Scenario of summer entertainment on ecology for children of the senior group of dows. Ecological entertainment "forest tower" in the senior group

1. Educational objectives:
— expand knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants;
- establish rules of behavior in nature.
2. Developmental tasks:
- develop speech, attention, ability to analyze questions and riddles;
— develop the ability to give complete, meaningful answers to questions.
3. Educational tasks:
- cultivate aesthetic taste, cognitive interest;
- bring up careful attitude to nature.
Demo material:
- paintings depicting birds, animals, trees, insects, outlines of flowers, clearing paper;
- pictures of tree leaves;
— audio recording of bird voices;
— cards with images of animal tracks;
- “wonderful bag”;
- gymnastic hoop.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part.
Guys, today we are going on a trip through the forest, where we will check how much you know the forest and its inhabitants.

Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves?
On a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn?
All in dew like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness:
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, don’t hide:
You know that we are our own! (S. Pogorelsky)

II. Main part.

1. Rules of behavior in the forest.
We're in the forest. Let's repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children say:
1. I only like the one
Who protects the forest world?

2. The one who doesn’t break branches
The one who doesn't scare the bird away.

3. The fly agaric will not knock over
And the fire will not be lit.

4. Who is always, always in the forest
Respects silence.

2. Trees in the forest.
Our forest is unusual, it is magical - mysteries grow in it, and this is even more interesting. What do you think a forest is?
The children answer.

Educator: With the help of riddles we will find out what trees grow in our forest.

They rush straight into the sky, upward;
Take a close look:
Not birches, not aspens,
There are no leaves, there are needles.

Not birch, not rowan -
She stands in silence.
But only the wind will pass,
All the foliage on it is shaking.

Quiet autumn will come,
The tree will become marvelous:
Leaves are bright stars,
Golden, hot. (Maple)

Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a green blouse
In a white sundress.

He shakes his lush crown,
The green leaves rustle.
Look among the branches,
How many acorns ripen?

Educator: I offer you the game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Progress of the game. Children take turns taking out pictures of a leaf from the “wonderful bag”. The child must name which tree the leaf fell from.

Educator: Well done, they correctly named all the trees from which the leaves fell. We set off further to travel through our magical forest.

3. Let's talk about birds.

Educator: What birds did you hear? What types of birds are there? What does migratory mean?
The children answer.

Educator: I offer you riddles about birds.

They interfere with the lives of other people's chicks,
And they abandon their own.
And in the forest near the edge
They keep counting the years... (cuckoos)

This bird yellow color,
Bright sun she's warm
The song is beautiful and long -
Whistling with a flute in the forest... (oriole)

Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of bright light
The beak is a hook, the eyes are a snout,
Eared head, this is... (owl)

Educator: We solved all the riddles. Can you recognize a bird by its voice? I suggest the game "Owl".

Progress of the game. The hoop is on the floor. This is the "owl's nest". A child chosen as an “owl” becomes a member of it. The rest of the children are “moths” and “bugs”.

They stand on the other side of the platform, the middle of which is free.

In response to the teacher’s words, “The day begins, everyone wakes up,” the “moths” and “bugs” begin to run around the playground and squat, as if collecting pollen from flowers.

When the teacher says, “Night is coming, everyone falls asleep,” the children freeze in any position. At this time, the “owl” quietly flies out to hunt - it walks, slowly waving its arms, and picks up “moths” and “bugs” that have moved. He takes them to his “nest”. “Owl” catches until the teacher says “The day begins, everyone wakes up.” Then she returns to her “nest”, “moths” and “bugs” begin to fly. The “owl” goes hunting two or three times. Then a new leader is chosen, and the game is repeated.

4. We recognize animals by their tracks.
Not only birds live in our forest. And who else is hiding from us in the wilderness? The game “Whose traces?” will help you find out.

Progress of the game. Children take turns taking pictures of animal tracks from the “wonderful bag” and answering who they belong to. (Hare, squirrel, hedgehog, elk)

Educator: Remember the riddles about the animal whose footprint you guessed.
Children tell riddles.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

You and I will recognize the animal
According to two such signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat in the summer.

