Timati's mother spoke about Anastasia Reshetova for the first time. Career, personal life and Timati’s parents: interesting facts Simona 280 official Instagram

Timati's mother Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova already has 1 million subscribers on Instagram. And all because it is she who is raising 2-year-old Alisa, the daughter of rapper and model Alena Shishkova. The proud grandmother lives with her baby in the Dominican Republic, where star parents often come.

Meanwhile, Simona Yakovlevna regularly posts photos of the baby on Instagram and accompanies them wise advice about how he considers it right to raise children. Apparently, this is how she won so many subscribers.

About gadgets...(we're talking about little children) I modern man and not an opponent of technological progress, but... Many of us could see women with babies begging in the subway. Children are always silent - why? Because they are under the influence of a tranquilizer, it is more convenient for the mother to “work”... Any gadget for a small child is a tranquilizer and an activator at the same time, and this is at a time when the nervous system is being formed.... Next point: think about why a film based on a book is rarely Is it better than the book itself? When we read or listen, we fantasize, imagine characters, and in the cinema we often encounter disappointment, because what we saw did not coincide with our idea... A ready-made visual series is imposed on the child, thus, Fantasy is destroyed!! ! ... Let me clarify once again, we are talking about small children up to three years!... Definitely live without gadgets in modern world impossible, but….. I’m not moved by a baby with a phone in his hands, or a baby poking his finger at an IPad, they have a lot ahead for that whole life!...Is it easier with gadgets? Yes, of course, because existence without them requires great dedication from parents... For now, Alice and I will come up with fairy tales, read, listen good music, and time will judge me with those who do not agree with this position...🤔✌️#thoughtsloud





Daughter of Timati and Alena Shishkova

19.06.2019 10:39:45

Hurray!!! We are packing our bags and leaving for the festival very soon." Generation Next”, which is conducted by the famous producer Evgeny Orlov, and part-time ideological inspirer"Respublikakids". The funny thing is that this man brought my son to the “Star Factory” many years ago, and we began to be friends after Alice appeared! God works in mysterious ways! 🤷‍♀️ Next, we smoothly move to the ballet camp, which will be held in the same place))) Group classes, individual excursions, performances, all this has nothing to do with relaxation, the intensity even exceeds our Moscow schedule Alice's Dad honestly tried to cancel all my plans and suggested that I fly out to go surfing instead... To my surprise, Alice said that she could not miss classes!!! I understand that this will not always be the case, but for now, this is our small VICTORY!!!

18.06.2019 11:07:01

Alice's official Instagram account

Throughout my life, there were many moments along my path when I did not know what to do due to age, experience, and also a catastrophic lack of information. It is now possible to find an answer to any question, but only from a scientific point of view. But what to do with the heart? I lacked knowledge; many topics were simply not discussed with teenagers. I wandered in the dark and hurt my body and soul. Even now, among you, and among my acquaintances of the same age, there are people who sincerely do not understand why I do “spiritual striptease.” I answered this question for myself, but before I write further, I want to hear how acceptable my frankness is for you... I have no goal of drawing attention to myself and sharing the “rich inner world" Social networks are not just statuses, photos and posts about nothing. Behind them are the people who write them, and this increases my personal responsibility to the reader. I tell my story for those who may be on the verge of making decisions, see themselves in my stories and it makes them think. I am not God or a Prophet, but if I could read my story in my youth, I would have avoided a lot of pain... To requests to write more often and more, I will answer this way: I am not a professional and I have no experience in protecting my heart. Memories and frankness are given by strong emotional involvement. It’s very easy to “spit into eternity” with a negative comment, but not everyone can think and stop their punishing hand... I’m an ordinary person and I get hurt and scared, so I ask you to be generous in your judgments and assessments. Thanks to those who are sincere with Simona, and not with Timati’s mother, or Alice’s grandmother...

17.06.2019 11:58:08

Alice's official Instagram account

IN financially Our family lived very hard; cultural figures were paid little. I remember how on weekends Mom baked pies with cabbage and elm. You probably don’t know what it is, so I’ll tell you. There was no fish on sale except “iced” and “navaga”, but they sold dried chord - the dorsal string from the spine of sturgeon. The vein was boiled, cut into pieces and added to the filling of pies and kulebyak. Then it seemed incredibly tasty and satisfying! By default, my mother did not allow me to bring friends home. Now I think because there was nothing to treat and all the food was paid for. Mom came home from work tired and did not hide her irritation; I didn’t want my friends to see her like that. I rushed out of the house, and no one stopped me. The only condition was to arrive no later than 21:00 and always return. It’s interesting that it’s ingrained in me so deeply that to this day, I don’t like spending the night away from home))). But at Berta Lvovna’s I was always welcome. We were fed to our heart's content with all sorts of delicacies, allowed to use the excellent home library and got tickets to Lenkom and Taganka, which were then unattainable! After the play “Til Eulenspiegel” my hero brought a puppy to show, whom we named Til)). I felt the support of his family and gradually realized that even my name has a diminutive endearment form... Our trio happily went to visit my kindergarten fiance and now our mutual friend. His father was a famous journalist for the newspaper Pravda, who visited all the “hot spots”. With bated breath we listened to his stories, there I first tried real loose-leaf tea brought from China and learned to eat with chopsticks))). We talked a lot, and I sang to the guitar and thought that B. Okudzhava composed his prayer especially for me: “Lord, my God, my green-eyed one, while the earth is still spinning, And this is strange to her, While there is still enough time and fire, Give everyone a little... And don’t forget about me...” I felt his burning gaze on me green eyes, my head was spinning, and my voice was breaking. Unfortunately, this only happens at 15...)))️

16.06.2019 10:48:49

Alice's official Instagram account

Don't you think that animals are very similar to their owners?) I am indifferent to cats, but dogs have lived in my house all my life. I recently analyzed it and realized that the dogs changed along with my character. At first there was a very beautiful but stupid “girl”, she was replaced by a very smart but evil one. It ended with good-natured Chuck, very loyal, with fantastic patience, but if it seems to him that someone is encroaching on family members, then they can take it seriously!

