Shooting from a PM at a sports target. How to hold and shoot a gun correctly

For many shooters who want to master the art of shooting, a logical question arises: “ How to learn to shoot well from a PM” (Makarov pistol)? What to do and what techniques to use to get the desired result.

In most cases, shooters begin training by shooting with a pistol in both hands. This classic stand, which is currently known to everyone and does not raise any questions. More details about this issue can be found here. But more and more often shooters began to ask the question: is it necessary to be able to shoot while holding a weapon with only one hand? Of course, mastering this skill will only be an advantage over other athletes. Because in the competitive process situations are simulated precisely in order to apply exactly this type of shooting. To do this, according to the conditions of the exercise, the shooter must place a case, flashlight, or any other object in one hand and shoot while holding it. Moreover, having mastered shooting with one hand, doing it with a double grip becomes much easier.

By and large, if you do not go into small details and details, the entire process of learning to shoot from a PM can be divided into three stages. The first is the most important and basic stage, in which all kinds of shooting stances are mastered. These can be such stances as: classic, shooting with one hand, etc. In this case, it is worth using different distances: from close (3-5 meters) to far (25 meters or more). Also at this stage one masters: holding it in the hand, breathing when shooting, the movement of the shooting hands, and the smooth release of the trigger. All of the above can be separated into separate topics, since each of these elements in shooting is quite a comprehensive issue in its content and requires separate consideration.

At this stage, it would be right to pay attention to identifying and correcting errors in shooting technology. This is done so that with further improvement of technology, serious errors do not arise; it is their presence that will distract and prevent development in the future. At competitions there is such an excited atmosphere due to a large number of people, or a strong desire to show good results, that this is what prevents you from fully achieving the desired result. What was done at the shooting range, or at home ideally, in such an environment may not work out as desired. Severe stress and excitement are the main obstacle, which is why all the technique is brought to automaticity, this allows us to eliminate even the slightest mistake at the right moment. After mastering all of the above, you will develop the skill of handling weapons with a significant increase in the quality of shooting.

The second stage, which allows for the study of firing at different distances and from different positions. This is shooting “from the hip” and “midline of the body”, then there is rapid-fire shooting with a change in the level of attack.

The third and final stage can be called improving and consolidating acquired skills in more complex situations where it is necessary to use and apply both tactical and dueling skills. It should be noted that most of all work with weapons takes place in "". And for practicing combat shooting, a shooting range or open shooting range is used. You can also use Airguns to practice certain exercises.

Gun open class in practical shooting

Class standard revolver in practical shooting

Correct aiming from PM (Makarov pistol)

It is necessary to begin studying shooting techniques only after the student has studied the material part of the Makarov pistol,
the phenomena of shot and recoil in order to understand the influence of these factors on the accuracy of the shot. Only then can you learn the shooting technique of the sequence: positioning – grip – aiming – breathing – pulling the trigger – holding the weapon after firing. It is important that the student understands his potential capabilities before the start of classes, and then realizes them to the maximum during shooting practice.

1. Setting up for shooting. Two-handed shooting

Practice shows that using the second hand when shooting from short-barreled weapons allows even novice shooters with the weakest skills to hit the target, since a double grip ensures maximum stability of the weapon when firing. This greatly increases the likelihood of defeating the enemy in a real firefight, when severe physical and psychological stress is necessarily present. Therefore, mastering shooting techniques using the second hand will be both useful and necessary.

The main task of the double grip is to ensure maximum stability of the weapon. In addition, when performing a series of shots, the stance must be such that after firing the weapon in the shortest possible time returned to the aiming position, and the body did not lose balance.

You can consider many different grips and positions, the optimal of which everyone must determine for themselves, based on their physiological and physical characteristics. However, by studying the experience of domestic and foreign schools, we can recommend the stance described below, which facilitates the rapid return of the weapon for the next shot. This stand provides very good results high-speed shooting, when performed correctly, the weapon, after firing, returns to the previous aiming position almost simultaneously with the end of the reloading cycle, which is ensured by the shooter’s muscle memory. As a result, readiness for the next shot occurs much faster than the recovery of the human vestibular system after the shot and the development of a clear image sighting device. That is, the rate of fire will be determined by the speed of the index finger pressing the trigger.

The given stand is adopted in the following sequence:

– stand with your left side towards the target;

– place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders so that the shooting plane passes through the left toe and the right heel;

– point the weapon at the target with a double grip on the elements:

– with your left hand, clasp your right hand with a weapon;

– place the thumb of your left hand against the frame in the area of ​​the trigger guard;

- thumb right hand place on top of the base of the left thumb;

– secure the right hand with the weapon, following the recommendations for shooting with one hand (see: § 4 chapter 1 section 3);

– place the index finger on the trigger with the middle of the nail phalanx;

– create additional compressive force with your left hand, thereby pressing the end phalanges of the fingers of your right hand to the handle;

– with your right hand, push the weapon away from you, resting it on the palm of your left hand (the forces of the hands are directed towards each other);

– bend your right arm slightly at the elbow joint;

– bend your legs slightly at the knees;

– body slightly forward, back hunched (“lie down” on the weapon);

– check the position straight front sight in the slot and adjust if necessary.

Having practiced the position with a double grip, it is necessary to bring all actions to automaticity, which can only be achieved through long training with weapons without ammunition.

The condition of the muscles of the body and arms with such a stance ensures the best stability of the weapon during aiming and its maximum quick return to the original position after the shot, and also makes it possible to quickly transfer the weapon to another target exactly in the aiming area without unnecessary vibrations of the entire arrow-weapon system.

In addition, it becomes possible at short ranges (up to 10 m) to carry out intuitive shooting without using an aiming device, since in this case, when the trigger is pulled correctly, the bullet is likely to hit the point where the eye is looking.

There are quite a lot of options for preparing using the second hand to hold a weapon; you can classify them and carry them out detailed description each of the racks and grips. However, it is enough to limit ourselves to the presentation and grip presented and consider them as a basic option.

2. Grip (way of holding a gun in your hand)

Both the result of the shot and the stability of shooting in general largely depend on the grip, since uniformly holding the weapon in
combined with uniform aiming leads to a decrease in bullet dispersion and, consequently, an increase in the overall result. Developing a uniform correct grip will further determine the results of shooting.

First of all, the grip should be as tight as possible, but tremors (shaking) should not occur in the hand. To determine your holding force, you need to squeeze the handle until the tremer appears and gradually relax your hand until the shaking stops and the front sight is stable in the slot. It is with this effort that you must hold the weapon.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

– the weapon must be placed deep in the hand - so that the back of the frame does not come off the hand;

– the axes of the bore and forearm (if possible) should lie in the same plane;

– the handle should be held with the same force of three fingers with the dominant force of the middle finger;

– the thumb is extended along the slide and pressed against the frame with medium force;

– the main force on the handle should be distributed in the vertical plane;

– the index finger is placed on the trigger in the middle of the nail phalanx or closer to the first fold, depending on the length of the hand, but required condition: It should not touch the weapon on the right side.

Rice. 80. Diagram of force distribution along the handle

After completing the above elements, it is necessary to point the weapon at the target and secure the wrist joint. To do this, you need to push the weapon away from you by pressing on the back of the handle and press it against the three fingers, which remain motionless. In this position, it is necessary to fix the muscles of the hand and remember this sensation, while the center of pressure on the handle will be in the area of ​​the “asterisk” or under the nail of the middle finger.

Pressure on the back surface of the handle ensures rigid fastening of the wrist joint, which greatly helps to reduce the angular deviations of the front sight when intensively pressing the index finger, the main task of which is to press the trigger in such a way that the aim of the weapon is not lost.

If, after pointing the weapon at the aiming area, the front sight is not exactly in the rear sight slot, then it should be aligned during slow shooting, not by turning the hand, but by slightly moving the head in the appropriate direction. Otherwise, when the trigger is released, the weapon will return to its previous position, and the bullet will deflect in the direction from which the front sight was aligned with the brush. It can be very difficult to notice this error and understand its mechanism.

During training shooting, due to muscle memory, the grip is already reflexively performed monotonously with each shot, however
less control over the work and fixation of the hand muscles should be mandatory regardless of the shooter’s preparedness.

It is not recommended to drop the weapon (rotate it relative to the axis of the barrel), although the tilt has a slight effect on the quality of shooting. So, when stalling up to 10°, which is perfectly controlled by the eye, the bullet deviates in the same direction by no more than 3 cm at a range of 25 m,
that is, the error will be much less than the direct dispersion of holes due to other errors.

Rice. 81. Dropping weapons

3. Aiming

Aiming refers to the alignment of the shooter's eye, the sight slot, the front sight and the aiming point on the same line. The concept of an even front sight in a slot implies the position of their upper cuts on the same line and the equality of the gaps between the side edges of the front sight and the rear sight slot, while the aiming line passes through the middle of the upper cut of the front sight.

The ideal aiming picture can only be considered theoretically, when both the front sight in the slot and the aiming area are clearly visible, and the elements of the sighting device do not oscillate. In reality, this is far from being the case.

