Atmospheric weapons. Climate weapons of Russia and the USA

The appearance in the future of fundamentally new types of weapons will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the methods and methods of waging war, on the definition of its ultimate goals, and on the very content of the concept of “victory.” The use of new types of weapons mass destruction(WMD) and even the threat of its use will be aimed, first of all, at achieving the most important political and economic goals, perhaps without direct contact between the troops of the opposing sides and without conducting combat operations in their traditional sense.

This could lead to the abandonment of armed clashes between large armies and the physical destruction of people directly on the battlefield. They will be replaced by slow-acting agents that will have a damaging effect on the human body and destroy its vitality, undermine the life support system, protection from meteorological and infectious factors, thus leading to the gradual death of people or long-term incapacitation.

Geophysical weapons

Scientists have long been drawing attention to the danger associated with the possibility of creating “geophysical weapons”, the basis of which is the use of means that cause natural disasters (earthquakes, rainstorms, tsunamis, etc.), as well as the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which protects animals and flora from solar radiation. The first attempts to artificially stimulate storm rains to destroy irrigation structures in order to create floods over large areas are known. Such attempts were made by the United States during the Vietnam War.

Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means for military purposes to influence processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. In this case, states of unstable equilibrium are of particular interest, when a relatively small push can cause catastrophic consequences and exposure of the enemy to powerful destructive forces of nature (“trigger effect”). Of particular importance for the use of such means is the atmospheric layer with a height of 10 to 60 kilometers. Based on the nature of their impact, geophysical weapons are usually divided into meteorological, ozone and climate.

Weather weapons

In northern Alaska, 320 kilometers from Anchorage, at the foot of the mountains, there is a forest of 24-meter antennas, involuntarily attracting the attention of meteorologists and ecologists. The official name of the project is "High Freguency Active Auroral Research Program" (HAARP). According to American representatives, the HAARP project is intended to study ways to improve radio communications. According to a number of prominent scientists, in reality, Pentagon-led work is being carried out in Alaska for military purposes. In particular, scientists believe that with the help of directional antennas, beams of high-frequency radio waves are “shot” into the ionosphere, which high altitudes heat the ionosphere to form plasma. This creates energy instability in the ionosphere, changing the wind pattern, causing tsunamis, thunderstorms, floods, and snowfalls.

The most studied effect of such weapons is to provoke rainstorms in certain areas. For this purpose, in particular, the dispersion of silver iodide or lead iodide in rain clouds was used. The purpose of such actions may be to impede the movement of troops and especially heavy equipment and weapons, create floods and flood large areas. Meteorological aids can also be used to disperse clouds in the area of ​​the intended bombing to ensure targeting, especially against point targets. A cloud several thousand cubic kilometers in size, containing energy reserves of about a million kilowatt-hours, can be in such an unstable state that about 1 kilogram of silver iodide is enough to dramatically change its state. Several aircraft, using hundreds of kilograms of this substance, are capable of dispersing clouds over an area of ​​​​several thousand square kilometers, causing heavy precipitation.

Work on the creation of meteorological weapons has a long history. Soon after the end of the Second World War, intensive research began to be carried out in the United States to study the processes occurring in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (the possibility of lightning formation), “Prime Argus” (methods of causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (hurricane control) . The results of this work have not been widely reported. It is known, however, that in 1961, American scientists conducted an experiment to throw more than three hundred and fifty thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the atmosphere, which changed the thermal balance of the ionosphere. It is believed that it was as a result of this that an 8.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile slid into the ocean. A sharp change in thermal processes occurring in the atmosphere can also cause the formation of powerful tsunamis. The danger posed by tsunamis hitting coastal areas is illustrated by the tragedy in the states of New Orleans and Louisiana, which were affected by the Katrina tsunami in September 2005. It was a natural disaster, but scientists do not exclude the possibility of creating an equally destructive tsunami near enemy territory by exploding a powerful thermonuclear charge in the ocean at a depth of several hundred meters.

Climate weapons

Climate weapons are considered as a type of geophysical weapon, since in this case climate change occurs as a result of interference in the global processes of weather formation in the Earth's atmosphere.

The purpose of using such weapons may be to reduce agricultural production in the territory probable enemy, deterioration in food supply to its population, disruption of the implementation of socio-economic programs. In a country exposed to climate weapons, desired political and economic changes can be achieved without starting a war in the traditional sense.

Some experts believe that a drop of just 1 degree could have catastrophic consequences. average annual temperature in the mid-latitude region, where the bulk of grain is produced. When carrying out large-scale extermination wars for fertile territories with the help of climate weapons, massive losses of the population of large regions can be caused. However, given the deep interconnection of climate processes occurring in different parts of the world, the use of climate weapons will be poorly controlled, that is, cause significant damage to neighboring countries, including the country that uses such weapons.

Ozone weapon

The ozone layer of the atmosphere is in dynamic equilibrium with the environment, in which ozone is formed from molecular oxygen under the influence of solar radiation and its decomposition under the influence of factors such as the release of industrial gases into the atmosphere, exhaust Vehicle, nuclear testing in the atmosphere, the release of nitrogen oxides from mineral fertilizers and chlorofluorocarbons (freons) from various refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The ozone layer is very sensitive to external influences.

Accordingly, ozone weapons can be a set of means (for example, missiles equipped with chemicals such as freons) for artificially destroying the ozone layer over selected areas of enemy territory. The formation of such “windows” will create conditions for the penetration of hard ultraviolet radiation from the Sun with a wavelength of about 0.3 microns to the Earth’s surface. It has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms, cellular structures and the hereditary apparatus, causes skin burns, and contributes to a sharp increase in the number of cancers in humans and animals. It is believed that the most tangible result of the impact will be an increase in population mortality, a decrease in the productivity of animals and agricultural plants in areas over which the ozone layer has been destroyed. Disruption of processes occurring in the ozonosphere may also affect the heat balance of these areas and the weather. A decrease in ozone content should lead to a decrease in average temperature and an increase in humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unstable, critical agriculture. In this area, the ozone weapon merges with the climate weapon.

RF EMP weapons

Among non-nuclear weapons, radio frequency weapons are often mentioned, affecting humans and various objects using a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

For the first time about an electromagnetic pulse capable of damaging various technical devices, became widely known during the first nuclear weapons tests in the USA and USSR. However, as it soon turned out, EMP arose not only during the process of a nuclear explosion. Already in the 1950s, academician Andrei Sakharov first proposed the principle of constructing a non-nuclear “electromagnetic bomb”. In this design, the magnetic field of the solenoid is compressed by the explosion of a chemical explosive, resulting in a powerful pulse of electromagnetic radiation.

In Russia important role The Institute of Thermophysics of Extreme States, headed by Academician Vladimir Fortov, plays a role in the research of EMP weapons and methods of protection against them. V. Fortov emphasized that although EMP weapons are characterized as “non-lethal,” experts classify them as strategic weapons that can be used to disable key objects of the state and military control system.

IN last years In Russia, serious progress has been made in the development of stationary research generators that create high values ​​of magnetic field strength and maximum current. Such generators can serve as a prototype of an “electromagnetic gun”, the range of which can reach hundreds of meters or more, depending on what equipment needs to be affected.

