Who came up with the idea of ​​a children's public association? Children's public associations

A children's and youth public association is a youth public formation for joint activities or a single social purpose. Over time, the shape of the children's movement in Russia takes on dramatic changes, for example, in comparison with the all-Union period, when the public observed the famous pioneer organization. The modern way dictates other priorities and views that young people strive for.

This article will examine the modern features of children's and youth public formations, features and directions, variations of state assistance to associations.

The concept and task of unification

A children's public association means a voluntary social movement formed by a group of adult and minor citizens for joint activities and a common goal.

Historical data mention student organizations that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. People heard about the “May Unions”, involved in the protection of animals and birds, “Artels of Working Women”, which organized friendly summer playgrounds, and many others. Even during the times of the USSR, such children's associations actively existed, but after the collapse of the union they lost their importance in society. However, now public youth organizations are quite successful in their activities and have many directions.

Their main goal is self-development, following their interests, and creating public projects. Tasks are determined depending on the goals, but, in a general sense, the organization of such a partnership helps to realize creative and organizational abilities, develop qualities aimed at improving the environment and helping people.

  1. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a special youth movement called “Amusing Troops” arose, created for war games. For this purpose, in 1682, a territory was laid out right next to the Kremlin Palace, where military games were regularly held. They soon grew into real military training, and in 1961 the Amusement Troops were divided into two organizations: the Preobrazhensky Regiment and the Semenovsky Regiment.
  2. Tsar Nicholas II proposed that schools use a new educational method described in the book Scouting for boys. This idea greatly inspired the first captain of the Life Guards rifle regiment, which led him to the idea of ​​​​forming the first detachment of Russian scouts in Russia. The first such detachment was created on April 30, 1909, called “Beaver” and consisted of only 7 boys.
  3. During the war, Moscow pioneer organization actively participated in the hostilities. She was engaged in the construction of the Moscow Pioneer tank column, which was transferred to the disposal of the Red Army for its production. Later, the pioneers received the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union for their feat.
  4. The youth association “Walking Together”, which is close to our days, arose in 2000 and existed until 2007 under the leadership of a public and government figure, as well as the ideologist of youth movements, V.G. Yakemenko. The organization “Going Together” was created for the purpose of carrying out mass actions, mainly of a state nature. Captured in the archives of history strange case, when in August 2004 this organization held an action against Philip Kirkorov, demanding that the famous singer be convicted of inappropriate behavior.

Constitution Russian Federation guarantees state support for children's and youth public associations. Some provisions on this issue are also spelled out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Support for children's public associations is carried out on the basis of Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ in accordance with the following principles:

  1. Legality.
  2. Tolerance.
  3. Civic engagement.
  4. Recognition of independence and equality of rights to state support.
  5. The priority of common humanistic and patriotic values.

The law does not apply to youth and children's commercial student unions of a professional direction; associations created by political parties.

State support for children's public associations is provided under the following provisions:

  • The association has the status of a legal entity and exists for at least a year (from the date of official registration).
  • The association that announces a program that requires funding consists of at least 3,000 young citizens.

State rights of associations

Organization of activities of a children's public association has the right:

  • submit reports to the Government of the Russian Federation explaining the situation of children and youth;
  • make proposals for the implementation of youth policy;
  • make proposals for amending laws relating to the interests of children and youth;
  • take an active part in discussions and preparation of federal projects of state youth policy.

Types of government support

Main types of support for the activities of a children's public association:

  1. Providing benefits.
  2. Information Support.
  3. Conclusion of contracts for the implementation of government orders.
  4. Training of personnel for youth and children's public associations.
  5. Conducting competitions for funding.


Programs of children's public associations and organizations are financed from the federal budget and funds of the Russian Federation. Material support is provided on a legislative basis and is provided for by various social programs. The law provides for the allocation Money in the form of subsidies.

Organizations such as student unions, religious organizations and similar associations, the support of which is not provided for by law.

Types of joins

Children's public associations may differ in:

  • direction;
  • formation;
  • goals;
  • implementation time;
  • degree of interests;
  • composition of participants;
  • social status.

Associations aimed at the development and needs of children can be implemented in schools and groups. Initially, the organizations were only educational in nature, but over time, creative collective associations began to form, also aimed at creative actions and benefit to the surrounding world.

Directions of associations

The free regime of our time allows us to create a wide variety of children's public associations. At the moment, it is difficult to list them, since new ones are formed every day, carrying an individual idea of ​​self-expression. Of these, the most common categories of associations can be identified.

  • environmental;
  • sports;
  • tourist;
  • creative;
  • scouts;
  • research;
  • professional;
  • cultural;
  • social and informational, etc.

According to formal criteria:

  • officially registered;
  • unregistered, but based under the influence of official structures (for example, schools);
  • Informal.

According to ideological principles:

  • political;
  • religious;
  • national;
  • secular.

Association classifications

There are a huge variety of organizations for the collective association of children and youth that currently exist. They have different names, program structure, public purposes and play different social roles. The most famous of them:

  • Union Can be international, interregional, regional, regional, regional, city, district. Such organizations act within the framework of their own interests and unite in social groups children and adults in different areas of focus: sports, music, education, etc.
  • Federal. They operate within the framework of various international and all-Russian public associations with pre-agreed goals and an existing representative body to represent interests at the state level.
  • Association of Children's Organizations. They are engaged in the implementation of a public program to meet their needs. They can be school, student, game, or perform at the Russian or international level.
  • The League is a broad-based community based on specialized and cultural interests.
  • A commune is a group of people united on the basis common property and labor.

