The lunar birthday will tell you about the character of the soul. Lunar birthday and moon phase

Let's consider what characteristics people born on a new moon have. The time of the waxing moon covers the period of intermediate phases from the new moon to the full moon. This period can be divided into two phases: the first is the time from the appearance of the lunar crescent to the first quarter. The second is the time from the first quarter to the full moon.

Characteristics of people born on a new moon

Simultaneously with the growth of the Moon, all those processes and phenomena in those areas of life that are controlled by the Moon are intensified and filled with energy.

In the first quarter phase, exactly half of the lunar disk appears illuminated, and the other half is dark. There is, as it were, a “clash” of light and darkness, and light (the positive principle) is as strong as darkness (the negative principle), and a struggle arises between these opposing phenomena: between joy and sadness, activity and passivity, “plus” and “ minus."

But the parties not only oppose, but also complement each other, so an excess of energy arises when people want to change, redo, or accomplish something. People are more active than usual, they are overcome by the desire to act, the passion for change, but at the same time the number of various kinds obstacles, trials, temptations.

People born on a new moon during the second phase of the moon are very flexible and receptive emotionally. They are sensitive to indifference, they are characterized by insight, and they perceive many things intuitively.

The inner world of such people is extremely rich and gives them the opportunity, if the need arises, to understand their emotions, impulses, unreasonable outbursts and passions. They often get upset if they sense coldness in their interactions with loved ones or partners. They need constant emotional contact to maintain a sense of mental comfort and their own peace of mind.

I remember one moment in my life. I urgently needed to sew a skirt for a “trip” to a friend’s birthday party. I run to the department store, buy fabric - exactly the one I like, I had enough money for it, and at that moment it was very important, and, pleased with myself, I run to order.

I went to several studios and nowhere did they take an urgent order. Finally, I found a dressmaker who was recommended to me in one of the ateliers. She listened to me sympathetically, took the fabric and asked me to come for a fitting tomorrow. I was at the height of bliss: to be beautiful at the holiday!

However, when I came the next day, I found the dressmaker sick. She apologized and asked to reschedule the order for three days. As a result, I went to my birthday party in an old skirt, but my mood was still high.

So be attentive to this phase of the Moon - it carries with it many contradictions and surprises.

During the waxing moon, the body may malfunction in various systems, especially the digestive system. Chronic diseases worsen more often, operations may proceed less favorably, and wounds heal more slowly. General state tension often leads to increased nervousness and, as a result, to the emergence of conflicts “out of nowhere.”

In the evening, when you go to bed, thank the past day for all the good things it gave you, for the fact that it taught you something. And don't forget about affirmations before bed.

To the 2nd phase lunar month It is good to straighten dislocations, treat the spine, eliminate the consequences of old injuries, and engage in general correction of the body.

Affirmations for the waxing moon

1. I am beautiful, healthy and lucky.

2. The events of my life are improving every day.

3. My position is strengthening.

4. Every day I am appreciated more and more.

5. My body is getting stronger, healthier, and energy is increasing.

6. I feel a surge of strength and energy.

7. I'm happy!

On the waxing moon:

1. Determine your desired goal. Write down your goal on a separate piece of paper.

2. Visualization. Imagine a materialized object or event. Imagine that everything has come true, everything you planned has worked out. This will help you bring your desire closer to fulfillment.

3. Attract your guardian angel. Talk to your guardian angel. Ask him to contribute to the implementation of your bright plans.

15th lunar day

15th lunar day

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LUNAR DAY The names of this day are “Fire Serpent” and “Jackal with Wings”. Read the book “A Spell for the Chameleon” by Pire Anthony, which describes what a fiery serpent and a jackal with wings are. The free soul is tested in astral battles and carnal temptations.

This is the day full moon when the soul is most free and susceptible to temptation. The spirit is not responsible for spiritual manifestations, therefore people born on a full moon have the freest soul.

Born in 14th lunar day appeal-oriented people 16th lunar day very harmonious, and people 15th lunar day various temptations await.

Dreams in 15th lunar day there will be prophetic things for the whole month. Sometimes the full moon occurs on the 16th day. So, if the full moon falls on 15th lunar day, then we should be more attentive to the descending Moon. If the full moon occurs on the 16th lunar day, then we can assume that there will be half a month of rest. This happens once or twice a year: keep an eye on Lunar calendar.

Health effects

WITH 15th lunar day connected to the pancreas and diaphragm, Anahata chakra. Violations of this day can lead to stomach pain, in the worst case - to gastritis and ulcers. One of the means of treating any illness that is associated with a lunar day is to perform the practices of this day.

You should pay attention to lunar days in antiphase, in the cross, in the tritones. Let's say that some organ hurts - it means that you used the energy of a certain day incorrectly.

If you work with this day for several months, with its antiphase, trigonal days, and the stone of the day, then in this way you will be able to improve your organ - this is treatment. That is, you restore the circulation of energy associated with this lunar day.

Since this organ receives a monthly influx of this energy, the cells are restored. In addition, you will mentally focus on this organ, tell it that it is being restored, then it will become healthy.

On this day one must practice any kind of asceticism, conquer one’s flesh, eat lean food, but it must be hot and spicy. You can eat red peppers, legumes, barley and beans are good.

Viburnum is very useful on this day: it helps fight carnal temptations and improves memory. Viburnum is a magical plant that has a beneficial effect on memory. On this day it is good to eat cranberries, red rowan and nettle. These products cleanse the organ that is associated with 15th lunar day, - pancreas.

You can drink a decoction, eat jam, and nettle cabbage soup. On this day you cannot eat cabbage, garlic, apples, you must refrain from sexual relations and don't quarrel. This is one of the days when sex is prohibited. There are two such forbidden days in total. On this day we must be above carnal desires. It's like a post that shows what is stronger in us - the spirit or the flesh.

Born on the 15th lunar day

People, born on the 15th lunar day, carry very heavy karma. They are very difficult to train and completely uninspiring, especially if Moon will be in opposition to Jupiter. Often such people have a serpentine nature, they initially carry this within themselves fire snake, which tempts people on the 15th lunar day.

As a rule, they cannot fight themselves and succumb to all temptations. They need to realize this and refuse temptations. Such people should constantly cleanse themselves. They may have impaired pancreatic function, and as a result, diabetes.

15th lunar day for business

In terms of business, this is the day increased activity. Astrologers advise you to finally decide on something you haven’t decided on before (of course, this does not mean risky enterprises of a criminal nature).

But with any actions you need to be careful, since the nature of these lunar days is such that you can either win the jackpot or lose everything you had. Risk should not be like a whim, it should be the natural conclusion of thoughtful and carefully analyzed actions.

Figuratively speaking, such a powerful energy flow of lunar energy must be used only for peaceful purposes. Be careful, but don’t restrain yourself, trust your intuition and acquired professional skills.

Haircut on the 15th lunar day

Haircut V 15th lunar day It’s better not to do it, but the hairstyle will come in very handy.

Childbirth on a full moon and eclipse.

  • #62630240
  • 19.12.10 19:55
  • Anonymous

December 21st full moon and moon eclipse. Everyone told me something, that it was a bad day for childbirth and for the child, and in general everything was bad and some kind of fatal day that would not bring anything good. Then I went on the Internet, I already regret it, I read a lot there too....... I’m just scheduled in the RD for December 21, 40th week, a large fetus, they will look at it on the chair, I’m afraid after that labor will begin immediately. Or is all this nonsense with the eclipse and full moon? About the porn moon, that’s okay, but the eclipse......... Or is my brain already exploding?

  • #62631456

It's probably already exploding... Everything will be fine!

  • #62631689
  • Taptysh V.I.P.

don't even think about it. my friend, who loves to get her hair cut according to the moon and plan things, got me on edge and wore out all my nerves so that I would choose the child’s birthday according to the lunar calendar, it seems like there will be a planned CS, so you can choose more. At first I also sat down and read, I felt sick because everything suitable days have already passed. but I don’t want to give birth yet, and it’s not the time. Now I’m already going crazy from waiting and I don’t care what day he wants to be born or when the doctor says it’s time and there’s no point in delaying, it’s also fate in its own way when I told my husband, he advised me to bring in the horoscopes of the Druids and other figures. and for that matter, on different sites the meaning of lunar days is interpreted differently, so all this is fragile and untrue

  • #62632731
  • ketiusha +

I don't really believe in this new moon thing. As your baby is destined to be born, so it will be! Well, if so, to calm down, you take it and come to the reception on December 22! They won't kick you out! And then, even if labor begins on December 21, you can give birth on the night of December 22! Relax and think only about meeting your baby!

