When will it snow - forecast by weather forecasters. Fell and didn't do push-ups What winter will be like according to weather forecasters

Any person is dependent on the vagaries of nature, so he wants to prepare in advance for the cold season. But if a city dweller is interested in the weather purely symbolically, then people living in rural areas are directly concerned. To carry out agricultural work, you need to know when winter will come in Russia in 2019 - 2020.

What to expect from the next winter in Russia

Despite the fact that scientific and technological progress has reached unprecedented heights, including in the field of technical equipment of meteorological stations, it is currently not possible to predict the weather for a very long season. The probability of such forecasts will be very low. After all, the flow air masses, on which the weather depends, constantly moves in a spontaneous order and is influenced by many factors, which are also constantly changing.

At the present time, it is possible to determine only the average weather conditions in a certain region based on an analysis of the weather over the past few years, taking into account the general trends occurring in the world as a whole, meaning global climate change.

As you know, in Russia the most authoritative body that has been monitoring the weather for decades is the Hydrometeorological Center. It is on the basis of his observations that long-term weather forecasts are made for many industries National economy, whose work is directly related to weather conditions.

So, based on the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, we can conclude that in the winter of 2019-20. on the territory of the Russian Federation there will be average statistical temperature indicators, although it is possible that the eastern regions will experience some instability in weather conditions associated with changes in the climate regime in many countries in this region.

Since the territory of Russia is very large and has various climatic characteristics, then we bring to your attention the weather forecast for the coming winter only in the Central region of the country.

The most warm days in winter they will be observed in mid-December and at the beginning of the last month of winter. The first snow should be expected in mid-November. At the end of this month and at the beginning of December, snowfalls will be quite heavy. Towards the middle of the first month of winter there will be a thaw, so do not forget to prepare waterproof shoes. Temperatures will drop on New Year's Eve and the entire region will once again be covered in snow. The heaviest frosts will traditionally be observed in mid-January. The weather by month will look something like this:

December At the beginning of the month it will not be very clear low temperature. Daytime temperatures will range from -5 °C to -9 °C. In mid-December, a week-long warming will occur, after which the temperature will return to traditional levels: -7 °C – 10 °C. It will snow periodically. The sky will be mostly covered with gray clouds.
January The month will start with not very cold days, so you are guaranteed a comfortable Christmas holiday. The average temperature these days will be – 6 °C. Around January 19, it may drop sharply to -20 °C and below. Strong winds and there will be no precipitation. The frosts will last for several days, and by the end of the month the temperature will level out and reach -10 °C.
February The last month of winter will be the most unpredictable period. At this time, the weather may change as the day progresses. There will be heavy snowfall and gusty winds throughout the month. Only by the end of the month will the weather calm down and residents of the central region will feel the approach of spring.

Winter weather in Moscow

Winter months in the capital of our Motherland will be approximately the same as described above. The only thing that will distinguish it is a softer transfer of low temperatures. In an urban environment, frosts are more easily tolerated, since there is no piercing wind. In addition, heated buildings create a special microclimate that differs elevated temperature than in suburban areas. But in the urban environment there will be more dampness due to frequent thaws. During this period in Moscow, you need to take very careful care of your shoes, which will not have time to dry properly.

Winter in St. Petersburg

As in Russia as a whole, in northern capital The weather for the coming winter will not differ from the winter months of previous years. Winter temperature, as before, will be within -7 °C in daylight hours day. It can be significantly colder at night. The specificity of the weather in Northern Palmyra is that in winter there are often strong winds from the sea and high humidity. Such conditions will create particular discomfort for city guests who are not accustomed to such changeable weather. It should be noted that the temperature, for example - 5 °C here feels like -20 °C in Middle lane Russia. All people coming here in winter are advised to stock up on: warm, windproof clothing and waterproof shoes. Only in such equipment you will be able to enjoy the beauty of this amazing city.

