Caracal cat. Caracal (Caracal caracal, Felis caracal)Eng

Caracal, or steppe lynx (lat. Caracal caracal) - carnivorous mammal cat family. For a long time The caracal was classified as a lynx (Lynx), to which it is similar in appearance, but a number of genetic features separated it into a separate genus. Despite this, the caracal is closer to lynxes than other cats.

The name "caracal" comes from tur. karakulak “black ear”, since the back of the ears of these cats is black. In North Africa, the caracal is also called the Barbary lynx.

Outwardly it resembles a lynx, but smaller in size, slimmer and with a solid color.

Body length 65-82 cm, tail - 25-30 cm, shoulder height about 45 cm; weight - 11-19 kg. Ears with tassels (up to 5 cm) at the ends. The paws have a brush of coarse hair, making it easier to move along the sand.

The fur is short and thick. The coloration is reminiscent of the North American puma (Felis concolor): sandy or reddish-brown above, whitish below; There are black markings on the sides of the muzzle. The tufts and outer side of the ears are black. Black melanistic caracals are very rare.

Although the caracal looks like a lynx in appearance, morphological characteristics he is the closest thing to a cougar. The caracal is also close to the African serval, with which it interbreeds well in captivity.

It is found in savannas, deserts and foothills of Africa, in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia. It is rare in the CIS: it is found in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan, along the coast of the Caspian Sea it reaches the Mangyshlak Peninsula, and in the east it sometimes appears in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.

Caracal leads night look life, but in winter and spring it also appears during the day. Its refuges are crevices of rocks and holes of porcupines and foxes; sometimes they are used for several years in a row. Males occupy vast territories, while the territories of females, more modest, are located on the periphery.

Although the caracal has long legs, it cannot run for a long time, so it hunts by stealing its prey and overtaking it with large (up to 4.5 m in length) jumps. Possessing an extraordinary reaction speed and very sharp retractable claws, the caracal is capable of snatching several birds from a flying flock. However, its main food is rodents (gerbils, jerboas, ground squirrels), tolai hares, partly small antelopes, and in Turkmenistan - goitered gazelles. Sometimes it catches hedgehogs, porcupines, reptiles, insects, small predatory animals such as foxes and mongooses, and young ostriches. Can abduct poultry and attack lambs and goats. The caracal is able to go without water for a long time, obtaining liquid from the prey it eats.

Like a leopard, the caracal drags killed game into trees to hide it from other predators.

Reproduction occurs all year round, the female can have up to three partners. After pregnancy at 78-81 days, 1-6 cubs are born. Until they reach the age of one month, the female transfers them from one den to another once a day. At 6 months, young caracals leave their mother and settle in their own domain. They become sexually mature at 16-18 months.

Caracals are easy to tame. In Asia (India, Persia) they hunted hares, pheasants, peacocks and small antelopes with tame caracals. In ancient times, such hunting was very popular in the East; In India, the caracal is called the "little cheetah" or the "poor man's cheetah" because, unlike cheetahs, caracals were captured and kept by poor people. Now such hunts are rare.

In Africa, especially South Africa, the caracal is quite common and is considered a pest. There is a special culture of caracal hunting: they lure it with devices that imitate the cry of a wounded hare or mouse, and at night they shoot it from under the headlights. In addition, in South Africa, caracals are used to drive away birds (mainly guinea fowl) from the runways of military airfields.

Asian subspecies of caracal are much rarer and are listed in Appendix II of CITES.

Scientific classification:
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordates
Class: Mammals
Squad: Predatory
Family: Feline
Genus: Caracal
View: Caracal (lat. Caracal caracal)

Among wild animals there are some that are quite amenable to taming. Which is what some lovers of domestic exotics do with success. It has long become commonplace to have domestic squirrels, minks, weasels, raccoons and other animals that would seem completely unsuitable for a home environment. Among felines, cheetahs and caracals are the most susceptible to domestication..

– a small-sized predator of the cat family. In the wild, it lives in deserts. This animal is distinguished by the courage inherent in all predators and love of freedom, and you will also be amazed by the beauty and grace of this animal.

In nature, these predators are found in African deserts, Asia and the coast of the Caspian Sea. There is a Turkmen caracal and an Indian one. In Russia, a small population of steppe lynx exists in Dagestan. The word "caracal" translated from Turkish means "black ear". They live in burrows or crevices in rocks and are predominantly nocturnal. Caracal cats are excellent swimmers and, unlike their relatives - domestic cats - are not at all afraid of water.

Unfortunately, the caracal population is gradually disappearing. The gradual advance of civilization is to blame. In the countries where these graceful cats live, people actively take away space from animals. Caracals are saved from extinction with the help of nature reserves, and many of them are kept in zoos all over the world.