  • #62632958

Call the maternity hospital and tell them you won't come. Business... you'll come on the 22nd. Nothing bad will happen.

  • #62633755
  • Jaipal*

I was taken to the first B. on Friday the 13th. I gave birth to the 14th at 0.40 minutes)))). In fact, I read somewhere that babies like to be born on a full or new moon, so at this time there are usually a lot of people in maternity hospitals. But I don’t remember there being anything bad about this topic.

I gave birth on a full moon) as many as 17 of us gave birth that night) there weren’t even places in the wards, they were lying in the corridors) nothing, cool, like a conveyor belt))

  • #62636674

For information, the entire current year is unfavorable for childbirth. Chinese calendar. I advise you to postpone the event to February.

  • #62637099

oh)) why are you here))) and should I postpone the birth to 2012? such things, since everything is unfavorable... but what about those who don’t care? leap year have to give birth??? don't worry!!!

  • #62638178

Any midwife will tell you that on a full moon they usually give birth more, especially boys, this is how I gave birth to my first - all the rooms are full, they keep me in the corridors longer, because... there are no seats

  • #62638607

all three of my children were born on a full moon

  • #62649899
  • Anonymous

And you should come a day or two early for the inspection. Well, they won’t kick you out. Ask in a tearful voice, if necessary, to briefly talk about the problem. Well, people are not animals, they must understand.

  • #62649942

Yeah, and we won’t give birth in a leap year. We’ll tie our necks in a knot and walk around for another year, until the next one, like elephants.

  • #62653299

yeah))) that’s right... well, since next year is simply unfavorable for childbirth, I won’t give birth, so I’ll tell the doctor))))

  • #62663160

Well, they scared away such a maniac) But we haven’t yet had time to talk about the feng shuiness of maternity wards %))))

  • #62663380

It’s funny, contractions are going on, and the woman in labor asks to set up the bed according to Feng Shui and turn it to the south))) oh I can’t)))))) I’m laughing)))

  • #62665928

I gave birth to a daughter on July 20, 2009, there was a lunar eclipse. Everything went fine, without any breaks. Don’t push yourself too hard; when it’s your destiny, you’ll give birth.

  • #62669255
  • Reply to:62638607

And I'm with you. She also gave birth on a full moon. Even at school they taught about the influence of the moon on the ebb and flow of the ocean. I think “legs grow” from there. How many percent of a person is made of water? By the way, my mother also gave birth to me on a full moon. To the author, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine. On the contrary, it is a stimulus for the body

  • #62683601
  • 21.12.10 13:38
  • Anonymous

I tested it on myself: what day are you afraid of (“if only it doesn’t start today, it’s better tomorrow...”) - that’s the day you give birth

  • #62725193
  • 22.12.10 17:58
  • astrologer

Girls, I will say as a person who understands issues related to the sky and stars - it’s nonsense, don’t worry about it. On a full moon it is somewhat more difficult to stop the bleeding, but this is not critical, you are under the supervision of doctors, plus modern drugs exist for these purposes. An eclipse means that your child will be born with a specific task into this world, i.e. he will have some kind of predestination in fate, at some point. Which one depends on your personal horoscope. But it doesn't mean anything bad. On the contrary, he is the chosen one, he deserved it in his past incarnation.

  • #62725418
  • 22.12.10 18:07
  • astrologer

Girls, don't worry about it. During the full moon it is more difficult to stop the bleeding, but this is not critical, you will be under the supervision of doctors who have medications on hand. During an eclipse, people are born with a specific task in this life; they have some predestination. But this is not bad, rather the opposite. It's not just that they are the chosen ones. Those born on a full moon have a certain power, which is popularly called magical. So you give birth to unique children.

  • #62725467

15th lunar birthday

The birthday fell on the 15th lunar day. Those born on the 15th lunar day have a serpentine nature and succumb to all astral (emotional) temptations, for they were born under the influence of the astral serpent.

It is difficult for such people every 29th and 30th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

People born on this day are the favorites of fate. They easily succeed in a career in the civil service, get along well with people, they rarely remember grievances and are lucky in life.

