Why are there small red dots on the tongue? Should I be afraid of red spots on my tongue?

Language- a muscular organ that is located in the oral cavity. The main tissues that make up the tongue:
  • the outside of the organ is covered with a moist pink mucous membrane, on the surface of which there are taste buds - papillae, which give it texture;

  • the bulk of the tongue is muscle tissue;

  • Dense connective tissue helps the tongue attach to the floor of the mouth.
Anatomical structure of the tongue:
  • root of tongue– the back part, located closest to the pharynx;

  • tongue body– main part of the organ;

  • apex, or tip, of the tongue;

  • dorsum of tongue– surface facing upward;

  • bridle- a fold that is located under the tongue and helps to hold its front part.

The tongue plays vital role in chewing, swallowing food and pronouncing various words.

On the surface of the mucous membrane of the tongue there are taste budspapillae. A person is able to perceive four basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter and salty. The fifth taste, which is called umami, have foods containing glutamate.

The tongue has many nerves that transmit taste information to the brain. In old books you can find “taste maps”, which show that the perception of different tastes mainly occurs different zones language. It has now been proven that this information is not true: different types of taste buds are distributed over the entire surface of the tongue.

What are the types of spots and coatings on the tongue?

Spots and coating on the tongue can be red, pink, white, yellow, black and other colors. They may be flat or raised above the surface (raised spots on the tongue). The location of the elements can also be different: over the entire surface, on the tip, on the sides, in the root area, under the tongue.

The shape and size of the spots also vary. The surface of the tongue in the area of ​​the spot may be smooth or rough, with protruding papillae. Sometimes there is only one spot, in other cases there are many of them, they are evenly distributed over the surface of the tongue or grouped into clusters.

Spots on the tongue can occur in both adults and children different ages. Some diseases, such as Kawasaki disease, are more common in childhood(usually occurs before 5 years of age).

The color intensity of spots and coatings on the tongue also varies. For example, red spots can be dark, light, bright, or pale, pink. White spots may have a gray or yellow tint.

Despite this diversity, it is most often impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on spots or coating on the tongue alone. The doctor must carefully examine the patient, evaluate other symptoms, and prescribe additional tests and studies.

What symptoms can be accompanied by spots and coatings on the tongue?

Sometimes there is only one painless spot on the tongue, with no other symptoms or complaints. In other cases, changes in the tongue are accompanied by other symptoms:
  • pain;

  • pain, discomfort while eating;

  • numbness of the tongue;

  • burning;

  • pustules;

  • sores;

  • spots and other elements on the mucous membrane of the gums, palate, lips, cheeks.
Additional symptoms help diagnose the cause of spots on the tongue. For example, an increase in body temperature may indicate an infectious process. Nausea, heartburn, belching, bloating, indigestion indicate that changes in the tongue resulted from diseases of the digestive system.

Red and pink spots and coating on the tongue

Many people, noticing that their tongue is red, covered with red dots or spots, get scared, thinking that it is a sexually transmitted infection or cancer. In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of red spots or a red coating on the tongue.

Causes of red and pink spots on the tongue:

Inflammation of the papillae of the tongue The most common cause of red spots and coating on the tongue. Possible reasons inflammatory process:
  • injuries;
  • strong and frequent accidental biting of the tongue with teeth;
  • eating large amounts of spicy, spicy, hot food;
  • smoking;

Scarlet fever
A bacterial infection caused by streptococci. With this disease, the tongue has a bright red color - “raspberry tongue”. For scarlet fever, antibiotic treatment is prescribed for 5-7 days. Other symptoms of scarlet fever:
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39°C;
  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • rash in the form of red spots 1-2 mm in diameter protruding above the skin, first on the skin of the upper half of the body, then spreading to the lower half;
  • “flaming” face with a white rim around the mouth and nose.
"Raspberry Tongue" The mucous membrane of the tongue becomes bright red, protruding papillae are visible on it. The most common causes of “raspberry tongue”:
  • lack of vitamin B 12;
  • lack of folic acid;
  • benign migratory glossitis (“ geographic language»);
Oral cancer Cancer on the tongue may appear as a small, painless red or white spot or sore. Additional symptoms that suggest cancer :
  • soreness, numbness in the oral cavity;
  • mouth ulcers that persist for a long time and bleed;
  • pain, sensation foreign body in the throat;
  • discomfort, pain while eating.
Erythroleukoplakia Red and white spots on the tongue that can transform into malignant tumors. If they do not go away within two weeks, you should visit a doctor.
Erythroplakia Bright red spots with a velvety surface appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. In 75-90% of cases they transform into cancer, so if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Kawasaki disease A viral disease that most often affects children under 5 years of age. In Kawasaki disease, the tongue is covered with a white coating and covered with red bumps. Other symptoms of the disease:
  • swollen, purple palms and soles;
  • dry, red, cracked lips;
  • rash on the chest, abdomen, genital area;
Allergic reactions During contact with various allergens, the tongue may become swollen and red dots appear on it. Other allergy symptoms also occur (nasal congestion, sneezing, swelling, red eyes, itching, etc.).
Digestive system disorders In people suffering gastroesophageal reflux(a condition in which hydrochloric acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus and can reach the tongue), the tongue may be covered with red dots or bumps. Other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux:
  • frequent heartburn;
  • swallowing disorder;
Stomatitis At aphthous stomatitis(an inflammatory process in the oral mucosa), spots on the tongue most often have a yellow or white center with a red rim around it. Other possible symptoms stomatitis:
  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.
Vitamin deficiency Red spots on the tongue can occur as a result of a lack of vitamins, especially B 12. Foods high in this vitamin:
  • shellfish meat;
  • mackerel;
  • liver;
  • crustacean meat;
  • fortified soy products;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • fortified cereals;
  • red meat;
  • eggs;
Pernicious anemia A disease that occurs due to the body's inability to properly absorb vitamin B12. In addition to a red coating on the tongue, this condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • confusion.
Venereal diseases The first sign of some sexually transmitted infections may be a painless red spot or sore on the surface of the tongue. Subsequently, ulcers can cover the entire oral cavity.
Eczema The disease can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into it and cause an inflammatory process.