There are needles on his back
It's amazing how the pegs are
You can't take them with your hands,
Because it… (hedgehog)

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Educator: The animals were guessed from the tracks. You know the riddles about them. Let the animals live peacefully in the forest.

5. Flower meadow.
We continue our journey through the magical forest. We came out into a clearing, but there were no flowers on it. How boring and depressing it is here. We need to plant flowers. Riddles will help us with this. There is a “clearing” in front of you. Let us help you decorate it with flowers. (Whatman paper with stems and leaves of flowers drawn on it. When guessing the riddle, the child attaches a guessing flower to the stem)

On a May day in the forest shade
He opened his flower
Bright and fragrant
White-silver. (Lily of the valley)

In little white dresses,
Yellow eyes...
You name them
Without any hint.

They are friends with the blue sky
These cute flowers.
I know them, Ksyusha knows them,
Well, do you know them?

Children take the clue flowers and “plant” them in the Whatman clearing.

Educator: Admire the beautiful clearing. Do you like being in the forest?

6. Six-legged babies.
If we solve the riddles, we will find out what insects live in the forest.

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps -
Green back.

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

Many masters
They cut down the hut without corners.

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan.

Flew over the lawn.
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

III. Final part.

1. The main man in the forest.
Who keeps order in the forest, and if necessary, helps all its inhabitants?

So that pines, lindens, spruce
They didn’t get sick, they turned green,
To new forests
Rising to the skies
Them to the sound and hubbub of birds
Guards - who? (Forester)

Educator: Yes, guys, forester (jaeger)main man In the woods. What is the job of a forester?
The children answer.

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers:
— The forester supervises the planting of a new forest, protects the forest from insect pests, fire and people who cut down trees and shoot animals without permission. The forest is divided into sections. A forester is responsible for each site.

2. Summing up.
Our journey has come to an end. Who did you meet while traveling through the forest?
The children answer.

Educator b:

Dense forest, goodbye!
We are glad to be friends with you,
Good forest, mighty forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Educational leisure“We will preserve and protect nature”

(middle, high, preparatory group)

Prepared by: Tanaeva N.A., teacher

Target : Formation of the concept of “living - non-living” in children. Clarification of the concept “Plants are living beings.”

Tasks: 1. To form children’s understanding of living and nonliving creatures. Lead them to the conclusion that living beings are those that breathe, eat, grow, reproduce, and move. 2. Introduce children to characteristic features living: a) growing; b) breathes; c) moves; d) eats; d) reproduces.

3. Bring children to understand that they need to take care of nature and animals, protect them and love them.

4. Teach children to appreciate the beauty of nature and animals.

Preliminary work : walks in the forest, park, meadow; looking at trees, flowers, plants; watching dogs, cats, birds;

conversation about the importance of nature, animals, birds in human life; memorizing poetry.

Equipment: a hall decorated like a clearing; models of trees, fir trees, stumps, flowers, mushrooms; socket, laptop, screen, multimedia installation.

Leisure activities

Educator : Guys, you and I live on planet Earth. This is a beautiful planet, full of wonders and mysteries. We are surrounded by magnificent nature. People, animals, birds, fish, plants live on Earth, they should all be happy, and people should take care of living nature. But, unfortunately, they do not always notice the beauty that surrounds us, do not care about nature and, even worse, cause irreparable harm to it. All people living on our planet Earth must protect, preserve and increase its wealth.
Today I invite you to go on a journey. Do you agree? A lot of interesting things await us along the way. To overcome all obstacles, you need to be friendly, brave and strong, be sure to help each other, and be attentive. Let's hit the road.

If we go on a hike,
The step will be firm
No one will turn aside from the path!
The only way! The only way!
(in the hall)
Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of music (the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”). Different kinds walking and running.

