5 Russian environmental party Greens. Political party "Russian Ecological Party" Greens

Anastasia Surikova

By and large, any political party in Russia can safely be called a commercial enterprise. All of them “make money” in one way or another, misleading voters with beautiful slogans. But there is also a party in the country whose leadership, in pursuit of profit, has surpassed its competitors in all respects.

On June 9 of this year, a meeting of the Business Press Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Saratov Region on the topic: “Development of regional industry and its The meeting was attended by representatives of authorities, the largest enterprises of Saratov, public organizations and the media. Much attention was paid to the decline in positions Saratov region in environmental ratings. However, the organizers of the event, apparently wanting to divert suspicion from large industrial enterprises, diligently turned the arrows on minor environmental violators.

“85% of air pollution comes from vehicle exhaust; in addition, waste from consumption is one of the most dangerous,” Marina Gantseva, head of the department of the regional environmental protection committee, shared interesting statistics.

A surprise for all participants was the speeches by employees of TNK-BP and TNK-BP OJSC Saratov Oil Refinery in the spirit of “fierce protection of the environment.” A company representative, Denis Kuznetsov, listed several environmental projects that, according to him, are actively supported by the company. However, he did not say a word about the incident between TNK-BP and the public organization Green Patrol, which occurred at the end of April this year.

We remind you that on Chemical Safety Day, the all-Russian public organization "Green Patrol" appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) and the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) with a request to conduct a comprehensive inspection activities of TNK-BP subsidiaries in the Saratov region: OJSC Saratov Oil Refinery and OJSC Saratovnefteproduct. The fact is that the Green Patrol received a collective appeal from residents of the village of Uvek, which is within Saratov, concerned about the constant pollution of the Volga with oil products in the area where the Uvek oil depot and OJSC Saratovnefteproduct are located. The letter, signed by 51 residents of Saratov, states: “you cannot swim... the purification systems do not work... after leaving the water, you need boiling water to cleanse your body of fuel oil.” Green Patrol experts, having gone to the village, discovered obvious pollution with oil products in the area of ​​the Uvek bucket (bay) on the shore and in the Volga water. 50 meters from the river bank, environmentalists recorded on photo and video tape significant and extensive pollution of two reservoirs located in the water protection zone with oil products.

The all-Russian public organization "Green Patrol" stated that if there is further inaction of the environmental control agencies, the "Green Patrol" itself will call on Russians to boycott TNK-BP products in Russia. The company responded quickly to the demands, but not at all in the way the public expected.

It should be noted here that one of the strongest regional branches of the REP (Russian Ecological Party “Greens”) operates in Saratov. It’s interesting that REP “Greens” has only two such regional branches: in Saratov and Irkutsk. But today the existence of the Saratov branch, which includes 9 local organizations (about 2000 members in total), is under threat. And, interestingly, the threat comes from the leader of the REP “Greens” - Mr. A.A. Panfilova.

The most important thing here is the pretext itself, or, as they now say, the “excuse” voiced by the party chairman: everything is to blame for the instructions received from...the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

So it goes. But, according to independent experts, the desire to dissolve the Saratov regional branch is connected with something else - it was actually sold to oligarchs who have problems, including environmental ones, in the Saratov region.

It's simply impossible to believe! But you can check. Judge for yourself, the “Green Patrol” went to the Saratov region in May 2008 “in response to alarming signals about violations of environmental safety by TNK-BP.” The signals, to the great regret of Saratov residents, were completely confirmed. And in this regard, all further activities of the leadership of the REP “Greens” look like a pure provocation.

Observers are confident that English businessmen approached the leadership of the Panfilovites with a tempting offer of “sponsorship” of the Greens. In order to “close” the Saratov problem for a long time, and in the future to prevent unnecessary, moreover, negative information about massive violations of environmental legislation. Local wits went even further in their assumptions: they claim that in the very near future, Mr. Panfilov will begin to be called “Sir” and receive awards from the British government only for the fact that he managed to so gracefully not care about the health of the region’s residents by starting a shift overly active leadership of the RO in Saratov.

Now, at the wave of Mr. Panfilov’s hand and not without the financial participation of the TNK-BP management, a new composition of the Saratov regional office is being discussed. Clever foreign businessmen figured that it was much cheaper to pay one person who was ready to betray the interests of his homeland without hesitation than to build expensive treatment facilities. Removing particularly zealous environmentalists with the hands of their own patron is a good solution to the problem, right? And, most importantly, the British did not make a mistake in their calculations when they identified the “weak link” in the Greens’ REP. Having rummaged through archival materials, studied the glorious life path chairman of the party, they made the only right decision.

How a TV master became a “KGB general”

Before 2002, the Russian environmental party “Greens” did not exist. At least on paper. The prototype of REP was the Constructive-Ecological Movement of Russia “KEDR”, founded in February 1993 with the active assistance of federal officials. And also, according to a number of media outlets, representatives of the criminal business are closely connected with the bureaucracy.

Since its founding, KEDR has been headed by former TV master Anatoly Panfilov, who at every step poses as a retired KGB general.

Reference. Panfilov Anatoly Alekseevich. Born on February 1, 1951 in the city of Sortavala (Karelia). In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Radio Electronics aircraft Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Moscow Television Plant, where he was a foreman and head of the technical bureau of the workshop.

According to his official biography, he then “worked for 10 years at enterprises of the military-industrial complex.” In 1990, he started doing business in the Urals: according to data published in the press, in 1990 he became chairman of the board of the Iglor company. A number of publications reported that from 1990 to 1993. Panfilov ran a small enterprise for the development and production of bottled water.

The “constructive” movement, pumped to the limit with money from sponsors (including the well-known entrepreneur Artem Tarasov), in 1993 thrust itself into big politics, taking part in the Duma elections. But, despite the fact that the leaders of KEDR placed General Lebed in 4th place on the list (without his knowledge or consent), the “ecologists” failed to overcome the 5% barrier. What did not prevent next year transform the movement into a political party of the same name.

It’s not for nothing that we put the word “ecologists” in quotation marks. After all, from the very beginning, Mr. Panfilov’s party was essentially lobbying for its own financial interests. Moreover, many political scientists and representatives of the environmental community have a negative attitude towards the activities of the “Panfilovites”, who, in their opinion, cause enormous damage to the environmental movement. A number of independent ecologists classify Panfilov’s members as “typical pseudo-ecological parties that do not carry out any real environmental work, but use a fashionable environmental theme, intensifying their activities exclusively before the next elections and thereby compromising the “green” idea.”

It’s paradoxical: despite all the devastating losses, “KEDR” nevertheless remained a winner. Considerable pre-election budgets, apparently, were successfully spent. According to eyewitnesses, the party leaders very quickly and tightly moved to the latest model Mercedes, acquired real estate in the center of Moscow and large bank accounts.

And only the poor Russian nature, alternately polluted first by the “builders of communism” and then by the “shock workers of capitalism”, not a penny ever fell from the “Panfilovites”. By the way, the regional branches of the party did not receive a penny from the center. The entire party budget was spent on “feeding” the central apparatus.

Green chess

When there were no sponsors on the horizon, and they still wanted to eat well, Panfilov’s team did not waste time. For example, they established a “charity lottery with the simple name “Nature” (or “Cedar”), the funds from which were not used for “the construction of treatment facilities in the Sverdlovsk region,” as Panfilov said in numerous interviews, but to satisfy the sickly appetites of the party elite. In short, they staged a typical “scam”. Plus some grants were provided by the Foundation. Vernadsky, founded on the initiative of KEDR with money from Gazprom.

The “Panfilovites” did not disdain the “developments” of a specially established public organization - the “Russian Environmental Independent Expertise”. This organization was officially engaged in consulting. Or more precisely, she helped dishonest entrepreneurs to amicably “negotiate” with the sanitary and epidemiological authorities.

Very soon the Panfilovites mastered new methods of party business. But first things first.

On April 6, 2001, the KEDR party signed a statement in support of a package of bills on the import of nuclear waste, somehow compiled from Minatom press releases. After this inhumane demarche, no one had any doubts that protecting the environment for KEDR is nothing more than a profanation designed to hide the true, thoroughly mercantile goals of the Panfilovites. For the sake of which they are ready to joyfully welcome the transformation of their own country into a global radioactive garbage dump.

On February 9, 2002, at the VII “Cedar” Congress, the environmental party “KEDR” was transformed into the political party “Russian Environmental Party (REP) “Greens”.

A year later, Panfilov’s team was once again lucky with sponsors. The head of RAO UES himself, Anatoly Chubais, intends to occupy the vacant “political and environmental” niche. Anatoly Borisovich, who poured tens of millions of dollars into the SPS party, planned to “promote” the little-known REP “Greens” as a safety net. The oligarchs Vladimir Potanin (Interros) and Viktor Vekselberg (SUAL-Holding) acted as partners of Chubais (and, accordingly, sponsors of the “greens”).

At the end of September 2003, Sergei Alekseev, adviser to the general director of Norilsk Nickel, was elected a member of the presidium of the Central Council of the Greens. In exchange for financial assistance from Interros, the “greens” promised the oligarchic structure to “assist in the implementation of environmental programs.” For its part, SUAL-Holding was allegedly interested in another “promising” project of the “greens” - the supply of water to the arid regions of Eurasia from... the Sverdlovsk region.

