Gemini birthstones for a woman. Gems that will make twins cute and easy-going

Gemini woman stones - how to choose the right talisman? To enhance personal positive sides and eliminate negative qualities, use special talisman stones. These amulets will help you get rid of bad influences and protect you from misfortunes.

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A woman under the sign of Gemini can choose anyone as a talisman. But there are special ones that can emphasize advantages and make disadvantages invisible.

Having jewelry with an emerald in your arsenal is important for every Gemini woman. People born under this sign are quick-tempered, often take any mistakes and mistakes to heart, are unpredictable, and sometimes even aggressive. Emerald is able to calm even the most hot-tempered Gemini.

Representatives of this sign need to always be on the move, exchange information, absorb new energy and give back their own. Geminis who do not receive enough communication may fall into long-term depression. Emerald will help avoid negativity.

The amulet is capable of imparting composure to the owner, prudence and wisdom. Geminis usually lack these qualities when making important decisions. The stone will not allow you to be guided by emotions alone; with its help, a woman will make sound decisions.

Moon rock

Moonstone is an indispensable attribute of every Gemini. The talisman can be used for various purposes. The stone is able to cleanse the owner of bad energy that has accumulated during the day. The decoration harmonizes the hostess.

A woman who wears a pendant with a moonstone is less susceptible to mood swings and will be able to be more loyal to others. This is a powerful amulet. If, upon purchase, you charge it with your own energy, the owner will be in close connection with the talisman - not a single sorcerer will have a negative impact on the woman.

Moonstone can attract positive emotions, strong energy. Those Geminis who wear jewelry with moonstone are successful and are able to achieve their goals.

The amulet can be used during various rituals. If a woman practices magic, having a talisman made of moonstone is a must. With the help of the amulet, the sorceress will be inaccessible to evil spirits.


By nature, Geminis are active and have a large supply of energy and strength. But representatives of this sign do not always have enough spirit, will and endurance to concentrate and direct energy in the right direction. Pearls will help a woman with this. The stone is able to guide the owner towards self-improvement and achieving goals.

Pearls are essential for single Gemini women. The talisman attracts success in love affairs: and if you wear the stone for a long time, the lady will quickly meet the love of her life.

For Gemini, pearls are the most powerful talisman against the envy of enemies and ill-wishers. If there are bad relationships in the work team, you must definitely wear pearl jewelry, then your enemies will not cause harm. To be less stressed, wear pearls in a bracelet.

Jasper - a talisman of love

Gemini women are rarely happy in early marriage. In order for the marriage union to be strong, built on love and mutual understanding, you should not rush and connect your life with another person in at a young age.

Problems in love relationships may arise due to the fact that Gemini women tend to quickly get enough of their partner, and a beloved person today may become a complete stranger tomorrow.

To regain lost emotions, reawaken love and become happy, a woman should take a closer look at jewelry with jasper. This stone will make feelings in marriage mutual, and will return understanding, love, and warmth to the relationship.

Agate for Gemini women

Agate - can protect against negativity. With its help, a woman will protect herself from evil spirits, envy, damage and the evil eye. It is believed that the stone can even protect the owner from various physical influences.

Gemini women need to wear agate at a young age. During this period, girls are not able to accept right decisions, be wise and judicious. The talisman will strengthen the mind and provide the opportunity to correctly assess the situation.

It is especially important to have jewelry for those whose lives are connected with art. If a woman is prone to creativity, agate will contribute to the development of abilities.

If you choose a stone red or brown colors, the person will become a real winner. This is an amulet of those who are not used to retreating from difficulties, who are capable of achieving anything in life. A talisman of this shade will help strengthen friendly relations and love unions.

Agate dark colors will give confidence and attract not only success, but also wealth and fame. Most Geminis need to be the center of attention and feel that their opinions are listened to and valued.

If a woman feels very ill, let her wear a bracelet made of yellow agate on the left hand.

White must be worn with earrings. For Gemini women, the stone will bring success: it will give the owner inexhaustible internal strength, give confidence, and improve her financial situation.

If selected black stone, talisman will contribute to the development of strong business ties and will give strength to fight difficulties. You need to be careful: if a woman is weak in spirit, this stone will attract sadness.

Laminate Women are not advised to wear agate, since the talisman obeys mainly men.

Blue recommends wearing it if you have health problems. For those suffering from joint diseases, it is advisable to wear the talisman constantly.

How to protect yourself from lying people? It is imperative to arm yourself gray agate that will help avoid conflict situations and will see through dishonest people.

What stones should Geminis avoid?

Gemini women are not advised to wear heavy stones. The following amulets will not always have a positive effect on health:

  • diamond;
  • ruby;
  • aquamarine.