  • A squad is an association consisting of detachments. In the past, pioneering was classified as this type. Now this could be, for example, a camp detachment that has a counselor or other similar groups with the participation of a leader.
  • A squad is a team united in accordance with personal interests.
  • Social groups that promote the interests of society or any social category, social layer. They may differ in financial status, nationality, place of residence, labor criteria, and even level of health.

Examples of joins

  • "Make a step".
  • Scouts.

In Nizhny Novgorod school No. 91, a small association of adults was recorded on the initiative of the director. There was only one goal - to teach children what is not written in school textbooks. The idea was related to the development of certain skills in difficult life conditions. Thus, classes on survival in extreme conditions were formed. This later developed into a mandatory state subject for tourism training, mountaineering, the study of martial arts and methods of defense, and first aid.

  • "Marine League".

Youth association of lovers of shipping, yacht sports and ship modeling. The league included 137 organizations, which included young sailors and rivermen, which at one time gave rise to popularity this direction and reached international level. The association led training sailing events and carried out long sea voyages.

  • "Green Planet".

Children's environmental movement. You could become a member of this association from just 8 years old. Key task project was to unite as many young citizens as possible to solve environmental problems, call for healthy image life and compliance with the standards of cleanliness and order.


From the point of view of the educational process, the goals of the activities of any children's public association effectively influence the aspect of personal growth of each member of the association. In the process of activity, he encounters many social problems and begins to better understand the principles of management, self-organization, respect, etc., which has a positive effect on his future. Associations increase social significance and a person’s readiness to fulfill social public needs.

Alternative scouting organizations were and are the creation of groups of enthusiasts. It is difficult to determine the traits that are equally inherent in all of them. If in the 1920s. they did not receive mass support in society due to the rejection of the dominant churches, the co-education of boys and girls (which was not very welcome in English society), and participation in the events of political parties, today alternative movements and organizations mainly advocate the preservation of the old (“conservative” ”) traditions, against modernism, excessive socialization of the scout movement. Although, of course, this is not inherent in all groups (especially new-fangled ones). Today it is difficult to say unequivocally that this “innovation” will definitely win. But in conditions when new liberal ideas are gaining more and more supporters (and not only in the USA), scouting will be forced to either change again or sharply and radically split organizationally. One way or another, both then and now, not a single children’s and teenage movement could resist the massive spread of scouting. All these groups were not and are not any serious alternative to scouting, existing on the principles of WOSM or WAGGGS.

A preschool educational institution is a voluntary association of children and adolescents, secured by formal membership, built on the principles of self-government, initiative and organizational independence.

The activities of children's public organizations are regulated by the following state regulations: Civil Code of the Russian Federation; Law of the Russian Federation “On Non-Profit Organizations”; Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations”; Law of the Russian Federation “On state support youth and children's public associations.”

According to its legal status, a children's public organization has the following most important features: the presence of voluntary, officially registered membership. participation of members of the organization in the management of its affairs: elections of governing bodies, control over their activities, development of programs for the organization’s activities, etc. participation in ensuring the property basis of the organization and organizational and structural independence.

The purpose of the activities of preschool educational institutions can be considered in 2 aspects. On the one hand, as a goal set for themselves by children united in an organization, on the other hand, as a purely educational goal set by adults who created this organization for children.

Children's public organization Sverdlovsk region“Sobolyata” has been operating in the Sverdlovsk region for 2.5 years. the main objective organizations - help young residents Sverdlovsk region in civic development. Thanks to its activities, the Sverdlovsk region should receive socially useful activities for children today, and independent and active adult citizens tomorrow.

The daily activities of the sable squad are planned in such a way that children have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge they need in certain specialties, not only theoretically, but also through participation and organization various events, promotions, holidays, gatherings, hikes, etc.

Each detachment (territorial organization "Sobolyata") submits its activity plan, adopted by the council of the detachment (organization) to the regional council of the children's public organization of the Sverdlovsk region "Sobolyata", once every three months. In addition, an information report on the work of the detachment (organization) for the previous three months is attached to the plan.

Having studied the values ​​of children and adolescents as the basis for the effective functioning of children's public associations using the example of the Sobolyata preschool educational institution, we came to the following conclusions:

־most members primary organization ideals of his

־unification considers Truth and Goodness;

־the laws of activity of the primary organization and their participation in it are based primarily on Friendship;

־sees the realization of his rights in the existence of Equality and Justice;

־of all the duties and actions of the members of the association, he values ​​​​Deeds most;

־considers Voluntariness and Creativity to be the main norms of the association;

־principles of activity of the primary organization - Spirituality and Humanism;

־guidelines for activity - Mercy and Peacemaking;

־concerns for your affairs and thoughts - Family and Society;

־The organizational structure and activities of the primary organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union are built, in the opinion of its members, primarily on the principle of Cooperation.