The student observes how the PM chaotically “walks” along the target, while the front sight “moves” in the rear sight slot. And all vibrations increase with the start of pressing the trigger. With little experience, the trainee, due to such a shift in his vision, has a natural desire to “catch the ten” and press the trigger in the most advantageous position of the weapon on the target. The result will be a blunder.

But is weapon vibration really that scary? A weapon held by a person will always have some vibration due to a number of physiological reasons. It is impossible to achieve ideal stability, in which the weapon will be absolutely motionless.

When shooting, two main types of vibrations occur:

– oscillations of the entire arm relative to the shoulder joint, during which the entire weapon “walks” relative to the target;

– vibrations in the wrist (wrist) joint, during which vibrations of the front sight in the slot are visually observed.

In addition, there are minor vibrations in the elbow joint and lower back, as well as the whole body relative to the floor. That is, a multi-link system of limited stability with many degrees of freedom is obtained, the amplitude of oscillations of which, as a rule, increases when the trigger is pressed or when stressful situations arise.

Let's consider using mathematics the effect of vibrations on shooting accuracy, for which we first conduct the following experiment. Attach a ruler to the wall at eye level. Holding the pistol at arm's length, a centimeter from the ruler, let's see within how many millimeters the front sight oscillates vertically and horizontally. Even for the most inexperienced shooter, these fluctuations will not exceed 3 mm.

The obtained result eloquently shows that when the weapon oscillates within 3 mm with a level front sight in the slot, the point of impact at a distance of 25 m when shooting at target No. 4 (chest figure with circles) does not leave the “ten”, the diameter of which is 10 cm And if the front sight oscillates within 1 mm, the displacement of the centers of the holes will be a maximum of 3.1 cm.

Now let's look at the oscillations of the weapon at half the target from the bottom cut to the center (Fig. 82).

Rice. 82. The result of the weapon swinging into half the target

When the pistol oscillates at half the target, the bullet will have maximum deviations up to the middle of the “eight”, that is, at three
shots, the result must be at least 24 points. However, taking into account the subordination of bullet dispersion to the normal distribution law (the probability of hitting closer to the center is greater), we get, even with such unprecedentedly large fluctuations of the weapon (half the target), a result of at least 25 points, which is an excellent score when performing the 1st
training exercises with a Makarov pistol.

Thus, the vibrations of the weapon relative to the shoulder joint can be considered parallel with sufficient accuracy and do not have any particular effect on shooting accuracy.

The second type of vibration, which has a major influence on the dispersion of bullets, is the angular vibration of the weapon, which occurs in the wrist (wrist) joint. Let us determine the possible deviations of holes for a PM pistol when shooting at 25 m with such fluctuations, assuming that there are no parallel vibrations.

Let's take the extreme case when the full lateral clearance in the sighting device is selected, that is, the front sight is “pressed” to the rear sight.

We get the result - 10.4 cm.

This result convincingly proves that even with such an exaggerated displacement of the front sight in the slot, the bullet will hit the “nine” area (Fig. 83). In other words, if the front sight oscillates within the slot, then the bullet should not come out of the “nine” when shooting at 25 m.
And the front sight does not have such large oscillations when holding a weapon, even for the weakest shooters.

The displacement of the hole at a distance of 25 m with a more realistic angular deviation of the front sight by 1 mm is 19 cm:

Let us recall that with a parallel oscillation of the front sight of 1 mm, this value was 3.1 cm, that is, six times less.

Rice. 83. Picture of the displacement of the hole when choosing the side clearance of the sight

From all of the above, it follows that the main errors are caused by angular deviations of the weapon, and, therefore, the main thing should be control over the position of the even front sight in the slot. If the shooter
will clarify the position of the weapon on the target, the sighting device will be visible blurry, and control over angular deviations will be weakened, which will inevitably lead to more significant aiming errors.

The aiming section has been given special attention in order to prove through precise calculations that aiming is the least important element in the technique of making a well-aimed shot. When shooting at 25 m, even when the entire weapon and the front sight oscillate in the slot, it is possible to hit a circle with a diameter of 10 cm, that is, the “ten” of target No. 4 and the “nine” of a sports target with a black circle. Consequently, the reason for poor shooting lies not so much in aiming errors, but in other incorrect actions, which will be discussed.

The main thing that the shooter must understand for himself: aiming is roughly aiming the weapon at the lower half of the target (in the aiming area), aligning the front sight in the slot and then observing its oscillation in the slot against the background of the oscillation of the entire weapon in the aiming area; in this case, vision should be clearly focused on the top of the front sight, and small aiming errors do not have a special effect on the dispersion of bullets.

The question often arises: which eye should you aim with and should you close one eye? In a real shooting situation, it is necessary to control the entire situation, and this can only be done with two eyes. In this regard, even during training, you need to accustom yourself to look with both eyes, and aim with the leading one.

To determine the dominant eye, you need to look with both eyes at any object located at a distance of 5 - 10 m, through a ring formed by the thumb and forefinger on an outstretched hand, and then blink your eyes alternately. The eye that will observe the selected object through the ring is the leading one.

For most people, the right eye is the dominant eye, but often the left eye can also be the dominant eye. To shoot from the right hand with your left dominant eye, it is enough to move the weapon slightly to the left and slightly tilt your head to the right so that the front sight fits exactly in the slot. Aiming with the dominant eye determines a clear visibility of the sighting device and significantly reduces the shooter's fatigue when performing a large series of shots, which will always have a better effect on the result.

4. Breathing

Correct breathing promotes high results, especially with a large series of shots.

It is easy to see how when breathing due to movement chest the hand with the weapon pointed at the target experiences vibrations in the vertical plane, the amplitude of which depends on the depth of inhalation and exhalation.
In view of this, the shot must be fired while holding your breath. When aiming for a long time and pressing the trigger while breathing stops, mild oxygen starvation may occur, which leads to dizziness and reduced visibility of the aiming device.

Long-term processing of the trigger is a typical mistake among unskilled shooters who believe that the more accurately they aim, the better the result of the shot.

The entire cycle from raising the hand to striking the firing pin on the primer should take no more than 20 - 25 seconds, while it is better to hold your breath halfway out, just before you start pressing the trigger. If during this time the trigger does not fall off the combat cock, then the shot should be postponed, and after a short rest and ventilation of the lungs, resume processing the trigger.

As the weapon rises to the aiming area, rough aiming of the weapon begins with a damping amplitude of breathing. Within ten seconds, breathing stops at half-exhalation, and over the next 12 - 15 seconds. there is a bold treatment of the trigger with control of the position of the front sight in the slot. If during this interval the trigger does not release the cock, then the shot should be postponed and the hand with the weapon should be lowered.

5. Pulling the trigger

Pulling the trigger your way specific gravity in the production of accurate
shot is of paramount importance and is a determining indicator of the degree of preparedness of the shooter. All shooting errors arise solely due to improper handling of the trigger release. Aiming errors and weapon vibrations allow you to show fairly decent results, but trigger errors inevitably lead to a sharp increase in dispersion and even misses.

Mastering the proper trigger technique is the cornerstone of the art of accurate shooting with any handgun. Only those who understand this and consciously master the technique of pulling the trigger will confidently hit any targets, will be able to show high results and fully realize the combat properties of personal weapons.

Pulling the trigger is the most difficult element to master, requiring lengthy and most painstaking work.

Let us recall that when considering the phenomenon of recoil, it was found that when a bullet leaves the barrel, the bolt moves back by 2 mm and there is no effect on the hand at this time. The bullet flies to where the weapon was pointed at the moment it left the barrel. Therefore, correctly pressing the trigger means performing such actions in which the weapon does not change its aiming position during the period from the trigger being pulled until the bullet leaves the barrel.

The time from the release of the trigger to the ejection of the bullet is very short and is approximately 0.0045 s, of which 0.0038 s is the rotation time of the trigger and 0.00053 - 0.00061 s is the time the bullet travels down the barrel. However, in such a short period of time, if there are errors in processing the trigger, the weapon manages to deviate from the aiming position.

What are these errors, and what are the reasons for their appearance? To clarify this issue, it is necessary to consider the ergonomic system: shooter - weapon, and two groups of causes of errors should be distinguished.

Technical reasons - errors caused by the imperfection of serial weapons (gaps between moving parts, poor surface finish, clogging of mechanisms, wear of the barrel, imperfection and poor debugging of the trigger mechanism, etc.).

The causes of the human factor are directly human errors, caused by various physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics of the body of each person.

Both groups of causes of errors are closely related to each other, manifest themselves in a complex and entail one another.
Of the first group of errors, the most noticeable role that negatively affects the result is played by the imperfection of the trigger mechanism, the disadvantages of which include:

– increased force of pressing the trigger (more than 2.5 kg), which leads to excessive tremor, especially in poorly trained shooters;

– stepwise travel of the trigger due to poor processing of the rubbing surfaces involved in releasing the trigger;

– failure of the trigger when the trigger is pulled, which leads to a contraction of the muscles involved in holding the weapon, and, as a consequence, to angular deviations.

