Medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region. Plants of Kuban listed in the Red Book

Creation date: 2013/12/28

Man developed in close interaction with nature and, most of all, with the plant environment: the forest and field became the first pharmacy for humans. Medicinal plants are most often prescribed in the form of herbs, in which one plant enhances the effect of another. Many patients, especially in rural areas, where centuries-old experience of traditional medicine is still preserved, are more willing to resort to treatment with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Medicinal herbs not only stop, but also reverse inflammation at any stage, up to the stage of necrosis. At the same time, herbal treatment folk medicine does not harm the body, but only provides recovery from severe extensive burns, wounds, injuries, myocardial infarction, stroke. Made from medicinal herbs herbal medicines have their own characteristics: gradual, slow development of the therapeutic effect, mild, moderate effect.

Variety of vegetation of Kuban

“Diversity of the plant world,” wrote doctor A.P. Levitsky in essays on the history of medicine - has always irresistibly attracted a person to himself, and the more strongly the closer he stood to nature. People noticed the distinctive properties of plants and used them in their households.

Nowhere else in the country is there such a variety of vegetation as in Kuban. In total, there are 160 species of medicinal plants in Kuban. But people tear them up so mercilessly, sometimes even with the roots, that some of them begin to disappear and tearing these plants is prohibited. Linden, oak, chestnut, blueberry and other plants grow in the forests. They are called relict, i.e. preserved from ancient times. The northern part is the Azov-Kuban Lowland. Here there is continuous steppe, turned into fields.

On the slopes of ravines and ravines, along the roadsides, you can find different herbs: creeping wheatgrass, wormwood, quinoa, coltsfoot and others.

Scope of application of medicinal plants

In modern medicine, medicinal plants not only have not lost their position, but are attracting increasingly close attention from scientists. There are more than 3,000 drugs used in domestic medicine, 40% are produced from medicinal plants. Their number increases every year. Medicinal plants are often preferred due to their low toxicity and ability long-term use without side effects.

Drying, assembly, preparation of medicinal plants

Proper harvesting of plants is one of the main factors in obtaining high-quality raw materials. Medicinal raw materials must be harvested only in good, dry weather, during the daytime, when the plants are dry from rain and dew, since, covered with moisture, they slowly dry out, and at the same time their natural color changes. IN daytime days, the bulk of plants are harvested, the active substances of which are contained in the above-ground organs. Roots and rhizomes (underground organs) can be harvested at any time and in any weather, since in most cases they are washed before drying. When procuring medicinal plants, you should be guided by the dates given in the calendar for collecting medicinal plants. You should focus on the growing phase of the plant. Collect only those organs and parts of the plant in which it accumulates. maximum amount biologically active substances.

When procuring medicinal plants, it is important to select correctly required types, promptly determine the phase of their growing season, since the amount of active substances varies greatly depending on the growth and development of the plant. Both late and premature collection can produce raw materials that have no medicinal value.

The collection of medicinal material is best carried out during the period of maximum content of active substances in plants. As a rule, their highest content in flowers and leaves occurs during the flowering period, in the buds during the period of their swelling, in the underground parts (roots, rhizomes, tubers) during the period of fruit ripening; the bark is most complete in the spring.

The collected plants are carefully sorted, removing foreign impurities, as well as non-medicinal plants; Dead, rotten parts are separated from the roots and stems. The collection container must be completely clean, dry and odorless. You cannot collect several types of plants in one container at the same time. Harvested plants are placed, perhaps more loosely, to prevent their warming and loss medicinal properties. Then the plants should be laid out and allowed to dry, spread out in a thin layer to dry. It is not recommended to leave plants in containers or piles overnight.

Human neighbors - medicinal plants

St. John's wort

People have come up with many affectionate names for herbs, which since ancient times have helped get rid of various ailments. This includes grass, spurge, and many others. Among the many plants, St. John's wort was especially loved. It was called a magic herb - a savior from a hundred diseases. During excavations of ancient Slavic settlements, archaeologists found seeds of 20 herbs, among which was St. John's wort. It is believed that St. John's wort helps against diseases caused by evil spirits and witches.

This plant brings only one benefit to people, because St. John's wort is completely harmless to humans. Therefore, in Rus' it was, as they say, for all occasions: for example, they stuffed children’s mattresses with it, tied grass to straw - so that the aroma would protect the child from scary dreams and he dreamed only of good things.

St. John's wort was considered a source of light that expels any evil and relieves melancholy and sadness. It was the favorite plant of many outstanding people, because it not only treated the body, but also affected the soul. Today, scientists have proven the antidepressant properties of St. John's wort associated with its photosensitizing effect, and in ancient times people rightfully considered the herb magical.

Common coltsfoot

Common names: fire lettuce, man's flower, March flower, sand flower, tobacco grass, uncle's leaves. This perennial plant pleases in early spring with its bright yellow inflorescences with a smell reminiscent of honey. Long before the leaves appear, the creeping rhizome throws out erect peduncles with reddish scales and bright yellow inflorescences that were established in the fall. Only much later do petiolate leaves develop, rounded, heart-shaped, the size of a palm, slightly pitted at the edges, with rough teeth. The leaves are dark green on top. Blooms from February to March (April). It is most often found in vacant lots, near brick factories, on gravelly places, along slopes and railway embankments, along the edges of fields and roadsides.