The winter months in St. Petersburg will look like this:

  • Despite the fact that January daytime temperatures in the city will be higher than, for example, in Moscow, this will not make it seem warmer. Strong winds along with wet snow will be to blame. It will be especially shaky in the early morning or evening, as overnight temperatures will drop to -8°C. Mid January average temperature will drop even more, but the sun will begin to appear from behind the clouds, which will somewhat smooth out the harsh climate former capital. New Year's Eve 2020 will be marked by the usual temperatures for this period: -2 °C during the day and -10 °C at night. Blizzards and strong winds will be raging in the city.
  • In January the temperature will drop even further and reach -13 °C. Prickly snow and piercing winds will be the norm. This weather will not spoil the mood of St. Petersburg residents, who are already accustomed to such adversity. They will walk around as if nothing had happened. hometown, and enjoy the Christmas holidays. Epiphany frosts, just like throughout Russia, will surprise you with their strength, but they will not last long. The end of the month will be traditionally damp and acrid.
  • With the onset of February, city residents will be able to enjoy rising temperatures. There will even be frequent thaws with temperatures reaching 0°C. The average temperature will be between -2 °C during the day and -5 °C at night. The weather will be very changeable and change several times during the day. This situation is completely undesirable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. IN last days In February, the temperature seems to freeze at 0 °C. It will smell like spring is coming.

Winter months in the Urals in 2019-20

Winter will come to this region in November. Temperatures will reach sub-zero levels. Snow at the end of autumn will also not be rare. That is, winter in the Urals will begin about a month earlier than planned.

  • At the beginning of December, the ground will be covered with a thick layer of snow, and the temperature will reach 15-20 °C. Most often the weather will be calm and clear. By the middle of the month, temperatures will drop further and reach -25 °C. Residents are already accustomed to this weather, so they will devote every free minute to winter sports. It will be even more comfortable for such hobbies at the end of the month, when it reaches -15 °C.
  • As January approaches, precipitation in the form of snow will become increasingly common. As for the temperature, it will not surprise the residents of the Urals with any extreme indicators. In mid-January the weather will begin to change and piercing winds will appear. This will create certain problems on the roads, which will suffer from sweeps.
  • February will not please the residents of the Urals. The weather will be chilly from strong winds. Sometimes it will seem that the frost penetrates to the very bones. The entire month of February will pass in such a cold environment. It fully lives up to its reputation as the coldest month of the year. There will be nothing to remind you of spring in this region.

As we have already noted, weather forecasting is a thankless task. Life constantly makes its own adjustments and it is unknown what winter will actually be like in 2019-20.

Weather is one of the most popular topics of conversation in any society, because we always wonder what tomorrow will bring us, what to wear and whether to take an umbrella with us. However, it is much more interesting to find out what the winter of 2018 will be like in Russia, whether it will bring a lot of snow, will it be frosty, or, given global warming, will we expect warm days and minimal precipitation.

Of course, even modern weather stations will not be able to predict with one hundred percent accuracy what the coming winter will be like. However, based on statistics from past years and taking into account climate change, some meteorologists are already coming forward with stories about what to expect in December-February. Ordinary people also make judgments about what the period from late autumn to early spring will be like, relying on folk superstitions.

In general, experts say that the upcoming cold season The year will not bring any surprises, the weather will be quite familiar and predictable. Despite this, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, since the first frosts and snowfalls in the central part of Russia are expected in mid-November. IN northern latitudes, naturally, even earlier - at the end of September-October.

December 2017

The cold season will begin with comfortable temperatures. In the central part of Russia the thermometer is at daytime will show -5...-9 degrees. Approximately the same values ​​can be seen at the end of the month. In the northern regions of the country, temperatures will be lower, with frosts down to -30 degrees possible in some places. In the south, on the contrary, in December the thermometer is unlikely to drop below -6 degrees at night. Warming will begin in mid-December.

In Moscow, the minimum temperature is expected after Catholic Christmas. In the daytime it will be up to -8, at night – up to -14. In the northern capital the picture is similar. Regarding quantity atmospheric precipitation, then exceeding the norm is not expected.

About the weather for the New Year

In addition, many people are concerned about another question: what will the weather be like in New Year's Eve, because the celebration program, costumes and, often, the mood depend on this. This year, nature promises to give a gift - snow will fall in most regions of the Russian Federation. In the central part of Russia, the thermometer will not drop below -10 degrees. In the southern regions it is expected to reach -5. Well, the northerners will have to freeze, because temperature regime will be within -20...-25 degrees.

In Moscow, on December 31 and January 1, you should expect up to -3 degrees during the day and up to -7 degrees at night. It will be a little colder in St. Petersburg, but overall the temperature will be quite comfortable. Well, in the subsequent ones holidays a slight decrease is possible.