Technical reasons can be eliminated quite easily when the trigger mechanism is debugged by an experienced gunsmith. It is clear that it is easier to show good results from a well-functioning weapon than from an ordinary pistol with a poorly adjusted trigger.

The shooter’s mistakes are determined by the characteristics of his physiological systems, knowledge of theoretical principles and practical skills, and the frequency of errors and their magnitude depend on the shooter’s level of preparedness and his experience.

We can identify a number of characteristic errors that are typical for shooters of various qualifications:

– incorrect direction of force on the trigger;

– unsmooth pressing of the trigger;

– delaying the shot over time;

– the body’s reaction to the expected shot;

– catching the “ten”.

Incorrect direction of index finger force

on the trigger

The pressure should be performed in such a way that when the trigger moves, the front sight remains level in the rear sight slot, and when the trigger is released, the weapon does not make angular deviations. To do this, it is necessary to exclude the impact of disturbing moments on the weapon. This is only possible if the line of action of force on the trigger passes through the weapon’s holding center, located in the “asterisk” area (or under the nail of the middle finger). This is true from a mechanical point of view. In order for the line of action of the force to pass through the center of the hold, it is necessary to feel how the index finger develops a force lying in the vertical plane of the weapon in the direction of the back fold of the palm.

Typically, all shooting manuals say that the line of action of the force should be parallel to the axis of the bore. However, it is easy to see that in this case a moment arises that will deflect the front sight upward, especially when pressed quickly. This can lead to separation during high-speed shooting.

If the force is developed not in the plane of the weapon, then lateral deviations of the holes will appear in the corresponding direction.

It should be noted that everyone should try various ways pressing the trigger and determine for yourself the direction of the force in which the front sight will remain in the slot even with intensive processing of the working stroke.

The error in the direction of force is eliminated through long-term training, when the skill of pressing the trigger is developed with a feeling of the development of force in the plane of the weapon through the center of hold. In order to show consistent high results when performing any exercises, control over pressing and the development of force on the trigger must be carried out during each operation of the trigger, even when they are brought to the level of automatic execution.

Unsmooth trigger pull

Many novice shooters are mistaken when they equate the concepts of smooth and slow pressing. By smooth pressing we mean such processing of the trigger, in which the weapon does not change its aiming position.

Each shooter performs the descent differently. It can be fast or slow, with a quick press at the beginning of the working stroke and a slowdown at the end and, conversely, stepped or pulsating. The choice of pressing option depends on the shooting conditions, the exercise being performed, the type of weapon and the experience of the shooter.

During the first lessons, it is advisable to begin learning how to release the trigger by pressing evenly at a constant speed of approximately 0.5 mm per second. After pointing the weapon at the aiming area, fixing the hand and selecting idle, all attention is focused on non-stop pressing the trigger with the index finger, regardless of the position of the sight on the target. The movement of the index finger should be observed as if from the side. If the shooter feels that the finger has stopped, it is necessary to postpone the shot, for which you release the trigger and lower your hand. After a pause, you need to resume processing the descent. Several attempts to press with one lift of the hand will lead to delaying the shot and, ultimately, to more serious errors than moving the sight from the aiming area.

Delaying the shot over time

The vibration amplitudes of the hand and weapon are constantly changing. They may fade, disappear and reappear, or appear in bursts.
However, as observations and experience show, there are periods when fluctuations are minimal. Obviously, the most accurate shooting will be when firing shots during periods of minimal fluctuations.

After raising the hand and pointing the weapon, the vibrations begin to fade and continue to be insignificant for some time, and then they increase and their individual bursts appear. In addition, over time, the eye gets tired and the sighting device becomes blurry, which makes it difficult to control the position of the even front sight in the slot. Weak control over the sight against the background of increasing fluctuations and surges leads to long separations and misses.

The period of minimum amplitude most favorable for a well-aimed shot lasts from 5 to 20 seconds. It is during this period that a “bold” pull on the trigger should occur with control of the constant movement of the index finger with a fixed position of the hand muscles, without paying attention to the position of the weapon on the target.
The shot must come as a complete surprise to the shooter.

With slow shooting, the element of surprise can reach up to several seconds, and with high-speed shooting - up to hundredths of a second, but in any case, the shot must be unexpected, which is a necessary condition for avoiding gross mistakes - consequences of waiting for the shot.

The body's reaction to an expected shot

The most serious mistakes, often leading to long gaps and misses, are caused by the body's reaction to the expected shot.

The recoil and loud sound that accompanies the phenomenon of a shot,
cause a certain fear in the shooter, as a result of which convulsive contractions of various muscle groups occur, leading to significant angular deviations of the weapon from the aiming position until the bullet leaves the barrel. Often, the deflection of the weapon begins before the trigger is released from the cocking position or when it begins to decock.

The time from the release of the trigger to the ejection of the bullet is very short and, for example, for a PM pistol, is only 0.0046 s, so it is difficult for an inexperienced shooter to see his mistakes. Although this is possible if you focus on the top of the front sight and observe its “nod” before recoil occurs. Based on the displacement mark of the front sight, it is possible with a very high probability to determine the value of the hole even before its visual detection on the target.

If you observe from the side, you can clearly see how the weapons of shooters who miss the target make significant nods immediately before the shot itself, mostly downwards. These deviations arise because the hand, expecting a shot, “grabs” the gun when squeezing the trigger, automatically trying to resist the upcoming recoil. As a result, the weapon turns with the muzzle cut down, in addition, the shoulder moves forward, further lowering the arm. Most often in such cases the bullet hits below the target, and sometimes into the ground in front of the target. Although deviations in any other direction are possible.

In addition, the expected shot is accompanied by a blink of the eye, and then it is simply impossible to see your mistakes.

A very revealing experiment is when a trainee is quietly mixed with live ammunition in the magazine. In this case, the body’s reaction to the idle trigger will certainly be the same as to a real shot, and the “twitching” of the weapon is clearly visible, and by the deflection of the front sight, one can approximately imagine the possible deflection of the hole.

If the shot is fired correctly, the weapon after recoil and
After completing the reloading cycle, it returns exactly to the aiming position due to the work of muscle memory. Visually for the shooter, the front sight returns to the slot, and the sight returns to the target. This is important when mastering the perception of the sensations of an unexpected shot, and is especially necessary when working on high-speed exercises involving a series of shots.

If after firing the weapon does not return to the aiming position, this indicates a change in the efforts of the muscles holding the weapon, and it is necessary to identify the causes of these errors. For those shooters who constantly send bullets under the target, it is very clearly visible how the barrel of the weapon is turned down after the shot.

Rice. 85. The body's reaction to an expected shot

Catching "tens"

Any person, regardless of qualifications, standing at the firing line, subconsciously has a desire to make the next shot the most accurate in his life. I definitely want to get into
“top ten” and even better – in its very center. This emotional condition leads to the fact that instead of technically correct processing of the trigger and control over one’s actions, one begins to clarify the position of the weapon on the target and an irresistible desire arises to quickly pull the trigger when the front sight is ideally aligned with the aiming point. If the sight moves even a little to the side, the index finger automatically stops pressing and at an opportune moment pulls the trigger again. However, the human vestibular apparatus is designed in such a way that the brain cannot give a command to contract only one muscle. For this reason, both nearby muscles and completely extraneous ones will necessarily contract. As a result, angular deviations of the weapon occur with the appearance of separations, although the shooter saw that the weapon was perfectly aimed at the target. In this regard, in no case should you clarify the position of the sight on the target and catch the much-desired “ten”. The grossest aiming error always produces a smaller hole deviation than the slightest error in releasing the trigger! This axiom must be remembered before every shot. It’s better to aim incorrectly and pull the trigger correctly than to aim at the “ten” and pull the trigger. A shooter with a higher qualification is distinguished by the fact that his shooting may be less crowded, but it will be stable and without separation. For consistent results, each shot must be executed boldly, with confident and precise movements of the shooter. The fear of a bad shot and delaying it will cause the hand with the weapon to tremble, will lead to haste in firing the shot and, as a result, to tugging at the trigger, and in this case a miss will be inevitable.

To perform shooting techniques that ensure the greatest accuracy and ease of action, you should develop the most advantageous and stable position for shooting, while achieving a uniform position of the pistol handle in your hand and the most comfortable position
torso, arms and legs.

The Makarov pistol is brought to normal combat at a firing range of 25 m in two ways: by exceeding the average point of impact (MIP) of the aiming area and by combining the MIP with the aiming area. The bullet's flight trajectories at a distance of 50 m and data on exceeding the STP of the aiming area are presented in Fig. 86.

Rice. 86. Flight trajectory of a 9-mm Makarov pistol bullet, reduced to normal combat at 25 m with the STP exceeding the aiming area and when combining the STP with the aiming area

Without losing contact with the holster, the hand moves down until it completely wraps around the pistol grip. With a quick movement, the pistol is removed from the holster, the safety is turned off and the barrel is pointed towards the target. The freed left hand jerks the bolt and sends the cartridge into the chamber. If only the right hand is free, then using the same technique, without support from below, the pistol is removed from the holster and pressed tightly against the thigh on the side of the sighting device. With a sharp movement of the right hand, the handle with the frame moves back and down until it stops and the pistol is quickly pulled away from the hip. The pulled bolt, with the help of a return spring, will send the cartridge into the chamber.


