What does the name Polina mean in church terms? Female name Polina - meaning: name description

By giving a child a name, parents actually program his destiny. And the name Polina in this regard is an excellent choice, since its best qualities can make its owner happy.

Meaning and origin of the name

The origin of the name Polina is quite ambiguous. It is believed that Polina is short form a number of names that were once popular, but have almost gone out of fashion today. Among such names are Apollinaria, Paulina and Pelageya. And although today Polina is an independent name, with its own shortened forms, the connection with ancient names is still strong.

The meaning of the name Polina, therefore, directly depends on its origin. The name Apollinaria takes us to Greece, to the name solar god Apollo. The name Pelageya is the same Greek origin and it means “sea”. Paulina is believed to come from the male name Paul - “little”.

This is the official Catholic name, but in Orthodoxy girls named Polina are not baptized. They are given for the sacrament of baptism Orthodox names, such as Pelagia or Apollinaria.

Fate and character

Polina's character is not the easiest. She can be very impulsive even when communicating with strangers. Many men have the impression that the Polinas are like impregnable fortresses that cannot be approached even by a cannon shot, but in reality they are very modest and even complex. Polina is afraid of new acquaintances, and no one knows the reasons for this fear except themselves. At the same time, she can charm a man almost immediately. She only needs a couple of minutes of conversation for this.

On life path Polina often rushes from one extreme to another - she is either too serious and gloomy, or cheerful and cheerful. Polina is characterized by firmness in her convictions: she has her own personal opinion on everything, which she prefers to defend in disputes or even impose on everyone around her. Because of this mature age Polina sometimes has few friends. But they are the most faithful and closest, because she will always come to their aid even in the most difficult situations.

In love, Polina is very demanding. They are stubbornly looking for their soul mate or waiting fateful meeting, that's why they don't get married very much for a long time. When this happens, the marriage is usually very strong. Polina is a great mother, wife, sister, because she will always come to the rescue. From the outside it seems that Polina dreams of building a career and earning a lot of money, but in fact, her main value is the comfort of her home.

In terms of money, Polina is ready to give a lot for the security of her children and for confidence in the future. She can invest significant amounts of money in a house or apartment, so that the result is a cozy family nest.

The universal shortened form of the name is Polya. Usually Pauline is always called full name, and their parents and other close people call them Polya or Polyusha.

The shortened form helps Polina adjust her character and be a less aggressive and impulsive person. Polya is the same sweet and nice girl, who is a little shy and smiles sweetly. She is modest and calm. Various negative emotions are alien to her. And when she leaves the house and becomes Polina again, she may be a completely different person.

The meaning of the name Polina for a child: choosing a name for children

It’s not always easy for a girl named Polina, as she is quite secretive and reserved. It is simply incomprehensible to many children, so early childhood may become a gray mouse. But if someone is friends with her, she will maintain a long-term relationship with this person. Parental support also plays an important role.

Pauline's performance at school is average or high. Their hobbies are not always clear to the people around them, but this does not prevent Polina from becoming self-sufficient. Most often they love foreign languages, mathematics, physics or chemistry. When giving your child the name Polina, develop both language and mathematical abilities so that the girl can choose who she will become in the future.

Energy name

If we draw a parallel with some physical object, then Polina’s energy is similar to an impenetrable safe weighing several tons. She doesn't need compliments - she knows she looks good. She doesn't need praise because she always knows she deserves to win. And if there were no people left in the world, then a girl or woman named Polina would cope with the end of the world better than others. Its energy is very stable and cannot be penetrated even by armor-piercing shells.

Polina's birthday

This is a Catholic name, so women with the name Polina who profess Orthodoxy in Russia always have a second name, Orthodox. Among Catholics, Polina's name day is celebrated on the following dates: December 2 and November 9.

What middle name is suitable for the name Polina?

Dmitrievna, Vladimirovna, Petrovna, Fedorovna, Ivanovna, Leonidovna, Gennadievna, Andreevna, Alekseevna.

Characteristics of the name Polina

IN higher power Polina rarely believes, which is why talismans are used infrequently. They trust only themselves and believe only in what they see, but nature has created for them a good supply of auxiliary amulets.

Lucky number: the imprudent but energetically strong nine that completes the digital series.

Zodiac signs: The name Polina best suits two Zodiac Signs - Capricorn and Virgo. Polina knows how to count money, wants to be a free and respected person, and is also wise beyond her years.

Plant: poppy and poplar. Poplar is a big tree, which absorbs any negative energy without harm to itself, and the poppy is a symbol of beauty and wisdom.

Patron planet: heavy, strong and judicious Saturn, which forces people to rely primarily on logic rather than intuition.

