peas, beans, due to high humidity can increase in size, and some, on the contrary, fall into pieces, soften and completely decompose. If IT retains its appearance, then it often becomes the core of a nasal stone, overgrown with salt crystals from nasal secretions.

If the object is present for a long time, tissue granulation often develops, which as a result hides the foreign object during examination, preventing a correct diagnosis.

First aid

If a person has inserted a foreign object into the nasal passage, it is necessary to examine it. If an object is found almost at the outer part, it is necessary to carry out first aid. If this is not possible or the object is embedded tightly and deeply and tends to disintegrate or split, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Surgical method for removing a foreign body in the nose:

Algorithm of actions

If you cannot see a doctor, you must:

  • It is necessary to instill a vasoconstrictor drug into the nasal passage in the form of drops (a spray can aggravate the situation, they will push IT further).
  • If the child cannot follow commands, you need to close the healthy nostril (pressing it against the septum), and then take a sharp breath into the mouth. This action can help push the object out of the nose.
  • If the child is older, you need to ask him to stop breathing through his nose and take a deep breath through his mouth. Next, pinch the healthy nostril with your finger and ask to exhale sharply through the nose. If at the same time the child feels that the object is moving, then repeat the action until the nasal passage is freed from the IT.
  • If the procedure was not successful, you can drop Kalanchoe into the child’s nose or let him breathe in ground pepper.

If these actions do not lead to success, you should immediately consult a doctor or call emergency help. The child should be reminded that he needs to breathe through his mouth. It is forbidden to give food or drink at the same time.

Foreign body in the nose

What not to do

Do not do this if you have IT in the nose:

  • Remove the item using your finger, cotton swab or tweezers;
  • Press on the nostril with IT;
  • Rinse your nose with water.

With such actions, a change in the location of the object or injury to the nasal tissue will be almost inevitable. In this case, there is a risk of developing a massive type. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

It should also be understood that even if a foreign object is removed from the nasal passage, the symptoms will persist for some time. If the signs of IT do not subside within 24 hours, you need to contact an ENT doctor, as there is a risk of leaving any of its parts in the nasal cavity or severe tissue injury.

Method for removing a foreign body in the nose

Diagnostics and necessary studies

It is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist, who will examine the patient, as well as:

  • Will hold ;
  • Order an x-ray;
  • Probing with a metal probe;
  • Analysis of nasal secretions (bacteria culture);

Extraction Methods

Removal of a foreign object is carried out:

  • using a hook. Local anesthesia is performed, and in the case of small children, general anesthesia.
  • If endoscopy is unsuccessful, surgery is used.

Additionally, nasal rinsing, sinus rinsing and drainage, and treatment of complications can also be used only in an ENT doctor’s office.

Why is a foreign body in the nose dangerous?

First of all, a foreign body in the nasal sinus is dangerous precisely because of the increased risk of the object moving into the pharynx or larynx, which can lead to suffocation.

But keeping an object in the nasal passage for a long time leads to:

  • Ulceration of the mucous membrane;
  • Necrosis of the nasal concha;
  • Suppuration of the lacrimal sac;
  • Impaired functionality of the tear ducts;
  • Attachment of a secondary infection;
  • Purulent;
  • Osteomyelitis of the nasal bones;

The longer treatment is not carried out, the higher the risk of developing severe pathological conditions.

Parents should not:

  • Leaving children unattended;
  • Giving toys that are not appropriate for age, especially small parts of construction toys often end up in the nose;
  • Give berries or fruits with seeds that the child can put in his nose or choke on;
  • Remove the fallen object “manually”.

It should be remembered that inept actions of parents can lead to much more serious complications and make it difficult further work doctor


When correctly removing an object from the nose, the prognosis is generally positive. If the object had pointed parts or corners, then injury to the mucous membranes can lead to complications different types. If treatment is not carried out, the risk of developing other pathological conditions increases significantly.

How to remove a foreign body in a child’s nose:
