Secrets of growing cucumbers in polycarbonate greenhouses: the best varieties, care and formation. Problems with plants

If a polycarbonate greenhouse is equipped on the site, then the cucumber harvest can be obtained very early. Cucumbers are one of the most popular greenhouse vegetables, and in a polycarbonate greenhouse it is much easier to achieve the microclimate necessary for this crop. The material allows the required amount of sunlight to pass through, while protecting the plant from burns and retaining heat well. The main requirement for a polycarbonate structure is the presence of a ventilation system, without fresh air cucumbers will be very sick.

Before you go shopping for cucumber seeds for planting in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to know which varieties you should choose in order to get the maximum possible harvest cucumbers per season. First of all, let's figure out what types of cucumbers there are.

It also has certain features and differences compared to growing in open ground. Do you grow tomatoes too? Find out some useful tips!

When going to a seed store, it is difficult to make a choice, since breeders have developed a huge number of varieties of cucumbers, which can confuse even an experienced agricultural technician. Which variety should I prefer for planting in a polycarbonate structure? First, let's figure out how cucumber varieties differ in terms of ripening.

There are varieties:

  • Early ripening, early ripening, super early - the first fruits can appear 30-35 days after the appearance of the first sprouts.
  • Mid-season - varieties that produce a harvest 45-50 days after germination.
  • Late-ripening - begin to bear fruit more than 50 days from the date of appearance of the first shoots.

It is important to strictly follow temperature regime in a polycarbonate structure, otherwise even early-ripening varieties of cucumbers will yield a harvest very late, and the number of fruits obtained can be very disappointing.

If you grow vegetables in a polycarbonate greenhouse in winter, you will get good harvest?


It is worth remembering that for indoor soil you need to buy self-pollinating varieties, or parthenocarpic cucumbers. The fact is that even experienced gardeners find it difficult to carry out the pollination process on their own, not to mention beginners. Without this, there is a risk of losing the harvest.

How to plant cucumbers correctly

Before planting seeds in a greenhouse, they need to be properly prepared; for this, high-quality planting material is selected:

  • After this, you need to disinfect the seeds by soaking them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash the seeds and place on a damp cloth to germinate.
  • As soon as the seeds hatch, you can start planting cucumbers in the ground prepared in advance.

In a polycarbonate structure, it is better to use a two-line planting method, which involves:

  • the distance between the rows in the garden bed is 50 cm;
  • between beds - 80 cm;
  • between bushes - 30 cm.

If seedlings have been prepared for planting, they are planted according to the same principle.

When transplanting, seedlings must be handled very carefully. Even with the slightest damage to the roots, the plant will hurt and will spend a lot of energy on recovery.

With different widths of the greenhouse, the planting scheme may differ.

For greenhouses of 2-3 widths, the following scheme can be used:

  • In this design, 2 double-row beds are placed. It is worth remembering that in a greenhouse whose area does not exceed 12 square meters, no more than 56 bushes should be planted.
  • If the width is 2.5 meters, there will also be two beds, but in this situation the distance between the bushes can be reduced to 35 cm by increasing the distances between the rows and beds. In this case, more plants will be planted in your polycarbonate greenhouse.
  • The three-meter width of the structure requires the arrangement of three beds with six planting lines. the distance between the holes can be made 40 cm, then there will be 70 bushes in the greenhouse. By reducing the distance between the bushes by 5 cm, you can plant 90 cucumber bushes in the structure.

In a four-meter greenhouse, you can use two schemes for planting cucumbers:

  • Three beds in two lines, the number of lines is 6. In this case, to maximize the placement of plants in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you can reduce the distance between the bushes to 30 cm.
  • Two beds with two lines along the edges of the structure and 3 single ones in the center - this will help place 7 lines, but in this situation you need to increase the distance between the bushes to 40 cm.

It is worth considering an alternative planting scheme that some gardeners use - round beds. To do this, a wooden support is driven into the area intended for cucumbers, around which cucumbers are planted, keeping a distance of 40 cm between the bushes. This option is suitable for large greenhouses in which joint planting of crops is used.


How to properly grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse? Cucumber is an unpretentious crop, but there are certain rules cultural agricultural techniques, following which you can get an excellent harvest:

  1. The culture is heat-loving, so plants need to be planted in well-warmed soil.
  2. In order for the beds to warm up well, a multi-layer “pie” is created from a layer of manure, peat and soil.
  3. After this, you need to moisten the soil and plant the seeds.
  4. There should not be more than 5 plant bushes on one square of area.
  5. In order for the seedlings to be friendly and appear quickly, you need to create a greenhouse effect in the beds; for this, they are covered with plastic film. As soon as the shoots appear, remove it.
  6. Gartering is one of the most important stages for obtaining a good harvest.

If you do everything right, a good harvest will not keep you waiting. Moreover, a polycarbonate greenhouse helps create an ideal microclimate for growing cucumbers. It is also worth understanding that this design does not allow air to pass through, and for the proper development of plants it is necessary to carry out constant ventilation, but avoiding the occurrence of drafts, they are detrimental to the crop.