It is difficult both to wait and to catch up. It's difficult to get rid of things that have become obsolete. Difficulties with summing up, with forgiveness and repentance. It is difficult to build a harmonious energy exchange with the world and people, it is difficult to thank everyone who helped, to adequately evaluate oneself, one’s activities, and to be adequate to the environment.

They are strong in health, endowed with longevity and talents, but due to their own fault they are very unhappy, multi-passionate, and poor learners.

It is difficult both to wait and to catch up. Poor summing up, difficulties with forgiveness and repentance. It is difficult to build a harmonious energy exchange with the world and people, it is difficult to thank everyone who helped, to adequately evaluate oneself and one’s activities, to be adequate to the environment, it is difficult to get rid of what has become obsolete.

Such “uterine” people are not alien to any temptations of the flesh.

People low level developments born on this day of the Moon will succumb to all carnal and astral temptations (for they were born under the influence of the “astral serpent”). They are said to have a “snake nature.” Such children learn poorly, they are poorly suggestible (especially if the Moon is in opposition to Jupiter), they are overwhelmed by their own energy. They cannot fight themselves, they need to be taught this: to transform the force (energy) of destruction into the force of creation.

We all come from childhood and the influence of our parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire future life. Only great love parents, their moral purity, patience and example can become help and support for such a child.

A spiritually developed person will perceive such a life as a test, as a lesson, as working out a certain karma. Strong-willed people of the 15th year. d. very freedom-loving. But they should constantly engage in self-purification of the body, feelings and thoughts, otherwise they may be plagued by diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

People born on the 15th lunar day are very complex, eccentric, capricious and conflicted. As a rule, they have “heavy karma”, and with this life they are called upon to atone for a lot and change a lot in themselves. They easily succumb to all sorts of temptations, and they themselves often become a temptation for others; they love to seduce, seduce, and “show off.” There are many difficulties and even tragedies in their personal lives. They are exalted, excitable, their mood changes quickly. And if such a person does not learn to control his emotions, then his emotions will begin to control him. In general, those born on this day are people with a free soul. They are not suggestible, there are no authorities for them, and they are also difficult to train, since it is very difficult for them to concentrate and fully assimilate information. They are constantly faced with trials and temptations, to which, alas, they most often willingly succumb. They succumb especially easily to the temptations of the flesh, and they themselves often suffer because of this.

Such people often have a weakened pancreas and are prone to diabetes, so they need to cleanse and fast from time to time. It has been noticed that such people are very fond of sweets - but this is precisely what they need to limit themselves to.

The person was born on a Full Moon. "Moon Road", aka Hera. He came to this world to receive energy for the implementation and implementation of those programs that he laid down for himself in past incarnations.

The Full Moon is the time when the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun and becomes most independent. The same can be said about people born on a full moon. They have absolute independence inner world, complete freedom and looseness in the control of your subconscious.

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the Moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon acquired more for them important.

These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood. Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they carry through themselves different influences- both the worst and the best. They are conductors, but what they are conductors of is an open question and depends on many factors.

During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest confrontation - a conflict of mind and emotions, consciousness and subconscious, soul and spirit. Hence duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

Which famous people were born on the 15th lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

  • Henry Ford (birthday July 30, 1863) Moon in Capricorn;
  • Kate Bush - singer (birthday July 30, 1958) Moon in Capricorn;
  • Alexander Bovin - TV presenter, journalist (birthday August 9, 1930) Moon in Aquarius;
  • Andrey Krasko (birthday August 10, 1957) Moon in Aquarius;
  • Louis Pasteur - founder of the theory (birthday December 27, 1822) Moon in Gemini;
  • Harutyun Hakobyan - illusionist (birthday April 25, 1918) Moon in Libra;
  • James Belushi - actor (Gemini birthday June 15, 1954) Moon in Sagittarius;
  • Alexy II - clergyman (Aquarius birthday February 23, 1929) Moon in Leo;
  • Sergei Korolev - physicist (Capricorn birthday December 30, 1906) Moon in Gemini;

The waning Moon replaced the waxing one in the sky. Not much time has passed, and the Moon in all its beauty, which just recently shone fabulously, begins to melt, to waste its strength and light. The moon, from bright and full, begins to turn into a small, narrow crescent, which will soon disappear completely. The Moon now symbolizes weakening, beginning the process of dying. What do we need to know about the waning moon?