Participation in the activities of children's associations gives children and young people a rich, unique experience of communication, romance, adventure, and also forms an active citizenship position, responsibility, initiative and determination, introduces them to democratic and legal norms. Volunteer activities for the benefit of other people and nature form moral values ​​and humane qualities in activists of the children's movement. Such children and young people can bring a lot of benefit to society and their country.

List of sources and literature used

2. Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” (July 24, 1998, No. 124-FZ) Law of the Russian Federation on Education (05/12/1995)

4. Law of the Russian Federation “On state support of youth and children's public associations” (June 28, 1995 No. 98 - Federal Law).

5. Current problems of modern childhood: Sat. scientific works. Vol. 4.

6. Bogomolova L.V., Golubeva T.L. Teenage culture. On the approaches to dialogue. - M., 1992.

7. Borisova L.A. Children's movement in modern society: concept of development and educational opportunities // Folk school. 1995. №6.

8. Bykov A.K. // Social Technologies, Research, No. 2, 2005. - With. 58-63

9. Children's movement. Issue 4 Under the direction of T.A. Vasilyeva. Compiled. and ed.: T.V. Trukhacheva - M., 2004

10. Vishnevsky Yu.R., Shapko V.T. Sociology of youth. - N. Tagil, 1995.

11. Children's movement of Moscow Development resources. Materials of sociological research. Collection of articles / edited by M.E. Kulpedinova. - M.: ISPS RAO, 2005.

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14. Ilyinsky I.M. Youth and youth policy. - M.: Voice, 2001.

15. Kabush V. T. Moral values ​​of the children's association. / Problems of survival. 2003. No. 6.- P.73-83.

16. Kon I.S. Child and society (historical and ethnographic perspective). - M., Nauka, 1988.

17. Krupskaya N.K. RKSM and Boy Scoutism // Leader. 1990. No. 1-2.

18. Kudinov V.T. Social movement and organizations of children and youth in Russia in the 20th century: Abstract of thesis... Dr. Ped. Sci. -SPb., 1994.

19. Kulpedinova M.E. Children's public associations as a subject of education. - M., 2002

20. Lebedev D.N. Training of young organizers. - M., 1993.

21. Maksimova I.A., Fedorova M.I. What do schoolchildren want from nurseries? public organizations. Education of schoolchildren. 2004, No. 6.

22. Maltseva E.A. Children's public organization as a space for the social education of adolescents. Monograph. – Izhevsk: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “UdGU”, 2005. – 352 p.

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24. Maltseva E.A. Children's public organization and social education // Social initiatives and children's movement. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference December 1-4, 2005 / Rep. ed. E.A. Maltseva, O.A. Fiofanova. Izhevsk: UdGU, 2005.