The inflorescences are collected in good weather, when the flowers are fully bloomed. They need to be dried quickly to maintain their presentation. However, much more than the inflorescences, the leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They are collected in May-June, preferably young, half the size of a palm and only clean, not stained with earth; Due to the presence of mucus, washing is impractical. Studies have shown that the leaves of those coltsfoot plants that grow in the sun are richer in components and better than leaves growing in the shade. This is worth paying attention to when collecting. Chop fresh leaves immediately after harvesting to speed up drying. Only quickly dried leaves are stored well.

Coltsfoot is a valuable cough remedy, especially for whooping cough, as well as mucous sputum. Drinking tea from it can help relieve coughing.

Coltsfoot tea: 2 heaped teaspoons of chopped leaves are poured into 1/4 liter of boiling water, allowed to brew and then filtered. Patients suffering from cough should drink 1 cup of tea 3 times a day.

Along with its use against lung diseases, coltsfoot tea brings relief from irritations of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines (but then it should be drunk unsweetened), and also as a rinse for irritations in the mouth. In addition, coltsfoot tea is also used to treat wounds and skin inflammations, for skin rashes and to cleanse the blood.


Common names: burdock, burdock.

Parts used: root.

This biennial plant reaches a height of 1-1.5 m and has a fleshy root up to 60 cm in length, from which small branches extend. A powerful longitudinally grooved stem with a large core branches abundantly; often acquires a red color in certain places. Petiolate, heart-shaped, ovate leaves sit on woolly-pubescent stems, green above and gray, tomentose-pubescent below; leaf size decreases noticeably from bottom to top. The bluish-red rather large inflorescences are arranged in the form of a loose umbrella-shaped brush. The yellowish leaves of the involucre are hook-shaped at the end. Blooms in June-July. Burdock can often be found along roadsides, near fences, walls and embankments, in vacant lots and pastures, as well as along the banks of streams.

The roots are dug up in the fall, cut into pieces and air dried.

Here, first of all, it should be said about treating scalp hair against dandruff with burdock oil. This is an oil extract from burdock root, for which olive or camphor oil is used (preparation methods vary greatly). As a diuretic, burdock root has largely fallen out of use and is less common in so-called blood purifying teas, but it is increasingly used for disorders of the liver and gallbladder.

Burdock root is mainly recommended as a blood purifier, but also for disorders of the liver and gallbladder. This is followed by internal and external use for various skin diseases. Burdock root tea: 2 heaped teaspoons of chopped root are poured into 1/2 liter of cold water, after 5 hours quickly heated to a boil, boiled for 1 minute and filtered. Dosage: 3 times a day, 1 cup of tea. Burdock root tea can also be used to treat skin rashes - moisten, wash or wrap. It is worth noting that traditional medicine also uses burdock oil.


Parts used: grass, seeds and rhizome.

Therefore, there is also no one who does not know what she looks like. Medicinal use Two types of nettle are found - stinging and stinging nettle. Stinging nettle is smaller and more delicate, although more aggressive, and stinging nettle is more often used in medicine. Nettle blooms from May to July (the flowers are small, green, located in drooping spikes; the plants are dioecious). Both types are quite common. They grow mainly near human habitation: in gardens, vegetable gardens, along the edges of ditches, in garbage dumps and wastelands. In May, June and July (August), wild nettle leaves are collected, which are carefully (with gloves) torn from the stem and then air-dried. The whole herb is used to prepare nettle juice. The rhizome is dug up in spring or autumn, freed from the soil adhering to it and dried in air or with artificial heating (up to 40 ° C).

Perhaps because nettle is such a common weed, it has been used for a very long time, long before the emergence of scientific medicine. Currently, nettle leaves are used to increase overall metabolism. They are common integral part tea collection prescribed for rheumatism, gout, gallbladder and liver diseases; are included in the tea collections of spring and autumn health courses.

pharmaceutical camomile

Common name: maiden flower.

Parts used: inflorescences.

An annual plant with a short root and a stem 20-50 cm in height, on which are twice or thrice pinnately dissected leaves. Blooms from May to June. Chamomile is an unpretentious plant. It is found in fields, cultivated and fallow, in wastelands, along roadsides, slopes, forest edges and, of course, in grain crops. For the peasant it is medicinal plant- a vile weed. From chamomile, first of all, the inflorescences are collected, but for baths they also take peduncles and some of the shoots with leaves. Since the quality of chamomile largely depends on the time of collection and type of drying, you need to be very careful. Best time for collection - 3rd - 5th day after flowers bloom. By this time, most of the active substances are produced in it.

Chamomile is used internally and as an external remedy. Chamomile can be successfully used internally (in the form of tea) for acute gastric diseases. It brings quick relief and “calms” the stomach, and after a short treatment eliminates indigestion. As an external remedy, chamomile, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, is used in the treatment of poorly healing wounds. Baths with chamomile additives or wet compresses on wounds are as proven remedies as rinses for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat.

Chamomile tea: pour 1-2 teaspoons with the top of the inflorescences into 1 cup of boiling water, strain after 10 minutes. Chamomile tea is good to drink warm, but not hot.

