Dishes made from boiled carrots. Carrot dishes

Boiled carrots are certainly not the most delicious product if consumed in their pure form. However, it remains almost as healthy as a fresh root vegetable, and therefore you need to eat it. And for this, there are various recipes for quite tasty and original dishes that feature this component.

Boiled carrot salad is considered especially popular in this regard. In principle, even our traditional Olivier almost always includes this simple component. Therefore, they can diversify virtually any cold appetizer.

Salads are a tasty, original and appetizing dish that is relevant not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. If we talk about the presence of carrots in them, of course, the healthier snack is one where it appears fresh. But as for beets, the opposite is true. Eating fresh beets is quite dangerous; it can disrupt the digestion process.

Even fresh juice squeezed from this root vegetable must be defended in a certain way before direct consumption. Therefore, for any salad, including herring under a fur coat, beets must be boiled.

If for some contraindications you cannot eat raw carrots, you can use them boiled in salads and even minced meatballs. And we will tell you great recipes salads of boiled beets and carrots.

Calorie content, composition and beneficial properties of boiled carrots

If we talk about the benefits and harms of boiled carrots, there will be a clear advantage in the first direction. If only because this product retains almost all the valuable properties of fresh. During heat treatment, carrots, unlike almost all other products, do not lose their beneficial micronutrients.

The benefits of boiled root vegetables are almost the same as those of “untouched” ones. But it also has certain harm - however, it applies only to those for whom the vegetable is in principle contraindicated for health reasons or the presence of allergic reactions.

Raw carrots have a calorie content of 32-35 kcal per 100 grams of product, while the calorie content of boiled carrots does not exceed 25 kcal per 100 grams of product. True, we are talking here only about pure root vegetables. If you add vegetable oil to it, or even ordinary lemon juice, these levels may vary.

Which carrots are healthier - boiled or raw?

This issue is quite controversial. The raw root vegetable concentrates a lot of vitamins, which, for example, enhance visual acuity. A boiled vegetable does not completely, but partially loses this property. But boiled carrots are much more beneficial in terms of anti-cancer properties. During the cooking process, the root vegetable is fermented in a certain way and begins to synthesize twice as many useful antioxidants that protect the body from oncological processes and the formation of tumors of any etiology.

Also, this product is indispensable in dietary nutrition, which is indicated for various organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract. Boiled carrots are widely used for fluctuations blood pressure, anemia (anemia), loss of strength, stressful conditions.

It is useful for any diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system. It is used in diets for chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

It is very valuable for those who suffer from constipation, since it contains quite a lot of coarse fibers, which thoroughly cleanse the intestines and normalize its peristalsis.

Recipes for dishes based on boiled root vegetables are quite varied, and you can choose the one that suits the taste of you and your household.

The simplest salad based on beets and carrots

The simplest and most famous salad with the addition of boiled beets and carrots is vinaigrette. It is served on the table not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days, since it has a mass useful properties. At a minimum, vinaigrette “knows how” to gently normalize stool and optimize intestinal motility.

To prepare the salad you will need:

  1. Beets – 5 pieces;
  2. Carrots – 5 pieces;
  3. Sour apples – 2 pieces;
  4. Pickled cucumbers – 4 pieces;
  5. Canned green peas - a jar (some add boiled white beans);
  6. Extra virgin olive oil;
  7. Freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  8. Pepper mixture;
  9. Other spices and seasonings to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  • Boil beets and carrots in large quantities water. You need to cook vegetables for about an hour, and before removing from the stove, be sure to check their readiness with a fork. To do this, you need to pierce the root vegetable - if it has become soft in structure, it can be removed from the heat;
  • Drain the water from the vegetables and let them cool completely (it is best to cook them in the evening so that they have time to cool overnight);
  • Peel the root vegetables and cut into small even cubes;
  • Peel and core the apples. Cut them into the same cubes as the main vegetables. Do similar manipulations with cucumbers;
  • Drain the liquid from the peas. Place all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl. In a separate container, mix olive oil with lemon juice, add spices to your taste (for example, Provencal or Italian herbs), salt the salad mixture, season it with dressing, stir;
  • Servings of salad can be decorated with fresh herbs.

This dish is excellent for the menu of those who are on a diet, both for medical reasons and for the purpose of losing weight.

Autumn salad with boiled carrots

This simple, but very satisfying and original dish of boiled carrots has already acquired quite a lot of fans, despite the fact that it appeared in the vastness of our Motherland relatively recently.

You will need:

  1. Carrots – 2 large pieces;
  2. Marinated champignons – 250 grams;
  3. Onion - one medium-sized head;
  4. Walnuts(peeled and crushed) - half a glass;
  5. Vegetable oil.

Cooking instructions:

  • Boil the carrots until tender (check with a fork) and let them cool. Grind in any convenient way. Some people prefer to grate the pulp, but we still recommend that you cut it into small cubes;
  • Drain the marinade from the mushrooms and also cut them into small pieces. Attach to carrots;
  • Chop the onion and place in a frying pan to sauté in vegetable oil. Certain housewives prefer to cook with fresh onions soaked in marinade, but when fried in a salad, it turns out more tender and truly “autumn”;
  • Mix all the ingredients together, add half a glass of crushed walnuts;
  • Season the appetizer with mayonnaise or sour cream to taste.

By the way, this salad can be used not only as a separate dish, but also as a spread for sandwiches or croutons. It will be very tasty!

Carrot cutlets

There are many recipes for carrot cutlets made from boiled carrots, and they are all remarkable in their own way. If you are a fan of vegetable cutlets, be sure to try preparing such a simple, cheap, affordable, and most importantly healthy dish for yourself and your household.

You will need:

  1. Carrots (pre-boiled and peeled) – 1 kilogram;
  2. Fat or medium fat sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  3. Refined white sugar – ½ tablespoon;
  4. Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  5. Semolina – 2.5 tablespoons;
  6. Wheat flour (first grade) – 2.5 tablespoons;
  7. Table salt or iodized salt – ½ teaspoon.

Cooking instructions:

  • Grate the boiled carrots on a fine or medium grater;
  • Mix the resulting crushed pulp with the remaining ingredients - sour cream, flour, semolina, eggs;
  • Season the mixture with sugar and salt, grind thoroughly until smooth;
  • Let the resulting dough sit a little - during this time the semolina should swell a little. When half an hour has passed, form the mixture into small round cutlets and roll them in flour;
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and send it there "semi-finished products";
  • Fry until the cutlets are set and golden brown;
  • This dish is best served with homemade sour cream.