Weapons, as a rule, are used when other methods and means of conflict resolution have been exhausted or it is impossible to use them.

Therefore, it is not enough just to have a pistol in your pocket or holster, you must be able to use it competently, because only then will the Tokarev become a reliable friend you can rely on. It is also necessary to remember about mortal danger presumptuous handling of this pistol.

Remember once and for all following rules handling weapons:
Clean and lubricate your weapon regularly;
do not carry a faulty weapon, do not expect to “take it out of fear” with its help;
do not store a pistol at home with ammunition;
never give your gun to anyone, much less allow them to shoot from it;

It takes a lot of shooting practice before you can confidently say you know how to shoot a pistol. Training with him should consist of practicing the following techniques:
drawing the pistol, loading, stance, aiming, pulling the trigger, changing the magazine, eliminating possible delays, moving with the weapon.

Immediately before shooting, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the barrel bore and chamber, and also check the operation of the mechanisms. After wiping the barrel, you should carefully inspect it and make sure there are no foreign objects there. Before loading the pistol, you must sharply pull the bolt several times and release it. This advice is especially relevant when low temperatures environment. This will reduce the resistance to subsequent movement of the bolt and trigger parts and will contribute to the reliable operation of the pistol at the beginning of shooting.

Further, according to army canons, to assume a standing shooting position you must:
turn half a turn to the left and, without placing your right foot, put it forward towards the target so that your feet are shoulder-width apart;
unfasten the cover and remove the pistol from the holster;
hold the pistol vertically with the muzzle up at the level of the right eye;
the left arm should be freely lowered along the body or laid behind the back.

When shooting from a kneeling position you need:
left leg put it back so that the toe of the foot is against the heel of the right foot;
quickly lower yourself to your left knee and sit on the heel of your left foot, keep your right leg as straight as possible from the knee to the foot, with the toe pointing towards the target;
remove the pistol from the holster, turn off the safety.

When shooting prone:
take a full step with your right foot forward and slightly to the right;
Leaning forward, lower yourself to your left knee and place your left hand on the ground in front of you; leaning successively on the thigh of the left leg and the forearm of the left hand, you need to lie on your left side and quickly turn onto your stomach;
remove the pistol from the holster and remove the safety.

Is everything supposed to be done exactly according to the instructions? Experts answer that this is not at all necessary. It is only important that all operations for preparing and conducting shooting are carried out in a natural, free manner, without enslaving the body, without straining the eyes, muscles of the arms, legs, in general, without nerves and trembling in the knees.

An important question for a shooter: how to hold a weapon when shooting? The choice here is small - with one or two hands. When holding the pistol with one hand, fold your thumb and forefinger so that the back of the handle rests loosely on the connective tissue between your fingers, and the trigger guard rests against your middle finger. Move your index finger to the side and squeeze the remaining fingers until you confidently hold the gun. Do not tense your muscles, do not “choke” the gun, hold it freely, without trembling in your hand. Place the first (nail) phalanx of your index finger on the trigger and you can take aim. At the same time, breathe evenly, according to the shallow breathing formula.

Deep, noisy breathing, as well as long delays, will not bring any benefit - rapid fatigue sets in, and your hands begin to tremble even more. In the final stage of aiming, just before the shot, a breathing pause of four to five seconds is justified, during which you must have time to press the trigger.

When mastering the trigger, beginners can recommend a “soft trigger”, in which the shooter presses the trigger with a uniform “pulling” movement of his finger throughout the entire working stroke, until the trigger “unexpectedly” jumps off the cock.
An experienced shooter who knows the nature of his trigger should use a “dry trigger”, when a free (idle) stroke is quickly selected, the sight is clarified, and a shot is fired with a light final pressure.

Whenever possible, the pistol should be held with both hands. The exception is situations when shooting is carried out immediately after the weapon is drawn without aiming at extremely close distances. Grasping the handle with two hands makes it easier to control its aiming and fire in twos.

There are three main ways to hold a pistol with both hands:
supporting the shooting hand by the wrist with your free hand,
grip of the pistol grip over the shooting hand
support for the shooting hand from below.

The choice of one method or another depends on the shooter’s physical capabilities and existing skills. The weapon should be held as deeply as possible in the hand to reduce the “throwing” moment that occurs when shooting. The smaller the distance between the bore line and the “hand-forearm” line, the easier it is to conduct quick and targeted fire.

When holding the pistol with both hands, it takes minimal time to restore the aiming that was knocked down after the previous shot. The realistically achievable combat rate of fire of a TT pistol is eight aimed shots at targets located along the front in seven to nine seconds. Combat rate of fire characterizes the weapon’s ability to maintain aim after firing. It is a cumulative characteristic of the weapon and depends on the magazine capacity, the speed of its replacement and the stability of the weapon when firing. The stability of a pistol when firing depends, in turn, on the ratio of the recoil impulse, the mass of the weapon and its design.

Roughly, stability can be assessed as the ratio of muzzle energy to the mass of the weapon. For a TT pistol, this value is 3.5 J, which is within the limits that allow the shooter to control the recoil after a shot. Since the axis of the barrel bore of the pistol, compared to most other models, is located closer to the “hand-forearm” line, the recoil force is perceived mainly as a controlled push back, which does not disrupt the aiming and does not turn the hand upward, which ensures less muzzle jump cutting the trunk upward.

During breaks in shooting, the first thing that must always be done is to check the condition of the parts and mechanisms of the weapon, clean them of dust, dirt and, if possible, lubricate them.

To increase the stopping effect of a bullet, it will be most effective to hit the chest or pelvis area, where a person has a significant number of bones, and the bullet has every chance of damaging any of them.

Replacing a TT pistol magazine occurs differently than in the now familiar “Makarov” scheme. It looks like this:
1. When pressing the magazine button, forget about its existence - it will fall out by itself under the influence of its own weight. Remember that this method of replacing a magazine can only be used in exceptional situations, when every moment is precious and you no longer care whether the magazine falls into dirt, dust, or becomes deformed when hitting the asphalt.
2. With your free hand, push the new magazine into the handle until the latch latch clicks.
These actions must be practiced to the point of automaticity, since during reloading your eyes should be looking at the target, and not at the magazine.

Muffler for TT
Installing a silencer on a TT pistol is a thankless and often dangerous task. The design of the pistol and the cartridge used are in no way designed for this. Silencers are not installed on most powerful military pistols for a reason:
their low efficiency, cumbersomeness and unreliability.

Attaching a silencer disrupts the normal operation of the weapon's automation. Firstly, a massive part attached to the end of the barrel creates increased load on the barrel mount and on the bolt stop axis, which can cause them to break. Secondly, an increase in the total mass of the moving parts of the pistol by thirty to fifty percent reduces the recoil speed below the minimum required; the pistol bolt may not have enough energy to reliably chamber the next cartridge into the chamber, and your pistol will turn into a “stutterer.”

In addition to these reasons, there is another, no less important: a silencer makes sense only when cartridges with a subsonic initial bullet velocity are used for shooting. A bullet from a TT pistol flies out at a speed of more than 420 meters per second, and the speed of sound, as is known, is 340 meters per second. In this case, the shock wave created by a bullet flying at supersonic speed will negate the entire effect of installing a silencer - the power of the sound of the shock wave is commensurate with the sound of the powder gases escaping at the moment of firing.

Mastering the skills of pistol shooting involves significant consumption of expensive ammunition. According to the most conservative estimates, in order to learn to shoot accurately, be prepared to “burn” hundreds of rounds of ammunition at the firing line. The cost of purchasing such a number of cartridges is commensurate with the cost of the weapon itself.

Abroad, a solution was found in manual reloading of cartridges. This allows you to significantly reduce training costs, since in this case only consumable components are purchased: primers, bullets and gunpowder, and the most expensive component of the cartridge - the cartridge case - can be reused many times. The savings are quite significant. The cost of a homemade cartridge, as practice shows, is three to four times lower than the standard one.

In the USA, local craftsmen, who apparently find special pleasure in experimenting with various weights of gunpowder and types of bullets, have become adept at making this ammunition at home. Using ready-made bullets that are the right outside diameter for TT shooting, they load the cartridges by hand using a variety of presses. The problem for those who want to manually reload Tokarev cartridges is that it is impossible to insert a Boxer system capsule into the steel case of this cartridge, which has long replaced the old Berdan capsules that cause corrosion of weapons in the West.

Americans use revolver casings of popular and widely used .38 Special and .357 Magnum caliber cartridges to make cartridges for the TT cartridge. On a lathe, the diameter of the sleeve flange is reduced to 9.95 mm, and the width of the groove is increased for reliable operation pistol ejector. The next operation is to shorten the sleeve to 25.8 mm, then the most critical stage begins - forming a “bottleneck” of the appropriate configuration for the sleeve. The last operation consists of final cutting of the sleeve to a height of 25.02 mm. What remains in your hands is a cartridge case ready for reloading, suitable for installing a Boxer primer. To load cartridges, you can use bullets for the American M1 carbine.

