Socionics of the quadra. Socionic quadras

I return to the "tail" called socionics , which would be nice to pull up in front of the style block. Let me remind all those who are indignant that socionics, as one of the ways of knowing one's capabilities, can be very useful in the field of choosing clothes too. For example, she can point out to you possible potential problems in this area (someone doesn’t dress according to the weather, someone walks like a gray mouse, and someone doesn’t know how to combine things with each other and doesn’t even know about it) - in principle all this is explained by the functions of socionics, but only if you have correctly identified yourself. Not by tests on the Internet, but by studying the topic independently and deeply. For previous posts on the topic, see the tag "Socionics", as well as abbreviations, I will not return to them =). In addition, let me remind you that I do not claim to be an expert in this topic.

Well, okay, from the introductory remarks, I'll get to the point. One more topic before actually moving on to possible problems in the field of clothing, due to your type of perception, you need to talk about what socion is divided in a certain way into groups . We are most interested quadras and clubs.

The topic is theoretically extensive, I'll try it for our soo, so I'll shrink it.

Each of the 16 TIMs interacts in some way with the others. At the same time, there is both a favorable exchange of information and a difficult one. Communication is most comfortable with a dual, a person who complements weak functions and gratefully accepts strong ones, and also has a roughly similar line of thinking. Relations with each of the other TIMs will be different in terms of comfort. Naturally, only TIM does not define a person, therefore, one should not draw conclusions that one should run to duals, and shy away from conflictors. In any relationship, your intention, ability to make contact and readiness for dialogue are important. , and benefit can be obtained from communication with the "conflict" and from communication with the "auditor."

You can read briefly about the relationship between types here and here I will not delve into this topic - it is more psychological.
about duality, quadras and how aspects work in model A, I highly recommend this book

Quadras can be useful to us from two sides - firstly, those who have not decided can "recognize" their quadra, which will facilitate the search. But here the pitfall is to separate "so you should think" from "I really believe in it." (Moreover, certain national cultures in one way or another carry the spirit of some of the quadras. And you need to have a good knowledge of yourself in order to distinguish "it's necessary" from "I'm really") Secondly, square differences can help us in stylistic direction, although everything is very individual there, of course, there will be exceptions.

So, quadra alpha .

This quadrant includes
Dumas (SEI) BS+ChE
Don Quixote (ILE) CHI+BL
Hugo (ESE) CH+BS
Robespierre (LII) BL + CH

According to the layout of the functions, it can be seen that in the values ​​Black intuition (intuition of possibilities and essence) in connection with White logic (the logic of systems and relationships) and White sensory (body sensations and comfort) in connection with black ethics (emotional field).

Simplified, the Alfian's picture of the world looks something like this: "it should be comfortable, tasty, everyone should be in a good mood, and the meaning of human life is to live, enjoy life, learn the mysteries of the universe"

If you open it wider, then alpha is a dream of justice for everyone, an interest in the mysteries of the world (from mysticism to physics, moreover), caring large families (usually for some reason with a rather large crowd of children), fun holidays, craving for adventure for the sake of (emotional) experiences. The world of alpha is a world open to the new, when the heart is pounding in anticipation of something unusual, a world in which you are loved and expected, fed, comforted and cheered, a world in which everyone is valued because of his capabilities, where one day is not like another.

Quadra Beta

This quadrant includes
Maxim Gorky (LSI) BL+ES
Hamlet (EIE) CH+BI
Zhukov (SLE) CHS+BL
Yesenin (IEI) BI+ChE

From the combination of functions, it can be seen that in the beta values ​​there is white logic (logic of structures) with black sensory (power sensory that evaluates the external characteristics of objects) as well as black ethics (ethics of emotions) with white intuition (intuition of time, consequences and images).

Simplified, the picture of the Betan world looks like this: "The position in society depends on your strength of character, there must be an established order that regulates relations so that the strong do not offend the weak, society cannot exist without a lofty idea of ​​\u200b\u200bworld order and cannot exist without spirituality - lyrics, literature, riddled with emotional yearnings that inspire "

If you open it wider, then beta is the heroic deeds of strong knights and the languid sighs of gentle ladies, waving eyelashes that leave hints of love, subtle love lyrics and theatrical art, the idea of ​​a great people, the desire for world order and justice, feats in the name of the motherland or beliefs, sung in sagas, ornate play of language that creates mood and inspires, fortitude and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Quadra Gamma

This quadrant includes
Napoleon (SEE) (PS+BE)
Balzac (OR) (BI+CHL)
Dreiser (ESI) (BE+ES)
Jack London (LIE) (ML+BI)

According to the layout of the functions, it can be seen that in the quadra values ​​of the gamma there is black sensory (strength qualities and external characteristics of the object) with white ethics (ethics of relations, attraction and repulsion, moral norms) as well as black logic (business logic, logic of facts and action algorithms) with white intuition (intuition of time, consequences and images).

Simplified, the world of the Gammian is something like this: "a person should bring benefits, tangible either materially or ethically. The society should be well-established, where everyone gets exactly what they deserve. Ethical norms, conscience should regulate relations. Moral laws and practical meaning are more important than generalized letters laws that do not take into account a specific case "

You can expand it more widely as follows: gamma is successful projects and interesting technologies, interest in history and religion, protection of loved ones, protection of the weak, but help only to those who deserve help. This is the desire to be useful, work as a means of earning money that can be spent on loved ones or for yourself, this is practicality and the ability to enjoy well-deserved benefits, this is good relations between close people, maintaining family ties, the desire to make the world a better place, eradicating evil.

Quadra Delta

This quadrant includes
Stirlitz (LSE) CHL+BS
Dostoevsky (EII) BE+CHI
Gaben (SLI) BS+CHL
Huxley (IEE) CHI+BE

According to the layout of the delta value functions - CL (business logic, logic of algorithms) with White sensory (Sensor of sensations, comfort) and White ethics (ethics of relations, morality, attraction and repulsion) with Black intuition (intuition of possibilities and the essence of things).

Briefly, the world of the Deltian is as follows: "a person should benefit people and realize himself in his favorite business, in what he has the ability to do, people should live in peace with themselves, others and nature, caring for each other is a manifestation of love, one must strive to comfort both physical and moral for yourself and everyone else"

A more detailed delta is work as a means of self-realization and benefiting people, a benevolent attitude towards people, the desire to make the world a better place by doing good. These are family gatherings for tea with interesting conversations and picnics in nature, this is reasoning about religion and psychology, this is the desire to know the essence of the human soul and the reasons for actions, this is the recognition of the right of people to differ and not fit into the framework, the slogan "beauty in diversity", the desire to harmony at all levels, love for sincere conversations and pleasant sensations, skillful organization of the work process while minimizing the cost of resources, concern for comfort, support and consolation. Society is governed by the laws of morality, the individual is a priority over the needs of the state.

Each quadra has its own role in the progress of society. Each TIM has its own role in the quadra, and, accordingly, in the socion.

For those who perceive better figuratively, there is an article that cites 4 car advertisements as an example, reflecting the spirit of each of the quadras. For fun it can be curious.

In addition to quadras, TIMs can be grouped in different ways. . The most interesting groups are sensual-sexual behavior (aggressors - victims and caring - infantiles) - although this may be for me personally - I like to watch how this manifests itself in life, in flirting, for example =) And the most necessary division for us is into clubs (humanities , managers, socialists, scientists).

AT " clubs "Teams are united by strong functions. There is an opinion that the discussion of some aspects of the world and disputes in clubs pushes for development.

Humanitarians are ethics - intuitives. They are interested in people, the reasons for their behavior, emotions and human capabilities, they know how to inspire.
Managers are logics - sensors. They are interested in the material world, methods of action, the structure of material objects.
Socials are ethics - sensors. As the name suggests, they are good at dealing with social issues - care and empathy, working with people, healthcare, etc.
scientists - logicians - intuits. Effective in research activities, interested in the causes of the processes taking place in the world and their essence.