The most likely causes, depending on the nature, size, location of red spots on the tongue, and accompanying symptoms:

Manifestations Probable Causes
Small red spots or dots
  • scarlet fever;
  • venereal diseases;
  • tongue cancer in the early stages;
  • spicy pharyngitis(inflammation of the pharynx);
  • geographic language;
  • allergic reactions.
Red spots or dots under the tongue
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • allergic reactions;
  • injuries;
  • salivary duct stones;
  • other diseases.
Red spots or dots on the tip of the tongue
  • inflammatory process;
  • injuries;
  • scarlet fever;
  • geographic language;
  • allergic reactions;
  • primary syphilis (in rare cases).
Red spots or dots on the back of the tongue (closer to the throat)
  • streptococcal infection;
  • injuries;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stomatitis;
  • syphilis;
  • herpes;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • scarlet fever;
  • throat cancer
Red spots on the tongue of a small child
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the tongue papillae;
  • streptococcal infection;
  • Kawasaki disease.
Red spots on the tongue and sore throat
  • inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis);
  • scarlet fever;
  • throat cancer;
  • Kawasaki disease.
Red dots on the side of the tongue Spots on the side of the tongue are not a specific symptom and can occur with various diseases.
Red spots, inflammation and soreness of the tongue
  • oral cancer;
  • stomatitis;
  • injuries;
  • inflammation of the papillae of the tongue.
Painless red spot on the tongue In most cases, with various diseases, red spots on the tongue are not accompanied by pain. Pain is most typical for cancer, aphthous stomatitis, inflammation of the papillae of the tongue, burns and other injuries.

White spots on the tongue, white coating on the tongue

Why do white spots and plaque appear on the tongue?

The white color of the tongue may be associated with enlargement ( hypertrophy) his papillae, their inflammation. Dead cells, bacteria and other “garbage” accumulate between the enlarged and inflamed papillae.

Causes of white spots and plaque on the tongue:

The most “harmless” reason for the appearance of white spots is insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane of the tongue with saliva during dehydration of the body - dehydration. At the same time, the elements on the tongue are flat and do not cause any unpleasant sensations other than dry mouth.

Causes associated with irritation, inflammation and hypertrophy of the tongue papillae:

  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • dry mouth;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • breathing through the mouth, not the nose;
  • low fiber content in food;
  • irritation of the tongue by sharp edges of teeth or dentures;
  • fever;
  • some congenital heart defects.
Diseases that may cause white spots on the tongue:
  • Candidiasis (thrush) oral cavity. Infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

  • Taking certain medications. For example, oral yeast infections can occur with long-term use of antibiotics. Inhaled forms of glucocorticoids in case of bronchial asthma, they reduce the local immune defense of the mucous membranes, making them more vulnerable to fungal growth.
  • Leukoplakia – raised white spots that appear on the mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks, floor of the mouth, and tongue. They cannot be scraped off. In most cases, white spots on the tongue are benign, but sometimes they can turn into cancer. Thus, leukoplakia is a precancerous disease. Science does not fully understand why leukoplakia occurs. It is believed that the main risk factor is smoking.

  • Lichen planus. A chronic disease that can manifest itself as white lace-like spots on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, swelling and redness, or open sores. A sick person experiences pain, burning and other unpleasant sensations. Lichen planus is not a contagious disease; it occurs as a result of immune disorders in the body. Constant monitoring by a doctor is required. Oral lichen planus increases the risk of cancer.

  • Tongue cancer. In some cases, the tumor appears as a white spot on the surface of the tongue. Scientists are now increasingly linking this form of cancer to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). If the tumor is located closer to the tip of the tongue, it is easy to notice. Cancer located closer to the base of the tongue, towards the pharynx, is usually diagnosed in later stages.
  • HIV. The infection weakens the immune system, which creates conditions for fungal growth on the surface of the tongue.
White coating on the tongue in the morning– a normal phenomenon. During the night, dead cells of the mucous membrane, food debris, particles of mucin protein, which is part of saliva, and microorganisms accumulate on the back of the tongue. During the morning brushing of teeth and rinsing the mouth, the white plaque disappears. If it persists constantly throughout the day, this indicates pathology.

Possible causes of white coating on the tongue:

  • Gastritis– inflammation of the gastric mucosa. If gastritis is accompanied low acidity, the surface of the tongue is smooth, the mouth feels dry. With increased acidity, the tongue is rough.
  • Stomach ulcer. The tongue is covered with a white-gray coating in the form of spots.
  • Peptic ulcer duodenum . With this pathology, a white coating on the tongue is accompanied by a burning sensation.
  • Enterocolitis, colitis (inflammation of the small and large intestines). The white plaque is located at the base of the tongue, closer to the pharynx, and teeth marks can be seen on the side surfaces.
  • Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). The tongue has a white-gray or white-yellow coating.
It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on a white coating on the tongue alone. The doctor always takes into account all the symptoms as a whole, data from additional studies and tests.

Black spots and black coating on the tongue

Black spots and plaque on the tongue can look very scary, but they do not always indicate serious diseases and are often not a reason to sound the alarm. Appearance Such dark spots on the tongue can vary. Sometimes they look like small, barely noticeable black dots, and in other cases, starting on the sides, they grow greatly and cover almost the entire surface of the tongue.

The color of dark spots on the tongue can also vary. They can be grey, light brown, dark brown or completely black.

The main causes of black spots and plaque on the tongue:

  • Hyperpigmentation. In fact, such a dark spot is a mole that appears on the tongue. The shades and intensity of color of such spots may vary.