Note: the organization of “joint projects” is usually just a cover for illegal business financing of party structures. So all of the listed “projects” (especially, fortunately, those related to the “transfer of northern rivers”) did not have any legal consequences.

And again, a huge bummer: in the 2003 Duma elections, the REP “Greens” list received a measly 0.42% of the votes. None of the candidates nominated by the party made it into the districts either. But the multi-million dollar pre-election budget, as you might guess, “evaporated” in a matter of weeks.

In October 2005, the REP “Greens” put forward a deliberately unsuitable list of candidates for the elections to the Moscow City Duma. The following month, a split occurred in the Green leadership between party co-chairs Panfilov and Evstafiev. Both accused each other of wasting party finances for non-statutory purposes.

This unsightly fuss with removing tons of dirty laundry from the hut ended in a crushing victory for Mr. Panfilov, who was skilled in behind-the-scenes intrigue. From now on, the sole leader, having dispersed the internal party opposition, turned the party into a family enterprise. The Central Council of the REP "Greens" included brother chairman of the party presidium - Alexey. The chair of Anatoly Panfilov's deputy, in charge of financial matters, was taken by his son Sergei. And almost immediately the related triumvirate received the apt nickname “The Three Fat Men.” Although it is not very ethical to mention this, none of the “magnificent three”, at first glance, weighs less than 8 pounds...

In March 2006, the Green party overcame the 7% electoral threshold for the first time in its history, receiving a single mandate in the legislative assembly Samara region. And that’s because this time they didn’t give money to “Panfilov’s men.” As a result, the budget was not melting at such a rapid pace as usual, which finally made it possible to at least release election booklets...

Nevertheless, the Samara precedent has sharply increased Mr. Panfilov’s chances of capitalizing on his rather dilapidated business. Apparently, he realized that nature conservation is a tasty bait for greedy regional elites vying for a share in the legislative power. “Herbivorous” environmental slogans are not a fight between “frostbitten” oppositionists and a “bloody regime”. For this you can lose both your post and your righteously acquired capital. Otherwise, just don’t be stingy and you’ll get a pocket faction in the local parliament. Under a completely respectable, politically correct “green” brand.

In addition, REP can be used not only in Duma, but also in regional elections. After all, according to the new legislation, only federal parties have the right to nominate candidates for governor. For example, in Yekaterinburg, REP has already concluded an agreement with the head of the region, Rossel: the party nominates Rossel for governor, and he fully supports REP in the Duma elections.

It's a blast. And an unbridled “green” sweep began across Russian cities and towns. Where you have to campaign for the current governors, where you have to campaign for their enemies and competitors. Money – not exactly billions. But it is enough for a well-fed, prosperous life for the Moscow bourgeois. The European “greens”, hardened on the barricades of 1968, never dreamed of anything like this.

“Dala, don’t repent, lie down, don’t turn around!”

In the fall of 2007, the Greens decided not to unite with the Civic Force party to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections and to go to the State Duma on their own. As a result, Mr. Panfilov, who had previously managed to penetrate the Supreme Council of the GS, again headed the federal list of candidates from his party.

And here's the thing. According to information received from Mr. Panfilov’s inner circle, a promising plan has matured in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation on the eve of the Duma elections. Deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov liked the idea of ​​presenting the “greens” as champions of the most liberal ideas. The goal is to take away 2-3% of the votes from parties on the liberal spectrum. That is, Yabloko and SPS.

“If you gave, don’t repent; if you lay down, don’t turn around.” This is exactly what simple rule Mr. Panfilov, who has long flirted with the Kremlin and, according to supporters, completely lacks the ability to think creatively, was forced to follow. And the time of reckoning has come. The Greens, according to rumors, were allocated about a million bucks to conduct election events, as well as to collect 200 thousand signatures in their favor.

Of course, one could angrily refuse such a “cool” offer, proudly turn around and slam the door. But greed seems to have prevailed. The fear of losing the bread-and-butter position that had been established for a decade and a half probably also played a role. However, the fact remains: a convinced homophobe (as he publicly admitted many times) Panfilov outwardly resigned himself to the circumstances. He, as if on the chopping block, made contact (verbal) with representatives of the LGBT community (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites). At the same time, trying, as they say, to eat the fish without choking on the bone.

At the Greens' election convention on September 16, 2007, invited members of the libertarian Tolerance movement distributed a manifesto in defense of sexual minorities. And you should have seen with what a pitiful and ridiculous look Mr. Panfilov shouted into the microphone, answering the questions of “advanced in the topic” journalists: “I don’t know how this document got here! This is a provocation!"…

For some reason no one believed in the “provocation”. After a meager lunch (were they sorry for the money?), apparently, as compensation for moral damage, Mr. Panfilov did not come up with anything better than to include the candidacy of an employee of the Green Cross organization, Elena Vasilyeva, in the regional REP list. It would seem like nothing. But this extravagant lady did not even think of hiding the fact that she is a confidant of the ardent opponent of the Kremlin, Garry Kasparov. Well, this is not the first time for Mr. Panfilov to make trouble for his Kremlin patrons. Moreover, for their own money...

The story of tolerance for the “greens” ended in a shameful farce. According to a deeply rooted tradition, most of the cash allocated for the pre-election “promotion” of the party turned out to be trivially wasted on “non-targeted” items. There was nowhere to go. And the signature collectors in the regions, faced with a real scam, sent outright hack work to Moscow.

On October 28, 2007, the Central Election Commission flatly refused to register the Greens, invalidating more than 17% of the voter signatures submitted by the party in support of its candidate lists. In reality, according to reviews from Central Election Commission employees, the percentage of defects went off scale beyond 70%. But at the urgent request of “from there,” REP decided not to particularly disgrace it in public.

And already on November 12, 2007, the leadership of the “greens”, unexpectedly for those uninitiated in the Kremlin political kitchen, adopted collective decision about... support for the Democratic Party of Russia led by former “PR man” Andrei Bogdanov. By the way, Bogdanov is the same libelous freemason as Panfilov is a defender of sexual minorities. It’s just that the roles of each of the party bosses were distributed in advance, but somehow hastily. And the stupid ones understand where and by whom.

In the winter of 2008, a group of “greens” led by Mr. Panfilov went “to work” in one of the southern regions of Russia. The party, according to a well-worn scheme, guaranteed a large local official a “pocket” faction in the local parliament. As one might expect, the mission ended in complete failure. Of course, for a naive provincial official. Perhaps they never reported to him that “Panfilov’s men”, although they take from strangers, do not give...

In the spring of this year, a new trend emerged among the Panfilovites. It seems that the “green” leadership has intensively begun to “merge” the most “combat-ready” regional branches. Presumably, also completely “disinterestedly.” So to speak, in order to protect nature from environmentalists.

Sir Panfilov

In front of the whole world, without embarrassment or blushing, Mr. Panfilov is practically selling out his homeland. This experienced pseudo-defender of Russian ecology absolutely does not care that the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances under the facilities of the Saratov Oil Refinery exceed the standards tens of thousands (!) times. Leaks of petroleum products into the subsoil were common. In the Samara region, for example, this led to several residents of the village of Lipyagi suffocating in the cellars they dug for storing vegetables, because light fractions of petroleum products leaked there from earthen lenses filled with production leaks. And the leaks themselves are practically motor fuel with an octane rating of 72. Let us repeat once again - for a complete and speedy solution to the environmental problem (not to say catastrophe), TNK-BP will need an order of magnitude more money, what stands out now. But why allocate money for treatment facilities if there is an excellent opportunity to clear the ranks of the dissatisfied? This is what TNK-BP did with the help of Mr. Panfilov. "Sir" Panfilov?..

It doesn’t matter that the semi-foreign TNK-BP has recently been constantly experiencing difficulties with Russian authorities. Yes, this “slippery” company was subject to tax claims for 2004-2005. in the amount of 6 billion rubles. Yes, documents were seized here as part of a criminal case against Sidanco Oil Company. Yes, the TNK-BP office was searched as part of an investigation into a case of industrial espionage. But is this a reason for a Russian political party that positions itself as a “defender of our native nature” to continue to violate the principles of state security?

Or are the REP “Greens” sent to our territory to clear the way for all sorts of “Greenpeace” and many similar foreign environmental funds working for foreign intelligence services? The question is not for us. Question for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: do we need the “sent Cossack women” that Russia inherited from the 90s?

VITALY DYMARSKY: Good evening, dear listeners. Live on the air of “Echo of Moscow” the program “There is such a party”, which is hosted, probably, you are already accustomed to this, by Vladimir Mamontov, Chief Editor newspaper "Izvestia".


V. DYMARSKY: And I, Vitaly Dymarsky. Next up is the “Russian Ecological Party “Greens””. Yesterday we talked about this party, about the ideas that are swirling around this party and around all these issues with experts. And today in our studio, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Russian Ecological Party “Greens”, Anatoly Alekseevich Panfilov. Good evening, Anatoly Alekseevich.