For clubs, oddly enough, it will be easier to track down possible problems in clothing, which will be discussed in the following articles on the topic =)

If you have something to add - feel free =)

Divides all people into 16 sociotypes, but these 16 types are in a certain way interconnected with each other. In particular, they are combined into 4 quadras (4 types in each).

alpha quadra

  • Don Quixote (seeker, intuitive-logical)
  • Dumas (mediator, sensory-ethical)
  • Robespierre (analyst, logical-intuitive introvert)
  • Hugo (player, ethical-sensory extrovert)

beta quadra

  • (marshal, sensory-logical extrovert)
  • Yesenin (lyricist, intuitive-ethical introvert)
  • Maxim Gorky (manager, logical-sensory introvert)
  • Hamlet (artist, ethical-intuitive extrovert)

gamma quadra

  • (critic, intuitive-logical introvert)
  • Napoleon (emperor, sensory-ethical extrovert)
  • Jack London (informant-methodist, logical-intuitive extrovert)
  • Dreiser (master of ceremonies, ethical-sensory introvert)

delta quadra

  • Gabin (master, sensory-logical introvert)
  • (communicator, intuitive-ethical extrovert)
  • Stirlitz (scout, logical-sensory extrovert)
  • Dostoevsky (humanist, ethical-intuitive introvert)

From the standpoint of socionics, people with sociotypes that belong to the same quadra will be the best, they manage to better interact with each other, understand each other perfectly, complement each other's weak functions and strengthen the leading ones. A team assembled from people with types of the same socionic quadra will best work together to solve work tasks. In addition, it is more pleasant not only to work with fellow-quads, but also to relax, it is easier to communicate, to find a common language.

In other words, the term "socionic quadra" denotes a group of sociotypes that have the same strong functions (these are basic and creative functions; hence the similarity of interests, common language, better mutual understanding); as well as those functions that are necessary for the more efficient functioning of the type (these are the functions of addition and activation; hence the similarity of needs, ways of self-motivation and rest).

At the same time, the quadra is constructed in such a way that it includes two types each with the same leading functions (for example, Don Quixote and Robespierre are included in the alpha quadra: they have leading and , but the difference in types is explained by the difference in the positions of these functions; Don Quixote has a basic - black, creative - white, while Robespierre has the opposite). While for two types these functions are leading, for the other two types from the same quadra these same functions are weak, which need external replenishment. (There are Dumas and Hugo in the alpha quadra, they have black intuition and white logic - these are complementary and activation functions that need stimulation from the outside, there is a need for these functions, but it is difficult to develop and manage them on your own, because they are weak ; and just these functions - black intuition and white logic - are strong in Dumas and Hugo's companions - in Don Quixote and Robespierre.)

Squadrons complement and activate, and also contribute to the better development of each other's strong functions, each gives its “neighbors” in the quadra something that they cannot produce on their own.

Thus, sociotypes are combined into quadras in accordance with the socionic functions that are on the 1st (basic), 2nd (creative), 5th (addition) and 6th (activation) positions in the structure of the types of quadrants. At the same time, for two types in the quadra, the same functions are strong, which are weak for the other two types in the quadra. The field of interaction in each quadra is set by four main socionic functions for this quadra.

Consider, for example, the alpha quadra.

The figure illustrates the principle of addition, which is in the quadra: the strong functions of Don Quixote and Robespierre are in the weak positions of Dumas and Hugo, and vice versa.

Interaction field in alpha quadra given functions such as black intuition, white logic,

Thus, this group is united by common values.

Communication in the quadra is very easy, people understand each other perfectly, jokes are perceived positively. Members of the quadra complement each other's weak functions and strengthen the leading ones. A team assembled from people of the same quadra will effectively jointly solve work tasks. For recreation, such a company is also best suited.

Quadras are designated by numbers or Greek letters α, β, γ, δ

The first quadra "Alpha".

Its members are inquisitive, open to everything new, resourceful, value comfort and self-care. These are reformers who stand for everything new and unique, revolutionary changes, the search for truth, justice.

They value freedom, individuality and creativity, erudition and creativity.
They condemn: inertia, restriction of freedom, authoritarianism, cruelty.

This square includes:

Second quadra "Beta".

These are strong people who despise pain, responsible for their words and deeds, who value endurance and stamina. They are set for constant struggle and are ready to overcome obstacles and difficulties in the name of a brighter future, justice, and universal happiness. With disdain are petty philistine "joys".

Their main values ​​are courage, intelligence, inspiration, perseverance, endurance, perspective.
Condemned: cowardice, physical weakness, excessive attention to everyday life, physical needs and health

This square includes:

Third quadra "Gamma".

These are reasonable, trusting people, democratic and easy to communicate, not accepting loud slogans and pathos. They do not like the ideological struggle, as in "Beta", preferring to negotiate with a worthy opponent. Unpretentious in everyday life, easy to climb. They are independent and indifferent to titles and titles. They prefer not to talk much about their feelings.