15.06.2019 13:18:55

Alice's official Instagram account

Dear subscribers! To avoid questions and various kinds of statements, I want to say that this page is about My life and Alice’s life. Perhaps one day another page will appear, but... that will be a completely different story))) Thank you for your understanding

14.06.2019 10:47:35

Alice's official Instagram account

I love parents with many children. Usually, these are already calm people with a good sense of humor and a philosophical outlook on life. With each subsequent child comes experience and understanding of how important it is to pay attention to all children and each individual. It’s not just sitting next to you and “sticking” into your phone, making excuses that it’s work, but communication eye to eye... Remember, I once recommended that you pay attention to the guys who later became my friends @school_trips. They conduct interesting excursions for children, starting from the Fire Station and ending with the Bolshoi Theater. But that's not all. A large family decided to organize summer camp with an exciting program for children with parents to teach adults how to communicate well with their kids. These will be joint searches for treasures, adventures and learning teamwork in the form of games among other children and parents. I hope that after the ballet camp Alisa and I will also visit our friends, and for more complete information, take a look at the camp website and spare no time for quality communication with your kids. @school_trips ️

13.06.2019 11:21:23

Alice's official Instagram account

Artistic dressing room. During a break between filming.🧔

12.06.2019 11:33:57

Alice's official Instagram account

The hippie movement originated in America in the 60s, and the reason was the Vietnam War. Not wanting a massacre, people united and went on strike in the name of peace. The main principle of the hippies was pacifism: non-violence, renunciation of war, internal freedom and creativity. “Flower Children” is another name for the movement. Adherents of this style wore bright clothes made of natural fabrics, wove flowers and feathers into their hair, and proclaimed the main slogan - “Make love, not war.” This trend came to me in the seventies with the film “Generals of the Sand Quarries.” I liked the romance of this movement, and especially the bright, unusual clothes for our latitude. I remember my first flared jeans, white gauze and cork platform sandals. Oh, and I was good!!!))) Many years passed and I wanted to see all this on Alice so much that a collaboration with DNK “Hippie DNK by Simona” was born. On June 26, as part of the fashion show "Cirque du Soleil" - Sochi, Rosa Khutor ("Rosa Hall", small hall) @festnext #festnext our collection will be presented. ------------------- And after the show, everything can be bought at @dnk.russia Let's get hippy this summer?

11.06.2019 10:46:22

Alice's official Instagram account

We came and left school together. In front of everyone, he carried my briefcase and this, translated from school, meant - Mine! Don't come near!!! Now I can’t imagine what we talked about for hours?! I walked without touching the ground, and the shine of my eyes could illuminate a small planet. The most surprising thing for me as an adult is that my parents didn’t notice anything! In one case it was possible not to see, if not to look at all... But the teachers showed enviable vigilance. We were caught in the act when the whole trio went to the cinema. This act served as a reason for calling my parents to the Teachers' Council... I was at a loss as to why they were calling me?! It seems that there were no tests and the number of failures in mathematics did not exceed the usual... I don’t remember why Mom went to school, as far as I remember, it was her first and last visit to educational institution. But I remembered the Teachers' Council for the rest of my life... In order for the picture to be complete, I will allow myself a lyrical digression. In Dahl's dictionary there is an ancient Russian term - “Pig”, which denoted an attacking formation of an army in the form of a wedge, intended to dismember the enemy. If the line was weak, then the “pig” broke through it, trampling no less than killing it with weapons... So, the teachers sat in a wedge, led by the director, under portraits of members of the Politburo, and in the middle, on blood red A fourteen-year-old girl stood on the carpet and did not understand the essence of what was happening... I remember how the spoken words flew out and hit sticky dirt on my cheeks. - “With three boys, one to the cinema!” She will grow up to be a PROSTITUTE!!! She is corrupting the pride of our school! He is the son of an honored teacher! He urgently needs to be saved!!!” I don’t remember how we went outside, I only remember my mother’s prickly eyes... She turned and... spat in my face with the words, “This is what your life is worth!”... Poor Mom, how ashamed she was, but I will understand this much later, and then, trampled by the “Pig” and a loved one, I went on to live...️ 

10.06.2019 11:36:15

Alice's official Instagram account

How important it is to find your teacher, who, despite obvious things, believes in the child! From a three-year-old “cloud”, Alice has turned into a graceful, flirtatious “kitty”. She no longer forgets why she went on stage and beats the beat with her heels in the “Russian Dance”... All the children and adults are great! The concert turned out to be bright and diverse, two hours flew by! I want to say about the amazing costumes! When everything is serious and for real, a high bar is set, which disciplines and gives children a sense of their stage image. And of course, the beginning of the concert brought me to tears))) I don’t know who came up with this, but your “pregnant polonaise” was the personification of grace, nobility, chastity, modesty and the natural continuation of life in our children! Bravo!!! The school year has come to an end. A curtain! @masterskayabaleta @vladimirolga ️

09.06.2019 10:51:22

Alice's official Instagram account

The last preparations, the last hooligan antics and in a few hours you won’t recognize your children! They will be beautiful, focused and spiritual. The stage disciplines and infects with an artistic virus. Good luck to the guys and teachers, and to us viewers - pleasure and adequacy in assessing what is happening!️

08.06.2019 10:35:03

Alice's official Instagram account

Did you have earrings like these in your childhood?

