Magic wallet or how to attract money with it. What kind of conspiracy should accompany these actions? Do modern products help attract money?

To do this, it is important not only to choose the right wallet. You need to put the “right” item in it and treat money correctly. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Choosing a wallet that attracts money

What kind of wallet is it, “magnetizing” money?

1. Respectable

A cheap wallet cannot attract money in any way, since it itself carries the energy of poverty.
If you don't have enough money for an expensive wallet, go for a medium-priced wallet. The main thing is that it looks respectable, evokes thoughts of wealth and is quite functional.

2. Spacious

Money lives well in a spacious wallet. Any, even the largest, bills must fit completely into it without bending.

What, the biggest ones don’t fit? This means that you are not expecting them, so they will not appear in your wallet!

A convenient compartment for small items is also a must.

3. From natural material

Opt for a wallet made of leather, suede or fabric - they perfectly transmit the energy of money.

You should avoid artificial materials, such as polyethylene and its derivatives, since they do not carry any material energies. Moreover, due to their artificiality, they block access natural energies.

Here's why you should buy wallets from good stores, and not in the markets, where for the same money they can sell you an oilcloth “something” instead of leather.

4. Colors of money and wealth

Feng Shui traditionally chooses the colors of wealth for wallets - and these are all the colors of Earth and Metal. These are brown, black, the whole range of yellow, as well as gold and silver. Seems boring? But there are also many different options in this range!

What colors should avoid?
Beware of the colors of water - money will leak out of a blue, light blue and green wallet!
What to put in your wallet to attract money?

Traditionally, to attract money, a bunch of three Chinese coins. An esoteric store sells ready-made bundles, but it will be better if you bind the coins yourself, saying at the same time how much you love money.

Another feng shui tip is to keep a small picture of bunches of grapes, mint leaves or green tea: these fruits and plants have the ability to improve money luck owner of the wallet.

Great energy to attract money, an “irredeemable” bill has a denomination of one dollar.

You can also put oriental symbols of attracting money into your wallet - these are all kinds hexograms, runes.

Russian folk remedy: you need to put a piece in your wallet horseradish root. This plant collects material energies in a very large quantities. It is better to dig up and dry the horseradish yourself, rather than buy it at the market.

Material energies are collected in large quantities and in heather. A small sprig of heather can also be placed in a wallet pocket.

How to handle your wallet so that it attracts money?

You need to put money in your wallet face up, observing their “rank” - first large, then small.

Never keep your wallet empty, let there be at least a coin in it.

Never don't spend it all to the last penny. There should always be an NZ ("emergency reserve") - at least the cost of one tram ticket.

Should be in your wallet “lucky coin”(first earned, received from good man, from a successful transaction and so on). This coin should not be spent, because it is a lucky talisman of prosperity.

Money won, earned dishonestly, found, or given as a gift does not bring happiness and therefore should not linger in your wallet. Give it away to those in need or spend it immediately.

Money must be loved and treated with care. Every bill received is required spread out before it reaches your wallet.

Get rid of clutter! The money will not “go” to a wallet cluttered with all sorts of unnecessary pieces of paper, old coupons, scraps with phone numbers and other nonsense.

Take it out of your wallet photos of loved ones- husband, children.
Firstly, photographs “interrupt” the flow of money energy, and secondly, the energies of the wallet and the money itself can influence your loved ones through photographs. These are, of course, rare cases, but it happens that such energies can lower the energy level loved one on a very material plane.

Remember: photographs and memories clearly have no place in your wallet. Let it perform only one, monetary function.

Which wallet should you get rid of as soon as possible?

As soon as the wallet loses its “marketable” appearance, you need to get rid of it.

Scuffs, kinks and even holes tell money about your poverty- money doesn’t rush into such a wallet! Through the gaps, monetary energy disappears from you.