The waning moon is the time when it is necessary to finish all previously started tasks. Confirm this long years Moon observations. This time is most favorable for finally breaking up with bad habits, finish protracted repairs, complete unfinished business.

On the waning moon

On the waning moon, practices related to liberation and purification are performed. Do clearing of rubble, general cleaning, energy cleansing of the house, release from negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes. The beginning of the third phase is marked by a feeling of incredible fullness of life. But you can’t get too carried away and throw out energy: everything must be in moderation.

During the period of the waning Moon, medical operations are better, almost all household work is done with ease, the number of conflict situations, misunderstandings are more easily resolved. This time is suitable for diet and skin care: the use of special masks, wraps and other cosmetic procedures becomes especially effective. Under the waning Moon, it is best to clean up the house and sell a valuable item.

If you were born during the waning moon

The moment of the waning moon includes the period of intermediate phases from the full moon to the new moon. This period can be divided into two phases: The first is the time from the full moon to the third quarter. The second is the time from the fourth quarter until the disappearance of the lunar crescent. Synchronously with the waning of the Moon, the effect of energy and all those processes and phenomena in those areas of life that the Moon controls decreases. Let's consider what character traits people born on the waning moon have.

During the third phase of the moon

People born in the third phase of the moon are overwhelmed with conflicting feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others, they may seem unreliable, constantly changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, reckless people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses, illusory desires and dreams. They say about them: “Not of this world.” Often their emotions are beyond their control.

These people need constant friendly contact; being in a team is not a whim for them, but an urgent need. If they don't get help from friends, they can become quite unpredictable. People who unwisely indulge their whims risk wasting their energy. In the third phase of the Moon, born actors and performers are born.

During the fourth phase of the moon

People born in the fourth phase of the Moon look absolutely calm, they often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people really lack emotional freedom, the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and control themselves and their impulses. They are characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions to many events that irritate them. Such people definitely need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation, but also to hide their feelings deeply, without suppressing them.

During the period of the waning moon, you should cut your hair, do general cleaning, get rid of everything unnecessary, start treatment, cleanse the body, etc. During the period of the waning Moon, it is advisable to do things that are already established and do not require special effort. An important telephone call made during the waning Moon will most likely not give the desired effect, because on the other end of the line you are listening to a person whose biorhythms are also on the decline. He would rather redirect you to another authority than delve into your problem.

For these phases of the Moon, any work that can be completed quickly is suitable. Getting rid of some bad habit, it's like we're killing her. After the habit has disappeared, new inclinations take the place of old ones - renewal begins. This time is considered favorable for completing all kinds of affairs.

Moon phases in the horoscope and temperament

From what natal chart, the personality characteristics of its owner largely depend. Lunar days associated with the cycle of human reincarnation. Each subsequent birth occurs in successive lunar day. People born shortly after the new moon begin a new cycle of reincarnation. And those who were born before the new moon complete the cycle.

If a person was born on the waxing Moon, his task in this life is to master the outside world, realize his abilities, knowledge and skills. Already at birth, a person is oriented toward active work and strives to achieve success and a position of authority. Other people and surrounding events are interesting to him.

If the Moon is waning in the natal chart, then the period of accumulation of new experience and external activity has already passed. It's time to sum up. The native is more busy looking for answers to eternal philosophical questions - what is the meaning of life? How does the Universe develop? He is less interested in external events and social achievements. He tries to have an interesting occupation and a small circle of emotional people. Self-esteem is more important to him than other people’s assessment of his personality. It is more inward oriented.

First quarter of the Moon (first phase)

People born in the first quarter of the Moon are active and assertive. They have many abilities, so it is difficult to focus on one thing. They strive to stand out. At first they encounter difficulties because they lack the ability to interact harmoniously with other people. Very subjective. In assessing current events, they are guided not by facts, but by their feelings. They often fail because they cannot really assess their strength. The most active period of life is after 30 years. A person becomes more realistic, can already decide on his professional direction, and by the age of 40-45 achieves success.

Second quarter of the Moon (second phase)

Those born in the second phase of the Moon are most adapted to the world around them. This is the most successful type of people in social relationships. They achieve what they want most easily, are very practical, concrete, see opportunities that arise and know how to take advantage of them. They realize their potential as easily and quickly as possible and often even in at a young age(19-25 years old) achieve success. By the age of 30 they have a stable position.

