Unusual Russian female names. Bulgarian female names

If you have a girl and you are now choosing suitable beautiful name for her, then this article will help you in this important issue. In any era, women have always been unsolved mysteries for men. What can I say, sometimes some representatives of the fairer sex surprise themselves with their unpredictable behavior. Women are often guided not so much by thoughts as by emotions, the logic of which depends more on the internal movements of the soul.

But we want to open one for you little secret, allowing one to predict the motives of a woman’s actions - this is a name. Yes, it is in the woman’s name that there is a decoding that sometimes reveals the inner secret of the representatives fair half humanity. It is enough to know the meaning of female names (you can see the list of the most popular names below) in order to have a small idea of ​​character, knowing which you can behave tactfully and correctly with the owner of a particular name. Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than owning several keys to to a woman's heart. And all thanks to their name alone.

Female names- this is the embodiment of age-old wisdom, and therefore their meaning determines the character and behavior, endows them with softness and tenderness, sensuality and passion. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes a name brings strong-willed character traits to the forefront, and a woman is distinguished from this by her particular persistence and determination.

With the introduction of Christianity in Rus', pagan female names transformed and the name was chosen according to the church calendar. With the obligatory rite of baptism in Rus', the tradition of calling girls only Christian names began to spread widely. At the end of the article you can see a list of beautiful female names, as well as the most successful combinations of female names with one or another middle name.

Unfortunately, such a key as knowing the meaning of a woman’s name is practically of no interest to men; statistical data indicate that it is more interesting to women. This can be explained by innate female curiosity and the desire to learn everything mysterious and mysterious, intuitively finding hidden meaning in everything. That’s the person’s name, like a mystery that the woman, “mysterious” to men, is trying to unravel.

Now it is becoming popular to call girls rare names, the meaning of which is unknown. But a name is an individual destiny, a code of a person’s destiny. Therefore, from time immemorial, choosing a name has been like a sacred ritual. A woman's name is a special rhythm and tempo of syllables and combinations of letters, which determine a woman's destiny, her talent, and the possibility of realization in three spheres: physical, mental and astral. With transcript own name, its beautiful owner will be able to concentrate on improving her best qualities, as well as overcoming your weaknesses and shortcomings.

Below you can see similar patronymics to a given name, as well as the most popular female names. The list of female names is accompanied by a decoding of each name (historical, religious significance).

Now you know what this or that female name means. This is certainly not far full list female names. But rest assured, among the names presented there will definitely be the most suitable name for your daughter. The only thing I would like to remind you is that modern, newfangled names, derived from the names of popular bands, are a new thing. Let's not experiment on our child and give him a name with historical and national roots.


Meaning of the name Alina:

The meaning of the name Victoria:

The meaning of the name Natalya:

Meaning of the name Olga:

Meaning of the name Irina:

The meaning of the name Marina:

Meaning of the name Daria:

Meaning of the name Tatyana:

Meaning of the name Sofia:

In every country there are many beautiful female names, and they are all beautiful in their own way. They can be euphonious or have amazing meaning and history. Be ancient or modern, but at the same time unforgettable.

The most beautiful female names from ancient languages

Some names not only sound pleasant, but also have a romantic translation from Latin or Greek, which is why many girls bear the names of goddesses and muses. Latin gave the world such wonderful names, How Augusta(majestic) Beata(happy), Gloria(fame) and Laura(crowned with a laurel wreath, that is, the winner). The names we are familiar with have ancient Greek roots: Margarita means "pearl" Vasilisa means "queen" and Sofia this is "wisdom".

Some names of Latin origin:

Beatrice- blessed or traveler;

Valentina- strong, healthy;

Diana- named after the goddess of hunting (in Persian it means “messenger of good deeds”);

Silvia- forest;

Felicity- happy, lucky;

Francesca- free.

The Hebrew language is also rich in beautiful names with inspiring meanings, many of which can be found in the Bible. For example, Eve literally means “life-giving” Ada means “decoration”, and Tamara- “fig tree”, a tree that served as a standard of beauty in ancient times in the Middle East. Russian empresses wore these bright names How Elizabeth, which means "God is my oath", or Anna- “graceful.” These names also came to us from Hebrew.

Many beautiful names came from ancient Germany. So Alice means "noble" Irma"fair" and Elvira it is “the one who protects everyone.” Name Matilda can be interpreted in two ways - “dangerous beauty” or “strong in battle.”

The most beautiful female names in Rus'

Nowadays it has become fashionable to give children Old Russian names, they not only sound beautiful, but also carry an important meaning. Some of them come from the Orthodox tradition, others go back to the pre-Christian era. Even the simplest and most familiar names can conceal something surprising. For example, Lada is the name of the Slavic goddess of love and beauty, and Aurora- goddess of the morning dawn.

The Slavs had widespread two-basic names:

Blagoslava– glorifying kindness;

Vsemila– everyone’s favorite;

Dragomiramore valuable than the world;

Svetozara- illuminating with light.

After the arrival of Christianity in Rus', girls began to be called in accordance with church calendar, this is how many borrowed names with Byzantine and Greek roots appeared.