Leading: Look here for a letter from our old friend Lesovich.
Reading the letter: “Hello, my friends. We haven't seen you for so long. Plants and animals cannot speak or defend themselves. When people go into the forest, they do not want to harm anyone, but, without meaning to, they cause pain to nature. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what you can and cannot do in the forest. I hope that you have not forgotten the rules of behavior in the forest. And to remind them once again, I am sending you pictures. Your friend Lesovichok."
(The teacher distributes the prepared pictures to the children, the children show them and read the poems learned in advance. For each poem there is a picture on the slide)

    Children must remember and understand:
    Birds' nests should not be destroyed.
    If you see an egg in the grass,
    Or heard the cries of chicks.
    Don't get close, don't go there.
    And don’t disturb the birds or the nests.

    Having fun with fire without adults is dangerous -
    The fun can end horribly.
    It can be very dry in the forest at times.
    The fire will turn into a serious disaster.

    Forest orderly ants,
    It’s not for nothing that people called them that.
    So that the forest is beautiful and healthy,
    Without harmful larvae and beetles,
    Ants are on guard day and night
    They drive various bark beetles away.
    Just don't bother them.
    Don't destroy anthills.
    These paramedics are so needed
    For the forests of your native country.

    Moths fly in the forest,
    Insects and beetles crawl.
    Mother nature gave them life.
    They all have their own things to do.
    You will see them on the way
    Don't offend me, just move away.
    A forest without insects, my friend,
    And lonely and empty.

    Flowers adorn the meadows and forests,
    But this is not only natural beauty.
    In them the bees find a life-giving gift,
    And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them.
    There is no need, friends, there is no point in tearing them apart.
    There is no need to make bouquets of them.
    Bouquets will wither, flowers will disappear,
    And there will be no such beauty anymore.

    The forest has its own music.
    Listen to her friends.
    Here the bird trills were heard,
    Here is a squirrel jumping up and down,
    But the grasshopper began to chirp.
    The woodpecker knocked on the branch.
    So many sounds here and there.
    There is no need for noise and commotion in the forest.
    You can't make noise, shout, or scream.
    And turn on the music loudly.

    The boys came on a hike.
    Of course, you need to rest.
    Play and frolic
    And eat and drink.
    But there are still banks around
    Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles.
    You can't leave them here.
    Let's not be lazy, friends!
    The garbage is here, alien in the forest.
    Let's take him home.

Educator: Well done. Now let's go into the forest.

The teacher and the children go to the “forest” - the hall. They approach the “clearing” and suddenly see a terrible picture. (The hall is decorated like a clearing - in the clearing there are birch trees, fir trees, grass, mushrooms. A nest is made on one of the trees). In the clearing, Baba Yaga and Leshy. They are mischievous.

Baba Yaga: I’m somehow being harmful today. I don’t like it when it’s beautiful, when the birds sing, when there’s silence and comfort. Let us redo everything here in our own way.

Goblin : Come on, Baba - Yagusya. Pick flowers and twigs for brooms, but choose better twigs, while I look at the nest. What is there?

Baba Yaga : Well done, Leshy. (And they begin to misbehave - Baba Yaga begins to break branches, and Leshy climbs into the nest).

Educator : Children, are they doing good or bad?

Children : Badly!

Educator : Let's stop them. Is it possible to do this? Let’s all shout loudly: “No!”

Children : It is forbidden! It is forbidden!

Baba Yaga: Oh, what is this? Thunder, or what? Or is it an evil force?

Goblin: (From the scream of the children, he falls from the tree and a nest with chicks falls behind him). Oh, I'm afraid, perish, perish, evil spirits.

Educator : Why are you being hooligans here, breaking everything, destroying nests?

Goblin: Oh, grandma, we have guests! They are probably also harmful, they do not like beauty, everything living, everything blooming, everything singing. Let's invite them to do some mischief with us.

Baba Yaga : Let's invite. Come in, dear guests, let's do some mischief together.

Educator: Oh, you bad guys! What are you doing? (Addresses Leshem and Baba Yaga). Is it possible to offend the forest? Breaking flowers and twigs? Destroy birds' nests? Trample mushrooms and berries? (Addresses the children).

Children: It is forbidden.

Educator : Of course not. After all, trees, flowers, grass and birds are alive.

