The hottest city in Russia. The hottest city in the world The hottest city in the world

We don’t know what to do if in the middle of summer the temperature stays above 30 degrees for several days. Residents of the following cities would only smile condescendingly, because for them these are not even flowers. Where is the most hot city in the world?

The capital of Greece is considered a fairly comfortable city, which tourists love for its abundance of historical attractions. However, in summer Athens is more like a well-heated oven, when the heat can reach 48°C.

9 - Cairo, Egypt

Located on the so-called “hot” belt of the Earth, it’s next on the list. Its two million inhabitants are saved only by the close location of the Nile, which adds at least a little coolness to the arid desert climate. The temperature here reaches 49°C.

8 - Phoenix, USA

The city is known for its skyscrapers, sandstorms and, of course, high temperatures reaching 50° C. Not surprising, since Phoenix is ​​also one of the driest and precipitation is very rare here.

7 - Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne pleases its residents with a consistently cool climate of almost all year round. Almost. In summer, temperatures rise sharply due to dry air currents from the south, as well as due to frequent forest fires that warm up Australia every year. During the hottest months, temperatures in Melbourne can reach 51°C.

6 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysia has always been a hot spot, but we only included one in the world's hottest cities. Kuala Lumpur, a major fishing and tourist center, is “famous” for the almost complete absence of beach recreation. The fact is that dry winds, mixing with sea humidity, increase Atmosphere pressure to a critical maximum, and the temperature - up to 52 ° C.

5 - Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong is better known as an economic and industrial center, however, few people know that it is one of the hottest cities in the world. Moreover, the reason for this is not even the climate, but overpopulation and the same industry, which threatens the region with an environmental disaster. It got to the point that the Chinese authorities introduced the death penalty for environmental pollution in 2013. However, the thermometer is increasingly rising to 54°C.

4 - Mexicali, Mexico

Locals call Mexicali nothing more than “a city in solar captivity.” Located in a hot canyon, at an altitude of only 8 meters above sea level, Mexicali is one of the hottest spots on the planet. The temperature here reaches almost 57°C.

3 - Las Vegas, USA

Known for its casinos and luxury hotels, Sin City is a pretty hot place. Wet air from California is trapped in the mountains surrounding Las Vegas, where dry desert winds add to it, sometimes raising temperatures to 57°C.

2 - Bangkok, Thailand

Thai summer coincides with our spring. For three months the temperature often rises to 50 degrees, the official record is 57.4° C. This in itself seems incredible, and if you add the monstrous local humidity, then you will understand what “hell on Earth” means.

1 - San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico

The hottest city in the world is located in the Mexican desert, its population is just over a quarter of a million people. The absolute temperature record among large settlements - 58.5° N. San Luis Rio Colorado is located in the epicenter of the Earth's hot zone, at the same latitude as the deserts of North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait.

The ranking of the hottest cities on the planet opens with the Greek city of Athens. In the capital of this state, the air temperature reaches 48 degrees above zero. IN summer time the locality resembles a well-heated oven, the only escape from which is the Mediterranean Sea. However, local residents managed to adapt to such temperatures. During beach season, when tourists come to the city, there are even various events with dancing in clothes made of sheep's wool. Of course, you won’t envy the performers!

Not far from Athens, the Egyptian city of Cairo, located in the “hot zone” of our planet, is in the Top 10. The maximum temperature in this locality is usually recorded every year in July. The maximum is 49 degrees above zero. About two million residents escape the cool weather near the Nile River. Without this reservoir, neither people nor vegetation would exist in the arid desert, except perhaps cacti and camels.

This city was once famous for its skyscrapers and sandstorms. Today when mentioned American city Phoenix one word comes to mind - hell! The maximum temperature is 50 degrees with a "+" sign. It is considered not only one of the hottest, but also the driest cities on Earth. It is extremely rare to get caught in precipitation in this place. For local residents, rain is a holiday! In fact, tourists, after just a few days of relaxation in the city, dream of moisture.

Australian Melbourne is significantly different from the above sunny cities. The fact is that this town maintains an acceptable temperature almost throughout the year, even cold in winter. But in summer it gets very hot. The air temperature is off the charts, up to +51 degrees. This difference is due to the presence of hot air currents that terrorize Melbourne residents from the south of the country. The hottest month is August.

Joining the ranks of the hottest cities on the planet is Kuala Lumpur, located in Malaysia. Due to dry winds in summer time in the tourist center of the country it becomes unbearably stuffy (+52 C). Even sea humidity “negates” the opportunity to enjoy beach holiday and glorious fishing that attracts tourists from different corners peace. At the same time, on the hottest weekdays, critical atmospheric pressure is observed.

