Nervous pain in the abdomen. Nerve pain in the abdomen

If you are worried and suddenly feel nausea or abdominal pain, this is an alarming sign. Discomfort in the stomach or intestines during times of increased anxiety is not something temporary and random. Quite the contrary, this is a clear signal about the presence of health problems, and it is worth listening to this signal. If your stomach hurts nervous soil- this means that you have such a strong stressful state that it has triggered destructive processes in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it will not be possible to immediately make an accurate diagnosis: it could be nervous gastritis or gastric neurosis. Therefore, an urgent visit to a gastroenterologist is necessary to schedule an examination. We'll talk briefly about both conditions so you have an idea of ​​what they may be and what treatment you may need.

“All diseases come from nerves,” he tells us folk wisdom, and this is the very case when it makes sense to listen to the common expression. If a little stress sometimes even turns out to be beneficial, then a long-term state of increased anxiety, on the contrary, is itself the cause of a wide variety of ailments. Constant stress can lead to heart disease vascular system, asthma, diabetes, osteochondrosis and many others. It’s not even worth talking about such obvious consequences of increased nervousness as depression and other psychological problems.

The cause of these diseases is the increased production of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol - due to nervousness. Under the influence of adrenaline, the heart rate increases and the blood pressure, which negatively affects blood vessels. In turn, cortisol affects metabolic processes in the body. An excess of this hormone in the body can lead to decreased libido, obesity and other negative factors.

Changes in the functioning of the nervous and vascular systems caused by the action of stress hormones, indirectly, lead to disruptions in gastric functions. This is the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested in the form of nausea, pain and other symptoms. If left unattended, the disease can develop into a stomach ulcer, which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Patients diagnosed with gastric neurosis suffer from abdominal pain, nausea and heartburn. They may experience acute hunger, which immediately gives way to satiety after eating a couple of spoons of food. At the same time, special examinations may not yield any results, since confused doctors will begin to look in the wrong places.

The factor causing the disease is a malfunction of the vagus nerve, which controls the secretory function of the stomach. Simply put, under stress, the vagus nerve begins to send incorrect commands, which leads to either excessive or insufficient production of gastric juice. This becomes the key to digestive problems.

They also contribute bad habits if a person is exposed to them. Very often, neuroses cause cravings for alcohol and cigarettes. After drinking a glass or smoking a cigarette, a person feels temporary calm, and anxiety subsides for a short time. But the neurosis itself does not go away, but the effect of nicotine and alcohol aggravates the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, provoking inflammation of the mucous membranes and deterioration of the blood supply to the stomach. In the future, this can cause gastritis - and then progressively, until the appearance of malignant tumors in the most severe cases.

Gastric neurosis can be identified by comparing problems of the digestive system with the patient’s depressed position. If he experiences anxiety, often becomes despondent, suffers from depression, and at the same time experiences pain and discomfort in the stomach, it is quite possible that the problem is precisely stomach neurosis. Then a psychotherapist, neurologist or psychologist will have to treat the disease. Of course, this does not eliminate the need for the help of a gastroenterologist, but he plays a supporting role here.

Nervous gastritis

Gastritis is an extremely common disease characterized by abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, and problems with bowel movements. The disease is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by a number of factors. These could be bad habits Not proper nutrition, the activity of bacteria and - the effects of stress.

Nervous gastritis develops in a situation where excess adrenaline causes problems with the blood supply to the stomach tissues. Deprived of the necessary nutrition and oxygen, mucosal cells weaken and become less viable. As a result, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, becomes inflamed and ceases to function as expected.

Don't forget that stress hormones themselves can cause tissue inflammation. Thus, the mucous membrane becomes doubly vulnerable and therefore susceptible to disease. Next, hydrochloric acid comes into play, which corrodes the thinned protective layer and begins to destroy the underlying stomach tissue. Small ulcers appear, and in the future a real ulcer may develop.