The bullet weight of this cartridge depends on its type and ranges from 6.53 to 7.19 grams. After pressing the bullet into the cartridge case, it is necessary to check the total length of the cartridge, which should be in the range from 34.8 to 35.05 mm - pressing the bullet too deeply will lead to an increase in the pressure of the powder gases, and an increase in the total length may cause the cartridge to stick at the time of chambering . It must be remembered that this pistol only fires reliably with military-grade solid-jacket bullets, so before switching to cartridges with hollow-point bullets, you need to check the reliability of the weapon with such ammunition.

You must be extremely careful when experimenting with powder loads. The optimal charge mass is considered to be one that provides a bullet weighing 5.5 grams with an initial flight speed ranging from 430 to 490 meters per second, and for a bullet weighing 7 grams - 300-350 meters per second. In the absence of such bullets, shortened bullets from a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle can become a surrogate substitute. But we must remember that experiments with bullets are not safe, Beware of the barrel jamming when shooting.

A detailed description of this “technological process” is given in the hope that similar experience will be useful for domestic shooters or, at least, will warn someone against frivolous actions.


Shooting from a PM in normal situations is not much different from shooting from other pistols, including TT. The difference can only be in the scope of functions that are performed using this pistol, and adequate measures to master shooting techniques and skills. From this point of view, PM - unique phenomenon in the weapons world.

For several decades, it is practically the only domestic standard sample personal weapons for the army and police, and today for numerous security services of security companies and commercial structures. Therefore, shooting from a PM should cover the entire spectrum of conditions, from mastering basic concepts to shooting techniques in extreme situations.

Naturally, the basis of training is the development of primary skills in accurate shooting and the development of a general culture of handling weapons. A good basis for mastering initial skills is the manual on shooting training, which today is commonly criticized uncontrollably for its one-dimensionality. But, I think, such a manual should not be a “cookbook” for all occasions. For this purpose, there are other developments that should complement this document.

In general, when deepening your shooting skills in difficult conditions, you need to focus on the following types:

shooting ahead;
shooting offhand;
shooting on the move;
shooting in the dark;
shooting with a quick change of scenery;
shooting from behind cover;
shooting in enclosed spaces.

Of course, the question arises, what does such a multifaceted shooting training process look like in practice and how much ammunition will it require? There really is a problem, but there are real ways to solve it, which consist in using modern training technologies using optical-electronic computer systems for simulating shooting training in extreme conditions.

For example, the family of simulators OET-RS, OET-MA, OET-RA, OET-AK allows training in shooting techniques and rules, measures for safe handling of weapons, practicing the processes of aiming and releasing the trigger with an accuracy corresponding to shooting from military weapons.

Training systems with a more developed software structure make it possible to solve this problem in situations simulated using various scenarios of group and single actions with shooting and the use of other special means(Ramge-2000 system).

Training using standard PM ammunition with this approach is reduced to a minimum; it consists mainly of conducting test firing and stabilizing the psycho-volitional qualities of the shooter. A certain stage in mastering the art of accurate shooting is knowing the “character” of your pistol.

It is not enough to simply have a pistol in your pocket or holster, you must be able to use it competently, only then will the Makarov become a reliable friend you can rely on. It is important to remember the deadly dangers of overconfident handling of a pistol. Respect for him is necessary because someday he can save your life.

It is necessary to remember the following rules for handling weapons once and for all:

a gun may one day become the most necessary thing for you;
clean your weapon as often as possible;
never point a weapon at anyone without the intent to shoot;
never give your gun to anyone, much less allow them to shoot from it;
know the design and features of your weapon;
Constantly train in weapon handling and shooting techniques.

"Makarov" - no the last word weapons technology on the way to achieving high results in combat shooting. The design of the Walter-PP pistol, which served as the basis for the design of our pistol, limits the capabilities of the PM during high-speed shooting, since the return spring located around the barrel can heat up significantly and lose its mechanical properties during intense shooting.

Among the features of this pistol, which force us to make adjustments to the methodology of teaching practical shooting, include the design of the safety lock and the presence of self-cocking, which requires a fairly large force on the trigger. When the pistol is put on the safety, the hammer is reset, forcing the first shot to be fired by self-cocking, thereby reducing the likelihood of a hit with the first shot.

The pistol is distinguished by smooth shapes and complete lines, which, in general, creates a feeling of its compactness and lightness. Indeed, when you take it in your hand, the first feeling is that the pistol is not very heavy - it fully justifies its description as a light compact PM model.

Among its shortcomings is the unfortunate location of the strap ring on the handle. If you are left-handed, then when shooting from a PM you will constantly feel how it cuts into your palm.

All over the world it is considered normal when a new pistol can afford a couple of delays when firing. Usually, after a certain firing, the parts rub against each other, as if they “fall into place.” However, half a century of constant improvement of the design and development of PM manufacturing technology has led to the fact that even with a new pistol, just cleaned of the factory preservative grease, you can feel confident in any “coolest” mess.

The execution of the store is reliable and simple. Although the magazine wings pose a risk of injury, they perform their function perfectly. Many pistol owners load only seven rounds into the magazine, which both simplifies the process of loading cartridges and increases the life of the feed spring. Savvy Americans could not come to terms with the fact that inserting cartridges into a magazine could injure your hand, and for the second year now in the United States a plastic loading accelerator has been offered for four dollars.

If you want to increase the pistol’s capacity by one more cartridge, then we can advise you to remove the magazine when loading the pistol and load the chamber with an additional cartridge. Just don’t turn this into a constant practice, since a loaded pistol is a source increased danger, and the magazine spring is not designed for such operating conditions. Wide windows on the sides of the magazine make it easy to monitor how full the magazine is and determine the number of rounds in it.

The moment of fixing the magazine in the handle is determined very clearly, and if you inserted the magazine correctly once, then no more difficulties are expected. The only negative point is the need for quite a lot of force when pressing the lower end of the mainspring, especially for a new pistol. The pistol magazine is loaded with eight rounds in an average of ten to eleven seconds. It takes three to four seconds to change the magazine.

The safety is located very conveniently; when removing the pistol from the holster, the finger rests on the safety itself, and it is turned off by a natural movement of the finger covering the handle.

When shooting, the front sight of the pistol in the sight slot seems very small, which makes aiming difficult, since it is difficult to control its slight lateral movements and focus on it. In this case, a not very experienced shooter will inevitably make mistakes.

The handle of the Makarov pistol is not entirely comfortable to hold, which suggests that it is not the last word in weapon ergonomics. This is why there is no full hand contact with the gun, and therefore its position cannot be accurately assessed, making it difficult to control while shooting. The unfortunate, in our opinion, ratio of the thickness of the handle to its width leads to the fact that the force applied to the handle does not act in the same plane with the bore, which, as it were, “turns” the pistol to the right, so you have to apply significant force, which is natural , has a negative impact on shooting results.

With the current grip shape, the grip could be more complete if the trigger were positioned a little closer to it. This would also have the effect of making it less work for the index finger to properly hold the weapon in the hand. The release stroke is very long, and while you are squeezing it, the thought of pulling it faster comes to mind more than once. After the shot, the barrel of the pistol jumps, but immediately returns to its original position and, slightly short of reaching the end, freezes at a certain angle. This happens because the tight trigger causes tension in the wrist muscles.

A similar effect is observed when shooting from all pistols and revolvers with a large trigger pull and a center of gravity shifted to the handle. After the shot, when the pressure of the index finger disappears, the muscles of the palm do not have time to relax and “turn” the pistol upward.

When shooting "double" This leads to the jumping of the weapon causing the impact point of the second shot to be overestimated. As for shooting from a PM held with two hands, the rounded shape of the trigger guard does not make it possible to fix the weapon with the index finger by the trigger guard. In general, the feeling when shooting from a PM is very different from the impression produced by shooting from a sports small-caliber pistol or APS and a Nagant revolver. The main difference is the low “information content” of the weapon, which does not make it possible to evaluate the result of a shot based on the terms of certain actions, or, as sports shooters say, “it is impossible to mark the shot.” The recoil of the PM, even when using the most powerful cartridges, is not great, however, preference should be given to semi-orthopedic handles rather than the standard plastic pad.

The hammer cocking force is 3800 grams, the safety cocking force is 2200 grams, while for Western analogues it is no more than 1500 grams. The greatest effort has to be applied when removing the magazine - about four and a half kilograms.

The insufficient stopping effect of the 9x19 mm cartridge when fighting with a large criminal requires firing at least two shots simultaneously. For a Makarov pistol, which has almost half the muzzle energy, this is more than relevant. Even more important in such cases is the ability to conduct targeted shooting while moving. Combining active movement with shooting is a difficult task, and cannot be taught independently. Taking cover or changing your position when shooting from your knees will take away several precious moments that may turn out to be decisive.

The pistol's shooting accuracy is within the requirements for weapons of this class. During military zeroing, it is considered normal if the holes on a target at a distance of 25 meters lie in a circle with a diameter of 15 centimeters, and the average point of impact deviates no more than five centimeters from the center of the target.

