Who rules the world and how. Who rules the world

In the coming years, the world faces a war for resources. To avoid a catastrophe, a fundamental breakdown of consumer ethics is needed. At the same time, the financial elites will most likely want to solve all problems according to the scenario tested on September 11, 2001. What awaits Russia, Europe, the USA and China in the near future - a former member of the European Parliament, an anti-globalist, told Rosbalt Giulietto Chiesa, who came to Crimea at the invitation of the international media club “Format A3”.

We are at the beginning of a transition period that has no precedent in history. It could have come ten years ago, but in 2001, the United States postponed the crisis for 7 years due to the events of September 11th. Postponed - but not cancelled. And in 2008 he returned. It is difficult to say who will benefit from this era, but it is already clear that the history of the last three centuries is coming to an end. Today it is clear that development is impossible within a closed system of resources - the world has reached the limits of development. Everyone who says that the old system will remain is lying. Coal, oil, even uranium - all the planet's resources are almost exhausted, and it is only a matter of time before they finally run out. All our realities, everything we are used to will change. The civilization of money will go away.

“Aren’t you burying her too early, Mr. Chiesa?” Critics of modern society are somewhat exaggerating the scale of the crisis, don’t you think?

No, this is truly a global crisis. Including the energy crisis. Today we even use more water than nature can give us. And what will happen when 300 million people lack this resource over the next ten years? We produce waste with an internal structure that cannot be recycled in principle. We have changed the course of nature itself.

- Many people talk about ecology. Governments spend huge sums on it, the population votes for environmental programs of one party or another...

We need to understand that the old democracy is already dying. In Europe, half the population does not go to the polls - and not at all because they are apolitical. A huge number of people lack representation of their interests in government. I am not at all against parliaments, local councils, etc. We just need to create a new system of representation, new parties and movements. And this movement must come from below.

- Under what flag?

Under the flag of self-restraint. Today you need to start limiting yourself, changing yourself and your lifestyle. We need a cultural, organizational, political revolution, we need to reduce energy costs.

- Do you think there are enough people in the world who are willing to limit themselves of their own free will? In a world where most of it is simply undernourished?

We're not talking about starving people. But even those who could limit themselves do not begin to think about it. Because we are being manipulated, we are being fooled! People have been turned into purchasing tools. The brains of the absolute majority are controlled. We live for the market, when we work and when we rest. It is he who dictates our actions. We are not free people. Journalists should inform people about this. But the media is silent about this. Television tells us 24 hours a day that we need to buy things, that our value scale is purchasing power. In reality, in modern television there is no more than 8% of direct information. Everything else is advertising and entertainment. And in the end, these same 92% shape a person.

- Well, this is natural, because television exists through advertising. Who will support the TV if it stops selling? What are you offering?

For starters, I would nationalize the media. 50 years ago, a person’s personality was formed in the family, school, and sometimes in church. Today, 90% of the thinking of young people is shaped by television. TV has become the most important cultural structure around the world, from the USA to India and China. The media system is a fundamental right of the people and cannot be privatized. They must be returned to the state and people. It is impossible to tell people about the situation on the planet without the participation of television channels. But instead, the TV persuades us to buy another car. In the same way, I am sure that all banks that issue money should be nationalized. We are losing control over money.

-"Who are "we?

States, citizens of states. In mid-December, the New York Times published an article on the front page that every month the heads of 9 world banks gather in some restaurant on Wall Street: Goldman Sachs, UBS, Bank of America, “ Deutsche Bank" and the like. Every month these nine people make decisions affecting six billion people: what the world's unemployment rate will be, how many people will starve, how many governments will be overthrown, how many ministers will be bought, and so on. These are respectable criminals, but they are more influential than anyone in the world political leader. They have real power - the power of money.

- And yet today there is no reason to think that the growth of production and consumption will stop in the foreseeable future...

Certainly. Moreover, if a billion Chinese start eating meat and drinking milk the way we do, in ten years there will be no place left for all of us on this planet. And when there is no space, what will that mean? Back in 1998, a document was published in the USA - “Project for the new American century." This document prophetically wrote that in 2017 China will become the biggest threat to US security. Everything is coming true. We live in 2011 - there are still 6 years left.

- Do you agree with the thesis that the main threat to the planet comes from China?

No, the biggest source of danger today is New York, Wall Street and the USA. The dollar is already dead today, the USA is bankrupt. But at the same time they are well-armed bankrupts. By the way, economic attacks against Greece and Ireland were provoked only in order to reduce the sovereignty of the European currency and Europe as a whole. After all, in reality today the euro is stronger than the dollar - if only because the EU debt is lower than that of the United States. That’s why, by the way, I don’t think the euro will disappear.

- But Europe also has many weaknesses. The population is aging, the authorities are forced to import migrants, and those - especially Muslims - do not want to assimilate, tension is growing... Merkel and Sarkozy have already admitted that the policy of multiculturalism has failed.

I don't believe multiculturalism has failed. “The danger of Islamic fundamentalism” is a US invention that was launched on September 11, 2001. We ourselves created this idea of ​​exporting democracy. Iraq and Afghanistan proved the unviability of this scheme. As well as the fallacy of the West’s opinion that all peoples and countries must go through the same path as they did.

The Islamic world lives in one century. We are in something else. Is it their fault? No, it’s just that the sense of time and situation is completely different. At the same time, it was we who created globalization, we captured their resources.

Today it is obvious that Europe objectively needs 20 million migrants, but we are not able to absorb them. As a result, they come without any opportunity to live normally. Understand that globalization is a movement of people, and therefore cultures.

- Do you not share the fear that Europe will dissolve in the flow of migrants?

I believe that Europe as a political and cultural phenomenon will continue to exist. Of course, the processes taking place on the continent are very complex. After all, until now there have been no precedents in the world for 27 countries to unite peacefully. Moreover, today one half of the EU is “European”, and the second half is “American” ( We are talking about Western and Eastern Europe - approx. ed.). The region's current crisis is the most difficult moment in its history.

By the way, I think that Russia could play O greater role in Europe. Moreover, it is necessary to combine the efforts of these two forces and integrate interests. Europe is not a threat to anyone today. Russia will also not threaten anyone when there is a shortage of resources - if only because it has all these resources within the country. And together, Europe and Russia could play a huge calming role for the situation throughout the world. In the meantime, the United States is “calming everyone down.”

- You worked in Moscow for about 20 years as a reporter for the newspapers l"Unita and La Stampa. Russia today is not going through the most simpler times in its history. Where do you think she's drifting?