Your diet should be balanced and healthy, and this is simply impossible without including vegetables in a variety of variations in your diet. Try the boiled carrot dishes given in this article and make sure that vegetables are incredibly tasty and piquant.

Carrots are a valuable vegetable in all respects, nutritious and having a healing effect on the human body, increasing immunity and removing toxins, and in terms of carotene content it has no equal. This is a godsend for connoisseurs of healthy and dietary nutrition. But despite all these advantages, there are people who do not like the specific taste of this root vegetable; they simply do not know how to cook it correctly. Well-cooked carrots are very tasty.

What to cook from carrots so that not only lovers of this root vegetable, but also its opponents will enjoy the served dish? There are many dishes, the recipes of which are extremely simple, and the results are stunning. You don’t have to bother yourself too much and prepare a salad; this is accessible to novice cooks and even teenagers.

Carrot salads - simple and tasty

How to prepare a carrot salad quickly, but also tasty and unusual? Vegetable salad can include a variety of ingredients and have sweet, hot, sour or savory flavors. Housewives most often settle on generally accepted combinations: carrots with beets, cabbage, celery, or sweet fruit options with the addition of apples, pears, prunes or berries. However, if you want something unusual, you can use the recipe below. What to cook from carrots if you have exotic products?

Carrot salad with avocado and salmon

It will take no more than twenty minutes to prepare the dish, but even a novice cook is guaranteed to get into the TOP of the best, and everyone they know will ask about how to cook carrots deliciously.

Ingredients: canned salmon, carrots, avocado, green salad leaves, juice of one lemon, black pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: grate the carrots, preferably larger ones, you can simply cut them into thin slices, then peel and cut the avocado, wash and dry the lettuce leaves. Combine all the vegetables with salmon, cut into small pieces, and season.

Preparing the dressing: mix olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. To prepare this mixture, sunflower oil, which has a specific taste and smell, is not used.

The most delicious carrot salad recipe for children

How to prepare carrot salad for little capricious children so that they ask for more? Children love sweets, but they are not always good for them, but... vegetable salad with honey it is healthy and very tasty.

Carrot salad for little delicacies

Ingredients: dried cranberries, carrots, orange, lemon, honey.

Preparation. For this dish, use juicy sweet carrots, preferably young ones. Mix the peeled and coarsely grated vegetable with cranberries.

Separately prepare the dressing: Mix freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice thoroughly with liquid honey and add to the salad.

Guaranteed - children will ask for more.

Many adults cannot live without spicy food, and then the question arises of what to cook so piquant. The answer arises immediately: Korean-style carrots. How to prepare a Korean carrot salad no worse than at your favorite restaurant? We prepare a Korean dish with the addition of boiled pig ears.

Korean carrots with pig ears

Ingredients: a kilogram of carrots, hot vegetable oil, two heads of garlic, three tablespoons of vinegar, salt and black pepper to taste, red sweet paprika - one teaspoon, a teaspoon of sugar, Bay leaf, cloves, pig ears.

Preparation. Peel, wash and boil and cut into strips. When they are ready, grate the carrots on a special grater into long thin pieces, chop the garlic into the grated mixture, add one clove and grated bay leaf. At the end we fill vegetable oil. For improvement taste qualities We put the finished dish in the refrigerator and forget about it for about twelve hours. Let's enjoy our culinary masterpiece.

Each housewife turns out this dish differently, and what’s a shame is that it’s not always as tasty as we would like. How to cook at home Korean carrots so that it turns out like in your favorite restaurant? Experienced chefs use special techniques for saturating vegetable oil with spices to obtain excellent taste and aroma.

Korean carrots. Culinary secrets

  • Add garlic and pepper to the heated vegetable oil, then remove the garlic and pour the aromatic hot dressing over the salad. Garlic should not be fried in oil; it will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell.
  • Fry the onion in oil, then discard and add spices: sesame seeds, red pepper, mustard seeds, coriander. Warm up the aromatic mixture and pour in lightly peppered carrots.
  • Place a layer of onion rings on top of the chopped carrots, sprinkle with black pepper, then red pepper, then a layer of garlic, sprinkle with coriander. Without stirring, pour heated vegetable oil over everything. Mix immediately before use.
  • The most important secret to mass-cooking carrots in Korean is adding monosodium glutamate in large quantities. This additive is harmful, so using the flavor enhancer at home is not recommended. How to cook Korean carrots without but flavor at home? Experts recommend seasoning the finished salad with sesame oil or roasted sesame seeds.
  • If you don't like the taste sunflower oil, it can be replaced with corn or melted butter.
  • Fresh herbs, such as cilantro, flavor well.
  • Vegetable oil infused with spices in advance is an excellent aromatic addition to salad. To make a fragrant oil, you need to pour it hot into a jar with spices for Korean carrots. After a few days it can be added to the salad.

Small carrots: how to use them

Do you still have small carrots in your garden? What to cook with it? Many recipes for preparing early vegetables can be found in old books, especially in English. The English of the last century were served carrots stewed in a small amount of water, with oil and spices added to it. Everything is very simple here; you can do without a recipe by including creative thinking and imagination in the selection of spices.

But small carrots are not only suitable for everyday dishes. What to cook to surprise your guests? The small early vegetable makes an excellent spiced sauce for meat.

Carrot sauce for meat

Ingredients: young carrots, garlic, coriander, nutmeg, turmeric, butter.

Preparation. Fry the spices in butter, then add the grated garlic. Stew pre-peeled carrots until soft, chop and mix with fried spices, and at the end - a couple of drops of lemon juice. The sauce is consumed cold.

Carrots in a slow cooker

How to cook carrots in a slow cooker? For baking lovers, there is a recipe for an excellent carrot cake.

Carrot cake

Ingredients: raw grated carrots - 200 grams, sugar - 200 grams, two eggs, flour - 200 grams, soda, vinegar or leavening powder, vanillin, salt, melted butter.