In order for the harvest to be good and friendly, the cucumber bushes need to be formed correctly, otherwise the vines will grow chaotically, there will be a lot of them and the plant will not have the strength to form ovaries.

Scourges are formed in three stages:

  1. "Blindness". The first three true leaves of the cucumber are freed from stepsons and inflorescences. This process stimulates the plant for further growth and fruit formation, since when the first fruits appear, the cucumber slows down its growth. Next, three lashes are formed, and the growth point is pinched.
  2. Leaves are removed at a distance of half a meter from the ground, for good fruiting you need to leave three leaves over one and a half meters.
  3. Topping. The left side shoots need to stick at a distance of the tenth real leaf.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

To prevent the plant from wasting nutrients on the vine, you need to remove excess lateral layers, forming the bush in such a way that it gives maximum amount fruits per season. All pinching procedures are carried out early in the morning.

How to tie cucumbers in a greenhouse

As soon as the sprouts grow to 30 cm, you need to install support for each plant. There are several ways to garter cucumbers when growing crops in a polycarbonate greenhouse:

  • On separate supports- a long rail is installed for each bush, which should be deepened 30 cm into the ground, to which the lashes are secured using ropes or plastic clamps.
  • On a vertical trellis- for this, supports are installed along the edges of the beds. A wire is stretched from above, to which a soft cord is tied, coming from the root zone of the plant.
  • On the grid- for this method, buy a mesh with large size mesh, which is stretched between the rows of the plant. The lashes can be secured with clamps from below, directing them in a gentle direction, and then the cucumbers themselves will begin to climb, clinging with their mustaches.

Gartering cucumbers is also important because the crop will receive maximum fresh air and sunlight. Thanks to this, the culture will not get sick.

How to water correctly

There are certain rules for watering cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse:

  • Watering is carried out only at the root of the plant, trying not to get on the foliage. Do not forget that polycarbonate creates a greenhouse effect in the structure, and if the ventilation system is weak, then late blight will begin to develop on the leaves. The water must be heated in the sun and settled;
  • watering is carried out early in the morning or in the evening after sunset;
  • seedlings should be watered moderately, trying not to flood the plant, as root rot may appear;
  • Before the first ovary appears, the plants are watered three times a week;
  • then watering is carried out daily so that the fruits are well filled.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

An important aspect in growing cucumbers is timely feeding. Without it, it is impossible to get a decent harvest. Plants need to be fertilized correctly. You should not pour any chemicals under cucumbers uncontrollably. Fertilizing is necessary during flowering and fruit formation.

At the first stage, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are added to the soil, and during the formation of fruits, they are watered with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.

The most optimal period for feeding cucumbers is in the evening. After fertilization has been carried out, the soil is shed with clean warm water.

Cucumbers respond well to the application of organic fertilizers:

  • mullein solution;
  • slurry;
  • infusion of chicken manure.

For mineral feeding use:

  • saltpeter;
  • potassium salt;
  • superphosphate.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you an excellent business plan on how to profitably grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

There are many advantages to growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. The plants not only take root and grow quickly, but the fruiting period begins a week earlier. Right choice planting material, soil preparation and proper care will give you a magnificent harvest of tasty, juicy and aromatic fruits at the end of the season.

Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is a very common activity among modern farmers. The popularity of this method can be explained by the fact that in a polycarbonate greenhouse it is not difficult to create conditions for good growth and fruiting of vegetables. High level illumination, low thermal conductivity of polycarbonate and its inertness to physical and chemical influences make this material a leader among others.

The best varieties of cucumbers for polycarbonate greenhouses

Among the many varieties of cucumbers, those that are suitable for growing under open air and those specifically designed for greenhouses. They differ in terms of maturation, ability to tolerate certain characteristics environment, method of pollination, resistance to diseases and pests inherent in greenhouse conditions or open ground conditions. To ensure that growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse causes as little trouble as possible, it is preferable to choose self-pollinating (parthenocarpic) varieties:

  1. "Orpheus F1"- a fruit 9-12 cm long with barely noticeable light stripes. Not bitter at all, good yield.
  2. "Cheetah F1"– has excellent resistance to diseases often present in greenhouses (powdery mildew and bacteriosis). The fruit has a beautiful shape, its length reaches 11-13 cm.
  3. "Cupid F1"– with smooth fruits that reach 15 cm in length.
  4. "Glafira F1"– with a “spindle-shaped” fruit 18-20 cm in length. It tolerates shade well, is resistant to powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic.
  5. "Blik F1"– with a smooth fruit, about 15 cm in length. Moderately resistant to powdery mildew, gray rot, ascochyta blight, root-knot nematode.
  6. "Emerald F1"– a high-yielding variety with fruits 13-16 cm in length, distinguished by excellent taste. Suitable for both pickling and eating in salads.
  7. "Mazai F1"– gherkin type variety. Its huge advantage is its very early ripening: already 41 days after germination. Its cylindrical fruits are up to 10-15 cm in size; they are formed several pieces in one rosette and ripen simultaneously. The variety is resistant to many cucumber diseases.