Treatment of nervous gastritis is performed by a gastroenterologist with the support of a psychotherapist, because if the cause is not removed, the effect will appear again and again. Therefore, the patient is taken out of the stressful state, while simultaneously working to get rid of gastritis. The patient is prescribed dietary food and peace. Food should be easy to digest, so preference is given to porridges, thick pureed or slimy soups. Fried and spicy foods are excluded from the diet as they cause additional stress on the stomach. At the same time, medications are prescribed that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The body reacts to stress factors in different ways, including physical manifestations in the form of painful symptoms. Pain due to stress can develop into chronic diseases, some of which are directly related to mental and emotional state person.

Cause of pain during prolonged stress

Long-term exposure to traumatic events affects the functioning of the body. This is a kind of signal from the body that it needs help. Mental pain comes out through disruption of the functioning of any organ. Some scientists claim that most of our diseases are.

Physical illnesses caused by stress manifest themselves as follows:

Sometimes it is difficult to track the relationship between pain and stress. It is noted that if the stress factor has not been eliminated, the disease progresses into a traumatic phase. The disease can worsen due to life events, most often the cardiovascular system, skin, gastrointestinal tract are affected, and headaches occur.

The relationship between stomach pain and stress

In life, a situation often occurs that with the same lifestyle and diet, some people suffer from abdominal discomfort and constant indigestion, while others are completely healthy. Scientists have long associated diseases of the digestive system with emotional distress.

It varies among people, in some cases the traumatic factor manifests itself as pain in the stomach. For some people, divorce, death, family problems. Abdominal pain can also occur from trivial troubles at work.

How does stress manifest itself? Gastritis and peptic ulcers come first. Next comes irritable bowel syndrome. Its symptoms are diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.

If a person cannot cope with problems, he does not have the strength to resist, then there is a desire to run away, hide, hide from difficulties. The body receives these signals digestive system stops functioning normally, it shuts down, refuses to digest food, and there is constant pain in the stomach.

As a result of long traumatic experiences, abdominal pain develops into chronic gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer disease, and biliary dyskinesia.
If the stress factor becomes an unbearable burden, then increased sweating, constant fatigue syndrome, and rapid heartbeat are added to the pain in the stomach. A person suffers from insomnia, obsessive thoughts, and agitated sleep.

For abdominal pain, many go to a gastroenterologist, and once the diagnosis is confirmed, drug treatment is prescribed. At the same time, to drug treatment Psychotherapy should also be added, since eliminating the stress factor will restore the intestinal mucosa and healthy microflora in the stomach. The gastrointestinal tract should be treated in a state of rest, not tension.

The main signs of the relationship between stomach pain and emotional overload:

  1. Treatment by a gastroenterologist does not bring results, the pain in the abdomen returns.
  2. Digestion malfunctions when worried; cramps and bloating are regularly felt in the stomach.
  3. The depressed mood has been present for more than a month.
  4. Along with abdominal pain, there are other symptoms - fatigue, insomnia, headaches.

Gastrointestinal diseases and stress

The causes of gastrointestinal diseases are smoking, poor diet and lifestyle. But one cannot ignore the influence of stress, moral and physical exhaustion. Sometimes even proper nutrition does not save you from stomach pain.

What gastrointestinal diseases manifest themselves with a constant traumatic factor?

Many diseases have mental causes, so treatment by a gastroenterologist and psychotherapist should be comprehensive.

The relationship between heart pain and stress

Regular experiences can lead to many diseases, including those affecting cardiovascular system. Doctors distinguish between true and psychogenic heart pain, which manifests itself on a nervous basis.

How does psychogenic angina manifest?

  1. It occurs against the backdrop of painful experiences and prolonged mental trauma.
  2. Painful sensations in the heart often overtake women before the age of forty.
  3. Symptoms occur mainly in thin people.
  4. A heart attack against a background of mental and emotional stress lasts several hours and sometimes days.
  5. Pain in the heart for psychogenic reasons increases slowly; if you take a nitroglycerin tablet, it does not go away.
  6. With typical angina, attacks become more severe each time, unlike a psychogenic disease.
  7. Painful symptoms do not go away during sleep and do not depend on exercise.