  • Tongue piercing. A dark colored area that appears around the puncture site may be due to hemorrhage or metal exposure to the tongue tissue.

  • Injuries. Accidentally biting your tongue can cause bleeding (hematoma), which will dark color.

  • Impact chemical substances . In this case, the entire tongue may darken and become covered with a black coating. For example, bismuth can enter chemical reaction with organic acids that are normally found in the tissues of the tongue - this metal is found in some anti-heartburn products.

  • Black hairy tongue. The name sounds scary, but in fact the disease is not dangerous. It is caused by bacteria or fungi that grow on the surface of the tongue, while the taste buds begin to lengthen and become dark in color due to the accumulation of metabolic products and substances produced by bacteria. Usually, a black hairy tongue develops in smokers with insufficient oral hygiene. Spots appear on the tongue, which can be black, brown, green, yellow and other colors. A person may experience a burning sensation in the mouth, a metallic taste in the mouth, or nausea. Sometimes there is bad breath.

  • Oral cancer. In rare cases, black and dark spots on the tongue may be a sign of cancer. The likelihood of cancer is higher if black spots on the tongue are accompanied by a feeling of “lump in the throat” and difficulty swallowing.

Yellow spot and coating on the tongue

More often yellow spots and coated tongue are a temporary condition and are harmless to health.

Possible causes of yellow spots and plaque on the tongue:

  • Initial stages of “hairy tongue”- the most common reason. Dead cells accumulate on the surface of the tongue papillae. The papillae increase in size, and bacteria begin to actively multiply on them, which secrete colored pigments.

  • Jaundice. For liver problems and gallbladder the concentration of bilirubin in the blood increases, a toxic product of the breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells. He gives yellow skin, sclera of the eyes, all mucous membranes, including the tongue. In this case, the entire tongue turns yellow.

  • Mouth breathing and increased dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

  • Geographic tongue also sometimes appears in the form of spots and a yellow coating.

Typically, yellow spots on the tongue do not require medication. If they cause you trouble, you can try gently scrubbing them off with a solution made of one part hydrogen peroxide and five parts water (this should not be done more than once a day). Rinsing your mouth with water several times a day helps.

In what cases should you visit a doctor?:

  • Spots on the tongue cause you severe discomfort and are accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, burning, and difficulty swallowing.

  • Not only the tongue, but also the skin and mucous membranes are yellow. Typically, this occurs as a result of liver dysfunction, which may be associated with serious medical conditions.

Blue spots and coating on the tongue

Blue spots on the tongue can be associated with an accumulation of pigment (moles), a “hairy tongue”, sometimes this is the first sign of cancer or hemangioma (a benign neoplasm consisting of blood vessels).

The blue color of the tongue is often caused by disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems:
Disease Description
Acute respiratory distress syndrome A life-threatening condition in which the lungs swell and cannot function normally, causing organs and tissues to become unable to function properly. required amount oxygen. Acute respiratory distress occurs in various diseases, common causes:
  • diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • lung transplantation;
  • lung contusion;
  • inhalation of toxic, radioactive gases and aerosols;
  • sepsis (“blood poisoning”);
  • severe burns, injuries;
  • large amounts of blood transfusion;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • overdose of certain drugs.
Acute respiratory distress is a dangerous condition that requires mechanical ventilation and intensive care.
Airway obstruction Impaired passage of air through the respiratory tract can be caused by a large number of different diseases. Obstruction can occur at any level: larynx, trachea, large and small bronchi.
Attack of bronchial asthma During an asthmatic attack, spasm of the small bronchi occurs, and thick, viscous sputum forms in them. It is relatively easy for a person to inhale, but difficult to exhale. His face becomes bluish, puffy, and the mucous membranes, including the tongue, become blue.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) The disease is characterized by the development of chronic inflammation in the bronchi, which leads to breathing problems. COPD develops from prolonged inhalation of irritating and toxic substances, such as tobacco smoke.
Congenital heart defect With some heart defects, venous blood is discharged into the arterial vessels, resulting in the development of cyanosis of the skin of the face, mucous membranes, and tongue. Symptoms appear from childhood.
Pneumonia Pneumonia. The disease is accompanied by respiratory failure, cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes.
Poisoning In case of poisoning with certain substances, suffocation occurs, as a result of which the skin and mucous membranes become bluish.

Bald spots on the tongue

Bald spots on the tongue is a condition that is also known as atrophic glossitis And " bald tongue" Certain areas of the tongue lose taste buds and appear as patches with a smooth surface. They can be painted in different colors, from bright red to pale.

Bald spots on the tongue can occur as a result of many various reasons. The most common ones:
Deficiency states
  • pellagra– lack of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and proteins as a result of prolonged malnutrition;
  • vitamin deficiencyB 12;
  • various types of anemia;
  • vitamin deficiencyB 1(this causes a disease called beriberi) ;
  • chronic malnutrition;
  • vitamin deficiencyB2.
Tongue diseases
  • allergic reaction to substances, included in toothpaste, mouthwash;
  • binge drinking;
  • smoking;
  • allergies to food components;
  • tongue infections;
  • allergic reactions to dentures and filling materials;
  • tongue contact with caustic substances;
  • drinking very hot drinks.
Other diseases
  • pernicious anemia;
  • psoriasis;
  • reactions to some medications;
  • side effects of chemotherapy;
  • geographic language;
  • dehydration – in this condition, the amount of saliva decreases and conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Gray spot on tongue

Sometimes the white spots or coating on the tongue have a grayish tint. The conditions under which they can occur are described above.

Green spots and coatings on the tongue

Green spots and coating on the tongue can have different shades: pale green, yellow-green, dark green, blue-green, white-green, depending on the reasons that caused the symptom.