Aquamarine diamond ruby

Opinions differ regarding the ruby. If it is a family jewel, especially in a gold frame, the jewelry can become a powerful amulet. It depends on what energy the owner has, what connection he has with the decoration. You should try wearing the ruby ​​item for several days.

If anyone has a difficult life in this world, it’s Gemini. Easy-going, quick in thoughts and deeds, always inspired by dreams, they often experience painful collisions with the surrounding reality. But agate, a talisman stone, is valued by Gemini almost more than all other signs.

Paradox? After all, it is known that gemstones are not as important for Gemini as they are for Leo or Scorpio. However, there is no contradiction.

Almighty agate is the main stone of Gemini

The thing is that any of the Geminis can find a pacifying agate on their own. It doesn’t matter whether the agate you like was mined on the seashore or among the tumbling variety. It is important that a person himself feels the vibes of the stone, distinguishes it from the mass of rock fragments, and, even before picking it up, already warms the agate with his premonition of spiritual closeness.

As a rule, Geminis do not make mistakes when choosing a personal stone of a sign among a scattering of similar stones. Moreover! Geminis tend to collect a whole collection of agates - and at the same time, each specimen is felt as necessary, useful, and effective.

Contradiction again? Nothing happened! Gemini is a special sign of the zodiac; a talisman is selected for each of the hypostases of its multifaceted personality. Agate, the Gemini talisman stone, which has a countless variety of rock forms, perfectly matches the restless sign.

Spiritual emanations of gem varieties penetrate the multi-layered astral body of Gemini, and fill all the “cracks”, “potholes”, “breaks” and other “traumas” that arise in the air sign after aggression from the outside.

Interestingly, Geminis perceive agates from their collection differently. A stone that has already fulfilled its purpose protective function– has become a talisman, having “patched” a hole in the mental defense of the sign, and is perceived with a joyful feeling of inner delight, deep friendship, and lasting little happiness.

Agate, which has not yet taken its place in the “defense complex” of Gemini, feels alluring, inviting, visually burning - regardless of color range minerals that compose it. The feeling that arises in a person observing the stone he needs is instantaneous, but not necessarily all-encompassing.

The lion's share of the sign's attention is drawn to agates, suitable for Gemini V this moment more time than anything. In such agates, the protective influence and spiritual healing properties are at their maximum in relation to the observer.

Beryl is the stone of Gemini, making a career

For Gemini, the main stimulating stone according to the horoscope is beryl. Any variety of beryl - be it green emerald, bluish aquamarine or golden heliodor - helps this zodiac sign in achieving their career goals.

Gemini, unlike earth signs, does not like to move to the top, mincing in small steps. Geminis are characterized by instant assertion of themselves in the team, rapid achievement of professional heights, and an absolute lead over competitors in terms of mastering the business.

Transparent sparkling beryls are Gemini’s first and most devoted assistants in career growth. But if a stone for a Gemini woman is necessarily rich in color, impeccably (and most importantly complex) cut and expensive, and framed with great taste, then the “male” beryl looks a little simpler.

A gemstone for a Gemini man is, if possible, a large one, not necessarily ideal in terms of jewelry, but certainly refined by polishing beryl.

In some cases, other gems also become effective inspirers for Gemini - however, the success of interaction between a person and a mineral in this case depends on the degree and depth of mutual spiritual attraction.


Twins by nature they are light and changeable, they are internal intellectuals. They have changeable moods, they grasp everything easily, love arguments and fun, and have the ability to live double life. Geminis are not known for their persistence or patience, and therefore do not complete most tasks, often switching to new ones. The impatience, restlessness, and changeability of Gemini's dual nature leads to the fact that it is difficult for them to achieve full success in life - they simply do not have time to spend enough time on any task. But failures and defeats do not upset them, they do not spoil their mood, they do not reduce Gemini’s activity; on the contrary, they do not stop trying to jump in over their head. Gemini is guided common sense, think quickly and adapt to a specific situation, know how to communicate with the most different people and speak very convincingly.
Negative Gemini traits– impracticality, impatience, talkativeness, nervousness, optionality, instability. Positive aspects: versatility, quick adaptation to new conditions, ingenuity, freedom from prejudice, objectivity, sociability, tact, intuition.
Gemini prefers green, gold and yellow tones; this sign does not tolerate overly cold, gloomy and domineering stones, which can suppress Gemini and even cause harm to them. If Gemini lacks energy, they can carefully draw it from red stones. Since Gemini is a summer sign and the season of wearing stones is in full swing, they are recommended to collect a large collection of jewelry with stones for all occasions - at least 8-10 different minerals, purchase and wear stones primarily intuitively, according to their whims, desires and momentary mood.