It takes an average of 1.2 seconds to fire the first shot, that is, to remove the pistol from the holster and remove the safety, although after special training this figure can be halved. With the maximum possible rate of fire at a distance of five meters, the holes from five shots are placed in a circle with a diameter of 200 mm.

It should be noted that in the conditions of a street battle, any person, even an athlete who at the shooting range sent all the bullets to the top ten, can become confused and lose an advantage over a person who shoots, perhaps not so accurately, but quickly and desperately.

Manual reloading of cartridges
Confidence in weapons, proper handling skills and good shooting results are impossible without constant training at a shooting range or shooting range. If you want to learn how to shoot accurately, then be prepared to “burn” hundreds of rounds of ammunition at the firing line.

Abroad, a solution has been found in manual reloading of cartridges, which can significantly reduce training costs. In this case, only consumable components are purchased: primers, bullets and gunpowder, and the most expensive component of the cartridge, the cartridge case, can be used several times. The savings are quite significant. For example, the cost of one cartridge of 9x19 mm caliber is about 40 cents; if equipped independently, it will cost an American shooter 14 cents; as for another popular cartridge, the famous revolver “forty-five,” the difference here is even more noticeable: seven cents versus 45.

The problem for those who want to manually reload cartridges for PM is that it is impossible to install the Boxer system capsule into the steel case of this cartridge, which has long replaced the old Berdan capsules that cause corrosion of weapons in the West. Obviously, domestic gun owners will soon have such an opportunity, since our arms dealers are establishing ever closer ties with foreign manufacturers every year. If there is a demand for components for reloading, then there is no doubt that they will soon appear in our stores.

True, you must be extremely careful when experimenting with powder loads. The optimal charge mass is considered to be the one that provides the initial flight speed of a bullet weighing six grams in the range from 280 to 350 meters per second.

Some details of this “technological process” have already been given in the “TT” section, so this experience may also be painful for domestic shooters.

Delays when shooting
The operation of TT and PM pistols has been tested by many years of practice in their use in a wide variety of difficult conditions. They have confirmed their reputation as reliable, stable, and easy-to-handle weapons. However, you must always be prepared for the fact that a weapon, even in rare cases, may become capricious. The main type of such “whims,” called in technical parlance “removable failures,” are delays, the nature of which is the same for TT and PM pistols.

Most often, delays occur due to improper preparation of the pistol for shooting and careless handling of it, for example, due to inattentive checking of the condition of the weapon before shooting, careless cleaning of mechanisms, insufficient lubrication or poorly equipped magazines and other omissions caused by the shooter.

Delays during shooting occur much less frequently due to breakdowns or wear of individual parts, however, even in this case, most breakdowns do not occur suddenly, but due to a long-term violation of the correct interaction of parts, which could be noticed and corrected in time.

Excessive lubrication also often causes delays when firing from self-loading weapons. A large number of thickened lubricant creates resistance when moving parts of the gun, so it should be applied in a thin layer using a previously soaked rag. The incorrect placement of cartridges when loading the magazine also causes a lot of criticism. But still, the main percentage of delays when shooting is associated with incomplete retraction of the bolt to the rear position, as well as with its unsharp movement forward. If a delay occurs, the weapon must be reloaded, but if this does not give a positive result, then it is still necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Main reasons for delay

Failure to feed a cartridge into the chamber.
Sticking the cartridge into the front wall of the magazine. Eliminate misalignment of the cartridge in the magazine. Pull the shutter.

Incomplete locking of the bore.
Weakening (breakage) of the return spring, thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the slide grooves and frame protrusions, bruises and burrs on these surfaces. Contamination of the cartridge or chamber. The ejector tooth did not stick. Carry out gun maintenance.

These are delays, meaning that the shot does not fire when the firing pin strikes the primer. The reasons may lie either in a malfunction of the firing mechanism (trigger mechanism) or in the low quality of the cartridges. If there is a regular and deep pin prick on the cartridge primer, then the cause of the misfire is a poor-quality cartridge; if the prick mark is weak, incorrectly located, or not there at all, then the trigger is faulty. A small output of the firing pin, its breakage or deformation, weakening or breakage of the mainspring, dirt or excess lubricant at the breech end of the barrel - all this can cause misfires when firing. Cock the trigger and pull the trigger again. If the shot does not fire, pull the shutter. If the trigger is faulty, repair it.

Failure to remove the cartridge case.
A dirty chamber or cartridge, a broken ejector tooth or a weakened ejector spring. Tight extraction of cartridges leads to the fact that the bolt, having lost a significant part of the energy for its extraction, does not reach the rearmost position and does not throw the cartridge outside the weapon. The sleeve either falls into the chamber again, or when the next cartridge is fed, it jams the bolt in the middle position. If the ejector hook slides off the edge of the cartridge case or tears it off, leaving part of the cartridge case in the chamber, then the next cartridge sticks into the bottom of the unextracted cartridge case, which causes the bolt to stop in the middle position.
Pull back the bolt and lift the slide stop up with your thumb and remove the magazine. Press the delay button and sharply pull the shutter back again. In severe cases, the sleeve is removed using accessories.

Sleeve pinching.
Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the longitudinal grooves of the bolt and the protrusions of the frame, wear of the ejector tooth, rupture, swelling of the sleeve. But the most dangerous defect in case of pinching is the transverse rupture of the sleeve. The reasons for the rupture may lie both in a defect in the cartridge and in defects in the weapon (dirt and shells in the chamber). Repeated cases of shell ruptures indicate an increase in the gap between the bottom of the shell and the bottom of the bolt cup. Correcting the defect consists of replacing and adjusting the pistol bolt during repair. Along with transverse rupture of the liner, longitudinal ruptures also occur. The causes of the defect are basically the same as in the case of a transverse tear. Longitudinal cracks and breaks are especially dangerous if they are located close to the case head. Tilt the pistol to the right and, pulling back the bolt, remove the cartridge case from the weapon. If the cartridge case is not removed, the shutter is put on hold and the cartridge case is knocked out with a ramrod.

Sticking the cartridge.
Incorrect placement of the upper cartridge, bending of the upper edges of the magazine walls. Pull back the shutter and release. Correct the bend of the upper edges of the magazine.

Becomes on the slide stop until the cartridges are used up.
The bolt stop tooth jumped into the bolt cutout due to an influx of metal at the corner of the cutout and weakening of the bolt stop spring. The cartridge is misaligned in the magazine.
Return the bolt to the forward position by pressing the bolt stop ridge. Check the condition of the shutter stop.

Magazine falling out.
Broken or worn magazine latch tooth or latch spring, clogged latch window. Remove the magazine and fix the problem.

Double shots, or automatic shooting from a pistol.
This is a defect in a weapon when it continues to fire when the trigger is released. When firing automatically, you should hold the pistol in a safe direction until the shooting stops or the cartridges in the magazine run out. The defect may be a consequence of contamination or thick lubrication of the trigger, weakening or breakage of the sear spring, or rounding of the interacting surfaces of the trigger and sear. Remove thickened grease. Check the serviceability of parts and make repairs.

Long shot.
This phenomenon is characterized by the presence of a pause between the striker hitting the primer and the shot itself. The reason may be an insufficiently powerful beam of fire from the primer due to its defects, increased humidity of the powder charge, or a weak pinprick that cannot simultaneously ignite all the powder grains. A lingering shot may be the result of storing cartridges for a long time without sealed packaging in a humid environment.

It is necessary to point the pistol in a safe direction and wait some time (at least half a minute) so that the shot does not occur at the moment when you open the bolt. However, if a misfire occurs in a critical situation, and you do not have the opportunity to wait out this time, then you must act instantly: grasp the bolt in a position that prevents injury to your hand, and pull the bolt.

When shooting, delays may also occur for other reasons, but they are extremely rare. If the delay that occurred during shooting is not eliminated, you need to unload the weapon and find out the reasons for its occurrence. And we remind you once again: a “well-maintained” pistol is “moody”, mainly because of the cartridges.


The PSM pistol is not something special or exceptional among other pistols, so the elements of basic shooter training previously discussed in the sections on TT and PM remain valid for it: preparing to fire, aiming, triggering.

Differences are possible only in terms of situational training in pistol shooting, focused on a more complete account functional purpose weapons.

The owner of a PSM, picking up a pistol, voluntarily or involuntarily accepts the assumption that shooting will be carried out at ultra-short distances, suddenly, in a rapidly changing environment.

In such cases, the following types of preparation play a dominant role:
advanced shooting training;
the ability to fire a stopping shot.

Shooting ahead is most important factor survival when there is no choice: to shoot or not to shoot. Since the times of duels, a bitter joke has been known: “I shot second, but died first.”

To avoid becoming a victim of this sequence, learn and strictly follow a number of rules:
1. Carry only functional weapons and check their condition before placing them in a holster. The essential question is: should I chamber the cartridge in advance or not? From the point of view of the rules, this is prohibited. But in life - think for yourself and remember that the PSM has a fairly reliable safety device.
2. Choose a good holster, rigid, with well-functioning clasps, think about the location of its placement, taking into account how busy your hands will be when performing the upcoming task.
3. Take the time to practice how to quickly draw the pistol from the holster and get it ready to fire.