It goes without saying that a plant with so many beneficial properties is also diligently used in folk medicine. And indeed, chamomile is “trusted by everyone.”


Plantain is an ancient medicinal plant. It was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, and was highly valued by Arab and Persian doctors. Latin name plantain is derived from “planta” (sole) and “agere” (to move), since its leaves resemble a footprint. The homeland of plantain is Europe. The Indians called him "the trail" white man" Together with the dirt, the seeds stick to the shoes of passers-by and travel with them. Russian name plants indicate where they grow.

Plantain is a perennial herbaceous plant 10-40 cm high with one or more flower shoots. One copy of plantain in the fall produces from 8 to 60 thousand seeds. Therefore, the plantain very quickly spreads along all roads - wherever a person steps. It blooms from May to September. It grows in vacant lots and weedy places, near housing, near roads, in green meadows, fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, along forest edges and the banks of reservoirs.

Plantain is used as a medicinal plant. We use it on the road. Fresh plantain leaves are applied to abrasions, burns, and insect bites. Dry crushed leaves are used in the form of an infusion as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant for bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma and other respiratory diseases. In scientific medicine, plantain grass and leaves are used for stomach diseases. Young and tender plantain leaves are used in nutrition. You can use them to make salads, soups and cabbage soup, casseroles, meatballs, juices and cocktails. True, the flavors of plantain are not very diverse, but this can be corrected. Add cereal, nettle, onion, horseradish, pepper, mustard, salt and sauce.

Where and how to prepare plantain? This question may seem idle at first. After all, plantain is so widespread that it is difficult to find a place where it is not found. But you still don’t need to collect the plant everywhere. This should not be done on city streets and on country roads where there is a lot of dirt. And in the fields, meadows and near rivers - please.

Each part of a medicinal plant is medicinal, but in its own way. Medicinal plants play a very important role in human life.

The flora of the Krasnodar region is truly rich and diverse. Especially in the spring, looking at the blossoming plains, dense forests, vineyards, it is easy to imagine what Paradise would look like, what it could be. An amazing combination of modern cities with developed economies and wild corners of nature, of which, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer left. Human activity cannot but affect the life of the region. Many plants are already marked as an endangered species, forests are regularly cut down, cities are growing, villages are developing, and the population of the Krasnodar Territory as a whole is increasing. Therefore, conservationists never tire of repeating: if a person considers himself the “king of nature” and its conqueror, he must take care of it. After all, everything is interconnected and when one of the components of the chain of events is disrupted, the others also suffer.

Steppes, forests

There are extensive steppe zones, where you can find bushes and individual plants typical of plains and hills. This includes vetch, timothy grass, and steppe feather grass. Reeds are found along the banks and swamps. Agricultural crops are grown annually on the plowed plots: wheat, corn and barley, as well as sugar beets and castor beans. There are vegetable gardens where vegetables grow on fertile soil. The medicinal industry is also developed, for the needs of which medicinal herbs are grown separately.

In the forest zone you can see broad-leaved oaks, mountain firs and beautiful spruce trees, and if you climb high, you will emerge into alpine meadows. Only mountain goats and sheep roam there, for which the high altitude zones are their home.

It is curious that in the area of ​​the Taman Peninsula you can also see steppe vegetation, for example, the same sage or wormwood. The sandy shores are full of licorice and eryngium, alfalfa and timothy grass, and sometimes camel thorn. Here and there thickets of trees and shrubs add variety to the steppe picture. Vast plains have been taken over by cultivated vegetation and are increasingly being adapted for fields.
The humidity level is high enough that it is not afraid of even droughts, when the water level drops, but is then replenished with the arrival of rains. Aquatic plants do not feel severe lack water. Here you can find lilies, water chestnut nymphs, duckweeds with salvinia, and other varieties of algae. The banks are densely covered with reeds, kuga, cattails are found, and swamp wormwood can be found. And next to Primorsko-Akhtarsk there is unique place where you can find real, beautiful and useful plants.

  • form cognitive interest to the world of plants, a sense of responsibility for preserving the green appearance of the planet.
  • help children better learn and appreciate the features of our region;
  • draw their attention to the beauty and uniqueness of our nature;
  • develop a sense of beauty;

Equipment: test, herbarium, pictures of plants, visual material.

During the classes.

1.Org. Moment.

2.Checking homework. Results after I check. Test of 7 tasks

1. Find the “extra” word

A) beech

IN ) birch

2. What was our sea called before?

A) Black

B) Dead

B) Pont Euxinian

3. Neighbors of Krasnodar Paradise

A) Rostov region

B) Primorsky Krai

B) Moscow region

4.What is another name for the Krasnodar region?

5. Seas washing the Krasnodar region

A) Sea of ​​Azov

B) Black Sea

B) Yellow Sea

D) Mediterranean Sea

6. Signs of what time of year are rarely observed on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

A) spring

D) winter

7.Which river flows into the Black Sea?

A) Kuban

B) Hosta

3. Lesson topic.

Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson;

Teacher. Guys, today we are going on an absentee trip around our region. We will get acquainted with the peculiarities of Kuban, talk about the beauty and uniqueness of our nature.