Existing technologies allow a number of countries to supply their armed forces with various modifications of ammunition with powerful EMP radiation, which can be used during combat operations. During the 1991 Gulf War, the United States used Tomahawk cruise missiles to suppress enemy electronic weapons, which created EMP radiation with a power of up to 5 MW when their warheads were fired. At the very beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003, an EMP bomb was dropped on the television center in Baghdad, which instantly disabled all the electronic equipment of the television center. Earlier, in 1999, the Americans tested the same bomb in Yugoslavia (destruction of a television center in Belgrade).

Studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body have shown that even when irradiated with EMR of a sufficiently low intensity, various disturbances and changes occur in it, in particular, disturbances in the rhythm of the heart, even to the point of cardiac arrest. In this case, two types of impact were noted - thermal and non-thermal. Thermal exposure causes overheating of tissues and organs and, with sufficiently long radiation, causes irreversible pathological changes in them. Non-thermal exposure mainly leads to functional disorders in various organs of the human body, especially in the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Laser weapons

Lasers are powerful emitters of electromagnetic energy in the optical range - quantum generators. The damaging effect of the laser beam is achieved by heating to high temperatures object materials. This causes melting or even evaporation of materials, damage to sensitive elements of weapons, blinding of a person’s visual organs, up to irreversible consequences, and causing severe injuries in the form of thermal burns to the skin. For the enemy, the effect of laser radiation is characterized by surprise, secrecy, and the absence external signs in the form of fire, smoke, sound, high accuracy, straightness of distribution, almost instantaneous action. It is possible to create land-, sea-, air- and space-based laser combat systems for various purposes with varying power, range, rate of fire, and ammunition.

The objects of destruction of such complexes can be enemy personnel, their optical systems, aircraft and missiles of various types. There is no doubt that laser weapons will be increasingly used, designed to destroy both enemy personnel and combat weapons.

It is known that the United States has been developing laser rifles that emit a thin, low-energy beam for many years. This rifle was capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 1.5 km. A shot from such a gun is practically invisible and inaudible. If the beam enters the eyes, it causes damage to the visual organs of varying degrees of severity, up to complete blindness. The safety glasses used in these cases provide protection only against certain wavelengths. To comprehensively study the damaging effects of laser radiation and methods of protection against it, more than a thousand tests were carried out in the United States back in the mid-1950s.

Much attention is also paid to work on creating combat models of laser weapons in Russia. The projects "Ranets-E" and "Rosa-E" were successfully carried out at the Moscow Radio Engineering Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. With the help of the Mobile Microwave Defense System (MMDS) Project, it is planned to ensure the creation of defense of the most important facilities from high-precision weapons. The MMSZ should include an antenna system, a high-power generator, control and measuring equipment. The entire system must be mounted on a mobile base and ensure the prompt transfer of the Ranets-E system to the desired area. This weapon must have an output power of over 500 MW, operate in the centimeter range, and emit pulses lasting 10-20 nanoseconds. The Ranza-E microwave gun is designed to hit targets at a range of up to 10 km, providing a circular firing sector. The mass of such a system will exceed 5 tons. The first information about the new weapon was received by visitors to the Russian pavilion of exhibitions in Singapore and Lima in 2001. This was a kind of breakthrough when original design developments came first, modified depending on customer requests.

Experts, not without reason, believe that laser weapons will be most widely used in connection with the creation of large-scale missile defense on US territory. In 1996, the United States began creating airborne laser weapons ABL (Airborne Laser), designed to destroy missiles in the flight path, especially in the acceleration area, where they are most vulnerable. A powerful laser system with a fuel supply of tens of tons will be placed on board a Boeing 747. When a crisis situation arises, the Boeing takes off and patrols at an altitude of 10-12 km, having the ability to detect an enemy missile within two to three seconds and defeat it at a range of up to 300 km. The full test program is planned to be completed in the near future, in such a way as to create a squadron of seven such aircraft by 2008. In February 2000, one of the leading military-industrial consortiums, Martin-Boeing-TRW, signed a contract with the Pentagon providing for the development of the main elements of a space laser station with the expectation of carrying out full-scale tests in 2012. Completion of the full cycle of creation work combat laser space-based is planned for 2020.

The range of possible uses of laser weapons is very wide and diverse, and specialists will apparently have the opportunity to encounter new ways of using them and targets for destruction more than once.

Acoustic weapons

When considering the problems of creating and damaging effects of acoustic weapons, it should be taken into account that in general case it covers three characteristic frequency ranges - the infrasonic range with frequencies below 20 hertz, the audible range (from 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz) and the ultrasonic range (over 20 kilohertz). This gradation is determined by the characteristics of the impact of sound on the human body and, above all, on his hearing aid. It has been established that hearing thresholds, levels of pain and other negative effects on the human body decrease with increasing sound frequency from several hertz to 250 hertz.

In recent years, a wide range of work has been carried out in the United States in the field of non-lethal weapons (NLW) at the Army Research, Development and Maintenance Center (ARDEC) at the Pakatinny Arsenal (New Jersey). A number of projects to create devices that generate acoustic "bullets" emitted by large-diameter antennas have been carried out by the Scientific Research and Application Association (SARA) in Huntington Beach, California.

According to the creators of the new weapon, it should expand the possible range of use of military force not only on the battlefield, but also in a number of situations during police or peacekeeping operations. Research is underway to create infrasound systems using large loudspeakers and powerful amplifiers, which require the development of effective design cooling measures and new materials to ensure their reliable operation. SARA and ARDEC's joint effort to develop high-power, low-frequency acoustic weapons is intended to protect American institutions abroad.

In the UK, infrasound emitters have been developed that affect not only the human hearing system, but also cause resonance of internal organs with disruption of the heart, even death. These weapons were used during the fight against riots in Northern Ireland. To destroy troop personnel located in bunkers and in combat vehicles, very low-frequency acoustic “bullets”, formed by the superposition of ultrasonic vibrations emitted by large antennas, were also tested. According to American experts in the field of “non-lethal weapons” J. and S. Morris, Russia is also carrying out a complex of work in the field of acoustic weapons and impressive results have been obtained. The Americans, in particular, stated that they were shown in Russia a working device that generates an infrasonic pulse with a frequency of 10 hertz “the size of a baseball,” a power that is supposedly sufficient to inflict a serious injury on a person at a distance of hundreds of meters, even death.

Infrasonic vibrations, which are below the level of perception of the human ear, can cause a state of anxiety, despair, and horror. According to some experts, exposure to infrasound radiation in people leads to epilepsy, and with significant radiation power - to death. Death can occur as a result of a sharp disruption of the functions of individual human organs, damage to the cardiovascular system, destruction of blood vessels and internal organs. Experts believe that by selecting radiation of a certain frequency, it is possible to provoke massive manifestations of myocardial infarction among military personnel and the enemy population. One should take into account the ability of infrasonic vibrations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers, which undoubtedly increases interest in these weapons.