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  • Chapter 4. Professional formation and development of a teacher
  • § 1. Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching activities
  • § 2. Development of the teacher’s personality in the system of teacher education
  • § 3. Professional self-education of a teacher
  • § 4. Basics of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers
  • General fundamentals of pedagogy
  • Chapter 5. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences
  • § 1. General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science
  • § 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy
  • § 3. Education as a social phenomenon
  • § 4. Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy
  • § 5. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences and its structure
  • Chapter 6. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research
  • § 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher
  • § 2. General scientific level of pedagogy methodology
  • § 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research
  • § 4. Organization of pedagogical research
  • § 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research
  • Chapter 7. Axiological foundations of pedagogy
  • § 1. Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy
  • § 2. The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification
  • § 3. Education as a universal human value
  • Chapter 8. Development, socialization and education of the individual
  • § 1. Personal development as a pedagogical problem
  • § 2. The essence of socialization and its stages
  • § 3. Education and personality formation
  • § 4. The role of training in personality development
  • § 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation
  • § 6. Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation
  • Chapter 9. Holistic pedagogical process
  • § 1. Historical background for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon
  • § 2. Pedagogical system and its types
  • § 3. General characteristics of the education system
  • § 4. The essence of the pedagogical process
  • § 5. The pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon
  • § 6. Logic and conditions for constructing an integral pedagogical process
  • Learning Theory
  • Chapter 10. Training in a holistic pedagogical process
  • § 1. Training as a way of organizing the pedagogical process
  • § 2. Learning functions
  • § 3. Methodological foundations of training
  • § 4. Activities of the teacher and students in the learning process
  • § 5. Logic of the educational process and structure of the assimilation process
  • § 6. Types of training and their characteristics
  • Chapter 11. Patterns and principles of learning
  • § 1. Patterns of learning
  • § 2. Principles of training
  • Chapter 12. Modern didactic concepts
  • § 1. Characteristics of the main concepts of developmental education
  • § 2. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development training
  • Chapter 13. The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual
  • § 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical nature
  • § 2. Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring
  • § 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education
  • § 4. State educational standard and its functions
  • § 5. Regulatory documents regulating the content of general secondary education
  • Curriculums can be standard, working and original.
  • § 6. Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for constructing a 12-year secondary school
  • Chapter 14. Forms and methods of teaching
  • § 1. Organizational forms and training systems
  • § 2. Types of modern organizational forms of training
  • § 3. Teaching methods
  • § 4. Didactic means
  • § 5. Control during the learning process
  • Theory and methods of education
  • Chapter 15. Education in a holistic pedagogical process
  • § 1. Education as a specially organized activity to achieve educational goals
  • § 2. Goals and objectives of humanistic education
  • § 3. Personality in the concept of humanistic education
  • § 4. Regularities and principles of humanistic education
  • Chapter 16. Cultivation of basic personal culture
  • § 1. Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren
  • § 2. Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual
  • § 3. Formation of the foundations of a person’s moral culture
  • § 4. Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren
  • § 5. Formation of aesthetic culture of students
  • 6. Education of physical culture of the individual
  • Chapter 17. General methods of education
  • § 1. The essence of education methods and their classification
  • § 2. Methods of forming personality consciousness
  • § 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming experience in the social behavior of an individual
  • § 4. Methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior
  • § 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education
  • § 6. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application of educational methods
  • Chapter 18. The collective as an object and subject of education
  • § 1. Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual
  • § 2. Formation of personality in a team - the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy
  • § 3. The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of the children's team
  • § 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team
  • § 5. Basic conditions for the development of a children's team
  • Chapter 19. Educational systems
  • § 1. Structure and stages of development of the educational system
  • § 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems
  • § 3. Class teacher in the educational system of the school
  • § 4. Children's public associations in the school educational system
  • Educational technologies
  • Chapter 20. Pedagogical technologies and teacher skills
  • § 1. The essence of pedagogical technology
  • § 2. The structure of pedagogical skills
  • § 3. The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task
  • § 4. Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics
  • § 5. Stages of solving a pedagogical problem
  • § 6. Demonstration of the teacher’s professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems
  • Chapter 21. Technology of designing the pedagogical process
  • § 1. The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process
  • § 2. Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis
  • § 3. Planning as a result of the teacher’s constructive activity
  • § 4. Planning the work of the class teacher
  • § 5. Planning in the activities of a subject teacher
  • Chapter 22. Technology of the pedagogical process
  • § 1. The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process
  • § 2. The structure of organizational activities and its features
  • § 3. Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization
  • § 4. Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization
  • § 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with others and types of developmental activities
  • § 6. Technology for organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren
  • § 7. Technology for organizing collective creative activity
  • Chapter 23. Technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships
  • § 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the activity of a teacher-educator
  • § 2. The concept of technology of pedagogical communication
  • § 3. Stages of solving a communication problem
  • § 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation
  • § 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics
  • § 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships
  • Educational systems management
  • Chapter 24. Essence and basic principles of management
  • § 1. State-public education management system
  • § 2. General principles of management of educational systems
  • § 3. School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management
  • Chapter 25. Basic functions of intra-school management
  • § 1. Management culture of the school leader
  • § 2. Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management
  • § 3. Goal setting and planning as a function of school management
  • § 4. The function of organization in school management
  • § 5. Intra-school control and regulation in management
  • § 1. School as an organizing center for joint activities of school, family and community
  • § 2. Teaching staff of the school
  • § 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the student’s family
  • § 5, Forms and methods of work of the teacher, class teacher with parents of students
  • Chapter 27. Innovative processes in education. Development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers
  • § 1. Innovative orientation of teaching activities
  • § 2. Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification
  • § 4. Children's public associations in the school educational system

    Children's public associations as an educational institution.

    The school cannot ignore the influence of various social institutions on the upbringing of children. Among them, various children's public associations occupy a special place. Previous experience proves that children's associations should have their own social niche. For them, global goals and the assignment of functions of other public or state institutions to them are destructive. The long-term goals of children's public associations are to help children find the application of their strengths and capabilities, fill the vacuum in the realization of children's interests, while preserving their identity and their approaches.

    The All-Union Pioneer Organization - a single, monopoly, mass - was replaced by many forms and structures of the children's movement. The International Federation of Children's Organizations (SPO-FDO) was created, which includes 65 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the CIS - republican, regional, regional, and city children's structures. The Federation of Children's Organizations "Young Russia" unites 72 children's public associations of different levels (from primary associations to unions and associations).

    Simultaneously with the officially registered ones, informal, spontaneously emerging children's and youth associations are created and operate, which are preferred by up to 30 percent of young people. Particularly attractive today are associations-"get-togethers" of various orientations: social, sports, cultural (musical), national. There are also associations of asocial orientation. “Parties” are an independent and weakly amenable to external regulation instrument of influence on children and youth.

    Today, the children's movement appears as a complex socio-pedagogical reality, which manifests itself in the voluntary activities of children themselves according to their requests, needs, needs, their initiatives, as a unique response to the events of their lives. Their main feature is amateur activities aimed at the child’s fulfillment of his natural needs - individual self-determination and social development.

    Children's movement becomes an educational tool when special conditions, ways of its organization, allowing to positively influence the child through the efforts of the children themselves, their communities, to gently manage his development as an individual, complementing the school, out-of-school institutions, and family. One of the conditions is pedagogically organized, socially and personally significant activity of a children's public association - the main form of the children's movement.

    A children's public association is, first of all, a self-organizing, self-governing community, created on a voluntary basis (the wishes of children and adults), on the initiatives, desires of participants to achieve certain goals that express the requests, needs, needs of children. A children's public association with a positive social orientation is an open, democratic structure, without a rigid “official hierarchy”. It is not a structure of a state institution (school, institution of further education, university, enterprise), but can be created and operate on the basis of the latter with direct personnel, financial and logistical support. An association in which at least 2/3 of the citizens are under 18 years of age can be considered a children's association. The leadership of adults (necessarily members or participants of the association) is voluntary and public in nature. The relative independence of a children's public association is its characteristic feature.