The main causes of green spots and plaque on the tongue:

Candidiasis (thrush) of the oral cavity In general, candidiasis manifests itself in the form of white spots on the tongue and mucous membranes. But sometimes, after eating certain foods or while taking medications, the spots can become yellow-green, dark green, or whitish-green.
Hairy tongue Characteristic “fluffy” spots appear on the tongue, which can be painted in a variety of colors, depending on the foods and oral hygiene products consumed, including whitish-green, light green, pale green, yellow-green.
Injuries, tongue piercing Green spots on the tongue in the area of ​​injury and puncture can occur as a result of infection entering the mucous membrane.
Smoking Frequent smoking of tobacco, marijuana, and the use of chewing tobacco can cause the tongue to turn green.
Damage to the oral mucosa: ulcers, wounds, blisters These elements can cause the tongue to turn greenish, especially after consuming certain foods and medications.
Throat irritation and upper respiratory tract infections With these conditions, spots, coatings and green bumps may appear on the tongue.
Green products Green foods, including various candies and lollipops, temporarily turn the tongue green.
Mouthwashes Some mouthwashes contain ingredients that can turn your tongue green.

Green spots and coating on the tongue of a child or infant

If green spots on the tongue occur in a child, the most probable cause- thrush. Oral candidiasis is quite common in newborns and infants. Other common causes: stomatitis, hairy tongue, upper respiratory tract infections (if the elements are located on the back of the tongue).

Green spots, coated tongue and sore throat

The presence of green spots on the tongue and a sore throat most likely indicates an upper respiratory tract infection. This symptom may accompany diseases such as pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), ARVI, sinusitis (inflammation paranasal sinuses nose), rhinitis (runny nose).

What are geographic spots on the tongue?

“Geographical” spots on the tongue occur due to a disease called geographic tongue, which is also called benign migratory glossitis And desquamative glossitis.

With geographic tongue, the upper part of the mucous membrane is detached, resulting in a pink or red spot with raised edges. The spots are usually found on the back or side of the tongue. Over time they migrate. Sometimes there is a burning sensation and discomfort when taking salty, spicy, hot, spicy foods.

The causes of the disease are unknown, and there are no preventive measures. Geographic spots on the tongue more often occur in people whose relatives suffered from this condition. The risk of developing geographic tongue is increased with another pathology called folded tongue", manifested in the form deep cracks, grooves on the surface of the tongue.

Geographic spots on the tongue can persist for several months or years, after which they often go away on their own. After some time they may appear again. Sometimes doctors prescribe mouth rinses with solutions of antiseptics, antiallergic drugs, and glucocorticosteroids to patients.

Geographic tongue is a benign disease. Despite the fact that the spots look scary, they do not lead to complications and do not pose a threat to health.

Spots on the tongue during pregnancy

During pregnancy, almost all types of spots and coatings described above can occur on the tongue. Features during pregnancy:
  • Significant changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman; it experiences an increased need for nutrients, vitamins, minerals. As a result, the predisposition to the development of a number of diseases increases, and chronic pathologies worsen.

  • Any diseases that lead to the appearance of spots on the tongue during pregnancy can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Therefore, when the first symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor.

  • Not all medications can be used in pregnant women. Treatment should only be carried out by a qualified doctor.

Which doctor should I contact if spots appear on my tongue?

Depending on the cause of spots or plaque on the tongue, different doctors can diagnose and treat: dermatovenerologists, gastroenterologists, ENT doctors, dentists, pulmonologists, etc. In most cases, it is better to first consult a therapist (take the child to a pediatrician) , and he will already refer you to the right specialist.

During the appointment, the doctor will examine the tongue, find out other complaints and symptoms, and, if necessary, prescribe additional studies and tests.

Treatment of spots on the tongue

Treatment for spots and coatings on the tongue depends on the cause. Sometimes drug therapy is not required at all. For infections, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed. For allergies and autoimmune diseases - antiallergic drugs, glucocorticoids. Treatment of diseases of the respiratory, digestive, and cardiovascular systems requires the use of special drugs and techniques. If the stain turns out to be cancerous tumor, treatment with an oncologist is indicated, surgical methods, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, etc. are used.
  • Pay more attention to oral hygiene. Consult your dentist about this issue.

  • Stop smoking.

  • Avoid alcohol if possible.

  • Treat respiratory infections, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and gall bladder in a timely manner, and prevent them from becoming chronic.

  • Accept medications only as prescribed by a doctor, do not change the dose or regimen on your own.

  • Visit your dentist for preventive examinations every six months to a year.

  • Treat bad teeth in a timely manner.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

If there is a sudden change in the usual appearance of the tongue, for example, when red dots or plaque appears on it, it is imperative to pay attention to this symptom, since this may be an indicator of a serious internal pathology.

Many people have probably noticed that with certain diseases the nature of the surface and color of the tongue changes. This is true. This organ not only allows you to distinguish the taste of foods and talk, but also acts as a special indicator.

The tongue normally has a pink color; there may be no a large number of light coating, while the rest of the surface is clean. You can also clearly see the taste buds in the form of mushroom-shaped outgrowths, and on it goes to the center clear groove.

Types of spots and plaque on the tongue

Spots and coating on the tongue can be red, pink, white, yellow, black and other colors. They can be flat or raised above the surface. The location of the elements is also different: the place of localization is the entire surface, tip, sides, root of the tongue, under it. They also differ in the shape and size of the spots. The tongue can be smooth or rough. Sometimes the spots are evenly distributed over the surface of the tongue or are grouped into clusters.

What does this mean?

The appearance of red dots on the tongue can be caused by a number of reasons, including those that do not threaten health and life. However, in some cases, such rashes indicate the appearance of a specific disease.

Red dots can have different origins:

  • wound, petechiae - slight hemorrhage (with a burn of the tongue, for example);
  • telangiectasia, that is, spider veins;
  • ulcer;
  • erosion;
  • epithelial tumor of malignant and benign nature;
  • rashes (macula, papule, roseola).