07.06.2019 11:28:36

Alice's official Instagram account

In the eighth grade, different groups began to form. Class "A" did not much favor class "B" and vice versa. As fate would have it, we studied in different classes and this complicated the situation. At the age of 14, boys were just beginning to look towards girls, while the latter were already showing an active interest in opposite sex. It was time to formally appear before his friends. Of course, we knew each other, the whole School knew my last name, but no one suspected that I had a Name... The girls looked contemptuously from head to toe, judging by their looks, the scores were clearly not high. The boys became interested, but could not show it to each other. There were two friends: one was the one who dragged himself to our first date, and the second was my kindergarten fiance, who cried on September 1 that we would study in different classes. As it turned out, the second sang excellently, played the guitar and was generally a socialite, while the first was not known for his friendliness. He had hamsters at home and he himself bred fish, which was absolutely not in my area of ​​interest. And when talking, he never made eye contact and seemed to me hard and slippery, like his fish. It’s not for nothing that he has always caused concern, then I find out about a dispute with my classmates, that he can take me away from a friend, but that will happen later... In the meantime, our feeling blossomed like snow-white, intoxicating lilies of the valley, which my hero instead of school lunch, I bought it from my grandmothers for 15 kopecks. Since then, these are my favorite Flowers... We walked until dark, read together, laughed at Benya Krik from Babel’s Odessa Stories, and then I listened with bated breath about Kuprin’s Beautiful Shulamith. If you haven’t had a chance, be sure to read it, this is the best thing about love... We couldn’t kiss and breathe in each other! We were crystal clear children. Books are written and films are made about such feelings. Everything lasted until adults burst into our world with life stuck to their boots...️

06.06.2019 10:21:56

Alice's official Instagram account

"Boy or girl?" According to my forecasts, this issue will occupy the public and minds of all progressive humanity until approximately the end of the week. And now I’m announcing a competition for the best women’s and male name. You will be a great help to young parents, just don’t forget that it must be combined with their last and patronymic names. Let's go!!!🤝️

05.06.2019 10:22:15

Alice's official Instagram account

04.06.2019 10:13:43

Alice's official Instagram account

Who said Monday is a hard day? It was simply fantastic for us!!!🦆🦟

03.06.2019 10:58:21

Alice's official Instagram account

A little sketch about yesterday. Nothing has ever gone smoothly in my life, “lucky”, this is not about me))) Alice had an important concert. 5 numbers, with changing clothes and short breaks. I was very worried, because the day before the baby had caught a cold and was clearly unwell, and after the concert we planned a trip to the Ostrov Estate for the Music Under the Sky festival, with an overnight stay. It seems that I had foreseen everything, even the dog was with us, but “not everything is Simone’s Maslenitsa”! Having laid out the costumes one by one and mentally praising herself for her neatness, with a light heart she sent Alice to rehearse on stage. Suddenly, I hear a clap and a multi-voiced exclamation. I turn toward the noise and see my Chuck swimming across the pond... He broke out of the collar and, making his signature jump, glided right behind the duck! Everything would be funny if the pond had shores for exit, and if it were another dog, but Chuck will never leave the Water of his own free will!!! Checked several times... Collected a large number of spectators. Everyone was lively discussing how to save the dog, some even tried, then there was a proposal to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a result, our driver had to take off his clothes and dive after the swimmer... You should have heard how people applauded, louder than the children! We ended up drying them both out. I got even more gray hair, and Alice performed excellently without knowing this heartbreaking story...

02.06.2019 14:17:20

Alice's official Instagram account

Let's go perform

02.06.2019 11:30:43

Alice's official Instagram account

Yesterday we listened to the symphonic fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”, but the most impressive thing was our visit to the Zaryadye observation deck. The children were happy when they were waved back from passing ships)))

01.06.2019 10:56:37

Alice's official Instagram account

Children Protection Day. The official version of the holiday is support and care for those who, by the will of fate, find themselves in a difficult situation. All this is of course true, but today I’m thinking about myself, about you and me... There are a huge number of domineering parents around, suffocating their children with their love and authority... I see this on open lessons and I think it’s easier for me. I, too, am not devoid of ambitions, but Alice is not my child and in case of unfulfilled hopes, you can always complain to your parents... When it’s yours, there’s no one to shift the responsibility to, and here our parental ego blooms magnificently. We begin to destroy children with our own expectations... I continue to learn to love despite and in spite of, although sometimes it is very difficult. When anger bursts out, I hug tighter, inhale my native scent and gradually calm down. I have never had “comfortable” children! Why should they understand at a glance and hear at a glance? During class, someone immediately remembers 15 words in a row, but I can’t remember even five... If I’m ashamed of my child, then that’s my problem, not his! You never know that someone is smarter, more obedient and more talented, but they are more beloved and closer to you! I often want to protect children from myself and still try to apologize and explain certain actions. The only constant should be unconditional parental love. Protection in a broad sense and in a narrow sense, in a single large or small family. I see the point in this...️

31.05.2019 10:53:30

Alice's official Instagram account


30.05.2019 11:24:36

Alice's official Instagram account

Judging by the facial expressions - “I’m always with you”, it’s somehow problematic... Especially when it comes to taking tests...🥴

29.05.2019 12:02:15

Alice's official Instagram account

It's spring on the calendar, but mushroom season already open!