Which cucumbers should be planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse so as not to have problems with formation, that is, without pinching the side shoots:

  1. "Bouquet"– a hybrid that does not require pinching and pollination and is distinguished by its early ripening.
  2. "Pace"- with similar properties, which also does not require shaping, since it has shortened side strands.

Planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

The most successful method and, perhaps, the only correct one for middle zone– planting cucumber seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Seedlings planted in advance grow faster, develop well and bear fruit richly. As a rule, 25-day-old seedlings are used. The timing of their planting in the greenhouse depends on the level of heating of the greenhouse and beds.

How to plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

Before planting seedlings, you need to prepare the soil in the greenhouse: if necessary, disinfect it, bring it to optimal acidity (no more than 6.5), water it, dig holes and fertilize them with Effekton-O solution, 1 liter for each hole. When preparatory work finished, it's time to learn how to plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Plants must be planted strictly vertically, even if some of them stretch upward. Such sprouts just need to be covered higher with peat and sawdust - right up to the cotyledon leaves.

Scheme of planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

There are several schemes for growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. What they have in common is that no more than five plant bushes should grow on 1 square meter. The optimal scheme for planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is as follows:

  • bed width – 90-120 cm;
  • clearance between rows – 50-60 cm;
  • the distance directly between plants is 10-20 cm, depending on the length of the side vines.

Self-pollinating varieties are planted according to a different scheme:

  • distance between rows – 160 cm;
  • the distance between the plants themselves is 30-35 cm.

Timing for planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

If you have chosen the seedling method of growing cucumbers, then the seeds are sown 4 weeks before the intended planting in the greenhouse - approximately on the 20th of March. If you plan to sow seeds in a greenhouse, the date shifts to mid-to-late April, depending on whether your beds are warm or ordinary. In the second case, a polycarbonate greenhouse for cucumbers is not a sufficient measure. The holes with seeds are additionally covered with polymer caps or covered with film.

How to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

An important condition when growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is the exclusion of any significant changes in temperature and humidity. Creation comfortable climate for this culture it requires careful ventilation, without a hint of drafts. It is also important what soil the cucumbers grow in. Only loose and breathable soil can provide good oxygen access to their roots. A bed of mowed lawn grass is welcome.

Temperature for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Temperature plays decisive role in many processes - the growth of cucumbers, moisture absorption, quantity, quality and time of harvest, the likelihood of developing diseases. For growing cucumbers, the temperature of not only the air, but also the soil is important. At the time of planting seedlings or seeds, the soil should be warmed to +18°C. It is better to plant early cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse in warm beds. The air temperature in the greenhouse during this period should be +25°C. As the seedlings grow, this indicator is reduced to +19-20°C during the day and +16-17°C at night.

Soil for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

If you want to get a good harvest, cucumber seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse should be planted in soil that is neutral in acidity, without excess nitrogen, with a light and loose structure. Ideally, it should be a mixture of fresh humus and turf. Another soil option in which it is possible to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: a mixture of peat (50%), field soil (20%) and humus (30%) with additives in the form of pine sawdust in a 1:1 ratio. The use of sawdust not only reduces the cost of greenhouse cucumbers, but also has a great effect on the yield of the crop.

Caring for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Key Aspects proper care Caring for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse includes the formation of shoots, regular watering, loosening (mulching) the soil, fertilizing and ventilating the greenhouse. Without complying with all these important rules Growing a crop of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse will be less effective, and the money spent will not be worth it.

How to water cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

The first watering of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse after planting should be done on the 10th day. You need to pour water into the root zone, very carefully so that the root does not erode. Until the first ovary appears, you need to water it 2-3 times a week, then every day until you start collecting fruits. Several rules for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse:

  1. Never pour water on cucumber leaves. In greenhouse conditions and lack of good ventilation, the plants will begin to get sick. Water the cucumbers right up to the root.
  2. Use settled water heated to +20-22°C. Using cold water, over time you will see how the ovaries of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse turn yellow and they are reset.
  3. Water the cucumbers in the evening. Watering under sun rays getting on the leaves is a direct answer to the question - why do cucumbers burn in a polycarbonate greenhouse? The fact is that water drops act as lenses, refracting the rays, which causes the plant to get burned.
  4. Water regularly. Rare watering is the reason why cucumbers wither in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Remember that this vegetable consists of almost 90% water, and its lack will have a drastic and negative impact on the health of the plant and the crop itself.

Feeding cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

The first feeding of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is done with nitrogen, then, with the beginning of flowering, you need to switch to potassium and phosphorus, supplementing them with microelements. During the flowering period, you can water the cucumber bushes with solutions of manure or. A lack of organic matter inevitably leads to an increase in the number of barren flowers, but one cannot go overboard with organic matter. You can do up to 5 feedings per season.

Pollination of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Pollination is the most important stage, which is included in the general care of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. If you do not have self-pollinating cucumber varieties, they can be pollinated in two ways - natural or artificial. In the first case, you need to attract pollinators (bees) to the greenhouse. You can spray the plants with a solution of honey or jam and open the greenhouse windows. Or arm yourself with a soft brush and start pollinating the flowers yourself.