Metal: platinum, free, independent and self-sufficient.

Element: water. Polina always wants to be where she feels good, so she does everything to achieve personal comfort.

Patron animal: Pisces are usually good for the water element, but Polina’s calmness is something more. The whale is both wisdom and freedom.

Stone-amulet: ruby and topaz. Topaz is a source of health for Polina, and ruby ​​regulates emotions, helping Polina to be more open and reasonable.

Favorable days weeks: Saturday and Thursday.

Name color: blue, turquoise.

Famous Polinas: singer Polina Gagarina, writer Polina Dashkova, pilot Polina Osipenko.

An ideal mother, a self-sufficient lady, an interesting conversationalist and simply nice man- all this is Polina. And the characteristics of this name, dedicated to Apollo, only make her stronger.

Numerology of the female name Polina

The number of the name Polina is nine, almost infinity, which at the same time carries thoroughness. She stands firmly on her feet, relying on her own strength. Her judgments are somewhat categorical, but always sincere. In general, honesty for her is not an empty phrase, it is a life principle, a vector that guides. Polina expects sincerity from those around her, but she doesn’t always receive it... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

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Polina translated from Greek means “meaningful”, “belonging to Apollo”, “solar”; translated from Latin means "small".


Since childhood, Polina has been distinguished by her kindness, responsiveness, and selflessness. She always sympathizes with the grief of others and knows how to share the joy of her friends, since the feeling of envy is completely unfamiliar to her. Her love extends not only to close people, but also to all living things nearby.

At school she is a diligent student, the first assistant to teachers, and a faithful friend. She has many friends among her classmates, you can safely entrust her with a secret - something, but Polina knows how to keep secrets. Very neat and clean.

Adult Polina is reliable, thorough, and takes on any job. Her colleagues and superiors often take advantage of this, dumping many tasks and activities on the trouble-free woman.

However, her reliability has a limit, and one fine day she simply presents to the employees job description and refuses to take on responsibilities that, according to this very instruction, she is not supposed to perform.

However, in order to calmly defend her opinion, Polina sometimes simply does not have enough endurance - she often breaks down, unable to pacify the outburst of emotions that overwhelm her.

Polina has little interest in her career; she is not at all ambitious; she prefers a job that would give her the opportunity to be at home more.


Polina is charming, charming and sociable, able to carry on a conversation on any topic, and feels great in any, even the most sophisticated society. To her fans, she seems proud and unapproachable, but this is only at first glance - in fact, Polina is very responsive, sensual and sexy.

True, she is not at all inclined to idealize her chosen one, so a fan of her beauty and talent will have to try a lot to earn the attention of this woman. But if Polina gives someone an objective, good assessment, it means that this person is truly dear to her and deserves her respect.

Polina's first marriage is not always successful, but failure does not make her withdraw into herself or experience hostility towards men. This attractive, smart, sweet and caring woman won't be alone for long. Her second marriage is most often successful.

Having gotten married, Polina becomes a wonderful lifelong friend for her chosen one - her kindness and forgiveness are truly limitless. Polina is not jealous; extramarital affairs, lovers and infidelity are alien to her.

Polina devotes a lot of time to household chores, and if possible, she completely devotes herself to the role of a housewife. She cooks well and keeps the house perfectly clean and comfortable.

The meaning of the name Polina has several variants of origin and interpretation. different languages. The ancient Greek interpretation comes from the name of the god Apollo and is translated literally as “solar”. The Russian decoding of the variant of the name Apollinaria is “liberated”. There is a French version of the origin of the name Polina from the masculine Pol, meaning “small”. Another French variation is the name Paulina, which comes from the masculine Peacock.

Church Slavonic variation of the name - Pelageya or Apollinaria. Name day by church calendar Polina celebrates January 18, the day of the Venerable Virgin Apollinaria.

Childhood and youth

Little Polya is a very gentle and touching child. The girl is friendly and responsive, always helps her parents, and is filled with love for animals and the entire world around her. She's always happy to share her last cookie with a friend or let her play with her new doll. The baby is not envious, her parents are not happy with whims and hysterics. If you instill a love of spiritual values ​​from childhood, then Polya will grow into a selfless and righteous nature.

At school she chooses a leading position, she has many friends, and her classmates respect her opinion. Studying is easy for the girl; she loves languages ​​and literature, music and choreography. He has an excellent ear for music and a gentle voice. Polly has enormous creative potential; she can easily become an outstanding creative person - an artist or performer.