28.05.2019 10:36:32

Alice's official Instagram account

On Sunday, immediately after the end of the Concert in which Alisa takes part, we get into the car and rush with full sail to the village of Ostrov near Moscow for the music festival “Music Under the Sky,” which is organized by our friends the Contrabass Quartet. How many of you have already watched? New film"Aladdin"? We liked it so much that we are thinking about going again))) In the meantime, we are going to the Island to listen to the musical version of this fairy tale. Join us, enjoyment is guaranteed! Time spent with children, when you share emotions from music and nature, is truly priceless! Festival website - http://skymusicfest.com/ P.S. And this is our answer Disney princess Jasmine!

Timati (real name Timur Ildarovich Yunusov) is a Russian rap artist who became famous after the fourth season of “Star Factory” as part of the group “Banda”. In 2006, the singer began solo career and founded the production center Black Star Inc. Timati’s activities extend far beyond music: this includes an author’s line of clothing, a fast food chain, and filming.

Childhood and family

Timur Yunusov was born into a wealthy family. His father, businessman-investor Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov, from whom Timati inherited a commercial streak, has Tatar roots. The artist’s mother, Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova, nee Chervomorskaya, is Jewish by nationality. Timati is not the only child in the family; he has a younger brother, 3.5 years old, Artem, known in the music world under the pseudonym DJ Temniy.

The future artist spent his childhood in his parents’ apartment on Mira Avenue. WITH early age he showed his Creative skills, and therefore his parents enrolled him in a music school, where for the next four years he studied the intricacies of playing the violin. But the boy did not have any particular love for the instrument, practicing only at the request of his mother, whose family included many musicians.

Timati began to become interested in rap and hip-hop at about 13 years old, having visited the States, the primary source of rap culture. Around this time, he got his first tattoo - a fire dragon.

In 1998, Timati founded the group VIP77, which included his friends: Pasha, Baby Lee, MC Dynamite, Master Spensor, Leo and Dominic Joker. In the wake of common interests, he met Decl, not even suspecting that the father of his new friend was the famous producer Alexander Tolmatsky. Timati helped Decl with writing a solo album - he can be heard on backing vocals in the album “Who are you”, and can also be seen in the video for “Party at Decl’s House”. The creative union never resulted in anything more, and therefore the paths of the young rappers diverged.

After graduating from school, Timati entered High school economics, but after six months he dropped out of school because he could not combine it with nightlife: together with his friends, he threw parties in the best clubs in the capital. He was one of the first to begin promoting the famous Moscow night hip-hop clubs Most and Marika.

Timati at the Star Factory

In 2004, VIP77 disbanded, reviving a year later with a new lineup: Timati, Pasha, Deema, Walter and Yulia Vashchekina. At the same time, Timati, together with Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, passed the casting for the musical reality show “Star Factory-4”. Under the leadership of producer Igor Krutoy, the young people who formed the Banda group recorded songs, were trained by the best teachers in Russia, and became more and more popular with each reporting concert.

The guys did not make it to the finals - that season the winners were Irina Dubtsova, Anton Zatsepin and Stas Piekha. However, the producers paid attention to the guys and gave the young artists the opportunity to record their album and shoot a video. Long after the finale of “Factory,” their hit “Heaven is Crying” is heard from every second radio in the country. But the album “New People” was received by listeners without much excitement.

“Star Factory”: Timati – “Heaven is Crying” (2004)

After this, Timati, together with other members of the Factory, went on a tour of Russia, which lasted several months. Returning from tour, Timati opened the Black club (B-club) nightclub.

On March 23, 2007, Ratmir, his girlfriend, Deema from VIP77 and two other people got into an accident when their car ran a red light. The car crashed into an SUV, causing the gas tank to detonate. All passengers died in the fire, unable to get out of the mangled car. After Ratmir's death, the Banda group announced its dissolution.

Solo career. Black Star

Timati's debut solo album "Black Star" was released in 2006, even before the collapse of the "Gang". The disc featured 17 compositions, including duets with Irina Dubtsova, Ksenia Sobchak, Karina Koks, Alexa, Fyodor Bondarchuk and the group Uma2rman. The cover itself was a copy of the cover of Tupac's album Until the End of Time.

Because of this, as well as because of obvious borrowings from Western colleagues (for example, he took the entire beat for the composition “Zombie” from the group Clipse), professional music critics like Artemy Troitsky have repeatedly accused Timati of plagiarism.

The pioneers of the rap genre in Russia also disliked Timati. After Timati and Dominic Joker covered the Bad Balance track “Bitch Love” and the composition was included in the soundtrack documentary film, dedicated to the memory of Mikhei from Bad Balance, the leader of the group, Vlad Valov, accused Timati of mocking the deceased.

In parallel with musical career Timati was actively involved in business. In 2006, his label Black Star Inc was founded, which subsequently released music scene Russian rappers L’One, Mota, Yegor Creed, Misha Marvin, Scrooge, Christina C and other young performers.

At the beginning of 2007, the comedy “Heat” was released on television, in which Timati played one of the main roles along with Alexei Chadov, Nastya Kochetkova and Konstantin Kryukov.

In the same year, Timati voiced the main character in the cartoon “Catch the Wave.”

Timati did not serve in the army. In 2008 he was declared unfit for duty. military service as “mentally unbalanced”, since, according to the law of the Russian Federation, a conscript whose body is covered with tattoos on more than 50% receives a certificate from a psychiatrist.

