A brief history of the Navy Day holiday. Russian Navy - composition

The Navy (Navy) is a branch of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. It is intended for the armed protection of Russian interests and for conducting combat operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war. The Navy is capable of inflicting nuclear strikes against enemy ground targets, destroy enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupt the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protect their maritime transport, assist ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, land amphibious assault forces, participate in repelling enemy landing forces and perform other tasks . Emblem Naval Fleet of the Russian Federation

The structure of the Navy The Russian Navy consists of four fleets: the Northern Pacific Baltic Black Sea Caspian Flotilla And includes types of forces: Submarine forces Surface forces Naval aviation Coastal forces (motorized rifle, tank formations and units, marine infantry and coastal missile and artillery troops) Units and support units service

Northern Fleet (SF) The Northern Fleet (SF) is the operational-strategic association of the Russian Navy. The basis of the modern Northern Fleet is made up of nuclear missile and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and anti-submarine aircraft, missile, aircraft-carrying and anti-submarine ships. Sleeve insignia of sailors of the Northern Fleet Commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Maksimov Nikolai Mikhailovich.

Pacific Fleet (PF) The Pacific Fleet (PF) is the operational-strategic association of the Russian Navy. Russian Pacific Fleet component The Navy and the Russian Armed Forces as a whole are a means of ensuring Russia's military security in the Asia-Pacific region. To carry out its tasks, the Pacific Fleet includes missile submarines strategic purpose, multi-purpose nuclear and diesel submarines, surface ships for operations in the ocean and near sea zones, naval missile-carrying, anti-submarine and fighter aircraft, ground forces, units of ground and coastal forces. The main tasks of the Russian Pacific Fleet currently are: maintaining maritime strategic nuclear forces V constant readiness in the interests of nuclear deterrence; protection of the economic zone and areas production activities, suppression of illegal production activities; ensuring navigation safety; carrying out foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean (visits, business visits, joint exercises, actions as part of peacekeeping forces and etc.)

The main tasks of the Russian Pacific Fleet at present are: maintaining naval strategic nuclear forces in constant readiness in the interests of nuclear deterrence; protection of the economic zone and areas of production activity, suppression of illegal production activities; ensuring navigation safety; carrying out foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean (visits, business visits, joint exercises, actions as part of peacekeeping forces, etc.) Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral Sidenko Konstantin Semenovich

Black Sea Fleet (BSF) The Black Sea Fleet (BSF) is the operational-strategic association of the Russian Navy on the Black Sea. Home base- Sevastopol. Sleeve insignia of sailors of the Black Sea Fleet Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Vice Admiral Kletskov Alexander Dmitrievich

Long-distance voyage of the large landing ship "Caesar Kunikov" to the French port of Cannes GRKR "Moscow" as part of the naval strike group of the Northern Fleet

Baltic Fleet The Baltic Fleet is the operational and strategic association of the Russian Navy in the Baltic Sea. The main bases are Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region) and Kronstadt ( Leningrad region). It includes a division of surface ships, a brigade of diesel submarines, formations of auxiliary and search and rescue vessels, naval air forces, coastal troops, and units of rear technical and special support. Sleeve insignia of sailors of the Baltic Fleet Commander of the Baltic Fleet Vice Admiral Viktor Viktorovich Chirkov

Small artillery ship "Astrakhan"

Military equipment and weapons of the Navy Submarine forces are the strike force of the fleet, capable of covertly and quickly deploying in the right directions and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets. They are based on nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear charges ( naval forces nuclear deterrence - NSNF). These ships are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons. Project 667BDRM strategic nuclear submarine cruiser

Surface forces are the main ones for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and returning to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are given the main role in laying minefields, combating mine danger and protecting their communications. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Admiral Kuznetsov project

Naval aviation consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal aviation. Strategic and tactical aviation designed for confrontation with groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as for delivering bombs and missile strikes against enemy coastal targets. Carrier-based aviation is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Naval aviation helicopters – effective remedy target designation missile weapons ship when destroying submarines and repelling attacks from low-flying aircraft and enemy anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for landing forces. Marine Corps and destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats. Su-33
Coastal fleet forces are available in every fleet - Northern, Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific. In addition to BRAV and MP, they each include one coastal defense division. Coastal defense troops, as a branch of the Navy, are designed to protect naval bases, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrows from attacks by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their weapons are coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (protection of the water area). To ensure defense by troops on the coast, coastal fortifications are created.