Hard to say. I myself don’t quite understand what’s going on. On the one hand, I see that Russia has enormous opportunities to influence international life. On the other hand, I, unfortunately, observe that Russia still continues to act in the old way - protecting only itself. As, by the way, it is still perceived in public opinion in the West. Never in recent years have I heard large-scale ideas from Russia about the structure of the world. I will give an example - the American empire was created because the Americans were able to send a message to the world: everything that is in their interests is in the interests of the whole world. They worked very well on the idea of ​​a country that speaks for everyone.

So if Russia continues to give signals about its strength, while talking about protecting only itself, few people will be interested. This will not be of interest to Europe, and this is the weakest point of your country’s policy. Do you want to claim world domination? in a good way words, if you want to have influence in the transitional situation in which the whole world finds itself today, change. We need to come out with messages about unification, about limiting the consumption of resources - so that there is enough for everyone. Great world politics can be built on this.

- How can Russia preach self-restraint, whose ruling class demonstrates to the world the most unbridled consumerism? Don't you see that this country is led by zealous adherents of the world order that you are calling for an end to?

It seems to me that your leaders have not yet realized this new situation. The Russian leadership today devotes a lot of time to America and little to China. But the 21st century will not be America's century. And it makes no sense for Russia today to buy tickets for a sinking ship. You need to play in different directions.

- What, in your opinion, awaits Russian-Ukrainian relations in the near future?

They are normalizing. There was a period of Viktor Yushchenko, when there was a strong influence of the United States and the desire to include the country in its orbit. Fatal mistakes. Now that the page of the “Orange Revolution” has been turned, it is necessary to create normal relations between a sovereign, independent, neutral Ukraine, Russia and Europe. But it is necessary for the political elites of Ukraine to know that they are not subordinate to anyone.

“They seem to be starting to realize it.” But this does not cancel the desire of the Ukrainian elites to integrate into Europe - at least personally. Does Europe need Ukraine?

To be honest, Europe needs Russia more. Europe will verbally and, perhaps, even financially support Ukraine, but today it will not be able to simply “digest” this country. Europe must think about itself today, and it would be a mistake for Ukraine to expect much from the EU. If I were the leader of Ukraine, I would create my own strong state. By the way, I voted against Turkey's inclusion in the EU - I knew that Turkey was too big for us. But we will be able to develop a policy of good neighborliness with this country. Just like with Ukraine. In general, Europe, Russia and Ukraine could play a big common game.

- The global crisis has just begun. How will Ukraine and Russia emerge from it?

Russia is in a relatively prosperous position because this country has all the necessary resources. China doesn't have them either. Europe also does not have sufficient resources. And in this difficult and delicate transition period, which is coming due to the global crisis, Russia will be in very good conditions. Therefore, she must take advantage of this situation.

Ukraine does not have such resources. But, for example, it can play a big role in creating a European security system. There is no need to wait for proposals from either Russia or Europe. If I were the Ukrainian president, I would create a center that would deal with this area. Here you can create international center studying the security of the new world. We need to produce ideas. Tomorrow things will cost a lot, but ideas will be even more expensive.

Interviewed by Pavel Kazarin

Periods of global crises, revolutions, and wars change our world forever and turn the course of history. And more and more often you can hear talk that these events do not happen by chance. Are the most powerful and richest people on our planet uniting in some secret organizations with the goal of taking the helm of government of the Earth and making their own adjustments to its existence at will? Who rules the world? Who pulls the invisible strings of thousands of human destinies?

A clear hierarchy of world governance - myth or truth?

For many of us, the real power of the current government is in question. Almost every person has thought at least once about who controls the world in reality, because behind any power there is always some other powerful organization.

Choosing a government ordinary people they believe that they can influence the course of events, although everything has already been decided long ago. In fact, the highest levels of power in any country are planned, skillful decorations, deliberately created by world rulers for their own purposes.

The most mysterious organization, around which there are many legends, is the Society of Freemasons. He is credited with running the global financial system, and some people strongly believe that the United States is not only connected to this organization, but is also controlled by it. These speculations do not have direct evidence, but the fact of the existence of Freemasons and their influence on the international economy cannot be denied.

The desire of secret dynasties for world domination can be traced back to ancient times. However, it was only after the end of World War II that they created a powerful banking system. With its help, they were able to influence the development of the economy different countries.

By the way, global economic crises do not occur by chance either. With such powerful levers of control in their hands, secret organizations can influence the policies of any state.

You can trace a clear hierarchy of world domination, which consists of 5 steps:

  1. Central control core. It consists of several people who are given supernatural abilities to communicate with the Higher Mind.
  2. The richest families and dynasties on the planet. They manage the main circulation of funds; government representatives of most countries are subordinate to them. According to their plans, wars or large-scale economic crises occur.
  3. Famous financiers, sheikhs, kings, presidents.
  4. Political officials, big businessmen, leaders of religious societies.
  5. FBI, police, GRU, army.

These 5 levels of government have a direct impact on humanity, although they constitute only 10% of the total mass of people. The remaining 90% are ordinary inhabitants of the earth who live their own lives, and most of them are not at all interested in the question of who really rules the world.

The Rockefellers are the most famous financial magnates

The Rockefeller dynasty consists of politicians, bankers, financiers, and industrialists. At its origins is John Rockefeller, who founded in 1870 oil company Standard Oil. He became famous after becoming the first dollar billionaire on Earth.

He achieved success and great wealth thanks to the increased demand for petroleum products. Rockefeller gained power and authority later long years hard work. He pursued an aggressive takeover policy, during which he bought the companies of his competitors, ruined them, created large concerns from several small ones and actually created a monopoly.

John Rockefeller was involved in charity work and financed medical institutions and educational structures. His heir, John Rockefeller Jr., became involved in real estate. His famous office building was Rockefeller Center, and he was also involved in financial activities and was one of the owners of Chase Bank.

Today the head of the dynasty is David Rockefeller, a supporter of globalization and the creation of world governance. It raises troubling questions such as maintaining population levels after depletion natural resources, advocates for cleanliness of the environment and maintains a leading position in business. The Rockefellers are at the head of the following companies:

  • Xerox
  • Pfizer
  • Boeing
  • Exxon Mobil (oil concern)
  • New York Life (insurance company)

Many attributed to the family a connection with the Freemasons and control of the world. One thing is clear - these are special people who were able to build and maintain their fortune even in difficult periods and influence the financial and banking systems of the whole world.

Rothschilds - financiers who rule the world

The founder of the dynasty was Meyer Rothschild. The Rothschilds created business relationships and influenced the decisions of royal families, bankers, and financiers. The activities of Nathan Rothschild, one of Meyer's sons, include the sale of gold and the supply of raw materials for certain types of industry. As a result, the Rothschild financial empire became the largest creditor of many European countries even during the wars involving Napoleon.