Domestic caracal

Once in captivity, caracals are easily and seamlessly tamed and domesticated. If you take a kitten from a nursery, then no difficulties will arise at all. These wild cats will behave in a peculiar way. Their behavior, of course, differs from ordinary domestic cats, but that’s why they are wild animals.

Appearance and character

The steppe lynx, as the caracal is otherwise called, comes in several species, but their differences are minimal. A person who does not have zoological knowledge is unlikely to be able to recognize species. Common features:

The steppe lynx lives for about 15 years, but at home, life expectancy increases slightly. A tamed caracal becomes loyal and acquires a calm, balanced character. The owners of these animals note their easy learning ability and kindness towards people. Caracals are extremely curious and playful. This wild cat will not lie on the sofa; he spends half of his time in noisy active games.

As history tells, caracal cats have been habituated by people before. In ancient times, they could easily replace a dog for a hunter during a hunt. They were excellent at hunting hare, pheasant and even small antelope. In India, domesticated lynxes were called “the poor man’s cheetah,” because, unlike the rich, poor hunters used the services of the caracal, not the cheetah. Today, humans do not use the hunting abilities of the steppe lynx.

Main character traits:

How to choose a kitten

Its price is quite high and maybe not everyone decides to purchase a steppe lynx. Try to purchase your future pet not from an enclosure, but one that is as domesticated as possible. Nowadays, many people are breeding steppe lynx. Kittens that are accustomed to human hands will feel much better with you than those in an enclosure.

Examine the kitten carefully. He should have healthy shiny coat and skin without wounds or peeling. A healthy kitten's eyes should not become sour and their ears should not smell unpleasant.

A kitten is purchased at six months of age. You should immediately decide further actions. If you are not going to breed caracals, then it is better to castrate the kitten right away. Otherwise, given its size, a sexually mature male will turn your house into a foul-smelling barn. By castrating a male, you will also deprive him of the aggression inherent in all predators.

Be careful if there are children in the house. Getting a caracal when in the family Small child, unreasonable. It should be explained to older children that it is unsafe to offend and pull a domestic lynx.

Get all required vaccinations. Caring for him is no different from caring for other pets. You should also comb the caracal’s fur during shedding, clean its ears and wipe its eyes if necessary. The caracal sheds all twelve months of the year. This process is especially noticeable in the summer. Buy a silicone brush or mitt and rub it over the animal's body. The claws are trimmed periodically using tweezers.

What you won't have any problems with is swimming. Caracal cats love water activities; in the wild they are excellent swimmers.

Caracal diet:

  • Be sure to include raw meat in your caracal's diet. Remember that this is a predator and without meat its stomach will suffer. For meat, give preference to beef and poultry.
  • To exclude Aujeszky's disease, do not feed your pet pig meat.
  • Treat him with a raw egg once a week.
  • Choose dry food good quality without preservatives and dyes.
  • Give your pet vitamins.
  • Salted and spiced foods are extremely harmful to domestic predators.

The animal should be fed twice a day, so it will always have a good appetite. You will need about 0.4 kg of meat per day. Uneaten food is immediately removed. Give your pet an occasional fasting days, but not more than one day every two weeks.

Caracals need on walks. These are active animals that feel cramped in a city apartment. For safety, provide him with a comfortable leash and try to walk your predator away from dogs, because the fearless caracal strives to get into a fight with them. If you live in a private house, make him an enclosure where he can run and jump to his heart's content.

Buy rubber toys and scratching posts for them. If this a private house, then place a log in the enclosure. He will climb on it and sharpen his claws.

The caracal quickly gets used to the leash and, unlike domestic cats, happily walks next to its owner. Get him a flea collar.

The domestic lynx also quickly gets used to the litter box. Pour wood filler into it and place it in a distant, quiet place, away from doors. Clean the litter box every day.

Health wild cats, as a rule, are excellent with a strong immune system and their problems can only begin if they are not proper care and inappropriate nutrition. Otherwise, young caracals do not develop diseases until old age. It is enough to carry out timely vaccinations and preventive examinations with a veterinarian.

The first vaccination is given at three months, and a revaccination is carried out a month later. Caracals must be vaccinated against rabies, rhinotracheitis, penkleukemia and calcevirosis. It is recommended to have a medical examination by a veterinarian every six months.

If you are planning to breed caracals, keep in mind that during the mating season their behavior becomes aggressive and completely unpredictable.

A female caracal usually gives birth to 2-3 kittens., in rare cases their number can reach six. They develop more slowly than domestic cats. For example, their eyes open only a week after birth, and starting from the age of ten days, kittens learn to walk. The female feeds the cubs with milk for six months. Meat can be given to babies 50 days after birth.

The price of caracal kittens is not small. So, one kitten can be purchased for 400 thousand rubles. Try to buy kittens when they are six months old and from a reputable breeder. In this case, the kitten will already be accustomed to the tray and solid food. In addition, he will already have all the necessary vaccinations.