That is why great importance has an appeal for medical care in the case when a person finds red dots on the root of the tongue, as well as on other parts of this organ, in his child or himself.

Video on the topic

Non-dangerous causes of appearance

The causes of red dots on the tongue that are not dangerous are:

  • Eating foods colored red.
  • Eating very hot or spicy food.
  • Irritation or injury from wearing dentures.
  • Changes in bite after visiting the dentist.
  • Tongue burn.
  • Allergic reaction to toothpaste and other oral hygiene products, food products.
  • Smoking.

If none of the above explanations are found in a person, it is necessary to look for reasons of a more serious nature. The most common ones should be considered.

Why do red dots appear?

Red dots on the tongue most often appear with stomatitis (inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa). There are quite a few direct causes of the development of stomatitis, but most often it is a viral infection, for example, of a herpetic nature.

Other factors also include pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), poor nutrition, fungi (for example, candidiasis), thermal or mechanical injuries, side effect a number of medications, anemia, hormonal imbalance, decreased salivation, dehydration.

The next common cause of red dots is allergies. It most often differs in food origin. You can suspect it when keeping a food diary. In this case, it is convenient to note the relationship between the appearance of a rash and the use of a specific product.

What are the reasons for red dots and white coating on the tongue? More on this below.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a common infectious childhood disease. One of the main signs of this disease is inflammation of the tongue, or glossitis. At the very beginning of the disease, the tongue is covered with a yellow or white coating. After this, it begins to clear, but its surface acquires the usual crimson color, but the papillae are covered with a large number of red dots.


If red dots and a burning sensation appear on the palate and tongue at the same time, one should suspect the presence of herpetic sore throat, that is, a viral infectious disease acute, accompanied by increased body temperature, general malaise and symptoms of pharyngitis. At the same time, vesicles form on the mucous membrane of the posterior surface of the pharynx, tongue and soft palate, which after opening take the form of small red erosions.


Rashes in the form of red dots on a child’s tongue may indicate the appearance of infectious mononucleosis, that is viral disease acute in nature, which is provoked by the Epstein-Barr virus.

Petechiae and telangiectasias on the surface of the tongue may indicate diseases circulatory system(thrombocytopathies, thrombocytopenia), vascular pathologies (vasculitis), liver diseases (organ failure, cirrhosis, hepatitis).

In some cases, a red dot on the surface of the tongue or under it is a symptom of quite rare diseases, for example, Kaposi's sarcoma, Kawasaki syndrome, tumors and pernicious anemia.

Red dots on the tip of the tongue

What other points can play a role in this process? Red dots on the tongue, or rather on its tip, appear for the same reasons as described above. However, there is an opinion that it is precisely this part of the organ that is responsible for the functioning and condition of small intestine and hearts. That is why the slightest pathological changes in the tongue in this place require a thorough examination of the heart and vascular system, as well as the small intestine.

Red dots on the tongue and white coating

In some cases, the appearance of red dots is also accompanied by a yellowish or white coating, which is expressed to a certain extent. When it appears on the root of the tongue, the doctor will most likely discover intestinal or stomach pathologies in the patient. These may include, for example, chronic gastritis. In this case, the therapist will most likely refer the patient to a gastroenterologist.

A tongue covered with a white coating and red dots is often accompanied by bad breath. In this case, the cause could be her illness (for example, stomatitis) or diseases of the intestines and stomach. In some cases, the source of the appearance pathological signs is insufficient oral hygiene, so you need to brush your teeth on time, and also use rinses after meals.

Pale tongue tone

Also, red dots on the tip of the tongue without plaque occur with anemia, but the organ itself turns pale, which is very easy to confuse with deposits. When detecting spots on the tongue, a person does not need to immediately worry and panic. First, you should observe your own condition and check whether such spots disappear within a few days. If there are no changes even after adjusting the diet and the absence bad habits It is advisable to still go to see a doctor and take all the tests required to diagnose the disease, as well as undergo an examination.

Features of treatment

Barring allergies, trauma and dyes, it is very important to treat permanent stains correctly. You need to go to an appointment with a dentist, who will treat, for example, glossitis, herpes, stomatitis, and identify benign formations in the oral cavity. If the disease is not dental, then he will refer you to a general practitioner, pediatrician, oncologist, cardiologist and gastroenterologist. Specialists may need additional examinations and tests. You cannot self-medicate.

These could be, for example, cancers that require long and serious treatment, as well as earlier diagnosis. Spots caused by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic system are treated only when the cause of their appearance is addressed. A hematologist or gastroenterologist can determine it after examination. This disease cannot be dealt with at home; it will only waste time. To get rid of pyogenic granuloma, specialists will prescribe surgical intervention, cryodestruction or electrocoagulation. How else to treat red dots on the tongue?

They try to treat candidiasis on their own with decoctions, rinses, infusions and others. folk remedies. Sometimes that's enough. However, most often you need to take antifungal agents internally, as well as immunomodulators and vitamins to strengthen the body as a whole.

Leukoplakia can be cured by dental treatment or elimination of foods with sharp edges from the diet. If the reddened part of the tongue is covered with keratinized grains, this indicates the beginning of a precancerous condition. In this case, you need to contact an oncologist. A “geographical” or “bald” tongue cannot be returned to its former state, since the taste buds and papillae cannot be restored. Allergic reactions in the form of redness occur in children and are difficult to treat if several new foods are introduced into the diet at the same time. Red food is a particular allergen.


To avoid the reappearance of small red dots on the tongue, you must carefully follow a number of recommendations:

  • Eliminating bad habits.
  • Scrupulous personal hygiene of the oral cavity, as well as good quality toothpaste and brush.
  • Review your diet and get rid of fast food products that are rich in hot spices.
  • Carbonated drinks should not be consumed, especially if they contain a large number of dyes.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Periodic visits to the doctor.
  • It is recommended to harden children, carefully choose a diet, and also exclude the intake of any allergen.