Baba Yaga: Are the trees alive? Is the grass alive?

Goblin: Are the flowers real? Are the bushes alive?

Educator: What do you children think?

Children: Answers.

Educator: (Picks up a pot with a blooming flower). Look, here is a flower - is it alive?

Baba Yaga and Leshy: And whoever said that he is alive, I say that he is not alive.

Goblin : Yes, he doesn’t walk, doesn’t eat porridge, doesn’t drink juice and doesn’t wear a fur coat. (Both laugh).

Educator: What do you think, children?

Children: Answers.

Educator: Plants are living, and here's why:

· The flower is growing (it was small when it was planted);

· Breathable. If he didn't breathe, he wouldn't grow. This is why you need to wipe the leaves of flowers very often;

· He eats. We water it, and it absorbs water with its roots and grows only due to this;

· The flower multiplies. It produces sprouts or “babies”, and then we plant them in another pot, and they grow.

Educator: (addresses the children). Did Baba Yaga and Leshy do good or bad?

Children: Badly.

Educator: Look how many flowers they picked and threw away, how many branches they broke, how many nests they destroyed! (Baba Yaga and Leshy stand with their heads bowed).

Baba Yaga: And now we will plant the flowers again, put the branches in place, and put the nest in place.

Educator: So what? Children, if you stick a plucked flower into the ground, will it take root? And if you put a twig on a broken spot, will it take root?

Children: No.

Educator: We broke a branch, is it now alive or dead?

Children: Not alive.

Educator: And the flower? Alive or inanimate?

Children : Not alive.

Educator: Do you hear, Baba Yaga and Leshy? It became inanimate because you tried and made them inanimate. Will picked flowers grow?

Children: No.

Educator: This means they are not alive. You are harmful, Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga : We will no longer be so bad, but we will become good and listen to your teacher.

Educator: What do you think, are the birds alive?

Children : Alive.

Educator : Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, birds can fly, they grow, feed, and reproduce. Is it possible to catch birds and put them in cages?

Children: It is forbidden.

Baba Yaga: Can. Do you want us to catch a lot of birds now? (addressing children).

Children: No, we don't want to.

Educator: All animals and birds feel very bad in captivity, they cry and feel sad. Never catch them or put them in cages. Do you agree?

Children : Yes.

Educator: And you, Leshy, ruined the nest. Where will the birds live now? Don't you feel sorry for them?

Goblin: (cries). It's a shame, I won't do that again.

Educator: I have seeds here in a basket. When spring comes, we will plant these seeds and many, many flowers will grow. And Leshy and Baba Yaga will put the nest in its place. The guys and I will still guesspuzzles. ( The answers appear on the slide)

    There is a palace on the pole, there is a singer in the palace. (Starling)

    Little boy in a gray ball

Snoops around the yards, collecting crumbs.

He wanders around at night, stealing hemp. (Sparrow)

    Sleeps during the day, flies at night

    And it scares passersby. (Owl)

    The girl is holding a cloud on a stem in her hand.

Just blow on it and nothing will happen. (Dandelion)

    They grow - they turn green, They fall - they turn yellow. (Leaves)

    Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

Educator: Well done, you know the riddles. Well, how did our friends cope? Well, that’s good. And now the children and you, Baba Yaga and Leshy, let’s clean up the clearing and collect all the garbage.

Collect inin the form of a game “Who can collect the basket the fastest” ( everyone plays to the music “This is our summer”)

Educator: So the clearing was in order, it immediately became clean and beautiful. Let's take a little rest now.

1) "Flower" - arms smoothly rise up and down. A tall flower grew in a clearing and opened its petals on a spring morning. All the petals receive beauty and nutrition from the roots underground.

2) "Hares". The bunny jumps with a sideways view

Under a tall pine tree

Under another pine tree

Another bunny is jumping.

3) "Birds". The birds flew and flapped their wings

They sat on the trees and rested together.

Educator: Have you rested? Well, that's good. Now let's play with youV didactic game"Living - non-living" .