Early years Polina is surrounded by loyal and devoted friends. She is sociable, has natural attractiveness and charm, so she has no end to fans. Dresses tastefully, does fashionable hairstyles and loves beautiful jewelry. The girl is cheerful and energetic, does not like to brag and knows how to save money. She is responsible and hardworking, prefers useful activities and loves to learn new things.

The time of year in which Polina was born is important for the development of personality:

  • Winter is strong-willed and brave, she achieves everything on her own. One can only envy the girl’s tenacity and perseverance. She doesn’t show her tears and weakness to anyone, but in her soul she remains very vulnerable and tender, demanding increased attention.
  • Spring is resourceful and cheerful, loves noisy companies and entertainment. She is a little arrogant, which annoys those around her, but she is a devoted and faithful friend.
  • Summer is smart and well-mannered, has a cheerful disposition and kind soul. She is talkative, even a little talkative, witty and knows her worth.
  • Autumn is generous and good-natured, knows how to manage money rationally and has oratorical talents. She can convince almost any person that she is right, even if her opinion is wrong.

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Love relationships and family

Fate adult woman is going well. She is financially secure and socially significant. She chooses a strong and wealthy man as her partner. She good friend and a great mother.

For Polina, money comes first. When choosing a lover, she pays attention to his social status and financial situation.

A man should be caring, gentle, sensitive, possess beautiful appearance. To win Paulie's favor, you need to work hard. The woman is very cold and unapproachable, at first glance. Having become a wife, she will sincerely and devotedly love her husband.

Children are very important to her; a family without them is unthinkable. She herself is involved in their upbringing, devotes everything free time kids. Dissolving in her loved ones, a woman forgets about herself and does not pay attention to her appearance. This may cause divorce.

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Polina can become both a good housewife and a prosperous careerist. She works conscientiously, sparing no effort. Ability to achieve goals and achieve in everything good result Any boss will appreciate it.

She gets along easily with her boss and finds mutual language with colleagues. Thanks to her professional talents and serious approach to work, Polina easily and quickly climbs the ladder. career ladder.

Astrological horoscope

In women born under different signs zodiac, various qualities and character traits predominate:

  • Twins. Kind and responsive. He will never leave a person in trouble, he will always lend a helping hand. She is trusting of people, especially men, so she is often disappointed in love relationships. The woman is accustomed to relying only on her own strengths and does not show her weakness to anyone.
  • Cancer. Impulsive and hot-tempered personality, very vindictive and sensitive. The woman is selfish and arrogant, has a difficult character, and therefore cannot find a suitable partner for a long time.
  • A lion. Determined, daring, smart and talented. She has good ingenuity, knows how to correctly analyze information, quickly finds a way out of any situation, is enterprising and active.
  • Virgo. Light in all respects, cheerful and energetic. Prefers leisure and entertainment. She is calculating and shrewd, starts short-term affairs and uses men for consumer purposes.
  • Scales. Feminine and attractive nature, sometimes cunning, knows how to turn even the most negative situation in its favor. Optimistic and joyful woman, values ​​his freedom and independence.
  • Scorpion. She is constant and unyielding in her decisions, devoted to her chosen one until the end of her days. Polya is very domineering and strong personality.
  • Sagittarius. A born leader, she is used to bringing any task to perfection. Generous and sociable, it is not easy to win her favor.
  • Capricorn. A pessimist by nature, she is often subject to emotional mood swings, closed and secretive. A woman has few friends, but she doesn’t need them.
  • Aquarius. Temperamental and cheerful, harmless and sociable. She loves to do extraordinary things and be the center of attention.
  • Fish. Unsure of herself, complex, prone to melancholy. The woman is talented, but because of the fear of doing something wrong, she will not achieve much success.
  • Aries. Straightforward and self-confident, courageous and decisive. Polina independently solves problems and achieves her goals by any means.
  • Calf. Cautious and calculating, a little slow and stubborn. A woman never takes part in dubious activities and does not commit risky acts.

Polina is a name with two versions of origin. According to one, it has French roots and comes from the male name Paul. Thus, the meaning of the name Polina in Latin is “baby” or “small”. According to the second version, the name comes from Appolinaria and is its colloquial form. Translated from ancient Greek, Appolinaria means “solar” and originates from the name of the Sun in Ancient Greece).

for a child

As a little girl, Polinka is the subject of universal adoration and admiration. She is friendly, courteous and very responsive. She will always come to the rescue, console, reassure. Polina is not capricious over little things. She will gladly help her mother around the house, babysit her own and other people's babies.