Akulina– eagle;

Alevtina- alien to evil;

Alexandra– protector of people;

Anastasia– resurrected;

Anfisa– blooming;

Veronica– bringing victory;

Galina– calm;

Gella– shining;

Dominica- belonging to God;

Evgenia– noble;

Catherine- immaculate;

Elena– chosen one;

Ilaria- cheerful;

Marina– sea;

Neonila– principled;

Nina– ruler;

Rogneda– advisor in battle, admitted to the council of equals/council of men;

Ruslana– lioness;

Stepanida / Stefanida- wreath;

Taisiya- God-pleaser and lover of children.

The most beautiful female names of the East

The names that came to us from the east - from the Persian, Turkic and Arabic languages, are consonant with European ones, but have their own meaning and interpretation. So the name Amalia in Arabic sounds like Kamalia and means “perfect.” The Turkic peoples deified nature, so many names describe the beauty of the surrounding world and natural phenomena. The moon was considered the main luminary, so many women’s names contain the root “ay”, that is, “lunar”:

Aily– moon-faced;

Aizhanar– native moon;

Aigul- Lunar flower;

Run- my lady or moon queen (in modern interpretation- unearthly beauty);

Tansylu– beautiful as the morning dawn;

Ulmas– immortal;

Akmaral– white doe;

Tansu– similar to morning dew;

Umay- goddess of fertility.

In the east they believe that names have a great influence on a person’s destiny, so most often they glorify feminine beauty and virtue, and at the same time very poetic:

Adilya– fair;

Ayishah– prosperous;

Aisha– alive;

Bahija– happy;

Jalila– important, exalted;

And for us– rewarding;

Ludzhin- silver;

Leila- night;

Mazin– rain cloud;

Ramilya– wonderful, magical;

Saffana– pearl;

Sadaf- sea shell;

Fatin– charm, seductress;

Fariha– happy;

Husni– beauty, perfection;

Hafsa– young lioness;

Halia– fragrant;

Yasir– meek;

Laysan– spring rain, generous;

Haadiya– indicating the righteous path;

Anehita– impeccable;

Zulfiya– beautiful, charming, curly;

Horveitat- perfection, health.

Japan has rich history and amazing centuries-old culture. Names for girls in Japan are chosen to be consonant with the surname and beautiful in sound. Most often they are simple and denote abstract concepts (for example, Ai - love), or relate to the natural world.

Ayame– iris flower;

Amaya- night rain;

Izumi- fountain;

Kame– turtle (symbol of longevity);

Cotoun- the sound of a harp;

Koheku– amber;

Momo- peach;

Momoe- one hundred blessings;

Ren– water lily;

Ruri– emerald;

Haruki– spring tree;

Harumi– spring beauty;

Hinata– sun, sunflower;

Hoshi– star;

Hotaru- Firefly;

Tsuyu– dew at dawn;

Chow- butterfly;

Yuki– happiness, snow;

Yuri– lily;

Yuriko- Lily's child.

African female names - exotic beauty

African peoples are numerous and varied. Their beliefs in magical powers determine exactly what the child will be named. Often names are not divided into male and female and have an addition in the form of the name of an animal, which determines the character of the person. The name may change throughout life, depending on the status of the bearer.

Abangu– came from the forest thicket;

Agwang– she-wolf;

Marjani– coral;

Advar– huntress;

Boipelo- proud;

Meikna– happy;

They– born in a sacred place;

Eyira- chosen one.

The most beautiful female names for children of stars

Russian stars sometimes choose very unusual names for your daughters. This is what presenter Victoria Bonya named her daughter Angelina Letizia, and Olga Shelest named her daughters Muse, which means “thinking” in Greek, and Iris, named after the goddess of the rainbow. Director Valeria Gai-Germanika named her daughters Octavia and Severina, both of these names come from Latin. Ksenia Borodina also did not choose an ordinary name, so her daughter’s name is Thea, which means “divine.” Tina Kandelaki's daughter has the same name as the wife of the current President of the United States - Melania, and Natalia Vodianova gave her name Neva like the famous river.

Foreign stars give beautiful and unusual names to their children. So, Beyoncé's daughter's name is Blue Ivy, translated as “blue ivy,” and Gwyneth Paltrow called hers Apple, that is, “apple”. Tom Cruise's daughter has a Persian name Suri, which means "red rose". Jessica Alba's daughters names are Honor(honor) and Haven(sky or safe haven). The famous British chef Jamie Oliver gave his daughters tender and romantic names. Calling them Poppy Honey(i.e. Poppy Honey), Daisy Boo(Daisy Boo) and Petal Blossom Rainbow, which translated means “Rainbow that bloomed its petals.”

The name Eve, according to legend, is considered the most ancient biblical name, and belonged to the first woman who appeared on earth by the will of God, so that Adam would not be bored. Today, women's names number in hundreds of very different variations, and each has found a place in the name book of women's names...