The Russian fleet is the pride of our country and the envy of all other powers. The history of its development, Interesting Facts and what place it occupies today.

Stages of the history of the Russian fleet

Navy Day does not have an exact date and is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday in July. Its entire history can be divided into several large stages:

  1. From the time of Ancient Rus' before the reign of Peter I.
  2. Soviet fleet.
  3. Present tense.

The role of the Russian Navy in the state

Russian military navy- a type of state armed forces designed to protect state interests in sea and ocean territories, to defend the independence of Russia abroad ground forces.

The Russian fleet replaced the Soviet naval forces, the basis of which was the Russian Imperial Navy. In terms of composition and size, the Russian fleet is second only to the American and Soviet ones. Many of the ships that make up the Russian navy today were built during the Soviet Union and are morally and physically obsolete. Over the past few years, active construction of ships and replenishment of pennants has been underway. The state has developed an armaments program, according to which more than 4 trillion rubles will be allocated for the development of the fleet until 2020.

St. Andrew's flag

St. Andrew's flag is a symbol of the Russian navy; it appeared during the reign of Peter the Great. The world's first flag with the image of St. Andrew's cross appeared in Scotland. Andrew the First-Called was crucified on an oblique cross. Legend has it that King Angus II, who led the troops of the Picts and Scots, before the battle with the English, asked God to grant him victory. He swore that if he won, he would declare St. Andrew the First-Called patron of Scotland. In the morning the clouds converged in the shape of a cross on which the apostle was crucified.

Inspired by a sign from above, the warriors believed in the blessing and defeated the English. Agnus II fulfilled his vow and appointed Andrew patron of Scotland. White oblique cross on blue background, as a memory of the battle, began to symbolize the country. This cross later became part of the flag of the United Kingdom and remains on it to this day.

In December 1699, Peter approved a blue cross against a white background as a symbol of the Russian fleet. Appearance The flag was approved only twenty years later.

St. George Admiral's Flag

St. Andrew's flag symbolized the Russian fleet until 1917 and was its only symbol. After the revolution in 1919, it was supplemented with the Gergiev flag: a red shield was placed in the center of St. Andrew’s flag, on which St. George the Victorious was depicted. This symbol was awarded to ships whose crews showed military valor and courage, defending the honor of the country or flag.

Initially, the symbol of the Russian fleet was of enormous size, reaching up to 4 meters in length. Such dimensions created a terrible roar, and this property was used as a psychological attack.

The saddest moment in the history of the flag is its use by General Vlasov, who fought on the side of Germany.

In 1992, it was decided to return the St. Andrew's flag as a symbol of the state fleet and replace it with Soviet symbols. The only ship that does not raise this symbol today is the S-56 boat. It has the status of a war memorial. In memory of the exploits of Soviet sailors, the Soviet flag is raised and lowered on it every day.

Goals and objectives of the Navy

The fleet influences the political situation of countries simply by its existence. For a long time The borders of the British Empire were delineated by the sides of ships. Today, the world ocean is the main source of enormous resources and the main transport artery. Country in possession of warships, can become a source of armed forces at any point.

Warships can influence the communications of an enemy country, cutting it off from supplies of raw materials and food. Sailors can not only strike at sea and air forces. History knows many examples when they became part of the ground forces and participated in battles.

So, during the Great Patriotic War sailors of the Black Sea Fleet organized defense detachments of Sevastopol and Odessa, and their commanders stood at the head of these detachments. Naval military forces assisted troops on land and participated in breaking the blockade of Leningrad and lifting it.

Among the main tasks performed by the Russian Navy are:

  1. Demonstration of military power and flag.
  2. Protection of coastal areas and sea communications.
  3. Humanitarian missions.
  4. Transfer and supply of troops.
  5. Security national interests Russia.
  6. Peacekeeping actions.
  7. The fight against piracy.
  8. Missile defense.
  9. Combat duty.