V. DYMARSKY: Our party life is becoming more and more active. Yesterday you had a congress and you have already identified your top three to go to the polls. Here is Anatoly Panfilov, as the leader of the party, he heads this three. This is just information for our listeners. Well-known television journalist Svetlana Konegen is second on the list. And the third is ex-State Duma deputy, leader of the Tolerance movement Vladimir Semenov. This is the trio that the Green Party has identified. By the way, since I already talked about the activation of party life, I can tell those who visit the Echo of Moscow website that today’s inter-party discussion, which took place at the Interfax agency between United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, is already posted there. This is the first such experience in our country, at least of inter-party debates in which United Russia agreed to participate.

V. MAMONTOV: By the way, there was a live broadcast.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, it was live on the Vesti TV channel, which, alas, is not accessible to everyone. Not everyone, I would even say. But the Echo of Moscow website is more accessible. There you can get acquainted with how this inter-party discussion went. Well, today we are not having an inter-party discussion, but simply a discussion with the party, I would say so, directly, with the environmental party “Greens”. Your questions, comments +7 985 970-45-45. This is the SMS number. We wait for them, accept them, inform them. We will vote during this hour. Well, in my opinion, all the introductory information has been given. And, Anatoly Alekseevich, then here is the first question, again technical. Just 10 days ago, maybe you can correct me, maybe time is passing too quickly, but I, in my opinion, almost saw your statement that you would not go to the State Duma elections. And then there’s the congress. And you determined why you changed your decision. If it is true.

A. PANFILOV: First of all, I would like to thank the radio station “Echo of Moscow” and the newspaper “Izvestia”, which is truly a unique political project that allows all parties, including ours, well, to speak out on acute problems currently existing in society. Of course, we discussed throughout the year our possibilities and how we would participate in the elections. And there was a question about our various configurations, about coalitions. Among other things, the issue of participation and non-participation in elections was considered. various reasons. And indeed, 10 days ago, the presidium of our party considered the issue, and one of these opinions was that we wanted to discuss at the central council and at the congress about the party’s non-participation in the elections. We are really discussing our problem democratically, so I don’t see anything so unnatural here.

V. DYMARSKY: Naturally, I don’t mind. But I just heard one solution, then another.

V. MAMONTOV: Why did they change the decision?

V. DYMARSKY: Yesterday our experts expressed the idea that if the party has already been created, why shouldn’t it go to the elections.

V. MAMONTOV: Why does a political party even exist?

A. PANFILOV: Well, you know, in accordance with the law, the party has the right to participate in elections, both in regional elections, and in federal elections, and in presidential elections. That’s why we have 85 federal subjects, and we actively participate in regional elections. Therefore, federal elections to the State Duma are not a panacea. If we had not participated, nothing illegal would have happened here.

V. DYMARSKY: No, well, you decided.

A. PANFILOV: We decided to participate.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, it’s clear that there is nothing illegal.

V. MAMONTOV: Therefore?

A. PANFILOV: Go to the State Duma and collect the 7% necessary for this.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, what do you think are your chances?

A. PANFILOV: Well, our chances are no less than those of other participants in the race, well, not counting, with the exception of parliamentary parties. I think that the chances of all parties except these four are approximately the same.

V. MAMONTOV: Then we will have to ask you briefly, or maybe not very briefly, but to tell you what trump cards you have up your sleeve now. Because the theme of going to the State Duma is clear. We have to please the voter, of course. We need to please the voter, of course, the approximate topics on how to please him are also clear. Your party is still special. What will you please? And what, I want to repeat once again, is the ace in the sleeve of your green sweatshirt.

V. DYMARSKY: Since we have radio and not television, I can say that Anatoly Alekseevich is wearing such a green sweater. Everything is maintained.

A. PANFILOV: Thank you.

V. DYMARSKY: Like his press secretary, by the way.

A. PANFILOV: In the last regional elections to the Moscow Regional Duma, 28% of voters participated. Gromov's United Russia scored about 50% in this case. Those. 70% of our population does not participate in elections; in principle, this is true in regional elections. Well, apparently about 60% do not participate in federal ones. Therefore, the electorate that does not participate in the elections, there is a lot of motivation here, why they do not participate. We believe that we need to convey our thoughts to voters. We believe that thoughts should be, first of all, honest. Honest, truthful. And show what we did to make people believe. Our main task, apparently, is to show what we have done and what we can do.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, this, by the way, is the main question that many of our listeners ask. For example, Valery asks: “Where are the results of your party’s activities on environmental protection published?” These questions are already coming to us on the air. “What successes has your party achieved in protecting the environment?” Etc. and so on. In general, what do you think are the most pressing environmental problems for Russia? And what solutions do you offer for them?

A. PANFILOV: Well, maybe not all listeners will be interested in this topic. They usually ask how many trees you planted and how many trash cans you removed. In fact, the agency or State Committee for Ecology, which coordinates the activities of the government of the Russian Federation in the field of ecology, was liquidated 6 years ago. Without public policy There is no point in discussing anything in this area. When there is no government policy. And our appeal to the government, to the State Duma confirms the absence of a narrowly focused environmental policy. And our new prime minister also spoke about the ineffectiveness of administrative reform, the need for rational use of natural, water resources, therefore, of course, our tasks in this aspect. In addition to this, we also have a number of practical things that we do. And, in general, to answer your question, please focus on what we did, or what you see...

V. DYMARSKY: Let me read you a specific question. Here is Alexander Ivanovich from Moscow. How does your party feel... Well, it’s not what they did, but their attitude. Very important, anyway. How does your party feel about processing nuclear waste from around the world here in Angarsk?

A. PANFILOV: Well, how negative, how can we relate. Our leader of our party in Angarsk, just a deputy from the Angarsk City Council, this is Alexander Shiyanov, apparently the colleague who asks the question knows this.

V. DYMARSKY: Apparently not.

A. PANFILOV: He can clarify. This means that all the latest pickets are against import radioactive waste and all the latest actions are connected, among other things, with the participation of our party in the city of Angarsk.

V. DYMARSKY: Okay, so. “What participation,” asks the physicist, a citizen of the Russian Federation, as he signed up here, “did you take in protecting Baikal from the oil pipeline? “As a participant in the Baikal movement,” writes this comrade, “I don’t remember a single statement, not a single action from the Green Party.” What environmental demonstrations and actions have you taken to protect the Sochi Nature Reserve?” So, there are two specific questions here: Baikal and Sochi.

A. PANFILOV: For the last 4 years we have been actively developing the “Green Patrol”, we have such a direction in our party. And for 4 years on Sakhalin we fought with Shell, both in winter and in summer.

V. MAMONTOV: Together with Mitvol.

A. PANFILOV: Well, Mitvol, it was later that the president instructed him that he needed to go to Sakhalin and sort it out. When 500 rivers on Sakhalin laid an oil pipeline across these rivers. When colossal damage was caused to nature. And when it came to direct confrontation, after that, when the residents of the Sakhalin region simply went to the peak of the Shell company, the president called Trutnev, he sent Mitvol and then everything played out like that.

V. MAMONTOV: That is. You are something like, I apologize for interjecting, you are something like an ambulance, which, or rather, the phone that they call, is a hotline, and you are already calling Mitvol, Mitvol arrives.

A. PANFILOV: The president gave the command to Mitvol. Mitvol and I do not give him instructions. It was Mitvol who came to us and said, let's work together. And you know that we went together to the Moscow elections, and Mitvol’s wife headed the list and further history You…

V. DYMARSKY: Yes, there was a scandal.

A. PANFILOV: Yes, and you know the rest of the story. There was a public council for Sochi in the Ministry of Natural Resources, headed by Stepankov. This means that for Sochi and Lake Baikal I am a member of the public council, well, under the Ministry of Natural Resources. Which includes Greenpeace, Blokov and Chestin, the Foundation Wildlife. And our tough position specifically on the Sochi construction and on Lake Baikal led to Stepankov being removed, as you know. In general, it was removed for Baikal. And our actions are again in Irkutsk, we have tens of thousands of letters that we handed over to the president in defense of Baikal. Therefore, Baikal is a common victory not only for environmentalists. It is a common victory for the entire society. And there somewhere to divide, where you stood when we were defending something there, well, that’s...

A. PANFILOV: And that’s why we are telling you that we participated, yes, you asked a question, I told you.

V. DYMARSKY: Here a letter came from Natalya from Moscow: “Are you involved in Norilsk? Those. pollution of the rivers of the empire of Potanin and Prokhorov?”

A. PANFILOV: Well, we have old scores to settle with Norilsk Nickel. We have been holding protest rallies on Yakimanki for 4 years now. And how many times the police blocked us there. And Norilsk Nickel is our main weapon against which we are fighting. This means that Norilsk Nickel causes 8% of pollution throughout the country, besides this damage, we wrote this letter to Fradkov, as they say, we inform you that the damage that Norilsk Nickel causes to the health of citizens, think about it, is three times more than spent on a national project. Here we are spending on a national project, but only the damage from Norilsk Nickel health of Russian citizens, which is expressed in monetary terms 3 times more. Norilsk Nickel is the initiator of the abolition of payments for air emissions. This is the same company that organized a number of left-wing public organizations that supposedly conduct some kind of examinations, and which this... Norilsk Nickel is largest company, which coordinates the activities of all the largest Russian companies, against the environment, against Russian citizens, against their health.