Preparation. Make a dough from carrots, flour, salt, vanillin and baking powder, add eggs beaten with sugar. Then knead the resulting mass in melted butter. Cook in the “Baking” mode for one hour, greasing the bottom of the baking cup with oil.

Canning carrots

What to cook from carrots for the winter to preserve their vitamin composition and unique taste?

Carrots are an inexpensive vegetable in any season, and it is advisable to eat them fresh. However, having grown root vegetables in sufficient quantity at the dacha, you also want to roll up some special dish in jars, intended for the winter holiday table.

How to prepare carrots for the winter for feasts? A spicy appetizer made from carrots, apples and horseradish is perfect.

Spicy carrot snack

Ingredients for a half-liter jar: carrots - 120 grams, horseradish - 10 grams, apples - 200 grams, vinegar. For the brine we take: a liter of water, about 80 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar, vinegar - 10 grams.

Grate the carrots and horseradish on a coarse grater, chop the apples. Place the salad in jars and fill with boiled brine. You need to sterilize the snack for 10 minutes over low heat.

You can also prepare a Korean version of the dish for future use. How to cook carrots for the winter in Korean? Below is the recipe delicious snack from carrots for the winter.

Korean winter snack

Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of carrots, two heads of garlic, spices intended for carrots in Korean ( ready set), 4 glasses of water, sugar - 9 tablespoons, salt - one and a half tablespoons, sunflower oil - 300 milliliters, 5 tablespoons of vinegar.

Preparation. We grate the peeled carrots on a special grater, then finely chop the garlic; it is best to dose it to taste. Mix the carrots with garlic and spices and leave for about twenty minutes so that the grated vegetable releases its juice. Place the prepared snack into washed and sterilized jars, but not to the top, but so that you can add brine. Prepare the brine: add vinegar, salt, sugar and vegetable oil to the water, bring to a boil. The snack does not need to be sterilized.

Carrots are a great choice for a vegetarian

What to cook from carrots for those who adhere to the idea of ​​​​non-violence and do not eat meat? There are many options for vegetarian dishes, but still the primacy among them is held by salads, cutlets, casseroles, carrot soups, sometimes with the addition of other vegetables, sometimes without them. In any case, it will turn out tasty and healthy. For example, how to cook carrot cutlets?

Carrot cutlets

Ingredients: grated carrots - 500 or 600 grams, flour - 10 grams, vegetable oil for frying, two eggs, salt, sugar.

Preparation. Add eggs, flour, sugar, salt to the grated carrots, mix well. Fry in hot oil.

How to cook exotic? It’s very simple to add a component with an interesting taste to them.

Carrot cutlets with almonds

Ingredients: half a kilogram of carrots, two buns, grated almonds, one onion, vegetable oil for frying, breadcrumbs, four eggs, butter, a bunch of green onions, cottage cheese - three hundred grams, curry, salt, pepper.

Preparation. We clean and grate the carrots on a fine grater, and soak the buns in water. While the oven is heating up, fry very finely chopped onion, which is then mixed with grated carrots and eggs. Add buns to the prepared mass, salt, pepper, add crackers and almonds. We bake the formed cutlets on a baking sheet covered with special paper. Cooking time - 20 minutes. Serve the finished products with sauce.

Preparing the sauce: mix cottage cheese with melted butter, add chopped onion, curry and salt.

There is another delicious dish for vegetable lovers. How to cook stewed carrots with apples? This dish is an excellent vitamin breakfast for children.

Carrots stewed with apples

Ingredients: carrots - 3 pieces, two apples, sugar, butter, sour cream, milk.

Preparation. Cut the washed and peeled carrots into cubes, pour milk in a frying pan, simmer until tender, then add the apples cut into pieces and sugar, simmer until the apples soften. Ready dish season with butter and sour cream.

How to cook stewed carrots for those who like experimenting with foods, new tastes and new sensations?

Young carrots in red wine

Ingredients: a kilogram of carrots, a head of garlic, a glass of red wine, olive oil, rosemary, black pepper and salt.

Preparation. To prepare this dish, carrots are cut into long thin strips, which are then fried in heated olive oil. Add garlic, cut into large pieces, several sprigs of rosemary, wine, black pepper and salt to the fried carrots. Cook for five minutes. served with fresh herbs.

Carrots as a snack for meat

This root vegetable can be used to make an excellent appetizer for meat dishes. How to cook carrots in the oven to highlight the taste and aroma of meat on the holiday table?

Carrots baked with honey

Roasting the orange root vegetable itself enhances its sweetness, but for those with a sweet tooth, additional honey is added.

Ingredients: carrots, cut lengthwise into long pieces, olive oil, salt, black pepper, honey.

Preparation. Place the chopped carrots on baking paper, pour in olive oil, salt, add spices and honey. The dish is served as a hot appetizer or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Caviar is considered an excellent appetizer for meat and fish dishes. How to cook carrot caviar so that guests will lick their fingers and ask for the recipe?

Carrot caviar with onion and tomato

Ingredients: carrots - 1 kg, onions - 300 g, tomato paste (200 g) or several fresh tomatoes without skin, half a glass of vegetable oil, sugar, salt and vinegar to taste, bay leaf.

Preparation. Fry the grated carrots in vegetable oil, add tomato or fresh tomatoes without skin, vinegar, spices. Simmer over low heat. At the end, season the appetizer with pre-fried onions. If there is a lot of vegetable oil, you can drain off the excess.

The finished dish is perfect as a “fur coat” for fried fish or just as a cold snack for everyday and festive table. If desired, the resulting caviar can be rolled up for the winter.

This appetizer can be prepared not only with vegetables. How to prepare carrot caviar with cottage cheese? Nothing complicated even for a teenager mastering culinary wisdom.

Carrot caviar with added cottage cheese

Ingredients: carrots, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, garlic, salt.

Preparation. Cut the carrots into cubes or circles and simmer in a small amount of water until tender. Leave until completely cool, then grind with cottage cheese through a sieve or using a blender. Salt the prepared mixture, add herbs and garlic. The more garlic, the spicier the caviar.

How to make carrot juice at home

Freshly squeezed vegetable juice is an excellent vitamin supplement to the daily family diet, especially if it is healthy and tasty carrot juice, which adults and children love. How to make carrot juice at home?

carrot juice

It can be prepared in three ways: using a juicer, squeezing the grated vegetable through cheesecloth or using a pressure cooker. For a modern busy housewife, it is most likely most convenient to use a time-saving juicer.