When you go outside at midnight on December 31st, look at the sky. If it is strewn with stars, then this means a rich harvest in the summer.

January 2018

You can safely plan walks and outdoor recreation, since weather forecasters are sure that in the first ten days of the month the average daily temperature will not be lower than -8 degrees (central part of the Russian Federation). Residents of the southern regions will be even luckier; temperatures there are expected to drop to zero. Well, northerners, accustomed to frost, will not be able to change their thick fur coats to thin down jackets, because it will be down to -30.

By mid-January, Russians will feel real Epiphany frosts; even in the central region, thermometers will show down to -25 during the day. At the same time, snowfall will occur in most of Russia.

By the end of the month, many may think that winter is losing ground, as a short thaw will set in. However, be careful, the heat will bring with it an increase in viral and infectious diseases.

February 2018

Many people are looking forward to February because they hope it will be warmer and less snowy than December and January. However, it is last month The cold season is considered one of the harshest months, and in 2018 it will be the same. Sudden temperature changes, heavy precipitation, and gusty winds are expected.

At the beginning of the month, residents of central Russia will have to contend with frosts of up to 30 degrees. Northerners can expect lower temperatures. By the middle of the month, warming is planned - up to -10 (in the central region), and in the south - up to +10. Well, the end of the month will bring with it truly spring weather. In the north it is warm - up to -5, in the central part - up to +3, and in the south - up to +15 degrees. The amount of precipitation in some areas will exceed norms.

In Moscow and the northern capital the weather will be usual for this time.

Folk signs

Today, the forecast is made based on the results of measurements of various meteorological equipment. But we cannot ignore folk signs, with the help of which for hundreds of years they have been determining what December-February will be like.

Of course, the modern climate is different from the one in which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived, however, some signs do not lose their relevance:

  • Watch the weather in September. It is believed that the warm and dry first month of autumn promises a late arrival of the frost season.
  • If it rained often in June-August, and in September-November, on the contrary, it was warm and dry, then the cold will come late, but spring will not be in a particular hurry.
  • When you see a rowan tree, estimate the number of fruits. So, a rich harvest promises a frosty and long winter.
  • You can also predict what the period from late autumn to early spring will be like based on the autumn harvest. Thin and tender skins on vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions) promise warm december, January and February. But if the peel is thick and rough, then prepare fur coats and warm shoes, because the winter will be cold and long. By the way, this is also indicated by a rich harvest of mushrooms and an abundance of acorns in the fall.
  • Have you seen titmice? Get ready for the cold. These birds are sure harbingers of frosty days.
  • Detect mosquitoes late autumn- to frost.

  • Remember the date when the first snow fell. It is believed that real winter will come in exactly 40 days. Moreover, if the trees have not had time to shed all their leaves, but are already covered with snow, it will be fierce.
  • Late leaf fall is a harbinger of a harsh and long winter.
  • December 1 is the Day of Plato and Roman, what will this day be like, expect such a winter.
  • If it snowed on December 12, then the snowfalls will not stop throughout the week.

Some meteorologists believe that you should not predict the weather by signs, since all kinds of superstitions are nothing more than a reason to laugh.

Some interesting winter facts

  • Oymyakon is rightfully considered the coldest Russian city. Minimum temperature, which was recorded here, is -71.2. This happened in 1938. There was even a monument erected for this occasion. On average, in the cold season the thermometer shows -55, and average annual temperature does not rise above -15.5.
  • The capital's record low temperature was recorded in 1940. The temperature dropped to minus 42. The severe frosts lasted almost three months. Serious damage was caused agriculture(trees froze), and pipes burst in Moscow apartments. The work of many businesses was suspended as city residents suffered frostbite while getting to work or home.
  • Muscovites also remember the winter of 2011, with its freezing rain. The storm raged for two days, and then sub-zero temperatures (about -25) led to icing and the subsequent collapse of trees and power lines.
  • The most warm winter in Moscow, according to Roshydromedcenter, was in 2015. At this time in the North-West of the country, Siberia and Far East the average temperature remained at -4-7 degrees, which became a record for the Russian Federation. And on Black Sea coast in February the mercury approached +20.
  • The diameter of the largest snowflake in Russia, which was not only seen, but also measured, was 12 centimeters. It happened on April 30, 1944 in Moscow. But the absolute record holder is still a snowflake discovered more than 130 years ago (01/28/1887) in the USA. Its diameter is 38 cm and thickness is 20 cm.