Female names in different cultures of the world

Each country and each culture has its own rules and traditions regarding the naming of future women. Female names are chosen according to different rules: somewhere the basis is centuries-old traditions, somewhere parables and legends, and somewhere, as in Western civilization, names for girls are given only for standard reasons, taking into account such factors as the beauty of sound, speed of pronunciation, fame and popularity.

Take, for example, Slavic culture. There has long been only one single tradition - girls, like boys, were given a name exclusively upon reaching the age of nine, when the child could already be associated with some craft (the name was closely connected with it). Before this, a child could be called by his ordinal number (whichever appeared in the family), or simply “Child” or “Child”.

In Muslim culture there were only a few rules. First, a woman’s name should not necessarily be listed in the name book of women’s names, the main thing is that it should be a word that, in translation, determines fate. For example, the name Aliya was translated as “exalted”, and Samiha - “generous”.

And so in each individual culture there were at one time traditions that they adhered to, giving them a name. Somewhere over time, traditions have exhausted their significance, and somewhere they are adhered to to this day. However, church names, like traditional national ones, are popular to this day. Yes, and legends and signs also have weight in today's modern times.

So, in Iceland there is only one single rule today - a woman’s name cannot begin with the English letter “S” as such, because in the local culture, in the Icelandic alphabet, this letter simply does not exist.

Modern naming traditions

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IN Slavic culture naming traditions have been partially preserved. Thus, a tradition has been preserved, based on which a church female name should be given, taken from the name book according to the Saints, which lists the martyrs and Saints who once defended the formation Orthodox religion. In modern times, this tradition is not followed in every family, and yet, everyone without exception knows about it, especially since during baptism the girl is still given a female Orthodox name from among the Saints.

Catholics have a similar tradition, and in accordance with it, it is also customary to give names to women from the list of those honored in the church. True, it is worth noting that today in Catholic culture they approach the naming of newborns more responsibly than in Orthodox culture.

In Islam, it is still considered obligatory to call the future woman a name, which could determine her fate through its translation. There are no biblical or church names, and in the Koran there is only one single female name. As a result, girls are called those variations that, when translated, mean some quality (generous, bright, noble, etc.), or the name of a flower.

But in France, for example, there is only one tradition - to name children after their ancestors. So, they used to act according to one simple scheme. The girl's name had to consist of the names of her paternal and maternal grandmothers, as well as the saint venerated on the day of her baptism. In modern times, this tradition is difficult to follow. Therefore, mostly single names of relatives are given: godparents, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

All “girl names” are divided into several categories and, based on them, into a small number of subcategories. But the most important criterion of all available is the criterion of religiosity. Based on the issue of religion, the most famous female names are:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jewish.

How to choose a suitable female name in modern times?

Naturally, ideally one should follow the traditions under which a girl is born. Being an Orthodox family, you need to call by an Orthodox name, and in a Catholic family, Catholic and in accordance with the traditions of Catholics. But if traditions are not to your liking, then you can resort to standard schemes, distributed throughout the world.

So, in modern times, you can choose a female name based on five important parameters: the patronizing element, the zodiac sign, the year according to the Eastern calendar, the patron planet, and religion.

With the latter, everything is clear - it is desirable that the name relates to the religion to which the family and the newborn girl are directly related. If you belong to the Orthodox category of people, then it is advisable to choose from among the Orthodox female names.

As for the other parameters, everything is simple. Every zodiac sign and every animal from Eastern calendar influence certain names in their own way with their energy.

In the same way, each name can have different energy in conjunction with one or another sign. The element is determined by the sign of the Zodiac and the date of birth of the child, but in the same way, each name is protected by one or another element. It is advisable to select a name that will correspond to all the named parameters without exception.

By the way, on our website, in the list presented, you can sort out names by elements, zodiac signs, years, and even seasons.

Beautiful female names: foreign in Russian

There is a secret hidden in every female name, and a mystery in a beautiful female name. And how euphonious a name sounds in your native language when you understand its meaning without translation! That's why For the last 10 years, beautiful female names of Slavic origin have been fashionable in the Russian language.

Despite the prevalence of Slavic names, names of foreign origin are more common in Russian. They came from different languages peace, as a consequence of the Christianization of Rus' and cultural contacts with foreigners. The most beautiful female names of overseas origin determined after a worldwide survey. Among them were:

Beautiful American names: female

American female names are a “big cauldron” of diversity of unusual and rare names. American names have Native American, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and even Russian origin.

American girl names have varied origins.

But that's not all - Americans tend to experiment with names, so it is not surprising that in this country the most names derived from the names of movie heroines, cartoon characters, engineering devices, flowers and flowers, natural phenomena. We have collected the top most popular female names in the USA.