What to do with an old wallet? Get rid of it immediately! This is exactly the case when old friend no better than new ones

Many of us dream of having the amount of money in our wallet that we need so that we have enough for everything and not live from paycheck to paycheck. These are understandable desires, but often we simply do not know how to handle money the way it deserves. Many have heard, of course, that in order for money to flow, you need to treat it in a certain way.

A wallet is more than just a stylish accessory. First of all, a wallet is needed to store money. However, smart people it not only stores money, but also increases income. So what needs to be done to keep money in your wallet? Let's try to understand this issue.

What kind of wallet should it be to contain money?

If you are wondering which wallet is better to buy to carry money, then we offer you some tips.

  • A cheap wallet cannot attract money in any way, since it itself carries the energy of poverty. The main thing is that it looks respectable, evokes thoughts of wealth and is quite functional.
  • Money lives well in a spacious wallet. Any, even the largest, bills must fit completely into it without bending. A convenient compartment for small items is also a must.
  • Opt for a wallet made of leather, suede or fabric - they perfectly transmit the energy of money.

What color should a wallet be for it to contain money?

Feng Shui traditionally chooses the colors of wealth for wallets - and these are all the colors of Earth and Metal. These are brown, black, the whole range of yellow, as well as gold and silver.

What to put in your wallet to attract money?

Traditionally, to attract money, a bunch of three or five coins with holes in the middle is placed in a wallet. You can make such a bunch yourself by tying the coins with a red ribbon or a rope twisted from thick red threads. If you do not have such coins, you can purchase them in Feng Shui stores.

Keep a small picture in your wallet depicting a bunch of grapes, mint leaves or green tea: these fruits and plants have the ability to improve the monetary luck of the owner of the wallet. It is also recommended to put beans and a piece of cinnamon in your wallet - the spice attracts money, and the beans preserve it. The “irredeemable” one dollar bill has great energy for attracting money. Russian folk remedy: you need to put a piece of horseradish root in your wallet. This plant collects material energies in very large quantities. Material energies are collected in large quantities in the heather.

The American dollar can also serve money talisman. The fact is that on a one dollar bill there is back side depicted very powerful symbol, attracting the energy of money and success. This symbol is the all-seeing eye on Egyptian pyramid. Money won, earned dishonestly, found, or given as a gift does not bring happiness and therefore should not linger in your wallet. Give them to those in need or spend them immediately.

Get rid of clutter! The money will not “go” to a wallet cluttered with all sorts of unnecessary pieces of paper. Take out photographs of loved ones from your wallet - husband, children. Firstly, photographs “interrupt” the flow of money energy, and secondly, the energies of the wallet and the money itself can influence your loved ones through photographs. As soon as the wallet loses its “marketable” appearance, you need to get rid of it. Scuffs, kinks and even holes tell money about your poverty - money doesn’t rush into such a wallet! Through the gaps, monetary energy disappears from you. What to do with an old wallet? Get rid of it immediately! This is exactly the case when an old friend is no better than a new one.

What prayer should you read to keep money in your wallet?

You need to ask for well-being in the financial sphere from Saint Spyridon, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona and your Guardian Angels.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon: “Saint Spyridon, bless my pocket. May your coin wallet never be empty. I spend one coin, I get two coins. My wealth will never run out" .

Conspiracy for a new wallet

You need to read the plot only for a new wallet that does not yet contain money. He will take financial difficulties away from you forever. Buy a new wallet, if color is not important to you, then it is better to take red, gold or green. Keep in mind that the money in it should lie freely, in normal condition, not rolled up.

On the night of the waxing moon, take a wallet and one gray coin, the material from which it is made does not matter. The main thing is that the coin is gray (associated with silver). Take a coin, put it in your wallet, close it. Read the money plot:

“I put in a silver coin and take out a gold one. Let there always be gold and silver in my wallet, and their supply never runs out. As the moon grows in the sky, so does my money. Amen".

Close your wallet, put it away, don’t use it for at least one day. After this, mark the charmed coin with paint (you can take nail polish), it will become your talisman. Do not waste this coin under any circumstances, put it in a small compartment and never take it out of your wallet.

Folk signs for money to be found

  • Always carry a large banknote in your wallet (it doesn’t matter dollars, rubles, hryvnia or euros). You cannot spend or exchange a banknote: it must be with you at all times in order to attract money into your wallet.
  • Do not borrow or give money away in the evening. If the situation is hopeless, put the money on the chair or floor. Just not on the dinner table.
  • Another way to avoid becoming poor is to keep a bent coin or a coin with a hole in your pocket. But it will help as long as, when receiving new money, you remember to spit on it.
  • In order for the money to be spent, it is necessary at the moment when it is coming to an end, or rather “approached”, to place the very last ten under the rug in front of the apartment door (which side of the outside or inside this ten will be located does not matter).
  • Do not pick up small change, especially where there is an intersection or road, as many diseases are reduced to small change. You can do without small change, but if you pick it up, you will lose strength and health.
  • In order for money to be spent, you need to borrow it for such a period that you can borrow it for the young month, and give it back for the damaged (aging) month.
  • Avoid lending money on Tuesday - you will be in debt for the rest of your life, and you should not change money on Tuesday (it is better to give money without change). Don’t borrow or count money in the evening of any day—it won’t happen. You need to take money with your left hand and give it with your right, then you won’t lose it.
  • The bills in your wallet need to be kept in order: to avoid any crumpling, let all the bills of one denomination lie together, followed by bills of a different denomination.
  • Rubles and dollars are not put together, but only in different pockets.
  • When you see the new moon to your right, show him the money.
  • If you cut your nails on Tuesday and Friday, you will always be rich.
  • Keep a broom at home with the broom facing up.
  • Take money with your left hand and give it with your right.
  • Donate money to the church this Christmas, any amount. Over the money, before giving it, say the words: “To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father.” You will have money from nowhere.
  • If you see a young month that has just begun its cycle, then you should rub coins in your hand or pocket, this will bring success in the monetary side of life. It is better if it is copper, it attracts wealth most effectively.
  • There are more reliable ways to attract money, for this you need Maundy Thursday(Thursday after which Easter begins) wash from gold or silver dishes.

A wallet is the item in which we store our money. And it has been noticed that, even for the same person, there will always be money in one wallet, while in the other there is always a gaping emptiness. Why is this happening? The fact is that it depends on the wallet itself how much money will be in it. How to choose the right wallet so that money in it is not transferred, but only multiplied?

Wallet size and shape

What is the optimal wallet size to always have money in it? Feng Shui masters have a special ruler with positive and negative values segments. Don't despair if you don't have such a line. These sizes are generally known and available.

  • Positive size values. All those values ​​that are included in the specified segments are considered to be such. From 0 to 54 mm, from 162 to 215 mm and from 378 to 432 mm.
  • The most favorable meanings sizes. These include segments from 0 to 13 mm, from 40 to 54 mm, from 243 to 256 mm, from 378 to 402 mm and from 429 to 432 mm.
  • Unfavorable meanings. These are considered to be segments from 81 to 95 mm, from 95 to 108 mm, from 149 to 462 mm, from 270 to 284 mm, from 297 to 351 mm.

Unfavorable values ​​should, of course, be avoided. But you can find at least one of the positive sizes. That is, so that at least one side of the wallet matches the specified values. In this case, the purchase can be considered very successful. If you come across a wallet, several sides of which fall under favorable values, consider yourself very lucky!

Please note that it is not advisable to purchase a small wallet for money. It is believed that a small wallet will contain little money. In addition, it will be impossible to store banknotes in a decent form in such a wallet. And they must be carefully straightened, without bent corners, and not bent in half.

Feng Shui experts do not recommend purchasing a so-called folding wallet. The thing is that, even if all the bills in it are neatly straightened, they will still be bent in half, and this will disrupt the monetary energy, and, as a result, the influx of money.

The best shape for a wallet that attracts money is rectangular. A round wallet is undesirable; it contributes to a lack of stability. So even if you prefer to carry your coins in a separate wallet, look for a rectangular one for them as well. wallet, feng shui, meaning the attraction of money.

The material and quality of the wallet - everything matters

From what material and how should a wallet be sewn that can attract money to its owner?

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of tailoring of the product. Everything should look very neat. There should be no protruding threads or peeling elements. All seams must be smooth, without gaps.
  • The color of the product must be very durable. Try rubbing the material lightly with your finger. Will there be traces of paint left on it?
  • All wallet accessories used must work properly. Immediately check all buttons and zippers on all compartments.
  • Keep in mind that the money in your wallet should never be visible to strangers. Therefore, avoid having any transparent compartments or parts.
  • If you like a wallet with an external finish, choose one that uses elements painted in metallic colors - gold, silver, steel.
  • The most the best material for a wallet according to Feng Shui it is considered Genuine Leather. This is explained by the fact that it is able to freely pass cash flows and energy through itself. In addition to leather, suede also has the same properties. If such wallet options are too expensive for you, pay attention to fabric products. This will be better than a wallet made of artificial materials such as leatherette, plastic and the like. Artificial materials are not capable of transmitting energy.
  • When choosing a wallet, try not to buy the most expensive one out there, but as expensive as you can afford. If you choose a decent option, the wallet will serve you very well. for a long time. In addition, the investment will quickly pay off. And the money will rustle in the new beautiful “house”.

How to decide on the color of your wallet

Indeed, what color of wallet is the most successful? Are there universal colors?

So, first you must determine which group you belong to. Eastern calendar. To do this, pay attention to the last digit of the year of your birth.

  • The last digit of the year is 0 or 1. For example, 1950, 1951, 1970, 1981, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Metal .
  • The last digit of the year is 2 or 3. For example, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1993, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Water.
  • The last digit of the year is 4 or 5. For example, 1954, 1965, 1974, 2005, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Tree.
  • The last digit of the year is 6 or 7. For example, 1946, 1957, 1986, 1997, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Fire.
  • The last digit of the year is 8 or 9. For example, 1938, 1959, 1968, 1989, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Earth.

Once you have determined which group you belong to, you can begin to determine color range wallet that's right for you.

  • If your group Metal. Most auspicious flowers For this group of people, golden, silver, gray, bronze, white and copper colors are considered. However, it is worth keeping in mind that white wallet will need special care.
  • If your group Water. The most favorable shades for this group of people are blue, black, light blue, turquoise, and violet. However, these colors are only suitable for the specified category. For all other groups they will be extremely unfavorable - from blue wallet And black wallet money will flow away like water. Turquoise wallet and purple do not have such strong destructive energy, but people from another group should still refrain from these color solutions.
  • If your group Tree. For this group, all shades of green are considered the most favorable. It symbolizes growth and prosperity. That is, constant growth of money is guaranteed. Besides, green color- the color of money.
  • If your group Fire. All shades of red will suit you, including burgundy. And also the colors of the flame - yellow and orange. Yellow wallet capable of attracting a large number of money, in turn, orange wallet will increase your capital.
  • If your group Earth. All shades of brown, gold, orange, beige and yellow flowers. They contribute to the accumulation of money. In addition, these colors promise financial stability.

However, there is also a universal color that suits any of the above groups. This is red. In Feng Shui, it signifies superiority and powerful energy. It also symbolizes big money. However, red wallet should look expensive and rich. And its care should be appropriate.

Additionally, the wallet may contain all sorts of symbols and attributes of wealth - images of coins, a crown or metal trim.

What talisman should you put in your wallet?

When you have decided on the wallet that you need and purchased it, it’s time to think about what kind of talisman you will put in it in order to enhance the energy of attracting money.