It should be borne in mind that heavy sensations in the heart caused by mental causes can disappear once and for all in half of the cases, and also appear in isolated cases.

Symptoms of angina pectoris against the background of nervous strain have their own characteristics. The disease is accompanied by anxiety and a feeling of impending danger. A person feels constantly tired and suffers from shortness of breath. Excitement is combined with painful sensations in the heart. Heart attacks are associated only with nervous overload and chronic stress. When the traumatic situation disappears, the symptoms of angina disappear.

How does an attack occur that is caused by prolonged stress? When faced with a difficult life situation a person feels discomfort in the heart, aching, stabbing sensations in the chest area, he may suffocate and feel constriction.

Symptoms usually worsen in places where there are traumatic factors. For example, when meeting with certain people, at work, in family conflicts. Such an attack can occur several times during the day; it can be interrupted by exercise stress. When a person does not encounter anxious moments, no attacks are observed.

If a person consults a doctor with complaints of heart pain, he is referred for an ECG. With psychogenic angina, there are no changes on the ECG. In this case, consulting a doctor is necessary, since only a specialist can determine the causes of heart pain and prescribe treatment.


To avoid pain caused by psychogenic causes, the traumatic source should be identified and, if possible, avoided. Experts will help you deal with such problems. Worth knowing about independent ways combating stress, since mental stress can negatively affect the condition of the body, for example, the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Various anti-stress practices can be beneficial - yoga, qigong, Chinese gymnastics, emotion management and others.

When the stomach hurts due to nervousness, this condition cannot be classified according to any specific disease.

Typically, doctors use the term "gastric neurosis" for a number of stomach-related conditions, such as indigestion (functional dyspepsia), bloating, or even changes in bowel habits.

The diagnosis is usually made by a doctor after tests and tests reveal any specific cause of the stomach condition and understand why it hurts from the nerves.

In most cases, the stomach may hurt as a result of problems with the nervous system or anxiety. Let's find out what to do in such a situation.

Possible causative factors and symptoms

Many factors can lead to nausea or pain affecting the stomach (when it hurts regularly and the pain does not stop for a long time).

Viruses and bacteria are the main physical reasons pain, nausea and vomiting.

However, it is emotions, especially anxiety, stress and excitement, that can contribute to a decrease in immunity, weaken the body and lead to negative consequences as infectious diseases and frequent pain radiating to the stomach.

Among the causative factors of this type it is worth highlighting:

  1. Social anxiety. Each person may experience it in certain situations. This could be going to a party where there are no people you know, or the first day of school or new job, making people worry.
  2. Stress or fear. This factor can include trivial things: making the next mortgage payment for an apartment, enrolling in a university, or meeting a hooligan on the street.
  3. Overexcitement. This is the most common factor for indigestion. Thoughts of a big big wedding, graduation day, or a long-awaited vacation can cause increased level excitement and, as a result, this leads to abdominal pain (in this case, the stomach can hurt for a long period).

The human digestive system and the processes within it can be greatly affected by changes in emotions and states, such as stress, anxiety, depression and other nervous disorders.

The mental state also affects the physiological state.

Some doctors believe that when a person receives a “portion” of stress, the excess acid released in the stomach causes irritation of the stomach mucosa, leading to the appearance of symptoms that mimic heartburn.

A condition known as irritable bowel syndrome, when combined with stress and anxiety, as well as a frayed nervous system, can further cause nerve-wracking stomach pain.

In children, it often appears as a result of bullying from peers and pressure from teachers during the educational process and taking tests.

Chronic nervous stress can also cause and aggravate stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

According to recent research, people tend to worry about issues such as health, money or career all the time (that is, on an ongoing basis), which leads over time to irritable bowel syndrome, while the condition progresses to chronic form and gets worse.

General symptoms of gastric neurosis consist of:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • mucus or blood in the stool;
  • chronic abdominal pain (the stomach may ache in waves).

Other symptoms include:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • regurgitation (acid reflux, stomach irritation);
  • heartburn;
  • abdominal fullness;
  • bloating after eating;
  • discomfort or pain in the stomach, when the latter often and intensely hurts;
  • belching and flatulence.