The most popular female names in the USA today:

Sofia-(Sophia) WiseEmma-(Emma) Completed
Olivia-(Olivia) Olive, peaceIsabel-(Isabella) Dedicated to God
Hannah-(Hannah) GraceMia-(Mia) Desired
Chloe-(Chloe) FreshMadison-(Madison) God's gift
Victoria-(Victoria) VictoryCheryl-(Cheryl) Expensive
Karina-(Karina) BelovedCaroline-(Caroline) Song of happiness
Gwyneth-(Gwyneth) HappinessTrixie-(Trixie) Happy
Beatrix-(Beatrix) Bringer of happinessLana(Lana) Calm
Rosalyn-(Rosaleen) Little RoseEllie-(Ellie) Shining
Nora-(Norah) LightLily-(Lily) Purity
Mabel-(Mabel) My beautifulEmily – (Emily) Diligent

Biblical girl names commonly found in the US:

  1. Abigail - a name from the Old Testament, meaning “the joy of the father.”
  2. Bethany - A biblical name meaning "house of song."
  3. Charity - a name from the New Testament meaning “love, faith and hope.”
  4. Elizabeth is a Hebrew name meaning "oath to God."
  5. Faith Greek name, meaning “faithful.”
  6. Judith - Latin name meaning "praise".
  7. Mary — the biblical name means “desired child.”
  8. Naomi - Hebrew name means “beautiful, pleasant.”
  9. Phoebe American name, meaning "shining".
  10. Tabitha - a biblical name from the Old Testament meaning “beauty, grace.”
  11. Amity - friendship, harmony.
  12. Nadia - hope.
  13. Angelica - angelic.
  14. Irene - world.
  15. Linnea - flower.
  16. Orianna – golden.

Pop culture has long influenced American children's names.. Thanks to the popular HBO series "Game of Thrones", the girl's name Arya (after the character Arya Stark) became eloquent. And, of course, names Elsa and Anna from the popular cartoon Frozen have become more popular than ever.

The names of female characters in the series “Game of Thrones” have become very popular in the United States

See the most new names for girls in the USA, coming from the world of cinema:

  • Arya — Arya
  • Perla — Perla
  • Catalina — Catalina
  • Elisa — Eliza
  • Raelynn — Relynn
  • Rosalie — Rosalie
  • Haven — Haven
  • Raelyn — Raelene
  • Briella — Briella
  • Marilyn - Marilyn.

The Pilgrims were the first settlers in America, and they had beautiful and meaningful names. Many of America's names honor pioneers and virtues., so girls are still named after them to this day. These beautiful female names are often used as first or middle names, although they are over 500 years old:

  • Charity - charity
  • Chastity - chastity
  • Hope - hope
  • Justice - justice
  • Mercy - mercy
  • Patience - patience
  • Grace - courtesy
  • Virtue – virtue.

Beautiful English female names

Unlike the US, in the UK women's names are not characterized by eccentricity. The British, Welsh, Scots, Irish and other peoples of Foggy Albion rely on tradition and euphony, which is ahead of the Americans. English girl names may be popular in Britain, but not popular in the US.

In the UK, female names have Celtic, Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Greek, French and Latin origins

Beautiful female names from the UK, with their meanings:

  1. Ailsa – a traditional Scottish name associated with a rocky island in the Firth Clyde called Ailsa Craig.
  2. Alice – in England this name is at the peak of popularity. It is of Germanic origin and means “noble, noble.”
  3. Amelie (Amelie) – a name of French origin, became popular after the release of the film “Amelie”. From the French Amelia translates as “labor”.
  4. Annabel – a Scottish name that appeared in the 12th century (derived from Amabel). Translated it means “beloved”.
  5. Arabella (Arabella) is a very popular name in England, of Latin origin, and means “to pray.”
  6. Anwen is a female Welsh name meaning "fair".
  7. Bronwen – a common name in Wales. In Welsh mythology, this was the name of the daughter of the sea god Llyr.
  8. Bryony – translated means “to let in.” The name is of Latin origin, literally the name of a wild flower with tenacious stems. This girl's name is very common in Ireland.
  9. Catriona (Katrina) - Gaelic version of the name Katherine, translated as “pure”. Popular Irish and Scottish name.
  10. Clementine – French equivalent of Latin male name Clement. Translated as “soft, pretty.”
  11. Cressida (Cressida) – a name of Greek origin, meaning “golden”.
  12. Eilidh (Eiley) – a Celtic female name, translated from Gaelic as “blazing sun”. It is believed to be a Scottish variant of the name Helen.
  13. Eugenie is the French equivalent of the Greek name Eugenia. Translated it means “noble”.
  14. Evie - derived from the name Eva, means "life".
  15. Flora – Latin name meaning “flower”.
  16. Freya (Freya) – a name of Norwegian origin, translated as “noble woman.” Freya– also the name of the Scandinavian goddess of love. When the Normans arrived in Britain in the 8th century, the name came into local use.
  17. Gwendolyn (Gwendolyn) – variant of a female Welsh name Gwendolen. Translated it means “white ring”.
  18. Hermione (Hermaini) – a female name of Greek origin, derived from a male name Hermes(Greek god-messenger of Olympus). Translated as “messenger”.
  19. Iris (Iris) – also a name of Greek origin, translated as “rainbow”. Also this name beautiful flower, which was loved by Englishwomen.
  20. Jessamine – a name of Persian origin, derived from Jasmine, "jasmine flower".
  21. Lettice – English version of the Latin name Letitia, meaning "joy".
  22. Matilda (Matilda) – a female name of Germanic origin, translated as “powerful.”
  23. Philippa – female equivalent of a male name Philip. WITH Greek language translates as “horse lover.”
  24. Rhiannon is a Welsh name meaning "divine queen". According to Celtic legend, birds Rhiannon they sang very beautifully, and the queen herself was famous for her wit.
  25. Ruby is a feminine name of Latin origin, and translates as “dark red gem.”
  26. Tamsin English name, derived from Thomasina. Translated it means “twin”.
  27. Zara (Zara) – the name is of Arabic origin and means “princess”; blossom." The name was first used by playwright William Congrave in his 1697 play.