Develop several different techniques in this sense. When removing a pistol with both hands, the following order is possible: the left hand holds the holster by its lower part, the right hand presses tightly to the holster; With a sliding motion, he unfastens the clasp and lifts the top flap.

Without losing contact with the holster, the hand moves down until it completely wraps around the pistol grip. With a quick movement, the pistol is removed from the holster, the safety is turned off and the barrel is pointed towards the target. The freed left hand jerks the bolt and sends the cartridge into the chamber. If only the right hand is free, then using the same technique, without support from below, the pistol is removed from the holster and pressed tightly against the thigh on the side of the sighting device. With a sharp movement of the right hand, the handle with the frame moves back and down until it stops and the pistol is quickly pulled away from the hip. The pulled bolt, with the help of a return spring, will send the cartridge into the chamber.


Offhand shooting is considered a natural continuation of preemptive shooting. If you decide to shoot like this, there is no mistake in it.

The design of the PSM, with certain training, allows the use of such shooting methods at short distances. When shooting offhand, the shooter does not have time to properly adjust the pistol in the hand, so it is necessary to practice the correct grip of the weapon in one move in advance, so that you can control its position when further moving towards the target.

When practicing offhand shooting skills, it is important to understand that aiming here occurs due to muscle sensations, and vision is involved only in adjusting the position of the weapon.

Currently, the so-called “American” two-handed shooting has become widespread. In the US, where large, heavy calibers predominate, this type of gun grip has certain advantages.

The lightweight compact PSM remains a one-handed weapon, so you shouldn’t look for effective means performing offhand shooting among fashionable, unusual techniques. When shooting at a distance of five meters to the target, fire should be conducted without straightening your arms completely, which, on the one hand, saves a fraction of a second on preparing a shot and, on the other hand, does not allow you to hit or knock the weapon out of a fully extended hand.

At a distance of more than five meters, shooting is carried out from an outstretched arm, in such a way that it is better to dynamically fix the aiming line at the moment of the shot.

During fire contact with offhand shooting, it is necessary to provide certain protective measures. As practice shows, better protection is a maneuver, high-speed movement. Let's say a step to the side, back, change of position, squats, falls.

To train and practice maneuverable shooting offhand, there is a game called “turmoil”, in which the shooter is located on a distant line in an uncomfortable position, and on command rushes forward or to the side, managing to make a shot.

When shooting offhand, it is important psychological factor. It is difficult for a non-professional to pull the trigger and shoot to kill almost point-blank. This psychological barrier is largely mitigated by mastering the art of firing a stopping shot that can incapacitate an attacker without fatal consequences.


American experts have developed the following rules for stopping shooting:
if the attacker has a knife or club in his hand and is no more than three meters away, it is better to incapacitate him with a shot to the knee. If there is a pistol in his hand, then it is better to shoot in the head: damage to the cerebellum will deprive him of the ability to press the trigger;
if the attacker is far enough away and he is aiming at you, you need to hit him in the chest, since it is difficult to hit the head.
In other cases, stopping shooting is carried out in such a way and in those parts of the body in order to prevent a specific threat.

If a bullet hits the shoulder, it will crush the bone, tear the muscles, and the attacker will no longer be able to shoot with that arm. It's not easy to hit the shoulder, but it's easier than hitting the hand. Vital organs are not affected.

Knee cap.
It is more difficult to hit it, and you need to shoot in this area if the attacker has a dangerous offensive weapon in his hands.

The pelvis is the easiest to hit, and if the bone is damaged, the attacker will fall. It is better to aim at the right or left side of the hip joint if you do not want to hit the vital veins and aorta in the center.
Solar plexus.
After a bullet hits there, the attacker immediately drops everything he is holding in his hands and grabs his stomach. This is an unconscious reaction.

When it enters the cerebellum or spinal cord, the affected person is no longer capable of any movement; the entire neuromuscular system is instantly paralyzed, and damage to the cerebellum is, in addition, accompanied by an immediate cessation of breathing and blood circulation.

A hit to the heart is usually fatal. But death does not occur instantly; the attacker may still have time to pull the trigger. If a bullet hits between the nipples, it is likely that it will not hit the vital centers, but the person will be incapacitated instantly.

Each pistol is unique in its own way ballistic characteristics. Technological errors in the manufacture of parts and assembly of mechanisms lead to natural variations in product parameters. Any experienced shooter can easily distinguish between samples with good and mediocre combat. Therefore, all pistols, without exception, must be brought into normal combat.

The criteria for assessing a normal battle are:
a) accuracy of fire. The radius of the circle R (100), containing 100 percent of the holes in the control series of shots, should be no more than 7.5 centimeters.
b) deviation of the average point of impact (MIP). The deviation of the STP from the control point should not exceed five centimeters.

Checking and bringing to normal combat is carried out:
upon receipt of the pistol;
when abnormal deflection of bullets is detected during training shooting;
after repair or replacement of pistol parts that affect the quality of shooting.

Reduction to normal combat is carried out with a fully operational weapon and begins with checking the combat.
The battle is checked by experienced shooters who have guaranteed results in short series of shooting.
Shooting is carried out at a shooting range or in an area of ​​an open shooting range protected from the wind from a distance of 25 meters along a black circle with a diameter of 25 centimeters. The target circle is set approximately at the height of the shooter's eyes.

The center of the black circle is taken as the reference point to evaluate the displacement of the STP. For center-fire pistols, the reference point (CP) coincides with the aiming point (AP); for pistols sighted at the bottom edge of the target, the aiming point lies along a vertical line drawn through the center of the circle 12.5 centimeters below the control point.

Shooting is done from a standing position; the use of a rest is allowed, but in such a way that the hand with the pistol remains suspended. To check the battle, the shooter, taking careful and uniform aim, fires four shots in a row. Based on the shooting results, the position of the midpoint of impact is first determined.

To determine the STP for four holes, any two holes are connected by a straight line, and the distance between them is divided in half; the resulting division point is connected to the third hole, and the distance between them is divided into three equal parts; the mark closest to the first two holes is connected to the last fourth hole, and the space between them is divided into four equal parts. The third point from the fourth hole is considered the midpoint of impact.

To check the fulfillment of the requirements of normal combat - criteria a), b) - two circles are drawn on the target: a circle of shooting accuracy with a radius R (100) = 7.5 cm and a center at the STP point and a circle of the position of the STP point with a radius Rstp = 5 cm and the center coinciding with the control point of the CG.

If all four holes are in circle R (100), and the middle point of impact is in circle Rstp, then the pistol satisfies the requirements of normal combat. Otherwise, the rear sight is adjusted or replaced.

If the STP is shifted relative to the control point to the left (right), then the rear sight moves to the right (left); when the STP is above or below the control point, the rear sight is replaced in the first case with a lower one and with a higher one in the second case.
Moving the rear sight left-right, up-down by 1 mm changes the position of the STP by approximately 19 cm. The new position of the rear sight is fixed by punching, while the old mark on the rear sight is erased and a new one is applied in its place.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to hold a pistol in your hands and shoot from it, then in this article you will learn about the correct grip and aiming technique. In theory, aiming a pistol is fairly easy, but it still takes some practice to develop the skill to handle the gun safely, hold it confidently, and aim it on target. So go to the shooting range, and first read and remember what you need to do to hit the target.

Basic pistol shooting technique

What will you need?

  • Target

Grip (hold) of a pistol

Hold the gun in your dominant hand. Your dominant hand should wrap around the handle of the gun with your thumb resting on the inside of the barrel.

  • Your middle finger, ring finger, and little finger should wrap around the outside and front of the handle.
  • The index finger should be on the outside of the trigger guard.
  • This way of holding a gun will give you maximum amount levers necessary to reduce the vibration of the weapon in the hand during recoil.

Place your non-dominant hand on the other side of the handle. It will support the other hand and provide additional leverage when shooting.

  • Place your hand as high as possible on the handle.
  • All four fingers should be under the trigger guard, with your index finger firmly resting on the bottom of the trigger guard.
  • The thumb should point forward and touch the other thumb.

Pistol shooting stance

Assume your shooting position. Stand up straight with your feet firmly planted on the ground and point the gun at your target. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent.

  • This position will allow you to move easily while providing stability to your body.
  • Raise the gun in front of you. Your arms should be extended forward and slightly bent at the elbows. The gun should not be near your face.
  • Lean your torso forward a little, imagine as if you are “drilling” a wall with a drill. This way you can maintain balance despite the recoil when shooting.

Aiming technique when shooting

Take aim. Follow the instructions below to properly aim at the target.

  • Most people have their dominant eye on the same side as their dominant hand, but there are exceptions.
  • To determine which eye is your dominant, place your thumb and index finger together in a ring. Then extend your hand and look through the ring at some distant object.
  • Start gradually moving the ring closer to your face, keeping both eyes open, but not looking at it. As a result, you will bring your hand to your dominant eye.