The Chinese city of Hong Kong, contrary to all the laws of climate regulations, is a very hot place on the planet. The maximum temperature reaches 54 C. It is an industrial center. It should be noted that the main reason for such high temperatures is not so much the climate as industry and overpopulation. The rapid development of enterprises threatens the occurrence of an environmental disaster. Nevertheless, the Chinese authorities are aware of the bitterness of the problem and are taking measures. Let us recall that until 2013 there was a threat the death penalty to all persons causing harm environment Hong Kong.

Another hot Mexican city, Mexicali, is included in the list of the hottest settlements on Earth. This zone, as if in solar captivity, is located at an altitude of eight meters above sea level, namely in a suffocating canyon. In the most suffocating month, the air temperature is 57 C. Despite this fact, local residents can be found in Mexicali throughout the year. They have their own secrets, through which they managed to adapt to incredibly difficult living conditions.

What kind of temperature do you think can torment the people of Thailand? Answer: 57.4 C. In Bangkok (the capital), spring coincides with our summer. Accordingly, in April there is a scorching cyclone that kills many residents every year. If you decide to relax in this place, do not forget to follow the instructions of the accompanying staff. Underestimating the heat of Thailand is extremely dangerous to life. Considering the monstrous terrain, especially the scorching moisture, like lava, only one question comes to mind: why is this tourist destination in such demand? Perhaps you know the answer, dear guests of the resource?!

The hottest city in Russia- Sochi. Average annual temperature is 14-15 degrees. Moreover, in summer it can reach +43 degrees. Next comes Makhachkala and Yalta.

Despite the severe heat, frequent cases of sunstroke and burns, many travelers and tourists in Sochi throughout the year, especially in the summer. Of course, the trend is due to the most pleasant conditions for relaxation. Even the scorching rays do not prevent foreigners, and indeed local residents, from enjoying their holidays in the specified tourist center of Russia.

What associations arise when you mention an area with high temperatures? This, of course, is Africa or the Middle East. But the hottest city in the world is in the United States of America. This is the city of El Paso (Texas). Meeting a banker or official wearing a T-shirt here is a common occurrence. Every visitor to the city considers it his duty to take a selfie with a thermometer.

History of El Paso

El Paso was probably founded in 1539 by the Spaniards. Before this, several Indian tribes lived on this land. These were mainly nomads Jumano and Manso. After the attack on Narvaez's expedition, several people were able to escape from the Indians. They created the first building on this land. The area was a good point for crossing to the north.

Therefore, explorer Juan de Oñate named the settlement El Paso, which means “passage” in Spanish. In 1835, the Texas War of Independence began. The city was one of the few where Indians and whites lived in peace. After annexation, the border with Mexico passed through the city. Thus, half of El Paso was named Ciudad Juarez.

At first civil war the city was controlled by the Confederate army. In 1862 it was captured by the California Volunteer Corps. After 20 years, the city experienced a huge economic boom. El Paso became an important railroad hub. The constant influx of investment has made the city attractive to settlers. In 1916, the Mexicans carried out a brutal massacre of the white population, killing more than 500 people. Memories of those events still cause tension between different ethnic groups. During the Great Depression, the city fell into disrepair. But in the 1950s they found oil fields, which gave Ed Paso a new economic boost.

Modern times

El Paso has a desert climate. Since the city is located on a hill, average temperature the air temperature even in February is 18° C. Snow may not fall here for years. The population is more than half a million inhabitants. The city has many casinos and entertainment centers. During the Wild West, El Paso was famous big amount cowboys, robbers, crooks.

Therefore, many establishments are stylized to resemble that era. Tourists say that the city feels the true spirit of the free West. Hotels annually welcome over 2 million holidaymakers from all over the world. The city itself is not rich in attractions and resorts. For many, it is simply a stopover, just as it was 500 years ago. This area is home to I-10, which is known as the hitchhiking road due to the large number of people traveling this way.

Due to the extreme heat, the city authorities have installed several free air-conditioned rooms in the center where anyone can relax. Cases of sunstroke among visiting tourists are common. However, the city's population is constantly growing. There are several large factories, 2 call centers, and an oil depot. The border with Mexico is busy at any time of the day. Crime is above the state average. From almost any elevation there is a panoramic view of the entire city. The white population is less than 10%. El Paso shares a metropolitan area with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Therefore here a large number of illegal immigrants. Mexican cuisine is very common. Even the English-speaking population always has Tabasco in their refrigerators.

Other hottest cities in the world

The degree of heat depends not only on the air temperature, but also on its humidity. Therefore, in Bangkok, even at relatively low temperatures, it is deadly hot due to the air humidity of 90%. The local population wears peculiar orange dresses over their naked bodies. On the Australian mainland, the hottest city is Oodnadatta. And in India - El Azizia. It will be extremely difficult for a person who comes from places with a normal climate to stay in all these cities. Doctors recommend that tourists refrain from long walks immediately upon arrival.