Peaceful tasks of the navy

In peacetime, the Russian navy performs the following functions:

  1. Containing forces and military threats against the Russian Federation.
  2. Protecting the independence of the country and its interests outside the land territories, inside sea ​​waters and territorial sea, sovereignty in economic zone and continental shelf.
  3. Creating a safe environment for economic activity on the territory of the sea and the World Ocean.
  4. Protection, protection of Russian borders, control over the use of airspace.
  5. Assisting the Russian Internal Affairs bodies in resolving internal conflicts with the use of weapons, ensuring the safety of citizens and establishing a state of emergency.
  6. Assistance to emergency situations teams in liquidation of consequences natural Disasters, accidents and other tasks.


The Russian fleet has the following structure:

  1. Surface forces.
  2. Aviation.
  3. Marines.
  4. Submarine forces.
  5. Coast security.
  6. Troops special purpose.
  7. Rear troops.

Surface forces

Surface forces are the basis for the entry and deployment of ships into the combat zone. Carries out transportation and cover of the landing force, ensures return to base. The most important part of the modern navy. The ships of the Russian fleet, equipped with helicopters and airplanes, have greater lethality. Helicopters provide communications and cargo transfer capabilities at sea, and conduct rescue operations for personnel.

Submarine forces

The striking power of the Russian fleet. They carry out covert control of the World Ocean and deliver powerful blows from its depths. Submarines are divided into missile and torpedo submarines. Nuclear submarines, which are equipped with ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, are the main striking force of the navy.

Naval aviation troops

Naval aviation includes:

  • Strategic and tactical - to provide resistance to surface ships.
  • Deck, whose main task is to eliminate enemy aircraft in the air and conduct reconnaissance.


The strength of the navy for combat operations, including jointly with ground forces as part of amphibious assault forces and for the protection of coastal territory.

Coast Guard Troops

The main goal is to protect naval bases, ports, and islands from enemy attack. The weapons are based on artillery and combat missile systems, special warships designed to provide defense for troops on the coast.

Navy(Navy) or naval forces (Navy Forces) of a state is a species whose purpose is to carry out combat or training operational, tactical and strategic missions in the waters of the seas and oceans.

Navy It has combat capabilities solve assigned tasks independently (destruction of ground, surface, air and underwater targets) or in cooperation with other branches of the armed forces (landing, support of ground forces).

Composition of the Navy

IN composition of the navy includes the submarine and surface fleet, naval aviation, coastal defense missile and artillery forces and marine units. As well as support vessels, service and special units (reconnaissance, search and rescue, technical, hydrographic, engineering, radio engineering, chemical service, etc.).

The submarine fleet is designed to search for and eliminate submarines and destroy ground and surface targets independently and in cooperation with other naval forces. In addition to searching and destroying underwater and surface targets, as well as a number of other tasks, the surface fleet provides amphibious landings, detects and neutralizes sea mines.

Naval aviation provides cover for fleet vessels and conducts reconnaissance. Searches for and is capable of destroying underwater, surface and ground targets.
cover the coast and coastal communications.
Special and service units ensure the combat activities of all fleet units.

As part of the navy, ships and vessels differ in purpose. These are warships, combat boats, special purpose ships, naval support vessels, raid vessels and support boats.

Warships and boats make up the combat personnel of the Navy, which is designed directly to solve combat missions.

Special purpose ships include special purpose submarines, control ships, training ships and reconnaissance ships.

Support vessels include ships that provide combat training, medical care, radiation and chemical safety, transport, emergency rescue and hydrographic purposes.

The Russian Navy, which our country now has, is one of the most powerful and combat-ready in the world. The Russian fleet has earned this position not only by the current state of its crew, but also by the legacy it inherited from the Soviet Union. This primarily concerns the level of training of command personnel and the technical equipment of the fleet infrastructure. The huge naval economy inherited from the Soviet navy allows Russia to maintain its leading position at sea. Russia today is trying to continue the glorious maritime traditions that began during the time of Tsar Peter I.

The fleet continues to remain one of the most powerful and combat-ready branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Service in the Navy today is honorable. Despite difficulties and trials, young people with goes hunting serve in the navy.