Educator (lays out pictures of toys, plants, animals, birds in the clearing.): You need to choose pictures with living creatures. For example, a table - living or non-living, a car - living or non-living, and a flower? Etc. We will give pictures with living creatures to Baba Yaga, and with inanimate creatures to Leshy. Do you agree? Then let's play. (Kids are playing).

Educator: So we played. What new did you learn? (Flowers feed, reproduce, grow, bloom, etc.).Now listen to the poems (read by children):

1. Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

2. Animal holes, bird's nests

We will never ruin.

Let the chicks and small animals

It's good to live next to us.

3. Beautiful, beautiful


I can't find anything more beautiful


Green valleys, forests and fields,

And blue water in the sea.

4. We love the forest at any time season,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly.

All this is called Nature!

Let's always take care of her!

And now it's time for us to go to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to Baba Yaga and Leshy and wish them never to misbehave in the forest. And you guys do the right thing too! (Children leave).

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 25 of the city of Yelets"

Ecological fun

for children of the older group "We are

guests in the forest"

Yelets – 2017

Target : Environmental education children.

Tasks : Improve environmental knowledge.

Cultivate a friendly and caring attitude towards all living things.

Give children the joy of participating in the holiday.

Equipment : scarves of green and blue color(knit in advance in a group), rope, garbage bags, “garbage” (branches, paper, plastic bottles), 4 baskets with pasted images of paper and plastic bottles, blue and yellow balls, 2 hoops, pine cones, pencil gifts.


Educator: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. To find yourself there, let's close your eyes and imagine - birds are chirping, songs are singing, the wind caresses your face, plays with your hair, the trees rustle their leaves. (At this time, garbage is scattered and Leshy appears)

Turn around yourself and find yourself in the forest!!!

The goblin sits on a tree stump and cries.

Educator: Oh, why are you crying, who are you?

Goblin: I am Leshy, guardian of the forest. Today people came again, look what they turned my property into... There is garbage all around, bottles, broken branches, destroyed nests...

What did you come with? Have they come to destroy the forest too?

Educator: No, we came for a walk in the forest, to listen to the birds singing, to breathe fresh air.

Children know how to behave in nature.

Goblin: Is it true? I can't believe it. After all, a lot of people do this. It’s interesting to hear what you know about the rules of conduct.

(Children's answers)

Educator: Don’t worry, the children won’t harm the forest. They are ready to help clean up and put everything in order.

Goblin: They are small, and probably weak. There's a lot of work here.

Educator: And we will show how children tug of war.

Game "Tug of War"

Children are divided into 2 teams based on the color of their scarves and, at the teacher’s signal, they perform a tug of war

Goblin: I see that you are strong, and you know the rules of behavior in the forest. I think we can hire you as an assistant. We will clean up the trash. Hold the bags and carefully collect everything and put the clearing in order.

Did you know that it is customary to sort garbage before throwing it away? Paper, plastic, food waste, everything is thrown away separately. Why do you think they do this?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Let's play a game called "Sort out the trash"

We divide into 2 teams according to the color of the scarves. Each team has 2 baskets in front of them. One shows paper, the other - plastic bottle. The team lines up over the line, the participant takes a blue and a yellow ball, tries to get the blue one into a basket with paper, and the yellow one into a basket with plastic. The winner is determined by counting the correctly sorted balls in the basket.

Goblin: We did the task well. Don't forget why you need to sort garbage.

Educator: Oh, look, some trees have no bark...

Goblin: Ehhh... Now the tree will wither and get sick.

Educator: Do you think we need trees?

Goblin: Let me ask you questions, and you answer me. Let's see what you know about the forest.

What is the forest for? ( fresh air, paper, Construction Materials)

Are the trees alive or not? Why? (breathe, grow)

What trees need to be cut down in the forest? (sick)

Why do trees get sick? (harmful insects have settled)

Who heals trees? (Woodpecker)

How can you help birds? (hang feeders, birdhouses)

Educator: What do you think animals eat in winter? (make supplies in the fall)

Let's play game "Gathering supplies"

We divide into 2 teams. In front of each team there is a hoop, with cones scattered around. You need to collect the cones inside the hoop. The team that scores wins greatest number cones.