Since freshly squeezed juice does not undergo heat treatment, the carrots must be thoroughly washed and then peeled. The resulting drink is best drunk immediately; for better absorption of carotene, add cream or a little olive oil. For children, the juice can be slightly sweetened or mixed with apple juice, since children do not always like juices in their pure form, especially vegetable ones.

Carrots in any form are healthy and delicious vegetable. Using the above recipes and tips, even a novice cook will prepare a lot of delicious dishes for family and holiday dinners, as well as winter snacks, caviar, salads, juices and much more, managing to feed even little capricious people and people who do not like this vegetable. Believe me, they will appreciate it, and from those who hate carrots, they will move into the category of connoisseurs of the sweet orange root vegetable.

Stewed carrots as a side dish - tasty, original and incredible healthy dish.

Unfortunately, it is not as popular as, for example, potatoes.

Many people don’t even suspect that carrots can be used to make an easy and tasty side dish.

This article contains the best recipes for making stewed carrots.

This vegetable is mainly added to other dishes to enhance the taste. We will learn how to prepare an independent dish from carrots.

Stewed carrots - basic cooking principles

The carrots are peeled, washed well and cut into rings, cubes, bars or coarsely grated.

Stew carrots in a frying pan, cauldron or slow cooker. The chopped vegetable is placed in a heated cauldron, a little drinking water or broth is added, covered with a lid and simmered for about half an hour. In general, the cooking time depends on how finely the carrots are chopped.

As a complement, add onions, apples, green peas to carrots and other vegetables. Stewed carrots are prepared with poultry or lean pork and beef.

Carrots will turn out very tender if you stew them in sour cream, milk or cream.

Recipe 1. Stewed carrots and onions


250 g onions;

freshly ground pepper;

500 g carrots;

80 g butter;

150 g tomatoes;

5 g turmeric;

green onions - a bunch;

5 g ground coriander.

Cooking method

1. Cut the peeled and washed onion into half rings. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Place onion half rings in it and fry until golden brown.

2. Peel and wash the carrots well. Cut it into fairly large pieces.

3. Add the carrots to the fried onions and continue frying for another seven minutes. Then pour in drinking water so that it lightly covers the vegetables. Simmer covered for half an hour.

4. Rinse the onion greens, dry lightly and finely chop.

5. Wash the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water and peel them. Place the vegetable in a blender and grind it into tomato puree. Transfer the tomato to the carrots. Salt, season with spices and stir. After a minute, turn off the heat, add finely chopped green onions, cover with a lid and leave for a few minutes. When serving, garnish with parsley leaves.

Recipe 2. Stewed carrots with apples


large carrots – 7 pcs.;

finely ground salt;

60 g butter;

80 g granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Peel the apples and carrots. Wash the carrots and cut into small cubes. Remove cores from apples and finely chop.

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Place carrots in it and fry over medium heat for two minutes.

3. Pour in a ladle of boiled water and simmer for a quarter of an hour over moderate heat. Add water little by little as it evaporates.

4. After the allotted time, add chopped apples. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. Stir and continue simmering for another 15 minutes. If there is not enough liquid in the pan, add water. Remove from heat, transfer to plates and serve as a separate dish.

Recipe 3. Stewed carrots with green peas


400 g carrots;

finely ground salt;

200 g frozen green peas;

vegetable oil;

250 ml milk;

50 g butter;

Cooking method

1. Peel, wash and cut the carrots into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add carrots. Fry the vegetable for five minutes.

2. Then add green peas to the carrots and continue frying for another three minutes.

3. Place the saucepan on the fire, melt the butter in it and fry the flour. Pour in the heated milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low and cook until thickened. Salt the sauce. Constantly monitor so that lumps do not form.

4. Place fried vegetables in a thick sauce and stir. Keep on fire for about three minutes, then remove from heat and cool slightly. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 4. Stewed carrots in sour cream


kg carrots;


glasses of sour cream;

extra salt;

a bunch of parsley.

Cooking method

1. First of all, you need to prepare the carrots. Peel the vegetable and rinse well. Cut the carrots into thin slices.

2. Heat a frying pan with oil and place chopped carrots in it. Pour boiled water so that it barely covers the carrots. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer.

3. While the carrots are stewing, prepare the parsley. Wash it, dry it slightly and finely chop it.

4. As soon as the carrots become soft, pour in sour cream, salt, pepper and add chopped parsley. Simmer the carrots in sour cream for another five minutes. Place the stewed carrots on plates and serve as a separate dish or as a side dish.

Recipe 5. Stewed carrots in tomato sauce


600 g carrots;

finely ground salt;

250 ml tomato puree;

freshly ground pepper;

60 ml olive oil;

4 tomatoes.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots, wash and cut each carrot crosswise into five pieces. Wash the tomatoes, wipe with a napkin and scald with boiling water. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Chop the pulp into small cubes.

2. Pour oil into a saucepan and place on low heat. Once the oil is hot, add the carrots and lightly fry. Then add chopped tomatoes, stir and simmer for ten minutes.

3. After the specified time, add tomato puree, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the saucepan with a lid and bring to a boil. From the moment it boils, reduce the heat to low. Simmer until carrots are soft.

Recipe 6. Stewed carrots in milk


100 ml sour cream;

citric acid;

finely ground salt;

Art. l. butter;

granulated sugar;

half a glass of milk;

kilogram of carrots;

Art. l. flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the peeled carrots under the tap. Cut into circles five millimeters thick. Place the carrots in a thick-walled pan, pour in the milk. It should cover the carrot halfway, since during the stewing process the vegetable will give a sufficient amount of juice.

2. Sprinkle carrots with sugar and salt. Add a little citric acid and butter. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetable, stirring occasionally, until soft.

3. Heat a frying pan and fry the flour in it until golden brown. Dilute the sour cream with a small amount of water, add the fried flour and mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps. It's better to do this with a blender.

4. Pour the resulting sauce over the carrots, mix carefully and simmer for about five more minutes. Before serving, carrots can be garnished with fried onions.

Recipe 7. Stewed carrots with bell peppers


six carrots;

four red bell peppers;

granulated sugar;

four ripe tomatoes;

extra salt;


olive oil;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop. Place a thick-bottomed frying pan on the stove, pour in olive oil and heat. Place chopped onion in it and fry until soft.

2. Rinse the bell peppers, wipe with a napkin, remove the tails and seeds. Cut the vegetable into thin strips. Place the chopped pepper into the frying pan with the onions. Add olive oil and continue to simmer.

3. Peel the carrots and chop them into thin strips. Transfer the carrots to the onions and peppers, stir and simmer, covering with a lid.

4. Grate the washed tomatoes. You should get fresh tomato mass.

5. Salt the stewed carrots with vegetables, sprinkle with granulated sugar and curry. Mix. Add tomato mass and mix again. Simmer for about five minutes under the lid.

6. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Before finishing cooking, sprinkle the carrots with herbs, stir and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Recipe 8. Stewed carrots with rice in a slow cooker


four carrots;

a little sour cream;

half a glass of round rice;

a pinch of fine salt;

half a glass of prunes;

sugar – 80 g;

butter – 90 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots with a sharp knife. Wash it under the tap and chop it into medium cubes.

2. Rinse the rice several times. Rinse the prunes and add hot boiled water. Steam dried fruits for half an hour. Drain the liquid; if there are pits, remove them. Dry the prunes and cut into four pieces.

3. Turn on the “Frying” program on the multicooker. Melt the butter in the unit's container. Add carrots and fry for a few minutes. Then add the washed rice cereal, add pieces of prunes and mix.

4. Set the program to “Rice”. Sprinkle the carrot-rice mixture with sugar and salt, pour in boiled water and stir. Cook until the beep sounds. Serve stewed carrots with sour cream.

Recipe 9. Stewed carrots with beef


ten carrots;

extra salt;

beef pulp – 300 g;

freshly ground pepper mixture;

onion – 140 g;

a quarter stick of butter;

meat broth - one and a half glasses.

Cooking method

1. Remove films and fat from the beef pulp. Place in a saucepan with water, add peppercorns, bay leaves and greenery branches. Boil the meat until soft. Then remove it from the broth and cool. Cut the meat into pieces and fry in butter. Strain the broth.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and cut them into small cubes. Place the chopped vegetable in a saucepan, pour in the broth and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Drain liquid from carrots. Mix carrots with meat, add salt and pepper, stir and place in the oven for half an hour.

3. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped parsley or dill.

Recipe 10. Stewed carrots with prunes


half a kilogram of carrots;

butter – 15 g;

half a glass of prunes;

50 g sour cream;

25 ml milk.

Cooking method

1. Chop the peeled and washed carrots into small strips. Place the chopped vegetable in a saucepan and add butter. Pour in the milk and simmer, stirring occasionally, until half cooked.

2. Rinse the prunes several times, pour warm boiled water over them and leave for about 15 minutes. Remove the seeds from the steamed prunes, add them to the carrots, mix and simmer until the carrots are completely ready. Serve stewed carrots with sour cream.

    Young carrots cook much faster than vegetables that have been in storage.

    Add a little sugar to the stewed carrots; this will make the dish tender and juicy.

    To make carrots stewed in sour cream spicy, add a mixture of peppers and ground coriander.

    To prepare the dish, take smooth, orange fruits without damage. It will be good if it has green tops, which means that the vegetable is fresh.

Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and valuable fiber for the body. They are best consumed, of course, fresh. But for variety, they can also be stewed, steamed, baked and fried. Although the last method is the least useful of all possible.


One of the vegetables that is good for beauty and, of course, health is carrots. Moreover, it is also delicious. You can crunch on fresh peeled carrots instead of a snack. It perfectly satisfies hunger and helps saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients. Also, regular consumption of fresh carrots improves complexion, gives vigor, and tanning summer time makes it more intense. That is why carrot dishes, recipes with photos of which you see in our article, must be included in every person’s diet.

It produces a delicious juice, to which you need to add a few drops of vegetable oil, preferably unrefined olive oil. This must be done because carrots contain fat-soluble vitamins that can only be absorbed this way. The first and simplest carrot dish is ready. If you add freshly squeezed apple and beet juice to it, then the pleasure will know no bounds. Even children are happy to try this drink. Fructose and glucose, which are rich in all components of the juice, make it pleasant and sweet in taste.


First, let's look at simple carrot dishes. Their preparation does not require much time or money. These include primarily salads. The most famous one, which includes carrots, is called “Health”. It is usually often served in establishments Catering, which are located near children's educational institutions, but all kinds of health complexes also cannot do without including this dish in the menu. For one serving of salad you will need a quarter of a small head of cabbage, a medium carrot, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, green onions, salt, and ground black pepper to taste.

There are at least two options for dressing the “Health” salad. For example, low-fat sour cream with finely chopped herbs. And also - oil with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice. Acid softens cabbage well, so vinegar is often used for this purpose. But it is much healthier to sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. Cabbage, preferably from a young harvest, must be shredded, carrots grated, green onions finely chopped. The entire vegetable mass should be slightly mashed with your hands. Then add dressing and spices.

Carrot and apple salad

Also, most of us have known dessert dishes made from carrots since childhood. Simple recipes They still help young mothers diversify the diet of their babies, who often and unjustifiably dislike this vegetable. Carrot and apple salad is easy to prepare. You will need honey and vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Carrots and apples should be grated or crushed until pureed.

Next add a teaspoon of honey and dressing. Mix everything thoroughly and serve immediately so that the apple does not have time to darken. To avoid this, it is sometimes sprinkled with lemon juice, which gives the dish a pleasant sourness. You can also add raisins and nuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews and pine nuts go well with salad. However, this version of a carrot dish is more suitable for adults (due to the presence of nuts in the composition).

Fruit and vegetable soufflé

The second version of this fruit and vegetable duet is suitable for making soufflé. For it you will need carrots - 200 g, 1 apple, semolina and sugar - 1 tbsp. l., butter - 5 g, half a glass of milk, 1 egg white. The fruits must be peeled and chopped using a blender. Next, add sugar and milk, put on low heat, and gradually bring to a boil.

Then gradually add semolina, stirring constantly, and simmer until thickened. While the mixture is cooling, beat the egg white into a stiff foam, adding just a little salt and a level teaspoon of sugar. Then add to cool puree. The resulting mass must be poured into molds and placed in a water bath or in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. The time may differ from the specified time, so you should be guided by the consistency of the dish. If the mass has frozen, it’s time to remove from the heat.

Carrot dishes: photos and descriptions

You can also make pancakes or pancakes. To do this, the carrots must first be boiled or stewed. In the first case, it should be crushed after cooling. The workpiece should have the consistency of puree. Add 1 glass of milk and a pre-beaten egg to it. After thorough mixing, you must very carefully add the flour, stirring constantly so that no lumps form.

To make the products lush, you can add yeast. For a glass of milk you will need approximately 2 grams of dry mixture, which will need to be completely dissolved and then added to the main mass. After mixing all the ingredients, add sugar and butter (1 tablespoon each), as well as a pinch of salt. Then the mass must be placed in warm place for about 10 minutes.

If you plan to cook pancakes, then the consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream - not flow, but stretch. In the case of pancakes, the mass should be made denser by adding large quantity flour. Then heat the frying pan well - first dry, then adding vegetable oil. Fry the mass like pancakes or pancakes, on both sides. There are many options for preparing this carrot dish. For example, add pumpkin or apple puree. For lovers of vegetable pancakes, beets, cabbage, and zucchini are suitable. The dish can be served with sour cream, homemade mayonnaise, and for sweet options - jams and preserves.


What dishes can you prepare from carrots and onions? For example, cutlets. To prepare them, you need to boil 2 medium carrots whole, then peel, chop or mash with a fork. Pre-fry the onion until golden brown. Mix the vegetables and add 1 egg, then add a little flour. Knead the mixture and form cutlets. Fry on both sides in a frying pan with hot oil. At the end, add bay leaf, ground pepper and cover with a lid for a few minutes, then turn off the heat. Best served with creamy, mushroom sauce or mayonnaise.


There are also dietary carrot dishes. These include soup with the addition of celery root. For cooking you will also need 1 onion, 2 medium carrots and parsley. You can add potatoes to this soup, although you can do without them. Chopped onions, grated carrots and diced celery root should be stewed a little in heated vegetable oil.

When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, slowly add half a tablespoon of flour and fry as well. Add a little salt. Then pour water into the pan or meat broth until the vegetables are coated. After 10 minutes, you can turn off the stove, add finely chopped herbs, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for about half an hour.

The degree of roasting can be adjusted. If the dish claims to be completely dietary, then the vegetables should only be slightly simmered and a minimum of salt should be added. From identical ingredients, only without the use of heat treatment, you can prepare a tasty and healthy salad. Dietary carrot dishes are a great help during strict fasting.

Celery salad

You can prepare a salad with the addition of fresh celery and apple. Note that there are two variations of its creation - strictly vegetable and with fruit. To prepare the first option, you will need one medium carrot, celery root and greens, preferably dill or young onions. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, peel, pour boiling water over them and cut or cut into strips. Also chop the greens. Place everything in a salad bowl, add salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil. For added spice, you can add a teaspoon of sesame seeds.


What dessert dishes can you make from carrots? Now we'll tell you. Let's take a simple dessert as an example. First you need to cut the apple into thin slices. The Simirenko variety is best suited. Then cut the carrots into slices, it is better to finely grate the celery. Place all ingredients in a bowl, sprinkle with vegetable oil, pour over honey or sprinkle with sugar. Sweetness can also be added using dried fruits. For example, add raisins, finely chopped dried apricots, etc. This salad will be even tastier if seasoned with sour cream.

Beet salad

Now we will tell you how to prepare dishes from beets and carrots. For example, let's take the Fantasy salad. For cooking you will need vegetables - potatoes, beets, cabbage (100 g each). They can be raw, boiled or stewed. You will also need a medium carrot. It's better to boil it. Fresh onions add piquancy to the dish, and fried onions add a richer taste.

Raw it should be added in the form of thin straws, and only to that part of the salad that is served immediately. Otherwise, the onion may give off an unpleasant odor. Next, you will need 50 g of hard cheese or feta cheese - for everyone. You will also have to boil 2 chicken eggs. Everything should be cut into cubes, add a tablespoon canned peas or beans and season with vegetable oil or sour cream to taste. It is also worth salting the dish and seasoning it with ground peppercorns. It would be a good idea to add finely chopped dill. You can also diversify the taste with all kinds of natural seasonings.

Vegetarian food

There is also a purely vegetarian carrot dish. The recipe for making it is quite simple. For cooking you will need mainly vegetable root vegetables. Carrots, beets, onions, maybe potatoes. Celery and parsley roots should be pre-soaked.

Next, peel all the vegetables and pour boiling water over them. Then cut them into cubes or thin strips. Place in a saucepan, add a little oil and salt, and simmer over low heat. Next add water and cook until completely done. When serving, season with finely chopped parsley, dill, celery, basil, etc.


Dishes made from cabbage and carrots can most often be seen on the table in winter time. There are many cooking options, for example, fresh, pickled, stewed, fried. You can prepare cabbage yourself and enjoy a tasty and healthy salad during the holidays. For this you will need 2-3 medium heads of cabbage and about 3 medium carrots, black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt. The cabbage must be finely chopped and placed in a saucepan with a volume of about 5 liters. You should also grate the carrots.

Then the cabbage is salted generously, about a dessert spoon for each 3 cm layer. When the juice is released, the straws need to be crushed properly. Then grated carrots and peppercorns are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Several bay leaves should be added evenly to the salad.

On top you need to place a plate or lid of smaller diameter than the pan and press it with a weight. The container should be placed in a dark place. After a day, the juice will rise to the level of the plate. The salad should be opened, stirred and pressed again. Leave it like this for 2 days. Then try it. When the salad is ready, serve with green onions, seasoned with vegetable oil.


Delicious carrot dishes can be made from stewed vegetables. Now we’ll tell you how to make such a dish. For example, onions can be fried, then you should add 200-300 grams of cabbage, cut into strips, and one grated carrot. Add a little salt and pepper. Stirring, simmer until done. Sometimes a tablespoon of tomato paste is added for a rich taste.


What other dishes should you prepare using carrots? You can stew this vegetable and serve it as a side dish. To do this you will need one onion, which should be fried. Then add thinly chopped medium-sized carrots and simmer. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can also add a teaspoon of tomato paste. Serve as an appetizer or side dish with sour cream or on its own.

