Climate in Switzerland in winter. Climate of Switzerland: description by month and interesting facts

Invariably pleases travelers at any time of the year, due to the fact that the country is located in a temperate continental region. climatic zone. Therefore, here you will never have to languish in the heat or suffer from severe frosts. Average annual temperature fluctuates around 10-16 degrees. Celsius above zero.

If you choose the time to get to know this country in such a way that weather in Switzerland If the weather is most favorable for you, then first of all decide on the purpose of your trip.

Ski season in Switzerland

The best season for skiing is considered to be from December to April. Peak ski season falls in January-February, when the snow cover has already been renewed in the mountains, and the predominance in the Alps high pressure gives cold ones sunny days, which will allow you to successfully master snowy slopes. We also note that avalanches often occur in the mountains in winter. Sub-zero temperatures persist throughout almost the entire country. The exception is the northern shore of Lake Geneva, as well as lakes Lago Maggiore and Lugano, which are protected by mountains and the northern winds (meringue) do not have the same influence here as on the rest of Switzerland. Don't forget about Christmas, new year holidays, which, thanks to the wonderful winter weather in Switzerland, can turn into a fairy tale and give you a lot of unforgettable impressions. In addition to ski sports, Switzerland attracts tourists with its magnificent snow-capped mountain landscapes, which can be admired by traveling by cable car or train.

May is considered not a very successful period for tourism, since the ski season has already ended, but it is too early to go hiking due to washed out trails. In addition, the rains turn picturesque waterfalls into seething mountain streams. The average annual precipitation ranges from 800 to 2`500 mm depending on the area and is determined by the influence of humid Mediterranean air, which rises up the slopes and then moves over the Swiss plateau, so the windward part of the Alps receives twice as much precipitation as above the plateau. To be fair, it is worth noting that it was during this period that the first wild flowers bloom on the mountain slopes.

Climate of Switzerland in summer

Summer weather in Switzerland is characterized by comfortable air temperatures of about +25…+30 degrees. Celsius, also with warm dry winds (föhns) that blow from the east and southeast. Fans of hiking will undoubtedly enjoy sightseeing and walking through the beautiful alpine meadows at this time of year.

In Switzerland there is a quiet period in autumn

This applies to both the weather in Switzerland and the tourist season. Cool, dry weather in September and October will allow you to still enjoy the surrounding beauty. The exception is November, when it often rains, the time for hiking has already ended, and the ski season has not yet begun. But no one will forbid you to drive along ideal European roads and appreciate the architecture of Swiss cities, go shopping or ride a funicular train to the top of the mountain and enjoy the view of peaks covered with eternal ice, right?

Switzerland is worth traveling here all year round and enjoy the peace and tranquility that this country can give to its guests.

One of the most influential banking centers, one of the most prosperous countries in the world, owner of the best European ski resorts Switzerland is a small state Western Europe, located in the heart of the Alps. Find out on the Tour Calendar why the most favorable time to visit this mountainous country Consider the period from December to February and from May to September.

Tourist season in Switzerland

Flawless ecological situation, breathtaking natural scenery and the best ski resorts Europe is not the only reason for the high tourist popularity of Switzerland, which annually attracts 10 million people. It is impossible to imagine Switzerland without Geneva and Zurich, where priceless artistic, musical and architectural treasures of Europe are stored, without first-class hotels with well-trained service, without a high level of medical care and excellent balneological centers, as well as regular summits and congresses of the highest level. In fact, everyone experiences Switzerland differently. A millionaire associates it with comfort, reliability and respectability; common man- with the pristine beauty of nature and the prim restraint of the population. In view of favorable climate Holidays in the country are relevant throughout the whole year.

High season in Switzerland

First of all, Switzerland is a leading destination winter holiday Therefore, the lion's share of the tourist flow into the country occurs at the height of the ski season from December to early March. This period coincides with the New Year and Christmas time. Pre-holiday bustle reigns everywhere, and a sense of magic is in the air. Travelers travel the same way both to big cities, and to ski resorts. Fortunately, the last ones are with “apre-ski” full order. It's no secret that a holiday in Switzerland is suitable for the rich, or at least for people who are not very strapped for money. So, in winter, even some of them may be shocked by the astronomical costs for accommodation and the average bill in a restaurant. In general, saving money in Switzerland is a sign of bad taste. Another high season period in the country is the summer peak months, which are very popular for excursion tourism. Of course, in terms of the number of tourists it is slightly inferior to winter, but in large cities there is no shortage of foreigners. There is also quite a decent demand for recreation “in the lap of nature” - at lake or thermal resorts. And this, of course, is immediately reflected in the pricing policy of hoteliers.