If the eyes are the “mirror of the soul,” then the tongue is a reflection of a person’s state of health. People look a little stupid when they carefully examine this organ, which is not particularly beautiful. But this must be done, because it is even more stupid to miss a serious disease, which its coloring simply screamed about in all shades of scarlet.

Of course, you need to see a doctor. But you can calm down a little or, on the contrary, understand that everything is serious, if you have the simplest knowledge.

Small model of the whole organism

In a healthy person, it is soft, pink, perhaps with a slight white coating, the longitudinal groove is even.

If this is not the case, you should pay attention to where exactly the redness and other changes appeared. They will help determine the diseased internal organ:

  • tip - heart;
  • the first third after the tip is the lungs;
  • center - spleen;
  • the part between the center and the root is the buds;
  • root - intestines;
  • lateral parts - liver, gall bladder.

Photo: unnaturally red tongue with spots

What to look for when examining the oral cavity:

  • On spots of various colors,
  • raid,
  • ulcers,
  • wounds;
  • neoplasms,
  • dashes.

The brighter and more saturated the color of the plaque, the more serious the problem may be.


It could be:

  • allergies to toothpastes, alcohol, chewing gum, rinses, medicines, household chemicals;
  • eating food with dyes of the appropriate color;
  • unhealthy diet (malnutrition, overeating, combination of incompatible foods);
  • eating hot, spicy food;
  • mechanical injuries - especially in children - from candies, foreign objects;
  • frequent smoking;
  • changes in bite after treatment and dental prosthetics.

Not like that big problems, but ulcers and injuries, if they appear systematically, can develop into a tumor.

Enlargement, redness, and inflammation of the papillae on the tongue are evidence of increased gastric secretion.

The tongue can be pale pink and unnaturally smooth:

  • for liver diseases, gall bladder problems;
  • after inflammation, injury, when instead of the tissue covering this organ and containing papillae, new, young tissue without taste buds grows;
  • after burns, especially chemical ones. Acidic substances can destroy the papillae, and the person will feel a weakening of taste sensitivity.

But there can be dozens of diagnoses. In order not to provoke further deterioration of the condition, it is better to give up aggressive food, alcohol, and pay more attention to oral care.

You can remove redness and carry out disinfection by applying lotions or rinsing with diluted solutions of potassium permanganate and furatsilin.

If the detected changes do not go away, you should not self-medicate, because... You can temporarily suppress the symptoms, which will lead to difficulty in making a diagnosis, delaying treatment and worsening the situation.

If the tongue is covered with smooth red spots, which also hurt, then this indicates more serious malfunctions and disorders in the body.

The following video will tell us in detail about this problem:


Small, in the form of individual points, hemorrhages affect the surface of the tongue, hard and soft sky and are a symptom of an infectious disease (mononucleosis) in 2/3 of patients. This virus will cause discomfort when swallowing, in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, the temperature will rise, and weakness will appear.

Geographic language

Inflammation with a peeling surface layer. Erythema is easy to identify: red spots appear on the tongue. They irregular shape, but clearly delineated by white lines, like countries and seas on a map. More precisely, it is not red spots that appear, but the taste buds are locally discolored, which helps the red color of the tongue to be expressed more clearly.

Usually these changes do not cause pain, but discomfort can occur against the background of another illness, stress, or in women after menstruation. The sense of taste will also be affected.

This disease can progress to chronic form , therefore it is worth paying attention to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Such changes are observed in pregnant women.

Exudative erythema

Red spots are framed by bubbles of yellowish-gray liquid. Gradually, the spots also turn into blisters, which burst, leaving behind ulcers. They hurt a lot, especially when moving. What causes erythema disease is not known exactly. Some scientists believe that these are pathogenic microorganisms.

Leukoplakia can begin with ordinary mechanical damage to the tongue from teeth or sharp edges of food.

Kawasaki syndrome

A rare disease of unknown origin that has genetic roots.


Venereal disease. Red hard chancres appear on the back of the anterior third of the tongue.

Pyogenic granuloma

It rarely occurs on the lips and tongue, usually on the face and limbs. It is a red, painful nodule of blood vessels, so it starts to bleed easily even with a slight touch. Appears in the place where there was an injury several months ago. Pyogenic granuloma does not develop into cancer.

If formed at the tip


It appears on the lips, tip, and sides of the tongue in the form of bright red bubbles with liquid, causing first itching, then pain. Herpes is a very insidious, although harmless at first glance, disease that signals a malfunction in the immune system.


The rash will appear at the tip and root, as well as throughout the body, and will be itchy. They could be caused by a virus similar to the chickenpox virus.

Kaposi's sarcoma

This malignant formation appears more often in people with AIDS in the form of red, always with a bluish coating, flat or convex spots 5-8 mm in diameter. They are localized at the tip, root. The disease is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes.

Yeast fungus (candidiasis)

Oral disease is manifested by cracks, ulcers on the tongue and roughness of the gums.

Red formations on an unnaturally white surface

Scarlet fever

Occurs most often in children. Accompanied by a slight rash, painful swallowing, and fever. But the defining feature is that it is completely covered with small red spots, usually in the middle, the so-called. strawberry tongue. This disease is caused by streptococcus, a bacterial infection.

Anemia (anemia)

It is easy to determine by very pale gums and tongue, on which rich red spots will be clearly visible. The color change is caused by a lack of red blood cells (erythrocytes).

If they form under the tongue


With this disease of the oral cavity, the spots quickly transform into ulcers with a whitish, often purulent coating under the tongue, throughout the mucous membrane. They cause severe discomfort, especially while eating. The discovery of this bacterial infection in young children, who cannot tell what hurts them and cry while feeding, brings many problems.