In short, there is no need to be afraid of these predators. It is enough to take precautions when handling it, especially for children. Caracals are large, affectionate cats, more playful and active than their lazy relatives. This is an animal for equally active people who do not tolerate monotony even in choosing a pet.

Titles:caracal, desert lynx, steppe lynx.
The species name comes from the Turkish word "garahgulak", which means "black ear".

Area: Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia to the east to Western India, Southern Turkmenistan (along the coast of the Caspian Sea to the Mangyshlak Peninsula).

Description: By appearance The caracal is similar to the lynx, but smaller in size. The body is thin, slender, the paws are long (the front ones are stronger and longer than the back ones) with sharp retractable claws. The tail is long, accounting for about 1/3 of the body length. The coat is short and thick. The ears are high, pointed at the ends, sit high on the head and stand almost vertically. At the ends of the ears there are long (up to 5 cm) tassels. Hard hair grows on its paws, which makes it easier for caracals to move along the sand. The caracal skull has shorter supraorbital processes, convex and moved forward auditory chambers. Sexual dimorphism is strongly pronounced - males are much larger in size than females.

Color: uniform throughout the body - sandy or reddish-sandy, which is a good camouflage among the sand dunes. The throat and belly are whitish. Ear tufts are black, only in one subspecies Lynx caracal poecilictis they come in white. There are also completely black caracals.

Size: body length 65-86 cm, tail 25-29 cm, height at withers up to 45 cm, skull length 11 cm, skull width at cheekbones 7.5 cm.

Weight: up to 11-13 kg, large individuals are heavier.

Lifespan: in captivity up to 15-18 years.

Habitat: arid areas - lowland shrub and clay deserts, sandy deserts and semi-deserts. The caracal is found in savanna and steppes, foothills and hilly areas, where it lives in thickets of bushes and trees.

Enemies: steppe wolves, shepherd dogs (), guarding flocks of sheep.

Food: the basis of the diet consists of (,) and tolai hares. At times it also preys on small predators. It also eats plant foods (grapes, grass). It can go for many days without drinking water, being content only with the liquid contained in food.

Behavior: The caracal is nocturnal, very secretive and cautious. It goes hunting at dusk. IN winter time hunts during the day too. Actively pursues prey; at short distances it can even catch up with the tolai hare. Despite its long legs, the caracal cannot run for a long time, so most often it hunts by stealthing its prey and then catching it with long (up to 4-5 m) jumps.
Like a leopard, it drags its prey up a tree and eats it there.
Thanks to its excellent hearing, it can navigate perfectly in the dark.
Uses fox and porcupine burrows as shelter. One hole can be used for several years. In spring it rests in bushes.
Excellent climbing trees and vertical surfaces. If a caracal is cornered, it actively defends itself, so it can be dangerous even to humans.
It has a very fast reaction, thanks to which it is able to grab several birds (one after another) from a flying flock.

Social structure: Leads a solitary lifestyle, except during the breeding season. Sometimes there are small family groups.
The individual home range of a male is 95-350 km 2 and partially overlaps with the home ranges of other males. The ranges of females are smaller - 2-112 km 2.

Reproduction: The female's estrus lasts six days, during which time she mates with several males. The female prepares a den in a porcupine hole or, under the roots of trees or in caves.

Breeding season/period: most likely throughout the year (depending on range).

Puberty: occurs at 1-2 years of age.

Pregnancy: lasts 61-79 days.

Offspring: The female gives birth to 1-4 blind spotted kittens. As they grow older, these spots disappear. The eyes open at one week of age, and after 2-4 days the kittens begin to stand up and walk. Small caracals grow slowly, adding about 21 grams per day. Until the babies are one month old, the female periodically drags them from one den to another. Lactation lasts up to 4-6 months, but already at 1.5 months. As kittens age, they begin to eat solid food. The cubs remain with their mother for up to a year. Males, in search of their territory, move 100 km or more from their mother’s den, while females remain nearby.

Benefit/harm for humans: does not work on caracals commercial hunting.
In India, caracals were trained to hunt small antelope, foxes and game birds. It attacks small livestock and poultry, which is why local farmers hunt caracals. Doesn't attack humans. Does not take root in zoos.

Population/Conservation Status: The species is in constant decline. The caracal is listed in the CITES Convention (Appendix II). Fishing is prohibited in the CIS.
There are currently nine recognized subspecies Caracal caracal: C. c. caracal- Sudan, South Africa, C. c. algira - North Africa, C. c. damarensis- Namibia, C. c. limpopoensis- Botswana, C. c. lucani- Gabon, C. c. michaelis- Turkmenistan, C. c. nubicus- Sudan and Ethiopia, C. c. poecilictis- Nigeria, C. c. schmitzi- from Arabia to India.