Low season in Switzerland

Low season holidays in Switzerland fall on late autumn and early spring (except Easter week). Many ski centers are closed, but resort towns continue to receive tourists as before. The weather is not entirely friendly, but there is no crowd, and travel agencies do profitable offer by vouchers. Concerning independent travel, then the choice of place of residence will be a determining factor in pricing. You can't count on big discounts from hoteliers in major Swiss cities. The demand there is always great, because the off-season period is typical only for tourism, but in the business world it is the most active time. It often becomes more profitable to book hotels from travel agencies that buy rooms in advance at attractive prices, rather than on various booking platforms. But here you need to look at the situation. It would also be a good idea to keep an eye on ticket specials that are often offered by some airlines at this time.

Best time for excursions

Switzerland is the charm of old cities, the splendor of over 1000 castles, an abundance of museums and galleries, as well as winding trails along charming alpine meadows. Switzerland is a real paradise for the adventure seeker: mountaineering, paragliding, canoeing and much more. When talking about this country, one often has to use the word “most”, since it is here that the “world’s most terrible bridge”, “the world’s largest lake”, “the world’s largest ice grotto” and many other “most himself." When is the best time to plan to explore the country? It must be admitted that at the height of summer there are quite a lot of tourists in Switzerland, so if you have the opportunity to reschedule your vacation to another date, we advise you to take advantage of it. April, May and June are excellent times for city sightseeing tours; in September and October you can safely go to mountain passes (often they are still covered in snow until mid-June). You can go to the south of Switzerland, abounding in subtropical vegetation, even in late autumn due to the mild climate throughout the year.

Beach season in Switzerland

One of popular destinations holiday in Switzerland - relaxation on the country's numerous lakes, despite the fact that most of them are of glacial origin. Lakeside beaches, like ski resorts, are equipped in the most top level. The beach season on Lake Geneva lasts from mid-July to August. And on Lake Lugansk and Lake Maggiore on the border with Italy they begin to swim in early June. Here, at the height of summer, the water warms up to +26 °C. Thanks to the uncharacteristic for the country subtropical climate and protection from the winds by the high slopes of the mountains, sunbathing in the south of the country is possible even in September-October. By the way, rest on Swiss reservoirs is unlikely to be passive. Activities such as yachting, windsurfing, golf, etc. are available here.

Ski season in Switzerland

Switzerland boasts the most respectable ski resorts in the world and the best ski schools for both adults and children. Holidays in the Swiss Alps are considered truly elite, so don't be surprised if you have to share the piste with some famous top model or popular pop star. This is common practice here. The mass opening of the ski season begins a week before Christmas, although a number of ski resorts welcome their guests already in latest numbers November. The season closes in mid-March - mid-April. However, some high-altitude stations and several ski centers on Alpine glaciers operate until the summer. Cultural life in Swiss resorts is in full swing. In addition to interesting show programs offered by local restaurants and entertainment venues, the season is always marked by interesting competitions and celebrations. For example, in mid-January the “Snow Sculpture Festival” is held in Grindelwald, and the international curling championship “Bull-Trophy” is expected in the same month. And in Zermatt in April, many world pop stars flock to the three-day music festival “Zermatt Unplugged”.