Rich and varied vegetable world our Motherland. A bunch of amazing plants can be found on its territory. There are 18,000 species in total. And more than 3000 of them grow in the Krasnodar Territory. And some are real old-timers. They appeared here before ice age, approximately 2 million years ago. They are called relict, i.e. preserved from ancient times. These plants - monuments - are the heirs of the ancient flora, which is usually called the Mountain Colchis flora. (I open the inscription on the board)

Where are relict plants preserved in Sochi? (In Tiso - boxwood grove);

What plants and monuments grow there? (Boxwood, yew);

  • And you all know cherry laurel well. The shape of the cherry laurel leaf resembles the familiar laurel leaf, but it seems as if it is varnished. And the berries, although similar to cherries, will repel you with their bitterness. But cherry laurel is valued as a medicinal raw material.

Relict plants are of great value because... they tell us about the past of our Motherland. Many of them are listed in the Red Book and need protection. But we will talk about this in more detail in the following lessons.

Vegetation cover is one of the most important elements of the landscape. Our region has the most complex and rich landscapes. Our nature is multi-story.

  • Look at the map of the Krasnodar region. Read it. ( Green color denotes plains; brown - hills and foothills; dark brown – mountains).
  • Which symbols you see? (Plant icons).
  • What are they saying? (About the plants of this area).

Nowhere in our country is there such a diversity of vegetation. How many species are there? (More than 3000 species).

  • Why do you think our region is rich? various types plants? We have different terrain, and hence different natural conditions. And in different conditions different plants grow.
  • Every 100 meters, t changes by 1 o, pressure, and as a result, both climatic conditions and natural zones change. With altitude, the climate becomes colder and, to some extent, wetter.
  • Today climate zones came to visit us - they are represented by the students of our class. Now here I invite the first zone - the steppe.

I am the steppe. It is spread across the entire Azov-Kuban lowland (show on the map) and in the recent past it was a varied grass-feather grass steppe. I acquired either bright green or white-yellow-blue colors, since different plants did not bloom at the same time. You could admire: tulips, irises, chamomile, wild buttercup. And also grew: wheatgrass, wormwood, plantain, burdock, sow thistle, St. John's wort . (A herbarium of these plants is shown).

But remember: there are fewer and fewer beautiful flowers left on our Earth. Try to admire them in nature instead of tearing them and then throwing them away.

Teacher: The modern steppe has been plowed. Fields and arable lands spread over hundreds of kilometers. In Kuban, high-yielding varieties of winter wheat and corn are sown. Kuban - the birthplace of sunflowers . And the Krasnoarmeysky and Slavyansky districts are famous for the production of rice, the Korenovsky district - for sugar beets. Aquatic plants are common along the banks of the Kuban River: reeds, cattails, sedges, yellow water lilies, and water lilies.

Teacher: Now we cross to the left bank of the Kuban and find ourselves on the Trans-Kuban Plain. And I invite our next guest - the forest-steppe.

Forest-steppe. My vegetation is almost the same, but the closer the mountains, the more you can find areas of land overgrown with bushes: thorns, blackberries. There are separate groves in which grow: oak, willow, poplar, hazel, dogwood. (I show illustrations of these plants)).

Green plants are your friends. They bring joy, health and beauty. Don't forget about this, friends of nature!

Teacher. As the relief increases, the forest-steppe turns into a forest zone.

Forest. I forest. I am not only beautiful, but also rich in valuable species of trees: chestnut, oak, ash, beech. (Show)

Among my trees you can also find relatives of the garden: wild pear, cherry plum, apple tree. And on the right bank of the Kuban, there is a unique massif of the Red Forest, where they grow: buckthorn, hawthorn, hazel, rose hips, poplar .(Show)

The fate of plants largely depends on your behavior. Don't forget about it!

Guys, are you tired of walking through our landscapes? Let's rest a little.

Phys. Just a minute.

The flower slept -
And suddenly he woke up.
I didn't want to sleep anymore
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew.
Only the sun will wake up,
The butterfly circles and curls.

  • Sit down.

Teacher: Gradually, the deciduous trees retreat and are replaced by coniferous forests.

Forest. Rising higher into the mountains, to a height of 2000 meters, you find yourself in my domain. Into the domain of a coniferous forest. Here you will find Caucasian fir, oriental spruce and pine.

There is twilight here, a large layer of fallen pine needles on the soil, an emerald green moss carpet. And grayish clumps of lichens hang down from the branches of the trees. In the grass cover you will find: wood sorrel, blueberry thickets.

I am the kingdom of peace and quiet. Don't disturb my peace and quiet.

Teacher: subalpine stretches over the mountain forests. We rise and find ourselves in a crooked forest.

Subalpine and alpine meadows. We are at an altitude of two and a half meters, where subalpine meadows lie. The grass cover of subalpine meadows is dense, tall and very colorful. You can see here: highlander, initial letter. There are also thickets of rhododendron here. My flowers suffer at the hands of tourists. Because of the beautiful flowers, it is often broken off.

Alpine meadows are even higher. The snow melts here only in August. Grasses, shrubs, trees spread along the ground, escaping from the winds. Walking through such a meadow, you can touch the top of a dwarf willow, step on a swimsuit, or an arrow.

(The story is accompanied by a display of illustrations).

