How vegetable oil was made in the old days. How it's made, how it works, how it works

The most common vegetable oil consumed by peasants in the territory ancient Rus', it was linseed oil. It is not known from what time flax began to be cultivated in Rus', but oil was obtained from flax seeds for a very long time in other countries. Slavic countries, as well as in Germany.
Flaxseed oil is a biologically highly valuable product, occupying first place among vegetable oils due to its high content of unsaturated fatty acids, daily requirement which can be achieved by consuming just one or two tablespoons of this oil.
To preserve all beneficial properties linseed oil it is made from seeds High Quality cold pressing. In ancient times, to obtain a greater yield of the finished product, oil was also made using the hot method, but the quality suffered and the beneficial properties were noticeably reduced. The fact is that linseed oil does not tolerate high temperatures.
Currently, there are also manufacturers of linseed oil that do not use heat treatment for purification and clarification.

Cold-pressed flaxseed oil is the healthiest, it contains more Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids than the nasty one fish fat. As is known, the presence of these acids has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, on nervous system, helps strengthen the body's immunity and improve metabolism.
For consumption, flaxseed oil is best added fresh to salads and vinaigrettes. The oil has a pleasant yellow tint, so it is used as an additive in dough, and baked goods acquire beautiful colour. You can also pour linseed oil over boiled potatoes or add to porridge along with honey. You should not fry in linseed oil; high temperature will kill all its beneficial properties. It is best to store oil in a dark container in a cool place.

Hemp oil

In ancient times, not only flaxseed oil was used as food in Rus'. Cold-pressed hemp oil was also widely available. Now this seems quite strange to us, since in the second half of the twentieth century the free cultivation of hemp was prohibited due to the content of a narcotic substance in its seeds. Nevertheless, in strictly designated areas and under the strict control of the relevant authorities in Russia, hemp is grown for medical purposes, and varieties of hemp are also grown that are obtained as a result of selection and do not contain narcotic substances.

To preserve all the beneficial properties of hemp oil, it is produced by cold pressing without heat treatment. And hemp seeds have many beneficial properties. First of all, it is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp seed oil contains a list of amino acids and trace elements that are not found in any other oils.
All vitamins important for humans are contained in this oil. It can also be used as a product to slow down aging. The oil has a slightly bitter herbal taste and is quite green dark color. Hemp oil has a very positive influence per condition of cardio-vascular system And gastrointestinal tract. It is best eaten fresh for flavoring salads and porridge.

Mustard oil

In the 18th century in Russia, mustard oil was obtained on peasant and landowner farms from the seeds of wild mustard. Wild mustard is an annual, herbaceous plant, flowering occurs in May, the fruits of the plant are small seeds containing about 30-40% oil.
The oil obtained from the seeds of a wild plant was quite bitter. At the same time, mustard oil was brought from France and England to Russia good taste, obtained by pressing from the seeds of cultivated varieties of mustard.
At the end of the 18th century, breeding work began in Russia to develop domestic cultivated varieties of mustard, as well as to introduce varieties of white and black mustard seeds from England. At the beginning of the 19th century, the culture was mastered, and the production of mustard oil began from domestic raw materials.

Mustard oil has a pleasant smell and greenish-yellow color. One of unique properties This oil is its ability to activate the production of vitamin B6 by the human body. Its second unique property is the presence of carotene, vitamin E content in mustard oil more than four times higher than its content in other vegetable oils.
Mustard oil is produced through low-temperature heat treatment, while preserving the entire set of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and Omega-6 fatty acids found in the seeds. The finished product also contains many biologically active substances.

Mustard oil is a natural antiseptic; the bactericidal properties of the oil are used in canning in the food industry, as well as in homemade preparations.
Another feature of mustard oil is the possibility of its long-term storage, which is precisely ensured by its antiseptic properties.
Unlike flaxseed and hemp oil, mustard oil is recommended to be used both fresh in salads or porridges, and for frying. Pancakes fried in mustard oil are very good. If you add this butter to the dough for pies and buns, then after baking in the oven they acquire a beautiful color and turn out especially fluffy.