CITRINE. This is a gold variety of quartz. It is durable and comes in many different shades. Therefore, it is often used in jewelry. This is transparent quartz in all shades of yellow, gold, orange and brown. It is sometimes confused with topaz.
Natural citrine of rich amber color, according to traditional healers, is good remedy for the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, and also strengthens nervous system. For a long time, citrine has had a dual magical nature. On the one hand, the mineral is considered a talisman of swindlers, swindlers and unscrupulous businessmen, and on the other hand, this semi-precious stone patronizes speakers, public figures and brings good luck to entrepreneurs. Now this stone is considered a stone of travelers business people who often go on business trips. Citrine is recommended to wear

The zodiac sign Gemini is under the protection of Mercury and the air element. That is why Geminis are characterized by contradictions to a greater extent than other signs. The character of these people is elusive, deceptive and changeable. They are intellectuals, however, they do not like to make efforts in search of knowledge, being content with what comes to them on their own. They are fickle, they tend to often change the nature of their activities, which is why they almost always have unfinished business. However, Gemini is able to subsequently return to the work he started and finish it.

These people always feel the need for society; they need communication. Thanks to their interests and knowledge in a wide variety of industries, Geminis can easily communicate with a wide range of people. They are excellent at negotiations, which is why Geminis make excellent teachers or sales workers. However, they may not be able to cope psychologically stressful situations, and then the negative qualities of this zodiac sign appear: selfishness, self-interest and pettiness.

Gemini birthstones by date of birth

Geminis born in the first decade (21st - 31st May) are under the influence of Jupiter. They have well-developed intuition and logic. Suitable stones for these people are rock crystal, amazonite, and obsidian.

Representatives of this zodiac sign born in the second decade (June 1st - June 10th) are protected by Mars. They are assertive, selfish, and sometimes aggressive. Suitable talisman stones for Gemini of this period - pearls, onyx, etc.

People born in the third decade (June 11th – 21st) are under the protection of the Sun. This bright personalities, they have a lot of warmth in their souls for loved ones, but they can also experience strong uncontrollable anger. These people do not tolerate any subordination. Useful gemstones-talismans for them are distinguished by their unsurpassed beauty - this and tourmaline.

Talisman stones for Gemini

Alexandrite ‒ best stone for Gemini

According to astrologers, the best talisman stone for the Gemini zodiac sign is alexandrite. This stone promotes the development of Gemini traits strong personality. In addition, alexandrite changes its shades and, thanks to this property, you can find out about the approach of a difficult life period or deterioration in health (in the case of a darkening of the shade of the gem). Alexandrite will also serve as a talisman for Gemini in the area of ​​good, stable earnings and saving the money they earn.

Moonstone will help Gemini choose the right path

Moonstone will also be a good talisman for Gemini. Such a talisman will restrain the throwing of this sign from one goal to another and will direct one at a time the right way. In addition, the frivolity of these people can sometimes lead to the collapse of normal family life due to a momentary impulse, Moonstone will also take care of stable family relationships. The stone will also help increase creativity and their disclosure.

Good talisman stones for the Gemini zodiac sign are minerals that have sunny shades: amber, feline or citrine. Citrine, for example, is indispensable for businessmen. It promotes profitable management affairs, protects against unreasonably risky transactions, and brings Gemini’s excitement within a reasonable framework. For representatives of this zodiac sign who engage in public activities, citrine will ensure successful performances.

Onyx will strengthen the resolve and develop the strength of character of Gemini.

Onyx will help Gemini make reasonable and real decisions, reducing the frivolity and superficiality characteristic of the sign. Moreover, an onyx talisman with straight stripes has a higher potential; it will reduce frivolity and develop strength of character.

Agate will erect reliable shield for Gemini, will easily ward off illness

Agate will also be an excellent talisman for Gemini. This stone itself is endowed with magical properties and will become reliable protection for weak and often ill representatives of the sign. Agate will help creative people to bring their plans to completion, not allowing them to soar in the clouds. Jewelry with agate will help develop such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness and prudence, which are so often lacking in Gemini.

A talisman with agate will help Gemini in the love field

An agate talisman is also good for romantic relationships, it will perfectly contribute to the success of the chosen applicant for the role of spouse and will help to make the right choice, because representatives of this zodiac sign often hesitate between several options.

Jade attracts loneliness in Gemini

Jade has a beneficial effect on the state of the Gemini nervous system, helps overcome illness and normalizes sleep. The stone even increases life expectancy, but you should not wear jade long time, since this stone attracts loneliness, and for people of this sign this is unacceptable.