Clever, well-thought-out moves that were several steps ahead of their rivals, and a well-regulated system for transmitting and receiving information allowed the family to make successful financial decisions and increase their wealth. The Rothschild Empire is one of the initiators of the creation of the American Federal Reserve System.

Many consider this family to be supporters of the “Jewish conspiracy” and attribute unimaginable legends and bloody stories to it. But taking a sober look at the history of the dynasty, it becomes clear that these people successful businessmen, who somehow managed to win the trust of many countries.

It remains unknown until the end what their goal is - to control the world or to destroy it. And if the power over the world is truly concentrated in their hands, everyone else can only hope that they will make their efforts to preserve and strengthen it, so that people can live in peace.

Families that rule the world

The list of the richest and most influential people on the planet is headed by three dynasties: the Slim family, Gates and Buffett.

Until recently, no one knew Carlos Slim Helu. But he managed to quickly burst into the world of wealth and even oust its leader, Bill Gates.

Contrary to legends, Slim did not make his fortune from scratch. The initial capital was an inheritance from his father in the amount of $400 million. For for long years he was engaged in buying up bankrupt enterprises and giving them new life, turning it into a super profitable business. For this they began to call him Midas - in honor of the famous mythical king who turns everything into gold. Today his capital is estimated at $68 billion.

The Gates family is worth about $62 billion. Founder of Microsoft actively invests in politics - finances the US Democratic Party and is involved in charity work.

Some envious people claim that Gates' company makes huge profits due to its monopoly position in the global market. The American government not only does nothing to correct the situation, but also acts on the world market as a kind of representative of Microsoft.

Warren Buffett founded his first investment firm in 1956, successfully turning its initial capital from $100,000 into $7 million. He then bought shares of Berkshire's fading textiles company and quickly turned it into a profitable company.

His investment portfolio is replenished with shares of Gillette, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, American Express, Walt Disney, etc. Today, Buffett's fortune is estimated at $44 billion.

Who is at the helm of government?

The lion's share of the world's wealth, about 80%, is earned by 1,318 companies. They are headed by 147 major corporations, a significant part of which are financial entities and banks of the Federal Reserve of America.

Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, George Soros, Donald Trump – everyone knows the names of famous and influential people today. Do they all really rule the world?

Opinions differ between two categories of people. Some believe that:

Like all wealthy families, these dynasties have a profound influence on the global economy as a whole. They develop new industries, invest in innovations and inventions, donate money to charity and can defend their personal interests at the government level.

Most likely, these names and the history of the creation of their wealth are an example of how to build and save your business, resorting to the correct establishment of all processes and connections. After all, their main trump card is an accurate understanding of the situation and the ability to analyze informational resources, directing them in the right direction.

Perhaps this is the main secret of the success and prosperity of these powerful families. But attributing to them control of the world and the desire for dominance remains controversial.

Supporters of the other side hold completely different views. Although modern world- a very complex system so that several people could manage it, but still for various reasons and, having strong evidence of this, many people are sure that this is exactly the case...

We live in an interesting time, when much knowledge is becoming increasingly accessible to the general public, and therefore it is extremely difficult to protect any secrets. This also applies to secret societies, information about which is becoming so accessible that secret organizations may soon lose their main “conspiracy” status. Almost every one of us has ever thought about who really rules the world, since few people believe in the real power and authority of the official government. All more people comes to the conclusion that all governments and parliaments, in fact, are large decorations that are created so that ordinary people think that they are taking part in choosing power. In fact, he does not have any, and, moreover, he is forced to obey the rules that legislators adopt, based on the tasks assigned to them

It would be wrong to assume that information about the “world secret government” has only become known now. In the past, many people, despite lacking widespread access to knowledge, came to their own conclusions about who ruled the world and for what purpose. After all, if you trace the entire course of modern history very carefully, you can conclude that many events did not happen by chance. Take, for example, the First world war. The official reason for its occurrence is considered to be the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist. After this, the empire attacks Serbia, Russia provides assistance and is drawn into the war. Then Germany declares war on Russia, joining Austria-Hungary. Random chain of events? Not at all. It’s just that someone benefited from a large-scale war in Europe, which ultimately claimed the lives of tens of millions of people.

The desire of secret societies for world domination has been known since ancient times, however real opportunity The idea of ​​creating a world government appeared to the secret managers only after They also created a global banking system, with the help of which it became possible to exert a great influence on the economies of different countries, as well as on the level of their development. By the way, worldwide ones are also not accidental, since, having such significant levers of power and the ability to manage, secret societies can have a significant influence on the politics of any state.

Today the following information is also known: in the structure of those who rule the world, there is the following hierarchy:

Level 1 - think tank - several people; their names are unknown, but they have supernatural powers and are associated with dark forces.

Level 2 - richest people of our planet, and not all of them are known to the world community. They control the governments of most countries, causing wars and economic crises.

Level 3 - famous politicians, presidents, sheikhs, kings, and so on.

Level 4 - large businessmen, religious figures, political officials of all levels.

Level 5 - law enforcement agencies, which include the KGB, GRU, FSB, police, FBI, CIA, armies of all countries of the world.

Level 6 - the rest of humanity, the percentage of which is approximately 90% in relation to all other levels.

Our life is full of everyday bustle and daily hassle, so many people don’t often think about who controls this world. However, if you take an interest and delve into this issue deeply enough, you can get a large number of useful information. Many things happening in the world today become completely explainable and understandable if you understand the purpose for which global governance is carried out. Unfortunately, it is the secret rulers who are currently holding back the development of alternative energy, since many discoveries have already been made in this area, which are simply hushed up or are found exclusively in experimental laboratories.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that today most people have the opportunity to access the most different knowledge, and it depends only on ourselves whether we want to be literate in this regard. It won't be long before the vast majority of people understand who controls the world and for what purpose this is being done. It is difficult to predict what will happen in this case, but you need to be prepared for various emergency situations that may occur in the world.

The world is ruled by a small number of the richest people, descendants of wealthy families from Europe and the United States, who own most of the world's material wealth. This power is concentrated in London, at the center of the world banking system. Power is passed on from generation to generation. They are highly organized, working in secret, through a network of “private” organizations. This group is known as the "global elite".

Their wealth accumulates. They determine the course of history through virtual control of the world economy. They are working in accordance with the “big plan”, which has now been largely completed.

