How do rural settlements differ from urban ones? Urban-type settlements: description, features. How does an urban settlement differ from a city?

Differences between a village, a hamlet and a village.

Now the concepts and definitions have changed somewhat. This is due to the naming of settlements and the assignment of certain names to them. Many of us do not understand the difference between villages and villages. For city dwellers it is the same thing. We will try to understand the differences.

What is a village and village, town, hamlet: definition

A village is a settlement in a rural area. Translated, this means arable land. The village itself is a populated area not far from the fields. In Russia there is a concept of village and village; now in documents the majority of rural residents are concentrated in villages. After the revolution of 1917, the differences between the concepts ceased to exist. Although until 1917 a small settlement was called a village.

The village is also a populated area, but with its own church and belfry. Although there are some villages that were not renamed villages even after the construction of the church. Now there is no clear accounting of the number of villages and villages; all of this is called rural settlements. Although some documents still have the designation village. But the name of the place cannot be guessed based on the presence or absence of a church.

A farm in Ukraine is a separate estate with a cellar, barn and hut. Actually, such farmsteads could be completely separate buildings that were not part of the village. A khutor in Russia is a settlement within a village that can have up to 250 farms. As the farms grew, they grew into villages and hamlets.

How does a village differ from a village, town, hamlet: comparison, similarities and differences

Now there is no clear division; it existed before 1917. Now everything is considered a rural locality. But the names of the village and village remained. Initially, there was a church in the village, but there was none in the village. A farm is a small settlement whose residents are mainly engaged in agriculture. An analogue of a farm in other countries is a farm or ranch.

A village is a settlement near a city or on its outskirts. Actually, earlier settlements arose in places where factories and factories were built. Many villages were later annexed to the city. Now there is no clear difference between a town and a village. Holiday villages often appear.

The common thing between a village, a village, a hamlet and a town is that they are all rural settlements. The only difference is the urban-type settlements.

What is bigger, bigger, better - a village or a village, town, hamlet?

Initially, the village was considered the largest settlement. A little smaller is a village. A settlement of one or more farms is a farm. Regarding the village, these are small settlements near cities, which were formed mainly for work on some object. Now there are no clear distinctions between a village and a village. In Ukraine and Belarus these words are synonyms with the same value. After the construction of large industrial facilities and the formation of urban-type settlements, rural development stopped. Villages were also initially organized to work in the fields or some objects.

Now there is not much difference between a village and a village. All of these are considered rural settlements.


A village and a city are settlements that have many differences, such as way of life, lifestyle and other parameters. To understand the difference, you need to understand in detail what it is.

Currently, a village is a settlement that contains several dozen houses. As a rule, it consists of one or two streets, and all its residents know each other. A village with more than 30-40 houses is considered large. A village should not be confused with a village, because both settlements are not large in size, but the difference is that a village is more “old” and conservative in its way of life, while a village is a modern variation of a village. Initially, a village was a place cleared of forest for an arable field.

Over time, this name was attached to the settlement of peasants who sowed and plowed this field. Traditionally, the village is small in size; people here, as a rule, are engaged in farming, sometimes fishing and animal husbandry. Villages are often located far from large populated areas, which can affect the benefits of civilization. For example, even today many villages do not have a gas pipeline, and sometimes even a water supply. There is often very poor mobile coverage and very slow internet, if available. Most often, there are no social buildings like a school, hospital, or administration building.

People are increasingly living together, everyone knows each other and problems are solved through meetings and discussions, as well as open voting. Often a village does not have its own municipality and vital important questions can be resolved in large villages nearby or cities of regional significance. Often the village population is old or middle-aged, as young people strive to move to larger and more promising settlements.

Most often, villages are located in the wilderness and are not listed on large maps. Currently, the village is an endangered species that either completely ceases to exist or turns into a village. The villages are characterized by low one-story houses, often they are very old and can be made of adobe, wood, sometimes you can find stone buildings, but this is rather an exception to the rule.


The city is large settlement with its own administration and division into districts. Cities come in different sizes, but there are significantly more people here. The status of a city depends on the number of people; there are cities with populations of over a million, that is, significantly more than a million people live in them.