Beautiful Japanese names: female

Japanese beautiful female names often refer to positive traits man or force of nature. The Japanese tradition of naming a child is quite complex, especially due to the thousands of characters (kanji) that are used to write names.

Japanese female names are written in hieroglyphs

Many kanji have upper and lower readings, so it happens that different characters can be read the same, and translated differently. In addition, one hieroglyph can have more than one sound. Here you go some kanji (set out phonetically) often used in names:

ai = love

hana = flower

hiro = hero, man, man

ichi = one

ji = two

ken = healthy

ko = child

mi = beauty

you = sun

Below are women's Japanese names, which are beautiful in sound and meaning. Several names have dual meanings, representing the kanji that are usually combined to create the name. Beautiful female Japanese names:

  • Aimi (Aimi) – love + beauty;
  • Airi – love + jasmine;
  • Akemi – light + beauty;
  • Akira – bright + light;
  • Amarante (Amaranthe) – a flower that never fades;
  • Aya - color;
  • Ayame – iris;
  • Chiyo – a thousand generations (eternity);
  • Emiko (Emiko) - smiling child;
  • Hanako – flower + child;
  • Kaede – maple;
  • Kaida - little Dragon;
  • Kanon (Canon) – flower + sound;
  • Kaori – aroma;
  • Kazuki — One or Harmony + Radiance or Hope;
  • Kohana (Kohana) – small flower;
  • Maiko (Maiko) – dance + child;
  • Miya (Miya) – increasing beauty;
  • Moriko (Moriko) – forest + child;
  • Rumi – beauty + flow + lapis lazuli;
  • Shiori – weaving + poem;
  • Suzume - sparrow;
  • Tama (Tama) – precious stone;
  • Tsukiko (Tsukiko) – moon + child.

Beautiful female Muslim names

In recent decades, Muslim names have become common in the United States and many European countries. Despite the millions of Muslim people living in the East and West, in the TOP three Muslim names are the female names Aaliyah (Aliya), Layla (Leila), Lila (Lila).

Muslim girl names are becoming popular in the US and Europe

Modern Europeans and Americans wanted to replace traditional Latin, English, French, Greek beautiful female names with those that came from Islamic world. List of the most popular and modern female Muslim names:

Alfia (Alfia) - translated from Arabic name means "close to Allah." A beautiful and fairly common female name in the CIS countries.

Amina (Amina) – translated from Arabic means “faithful, reliable.” This is a fashionable female name in any part of the world. This name is often given to girls in Bosnia, and is in the Top 200 in Belgium, France, England and Wales.

Aziza (Aziza) – translated as “powerful, precious.” A common name in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Fatima (Fatima) is one of the most famous Arabic names; more than 1,000 American girls received it last year. It is an important name in Muslim culture as Fatima is the name of Muhammad's youngest daughter.

Hadiya (Hadia) - translated from Arabic as “the one who shows the right path.” The name will fit well in a modern, multicultural society. The Hadiya are also an Ethiopian group that at one time controlled the Hadiya kingdom.

Maryam (Maryam) – there are several options for the origin of the name. In the Koran, this is the name of the mother of the prophet Isa (Miriam). Translated from Arabic as “serving God”, “devout”.

Nazia (Nazia) – translated from Persian means “grace.” It is a Pakistani, Arabic and Indian name most common among Muslims. Nazia Iqbal and Nazia Hasan are two famous name holders, both Pakistani singers. Now it is easily assimilated in the USA, instead of the name Nadia.

Noor (Nur) — with names like Nora and Eleanor so fashionable in the west, Noor could quickly become a replacement. It has roots in Dutch and Arabic, and extremely fashionable in both cultures. Noor is also the name of a city in Iran, and is often associated with Queen Noor of Jordan.

Senna (Senna) - a rare two-character name. This is the name of a tropical flower and a breed of butterfly. Both the plant and the insect have yellow, so it's fitting that Senna means "brightness."

Zaynab - is also a botanical name, like the name of one of the trees. The name Zainab is currently common in the United States. Its Turkish form, Zeynep, is the most popular name for women in Turkey.

Beautiful Tatar female names

Personal Tatar names have different forms. Tatar female names are of common Altai, Bulgarian, ancient Turkic, Persian, Arabic, New Tatar, and Western European origin. Some names have mixed Tatar-Persian, Turkic-Tatar, Bulgar-Tatar origin.