Turquoise is an excellent assistant in money matters

For Geminis who are prone to frequent travel, astrologers recommend turquoise as a talisman. The mineral will add energy and strength, protect against possible dangers. ‒ a peacemaker stone, it eliminates conflicts and prevents quarrels. In addition, turquoise will be a good assistant for this zodiac sign in money matters and will protect against slander and the evil eye.


Geminis tend to have a hard time withstanding the consequences of stress and nervous shock. They often have poor health, and during periods of illness and stress, these people weaken, losing energy at a high rate. A citrine talisman stone will increase vital energy and protect Gemini. The amulet is capable of accumulating energy in a person, protecting him from possible misfortunes in the future. During periods of stress or illness, citrine brings positivity to the owner’s emotions, helping to see the situation from the outside.

Citrine is also very good for businessmen, helping with contracts and conflict resolution. A citrine talisman for Gemini perfectly helps to concentrate on one specific direction, without scattering to the sides, and to convince opponents of your opinion.

A talisman for Gemini made from a tiger's eye will protect against his own negative qualities. Suspicion, suspiciousness, jealousy are traits that interfere with a normal life, and the tiger's eye fights them with constant success. This talisman is also good for stable material well-being And career growth representatives of this sign. This stone is good for relieving fatigue and nervous tension. Sometimes the tiger's eye can cause a feeling of increasing its weight - this is how the amulet warns the owner about possible future unpleasant situations.

Chrysoprase protects Gemini from damage and the evil eye

Chrysoprase ‒ magic talisman for Gemini. The stone protects the owner from damage, the evil eye, and other mystical negativity. Chrysoprase is also a good protector for people whose occupation involves other people's money. These are, for example, brokers, bankers, cashiers. For married Geminis, chrysoprase will ensure family well-being. The mineral is able to protect against evil intentions or envy, so it will be useful in matters involving risk.

How to wear talisman stones correctly

How and in what product it is better to wear this or that gem is of considerable importance for a given sign. For example, alexandrite should be worn in a ring, and the ring itself should be worn on the middle finger, and the ring should be removed at night.

It is better to choose turquoise set in gold if it is Ural turquoise, and in silver if the birthplace of the mineral is Iran.

Compatibility horoscope: Gemini zodiac sign stone talisman woman by date of birth - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Mercury and Air gave birth to one of the most changeable, contradictory and multifaceted signs of the Zodiac - Gemini. Its validity period is from May 21 to June 21.

Geminis are bright extroverts. They cannot do without society and active contacts with the world. Representatives of the sign are easy-going, always focused on change. They are repulsed by inertia, routine, and monotony.

“Airy” individuals are generously gifted with intellect, but are not distinguished by perseverance and patience. It is their style not to complete all their undertakings. Superficiality is a serious obstacle to success.

The attitude of others towards Gemini is ambiguous. People like their eloquence and ease of communication. But such qualities as excessive fussiness and optionality cause irritation. In complex life conflicts, Geminis often show pettiness, greed, and selfishness.

Amulet stones will help improve your character, protect you from troubles, and improve your health.

Talismans for all Geminis

The astrological sign, whose powers are revealed during the period of summer flowering and light, is alien to pompous, gloomy stones. His amulets should be warm and cheerful.

There is a belief that agate brings longevity. The semi-precious mineral conceals secrets creative success. He helps Geminis not to give up their calling after the first failures, and develops in them the missing qualities - patience and perseverance.

Agate gives strength to weak and sick people. Protects from other people's envy and malice.


Gemini's character often lacks firmness and strength. A gem from the chrysoberyl breed helps to acquire these qualities.

Alexandrite has the mysterious property of changing color. Green in daylight, it turns purple in artificial light.

Yellow spots on its surface are a signal of danger to the health or life of the owner.

Traveler's amulet. The personification of a successful career. Symbol of vigor. A conductor of positive energy.

It is believed that beryl helps win litigation. This stone is useful for sloths and slow-witted people.

Gemini's inability to concentrate creates problems in work and study. Lemon-yellow or honey-golden quartz – citrine – eliminates this shortcoming.

The stone protects gambling people from rash, risky actions. Like a devoted friend, he is always on the side of his owner.

Many Geminis are gifted with literary and artistic talents. Orange-yellow or red carnelian is an assistant in creativity.

This mineral is used in medicine to treat thyroid gland, intestinal and skin diseases. Secret healing properties lies in the weak radioactivity of individual specimens.

Gemini amulets by date of birth

Depending on the decade, Gemini is influenced by three planets: Mars, Jupiter and the Sun.

Geminis of the first decade have equally developed both intuitive and analytical thinking. Rhinestone enhances thought processes. Yellow and red obsidians form fair self-esteem.