Most cities are characterized by growth and increase in population. Cities often become places where new technologies emerge. There are hospitals, schools, museums and other objects of social importance. All cities are gasified and have running water. The city is governed by an elected mayor, and the seat is the administration building. Cities have their own budget. Cities are characterized by people's indifference towards each other; very often neighbors do not even know each other by sight. Most often, city dwellers do not engage in livestock farming or farming.

It has long been the custom that cities feed themselves at the expense of villages and villages, and in return supply them with everything they need. Many cities are large industrial centers and there may be several factories at once. In addition to its size, the presence of central government and the type of activity of its residents, a city may be divided into districts. All cities consist of different buildings. There is a place for the private sector and areas where high-rise buildings predominate.

The size of the city may determine the presence of high-rise buildings. So small provincial towns can boast of buildings 9 floors high, big cities and the capital often have skyscrapers. As a rule, city dwellers are much more technologically advanced than villagers. The name of the city comes from the fact that in ancient times cities were surrounded by high fences, or rather fenced off from invaders and various kinds bandits. Most often, cities appeared near rivers, where it was convenient to defend themselves, sail on ships to deliver various products, and in addition, the river served as a source of fresh water.

With the development of technology and the advent of water supply, cities began to appear around industrial sites, near mines or high-mountain industries, as well as in places where transport routes congested. Several cities appeared in the USSR, which were initially opened next to military or experimental facilities, and then became independent settlements.

Differences between city and village

So, the city and the village differ in the following parameters:

  • Size.
  • Population size.
  • Way of life.
  • Type of activity of the population.
  • Height of buildings.
  • Rhythm of life.
  • Availability of technology.

In addition, cities are often characterized by bad air, which is polluted by industrial facilities and car exhaust gases, of which there are many times more.

In the old days, many residents of villages and villages sought to move to the city, since the standard of living here is usually higher. Currently, many city residents are trying to buy real estate in small settlements - villages, hamlets, holiday villages, in order to be able to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy tranquility, as well as clean air. In some cities there are private sectors that resemble villages, but belong to the city. It is to such places that many elderly citizens seek to move in retirement.

I was born in a village and lived there until I graduated from school. Then I went to university in a bigger city. From my own experience, I have felt how different life is in the countryside and in the city, and I can answer where it is better to live.

How do towns and villages differ from cities?

I noticed that every year my village begins to acquire more and more benefits inherent in the city. But in our country there are still many villages in the wilderness, which are radically different from cities.

The main difference between a village and a city is the number of inhabitants and the size of the settlement. Most often you can walk through the village in about thirty minutes, or even faster. Residents know each other very well, and it is almost impossible to hide a secret. In the city, neighbors on floors may not know each other for years.

If there is at least one store in the village where you can buy a loaf of bread, that’s already good. After walking just one city street, you can lose count of the countless shops.

City residents live in apartments and only rarely in private houses. Can you find at least one in the village? apartment house may pose difficulties. The population here lives in own homes With personal plots.

Life in a big city and regional center

I have been to more than one regional center and I want to say that these towns are more like a village than a city. So small towns characteristic signs:

  • small wage;
  • the housing stock consists of both multi-storey buildings and many private houses;
  • roads are in poor condition;
  • There may be only a couple of shops, restaurants and hotels in the entire city.

Capital of the Russian Federation

I can call the capital a real city. In countries post-Soviet space It is in the capitals that civilization is located. Money from all over the country is concentrated here.

For a person from a village, it is sometimes difficult to adapt to such a crowd of people. The infrastructure in the capitals is usually the most developed in the country. You can find everything you need for a happy life, except silence. There are a lot of entertainment options in such cities. shopping centers, restaurants, fitness clubs and other products of civilization.

For a city dweller, the concept of village life means living in nature, away from big cities, and engaging in agricultural activities. But besides settling in a village, there are other options for living outside the city - villages and towns. Many people do not understand the differences between these names, which often leads to confusion and misunderstanding of each other. Not many people know what distinguishes a settlement from a village, how these settlements differ and what the difference is between them. In order to understand this issue and not get into an awkward situation during a conversation, you can read this article.

What is the countryside

Before you understand how a village differs from a village or town, you need to know what a rural area is. This name denotes the residence of people in areas where there are no cities or suburbs. Residents of rural areas are engaged in livestock farming, growing various crops, fishing and hunting. In such settlements there may be small enterprises for processing locally grown products. Rural areas occupy the largest area in the world compared to cities.

What settlement can be called a village?

The concept of a village can include any settlement located outside the city and suburban boundaries. A similar term exists not only in Russia, but also, for example, in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. It could be:

  • farm;
  • cordon;
  • village;
  • village;
  • stop;
  • farm;
  • village and others.

The number of inhabitants in the village should start from a thousand people. The settlement is located, as a rule, at a fairly large distance from the city. Before the revolution, it was mandatory for a village to have a church, which united the surrounding settlements into a single church parish. IN Soviet time In such settlements, village councils appeared, which oversaw collective farms and state farms located in neighboring settlements. Small enterprises were built in the villages, such as:

  • sawmill;
  • mill;
  • creamery and others.

Often, villagers worked in the villages. They were involved in arable land, mowing or logging. Today there is no official division between village and village. Therefore, what is the difference between a settlement and a village in modern world difficult to determine.

Distinctive features of the village

The main feature of the village is that such a settlement can be different types:

  • rural type;
  • urban type.

As a rule, various settlements, such as a farm or a stop, began to be called villages. The village is administrative unit located near the city, or any enterprise (factory, plant, sawmill). There are also such settlements near railway platforms. They usually have the same name as the station they are located next to.

A rural-type settlement includes the rural population. Local residents are mainly engaged in agricultural activities: sowing various crops, livestock farming and poultry farming. Thus, the difference between a town and a village lies in the presence or absence of an enterprise for processing products grown in the village.

What is an urban village

A worker or urban-type settlement, as a settlement appeared during the times Soviet Union. It was something between a city and a village. In order not to confuse a town and a village, the difference between the concepts can be determined by the type of activity of the residents. The peculiarity of such a village is that the main population is busy working in factories or factories. And there is almost no agricultural activity in such settlements. In addition, the number of residents in a settlement should start from three thousand people. This is the difference between a village and an urban settlement.

How the village appeared

This word is originally Russian and means a place for people to live, cleared of trees. In ancient times, man had to cut down forests to create fields in which to grow grain. Thus, small settlements of people appeared who created vegetable gardens and raised domestic animals and poultry. A village can be a place where there is only one yard or one family lives.

Gradually, such a village developed, families were created and new residents were born. New courtyards were built. The village grew and increased in size. But even a very large village, in the old days, could not be called a village . Difference between the village and the town was the presence of a church parish. If there is no church in a certain settlement, then it is not a village, but a village. This was how it was thought in Russia before the revolution. Unfortunately, the atheism instilled by the Bolsheviks led to the destruction of churches and replaced them with village councils. Therefore, you can understand how a settlement differs from a village by the presence of an administrative center or church parish.

From village to city and back

With the development of cities, young people began to leave their homes, seeing in urban conditions more possibilities to earn money. As a result of this relocation, villages began to die out. Often in rural areas, you can only see abandoned dilapidated houses overgrown with weeds.

IN Lately a reverse movement is observed. Many city residents strive to leave the noisy metropolis and settle in a quiet and cozy village. Overpopulation of cities, fast-paced lifestyle, noise, polluted air begin to irritate people. The desire to be closer to nature, to eat natural products, and not to rush anywhere prompts many to exchange the comfort of city apartments for a country house.

Life of modern people in the village

In order to move to live in a village, you need to have desire and courage. It is quite difficult for a person accustomed to urban conditions to adapt to rural areas. It is worth taking a closer look at how the local villagers live. Learn how to properly farm and care for domestic animals (cows, goats, geese, ducks, etc.).