How to tie cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

Gartering cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse can be done in several ways:

How to form cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

Since the cucumber vine grows very quickly, pinching cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse should be done every week. Branched varieties of cucumbers are pinched above the 6th leaf - this guarantees the formation of many fruiting shoots. Hybrid parthenocarpic varieties are grown in one stem. All male flowers must be removed completely, simultaneously cutting off the tendrils, thickening shoots, damaged leaves and ovaries.

» Cucumbers

Cucumber is one of the popular agricultural crops that is in demand among the population all year round. For planting, development and abundant fruiting of cucumbers, they need a certain microclimate, which is easiest to create and maintain in a greenhouse. Many gardeners prefer polycarbonate to build a greenhouse.

Strong, durable, easy to assemble - such structures will protect the beds from wind, cold and heavy rains, protect plants from the scorching sun, and you can grow vegetables in them 9 months a year.

If available in the greenhouse heating system and additional lighting, the seeds should be sown at the end of March - beginning of April. After emergence, before the formation of the first leaf, Daylight hours inside the greenhouse must be extended to 14-16 hours a day until the shoots finally get stronger.

Greenhouse lighting, lengthening daylight hours

Lamps needed turn on in time to prevent premature darkness even for a short time.

Seedlings are planted in an unheated greenhouse in early May (hereinafter we will consider a specific area - the Moscow region). To grow viable seedlings, you first need to maintain the temperature regime. The air temperature during the day should reach +22+25°C, and at night +16+20°C. The soil should be well warmed up to +15°+18°C to a depth of 10 cm. You need to start growing seedlings a month before planting them in the greenhouse at permanent place. You should not let the seedlings outgrow - this depresses the root system.

It is best to plant seeds of self-pollinating cucumber varieties. It is advisable to sort them by size so that in the future, seedlings from seeds of the same size can be planted on each separate ridge. In this way you can achieve to the same degree germination and ripening of fruits.

The seedlings are ready for transplanting into the greenhouse if the stem has 3 to 4 well-formed leaves, 1-2 tendrils, the stem is strong, root system quite developed.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground. In this case, the plant will not expend energy on adaptation after transplantation and is guaranteed to avoid possible damage to the roots. But this method is better used in regions with a warm climate or use seeds of cold-resistant varieties.

The greenhouse for planting cucumbers must be properly prepared

This work begins in late autumn. First of all, the tops, leaves and roots left over from last year's plants are carefully selected from the ground. Then the greenhouse itself is inspected and necessary repairs are made. It is disinfected to kill pests. To do this, prepare a chlorine solution from 350-400 grams of powder, which is dissolved in 8-10 liters of water and left for 3 hours. The resulting solution is used to treat the entire internal surface of the greenhouse - the frame and other existing structural elements.

Above the beds at a height of about 2 m, ropes are pulled horizontally or supports are installed with cords hanging from them. In the future, a young cucumber branch that has reached a length of about 30 cm and already has 5-6 leaves will need a garter. In greenhouses, the plant is usually formed into one stem. Hanging a cucumber vine will significantly increase productivity, greatly facilitate the care of the crop, ensure timely and quick harvesting of vegetables, and save space.

Preparing the soil for sowing

In autumn, the soil needs to be completely changed or its top layer about 5 cm thick must be removed. A lot of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in it over the course of the season. The soil is treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). This amount is enough to process 20-25 square meters. m area. You can use a solution of lime (20g per 6 liters of water) or potassium permanganate (6g per 15 liters of water).

Preparing the soil for sowing cucumbers

Organic and mineral fertilizers are distributed on the soil surface at the rate of 1 square meter. m:

  • 20-25 kg of manure;
  • 30-40 g of potash fertilizers;
  • 30-40 g of phosphate fertilizers.

If the soil acidity level is higher than 6.5 pH, add 200-400 g of lime per 1 sq. m. m of soil. After this, you need to dig the ground to a depth of 30 cm.

In the spring, the beds are covered with a new layer of soil consisting of a mixture:

  • 5 parts peat;
  • 3 parts humus;
  • 2 parts turf soil.

How is baking powder added to the mixture? sawdust coniferous species.

Cucumber prefers loose soil enriched with organic matter. For 1 sq. m of soil will require 10-15 kg of manure or compost, which is applied 14 days before planting. At the same time, for 1 sq. m beds are distributed:

  • 2 tbsp. l. wood ash;
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • 2 kg of ready-made Exo mixture.

These components are scattered in an even layer on top of the ridge, then embedded in the soil with a rake to a depth of 12 cm.

The soil for the beds should be well permeable and retain moisture. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, fertilize the plants, maintain air humidity to 85% and organize timely ventilation of the greenhouse. Significant changes in temperature and humidity in the greenhouse must not be allowed!