Third quarter of the Moon (third phase)

Those born in the third phase of the Moon can do more than they want. Usually in the first half of life they are quite successful. like people of the second quarter of the Moon, they quickly find their field of activity. But over the years, they are less and less interested in social success. After 40 years, and sometimes even after 59, they find new goals in life, gradually withdraw more and more into themselves, begin to engage in self-knowledge and gradually lose interest in any social activity. They often study philosophy or go into religion. If the Moon has tense aspects, then such a change of goals can occur dramatically, as a result of the collapse of one’s personal life or career, or disappointment in previous ideals.

Fourth quarter of the Moon (fourth phase)

People of the fourth phase of the Moon look self-absorbed. During childhood, people often get sick and become accustomed to being less interested in external events. They are not very assertive and do not have enough energy to assert themselves. Even if they occupy some position, they are forced to do work that they do not like, and after 30 years they can quit it altogether and do what interests them, despite the protests of loved ones. People of the fourth phase of the Moon often become monks and hermits.

Boundaries of the lunar phases. First square of the Moon

There are people who are born at the boundaries of phases. The first square of the Moon is considered the easiest. Until the age of 30, the life of such people is quite successful. And at the age of 30, a serious crisis occurs, which forces a person to better correlate his needs with the available opportunities. At this age, he usually suffers failures, which teach him to be more objective and somewhat knock down his ambitions. As a result, a fundamental change of views occurs.

Last square of the Moon

Born at the last square of the Moon and the Sun. After 30 years, people suddenly lose interest in life. What previously seemed important ceases to be of interest. This may be caused by disappointment in loved ones, dismissal from a job in which a person put his whole soul, or a crisis of worldview. Loss is also possible loved one or serious illness. The crisis following this event lasts several years and gradually leads to the abandonment of external values, such as material prosperity, power, authority, and a transition to internal ones. People turn to religion and occult sciences.

Full moon

Those born on a full moon (Moon in opposition to the Sun) often grow up in a dysfunctional family or have conflicts with their parents. IN early years they have a lot of abilities, they are highly appreciated by others, but by the age of 30 this entire reserve is depleted, which is experienced as a huge disappointment, after which a person can try a lot of jobs, change several places of residence, create several families and get divorced and not stop at anything. Only by the age of 58 can there be results that will satisfy a person.

New moon

New Moon (Moon in conjunction with the Sun) - the last day and first day of the Moon, the end of the period. This is the time to sum up the entire cycle of reincarnation, and on the first day of the Moon this is only the first incarnation. A person cannot yet express himself and is only getting acquainted with the world around him. The similarity of such people is that they are self-absorbed, and those around them have great difficulty understanding them. A crisis often occurs at the moment of birth. During the new moon, the mortality rate of children at birth is higher than during other periods. Often these children get sick a lot in childhood, they have problems with digestion and adaptation to climatic conditions. They find it difficult to get involved in any activity and often perceive life as violence against themselves. Those born on the first lunar day have more vitality and their health gradually improves. All rights reserved.

If you determine your birthday according to the lunar calendar, find out the phase of the moon at the moment of birth, this will explain a lot about your character. In addition, this information will inform the nature of your subconscious - how you internally perceive reality and react to it. And everything around you is then a consequence of the reaction of your subconscious.

The Moon is a conductor of emotions, determines karmic code human, constitutes the matrix of the soul.

The lunar cycle reflects the circle of incarnations, the experience gained by the soul in past lives.
Any psychological dive into the depths of the subconscious gives positive results if you can remember that moment in life that blocked luck in some aspect of life. But if you can’t remember on your own, the lunar calendar will help you find the root of the problem.

The lunar calendar has 4 quarters, which show character traits. And if you also add the position of the moon in the zodiac sign, you can get a more complete picture of the influence of the moon.

What does a lunar birthday mean in the phases of the moon?

On the new moon, new souls are born, without past experience. The further a person’s moment of birth is from the new moon, the more experienced and older his soul is.
Those born in the first quarter of the Moon have a vital task to get to know this world, learn to communicate, take care of themselves and build relationships.