The values ​​of the 3rd quadra are expediency, influence, practical benefit, implementation, relationships, the ability to “seize the moment”.

Condemned: laziness, idleness, excessive emotionality.

To this quadra relate:

Fourth quadra "Delta".

Practical, not inclined to do something temporary. Live in the present without looking too far into the future. They value their social stability and conservatism, value highly skilled labor and new technologies. Work, by the way, is perceived by them as a natural human need to creatively realize themselves. They work well and with pleasure.

Its representatives value new possibilities and theories, inspiration, fun and concern for comfort.

In the first quadra, stereotyped thinking is condemned - the ability to think creatively and fantasize is welcomed. New and unexpected information is always perceived with interest here. All kinds of revolutionary transformations are welcome, especially if they have a favorable effect on the life of society, there is a breakdown of everything obsolete, outdated, doomed to extinction.

Freedom of speech, the desire for justice, the search for truth are the main values ​​​​of the representative of this quadra.

In the first quadra, they do not like time limits, they do not recognize time frames, they prefer to lead a measured, calm, philosophically contemplative lifestyle. In addition, they do not like moral and ethical restrictions, they do not tolerate when they are squeezed into the rigid framework of commandments, codes and rules.

They try to take life easy and do not like to complicate it with problems. They strive to avoid, minimize negative emotions and experiences. Here it is not customary to hide your feelings, it is not customary to be ashamed of them.

The ability to get the most out of life is valued. Aesthetics and comfort of the highest level, refinement of pleasures, pleasures and all kinds of pleasant sensations, happiness and peace of the family hearth, health and well-being of loved ones - these are the joys that life can give.

Representatives of the first quadra:

Second quadra (Beta)

Aspects that determine the values ​​of the Second Quadra: and

Will and reason, enthusiasm and historical perspectives - that's what they pay attention to in the second quadra.

Here the ability to prevent weakness, to show steadfastness in the fight against deprivation, the ability to resist greater strength and thereby win one's right to respect and authority is valued. In the second quadra, it's a shame to be weak!

This is a community of chosen, strong people who despise pain, extol endurance and stamina, and are responsible for their words and deeds.

They glorify the madness of the brave and the romance of struggle, giving it a charge of vivacity, enthusiasm, festivity, inspiration, and emotional uplift.

Representatives of the second quadra are better than anyone else aware of the "importance of the current moment", they strive to prevent mistakes made by someone once, or miscalculations that could turn out to be fatal at a certain moment. They believe in fate, a higher destiny.

They are determined to fight and are ready to overcome obstacles and difficulties in the name of the future, justice, universal happiness, they are distinguished by their disregard for petty philistine "joys", the rejection of philistine, petty-bourgeois pleasures.

Until old age, they retain youthful enthusiasm, energy, vigor and youthfulness of the soul.

Representatives of the second quadra:
Sensory-logical extrovert - "Zhukov"
Intuitive-ethical introvert - "Yesenin"
Ethical-intuitive extrovert - "Hamlet"
Logic-sensory introvert - "Maxim Gorky"

Third quadra (Gamma)

Aspects that determine the values ​​of the Third quadra: and

Its motto is "Cooperate and Acquire". Representatives of this quadra are distinguished by a great penetrating power, a critical attitude to the results achieved.

Here they value strength, significance, individual momentary shades of relationships, the ability to realize what was conceived immediately and the ability to see prospects. These are trusting, easy-to-communicate and democratic people. Snobbery is not characteristic of them at all, although they divide people into "us" and "them", guided by their personal likes and dislikes.

Representatives of the third quadra are characterized by independence of actions and judgments. Indifferent to titles and ranks, they evaluate others according to their personal merits and qualities.

These are reasonable people who do not like loud slogans and pathos. They do not conduct an "ideological struggle", preferring to negotiate with a worthy opponent

Unpretentious in everyday life, easy to climb.

They try not to talk much about their feelings - feelings are tested by relationships.

It is important for them to realize themselves, and the result of their work is extremely important. They prefer to work hard and get decent pay for their work. The most undesirable thing for them is the restriction of their business activity for objective reasons beyond their control.