Goblin: Well done boys! It's time for me to go, there is a lot of work in the forest. It was nice to meet you.

Thank you for helping me clean my house. Never forget the rules of behavior in nature, take care of the forest and remember - HERE, IN THE FOREST, YOU ARE GUESTS!!!

And these are souvenirs for you - pencils. Draw and don't forget what they are made of!


Educator: Goodbye, Leshy. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Summer fun with environmental direction in the senior group of the kindergarten "Meadow Flowers"

Task: cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Goals: continue to form generalized ideas about seasonal changes in nature; fix the structure of the flower, the name of the flowers; develop the ability to perceive, observe; develop thinking, memory, create a festive atmosphere and good mood.

The Fairy of Flowers enters the hall to the music (The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds)

Fairy of Flowers:
- Hello guys! I am the Fairy of Flowers. As soon as spring comes, I come to Earth and decorate it with flowers. I reign all summer and even in autumn I give the whole world my late flowers. Now the sun is starting to shine brightly, which means it’s time for me to bring flowers for everyone’s joy.

A song about summer is sung (any)

Reading a poem by a child.

We put on the lawns colored shirts:
Daisies turn white on green fabric,
Red tar is woven at the gate,
And yellow buttercups are embroidered in silk,
Bells were placed in blue buckles
Shirts are sewn with rays - not needles.

Fairy Severina appears.

F.S.: - I am Fairy Severina,
I came from the North
And cold and frost
I brought it with me.
Are you happy about the sun and summer?

Children: - Yes

F.S.: - For that I will take revenge on you,
And the icy winds
I'll freeze all the flowers! (blows)

F.Tsv.: - Oh, all the flowers have empty heads! Why did you do that?

F.S.: - I can’t stand flowers!

F.Tsv.: - No, you can’t do that! After all, flowers should bloom on the earth in spring and summer.

F.S.: - They should! But this won't happen! My icy wind froze them. And for them to thaw, they must pass tests. Do you agree?

Children: - Yes.

F.S. – Listen to the first test. I need to guess riddles about flowers, and you find the answer in the pictures and show it to me.
1. Familiar to everyone since childhood

Their White shirt
With a bright yellow center.
What kind of flower is this? (chamomile)
2. Burnt in the dewy grass
The flashlight is golden.
Then it faded, went out
And turned into fluff (dandelion)
3. White peas
On a green stem (lily of the valley)

F.S.: - Well, you passed the first test! Now let's see how many flower names you know. The butterfly will help me with this.
(shows a butterfly on a stick).
We told the butterfly:
- Sit on the bench!
-I don’t need to go to the bench!
I’d rather sit on a flower!

Game "The Butterfly Sat"
(the child takes a butterfly and says: “A butterfly sat on a rose, flew to an aster.” Then he runs around the hall, passes the butterfly to another player. The next one says, for example, like this: “A butterfly sat on an aster, flew to a daisy,” etc. Can't be repeated)

F.S.: - How many flowers do you know! And you passed the second test. There is a flower on which people tell fortunes - they tear off the petals and ask something. What kind of flower is this?

Children:- Chamomile

F.Tsv.: - Our guys know a poem about daisies.

1. Hey, daisies, give me the answer:
- Where are you from, if it’s not a secret?
2. The daisies answered:
- The sun carried us in its pocket!

F.S.: - Look at the daisies,
Lost petals.
Take the petals
And collect daisies.

Relay race "Who can pick a daisy the fastest"
(Children: for 2 teams. At some distance, there is a yellow circle on the floor “the core of a chamomile.” Each participant holds a petal in his hand. At a signal, everyone runs up and puts their petal on it.)

F.S.: - Well, well done! And they coped with such a difficult task.

F.Col.:- Now let’s rest a little, the children will read poems about flowers.

1. Daisies bloom in the meadow,
Bells and porridge.
Yellow and blue -
All flowers are beautiful.
2. Butterflies, beetles, fly,
Choose a house for yourself
One is a flower, two is a flower
Who has better juice?
3. Purple bug
Hid in a flower for the night
Oh, how happy he is
I found a beautiful house.