Tatar female names have ancient origins

Tatar, indigenous and beautiful female names, their meaning:

  1. ibibi – a female name of Turkic-Tarar origin, translated as “woman who looks like the moon.”
  2. Aibika – Bulgar-Tatar female name, comes from the name of the daughter of the Moon. Translated as “girl who looks like the moon.”
  3. Aygulem – abbreviated Aigul. Tatar-Persian name, translated as “moon flower”.
  4. Ainura – Tatar-Arabic name, means “moon ray”.
  5. Alma Tatar name, means “beautiful, like an apple.”
  6. Alsou – female Tatar name, means “ beautiful girl rosy-cheeked."
  7. Bika – the name is of ancient Turkic-Tarar origin, translated as “the master’s wife.”
  8. Guzelia – a Turkic-Tatar name, meaning “very beautiful.”
  9. Dilyaram - Persian-Tatar name, translated as “consolation of my soul.”
  10. Durfand – a modern Tatar name-neologism, meaning “pearl of science.”
  11. Idelia - a name of ancient Turkic-Tatar-Arab origin, it is believed that this was the name of the Volga (Idel) river in ancient times.
  12. Ilbika – Tatar female name, translated as “daughter of the country.”
  13. Ildana – Persian-Turkic-Tatar name, meaning “glory of the country.”
  14. Ilnura – Arabic-Tatar name meaning “shine of the country.”
  15. Ilsia – Tatar female name, translation – “beloved by the country.”
  16. Ilfira – Tatar-Persian name, means “folk beauty”.
  17. Kaderli – Tatar-Arabic “dear”.
  18. Minleyuz – a female Tatar name, meaning “happy.”
  19. Nurlynis - Arabic-Tatar-Persian name, means “radiant girl.”
  20. Sulmas – a Turkic-Tatar name meaning “unfading.”
  21. Sylukai – Tatar name, means “beauty”.
  22. Sylunis - Arabic-Tatar name, translated as “the most beautiful among all women.”
  23. Sylukhana – a Turkic-Tatar name, translated as “beautiful and noble girl.”
  24. Tanbika – a female Tatar name, translated means “girl of the dawn”.
  25. Tansu – the name has Turkic-Tatar origin, meaning “like dawn.”
  26. Tulganay – the name of the Tatar-Turkic etiology, translated as “full moon”.
  27. Uralia – a Turkic-Tatar name, comes from the name of the Ural Mountains.
  28. Urfiya – Tatar name, means “light, sweet.”
  29. Hanzifa – a Turkic-Tatar-Persian name for a woman, translated as “stately, slender.”
  30. Khansiyar – An ancient Turkic-Tatar name meaning “will be loved.”
  31. Chiya – Turkic-Tatar name, meaning “cherry”.
  32. Chulpan – a Turkic-Tatar name, translated as “morning star”.
  33. Egenisa - Arabic-Turkic-Tatar name meaning “girl like pearls.”
  34. Yulgiza – a Tatar-Persian name for a woman, translated as “one who will live long.”
  35. Yazgul – Tatar-Persian name, translated means “spring flower”.
  36. Janabika – Turkic-Tatar name, meaning “newborn girl”.

Beautiful female names directly express in verbal form the mythological and cultural aspects of the country where they came from. Thanks to the name, an association about a person arises. And a woman’s beautiful name sounds like unique music, the melody of which is embedded in the pronunciation.

10 most unusual and beautiful female names in the Russian language, video:

With the birth of a baby, every parent begins to think about what to name their daughter. I want the name to be beautiful, special and with interesting meaning. A considerable number of people believe in the magic of the name and claim that it has a strong influence on the fate and character of the child. Traditionally, parents look for a name for their daughter in the lists of Orthodox names for girls.

How to choose a name for a girl according to its meaning

Each name necessarily has its own meaning. Once upon a time it was born thanks to certain associations that are not obvious to us now.

Any parents wish only the best for their child and approach the choice of a name with responsibility. So let's figure out what the most popular Orthodox names today mean.