Wellness season

Switzerland is experiencing growth in its wellness tourism sector. The Swiss are the healthiest nation in the world; it is not without reason that millions of tourists choose their country, annually visiting numerous balneological resorts. Absolutely every thermal complex has baths with hot water from healing springs, hammam, gym, water park, medical offices and entertainment industry establishments. As a rule, such thermal complexes operate on the basis of hotels located in the most secluded corners of the country, on the shores of picturesque lakes or surrounded by Alpine mountains. They operate all year round, however best time to visit them - the second half of spring, early summer and early autumn. Wellness centers at ski resorts are in great demand, of course, in the winter.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The Swiss holiday calendar easily extends throughout the year. The most significant state and religious dates include: December 6 - St. Nicholas, December 25 - Catholic Christmas, December 26 - St. Stephen, December 31st - St. Sylvester or New Year, January 2 - St. Day Berthold, end of March - beginning of May - Easter, August 1 - Confederation Day or Swiss National Day, August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin Mary, November 1 - All Saints Day. It is impossible to imagine Switzerland without rich folklore traditions, ritual festivals and alpine celebrations. However, as a rule, each canton has its own - this is due to the multinationality of the country. Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to mention them all. But we will still try to list the largest ones. In mid-February - early March, a real carnival madness called “Fasnacht” takes place in Basel. The holiday opens on the Monday after Ash Wednesday and consists of a large costume procession accompanied by a musical orchestra. The Swiss capital also follows carnival traditions. Only the carnival in Bern begins not on Monday, but on Thursday, immediately after Ash Wednesday. Its main symbol is the Bernese bear, which opens the holiday. The culmination of the fun takes place on Saturday, on this day a grand parade is held, and in the evening, spectators are treated to a luxurious theatrical performance and a gala concert. The third Monday in April in Zurich is the traditional spring festival “Six Rings”, which marks the welcome of spring. The apogee of the celebration is the public burning of a straw effigy. Summer is the time of festivals. So, in the first days of July, tens of thousands of people flock to Montreux to enjoy jazz music at the Montreux Jazz Festival; a little later, the mountain resort of Verbier delights the ears of its visitors with works of classical music for two weeks.

Climate in Switzerland

In general, we can say that Switzerland is dominated by a continental type of climate. However, different regions are characterized by large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations. How more height above sea level, the colder the weather and the higher the humidity level. The northwestern and central parts of the country are influenced by the Atlantic; in the east, the alpine climate subtype prevails in the mountains, and in the south, on the border with Italy, the subtropical Mediterranean climate prevails. Winters in Switzerland are quite cold and snowy, while summers are warm and rainy.

Switzerland in spring

The beginning of spring in Switzerland is marked by a slight increase in average daily temperatures. In the lowlands the thermometer reaches +8 °C..+9 °C. Geneva and Zurich are warmest, while central Bern is a couple of degrees cooler. It is still frosty in the mountains, but most resorts record above-zero temperatures at the height of the day. March is a rather capricious month. Already in the first days of March, young grass appears in the southern regions, but it is possible that after some time this part of the country will be covered by a cold wave. The April weather picture is strikingly different from March, especially in the west and south of the country. The active flowering season begins here. IN open ground Magnolias, camellias and tulips are blooming. At midday, the air sometimes warms up to +14 °C. It is also warm in Bern - at least +13 °C. This month there is an increased chance of rain, so don't forget to take an umbrella with you. But in the mountains there is still snow, spring has not yet arrived here. May heralds the fast approach of summer. It marks the start of an active excursion season: the sun wins back more and more hours from inclement weather, daylight hours become gradually longer, and there is no longer any need to wrap yourself up in the usual winter clothes. If you go to Zurich, you will expect at least +19 °C, a little more restrained in Bern - about +17 °C. Most ski resorts have already completed the next season, but there are also those where the snow continues to remain confident. For example, in Zermatt. They reign here eternal ice.

Temperature and weather in Switzerland in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Berne +8 +12 +16
Geneva +10 +14 +18
Interlaken +9 +13 +17
Zurich +11 +15 +20
Lausanne +8 +13 +17
Lugano +8 +12 +16
Zermatt +10 +15 +18
Basel +10 +15 +18

Switzerland in summer

Summer is pretty wet season in the Swiss valleys, but warm. The average air temperature for the season in the north in the central regions ranges from +19 °C to +24 °C during the day, and from 11 °C to 14 °C at night. In the south of the country the weather is somewhat hotter. On some days the thermometer can reach +28 °C..+32 °C, but such temperatures are surprisingly easy to bear. As evening approaches, the air cools down sharply, so it would be a good idea to take a light jacket with you. In July, on many lakes in the country - active swimming season. The coolest water is on Lake Geneva, its maximum temperature is about +20 °C. Lake Zurich is slightly warmer - from +22 °C to +23 °C. And in Lugansk there is a real beach paradise, here the water can warm up to +26 °C! Summer in the foothills is ideal for enjoying alpine nature. It’s not that cold during the day - +15 °C..+17 °C. And at an altitude of over 2000 m - within +5 °C..+10 °C.