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The caracal cat is a graceful lynx, only in miniature form. The caracal is beautiful, exotic and delightful; photos of these unusual and fascinating animals easily prove this. They are able to win everyone's heart with their sociability, tenderness and playfulness. But the blood of a predatory animal flows in their veins, so it can be dangerous to joke with them.

History of the breed

It is known that in Africa and Asia, when people went hunting, they certainly took cats with them. The rich tried to tame cheetahs, and those who did not have extra money settled on caracals and ocelots. They could easily catch peacocks, pheasants, wild hares and even small antelopes.

It was not difficult to tame a caracal; at its core, it is a rather docile animal. For this reason, they began to be kept at home as pets.

The name of the animal is translated from Turkish as “black ear”, because their ears are black on the outside, as are the tassels on their ears.

In 1998, at the Moscow Zoo, the result of an unplanned crossing of a caracal and an Abyssinian cat was a kitten, which was their first hybrid. In 2007, in America, during a planned mating of a caracal and an Abyssinian cat, only one kitten was born. And felinologists were unable to fulfill the plan for the Caraket program. After a long time, Irina Nazarova managed to get healthy kittens from mating caracals and domestic purebred cats. Today the breed is recognized by the ISU and the international association TICA.

Appearance of the Caracal breed

The Caracal cat breed is very similar to the lynx. The coloring, strong and muscular body, even the characteristic tufts on the ears, which can reach 5 cm, indicate their relationship. Their significant difference is only in size. In young animals, the tassels are almost standing, but with age the elasticity becomes less, and in caracals they hang down like ribbons.

The color of cats is sandy, reddish-sandy or brownish-red; the lower body has a lighter shade. It is noteworthy that kittens have black spots on their bodies, which as they grow older remain only on the face; the animal’s ears also have a black tint. The coat is short but quite thick. Caracals have sharp and well-developed hearing; they can navigate well in the dark. Powerful and strong paws help the domestic lynx to be fast and agile.

Domestic lynxes live at home for approximately 15-18 years. The height of the animal at the withers is 45-50 cm, approximately the same as that of the average dog. Body length is 65-82 cm. Weight is quite heavy for a cat: 16-20 kg.

The animal is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. Therefore, these pets should be treated with even more care and attention.

It is worth noting that they are among the most expensive cats in the world. The cost of such a valuable specimen starts at $11,000.

Character of the caracal

A little dangerous, but always beautiful and delightful, the caracal cat. But what is his temperament like? The following are characteristics characteristic of the breed:

  • Cats, so similar to lynx, are very noble and kind. Their character is in many ways no worse than that of such pets as the Savannah or Pixie Bob.
  • Caracals are balanced. Jumping around rooms, scaring everyone around, and then sleeping 15 hours a day - this is not about them.
  • Domestic cats are very energetic. They just need to throw out their energy, they need to pay special attention to this. Because in the absence required loads they may start to misbehave.
  • Animals are playful and love to fool around with children. There are many videos and photos of caracals having fun playing. But children need to be careful when playing with it. During the game, he can forget and claw painfully, so if you have a child under 5 years old at home, it is strictly not recommended to keep a caracal.
  • Caracals are jealous of their territory. They are ready to guard and protect her from everyone. But they remain tolerant of the animals that already live in the house.
  • The domestic caracal is very inquisitive. He is the first to run to greet family members when they come home. On the street, remembering their hunting instincts, cats may begin to scour the bushes when they hear a rustling sound.

The caracal at home can be gentle, tactful and flexible. Affectionate animals tend to purr very loudly. But we should never forget what roots an animal has.

It is better for a caracal kitten to appear in the house at 4-6 months. The sooner they get into the family, the more they will love the household members and get used to them, and there will be fewer mistakes with their upbringing. If the animal's age has reached 8-9 months, problems may arise with adaptation.

The first two years will be especially difficult for the breeder. This period of growing up for pets is very similar to the transitional age of humans. At this time, caracals are too emotional and may not control their actions, this can especially manifest itself in the game. Therefore, it is at this time that you should pay as much attention as possible to raising your pet, and if you have any difficulties or questions, you should consult with specialists.

Caring for a caracal

This domestic lynx is very smart, energetic and quick-witted. But given that this is a predator, you need to ensure that the requirements are met clearly, and it is also necessary to adhere to the principle of consistency. It is necessary for the cat to feel the authority of the owner and maintain subordination with him. It will be useful to install certain rules behavior in the house.

It is important to castrate or sterilize your cat if there are no plans to reproduce the species - domestic lynxes will try to escape and mercilessly mark their territory when they mature. This means the apartment where they will live may suffer.

Unlike domestic cats, this animal does not bury feces. They remain on the surface of the tray.