In 2008, Timati, together with Dj Smash, released the hit “Moscow Never Sleeps”, which was awarded the MTV Russia Music Awards in the “Debut” category.

Timati ft. DJ Smash – Moscow Never Sleeps

In 2008, together with the company Sprandi, Timati released the first line sportswear TS Timati for Sprandi, the presentation of which took place at Russian Fashion Week in Moscow. And in 2010, under the Black Star Wear label, Timati began producing a personalized line of youth clothing.

The year 2009 was marked by the release of Timati's second album, laconicly titled The Boss. In the summer of the same year, another close friend and colleague of Timati, DJ Dlee, died in a car accident.

In 2012, Timati's third studio and first English-language album SWAGG, consisting of 21 tracks, was released. Work on the record took three years, and the invited guests were no longer Russian celebrities, and the stars international level: P. Diddy, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Craig David, Laurent Wolf.

The result exceeded all expectations - SWAGG became popular not only in Timati’s homeland. Statistics Black Star Inc. showed that in terms of the level of rotation of compositions from the album, Europe beat the indicators of Russia and the CIS countries. Moreover, the composition “Welcome to Saint-Tropez” managed to dislodge Lady Gaga from the first place on international iTunes.

Timati ft DJ Antonie – Welcome to St. Tropez

A year later, the presentation of the Russian-language album “13” took place. The record failed to break the records of the third album, but the album topped the iTunes charts in the CIS and Baltic countries. Pavel Murashov, Christina Sy, Mot, L’One and Fidel helped Timati with the recording.

In the same 2013, Timati, together with Snoop Dogg, starred in the Russian comedy “Odnoklassniki: Call for Luck,” which told about a young designer who received the magical opportunity to fulfill any desire by simply writing it in his status social network. Despite the presence of stars, the film failed at the box office.

In 2014, Timati, who is in close relations with the Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

In September 2016, the Black Star Burger eatery opened in Moscow, on Novy Arbat. Timati invited customers to try completely black burgers while wearing black latex gloves, which have become a kind of “feature” of the restaurant. The singer planned to open a second burger shop in Grozny - Kadyrov personally asked him about this.

Timati's personal life

In an interview, Timati admitted that he never had serious feelings for girls until he met 16-year-old singer Alexa at the Star Factory. The romance began right on the project, under the supervision of hundreds of cameras, fueling the audience’s interest in the young couple. The girl became the first to whom the artist sincerely confessed his love.

After the release of Alexa’s video “Where Are You,” where Timati appeared in the image of a romantic hero, the press began to say that in fact the romance of the young people was a PR move by the producers.

Alexa - “Where are you?”

In 2005, Alexa and Timati had a big quarrel after a long tour together and broke up for the first time. Alexa returned to her native Donetsk, where she began to communicate closely with a young man from the coal business. But soon everything returned to normal. The press said that Timati flew to Donetsk and took Alexa almost from under the aisle.

In 2006, Timati launched the reality show “Yuppies in a Pickup Truck,” in which Alexa took part. Then the lovers recorded a joint song, “When You’re Near.”

In 2007, Alexa and Timati put an end to their relationship once and for all. The young people kept silent about the reason, but Alexa’s close friends said that they simply did not get along in character - Timati loved nightlife, and the girl preferred an evening at home to any party. About Alexa's feelings for ex-boyfriend her song “My Vendetta” speaks eloquently.

Over the following years, many beauties were among Timati’s passions. This includes Miss Russia 2009 Sofya Rudyeva, to whom the rapper quickly lost interest, and Mila Volchek, who, according to Timati, had an indelible influence on his way of thinking. He was seen in company with model Victoria Lopyreva, singer Fergie, actress Mila Jovovich, but it is unlikely that communication with them went beyond friendship.

The star grandmother, an amazing woman, Timati’s mother, eventually opened an account on the most popular social network. Mrs. Yunusova runs Instagram under the nickname Simon 280 and she already has well over a million subscribers. What does she post on her Instagram? Well, of course, your children, only from the height of grandma’s experience! Simona Yunusova's greatest pride is her granddaughter Alisa. Instagram is simply flooded with funny videos with angel eyes and blond curls from Alena Shishkova and Timati.

It’s worth telling a little about Simone herself. It is impossible to call her a lady, a woman, a girl. This is a person without age with an open soul and extensive life experience. Simone is the wife of a businessman, Timati's father, Ildar Yunusov. Now she lives in Dominican Republic where it's warm and cozy. Alice often and for a long time stays with her grandmother while her parents take care of business and work in hectic and crazy Moscow.

It’s great that looking at Simon 280’s Instagram account you don’t get the impression of showing off your position, wealth, or countless amounts of money. This fades into the background. No creams, facelifts, real estate, cars or other luxury items are advertised here. The account does not contain a wild number of selfies or looks. They are present only sometimes, so that 1.2 million people do not forget what this Simone 280 actually looks like.

Simone 280's followers on Instagram call her not only a golden grandmother, mother, but also a precious mother-in-law. She does not forget to congratulate Alena Shishkova on her birthday and publish her photographs with warm words, despite the fact that the couple with Timati did not work out. This girl gave her son endless happiness - a daughter, for which Simone is grateful and is not afraid to demonstrate it. “Finally, she’s not wearing makeup,” “She’s so beautiful without makeup,” “Alena is very beautiful,” “Alena is very beautiful here and so real,” Simone admires her daughter-in-law. By the way, many subscribers accuse the mother of “pushing” the child to the grandmother or the grandmother “taking away” the daughter from the parents. But who cares, everyone is happy.