The impact of acoustic weapons on the human body is very diverse and covers a wide range of possible consequences. The report on SARA's work, which summarized the results of research over the previous period of time, indicated, in particular, that infrasound at a level of 110-130 dB has a negative effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, causing pain and nausea. High levels of anxiety and distress are achieved with minute-long exposures as low as 90 to 120 dB at low frequencies (5 to 200 hertz), and severe physical injury and damage occurs at levels of 140 to 150 dB.

At low frequencies, excited resonances of internal organs can cause bleeding and spasms, and in the medium frequency range (0.5-2.5 kilohertz) resonances in the air cavities of the body will cause nervous excitement, tissue injury and overheating of internal organs.

The desire to create a weapon that would be comparable in power to nuclear weapons, but would not contaminate the area, has been going on for quite some time. And, of course, military experts paid attention to the forces of nature: hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, droughts. If these forces could be put into the service of the army, it would become invincible. These are precisely the thoughts that obviously arose among the authors who tried to put military service natural elements. Such a set of means, which makes it possible to artificially cause any of the mentioned phenomena in a specific geographical location, is called a climate weapon.

The question of the existence of climate weapons is closed. Officially, no country in the world has openly admitted that it owns this kind of weapon - agreements were signed at the UN on the non-use of natural elements for military purposes. However, work in in this direction were carried out in different countries. The most advanced in this area are the USA and Russia, where work in this area has slowed down (due to the collapse of the USSR), but the legacy of Soviet science in this direction is very significant and allows active continuation of work.

Climate weapons include a set of means that can affect:

  • atmosphere,
  • hydrosphere,
  • Earth's geosphere.
  • Any of these impacts can cause catastrophic phenomena in one or another area of ​​the Earth.

What are climate weapons? In fact, it is a weapon of mass destruction, which is also a means of destroying the economy of individual countries or an individual state. Artificial influence on weather and climate in a particular region is used as damage factors. Moreover, this region can be expanded to a mainland or continent. Climate weapons are a range of technologies that can cause atmospheric disasters. These include tornadoes, typhoons, tornadoes, and rainstorms. In addition, this type of weapon is capable of changing the general state of the climate in a specific area, causing drought, frost or soil erosion, as well as artificially creating man-made disasters that can provoke crises of an economic and political nature.

However, the creation of climate weapons faces a number of challenges. serious restrictions. To influence synoptic objects, the size of which is hundreds and thousands of kilometers, and which determine the weather for a period from tens of hours to several days, gigantic technological and energy resources are required. Moreover, the effect of such an impact is unpredictable and not guaranteed, since the forecast of the consequences of this impact is very inaccurate. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of removing energy that is introduced from the outside to implement climate change. After all, a synoptic formation moves and has an impact, regardless of state borders, and therefore the result of its influence can also affect the country that caused the phenomenon.

According to scientists, at the current level of development of technology and climate technologies, such a scientific and practical task still remains technically impossible. Although it should be remembered that secret science is about a century ahead of official science. So it is impossible to objectively judge at what stage these developments are. Active work in the field of guaranteed influence on weather over an area of ​​tens of kilometers are being carried out in a number of states. And although active influence on the weather for military purposes is prohibited in accordance with international convention, however, as history shows, this will not be a decisive obstacle to the development of climate weapons.

To show how far developments in this direction could go, we should give an example from half a century ago. Already in 1954, in the vicinity of the French city of Lannemezan, a device was tested, which was a prototype of a climate weapon and which in the future served as the basis for a combat meteotron. The meteotron, as a finished invention, was tested by French professor Henri Dessen in 1961. It was a device in which air was heated, which as a result rose upward. In 1967, a more advanced device was developed in the USSR. In it, hot air was created by exhausted turbojet aircraft engines. The impact of the meteotron on the atmosphere is to create an intense flow of warm, moist air, which is directed vertically upward. As a result, the space above the meteotron is an area of ​​low pressure, which led to the birth of a destructive cyclone. Please note, this was only 1967...

HAARP - climate weapon

In 1992, construction of a powerful radar station began in Alaska, 450 kilometers from Anchorage. The facility under construction is an antenna field with an area of ​​more than 13 hectares. The plan calls for 180 special antennas. The station received the abbreviated name HAARP - High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The project is presented as a research project, but it is being implemented in the interests of the air force and naval forces USA in conditions of deep secrecy. Civilian scientists are not allowed to see it. There is evidence that in this way it is possible to change, say, the wind rose at high altitudes. This means that HAARP is capable of influencing the weather." The least it can do is disrupt radio communications over large areas and significantly degrade accuracy satellite navigation, “blind” radars, including early and long-range detection and warning, missile defense and air defense systems. The pulsed impact of the beam reflected from the auroral region will cause failures and accidents in the power grids of entire regions.
It should be noted that infrasonic waves have a depressing effect on the human psyche. They are also reflected by the auroral region and can plunge an entire city into a state of depression. Heating of certain areas of the atmosphere can lead to serious climate changes and, as a result, cause tornadoes, drought or floods. It is possible that increased exposure to radio waves will have a negative impact on wildlife, including humans. With the help of the HAARP system, a group of military personnel can bring the economy of an entire state to its knees within a few years. And no one will understand anything. Military experts believe that HAARP can be used as a climate weapon. Its radiation may be enough to create plasma lattices in the atmosphere that can destroy airplanes and missiles.

Weapon of the Apocalypse

What could happen if HAARP pulses start affecting the atmosphere? Dr. Rosalie Bertel (Canada), who studies the impact of war on ecosystems, believes that we are dealing with a climate weapon with potentially catastrophic consequences. Firstly, active disturbance of the ionosphere can cause so-called electron showers. This, in turn, may lead to a change in the electric potential of the poles and a subsequent displacement of the Earth's magnetic pole. This is a real weapon of the Apocalypse - the planet will “turn over”, and where the North Pole will end up is anyone’s guess. Secondly, a surge in global warming with heating by reflected waves of individual areas of the circumpolar lands with hydrocarbon deposits can cause their release. The escaping jets of gas can change the spectrum of the atmosphere, causing global cooling. Thirdly, there may be destruction of the ozone layer and unpredictable climate change across entire continents. Initially, the goals of the experiments were to increase radio communication capabilities by locally changing the ionosphere. At the same time, the effects of interaction of plasmoids with the ionosphere were obtained, which led to the development of plasma climate weapons.

Although many countries are interested in the development of such weapons, only the United States and Russia actually own such weapons. A little more is known about US weapons in this direction, and mainly we are talking about the HARP station. Russia's climate weapons were not advertised in this way, and therefore little is known about them. It’s worth mentioning right away that the information on this issue is secret and no one will talk about it out loud. We can confidently say that only that which will not give a specific idea about this type of weapon will be available on the Internet.

Climate weapons use the natural environment as a carrier: wind, solar rays, and the ionosphere. The “cargo” in the form of a damaging factor is delivered to the required point and a blow is delivered that is almost impossible to resist. After all, we have not yet learned how to fight heat, drought or tornadoes.
Russia's climate weapons not only exist, but they have extensive development experience. At the same time, according to the leading specialist of the Phobos Weather Center, Evgeniy Tishkovets, it was never used (unlike the Americans, who were not very worried about the consequences). Military experts understand the full responsibility for the consequences of using such destructive force. The worst thing is that controlling climate weapons is very problematic, they are not so predictable.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ostretsov noted that back in the 70s of the last century, work was underway in the USSR to create such weapons. In particular, he participated in an experiment that involved influencing the Earth's magnetosphere using plasma influence. This method promised to be the most effective among a number of other projects, but it was still not used. Thus, Russia’s climate weapons have a rich backstory, which speaks of a serious scientific basis and extensive experience in this matter. For obvious reasons, such information is never heard from high-ranking officials.