Paying tribute to naval traditions, already in modern Russia has been approved official holiday- Day of the Navy of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006, every last Sunday of July is celebrated in the country as Russian Navy Day. The holiday is celebrated throughout the country, starting from the westernmost point on the country’s map to the eastern borders. From the Baltic Naval Base in the Baltic to the eastern borders, in Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. From the village Polyarny and Murmansk to Far North, to Sevastopol and Novorossiysk on the Black Sea. During the celebrations, naval parades are held in cities and at fleet bases with the participation of ships and units of the Navy, Marine Corps units and naval aviation.

However, the parade and festivities are one side of the coin, and the daily work of maintaining the ships and other units of the Russian Navy at a high level of combat readiness is completely different. The fleet is a complex living mechanism, with its own skeleton - structure and thousands of technological and departmental connections that play a role blood vessels huge mechanism. Without large capital investments, without updating the crew and putting the coastal infrastructure in order, the fleet will not be able to remain in combat-ready condition for long.

Navy ships that entered service during the Soviet era are gradually falling into disrepair. The rear infrastructure of the fleet is morally outdated; urgent military-technical modernization of the combat ships in service is required. The fleet needs radical technical re-equipment and re-equipment. Evidence that the country's leadership understands the importance of naval problems is the fleet development program adopted in July 2017, which provides for the gradual modernization of the Russian fleet until 2030. The basis of the adopted program clearly spells out the necessary measures that will make the Russian Navy a modern combat mechanism by the specified time.

Russian fleet today. Organizational structure

Traditionally, the navy is a separate branch of the Armed Forces of our country, with its own commander-in-chief and General Staff. The tasks of the fleet include armed protection of Russia’s maritime borders, ensuring the interests of Russian state in all naval military theaters. In its structure and composition, the Russian fleet is an ocean-going fleet, capable of delivering nuclear missile strikes against a potential enemy and ensuring the conduct of tactical operations in any corner globe, operate on enemy communications on the high seas and near its shores. Together with the ground forces and air force, the navy is participating in repelling aggression committed against the Russian state by its entire personnel. The army and navy act in close cooperation with each other in repelling aggression.

Like other types of armed forces, the Russian fleet has all the necessary attributes and regalia that comply with the Charter and regulations of the navy. The main symbol is the St. Andrew's flag. Each structural formation that is part of the fleet has its own distinct Navy sign, which allows one to distinguish sailors from the Northern Fleet from servicemen of the Caspian Military Flotilla.

Today the composition of the Navy is as follows:

  • submarine forces;
  • surface forces;
  • naval aviation units;
  • Marines;
  • units and units of coastal defense troops.

It should be noted that each branch of the military that is part of the fleet has its own specific goals and objectives, which together ensure the combat effectiveness of the fleet at any time and in any place. The Marine Corps cannot operate fully without fire support from naval aviation and naval surface forces. In turn, submarine forces, being one of the main strike elements of the fleet, need support from surface ships and naval aviation forces.

The organizational structure of the fleet is represented by associations, which in turn are geographically linked. The united fleet of the Russian Federation includes the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets. A separate naval formation is the Caspian Military Flotilla, which also has its own headquarters and permanent places basing. Fleets and flotillas include detachments of surface ships and submarines, naval aviation forces and special forces of the Navy, a special unit within the Russian Navy.

The size of the fleets differs both in the number of personnel and in the number of sailors. In many ways, combat effectiveness is determined by the goals and objectives that a given naval formation solves. Traditionally, the Northern and Pacific fleets occupy a strategic position in the system of ensuring the country's defense capability. The Baltic, Black Sea fleets and the Caspian flotilla are more focused on solving tactical problems.

In the current conditions, the main striking force of the Russian Navy is nuclear-powered strategic missile submarines carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles on board. There are brigades of nuclear submarines in the Northern Fleet and Pacific Ocean. The next types of ships in terms of importance and strength of weapons are missile and aircraft-carrying cruisers with nuclear or conventional propulsion. The basis of the tactical formations of the Russian fleet today are ships of new types, missile frigates and corvettes. In the near sea zone, all fleets operate patrol and patrol ships. Navy special forces and Marine Corps units represent the main impact force coastal units of the navy.