  • More than 50% of the world's population (approximately 4 billion) have never (!) seen real snow.
  • One day it snowed even in the Sahara. You could see this event on February 18, 1979.
  • In 1911, frosts in the United States were so severe that even Niagara Falls could not resist and froze.
  • The warmest winter, of course, is on the equator, but Australia (in the southern part) and some African countries (in the northern part of the globe) are not far behind.
  • Kionophobia is the name given to the fear of snow and cold.

Of course, each of us can try to predict what the coming winter will be like. Nevertheless, we would like to remind you that neither modern equipment, nor long-term observations of the climate, much less folk signs and superstitions are able to accurately tell what the weather will be like. This can only be known on the eve of the calendar onset of the cold season. We can only hope that he will be generous on warm days!

Video: how to determine the weather in winter by folk signs

Winter 2019 promises to be the warmest in the last 10 years. Forecasters talk about classic winter, which is typical for the last decade. You shouldn't expect anything special from the next three cold months - the weather will be much warmer than usual.

Weather for December 2019 in Moscow

The first month of winter will be the warmest month and beat many temperature records, that is, the average air temperature does not promise to fall below -5 degrees, and in some places it will be up to +3. December will be slushy - temperatures will fluctuate around zero degrees, cold rains are possible. It will come in mid-December cold front, which will bring with it the first frosts - down to −5°C. The main frosts will occur at the end of December, in the first half of the month, Muscovites will not see a large amount of snow. Closer to the New Year, the temperature will range from -6.. -10, light snowfalls are expected. However, for the most part in December the temperature will be above the climate norm, and most likely December 18, 19, 22, 2019 may be the most warm days in the history of observations of the city.

Cold weather may come to Moscow before the New Year. Preliminary forecasts show that there is a possibility of lower temperatures and snow in the last week of December. But it is not accurate forecast, but “only a possibility”, after all modern technologies allow specialists to predict temperature with high accuracy only for five days, precipitation - two to three days in advance.

Weather on December 31, 2019 in Moscow

Although the probability of synoptic errors regarding long-term predictions tends to 50-60%, meteorologists can already roughly say what the weather will be like on December 31st. In the morning the temperature will be −1 °C, and will decrease throughout the day, reaching a minimum closer to 6 pm. During the day, the readings will be −7 °C, and on the night of January 1, a slight increase in temperature is predicted. But you shouldn’t be afraid of a thaw – the entire New Year’s Eve will remain lightly frosty, not exceeding a comfortable −2 °C.

Weather for January 2020 in Moscow

January also promises to be the warmest month. In the first half of the New Year holidays, there is no precipitation, the temperature will be above the climate norm, the daytime temperature will be -1/-5 degrees. In the second half of the month, and this is from the 19th, after Epiphany frosts are expected, precipitation will stop, and the temperature will begin to drop. So, as February approaches, the temperature will still remain above the climate norm. At the very end of the month, significant warming is expected, which will be accompanied by snowfalls.

Weather for the old New Year

Above-zero air temperatures and light precipitation are expected in Moscow on Monday, January 13, the day before the old New Year. On this day the temperature will be 1-3 degrees during the day. Expected cloudy weather after noon. In the morning and afternoon with clearing. There will be some light precipitation in the form of sleet and rain. Wind west and north-west, 4-9 meters per second, Atmosphere pressure will rise to 745 millimeters mercury. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, until 13:00 Tuesday, January 14, there will be winds of up to 10 meters per second in the capital, and until 00:00 Tuesday there will be icy conditions. Until this day, a “yellow” level of weather danger was declared in Moscow and the region.

Will there be snow for the New Year 2019-2020?

It’s very early to predict, but in the last 4 years there was snow on New Year’s Eve in Moscow, but this year you shouldn’t expect snow. Snow will fall after Christmas and will also fall on the night of the 9th, making the morning of the first working day of the year snowy.

Weather for February 2020 in Moscow and the Moscow region

Snowfall, which began in January, will continue to fall in early February and bring with it warming. In the first half of the month it will be quite warm by winter standards, namely -5 +0.

The forecast is based on statistics for the last 13 years. Forecast accuracy 31%.