Use of climate weapons

The Secret Services do not limit themselves to experimenting with stations. They already have specific types of weapons in their arsenal, which are actively used. Based on the nature of their impact, they are divided into:
Hydrospheric weapon uses known hydrophysical phenomena initiated artificially as a damaging factor - tsunamis, underwater turbidity and mudflows, gas hydrate eruptions, etc. Only a few “combined” methods can be considered sufficiently “apocalyptic”. For example: an under-ice detonation of a “thermal” thermonuclear charge in the area of ​​large ice masses, deposits of bottom gas hydrates and oil and gas layers, which should cause not only the melting of large masses of ice, but also an “underwater fire” such as the internal combustion of peat layers.
Lithospheric climatic weapons that use geophysical phenomena caused artificially as a damaging factor: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lithospheric shifts, crustal subsidence, faults, faults, tsunamis.
Magnetospheric psychotropic and climate weapons work on the laser principle . Created “directional magnetic storm” - electronic equipment and automation fail, people lose control of themselves.
The massive use of plasma weapons is quite difficult to hide, since it is accompanied by characteristic signs (aurora).
Another consequence of the use of this type of psychotropic and climatic weapons is the formation in the atmosphere of a channel through which, following the “combat plasmoids,” external radiation begins, which in itself is very dangerous.
These are the types of climatic and psychotropic weapons that can be considered “apocalyptic.” It should be noted that the division of plasma weapons into psychotropic and climatic is very relative, since the principle of its operation allows it to be used in both one and the other direction. Only Russia and the USA possess these technologies. The very fact of the presence of such weapons has not yet been officially recognized by any country.

Cyclones, anticyclones, atmospheric fronts

Climate weapons are weapons of mass destruction, the main damaging factor which are various natural or climatic phenomena created artificially.

Using natural phenomena and climate against the enemy is the eternal dream of the military. Sending a hurricane to the enemy, destroying crops in an enemy country and thereby causing famine, causing torrential rains and destroying the entire enemy transport infrastructure - such possibilities could not but arouse interest among strategists. However, previously humanity did not have necessary knowledge and the ability to influence the weather.

In our time, man has acquired unprecedented power: he split the atom, flew into space, and reached the ocean floor. We have learned much more about climate: we now know why droughts and floods occur, why it's raining and the blizzard blows, just as hurricanes are born. But even now we are unable to confidently influence the global climate. This is a very complex system in which countless factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, the Earth's magnetic field, oceans, and the anthropogenic factor are only a small part of the forces that can determine the planetary climate.

A little about the history of climate weapons

Even without fully understanding all the mechanisms that form the climate, people try to control it. In the middle of the last century, the first experiments on climate change began. First, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Similar studies were carried out by many countries, including the USSR. A little later they learned to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful purposes: to cause rain or, conversely, to prevent hail from destroying crops. But soon the military began to master similar technologies.

During the Vietnam conflict, the Americans carried out Operation Popeye, the purpose of which was to significantly increase the amount of rainfall over the part of Vietnam along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Americans sprayed certain chemicals (dry ice and silver iodide) from airplanes, which caused a significant increase in rainfall. As a result, the roads were washed out and the partisans' communications were disrupted. It should be noted that the effect was quite short-lived, and the costs were enormous.

Around the same time, American scientists were trying to learn how to control hurricanes. For the southern states of the United States, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, in pursuit of such a seemingly noble goal, scientists also studied the possibility of sending a hurricane to the “wrong” countries. The famous mathematician John von Neumann collaborated with the American military department in this direction.

In 1977, the UN adopted a convention that prohibited any use of climate change as a weapon. It was adopted at the initiative of the USSR, and the USA joined it.

Reality or fiction

Are climate weapons even possible? Theoretically yes. But to influence the climate on a global scale, over areas of several thousand square kilometers, enormous resources are needed. And since we do not yet fully understand the mechanisms of occurrence weather phenomena– then the result can be unpredictable.

Currently, climate control research is being conducted in several countries around the world, including Russia. We are talking about impacts on relatively small areas. Using weather for military purposes is prohibited.

If we talk about climate weapons, then we cannot ignore two objects: American complex HAARP, which is located in Alaska and the Sura facility in Russia, near Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous in this regard. Not a single article devoted to this topic is complete without mentioning this installation. The Sura object is less known, but it is considered our answer to the HAARP complex.

In the early 90s of the last century, construction of a huge facility began in Alaska. This is an area of ​​13 hectares on which the antennas are located. Officially, the facility was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that processes take place that have greatest influence on the formation of the Earth's climate.

In addition to scientists, the US Navy and Air Force, as well as the famous DARPA (Department of Advanced Research Projects), are taking part in the implementation of the project. But even with all this in mind, is HAARP an experimental climate weapon? Unlikely.

The fact is that the HAARP complex in Alaska is by no means new or unique. The construction of such complexes began in the 60s of the last century. They were built in the USSR, Europe, and South America. HAARP is simply the largest such complex, and the presence of the military adds intrigue.

In Russia, similar work is being done at the Sura facility, which is more modest in size and is currently in no better condition. However, Sura works and studies electromagnetism in the high layers of the atmosphere. In the territory former USSR There were several similar complexes.

Legends have arisen around such objects. They say about the HAARP complex that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, shoot down satellites and warheads, and control people's consciousness. But there is no evidence of this. Not long ago, American scientist Scott Stevens accused Russia of using climate weapons against the United States. According to Stevens, the Russian side, using a secret Sura-type installation, operating on the principle of an electromagnetic generator, created Hurricane Katrina and directed it towards the United States.


Today, climate weapons are a reality, but their use requires too large a scale of resources. We do not yet know enough about the complex processes of weather formation, and therefore it is problematic to control such weapons.

The use of climate weapons can result in a blow to the aggressor himself or his allies, and cause damage to neutral states. In any case, it will be impossible to predict the result.

In addition, many countries conduct regular weather observations, and the use of such weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the world community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

Undoubtedly, relevant research and experiments continue - but the creation of effective weapons is still very far away. If climate weapons (in some form) exist today, it is unlikely that their use would be advisable. So far there is no serious evidence of the existence of such weapons.

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Secret developments THE USSR. Part I: Weather weapons. About the American HAARP project for Lately Many have already heard. Meanwhile, back in 1981, the USSR developed and put into operation a Russian analogue called “Sura”, which is still in operation. After commissioning. When Sura was just beginning to be actively used, interesting anomalous phenomena were observed in the atmosphere above it. Many workers saw strange glows, burning red balls hanging motionless or flying at high speed in the sky. - This is not a UFO, but only a luminescent glow of plasma formations. - explains Researcher installations Yuri Tokarev. On this moment work on studying the ionospheric glow under active influence is one of the important areas of research.