Of the listed fleets, the largest and most powerful in this moment is the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, which includes the largest and most powerful warships.

The main bases of the Northern Fleet are:

  • Severomorsk with fleet headquarters;
  • Vidyaevo (submarines);
  • Severomorsk;
  • Gadzhievo;
  • Polar.

The only naval base in the fleet is the Belomorsk naval base in Severodvinsk.

The smallest today is the Black Sea Fleet, which, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, ceased to play a key role in maritime theaters. Only in last years the situation with the technical equipment of the Black Sea Fleet began to change in better side. Old cruisers and frigates are being replaced by new ones rocket ships and submarines. The fleet is based in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. The Novorossiysk and Crimean naval bases are used as a stronghold.

A difficult situation has developed in the Pacific Ocean. The once powerful and combat-ready Pacific Fleet is now going through a difficult period. Old ships inherited from Soviet times are being scrapped or undergoing modernization. New combat vessels are arriving at the fleet extremely slowly. Nuclear submarines based in Kamchatka today remain moored most of the time. The formidable missile submarines are being routinely decommissioned, and new or upgraded nuclear submarines are entering the fleet extremely slowly.

The Pacific Fleet has the widest area of ​​responsibility. The locations of deployment are thousands of kilometers apart. The main naval service points in the Pacific are:

  • Vladivostok with fleet headquarters;
  • Fokino;
  • Sovetskaya Gavan;
  • Vilyuchinsk (submarines).

Baltic Fleet, operationally locked in cramped waters Baltic Sea, is in a dormant state. With the change in naval doctrine, in which the main role at sea is played by multi-purpose universal ships, the Baltic Fleet needs to be re-equipped and re-equipped with new ships. The headquarters of the fleet is located in Kaliningrad, and the main locations of ships and fleet units are:

  • Baltiysk;
  • Kronstadt.

In the Baltic, the fleet has two naval bases at its disposal, Baltic and Leningrad. Since 2000, the Russian Navy has ceased to be based in Kronstadt, shifting its focus to the Western Baltic Sea.

The Caspian Flotilla operates in the Caspian Sea. The main bases for ships and flotilla units are Kaspiysk and Makhachkala. The flotilla headquarters is located in Astrakhan.

All naval associations have marine brigades, naval special forces Navy, auxiliary and rescue units, coastal defense forces

Before the collapse of the USSR, the Soviet Navy was second in the world after the US Navy and consisted of more than one and a half thousand ships of all types. By 2010, all four fleets included only 136 ships capable of going to sea and carrying out combat missions.

Command and control

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation today is Admiral Vladimir Ivanovich Korolev, who took office on April 6, 2016. The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is responsible for the entire naval economy, spread across the vast territory of the country from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. All operational work is occupied by the First Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Chief of the Navy Staff Andrei Olgertovich Volozhinsky with the rank of vice admiral. It should be noted that military ranks in Russian modern fleet were inherited from Soviet times, which were adopted in their final form in 1943. The most senior rank in the fleet is Fleet Admiral. The following are the titles and ranks corresponding to military ranks in other types of armed forces and military branches.

Today, the following classification of ranks of the Russian Navy is used, which was finally formed in the 70s of the 20th century.

  • sailors and foremen;
  • midshipmen (midshipman was introduced into use in the mid-70s), for coastal units - warrant officers;
  • junior officers;
  • senior officers - captain III rank, captain II rank and captain I;
  • senior officers - rear admirals, vice admirals, admirals and fleet admirals.

Military ranks are awarded for length of service or for special military merits. Acceptance of a new higher position in the navy, as in the army, implies the assignment of an extraordinary rank.

The erroneous decision to transfer the fleet management and command bodies to St. Petersburg, made in 2012, was canceled by the current leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Since 2015, the general management of the Russian Navy, command and leadership has been located in Moscow. From here all the country's fleets are managed, control is exercised over the operational situation in maritime theaters, and work is underway to organize the naval economy.

Who goes to serve in the navy?