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Photo preview / Daniil Silantev / unsplash.com

Many Russians are looking forward to winter. But not every region has such a long-awaited winter. The harsh Northern and Siberian winters sometimes amaze with their frosts. Many users of Internet resources, on the eve of winter, begin to actively search for information about what kind of winter they should prepare for and what clothes to stock up on.

Hydrometeorological center about winter in the Russian Federation

Forecasters in 2018-2019 do not give a 100% guarantee on their bases on seismic indicators and solar activity, but they put forward their assumptions for 2018-2019. As statistics show, not all weather forecasters’ forecasts come true; sometimes such errors in weather predictions can be seen even several days in advance.

But still general information about winter weather meteorological stations for 2018-2019 is given. According to weather forecasters, the first frosts will begin in October.

General winter weather forecast in Moscow

As usual, at the beginning of autumn, Roshydromet publishes a weather forecast for the coming winter. What do weather forecasters promise us?

  • Firstly, the temperature has been below zero since mid-autumn, so you should prepare for winter thoroughly and in advance if you don’t want it to take you by surprise.
  • Secondly, precipitation. There won't be too many of them this year. a large number of comparing with the previous year. Although the exception will be the first month of winter.
  • Thirdly, frost. As forecasters promise, this year there is absolutely no need to be afraid of them and should not be. After all, even if the winter is cold, the frosts will be relatively calm and moderate, without strong and sudden jumps in temperature.
  • Fourthly, you should also not expect severe frosts and unexpected thaws.

Winter in Moscow by month

December 2019

As already mentioned, the first snow will delight residents and guests of Moscow and the region towards the end of November, and, therefore, we will greet the first month of winter with snow. Although if this weather forecaster’s forecast turns out to be incorrect, then we shouldn’t be upset, because December will delight us with its numerous and heavy rainfall. What should you prepare for?

  • Precipitation. To be more precise, at the beginning of the month Moscow will be covered by a cyclone of snowfalls, and the temperature will be quite warm.
  • Temperature. Compared to November, where the end of the month was not very pleasant with its temperature, this month will be warm. In other words, at the beginning of December, weather forecasters promise +2 during the day, and at night the temperature drops to -10.
  • The second half of the month will be more frosty, because the average temperature will be from -10 to -12 degrees, and at night up to -17.
  • The weather at the end of the month will be more cloudy than clear, which is not very encouraging.
  • The end of the month will bring completely different weather. Simply put, the temperature will rise to -6-8 degrees during the daytime. Heavy snowfall should also be expected, so new year holidays We will spend, as it should be, according to Russian customs and traditions with snow, which will be quite enough for a share of Russian fun and amusement.

January 2019

New Year's Eve promises to be the coldest in the first ten days of the month. Already on January 2-3, the thermometer will rise to minus 4-6C, but snow will come again along with the warmth. By the beginning of the second week of the year it will get colder again, so the New Year and Christmas holidays will end with light frost - about 14-17C below zero.

The second half of the month will be the richest in snowfalls for the entire period - weather forecasters promise almost daily precipitation starting from mid-January until the 26th-27th. The temperature is within normal limits for this period - during the day from 7 to 11 below zero, at night - 12-17 degrees below zero. By the end of the month it will warm up a little - up to 2-4 degrees below zero during the day and 5-8C at night. However, the change in temperature will bring with it wind, which is especially bitter and cold at this time of year.

February 2019

What will this month be like? After all, you will agree that many are simply tired of the frosts, and, on the contrary, they want calmer and more comfortable weather. So, what does February have in store for us?

  • The beginning of February will be relatively warm, as temperatures will range from -10 to -12 degrees during the daytime. Heavy snowfall, which is most likely due to the long-awaited warming. Although expert opinions differ on this issue, as some predict small and light snow, while others, on the contrary, predict heavy snowfalls.
  • The middle of the month will be quite sunny and frosty. Moreover, the cold snap will be sharp and unexpected, since everyone has already begun to prepare for spring.
  • The third decade will begin with warming - up to minus 2-4C in the daytime. Starting from February 22-23, according to forecasters, warming will intensify, and daytime temperatures will settle at a fairly comfortable level of plus 2-3C.