“It is possible to influence the weather, but not on such a large scale as, for example, causing powerful hurricanes. Neither we nor they, I mean the Americans, so far no one knows how to do this,” continues Yuri Tokarev. – The power of the installations is not enough. Even the power that HAARP wants to reach in the near future will not be enough to effectively cause natural disasters.” In the early 80s, active research was carried out in the field of creating plasma generators and their impact on the Earth's ionosphere. The experiments, as scientists now admit, had a military purpose and were developed to disrupt the location and radio communications of a potential enemy, that is, the United States. Plasma formations created by installations in the ionosphere were suppressed American systems long-range detection of missile launches. But the aggressive impact on the ionosphere had side effects. With certain disturbances in the ionosphere, minor changes in the atmosphere began to be observed. “The first tests of the ion generator brought a lot of interesting results,” said Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Mikhail Shakhramanyan. – When the device operates, the flow of oxygen ions rises, causing, depending on the selected mode, a local rupture of clouds or the formation of clouds. In April 2004, near Yerevan, with the help of two GIONK-type devices, we achieved the formation of cumulonimbus clouds in a clear sky. On April 15–16, 25–27 mm of precipitation fell in Yerevan, which is approximately 50% of the monthly norm.” Currently, Sura operates approximately 100 hours a year. The institute does not have enough money for electricity for heating experiments.
Just one day of intensive work at the stand can deprive the test site of its monthly budget. Americans conduct experiments on HAARP for 2000 hours a year, that is, 20 times more. The size of the appropriations, according to the most rough estimates, is $300 million per year. Russian science spends only 40 thousand dollars on similar purposes, almost 7500 times less. Meanwhile, NAARP should soon reach its design capacity of 3.5 gigawatts, which is already an order of magnitude greater than the capacity of Sura.

Secret developments of the USSR. Meteorological weapons.

“If this continues, we risk losing the main thing, namely, understanding what is happening there,” says one of the NIRFI scientists, professor at the University of Nizhny Novgorod Savely Grach. – Both “Sura” and HAARP are not weapons, but only research laboratories. But the processes developed on them will quite possibly be used for military purposes in the future. One should not hope that the Americans will refuse the temptation to build something special with fantastic common man characteristics. But then it will be too late to catch up. Now, despite the general lack of money in the 90s, we are still superior to the Americans in understanding the processes occurring in the ionosphere. But the material and technical base is being destroyed, people are leaving abroad, and the gap is incredibly narrowing.”

Secret developments of the USSR. Meteorological weapon "Sura"

“It’s just a miracle that they managed to save Sur at all,” said the head of the test site, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Georgy Komrakov. “Personally, I, no longer a young man, sat in ambushes with an ax at night, watching for hunters for non-ferrous metals. Here, in an area the size of several football fields, it is not so easy to keep track of them in the dark. Can you imagine what efforts were required to save the installation with two village watchmen, who themselves were not averse to stealing? For example, one of the NIRFI training grounds was looted to the ground in the nineties. It is currently not functioning. “Sura” could have suffered the same fate.”

Atmospheric weapons

Atmospheric weapons are based on the use of means to influence processes occurring in the gaseous shell of the Earth. It is divided into meteorological, climatic, ozone and magnetospheric.

The most studied and tested in practice are meteorological weapons, the use of which, unlike climate weapons, is much more local and short-term. Provoking rainstorms, creating floods and flooding of territories to impede the movement of troops and heavy equipment, dispersing clouds in the bombing area to ensure targeting of point targets - these are the typical uses of meteorological weapons. In order to dispel clouds, causing heavy rainfall and flooding, it is enough to disperse about a hundred kilograms of silver iodide and lead iodide over an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers. For a cumulus cloud in an unstable state - several kilograms of silver iodide.

Another area of ​​meteorological weapons is changing the transparency of the atmosphere in a combat area. Bad weather often used for a hidden concentration of forces or a sudden strike in a different direction that is unexpected for the enemy. For precision weapons, the main obstacles are smoke, fog and precipitation. An underestimation of the cloud level led to the fact that during Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf 1990-1991), the effectiveness of laser-guided bombs was 41-60% instead of the expected 90%. Instead of the principle of “one target - one bomb”, 3-4 ammunition were used per target. Air transparency is of particular importance in the case of the use of weapons of mass destruction: light radiation at the time of a nuclear explosion can be reduced by 40-60% if in the area of ​​the intended the target is maintained in poor visibility. Thus, the spraying of fogging agents may become one of the defense measures in the future.

The civilian use of weather weapon technologies is wide - from anti-hail service to "dispersal" of clouds during olympic games and football matches.

Climate weapons are designed to disrupt weather processes on the territory of an enemy country. The result of its use may be a change temperature regime, the occurrence of hurricane winds, changes in precipitation and much, much more - over the past fifty years, various mechanisms have been developed to influence environment, and the effect of their use is complex.

The purpose of using climate weapons will be to reduce the enemy’s agricultural production, deteriorate the food supply of the population, disrupt economic programs and, as a result, political and economic changes can be achieved without starting a traditional war. Climate weapons will become the leading weapon in the implementation of large-scale wars for fertile territories, which futurists predict. In this case, the existence of the “golden billion” will be achieved due to massive population losses in large regions.

The development of various means of influencing climate was most intense during cold war, and the strategy of using climate weapons against the USSR was considered very seriously by the United States in the 70s. The 1975 CIA report "Potential Consequences of Trends in World Population, Food Production and Climate" is illustrative. The report said that artificial climate change in the USSR, China and a number of underdeveloped countries "would provide the United States with a degree of power that it has never before enjoyed." One of the features of climate weapons is that, given all other equal conditions, of the two countries that used it, the country with the smaller climate-soil potential loses, which is perhaps why climate weapons were never used either against the USSR or the USA.

The first test site for climate weapons was Indochina. Then, during Operation Spinach during the Vietnam War, the United States tested a wide range of weapons that affected the environment. It is characteristic that this operation was multi-stage, clearly planned, and carried out in the strictest secrecy, which has not been completely lifted to this day. The first stage was characterized by the massive use of means of destruction of vegetation and destructive agents on animals and public health. At the second stage, weather conditions changed - the US Air Force and the CIA, according to official data alone, in the period 1963-1972, carried out 2,658 operations to initiate precipitation in Indochina. At the third stage, changes were made to the lithosphere and hydrosphere, and large fires were initiated.

Climate weapons technologies are varied, but the main ones are the creation of chemoacoustic waves, changing the ionic composition of the atmosphere, introducing specific substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere chemical substances.

For example, reducing precipitation is achieved by applying substances to water surfaces that inhibit evaporation and the formation of cumulus clouds. In this regard, it is very sensitive European part Russia and Ukraine, since a quarter of the heat received here occurs in a relatively small area in the North Atlantic Ocean. Impacting the formation of cloud masses in the area or dehydrating them can lead to prolonged drought.