Scheme and correct landing

Tape two-line planting scheme

Planting seedlings is simple at first glance. In fact, there are features, taking into account which we will be able to grow cucumbers and care for them. Typically, in a greenhouse with dimensions of 3x6 m, beds are arranged so as to provide convenient access to them: 90-100 cm wide, the width of the paths between them is 50 cm, and the distance between plants is from 20 to 40 cm. The following scheme is often used. In the center there is a bed 90-100 cm wide. On both sides of it there are paths of 40-50 cm. Along the walls there are beds 50 cm wide. Thus, we have 4 rows of plants: 2 of them on the central ridge, one row along the walls. However, such a scheme is not a dogma; it can be adjusted depending on specific conditions - the size of the greenhouse, its shape, ceiling height, etc.

Holes for planting seedlings are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Their depth should be sufficient for transshipment of the plant along with the earthen clod. A little mixture is poured into the bottom of each hole, including:

  • humus (compost or peat) – 300-500 g;
  • superphosphate – 5-10 g;
  • potassium salt – 5-10 g.

The bed is spilled with warm water at the rate of 1 liter per cucumber vine. Seedlings are planted in the prepared hole, sprinkled with soil, and then mulched with peat on top.

You can plant in a greenhouse with seeds or seedlings

It is recommended to purchase seeds, peat cups and other materials and equipment for the garden in specialized stores.

Most often, gardeners first grow seedlings, and only then plant them in the ground using small containers. Using ready-made peat pots will make replanting easier.

Seeds are prepared for sowing. They are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried on a napkin.

Sawdust is scalded with boiling water and left to cool. The bottom of the wooden box is covered with a layer of sawdust 3-4 cm thick. Prepared seeds are distributed on top and sprinkled with the remaining crushed wood. The box is installed in warm place, periodically moistening the sawdust. When the sprouts hatch, they can be planted.

Each pot is filled with a soil mixture (peat and sawdust in a ratio of 3:1), leaving 2 cm incomplete. Then the germinated seed is laid out and covered with a 1-1.5 cm layer of soil on top. The soil should not be swampy, but well moistened.

The seedlings will soon be able to be planted in the ground

Air temperature for seed germination is +26+28°C. In a week the first shoots will appear. Over the course of approximately 20-23 days, the plant produces 3-4 leaves.

Incorporation of seeds into the soil reaches a depth of 2-4 cm. Place 2-3 seeds in one hole. You can make furrows in the garden bed with a depth of 1-1.5 cm and distribute the seeds in them, sprinkling the soil mixture on top.

How to solve problems during cultivation, features of care

To avoid mistakes when growing cucumbers, you need to know them by sight. Let's look at the most common ones.

Rules for planting in a greenhouse

Too high a planting density will deprive plants of the amount of light and air they need. For 1 sq. m place 2-4 plants.


Avoid drafts when ventilating, cucumbers cannot tolerate them

Ventilation hatches should only be opened one at a time on one side of the greenhouse. Cucumbers do not tolerate drafts. Ventilation is required if the temperature inside the greenhouse exceeds +30°C.

Quality of planting material

Be sure to check the shift by immersing them in a 5% salt solution. Empty, unusable seeds will float to the surface. Correct specimens will sink to the bottom.

Lack of nutrition

Drying, yellowing leaves, falling off of the ovary, cessation of development... We apply mineral fertilizers that stimulate crop growth.

Improper watering, insufficient or frequent

Lack or excess of moisture will affect the yield reduction. Before flowering, water the cucumbers generously with water at room temperature. During flowering, watering is halved. When the ovary appears, watering is resumed in the same volume. When cucumbers bear fruit, the soil must be constantly moist.

Plants wither during the day

Reason – low humidity air. It is necessary to water the soil abundantly and place containers with water without covering them with lids.

Twisted Fruits

Soil drying out when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

This happens due to too high temperature air, insufficient or irregular watering, lack of nutrition. If the cucumbers are pear-shaped, then you need to add potassium sulfate as a top dressing (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water). Cucumbers are similar to carrots - the plant lacks nitrogen. You need to water it with diluted mullein (1:10), bird droppings (1:20) and urea (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

If the leaves of the planted plants turn white after 2-3 days, this indicates a low soil temperature or a disease of the sprout. In the first case, the soil is watered with warm water and potassium permanganate, and the air temperature in the greenhouse is increased. When disease is evident, the seedling must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease may be allowed to spread.

Agricultural work is associated with physical activity, are cyclical and seemingly endless. Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse minimizes plant care, and turns work into pleasure: there are always fresh cucumbers on the table and family business it is possible to build.

In early spring, during the period of maximum cost of fresh vegetables, it is quite possible to get a solid harvest of cucumbers, using the recommendations of experienced vegetable growers. Usage polymer materials in the design of greenhouses significantly reduced the labor intensity and cost of work. Nowadays, growing cucumbers in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or plastic film has gained maximum popularity. This technology and agrotenics for growing cucumbers are described later in the article.

Polyethylene film is considered budget option for covering the greenhouse. But it significantly loses to polycarbonate in technical specifications and wear resistance. Dense polymer sheets are not susceptible to mechanical damage from hail, heavy winds, branches and flying debris. With proper care, such a frame can effectively serve for 10-15 years.