V. DYMARSKY: You know, yesterday, too, two experts who spoke here, they cited very serious figures regarding the environment, in general, frightening figures. But we later agreed that they were scary, but we weren’t scared. Please tell me why environmental issues, in your opinion, are not yet so pressing and so bright for voters, for Russian citizens. It cannot be said that this is also confirmed by sociology, that this topic is the most painful and the brightest. What they don’t feel, they don’t understand. Or we explain things poorly.

A. PANFILOV: The environmental issue is problem number one, but for each region it is local. Residents of Irkutsk, if we return to the topic of Lake Baikal, let’s say Kalmykia, well, it’s a desert. For Murmansk, this is the burial of submarines. When will our scientists, ecologists, theorists...

V. MAMONTOV: That is. These are all regional problems.

A. PANFILOV: Well, they are local.

V. MAMONTOV: That is. there is no federal pain like this.

A. PANFILOV: Yes, yes.

V. MAMONTOV: As they brought to us yesterday, here is Chernobyl.

A. PANFILOV: Yes, yes.

V. DYMARSKY: Alexander Rahr said yesterday that when Chernobyl exploded, the Green party immediately became more active in Germany and grew in size.

V. MAMMONTOV: And she won, she practically entered (SPEAKING TOGETHER).

A. PANFILOV: Well, Germany is still a small country compared to Russia, I was in Germany at that time when it exploded. And when this cloud hit Germany, of course, they were all in shock. For us, well, it happened at Chernobyl, but on Sakhalin it didn’t even come back to haunt us. Well, and then I want to say that here the entire Western civilization that we are talking about, in the field of ecology, it passed through the media. The media formed the opinion. And there are no other ways. I can’t, no matter how many our party is, whether there are 50,000 or 100 of us, run around and shout, let’s explain there. We have ORT, RTR, there is not a single program, you know. There are no environmental programs anywhere. We don’t have environmental education in schools, it’s been cancelled. Well, dear media, whoever you talk to, they reduce the whole ecology to planting trees and something else. We need systematic education of the population. Here it is...

V. MAMONTOV: There is an item in your program, well, for example, publishing books, working with television, when you will come to our newspaper in order to pose a pressing question to me. Why does the Izvestia newspaper have so few environmental...

A. PANFILOV: Well, you are a recent editor, as I understand it.

V. MAMMONTOV: It’s been two years already, you haven’t come yet.

A. PANFILOV: That’s my fault.

V. DYMARSKY: By the way, Anatoly Alekseevich...

V. MAMMONTOV: And you could answer me, but what do you think?

V. DYMARSKY: This is a reproach that experts expressed yesterday, and many of our listeners also write that about your party’s activities, perhaps you are making an insanely big and useful work. Very little is known about her. In our opinion, you lack such public activity. Although environmental problems in general are such that they cannot be solved without persistence.

A. PANFILOV: Well, here I am, before answering the previous question, I’ll answer this one, we created the public children’s organization “Green Planet” 4 years ago. She is this All-Russian organization, here Medvedeva heads this organization - a member of the public chamber. Hundreds of thousands of children have already passed through it. And I will leave you with all the regions of Russia, we educate with our own capabilities, this is at the expense of our personal funds. Nobody helps us. Well, here, however, the forest service of the Russian Federation helps. This means that these children are specifically engaged, but if ours, as they say, who are on Seliger, polluted the floor of Seliger, then our people go and clean, children. And nowhere do they boast about it, don’t talk about anything. Those. Here we need to raise children on specific things. And they just marched along Leninsky Prospekt for 60,000, well, that might be good. So, with this money that they marched, it is possible to raise a whole generation of children. As for what we were doing, you know...

V. DYMARSKY: Not what they were doing, but nothing is known.

A. PANFILOV: Two words.

V. DYMARSKY: Why are your activities not public?

V. MAMMONTOV: Now he will use the air and say.

A. PANFILOV: Yes, yes. Well, we spent two years collecting 60,000 people. This was an extremely difficult task, otherwise the party would be liquidated. After that, the registration chamber checked us for a year. So I just knew there would be a question. Here are the courts: the Nizhny Novgorod court, the Arkhangelsk court, some other court, here we have, we went to the courts for a year. We were dragged around all the courts. Here Supreme Court we won. Those. we went through, when someone there tells us that we, as they say, are from the Kremlin, we are this and that, well, it’s just funny to talk about this topic. Having gone through these courts, having received registration only in November last year, we immediately took part in two elections. In the Moscow regional ones, where, you know, we were successfully filmed, and in Samara. We took 7.5%, won, showed up deputies. In Togliatti, 14% voted for us. 14% in Samara, Syzran. In just one month, this is our path. But if you spent two years going through the courts...

V. DYMARSKY: Why were you dragged through the courts for some errors in the documents...

A. PANFILOV: Well, yes, yes.

V. DYMARSKY: They were clinging.

A. PANFILOV: Well, all the parties went to court. The Republican Party went through the courts. Well, they failed here. Courts, courts, we were simply paralyzed.

V. DYMARSKY: Anatoly Alekseevich, such a question. Well, why are environmentalists divided? There is your party, there is Greenpeace, there are other movements. By the way, you also simultaneously head the Kedr movement, as I understand it.

A. PANFILOV: Yes, yes. Absolutely correct.

V. DYMARSKY: What separates you. I understand when politicians talk to each other about who is right and who is left. Those. certain positions that separate them. But you, environmentalists, why don’t you have unity, why are everyone fragmented?

A. PANFILOV: No, well, Vitaly, just our social movements in Russia, they are extremely united. Greenpeace, he cannot engage in politics, because in the charter of the politician of Greenpeace, the Wildlife Fund, they are in the charter, they are prohibited from doing this. I talked to Chastin and suggested they go. They can't do this. This time. This means that all Russian environmental organizations are with us. This time. And secondly, it means the environmental doctrine of Russia, which there is simply an opportunity to talk about again, then again there will be many winners, but where have you been? I came to the presidential administration 4 years ago to Sergei Alexandrovich Abramov, deputy. the head of the department, banged his fist. When will we have an environmental doctrine in the country? They reported to the president. The President gathered all of us environmentalists here. Yablokov, and Chestin, and everything else came in there. Developed environmental doctrine. And everyone knows that this is on our initiative, and we developed it, this document, according to which we all united, and we created an environmental doctrine. We are all together, and Chestin was, and Zakharov is now. And if we have slightly different views, or some different legal possibilities, then talking about the fragmentation of the environmental movement in Russia is generally stupid.

V. MAMONTOV: No, well, I can tell you, yesterday Yablokov said that the Yabloko party will soon become almost “Green”. By the way, many of our listeners are confused. We have a lot of questions here both before and during the broadcast, how good it is that Yabloko and the Green Party have united. Those. There are even some already.

A. PANFILOV: No, well, it’s good for us. When they talk about “Yabloko”, they talk a lot about “Yabloko”, they talk about “Green”, it works for our authority, we are happy. The more they talk about Yavlinsky... Well, we are talking about a legal fact, a legal fact - we are the only registered environmental party. Therefore here...

V. MAMONTOV: No, well, it’s just, probably, someone can’t go, some movements really can’t go on in a party. Or become parties, but still it seems to me that it’s too much. I just looked and searched on the Internet, and now I won’t offend anyone. But I found literally a dozen, or even more, diverse organizations that are involved, in one way or another, in protecting nature. And it seems to me that this fragmentation, and a large number of organizations that seem to be doing the same thing, but are not united, it seems to me, do not serve much, not a very good service, as a whole, to this cause. The party is, after all, the shoulders of millions.

A. PANFILOV: Well, I agree...

V. DYMARSKY: We will definitely continue this discussion a few minutes after the short news release. Let me remind you that we are talking with Anatoly Panfilov, chairman of the Russian environmental party “Greens”. Now some short news and continuation of the conversation.


V. DYMARSKY: Good evening again, dear radio listeners. Live on “Echo of Moscow” is the continuation of the program “There is such a party” with the leader of the “Russian Ecological Green Party” Anatoly Panfilov. Vladimir Mamontov on air at the Izvestia newspaper, editor-in-chief. Vitaly Dymarsky. We continue conversations with you, Vitaly Alekseevich. There are many questions.

V. MAMONTOV: I’m reading a listener’s question: “You are a member of the Supreme Council of the Civil Power party.” You are confusing us. “Civil power” will not come to us soon, but you are already here.” Or is it... “Tell me more about this,” he writes.

A. PANFILOV: “Civil Force” is an advisory body that includes party, non-party, and representatives of other parties. We also have a public council, and in this public council there is a representative from United Russia and other parties. I think it’s normal that we should form a civil society, not only fight between parties, but develop some common programs. “United Russia” recently announced officially on its website that we are now signing an agreement with them in the near future on solving the country’s environmental problems. This is not related to elections, this is a long-term agreement. We believe that this is, of course, an honor for us, and we have earned this right. Because we are professionals, and there are no better environmental professionals in the country than us. And United Russia recognized this. And other parties should also unite in solving the country’s environmental problems...