Spraying substances into the upper atmosphere that will absorb sunlight(and thereby cause a decrease in the temperature of the Earth's surface) or absorb the heat emitted by the Earth (and thereby cause heating of the surface) will allow a global temperature change to occur. A drop in average annual temperature of just 1 degree in the mid-latitude region would be catastrophic, since this is where most of the grain is produced. A decrease of 4-5 degrees will lead to gradual glaciation of the entire surface of the ocean, with the exception of the equatorial region, and the dryness of the atmosphere will be so significant that any cultivation of cereals in non-glaciated areas is out of the question. However, it is possible that in the future, lowering the temperature of the atmosphere by dispersing chemical compounds will be used as a means of counteracting the greenhouse effect; similar projects are being developed, although, of course, they cannot be a panacea.

Ozone weapons are a set of means that destroy the ozone layer over selected areas of enemy territory. Hard ultraviolet radiation from the sun with a wavelength of about 3 microns penetrates through the formed ozone holes. The first result of the impact of these weapons will be a decrease in the productivity of animals and agricultural plants. Later, disruption of processes in the ozonosphere will lead to a decrease in average temperature and increase in humidity, which is extremely dangerous for regions of critical agriculture. Complete destruction of the ozone layer is fatal to all living things.

Magnetospheric (ionospheric) weapons


The existence of the earth's magnetic field is due to sources located in globe and near-Earth space. There are basic (caused by mechanical-electromagnetic processes in the outer layer of the Earth's core), anomalous (associated with the magnetization of rocks in the earth's crust) and external magnetic fields of the earth (caused by electric currents existing in the near-Earth space and induced in the Earth's mantle). The Earth's magnetic field is approximately uniform up to a distance of about three Earth radii and is 7 A/m (0.70 Oe) at the Earth's magnetic poles and 33.4 A/m (0.42 Oe) at the magnetic equator. In circumplanetary space, the earth's magnetic field forms a magnetosphere, the physical properties of which are determined by the interaction of the magnetic field and the flow of charged particles of cosmic origin.

The Earth's magnetosphere on the day side extends to 8-14 Earth radii, and on the night side it is elongated, forming the Earth's magnetic tail of several hundred radii. In the magnetosphere there are radiation belts (also called Van Alen belts) - internal regions of the magnetosphere in which the planet’s own magnetic field holds charged particles with high kinetic energy. In radiation belts, particles under the influence of a magnetic field move along complex trajectories from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere and back. The Van Alen belts were discovered by the American Explorer 1 satellite in 1958. Initially there were two Van Alen belts - the lower one, at an altitude of about 7 thousand km, the intensity of proton motion in which is 20 thousand particles with an energy of about 30 MeV per second per square centimeter, and the maximum for electrons of energy 1 MeV is 100 million per second per square centimeter; the outer belt is located at an altitude of 51.5 thousand km, the average energy of its particles is about 1 MeV. The particle flux density in the belts depends on solar activity and time of day.

The outer boundary of the magnetosphere and the upper boundary of the ionosphere, the region of the atmosphere in which air ionization occurs under the influence of radiation, coincide. In addition, the ozone layer is part of the ionosphere. By influencing the ionosphere and magnetosphere, it is possible to cause damage to manpower, disruption of radio communications, destruction of enemy equipment, changes in the wind pattern and catastrophic weather events.


In 1914, Nikola Tesla received a patent for an “Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy,” which journalists dubbed “death rays.” Tesla himself claimed that his invention could be used to destroy enemy aircraft. The invention of Nikolo Tesla was forgotten for exactly 80 years, until the construction of the HARP installation began in 1994.

Project Argus (1958) was carried out to study the effect of high-altitude nuclear explosions on the transmission of radio signals and the geomagnetic field. Between August and September 1958, the US Air Force detonated three atomic bombs 480 km above southern part Atlantic Ocean, in the region of the lower Van Alen belt. Later, two more hydrogen bombs were detonated 160 km above Johnston Island in Pacific Ocean. The result of the explosions was unexpected - a new (internal) radiation belt emerged, covering almost the entire Earth. As part of the Argus project, it was planned to create a “telecommunications shield” to eliminate the influence of magnetic storms on telecommunications. This shield was to be created in the ionosphere at an altitude of 3 thousand km and consist of 350,000 million copper needles, each 2-4 cm in length (total weight 16 kg), which form a belt 10 km thick and 40 km wide, the needles were supposed to be located at a distance of 100 m from each other. This plan was sharply criticized by the International Union of Astronomers and was ultimately not implemented.

Project Starfish (1962) changed the shape and intensity of the Van Alen belt. As part of this project, two explosions were carried out - a one-kiloton explosion at an altitude of 60 km and a one-megaton explosion at an altitude of several hundred kilometers. The first explosion sounded on July 9, 1962, and already on July 19, NASA announced that a new high-altitude belt had formed, extending from an altitude of 400 km to 1600 km, and it represents a continuation (extension) of the lower Van Alen belt. This belt is much wider than the one created by Project Argus. The USSR conducted a similar planetary experiment in 1962, creating three new radiation belts between 7 and 13 thousand km above the surface. The flow of electrons in the lower Van Alen belt changed in 1962 and never returned to its original state.

"Solar Energy" - a project of satellite solar power plants was proposed to the US Congress in 1968. In geostationary orbit, at an altitude of 40 thousand km, it was proposed to place 60 satellites, which were supposed to absorb solar radiation using solar panels (the size of Manhattan Island) and transmit them using microwave rays to a ground-based receiving antenna. The project was absolutely fantastic and economically unfeasible, but it was a development of Tesla’s ideas - the same wireless energy transmission, and arrays of receiving antennas, the area of ​​which was estimated at about 145 square meters. km, and on the territory of which the residence of any people and animals was excluded, resemble the antenna fields of HARP and Sura, which will be discussed below. Satellite power plants were to be launched into orbit within 30 years, the cost of the project ranged from 500 to 800 thousand dollars (in 1968 dollars), and were supposed to provide 10% of US energy needs. The cost of the project was 2 to 3 times more than the entire budget of the Ministry of Energy, and the projected cost of electricity was about the cost of most traditional energy sources.

The military role of satellite "power plants" began to be discussed only in 1978 (despite the fact that no one disputed the Pentagon's authorship of this project). Satellite power stations had to be equipped laser weapons and electron beam weapons designed to destroy enemy missiles. A microwave beam directed not at the antenna, but at the target, was supposed to cause ignition of flammable materials. Controlled microwave beams could ensure combat operations in any area, regardless of power supply. Satellite platforms were planned to be used to maintain communication with submarines and to create radio interference to the enemy.

In general, the military application of the Solar Energy project was seen by many as a universal weapon, among others - President Carter approved the project and gave it a go, despite numerous critical reviews. The US Congress rejected the satellite power plant project due to the exorbitant cost.

A new stage of experiments with the ionosphere, 1975 - 1981, began thanks to an unfortunate accident - due to problems at an altitude of about 300 km in 1975, the Saturn-5 rocket burned out. The rocket explosion created an “ionospheric hole”: over an area with a radius of a thousand kilometers, the number of electrons decreased by more than 60%, all telecommunications were interrupted over the territory of the Atlantic Ocean, and atmospheric glow was observed at a wavelength of 6300A. The resulting phenomenon was caused by a reaction between the gases formed during the explosion and ionospheric oxygen ions.