Polycarbonate has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, so it preserves the internal microclimate of the greenhouse well. Heating resources are used for their intended purpose, rather than heating the surrounding air. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse even at low external temperatures, and the cost is reduced due to savings on heating.

Preparatory work for installing a greenhouse

The area for installing the greenhouse must be level to ensure uniform absorption of moisture. It is first cleaned of stones and root tangles. The dimensions of the site are determined taking into account the seating rows, aisles and service path around the perimeter.

Building a greenhouse with your own hands

Most often used in frame construction wooden beams or lightweight aluminum profile. Lightweight polycarbonate sheets do not require heavy-duty bulky structures. When making flooring, joints should be carefully adjusted and processed to prevent the formation of cold bridges. A garter frame is mounted along the planting rows; the base is the racks around which the stem will curl. Horizontal ties are screwed onto metal stakes at three levels: 100, 150 and 200 cm.

If the timing of planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is ahead of steady warming, then a heating system is used. For large industrial greenhouses, centralized heating is used, and for small planting areas, ordinary stoves are sufficient. For even distribution warm air Sometimes metal barrels are used. They are installed at a certain step and heated with coal or firewood.

Ventilation windows are installed on opposite walls for ventilation. A scheme for planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is preliminarily determined and an irrigation system is laid out accordingly. To speed up ripening, artificial lighting is installed.

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

The volume of the harvest will depend on the quality of the soil, so attention should be paid to the correct proportions of its components and acidity.

  • turf or peat base (about half of the total volume);
  • humus (30 percent);
  • chernozem layer of field soil (20 percent).

Before planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to dig up a 20-25 centimeter upper layer to clean it from foreign inclusions, stones, and root remains. Fertilizers (phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium series) are applied to the prepared soil.

Conditions for good growth

To obtain maximum returns in the form of a good harvest of early varieties, it is necessary to create conditions under which the bushes will not waste energy on obtaining moisture and the necessary nutrition. Among the main conditions are the temperature inside the greenhouse, humidity and the presence of fertilizing.


Greenhouse plants are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so it should be maintained within a fairly narrow range. Even at the stage of calculating financial feasibility, it is necessary to remember one feature of growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: it should not be colder than 15 degrees inside. If the thermometer shows less, the plants simply will not be able to absorb moisture from the soil. Ideally, the temperature background should be between 20-23 degrees.


The intensity of watering should be adjusted depending on the climate and time of year. There are many options for watering cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, but in the end you need to get 75-90% air humidity. For soil, this figure should not be more than 60%. In fairly warm months, water consumption to achieve these parameters will range from 4 to 6 liters per sq.m.

Top dressing

In the first stages of growth, there is no need for additional fertilizing (with high-quality preliminary soil preparation). You can only add nitrogen fertilizers little by little in the first 2-3 weeks. When the flowering phase begins, nitrogen fertilizing should be replaced with phosphorus. Already when the fruits ripen, the plants will need nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. This feeding will increase the weight of fruits and improve their taste.

If you use daytime watering, then fertilizing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse should be done in the evening. It is better to mix fertilizers with fertile soil and place them directly under each bush, then watering them with a small amount of water.

The process of planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

If all necessary conditions are provided, planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse can be done either with seeds or with the help of seedlings. The option with seedlings will allow you to get the harvest much earlier, and the plants will be better able to resist diseases. The seedlings are first grown indoors for 15-25 days. When transplanting bushes, it is important not to damage the thin roots, so you should not completely open them.

The optimal moment to plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse depends on the quality of heating and the availability of artificial lighting. Even seedlings planted at the end of March will give good results with proper care. When relying solely on natural light, the deadlines should be shifted to the end of April or even the beginning of May.

A solid root system of bushes requires a sufficient amount of free space, so seedlings should be planted in increments of 30-40 cm. Between the rows, about half a meter of space is allocated for passage. A cord is stretched along the row and holes 10 cm deep are dug. Before planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, the hole is fertilized with a mixture of humus (300-500 g), phosphate and potassium fertilizers (5-10 g each). The hole is filled with water (it is recommended to fill at least one liter), then the seedlings are planted. The mound is formed from soil with a 2-3 centimeter mulching layer of peat.

Formation of a cucumber stem

To save planting space, when the stems reach a certain length, they are tied to horizontal ties.

Thus, only the stem remains below, which improves air exchange, access for watering and regular replenishment. To weave each bush, a metal rod is dug in near it. From the very beginning of the development of the stem, it should curl around the stand. The length of the bushes in the fruiting phase should be in the range of 2-2.5 meters, while the bottom is freed from leaves and branches to a height of about 70 cm.

Before tying cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to let them reach the height of the first tie. By this time, the bush will already have at least 7-8 leaves. The branches at the bottom of the stem (the first 3-4) should be removed so that the bush develops in height. The following branches are tied separately. After the fruits appear, they are also attached to horizontal ties to prevent the stem from sagging.