In organizational terms, the modern Russian fleet has preserved the structure and procedures that operated in the Soviet Navy. In Russia today, just like in the USA and Great Britain, in many other countries the fleet, despite the highest technology among the branches of the armed forces, is their most conservative part. Innovation and reorganization are extremely reluctant to be welcomed here. Traditions, combat experience and maritime practice become the main engines of progress. Serving in the Navy today is fashionable and prestigious, given the significantly reduced terms of military service, up to 12 months, and the opportunity to serve in the navy under a contract.

The main contingent recruited for service in the fleet are contract soldiers. The significantly increased technological load on the crew of any modern warship requires a high level of knowledge and professionalism from the ship's crew members. Basically, military personnel are recruited onto warships and enter into a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense. This category of military personnel goes to command and management positions. Conscripts mainly staff the crews of ships that serve in the near sea zone or are undergoing scheduled repairs.

An applicant who wants to become a sailor, petty officer or midshipman must have the second group of neuropsychic stability, fitness category A3 and higher. Secondary education is required. For senior positions and midshipmen, having a civilian secondary specialized education is welcome. The bulk of conscripts go to serve in the Baltic Fleet. Other navies prefer contractors.

Editor's response

Navy Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. In 2015, this holiday falls on July 26.

The origin of the Navy in Russia began in late XVII century at Peter I. In honor of the first victory of the Russian fleet on July 27 (August 7, new style) 1714 at Gangut, Peter I ordered that this day be celebrated annually with solemn services, naval parades and fireworks.

From 1980 to the present, Navy Day in Russia has been celebrated on the last Sunday of July.

Warships that are part of the Russian Navy serve different purposes and are accordingly divided into different classes. AiF.ru tells in infographics about modern types warships.

Depending on the purpose (task performed), ships can be divided into the following classes (types):

  • aircraft carriers;
  • cruisers;
  • universal landing ships;
  • destroyers;
  • frigates;
  • corvettes;
  • landing ships.

Aircraft carriers

Currently, the largest warships ever built are aircraft carriers. Such a warship has on board several dozen aircraft, which may include fighters, attack aircraft, refueling aircraft, etc. A modern aircraft carrier has a powerful power plant and carries a large supply of aviation fuel and weapons, which allows it to operate far from its shores for a significant period of time.

The cost of building a modern aircraft carrier with a nuclear propulsion system is about 4-6 billion dollars. The monthly cost of maintaining an aircraft carrier is over $10 million.

Since 1991, two aircraft-carrying cruisers have been built in Russia. Project number 1143.5. Krechet can accommodate up to 50 aircraft and helicopters on board. At the moment, only one remains in the Russian Navy - Admiral Kuznetsov. "Varyag" was sold to China, now it bears the name "Liaoning".

Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov". Photo: RIA Novosti / Oleg Lastochkin

Aircraft carriers perform a number of military purposes, in particular, they are used for:

  • air defense maritime connections;
  • anti-submarine defense;
  • air support for ground forces in the coastal zone;
  • destroying enemy air defenses;
  • to destroy enemy ships.
Today, aircraft carriers are equipped, in addition to the main weapons (deck-based aircraft), with missiles and cannons. The main advantage of an aircraft carrier is its mobility, which allows such ships to be deployed at a specific point.


A missile cruiser is a large-displacement warship that has a multi-purpose purpose and is armed launchers guided missiles. The cruiser is capable of hitting air, surface and underwater targets, and carrying out artillery shelling of coastal areas.

One of the most powerful ships The cruiser "Peter the Great" is of the Russian Navy. It is capable of performing assigned tasks anywhere in the world's oceans. It is currently the world's largest operational non-aircraft-carrying attack warship. Its main purpose is to destroy enemy aircraft carrier groups.

Cruiser "Peter the Great". Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Ankov

Universal landing ships

In terms of its combat potential, a universal landing ship (UDC) corresponds to an average aircraft carrier. Today, the costs of construction, manning and operation make the contract for the supply of such a ship comparable to contracts for the construction of full-fledged aircraft carriers.

In Russia, the contract for the construction of Mistral-type UDCs for Russia is carried out by the French companies DCNS and STX. Its cost is 1.12 billion euros (about 1.52 billion dollars).

In accordance with the signed contract, during the construction of 2 UDCs of the Mistral type, the assembly of 12 blocks of the aft hull of each landing ship is carried out in Russia.