V. DYMARSKY: So if you unite, then why would you fight each other?

A. PANFILOV: This is the formation of civil society. And why should we fight with everyone, why should we fight with A Just Russia, with the Union of Right Forces?

V. DYMARSKY: Because they will get into the Duma, but you won’t.

V. MAMMONTOV: Well, let's see.

V. MAMMONTOV: And you know, then in connection with this question that many also ask.

A. PANFILOV: And then, excuse me, the Duma is not a panacea. Our nation is dying out. Are we going to the Duma, do you think our goal is to come now, take 30 seats there, and we will sit in the chair and sit. We believe that solving environmental problems is a million times more important than getting into the Duma. And besides United Russia, no one will be involved on the ground. Take any region of Tomsk, Samara, well, Samara separately. Any topic. The governor is United Russia, the legislative assembly is United Russia. Well, try to pass some kind of environmental law. This is funny to say. I think that this is generally...

V. DYMARSKY: We must go through cooperation with the bureaucrats.

A. PANFILOV: These are not officials. This is the legislative assembly.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, it should be noted that “Civil Force” is certainly not officials, or let’s say...

V. MAMMONTOV: Well, “Civil Force” does not have any real power yet, in any case.

A. PANFILOV: The only way to resolve environmental issues is interaction with parties. Well, Putin came to Astrakhan and gathered all the ministers a week ago. 14 departments deal with fisheries problems. He started to look into it, but he still couldn’t figure out who was responsible. Putin didn’t understand, he said: report to me tomorrow. Can you imagine? And this is the same in every region.

V. MAMONTOV: In this regard, the task for the party is to establish contacts between other parties that would work together on environmental issues.

A. PANFILOV: Yes, exactly on environmental issues.

V. MAMMONTOV: In general, it sounds interesting, at least.

V. DYMARSKY: Let me ask you a purely political question then. Since you are still a political party, you are going to the elections, how do you position yourself? Are you left, right, or center? Are you an opposition party, or are you a pro-government party?

A. PANFILOV: Well, of course, our spectrum and part are left-of-center, we have such, well, one might say, radical ecologists, who, in general, are also centrist. I may be more of a centrist. Well, if the right-wing liberals, if we talk now about Svetlana Konegen and also about our partners, they still believe that we should take the liberal part of the spectrum, and somehow, maybe we are on this spectrum altogether. Well, and then the word “opposition”, opposition can be in something. Opposition, for example, to a minister. Well, Zurabov is a common noun, well, let’s say. There to Zurabov, to Governor Mutakov. But we cannot be the opposition in everything. Opposition, for example, to the president, to the government, to parliament. Well, to Shoigu, let’s say, why should we oppose Shoigu? We have a negative attitude towards Yakovlev, and a negative attitude towards Zurabov. Those. Maybe there should be some kind of selectivity. Just opposition to everything and everything that is. There are, I think, United Russia, and A Just Russia, and the Communists, apparently, there are people who still advocate solving, so I’m talking about environmental problems for now.

V. MAMMONTOV: Ecology is still really a field where it is really possible to bring together different (SPEAK TOGETHER), on the one hand. On the other hand, it is then difficult to determine the face of the party.

V. DYMARSKY: We won’t have time. Let's vote. We are asking approximately the same question that we asked a week ago, only on a different issue. Will your choice in December, dear listeners, be influenced by the position of parties, different parties, on environmental issues? If yes, your choice will be influenced by the parties' position on environmental issues. Those. If you watch the environmental topic in the programs of different parties, then your phone number is 660-01-13. If not, if your choice in December will not be in any way influenced by the parties’ position on environmental issues, then your phone number is 660-01-14. We are launching voting. The voting has begun. The first person voted and immediately gave 100%. No, everything is already active. I'll just say it again. Will the parties' positions on environmental issues influence your choice in December? If yes, it will influence, 660-01-13. If not, it will not affect – 660-01-14. While you are voting, I hope that you will do it more actively, Mamontov will ask a question.

V. MAMMONTOV: Yes, and I’ll just read one more question from a listener. “The list of candidates for deputies of your party includes the leader of the Tolerance movement, Vladimir Semenov. Explain what you mean by tolerance, about tolerance for something or about what we're talking about

A. PANFILOV: Well, of course, about tolerance for the opinions of others. This applies to many aspects of our lives. And I know that Vladimir Semenov heads the European Club here in Moscow. He has very wide international and European contacts here in Moscow. And here our party, of course, lacks international contacts. Including with European institutions and green parties. Therefore, I think that Vladimir will allow our party, and he joined our party several months ago, to expand this international spectrum. And we don’t hide here that we would like his help.

V. DYMARSKY: Volodya, excuse me, I’ll interrupt you. I have a question here about international cooperation. “Why is your party,” asks Valery, “excluded from the international environmental movement?”

A. PANFILOV: Well, first of all, I don’t know what the international environmental movement is. There is a European united party...

V. MAMONTOV: And the second question from Saratov. “Why is the Green Party not included in the list of Green Organizations in Europe?” You explain this to us, whether there is any sense in this matter.

A. PANFILOV: Well, a united European party exists, it is based on the principles of those who share the European Charter. Those. In theory, only people can enter there European countries, which we must, like Russia, recognize the European Charter...

V. DYMARSKY: Environmental.

A. PANFILOV: No, completely all of it.

V. DYMARSKY: Which charter? European Union?

A. PANFILOV: Well, the European Union, yes. Those. This is purely an organization of the European Union. But other than that, well, there’s just a misunderstanding here after all. There are no lists, no parties, no associations.

V. MAMMONTOV: Okay, explained.

A. PANFILOV: In the same Holland there are three “Green” parties. One goes there, the other goes here.

V. DYMARSKY: Is there no “Green” International?

A. PANFILOV: There is no “green” international.

V. DYMARSKY: But what about the Green Cross, which Gorbachev heads?

A. PANFILOV: Well, Gorbachev, as far as I know, has already been removed. I think there's another one there. This is a purely commercial organization that receives money from the Americans, it is the Americans who finance them, and it spends on propaganda of the population that it needs to be destroyed chemical weapon. This is not even an environmental organization, it is a purely commercial organization.

V. DYMARSKY: I once again ask our radio listeners to quickly finish voting. Will the position of parties, different parties, on environmental issues influence your choice in December? 660-01-13, if yes, you will look at this item in the party programs. 660-01-14, if not, you will not be interested in this item in the party programs.

V. MAMMONTOV: In the meantime, I still have a question. Now the parties are dragging, pulling, better to say, different characters, the most diverse, some actors, some Lugovoys, some whom. Are there any characters, or people, in the good sense of the word, characters, bright personalities, whom you would think so, but if only we had this person. And in general there may be a broader question. Are there any major authorities today, recognized authorities on this topic, about whom you would think like this: we should get this person.

A. PANFILOV: Well, who? Albert Gore. Al Gore is a prominent environmentalist.

V. MAMONTOV: This is an original approach.

V. DYMARSKY: Maybe you should have included him in the top three?

V. MAMMONTOV: Listen, this would be an original move.

V. DYMARSKY: It didn’t pass there, it would have passed here.

V. MAMONTOV: There are problems with citizenship. You will be tormented to turn it on. Here we are in Russia.

V A. PANFILOV: Well, many stars, you know, they are almost 80%, they are in the same party.

V. MAMONTOV: That is. there are no more stars that...

A. PANFILOV: But other stars, they still prefer to be outside politics.

V. DYMARSKY: I will now announce the voting results. Not many voted, but, nevertheless, 72.4% of people say that they will look specifically at environmental items in party programs, and that this will influence their choice in December. And 27.6% say that this will not influence their choice in any way. But I'm heading back to the stars. Yes, we had a question here somewhere. I may not find him right away...

V. DYMARSKY: Oh, you see, we asked the same question as FOM asked. Here we are almost like sociologists.

V. MAMONTOV: Well, yes, it coincided.

V. DYMARSKY: Here Irina from Moscow asks: “How does the Green party feel about the fact that women in Russia have replaced drape coats with fur coats made of natural fur? On the one hand, maybe someone will find this funny. But, on the other hand, those are the stars. Here is Brigitte Bardot, who is involved in the protection of animals, and, by the way, opposes the wearing of natural fur coats. Those. actually stars all over the world...

V. MAMONTOV: Paul Macartney is my favorite, lying in the ice, watching the walruses.

V. DYMARSKY: They are strongly involved in environmental issues. And I say this completely seriously. And they deal with these problems at a fairly serious level, using their name, their authority, their reputation to solve such specific issues. Why are show business people and athletes far from this? Maybe fees play a role?

A. PANFILOV: Indeed, well, no, and many stars, in my opinion, and ordinary citizens of our country, many still refuse fur coats, they are already somehow switching over. And it’s been winter for the last 2 years...

V. DYMARSKY: Don’t you have this in your program?

A. PANFILOV: We have animal protection and the whole spectrum.

V. DYMARSKY: But specifically about the fur coat, if in Russia they now declare about fur coats, then no one will come to vote at all. What a northern country.