You don’t need to brush your domestic lynx often; once a week will be enough. It is more convenient to do this using a furminator. Ears and eyes also need to be checked no more than once a week, and they can be cleaned as needed, so as not to once again cause unpleasant emotions in animals. Cats do not take well to “manicures”; in catteries, claws are often removed with a laser. If claws are still present, you need to find a log-shaped scratching post for the caracal.

Caracal food

The cat's diet is also very similar to the lynx. She loves chicken, beef, rabbit and poultry dishes. You can't feed your pet that often raw eggs and fish. You cannot feed a cat pork - it can cause Aujeszky's disease, which can threaten the animal's life. You can use premium food. It is better to exclude a variety of spices and salt. For proper development and health, it is necessary to feed the body of young animals with calcium and vitamins.

Caracals love to swim; they will be interested in playing in the water with rubber toys and balls.

You can only walk with cats while keeping the animal on a leash. It is advisable to purchase a special collar , which will protect the caracal from fleas and ticks. If your pet may behave aggressively, you can use a special muzzle. The animal does not tolerate the cold well, because it is a resident of the desert and savannah, so in severe frosts it is better to take your pet outside as little as possible.

Caracals can be used to protect and guard a house in a country house - it is unlikely that a thief will dare to break into the house if a lynx is waiting for him behind the fence, albeit in miniature form.

A domestic lynx will be able to get along with other pets without any problems, especially if the acquaintance occurred in childhood. But the animal can mistake birds and rodents for prey and begin to hunt them.

This is the natural essence of unsurpassed and amazing caracals. If you want to have a beautiful and exotic protector at home, and you are also confident that you can keep such an animal, then you should take a closer look at the domestic lynx - the caracal.

Some people love gentle house cats. Some people prefer exotic animals with unusual appearance. And there are people who love wild predators that can be tamed and educated. These animals include the caracal.

History of the discovery of the caracal species

The caracal is a predator of the cat family. Africans call the caracal the Barbary lynx. In general, caracals are also called desert cats and steppe lynxes. For a long time, caracals were classified specifically as lynxes, because in appearance these species are very similar. However, later genetic characteristics were found in desert cats that distinguish them from other species. The name “caracal” is translated from the Turkmen language as “black ear” (karakulak).

The caracal got its name from its unusual ears.

Once upon a time, in ancient times, hunters (India, Africa, Persia) took caracals with them to hunt. Poor hunters could not afford to domesticate cheetahs, so the choice fell on small predators: ocelots and caracals. Steppe lynxes could easily catch game (peacocks, pheasants, etc.), hares and antelopes. Desert cats are gentle creatures, so they were easily tamed.

In 1998, a hybrid of a caracal and an Abyssinian cat was born in one of the Moscow zoos. It was an unplanned crossbreeding of cats. different types, so the result was unexpected. And later, in 2007, American felinologists tried to specifically cross these species, but the litter consisted of only one kitten, so the scientists were unable to complete their task (program “”). Currently, hybrids of caracals and domestic cats are popular among lovers of exotic animals. They are now recognized as a separate breed by several associations, including the ISU and TICA.

Because of interesting story The species in India is still called the caracal "the poor man's cheetah." It is believed that steppe lynx can be tamed by anyone.

Description of the wild desert cat

The caracal can be called a miniature copy of the lynx. Desert cat is different slim figure and monochromatic color. The body length of the caracal ranges from 65 cm to 82 cm. Although this cat weighs a little - up to 20 kg. Slimmer females sometimes reach only 10 kg.

Caracals are medium-sized wild cats

I saw a friend of mine on Skype, he lives in Texas, he has his own ranch and he bought himself a Caracal. To be honest, I only learned from him that there is such a cat. After I saw it, I was shocked, I immediately turned on the Internet and looked at these gorgeous cats. What grace they have. To have such an animal, you need to prepare yourself mentally. This is a big responsibility, if even small kittens, when playing, can bite their hand until it bleeds, it’s scary to think how this “kitten” plays.

LucindaYES, former forum user

External data

Caracals reach a height of 45 cm at the shoulders. The cat's fur is short and thick. The coat color is sandy or terracotta. There is lighter fur on the belly and chest. There are several black spots on the face (on the sides of the mouth, on the sides of the nose and above the eyes). The eyes themselves are outlined in black, as are the backs of the ears and tassels. The tassels themselves are very lush, and their length can reach 5 cm. Melanistic caracals are also found. They have a darker color (to almost black). In summer, caracals of any color lighten a little. Nature endowed the cat with this color for better camouflage. The yellowish caracal “merges” with the sandy background, while the reddish wild cats are invisible in the clay landscape.

The length of the tail of a wild steppe cat can reach 30 cm. These cats are endowed with slender but powerful paws, on which there are bristly hairs. This is necessary for better grip on sand.