Carrot dish. Recipe with onions, peppers and tomatoes

You can also prepare another delicious side dish called lecho. For cooking you will need, in addition to the main ingredient, bell pepper - 500 g, onions - 200 g, tomato paste - 100 g, 3 cloves garlic, bay leaf, salt, black pepper. Carrots need 400 g. Vegetables should be cut into strips and fried. Salt, add tomato paste. If the mass has not yielded juice and looks too dry, you can add about 100 grams of vegetable broth. Then add bay leaf and pepper. When the vegetables become soft, add the chopped garlic. Simmer for another minute and remove from heat.


Now we’ll tell you how to prepare another dish of boiled carrots. Casserole lovers will love this dish, which can be prepared quite easily. You will need 200 g of carrots, pre-cooked and grated, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina or flour, 50 ml heavy cream, 3-4 tsp. sugar, citrus zest, raisins, vanilla. While you are preparing the vegetables, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. The egg should be divided into white and yolk, beat each separately until stiff, adding a little sugar and half a pinch of salt. Then combine both masses together and add cream. Stir carefully so that the foam does not fall off. Mix carrot pulp with semolina, sugar and other ingredients. Then combine the egg foam and the main mass. Vanilla should be added at the tip of a knife. Zest and raisins - to taste.

When the mass is ready, it should be placed in a baking container, which should first be coated with butter and sprinkled with semolina. Carefully move the mixture there and place in the oven for about 20-30 minutes. At first, the product may rise greatly, but then most often the top falls, but this does not affect the quality of the dessert. Check the readiness of the casserole with a long wooden skewer. If after immersion in the dough the stick comes out dry, then the product can be considered ready.


Now you know how to cook carrot dishes. We have provided you with recipes with photos. We hope that you will be able to prepare such dishes for the whole family.

What can be cooked from carrots: TOP-10 delicious recipes from the magazine website

Carrots are a very healthy root vegetable that humanity has been using for more than 4 thousand years. Today this orange vegetable grows almost everywhere. So, today you can find carrots not only in our latitudes, but even in the arid conditions of Africa and in Far North. Carrots contain a huge amount of vitamins (A, B, PP, C, E and K), as well as minerals (potassium, iron, iodine, copper, fluorine, phosphorus). This vegetable is very useful due to its high content of carotene, which has positive influence to the organs of vision. Carrots have a negative calorie content, which is a real boon for those who want to lose weight. So, a light salad of carrots and other vegetables will be an excellent dinner option for people losing weight.

We can say with confidence that all people are divided into two parts regarding their love for carrots. So, there are some people who, since childhood, cannot tolerate this root vegetable in any form. The rest of the people love this vegetable for its taste properties, and tries to add it to almost every dish. It is important that from this juicy root vegetable you can prepare a huge number of amazing first and second courses, as well as salads and even desserts and pastries. It is for such carrot lovers that the following collection is offered best recipes from carrots.

Recipe 1.

You will need: 250 g of carrots, 170 g of green apples, 70 g of fried sunflower seeds, a quarter of a lemon, 3 tbsp. unrefined sunflower oil.

First, peel and then grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Carry out the same manipulation with apples, additionally clearing them of seeds. Wash the lemon under running water hot water, cut a quarter of it and squeeze the juice directly into the grated apple and carrot mixture. Mix everything well. Next, brown the sunflower seeds a little (if you have them raw) in a frying pan and add them to the grated apples and carrots. Season the salad with sunflower or any other vegetable oil and mix everything well. This salad can be served as a separate dish or with some fish or meat dish.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 400 g Korean carrots, 200 g pickled or fresh mushrooms, 200 g chicken breast, 5 eggs, 250 g hard cheese, 1 onion, 200 g mayonnaise (low fat), 5-6 olives and parsley for decoration.

The salad is prepared in three stages. The first step involves preparing the salad ingredients. If you have chosen raw mushrooms, then first you need to fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil. If you prefer pickled mushrooms, then you need to drain them and blot them a little with a paper towel. Next, the mushrooms are cut into small pieces. Chicken fillet should be boiled in salted water with the addition of spices to your taste, cool and cut into small pieces. Boil 3 eggs and grate them on a coarse grater, and the remaining 2 eggs will be used as decoration. In a frying pan, fry finely chopped onions until golden brown, and also grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Place all ingredients in different containers.

The second stage involves the formation of the salad. To do this, place all the ingredients in layers in the order that you like best. Each layer is carefully, but not too generously, coated with mayonnaise. We form the salad in the shape of an oval.

To decorate, arrange carrots in Korean style so that they resemble hedgehog needles. Sprinkle the front part, where the muzzle should be, with cheese. We make eyes and a nose from the olives, and also spread them a little over the entire surface to give volume to the carrot needles. We make a mushroom for decoration from an egg. The base for the mushroom will be half the egg white. The hat is also made from half a protein, which must first be placed in strong tea leaves to give it Brown. Parsley is placed around the improvised hedgehog as an additional decoration and to create an additional color accent.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 0.5 kg of carrots, 1 zucchini weighing up to 300 g, 1 liter of fish or chicken broth, 1 tbsp. ginger (fresh), 400 g salmon, pink salmon or trout, 200 ml cream, salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the carrots, cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces, and then chop them into small cubes. Peel the zucchini and also cut into small cubes. Remove the salmon meat from the bones, then cut into small slices. Peel the ginger and then grate it on a fine grater. Pour 1 tbsp into a small saucepan. olive or sunflower oil, place carrots and ginger there. Fry the vegetables until half cooked for about 6-7 minutes, remembering to stir constantly. Next, pour in the broth, salt and pepper. Bring the liquid to a boil and simmer, covered, for about another 10 minutes. Ready vegetable soup Using a blender, blend until smooth. Next, return the soup to the heat again, add the chopped zucchini and cook for another 4-5 minutes. Pour in the cream and add the fish. Cook for a couple more minutes until the fish is cooked through. Pour the finished carrot-fish soup into bowls and additionally garnish with herbs and sour cream.

Recipe 4.