In 1981, the space shuttle, flying over a network of five surface observatories, injected gases into the atmosphere from its orbital maneuvering system. Thus, ionospheric holes were initiated over Millstone (Connecticut), Arecibo (Puerto Rico), Robertal (Quebec), Quailane (Marshall Islands) and Hobart (Tasmania).

The increased use of shuttle orbital maneuvering system (OMS) gases to disrupt local plasma concentrations began in 1985. Thus, the 47-second combustion of COM on July 29, 1985 created the largest and longest-lived ionospheric hole, and the 6-second release of about 830 kg of exhaust gases into the ionosphere at sunrise at an altitude of 68 km above Connecticut in August 1985 created the northern lights , covering more than 400 thousand square meters. km.

From 1968 to today, 50 km from Fairbanks, PC. Alaska, under contract with NASA, operates the Poker Flat Research Center. In 1994 alone, 250 rocket launches were carried out here, filled with various chemical reagents, in order to “understand the chemical reactions in the atmosphere associated with global climate change.” In 1980, Brian Wilans, as part of the Waterloo Project, destroyed the northern lights, causing them to temporarily stop. In February 1983, two Black Brant-X rockets and two Nike Orion rockets were launched over Canada, releasing barium at high altitudes and creating artificial clouds. These clouds were observed as far as Los Alamos in New Mexico.

A series of rockets were launched from Poker Flat "to study space weather" (in other words, influence the ionosphere), and to create luminous clouds. These clouds were visible from July 2 to July 20, 1997. over a wide area. Trimethylaluminum was carried to an altitude of 69 to 151 km and later dissipated into the upper atmosphere.

Chemoacoustic waves

IN upper atmosphere On Earth, there are waves of large amplitude - on the order of tens and hundreds of kilometers; their interference forms a complex quasi-periodic structure, the spatial period of which can be much smaller. Presumably, they arise due to photodissociation reactions that “rock” acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere. Thus, as a result of the reversible cycle of formation of atomic oxygen, the atmosphere receives energy on the order of the energy of an ultraviolet quantum. This cycle provides heating of the atmosphere at altitudes of about 100 km.

In the 60s, nonequilibrium processes in plasma seemed to provide the key to controlled thermonuclear fusion; it turned out that sound, passing through a nonequilibrium medium, released the energy contained in it. It soon became clear that it was almost impossible to conduct an experiment in laboratory conditions - an extremely high degree of deviation from the environment from equilibrium was required, in which the transition of a chemical reaction to an explosive mode was unacceptable. Some layers of the earth's atmosphere meet the conditions ideally.

Chemoacoustic waves arise when sound in a gaseous medium reaches maximum (nonlinear) amplification, and the non-equilibrium nature of the medium is provided directly by chemical reactions. The energy stored in natural chemoacoustic waves is enormous, but at the same time it is quite easy to release it - with the help of chemical catalysts sprayed at a certain height. Another method is the excitation of internal gravitational waves in the ionosphere by ground-based heating stands. It is logical, of course, to have in service both methods of influencing ionospheric instabilities - both radio heating stands and modules with chemical reagents launched using rockets and stratospheric balloons.

Thus, the caused waves are transmitted to the underlying layers of the atmosphere, causing natural disasters - from hurricane winds to sharp local increases in air temperature.

Ground heating stands

A logical continuation of US military research programs was the creation of the HARP program (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)) - a program for studying high-frequency activity in the auroral region. In addition to HARP, there are six more similar ground stands in the world: in Tromso (Norway), in Jicamarca (Peru), “Sura” in Nizhny Novgorod and an installation in the city of Apatitu (Murmansk region) - in Russia; radio antenna near Kharkov, and radio antenna in Dushanbe (Tajikistan). Of these, only two, like HARP, are transmitting - the stand in Tromso and "Sura", the rest are passive, and are intended mainly for radio astronomy research. The qualitative difference of HARP is its incredible power, which currently amounts to 1 GW (planned - 3.6 GW) and proximity to the north magnetic pole.


In 1974, a series of electromagnetic broadcast experiments were carried out in Plattsville (Colorado), Arecibo (Puerto Rico) and Armidale (Australia, New South Wales). And already in the 80s, Bernard J. Eastlund, an employee of the Atlantic Richfield company, received a patent “Method and device for changing the layers of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere.” It is on this patent that the HARP program, created jointly by the US Air Force and the US Navy in 1993, is based. The program's antenna field and scientific base are located near Gakona, Alaska, and began operation in 1998, however, construction of the antenna array has not yet been completed.

The program is designed to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that can affect communications and observation systems." The HARP system includes a beam of high-frequency radio energy of 3.6 GW (this power will be achieved upon completion of construction), directed into the ionosphere for:

Generation of extremely low-frequency waves for communication with underwater submarines
-- Conducting geophysical tests for the purpose of identifying and characterizing natural ionospheric processes, further developing technology for observing and controlling them
-- Creation of ionospheric lenses to focus high-frequency energy, in order to study the triggering effects of ionospheric processes, which could potentially be used by the Ministry of Defense
--Electronic amplification of infrared and other optical emissions, which can be used to control radio waves for propaganda purposes.
-- Generation of a geomagnetic field of extended ionization and control of reflective/absorbed radio waves
-- The use of oblique heat rays to influence radio wave propagation, which borders on potential military applications of ionospheric technologies.

All these are officially declared goals. However, the idea of ​​the HARP project arose back in the days of " Star Wars", then it was planned to create a "lattice" of highly heated plasma (of which the ionosphere consists) to destroy missiles Soviet Union. And accommodation in Alaska is profitable, because through North Pole lies the shortest route to the USA. The creation of HARP coincided with Washington's statements about the need to “modernize” the 1972 ABM Treaty. “Modernization” ended with the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Treaty on December 13, 2001 and an increase in appropriations for the HARP program.

Another, not officially mentioned, area of ​​​​application of HARP is the amplification of acoustic-gravity waves (it is no coincidence that the Poker Flat center is located nearby, from which a rocket with a catalyst “braking” the ionospheric wave can be launched, and starting the process of “releasing” energy).

The HARP antenna field is located at a location with coordinates 62.39°N. and, 145.15o W and is a phased transmitter antenna designed to transmit radio signals at frequencies from 2.8 to 10 MHz. In the future, the antenna will occupy 33 acres (approximately 134 thousand square meters) and will consist of 180 individual antennas (placed in a rectangle of 12 by 15 antennas). Each design consists of two pairs of intersecting dipole antennas, one for the “lower” frequency range (from 2.8 to 8.3 MHz), the other for the “upper” (from 7 to 10 MHz).

Each antenna is equipped with a thermocouple, and the entire array is fenced "to prevent possible damage by large animals." In total, it is planned to install 30 complex transmitters (transmitters) on the antenna field, each of which will contain 6 pairs of 10 kW smaller transmitters, and the total power of which will be 3.6 GW. Electrical energy The entire complex is supplied by six 2500 kW generators. As the creators officially stated, the radio beam reaching the ionosphere will have a power of only 3 μW per square meter. cm.

Another heating stand - "EISCAT" in Tromso (Norway) is also located in the subpolar region, but is less powerful than HARP and was created earlier.