V. MAMONTOV: Andrey gives you a brilliant, I think, argument for your upcoming election campaign. He writes: “The forest, as such, cannot be right, left, or center. It just needs to be protected."

A. PANFILOV: Vladimir correctly said that she...

V. MAMMONTOV: It doesn’t share much.

V. DYMARSKY: There’s not much to drink there, yes.

V. MAMONTOV: But, nevertheless, look, here is Germany...

V. DYMARSKY: It’s difficult to cut down the environment, but the forest can be cut down. Volodya, well, look, yesterday Alexander Rahr, a German political scientist, spoke with us. He performed superbly. He told us, and we knew it, however, that German ecologists led by Joschka Fischer, the “Greens”...

A. PANFILOV: Well, they’ve aged a little, yes, already.

V. DYMARSKY: It doesn’t matter. They nevertheless entered the coalition together with the Social Democrats. Those. they considered themselves left-wing politicians. They didn’t go along with the right with the CDU. Therefore, it means that such a political division still has a right to exist.

A. PANFILOV: Well, they were simply not accepted into the CDU this year.

V. DYMARSKY: This is a different question.

A. PANFILOV: No, well, of course, a left-wing organization, more left-center, of course, still center-left.

V. DYMARSKY: “Watching the environmental component of the program is a good intention for many people. Don't believe the voting results. Sergey". Why not believe it? 72% - quite good...

V. MAMONTOV: By the way, yesterday the experts also said that, in my opinion, they took it a little too seriously that no one here really pays attention to the environment, but only...

V. DYMARSKY: That's what I said.

V. MAMMONTOV: No. It wasn't you who said it. It was a completely different person speaking.

A. PANFILOV: It seems to me that this is not so. In fact, many people are worried about the environment. Another thing is that in our current life, of course, a traffic jam is more important than exhaust, this is true.

V. DYMARSKY: Yes, by the way.

A. PANFILOV: Well, we wouldn’t want to monopolize the topic of ecology. That you have created a party. The topic of ecology is relevant. Still, the problems that we face in Russia are much more important than our passage into the Duma, or anyone else’s. Indeed, very serious environmental issues.

V. DYMARSKY: Anatoly Alekseevich, we have such a tradition. We started her in this program.

V. MAMMONTOV: And we will not refuse.

V. DYMARSKY: Yes, such a blitz for all party leaders. Seven questions we will ask everyone. But now, before this blitz, we will arrange another small blitz on the questions sent by our listeners. Because there are a lot of specific issues, namely environmental ones. Peter from Saratov: “Are you opposed to the resumption of whaling in Russia?”

V. DYMARSKY: “The Green Party is, in principle, against nuclear power in Russia, or allows its use if acceptable safety measures are observed there, etc.”

A. PANFILOV: We are against development nuclear energy, in principle against it.

V. DYMARSKY: “The forest as such cannot be right and left,” we have already read this. “How can you support...”, well, this is a very specific question. “How can you support the initiative of the Petrovsky District of St. Petersburg aimed at the civilized collection of dog excrement?”

A. PANFILOV: Well, by the way, that’s also a problem.

V. DYMARSKY: This is the international aspect. By the way, Paris is full of them. By the way, you pass on the international aspect of the party to Vladimir Semenov, who is increasing the international aspect in your party. So that they too...

A. PANFILOV: Thank you. Let's take it into account.

V. DYMARSKY: Yes. Etc. Spot developments. “A year ago, they wrote to Mitvol about untreated wastewater into the Upa River. No reaction. Maybe the Greens will help,” writes Rina.

V. MAMONTOV: Maybe I should pass these questions over to Anatoly so they can look into it. This is also important.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, with pleasure.

V. MAMONTOV: “Where and how can I join the Green Party?” Here interest Ask. “Are party contributions large?”

V. MAMMONTOV: There are no contributions.

V. DYMARSKY: “Do you hire people who are over 40 years old?”

A. PANFILOV: Please look at the “Greens” website.

V. MAMONTOV: You can go there and register

A. PANFILOV: Everything is there, yes, yes, yes.

V. DYMARSKY: “There is a common problem that unites many,” Ulyana writes to us, “household waste.”

A. PANFILOV: The Moscow region is overwhelmed.

V. DYMARSKY: (SPEAKING TOGETHER) “Could become a threat to the whole world.”

A. PANFILOV: Well, the issue of waste incineration plants has not yet been fully decided. Air emissions may be more harmful...

V. DYMARSKY: Here is a provocative question for you. Try to answer it. “Mitvol and you are antipodes or allies?”

A. PANFILOV: No, well, we are certainly allies. We would like Mitvol to even top our list in the elections. Well…

V. DYMARSKY: I hinted to you when I said... And you say Gore.

A. PANFILOV: Well, I thought it was from the field of sports, or...

V. DYMARSKY: Well, almost from there, in general, he’s almost from show business.

V. MAMMONTOV: At least he deftly uses these techniques.

A. PANFILOV: Oleg Mitvol, but the ministry did not allow him to participate in the elections.

V. DYMARSKY: But, in my opinion, it’s impossible in games...

A. PANFILOV: Well, yes, with Mitvol, there, of course, the numbers could have been different.

V. DYMARSKY: “There is a branch of your party in Perm, but the city is a garbage dump. Very dirty". Well, it is clear that the party cannot... i.e. maybe, but it can't. So that we have time, blitz. Seven questions. Volodya, start.

V. MAMONTOV: Which country could pose a greater threat to the Russian Federation in the next 10 years, China or the USA?

A. PANFILOV: Well, America is not. But I don’t know about China.

V. DYMARSKY: America no?

A. PANFILOV: Well, what threat can America pose to us?

V. MAMONTOV: Well, who should you be more afraid of, China or the USA?

A. PANFILOV: No, well, I wouldn’t want to answer that way. America - no.

V. DYMARSKY: But it is necessary, it is necessary. In general, not America, you answered.

V. MAMONTOV: Would you support Putin’s candidacy for a third term?

A. PANFILOV: Well, of course.

V. DYMARSKY: What do you put higher? What is higher for you, for your party, the interests of the state or the interests of the individual?

A. PANFILOV: Well, this is also not quite the right question.

V. DYMARSKY: He’s like that on purpose.

A. PANFILOV: Well, if a border guard protects the border of a country, and enemies come there, will he protect his personal life or the state? In this case, he, as they say...

V. DYMARSKY: No, what does the border guard have to do with it? What is higher for you, the interests of the individual or the interests of the state?

A. PANFILOV: For me, of course, the interests of the individual.

V. DYMARSKY: Should we return to a progressive tax rate?

A. PANFILOV: Well, our taxation is generally incomprehensible.

V. DYMARSKY: We have a 13% flat scale. Should we take more from the rich and allow the poor everything?

A. PANFILOV: No. The rich should still use other forms. Not taxes.

V. MAMONTOV: Is it necessary to introduce a visa regime with all former republics of the USSR?


V. DYMARSKY: Do you think it’s correct compulsory study basics of religion in schools?

A. PANFILOV: Well, optionally, yes. But not necessarily.

V. DYMARSKY: Well, the last question. Should Russia seek the return of Crimea?

A. PANFILOV: Well, Aksenov wrote “The Island of Crimea”. I think…

V. DYMARSKY: No, you don’t shift the responsibility to Aksenov. Aksenov is all right.

A. PANFILOV: Well, how can we achieve this if Crimea is the territory of another state. This is already terrorism on our part if we strive for it.

V. MAMONTOV: I would like to fight in the good sense of the word.

A. PANFILOV: Some form of maximum autonomy, where residents of Russia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine could really relax, of course, I would like more free form, it's true.

V. DYMARSKY: What else do they write to us? We asked all this. Whaling we asked. Okay, let's get back to politics. But since you were unable to answer about the opposition, not the opposition, well, are you generally satisfied with how the government and parliament are working in the field of environmental protection? Let's not touch the president now.

A. PANFILOV: Well, certainly not. Over the past 4 years, not a single environmental law has been adopted in the country. No one. Well, as for the government, it lacks an environmental policy. AND …

V. DYMARSKY: There is a Trutnev ministry, yes.

A. PANFILOV: Well, it is responsible for issuing licenses for oil and gas.

V. DYMARSKY: Then ecology, as I understand it, is present in the area of ​​activity of any ministry.

A. PANFILOV: But there must be a coordinator. You have a director at Ekho Moskvy.

V. DYMARSKY: We do not have a coordinator.

A. PANFILOV: Well, the director is Alexey Venediktov.

V. DYMARSKY: He is the editor-in-chief. Well, Putin is your editor-in-chief.

V. MAMONTOV: Chief ecologist of “Echo of Moscow” Alexey Venediktov.

A. PANFILOV: Well, no, the situation in the government is quite catastrophic in all aspects. It’s even difficult for me to comment on questions.

V. DYMARSKY: That's what you say. You cannot be in opposition to Shoigu, but you can be in opposition, I don’t know, to Zurabov. But I think that in the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there are probably a lot of components that are related to environmental protection. Relatively speaking, how do the firefighters understand their foam there?