I once saw a photo of a caracal close-up, you will remember his appearance forever

The caracal's eyes are almond-shaped and amber in color (sometimes they have a greenish or bluish tint).

I was told that caracals have eyes of blue color. Although zoologists say that this is impossible. I remembered that small kittens of domestic cats have cloudy and blue eyes. As their vision matures, their eye color changes. Indeed, in the photographs the eyes blue color only in caracal kittens. Adults have yellowish-red or green eyes. Shades may vary depending on lighting or photo effects.

Character of a wild desert cat

Despite their status as a predator, steppe cats coexist well with other cats. They are energetic and prefer not to sit in one place. However, the caracal cannot be called unbalanced. They are very consistent, so they prefer to do everything according to the usual plan.

Once fostered by a human, the caracal gradually becomes a kind and playful pet that loves its human. Each representative of the species is a kitten at heart, so the caracal will not refuse to play with the owner or other family members. However, it is important not to forget that, first and foremost, a wild cat is a predator. In an excited state, a cat can accidentally harm a person. In addition, caracals consider themselves masters of their territory. The animal will get along with other pets, but will be wary the moment a stranger appears. These cats are also very inquisitive. In this they are similar to dogs. If someone knocks on the door or an incomprehensible sound is heard, the caracal will be the first to run to study the source of the sound. Caracals do not meow, but they can hiss and growl like cheetahs. In this case, the animal will show its grin. This behavior can occur if the cat thinks that they are trying to take away prey (food) or in case of dangerous aggression from people/animals.

Photo gallery: caracals in the wild

The shape of the caracal's head is the same as that of a domestic cat or lynx. The caracal bares its teeth and wrinkles its nose while hissing. Even the grin does not spoil the bright appearance of the caracal. Caracals can climb trees thanks to their sharp claws.

Desert cat lifestyle

Caracals live in desert steppe zones and in the foothills area. Cats do not like bare deserts, so they choose areas with shelter (bushes, small trees, etc.). They can go without water for a long time and can easily tolerate drought. Animals need thickets to hide from sultry heat during the daytime.

Caracals hunt mainly at night and sleep during the day. During the hungry season (winter and spring), caracals hunt during the day. To track down their prey, cats hide in mountain crevices, burrows of large animals and in trees. By the way, sometimes the same shelter is used by a cat for several years in a row. Caracals are not adapted to running over long distances, so it is easier for them to track down their prey and overtake it in one jump. The predator can jump up to 4.5 meters in length.

Wild desert cats prefer a solitary lifestyle. Each individual is “assigned” its own area; cats protect their territory from encroachment by other representatives of the species. Males occupy large feeding areas, while females are content with peripheral territories.

Video: caracal hunting birds

Caracal food

Strong, sharp claws and the ability to jump far and high allow the caracal to snatch several birds at once. If some kind of flock lives near a predator, the cat will certainly take advantage of this opportunity. The main food for wild desert cat are insects and small four-legged animals:

  • gerbils;
  • jerboas;
  • gophers;
  • hares;
  • small antelopes;
  • goitered gazelles (in Turkmenistan).

Less commonly, porcupines, hedgehogs and reptiles become victims of these cats. Much less often, a caracal can catch a fox or mongoose. If the listed animals are no longer found in the predator’s territory, the caracal may attack poultry or lambs/kids. Along with the meat, the animal also receives liquid. This explains the easy tolerance to drought. Separate water is not necessary for these cats. If the killed prey is not eaten immediately, the caracal hides its prey like a cheetah. The predator uses trees as hiding places. The frequency of feeding a wild cat may depend on the success of the hunt. Pre-hidden game can be spread over several days if other predators do not find it.

Reproduction of representatives of the caracal species

The reproduction of the caracal differs little from the reproduction of other wild cats

Caracals become sexually mature at one to one and a half years. There is no specific breeding season for these predators. Reproduction can occur all year round. The main breeding peak is from autumn to early spring. During the mating season, the female caracal secretes pheromones, which fall onto the ground and grass with urine. This way a cat can attract several partners. Mating occurs with several males at once, but preference is given to the largest of them.

Pregnancy lasts up to 81 days. For childbirth, the cat chooses a secluded place (in burrows, tree roots, etc.). Up to 6 kittens can be born in one litter. In the first few weeks of their life, the mother cat constantly changes her den, dragging her kittens by the scruff of the neck. Transfers happen once a day. At about a month, the kittens become independent, but the cat still continues to look after them. And at 6 months, kittens leave their mother.

The wild desert lynx can live 10–15 years. But to become a long-liver, a cat has to hide from enemies and hunt well. Often in the wild, caracals do not live to be 10 years old.