For those born in the second decade, it is important to soften the influence of an aggressive planet, weaken such qualities as selfishness, hot temper, and excessive persistence. Amber, as well as white, pink, yellow pearls shades calm the nervous system and bring peace of mind.

It is useful for restless natures seeking change and renewal to wear chrysoprase.

The chosen ones of the Sun radiate optimism. They love children very much. Geminis manage their feelings better than other Geminis, but they also have outbursts of anger. Pearl (except black), topaz, emerald drive away hatred and rage. Performs the same function pink and yellow sapphires - symbols of wisdom and justice. Emerald and pearl In addition, they attract money. Yellow topaz turns a woman into a beauty and a man into a sage.

Additional list of stones for Gemini :

  • almandine– “stone of joy” (a variety of crimson and pink garnet);
  • uvarovite– assistant to generous people, a talisman against thieves and envious people (green pomegranate);
  • rhodonite– pink ornamental stone, useful for awakening talents;
  • lilac amethyst– a stone of the air element, an amulet of travelers and athletes; protector from dark influences.

Dangerous stones

Although modern Astrologers have different opinions about unsuitable stones and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones not according to the Sun sign, but according to weak planet in the natal chart. List of stones that Gemini should take a closer look at:

Aquamarine, blood red garnet, milky white cacholong, hematite (bloodstone), labradorite, green jasper, blue sapphie, blue topaz.

To enhance magical properties stones, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Ural gems require a frame made of gold, Iranian ones - silver.
  • Products containing alexandrite should be removed before going to bed.
  • It is useful to wear citrine as a pendant, alexandrite - in a ring on the middle finger, agate - on the left hand.

As you can see, the collection of talismans for Gemini is extremely interesting and varied. Good luck to everyone!

Gemini Stones

Geminis are very versatile, changeable and active people who are able to engage, not only various matters, so also do them at the same time. This sign is ruled by Mercury.

Geminis strive to constantly reconstruct their life, remove from it everything that is outdated, monotonous and ordinary, and fill it with something interesting, new and different.

Waiting a long time for success is not what Gemini wants. Representatives of this sign cannot comprehend how long it is possible to engage in the same activity. From this it is clearly clear that Geminis are not distinguished by patience and perseverance, so they often leave things unfinished. It is quite difficult for these people to achieve success in life - they are hampered by such qualities as changeability, impatience and frequent worries out of nowhere - it is easier for them to take what comes into their hands or is initially lying on the surface. However, defeats and failures are unable to spoil the mood of representatives of this sign or reduce their activity: Gemini will always try to jump in over their head.

Impatience, nervousness, impracticality, instability and optionality are the main negative traits Gemini character. The positive ones include sociability, freedom from prejudice, quick adaptation to new or changed conditions, objectivity, intuition, versatility, tact and ingenuity.

Selecting a stone by date of birth (decade)

Geminis of the first decade (born from May 21 to May 31) are protected by Jupiter. These people have well-developed both intuitive and logical thinking. Representatives of Gemini in the first decade will find useful stones such as malachite, rock crystal, obsidian, agate, moonstone, jade and amazonite.

The second decade for Gemini begins on June 1 and ends on June 10. People born at this time are ruled by Mars. As a result, Geminis of the second decade are characterized by selfishness, aggression and assertiveness. The gems of these people are cat's eye, amber, opal, chalcedony, citrine, onyx, chrysoprase, jade and pearls.

The Sun is the patron of Gemini in the third decade (born from June 11 to June 21). These people will be able to warm everyone around them with their warmth. Geminis of the third decade flatly refuse to obey anyone, they have strong outbursts of anger that cannot be controlled. Useful gems for them will be sapphire, tourmaline, topaz and alexandrite.

Gemini talisman stone (general)

Nephritis will have a positive effect on Gemini. This mineral will improve sleep and help with various diseases. It is believed that this gem can influence the life expectancy of the owner. However, it is not recommended to wear jade for a long time, as it attracts loneliness, which Gemini cannot tolerate.

Turquoise will be an excellent amulet for restless travel lovers. This mineral will save Gemini on a long journey and give energy and strength. Turquoise will be able to prevent quarrels and settle conflicts. The setting for this gem should be selected based on its origin: gold is suitable for Ural turquoise, it is better to set Irish turquoise in silver.

Eye of the Tiger will protect its owner from slander, gossip and the torment of jealousy. In a ring, Gemini can use this mineral as a talisman: the stone reminds of itself in anticipation of trouble - it begins to get in the way, become heavy, and cling to clothes.