Teacher: now, let's get over Caucasus ridge and in a few hours we will already be in peace dense forest, warm sea. This is the subtropical zone where you and I live.

I am the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Teacher. We will talk about what this zone is and why it is dear to us in the next lesson.

4. Fastening.

  • Guess the riddles, find the answer on the board and show in which natural area this plant grows.

This riddle is about one of the natural areas.

The guys have a green friend.
Cheerful friend, good.
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of palms. (Forest).
In the heat of the stumps
Many thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet flame.
Unbend the stems -
Collecting lights. (Strawberry)
Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.
Let's pluck this sunshine -
We will collect a lot of grains.
Let's fry them and chew them.
And the guests will arrive -
We'll give them a handful. (Sunflower)
Just touch -
You withdraw your palm:
The grass burns
Like fire. (Nettle)

  • How many plant species grow in our region? (3000)
  • What are the names of plants that have been preserved from ancient times? (Relics)
  • Name them. (Yew, chestnut, oak, boxwood, fern).
  • Well done. Thank you for the lesson.

6. D/Z. Today we got acquainted with the natural areas of the region and the variety of its vegetation. Your task: to draw any corner of the nature of our region.

As is known, man developed in close contact with nature. And most of all - with the plant environment. Forests and fields, flowers and bushes became the first pharmacy for people.

Historical features

Primitive people began to use plants to treat various ailments, who noticed that sick animals recovered by eating certain herbs. Also in Ancient Egypt, India and China, there were written treatises that talked about the types and methods of using herbs in treatment. Tibetan medicine, which arose on the basis of ancient Indian medicine, appeared more than 3 thousand years BC. The same can be said about Russian folk medicine, which has accumulated centuries of experience and is now actively used by people.

As can be seen in the photo, medicinal plants of the Krasnodar Territory are most often used in the form of herbs, where, as a rule, one plant enhances the effect of another. There are many patients, especially from rural areas, who have preserved the recipes of traditional medicine and are happy to resort to treating ailments with infusions of miraculous herbs. The properties of medicinal plants in the Krasnodar region are simply amazing. Herbs can not only stop, but also prevent the development of inflammation at any stage.

In addition, herbal treatment does absolutely no harm to the human body and promotes recovery from severe injuries, burns, wounds, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Herbal medicines made from herbs have characteristic features: gradual therapeutic effect, soft and measured action.

Medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region: photos and descriptions

Nowhere else in our country is there such a diversity of flora as in Kuban. In total, 160 species of medicinal plants of the Krasnodar Territory have been recorded in these places. Descriptions of some will be presented in this article.

It is not human nature to treat nature with care, so very often people mercilessly tear up plants, sometimes even with roots. As a result, some species begin to disappear altogether, and therefore are under protection. The forests of this area are rich in trees such as linden, oak, and chestnut. They are also called relict, that is, they are those that have been preserved since ancient times. In the northern part is the Azov-Kuban Lowland. It's all steppes and fields. On the slopes of gullies and along roadsides you can find different types herbs: creeping wheatgrass, wormwood, quinoa, coltsfoot.

Application of herbs

As shown in the photo, medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region are widely used in folk medicine. Moreover, they continue to attract the attention of scientists around the world. The number of herbal preparations increases every year. Very often they are preferred due to their non-toxicity and the possibility of long-term use without any side effects.

Drying, assembly and preparation

Correct procurement of medicinal plants, Krasnodar region or any other, is the main factor in obtaining the necessary raw materials. It is better to start harvesting in warm, sunny, dry weather, when the plants have already dried out from rain and dew. If they are covered with moisture, then they take longer to dry and their natural color changes. During the day, it is customary to harvest the bulk of plants, in which useful substances are found in terrestrial organs. As for roots and rhizomes, harvesting them is allowed at any time, since they are usually washed in water before drying.

You need to collect only those organs and parts of the plant where the most biologically active substances accumulate. Usually their greatest content is in flowers and leaves during the flowering period, in the buds when they swell, in the roots and rhizomes during the ripening of fruits. As for the bark, it is most useful and complete in the spring. Those plants that have been collected are carefully sorted, excess impurities are removed, and dead particles are cut off from the roots and stems. The collection container must be clean, dry and free of foreign odors. The harvested plants are placed loosely so that they do not lose their medicinal properties.


The Krasnodar Territory is quite impressive and is unlikely to fit into one article. We will look at some of them with you. The species diversity of plants in any territory depends, of course, on many factors. But main role climate, weather and characteristics of the soil and air play a role in this. Scientists have divided the entire territory of Russia into several climatic zones, but, despite this, many experts talk about the diversity of flora and fauna directly within this or that region. We will look at the medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region, which are characteristic of this territory, and describe the most common and well-known plants.

It is generally accepted that Kuban has a fertile territory for a wide variety of flora, including healing ones. So, in Krasnodar region There are about 160 species of medicinal plants (we provide the names of some below).

Red Book

In 2007, it was created to include endangered species of animals and plants. The initiators of the decision were the residents of this area, who realized that the amazing beauty of Kuban needed not only to be preserved, but also to be enhanced. It was thanks to these caring people that everything was preserved in its original form. Let's look at some medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region listed in the Red Book:

  • Adonis spring (adonis).
  • Colchicum is magnificent.
  • Sandy immortelle.
  • Dioscorea Caucasica.
  • Marsh cinquefoil.