  • Alina – from ancient German, “noble”;
  • Allah - from ancient Arabic. “letter”, ancient Greek. – “resurrection”, from Gothic – “other”;
  • Albina – “light”, “white”, “pure”;
  • Anastasia - “return to life”, “resurrection”, “resurrected”, “reborn”, “immortal”;
  • Angela – “messenger”;
  • Anna - from Hebrew. “disposition”, “favor”, “favour”;
  • Antonina - “extensive”, “acquisition”, “comparison” and “opponent”, from Greek. – “acquiring in return”;
  • Valentina – “healthy”, “strong”, “to be healthy”;
  • Valeria – “to be strong, healthy”;
  • Faith – “belief”, “truth”;
  • Victoria - “victory”, “winner”;
  • Vitalia – “vital”;
  • Galina – “calm”, “serene”;
  • Daria - “strong”, “conquering”, “possessor”, “owner of wealth”, “winner”;
  • Dina - from ancient Hebrew. "avenged";
  • Evgeniya – “noble”;
  • Catherine - “eternally pure”, “immaculate”;
  • Elena – “light”, “bright”;
  • Elizabeth - from Hebrew. sounds like “God is my oath”, “I swear to God”;
  • Jeanne - “God's mercy”;
  • Zinaida - Greek. “born of Zeus”, “from the family of Zeus”;
  • Zoya – means “life”;
  • Inga - means “protected by Yngvi”;
  • Inna – “strong water”;
  • Irina - from ancient Greek. “peace”, “peace”;
  • Karina – “looking forward”;
  • Claudia - means “lame”, “lame”;
  • Christina – “Christian”;
  • Larisa - from Greek. "gull";
  • Lydia - derived from the name of one region in Asia Minor - resident of Lydia, Asian, from Lydia;
  • Love means “love”;
  • Lyudmila - “dear to people”;
  • Maya – “progenitor of the universe”;
  • Margarita – “pearl”, another Indian meaning. – “brave”;
  • Marina - from lat. "sea";
  • Mary - Hebrew. “resist”, “reject”, “be bitter”; “beloved”, “saint”, “stubborn”, “mistress”, “superiority”;
  • Nadezhda is from Staroslav. "hope";
  • Natalia – “native”;
  • Nelly – “young”, “new”;
  • Nina – “queen”;
  • Nonna - from lat. "ninth";
  • Oksana - from Greek. “stranger”, “foreign”;
  • Olga – “great”, “princess”;
  • Polina – “independent”;
  • Raisa – “light”, “carefree”;
  • Rimma - from lat. “Roman”, from ancient times. - “apple”, from Greek. – “throwing”, “thrown”;
  • Svetlana - from the word “bright”;
  • Seraphim - “burning”, “fiery”;
  • Sophia - “wisdom”, “wisdom”;
  • Tamara - from the word “Tamar”, which translated means “palm tree”;
  • Tatyana - from the word “tatto” - “to establish”, “to determine”;
  • Emma - from Greek. “affectionate”, “flattering”;
  • Julia - from lat. “curly”, “July”, “from the Yuli family”;
  • Yaroslav - ancient Slav. "fierce glory"

Knowing the meaning of names, you can easily name your child in accordance with your wishes and hopes regarding his future and character traits.

Name for daughter according to the Orthodox calendar

After the baptism of Rus', it became customary to baptize newborns, and they were named after saints according to the calendar. To decide on a name, first of all you need to have a calendar with the days on which it is customary to honor saints, in accordance with the year the child was born.

If no saint is recorded on the baby’s birthday, they usually take the name indicated on the next day or in the next 8 days after the birth of the child.

Beautiful Orthodox names for girls in alphabetical order

There are many Orthodox beautiful and euphonious, as well as rarely encountered names. They will very advantageously distinguish the girl from among others and make her different from everyone else, that is, special.

  • Anastasia – translated as “immortal” or “resurrected”, is very kind and trusting, with a good imagination.
  • Angelina is a “messenger” or “angel”, it is very difficult to convince her of anything, she is a born commander. School lessons do not interest her, but she is quite independent and is engaged in self-development.
  • Asthea is an amorous girl, inclined to become attached to people, a perfectionist in everything and quite demanding.
  • Animaida is a gifted, talented person.
  • Varvara means “foreigner” from ancient Greek, she is a born family man, she appreciates the beauty that is in people, she is an idealist.
  • Veveya is capable of making sacrifices for someone, but often does not notice her mistakes. Loyal to family and loved one.
  • Gaina is frank, sincere and sensible, a born family man.
  • Glyceria - sometimes it seems to others that she is aloof, because she is characterized by loneliness. Be careful about spending money.
  • Dominica is sociable and cheerful, has many friends, as it is easy for her to make new acquaintances, but at the same time she is always faithful only to her “best friend.”
  • Damara is somewhat slow, which is not always good. Sincere, frank and ready to help at any moment.
  • Euphrosyne - loves to dominate, often blames herself for problems that are not always her fault, and is prone to self-examination.
  • Evdokia is sincere, ready to help a friend, and feels responsible for her loved ones.
  • Julia – has self-esteem, the main desire is to love and be loved.
  • Kirien is wise, the owner of great inner strength, she is characterized by extraordinary intuition.
  • Kasinia is a brave and independent girl, very inquisitive as a child.
  • Lyudina is reliable and feels responsible for the fate of people close to her.
  • Love is faithful to its loved ones, but can be too lenient towards family and friends.
  • Melania is a sociable girl, easily makes new acquaintances, and is able to deeply analyze situations. Loves order and cleanliness.
  • Mariam is reliable, loves to be useful and actively takes part in all areas of activity.
  • Nonna dominates always and everywhere, is devoted and faithful to her chosen one, and has a strong character.
  • Pulcheria is an idealist and perfectionist, has excellent intuition. Has the ability to “attract” help at the right time to achieve goals.
  • Poplia is not particularly sociable, feels the need not to lose composure and always behave with dignity.
  • Rufina will always come to the rescue, does not tolerate fuss, is sometimes domineering and ruthless, but at the same time kind and knows how to sympathize.
  • Stefanida is a perfectionist and falls in love easily. Has good health, but this difference may be weakened due to hard work and negative emotions.
  • Solomiya is outspoken and active in various public and sporting events.
  • Seraphima is a brave girl; as a child she was characterized by excessive curiosity.
  • Favsta - has innate talent, is capable of strong love and affection for her chosen one in life.
  • Feodora is a charming and attractive girl with a great interest in life.
  • Feofaniya is always busy with something, very active, and constantly in the lead. I'm used to doing, not talking.
  • Chrysia is a restless person, prone to continuous movement through life. Often loses interest in what does not change, constantly looking for change.
  • Cecilia - has an innate creativity, in search of constant ways of self-expression, sociable.