A. PANFILOV: Well, I’m so conditional. We also have many complaints about Shoigu and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Because the number of disasters in our country is increasing. The Ministry should not only deal with disasters, but also prevention. Know where some kind of disaster might happen. Now in Kirovo-Chepetsk there is a chemical plant that produces fuel, but the state there is such that it can explode at any moment, and Chernobyl is resting there, as they say. And then the whole country will vote, I don’t know, maybe there won’t even be a need to vote.

V. DYMARSKY: For the “Greens”.

A. PANFILOV: Well, I don’t know who they will vote for, that’s the situation in Kirovo-Chepetsk specifically. And I don’t know where the Ministry of Emergency Situations is looking. The situation there is simply catastrophic.

V. DYMARSKY: Come on, perhaps the last question we have time to ask from Orsk is Alexey Kolomytsev, an ecologist: “When, in your opinion, will the law on payment for environmental pollution be adopted?” And to what extent are you lobbying and lobbying for this law?

A. PANFILOV: No, well, we have been fighting for it for many years, but the very powerful lobby, which is headed by Norilsk Nickel, I repeat, who in every possible way do not want the law to be adopted, or they want the money that they would have paid for emissions into the atmosphere were used to modernize their enterprise, so that they would still have them. But maybe so. But they will again use this money for their own interests. If only there was a fund in Norilsk. And this money went under the control of, say, the public, it can be used, i.e. This is an extremely important law. Without this law, it is generally useless to talk about industrial ecology. Those. They don’t pay taxes, so you said about a progressive scale. Let them pay this tax. And there's no need there high interest. By the way, you said that the situation in Manchegorsk is extremely interesting for them. The Norwegians gave grants. They always gave grants, but now they have refused. Why are we no longer giving grants to the Manchegorsk Nickel Plant? By the way, it is part of a holding company of Norilsk Nickel. Because you receive 2 billion dollars a year in profit, and we give you 100 million. There is no logic. And now the Norwegians have officially refused grants Murmansk region for this reason. Because well, this is the same situation.

V. DYMARSKY: Here Alexander writes to us. Well, Alexander, we will convey your request to Mr. Panfilov, because he does not know how to join your party.

A. PANFILOV: Website of the Greens.

V. DYMARSKY: You see, there are even such listeners. And the last one, very short, literally 10 seconds. Kyoto Protocol, your attitude.

A. PANFILOV: The Kyoto Protocol together with Arkady Volsky and Putin, we finished off the Kyoto Protocol...

V. DYMARSKY: What does Putin have to do with it?

A. PANFILOV: Putin ratified it.

V. MAMONTOV: Putin with everything.

A. PANFILOV: Well, the Kyoto Protocol is the basis, it is a historical project. Thanks to this, Russia has generally reached a historical level. And Arkady Ivanovich, unfortunately, the deceased, went to Putin three times and tried to get the Kyoto Protocol ratified. I’m also giving it to you so that you can see that this is an epoch-making law.

V. DYMARSKY: Thanks to Anatoly Panfilov, leader of the Green party. And we went to read about the Kyoto Protocol.

A. PANFILOV: Thank you.

V. DYMARSKY: Good luck to you.

V. MAMMONTOV: All the best.

Political party “Russian Ecological Party “Greens”

The beginning of the history of REP “Greens” as political organization counts September 1993- the creation of the Constructive-Ecological Movement of Russia “Cedar”, on the basis of which the Ecological Party of Russia “Cedar” was formed in 1994. At its origins stood such prominent Russian figures as Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.P. Zalygin, President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.I. Pokrovsky, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, hero of the USSR and Russia A.N. Chilingarov, RAS academician M.Ch. Zalikhanov, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko, as well as many prominent public figures in science and culture.

In 1994, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II blessed the environmental activities of the Cedar Movement for the cause “... for the benefit of man and nature” and supported the practical initiatives of the Movement to promote the ecological worldview and revive the spirituality of Russians for many years.

In 2002, the Kedr party was transformed into the Russian Environmental Party “Greens” (REP “Greens”).

The Russian environmental party “Greens” is carrying out systematic work to unite constructive socio-political organizations of Russia into the “Greens” Movement. The purpose of the association is the implementation of the Environmental Doctrine of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and “Fundamentals of state policy in the field environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030”, adopted by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev April 30, 2012.

Members of the Green Movement in chronological order their creation:
- in December 2002, the Russian Environmental Independent Expertise (RENE) was created - the coordinator of the party’s activities in the field of expertise. www.eco-expert.ru

In 2003, the All-Russian public children's environmental movement "Green Planet" was created, currently the largest children's organization, uniting more than 2 million children and adolescents in all corners of Russia. www.greenplaneta.ru

In 2004, a report began on the activities of the All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol", whose work is aimed at preserving unique nature Russia. www.greenpatrol.ru

In March 2005, the All-Russian public organization “Russian Society for the Protection of Animals “Fauna” received a certificate of state registration.

In June 2005, the Women's Ecological Commonwealth was registered, the goal of which is to create favorable socio-ecological and economic living conditions in Russia.

For five years (2001-2005), REP “Greens”, together with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and the Kedr Movement, has been carrying out organizational and methodological work to enhance Russia’s participation in the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol within the framework of international conference"Russia's participation in the global market mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol."

In 2011, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, together with Rosprirodnadzor, the Association “For a Clean Russia” was created, which included dozens of public environmental organizations uniting millions of Russian citizens. Detailed information information about the Association can be found on our website

The Chairman of the Green Party from the date of its founding to this day is Anatoly Alekseevich Panfilov, who for five years (1996-2000) headed the Chamber on Ecology and Natural Resources of the Political Advisory Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

The party is distinguished by a constructive approach and builds its work taking into account all-Russian national interests.

Has a negative attitude towards manifestations of political and environmental extremism. Adheres to a moderate reformist course.

Based on the priority of universal human values ​​and general democratic principles. Carries out close interaction with all religious denominations of Russia.

REP "Greens" has an extensive regional structure. Regional branches of the party are registered in 65 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and number over 20 thousand people in their ranks. The Green Party is the leading public environmental organization in Russia, which unites representatives of various social strata of society. In its work the party relies on the Council of Chief sanitary doctors Russian Federation, the “Forests of Russia” movement and the Trade Union of Forestry Workers of the Russian Federation, Russian societies protection of animals, hunters, fishermen, etc. The total number of our environmental activists throughout Russia is over 200 thousand people.

Along with political issues, the party takes part in solving multilateral problems of protecting the environment and the health of the country's population: from the implementation of local programs to improve ecological state small towns in Russia, before the implementation of international projects to prevent global change climate change under the Kyoto Protocol.

The main task of the party is to create a faction of “green” deputies in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in regional and local legislative bodies, and to promote its representatives to executive authorities at all levels.

The party is active politically, participating six times (1993, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2008) in parliamentary elections, regional and local elections, as well as in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

When conducting election campaigns in various regions of the Russian Federation and in subsequent work, we rely not only on regional human resources, we attract various specialists from all regions of the country, the entire party potential, the entire party as a whole.

Thus, the Russian environmental party “Greens” has qualified specialists in a number of specialized organizations in different regions countries, including the Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the SB RAS in Barnaul, the Rostov State Research Institute of Hygiene, Ecology and Certification (Rostov-on-Don), the North-West International Center for Cleaner Production UNIDO (Rostov-on-Don). St. Petersburg) and others.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
OGBOU SPO "Ryazan Pedagogical

Discipline: “Fundamentals of Environmental Law”
on the topic: “Russian environmental party

Tishchenko O.K.


INTRODUCTION______________________________ ______________________________ _____________3


Blue sky, clean air, rustling leaves above your head, a grass carpet under your feet - we all relax in nature, feel a surge of strength and the joy of communicating with each other and with the world. But how often do we manage to find an untouched corner of it? Alas, it is a fact that lately there has been less and less real nature around us, uncontaminated by garbage and retaining its life-giving power. The consumerist attitude towards the world has led to the depletion of land, the pollution of seas, rivers and lakes, the disappearance of thousands (!) species of birds, animals and plants, a sharp reduction in forests, and changes in the planet’s climate. And if a hundred years ago nature had the strength to fight the consequences of human economic (or, rather, mismanagement) activity, now it can no longer cope. She needs help. In the second half of the 20th century, environmentalists increasingly began to protest against the thoughtless way of life of humanity; as a result, international organizations emerged with the goal of protecting the Earth and its inhabitants. One of such organizations is the Russian Ecological Party “Greens”.
The beginning of the history of the REP "Greens" as a political organization is considered to be September 1993 - the creation of the Constructive-Ecological Movement of Russia "Cedar", on the basis of which the Ecological Party of Russia "Cedar" was formed in 1994.
In 2002, the Kedr party was transformed into the Russian Environmental Party “Greens” (REP “Greens”).
REP "Greens" has an extensive regional structure. Regional branches of the party are registered in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and number over 20 thousand people in their ranks. The Green Party is the leading public environmental organization in Russia, which unites representatives of various social strata of society. In its work, the party relies on the Council of Chief Sanitary Doctors of the Russian Federation, the “Forests of Russia” movement and the Trade Union of Forestry Workers of the Russian Federation, Russian societies for the protection of animals, hunters, fishermen, etc. The total number of our environmental activists throughout Russia is over 200 thousand Human.
Along with political issues, the party takes part in solving multilateral problems of protecting the environment and the health of the country's population: from the implementation of local programs to improve the environmental condition of small towns in Russia, to the implementation of international projects to prevent global climate change within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol (the Kyoto Protocol is the first an international document that uses a market mechanism to solve the “greenhouse effect” as a global environmental problem)
The Russian environmental party "Greens" is open to all supporters of reasonable, environmentally oriented, sustainable development of our country. "Greens" on initial stage Party activities see the main task of uniting citizens and organizations concerned about environmental problems - numerous, but not sufficiently united, which affects the overall effectiveness of their activities. The Russian environmental party "Greens" is confident that it is possible to change the attitude of the state and society towards the environmental problems of Russia and humanity as a whole - first of all, through organized and strong-willed political actions

Party motto
“A healthy person, a happy family, a prosperous Russia!”