5 medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region

Plants that are near you often have medicinal properties. It's just that not everyone knows about them miraculous power. But you just have to look around and you will see dandelion, plantain, nettle, burdock, which have unique healing properties. If you go out into the garden or garden, you can see yarrow, motherwort, knotweed and many others. We present to your attention a short list of medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region.

Chamomile (another name is maiden flower)

This is an annual plant with a short root and a stem 20-50 cm high, with feathery leaves on it. Flowering begins in May and ends in June. Chamomile is very unpretentious; it grows in fields, wastelands, near roads, on forest edges and in grain crops. For a simple peasant, the flower is a weed that is regularly gotten rid of. For medicinal properties, chamomile inflorescences are collected, which are best selected on the 3-4th day after the flowers bloom. At this point, a sufficient amount of active substances has already been produced.

Chamomile is consumed in the form of tea, decoction and as an external remedy. In the form of tea it is used for stomach infections. Chamomile also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is applicable for skin damage (in the form of compresses or baths).

Coltsfoot (other names: male flower, tobacco grass)

This perennial plant blooms in early spring with yellow inflorescences with the smell of honey. Before the leaves appear, the rhizome produces flower stalks with red scales and yellow inflorescences. This plant blooms from February to March, possibly April. Grows in wastelands, field edges or roadsides. Flowers need to be collected good weather when they have already blossomed. In order for them to retain their presentation, they need to be dried quickly. But the leaves are used more for medicinal purposes. It is better to collect them in March - June, and preferably clean, it is recommended not to wash them.

Those leaves that grow in the sun contain more beneficial components than those that grow in the shade. Coltsfoot is an excellent cough remedy, especially for whooping cough. Tea made from this flower makes coughing easier. It is also used for lung diseases and irritation of the stomach and intestines. In addition, coltsfoot tea is used to treat open wounds, skin inflammations, rashes and to cleanse the blood.


A perennial medicinal plant, it blooms with small white and pink flowers, which are collected in panicles. The roots are yellowish-brown in color. Valerian blooms in early summer and ends in September. In medicine it is customary to use the root of the flower. This plant is collected in spring or autumn. The root is carefully dug up, then washed and dried in a ventilated area. Preparations made from valerian have a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Valerian infusions are taken for migraines, hysterics, insomnia, and pain in the stomach and intestines. It also has a carminative effect and improves digestion. This medicinal plant helps with strong feelings, pain in the heart, has a positive effect on the heart muscles and calms the nervous system.

St. John's wort

People have come up with many different ones that have been used to treat diseases for a long time. Among the many plants, St. John's wort enjoyed special respect. At that time it was a “magic” herb - a savior from 100 diseases. During excavations of ancient settlements, archaeologists managed to find the seeds of 20 herbs, including St. John's wort. People believed that this plant helps against ailments caused by evil spirits and witches. It is very useful for humans and does not contain any harmful substances.

In Rus', St. John's wort was used very widely. For example, it was placed in children’s mattresses so that the aroma would protect the baby from terrible dreams. St. John's wort was at one time considered a source of light, expelling any evil, relieving sadness and sadness. This plant was also the favorite herb of many prominent people, because it healed not only the body, but also the soul. To date, scientists have proven that it has antidepressant properties that are associated with its photosensitizing effect.


It is hardly possible to imagine that there are people who have never been burned by nettles in their lives. It follows from this that there is no person who does not know what her appearance is. Usually two types of nettle are harvested - stinging and dioecious. Stinging nettle is a little smaller and more tender, although aggressive. Stinging nettle is often used for medicinal purposes.

Nettle flowering begins in May and ends in July. Its flowers are small and green. Both species grow near human houses, in gardens, orchards, and vacant lots. Nettle leaves are harvested from May to August. They must be picked carefully, using gloves, and then dried in the air. The whole herb is used to make nettle juice. The root is dug up in spring or autumn, the adhering dirt is removed and air-dried.

Perhaps due to the fact that nettle is a common weed, it began to be used a long time ago, even before the advent of scientific medicine. Now nettle leaves are used to improve metabolism in the body. In addition, this herb is the main component of tea collection, which is prescribed for rheumatism, gout, and liver diseases. Included in seasonal tea treatment courses.


We have examined with you only a small part of the medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region, and also indicated only a certain number of their beneficial and healing qualities. There are many more of them, and they all bring great benefits to humans.

Georgievskaya Tatiana



Extramural sightseeing tour

Work completed

student of 4th grade

Georgievskaya Tatiana

On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, vegetation is distributed into zones. Latitudinal and vertical zoning is clearly expressed here. The steppe zone occupies the entire Azov-Kuban plain. In the recent past, this was a forb-fescue-feather grass steppe. At present, almost all of it has been plowed up and turned into vast collective and peasant fields where they cultivate wheat, corn, sugar beets, sunflower , barley, vegetable and melon crops. In total, there are more than 3 thousand plant species in the region.