At times, overeating or eating any foods that cause additional allergies can also lead to the above symptoms.

Most symptoms last for a few days, but when they become commonplace, they can cause a number of complications that can easily disrupt a person's daily routine.

Prevention and treatment

Stomach pain due to nerves and stress can be treated with medication and some lifestyle changes.

Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease, the attending physician may prescribe psychotropic medications, antiemetics, or medications for diarrhea or constipation.

For those who suffer from nervous anxiety and “nervous stomach” (when it hurts a lot due to stress), certain types of antidepressants are specifically prescribed.

Antacids may also be prescribed to help relieve stomach pain by reducing bloating, acid and gas secretion.

Apart from these drugs, herbal remedies also help in reducing indigestion problems.

Herbs like peppermint, ginger, chamomile, etc. have carminative properties that prevent the formation of gas in the digestive tract. They can help relieve common gastrointestinal problems.

Valerian, catnip, tarragon, angelica, fennel, anise, etc. are herbs that can not only relax a person when overstressed, but also relieve him of indigestion.

Regular physical exercise and proper nutrition can also keep the mind and body healthy.

The practice of meditation and deep breathing techniques such as pranayama have healing properties if used on a regular basis.

Stress, anxiety and depression definitely contribute to the appearance of stomach pain (it often hurts and bothers a person).

In most cases, abdominal pain is temporary, however, when it becomes chronic, this indicates an urgent need to contact medical institution to a specialist.

People who experience abdominal pain due to nerves usually experience it in one part of the abdomen (left or right side).

The pain tends to be so severe that the person sometimes has difficulty walking.

In case a patient suffers from stomach pain due to nerves, he should take appropriate measures to rest and learn to enjoy life without nerves.

There are some very simple methods, which can be used to get rid of nervous system problems leading to abdominal pain.

Ginger (or ginger root) is very popular for soothing the stomach and reducing the likelihood of stomach irritation. It is great for helping with digestive problems and relieving cramps.

It is also an antiviral, which means it can help fight off a cold or flu.

If a person does not like the strong taste of ginger, you can eat it raw or add a little sugar to it.

It is also possible to turn ginger into tea: you just need to add a small amount of grated ginger to hot water, it should sit in it for several minutes, then you can drink it.

Mint is also good remedy to relieve stress and eliminate the main factor of stomach pain, that is, weak nerves. It has been used for thousands of years to improve digestion and combat stomach upsets.

You can use either fresh mint leaves or place them in water for a while and then drink this tincture.

As an alternative, it is possible to make tea from mint leaves. If you don't have the leaves of this plant on hand, you can buy mint tea bags at any grocery store.

This is a very popular type of tea and very easy to find. Simply boil water and pour boiling water over the mint leaves for 3-5 minutes, and then drink.

In addition, almost everyone has baking soda in their home: it is a popular product with hundreds of uses.

Instead of buying dubious medications To treat stomach colic, you can simply use baking soda, which everyone has in stock.

Baking soda is simply sodium bicarbonate and works as an antacid tablet that reduces the symptoms of many common ailments such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea and stomach pain after stress.

You need to mix a teaspoon baking soda With warm water and drink that mixture to relieve the condition.

Rice is also great for curing stomach upset and pain, especially if the stomach pain is accompanied by diarrhea and was caused by nervousness.

Rice is a light and tender product that is high in fiber.

It is also ideal for absorbing liquid, so it can help treat diarrhea and firm up stool. This product absorbs any toxins in the stomach that cause pain in it.

It is also advisable to practice certain breathing exercises to help calm your nerves. This can be done by closing your eyes and slowing your inhalation.

You need to hold your breath, mentally counting to five, and then slowly exhale. This exercise can be done about ten times to help slow down the fast beating of the heart.

In addition, it will help calm down anyone after a chaotic and stressful day. You can do these breathing exercises anywhere and anytime to calm yourself and quickly relieve stress.

In any case, as soon as symptoms of nervous pain arise, you should not panic and take all the medications in a row; you should consult a doctor who will tell you why the stomach pain occurred and how to cope with it.