I. General provisions

The Russian environmental party "Greens" is an association of citizens of the Russian Federation who are convinced that environmentally oriented, constructive and systems approach to political, economic, social and other public relations is the only acceptable for the development of the Russian state.
The Russian environmental party "Greens" is a public association of supporters of balanced and consistent actions aimed at the environmentally friendly development of the productive forces of a united and strong Russia, the careful and efficient use of its natural resources and nature protection, and the creation of conditions for a healthy and decent life for the country's population.
The Russian environmental party “Greens” is an organization that recognizes the need for joint comprehensive actions of all sectors of society and government, leading to their open and constructive dialogue, advocating a systematic approach to solving environmental and other, inevitably related, major problems of our time.
The Russian environmental party "Greens" declares: no political, economic and social difficulties of society should obscure the relevance of environmental problems, since in the near future they may overshadow all other problems.
The Russian environmental party “Greens” declares: the revival of the country is possible only on the basis of harmony in the development of socio-political, economic and environmental processes. The Greens call for interaction between the authorities, the scientific, business community and the public - the fundamental and driving forces of the state.
The Russian environmental party "Greens" is open to all supporters of the reasonable, environmentally oriented, sustainable development of our country, who are ready to actively support the goals and objectives formulated in this program. At the initial stage of the party’s activities, the “Greens” see their main task as uniting citizens and organizations concerned about environmental problems, numerous but not sufficiently united, which affects the overall effectiveness of their activities.
The Russian environmental party “Greens” is confident that changing the attitude of the state and society towards the environmental problems of Russia and humanity as a whole can be done, first of all, through organized and strong-willed political actions. To create environmental conditions for the life of Russian society that meet the requirements of the time, a political force is needed, the focus of attention and practical activity of which should be the vital interests of current and future generations.
The party's emblem depicts a cedar tree. Cedar is a beautiful, proud tree that personifies the powerful life potential of nature. This is a symbol of our determination to unwaveringly guard the interests of life, to promote by all means and means the building of harmonious relations between society and nature in Russia and on planet Earth.

II. Goals and objectives

Strategic Goals

Strengthening and development of Russia as a democratic legal state, the formation of a spiritually, morally and physically healthy society in which a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest values, the main priority is the happy and harmonious life of an individual and the entire people as a whole, and all efforts and power states are aimed at ensuring a dignified existence, free expression of will and a favorable environment for every citizen.
These goals should be achieved by implementing and strictly observing the constitutional right of present and future generations of people to a favorable, including, first of all, natural environment, rationally and non-wastefully using and protecting the entire complex of natural resources, as well as promoting in every possible way the conservation of biological diversity . The state strategy must necessarily include measures to ensure sustainable development and environmental safety of Russia.


Uniting and acting as a united front of all social forces and citizens concerned about environmental problems.
Creation of conditions and permanent institutions for systemic and constructive cooperation between the public, government, scientific and business communities.
Development, improvement and implementation of long-term environmentally oriented political course in Russia.
Political assistance in establishing a fair economic and social order.
Development of the ecological worldview of citizens through the creation of a system of universal environmental education and propaganda.
Political assistance to the creation and implementation of low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies in production, careful and rational use of the natural resource potential of Russia.
Creating conditions for a stable improvement in the quality and standard of living of citizens of the Russian Federation, economic growth, environmental safety, social security and legal protection through the implementation of competent and constructive economic, environmental, social and legislative policies.
All possible assistance in strengthening and significantly enhancing the health protection of the population of Russia and the development of physical culture of citizens.
Consistent and targeted introduction of environmental assessment and audit institutions into the practice of making government decisions.
Development and strengthening international relations in the field of environmental protection to consolidate efforts to solve global environmental problems.

Ways to achieve strategic goals and solve problems

Seek election of party members to the State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for the position of President of the Russian Federation, their inclusion in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies of the Russian Federation.
Conduct active educational, propaganda and outreach work with the population.
Carry out its activities in close and constructive interaction with government bodies of the Russian Federation, public associations and citizens, scientific organizations and institutions, business circles and the media.

IV. Main directions of party activity

1. Development of spirituality, morality and culture of citizens as the basis for building a society with an ecological worldview

Policy in the field of spiritual and moral development of society

Revival of the spiritual and moral foundations of society, historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, creation of conditions for the development of spirituality and culture of citizens.
Truly and effectively implementing positive economic, environmental, social and political change.
Comprehensive coverage of real achievements in all spheres of society.
Development, implementation and development of national ideology, the use of all means of upbringing, education, agitation and propaganda for the constructive and positive development and strengthening of national spirituality.
Cooperation, support and encouragement of the activities of public, professional and religious organizations, contributing to the revival and strengthening of the spiritual potential of the peoples of the Russian Federation, regardless of their religious or confessional affiliation.
Development of patriotic education of the younger generation with attitudes towards peaceful labor, racial, national and social tolerance, sustainable development and environmental worldview.
Formation of environmental ethics, morality and ethics.
Protecting animals from cruelty.

Preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Russian Federation

Ensuring the safety of everything natural diversity countries.
Protection of the cultural heritage of society.
Preservation and expansion of the system of historical and cultural reserves, historical zones in cities and populated areas, monuments of history and culture of the peoples of Russia.
Preservation and development of the system of specially protected natural areas.
Development and implementation of a system of measures aimed at preserving rare and endangered species of living organisms, types of ecosystems and landscapes inherent in Russia.
Development and implementation of a system of measures to preserve and create conditions for the existence of wild animals and plants in economically developed and urbanized areas.
Development of national landscape policy, including landscape and ecological tourism, nature-supporting industries, and “soft” construction.

2. Science, education, enlightenment, information

Strengthened targeted funding and full support for science and its environmentally oriented development; investment and financing, mainly on a competitive basis, of research, development and experimental technological work on the creation and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies in production.
Development, organization and development of a system of general and continuous environmental education, education and awareness, starting from preschool educational institutions, in the system of secondary and higher schools, in systems of vocational education, advanced training and retraining of personnel.
Ensuring the greening of natural sciences and humanities education through the mandatory introduction of environmental elements into all academic subjects.
Implementation of measures to improve environmental awareness of senior and middle management.
Reliable and timely information to citizens on all environmental issues, and especially environmental problems, wide and equal access of all interested parties to information, prevention of concealment by officials of facts and circumstances that pose a threat to people’s lives and health.
Creation and development of a single publicly accessible information database or several compatible databases on environmental issues.
Carrying out, together with the media and advertising organizations, intensive agitation and promotion of an ecological worldview and a rational approach to all spheres of human activity using all achievements modern science and technology.

3. Formation of civil society, implementation and observance of constitutional rights of citizens

Development of civil society to solve environmental problems

Targeted government funding and support for research in the development and formation of state policy for respecting the constitutional rights of citizens, protecting the natural environment and ensuring environmental safety.
Ensuring the priority of legitimate, including environmental, interests of citizens over the interests of business structures and government bodies.
Full support for the participation of citizens in discussing and making decisions that affect their rights and freedoms, pose a threat to their life and health, and may violate their legitimate interests or cause damage to the environment.
Initiating and supporting referendums and public discussions at various levels, including on issues of environmental protection.
Ensuring strict payment of compensation to citizens for property damage and health damage caused as a result of environmental violations.
Creation of legislative and organizational conditions to eliminate or compensate for damage from environmental violations and other impacts on the environment, natural objects and human health in kind.
Improving the methodology for determining the amount of compensation for damage caused to the environment and the health of citizens in the process of economic activity, ensuring a direct dependence of the amount of payment for emissions and discharges on the volume and danger of emitted substances, with the possible use in some areas of the “double coverage” principle in order to prevent unforeseen risks.
Creation of a favorable regime for charity, including in the field of ecology.
Ensuring alternative civil service at facilities and structures operating to implement environmental policy.
Creating conditions for traditional nature management and subsistence farming of indigenous peoples.
Appeal to state authorities and local governments on issues of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety.
Appeal in court against decisions and actions (inaction) of state authorities and local governments that violate the rights of citizens in the field of environmental safety.

4. Human health, family interests, healthy childhood and motherhood, creation of environmentally acceptable social conditions for human life

Protecting public health from environmentally harmful factors of human activity

Ensuring high quality and food safety, drinking water, atmospheric air, o