Looking through photos on Instagram, it becomes clear that Simone is absolutely happy man, but absolutely not because of the presence of villas, yachts, living abroad or expensive clothes. She is happy because she has a family, there are children who visit her, love her and come to visit her. Everything is the same ordinary people, only the scenery changes, but the essence remains.

By subscribing to Instagram @simona280 you are guaranteed positive and good mood. No envy or flattery, golden toilets or lobsters. Kindness, love, children's laughter and joy - this is the backbone of Simone's photographs. It's nice to watch, like and follow the updates.

    173411 2018.03.30 11:27

    The second part of Alisina’s d/r took place in #Blackstarburgerprime. I have already written about the gastronomic impressions of the restaurant, and now I can confidently recommend this place for such events! Insanely delicious, beautiful, great staff. I won’t go on praising for too long, look at the little one))) After a long dinner (could it be impossible to tear the children away from the burgers that Dad was cooking?), the guys took part in making caramel figurines? In conclusion, children and adults let off “steam” at a paper disco and admired live butterflies!????⚡️?

    254574 2018.03.29 10:57

    The flu has receded... These days, with special aching tenderness, I hold my baby close to me... What a blessing it is to simply live!...?

    145773 2018.03.27 13:06

    When you sit by the bed of a sick child, you always think: it would be better if I had all this... - Well, please, let the temperature drop and I see a smile... Over time it becomes easier, you exhale and everything falls into place again. I’m scared to imagine how the parents of children feel, whose smile they will never see again... I don’t understand how they will return to life... Does someone’s condolences make it easier? Strength to you dear! I don't know how to get over this grief...

    56854 2018.03.25 12:37

    I'm proud of our children!??❤️

    102992 2018.03.24 11:57

    I think that adults should definitely take an active part in the holiday. Children see that it is not scary, but fun and interesting! They are proud of their parents, copy the behavior model and become creators themselves))) P.S. Tomorrow I will show you how the children performed?

    158110 2018.03.23 12:57

    People are amazing... Some people see darkness in everything, and others see light! Someone writes about how interesting the birthday was at the Museum, and someone calculates how much it cost and how bored the children were... I will not enter into controversy with anyone, I suggest just looking at the inspired faces of our children!?❤️

    62669 2018.03.22 13:52

    The holiday is over, everyday life has begun, but it seems that I will be posting our beauty for a while longer?

    260469 2018.03.21 11:42

    There were several “colored” periods in the work of Pablo Picasso... Since the Birthday was held at the Museum, we decided to follow the example of the great artist and after the “pink” period, followed... right! Black!?

    233296 2018.03.20 14:51

    Our dear friends! Dear musicians, dancers, wizards who brought the fairy tale to life! I want to thank each of you for an amazing holiday! I am very glad that in you I have found like-minded people who care about how our children will grow up! I vote for Culture! Much more important is spiritual wealth, then everything else is easier to bear, since the soul has something to do and think about... I watched the children throughout the holiday. They were truly interested, despite the fact that many came to the Museum for the first time. Now is the age when everything is instantly absorbed. If we teach children to feel and see beauty, then subsequently the beauty around them will become their natural need, which means they will live better and more interesting! ? Thank you: @school_trips @kontrabasskvartet @masterskayabaleta @vladimirolga @nadiiablackstar @blackstarburger #blackstarburgerprime @nastya_marzipan @confael_chocolate @strizhkid @my__little__sister And of course @missalena.92 @timatiofficial for our wonderful Button! ?❤️?

    262497 2018.03.19 10:19

    At that time, I was already living my life: traveling, dancing, studying, looking for myself again... The children grew up and no longer needed me... I was already thinking about getting involved in a new one. family history and suddenly, like a tornado, in the midst of complete calm, this girl burst into my everyday life! Life has once again set priorities and set a new vector!))) Without a doubt, I made a choice, but in fact there was no choice))) What can a woman feel when a small copy of her son is in her arms?! Only one thing - boundless Love!!! Thanks to you Baby, for four years I have felt needed and found something to do!?? Let me have more time, you and I have so many interesting things ahead!? Be healthy, smart and happy! Happy Birthday, my Favorite!!!?❤️

    97543 2018.03.18 12:47

    Alisa Timurovna is learning to control her body. This is not an easy job, let me tell you!???

    221760 2018.03.17 11:31

    Yesterday’s harmless post about learning English greatly disturbed the bots and “vampires”, they rushed to attack! Maybe a full moon?.... I increasingly think why nude photos and staged shots from the lives of stars evoke so many “likes”, while smart, subtle people go unnoticed?! This worries me as a parent. The question arises in my head - what are we doing wrong? Where is the mistake in education? Why are people so concerned about who sleeps with whom, who did the breasts, or the nose?! These are strangers! It is important what heart beats behind this chest, and what prefers to inhale a new nose, the smell of a house, or flowers... Both Alena and Nastya are girls worthy of respect. They are completely different, but it’s definitely not for you and me to decide their fate... Alice still lives with Mom, but Dad is always nearby) We all try to be civilized people and take into account the interests of the child! Don’t waste your energy on insta life, as your own may go unnoticed... My page is My world... Not the life of mom, dad, or anyone else... All negativity is blocked!!! My nose is old in every way, but I prefer the fresh smell of tulips, which is what I wish for you!??

    89816 2018.03.16 11:35

    So our teacher is studying Russian!???