For Geminis who travel frequently, trade, and those who frequently communicate with people, citrine will provide invaluable assistance: for women it will sharpen their intuition, and men will become luckier in financial affairs. This gem is best worn in a pendant.

Will protect you from serious offenses and crimes obsidian: It will make Gemini become more careful in their words and actions. A ring with this gem will help the owner overcome aggression and show the owner his shortcomings.

The faceted stone will protect Gemini from the occurrence of absurd and unpleasant situations. rhinestone. This gem can improve memory and assist in any work. Rock crystal allows you to look at circumstances from the outside and soberly assess the situation. The stone sharpens the thought process.

It will help Gemini to make high-ranking friends and establish the necessary contacts amethyst. The gem will help you discover the secret plans of others. The owner of this mineral will always be full of strength and vigor, and protected from vain and unnecessary thoughts. An amethyst set in silver will be a reliable talisman for Gemini.

Can strengthen sick and weak Geminis agate. This gem will help creative people belonging to this sign, bring your plans and ideas to life. Agate is able to develop prudence, responsibility and attentiveness, which Gemini sorely lacks. It is more effective to wear products with agate in a bracelet or ring on the left hand.

Gemini stones for women

The most necessary gemstone for Gemini women is emerald. This gem is able to pacify and calm girls suffering from emotional distress. When sociable representatives of the fair sex lack communication, emerald will come to the rescue. And at the moment of need, the gem will give composure to representatives of the Gemini sign.

Can relieve excess stress Moonstone. He will soften the mood swings of the Gemini woman, attract success to her and open up ways to achieve her goal.

Will protect representatives of the Gemini sign from envy and ill-wishers pearl. He will direct the natural activity of Gemini ladies in the proper direction, attracting success in love affairs and a sea of ​​good luck to them. Pearls worn in a bracelet can relieve stress.

Jasper will help representatives of the fair sex of the Gemini sign who are disappointed in love to regain the lost feeling. The gem will also be able to give hope for reciprocity.

Stone for Gemini men

Alexandrite will teach Gemini men to take care of their nerves, not to succumb to empty worries and not to worry about every little thing. The gem will bring you closer to spiritual harmony and calm the restless representative of this sign. It is better to wear Alexandrite in a ring on the middle finger; it is recommended to remove it at night.

Agate will give Gemini stability and prudence, and will be able to calm them down. The gem will reduce the shortcomings of representatives of this sign. For Geminis associated with creativity, agate will help them find their own style and achieve real success. The mineral will not allow you to give up everything at the first failure.

Will help Gemini achieve what they want beryl. The mineral will force changeable representatives of this sign to complete every task they start, and will teach them how to solve problems more profitably and easily. Beryl is the talisman of Geminis seeking to make a career.

Stones that are contraindicated for twins

Geminis should avoid expensive and heavy stones. Such minerals will deprive representatives of this sign of a positive attitude towards life and their inherent lightness of character.

Diamond and ruby ​​are contraindicated for Gemini: these gems can harm health and cause trouble.

Also, an air sign will not benefit from aquamarine.

Which stone suits Gemini according to the horoscope?

The fact that precious and semiprecious stones influence the fate and health of a person born under one or another zodiac sign - it was noticed in ancient times.

If a person found “his” stone, his life improved: he found a well-paid job, improved relationships with his significant other, improved well-being, and resolved existing illnesses.

What stones are suitable for people born under the sign of Gemini?

Characteristics of the sign

People born from May 21 to June 20 inclusive are zodiacally assigned to the sun sign Gemini.

According to the horoscope, this zodiac sign is under the protection of planet Mercury, and this fact makes people of this sign excellent speakers, unsurpassed traders and negotiators, masters of words, excellent philologists and writers.

These people masterfully manage all areas of work and life, where the ability to conduct a conversation is important - it doesn’t matter whether orally or in writing.

Stands out from the crowd with his charm. As a rule, these are men of tall or medium height, with a high forehead, a friendly smile and a respectable appearance.

Usually, there are several marriages in the lives of men of this sign. However, one marriage is not excluded - provided that the man has previously had what is called “working up”.

These are bright, charismatic personalities. They have their own opinion on any question, which they can successfully defend in any dispute thanks to their innate gift of communication.

Less loving than men. But this does not at all mean that they are insensitive: women of this sign often fall in love, they simply do not consider it necessary to bind themselves to obligations and bring romances to their logical conclusion.

Geminis love to shine with their intelligence and erudition; they emerge victorious in any dispute. You are unlikely to find shy girls under this sign (unless the ascendant weakens the influence of Mercury on the personality).

As a rule, girls born under this sign are excellent students: studying is easy for them, teachers are sympathetic. Then, as a rule, they independently enter the university of their dreams and build a career.