The usual reaction of people at the first mention of the world elite and its activities is distrust. But over the past few years there has been an increase in the number of books, articles and essays on this topic. All of them are based on well-documented research. The information fits well with the events of recent history, leaving no room for doubt. We see how the “new world order” is emerging - the strategy of the global elite.

The concentration of control over financial resources began with the Industrial Revolution. The 18th century saw the emergence and rapid growth of the House of Rothschild, a powerful financial empire built with money given to Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) by William IV, who stole it from soldiers hired to fight Napoleon's army. Rothschild sent money to England, bought huge amounts of gold from the East India Company and used it to finance the activities of the Duke of Wellington. Operating through the Brotherhood's network, he manipulated governments and caused wars and revolutions. He invested money on both sides of the conflict, which became standard practice among the banking elite. Rothschild's influence can hardly be overestimated, for he was the forerunner of the huge multinational corporations and banking empires that extended their control over the entire earth, in accordance with the long-term plans of the Brotherhood.

As historian John Reeves wrote:

It is unlikely that Mayer Amschel could have foreseen that his descendants would receive such unlimited power, that the world would depend on their whim, that the management of European money markets would allow them to pose as arbiters of war and peace, since they would be able to withhold or issue funds at will. necessary for military campaigns. It may seem incredible, but their enormous influence, coupled with their enormous wealth, allowed them to ensure that there were no firms left strong enough to resist the elite for a long time. To achieve this position, Mayer Amschel and his sons needed the cooperation of the states, but when once they had reached the height of their ambition, they were no longer dependent on them, while the states found themselves in the position of suppliants at their feet.

Mayer Amschel himself explained Rothschild’s position: “Give me control over the country’s currency and I won’t care who rules there.” When Rothschild's son Nathan died, his eldest grandson, Lionel, took over financial management. He provided huge loans to the British and American governments, including $80 million to Great Britain to finance the Crimean War. Lionel was succeeded by the second Nathan, 1st Baron Rothschild, who took his seat in the House of Lords in 1885. He became the head of the Bank of England with unlimited power over the financial system of the entire world. This power expanded through new financial empires such as the Morgan and Rockefeller banking systems, so that in the last decade of the 19th century, power and control of the global financial system was entirely in the hands of the global elite.

But let's go back to the beginning of the industrial revolution. At this time, the authorities in Great Britain began one of the most powerful efforts ever undertaken to destroy public property. From 1770 to 1830, more than 25,000 square kilometers of public land were transferred to private hands for personal gain. By 1830, no more than three percent of the country remained open to public use.

By 1901, Morgan and Rockefeller, who headed the two major financial groups in America, had combined 112 companies, amassing $22.2 billion in assets - a huge sum at that time. In 1910, eight financiers met in absolute secrecy at Morgan's private club, the Jekyll Island Club in Georgia, to shoot ducks. The details of this meeting were not known for six years, but then fragments of information were made public. For example, on January 18, 1920, the New York Times made the most damning statement about the Federal Reserve System, which these bankers began designing in 1910: “The Federal Reserve System is a source of credit, not capital.” This meant that notes issued by the system, instead of being backed precious metals or other valuables, are based on securities lent at interest.

On July 25, 1921, Senator Owen stated in the same newspaper: “The Federal Reserve System is the most gigantic financial power in the world. Instead of using this great power as the law purports to do, it delegated this power...to the banks.” In 1931, on May 3, commenting on the death of one of J.P. Morgan's closest associates, the New York Times noted: "One-sixth of all the wealth of the world belongs to the members of the Jekyll Island Club." This only applied to Morgan's group. At the same time, Rockefeller and European financiers were not taken into account. Among the duck hunters in November 1910 were Benjamin Strong, head of the JP Morgan Bankers Trust (and from 1914 until his death in 1928, head of the Federal Reserve Bank), and Paul Warburg, who had exceptionally powerful banking connections in New York. York, England, France, Germany and the Netherlands. They were the real power behind the throne of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg's brother, Max, was the head of the German secret service during World War II. Morgan and his "duck hunters" began to draft a basic plan for the Federal Reserve System:

Stop growing competition from new banks;

Gain the right to print money for lending purposes;

Gain control over the reserves of all banks;

Make taxpayers pay for inevitable losses;

Convince Congress that the Fed's purpose is to protect the public.

All this was accomplished brilliantly. As Anthony Sutton says of one of the most blatant deceptions in history: “The Federal Reserve is a private monopoly on the ownership of money supply. She works for the benefit of a few people under the guise of protecting the public interest.”

The format of the article does not allow for a detailed examination of the secret machinations and abuses of the elite, including the crisis of 1929 and the Great Depression, orchestrated by Montague Norman, governor of the Bank of England from 1916 to 1944, and Benjamin Strong, with a little help from friends. Nor will we now examine the consequences of many of the actions of these robber barons, such as their support of Germany in World War I and ensuring Hitler's rise to power.

When Montague Norman had a nervous breakdown in 1912, he, as was fashionable, went to Switzerland to be treated by Jung.

Sometimes people of this class suddenly begin to suffer from a sense of guilt for world wars and economic depressions that bring suffering and death to millions of people on the planet. These "nervous breakdowns" are cured by psychiatrists, and they return to their work with the same pleasure, without pity for the "little people" who must become their victims.

As Eustace Mullins says, the same people who are responsible for the Federal Reserve System manage the world's finances with profit for themselves, but with disastrous consequences for everyone else.

Next we move on to Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. 1944, first United Nations International Monetary Conference. She worked out the final agreement on a new world order in post-war period, in which the transfer of power from nation states and democratic governments to the hands of banks and transnational corporations will continue. William Pitt described what happened more than two centuries ago: “Unlimited power tends to corrupt the minds of those who wield it.” This saying is best known from Lord Acton's statement in 1887: "Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts."

The Bretton Woods Conference also established Anglo-American hegemony in control of the world's oil reserves and led to the creation of the all-powerful International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB). These organizations, under the control of the US Federal Reserve, have deliberately and ruthlessly placed most of the so-called Third World countries in a debtor position. It is said that the World Bank and the IMF have done more harm to people than any other non-military organization in history. Jesse Jackson said in 1993: “They don't use bullets and ropes anymore. They use the World Bank and the IMF." Between 1982 and 1990, debtor countries paid more than $1,300 billion but ended up owing 61 percent more than they did in 1982. In 1993, for every pound of aid, rich countries took back 3 pounds in debt payments. As Nigerian writer and environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa said:

The World Bank must accept that the real instrument of torture is its pursuit of economic growth at the expense of human well-being... The sooner indebted nations realize the political nature of the World Bank, the sooner they will be able to resist bogus economic theories.

Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists were hanged on November 10, 1995 by Nigeria's dictator, General Abacha. In 1988, a statement was published by former IMF senior economist Davison Badhu. Badhu resigned, hoping, in his words, that he could “wash his hands of the blood of millions of poor and starving people.”

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed in 1993, and the new World Trade Organization (WTO) was created in 1995. The elite are now able to implement the doctrine of corporate libertarianism worldwide - the bill of rights of multinational corporations - and God help any country that stands in its way.

Secret plan

David Icke, in And Truth Shall Set You Free, summarizes the elite's post-World War II plans:

Continue to cause conflicts around the world and use the fear of the Soviet Union to increase spending on nuclear and conventional weapons and create a US-European defense alliance (North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)) and peacekeeping forces the United Nations, which will eventually fuse together to form a world army;

Create three “free trade” regions in Europe, America and Asia, initially as a purely economic entities. Gradually, however, they should evolve into centralized political unions with one central bank and a single currency. They would be stepping stones to the introduction of similar zones on a global scale. European Economic Community ( European Union), was the first of these, but the other two are currently in the process of creation;

Develop controls public opinion and research into the manipulation of the human psyche, individually and collectively;

Create a welfare state by destroying alternatives to the economic system and, when the desired is achieved, remove support for this state, to create a large underclass without rights and hope;

Create fantastic amounts of money during the implementation of all these plans through elite-controlled companies and banks;

Constantly increase the debt burden of the population, business and states, thereby increasing control over them.

The approach to mislead public thinking was predictable but very effective: to discredit nation-states in line with the work of the German economist Hans Heymann, who created his "Plan for Perpetual Peace" using funds provided by... the Carnegie Endowment for International World".

Translation from English by Alexander KHOLEV

Interesting words that frankly convey a thought powerful of the world this relative to the rest of humanity: “Man does not tolerate anything that goes beyond the ordinary... We should all be the same. Not free and equal from birth, as the constitution says, but simply that we should all become the same. Let people become like each other like two peas in a pod; then everyone will be happy, because there will be no giants next to whom others will feel their insignificance... If you don’t want a person to be upset about politics, don’t give him the opportunity to see both sides of the issue. Let him see only one, or even better - not a single one... Fill people's heads with numbers, stuff them with harmless facts until they feel sick - nothing, but they will think that they are very educated. They will even have the impression that they think that they are moving forward, although in reality they are standing still. And people will be happy, because the facts with which they are stuffed are something unchangeable. But don't give them such slippery stuff as philosophy and sociology. God forbid if they start drawing conclusions and generalizations.”

It is this scenario that is being embodied on Earth. Every inhabitant of the planet is literally inundated with useless and false information; it seems to him that life is becoming more complicated, and there is less and less hope of understanding the intricacies of information chaos. With the advent of multi-channel television and the Internet, the brains of many people who cannot think for themselves have fallen into a state of conceptual uncertainty. People think in a standard way, speak in a stereotyped way and do not have a definite, self-made opinion.

A receptive information field has already been created from humanity for waging virtual information, psychological and psychotronic wars in order to gain power over the whole world.

What should an ordinary person do in such a situation? Learn to see truth in simplicity. Remember algebra: if you reduce the numerator with the denominator, the right and left sides of the equation, the mathematical expression simplifies and becomes understandable. It’s the same in life. In the end, behind the mask of a forest of false words lies the simplicity of the plan.

The life of the entire civilization and each individual person depends on politics. Today, many have already guessed that politics is made not by public heads of state, not in parliaments, not in fiery debates, but in the brains of individual people. There are not many of them. But it is there that ideas are born that then shake the whole world.

Nothing comes from anywhere on its own. Everything has its previous roots. By understanding the past, you will understand the present and predict the future.


In any group of people, even a temporary one, a leader immediately stands out. The relationship between the leader and the crowd comes down to a simple goal - the desire to command. Some people like obvious public leadership, others prefer informal shadow leadership, “gray eminence.”

Power and money are two sides of the same coin, a kind of two-faced larva. Every ancient prince understood this perfectly. The essence of any power is racketeering and protection. The prince protected the territory with the population, imposing tribute (tax) on the people. That's why they were called subjects. The owner is the owner. The word "power" comes from the word "to own." The sovereign is the owner of everything. If a state loses property, it loses power and collapses. In this case, the people become the slaughtered victim. Today, many states, in a fit of demagogic liberalism, have squandered people's property. Their fate is sad.

In the Middle Ages, many secret Masonic organizations (orders) appeared. There are many names, but the goal is the same - to seize power from legal sovereigns, reshape the world and establish world domination, globalization, " new order" The same people headed or belonged to different organizations, which suggests that there was (and is) one secret, coordinated community of powerful people. These people are few. Units. Only they know the true secret goals, the rest of the numerous members are just pawns in the hierarchical pyramid of blind executors.

One of the most influential legal Masonic organizations is the Vatican. He himself created various orders or patronized them. Sometimes, as happened with the Templars, he betrayed them.

Masons are romantic because the knightly myths that they created for themselves create an aura. But these are just myths that can be easily deciphered by a thoughtful analyst who owns methodological tools. The owners themselves hardly believe in the virgin birth, resurrection, the Holy Grail, the sacredness of the head of John (the Templars were accused of secretly worshiping a certain bearded head), etc. Fairy tales were invented for neophytes and other people. Undoubtedly, the mythology was created by high professionals. But the technology of myth-making itself is understandable. Freemasons shroud their myths in an aura of occult mystery of some kind of super-knowledge. This betrays them and suggests that in the depths of Freemasonry there are no worthwhile philosophers, for anyone more or less familiar with Hermeticism understands that no one has ever hidden all the so-called esoteric secrets: they have been lying openly for centuries and are accessible to everyone.

Masons (masons) call themselves followers of the guild of those ancient masons who created temples. This is the external side of the myth. Even the owners of the lodges, obsessed with money and power, do not know that their name comes from the “stone” chain of archetypes sewn into the field genome. Only the lonely ancient magi, who owned the secret of the philosophical “stone” - the runic genome, could call themselves true masons. It was the Magi who possessed real hidden power over the world, for their thoughts are capable of influencing reality. But having reached the top spiritual development(magic of the subconscious), the sorcerer understood that he was just a conductor of God’s will. Here the sorcerer is deprived of power and not deprived, for his will coincides with God’s, and strives to merge his personality with God. Self-sacrifice of one's will and freedom in the name of merger is not a sacrifice of one's Ego, but a qualitative rebirth. This is the true goal of the sorcerer. So the desire of the earthly Masonic princes of the world for world domination is just a dream of something that is not understood. Masons (like the church) only have access to ritual magic - the lowest level. And all their so-called initiation levels are a propaganda bluff designed to recruit simpletons.