    147142 2018.03.15 11:34

    I want to tell you a story, the story of a Man who became very close to me. An ordinary girl lived in Crimea and seemed to be no different from others, except for the fact that she did not want to grow up. Of course, she grew up, but her Soul remained absolutely childlike and pure, so all the kids immediately feel like they belong to her. In the city where she was born there was an orphanage, that is, a place where refuseniks are brought... At first, the girl went there to help, brought formula, diapers and toys, bought medicine and tried to brighten up the existence of abandoned babies. Then a Son appeared in her house! The boy had a severe heart defect, but the girl coped with the disease... At that time, many relatives turned away from the woman and she, collecting the child, with a bag of seeds instead of money, came to work in Moscow, where no one knew her. Not many years have passed... Today, this baby, a wonderful, smart, loving person of ten years old, who, together with his Mom, helps his orphanage... Ten months ago a call came from the village hospital. At the other end of the line they reported that some woman at home gave birth to her fourth child, wrapped him in a rag and left him on the doorstep... The decision was made instantly. So a begged Daughter appeared in the Woman’s family... And again diagnoses, tears, nerves, but I know for sure that she will not back down and everything will definitely work out! Yesterday the baby had her Baptism ceremony. I’ll tell you honestly, I looked, remembered and cried... Daughter, may your life be bright? Deniska, now you have MOM and SISTER under your protection! Helen, I wish you health, strength and wisdom! Love you!?? @leno4ka_kulikova P.S The story was recorded with permission... I wouldn’t be surprised if after a while there will be more children in this family! IN big heart there is always a place for Love!??❤️

Human relations - what is it? I'm not talking about a man and a woman, I'm talking about work, about friendship, about the ability to build interpersonal connections. It so happens that I communicate a lot with young people and observe a lot of disappointment from a lack of experience. Friendship to break, when you thoughtlessly rush into relationships, daily calls and conversations about nothing, in my opinion, all this should remain in childhood... With age, life and rules change, and most importantly the main thing is attitude to them. If you have grown physically, but emotionally continue to get stuck in a fictitious image, then you will inevitably be disappointed by empty expectations... Friendship is people, not hidden grievances, a willingness to discuss problems looking into the eyes. This is trust, not someone's gossip and speculation. A friend is someone who will listen, help, give advice if necessary, but will not live for you. Friend, not a babysitter! This is a person who just walks next to you, but you shouldn’t identify him with yourself. He has a soul and his own problems. Friendship should not become an addiction... I know how to be friends, but my space has clearly defined boundaries. I always want to hug these disillusioned young people, but I understand that they must go through their own path of learning... I have no need for constant communication. I can see flattery a mile away and am very skeptical of it. I learned a long time ago to filter people on my path, which is probably why there are fewer and fewer disappointments and expectations. I have a constant interlocutor from whom you don’t expect surprises or betrayal - I myself... and this is not loneliness, but a form of growing up... 🤔

Hurray!!! We are packing our bags and very soon flying to the “Generation Next” festival, which is held by the famous producer Evgeny Orlov, and part-time ideological inspirer of “Respublikakids”. The funny thing is that this man brought my son to the “Star Factory” many years ago, and we began to be friends after Alice appeared! God works in mysterious ways! 🤷‍♀️ Next, we smoothly move to the ballet camp, which will be held in the same place))) Group classes, individual excursions, performances, all this has nothing to do with relaxation, the intensity even exceeds our Moscow schedule 🙈 Alice's dad honestly tried to cancel all my plans and offered to fly away to go surfing instead... To my surprise, Alice said that she couldn’t miss classes!!! I understand that it won’t always be like this, but for now, this is our small VICTORY!!!👊😜💃🏿

Throughout my life, there were many moments along my path when I did not know what to do due to age, experience, and also a catastrophic lack of information. It is now possible to find an answer to any question, but only from a scientific point of view. But what to do with the heart? I lacked knowledge; many topics were simply not discussed with teenagers. I wandered in the dark and hurt my body and soul. Even now, among you, and among my acquaintances of the same age, there are people who sincerely do not understand why I do “spiritual striptease.” I answered this question for myself, but before I write further, I want to hear how acceptable my frankness is to you... I have no goal of drawing attention to myself and sharing my “rich inner world.” Social networks are not just statuses, photos and posts about nothing. Behind them are the people who write them, and this increases my personal responsibility to the reader. I tell my story for those who may be on the verge of making decisions, see themselves in my stories and it makes them think. I am not God or a Prophet, but if I could read my story in my youth, I would have avoided a lot of pain... To requests to write more often and more, I will answer this way: I am not a professional and I have no experience in protecting my heart. Memories and frankness are given by strong emotional involvement. It’s very easy to “spit into eternity” with a negative comment, but not everyone can think and stop their punishing hand... I’m an ordinary person and I get hurt and scared, so I ask you to be generous in your judgments and assessments. Thanks to those who are sincerely with Simona, and not with Timati’s mother, or Alice’s grandmother...🙏💜