In the 2nd quarter of the Moon, those whose soul has already accumulated certain experience and knowledge in past incarnations are born. They came to this world to learn further.

In the third quarter of the Moon, those whose soul has accumulated experience and came here to work, start a family, and realize themselves in society are born.

Those born in the fourth quarter of the Moon have the most experienced souls, who have already learned to live and acquired a lot of life experience. Their task is to pass on their accumulated experience, teach and protect their loved ones from rash actions, and love and help others.

The influence of the Moon on a person’s character is especially important if he was born during the transition from one phase to another. At this moment, the Moon receives a stress blow from the Sun. During their lives, these souls must move to the next stage of development; this is always difficult and involves tests of strength, tests of Fate, and shocks.

Those born on a full moon have a dual nature. Among them there are souls with vast magical experience in the past, who themselves consciously came to this world at the most powerful energy time to solve their important magical tasks. But also on the full moon, those who in the past failed in their mission are also born and thus received the opportunity to correct all their mistakes made in the past.

The quality of life of those born in the first and second quarters, who feel like children here, depends on the environment in which they live. If loved ones take good care of them, then their whole life can be happy and carefree. If you are unlucky with your environment, life will be tense and hectic.

The quality of life of those born in the third quarter, like the quality of life of adults, depends only on themselves.

The quality of life of those born in the fourth quarter depends very much on the accumulated experience that cannot be remembered, as well as on the environment - just as elderly parents depend on their adult children.

Those born close to the full moon constantly experience emotional turns, continuously experience the same emotional sensations as in childhood, return to their original emotional states, to what we once felt.

During the Full Moon, the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun and becomes most independent. The same is true for people born on a full moon. They have absolute independence of the inner world, complete freedom and uninhibited control over their subconscious.
They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes very much from phase to phase of the Moon - they are closely connected with the Moon. These people received freedom from the Sun and the Moon became more important for them.
These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood. Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they conduct different influences through themselves, and can be conductors of different energies.
During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest opposition - a conflict of mind and emotions, consciousness and subconscious, soul and spirit is felt. Therefore, such people have duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

The moon has a strong influence on a person from the moment of his birth. What position and phase this planet will be in will depend on everything future life born.

Full moon dates can be found in any lunar calendar, and the phase of the moon can be determined independently:

  • The waxing Moon is easily recognized by its outline, similar to the letter “C”. It's a new moon.
  • The waning moon has the same shape, but inverted in the other direction.
  • A full moon is the full visibility of the moon.

What is the secret of the full moon and will being born during the full moon bring good luck? There is a version that Jesus Christ was resurrected on the full moon. Buddha also gained his power during this period. Of course, this has not been proven, but we can safely say that the most incredible things can happen during a full moon.

As you know, ancient priests and sorcerers waited for the full moon to perform important rituals. According to numerous legends, during the full moon, witches flocked to the Sabbath, all devilry came to life. This, of course, is already out of the realm of science fiction. However, there is also some truth here.

The full moon affects people's emotions and feelings, as well as their physical condition. During the full moon, people often overestimate their capabilities, because full moon gives an incredible surge of strength. During this period, astrologers do not recommend embarking on adventures and taking risks, since all decisions and actions will be made in a fit of emotional overwhelm. You should not set a wedding date or enter into important contracts and agreements during the full moon. Full moon time is great for creative activity. The moon enriches our brain with new ideas and contributes to their implementation.

Many believe that the full moon accounts for the majority of disasters, deaths and murders. This happens because this period generates tension and emotional outburst.

The full moon has a special effect on people of the constellations Pisces and Cancer. These zodiac signs are most susceptible to the influence of the Earth's satellite. Representatives of these constellations especially feel the influence of the night star.

Being born on the day of the full moon promises a person a special favor of fate. All actions of a person born during this period are important. In his mind there will always be a struggle between reason and feeling. After all, the very principle of the full moon is that the Moon, which is responsible for emotions, interacts with the Sun, which is responsible for logic and reason.

People who were born on a full moon may have unusual features. As a rule, they have developed intuition. Among psychics and clairvoyants there are many people born during this magical lunar period.

For those who happen to be born on a full moon, astrologers recommend avoiding stressful situations. Due to the strong influence of the Moon, they become more susceptible to the surrounding reality. Usually, these are vulnerable and sensitive natures.

13.06.2013 18:44

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