Frosts will subside in February. Most of the month will be pleasant with warm and clear weather. According to experts, the average temperature will be no more than -5 degrees throughout Russia. But this will last until the middle of the month; it’s too early for winter to retreat. In mid-February the thermometer will again drop to -18 degrees on average.

This is exactly the kind of winter weather forecasters expect in the winter of 2018-2019. But there is another method for determining the weather for the winter. As folk signs say, which absolutely do not agree with the forecasters’ assumptions, the temperature this winter will be much lower.

From the entire forecast we can conclude that this winter will be quite harsh and not very comfortable for Muscovites due to prolonged and severe frosts and cold snaps. Although compared to what winters were like in the old days, this one seems like a mere trifle.

According to popular belief, the first snow always fell on Pokrov Holy Mother of God, which symbolizes the close presence of severe frosts and winter precipitation. However, when not a single snowflake formed in Moscow on October 14, residents became worried about when snow would actually fall in 2017 and why the weather conditions characteristic of this region were disrupted.

  • Cold cyclone zone
  • Start of a new week

Forecasters promised a snowy winter in 2017–2018

This spring, weather forecasters predicted snowy winter 2017-2018. Experts said that winter would come into its own in November. According to weather service forecasts, we were promised that not only the capital of Russia would “sink” in snow-covered snowdrifts, but also the entire central part of the country and even its most remote corners. Already from mid-November, Moscow will freeze due to frosts, which will not be very strong, but still noticeable.

Muscovites have long been advised to keep warm winter clothes at the ready. And also don’t forget about your transport: it’s best to change your summer tires now, before the snow arrives and ice forms on the roads. Otherwise, after just a few days there is a risk of rolling off the road to the side of the road, and this is in the best case. But there are long queues technical centers Changing tires can no longer be avoided.

Cold cyclone zone

The Russian capital is “entering” the cold cyclone zone this coming weekend, which will inevitably lead to a drop in temperature and the formation of ice crystals in upper layers atmosphere. Forecasters warn motorists about deteriorating visibility and a high probability of wet snow falling in the capital and region, which is associated with the direct influence of a thunderstorm front.

The weekend is expected to be no longer cold like autumn. On Saturday, October 21, weather forecasters predict night frosts down to -3, and during the day only up to +5 degrees. On Sunday, October 22, the night will be colder – down to -4 degrees. And during the day the thermometer will no longer show above-zero temperatures: -1 is expected.

If we compare it with the air temperature, which stayed the same throughout last week, it actually dropped a couple of degrees over the weekend. Moreover, forecasters promise mixed precipitation on Sunday. Muscovites will finally get the long-promised snow. But in the form of precipitation there may also be rain and snow, which will have a detrimental effect on the road situation. Since the temperature is already below zero at night, all the slush will freeze and turn into black ice.

Start of a new week

It will become even colder at night from the beginning of the new year. working week. Forecasters from the Phobos meteorological center spoke about the weather forecast for Monday, October 23. Temperatures down to -5 degrees are expected overnight on Monday and Tuesday. And there is a chance that it will snow, without rain.

Fluffy snowflakes will cover Moscow with a beautiful waltz, which will not quickly turn into slush, but will cover the city streets with a snow-white carpet. You can admire such beauty for several days, until warm earth will not melt all the snowflakes.

What will the coming winter bring to Russia?

At the beginning of October, Vladimir Semenov, head of the climatology laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Geography Russian Academy Sciences) spoke about what kind of winter will come to the Russian capital in 2017. According to the expert, record frosts should not be expected; there will be frosts, but only for short periods. Mostly winter in Moscow will be surprisingly warm.

According to experts, there has been a warming over the last 10 years. This applies to all parts of our large and vast Russia. But do not forget that in winter there are always possible very coldy. But in Lately There are very few of them - maximum freezing lasts about two weeks.

December has become significantly warmer compared to December ten years ago. The thermometer in the first month of winter will be fixed at -20 degrees. Sharp warming is possible, which has recently become characteristic of Russian December.

January does not promise any surprises in terms of abnormal cold weather for Muscovites. But February, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, will not last long in the capital. From mid-February the thermometer will not drop below -13 degrees and Muscovites will already be able to feel the approach of the long-awaited spring.
Of course, the weather forecast that weather forecasters provide us is not 100 percent. Climate experts themselves are skeptical about their forecasts, since the weather is a rather unpredictable phenomenon.