  • The first bill or coin you earned yourself. If you already have such a talisman, be sure to put it in your wallet. This kind of thing has very powerful energy. To enhance the effect, you can even smear the money with a drop of honey.
  • In specialized Feng Shui stores you can always find such a talisman as 3 Chinese coins connected by a red thread. A strong talisman that can attract money.
  • To prevent wallet theft and to avoid thoughtless spending, you can put a bean pod in your wallet. However, if it prevents the money from lying flat and free, it is better to place an image of a pod.
  • Money loves the scent of mint very much, it literally attracts them. Add 2-3 drops essential oil on the lining of the wallet.
  • To enhance the effect of attracting money, you can put in one of the wallet compartments a picture depicting any monetary symbol - a monetary hexagram, rune or hieroglyph.
  • Another strong talisman for multiplying money is a special Feng Shui mirror. Buy it at a special store and put it next to the money.

What and how should be in it

It depends on how the money is in your wallet whether it will multiply or rush to leave its “house”.

  • Your wallet should always contain money and only money. Since this item is purchased specifically for them. Only the presence of bank cards is allowed, but only in a specially designated branch.
  • The bills in the wallet should be strictly in ascending order, face up. Keep an eye on this, and over time you will get into the habit of putting money in your wallet correctly.
  • Make sure that banknotes do not wrinkle or bend in your wallet. Otherwise, they will block other money from entering your wallet.

What not to keep in your wallet

Most people, in addition to money, store many important, in their opinion, little things. However, such things can scare away the influx of money. What items in your wallet should you get rid of immediately?

  • All kinds of tickets, receipts, checks and all sorts of different papers, for example, with a shopping list. They have no place in your wallet. Make it a habit, upon arriving home, to immediately put the necessary papers in a specially designated place for them, and immediately get rid of all the rest.
  • Photos of loved ones. It is better to store them separately, not in your wallet. Whatever wonderful people your relatives weren’t, their energy can interrupt the energy of money.
  • Do not keep old, dirty, torn money in your wallet. Try to spend them first or exchange them for cleaner and new ones.
  • Never leave your wallet completely empty. The energy of money can leave him forever! Always leave at least one bill or even a coin.
  • Carefully monitor the state of your wallet. It should not have any scuffs, broken locks, fallen off fittings, and especially not holes in the lining. Money will simply disappear from such a sloppy old wallet.

Using the above rules when choosing a wallet, you will undoubtedly be able to increase your money and attract wealth! I wish you happiness and good luck!

Most of us dream of always having money in our pockets and in huge quantities.

At all times people have done magical rituals, observed certain rules and signs to .

What needs to be done to ensure that our financial home is rich in every sense internal content? Of course, first of all, money!

After buying a wallet, you need to immediately put money in it and imagine that there will be a lot more of them in it, and always.

Money should be sorted by value, folded on one side. Don't fold them in half.

For a wallet to attract money, it should never remain completely empty. There should always be something left in it “for divorce”.

Can also be kept in your wallet bank cards, just not credit.

Now let's move on to things like talismans that attract cash flows into your wallet.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them to suit every taste.

What to put in your wallet so that money can be found?

You can put the following talismans for your wallet in one of the compartments:
1. A lucky bill - for example, one of the banknotes that was once in your hands large sum, a gift from a wealthy person, etc. At the same time, you need to be careful with “stray” money - coins and bills that you have won or found.

In this case, you need to monitor how your budget reacts to such a replenishment. It may turn out that the “freebie” will not be beneficial, and then the money that has fallen out of the blue needs to be disposed of in favor of those in need. Or read the plot for random ones.

2. Rare, collectible coin or a bill. Irreplaceable bills and coins are considered a good source of wealth.

3. A banknote with the number 8 at the end of the serial number. It will be simply wonderful if the number contains, in addition to the eight, also a 9. 3. A cinnamon stick.

4. Some legumes: beans to save money, beans.

5. Fresh or dried mint, or its image. Instead or in addition to the leaves, you can drop literally a couple of drops of mint essential oil onto the material. You can use patchouli oil for the same purpose.