It is also necessary to practice healthy image life and, if necessary, make certain changes to it. You don’t need to live on nerves, you need to be an optimist!

Chronic gastritis is one of the most common pathologies of the digestive tract in the adult population. The fact that stomach pain is caused by nerves is often told to therapists at appointments.

The appearance of such a symptom means that a person needs a full examination and adequate therapy. This article will talk about the relationship between chronic stress and stomach damage, the symptoms of the disease and its treatment.

Can stomach pain be caused by nerves?

Many people are interested in whether the stomach can hurt after severe stress. It is important to understand such a complex process as the nervous regulation of the stomach.

Contraction of the muscular lining of the stomach, synthesis of various enzymes (pepsin, gastrin, etc.) and hydrochloric acid - all this is carried out under the influence of central and peripheral nervous system.

Stressful situations lead to a massive release of catecholamines (norepinephrine and adrenaline) into the blood and disruption of the nervous system. As a result, motor skills and other skills suffer. important functions digestive tract, including the stomach.

Gastric neurosis is a special condition that occurs against a background of stress and leads to an imbalance between the factors of defense and aggression. The first include bicarbonates and mucus, which is produced by goblet cells of the epithelial membrane and envelops the wall of the organ, protecting it from the effects of negative factors.

The main factors of aggression are the high concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, gastrin, pepsin, as well as anaerobic bacterium, living in the pyloric region - Helicobacter pylori.

Thus, a stressful situation leads to disruption of gastrointestinal motility in the form of spasms and activates aggression factors that damage the stomach wall, causing pain and inflammation.

Causes of stomach pain during and after stress

The main reasons why your stomach hurts after stress:

  1. Dysfunction of the smooth muscle muscles of the organ. Disruption of the muscle membrane promotes the development of spasms, inhibits grinding, absorption, grinding and normal evacuation of food into the small intestine. Stagnation of the forming chyme in the stomach leads to pain.
  2. Increased production of hydrochloric acid is another cause of pain in the stomach. The hyperacid state of gastric juice aggressively affects the mucous membrane, injuring it and causing inflammation in it. Any inflammatory process always accompanied by pain.
  3. Active reproduction of H. Pylori. These bacteria produce a special enzyme - urease, which changes the pH of the environment around itself, thereby provoking increased synthesis of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells. Over time, such infection and exposure to provoking factors lead to the development chronic gastritis.

Moreover, in the background psycho-emotional stress a large number of people experience severe hunger, which is subsequently “egged” by the abundance of food. This also negatively affects the functioning of the digestive organs, causing a feeling of heaviness and pain in the projection of the stomach.

Symptoms of gastritis caused by stress

Chronic nervous tension, unhealthy and unbalanced diet, smoking, as well as genetic predisposition are the leading factors in the occurrence of gastritis, which has the following characteristic symptoms:

In addition, the patient often complains of headaches, fatigue and loss of appetite.

Drug therapy

After establishing a diagnosis using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the doctor prescribes drug treatment aimed at eliminating the etiological factor and inflammation in the wall of the organ.

Since the root cause of the disease is chronic stress, sedatives or sedatives(Novopassit, Phenibut, Glycine, valerian tincture, etc.).

To protect the gastric mucosa, antacids such as Phosphalugel, Maalox and Almagel are used for two to four weeks. In order to reduce the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, an inhibitor is used proton pump(drug Omez) or histamine receptor blocker – Ranitidine.

When a Helicobacter pylori infection is established, eradication therapy is prescribed with two antibiotics (most often based on clarithromycin and amoxicillin) and an antacid of your choice.

De-Nol has high antimicrobial activity.

Treatment at home

You can reduce stomach pain after a stressful situation at home with:

  • A sedative herbal preparation – valerian, produced in the form of tincture.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - effective means plant origin, which envelops the wall of the stomach, protecting it from damage.
  • Milk is a food product, the consumption of which triggers regeneration processes in the inflamed stomach.