What do we see today? All the same. From the abundance of secret societies, we will highlight those that are the most influential at present (some of the information was collected by Michael Benson in the book “Inside Secret Societies”). You know that the dollar rules the world. And the rest without comment.
Jekyll Island Group

On November 22, 1910, exactly 53 years before the assassination of President Kennedy, a group of 7 people who owned 25% of the world's capital gathered on Jekyll Island to plan the organization of a central bank. They were: Frank A. Vanderlip, who later became president of the National City Bank of New York, who represented the Rockefeller family at the meeting, Abraham Pitt Andrew, who later took the post Secretary General United States Treasury, Henry P. Davison, representing J. P. Morgan, Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank, Benjamin Builds; another Morgan aide, Nelson W. Aldridge, chairman of the national finance commission and father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Paul Mortitz Voburg, who represented M. M. Voburg's banking system in Germany and the Netherlands.

The result of their meeting was the Federal Reserve Act, which was signed by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. The Federal Reserve is a centralized bank owned by individuals from whom the United States borrows money.

The founding of the Federal Reserve is said to have legitimized the activities of a secret government comprised of the world's richest men. The Federal Reserve system prints US currency. The only president who seriously proposed changing the Federal Reserve system so that printing money was no longer its responsibility was Kennedy.

As A. Ralph Epperson writes in his book The Invisible Hand: An Initiation to the Secret Version of History, multimillionaire banker Meyer Rothschild said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I won’t care who makes its laws.”
Trilateral Commission

The plan to create a Trilateral Commission was first proposed in 1970 by the head of the Department studying Russia at Columbia University Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was convinced that the need for cooperation between the governments of Asia, Europe and North America is constantly increasing. In the world of global communications and economics, there will soon be a need for a single government for the entire Earth.

“The concept of national independence is no longer viable,” he believes.

Brzezinski adds that this single earthly government will be financed by “a single tax system for the entire Earth.”

Brzezinski first presented the idea of ​​creating a Trilateral Commission at a meeting of the Bilderberg group held in Belgium in the spring of 1972. The meeting at which the commission was to be organized was held in July 1972 at the Rockefeller estate near Tarrytown, New York. The commission was officially created on July 1, 1973. David Rockefeller became its chairman. He previously served as chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. Brzezinski was elected North American founding director.

Living up to its name, the Trilateral Commission acquired three headquarters - in New York, Paris and Tokyo. It is governed by an executive committee of 35 members. Meetings are held approximately once every nine months. The commission's activities are funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, Time Warner, Exxon, General Motors, Wells Fargo and Texas Instruments.

The Trilateral Commission believes that too much democracy in politics can be dangerous. The commission's paper, published in 1975 under the title "The Crisis of Democracy", stated that democracy works best in a "moderate version". To prove this, the commission argues that too much democracy weakens a country and makes it unable to respond quickly enough to a crisis. To put into perspective the direct relationship between the Trilateral Commission and national government policy, it is worth remembering that one of the authors of this document, Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington, later became the Council's planning coordinator. National Security under President Jimmy Carter, and in this position helped create Federal agency for emergency situations ( civil group, having the right to take over the management of the country in the event of emergency circumstances).

The Trilateral Commission has been called a "cabal" of powerful people who want to rule the world with the help of international corporations. One of those who felt this was Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican senator who lost to Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election.

Goldwater said: “What the Trilateral Commission really wants is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the power of the government of any of the countries in the union. As the creators and leaders of this system, they will rule the world."

Among the members of the Trilateral Commission is Alan Greenspan, who has been chairman of the Federal Reserve since the Ronald Reagan administration.

As for Ronald Reagan, it is worth remembering that when he ran for president in 1980, one of his opponents was Republican candidate H. W. Bush. Reagan was very critical of Bush's membership of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). However, as we now know, having won the election, Reagan not only made Bush vice president, but after Bush was elected president, during the transfer of power it turned out that out of 59 people on Reagan’s team there were 10 members of the Trilateral Commission, 10 members of the Bilderberg group and 28 members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Although the commission regularly publishes a list of its members and documents expressing its official position on various issues, most of it internal activities classified. Its meetings are held in private.

Grigory Yavlinsky spoke at one of the meetings of the Trilateral Commission. Theses of his speech (London, March 11, 2001):

"How Russian politician I would have to talk about problems modern Russia. However, given that we live in a period of globalization, and Russia is participating in this process, I would like to say a few words about the global economy.

The Russian economy has many internal problems, but it is largely influenced by the West. The Russian economy is influenced by many reasons, both internal and external. Every year at the beginning of January, my team analyzes the results of the past economic year in Russia and in the world in order to understand in which direction development will go in the future. A similar analysis was made for 2001.

Contrary to the calming and quite optimistic forecasts, we note dangerous trends in the development of the US economy and express concern about the consequences that this may have for the economies of other countries. The results of our research, conclusions and forecasts are as follows:

1. Already in December 2000, the US economy entered a period of recession;

2. Already at the end of 2000, US banks began to reduce lending on a large scale, interest rates on low-quality securities (risky) jumped sharply, thereby increasing the gap between interest rates on high-quality securities and low-quality securities to the highest level since 1990;

3. The American economy will not be able to overcome the recession until at least early 2002, despite interest rate cuts undertaken by US Federal Reserve Chairman Allan Greenspan and tax cuts proposed by President George W. Bush;

4. This year, the United States may face an increasing number of bankruptcies, which will increase the number of unemployed people by more than 4 million people;

5. Interest rates on both short-term and long-term loans will fall, and the dollar will also weaken;

6. The stock market will see the S&P 500 index fall below 990 and the NASDAQ 100 index fall below 1600 this summer before moving back later this year in anticipation of an economic recovery;

7. A recession in the United States will have a serious impact on the economies of other countries, especially developing countries. market economy, the lion's share of whose GDP is exported to the United States;

8. Economic recovery in both the US and other countries will be very weak in 2002.

Of particular concern is the creation and collapse of a bubble economy in the Internet-related high-tech sector. When companies can raise capital without much effort or expense, the allocation of capital investments becomes inefficient, leading to a lack of positive results. Thus, in the 80s, Japanese companies managed to attract huge funds almost for free, and we know well how this ended for the Japanese economy. The situation is different in the US, but we should not underestimate the impact of a possible collapse of the high-tech bubble economy on the economy as a whole.”