You will need: 1.5 kg of carrots, 30 g of olive oil, 1.2 liters of vegetable broth, 2 tbsp. fresh chopped ginger, 1 sprig of thyme, half a red onion, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the carrots and cut into small circles. Place the chopped vegetables on a baking sheet, add salt, pour olive oil and place in the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes. A carrot can be considered ready when it is covered with a golden crust and becomes soft when pierced. Vegetable broth(cook it from various vegetables according to your taste) bring to a boil, add ginger and thyme. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Fry the onion in a frying pan until transparent, then add the baked carrots and pressed garlic, mix everything well. Simmer it all for a couple of minutes, and then pour in the broth and cook for another 7-10 minutes. At the final stage, load all the ingredients from the frying pan into a blender and grind to a puree consistency. Be sure to serve the puree soup hot, adding a little herbs for decoration.

Recipe 5.

You will need: 2 large carrots, 0.5 kg of spinach, 1 medium zucchini, 1 potato, green onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. flour, a pinch of turmeric, dill, 5-6 tbsp. olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

First, prepare all the necessary ingredients and a slow cooker. Rinse vegetables and herbs well under running water. Thoroughly peel the carrots, potatoes and zucchini and then grate them on a coarse grater. Excess liquid You can squeeze the vegetables out if desired. Cut the spinach into strips, add it to the vegetable mixture, season it all with pepper and turmeric, salt and stir. Add flour, 3 tbsp to the vegetable mixture. vegetable oil and eggs, mix everything thoroughly again. You should get a fairly thick vegetable dough. Grease the multicooker with the remaining vegetable oil and place the resulting mixture there. Cook the kugel in the “Bake” mode for 40-50 minutes.

Recipe 6.

You will need: 0.5 kg of carrots, 200 g of fresh or canned pineapples, 20-30 g of butter, 2 tbsp. pineapple syrup, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic (optional), parsley and dill.

Wash and peel the carrots well, and then cut into small slices diagonally. Next, blanch the carrots for 2-3 minutes in a frying pan, then drain the water. Peel the ginger well and then grate it on a fine grater. Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes. Fry the aromatic vegetables in a thick-bottomed frying pan along with the carrots for 5-6 minutes, remembering to mix everything thoroughly and often. Add pineapples cut into small pieces to the vegetables, pour in pineapple syrup, salt and pepper to taste. Pineapple syrup can be obtained by evaporating the juice for 20-25 minutes. Fry everything together for another 6-7 minutes until the carrots are golden brown. It is best to serve roasted carrots and pineapples hot with chopped parsley and dill.

Recipe 7.

You will need: 3 medium-sized carrots, 150 g sugar, 100 g vegetable oil, 1.5 cups flour, 1 packet of baking powder, vanilla optional.

Peel the carrots and then grate them on the finest grater. You should get about 1.5 cups of grated carrots. Pour sugar into a deep plate and pour in vegetable oil. Mix the butter and sugar well until the sugar grains dissolve. Add carrots to this mixture and mix again. Sift the flour together with the baking powder and add to the carrot mixture, mix well. The dough should have the consistency of very thick sour cream. Grease the pan with vegetable oil and, if desired, sprinkle with breadcrumbs to create a crispy crust. Bake the pie at 180 degrees until done, that is, about 40-45 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick or wooden skewer. Cool the finished pie, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and then serve in portions.

Recipe 8.

You will need: 175 g flour, 1 tsp. soda, pinch of salt, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 150 g walnuts, 2 eggs, 150 g sugar, 150 t ml refined vegetable oil, 3 medium carrots, 2 apples, vanillin to taste.

In a deep bowl, mix flour, soda, cinnamon and salt. Brown the walnuts a little in a frying pan and cut them into small pieces, add them to the flour. In another bowl, beat eggs with sugar, then add butter and vanilla. Whisk the mixture until it thickens. Peel the carrots and apples and then grate them on a fine grater. Add all this to the egg-sugar mixture, mix well. Next, add the mixture of flour and nuts here, mix everything thoroughly. Fill the silicone muffin tins one-third full with the resulting dough and bake in the oven until ready. The cupcakes will be ready in about 20-25 minutes; check for doneness with a toothpick or skewer. If the toothpick used to pierce the cake remains dry, then the baked goods are ready. Cool the finished cupcakes, remove from the molds and sprinkle with powdered sugar or cover with glaze.

Recipe 9.

You will need: 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of shortbread cookies, 150 g of sugar, 150 walnuts and hazelnuts, 200 g of butter, zest of 1 orange, 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 0.5 tsp. ginger, nutmeg, vanillin to taste.

Peel the carrots and then grate them on a fine grater. Cover the carrots with sugar for 15 minutes so that they release their juice. Place the resulting mixture over low heat and cook for about 20-30 minutes. Grind half the cookies until crumbly and break the other half into small pieces. Do the same manipulation with nuts. Once the carrots are soft, remove them from the heat and stir in the butter and cinnamon. Next, add the remaining spices and orange zest. Mix everything well. Gradually add crushed cookie crumbs and nuts. When the dough becomes sticky and moist, you can add large pieces of cookies and nuts to it. Line the mold for the future cake with cling film and place the resulting carrot mixture there, level it well. Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight. Then turn it over onto a plate and remove the cling film. Sprinkle the finished carrot cake with powdered sugar.

Recipe 10.

You will need: 1 kg of carrots, 1.3 kg of sugar, 1.5 glasses of water.

To prepare candied carrots, it is recommended to use only young, juicy carrots. Peel the root vegetables, cut into strips and blanch for 10 minutes. After this, quickly cool it in cold water. Mix sugar with water and place on low heat. Add carrots here too. Boil vegetables in syrup for about 15 minutes. Next, remove the saucepan from the heat for 10 hours. Repeat this manipulation 3 times, and at the end of cooking, add a little (no more than 0.5 tsp) citric acid. Next, place the pieces on a baking sheet and dry in a warm oven. It is recommended to store prepared candied carrots in glass jars in a dark place.

At first glance, it seems that carrots are a very simple product from which a limited number of dishes can be prepared. However, if you use your culinary imagination, you can prepare such an abundance of salads, first and second courses, pastries and various desserts from a huge number of recipes that even the most sought-after gourmet will be amazed.

Carrots also make an excellent casserole, omelet and even soufflé. It is also important that carrot dishes are very healthy and original in their execution. Moreover, to maintain good vision and mood, nutritionists recommend including carrots in your daily diet.