Along the roads, along the slopes of ravines and on the tops of mounds you can find wild herbaceous plants: creeping wheatgrass, buttercup wild, yellow clover, wormwood, plantain, coltsfoot, quinoa , sow thistle, St. John's wort, immortelle. In forest belts there are oak, walnut, acacia and other tree species.

In the northeastern part of the region, in the Kuban-Azov lowland, steppe animals are common. This is where the wildflowers live mice, gophers, moles, mole rats , hamsters. They all do harm agriculture. They live in burrows and feed on grain and leaves. Of the predators found foxes, weasels, ferrets. Birds: larks, quails , gray partridges, crows, magpies . There are also predatory ones - kites, owls, owls, steppe harrier.

In the Kuban delta, in floodplains and estuaries, they are common sedge, cattail, reeds, yellow water lilies , water lilies, water chestnut. Wild boars, foxes, and waterfowl live here: pelicans, gulls, ducks, lapwings, waders, geese, herons , sometimes they fly swans . The muskrat lives in the estuaries. In the floodplains of the Kalininsky district there is the largest high-water colony of storks in the region.

On the right bank of the Kuban, not far from the village of Ivanovskaya, there is an array Red Forest (5200 ha). This is the remnant of the forests that previously bordered the banks of the Kuban to its lower reaches. Narrow strips of forest remain in the middle reaches of the river. In the Red Forest grow oak, willow, maple, ash, apple, hawthorn, and rose hips; inhabited by deer, roe deer, wild boars, and hares.

Depending on the altitude above sea level and the associated changes in climatic, soil and other conditions, not only the general character vegetation, but also the appearance of plants.

As the relief increases, the steppe turns into a forest-steppe, and the latter into a forest zone. The forest-steppe stretches in a relatively narrow strip on the left bank of the Kuban, covering the Trans-Kuban inclined plain and the low (mostly up to 600 m) part of the foothills. About 50% of the area is shrubs and partly broad-leaved forests (oak, hornbeam, maple, hazel, dogwood).

Kuban forests occupy 1.7 million hectares and are characterized by exclusively valuable species. The region contains approximately 30% of oak forests, over 80% of beech and about 90% of chestnut plantations in Russia. The main part of the forests is located in the foothills, mountainous areas and the Black Sea coast.

Vegetation in the mountains forms three zones: forest, subalpine and alpine.

The forest zone is divided into two zones: broad-leaved and coniferous forests. Up to 700 meters above sea level, predominantly oak forests grow with an admixture of hornbeam, ash, elm, as well as fruit trees (pear, apple, dogwood). Oak forests give way to a belt of beech trees. At an altitude of 1200 meters they are joined by Caucasian fir. From 1300 to 1800 meters predominate coniferous forests, consisting of Caucasian fir and eastern spruce. Fir needles are softer and slightly wider than spruce needles.

In the mountains and foothills there is an abundance of forest fruits and lush meadow grasses. This creates favorable conditions for the habitat of animals and birds. Wild pigs graze in small herds of oak and beech forests. Unlike domestic pigs, wild pigs are somewhat shorter and taller on their legs. Old boars reach 100-150 kg in weight. They are covered with thick, coarse bristles of a dark brown and sometimes almost black color. The male has fangs.

IN deciduous forests walk small, the size of a domestic goat, roe deer, in their own way appearance resembling a deer. Only males have horns. They hunt for food by bear, wolf, jackal, raccoon dog, badger, fox, and marten. On the river banks there are mink and otter. They dive and swim well, feed on fish and frogs.

Among the reptiles there are: snakes - common and water snakes, vipers - steppe and Koznakov's viper (found high in the mountains), legless lizard spindle and yellowbell.

In the morning, the forest and valleys of the foothills are filled with the singing and chirping of various birds. Magpies chirp and whistle blackbirds, cuckoos calling, jays calling to each other , fussing by the streams wagtails , shaking his tail; near the river banks you can hear the melodic tune of a lemon-yellow oriole, quickly rushing for prey falcons , forest healers methodically tap on the bark of the trunks - woodpeckers Agile Shrikes hunt for insects. The nimble bee-eater chases bees and bumblebees, grabbing them in flight with its long, thin beak. Owls, eagle owls, starlings, grosbeaks, goldfinches, kingfishers, tits fly here, and high in the mountains - Caucasian black grouse, mountain turkeys - snowcocks.

They settle along the steep banks of riversblue rollers, tree sparrows and shore swallows.

Birds bring great benefits national economy, destroying harmful insects and rodents. For example, one swallow catches more than a thousand plant pests per day. Woodpeckers save hundreds of trees by eating beetle larvae hidden under the bark. An owl kills a thousand mice over the summer, and each mouse eats 1 kg of grain per year. It turns out that only one owl saves us a ton of bread a year.

Not all birds live here all year round. Many live only in the summer, hatch their chicks, and fly to warmer climes in the fall. There are about 320 species of birds in Kuban.

Soil and air pollution has led to a sharp reduction in the number of insectivorous birds: starlings, swallows, sparrows. But the number of crows and pigeons has increased. City garbage dumps serve as an excellent food supply for them.

At an altitude of 1800 - 2200 meters above sea level there is a belt of subalpine vegetation. extendsubalpine meadowsand crooked forests with scrub beech and mountain maple. Subalpine meadows are rich pastures. In the summer they keep large cattle and flocks of sheep.