Various redness on the tongue, not noticed in time, may, in the advanced stage of the disease, begin to change its color to a darker, more saturated, sometimes frightening one.

A person starting to smoke will first have red spots on the tongue and in the mouth; for an experienced smoker they will be much darker. Sometimes malignant tumors also darken. Hemangioma (benign tumor) can also be red-blue in color.


If injuries, allergies, or dyes have been ruled out, and the stains do not go away, it is important to begin proper treatment.

It is necessary to make an appointment with a dentist, which will undertake to treat, for example, herpes, glossitis, stomatitis, and will remove benign formations in the oral cavity. If the spots are not associated with dental diseases, he will refer you to a pediatrician, general practitioner, gastroenterologist, cardiologist or oncologist.

Specialists may need tests and additional examinations. Only a doctor can determine the treatment protocol. Self-medication even when the most seemingly harmless spots appear is very dangerous.

After all, these can be cancerous tumors that require serious, long-term treatment, and most importantly, the earliest possible diagnosis. Recovery requires a whole range of procedures including chemotherapy and ionizing radiation.

Spots associated with problems in the hematopoietic system and gastrointestinal tract can be cured only by addressing the cause. It can be determined by a gastroenterologist or hematologist after a special examination. This disease cannot be dealt with at home. It will only be a waste of time.

To get rid of pyogenic granuloma, doctors will suggest surgery, electrocoagulation or cryodestruction. These methods lead to positive results.

Some people try to treat candidiasis on their own with rinses, decoctions, infusions and others. folk recipes. Sometimes this is enough.

But it is usually necessary to take antifungal drugs orally, as well as vitamins and immunomodulators for general strengthening of the body, which should be determined and prescribed by a doctor.

You can get rid of leukoplakia by treating your teeth or removing foods with cutting edges from your diet. But, if part of the tongue, which was previously just red, becomes covered with keratinized particles, a precancerous condition has begun. We urgently need to order a voucher to see an oncologist.

“Bald” and “geographical language” cannot be returned to their previous state. This can be explained by the fact that the papillae and taste buds are not restored.

Allergic reactions in the form of redness on the tongue in children occur and are difficult to treat if parents introduce several new products at once. A special allergen is red food (cherries, strawberries, beets, watermelon, tomatoes, etc.).

Sticking your tongue out at your reflection in the mirror will lift your spirits and possibly save your life.

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  • Blizzard

    January 12, 2015 at 3:16 am

    I have had a spotted tongue since childhood. My mother took me to doctors, everyone said that it was a geographic language and that it was okay that this happens to many people. Everything would be fine if the tongue itself did not become inflamed. Nobody prescribed anything as a treatment. And so, many years later, I accidentally read this article and became convinced once again that the cause of my geographic tongue was a food allergy, which at first did not manifest itself outwardly. First, the tongue became spotted, then most likely the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines became inflamed, and only then spots appeared on the skin, which dermatologists called atopic dermatitis. For how many years doctors “fed me” Suprastin and other antihistamine tablets, prescribed hormonal ointments and still without improvement. Positive results came only after I prescribed a stomach-friendly diet for myself. And the spots on the tongue disappeared. Thanks for the detailed interesting article 🙂

  • Basil

    January 16, 2015 at 8:05 am

    I completely agree that the tongue is a state of human health. In my case, I have a red tip of the tongue, maybe my heart is acting up (I’m 53 years old), and mostly there are old crowns on the lower jaw, I just can’t change it because I don’t have time or money ., which the tip of the tongue sometimes touches. In general, the article is very useful in its information for all people.

  • Irina

    January 25, 2016 at 07:51 pm

    I had pink smooth spots up to 1 cm in diameter in the center of my tongue. Then there was Helicobacter and duodenal ulcer. Then everything went away and within 5 years the spots disappeared and the tongue again acquired papillae. Now there is an ulcer again and again they have begun to appear in the center - these stupid spots.

  • Alexandra

    October 9, 2016 at 03:04 pm

    I know first-hand about the seriousness of language changes. In general, my tongue always has a whitish coating, but this, as the doctors said, doesn’t really mean anything. After their words, I gave up on the state of my tongue in general, speaking in slang. And then six months ago I began to develop red spots on the sides of my tongue. They either passed or reappeared; I thought it was just a reaction to the new paste. I regretted that I did not pay attention to this in time, already in the hospital. One day I wake up in the morning, and my lower abdomen and lower back begin to hurt (those who are familiar with cystitis know what I mean). And everything would have been fine if it weren’t for the burgundy urine - yes, yes, I literally, excuse the frankness, wrote in blood. An ambulance, a urology department, a hospital bed - this is what happens when you have advanced kidney problems. So, my friends, think about your body and better double-check if you have any suspicions.

  • Alina

    October 27, 2017 at 11:32 am

    I have a red spot on the tip of my tongue, initially I started to feel food differently, then this feeling disappeared after a while. But the stain is still there and doesn’t bother me, what could it be and how dangerous is it?

An indicator of the general condition of the human body, in particular the gastrointestinal tract, are characteristics of the tongue such as spots, dots, and plaque. If red spots or ulcers appear, know that you will have to visit the dentist. The listed manifestations may be symptoms of various diseases of the oral cavity, such as glossitis, stomatitis, herpes, candidiasis. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests, and prescribe effective treatment.

Language "geographical"

In the case of a non-dental nature of the disease, it is worth visiting a gastroenterologist or cardiologist, since red dots on the tongue sometimes signal certain diseases of the circulatory system or gastrointestinal tract. This can be judged by the presence of a yellow rim around, located in the form of continents and oceans. A similar rash can appear in a woman during pregnancy. This is considered normal and should not cause much concern.

More about the reasons

When itching is caused, there is a possibility of exposure to a virus transmitted by contact or airborne droplets, or infection with shingles. Such cases are usually accompanied by fever, chills, and general malaise. Other probable diagnoses include vitamin deficiency (with iron deficiency anemia, erythema, aphthosis, syphilis.