Temperature and weather in Switzerland in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Berne +20 +22 +21
Geneva +22 +26 +25
Interlaken +20 +24 +23
Zurich +21 +24 +23
Lausanne +21 +24 +22
Lugano +20 +23 +22
Zermatt +22 +24 +23
Basel +22 +24 +23

Switzerland in autumn

In September you can already feel the light breath of autumn, but the overall climatic background of the country is quite pleasant. This is especially true in the southern cities of Switzerland. The sun shines for at least 6 hours a day, the heat recedes and a comfortable climate sets in instead. warm weather. This month there is significantly less rainfall here than in the summer season. Although in the central regions it rains quite often. In the mountains, the first snow may fall at the end of September. In October, autumn comes into its own in Switzerland: the air cools down sharply and gusty winds begin to blow. Despite rare rains, the weather is often cloudy. Light frosts are possible at night. In the Alps, negative temperatures are already dominant, and sometimes snowfalls occur. November is not the best time to vacation in the country. The cities are quite uncomfortable: damp, cloudy and windy. Despite above-zero temperatures, short-term frosts are possible. It starts to get dark early, so the main tourist crowd whiles away the evenings in bars or restaurants. Ski resorts are much more fun. There, by the end of the month, the ski season opens, and instead of dirty slush, there is fluffy white snow under your feet.

Switzerland is a not very large country located in Europe. More than half of its area is occupied by mountains. The climate of Switzerland can briefly be called moderate continental. But the topography of the country is such that, traveling through its different regions, you can get from summer heat in the winter cold. In this article we will look at the weather and climate in this country in different regions, altitudinal zone and seasons. After all, Switzerland is very popular for tourists, and many want to know when exactly is the best time to go here. It is generally considered that the best months to visit this country are December-February and May-September. Why - read below.

Climate of Switzerland: brief description

The Alps mountain system is a natural wall, which, on the one hand, prevents the penetration of cold air masses from the Arctic to the south of the country, and the warm breeze from the subtropics to the north. It would seem that between these regions there should be a big difference temperatures However, winters in northern Switzerland are quite mild and summers are comfortable. In the cold months in the northern cantons of the country it can be up to 3-5 degrees below zero, and in the warm months - 22-25 above zero. In the south of the country, summer temperatures are hotter. It is 26-28 degrees. There is more precipitation in the south than in the north, mainly in summer time. The second half of November, March and April are the rainiest and foggiest months.

The role of mountain systems

The climate of Switzerland is determined by the presence of a large area of ​​highlands. The weather in this country is very dependent on how elevated the area is above sea level. In winter in high mountains oh it's snowing. During the day in the cold months there is a frost of 10 degrees here, at night - 15. Some peaks have eternal glaciers and ski resorts operate there all year round. The topography and climate of Switzerland are very interconnected. Typically, Geneva is a couple of degrees warmer than Zurich, and in the canton of Ticino, where Italian is spoken, it is quite hot. It's sunny there even when it rains all over the country.

Climate of Switzerland by month: winter

Most good time to visit the country - December. This Christmas month is not too cold, but you will feel a fairytale atmosphere everywhere. Festive markets are noisy everywhere, Christmas trees and garland lights are sparkling, and if you get cold, you can always warm up with mulled wine, roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate. But know that it can be foggy in low-lying areas, so if you want sun, your path should not lie in large cities.

Unlike the rest of Europe, sales in Switzerland start in January. The main ski season starts in the same month. In large cities it is quite warm - mostly 1-5 degrees above zero, in Lugano it can be plus 10. But in the mountains it is already 10-15 degrees below zero. Therefore, during this period, tourists come to Switzerland both to large cities - to enjoy artistic and architectural treasures - and to spend time at ski resorts. Comfort, respectability, adrenaline, stunning nature and après-ski entertainment are guaranteed to you.

February is much warmer. In the capital of the country, Zurich and Basel, the temperature rises to 10-15 degrees, and it’s time for carnivals. Snow and winter's tale remain only for ski resort visitors.

Weather and climate in spring

In March in Switzerland, all the trees have been green for a long time, tulips are blooming in the flower beds, and people even sometimes sunbathe by the lakes in the valley. Nevertheless, it may rain (and this happens quite often), or even the entire city may be covered with snow from the mountains. In Lugano the temperature rises to 20 degrees Celsius, and in some resorts that are located low, the ski season is already ending.

The climate of Switzerland in spring is very rainy, and this is especially noticeable in April. Despite the fact that it is usually the Easter holiday season and there are many weekends, skiing is no longer available almost everywhere. Sometimes the sun is just as hot as in summer.

But it starts in May high season. At this time, the first tourists who love trekking and walking in the mountains arrive. But we must keep in mind that an unexpected storm may blow up and cold weather may set in.

What's summer like in Switzerland?