Above the subalpine meadows, starting from altitudes of 2300 - 2500 and up to 2800 - 3000 meters above sea level, stretches the belt of alpine meadows of the Northwestern Caucasus (in other parts of the Caucasus it is much higher). The nature here is harsh. Only in August the clearings are free of snow.

How striking the change! In the subalpine zone everything is large and lush, and in the alpine zone the same plants, but from 4 to 15 centimeters in height, with a creeping form. The brightness of the colors and the diversity of flowers in the rocky meadows, surrounded by rocks and snow, is striking. There are red ones growing all around mytniks, bright blue gentians , golden yellow buttercups and dandelions, rose red carnations, blue forget-me-nots.

From 3000 meters and above there are eternal snows and glaciers and inaccessible rocks, almost devoid of any vegetation.

Varied vegetation Black Sea coast. From Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam and oak, hornbeam and hornbeam. On the spurs of the Markotkhsky ridge from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, crooked and stunted trees grow elm, hornbeam and among them dogwood and hawthorn . In the Gelendzhik area there are elm, maple, ash, dogwood, walnut, cherry plum, apple, pear; along the coast - Pitsunda pine.

The resort village of Dzhankhot is located 12 kilometers south of Gelendzhik. Here, on the high shore of the sea, an island of ancient flora has been preserved - a grove of Pitsunda pine. It is surrounded by hornbeam, maple and other trees.

Beyond the Mikhailovsky Pass, oak is distributed along the mountain slopes and rises to a height of 500 - 600 meters, then giving way to beech. Alder, viburnum, elderberry, dogwood, and pear grow in floodplains and on river banks.

On the coast from Lazarevsky to Adler they grow cypress trees, Pitsunda pine, magnolias, palm trees . They remain green all year round.

Parks and squares are decorated with noble laurel, bamboo, yucca, and various palm trees. There is no month of the year when some plants do not bloom. Apricots, peaches and other fruits ripen in the gardens.

The fauna of the Black Sea is diverse, but is concentrated mainly in the upper layer. Fishes of commercial importance are: beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring , anchovy, sprats, bream, mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, flounder. There are dolphins.

The following fish live in the Sea of ​​Azov: ram, shemaya , herring, sturgeon (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon), sprat, horse mackerel.

In rivers and estuaries live: bream, silver bream, asp, carp, catfish and other fish. The champion here is the carp, it is found everywhere. He has a good appetite, so he grows quickly. In general, carp grows throughout its life and sometimes reaches 1.5 meters in length, and its weight reaches 35 kg.

The most valuable fish include vimba and shemaya. A mustachioed catfish lives in a den under a snag; its main food is frogs. Catfish have strong jaws and teeth, like those of a shark, curved back. You can't escape from such a mouth.

High in mountain rivers There is another fish - trout.She only needs pure water. And if you see this fish in a mountain river, you can safely drink the water there, it is clean. Trout is a predator. It feeds on worms and small fish, and sometimes catches insects. When overcoming rapids, trout can jump out of the water 1-1.5 meters.

The forests of the Black Sea coast preserve supplies of drinking and mineral waters, protect soils from water and wind erosion, landslides, rockfalls and landslides, and soften the climate. They ensure a constant water level in rivers, protect them from silting and shallowing, and thereby create conditions for the reproduction of fish resources. From mountain slopes not protected by forests, rains carry away 100 cubic meters of soil per hectare per year. In such places, ravines quickly form.

The forest has a certain influence on the climate and rivers that feed the fertile plains of the Kuban with their waters, protects reservoirs from drying out, fields from drought, and purifies the air from harmful carbon dioxide, dust and other small particles. The vegetation cover of the Earth is called lungs of the planet" One hectare of forest purifies 18 million cubic meters of air smoky and saturated with carbon dioxide per year.

The forest is a healing factor and an excellent object for hiking, excursions, and walks. Forest air is clean, it contains a lot of ozone and phytoncides, substances that suppress the development of pathogenic microbes.

The forest is also construction material. The woodworking industry is developed in Kuban. There are furniture factories and associations in Krasnodar, Armavir, Kropotkin, Apsheronsk, Novorossiysk. They make wardrobes and bookcases, chairs, tables, sofas...

Unreasonable predatory extermination of any species of animals or birds causes great harm to nature. Interspecies connections are destroyed, the natural balance is disrupted. Destroying surrounding nature, people destroy themselves.

Our rivers, lakes and ponds are often polluted with sewage, especially waste water from factories. This kind of water is harmful. The fish die in it. Therefore, it is necessary to protect animals, birds and fish from their unreasonable destruction.

There are nature reserves and sanctuaries in our region. These are areas of the area where nature remains intact. You cannot cut down trees or hunt birds or animals in the reserve.

Schoolchildren should remember the words of the writer M.M. Prishvin, who wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only are these treasures protected, they must be opened and shown.

Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!”


  1. Grin L. Nature of the native land. - Krasnodar, 2005.
  2. Lotyshev I.P. Traveling around his native land. - Krasnodar, 1999.
  3. Paskevich N. Ya. Favorite corner of the earth. - Kranodar, 2005.
  4. Red Book of Kuban.
  5. Internet resources.