6. Heather leaf.

7. Acorn - it is believed that it concentrates material energy.

8. A piece of horseradish root - with such a money talisman for your wallet, you will never be able to say that you don’t have a horseradish. It is advisable that this horseradish be grown with one’s own hands or in the garden of a person who does not suffer from lack of money. By the way, saving a financial situation with horseradish is an old Russian custom.

9. Four-leaf clover.

10. Scales of carp or other fish served at the Christmas table. This custom is practiced by Catholics in Western Europe(as well as the previous one) - who knows, maybe it will help you too?

It is also recommended to monitor eastern calendar and every year put in your wallet for wealth an image or some symbol of the patron animal of the current 12 months (for example, a feather or something similar in the year of the Rooster, etc.).

11. Three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.

12. Runes, hieroglyphs of wealth and other graphic symbols that bring prosperity. In particular, a very good choice is a talisman with the Fehu rune, which effectively accumulates financial energies.

13. Symbols of the planets Venus and Jupiter (in astrology they symbolize abundance).

14. A tiny mirror - it is designed to increase your fortune. The main thing is not to forget to take it out when your wallet is temporarily empty.

A wallet is the keeper of our money. About what it should be wallet that attracts money- today's conversation will go.

  • What color of wallet attracts money?
  • What should be in it for it to attract money?
  • What should never be in it?

You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

There are several mandatory rules, the observance of which will allow you to make a real “money keeper” out of you.

  • The wallet should be roomy enough. Your money should fit in it freely, and the bills should not need to be bent. It is very important. If any of the bills is wrinkled or has a bent corner, be sure to straighten it so that everything is smooth and even. Money loves to be treated with respect and care and strives to go where it is treated accordingly.
  • The wallet should be made only from natural materials. This is leather, suede, or some kind of natural fabric. Because only these materials conduct the energy of money well through themselves, and artificial substitutes are not able to do this. A wallet made from substitutes significantly reduces cash flow coming to you.
  • Purse color. Best color Black, brown, gold, yellow or red are considered to attract money - these are the colors of the Earth and the material world, and they are the ones that attract even more money to us.
  • The wallet should look “rich”- to be respectable, expensive and solid. It’s better not to buy cheap and unattractive-looking ones, because money needs decent storage and it simply won’t go to an “undignified” place.
  • Observe the hierarchy of bills. The main rule is that the bills must be located towards you front side in descending order of their dignity. That is, the first bill you receive should be the largest, the last one should be the smallest. Also make sure that they are not lying upside down. It’s even better if there are several compartments for banknotes – for small ones and for large ones. Another indispensable condition is that there must be a separate place for small items.
  • What should your wallet not have? Money is an energy that does not like mixing with other energies. Therefore, it should not contain photographs of relatives and friends, as is customary for many of us. The fact is that such photos carry very strong emotional and energetic charges, and they will simply interrupt the energy of money, interfering with its free flow. There should also be no checks, receipts, travel tickets or other “junk” that is not related to money. All this must be thrown away in a timely manner.
  • What may be in the wallet, except for banknotes? It is allowed to store credit and discount cards in it. Make sure that there should not be too many of them, so as not to turn your “storage of monetary energy” into a warehouse plastic cards. It is advisable to carry special talismans in your wallet that enhance cash flow. These include Chinese coins woven with a red ribbon; they can also be images of monetary hieroglyphs. A good talisman is a one dollar bill, on the back of which is an ancient Masonic symbol - the “Pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye”, which in itself is considered a very powerful monetary talisman.

These are all the basic conditions for transforming your wallet from an ordinary “custodian” into a powerful “money magnet”.

In the video below, Polina Goncharova, author of the video course “Secrets of Raising Money,” will talk about them in more detail.

Follow these simple rules and within a short time you will be able to notice how your cash flow has increased significantly.

Live richly!

Alena Golovina

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