Comfortable temperatures and coolness are what distinguishes June in this country. Temperatures rarely rise above 26 degrees. People are already starting to swim in the lakes - especially in Zurich. And the highest passes, such as St. Gotthard, which is covered with snow even in May, are already opening. This month also marks the beginning of summer sales.

The climate of Switzerland in summer can be hot, especially in July. If you are in big cities, you can sunbathe on the lake embankments. It’s more pleasant and cool in the mountains, and if it gets hot, all buses are equipped with air conditioning.

The temperature remains approximately the same in August. In addition, in Switzerland this is a month of various street parades - colorful spectacles that tourists love to contemplate and photograph.

Autumn weather

September - still tourist season in Switzerland. It's warm and sunny, but there may already be fog or clouds threatening rain. But you can safely walk in the mountains, especially in the south of the country. Although the highest passes are already beginning to close - there at this time - at least at the end of the month, snow falls. But the good thing is that its small size allows you to leave one region for another in a convenient time. After all, in Lugano and other Italian-speaking cities it is always warm and sunny. And in the German cantons, Oktoberfest is already beginning at this time.

The climate of Switzerland is such that Indian summer begins in mid-autumn. In October, the country harvests crops and drinks cider. But it’s no longer possible to walk in the high mountains. The weather can be completely unpredictable - from 25 degrees to 7 degrees. But during these months you can make an excellent photo shoot. The mountains, overgrown with trees, decorated with golden, crimson and all kinds of shades of these colors foliage, look indescribably majestic. In addition, at this time there are very large discounts on train tickets.

Prices fall even lower in November, but at this time there is rain and heavy fog almost everywhere. Although you can visit museums and big cities. Discounts apply here too. Yes, and such a favorite a tourist route, as the Jungfrau - one of the highest mountains in Europe - can be reached for almost pennies. The main thing is to choose a day suitable for the weather. And if the year turns out to be cold, then at the end of November they already go skiing. Everything starts all over again, and the year comes to an end.

When it comes to a country as pleasant for tourists as Switzerland in all respects, such a trifle as the vagaries of the weather definitely does not matter at all, because it is equally good to relax here in any weather.

Glaciers and mountains

To begin with, let us present dry meteorological data: Switzerland is dominated by a temperate continental climate, which is characterized by constant temperatures, without surges either upward or downward. Winters here are mild, summers are warm, and precipitation is observed in autumn and spring, but within reasonable limits. At the same time, it cannot be said that the weather is the same throughout the country - the basis of the relief of Switzerland is mountains (more than two-thirds of the state's area), so altitudinal zone here is present: the closer to “sea level”, the more monotonous the weather in summer and winter; the higher in the mountains, the more dramatic changes await tourists depending on the time of year.

An additional feature of the Swiss mountains is a large number of glaciers Total about 2000 sq. km of territory is covered with eternal ice caps - as many as 140 large separate glaciers. This is perfect for skiers who travel through the snow from November to May.

Climate of Switzerland

Switzerland is classified as temperate continental climatic region. But in this country, you should keep in mind that about 60% of its territory is occupied by mountains, so here you can get from winter to summer in two hours. The Alps are a kind of barrier that prevents the flow of cold Arctic masses to the south, and warm subtropical masses to the north. In the northern cantons, winter is mild and lasts about 3 months: from December to February. At that time minimum temperature is -1...-4, maximum +2...+5 degrees. In summer (from June to August) at night it is usually +11...+13 degrees, during the daytime the air warms up to +22...+25 degrees. There is quite a lot of precipitation throughout the year. Their maximum occurs in the summer (up to 140 mm per month), the minimum from January to March (slightly more than 60 mm per month).

On South winter temperatures almost the same, but summer ones are higher. The average minimum temperature is +13...+16, the average maximum +26...+28. There is even more precipitation in this area. From March to November, more than 100 mm of precipitation falls per month, and from June to August this amount approaches 200 mm. The least precipitation falls in January and February (about 60 mm).

The weather in the mountains depends on the altitude of the area. In the highlands it is snowy in winter. The temperature most of the year (from October to May) is negative both at night and during the day. In the coldest months (January and February), at night the temperature drops to -10...-15, during the day - to -5...-10. It is warmest in July and August (2...7 degrees at night, 5...10 degrees during the day). Maximum height snow is usually observed in early April. At an altitude of 700 meters it lasts 3 months, 1000 meters - 4.5 months, 2500 meters - 10.5 months.