    In contrast to a children's association, a children's public organization as a form of children's movement is an association with a clearly defined social and ideological orientation, created, as a rule, by adult communities and government structures. This is a relatively closed, multi-level structure with subordination of subordinates to higher ones, fixed membership, responsibilities and rights of each member, self-government body, and official. The organization is based on a system of small primary children's structures through which the goal, objectives of the organization, its laws, rights and responsibilities are realized. The activities of the organization and its program are determined by the prospects of both the organization and each member (categories, degrees, titles, positions). Classic example children's organization - pioneer, scout.

    The current situation of depoliticization of the children's movement, its focus on humanistic principles, the disclosure of the creative personal potential of the child, his natural data determine the preference for more democratic, open forms of the social children's movement. Thus, children's public associations received the right to be independent legal entities and determine their relations with various government agencies as equal partners on the principles of interaction, cooperation, and on a contractual basis.

    Another important feature of modern children's public structures is their right to choose adult leaders. Today there is no specific counselor, representative of the youth, adult social structure, there is no single pedagogical leadership represented by professionals. The curator (manager, leader) of a children's association can be almost any adult, without limitation of age, gender, nationality, education, party affiliation, acting within the framework of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the laws of the Russian Federation.

    There are no restrictions on the location of children's public associations. They can be created and operate on the basis of public and private institutions, public structures, and at the place of residence.

    The influence of children's associations on the functioning and development of the educational system of the school. Their influence is determined by a variety of factors: the specifics of the state institution and public children's structure; educational traditions of the school and the target orientation of the association; human resource potential of the school; characteristics of the surrounding society; the personality of the head of the association, etc. In each specific case, the mutual influence will be diverse. However, it is important that the final result - a positive impact on the child, teacher (subjects of the educational system) - be significant.

    The purpose of the activities of any children's public association can be considered in two aspects: on the one hand, as a goal that children set for themselves, on the other hand, as a purely educational goal that adults participating in the work of children's associations set for themselves.

    In the first case, the voluntary association of children is possible only when they see in it the prospect of an interesting life, the opportunity to satisfy their needs. It is important that the association increases the social significance of their activities and makes them more “adult”. This aspect, which does not contradict the “children’s” goal, involves creating conditions in the organization under which the child’s socialization is more successful, resulting in the desire and readiness of children to perform social functions in society.

    A children's public association is an important factor influencing the child, influencing in two ways: on the one hand, it creates conditions for meeting the needs, interests, goals of the child, and the formation of new aspirations; on the other hand, it determines the selection of the individual’s internal capabilities through self-restraint and collective choice, adjustments with social norms, values, and social programs.

    The children's public association also performs protective functions, defending and protecting the interests, rights, dignity, and uniqueness of the child.

    The process of socialization in a children's association is effective when there is a commonality of interests and joint activities of children and adults. At the same time, children should retain the right to choose the forms of life of the association, freely move from one group, one micro-collective to others, and the opportunity to create associations to implement their own programs.

    Types of children's public associations. Children's associations differ in the content of their activities, duration of existence, and form of management.

    According to the content of their activities, children's associations can be labor, leisure, socio-political, religious, patriotic, educational, etc. Children's labor associations implement the tasks of organizing their work activities. These are student cooperatives, most often created for the joint activities of children to solve personal economic problems.

    Leisure, socio-political, patriotic and other associations involve solving the problems of developing the abilities and inclinations of children, the problems of providing them with opportunities for communication, self-expression and self-affirmation. Due to the fact that the child enters these groups voluntarily, here he does not have to put up with the position that he is forced to occupy in the class.

    Depending on the duration of their existence, children's public associations can be permanent, which, as a rule, arise on the basis of schools, institutions of additional education, or at the place of residence of children. Typical temporary associations for children are children's summer centers, tourist groups, etc. Situational ones include associations of children created to solve some problem that does not require much time (participants in a help action, rally, etc.).

    Based on the nature of management among children's public associations, one can distinguish informal associations of children, club associations, and children's organizations.

    L. V. Aliyeva presents the experience of interaction between schools and children's public associations in the following typical options.

    The first option - the school as a state educational institution and children's public associations (more often these are organizations with a clear program, purpose, rights and responsibilities of members of federal, regional, city significance, having an independent legal status) build relationships as equal partners on a contractual basis in accordance with the law "On support of children's and youth public associations", everyone voluntarily taking on specific responsibilities.

    With such cooperation, real opportunities for interaction are created for two independent educational subjects. At the same time, the school voluntarily chooses a partner in the form of a children's social structure, based on the principles of democratization and humanization of the educational process. The interaction of equal educational subjects can be realized in various forms, primarily based on the implementation of general programs (social, cultural, educational, etc.). Subjects of SPO-FDO and schools, as experience shows, successfully interact on the basis of developed socially oriented programs ("Game is a serious matter", "Order of Mercy", "School of Democratic Culture", etc.). Programs, projects of the FDO "Young Russia", focused on civic education, individual development, social adaptation children (“Renaissance”, “School of Social Success”), for the education and development of younger schoolchildren (“Four plus three”, “The Little Prince of the Earth”), are successfully used in updating the educational systems of schools.

    On the basis of the school, “outposts”, primary structures (teams, detachments, clubs) of a district, city, regional children's organization, the members of which are students of this school, can be created and operate. Through their social activities and position as members of an organization or association, such children influence certain aspects of the school’s educational system or contribute to its creation (they create press centers, organize clubs, conduct expeditions).

    The positive impact on the educational system of the school of relations between equal partners is largely determined by the dynamism, democracy, autonomy of children's public associations, their clearly expressed specificity, as well as the ability of the school to have several partners, without tying itself rigidly and for a long time to one public association, organization, building relationships according to the principle of expediency. The option of interaction between equal partners allows us to take the educational system of the school beyond its walls, making it more open, socially significant, and effective. The new position of students - members of a children's public association has a positive impact on their educational activities, making adjustments to its content, organization, and humanizing the adult-child relationship. Experience convinces us that children's social structures are indirectly capable of bringing educational systems of schools out of a state of crisis and chaos.

    So far, in mass practice, relations between schools and children's public associations as equal partners are just emerging.

    The second option is more common. Its essence lies in the fact that the relationship between a state educational institution and a children's social structure is built as an interaction between subjects of the school's educational system, giving it the features of a self-governing, democratic, state-public one.

    The children's association in this case is an important component of the system, which is in close relationship with its main structures. In other words, the interaction of these two subjects takes place within the educational system at the level of state and public (amateur) structures (government and self-government, class - children's association, state educational programs and programs of children's associations during extracurricular hours, etc.).

    As a rule, the initiators of the creation of children's social structures in schools are adults - teachers, administrators, and less often - the children themselves and their parents. Teachers are initiators and voluntarily become curators, managers, leaders of children's associations, and their active participants. It is this group of teachers and children's activists, united in voluntary communities at the call of the soul, that often act as generators of new ideas, the implementation of which can become the initial stage of the design of the educational system or an impulse for its development. This influence of children's public associations on the educational system of the school is observed in last years on practice.

    The school is increasingly aware of the importance of the children's movement in the educational system due to its diverse manifestations, amateur performances, and creativity of children. Currently, there is a wide variety of experience in creating public children's structures in schools (organizations, clubs, councils, unions, children's parliaments, etc.), organically included in their educational systems.

    So, children's public structures educational systems of schools include:

    Various forms, bodies of student self-government (councils of high school students, school committees, dumas, veche, etc.);

    School (student) organizations; children's public associations, organizations operating in the school's additional education system;

    Temporary children's associations - councils, headquarters for the preparation and conduct of collective creative activities, games, labor operations, sports, tourism and local history competitions;

    Profile children's amateur associations (to expand and deepen knowledge in specific areas).

    Each of these children's social structures has its own specifics and, with competent pedagogical instrumentation, is capable of influencing the state of the school's educational system. Thus, the place of student organizations in the educational system of a school is quite specific. They are allies of the school’s teaching staff in solving its main tasks determined by the state; defenders of student rights, initiators of school Olympiads, competitions, shows, subject weeks, creative exhibitions held together with teachers. The main object of their activity is the school, the student, the teacher-student relationship, and educational activities. The role and place of the student organization in the school, its authority in the eyes of children, teachers, and parents is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the school’s educational system.

    Children's public associations, as evidenced by the experience of recent years, often serve as incentives for the birth of something new in the work of the school, and at the same time, in their activities, the best traditions of the school are preserved and enriched. We can say that they are able to give stability, solidity, and modernity to the educational system of the school.

    The main meaning of the interaction between the school and children's social structures is the creation of a truly humanistic educational system, in which the goal and result are the child as an individual, creator, creator.

    Questions and tasks

    1. Define the educational system.

    2. What is the structure of the educational system?

    3. What is the essence of the driving forces for the development of the educational system?

    4. Reveal the content of the main stages of development of the educational system.

    5. What are the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational system?

    6. Give a description of the main foreign and Russian educational systems.

    7. What are the functions, rights and responsibilities class teacher?

    8. Name the main forms of work of the class teacher with students.

    9. What is the role and place of the class teacher in the functioning and development of the educational system?

    10. Name the main features and types of children's public associations.

    11. Describe the main options for interaction between schools and children's public associations and their impact on the functioning and development of the educational system.


    The problems of children's associations were studied by such theorists as A.V. Volokhov, L.V. Alieva, A.G. Kirpichnik, E.V. Titova, V.A. Lukov, I.N. Nikitin, R.A. Litvak, O.S. Korshunova, D.N. Lebedev, L.V. Kuznetsova, E.A. Dmitrienko, M.R. Miroshkina and others. An analysis of the definitions given by these authors allows us to identify three meaningful meanings of the concept of “children’s public association.”

    From a sociological point of view, a children's public association is considered as a type of social movement. Sociologists believe that “a social movement is the joint actions of various social, demographic, ethnic groups that are united common goals- change your social status; common values ​​(revolutionary or conservative, destructive or positive); general system norms governing and regulating the behavior of its participants; informal leader, the role of which changes as the social movement develops, its institutionalization, and the leader’s achievement of dominance and power” (T.V. Trukhacheva).

    Transfer from general concept social movement on the children's movement (union, organization) is done by S.K. Buldakov. Considering a children's public association as social institution, he defines it as “a collective socio-psychological formation that disseminates in society views on the relationship between society and the individual in terms of the social functions they perform.” According to S.K. Buldakov, children's public associations, being a social institution, perform the following social functions: create conditions to satisfy the interests and needs of adolescents; regulate the actions of members of children's public associations within the framework of social relations; ensure the integration of the aspirations, actions and interests of individuals participating in children's public associations. As a social institution, the author believes, children's public associations are bound by responsibility for ensuring the interests of society in educating the younger generation, carried out through the development of an individual's ability for social communication based on the accumulation of new knowledge and social experience.

    IN AND. Prigogine identifies the following features: its goals are developed from within and represent a generalization of the individual goals of the participants; regulation is ensured by a jointly adopted charter, the principle of election, i.e. dependence of management on the led; membership in them satisfies the political, social, cultural, creative, material and other interests of the participants.

    E.A. Dmitrienko considers a children's public association as a special social system, which is characterized by: semantic expediency, integrity, structure and orderliness, hierarchy, multifunctional interconnection social system and environment; organizational plasticity and dynamism; sociality; self-regulation and self-management of life support processes and system functioning.

    Thus, a children's movement (association, organization) is:

    an objective manifestation of the laws of civilizational and anthropological development of human society;

    the subjective social reality of the social structure, which reflects the most progressive socio-political initiative of the younger generation;

    the specific historical state of the institutional organization of children and adolescents, characterized by the presence and dynamics various types voluntary communities, associations, organizations, formations;

    an integral part of a social movement, representing the joint actions of children and adults united in order to accumulate social experience;

    one of the forms of social activity of children and adolescents;

    the way children master the world and influence it through collective activity among peers;

    social variety small group functioning as a social organization; a set of coordinated joint actions of a special socio-demographic group of children uniting with the help of adults in various types of formations in order to change their status and position in society in order to achieve their interests and rights, for self-development and education, for active participation in public life;

    a way to realize the opportunity of children to participate in the discussion of pressing problems in their lives and the life of society, to organize actions to improve the world around them.

    Public is considered children's association, which:

    is created on the initiative and on the basis of the free will of children and adults and is not a direct structural unit of a state institution, but can function on its basis and with its support, including material and financial;

    carries out social and creative activities;

    does not set as its (statutory) goal the receipt of profit and its distribution among the members of the association.

    Children's public associations may include: various organizations, societies, clubs, unions, teams, detachments, other formations, as well as associations (federations, unions) of such associations.

    A children's organization is an amateur, self-governing children's public association created to implement any socially valuable idea (goal), which has norms and rules governing its activities, fixed in the charter or other constituent document, a clear structure and fixed membership. If these characteristics are present, regardless of the number of members (but not less than 10 people), the children's public association is recognized as an organization.

    One of the basic principles of life of children's and youth organizations is voluntariness. Voluntary association of children in an organization is possible only on the condition that they see in it the prospect of an interesting life, the opportunity to satisfy their interests.

    The fundamental difference between modern children's associations is their public nature. The state provides legal protection, material and financial support, but is not the founder and does not regulate their activities. Children's and youth associations acquire independent social status.

    According to the Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations” (1995), youth and children's public organizations have great social and pedagogical capabilities. Children's and youth organizations can:

    create special programs to attract the attention of government bodies to their problems;

    create conditions for the development of leadership and creative potential of the individual;

    attract the attention of state and municipal authorities to solving problems of childhood and children's associations;

    create children's self-government bodies;

    organize the work of children and youth aimed at helping their peers and other people; prepare children and youth for social self-defense;

    develop the legal culture of the individual;

    carry out the prevention of antisocial behavior.

    The desire of children to unite is determined by a combination of social, psychological and pedagogical factors.

    A person as a social being outside a society of his own kind cannot develop and self-realize normally. Children are no exception. To protect your specific interests, enter the field public relations children create their own associations, different in nature and areas of activity, with less or more stability.

    By uniting in various groups, companies, teams, etc., children thereby combine their strengths and capabilities to achieve a specific goal in various types activities. The child sees in unification with other people a means of self-defense, self-determination as an individual, as a member of a community of similar people.

    Children's and youth associations are a stepping stone for a developing personality to enter adult life, one of the ways of socialization of the individual.

    The desire for unification is also explained by a number of psychological patterns in the development of a child’s personality and his age characteristics. The main ones: turning teenagers’ communication into independent species activities; the desire to assert oneself, to be recognized by other members of the community; the emergence of a sense of adulthood; the ability to imitate the behavior of peers and “infect” with the positive example of a significant adult; growth of self-awareness, the desire to be oneself; search for the meaning of life.

    Children's associations have the following main functions:

    developmental - ensures the civil, moral formation of the child’s personality, the development of his social creativity, the ability to interact with people, to put forward and achieve goals that are significant for everyone;

    orientation - providing conditions for children's orientation in the system of social, moral, cultural values;

    compensatory - creating conditions for the realization of needs, interests, actualization of the child’s capabilities that are not in demand in other communities of which he is a member, to eliminate the deficit of communication and participation.

    A distinctive feature of the modern children's movement is variability:

    organizational and legal forms (associations, organizations, movements, unions, associations, leagues, commonwealths, centers, clubs, etc.);

    scales and levels;

    goals and orientation of the content of the activity (patriotic, economic, environmental, pioneer, scout, political, pacifist, religious, etc.);

    organizational structures, their external design.

    Thus, the essence of children's and youth associations is manifested primarily in goals related to the education and development of the child's personality on the basis of socially significant activities.


    Children's public organizations: invariance and variability

    Edition: Nar. education. – 2007. – No. 7. – P. 207–214

    The essence of children's public organizations

    It is advisable to consider the essence of children's public organizations in four planes: age, socio-pedagogical, social, organized.

    Age-related characteristics of adolescent social organizations are associated with belonging to the same generation and age. They are determined by the attributes of everyday life, general orientations, moods and expectations. The difference between the world of adults and the world of children is determined by the difference in the degree of social maturity, the difference in the level of full participation in the system of social relations. Space of manifestation of a feature children's world culture, law and social interaction. The adult culture is dominant, and the children's (teenage) culture is a subculture. In legal terms, adults are capable, and children are not capable, therefore, children's public organizations are associations that are legally discriminated against groups of the population. In the social sense, an adult is focused in his activities on productivity and rationalism, but for a child, the process and emotional state are most important.

    The social and pedagogical component in children's and adolescent public organizations is significantly limited in legal aspect. Legal status counselor may not be higher than that of adolescents community members. A characteristic feature of children's public organizations is their autonomy in relation to state system education.

    In the social aspect, children's public organizations are independent, they are free to change their composition, ideology, forms and methods of work, and are an example of non-profit organizations. They can potentially become a social partner of government authorities and business. In modern conditions, children's and adolescent public organizations are forced to engage in “fundraising” search for material resources to implement social projects. Sponsors can be state authorities, local governments, commercial structures.

    In organizational terms, a children's and adolescent public association has the features of any social organization. It is essential to have corporate values ​​and symbols that regulate the behavior of group members.

    Characteristic features of children's public organizations

    The first characteristic feature of children's public organizations should be considered the voluntary participation of students in them. It is associated with the need for communication, new social status, in self-realization and self-affirmation, the desire to benefit society. A children's public organization offers him written and unwritten rules governing the behavior of adolescents and adults.

    Second characteristic the purpose of children's public organizations, which can be considered as a goal that children set for themselves and as educational tasks that the adult community solves. These tasks are components of a spiritual and value orientation towards: self-organization of voluntary joint activities, transformation of the surrounding reality, self-improvement, implementation in social interaction moral values.

    The third characteristic feature is the mediation of education through collective activity, a system business interaction, corporate culture.

    The fourth characteristic feature is related to the specificity of the subjects of education in children's public organizations. On the one hand, the subject is the entire organization, on the other, an important role is played by an adult, a participant in a children's public organization. The process of organizing activities in a community becomes the object of joint creativity between adolescents and adults. It is advisable to focus the activities of counselors on coaching, which means: counseling teenagers, using technology for developing abilities, an adult refusing an expert position, creating conditions for teenagers to make decisions.

    Variability of forms of children's public organizations

    The most common forms of children's organizations (associations):

    “society of amateurs” (a group of people gathered to pursue similar interests); “squad” (paramilitary formation, well-organized group united by a romantic game); “volunteers (a group focused on serving the community); “commune” (an association for solving pressing problems at the place of residence, work or study).

    The key word for understanding the core of the activity of the “society of amateurs”

    is a hobby, passion. Social organization becomes a condition for successfully doing what you love. Business relations in society are liberal in nature and differ high degree freedom and independence.

    The second common form of children's public organizations is a “group of volunteers.” Volunteers, or volunteers, are people who voluntarily provide assistance to those in need. the main task such associations deeply internal, personal. Due to the cohesion and sense of responsibility of its members, it achieves very high results in the field of declared tasks. The main thing in this group is its “spirit”. “Missionaries” value decency and reliability. Business relationships are built on the ideological authority of leaders.

    This form is reflected by the public children's organization "League of Young Journalists". Representatives of the League participate in festivals and competitions of film, television and video programs, competitions of children's and youth radio, the press, and information forums. An example of this form of association is All-Russian organization"Children and Youth Initiatives" (DIMSI). The ideology of the organization is based on volunteer service to youth in civil society.

    The third form of organization includes the activities of the All-Russian Children and Youth social movement"Security School" and the Interregional Children's and Youth Organization for the Promotion of Military-Sports and Patriotic Education "Association of Knights". In such associations, for a significant number of teenagers, joining a detachment is a test of oneself, self-affirmation and self-realization. The leading way of being of the detachment is initiation a specific form of advancement in social status. Participants of the association are included in such spheres of life as play, sports, and learning. Hence the specific forms of organizing interaction: line, memory watch, forced march.

    An analysis of the program documents of numerous scouting organizations allows us to classify them also as a third form.

    The fourth form of children's and adolescent public organization, the “commune,” is characterized by a way of jointly solving pressing problems in the arrangement of life around us. A fundamental element of the life of a commune is social design. A democratic style of interpersonal relations predominates in the organization; adults serve as consultants or managers of individual projects.

    Pure forms of children's public organizations are rare, but in each of them one can find dominants characteristic of one form or another of associations.