Caracal range and role in the ecosystem

Caracals inhabit savannas of many countries and continents:

  • several African countries;
  • Arabian Peninsula;
  • Asia Minor and Central Asia;
  • Near East;
  • coast of the Caspian Sea;
  • southern regions of Turkmenistan;
  • eastern Kyrgyzstan;
  • Uzbekistan (Bukhara region).

The caracal has occupied a whole niche in the food chain

In Russia, caracals are found only in Dagestan (in the foothills). The caracal species has several subspecies:

  • Caracal caracal (Sudan and South Africa);
  • Caracal caracal algira (North Africa);
  • Caracal caracal damarensis (Namibia);
  • Caracal caracal limpopoensis (Botswana);
  • Caracal caracal lucani (Gabon);
  • Caracal caracal michaelis (Turkmenistan);
  • Caracal caracal nubicus (Sudan and Ethiopia);
  • Caracal caracal poecilictis (Nigeria);
  • Caracal caracal schmitzi (Arabia, India).

single individuals of caracal are also found in Russia

Caracals occupy entire steppes for good reason. The predator destroys rodents and pests. In dry areas this is extremely important, because rodents can eat the remains of an already meager harvest. In addition, wild cats destroy birds. In desert areas there can be too many birds, their growth can be unpredictable, but the caracal balances this out. This is especially important if the bird is an insect killer.

Nature has been building a complex hierarchy between animals for millions of years. To ensure that the balance of the ecosystem is not disturbed, caracals must also become someone’s victim. The population size will not suffer if wild desert cats die from the teeth of larger predators. A lynx cat can be attacked by lions, hyenas, steppe wolves and other large animals. However, the delicate balance is disrupted when humans enter the game.

Life of a desert cat in captivity

If previously keeping a caracal was considered a sign of poverty, now it is the opposite. A caracal kitten costs a lot of money, and its maintenance can cost a pretty penny, so only wealthy people can purchase such a prestigious pet. A person who has adopted a wild desert cat needs to know the basic rules of caring for the animal. It is advisable for a caracal to live in a private house, as there is a need for frequent walks. On own plot you can build an aviary. The site must be surrounded by a high fence. In addition, the enclosure should have a small heated house for the animal (caracals do not tolerate cold well).

Photo gallery: caracal in captivity

You can take a caracal outside only on a leash; in the enclosure, the cat must be high places for relaxation, the kitten should have various toys for active games in winter, the caracal should be kept warm at home, the caracal's enclosure should be equipped with various platforms and devices for active games while the caracal is a kitten, photo sessions are held with it

Features of care

If a lynx cat was taken for home care, then the pet must be walked. If this is not done, the predator will release all its activity in the house. You can only walk your pet on a leash. Moreover, an ordinary small leash will not work; you need a device with a strong belt (as for large dogs). In order for the cat to react calmly to the strap, it must be accustomed to the collar from childhood. Even if you don’t take your kitten outside, wear the collar at least once a day for 30–40 minutes (at the same time).

There was a situation when I needed a strong leash. The most expensive leash I found was wide (about 5 cm) and thick (about 0.5 cm). But on his first walk he broke away from the collar. It turns out that even the strongest leash and high-quality collar will not hold strong beast, if they are connected with a regular aluminum carabiner. Therefore, on the advice of experienced dog lovers, I had to buy a new carabiner. They come in several types. The most reliable is one-piece, not welded to the ring. The clasp on this carabiner is short (about 1 cm), located on the long side. I bought the ring itself separately.

It is not recommended to have such a strong cat for people who have small children. A child can “play” a predator in such a way that he will reciprocate, but will not calculate his own strength. To prevent the caracal from scratching anyone, it needs to trim its claws. It is best to teach this procedure from childhood, because it is very difficult to subdue an adult, and the procedure of trimming claws is not pleasant.

It is not advisable to bathe a caracal at all. The animal can take care of itself, so the water procedure is recommended only if absolutely necessary. But you need to regularly examine and clean the corners of your eyes and ears. To clean your ears, you need to stock up on cotton swabs and some kind of oil (or Vaseline). This procedure must be carried out very carefully; if you hurt the cat, it may bite you. You also need to periodically comb out a wild cat. For this purpose, you can purchase a brush with natural bristles or a massage mitten. The main condition in this process is that the animal must think that it is being brushed in order to make it feel good. This is the only way the beast will succumb. In general, when it comes to raising a caracal, the main thing is not to overdo it. Under no circumstances should this cat be punished.

And I really like caracals. They are more severe than servals, but their nature is more familiar to me, since I have encountered lynxes since childhood. So I can say for sure: even this large predator, just like a lynx does not attack a person. Almost never. An exception is possible only in one case: you are going to a den with cubs, a lynx stands in your way and warns you, and you take a step. Only then can she rush. Lynxes will not go into confrontation with a person just like that, but they should always have an escape route (a place where they can go). Therefore, you cannot try to force the lynx to do something or punish it by driving it into a corner - it will attack.