Switzerland in winter

The advantages and beauty of winter Switzerland are what millions of ski enthusiasts from all over the world flock to the country for every year. And they are quite understandable: comfortable for activity on fresh air temperatures from −5 to −10 °C, an abundance of serene sunny days and voluminous, fluffy but elastic snow cover are ideal for improving skiing skills, contemplative walks, fun dog sledding, and finally - for relaxed evenings on the chalet balcony under a blanket and with the obligatory glass of hot mulled wine. At the same time, in Geneva the temperature does not drop below +3 °C, which will allow heat-loving people to feel comfortable.

This is interesting: Lowland Switzerland is periodically shaken by weather anomalies - for example, the Swiss remember photographs of Lake Geneva under huge ice caps and a “prickly sculpture” of the frozen Jeu d’Eau fountain.

Switzerland in spring

Spring Switzerland is a rather loose concept: in the mountains in March-April, and sometimes even in May, people ski with all their might (thanks, let us remember, to the glaciers), while the valleys gradually wake up from hibernation, they dress up in cheerful greenery, and closer to summer they delight the eye with colorful flowers. When going to Switzerland for ski resorts in the spring, you should prepare for a comfortable temperature of about +2 °C in March, +5 °C in April and +10 °C in May, again depending on the altitude and the presence of ice “bedding”. On the lake shores in early spring It is still quite chilly, wet cold winds are possible, so in March-April you should not count on temperatures above +10 °C. But in May you can clearly feel the approach of summer here: from +15 °C on the thermometer, especially warm days- and all +20 °C. Bathing, however, will have to be postponed until summer months, the water is literally icy, but nothing prevents you from spending time with health benefits in the depths of the spa centers.

Switzerland in summer

In summer, beautiful Switzerland is unusually good, which even the most ardent fans of skiing, for whom the colder the better, cannot help but admit. The shores of Lakes Geneva, Lugansk or Zurich most of all resemble a picture from paradise - the surface of the water shines, the sun gives its gentle rays to vacationers, and the greenery around seems as if it could not be even greener and lush. Summer rest in Switzerland it is ideal for those who do not like heat - the temperature here is the most comfortable: from +20 to +25 °C. The water temperature in the lakes, by the way, is in no way inferior to the Mediterranean: in Geneva - slightly lower, +20 °C, in Zurich - +24 °C.

Switzerland in autumn

This is interesting: September in Switzerland is almost no different from summer - autumn is in no hurry to arrive, and you can enjoy the warmth until October.

The temperature in the valleys is in no hurry to drop, remaining steadily at around +20 °C. But in the mountains you can already feel the cautious approach of the ski season: in St. Moritz, for example, the thermometer rarely exceeds +12 °C. October is gently warm on the plateau: from +12 to +14 °C on average, and evoking thoughts of winter in the mountains: from +3 to +7 °C, where by this time it begins to snow. Well, in November you can already start skiing, and the air is not yet frosty: a comfortable +2 °C. It’s not very comfortable to relax on the shores of the lakes: at +7 °C and high humidity it quickly becomes chilly here, but exploring Bern, Lucerne, Geneva or Zurich is quite pleasant.

Switzerland has a climate typical of central Europe, with small temperature variations and average precipitation (most of it in the form of snow). It is quite windy throughout the year in all parts of the country.

Mountains have a significant influence on the country's climate; the Alps are located in the south of Switzerland, and the Jura Mountains in the north. Switzerland is famous for its rivers and lakes, which contain 6% fresh water Europe.

The best time for an excursion holiday in Switzerland: June-August

Ski season in Switzerland: December-March

Weather in Switzerland in summer

Summer in Switzerland is the best time for excursion holidays. The period is different big amount sunny days, the most hot month- July, while the temperature rarely rises above +21 o C.

Weather in Switzerland in autumn and spring

The weather in autumn and spring is quite cool, the temperature stays at +5-10 o C, at this time there are few tourists in the country, which is a plus for many travelers. On the other hand, in spring and autumn in Switzerland there can be rain and sudden changes in weather.

Weather in Switzerland in winter

In winter, Switzerland becomes the epicenter of skiing, the best months Ski season is January and February. Good sunny days allow you to fully enjoy the country's hospitality and excellent infrastructure winter activities, and Christmas markets create a cozy atmosphere. The average temperature in winter on the plains is 0 o C, in the mountains -5 o C.

Weather in Switzerland by month

Average t (o C) during the day