Corn oil

Among the most useful species table vegetable oils are the most available in retail networks Our country is corn oil. Corn is a herbaceous annual plant, wild species of which were known to man already in ancient times. There is information from archaeologists about the discovery of corn cobs, the age of which dates back to the fifth millennium BC. From Mexico, corn came to Europe, and then in the 17th century to the southern regions of Russia.
The very core of the grain corn cob, called the corn germ, contains about 70% fat, although the weight of the germ is only about 10% of the weight of the entire grain.
Thus, the corn germ itself is intended by nature to be used to obtain corn oil from it.
Industrially produced refined corn oil has a transparent appearance, a pleasant golden color and is odorless. This oil should be stored for no more than four months.

Corn oil contains large amounts minerals, proteins, vitamins E and F. It also has antioxidant properties, which is very valuable for preventing rapid aging of the body. This product is also useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, to enhance contraction of the gallbladder, and prevents the deposition of cholesterol in vascular system, useful in the nutrition of patients with diabetes.
No other vegetable oil, only corn, contains so-called phosphatides, which can stimulate the mental activity of the brain and actively influence the nervous system, providing stress relief and reducing fatigue.
Corn oil can neutralize unpleasant consequences excessive drinking of alcohol.
Retail chains sell mainly refined corn oil, which is suitable for sauces, salads, added to baked goods and for frying. When using corn oil for frying, no carcinogenic substances are released and no foam is formed. But if you want to use all the beneficial properties of corn oil in medicinal purposes It is better to find unrefined, unrefined, natural corn oil on sale.

Sesame oil

Warm-loving herbaceous fast-growing tropical plant sesame, capable of favorable conditions to grow up to five meters in one season was known in India, Pakistan and some other regions with warm climates back in ancient times.
Gradually, the culture of sesame spread to the regions of the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Krasnodar Territory.
The peculiarity of the plant is that its flowers, similar to those of the foxglove known to gardeners, bloom only for one day. In that short period Self-pollination occurs, and by autumn, flat seeds containing about 60-65% oil ripen in the seed capsule. From these seeds, a valuable product is produced by pressing. food product- Sesame oil. Either raw seeds or roasted ones are used as raw materials. Sesame seed oil is produced both unrefined and refined.
Sesame oil has a pleasant taste, is odorless and, due to the presence of natural antioxidants, has the ability to be stored for a very long time without losing all its beneficial properties.

Among the beneficial components of sesame oil, one can note the presence of Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 fatty acids, a large amount of calcium, necessary for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and for the prevention of multiple sclerosis.
Sesame seed oil contains a wide range of vitamins and microelements, iron, manganese, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the body in case of hypertension, atherosclerosis, tachycardia and arrhythmia, coronary disease hearts. It is useful to use this oil after a stroke or heart attack. The presence of magnesium in the oil helps relieve stress and excitement, and normalize the state of the nervous system.
Using sesame oil in food relieves irritability and insomnia. Sesame seed oil neutralizes to some extent increased acidity for stomach problems, it is also an anti-inflammatory agent, having a bactericidal effect.
Sesame oil increases the number of blood platelets, but people with increased blood clotting and the risk of blood clots are not recommended to use it as food.
Sesame oil is used in households for dressing salads, cereals, mashed potatoes, it is also added to baked goods.
For frying, stewing and baking, it is best to use refined oil, since unrefined oil can become bitter when heated.
Sesame oil should be stored in a cool place and out of light; it is easily absorbed, not inferior to olive oil, and prolongs the period of a full active life.

Palm oil

When purchasing many food products, for example, dairy or confectionery, by studying the composition of the product written in small print on the wrappers, you can find vegetable oil. If it is not specified which one, it is most likely palm oil. Both edible and industrial palm oils are produced. The technical stuff is used in cosmetic products, in the manufacture of candles, soap, etc.
Edible oil is added to various margarines, mayonnaises, condensed milk, ice cream, etc. processed cheeses, yoghurts, curd-based desserts, the so-called curd product, biscuits for cakes, waffles, you can’t list everything.
The inscription on the label “Dairy product” should not mislead you, there is no milk there, there is only vegetable palm oil.
Adding to Products palm oil makes them cheaper, and, in addition, allows you to increase their shelf life, since palm oil is not subject to oxidation, and the taste of the final product is quite good.
At a temperature of about 30 degrees, palm oil hardens, which makes it possible to use it as an additive in production butter.
Palm oil is resistant to heat treatment, so all dishes in fast food outlets are fried with it and used for deep-frying.