In most cases, cities with high temperatures are located in underdeveloped countries, where modern methods cooling is lacking in many buildings. If you find yourself in such an area, try to follow the example of the locals. One of the hottest countries in Asia is Kuwait. Local Arabs wear tawbah. Purchase these clothes upon arrival. It may be unusual and quite exotic, but you definitely won’t faint on the street. Residents of the Methraba desert drink hot tea during the hot season. It may seem strange, but it helps. Due to the hot drink, body temperature rises, which leads to active sweating. This cools the body.

Domestic winters are harsh, frosty and very long. It is at this time of year that we are so drawn to where it is warm and the sun shines brightly. Do you know which country in the world is the hottest? In which cities on the planet does the air temperature rise to unimaginable levels? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Climate records of the planet

When in the summer the air warms up to +30 degrees, we languish from the heat and pray to the Almighty for cool rain. But there are hotter places on our planet, where temperature values ​​can reach +40...50 o Celsius. What are these places? And where is the most hot country in the world? Let's find out.

In meteorology, there is such a thing as “absolute temperature maximum" This is the highest air temperature recorded at a certain point on Earth in the entire history of observations. This is one of the main indicators that allows us to identify the 10 hottest countries (or cities) in the world. So, for example, for Moscow this value is +38.2 o C, but for Athens (the hottest capital of Europe) - +48.0 o C.

Enough for a long time record for globe it was customary to consider the temperature to be +58.2 o C. It was recorded back in 1922 in the desert of Libya, near the city of Tripoli. However, in 2012, the World Meteorological Organization refuted these figures. According to satellite monitoring data earth's surface, the absolute maximum air temperature was recorded in 2005 in the Dasht-Lut area in southwestern Iran (+70.7 o C).

So where is the hottest country in the world located? And how many degrees does the thermometer show on its territory? Read about this later in the article.

The hottest countries in the world: TOP 10

There are many truly “hot” states in the world. Most often, they are located in equatorial and tropical latitudes. After all, these are the parts of the globe that receive per year greatest number solar heat. But which country is the hottest in the world? To be called such, it must have high temperatures throughout the entire calendar year.

So, the ten hottest countries in the world look like this:

  • Ethiopia (10th place).
  • Indonesia (9th place).
  • Jamaica (8th place).
  • India (7th place).
  • Malaysia (6th place).
  • Vietnam (5th place).
  • Bahrain (4th place).
  • UAE (3rd place).
  • Botswana (2nd place).
  • Qatar (1st place).
  • Dubai, UAE).
  • Baghdad (Iraq).
  • Kuwait City (Kuwait).
  • Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).
  • Ahvaz (Iran).


Ethiopia is located in eastern Africa. Since the country is located in near-equatorial latitudes, it is not much cooler here in winter than in summer. The climate of the eastern regions of Ethiopia is extremely dry and hot.


average temperature warm season: +31 o C.

There is no division into seasons as such in Indonesia. Annual fluctuations temperature values here they do not exceed 3-5 degrees. The Indonesian heat is significantly complicated by high air humidity due to the proximity of the open ocean. However, in the mountainous regions of this island country it is quite possible to freeze even in the hottest months of the year.


Average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

Jamaica's climate is tropical maritime, very humid. It is just as hot here in winter as in summer. And here is the distribution atmospheric precipitation is strictly seasonal. Most of the rain falls in autumn. According to historical reports, the first European colonizers in Jamaica had a hard time. It took a long time for Europeans to adapt to the unusual Jamaican climate.


India is an original and colorful country, one of the most popular among tourists. It is reliably protected from harsh northern winds by a chain Himalayan mountains. But hot air from the Thar Desert spreads freely throughout almost its entire territory. Unlike all of the above countries, India experiences some seasonality in the climate: in winter, average air temperatures here drop to +15 degrees.


Average temperature of the warm season: +32 o C.

The Asian state of Malaysia is in the middle of our ranking. The climate here is humid (due to the proximity of the sea) and hot (due to the proximity to the equator). However, the Malaysian heat is slightly “diluted” by the monsoons, which bring heavy and prolonged rains in spring and autumn.


A similar situation is observed in Vietnam: during the transition seasons of the year, the monsoons bring with them precipitation and, often, typhoons. But the winter in this country is quite dry, even compared to the hot summer. Overall, Vietnam is the hottest country in South-East Asia.


Average temperature of the warm season: +33 o C.

The tiny kingdom of Bahrain is located on an island archipelago in the Persian Gulf. Abundance tropical deserts minimizes the amount of precipitation and, as a result, air humidity levels. In summer, air temperatures here are often kept at around +40 degrees, but in winter they drop to +17 o C.