When the stem reaches the next horizontal tie, it must be twisted around it several times and tied with a loop. Proper garter of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse provides sufficient clearance between the stem and the loop. As it grows, the thickness of the base of the bush will increase, and the lack of a gap can lead to compression and deterioration in the conductivity of the fibers.

Fighting cultural diseases

Planting in a polycarbonate greenhouse, which seems successful at first glance, can be carried out with errors, as evidenced by a yellow tint on the leaves in the very first weeks. This is a sign of poor quality care. Yellowing may be a consequence of a lack of necessary components in the soil, in particular: nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. You should also make sure that the temperature regime is correct, and that ventilation and watering are regular.

More serious consequences than yellowing of leaves can be caused by infection of plants by pathogenic bacteria through soil, air or watering. Even at the very first stage, when cucumber seedlings are planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you should carefully check the small leaves for stains and plaque. The most aggressive disease, affecting the leaves and stem, is manifested by a white coating. This powdery mildew, which kills the plant if disinfection is not performed. This is mainly the external treatment of bushes with mullein solution (a mixture of water, mullein and urea). When spraying, it is important to cover all affected areas.

The individual use of greenhouses is of great importance. It is important to decide which cucumbers to plant in a polycarbonate greenhouse, and whether it is worthwhile to simultaneously grow other crops in areas connected by a single ventilation system. Bad combination threatens the appearance of whiteflies. This pest causes double damage to plants. The insect feeds on the sap, damaging the leaves, while its waste products can be a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. You can successfully combat whitefly attacks using sticky traps.

Vegetable growers should prepare for the annual invasion of melon aphids. Its peak activity occurs at the end of July and August. During this period, special care for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is required, including control over the first appearance of aphids, preventive treatment of plants with a solution of pepper and tobacco dust, and thorough cleaning of the soil from weeds.

Constant plant care

To obtain a bountiful harvest, it is not enough just to prepare seedlings and arrange a greenhouse. Vegetable growers who are familiar with first-hand how to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse know that careful care is needed throughout the entire growth cycle. Care means monitoring the composition of the soil, systematic watering and ventilation, regular fluffing of the soil and weeding. Depending on when to plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you should decide on the watering regime. In winter, it is enough to saturate the soil with moisture only a couple of times a week, while heating the water ( cold water will be less absorbed and can cause a number of diseases).

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop, for which cultivation in open ground is not always accompanied by favorable conditions. weather conditions. Arranging a polycarbonate greenhouse allows you to avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity, which Lately This is how our spring is famous. To grow a good harvest of cucumbers that will be the envy of all your neighbors, you need to take into account a number of simple rules for caring for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Preparing the soil for planting

Pay attention to preparing the soil for growing cucumbers Special attention

First of all, attention should be paid to the soil from which the plant will receive its main nutrition. This should be done in the fall: before digging, add fresh manure, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, lime or chalk. Cucumber is very demanding when it comes to nutrition: the best soils for it are loams with a high content of nutrients and an acidity level of 6.5-7.

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil only in spring.

Seed selection

Cucumbers can be planted as seedlings or seeds directly into the greenhouse. Seeds need to be chosen correctly; it is better to use hybrids, since their flowers do not require pollination by insects. These are the so-called parthenocarpics: all the flowers of such plants are female, and the fruits set themselves.

Planting cucumber seedlings in greenhouse soil

  • Amur;
  • Crispina;
  • Athena;
  • Ecole.

Pollinated varieties need pollinating insects. In their absence, pollination must be carried out manually. You can attract bees in this way: sprinkle the foliage of plants in the morning with brewed sugar syrup with the addition of a few drops of anise oil. Do not forget to open the windows so that insects can enter the greenhouse.

Here are some popular bee-pollinated varieties for greenhouses:

  • Annushka;
  • Hercules;
  • Crystal.

According to their purpose, varieties are divided into salad, pickling and canning varieties.

Hand pollination of cucumber flowers

The timing of fruit ripening also differs:

  1. Early: fruiting occurs 40-45 days after planting.
  2. Mid-season - 45-50 days.
  3. Late: fruiting occurs after 50 days or more.

Advice. When choosing seeds for growing, pay attention to the variety's resistance to disease and its yield.

Landing at a permanent place

Before planting seeds or seedlings, it is advisable to disinfect the soil with a weak solution of hot potassium permanganate or a 7% solution of copper sulfate to avoid the development of diseases in cucumbers. After the beds are ready, you need to stretch two rows of wire at a height of 1.5-2 m with a distance between rows of 20-30 cm - for gartering the bushes. You can use plastic mesh instead of wire. It should be strengthened slightly at an angle, so it will be convenient to harvest. In addition, the plants are better illuminated with this method, and accordingly the yield is higher.

Scheme: method of tying cucumber bushes

Plant seedlings along the wire rows or sow seeds in holes 1.5-2 cm deep at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. After completing the work, water the seedlings again.

Important! When planting seedlings, you should not bury the root collar, as this can lead to the death of the plant.