F.S.:- Still, I can’t understand why you need flowers so much? What is the use of them besides the smell and beauty?

F.Col.:- What are you saying, F.S.! People admire flowers. But they do not bloom for people at all. Flowers need bright colors and a fragrant aroma to attract insects. Flowers provide shelter and food for many insects. How many insects live in flowers!

F.S.:- Well, how much? Of the insects that fly, I only know bees.

F.Col.:- There are a lot of insects. I have a magic flower in my hands. Whoever I touch with a flower will call it an insect. And you, Severina, listen and remember.
(Children take turns naming insects)

F.S.:- I liked the mosquito the most.

F.Col.:- Why?

F.S.- Because he will bite all of you!
F.Ts.:- We are not afraid of mosquitoes. We’d rather tell a poem about them and do finger exercises.

Finger. Gymnastics "Komariki"
- Where, mosquitoes, do you live?
In the meadow or in the swamp?
- We live on a hummock
In a small flower.
Zorka is engaged -
The house is opening!
(take turns touching thumb index, middle, ring. and little finger)

F.Ts.:- Severina, the children withstood all your tests.

F.S.: - Oh - oh - oh! My spell has broken! Flowers bloomed in the meadow again. I'll have to go back north. See you in winter. (leaves)

F.Ts.- Flowers, flowers!
They are in full bloom, swaying,
Like a garland skirting the grove.
How pink the earth is from the willows - tea!
How blue it is from the bells!
The clearing cleaned up like a young woman.

Songs about kindergarten are sung (any)

Tasks: to form children's ideas about what Live nature needs help and protection; secure features alive and inanimate objects, practice the ability to distinguish plant seeds; develop the ability to interact with peers; the ability to negotiate, cultivate a caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other.

Materials: multimedia installation, pictures with images different plants, plant seeds, artificial flowers, hoops for games.

Educator (V.). Guys, I have good news for you: we were invited to visit the owner of our ecological trail Wise Owl. Are you ready to go to her? Then follow me!

You need to walk along this path, then jump over the flowers, run between the bushes, crawl under this snag and cross the bridge over the stream. Here we are. Make yourself more comfortable. But why is no one meeting us? Where is the Wise Owl, what do you guys think? (Children's answers) How can we find her?

IN. I think I have an idea. Let's tell poems about nature. The Wise Owl will hear us and appear. Children read poetry:

We love nature and take care of it. We don’t let anyone offend her.

So that nature is happy, we need to protect it.

Let’s not allow living things to be destroyed... Animals and plants should not be prevented from growing.

The Wise Owl appears on the screen.

IN. Wise Owl, we are very glad to meet you and want to play with you. Guys, now we will remember the objects of our ecological trail. If you name them correctly, the Wise Owl will show them to us on the screen. But you need to not just name the object, but answer my questions.

Which tree gives us sweet sap? (Birch).

Which tree means "tree loved by bees" in Greek? (Linden).

This plant has flowers collected in lush clusters of white, lilac color. (Lilac).

The seeds of this tree are called lionfish. (Maple).

The fluff of which tree seems to cover the ground and trees with snow and flies into open windows? (Poplar).

These trees saturate the air with oxygen, phytoncides and other elements beneficial to humans. (Pines).

These little plants are blooming different colors spring, summer and even autumn (Flowers).

What plants are called “green pharmacy”? (Medicinal plants). Name them.

This is an evergreen shrub. (Juniper).

IN. Well done guys, all the plants on our ecological trail were named correctly. Do you know why plants are needed? (Children's answers) There is a knock on the door. Dunno enters.

Dunno. Hello guys. I heard what you say about plants here, that they are useful and purify the air. So I brought you flowers so that your home would be more beautiful and the air would be fresh.

IN. Dunno, where did you get such beautiful artificial flowers?

Dunno. Why are they artificial? They are alive, real. Look how green the branches are, the green leaves, the red flowers.