When aiming, the front sight and rear sight of the pistol must be in line. The pistol has a rear sight and a front sight. When you aim, the front sight should be exactly centered between the two edges of the rear sight slot.

  • The front sight consists of one part, and the rear sight consists of two parts with a slot.
  • There should be the same distance between the front sight and the edges of the rear sight slot.
  • The top of the front sight should also be flush with the edges of the rear sight.

Take aim. When you aim a pistol, you will need to look at the rear sight, front sight, and target. Of course, it is physically impossible to look at all three objects at once. Therefore, try to focus mainly on the front and rear sights. In this case, it is recommended to focus on the front sight (closer to the muzzle of the pistol).

  • The target should look a little blurry. You should be able to see her, but she should be on background and be less clear than the front and rear sights.
  • More specifically, you must concentrate on the front sight. It will help you determine the relative position of the gun to your target.

Select a location on the target. The target has three places to aim. No one location is preferable to another, so you will have to determine for yourself which one will be the most convenient for aiming.

  • You can aim directly at the center of the target. To do this, you need to center the top of the front sight accordingly. The line of the top of the front sight should also coincide with the horizontal line of the center of the target.
  • You can aim directly under the bull's eye (this method of aiming is called 6:00 o'clock). When actually shooting, aim so that top part the fly slightly extended beyond the lower part of the black field of the apple.
  • Or you can aim just below the bull's eye (sub 6 aim). When actually shooting, the front sight should be aimed approximately at the middle of the white part of the target field below the bull's eye.

Concentrate. You will need patience and concentration. If you aim sloppy, you will probably miss.

  • Before shooting, make sure that the front sight is correctly installed in the rear sight slot.
  • Take your time and be calm. If you get nervous and try to pull the trigger too hard, you may lose your aim and miss.

Pull the trigger and fire. Do this confidently, evenly, and do not delay.

  • Pull the trigger evenly. Apply pressure only to the front of the trigger.
  • First, pull the trigger until you feel resistance.
  • Then continue to pull the trigger until you fire. Try not to expect it, as this often leads to a miss.

Shooting safety

  • Be sure to keep your index finger on the brace before shooting.
  • Point the gun in a safe direction. You should always point the gun away from people to avoid injuring anyone or damaging other people's property. If you're at a shooting range, hold the gun pointing downwards.
  • Consider your gun loaded even if it isn't. This is necessary to prevent a possible tragedy.
  • You must clearly see where your target is, as well as the entire area around and beyond it. It is important to ensure that all precautions are taken and that no one is caught in the line of fire. The target must be positioned so as not to pose a danger to anyone or anything in its vicinity. If you are going to shoot on private property, make sure there are no homes or businesses nearby.

According to the rules and regulations International Confederation of Practical Shooting (ICPS), or in English the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), since its founding, THREE “golden” basic shooting safety rules have been established, also called the ARROW CODE:

1. My weapon is always loaded!

In any situation, in any case and with any weapon, we handle like with a charged one(remember how much you heard about a gun that hung on the wall for several years and then suddenly went off?)

2. I will only point the gun where I am going to shoot!

Typical mistakes when aiming

Mistakes happen when aiming incorrectly. They occur if the front sight is not installed correctly in the rear sight slot. How correctly you aim can be determined by the bullet hits on the target.

  • If the bullet landed below the center of the target, then when aiming, the upper part of the front sight was below the upper edges of the rear sight slot.
  • If the bullet hit above the center of the target, then the top of the front sight was above the top edges of the rear sight slot.
  • If the bullet landed to the right of center, then the front sight was closer to the right side of the rear sight slot.
  • If the bullet landed to the left of the center of the target, then the front sight was located closer to the left side of the rear sight slot.

Parallel offset. This error occurs when the front and rear sights are installed correctly, but your hand is thrown up by the recoil.

  • It will all depend on where the recoil sends your hand - up or down. Accordingly, try to aim slightly above the center of the target or slightly below.

Mistakes when holding a pistol. Parallel displacement is not the only error that can occur when shooting. Bullet holes in the target may also indicate other errors.

  • If the bullet hits the target closer to your dominant side, then you are most likely gripping the gun too tightly with your thumb or pulling the trigger too hard. Accordingly, if the bullet lands in the other direction from the center of the target, then you are pressing the trigger too lightly.
  • If you're right-handed and the bullet hits the lower right corner (or vice versa if you're left-handed), then you're probably gripping your gun too hard when you pull the trigger. If you hit the bottom left corner, you are most likely pulling the trigger too hard.
  • If you are right-handed and the bullet hits the upper right corner (or vice versa if you are left-handed), then you expect recoil when firing. If the bullet hits the upper left corner, then you are also expecting recoil or not “following the shot.”

Now you know (in theory) how to properly stand on your feet, hold a gun and aim it at a target. All that remains is to consolidate this knowledge with practice. Therefore, feel free to go to the shooting range!


Apparently, the point is that the hand is not strong enough or your wife is “scared” of the shot.

Judge for yourself (I quote): “To fully execute an aimed shot, the strength and power endurance of the muscles must ensure that the hand with the weapon is held while aiming without feeling tired for the one and a half period of time required to complete the shot. This is 25-30 seconds. We emphasize that this is the time until the onset of muscle fatigue. The shooter is able to hold his hand with the weapon much longer, but he should not fire a shot while overcoming the developing fatigue of the hand. The shooter's attention should not be distracted by controlling and forcing the muscles holding the hand to work. The hand is the main working organ of the shooter from pistol. It must be strong, resilient, stable and obedient. This means that the weight of the pistol, held in an outstretched hand, does not seem heavy. The hand holding the weapon aimed at the target is quite stable. The amplitude of its vibrations does not extend beyond the aiming area, the value of which constantly decreases with training, approaching the achievement of complete immobility of the weapon in the final phase of the shot. The tone of the muscles of the hand holding the weapon when aiming should be maintained without additional volitional efforts. Spontaneous, without a command from the conscious mind, a decrease in tone should be excluded. Muscular reactions to extraneous stimuli that may arise when working on a shot should also be excluded."

More details here: Educational and methodological manual on pistol shooting - www rifle-guns ru can be viewed here - plinker narod ru



From my experience I can say 1. pull the trigger with 1 phalanx, constantly aim and “don’t wait” for the shot. 2 the arm can “walk”, but it (the arm) must be straight from the shoulder to the pistol, especially “fixed” in the area of ​​the hand, because PM short-barreled, any angle created using a brush leads to a miss. Good luck!!!

How to learn not to jerk your hand when firing from a PM?

Please note two more points:

When preparing for shooting, it is necessary to train not only the whole hand so that it holds a fairly heavy pistol in a stationary position, but also the wrist joint specifically - when shooting it must be motionless, otherwise the immobility of the hand will not give anything.

2. Perhaps your wife is “scared” just before the shot (maybe subconsciously) and does not press the trigger very gently? For a woman, the trigger can be simply too tight, so she knocks down the sight when firing. Teach her that even if it is not possible to hold the pistol in a stationary position, the continuation of the line “eye - rear sight - front sight” should still “rest against the target”. If something happens, it won’t be a ten or even a seven, but the hole in the target will remain...

By the way, does she cock the trigger before firing? Or is the cartridge already in the chamber and it fires by simply removing the main gun from the safety? Then the force required to pull the trigger is much greater.

Well, let him wear headphones so that he is less afraid of gunshots. Or the old fashioned way - put a sleeve in each ear and move on...



Then only strengthen the arms (including hands) and the nervous system. Actually, if they teach her this at work, then an instructor or teacher should do it, and he should know all these subtleties... Let her try, like in Hollywood, with support with the second hand - the second hand supports the one with the gun, from below (like a beggar), you can slightly “push” the trigger guard with your index finger to better secure the weapon. Supporting hand - only from below, under the grip and hand with the pistol, in no case from the side - the hand can get under the bolt moving back.
By the way, it still won’t hurt to cock the hammer - this will have to be done only before the first shot, after it and after each next shot the hammer will be cocked automatically...

It’s strange, if the target is rectangular, then exercise No. 1 should be performed (3 shots, no time limit). in this case, the knocked out points will be counted.

When performing speed exercises, chest target No. 6 is used. Exercises should be performed from the “gun in holster” position. 10 seconds includes the time that the shooter spends on removing from the holster, removing the safety, chambering a cartridge (women often have problems with the bolt jerking) and taking a stance. Perhaps your wife spent too much time on these preparatory actions for shooting, and in the remaining seconds she was in a hurry and, as they say, in the “white light”. Practice performing preparatory actions as quickly as possible.
Next point, there is a simple exercise for correctly releasing the trigger from the trigger delay. Place the empty cartridge case on the pistol near the front sight and hold it at arm's length. At the same time, cock the trigger with your thumb and press the trigger at idle with your index finger. If your hand jerks when releasing, the cartridge case will fall. When you have practiced with the hammer cocked, try it without the hammer being cocked, i.e. using only the trigger mechanism.
And lastly, she should not wait for a shot, she should not be afraid, i.e. she should get used to this situation. But if she shoots 1-2 times a year before the competitions, then this is difficult to do. Let him shoot regularly, at least once a month.