United Arab Emirates

Average temperature of the warm season: +37 o C.

In the UAE, the climate is extremely dry and hot. The hottest months of the year are July and August. At the same time, the heat does not subside even at night, remaining at a level of +34...35 o C. Almost the entire territory of the UAE is covered with sand. But this did not stop the Arab sheikhs from turning their country into one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the Middle East.


Average temperature of the warm season: +40 o C.

Another one African country in our ranking it is Botswana. Two seasons are clearly distinguished here: hot winter (since it is Southern Hemisphere) and relatively cool summer, when the air temperature averages +25 degrees. Within the Kalahari Desert, even slight frosts sometimes occur.


Average temperature of the warm season: +41 o C.

Finally, the hottest country in the world is Qatar. Local residents are not particularly surprised when they see values ​​of +50 degrees on their thermometer. And it's in the shade! Most of the country is occupied by deserts, so wind blows here throughout the year. sandstorms.

One of Qatar's main problems is the shortage drinking water. It is solved by desalination. This is why water in this country costs more than gasoline.

Today we present a list of the ten hottest regions on planet Earth.

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Jeddah is a city located on the Red Sea coastal plain called Tihama, in western Saudi Arabia. It is one of the main administrative centers in the country and the largest city in the province of Mecca. The average temperature here in January is 22° C, in July - October 33° C. The most low temperature in Jeddah was recorded in 1995, it was 3° C, and the highest was in 2012 - plus 52° C.

Wadi Halfa, Sudan

Wadi Halfa is a city located approximately two kilometers from Lake Nasser in northern Sudan, near the border with Egypt. The climate here is characterized by long, hot summers and short, warm winter. The average annual temperature in Wadi Halfa is about 27° C. From May to September inclusive, average highs exceed 40° C. The absolute maximum in the city of about 15,000 inhabitants was 53°C.

Ahvaz, Iran

Ahvaz is a city located on the banks of the Karun River in the southwestern part of Iran. Being the most big city in the province, it consists of two distinctive areas: the new part - is the administrative and industrial center, located on the right bank of the Karun River and the residential area, in the old part of the city, on the left bank. According to World Organization health in 2011, Ahwaz is the city with the most polluted air in the world. Here, in summer months average temperature is 45° C, sometimes can exceed 50°C.

Sulaibiya, Kuwait

The seventh place in the list of the hottest places in the world is small town Sulaibiya is located in Al Jahra Governorate, Kuwait. In summer, the average temperature here is 47° C, and the absolute maximum was recorded in July 2012 - plus 53° C.

Tirat Zvi, Israel

Tirat Zvi is a religious kibbutz with a population of 700 inhabitants (as of 2007). Located in the Beit She'an Valley in northern Israel. On June 21, 1942, the most heat in Asia - plus 53.9° C. However, the authenticity of this measurement remains in doubt.

Aravan, Mali

Aravan is a village located in one of the hottest regions of the planet, in the western part of the largest desert in the world - the Sahara, 243 km north of the city of Timbuktu, Republic of Mali. The population of Aravan is about 300 people, of which only 40 permanently live in the village, the rest are migrants, mainly employed in the Taodenni salt mines. This region has a hot desert climate with a characteristic lack of precipitation and extreme temperatures. The average annual temperature here is about 29° C. And average highs for six consecutive months, from April to September inclusive, exceed 42.8° C and can peak plus 46.6° C.

Timbuktu, Mali

Timbuktu - ancient city, located 5 km north of the Niger River, on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, Republic of Mali. At one time he was one of largest centers caravan trade in northwestern Africa. Today it is a poor city suffering from desertification. The average daily temperature here in the hottest months of the year exceeds 40°C, V winter months practically never drops below plus 20° C.

Kebili, Tunisia

In third place in the ranking of the hottest places on Earth is Kebili, a city in the south of Tunisia. It is located in a desert part of the country, near the drying lake Chott el-Jerid. Is one of the oldest oases in Tunisia and North Africa. The highest temperature recorded here was in July 1931 - plus 55.0° C.

Ghadames, Libya

Ghadames is an oasis in western Libya. It is located approximately 462 kilometers southwest of the capital Tripoli, near the border with Algeria and Tunisia. Ghadames has an arid climate characterized by long, extremely hot summers, little or no precipitation, and short, warm winters. Average Maximum temperature here is about 41°C.

Death Valley, USA

The driest and hottest area on the planet is Death Valley, an intermontane depression in the Mojave Desert in eastern California, USA. It covers most of the same name national park. In the valley on July 10, 1913, the highest air temperature in the world was recorded, it was plus 56.7° C. The average maximum temperature in July here reaches 46 °C.

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