Don't forget that folk remedies are used only as an adjuvant therapy, and self-medication can worsen health conditions.

Which doctor treats you?

A doctor who specializes in diseases of the digestive tract is a gastroenterologist. He treats gastritis of various origins.

However, a psychotherapist will also help to correctly supplement and adjust therapy in the case of a stressful genesis of the disease. Sometimes medications alone are not enough for a complete cure..

With constant or frequent emotional stress have high therapeutic value psychological training and conversations with a doctor.

How to normalize the condition

Possible consequences

In individuals predisposed to this, frequent stress can lead not only to chronic gastritis, but also to the development of peptic ulcers or malignant lesions of the stomach.

As practice shows, nervous gastritis is not uncommon for modern society. The disease requires careful diagnosis, elimination of the root cause and targeted rational therapy.

Patients often have stomach pain due to nerves. They, without trying to understand the root cause of the disease, use the first medicines they come across. Scientists have proven that people who regularly experience stress complain of abdominal discomfort three times more often. Additional symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may occur. Pain syndrome caused by psycho-emotional overstrain is strictly forbidden to be ignored. The sign may indicate serious pathologies Gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach pain can also occur from nerves

Let's find out whether stomach pain can be caused by nervousness. For an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, people take many medicines, which can only worsen the condition. With psycho-emotional overexcitation, blood flow in the mucous layers decreases. The surface of the digestive organ changes. Symptoms of gastritis may appear.

The gastric mucosa gradually ceases to function normally. Pain syndrome occurs. The discomfort may be constant or intermittent. Gastrointestinal diseases begin to develop due to the damage present.

The manifestation of gastrointestinal diseases is possible even if a person eats properly and leads a healthy lifestyle. With initial damage to the mucous membrane after suffering stress, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain in the stomach;

The connection between nerves and the gastrointestinal tract is quite close

  • nausea and gag reflex;
  • bloating and excessive gas;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the throat.

A person’s physical and mental health are strongly interconnected. Doctors say that when the brain reacts to stress, to negative external factor the stomach and intestines also react. Symptoms may vary depending on the underlying disease.

Because of nerves, stomach pain occurs mainly in people over 30 years of age. They are the ones who are more susceptible to various stressful situations. Young girls and boys tolerate conflicts and any psycho-emotional overstimulation more easily.

After 30 years, stress can cause stomach pain

Causes of discomfort

If discomfort occurs, you should visit a doctor. The doctor will tell you whether the stomach ache may be caused by nerves and will determine the root cause of the deviation. The approach to treatment directly depends on the provoking factor.

Provoking factors of a psychological type include:

  • stressful situations;
  • psycho-emotional exhaustion;
  • suffering psychological trauma;
  • demanding attitude towards oneself.

Overwork may also be the cause of some diseases.

Stress weakens immune system. In addition to stomach pain, the patient is at high risk of developing infectious diseases. A description of the main provoking factors is presented in the table.

Provoking factorDescription
Social anxietyA predisposing factor manifests itself when there is excitement before attending an event where there are no familiar people. A person worries that society will not like him.
Stressful situation and fearThe predisposing factor includes the most banal experiences. These include, for example, anxiety before entering a university or conflict situations.
OverexcitementThe factor can be either positive or negative. It occurs when a person worries for a long period of time before some upcoming event.

IN childhood nervous pain syndrome in the stomach occurs against the background of bullying from peers. Negative influence There is also pressure from teachers or parents.

Stress from bullying at school can also cause pain.

Any experience provokes irritation of the gastric mucosa. Over time, the condition can become chronic.

Nervous type gastritis

Stress causes stomach pain due to frequent worries and emotional outbursts. It is important to be able to distinguish the nervous type of gastritis from the usual one. They have different approaches to treatment. Doctors say that gastrointestinal disease resulting from mental stress, is present in 80% of people.

Nervous gastritis is a pathology that was formed due to frequent experiences and stress. Deviation in the absence of therapeutic therapy can provoke the appearance of ulcers or malignant neoplasms. It mainly affects residents of large cities.