Yulia L., forum user

Video: Tamed Caracal

Like any other cat, the caracal is well trained to use the litter box. But you need to properly design the place for the toilet. An ordinary cat litter box in an apartment is only suitable for a wild desert cat cub. A teenage caracal will no longer fit into it. The pot should be wide and deep. You can use any filler, but the animal will be more familiar with wood filler (it smells like sawdust). The tray should be located in a quiet room, away from extraneous noise. In addition, it is necessary to regularly prevent helminthiasis, as well as undergo vaccinations. To do this, you need to “make friends” with a veterinarian who can visit you periodically. With proper care, the caracal can live up to 20 years.

Caracal Margosha is still small, she is only two months old. But she goes to a regular cat litter box for diapers, but refused to use litter.

What to feed a tame caracal

diet pet caracal should not differ much from natural

A caracal living with a person must be fed meat. This is the main component of the diet. The following products can be used as protein foods:

  • any types of meat;
  • meat by-products;
  • hare and rabbit meat;
  • food rodents;
  • poultry fillets (chicken, duck, etc.);
  • minced meat and chicken;
  • raw fish.

In addition, the steppe lynx needs vitamins and minerals. To prevent your cat’s body from suffering from a lack of vitamins, you can purchase special vitamin supplements (you should first consult a veterinarian). The predator needs to be fed twice a day. The serving size is calculated based on the body weight of the animal. In addition, the caracal needs pure water. The water bowl should be washed every day. If you have a wild cat kitten, then the feeding rules may be different. This is how the smallest kittens are fed milk. This should be done at least until the age of one month.

kittens need to be fed milk for at least 1 month

Gradually it will be necessary to give complementary foods from cereals. The kitten itself will let you know when it is ready for more adult food. After a month, you can try giving meat (in small portions).

The caracal babies are growing up and have begun to eat meat, but Butuz (the baby lion) still prefers milk.

Perchik, forum user (owner of two caracals)

One day we were left with kittens from a neighbor's cat (she brought them, but disappeared forever). We had to feed them ourselves. At first, milk was given by pipette, and then fed through a nipple (the nipple was put on a penicillin bottle). They were afraid to give cow's milk, so they bought goat's milk. A veterinarian I know said that foreign milk is too fatty for newborn kittens, so we diluted it with boiled water (1:1).

Health of wild steppe cats

If caracals are properly kept, they can live longer than they would in wild environment(15–20 years old). Wild steppe lynxes have strong immunity and are not predisposed to any diseases. For this reason, any sore of a predatory pet may indicate improper care. The participation of the veterinarian plays a big role here.

Caracals have a powerful immune system

The first vaccination for a cat should be done at 3 months, and after another month it should be repeated. Vaccinations against the following diseases should be mandatory:

  • rabies;
  • panleukemia;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • calcevirosis

If the animal does not feel well, the procedure should be postponed to another day. Special attention attention should be paid to vaccinating young individuals. At the moment of changing teeth, the predator may have heat. It is recommended to undergo a routine examination by a veterinarian once every six months. Only a qualified veterinarian can use tests to detect chlamydia in a predator. An animal can be a carrier of this disease without any visible manifestations. If the caracal was not purchased for breeding, it must be castrated/sterilized. This way they will not mark their territory, and sterile animals are calmer and more affectionate.

I believe it is possible to work closely with your veterinarian. I have all the contacts of the veterinarian who works with my cat. In addition, friendly relations will help the veterinarian “not forget” about us. I can’t remember all the recommendations that the “cat” doctor gave us. But he knows that it’s a long way for us to go to the clinic (it’s located on the other side of the city), so he can call himself to remind us of something.

Number of species

In some areas of Africa, there are many caracals, so they are considered a common animal there. Wild cat can cause harm to farms and farms, so it is hunted as a pest. Such deliberate extermination of representatives of the species caused a decline in numbers.

one of the caracal subspecies may become extinct

There are very few caracals left in Central Asia. One of the subspecies (Caracal caracal michaelis) living in Turkmenistan is considered endangered. There are no more than 300 individuals of this subspecies left. The subspecies is listed in Appendix II of CITES (list of animal species covered by the Convention on international trade species wild fauna endangered).

The caracal is a species of mammalian predator of the cat family. They are called wild steppe cats and desert lynxes. They inhabit savannas and steppes, lead a solitary lifestyle and hunt small animals. Caracals are similar to cheetahs and lynxes. They also deftly climb trees and jump far. However, they themselves can become victims of predators. Caracals can be tamed. To do this, you need to equip an enclosure. In captivity, wild cats must be fed meat. In order for the desert lynx to live long and be healthy, it needs to be provided with good care and veterinarian involvement.