Helicopters will be based on the UDC Russian production, which will be based on the Ka-52 Alligator, the possibility of deploying the Ka-27M and Ka-226 helicopters is also being considered.

The first UDC "Vladivostok" will be delivered to the Russian Navy in 2014, the second - "Sevastopol" - at the end of 2015.

Launching of the aft part of the first Russian landing helicopter dock ship (DVKD) of the Mistral type - Vladivostok. Photo: RIA Novosti / Igor Russak


Destroyers are multi-purpose ships. They are intended for:

  • launching powerful missile, torpedo and artillery attacks on enemy ships;
  • intelligence service at sea;
  • protecting large ships from surface, air and underwater attacks.

Destroyers can also install minefields and support the landing with artillery support.

Destroyer "Bystry" of the Russian Pacific Fleet. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Ankov


The main purpose of the frigate is to fight air and submarine enemies while accompanying the main forces of the fleet and especially important convoys. This is a universal ship, capable of operating at any distance from the coast and taking part in military conflicts.

In Russia, after the departure of the sailing fleet, frigates correspond in size and function to patrol ships. They are intended for:

  • search, detection and tracking of enemy submarines;
  • providing anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of warships and vessels at sea;
  • striking ships and vessels at sea and at bases;
  • support for combat operations of ground forces;
  • ensuring amphibious landings and solving other problems.

Frigate "Admiral Gorshkov". Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org


According to NATO classification, the corvette class included:

  • Soviet small anti-submarine ships (MPK);
  • small missile ships (SMRs).

The main tasks of modern corvettes are anti-submarine defense of a naval formation (convoy) or a coastal facility (naval base, port, etc.).

In Russia, Project 20380 ships are the first warships built in the Russian Federation under the official name of the “corvette” class. Previously, the corvette class was not distinguished separately in the Soviet and Russian Navy.

As of July 1, 2014 in combat strength The Russian Navy has four ships of the project - Steregushchiy, Soobrazitelny, Boikiy and Stoykiy, all of which are part of the Baltic Fleet; four more corvettes are under construction.

Corvette "Boikiy". Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / CC BY-SA 3.0/Radziun

Large landing ship

A large landing ship (LHD) is designed to transport and land landing forces. These ships are capable of delivering (carrying, transporting) different kinds armored vehicles, including tanks.

The main difference between such ships and universal landing ships is the presence of a bow ramp, which makes it possible to land troops ashore in short time(including due to its smaller size).

BDKs are usually equipped with self-defense means such as an anti-aircraft missile system and artillery pieces, as well as means of fire support for the landing force.

Large landing ship "Azov". Photo: RIA Novosti / Igor Zarembo


These ships have significant advantages over surface ships. They are characterized by secrecy of maneuver and surprise of strikes against the enemy. The main purpose of submarines is fighting on enemy sea routes, performing all types of reconnaissance missions (including radar patrol) and shelling rockets any enemy targets.

In accordance with their armament, submarines are divided into missile carriers, missile-torpedo, torpedo, mine-torpedo and special purpose - transport boats, radar patrol boats, etc.

Depending on their displacement, submarines are divided into subclasses:

  • large submarines with a submerged displacement of up to 8,200 tons and reaching maximum speed speed 25 knots, equipped with a nuclear power plant, with a diving depth of up to 450 m;
  • medium submarines with an underwater displacement of up to 1500 tons and a speed of 15-20 knots;
  • small submarines with an underwater displacement of up to 550 tons. This subclass includes submarines with a displacement of up to 3 tons.

The Russian Navy includes:

  • 13 nuclear ballistic missile submarines,
  • 27 nuclear submarines with missile and torpedo weapons,
  • 19 diesel submarines,
  • 8 special purpose nuclear submarines,
  • 1 special purpose diesel submarine.

Over the next 20 years, the basis of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy will be fourth-generation submarines of the Borey, Yasen and Lada classes, developed by two leading Russian design bureaus Rubin and Malachite. And after 2030, we can talk about creating fifth-generation submarines and corresponding weapons based on ballistic missiles"Bulava" type and winged ones - "Caliber" type.

Submarines at the pier in the port of Vladivostok. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Vilf