Palm oil is produced by pressing the soft part of the fruits of the oil palm growing in countries with a subquatorial climate. The largest producer and exporter of palm oil around the world is Malaysia. Oil palms provide high yield fruits collected on a tree in clusters weighing up to 50 kilograms. The oil content in fruit pulp can reach 65-70%. Therefore, these palms occupy the most significant place in the world among oilseeds.
Palm oil has Orange color and a pleasant violet scent. It contains many carotenoids. The list of beneficial properties includes the absence of cholesterol and volatile acids. The presence of significant amounts of vitamins A and E in palm oil gives the oil antioxidant properties and helps slow down the aging of the body and has a beneficial effect on vision. The amount of vitamin A compared to carrots is approximately 15 times greater.
The content of unsaturated fatty acids, known for their benefits, in palm oil is low, no more than five percent.

As negative influence on the body of this type of oil, one can note the content in it large quantity saturated fats, similar to butter fats, the excessive consumption of which is not recommended due to the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The beneficial or harmful effects of palm oil today cause numerous controversies; there is no clear answer yet. In its pure form, palm oil is difficult to find on sale, although it is widely used as a herbal additive in many products.
However, there is a general opinion among nutritionists that the use of palm oil during heat treatment gives it carcinogenic and harmful properties.

Sunflower oil

In our country, the most common and widely used oil as a vegetable food product is sunflower oil. It is produced from the seeds of the annual herbaceous plant- sunflower. At the top of the stem, which grows up to five meters in height over the summer, blossoms large diameter a beautiful bright yellow flower, in the middle of which the seeds ripen by autumn; the oil content in different varieties of the plant and, depending on the place of growth, ranges from half to 80 percent of the mass of the seed.
Wild sunflower species have been known since ancient times. Having discovered the high fat content in the seeds, around the beginning of the 18th century in England they began to specifically grow this plant for oil extraction, although previously it was considered an ornamental flower.
It is believed that the Russian Tsar Peter I brought sunflower seeds from Holland to Russia, and sunflower oil in our country was first obtained by the serf peasants of the Voronezh province using the then existing technology for extracting hemp and linseed oil.

The list of useful properties of this product makes it unique.
Sunflower oil is easily absorbed by the body, improves its immunity, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis and heart disease, has a special property to prevent aging, improves the functioning of the liver and endocrine system, and has a positive effect on memory function. All these beneficial properties are ensured by the rich content of mineral components and vitamins A, D, E and F in the oil. It is known that, for example, vitamin F is necessary for maintaining the tone of nerve fibers. In addition, being an unsaturated fatty acid, it also acts as an antioxidant and has a good effect on the blood circulation of cerebral vessels.
We already know that all plant-based oils benefit best when added fresh to salads and other dishes. The salad is dressed with oil to obtain vitamin A from vegetables, which is converted from beta-carotene with the help of oil. Sunflower oil helps remove cholesterol from the body.

Sunflower seed oil is obtained by hot or cold pressing. Depending on the type and stages of purification, oil can be refined - refined and unrefined.
Refined oil has no sediment and is transparent. Unrefined retains taste and smell roasted sunflower seeds, the amount of vitamins and biological substances is greater than in purified oil, but it is not suitable for frying; under the influence of temperature, harmful substances are formed. For frying and baking, it is better to use refined oil; it does not burn in a frying pan and does not smell.
It is best to store oil, especially unrefined oil, in the dark, so as not to cause oxidation of beneficial fatty acids in the light.

Olive oil

Olive oil is completely absorbed by the body without creating excess fat deposits. This valuable food product, containing many useful elements, is obtained from the soft component of olives, which are the fruits of the olive tree. The fat content in them is about 50%, and on some trees it reaches 80%. Due to their high oil content, olives are also called olives.

Olive trees have been grown since ancient times. For example, in Greece on the island of Crete there is information about the cultivation of olives from the time of the Minoan civilization dating back to the fourth millennium BC. An olive tree, depending on conditions, lives up to 500 years, and sometimes up to 1.5 thousand years. On the island of Crete there are olive plantations whose age is close to three thousand years.
Until now, olive oil from Greece is recognized as the highest quality, although olives are grown in many places in the world with a dry, warm climate, even in the Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory.
The olive tree is considered one of the most beautiful perennial plants. It grows in hot climates and easily tolerates drought, at the same time being able to withstand short-term drops in temperature down to minus 10 degrees. One low tree can produce an olive harvest of 20-30 kg.

Olive oil has a greenish-yellow color, light and transparent, has the property of solidifying at a temperature of zero degrees, and when the temperature rises it returns to its previous appearance. It can even be frozen; when defrosted, all the properties of the oil are restored.
Olive oil is famous for its ability to lower cholesterol, has a choleretic effect, helps relieve pain and reduce inflammatory processes, is an antioxidant, prevents the development of obesity, helping to reduce hunger, useful for cardiovascular diseases, acts as a prophylactic agent that prevents aging, can reduce headache. And in general it acts as a means for general health and rejuvenation.

The highest quality oil It is obtained by cold pressing and does not require refining. Hot-pressed oil is obtained from waste after cold pressing; it must be refined and purified.
Olive oil, like other table vegetable oils, greatest benefit brought fresh in salads, cereals and other dishes. It is also suitable for frying without releasing carcinogenic substances.
This healthy product is not recommended to be stored for too long, so as not to lose all its beneficial properties and taste.

Although sunflower seeds and sunflowers are perceived as something native, this flower was born in the south of North America. Even the ancient Indians, who lived a couple of thousand years ago, deified and worshiped the sunflower. It was believed that the Indians not only used sunflower flour, but also already extracted the oil! It was used for baking bread and for cosmetic purposes.

Sunflower reached Europe only in the 16th century. It was sown in the Madrid Botanical Garden. Europeans liked the huge ones so much bright flowers that in a few years they could be found in France, England, Italy, and Germany. Gardens and even clothes were decorated with sunny flowers; no one thought about the practical benefits. In some places there were attempts to use it with some economic benefit: but the only thing that could be extracted was the seeds. Over time, the British, for example, began to eat young sunflower inflorescences with oil and vinegar. In Germany, coffee was made from roasted seeds. The British did patent sunflower oil itself in 1716, but the invention did not catch on.

How did sunflowers get to Russia? Tsar Peter I, while studying shipbuilding in Holland, noticed a growing sunflower stalk in Amsterdam. He had never seen such a flower before and ordered the seeds to be sent to St. Petersburg and sown in the pharmacy garden. We have it too for a long time used for decorative purposes. After some time, sunflowers appeared on landowners' estates, and then they tried our seeds too.

But in late XVIII century, Russian academician Severgin wrote that sunflower seeds, which are excellent food for birds, can be used to extract oil and make coffee. And even the article “On the preparation of oil from sunflower seeds,” which appeared in 1779 in the Academic Yearbook, had no effect other than scientific interest.

At that time, sunflowers were already planted almost throughout the country, and they took root well in the southern regions. For more than a hundred years it served as a decoration for cities and villages. But in 1829, a simple serf from the Alekseevskaya settlement of the Voronezh province, Daniil Bokarev, squeezed out several buckets of butter with a homemade hand-made churn. The news spread all over Russia that some peasant had obtained excellent oil from sunflower seeds! At first few people believed this. People from neighboring villages came to Bokarev to see the exotic oil with their own eyes, smelled it, dipped bread in it, and ate fried potatoes.

Here is what a certain landowner Terentyev wrote about this in the article “On the division of sunflowers”: “Bokarev, a peasant of Count Sheremetev, decided to sow a very small amount of sunflower seeds in the garden as a test, for his own pleasure; when the sunflowers grew, he, Bokarev, tried to break the seeds on a manual butter churn and, to his joy, he received excellent oil, the likes of which he had never seen and which was not on sale here.”

Four years later, in 1833, in Alekseevka, the merchant Papushin, with the assistance of Bokarev, built the first oil mill in Russia. In 1834, Bokarev opened his own oil mill, and a year later the export of oil abroad began. By 1860, there were about 160 oil mills in Alekseevka. By the way, you can now see a monument to Daniil Bokarev there.

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Story sunflower goes back to the third millennium BC. Research shows that already at that time, even before the “domestication” of cereals, the flower was cultivated by North American Indians. Its seeds were eaten, used as medicine, and dyes were produced. The Incas worshiped the sunflower as a sacred flower.

To Europe " Sunny flower"came in 1510, the Spaniards brought him as a "savage" from North America. At first sunflower decorated flower beds and front gardens. Later from wild species breeders received a large-fruited variety.

Almost 200 years passed when, in 1716 in England, a patent was registered to obtain sunflower oil . And the first mention of industrial cultivation sunflower dates from 1769.

The flower was brought to Russia from Holland in the 18th century. However, it is worth making a reservation here. During excavations of ancient settlements in the Moscow region, dating back to the 7th-5th centuries BC, they found sunflower seeds. And on the walls of the vessels where food supplies were kept, there were remains of oil, very similar in composition to sunflower oil.

Probably, our ancestors knew and even cultivated this plant, but for some reason the flower was forgotten over time.

Anyway, sunflower counts his years in Rus' from the time of Peter the Great.
During the first hundred years of “life” in Russia, the flower was planted in order to have a “little sun” in one’s garden, and “husking seeds on the heap” was the most favorite recreation of peasants and merchants.

Only in 1829, a peasant from Alekseevskaya Sloboda (now Belgorod region) Dmitry Semenovich Bokarev came up with a way to obtain oil from seeds sunflower. And already in 1833 the first oil mill was built in Alekseevka.

Ubiquitous distribution sunflower oil contributed to its recognition by the Russian Orthodox Church as a Lenten product. Sunflower oil had to Orthodox country so, by the way, by the middle of the century in some regions in the south up to half of the area was sown with sunflowers, and vegetable oil was still available for a long time sunflower, which is fixed in the language.

Sunflower oil
was so loved and taken root that at the beginning of the twentieth century it became national product. In 1913, sunflower crops occupied about a million hectares in Russia.

Sunflower oil
began to be exported to Europe, and in the 70s of the last century, sunflowers, with the help of Russian emigrants, returned to their homeland, America, where they had already forgotten the traditions of the indigenous population.

For 400 years of absence sunflower became a cultivated plant, a source of raw materials for obtaining excellent oil.

The reason why sunflower so widespread in the world, and sunflower oil so popular is that sunflower oil contains vitamins and biologically active substances necessary for humans.

Sunflower oil
, along with other vegetable oils, has many beneficial properties, which make its consumption much preferable to the use of animal fats. Sunflower oil contains: vitamins A, D and E

Do you know that Russia is one of the world leaders not only in oil production, but also in the production of sunflower oil? I also learned about this with surprise. To find out how such a necessary culinary product is obtained from seeds, I went to Voronezh, to one of largest factories Russia for the production of sunflower oil.

Before the main story, we learn about the history of sunflower oil.
According to Wikipedia, the evolution of sunflower as a cultivated plant occurred in Russian Empire, and industrial production is associated with the name of Daniil Bokarev. In 1829, he invented a method for extracting oil from sunflower seeds. Four years later, in 1833, in the settlement of Alekseevka, Voronezh province (now Belgorod region), the merchant Papushin, with the assistance of Bokarev, built the first oil mill in Russia. In 1834, Bokarev opened his own oil mill. In 1835, the export of oil abroad began. By 1860, there were about 160 oil mills in Alekseevka.

Factories for the production of sunflower oil are built in close proximity to the place where sunflowers grow, that is, mainly in the black earth or southern regions of Russia. This is done not only to make it convenient to transport seeds to the plant, but also to economic reasons- sunflower seeds weigh very little compared to the final product, and transporting them over long distances is impractical.

The plant, which produces the well-known brand of sunflower oil "Oleina" in Russia, was built not so long ago, in 2008. However, in a short period of time the company took a leading position among sunflower oil producers.

Perhaps we’ll go to production and find out how sunflower oil is made.

It all starts here. In front of the entrance to the plant there is such a house with a canopy. This is a laboratory where a truck with seeds arrives. Here the quality of the seeds arriving at the plant is determined (weediness, moisture content, oil content, pest infestation, etc.). If the seeds do not meet the requirements, they are taken back to the manufacturer. There are dozens of these trucks with trailers parked in front of the entrance to the plant.

Then the truck with the seeds is weighed.

Then you need to unload the seeds. This happens as follows - the truck drives onto a special lift, where it is secured with chains, then it rises at an angle, and the seeds are unloaded into a special container. From there they are sent along transport belts to be cleaned of debris and, if necessary, to a dryer for drying. And the seeds can already be transferred for storage to silos (storages).

The huge cylindrical containers in the photo are those same storage facilities. Here the seeds are stored at a certain temperature. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield.

There are many different containers on the territory of the plant. Some are for storing seeds, others are for storing processed raw materials - cake, meal. I will tell you what this is further.

By the way, the meal looks like this.

The plant has its own railway line. From here, processed raw materials (oil, meal) go to various regions.

But let's get back to production. Seeds ready for processing are transported via transport belts to the first stage of production.

In the seed processing workshop, the seeds are dehulled (destroyed) and separated from the kernel.

Collapse occurs in these devices. By using centrifugal force the seeds are broken on the whips, resulting in a rushanka (kernel and husk). Then the kernels are separated from the husks and each part goes its own way for further processing.


The kernel is sent for moisture-heat treatment in a fryer, where it is heated to 90C and is prepared for squeezing the oil in presses. At this stage, press oil is obtained, which, after filtration, is sent for temporary storage, and the resulting solid and still oily cake is transferred to the next stage.

The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to oxidation products that are formed during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the useful substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy, goes rancid and becomes hazardous to health.

The cake remaining after pressing the oil is transferred to extraction for deeper extraction of oil. or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called pressed oil, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

In the photo I am holding a piece of cake.

No Hipsters Allowed!

This building houses equipment for refining (purifying) oil from accompanying organic impurities. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. The cleaning process consists of several stages.

At the first stage, phosphatides are removed or hydrated - treated with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, phospholipids become insoluble in oil and precipitate, after which they are separated in centrifugal separators. , Phospholipids are useful substances, but are not stable in oil. During storage, they form a sediment in the oil and the oil begins to go rancid, and when frying in a frying pan, they burn.

Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it is stored longer. This treatment makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

In the second stage, the oil is bleached. Bleaching - oil treatment with adsorbents natural origin(most often with special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the oil is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, the oil becomes light yellow in color.

Tools for maintaining oil filtration devices in working order.

After bleaching, the oil is sent to the freezing section. Freezing is the removal of wax from oil. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Wax makes the oil cloudy and thereby spoils its presentation. The purification process in this case occurs by cooling the oil to a temperature of 8-10 C and adding cellulose (natural origin), after keeping the oil at this temperature and subsequent filtration, the oil turns out transparent.

Deodorization – removal of free fatty acids and aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot, intense steam at high temperatures in high vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances and free fatty acids, which characterize the quality of the oil, are removed. In addition, deodorization removes odorants that give the oil its taste and smell, as well as pesticides.

Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil. Having gone through all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal - without color, taste, smell. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking fats are made from this product, and are used for canning and frying.


After all the circles of cleaning hell, the oil ends up in these huge containers. Sorry for using the word “huge” once again, but the scale of production is such that everything here is huge).

The oil will be delivered to individual customers in a tank.

We learned about the process of oil production and its purification, now let's go to the final stage - to the bottling shop.

Seeing this slogan, another sphere of human activity came to mind, which I will not voice now. What associations do you have?

But before visiting the workshop, you must put on gowns, a cap, shoe covers and wash your hands. Almost all food production facilities have such rules.

Remember these rules.

The bottles into which the oil will be poured are made like everyone else plastic bottles from such preforms. There are different preforms for bottles of different capacities.

They are loaded into this container, it moves the preforms to the blow molding machine, which when the right temperature blows the bottle out of it.

It goes like this:

This is such simple magic.

And it goes into the next device, where oil is poured. By the way, the oil comes here through pipes from those same containers of 500 and 800 cubic meters.

The bottle is screwed on with a cap and continues on its way.

At the next stage, the bottle is covered with a label.

Along the way, the devices detect bottles that are incorrectly covered or do not meet the requirements - without a cap, etc. They are rejected.

Saw interesting sign I don't know what it means. Can anyone tell me?

The bottles are then piled up so that the suction cup machine can fill the box in one go.

For transportation, they are folded in several rows and wrapped in polyethylene.

After that, the electric cars place the pallet with boxes on the rack, waiting for the oil to travel to the stores.
The plant's capacity allows it to process 540,000 tons of raw materials and produce over 200 million bottles of sunflower oil per year.

Finally, I will clearly show all the stages of oil production in three pictures.

Now you know how sunflower oil is obtained. I hope you had the strength to read to the end)


Vegetable oil has been used in cooking since ancient times. In Mediterranean countries it is olive oil, in tropical countries Asia - palm oil, and in Russia sunflower oil has become the most popular and truly national vegetable oil.

The homeland of the annual sunflower, which is the name of the well-known sunflower, is North America. The Indians began growing it more than two thousand years ago.

Among Europeans, the first to discover the plant was the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro. He also brought the seeds to Spain. And thanks to its beauty, the flower quickly spread across the continent.

For the first time, the British began to obtain sunflower oil, which is confirmed by a patent from 1716. True, the new invention was not appreciated, and it was soon forgotten. Mass production of sunflower oil began in Russia, where sunflowers were brought by Peter I. Here the plant not only successfully acclimatized, but also became very popular.

Sunflower spread very quickly throughout almost all of Russia, but for a long time oil was not made from it. The situation changed in 1829 through the efforts of the serf peasant Daniil Bokarev from the Voronezh province, who was well versed in obtaining oil from flax and hemp. Bokarev planted his plot with sunflowers and took the risk of applying his existing knowledge.

Using a manual butter churn, which he designed himself, he managed to get several buckets of oil, new to Russia, at once. The news of this quickly spread, and already in 1833 the merchant Papushin built the first plant for the production of sunflower oil on a horse-drawn drive.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, sunflower oil had become a native Russian product. The area occupied by sunflower crops has reached 1 million hectares. This was largely facilitated by the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church recognized sunflower oil as lean - it can be eaten all year round.

Real Russian sunflower oil has many benefits. No wonder it is one of the main components national cuisine. And it's not just about taste qualities, for which he is appreciated by many. The oil contains many useful substances, the content of which is slightly inferior to olive oil, and superior to it in digestibility. The composition includes vitamins of groups A, D, E and F, which help improve the body's metabolic processes, as well as unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which improve brain and kidney function, normalize growth processes, improve the condition of skin and hair, and also accelerates wound healing.

One of the first brands of sunflower oil in the territory modern Russia- This trademark"Oleina." A real, truly Russian product, which is produced exclusively from Russian sunflower in Voronezh region. In 2008, the Oleina oil production plant was built in the place where, through the efforts of Bokarev, Russian sunflower oil was born almost two centuries ago.

According to your taste and nutritional properties“Oleina” oil is precisely that “...excellent oil, the likes of which he had never seen and which was not on sale here,” as Bokarev’s contemporary, landowner Terentyev, wrote in his article “On the division of sunflowers.” The oil is excellent for use in any dishes of Russian national cuisine, giving them an appropriate flavor, be it sauerkraut, salted mushrooms with onions or fried potatoes.

It is curious that in the 1870s, thanks to Russian emigrants, sunflower and oil came to their historical homeland - the USA and Canada. But this was a completely different sunflower - large, cold-resistant and high-yielding. Soon the United States became one of the world's key producers of sunflower oil, second only to Russia in this indicator. The famous American botanist of those years, Charles Heizer, recognized Russian successes in the cultivation and selection of sunflowers. And the most significant step in the development of the crop was made already in the USSR, where varieties with a higher oil content appeared - from 25% to almost 50%.

The history of sunflower and sunflower oil is similar to good fairy tale with a happy ending. A rough and incomprehensible plant moved overseas, where it truly blossomed, became cultivated, returned to its historical homeland and became known throughout to the globe. And all this thanks to Russia and Russian ingenuity.

Diana Petrenko