Nervous gastritis occurs against the background of strong emotional experiences

Symptoms of gastritis caused by frequent stress include:

  • frequent gag reflex;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • fainting;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • sharp pain in the stomach, manifesting itself immediately after psycho-emotional overstimulation.

If you experience unpleasant symptoms, contact a gastroenterologist. If left untreated, the patient's condition worsens.

At first, when patients are nervous, their stomach hurts for a short time. At an advanced stage of the disease, discomfort is present for a long time and is characterized by severity.

Bad habits negatively affect the patient’s condition

The following can worsen the condition of nervous gastritis:

  • improper diet;
  • long-term use of antibacterial tablets and other potent drugs;
  • poisoning of the body.

The patient may complain of spontaneous attacks of suffocation. Tachycardia appears. To eliminate the disease, there is a need to follow a diet, take medications and consultations with a psychotherapist. Therapy should be started as early as possible.

Sometimes there are attacks of suffocation

Stomach ulcer

Many patients get nervous and have a stomach ache. This symptom is very common and indicates many diseases and abnormalities in functioning. gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcer disease is characterized by damage that forms when tissue is corroded by gastric juice. This is due to an increase in the amount of a certain enzyme. Acidity increases rapidly. The digestive organ begins to process itself.

People who are susceptible to developing peptic ulcers due to stress are:

  • prone to self-oppression;
  • worried about any, even minor, reason;
  • characterized by imbalance.

Anger and irritability can also be symptoms of gastrointestinal disease

Stomach pain due to nervousness due to rapid processing of food products. Acceleration of the digestive process is caused by attacks of aggression and anger. Peptic ulcer disease often affects people who are accustomed to taking on everything themselves. They are usually overly responsible. This category of patients always feels the need for:

  • coffee;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol.

The listed factors further aggravate the situation, but the patient gives preference to them to stimulate his activity. Doing this is strictly prohibited.

Nervous ulcers often occur in people who are accustomed to keeping all their emotions to themselves

For peptic ulcer nervous type pain syndrome can have different localization. The patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • excessive sweating;
  • prostration;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • pain in the stomach, which has no distinct localization.

Standard medications are ineffective in treatment. The condition can be improved with the help of sedatives.

Anyone can experience attacks of anxiety and fear.

Gastric neurosis

Often, after stress, the stomach hurts due to gastric neurosis. The disease manifests itself due to anxiety, mental stress and exhaustion of the autonomic system. Accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • causeless gag reflex;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling;
  • Excessive gas production.

The sick person may complain of a feeling of emptiness in the digestive organ. The symptom can appear even after eating. It is also possible that the exact opposite symptom may occur. The patient feels full even after one sip of water.

The presence of nausea indicates that the patient has serious problems

Often, patients who have stomach pain from nerves ignore signs of deterioration. They attribute the present symptoms to minor intoxication. Gradually the condition becomes worse. Patients resort to self-medication and use drugs that are ineffective in a particular case.

Stomach neurosis is not a fatal disease. However, it significantly worsens the patient’s usual lifestyle. Stomach discomfort occurs regularly. The symptoms of the pathology are similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is impossible to recognize it on your own.

Diagnosis of neurosis is carried out by exclusion. The prescribed treatment by a gastroenterologist is adjusted by a neurologist and psychotherapist.

What measures to take

If you regularly experience abdominal pain after stress, you should visit a medical facility. The doctor will tell you what to do if you are nervous. First of all, the patient should contact a therapist. If necessary, he will give a referral to a gastroenterologist. He will conduct the necessary examinations.

It is very important that the patient goes to the doctor himself and makes an appointment on time

If a nervous type abnormality is suspected, the patient will be referred to a psychotherapist. Therapy consists of:

  • rest and bed rest;
  • following a strict diet;
  • the use of natural decoctions based on chamomile, mint, cumin and flax;
  • visiting a psychologist.

You can't keep grudges to yourself. The patient needs to protect himself from all sorts of worries. It is recommended to meditate or do yoga. The sick person should surround himself only with positive emotions.

From this video you will learn advice from a neurologist for abdominal pain:
