How to treat mild depression in a 10 year old. What to do if your child is depressed

Depression in children is one of the mental and emotional disorders that manifests itself in behavioral changes. Depression in childhood differs from that of adults. If a child is sad or irritable, this does not necessarily mean that he or she is depressed. This may be a normal emotional and psychological change that occurs during growth.

But if symptoms of depression in children become persistent and have a disruptive effect on the child's social activities, this may indicate that the child is depressed. The child’s behavior may become uncontrollable, he conflicts with others, misses school, which leads to a decrease in school performance. The child may start drinking alcohol, smoking, may associate with “bad company,” and may even reach the point of thoughts of suicide.

Depression can occur even in infants, but more often it occurs in children deprived of parental attention and in boarding schools and orphanages. Negative symptoms tend to accumulate, children cry constantly, they lack parental love and warmth. In severe cases of depression, illusions may appear. Typically, childhood depression lasts from 1 month to a year, often longer. In such cases, it is very important to prevent childhood depression and consult a psychiatrist for all family members.

Causes of depression in children

The exact causes of depression are unknown; several factors are probably decisive here - hereditary , physiological , psychological , social . For children younger age Separation from mother and family due to placement in kindergarten can have a negative impact; for children over 5 years old - scandals in the family, divorce of parents. From the age of 7, school problems become the most important factors for depression - changing classes, bad attitude of the teacher, quarrels with classmates.

Most often, childhood depression manifests itself after emotional upheaval - the loss of parents, other relatives, the death of a loved one. pet, quarrels with friends, from the psychological pressure experienced.

The causes of depression in children can be complex, that is, manifested by impaired health, family relationships, various biochemical changes in the body, physical or sexual abuse.

Children whose parents suffer from depression are especially susceptible to depression. , and in families with healthy relationships and climate, children most often independently solve emerging psychological problems.

There are also seasonal depression associated with the body’s sensitivity to changes in climatic conditions. Symptoms of depression can be caused by taking certain medications - steroids, painkillers, which contain narcotic substances.

Symptoms of depression in children

Symptoms of childhood depression are different from those of adult depression. TO primary symptoms Depression in children includes: irrational fears, sadness, feelings of helplessness, sudden mood swings. Sleep disturbances (insomnia, nightmares), appetite disturbances, decreased social activity, a feeling of constant fatigue, a desire for self-isolation, may also occur. low self-esteem, problems with memory and concentration, thoughts of death and suicide.

Elements often appear non-standard behavior- a sharp, unreasonable reluctance to play favorite games, unjustifiably aggressive reactions are observed, children become disobedient and irritable, they “don’t like everything.” Anxiety in people suffering from depression is most severe in the evening and at night.

Typical symptoms of depression in children are somatic symptoms, complaints of ill health, various pains (dental pain, abdominal pain), which are not treated with medication. Panic and rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, often accompanied by fear of death, may occur. Depression in children is most often disguised as anxiety, decreased performance at school, impaired communication with peers, and apathy. Such ailments can be like diverse , sharply replacing each other, and monotonous with one complaint.

The various symptoms of depression in children differ at different childhood ages. For example, the development of children in the first year of life is less often complicated by severe manifestations of depression. Young children's appetite decreases and they become more capricious.

Preschoolers most often experience motor activity disorders, changes in health - frequent headaches, upset stomach, as well as a desire for loneliness, sadness, lack of energy, fears of the dark, loneliness, and bouts of crying. In elementary school, children become withdrawn, timid, unsure of themselves, lose interest in activities and games, and complain of “sadness,” “boredom,” and “the desire to cry.”

The closer to adolescence, the more pronounced the symptoms of irritability, decreased mood, and sadness. With depression, there is increased tearfulness and a willingness to cry at the slightest reason. Children react with increased sensitivity to adults' comments. At school, children can become absent-minded, forget their notebooks at home, do not understand what they read, and easily forget what they have learned. There may be slowness and reluctance to attend sports activities.

Diagnosis of depression in children

If you suspect that your child has depression, you should take this into consideration. You need to be attentive and sensitive to the child’s state of mind, calmly talk to him about what worries him, talk frankly, do not shout or put pressure on him. If the child is worried guilt, explain to him that he is not responsible for what is happening. If the depressed state lasts longer than 3 weeks, you should contact child psychiatrist .

Many parents try to cope with the symptoms of the disease on their own - they treat the pain with pills, isolate the child from peers, and allow the child not to go to school. However, this is not true, it is a very complex thing, the child’s unformed psyche is still fragile and it is better to entrust the treatment to a specialist. The sooner you contact a specialist, the easier it will be for your child to get out of the painful state. For schoolchildren and adolescents suffering from depression, early diagnosis of depression in children is possible. The diagnosis is made based on a physical examination, psychological tests, and laboratory tests.

Treatment of depression in children

Treatment for depression includes sessions therapeutic psychotherapy, for prolonged depression, antidepressant medications prescribed by a doctor can be used, constant assessment of the condition, it is also possible psychiatric treatment. Psychotherapeutic treatments include: cognitive behavioral therapy aimed at developing in children a certain way of thinking, behavior, elements interpersonal therapy , focused on improving the child’s relationship with others, as well as family therapy , in which the whole family takes part. Childhood depression in very young children is treated using methods play therapy . TO medications is the only antidepressant approved for use in children.

Atypical antidepressants are used less frequently ( ) and tricyclic antidepressants ( , desipramine ), which have a number of side effects. It is important to note that the safety of antidepressants when used by children has not been fully studied.

The treatment method that combines sessions has proven to be the most effective. cognitive behavioral therapy and regular use of fluoxetine. In very advanced cases of the disease, hospitalization is possible. It is necessary to show sympathy and understanding, distracting him from painful thoughts, switching to what is interesting to the child. Treatment of depression in children at home includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. It is necessary to communicate more with the child, listen to his problems, show sympathy, and set him up for the best.

The doctors


Prevention of childhood depression

The risk of depression can be reduced by raising children in families with calm psychological situation, where relationships are balanced and kind. It is important to respect the child and his moods both in the family and in kindergarten and school. The child will feel better among people who understand and accept him for who he is. Unconditional parental love serves as the foundation for a child’s healthy psyche. It is necessary for the child to play sports, have some kind of hobby, and be able to realize himself in it. Long walks, proper nutrition, and healthy sleep are useful. You need to spend as much time as possible with him - talk, solve problems together.

It is useful for young parents to know the symptoms of depression in children aged 3. Diseases “get younger” every year, depression in children is a private phenomenon and requires urgent attention from adults and qualified help from various specialists. Modern society so highly developed that sometimes a person cannot cope with the flow of information and develop successfully in it, so depression becomes a companion in people’s lives and especially affects children aged three years. Why does depression occur in a 3 year old child? How to treat the disease and how to identify depression need to be considered.

Features of development of a 3 year old child

Features of the development of a baby in the third year of life are intensive physical growth and changes in the psycho-emotional sphere. The baby learns to think, discovering the properties of objects and objects, the child’s sensory capabilities expand, which provide perceptual, motor and speech activity. Children's perception of objects changes.

Changes in the psycho-emotional sphere are due to the expansion of the child’s areas of communication with adults, children, children’s groups, mastery of speech means and the development of their independence.

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Signs of depression in a child

Depression in children is characterized by changes in behavior and habits that the parent cannot ignore. Children who are more likely to be depressed are those who belong to the “choleric” and “phlegmatic” temperament types. Sanguine and melancholic people experience depression faster and are able to occupy themselves with various activities. The main signs of depression at the age of three are:

  1. Closedness. The baby does not want to communicate with people, speaks little, shows reluctance to communicate with his mother and moves away from her. When trying to talk or occupy the child with something, he shows reluctance and protest and gives in only through long persuasion or with the help of motivation (candy or a new toy) and performs actions like hard work. The baby spends time alone more often and retires to cozy places.
  2. Lack of appetite. The child refuses food, sometimes even his favorite dishes, and does not drink liquids, but does not feel hungry. He doesn’t eat a portion, and it’s impossible to force him to eat it completely; he starts crying.
  3. Attacks of aggression. Aggression and cruelty towards toys and pets is a sign of depression. In this case, the child hurts the toys, punishes them, and causes imaginary wounds to them.
  4. Sleep disturbance. The baby cannot sleep for a long time and gets up late the next morning. Often, the process of falling asleep is accompanied by twitching of the limbs, shuddering and sighing during sleep. The child becomes capricious, but not whiny (it is important to notice this).
  5. Fears. The manifestation of fears at the age of three is abnormal and should attract the attention of parents. The baby is overcome by the fear of loneliness, death (no matter how surprising it may sound), fear of the dark.

Symptoms of depression in children often coincide with the symptoms of various diseases: colds, intestinal infections, anemia, and this can lead to false diagnoses, so you should independently understand the change in the child’s behavior and only then consult a doctor. Only a qualified specialist in the field of psychology will help the child get out of states of depression.

Low physical activity. The baby is able to lie or sit all day without playing with anything at all. The gait becomes sluggish, mobility and activity disappear, and movement coordination disorders are observed. Manifestations of weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities in a baby should be a signal for parents to consult a doctor.

Somatic manifestations: pain in the abdomen, pain in the legs and arms, joints and back, headache, dizziness. Symptoms appear for no reason, and the baby cannot cope with them on his own. Parents have to go to the hospital for help.

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Causes of depression in children 3 years old

The causes of depression in a child can be different: from changes in mood and psychophysiological characteristics of the body to the style of upbringing in the family. Separation from mother can provoke a nervous breakdown in a child. The baby is visited by a feeling of loneliness, abandonment, he cannot understand and explain the feelings of melancholy, instead, the child is visited by depression. Even separation from mother for an hour, with the wrong motivation, can deal a blow to the fragile psyche of a small child. You need to talk to your baby and explain adult things and phenomena to him from an early age.

The baby experiences a change in feelings and sensations from tactile to social. He learns how to behave, develop and express his own ego in a new environment. The child begins to experience his first feelings about himself, his achievements, successes and failures. Until the age of three, the child was a passive participant in the surrounding reality; at three years old he becomes an active figure in the social environment, and during this period depression occurs.

Loss or separation from a close friend, this could be a favorite toy or pet. Separation from a favorite thing causes melancholy and anxiety, which subsequently leads to childhood depression.

A child and depression is a very complex phenomenon in psychology and psychotherapy, the therapy period lasts from 2 weeks to several months, and complete mental recovery occurs a month after treatment and only with favorable conditions life and development of the baby. How to help a small child cope with depression? The role of parents in the treatment process.

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How to help a child get out of depression?

A small child will not be able to cope with such a serious mental disorder as depression on his own, and parents will not be able to get him out of this condition on his own if they do not have the education of a psychologist or therapist, therefore, if the child exhibits depressive conditions, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician. The children's doctor will understand the causes of changes in the child's behavior and determine treatment options.

As a rule, treatment of depression in children consists of restoring the child’s psychological and emotional sphere with the support of a psychologist or psychotherapist, identifying fears, and restoring daily routine and nutrition.

  1. Restoring the child’s psychological sphere. A psychologist works with the child’s psyche using certain methods: conversations, trainings, auto-training, sand therapy, etc. Parents’ help consists of creating a comfortable and cozy environment for the child, creating a situation for the child’s success. At this stage of treatment, the child needs to understand that he is the main thing in the parent’s life, that a person is the highest value in the world and there is no one more important than him, but these images must be formed carefully so as not to foster selfishness along with this.
  2. Restoration of the emotional sphere. To do this, adults must help the child accept reality: explain the reasons for the events that are happening, create a comfortable environment at home, and add new emotions to the child’s life.
  3. Organizing the correct daily routine for the child: clearly delineate the time of play and rest, sleep and wakefulness, and live only according to this regimen.
  4. Balance your diet. Proper nutrition, balanced diet, the necessary vitamins and minerals that enter the child’s body with food can help the child restore vitality.
  5. Childhood depression can be successfully treated good fairy tales, mother's lullabies and good poems.

Parental separation. From birth, a small child needs both maternal and paternal affection; he feels the mood of his parents and is strongly attached to them. It has been proven by experts in psychotherapy that when quarrels and disagreements begin between parents, this negatively affects the emotional state of the baby, despite the fact that the baby may not hear the quarrels. Negative messages are transmitted at the energy level. In this case, the child feels anxiety, depression appears from the moment he realizes that one parent has left the family and no longer lives with him. The feeling of loneliness and abandonment are constant companions of the child in this case.

Physical impact on the child. Education using physical punishment, directly provoke depression. At a time when the child is actively exploring the world, which simply “presses” him with information, physical violence is committed against the child. Of course, it’s difficult for the baby; he withdraws and withdraws into himself.

Depression is translated from Latin as depressed human condition. This is a special mental disorder and therefore it is very important to know how to get out of depression on your own or with the help of specialists. After all, it is characterized by a decline in vitality and mood, pessimistic assessment of the surrounding world and oneself, including inhibited state of motor and intellectual development, somatoneurological disorders of the nervous system.

Symptoms of depression include: as low self-esteem of one's personality, various cognitive properties, associated with one’s own destruction and detachment from the external environment.

A person in depressed state differs from other people in the prevalence and diversity of underestimations of their personality.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • What is depression, melancholy;
  • Types and signs of depression (postpartum depression, etc.);
  • Symptoms of depression in women and men;
  • How to get out of depression - 10 tips on what to do and how to get rid of it yourself;
  • etc.

What depression is, how to get rid of it and how to get out of this state, read further in the article. Types, symptoms and signs

Depression- This quite common mental illness to date. Doctors often equate it with a cold, since, according to statistics, percentage These diseases are much more common than others.

You can often hear the phrase “ I am depressed"from a completely healthy person. Basically, this is how people who feel failed in any life endeavors.

But, despite their failures, a person continues to live in his usual environment, without making any changes to his life.

From another point of view, the person who is actually suffering depressive disorders, constantly experiences depressed state And feeling of helplessness And alienation who do not leave him even for a second, does not notice his painful state, or rather, simply does not want admit oneself to be sick .

This fact significantly disrupts people’s ability to adequately relate to the world around them and prevents them from communicating with work colleagues and with your family, since the ability to logically and adequately evaluate this or that vital important situation.

Today, depression is one of the main problems of the public. This is primarily due to the increase in this disease among people.

The relevance of this problem in Russia, according to psychologists, is associated with the economic crisis in the country. People have no confidence in the future, do not understand current conditions, are worried about their future and the future of their children, and in this regard The amount of stress among the population increases.

Depression is quite difficult to detect, which influences a more in-depth study of this disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Results only Scientific research will help create the most relevant approach to diagnosing depression and providing related assistance for people who are worried about stressful situations and other psychological disorders.

2. What is melancholy 😟?

Melancholy is a human mental disorder that is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms.

These include: inability to experience joyful events, a certain degree of reduced thinking, lack of good mood, decrease in active life position.

People in state of melancholy prone to negative reasoning about life and others, they have a pronounced pessimistic mood in relation to real events.

People with this disease lose any interest in your job, they have no appetite, own self-esteem is low. (We already wrote about how to raise your self-esteem in the article - ?)

Today, melancholy occurs in almost half of the population. According to statistics, after the age of thirty, approximately 70% women suffer from this disease.

The likelihood of mental disorders and teenage children, also quite high.

Today, medicine is very helpful in treating this condition. How exactly to recover from it is described in detail below.

Important point!

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly clarify the diagnosis. That the disease is precisely depression, and not the usual blues, which happens in the spring or a typical mood swing and temporary life difficulties.

They require serious intervention from specialists and properly selected medications. biochemical, and psychosomatic consequences of the disease.

The opinion that depression is 21st century disease, is erroneous from the point of view of experienced doctors. Since this disease was known and quite common in the distant past. Medieval healers defined depression as the last and worst stage of melancholy.

In ancient times, this disease was treated with opium tinctures, mineral healing waters, cleansing enemas, and full-fledged And long sleep.

The causes of depression are usually complex disorders of the nervous system, the factors of which are internal or external influences on the human psyche.

3. Main causes of depression 📝

  • Alzheimer's diseases.
  • Increased load on the brain due to prolonged stress.
  • Drug use.
  • Psychological trauma, for example, death of a relative, loss of a job.
  • Climatic or seasonal factors, for example, in spring or winter.
  • Excessive physical or mental stress.
  • Iatrogenic type of depression. Excessive use medicines.
  • Various head injuries.
  • Separation from a loved one.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • (the habit of postponing important things until later).

It is not uncommon for a person to develop a state of depression for no reason. According to experts, in such situations, an important factor is disruption of normal neurochemical functions in the human brain.

4. Signs of depression in women and men 📚 - symptoms of “disease”

The states of human depression manifest themselves in quite a variety of ways, and, in most cases, they affect the body as a whole. It helps specialists to accurately diagnose the disease. complex symptoms, and this in turn contributes to the appointment correct And effective treatment.

A doctor can prescribe certain medications, as well as concomitant therapy, only by conducting a general diagnosis of the patient's mental disorder.

As a rule, the physiological signs of depression differ from person to person.

For example, most people loss of appetite, and for some it is on the contrary significantly intensifies during the period of illness. The same feature applies to problems with full-fledged sleep person. One patient may suffer from insomnia, and the other– constantly wants to sleep and suffers from a feeling of fatigue around the clock.

Symptoms of depression are divided into several groups based on associated symptoms.

Symptom No. 1. Emotional manifestations of depression in humans

  • Interest in life and the world around us decreases or disappears.
  • Increased irritability, even for no particular reason.
  • Depressed mood, feeling of melancholy and despair.
  • Feelings of helplessness and guilt in any situation.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • State of anxiety and panic.
  • Anxiety, for example, about your loved ones.
  • Inability to be content with previously favorite hobbies.
  • Expectation of a catastrophe and other unforeseen events.
  • Loss of emotional sensitivity.

Symptom No. 2. Physiological manifestations of depression in humans

  • Painful sensations of a psychosomatic nature. For example, arms, legs, stomach, heart, head, etc. hurt.
  • Disturbance or lack of sleep.
  • Low performance.
  • Disorders of the human digestive system.
  • Increased fatigue, even with minor physical exertion.
  • Increased appetite, or its complete absence.
  • Decreased sexual desire, up to the occurrence of impotence (in men).
  • Weakness during any physical activity.

Symptom No. 3. Significant changes in people's behavior

  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Tendency to loneliness and unwillingness to communicate with other people.
  • Lack of desire for entertainment and hobbies.
  • Use of psychotropic and narcotic substances to improve mood.
  • Passive life position.
  • Replacing important, necessary and urgent tasks is a waste of time.
  • Preference for a sedentary or lying lifestyle.

Symptom No. 4. Cognitive disorders of the human nervous system.

  • Difficulty in making any independent decisions.

  • Loss of clarity of thinking and inability to concentrate on anything specific.
  • Loss of ability to concentrate your thoughts.
  • Lack of attention.
  • Periodic thoughts about committing suicide.

As with any disease, whether it is a cold or a cough, if you do not start timely treatment of depression with properly selected drugs, the patient’s condition will worsen every day.

At the same time, the number of symptoms of the disease and their severity increases, which can even lead to suicide properties patients, especially, if we consider teenage depression.

It is not uncommon for a sick person’s thinking to be so critical that they can easily be mistaken for a person’s dementia, instead of a serious mental disorder associated with an advanced state of depression.

Often the disease is accompanied by increased attraction of one’s own attention to life’s problems. Patient, usually, I'm completely sure that he has mental, or somatic disease.

In order for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, stable ( at least 14 days) the presence of any of the above signs of depression in a person.

5. Main types of depression 📑

1. Endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is a severe type of disease. She brings a huge amount of suffering, like the sickest person, as well as his family and all the people around him.

To detect an endogenous type of depression in a person, there are certain symptoms.

These primarily include: inability to fall asleep in the evening, and early awakenings at dawn, lack of interest in the environment and society.

There are also external signs this type of disease. These include: increased state of anxiety, systematic presence of causeless sadness and melancholy, depressed state of a person.

Secondary signs that a patient has endogenous depression are: slow motion, constant stoop, quiet and hesitant speech.

The external features of such people are lifeless, dull hair, as well as an sallow and gloomy complexion.

Characteristic signs the presence of an endogenous type of depression in a person is slow thinking And reasoning, absence concentration And attention, memory problems, absolutely not no desires or interests.

Advanced forms of this serious mental illness lead to deterioration general condition The patient develops apathy towards the world around him and society as a whole. Patients characterize their well-being as a heaviness in the soul, a depressed state similar to the duration of a serious illness and other similar symptoms.

People with this disease usually , with indifference relate to all surrounding citizens, including closest relatives. They withdraw into their inner world and think only about their difficult fate in life.

Such patients try everything to determine their social status in society. possible ways pull away.

2. Manic depression

There is a group of people who, during the course of the disease, develop megalomania, inappropriate behavior in one situation or another, causeless change of mood, For example, sudden onset of joyful emotions, or, conversely, sadness. This type of mental disorder in a person is called manic depression, in other words, bipolar mental disorder .

This disease makes people irritable, overly active and quite self-confident.

Manic depression can be expressed in various forms.

The initial stage of this human mental disorder is a mild form of the disease called - cyclothymia . Citizens suffering from this type of depression experience constant mood swings. They may cry or laugh for no reason. The initial stage of mania (mild form) appears.

The most dangerous is bipolar , in other words, major depression. During the stages of exacerbation of this serious mental illness, a person develops obsessive thoughts about committing suicide, and during the manic phase of depression, all bad thoughts instantly disappear, clarity of mind and sobriety of mind appear. In addition, these patients are not able to foresee in advance the dangerous consequences of their own actions.

Not rare dysthymia diseases . This is depressive nervousness, the mildest stage of a person’s depressive disorder. Otherwise it is called minor depression or minor depressive disorder of the human nervous system. This includes postpartum depression , which is described in detail below.

In its various manifestations, depression is a condition of a person in which he disfigures the manner in which he behaves in society as himself. No person is immune from diseases of the depressive disorder of the nervous system.

A state of depression can hit absolutely anyone century a, old And young, single people and divorced or have never had a family, poor And millionaires. By the way, we also wrote in the previous article.

In the life of every citizen, events may arise that will certainly lead him to overexertion and stressful situations, which are the initial stage of a depressive disorder of the human nervous system, especially if unpleasant events simultaneously overtake the psyche or if they follow a systematic sequence.

When women seek psychological help, in most cases it is discovered and diagnosed major depressive disorder nervous system, compared with cases of male patients seeking help.

Experts on this matter have the opinion that women more often recognize their condition as a serious illness and rush to visit a doctor, and men They try to treat themselves, so they rarely go to the hospital.

But, as a rule, depressive experiences such as loneliness, helplessness, sadness and other mental disorders more common in female patients . In such states of depression in men, instead of qualified help from a specialist, they prefer to drown out their sorrows and adversity with the help of alcoholic beverages or other substances that can temporarily improve their mood and give imaginary self-confidence.

3. Masked depression

The stage of such depression, which occurs unnoticed by other people, is called camouflaged, or hidden depression. Experts consider it not as an independent disorder of the human nervous system, but as a result alcoholism or acceptance of other psychotropic substances, uplifting. In such a situation, men are practically don't ask for help .

A person's depressive disorder can manifest itself in a wide variety of forms. In certain situations, people's states of depression differ in their severity. For some, this state is clearly visible to others, while another category of people hides their psychological state from outsiders.

Easy, depression occurs in a situation where, against the background of certain symptoms, a person has a loss of strength and mood, he finds the strength to do his daily work and his usual activities.

Moderate, depression is when a combination of symptoms of a mental disorder prevents you from properly performing daily work.

Severe depression, this is when a person has all the signs of a nervous system disorder and they are noticeable to others, and also all these symptoms completely prevent the person from doing everyday activities and work.

4. Clinical depression

Clinical depression is otherwise called big, or monopolar depression. This form of disorder of the human nervous system is most common today.

Entitled " Clinical”, implies the presence of a single extreme position in the range of emotions. It is characterized by only one type of patient's mood, for example, sad or depressed.

In most cases, this mood does not go away during the day, and also causes insomnia, decreased appetite, mental anguish and pain, lack of joyful emotions, inability to concentrate on anything.

In such a condition, patients usually, consider themselves useless to anyone, and view their position in society or at work as absolutely meaningless and useless. Such people have very low self-esteem.

The points of view of experts regarding the occurrence of depression in people are divided.

Some doctors think that the disease is directly related to abnormal processes in the human brain. In most patients, the tendency to this disease is hereditary.

Other reasons include the following factors: stressful situations, postpartum period in women, death of relatives, feelings of guilt and helplessness, various stressful situations.

Doctors distinguish 4 main groups of symptoms of depression:

  • Mood disorders. People have causeless, obsessive thoughts about their guilt in something, a feeling of loneliness and despair arises, they are constantly in a state of melancholy.
  • Variable behavior. The person is completely withdrawn from communication with others, it is difficult for him to concentrate his thoughts, his thoughts are vague.
  • Physical manifestations. Changes in body weight, disturbance or complete lack of sleep, systematic pain in the head.
  • Complex mental disorders. The simultaneous presence of several of the above symptoms of depression.

The patient himself is not able to adequately assess his own well-being, since the symptoms of a person’s mental disorder can manifest themselves in different ways, and can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

The depressive state completely affects the mental state of citizens, clear thinking deteriorates to a large extent.

6. Main signs of depression 📋

Experts identify two main signs of depression.

These include: lack of interest in the joyful events of the surrounding world, a persistent feeling of melancholy and depression and extreme stage of the disease, this is complete indifference to all the people around and everything that happens in the world and the public. Constant feeling of sadness and depression, feeling of hopelessness And misunderstanding the meaning of one's life lead not just to sadness and tears, but to acute mental pain diseases.

When depressed, most people withdraw into themselves And do not want to communicate with others. In the process of such a psychological illness, a person’s attraction to the opposite sex disappears, and difficulties appear in achieving orgasm and erection.

During depression, a person's physical condition changes. He differs from those around him by his slow gait, quiet speech, stoop; in medicine this condition is called psychomotor retardation patient.

But there are also situations when people have an absolutely similar physical condition. They are distinguished by accelerated and restless movements, speech is loud and fast. This condition is called - psychomotor agitation .

State of depression much affects people's feelings and thinking. Usually, all patients' thoughts are directed towards negative moments of life. Pronounced, difficulty concentrating on a specific issue, difficult thinking, a person has memory problems, absent-mindedness, confusion of thoughts.

In such a state, a person’s feelings and thoughts do not reflect reality. The patient experiences anxiety, has low self-esteem, is surrounded by his own fear, guilt and feels useless to anyone.

Psychological feeling dissatisfaction with oneself And own life often intensified by all sorts of manifestations: the patient periodically has not only thoughts about suicide , but also his attempts, or developed plans to commit suicide.

Major depression is divided into several forms.

Psychopathic depression, during which hallucinations and delusions appear in the patient, the number of suicides increases significantly and treatment under the supervision of specialists is required.

Atypical depression when a mixed picture of the above symptoms is expressed.

Postpartum depression, observed in women after childbirth.


Minor depression is called dysthymia. This is a long-term mental disorder of a person, which is accompanied by a lack of happy events in life and emotions.

Dysthymia may last for several years. The accompanying gloomy mood of people during such a disease often leads to loss of work and family.

Previously, treatment of dysthymia was carried out using psychotherapy, and mainly psychoanalysis. There are other ways to get rid of this disease. These include: interpersonal, cognitive, behavioral therapy. Most experts say that mixed treatment with the simultaneous use of medications and psychotherapy is the best.

Spring depression - seasonal affective disorder

A special form of depression that occurs only at certain times of the year, e.g. in autumn or in the spring.

Many citizens who suffer from such a mental disorder may feel great throughout the year, but at one time or another they experience lethargy and a depressed mood.

According to statistics, this disorder most often occurs in the fall and ends by the beginning of spring. But there are other categories of citizens who suffer from depression at other times of the year. As a rule, spring depression occurs in women, but is less common in men.

Symptoms of this disease are: fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, decreased performance, inability to focus one's thoughts on a specific issue, increased irritability, sense of anxiety, reluctance to communicate with other people.

Seasonal mental disorder goes away, without any special therapy, with the onset of another season. People feel a surge of strength and vitality.

Today's specialists can't answer definitively, what exactly is the cause of such depression. Basically, they indicate a decrease in the level of the joy hormone in people during a certain period of the year. Typically, this mental disorder is hereditary.

Bipolar depression (mania)

During bipolar depression, people experience changeable mood . It can suddenly go from joyful emotions to sad well-being, or vice versa. On average, this category of patients has an absolutely normal mood, despite systematic changes in it during the depression phase.

During exacerbations, a person exhibits symptoms similar to those of major depression: excessive activity, emotional arousal, and increased self-confidence. Usually, such changes in people’s moods are absolutely unrelated to current life problems.

The course of this disease disrupts a person’s usual activities and causes difficulties in performing daily work.

Develop and experience attacks of bipolar depression may happen in a completely unexpected way. People can experience all kinds of anxiety during the attack phase of a mental disorder. It is difficult for them to concentrate on anything, there is a feeling of guilt and alienation from the world around them.

There is also an opposite phase of mental disorder, as a result of which a person is different excellent well-being, elevated thinking abilities, feels a surge of energy and is in an inexplicably high spirits.

As mania increases, the patient's agitation increases, and his actions may become completely unexpected. Feelings of immense joy can change in an instant to indignation and anxiety.

For people with such depression, various failures and downfalls in life are unacceptable. They experience excessive attacks of anger and inflated demands on the people around them.

The lack of a critical attitude towards one's own condition is distinctive feature mania.

In what situations is an overly joyful mood regarded as a sign of mania?

  • The need for rest and sleep disappears.
  • Instant change of thoughts.
  • Feeling of greatness and high self-esteem.
  • Obsessiveness in communicating with others and increased talkativeness in general.
  • The tendency to be distracted by extraneous elements that are not relevant to the task.
  • Hobbies for something that will lead to complications in the future.
  • Increased activity and acceleration of movements in all areas of life.

Only in a situation where the above symptoms are expressed quite clearly, and also interfere with the normal existence of a person and his presence in in public places, experts confidently put diagnosis of mania and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In severe cases, the inexplicable self-confidence of a patient diagnosed with mania may gradually turn into delusions of grandeur. With such a psychological disorder, a person decides for himself that he has the ability to communicate with supernatural invisible objects and recognize their voices. This behavior of patients is very dangerous for the people around them.

With mania, the speed of thinking in the brain increases significantly, the patient’s motor activity increases, and sexual desire increases.

Other forms of bipolar disorder are rare. These include: accelerated circular disorder And gloomy mania.

The symptoms of such diseases are similar to the above-mentioned causes of psychological disorder in people.

7. What causes depression in women 🙍‍♀️?

There are several types of depression that can develop in women.

These include:

  1. Agitated depression. The illness is associated with self-preoccupation, loss social status and self-criticism.
  2. Pathological form of depression. Usually causes the death of relatives and close friends.
  3. Alcohol or drug use. Occurs with excessive consumption of alcohol or psychotropic substances.
  4. Iatrogenic depression. It develops from the uncontrolled use of medications, usually with a sedative or hypnotic effect, without a doctor’s prescription.
  5. Somatic. Caused by diseases such as brain tumors, hydrocephalus, sclerosis, epilepsy, diseases thyroid gland and others.
  6. Postpartum depression and depression in pregnant women.

All types of these mental disorders are accompanied by hormonal changes and other physiological processes in the body of women.

Postpartum depression

Mental disorders in women are significantly affected by excess active substances in the body that are responsible for the normal production of beneficial hormones that help maintain normal human mood.

Usually, depression in pregnant women or those who have given birth to a baby in the last six months arises and ends on their own, without any reason or medication.

But if the signs of a mental disorder are sufficiently pronounced, immediate medical intervention and concomitant treatment are required. According to statistics, depression after childbirth Approximately 40% of women are affected different age categories.

Postpartum depression is a disorder of the nervous system that develops in women from 0 before 6 months after the birth of the child.

A recurrent disorder of the nervous system that occurs around 15% women of childbearing age is called premenstrual syndrome.

During the course of this disease, women experience nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances, and a broken and depressed mood. This period lasts no more than two weeks and ends with the onset of menstruation.

Depression. Symptoms in women. How to get out - advice from doctors and psychologists

8. Signs of depression in women 🙅‍♀️

Very often, the onset of depression directly associated with hormonal imbalances in the body . They affect the fertility of women of the appropriate age. In a woman’s body, this period is divided into several stages.

These include: menstrual cycle , pregnancy and childbirth , menopause. Peculiar changes in hormonal levels in the body occur in each of the listed periods. These features of the female body disrupt certain functions of the nervous system and, therefore, affect mental state generally.

Patients with such nervous system disorders experience mood swings depending on one or another phase of the menstrual cycle within 1-2 weeks.

Often leads to depression pregnancy, regardless of whether it is long-awaited or not.

But, oddly enough, abortions can only in exceptional cases cause depression. The greatest likelihood of depressive disorders in women is the time of birth of the baby, this is not affected by what kind of child was born.

Postpartum depression can be mild nervous disorder, or a severe form of depression, which can occur several weeks or months before giving birth.

Experts say that such depression cannot come suddenly, and this is due to the fact that woman and previously had mental problems, but did not turn to doctors for help.

The psyche of women in labor is also affected by a sharp decrease in hormone levels. This condition is explained by the stressful situation associated with childbirth, as well as the occurrence new difficulties And responsibilities in your life, which are added with the birth of the baby.

In particular, postpartum depression is directly related to unsuccessful childbirth, problems in the family, financial troubles and other factors.

Not so dangerous for depression is menopause in a woman. Experts say that mental disorders during menopause are no different from depression, which can occur in any other period of life.

The most susceptible to mental disorders are those categories of women who have previously experienced nervous system disorders.

Today, depression in young girls is quite common. (ages 14 to 29). The risk of all kinds of mental illnesses in the younger generation prone to depression 4 times higher.

In girls at a young age, during periods of nervous overstrain, digestive disorders, they are prone to overeating, or, conversely, completely refuse to eat food. Such mental disorders often lead to other various diseases, and also significantly affect physical development and body health.

If you refuse food, you may develop a serious disease called anorexia, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the young body and contributes to the emergence of no less dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, as well as others infectious diseases.

How to help a girl cope with depression?

The general condition of the patient requires sufficient attention. Since problems associated with the digestive system require long-term treatment by a psychiatrist.

First of all, symptomatic therapy is carried out to promote the overall strengthening of the body. Nutritionists select special food for the patient, and doctors monitor her general well-being.

Treatment will be most successful if started in a timely manner.

Stressful situations in women

The influence of various stressful situations on a woman’s body causes high percent diseases of depression.

Stressful situations include:

  • caring for a small child,
  • troubles And disappointments in personal life,
  • lack of a life partner,
  • loneliness.

Great amount divorced women suffer from depression.

Many women break up with their loved ones, which can lead to reactive depression, which is severe and requires long-term treatment.

Women with distinctive character most often subject to mental disorders due to their imbalance or excessive self-confidence.

Symptoms of reactive depression

  • Self-criticism is increased without any reason.
  • There is no interest in everyday life and the surrounding society.
  • Poor memory and difficulty making independent decisions.
  • Sleep disturbance and increased causeless irritability.
  • Having periodic obsessive thoughts about suicide.
  • Constant feeling of fatigue.
  • Headaches and general physical exhaustion.
  • Increased heart rate, pain in the heart area and blood pressure problems.

Depression among citizens male occurs less frequently than in women. As is commonly believed " men do not cry”, and it is this expression that they try to live up to in everyday life.

But such a statement does not save men from the occurrence of various mental illnesses, including all kinds of depression.

The main symptoms of depression in men are: inability to control your emotions, weakness, inability to independently overcome all kinds of life obstacles, problems in your personal life.

According to experts, it is quite difficult for men to express their own emotions and feelings due to ordinary shyness.

Usually, men do not discuss personal problems or difficulties in the workplace. They believe that they can independently overcome possible obstacles that, one way or another, are present in their daily life.

Among men, few would consider visiting a psychiatrist for drug treatment of mental health problems. Men also practically do not turn to psychologists for the required consultation.

Male depression - signs and symptoms

9. Signs of depression in men 🤦‍♂️

Among the main signs of detecting depression in men are the following:

  • Systematic use of alcoholic beverages or various drugs.
  • Gambling addiction.
  • Aggressive and unstable behavior.

The listed signs are only capable of suppressing a serious disease for some time, which requires immediate treatment.

Get out of depression with alcohol For example, no man can. In addition, the above signs of depression contribute to a deterioration in psychological condition and a difficult situation in society and family. There is no need to worry about depression and related symptoms.

The best way for a man would be to contact a specialist for help in a timely manner. Only a psychotherapist will help improve your quality of life and get on the path to recovery.

The same stressful situation different men can cause the development of a complex form of depression, or get by with a minor mental disorder.

The following life troubles can be causes of stress:

  • Dismissal from permanent place work.
  • Unsuccessful relationships with women.
  • Difficulties in personal life and family.
  • All kinds of psychological tragedies.
  • Assignment to perform a responsible and complex task.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • Lack of purpose in life.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Retirement age.

In addition, one can cite many cases of psychological disorder in men without any significant problems of apparent causes of depression.

It is important to note that in a situation where a person has previously had difficulties with emotional and mental state , then subsequently a minor stressful situation will be enough to cause a serious mental disorder and prolonged depression.

The factor of heredity is also important in the possibility of depression occurring with minor stress.

Experts say that the tendency to such a state is passed on from generation to generation, and in such a family it is very difficult and almost impossible to avoid problems with mental disorders.

Children from such families require a special individual approach. Recommended limit them in possible ways from stressful situations, and if the slightest suspicion arises of possible deviations in mental development, you must immediately seek psychological and medicinal help from specialists in order to avoid serious complications and disastrous consequences.

10. Depression in men and women: what are the differences 📖?

From the above it follows that men suffer from depression almost 2 times less often, compared to women. This feature is primarily explained by the high dependence of the women’s body on hormonal levels.

Lability of the nervous system of women is another reason for such statistics. Like the fair sex, emotional reactions are more pronounced. Often, it is enough for a woman to say a thoughtless word for her to develop a severe form of depression.

The duration of depression in men is significantly shorter., compared with the course of female psychological disorder. Depression in women usually lasts for several months and can last for years. Only with the right treatment can you get rid of this serious disease.

Despite the fact that depression in men is not as long-lasting, the disease can develop intensively And be more severe.

According to statistics, suicide attempts men commit more often than women. Since the weak half of the population needs quite serious reasons for attempting suicide, rather than the loss of one or another interest in life.

Women, even during depression, can go to work and do everyday household chores, but men are practically unable to do this during periods of mental illness.

How to get rid of depression on your own - advice from psychologists. Treatment of depression

11. How to get out of depression on your own - 10 tips from a psychologist to get rid of depression 💊

Proven advice from psychologists will help and advise how to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything.

Tip #1. Take responsibility.

Tip #2. Watch interesting and inspiring TV shows and movies.

Tip #3. Avoid solitude and loneliness. Communicate with people around you more often. Visit interesting events. Find yourself an exciting activity or hobby.

Tip #4. Allow yourself to accept help from other people.

Tip #5. Turn to the spiritual world.

Tip #6. Avoid alcohol and other drugs completely. They negatively affect the state of people’s psyche and worsen it with each use.

Tip #7. Regulate your sleep. Only long and healthy rest can restore the human nervous system.

Tip #8. Get some exercise.

Tip #9. Do something useful for the people around you unselfishly - show love to them, and they will reciprocate.

Tip #10. Use affirmations.

12. How to deal with depression 💉?

In modern medicine, any, even the most complex forms of human mental disorders can be cured. It should be noted that treatment will be most effective if it is started at the first signs of the disease.

Today it is difficult to avoid constant stress at work or in personal life, but properly selected drug treatment will help cope with life’s difficulties.

Only highly qualified specialists can help avoid depression, this psychologists And psychiatrists.

One of the most common treatments for depression is psychotherapy. The doctor will help you learn how to communicate correctly with people around you, change your negative style of thinking and behavior to a positive attitude towards life.

A specialist will help normalize a person’s emotional comfort and advise how to avoid the recurrence of a mental disorder. In cases of severe disease, it is used electroshock therapy for patients. It is prescribed in situations where the patient for some reason does not take or cannot take the necessary medications, or in cases where the patient’s condition poses a threat to his life or the life and health of the people around him.

The main drug treatment is application antidepressants . Select, advise and prescribe who can only professional doctor.

Self-medicate Not recommended, and even, it is strictly prohibited. Only a specialist can correctly select drug therapy that is safe for the patient’s health and most effective in a particular case of a person’s mental disorder.

During postpartum depression, as a rule, a woman breastfeeds breast milk your baby. In this situation the selection of medications must be particularly careful so that during the treatment of the mother it does not harm her little child.

Improvement in the patient's condition is evident in the first weeks of taking medications prescribed by the doctor.

But, it is necessary to take into account that in order to achieve a good treatment result and its stability, as well as avoid repeated mental disorders, use medicines it takes at least six months, and in some cases even several years.

13. How to get rid of depression on your own 📌?

In addition to drug treatment of depression, it is widely used today and is quite effective. aromatherapy. This great way get rid of certain types of mental disorders without using medications.

This type of treatment for the disease will be an ideal option for women, suffering postpartum depression, since not all medications can be used by them.

Aroma oils penetrate the human body through the pores and contribute to general improvement well-being. With the help of such products you can lift your mood, since the aroma of oils has a positive effect on the human brain.

There are several ways to use aromatic oil. You can simply breathe them indoors, add a few drops while taking a bath, or use essential oils during a massage.

There is a huge variety of aromatic oils to get rid of mental disorders. The most effective are: lemon balm oil, rosemary, lavender, orange and many others.

14. Treatment of depression: 2 main ways 💡

Depression is a serious medical condition and patients require comprehensive treatment.

If stressful situations gradually go away on their own, then the diseases they cause will never go away without a trace unless effective, properly selected comprehensive treatment is started in time.

Today there are two main types of treatment for depression, This self-treatment, or with the help of doctors.

You can cure yourself only the initial forms of the disease, which have minor symptoms and last a short period of time.

Treatment by specialists is the most preferable and effective option. Since it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything.

Doctors, usually, are not supporters of self-treatment of diseases, especially if it concerns complex mental disorders in humans.

Let's take a closer look at the most modern, safe And effective methods of treating all kinds of mental disorders.

It should be noted that, first of all, successful therapy depends on established emotional contact between the patient and the psychotherapist. Only with a trusting and friendly relationship, the result of the therapy used will not be long in coming, and it will also be stable and more pronounced.

Main areas of treatment:

  • Hypnotherapy.
  • Social therapy.
  • Classical psychotherapy.
  • Treatment with drugs.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy.

Today experts are trying to use aggressive ways to treat depression, namely, electroconvulsive, or drug therapy, exclusively in serious health problems, when the mental disorder has complex nature and lasts quite a long time.

The main drugs for the treatment of psychological disorders are sedatives and various antidepressants. For each patient, doctors select drug treatment individually.

To achieve the best treatment result and its long-lasting effect, the desire of the patient himself to get rid of depression forever is of great importance.

During the rehabilitation process, patients are obliged to strictly follow all doctors’ recommendations, as well as monitor their own behavior and try to establish friendly and trusting relationships with people around them.

What to do to prevent depression?

In order to prevent all kinds of psychological disorders, it is recommended to monitor the occurrence of initial signs of depression, and also try to get rid of them in a timely and effective manner.

If you think that you have become irritable And hot-tempered If you notice mood changes, lose emotional attraction to everyday activities, have problems sleeping, then you urgently need to think about proper rest, or a change of job and other changes in your life.

Healthy and long sleep is one of the most significant conditions for getting rid of stress and improving your psychological and emotional well-being.

Proper daily routine, also plays an important role in getting rid of the initial signs of depression.

15. Conclusion

In conclusion, the following should be noted:

Depression is heavy human mental illness. Her treatment must be taken with great responsibility. You cannot suppress all kinds of symptoms of the disease with the help of alcoholic beverages and various drugs.

If you discover any signs of a psychological disorder, you need to take immediate action. The best solution in such a situation is seeking qualified help from specialists.

This serious illness should not be confused with ordinary mood swings or seasonal blues (for example, spring depression). Depression differs in physiological signs that occur in the human body. It never goes away without a trace, but only gets worse every day, and gradually moves from a mild form to a severe stage.

Now you know how to get out of depression, what it is, how best to get rid of it, what symptoms and signs occur when a person is depressed, etc.

Never Do not start the course of such a disease, and do not wait for it to go away on its own. Seek advice from a psychotherapist, and he will definitely help you!

O. Noodles n


This picture does not leave my head: I am standing alone, all my classmates are behind me. They look... intently, without taking their eyes off... None of them finds the courage to come and stand next to you. I myself can no longer stand on the ground...

I can’t stop feeling this, I can’t change this condition myself, I can’t take the right step... I need help... (From the story of Misha K., 13 years old)

This small example allows you to understand what a child suffering from depression may feel: loneliness, suffering, pain, melancholy, despondency and alienation from people around him, friends, classmates, teachers, parents.

Childhood and adolescent depression is a reality, and it is becoming more and more common today. It can be confused with the period of growing up, the symptoms of which overlap with the symptoms of depression. At each period of child development, parents and the world They expect very specific behavioral features: when he should start walking, talking, holding a spoon with porridge on his own, sleeping without light, making friends, making decisions and being responsible for actions. Parents of a teenager are prepared for the fact that his emotions, thoughts, mood and behavior can change rapidly. Sometimes this happens unnoticed and does not cause discomfort to others, sometimes the contrast can be quite expressive.

For a child or teenager, every event that happens is a little stressful: a remark from a teacher, disapproving words from parents, a quarrel with classmates. Under the influence of such events, transitions from sadness to joy can happen many times a day. Most cope with such mini-stresses unnoticed.

When stress becomes frequent, when the child is predisposed to illness or does not find support from others, depression may occur.

As with depression in adults, depression in children and adolescents is a mental disorder that requires immediate parental involvement and referral to a specialist.

Causes and course of depression

How often do children get depressed?

In children under 12 years of age (or before puberty), depression is relatively rare—1 in 50 children (that is, 2%) will ever have a serious episode of depression. However, starting from puberty, the incidence of depression increases. One in 15-20 teenagers has ever experienced depression (this is already 5-8%), and starting from the age of 15, teenagers suffer from depression as often as adults. Up to the age of 12, cases of depression are equally observed in boys and girls. After the age of 12, teenage girls suffer from depression 3 times more often than boys (data from the World Health Organization).

How is depression in children different from depression in adults?

Depression in children under 12 years of age is likely to be a heterogeneous disorder. That is, it may be the onset of “adult” recurrent depression caused by hereditary (biological factors). But, more often, depression at this age occurs as a result of traumatic factors: the death of a loved one, family problems, conflicts, child neglect, divorce, as well as failures at school, separation from friends, etc. Beginning in adolescence (around age 12), depression becomes increasingly “adult-like,” meaning it becomes more like depression in adults. From the age of 15, depression in adolescents is only slightly different from depression in adults.

How does depression occur in children and adolescents?

The short answer is about the same as in adults. Attacks last on average 7-8 months, but can be much shorter or longer - lasting for years. Between such attacks there are usually no disturbances, or they are mild. If there was only one episode, then the majority will have the next one within 2-5 years (that is, within 5 years 70% will have a new episode).

Childhood depression is less likely to develop into adult depression (in less than half of the cases). Depression in adolescents most often (in 70% of cases) continues after 18 years. Here in half of the cases it may occur bipolar disorder, usually 2 types. Those who continue to have bouts of depression after the age of 18 often (every second) develop bipolar disorder, usually of the second type - with predominant depression and short periods increased mood or activity. Depression in childhood and adolescence does not affect the risk of schizophrenia or other psychotic illnesses.

Manifestations of depression

What are the common symptoms of depression in children and adolescents?

The main manifestations of depression are similar to those in adults. The child has for a long time(more than two weeks) almost every day low mood, fatigue, inability to sit still (or vice versa - he becomes less mobile than usual). Interest in former favorite activities, toys, food is lost. Nothing is fun. There may be a feeling of guilt, low self-esteem, the child cries more often. There may be sleep disturbances - inability to fall asleep normally, poor sleep, or increased sleep time.

What are the features of depression in children?

During depression, children are more likely than adults to become irritable, aggressive, disobedient, have bouts of hysteria and crying, have health complaints such as stomach pain, headaches, and a reluctance to communicate with family and friends. The child becomes very sensitive to being rejected by family or peers. Increased distractibility and an inability to sit still can lead to problems with studying. The child may have thoughts about death, fear of his own death or the death of his parents. These manifestations often occur along with other, more common symptoms of depression, but less often without them.

What are the characteristics of depression in adolescents?

In adolescents, especially after 15 years of age, depression is essentially the same as in adults. But adults may mistake its manifestations simply for the characteristics of adolescence. Many teenagers with depression experience disturbances in relationships with parents, relatives, problems at school, they start taking drugs or drinking, etc. These problems may accompany him into adulthood.

What is the likelihood of suicide in children and adolescents?

Even a child under 8 years of age with depression may have thoughts of suicide. But the likelihood of a real attempt to implement it in children under 12 years of age is very small. Adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide, and after age 15, the risk of suicide with depression is the same as for adults. According to some data, in Russia 5-6 people under 18 commit suicide every day. That is, the consequences of unrecognized depression can be the saddest. If there are significant concerns about suicide, you should immediately contact a specialist and likely receive treatment in a hospital.

What problems may arise when recognizing depression in children and adolescents?

Adults are often not inclined to take the experiences of children and adolescents seriously. They pay more attention to behavioral or health problems. For example, a child behaves poorly at school, fights with peers, or complains of constant fatigue and various pains. The child himself (as sometimes both a teenager and an adult), unless specifically asked about it, may not talk about his bad mood, lack of pleasure in life (anhedonia) and other experiences. In many families, parents cannot or do not want to pay enough attention to the needs of the child. Finally, the boundary between depression requiring treatment and normal experiences in a child is more difficult to determine, and people at any age tend not to consider depression a disease.

What other mental disorders occur along with depression in children?

Every second child with depression has another mental disorder. First of all, these are anxiety disorders, for example, the child is afraid (more than ordinary children) of unfamiliar places, people, answering in class, traveling to unfamiliar places, being alone, afraid of death. Then, along with depression, a behavior disorder may occur, that is, the child (and more often a teenager) becomes aggressive and disobedient. In adolescents, alcohol and drug abuse may be associated with depression.

When is a child diagnosed with depression?

Since the manifestations of depression in a child are often vague, a child is not diagnosed with depression unless absolutely necessary. Unconditional grounds for diagnosis are clear manifestations of depression that significantly interfere with the child’s life, his studies and well-being, as well as thoughts of suicide. In other cases, when the cause of depression is clearly visible, although the child reacts to it too deeply, the doctor may limit himself to the diagnosis of “adjustment disorder with depressive affect” (that is, depressive experiences). The primary treatment in any case is psychological counseling and psychotherapy.

Can depression go away on its own?

If we talk about one episode of depression, then with mild depression, 7 out of 10 children will recover without any treatment. With moderate to severe depression, only 3 out of 10 adolescents or children can recover on their own. If we talk about depression as a disease, then in every second child under 12 years of age and in 3 out of 10 adolescents, depression is limited to 1-2 attacks. Recovery is also facilitated by the fact that parents and adults around react to the child’s condition and try to help him, to resolve the situation that led to depression. However, you should not try to assess the severity of depression “by eye”, without consulting a specialist, and reassure yourself that “it will pass just like that.”

Treatment of depression

How often do children with depression receive the treatment they need? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Thus, children with depression often complain of abdominal pain and malaise, so they are often observed for chronic cholecystitis, chronic gastritis, cystitis, tonsillitis, rheumatism, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How depression is treated in children and adolescents ?

In case of mild depression and its obvious cause, it is enough to pay attention to the child, reduce stress, and, if possible, use psychotherapy and natural medications (fish oil and St. John's wort). For moderate depression, if possible, it is also better to first try to use psychotherapy, and if its effect is insufficient after 4-6 weeks, it is possible to start treatment with antidepressants. In severe depression, when the child’s normal life is significantly disrupted, there are thoughts of suicide - it is better to also start treatment with psychotherapy, but it is possible to add an antidepressant later a short time, if there is no improvement, or even at the very beginning. If a child or teenager has severe depression, it is necessary to discuss whether it would be better to find the necessary treatment in hospital for the first 3-4 weeks.

How effective is treatment for depression in children and adolescents?

The most effective treatment is a combination of psychotherapy and medication. If the use of medications is accompanied by severe side effects or is impossible for some reason, various methods of psychotherapy are used. The effectiveness is not as high as in the first situation (in the first option, success can be achieved in 7 out of 10 children, in the second – in 4 out of 10).

How is psychotherapy used to treat depression in children?

Psychotherapy for children and adolescents is the preferred treatment for mild to moderate cases, especially if depression is associated with traumatic events. Several types of psychotherapy may be used for children and adolescents, especially cognitive behavioral therapy. Other methods (interpersonal psychotherapy and behavioral activation) are less known in Russia. Various types of family psychotherapy (when both parents and the child come to sessions), group psychotherapy, and play psychotherapy are widely used. In large, and often in small cities, there are always psychologists or psychotherapists who work with children, although, of course, it is better to find a specialist who has experience specifically in child psychotherapy for depression.

What natural remedies can be used to treat depression?

In children, as in adults, fish oil (or rather, its component - omega-3 fatty acids) and St. John's wort (hyperuricum) preparations can be used as additional treatment. They are usually sold in capsules. They can be used both together and separately. These drugs have a weak antidepressant effect, and are practically devoid of unwanted effects. The effect of their treatment develops within 6-12 weeks, and treatment must be continued for 6-9 months for a single attack of depression, and 2-3 years for more than one episode of depression. If treatment with an antidepressant has been started, then the use of fish oil can be continued, but it is better to stop taking St. John's wort preparations.

How can fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids) be used to treat depression?

Doses of omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of depression are higher than simply for preventive purposes (“for health”), and are 1.5-2 grams. Typically, this dose is contained in 4-6 capsules of fish oil (it is better to calculate based on the information on the package). There are usually no side effects, or they cause only minor problems. For example, belching with a fishy smell (to avoid this, you can store the capsules in the refrigerator, or take the medicine in the evening), or loose stools when using high doses. It is necessary to avoid fish oil preparations with added vitamins A and D (a certain amount of them is also contained in pure fish oil) so as not to cause an overdose. Supplemented vitamin E is safe, although it has no benefit for treating depression.

Do antidepressants increase the risk of suicide?

It is clear that antidepressants may increase the likelihood of suicidal thoughts. This is quite rare: 1 in 100 teenagers who take the drug may be affected by it (that is, 64% more than if antidepressants were not used). An increase in the risk of suicide itself is more difficult to establish, since it is a rare event. If we try to estimate the risk of suicide with antidepressant treatment from some early studies, per 20,000 children and adolescents this is approximately 100 additional suicide attempts and 1 completed suicide. A recent large study found no increase in the risk of completed suicide. This may have happened as doctors and parents began to monitor children taking antidepressants more closely.

Is treatment of adolescents and children with antidepressants justified?

From a physician's perspective, for the treatment of severe depression and, in many cases, for the treatment of moderate depression, yes. Although suicide is the most undesirable and severe event here, its risk increases slightly when using antidepressants. And this risk can be eliminated if you carefully monitor the child at the beginning of treatment, or start treatment in a hospital. Most children and adolescents who need treatment benefit from antidepressants. Parents must weigh the pros and cons. In practice, the doctor’s position is also of great importance. If he consistently explains the benefits and risks of treatment, and the steps that can be taken to reduce the risk, then parents are more likely to agree to treatment. For example, after warnings about a possible increase in the risk of suicide sharply reduced the use of antidepressants in the treatment of adolescents, the number of suicides among adolescents in the United States and Holland has only increased.

What antidepressants are used to treat depression in children and adolescents?

Treatment with conventional antidepressants is less effective in children than in adults. But in more than half of the cases (60%), treatment with an antidepressant helps. Therefore, and also because of possible side effects, they are not the first-line treatment as in adults. Currently, only one antidepressant (fluoxetine) is recommended for children under 12 years of age. After 12 years, escitopralam (cipralex, lexapro) can also be used.

What precautions should be taken when being treated with antidepressants?

It must be remembered that for most children and adolescents, treatment with antidepressants is safe. But it is still necessary to monitor the condition of the child or adolescent, especially during the first 3-6 weeks of treatment, and regularly discuss with him whether thoughts about death and suicide have intensified. If this happens, you need to consult a doctor in the coming days and possibly continue treatment in the hospital.

How quickly does antidepressant treatment take effect, and how long does it need to be continued?

The effect of antidepressant treatment usually appears after 4-6 weeks. Treatment should be continued for 6-9 months after the first episode of depression, and 2-3 years if there was more than one episode. You do not need to stop taking an antidepressant on your own; it is always better to consult your doctor before doing so.

“Bad” behavior: Andrey, 8 years old.

Before illness.

Andrey was an active, cheerful child. True, he was very “tearful” in infancy, and later he could “throw a scandal,” sometimes simply because he was tired on a long trip. The parents met while they were in graduate school at Moscow State University. State University. My father was burdened by life in a big city. But after graduating from graduate school, he quickly found a well-paid job, which allowed him to buy an apartment with a mortgage and support his family. He probably also had depression since his teenage years (judging by the descriptions of the child’s mother), but he never consulted a doctor.

Parents' divorce.

His parents divorced when Andrei was 5 years old. A series of lawsuits followed, to which the mother filed. The relationship between the parents became very tense. Andrei loved his father, but there were no visible feelings about the separation. Since that time, Andrei has not seen his father; he left Moscow and moved back to his parents in Kazakhstan. Andrei still had a good relationship with his mother, although at home he usually played alone in his room when his mother was doing housework. His mother got Andrei into a dance studio; he went to a music tutor and participated in other clubs. But school was not easy for Andrey from the very beginning. He was restless and generally acted like a younger child rather than a schoolboy. If something didn’t work out, he could throw the textbook and refuse to write or complete the assignment.

Comment: Although we're talking about about the time before illness, you can pay attention to two circumstances that could cause depression in Andrey. The first is probably heredity. The second was the divorce of the parents, which was accompanied by lengthy trials. Although not every divorce leads to psychological problems for the child, this is quite possible, especially with an active “showdown” between the former spouses, and one or both of the parents inevitably have problems communicating with the child.

Problems at school and at home.

However, since the fall of second grade, behavior at school has worsened even more. Teachers complained about his aggressiveness. The “last straw” for the teachers was that Andrei hit the girl very hard because she had called him something. The mother was called to the school and asked to consult a doctor with the child. Even earlier, the school psychologist talked with Andrei and suggested that the child had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Around the same time, Andrei began to tell his mother that he did not want to live, that he wanted to commit suicide (jump from the roof of the garage in the yard, or ride a bicycle onto the road).

IN Lately Reports of suicide among teenagers began to appear more and more often in the press. The most common causes of suicide are depression. Such conditions do not develop in an hour or a day. Depression is a long-term condition. The duration of depression is most often more than two years, however, shorter-term conditions can also occur (from 2 weeks to 2 years).

Causes of depression in children

The following factors contribute to the development of depression:

1. Pathology of the early neonatal period: chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia, birth of children with asphyxia, the presence of neonatal encephalopathy, intrauterine infections. All of these conditions lead to brain damage.