They are in no hurry to start a family; they often get married at a late age.

Which stones are suitable for Gemini by date of birth?

Having noticed the influence of stones on life, astrologers began to slowly keep statistics on the types of stones and zodiac signs. As a result, over hundreds of years, these observations resulted in the system that has developed today.

Talismans made from natural stone, selected in accordance with the horoscope, can significantly make the life of their owner easier.

For women born in the first decade of the sign, astrologers advise wear jewelry with sapphire and rock crystal. Sapphire will help you develop patience, become more thoughtful, and find spiritual harmony.

And here rock crystal, on the contrary, will strengthen the influence of Mercury - will help to advance career ladder , earn a lot of money, become more eloquent, will bring success in trade, in your business.

Depending on the goals that you have at this stage of life, you can choose either sapphire or crystal.

Born in the second decade you need to tame your intelligence, talkativeness and ingenuity, which often cross all acceptable limits.

It will help you cope with this task onyx, best edged with silver. This stone is able to absorb vanity and negativity, pacifying its owner and giving him solidity. For the same purposes you can use chrysoprase, opal.

Alexandrite and sardonyx- an ideal talisman for women born in the third decade of the sign Gemini.

Alexandrite will give you good luck in love, universal adoration and respect.

For men born in the first decade of the sign, astrologers recommend agate, rock crystal, obsidian, jade as a talisman.

Agate will pacify and bring financial success . Obsidian will give you good luck in love- if you feel that you are ready to finally tie the knot, this stone will help you make the right choice and enter into a strong union for the rest of your life.

Jade will help resolve health problems: especially with diseased kidneys and urinary system.

For Gemini men born in the second decade, astrologers recommend using amber, onyx, chrysoprase, pearls, opal as a talisman.

These stones will help pacify natural talkativeness and constant duality. For example, chrysoprase and onyx will give calmness, calm self-confidence, thoroughness.

Amber will give money luck , will pacify the ever-rushing soul of the mysterious and talented Gemini.

Geminis born in the third decade are under the protection of the Sun, which makes them calmer and gives integrity to their dual nature. These men will be suitable as a talisman topaz, tourmaline, emerald, alexandrite.

It is also worth considering sardonyx, which is a health stone for Gemini.

Talismans and amulets

The best - one might say, universal talisman for Gemini people is alexandrite - the “stone of love”. You can simply carry it with you in its raw form, or you can order a beautiful edging from a jeweler and make a pendant or earrings.

Of course, you can also order a ring with alexandrite - but people of this sign usually do not like to wear rings. As for the metal for edging the stone, it is better to choose silver.

To the people of the air, which are Gemini, It is undesirable to wear gold due to energy changes. You can buy ready-made silver jewelry with alexandrite, or place an order from a jeweler.

Amber with air bubbles will also be an excellent find as a talisman - air bubbles symbolize the “airiness” and elusiveness of Gemini.

Such an unusual stone can be worn in a silver frame, or you can ask a jeweler carve a figurine pendant of a totem animal from stone - for Gemini this is a parrot, a mouse, a raven.

Charms can be made with double positive influence: not only a talisman stone, but also the support of a totem animal.

By the way, it is not necessary to wear the figurine on yourself - you can order a figurine made of stone (onyx, beryl, agate are also suitable) and keep it at the head of your bed. For example, on a bedside table or dressing table. She will protect Gemini from the evil eye and other negative influences.

Those who like to sort out rosaries (after all, Geminis love everything unusual) can make them from a talisman stone - for example, agate or jade.

Such rosary will become a wonderful amulet and a great gift for both men and women of the Gemini sign.

What minerals should not be worn by representatives of this sign?

Alas, stones can not only bring good luck and health, but also absorb and take away the luck and strength of a certain person.

These stones can literally “extinguish” charisma and inner wick the ever-cheerful Gemini. Ruby is considered the stone of Scorpio, that is, the sign opposite Gemini. This is probably why ruby ​​is the most evil enemy for them.

Even Just holding a piece of jewelry with a natural ruby ​​in your hands can make you feel weak., dizziness, loss of internal strength. Do not underestimate the advice of astrologers when choosing a talisman.

Just take the stone (or jewelry with it) in your hand, close your eyes and try to focus on the energy that the stone gives you (or, on the contrary, absorbs).

People born under the sign of Gemini have very developed intuition and you will certainly be able to feel the energy of a particular stone yourself.

Which stone is suitable for Gemini?

Date of birth and choice of talisman stone

To say with confidence which stone is suitable for Gemini, it is necessary to determine in which decade the sign is located by date of birth.