At school, Polinka is honest and selfless. In relations with classmates, she is tactful, kind and responsive, is the first assistant to teachers, and enjoys love and respect among them.

for adults

Even after growing up, Polya remains unselfish and can rejoice, like a child, at any trifle. She is neat and clean, knows how to present herself correctly, and always takes care of her appearance; manicure, makeup, hairstyle, wardrobe. Polina doesn’t throw money away, she prefers a few things, but good quality; usually economical.

The meaning of the name Polina in professional terms

She is diligent and responsible, strives to get her work done the highest level, which is why she has ill-wishers in the team who consider her an upstart. Very often it is trouble-free, which is used by prudent and cunning colleagues, entrusting their responsibilities to Polina. She is patient and hardworking and can achieve good professional success, but her career is not her priority.

The meaning of the name Polina in the family

In most cases in family life she is happy. Polina devotes herself to her family, husband, and children. The interests of the family are more important to her than her own. Business ambition and career are not important to her. She chooses a job that allows her to be at home more. Polina really loves going to school and takes an active part in the work of the parent committee. Polina supports and develops in them a love for beauty. She is not capable of betrayal; lovers, extramarital affairs are not for her. Polina forgives her husband a lot, sometimes even betrayal. She will be able to create harmonious relationships with Denis, Vitaly, Sergey, Yuri, Konstantin, Efim. Relationships with Vadim, Igor and Anatoly are undesirable for Polina.

Very often Polina sees everything in “ pink color" It is very difficult for her to come to terms with betrayal, lies and injustice. She tries not to notice the bad in people, and even justifies the not entirely worthy actions of those around her. Polina is a harmonious personality, with manifestation earthly love And developed sense beautiful. Nature endowed Polina with inner nobility, tact, and intelligence. She is characterized by taste and a sense of proportion.

Female name Polina is common in Russia, popular among newborn girls. There is quite a lively and varied interest in its origin and interpretation. The name is associated with ancient Greek god sun by Apollo and give it the meaning “solar”, “dedicated to Apollo”. The French version of the origin leads to the names Pauline (Pauline) - female form Paulin (Russian version - Pavlin) and Paul (in Russian - Pavel). IN in this case The name means “small”, “modest”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: selenite
  • Color: light blue
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: lotus
  • Animal: swan
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Polina is a charming, approachable, proud and very wayward woman. In judgment - independent, capable of dictating and coercing. She seems unapproachable, a kind of lady with big “pretensions”. He hides his feelings under a mask of indifference and cold observation. She doesn’t know how to argue at all, rarely trusts anyone, and can be quick-tempered and aggressive. He is very critical of himself and may engage in self-criticism.

The girl Polya attracts attention with her exceptional neatness, carefree and cheerful character. Her friends trust her with secrets, boys show attention. Polina is a born fashionista, she has a developed sense of perception of beauty. He plays music, writes poetry, and loves cinema. This is a comprehensively developed personality. She loves luxury, convenience, strives to get married successfully and improve her social status.

The secret of the name Polina is that a girl, depending on her upbringing and environment, can receive different directions in the development of life priorities. Arrogance and arrogance, as pronounced character traits, always interfere with achieving your goal. A woman trusts only the logic of her judgments. There is no intuition in this name. Her friendliness and responsiveness are valued among her friends. She is capable of being harsh and straightforward, but sincere. Does not refuse help, understands and does not judge.

Interests and hobbies

Most often, a child's passion for fashion turns into a real hobby or even a profession. Polina is a sports fan, loves television shows, takes part in various events, competitions, exhibitions. She has a delicate taste, so many influential people listen to the girl’s opinion. She is seriously interested in collecting and knows a lot about the intricacies of this work.

Profession and business

Prudence, caution and purposefulness are the main driving forces career growth girls. Polina strives for public recognition, so she is looking for ways of personal recognition. Education, the ability to adapt, and stand out greatly help her in this. The profession of a fashion designer and art expert is considered successful for her. Success comes from working as a television presenter and actress. The professions of an animator, florist, hairdresser, jeweler, and photographer give such a woman pleasure.

Achieving your goals and self-realization in your career is most often hampered by marriage, attachment to home, and ordinary surroundings.


Polina's health is poor. Depends on nervous stress, stress, physical fatigue. Home seclusion and hobbies are contraindicated for her. gambling, diets. Cold and dampness are the first enemies of such a woman’s health.

Sex and love

Polina always hides her emotions, but she chooses very sexy man. The complex of a rational approach to all life's problems prevents her from revealing her feelings. But she has her own “trick”, she hides behind an imaginary weak character.

Family and marriage

Polina was created for family and home comfort. She is a wonderful mother, a brilliant housewife. Her thriftiness and thriftiness surprise those close to her. Such a wife is able to tame anyone obstinate husband, make him an understanding, caring and affectionate father.