The Sura heating stand was built in the late 70s and put into operation in 1981. Initially, the Sura facility was financed by the Ministry of Defense, today funding is provided under the Federal Target Program "Integration" (project No. 199/2001). The Scientific Research Radiophysical Institute (NIRFI) has developed a project to create the SURA Collective Use Center (SURA Collective Use Center) to conduct joint research between RAS institutes.

Scientific directions of research are as follows:

Studies of turbulence at mesopause altitudes (75-90 km) and the connection of this phenomenon with atmospheric processes.

Research of atmospheric parameters at altitudes of 55-120 km, as well as parameters and dynamics of the ionosphere at altitudes of 60-300 km using the method of resonant scattering on artificial periodic irregularities.

Studies of dynamic processes in the upper atmosphere, including convective movements of the neutral gas component and the influence of wave disturbances on atmospheric processes using an artificially induced controlled source of acoustic-gravity waves.

Study of the patterns of generation of artificial turbulence and artificial electromagnetic radiation of ionospheric plasma in various ranges (HF, microwave, optical glow) when exposed to powerful radio waves; modeling of natural processes of excitation of turbulence and generation of electromagnetic radiation from the ionosphere during the intrusion of flows of energetic particles into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Observation of radio emission from long-range transionospheric propagation of radio waves in the decameter-decimeter range, development of methods and equipment for predicting and controlling the propagation of radio waves.

Radio complex "Sura" is located in Vasilsursk, Nizhny Novgorod region (57 N 46 E). It is based on three PKV-250 short-wave radio transmitters with a frequency range of 4-25 MHz and a power of 250 kW each (total - 0.8 MW) and a three-section receiving and transmitting antenna PPADD measuring 300x300 square meters. m, with a frequency band of 4.3-9.5 MHz and a gain of 26 dB at mid frequency.

The main difference between the HARP and "Sura" installations is in power and location: HARP is located in the region of the northern lights, "Sura" is in the middle zone, the power of HARP today is much greater than the power of "Sura", however, today both installations are in operation and assigned to them the goals are identical: research of radio wave propagation, generation of acoustic-gravitational waves, creation of ionospheric lenses.

The United States press is accusing the Russians of using Sura to trigger and alter the trajectory of hurricanes, while Russian and Ukrainian officials are sending out warning letters directly calling HARP a geophysical weapon. A discussion of the danger posed by HARP for the Russian Federation did not take place in the Duma, although it was planned.

There are several international treaties that limit climate and meteorological experiments of the participating countries; among them, the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Impact on Nature (came into force on October 5, 1978, has unlimited validity) most fully reflects the problem. At the request of any party to the Convention (four states in total), an advisory committee of experts can be convened to review the questionable natural phenomenon or technical design.



HAARP (_en. High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - high-frequency active auroral research program) is an American research project for the study of auroras; according to other sources - geophysical or ionospheric weapons. The history of its creation is associated with the name of Nikola Tesla. The project was launched in the spring of 1997, in Gakona, Alaska (lat. 62°.23" N, long 145°.8" W)

In August 2002 The State Duma Russia discussed possible consequences launch of this project.


Haarp includes antennas, an incoherent radiation radar with a twenty-meter diameter antenna, laser locators, magnetometers, computers for signal processing and antenna field control. The entire complex is powered by a powerful gas power plant and six diesel generators. The deployment of the complex and research on it is carried out by the Phillips Laboratory, located at the US Air Force Base in Kirtland, New Mexico. The laboratories of astrophysics, geophysics and weapons of the US Air Force Space Technology Center are subordinate to it.

Officially, the Ionospheric Research Complex (HAARP) was built to study the nature of the ionosphere and develop air and missile defense systems. It is planned to use HAARP for detecting submarines and underground tomography of the planet's interior.

HAARP as a weapon source?

Some scientific and public figures and organizations have expressed concern that HAARP could be used for destructive activities. For example, they claim that:
* HAARP can be used so that in a selected area, sea and air navigation is completely disrupted, radio communications and radar are blocked, and on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft, missiles, aircraft and ground systems is disabled. In an arbitrarily defined area, the use of all types of weapons and equipment may be stopped. Integrated systems of geophysical weapons can cause large-scale accidents in any electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines ["Mozharovsky G.S." [ American geophysical weapon - HAARP] .] .

* HAARP radiation energy can be used to manipulate weather on a global scale ["Grazyna Fosar" and "Franz Bludorf" [ Transition to the age of frequencies]: in One of the patents that was used to develop HAARP antennas clearly states the ability to manipulate the weather to damage or completely destroy an ecosystem.
*HAARP can be used as a psychotronic weapon.
**Use targeted death ray technology that can destroy any targets over vast distances.
** Direct an invisible beam with great precision at individual people, causing cancer and other fatal diseases - and so that the victim will not even suspect the harmful effects.
** Put whole people to sleep settlements or place residents in such a state of emotional agitation that they will resort to violence against each other.
** Point a radio broadcast beam directly into people's brains, so that they think they hear the voice of God, or whoever the presenter of this radio broadcast introduces himself to be.

Defenders of the HAARP project put forward the following counterarguments:
* The amount of energy emitted by the complex is negligible compared to the energy received by the ionosphere from solar radiation and lightning discharges
* Disturbances in the ionosphere introduced by the radiation of the complex disappear quite quickly; experiments conducted at the Arecibo Observatory showed that the return of a section of the ionosphere to its original state occurs in the same time during which it was heated.
* There are no serious scientific justification for such HAARP application possibilities as the destruction of all types of weapons, power supply networks, pipelines, global weather manipulation, mass psychotropic effects, etc.

Similar scientific projects

The HAARP system is not unique. There are 2 stations in the USA - one in Puerto Rico (near the Arecibo Observatory), the second, known as HIPAS, in Alaska near the city of Fairbanks. Both of these stations have active and passive instruments similar to HAARP.

In Europe, there are also 2 world-class complexes for ionospheric research, both located in Norway: the more powerful EISCAT radar (European Incoherent Scatter Radar site) is located near the city of Tromsø, the less powerful SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) is on the Spitsbergen archipelago. The same complexes are located:
# in Jicamarca (Peru);
# in Vasilsursk (“SURA”), in the city of Apatity (Russia);
# near Kharkov (Ukraine);
# in Dushanbe (Tajikistan).

The primary purpose of all of these systems is to study the ionosphere, and most of them have the ability to stimulate small, localized areas of the ionosphere. HAARP also has such capabilities. But HAARP differs from these complexes in an unusual combination of research instruments that allows radiation control, wide-frequency coverage nobr|, etc.

Radiation power

# HAARP (Alaska) - up to 3600 kW
# EISCAT (Norway, Tromso) - 1200 kW
# SPEAR (Norway, Longyearbyen) - 288 kW

Unlike radio broadcast stations, many of which have 1000 kW transmitters but low-directional antennas, HAARP-type systems use highly directional phased array transmitting antennas that can focus all the radiated energy into a small area of ​​space.


* Drunvalo Melchizedek. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Volume 1. ISBN 966-8075-45-5
* Berich, Nick and Jeanne Manning. Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology. ISBN 0-9648812-0-9

NTV television company.

Nikola Tesla, Haarp, atmospheric weapon.

Experiments with the Ionosphere.
Irreversible processes have begun.