IN. Guys, help me figure out how real flowers differ from artificial ones? (A living flower grows, it has a root, it breathes, feeds, changes, it has new leaves, buds, flowers, seeds, it can die, flowers need light, heat, water, air to grow).

IN. Now, Dunno, do you understand the difference between artificial plants and living ones?

Dunno. Now I understand, but I don’t know how to grow a real living flower, I don’t know how.

IN. We will definitely teach you, but a little later. And now I propose to play. The guys said that plants need light and warmth to grow. And the sun gives us light and warmth.

That's what our game is called « Sun»

Everyone gather in a circle!

Come play with me, buddy!

Let's play together -

One two three four five.

The game is being played

Sunshine, sunshine,

Take a walk by the river.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Scatter the rings!

We'll collect the rings

Let's take the gilded ones

Let's ride, let's play

And we'll give it back to you.

The players form a circle. In the center of the circle, the child is the “sun”, holding yellow hoops in his hands. On lines 1-4, everyone goes to the right in a circle, the “sun” moves to the left, laying the hoops on the floor, closer to the players. On lines 5-7, children standing next to the hoop take it and form a small circle (there are four such circles in total). On the last line, the players place the hoop on the floor and line up in a common circle. At the signal, everyone scatters, at the next signal, everyone gathers at their hoop. Those who do it faster win. The game is played 2-3 times.

Dunno. Had a great game! Well, now teach me how to plant plants,

IN. Wait, Dunno, don’t rush. You know that every plant has its own seeds. Today the Wise Owl has prepared seeds of various plants for us. Now the guys will help you figure out what plants these seeds come from.

A game« Guess the plant by its seeds»

Children are asked to match seeds to pictures of plants.

IN. Now, Dunno, we will give you flower seeds and tell you what to do with them. (Children tell how to plant a flower and how to care for it).

Dunno. Thank you, I’ll go and plant a flower right now, and then I’ll be sure to show you what I’ve grown. Goodbye.

IN. Guys, the owner of our ecological trail has prepared a lot different games and tasks. Here's another one of them.

A game« Who will collect the cones into a hoop faster?».

Children are divided into two teams. Opposite the teams are scattered cones (spruce and pine). One team needs to choose fir cones, the other is pine and collect them in your hoop. Each child takes only one cone. The team that collects it the fastest wins.

IN. And now I suggest you do short trip to the past. Wise Owl tells me interesting legend about lilacs. Do you want me to tell you?

It was a long time ago. One day ancient greek god forests, fields and meadows Pan met in the forest beautiful girl, Siringa - the messenger of the morning dawn. Pan was bewitched by her magical beauty and wanted to talk to the girl, but she was scared of Pan and ran away. After all, the whole body of this god was covered with thick wool, and on his head there were big horns. Although Pan frightened everyone he met with his appearance, his character was cheerful and kind.

Pan wanted to calm Syringa and ran after her. But the girl, seeing that the terrible horned monster was pursuing her, turned into a fragrant lilac bush. Pan found this bush by its wonderful smell, hugged it and cried. From that time on, the sad god Pan wandered through forest edges and clearings and looked for lilac bushes everywhere. He wove beautiful wreaths from its branches and wore them on his head in memory of the girl Siringa.

There are many legends, fairy tales, poems, songs and riddles about plants. After all, they bring great benefits, and people have long appreciated and loved them. How many of you know proverbs and sayings about plants?

Cut down the bushes - goodbye to the birds.

Groves and forests - the beauty of the native forest.

A tree is planted soon, but not soon its fruits are eaten.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

An apple does not grow on a Christmas tree, and a pear does not grow on a willow tree.

IN. Well done boys. We completed all the tasks. So you can still play.

« Relay game»

Children stand in two teams, sharing pairs and holding hands; on the other side of the hall there are pictures different trees. Children complete tasks:

— Run around a birch tree (linden, poplar, etc.)

— Run around two trees,

Do not run around the tree, but touch it with your hand;

IN. Let's thank the Wise Owl and promise that we will take care of our plants and all the surrounding nature.

The children say goodbye and return to kindergarten.