Of course, G. Yavlinsky did not reveal anything new for the powers that be; he was politely listened to and thanked. The very fact of Yavlinsky's presence at the meeting of the Trilateral Commission should have puzzled Russian analysts. Why did he suddenly cave in to the Masons? And they apparently drew certain conclusions.
Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank that prints and sells the United States' currency. When the news says that the United States has trillions of dollars in debt, what they mean is that the people of the country owe that money to the Federal Reserve. The bank is owned by members of the richest families. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve is Alan Greenspan, who is also a member of the secret society known as the Trilateral Commission.

The law that created the Federal Reserve was passed by Congress largely thanks to the efforts of Senator Nelson Aldridge, who was David Rockefeller's maternal grandfather. It is said that the birth of the Federal Reserve marked the end of economic freedom in the United States. The reserve was owned by the twenty richest families. To date, nothing has changed. The Federal Reserve shares, each generating about $150 billion in revenue each year, are still owned by descendants of the same families.

As stated on the official Federal Reserve website: “The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, was established by Congress in 1913 to provide the people with a safer, more flexible and stable monetary and financial system.

The Federal Reserve faces four major challenges today:

Implementation of national monetary policy,

Supervision and management of banking institutions and protection of consumer rights to obtain credit,

Maintaining the stability of the financial system and

Providing certain financial services to the US government, financial institutions and foreign official organizations.

The Federal Reserve system, the income tax (16th Amendment), and America's participation in World War I were all due to the efforts of the same small group of people, almost identical to the Jekyll Island Group.

Only two United States presidents advocated a free economy: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Both were assassinated: Lincoln in 1865 in Washington, Kennedy in Dallas, Texas in 1963.
Bilderberg Group

An interethnic group of members of the ruling elite of Europe and North America, who may be plotting to subjugate the rest of the world to their power. Like the Knights Templar before them, this group appears to be fighting for the unification of Europe. Among other things, this group contributed to the conclusion of the Treaty of Rome, which led to the emergence of a pan-European market and the euro, a currency common to the entire continent.

Both the composition of the group and its activities are classified. The center of this organization, fighting for the unification of Europe, is located in Holland. The group does not have an official name. (The name might help track the group.) It is informally called the Bilderberg Group because it was first discovered during a meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, May 29-31, 1954.

And although meetings of Europe's ruling elite date back to the 1940s, the group itself was not officially organized until the early 1950s. It is believed that the founding father of the Bilderberg group was the Polish socialist dr Joseph Hieronymus Ratinger (whose middle name translates as “involved in the occult sciences”). Another one of the founders was the Dutch Prince Bernard. In the past, the prince was a member of the fascist SS, and then, having married favorably, became the main owner of shares in Dutch Shell Oil.

At first, the United States was represented in the group by S. D. Jackson, publisher of Life magazine, associated with the CIA. Jackson is known for being a special adviser on psychological methods conduct of the war under President Eisenhower, and the fact that a few hours after the assassination, Kennedy bought the Zapruder film and defended the official version of the assassination, refusing to release the film for public viewing. [Abraham Zapruder, who became one of the eyewitnesses to the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, managed to capture the entire event on film.]

The current member of the Bilderberg group is Alan Greenspan, who since the Ronald Reagan administration for a long time was Chairman of the US Federal Reserve System. The group includes both men and women. Some of them are members of the royal families of Europe. Rumor has it that they are associated with the group. royal families Great Britain, Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain.

The Bilderberg group has connections with many secret societies that have special influence. The group's chairman, Lord Peter Carrington of the UK, is also president of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is in turn a department of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

According to Dr. John Colman, the British secret service MI6 created the Bilderberg group as a branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

[The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) is a British branch of the society, the American branch of which is known as the Institute of International Affairs. The group was founded on May 30, 1919 in Paris, as the first step towards creating a one world government after the end of the First World War. Some say that they wanted to extend British rule over the entire Earth. The creation of the group was the idea of ​​President Woodrow Wilson's advisor, Colonel Edward Mandel House, and a group of international bank owners. This group absorbed a pre-existing secret society called the “Round Table” (named after the legendary Round Table of King Arthur and his knights). Meetings of RIIA members took place at Chetnam House, St James's Square, London. Much of the money and power was behind this group, as was the case with " Round table" belonged to Cecil Rhodes, who owned most of the diamond mines in South Africa.]

Another famous name mentioned in connection with the Bilderberg group is David Rockefeller, of whom writer Jim Mars said: “He is the link between the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg.”

The dollar is not only a world currency, but also a symbol modern globalization. The dollar is decorated with symbols of esoteric teachings. The number 13 is repeated repeatedly on the bill, which in Kabbalistic symbolism means the mother letter M. In the left corner of the bill above the inscription “ The great seal" ("Great Seal") - there is a Masonic pyramid of 13 levels of initiation. The pyramid itself symbolizes the hierarchical unity of world power, which is determined by the top of the pyramid - a luminous Masonic triangle with the eye of the “great architect of the universe” or, in other words, the eye of Sirius. The truncated pyramid is a symbol of the strict hierarchy (and not democracy) of the world order established by the “free masons”. It expresses the goal and dream that Freemasonry is predetermined by the role of the world elite, the ruling clan, the “chosen people” to whom God promised to give all the power and all the values ​​of other goyim nations.

The slogan “Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum; MDCCLXXVI" means "A new order of the ages has been ordained; 1776" in a global empire under the rule of the dollar. On the right side of the bill, the American eagle holds a shield with 13 stripes, in the right paw there is a symbol of peace - an acacia branch with 13 leaves and 13 flowers, and in the left - a symbol of war - a bunch of 13 arrows. In the eagle’s beak there is a ribbon with the traditional Masonic slogan of 13 letters: “E pluribus unum” (“Out of many, unity”). The Kabbalistic Star of David of 13 pentagrams - five-pointed stars - hovers above the eagle.

A little about the Kabbalistic sign M. Masons wear ritual aprons stylized to resemble this letter. By the way, electronic Google mail decorated with the Masonic logo M. In the runic, the sign M denotes the rune Ehwaz. This is the 7th arcana of the Tarot system. He corresponds to the Egyptian god Set, who killed his brother Osiris. This ancient Egyptian allegory means the murder of the spiritual by the earthly, which is a sign of Satanism. Therefore, existing in secret society The Masonic "Order of Set" is considered satanic.