  1. Gemini, born in the first ten days of the sign (21 - 31 May), are under the protection of Jupiter and Mercury. They often get into trouble because of their character flaws, such as selfishness and callousness. Gemstones of warm yellow or orange shades will help cope with these qualities. A good talisman will turn golden topaz, yellow tourmaline or beryl, amber.
  2. In the second decade (1 - 10 June) Gemini is born, favored by Mars. They are characterized by energy and extraordinary mental abilities. Disadvantages are aggressiveness and excessive straightforwardness. Remain favorites beryl, agate and topaz. Gemstones with striped colors are also suitable for Gemini.
  3. Geminis from the third decade by date of birth (11 - 20 June) subject to the influence of the Sun. They know how to work with information, quickly charm others and actively demonstrate their position in life. But representatives of this decade of the zodiac sign tend to flare up for any reason and resist management. To mitigate these features, the following stones are suitable: emerald, amber, carnelian and sapphire.

How to choose a precious talisman for Gemini

Topaz- a very good amulet for people born under the sign of Gemini. It balances the dual nature of the sign and helps organize thoughts and feelings. The gem has a beneficial effect on the health of its owner, calms and relieves stress. In addition, the stone resists infectious diseases and depression.

Geminis often find themselves at the center of conflicts. Topaz will help avoid misunderstandings and resolve contradictions between people. A talisman with this stone attracts friendship and love. It protects Gemini from unjustified risks and rash actions. Representatives of this zodiac sign love to travel and often change their lives. Topaz will be an excellent travel companion in the pursuit of new places and experiences.

Citrine- the strongest talisman of Gemini. Its warm, strong glow will help representatives of this zodiac sign find the right decision in a difficult situation. A talisman with citrine protects against misfortune on the road and deception in financial matters. The stone pacifies overly gambling Geminis, making them more balanced and calm.

To achieve success, Gemini, like no other horoscope sign, often lacks responsibility and focus on a specific task. They strive to complete all the tasks at once, but in the end they cannot complete a single one. Agate will help Gemini zodiac sign to concentrate and direct their efforts to achieve their goal. In addition, this stone can help creative individuals complete their next work.

Agate is a strong amulet for Gemini in terms of health, both physical and psycho-emotional. If a representative of the sign feels a loss of strength or depression, astrologers recommend that he wear jewelry with red agate for some time. He will share his energy and cheerfulness with the owner. IN difficult situations Agate will give courage and determination.

Correctly selected Gemini stones help to reveal the creative and intellectual potential of their owner. In this plan suitable amulet for representatives of this zodiac sign - carnelian. The gem promotes the harmonious development of personality, inspires and refreshes thoughts. In addition, carnelian protects the family from external negativity, protects love and trusting relationships.

Stones suitable for a Gemini woman

For a woman born under the sign of Gemini, gemstones in warm shades of yellow, green and red are suitable. Representatives of this zodiac sign often change their mood; the Gemini woman sometimes cannot decide on her desires and priorities. Therefore, astrologers advise her to have jewelry with various gems, from which she can choose the appropriate one. Suitable stones for a Gemini woman: topaz, carnelian, agate, pearl, coral, amethyst, chrysoprase.

Topaz of straw, yellow and golden shades is very favorable for female Geminis. This gem fills the soul and thoughts with warmth. The gem makes the slightly flighty Gemini girl prudent and cautious. It protects you from making rash decisions and protects you from bad acquaintances. In addition, topaz promotes concentration and has a positive effect on attentiveness and diligence in studies.

Topaz helps adult women in the professional sphere. The stone improves oratory abilities and protects against unnecessary worries and stress at work. According to the horoscope, Geminis often find their calling in matters related to commerce. In this case, you cannot find a better assistant than topaz. It develops intuition and business acumen.

According to the horoscope, chrysoprase suits a Gemini woman. This stone is responsible for the heart chakra, so it will become a reliable protector against disappointments in your personal life. In addition to love, he attracts loyal friends and helpers to his mistress. Chrysoprase helps the dual and changeable nature of Gemini in the Zodiac to make the right choice and complete what they started.

Agate is another one suitable stone for a woman born under the sign of Gemini. It brings good luck in love affairs and protects against quarrels and disagreements in family life. Astrologers advise female Geminis to wear agate in earrings. Such a unique talisman will provide protection from envious people and gossips and will attract the attention of men.

Stones suitable for a Gemini man

Gemini stones should have strong energy, but act on their owner gently and gradually. Citrine, for example, will contribute to the success of men in entrepreneurship and other financial matters, but not through aggression, but by increasing communication skills and public speaking abilities. This gem will help you make useful contacts and use information correctly.