First of all, you need to save money for the first months of life in the village. It’s good if you inherited a village house from your grandparents. Then the initial cash investment may not be large. Repairs and arrangement of utility rooms may be required. If there is no house in the village, then it is necessary to budget for its purchase or construction.

In addition to purchasing a house, you need to think about what type of activity in rural areas you have the desire and opportunity to engage in. But in any case, you need to start with a small farm. You can buy several chickens and a goat, plant a vegetable garden, this is quite enough to try your hand at peasant labor.

Choosing between town and village

For those people who doubt that life in a remote village is suitable for them, you can buy a house in the village. These settlements have shops, hospitals and entertainment facilities. This is all that distinguishes a village from a village. It will be easier for a city dweller to adapt to life in the village. At the same time, the presence fresh air, the absence of large crowds of people and a quieter life will be the same as in the village.

It is important that the significant difference between a village and a town is that it is easier to find work in a village. Despite the fact that owning a household significantly reduces food costs, we must remember that land taxes and electricity payments will require investment of funds.

Russia is a state occupying vast areas of the Eurasian continent. The administrative-territorial division of the country involves many settlements. The peculiarities of multinational territories have given small subjects of Russia many different names - kishlak, aul, stanitsa, zaimka, hamlet... Let's try to figure out how a village differs from a village, two settlements similar in structure.

What is a village

Ancient origin Russian word“village” owes its origins to several ancient languages, the translation of which meant “arable land”, “settlement”, “living quarters”. Before the October Revolution, this type of settlement had clear differences from the village. The village united several settlements into a single church parish - the presence of a church and, often, a graveyard provided it with the status of a center. Two important signs by which one could distinguish how a village differs from a village are the size of the main population and the main area of ​​employment of the residents. Interesting feature is inherent in the names of villages, often ending in -o or -oe: Kulikovo, Pavshino, Ekaterininskoe.

What is a village

In fact, a village is a rural settlement. The main rule recognizing its administrative status is the presence of permanent residents. The name of the subject takes its meaning from the word “yard”, “trees”, thus it is recognized that the presence of a yard, an arable field cleared of forest, has long been main feature what is the difference between a village and a village. Village long years was the predominant type of settlement among the Slavs. On the territory of our country there are many abandoned villages that have already lost the right to be called populated areas.


IN Tsarist Russia it was clearly known how a village differs from a village. The main factor separating these settlements was the presence of a church and the number of inhabitants. Also in the village there were several streets, shops, maybe processing plant or manufactory. There was only one street in the village, along which there were houses. Village residents were mainly engaged in cultivating agricultural land and raising livestock.

Previously, in the 17th - early 20th centuries, the village was a unit of property - it could be bought, donated, or entered into inheritance rights. In the works of many classics, the image of the village was present in the concept of “father's house”. Often, at the confluence of small villages, villages appeared with more developed roads, the presence of a church and cemetery, shops and a manorial estate.

Blurred Boundaries

What is the difference between a village and a village in our time? The October Revolution, Khrushchev's reforms and the difficult economic conditions of recent decades have dispelled a clear boundary between these territorial points. In the Soviet Union, the village gradually lost its social purpose, its development stopped. The place between the city and the village was occupied by new administrative entities with an intermediate function. IN modern Russia There is no clearly established typology of municipalities. It is difficult to say how a village differs from a village legally. During the period of Soviet power, a possible difference could be the presence of a village council - a government body. The presence of a church parish is also not an indicator of belonging to a village, nor is the size of the population. Now there is no fundamental difference between these concepts. Perhaps only a tribute to history and the habits of local residents still determine the status of the settlement.

On this moment on the grandiose expanses occupied Russian Federation, there are about 150 thousand rural settlements. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to discern the difference between a village and a village; these differences have now been practically abolished. Taking into account the countless factors that unite socio-cultural and economic ties based on traditions and customs, it is very difficult to limit the affiliation of a settlement to a certain type. Many debates about how a village differs from a village do not provide accurate answers. Development Agriculture and more advanced mechanized cultivation of land, common territory and geographical conditions makes it possible to merge the forms of rural settlements into a single system with a more convenient infrastructure.