Representatives of the third quadra:

Stratievskaya V. How to make sure that we do not part. Guide to finding a life partner (socionics). - M.: Izd.Dom MSP, 1997. - 496 p.
Gulenko V.V. Quadras and their socio-psychological features, 1990.

Vitaly Vorobyov. Any reprint without indicating the author and links (for Internet sites - hyperlinks) to this page is prohibited.

All people can be grouped into 4 groups depending on values to which they are oriented. In socionics, these groups are called quadras. Each quadra includes 4 types of people (sociotypes), and there are 16 types in total.


Value is what it represents importance for a person, for which a person is ready fight, and, if necessary, even something sacrifice. There are people with different values, and it can be difficult for them to agree, to build relationships. If people have similar values, then they understand each other faster and better, it is easier for them to set joint goals and achieve them.
People belonging to the same quadra resolve conflict situations faster, create more cohesive teams at work, and achieve better mutual understanding in family life. They even have a similar sense of humor!

About the sense of humor I would like to say separately. Once, when I was still at the institute, my classmate, who was very in love with a girl from a parallel group, was asked: “Why do you like her so much?” He replied: "She understands my jokes."

In fact, a sense of humor is a very important aspect in a relationship. Humor helps smooth out sharp corners, support each other in difficult situations, and relieve tension. However, humor is a subtle tool that can be used in many ways. With the help of humor, you can show a person that he is significant to you, emphasize his dignity, express warm feelings. Reacting positively to a joke of a person, we kind of say to him: “How well you noticed! I completely agree with you." If we do not react to the joke, or show that we did not like it, then this is perceived as disagreement and an expression of disapproval.

“Any joke reaches us only if, as if by chance, it gives an answer to some urgent question and calms.” (Aushura Augustinavichute)

Representatives of one quadra don't hurt each other with jokes and irony, humor is perceived as support and people don't get mad at each other. But people from different quadras can, unwittingly, accidentally hurt a person for a sore spot. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the values ​​of neighboring quadras, so as not to provoke a conflict situation.

What are these values? Let's take a look at them.

Values ​​of the 4 quadras

1 square
(Sociotypes - Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre).

Representatives of the first quadra in the soul - children. They are inquisitive, open to the world, receptive, resourceful, love care and pleasant sensations. These are reformers who stand for everything new and unique, revolutionary transformations, the search for truth, justice. They love fantasy, people respect individuality and creativity.

Them values() - freedom, creativity, originality, innovation, ingenuity, erudition, comfort, convenience, coziness, emotionality, joy.

condemn: stereotypical thinking, conservatism, restriction of freedom, authoritarianism, cruelty.

2 squares
(Hamlet, Maxim, Zhukov, Yesenin)

If the first quadra is children, then the second is teenagers. They are cheerful, stay in a tonic state, like to overcome obstacles, appreciate physical strength. Respect in people fortitude, assertiveness, power. They love military and historical literature.

Their main values() - inspiration, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, stamina, endurance, courage, intelligence, perspective.

condemn: physical weakness, cowardice, excessive attention to everyday life, health, physical needs.

3 squares
(Napoleon, Balzac, Jack, Dreiser)

Age 3 quadra is maturity. Here, as in the 2nd quadra, power, influence and timeliness are valued, however, there is a desire for rational actions and quality relationships.

Values() 3rd quadra - this is expediency, action, practical benefit, implementation, determination, family, friendship, relationships, influence, endurance, the ability to "seize the moment".

condemn: laziness, illness, idleness, excessive emotionality.

4 squares
(Stirlitz, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gaben)

4 squares symbolize elderly age. Representatives of this quadra are somewhat conservative, but focused on "eternal" values. They creatively approach relationships, “see the essence”, help people discover their talents and abilities.

Them values() - comfort, expediency, insight, material security, family, comfort.

condemn: the pursuit of passion and vivid emotions to the detriment of relationships, impracticality.

Relationships between quadras

Representatives of neighboring quadras are friendly with each other, and representatives of quadras located through one are less friendly towards each other.

In order to find a common language with people belonging to the "unfriendly" quadra, it is necessary to take into account the values ​​of this quadra, not ridicule them and not speak negatively about them. In addition, it is good to know what is condemned by the representatives of this quadra in order to avoid unpleasant topics and conversations.

This is how we found out what quadras in socionics and what values ​​are important for representatives of each of them.