Risk of tumor development

Often, spots on the tongue are the result of eating disorders, overeating or allergic reaction on the use of incompatible foods, medications, and alcohol. The surface of the tongue may be mechanically traumatized, for example, by candy, or irritated by too spicy or hot food. Eating spicy foods and frequent smoking cause the formation of gray spots. They do not pose an immediate threat to health, however, there is a possibility of developing a tumor, and not necessarily a benign one.

About childhood diseases

When red dots appear on the tongue of children, they may indicate scarlet fever or a syndrome of unknown etiology. There is an assumption that this autoimmune disease has a genetic basis.

The appearance of white or yellow plaque

It's not just red dots on the tongue that can cause concern. A dense white coating on the tongue most likely indicates disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, expressed by constipation or poisoning. The cause of yellow plaque may be abnormal functioning of the esophagus or gall bladder. It is worth remembering that the richer the color of the plaque, the more serious illness, which caused it. In any case, you should not put off visiting your doctor for too long. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of procedures and medications.

To avoid deterioration of the condition and further development of the disease, it is worth eliminating alcohol and spicy foods from the diet, and more carefully performing oral hygiene procedures. Solutions of manganese or furatsilin in the form of rinses or lotions are suitable for these purposes.

Is your tongue covered with ulcers, plaque, or itching? Do not put off visiting a doctor; first you need to visit a dentist. What can they talk about? Oral diseases such as stomatitis, herpes, glossitis, and candidiasis often begin with the appearance of red dots on the tongue.

Making an accurate diagnosis will be preceded by examining the tongue, ordering tests, and identifying the causes of the infection. If it subsequently turns out that the disease does not relate to the field of dentistry, the patient will be referred to a gastroenterologist or cardiologist, since red dots on the tongue could be a manifestation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system.

If the tongue has become very pale, this may confirm vegetative, anemia, general weakness of the body and weakened immunity.

The yellow rim of red spots and their contour - the so-called geographic tongue - will help a specialist determine the disease. The phenomenon is often observed and it does not pose any danger.

What to do if red dots appear on the tongue and they itch?

If the appearance of red dots on the tongue is accompanied by itching, you need to think about the correctness of your diet, since iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency could lead to the development of pathology. Overeating and trying to simultaneously eat incompatible foods are two more formations of red dots on the tongue. For some people, they may indicate allergies to alcohol, food, medications, or even toothpaste. The tongue could also react by irritating the taste buds as a result of contact with spicy or too hot food.

Is it possible for red dots on the tongue to appear due to frequent smoking?

The consequences of smoking are not only diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. Red dots on the tongue, resulting from regular smoking and causing irritation of the taste buds, can turn into tumors of various types over time.

Causes of red dots on the tongue in children

Red dots on the tongue may be the consequences of injury from lollipops. Bright red should alert parents, as it is often a sign of Kawasaki syndrome - autoimmune disease genetic origin. Red dots on a child's tongue are also considered a sure sign of scarlet fever.

What to do if red dots appear on the tongue:

before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to analyze the situation preceding the modification of the tongue and carry out oral hygiene;
in order not to aggravate the existing condition, you should avoid alcohol and spicy foods;
abstaining from smoking, at least temporarily, will also be useful;
you can treat the oral cavity and tongue with diluted Furacilin or potassium permanganate;
Taking painkillers will help relieve pain.
Nothing more should be done, since red dots on the tongue may be signs of a serious disease of the intestines, esophagus or gall bladder, which should only be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

What can the color of the tongue tell you?

A red tongue may indicate disorders of the cardiac and pulmonary systems, infectious diseases and blood diseases. The dark red color of the tongue confirms the same pathologies as red, but their course is more severe.

A change in tongue color to a brighter or darker color may indicate an increase in body temperature. This is how the body signals the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process and the fight against infection.

A smooth, shiny tongue suggests anemia. Red and purple indicate serious painful condition lungs and circulatory system. Blue and purple tongue indicates possible abnormalities in kidney function.


  • red spots on the tongue
  • what does the color of the tongue mean?

Unbearable itching of the skin can lead to a nervous breakdown, as it deprives a person of normal work, rest and sleep. But since the skin is just a reflection of the internal state of the body, often the cause of itching should be sought much deeper. However, skin diseases should not be ruled out.

To get rid of skin itching, take into account its origin, since itching can be both a symptom of a skin disease and a manifestation of such diseases as vitamin deficiency, blood diseases, helminthic infestations, and food infestations. Accordingly, begin eliminating it by treating the underlying disease. Otherwise it will bring temporary and short-lived results.

For skin itching caused by vitamin deficiency, make your diet varied and balanced. Include plenty of raw vegetables and fruits. Take a vitamin-mineral complex and a separate combination drug (iron with vitamin C, B9 and B12). A deficiency of this element can cause dry and itchy skin.

If skin itching is associated with age-related changes (flabbiness, dryness and impaired sebum secretion), use products to soften, nourish and moisturize it. For this, use both creams and natural products: honey, milk, yolk, sour cream, vegetables and fruits. And so that they are better absorbed into the skin, free it from accumulated toxins and salts. To do this, visit the bathhouse (steam room) twice a week.

Be sure to drink enough water. Dehydration is common cause skin itching. In addition to water, use herbal infusions: nettle, peppermint, string, calendula and chamomile. They soothe the skin well and eliminate itching. Do not forget that the main treatment should be, since skin manifestations are only a symptom of internal health problems.

To relieve itching, use local external treatment (baths, lotions and compresses) using herbal infusions and products of natural origin. To prepare, dilute dill juice with water (1:2 ratio) and wipe it on the itchy surface of the skin. Also take warm baths with a decoction of nettle, string or celandine.

  • itchy skin what to do