Financially, our family lived very difficultly; cultural figures were paid little. I remember how on weekends Mom baked pies with cabbage and elm. You probably don’t know what it is, so I’ll tell you. There was no fish on sale except “ice” and “navaga”, but they sold dried chord - the dorsal string from the spine of sturgeon. The vein was boiled, cut into pieces and added to the filling of pies and kulebyak. Then it seemed incredibly tasty and satisfying! By default, my mother did not allow me to bring friends home. Now I think because there was nothing to treat and all the food was paid for. Mom came home from work tired and did not hide her irritation; I didn’t want my friends to see her like that. I rushed out of the house, and no one stopped me. The only condition was to arrive no later than 21:00 and always return. It’s interesting that it’s ingrained in me so deeply that to this day, I don’t like spending the night away from home))). But at Berta Lvovna’s I was always welcome. We were fed to our heart's content with all sorts of delicacies, allowed to use the excellent home library and got tickets to Lenkom and Taganka, which were then unattainable! After the play “Til Eulenspiegel” my hero brought a puppy to show, whom we named Til)). I felt the support of his family and gradually realized that even my name has diminutive form... Our trio happily went to visit my kindergarten fiance and now our mutual friend. His father was a famous journalist for the newspaper Pravda, who visited all the “hot spots”. With bated breath we listened to his stories, there I first tried real loose-leaf tea brought from China and learned to eat with chopsticks))). We talked a lot, and I sang to the guitar and thought that B. Okudzhava composed his prayer especially for me: “Lord, my God, my green-eyed one, while the earth is still spinning, And this is strange to her, While there is still enough time and fire, Give everyone a little... And don’t forget about me...” I felt the scorching gaze of his green eyes on me, my head was spinning, and my voice was breaking. Unfortunately, this only happens at 15...)))✍️

Don't you think that animals are very similar to their owners?) I am indifferent to cats, but dogs have lived in my house all my life. I recently analyzed it and realized that the dogs changed along with my character.🙈 At first there was a very beautiful but stupid “girl”, she was replaced by a very smart but evil one. It ended with the good-natured Chuck, very loyal, with fantastic patience, but if it seems to him that someone is making an attempt on family members, then they can take it seriously!🐶😼😉

Dear subscribers! To avoid questions and various kinds of statements, I want to say that this page is about My life and Alice’s life. Perhaps one day another page will appear, but... it will be a completely different story))) Thank you for your understanding 🙏

I love parents with many children. Usually, these are already calm people with a good sense of humor and a philosophical outlook on life. With each subsequent child comes experience and understanding of how important it is to pay attention to all children and each individual. It’s not just sitting next to you and “sticking” into your phone, making excuses that it’s work, but eye-to-eye communication... Remember, I once recommended that you pay attention to the guys who later became my friends @school_trips. They conduct interesting excursions for children, starting from the Fire Station and ending with the Bolshoi Theater. But that's not all. A large family decided to organize a summer camp with an exciting program for children and their parents in order to teach adults how to communicate well with their children. These will be joint searches for treasures, adventures and learning teamwork in the form of games among other children and parents. I hope that after the ballet camp, Alice and I will also visit our friends, and for more complete information, take a look at the camp website and take the time to have quality communication with your kids. @school_trips 🙌❤️

The hippie movement originated in America in the 60s, and the reason was the Vietnam War. Not wanting a massacre, people united and went on strike in the name of peace. The main principle of the hippies was pacifism: non-violence, renunciation of war, internal freedom and creativity. “Flower Children” is another name for the movement. Adherents of this style wore bright clothes made of natural fabrics, wove flowers and feathers into their hair, and proclaimed the main slogan - “Make love, not war.” This trend came to me in the seventies with the film “Generals of the Sand Quarries.” I liked the romance of this movement, and especially the bright, unusual clothes for our latitude. I remember my first flared jeans, white gauze and cork platform sandals. Oh, and I was good!!!))) Many years passed and I wanted to see all this on Alice so much that a collaboration with DNK “Hippie DNK by Simona” was born. On June 26, as part of the fashion show "Cirque du Soleil" - Sochi, Rosa Khutor ("Rosa Hall", small hall) @festnext our collection will be presented. ------------------- And after the show, everything will be available for purchase at @dnk.russia Let's get hippy this summer? 😜💚💜

We came and left school together. In front of everyone, he carried my briefcase and this, translated from school, meant - Mine! Don't come near!!! Now I can’t imagine what we talked about for hours?! I walked without touching the ground, and the shine of my eyes could illuminate a small planet. The most surprising thing for me as an adult is that my parents didn’t notice anything! In one case it was possible not to see, if not to look at all... But the teachers showed enviable vigilance. We were caught in the act when the whole trio went to the cinema. This act served as a reason for calling my parents to the Teachers' Council... I was at a loss as to why they were calling me?! It seems that there were no tests and the number of failures in mathematics did not exceed the usual... I don’t remember why Mom went to school, as far as I remember, it was her first and last visit to an educational institution. But I remembered the Teachers' Council for the rest of my life... In order for the picture to be complete, I will allow myself a lyrical digression. In Dahl's dictionary there is an ancient Russian term - “Pig”, which denoted an attacking formation of an army in the form of a wedge, intended to dismember the enemy. If the line was weak, then the “pig” broke through it, trampling no less than killing it with weapons... So, the teachers sat in a wedge, led by the director, under portraits of members of the Politburo, and in the middle, on a bloody red carpet a fourteen-year-old girl stood and did not understand the essence of what was happening... I remember how the spoken words flew out and hit sticky dirt on my cheeks. - “With three boys, one to the cinema!” She will grow up to be a PROSTITUTE!!! She is corrupting the pride of our school! He is the son of an honored teacher! He urgently needs to be saved!!!” I don’t remember how we went outside, I only remember my mother’s prickly eyes... She turned and... spat in my face with the words, “This is what your life is worth!”... Poor Mom, how ashamed she was, but I will understand this much later, and then, trampled by the “Pig” and a loved one, I went on to live...✍️ 