Nutrition strategy

During fruiting, plants constantly require nutrients and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. The more gas, the better. In greenhouses, the main source of carbon dioxide is compost and organic mulch. You can increase the gas content by placing in the greenhouse any container half filled with fresh manure or bird droppings. When this mixture has fermented, it is used for fertilizing, diluted with water in the required proportion: manure 1:20, and bird droppings 1:40. This simple method increases the yield.

Cucumbers are fertilized with both mineral and organic fertilizers.

But organic matter is not always at hand, so to feed cucumbers you can use ready-made mineral mixtures for pumpkin crops. Cucumber responds very well to foliar feeding from a spray bottle with the following composition: 2 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water.

Important! Fertilizing should be done no more than 5 times per season.


90% of the cucumber fruit consists of water, and this explains the plant’s strong dependence on it. Soil moisture should be constant, without jumps from waterlogging to dryness. Both lack and excess moisture are very harmful:

  • the ovary crumbles;
  • the fruits curl and become bitter;
  • leaves die;
  • the harvest is sharply reduced;
  • Root rot and other diseases occur.

You can only water cucumber bushes with warm water, otherwise the plants will start to hurt.

The water used for irrigation must be warm, somewhere around +20 - +25°C. You cannot water the plant right up to the stem, as this will expose the roots. If this has already happened, add more soil. Mulching is very effective. Mulch prevents the soil from drying out quickly, a crust does not form on the soil surface, the temperature regime remains constant, soil aeration doubles, and the development of weeds is suppressed, which reduces the amount of weeding. Use any available organic material. Peat, compost, fallen leaves, straw, and sun-dried grass cuttings are suitable.

Attention! The soil temperature should be constant - +22 - +24°C. At a temperature of + 13 - + 15°C, cucumber roots do not absorb water.

It's no secret that watering takes a lot of time and effort from a gardener. Currently, drip irrigation systems for polycarbonate greenhouses are becoming increasingly popular. The most important advantage of such systems is the minimum participation in the process; a person can only open and close the tap. In addition, water consumption is reduced several times, while water is guaranteed to be supplied to the roots.


In hot weather, in order not to die in the sun, plants vigorously evaporate water. When air humidity is low, the roots simply do not have time to deliver moisture to the leaves. A polycarbonate greenhouse allows you to create the necessary microclimate with high humidity, which should be about 80% before fruiting, and 90% during fruiting. This level of humidity is achieved through spraying and watering.

Ventilate the greenhouse regularly to maintain the required microclimate

But do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse to avoid the development of diseases. Plants are afraid of drafts, so try to do this through the upper windows. IN sunny days at noon it is useful to make “poultices” by closing the greenhouse for 1.5-2 hours, and then ventilate.

Advice! At extreme heat Spraying the leaves with water from a spray bottle will help increase humidity and reduce air temperature in the greenhouse.

Pinching and shaping

In a greenhouse, no matter what its size, it is imperative to form cucumbers. By removing everything unnecessary from the bush, we redirect the plant’s forces to the development of fruits, improve lighting and air circulation. Forming allows you to get more yield from a smaller area.

For parthenocarpic varieties, light is important, and the shape of the bush is practically unimportant: the formation of the ovary in them does not depend on the presence of pollinating insects. The fruits are mainly produced on the lateral branches of the plant. Parthenocarpics, as a rule, branch very well; it is convenient to grow them as one vine on a trellis. After the first ovary appears on the plant, it must be removed, this will give impetus to the intensive development of the plant. In the future, all lateral branches need to be pinched after the formation of 3-4 fruits. When new sprouts (3rd order) appear on these shoots, we pinch out 2-3 leaves.

Bushes must be formed and tied to a support

Pollinated varieties, as a rule, form several shoots. On the main stem they produce mostly male flowers - barren flowers, and on the lateral stems they produce mostly female flowers. They branch quite late, so you need to pinch the main stem above the sixth leaf and feed the plant so that it quickly puts out new shoots and forms an ovary.

Advice. Cucumber shoots are very fragile, so that the plant is less injured, pinch with sharp scissors without leaving stumps.

Cucumber diseases

Not only cucumbers feel good in a polycarbonate greenhouse, but also their enemies: diseases, viruses and pests, which spread much faster in monoculture conditions than in open ground. If measures are not taken in time, you may be left without a harvest at all. Literally everything suffers - leaves, fruits, flowers and shoots.

Among the pests, the most common are melon aphids and greenhouse whiteflies, as well as spider mites. These insects feed on plant sap and can carry pathogens.

There are a lot of diseases and viruses in cucumbers, the most dangerous are powdery mildew, root rot, anthracnose, olive spot, and downy mildew.

Melon aphid on cucumber leaves

What are the causes of diseases?

  • thickening of crops;
  • poor ventilation;
  • watering with cold water, its shortage or excess;
  • lack of crop rotation;
  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • lack of nutrition in the soil.

Carefully monitor the health of your plants, take protective measures in time and you will always have a rich harvest.

Advice. Always be sure to disinfect the seeds of the plants you buy, this will save you a lot of hassle in the future.