The dollar received its modern appearance in 1928. The design of the dollar bill was developed by emigrant artist Sergei Makronovsky. Many (including Wikipedia) write that Nicholas Roerich is hidden under the pseudonym of Sergei Makronovsky. However, no documentary evidence of this fact was found from reliable sources. But rumors are not groundless. Try to analyze it yourself. N. Roerich is an outstanding, mysterious and ambiguous personality, in his youth associated with the interests of various intelligence services. He has become wiser with age. If you carefully read him and Helena Roerich (wife), you will see lengthy discussions about teaching, about the code of devotion of students, hints about a certain sacred teaching of living ethics “Agni Yoga”, but... there is no teaching itself. Disappointedly, you close the book with the question: “Where is the teaching itself, about which there is so much agitation?” But this is exactly how (essentially advertising) texts are written that are intended to create sects, orders and lodges. N. Roerich’s article “Epidemics” (Beijing, 02/12/1935) testifies to his interest in psychotronics, and E. Roerich openly called for the mastery of psychic weapons.

The banknotes were introduced into circulation under President Franklin Roosevelt in the late 30s of the 20th century on the initiative of Vice President Henry Wallace. Conversations about Masonic symbols on dollars began immediately. And with good reason, because it is no secret that the founders of the United States were Freemasons. Masonic symbols are present on all US government buildings.

The dollar is recognized as the world currency and the master of the world. The reason is not only economics. The dollar has long been not backed by either gold or the industrial power of the United States and has already become an empty bubble. In fact, Americans are quietly buying up all the valuables in the world for empty pieces of paper that they themselves print (20 families of the “chosen people”). This is not an obsession, but a worldwide Masonic conspiracy (or conspiracy). Nevertheless, the dollar continues (for now!) to remain coveted for any inhabitant of the planet. Why? Read about the fact that sacred logos influence reality regardless of our belief or disbelief in mysticism in the article “Magic and Political Technologies” http://rustimes.com/blog/post_1187908650.html. I won't repeat myself.

You can’t think of a better way to distribute Masonic specific signs into the hands of everyone than through money. “And I saw another beast [money] coming out of the earth; he had two horns [wealth and power] and spoke like a dragon... And he will make sure that everyone - small and great, rich and poor, free and slave - will receive a mark on right hand their [money] or on their foreheads [power], and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Let's think about it

From birth, each of us feels like we belong to our people, to our language. Every inhabitant of the planet wants his language and his people to live. The more languages ​​(peoples) there are on Earth, the more customs and rules of life, the richer and more diverse the culture of humanity. Each nation has its own idea of ​​life, inherited from its ancestors, and its own protected shrines. Therefore, every nation resists unification and the imposition of other people's views and values. It's in the nature of things. “Re-educating” peoples means enslaving them.

The people can only protect themselves with the help of the state. Others effective ways the story didn't come up. You can preserve yourself as a people with the help of ideology, as the Jews did with the help of their sacred scripture. But do all peoples have their own scripture? As a result of centuries-old information wars (the imposition of foreign religions, the Inquisition, religious wars, crusades, etc.), peoples have lost their ancestral heritage. Almost everyone is unified and herded into the stall of several religions. Globalization did not start today. Note that in ancient times people were tolerant of the views of their neighbors and of dissent at home. Even the Jew Solomon encouraged the worship of various gods. Today, all religions are intolerant of each other and look askance at competitors in the struggle for flocks. Why? Because everyone is infected with the Masonic virus of world domination. Where can some Siberian shaman go: he has long been labeled a filthy pagan. Smart people have long given up on everything and gone into internal opposition to everyone, into their inner temple, looking for the truth in ancient legends. And they find it.

Compared to the time of civilization, the institution of the state is quite young. We know that in ancient Hellas every city was sovereign. There were many kings. There was no common state of Greece. So is Rus'. The Scandinavians called us Gradaria - the country of towns and cities. What is a city (city)? This is a fenced, enclosed, fenced place. That is, each sovereign city lived its own life under the control of either a council of citizens (veche), as in Novgorod, or they invited a prince.

I'll digress. European occultists interpret the Hagalaz rune as hail - a piece of frozen water that fell from the sky. They heard the interpretation from the Russian Magi, but did not understand the meaning of the Russian word “grad”. Because the Hagalaz rune is the archetype (principle) of separation of a part from the One whole, enclosure, enclosure, separateness. I digressed from the topic to give you a hint about the lost and forgotten Russian heritage of great knowledge, in comparison with which all borrowed religions are just naive children.

The owner of everything that exists on the territory where the people live must be the people. Then he is free and independent. Then he is united and patriotic. Then he will lay down his life to defend his own.

They say: “Common means no one’s, ownerless, lifeless. And what has an owner is profitable and alive.” Don't believe it. You are being fooled by a Masonic false postulate. The vitality of the economy does not depend on the form of ownership, but on the mind and conscience of managers. Private enterprises are also successfully going bankrupt and dying. And the diligence of a hard worker depends on the stimulation of his work, and not on the form of ownership: it makes no difference to him whether he works for the state or for the owner. Why are they fooling you? Because they want to destroy the state.

If the state is without property, it is without power. It is a chatty, impotent, disrespected dummy. Many states have already lost their sovereignty. They are controlled by international oligarchic corporations. The President of the United States is only so cool in appearance. In fact, he is a puppet in the hands of the shadow rulers.
Kennedy was once defiant. Got a bullet. With this in mind, all of Europe stands at attention. And there are no rulers beyond the reach of Masons. No ruler is confident in his surroundings. No one knows how many secret chevaliers and horsemen of various orders and lodges there are in his country. Have you noticed that the media have long been occupied by a certain category of people who broadcast as if they had undergone the same instruction somewhere? In a very strange way, the oligarchs turned out to belong to this category.

With the collapse of the USSR, Russia was suddenly loved and despised. Now they hated and respected. Why? Because Putin began to take the stolen property into the hands of the state. Because he contrasted the world's empty paper dollars with real energy resources as a means of politics. Because he doesn’t run to the “Washington regional committee” for advice. Because in a real international situation he creates a modern state-corporation. There is no other way today. And it's hard work. Russia cannot be saved with balalaika patriotic songs about the spirituality of the people. You can only enjoy conversations when someone does the talking for you. menial work: creates, builds, feeds, protects and... thinks.

As an intelligence officer, he understands the ins and outs of the Masonic meaning of international politics without a touch of naivety. The result of his reign is obvious. Are you unhappy? Don't you agree? Could you do better yourself? Everyone has learned to speak, because every cook these days is a politician who demands that he be publicly consulted, but try to make it so that corruption, our national scourge, has disappeared, and all citizens of Russia became virtuous, well, at least 80%, if not all. Will you do this if you are suddenly lucky enough to come to power? If you do, then the Golden Age will come for Russia.
Is the West reproaching Putin for the secrecy of his plans? He is doing the right thing in that he and his entourage (the brains of Russia) are thinking about it without leaking information. Real politics are done in silence. Just like any worthwhile endeavor.