As you can see, these rare and beautiful Orthodox names are quite unusual, which is what makes them unique. They are not often heard in everyday life.

You need to choose the right name carefully, combining it with the child’s patronymic. This verbal tandem should sound coherent, and not complicated, difficult to pronounce and remember.

Unusual Russian female names

If you want to call your girl some old name, then we have prepared a list of Russian Orthodox female names just for you.

In it you will definitely be able to find the “same” name intended specifically for your child, because the list of Russian names for girls is quite diverse:

  • Adelina, Agnessa, Aurora, Alexandrina, Alena, Arina, Asya;
  • Berta, Bogdana;
  • Verona, Venus, Violetta, Violanta, Valeria, Victoria, Vladlena, Vitalina;
  • Greta, Galina;
  • Daryana, Daria, Diana;
  • Evdokia;
  • Zara, Zlata, Zarina, Zoryana;
  • Inna, Ivona, Ilena, Irma;
  • Ksenia, Clara;
  • Lyalya, Lada, Lyubava, Lira, Lika, Lesya;
  • Maya, Mary, Marta, Mila, Milana, Maryana;
  • Oktyabrina, Olesya;
  • Praskovya, Polianna;
  • Ruslana, Regina, Romana, Radmila;
  • Sima, Snezhana, Svyatoslav;
  • Ustinya, Ulyana;
  • Fiza, Feodosia;
  • Harita, Hilda, Helga;
  • Edda;
  • Juno, Juliana;
  • Yaroslava, Yadviga, Yana, Yasmina, Yanina.

Forgotten and rare Orthodox names for girls

Among the rare Orthodox female names you can find:

  • Augusta, Agapia, Aglaida, Adelaida, Akulina;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vasilida, Vassa, Vincentia, Viviana;
  • Galatea, Glafira, Gloria;
  • Denisia, Dosithea, Drosida;
  • Evmenia, Evfalia, Emelyan;
  • Zeno;
  • Isis, Iphigenia, Iolanta, Isidora;
  • Casimir, Concordia, Cornelia;
  • Leocadia, Leonia, Libya, Lolla, Longina;
  • Mavra, Matilda, Matryona, Militsa, Mikhailina;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pavlina, Petrina, Pulcheria;
  • Renata;
  • Selina, Stepanida;
  • Thekla, Fedora, Fedosya, Feofaniya;
  • Harita;
  • Celestina;
  • Ennafa, Era;
  • Junia, Justina.

There are names that not only sound beautiful and are rare, but also have very interesting meanings.

Among them, the following stand out:

  • Artemis – has the meaning “whole”, “unharmed”, “inviolable”. This name once belonged to the goddess of the hunt,
  • Venus has a name Latin roots, means "love".
  • Vesnyana - definitely suitable for girls born in spring, as the same name means “spring”.
  • Hera – literally translated as “lady”.
  • Dahlia is a beautiful name; a girl is named after the flower.
  • Miya – means “rebellious”;
  • Palmyra - "palm tree"
  • Juno is a Greek name given to the goddess of marriage and love.

By naming your daughter one of these rare names, you are not just giving her a beautiful name, but to some extent determining her character and destiny. Approach your choice consciously and responsibly.

Women's names for baptism

Taking a responsible approach to the rite of baptism and choosing a female name for this, many of us turn to worldwide network. Some are looking for the answer in Orthodox calendars, others are consulting with the priest...

We offer our own selection of female names for baptism:

  • Agafya, Anisia;
  • Glafira;
  • Zinaida;
  • Ilaria;
  • Larisa, Lydia;
  • Matron;
  • Nina;
  • Paul;
  • Raisa;
  • Salome, Sosanna;
  • Taisiya;
  • Juliana.

The above names are the rarest known Orthodox variants.

For baptism, many also choose names that are very common today in Slavic countries:

  • Alexandra, Anna;
  • Valentina, Valeria, Varvara, Veronica, Vera;
  • Daria;
  • Zoya, Zlata;
  • Ivana, Irina;
  • Kira, Christina;
  • Marina, Maria, Melania;
  • Natalia;
  • Olga;
  • Sofia.

This article contains many different names for girls - both rare and very popular, Russian and widespread far beyond the borders of our country, as well as with special meaning. As already mentioned, the name has a strong influence on the development of the character and fate of the girl, therefore parents have a huge responsibility for the future of the child, even in such a seemingly symbolic moment as choosing a name.