2. Family climate: single-parent family, conflicts in the family, “overprotection” by mothers, lack of care on the part of parents, lack of proper sex education on the part of parents. Very often, in single-parent families, children cannot tell their parents about all their problems, especially for families where the daughter is raised only by the father. In such families, children withdraw into themselves, the whole burden of problems falls only on their shoulders, and sometimes they cannot cope with this burden. Frequent conflicts in the family lead to ideas in the child that he is a burden for his parents, that without him their life would be much easier. In the presence of “overprotection” on the part of the mother, children are not able to adapt to environment and society, without a lack of support from their mother, they become completely helpless. Adolescence is a period of experimentation, especially sexually. In the absence of sexual experience, very often problems and failures may arise during the first sexual contact. If the child is sufficiently informed sexually, this circumstance will not cause a negative reaction in the teenager, however, in the absence of sex education, this situation can negatively affect the teenager, which will lead to his isolation.

3. Adolescence. As mentioned above, adolescence is a period of experimentation. In addition to the previously described problems, hormonal and structural changes in the body occur during this period. Girls get their first periods, boys have nocturnal emissions (night ejaculation), body shape changes, and juvenile acne appears. Due to an excess of hormones, children become more aggressive, and leaders appear in their environment who dictate this or that way of life. If you do not correspond to this image, you cannot get into the social group, which means you find yourself left out of social life. All this can lead to the child’s alienation from society and the emergence of thoughts that he is not like everyone else.

4. Frequent change of place of residence. A child should have a social circle and friends. With frequent changes of place of residence, a child cannot make full-fledged friends with whom he could spend his free time and share secrets.

5. Problems in studying. The modern educational process is too overloaded with subjects; not every child is able to cope with the school load. Lag in school curriculum isolates the child from his classmates, making him very vulnerable mentally.

6. Availability of a computer and the Internet. Advances in technology have made it possible to unite the entire world, narrowing it down to a computer monitor, however, this has had a negative impact on the ability of young people to communicate. Children's range of interests is narrowing, they are unable to discuss anything with their peers, except how much he "pumped up" his hero or how many "bots" he "killed" yesterday. Children become shy when meeting in person; it is difficult for them to find words, because on the computer it is so easy to hide behind a couple of emoticons. At the same time, their only form of communication is chatting.

Depression in a child can develop as a result of exposure to acute or chronic stress (death or serious illness of loved ones, family breakdown, quarrel with loved ones, conflicts with peers, etc.), but it can begin without any apparent reason against the background of complete physical and social well-being, which is usually associated with disturbances in the normal course of biochemical processes in the brain. There are so-called seasonal depressions, the occurrence of which is associated with the body’s special sensitivity to climatic conditions(often manifests itself in children who have suffered hypoxia or received various injuries during childbirth).

Symptoms of depression in a child

Adolescence is the most susceptible to depression. There are early (12-13 years), middle (13-16 years) and late (over 16 years) depression.

Depression presents with the classic triad of symptoms: low mood, decreased mobility, and decreased thinking.

The decrease in mood throughout the day with depression is uneven. Most often, in the morning the mood is more upbeat, and children are quite willing to go to school. During the day, mood gradually decreases, with the peak of low mood occurring in the evening. Children are not interested in anything, they may have a headache, and in rare cases, an increase in body temperature. Children complain that everything is bad for them, that they have constant problems at school, conflicts with teachers and students. No success makes them happy; they constantly see only the negative sides even in the best things.

In addition to low mood, so-called outbursts of very good mood occur. Children joke and have fun, however, such an elevated mood does not last long (from several minutes to an hour), and then is replaced again by a depressed mood.

Decreased mobility manifests itself in a reluctance to move; children either constantly lie down or sit in the same position, most often hunched over. Physical labor does not arouse any interest in them.

The thought process in children is slow, speech is quiet, slow. Children have difficulty choosing necessary words, it becomes problematic for them to build an associative series (for example, wedding-bride-white dress-veil). Children answer questions after a pause, most often with only one word or simply a nod of the head. There is a fixation on one thought, most often with a negative connotation: no one loves me, everything is bad for me, nothing works out for me, everyone is trying to do something bad to me.

Children's appetite decreases, they refuse to eat, and sometimes they may not eat for several days. They sleep little and are troubled by insomnia, as fixation on one thought interferes with the process of falling asleep. Children's sleep is superficial, restless, and does not allow the body to fully rest.

Thoughts of suicide do not arise immediately; most often, their occurrence requires a long period of illness (from a year or more). The thought of suicide is not limited to one. Children come up with a plan of action, think through options for leaving life. This variant of the course of the disease is the most dangerous, as it can easily lead to death.

Besides psychological disorders very often somatic symptoms occur. Such children often seek medical care with complaints of general malaise, weakness, pain in the chest, heart, abdomen, headache, there may be an increase in body temperature, which is often regarded as a persistent (circulating) infection in the body.

Due to the presence of psycho-emotional disorders, children begin to fall behind in school, they lose interest in any entertainment, children stop engaging in hobbies, even if they previously devoted all their time to it.

As mentioned earlier, the course of the disease is long and can last for years. Therefore, if a child lives in a family with his parents, it is quite easy to notice the symptoms. It’s another matter if the child lives in a dormitory. During the day, fellow students see him as usual, without changes, since the deterioration of his condition usually occurs in the evening, and in the evening the child is most often alone in the dorm room, where no one sees him. For the administration, such a child is of no interest, since he does not violate the order.

What should parents pay attention to?

First of all, it is necessary to talk with the child, take an interest in his life, problems at school. It is necessary to pay attention to intonation, plans for the future, and optimistic views on the future. Pay attention to whether your child has friends and be interested in what he does after school. It is necessary to pay attention to how much time the child spends not doing anything. For some children, this is laziness, but even the laziest child can be made to do something by bribing him, but a child with depression is not interested in anything, neither gifts nor encouragement.

Closedness and lack of friends can sometimes also be observed during masturbation, when children try to be alone and avoid prying eyes. Frequent mood swings can occur when a child takes drugs. In this case, other signs of drug addiction are also noticed: preference for wearing clothes with long sleeves, photophobia, increased irritability, inability to concentrate on one activity (restlessness), detection of syringes, needles, and strange bags.

Screening a child with depression

Treatment of children with depression

In severe cases, when a child expresses suicidal thoughts, especially when he has specific plan death, treatment must be carried out only in a hospital, in the department of borderline conditions.

For milder forms of the disease, treatment can be carried out at home. Throughout the course of treatment, the child must live a normal life: go to school, do housework, and go shopping.

In pediatric practice, the drug Adaptol has proven itself very well. This drug is very well tolerated, has no side effects, and does not cause drowsiness. The drug normalizes sleep, improves mood, and increases the body's resistance to psycho-emotional stress. It is necessary to take the drug in a dosage of 300 mg, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to a month. In case of severe symptoms, adaptol should be taken at a dosage of 500 mg 2-3 times a day for 3 weeks, and then switch to a dosage of 300 mg and continue taking it for another 1 month. This drug, in addition to psycho-emotional symptoms, also relieves somatic manifestations of depression: pain goes away, temperature normalizes. The use of adaptol for frequent headaches, heart pain, and frequent increases in body temperature is one of the ways to accurately establish a diagnosis and identify patients with depression from a group of children.

You can also use a drug such as tenoten on an outpatient basis. Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine that blocks certain proteins in the brain. It reduces anxiety, improves sleep, and normalizes appetite. The drug helps improve concentration and normalize memory.

In severe cases, antidepressants are used: amitriptyline, pyrazidol, azafen. These drugs should be used only under the supervision of a doctor, and preferably only in a hospital.

But no treatment for depression in children will be complete without positive changes in his family; parents must accept the “real child”, his needs and aspirations instead of their own expectations, instead of the “dream child”. When conducting psychotherapy, they work to strengthen the child’s self-esteem, develop his ability to express his feelings, share them, cope with problems step by step and constructively influence the current situation.

Prevention of depression in children

To prevent the development of depression in children, it is necessary to organize psychological assistance in schools and colleges; children need to be explained the need to visit a psychologist if problems arise. It is necessary to improve the climate in the family, try to do some activities with the whole family (picnics, hikes in the forest, sport games). Be interested in your child’s life, show how interesting what he is interested in is for you. Try to know your child's friends, however, it is necessary that this be unobtrusive, everything should happen in the form of a conversation, when the child himself tells you everything. Pay attention to your child’s behavior, notice any new addictions your child has.

The child will not be able to get out of depression on his own. Therefore, the task of parents is to pay attention to changes in the child’s personality in a timely manner and seek medical help.

The child should be outdoors more often, be active in daylight and rest in complete darkness. This has a beneficial effect on the entire body and normalizes biorhythms.

Pediatrician Litashov M.V.
