Life code by date of birth: calculation rules and meaning. Numerology: counting the life code of fate and the formula for your success

From the moment of birth until our last breath, we are surrounded by various numbers. It is no exaggeration to say that we live in a digital world.

And if so, then it is logical to assume that each person has his own, individual set numbers And he really is. This is a kind of digital series in which all information about a specific person is encrypted. A kind of digital passport. Knowing how to read it, you can find out exactly what to expect from a person, what qualities he possesses, and how he will behave in certain life situations.

One of the most important numbers a person's digital code is figure obtained from full date birth. In numerology it is called differently: “life program number”, “base number”, “life path number”, etc.

In Digital Profiling this is Second Base Number (Ch2). This is an important number that has a strong influence on a person throughout his life and describes the main traits of his character.

1+5+1+2+1+9+7+9 = 35 (intermediate result).

The result is number 8.

It should be remembered that if the calculation results in the number 2, which is the result of adding the number 11 (an intermediate number), then this is the so-called “master number”, and it also has a noticeable impact on a person’s character.

In addition to the number 11, the numbers 22 and 33 are also “master numbers”.

Human digital code. Digit "1"

The previous part talked about how to calculate one of the most important characteristics in the human digital code - Second Base Number (Ch2). Now it's time to decipher brief description numbers

If the result of the calculation is number 1, then the person has a pronounced leadership character. In one way or another, he will demonstrate these qualities always and everywhere: at home, at work, in his social circle.

This does not mean at all that he will necessarily occupy high positions and have powers of power, but the desire to always and in everything be the first will manifest itself throughout his life.

He has a high sense of purpose, his own view of things and his own opinion. Often such a person displays authoritarian opinions and hasty judgments.

Almost always, such people have strong charisma, a bright personality and extraordinary speaking abilities. Under certain conditions (for example, high self-esteem and recognition of merit from other people), they can easily get sick." star fever". As a rule, they have complex nature and a difficult fate.

Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Vysotsky had the number 1 as the Second Basic Number.

Human digital code. Number "2"

A person whose Second Basic Number (N2) is number 2, exhibits strong love to home and family.

Number 2 means duality of nature, the struggle of opposites. A person is torn between polar desires and actions. A similar mental conflict is accurately described by Sergei Yesenin: “If devils nested in the soul, then angels lived in it.”

Due to a subconscious craving for testing oneself, one often drives oneself into difficult, and often extreme situations, requiring significant effort to overcome.

Shows great feeling self-respect and prefers to act according to the principle - "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". Although he has good intuition, he often suffers serious disappointments in life. It is rare that he manages to do something well on the first try.

Vladimir Vysotsky and Yuri Gagarin had the number 2 as the Second Basic Number.

Human digital code. Number "3"

Second Basic Number (N2) - number 3. A smart and talented person, but with a difficult character.

Often combines opposing qualities and skills. For example, he is equally well versed in exact sciences and writes poetry or paintings.

He is good at expressing his thoughts both orally and in writing. It has developed sense humor, which often coexists with sarcasm and causticity. Has a craving for literary creativity, which can turn into graphomania, which, however, does not prevent him from making grammatical errors when writing.

Creative person. Tries to be creative in everything he does.

A person likes to get to the bottom of everything. Has a pronounced tendency towards systems thinking and systematization of his knowledge. Likes to examine others. It can be difficult to please him, since often he himself does not know what exactly he needs.

Alexander Pushkin and Ivan Kulibin had the number 3 as the Second Basic Number.

Human digital code. Number "4"

Digit 4 in the Second Basic Number (N2) is a workaholic.

He cannot count on luck, so he achieves all his achievements through hard work. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that he likes working, and he enjoys this process.

A person can withstand not only physical labor, but also psycho-emotional stress. However, suspicion and suspiciousness prevent him from taking advantage of the opportunities that open up before him.

Typically has good physical development and a beautiful body.

He gravitates towards frequent changes of work and place of residence, because he experiences dissatisfaction with life.

The virtue of patience is missing from the list of his personal qualities. Does not tolerate delays and delays in work.

Wasteful and spends money easily.

The number 4 was used by Ernst Neizvestny as the Second Basic Number and is also used by Zurab Tsereteli.

(Read the characteristics of subsequent numbers in the second part of the article.)

In order to calculate your numeric code, you need your birth data: day, month, year. For example: August 24, 1973 (August is the eighth month). Initially, we need to use only birth numbers, since numerology divides all numbers into complex and primary. Typically, the primary numbers are a series from 1 to 9 - this is also due to the fact that there are 9 planets in our system. Complex numbers we lead to the primary addition of all the numbers from which they consist. (1+9)+(7+3)+(2+4)+(0+8)=34. Since 34 is not a prime number, we moved it to the primary 3+4=7. Seven is the numerical code of this person, and the planet Neptune corresponds to it.

1 - Sun. Strength, individuality, creation. People of this number are born leaders. They are active, aggressive and ambitious, always strive to take first place, can be absolutely ruthless and are capable of sacrificing everything for the sake of their career, including relationships with others. This is the number of winners and tyrants. The lucky day of the week for number 1 is Sunday.

2 - Moon. Number 2 people are usually gentle, artistic and charming, and adapt to circumstances quite easily. They are often characterized by passivity and detachment. They are more inclined to think than to act. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but they often succeed in implementing their plans. These people are often susceptible to depression. Strongly a good relationship They establish numbers 1 with people. The lucky day of the week for number 2 is Monday.

3 - Jupiter. Three is the number of trinity. People number three are energetic, talented, disciplined, which almost always enables them to achieve considerable success in their chosen fields of activity. Usually, they are never satisfied with little. By nature, they are very proud and independent, they like to control the situation, command and order. They have the best relationships with those whose number is 3, 6 or 9. The lucky day for the number 3 is Thursday.

4 -Uranium. Four is the number of seasons, the number of elements, the number of cardinal directions. Number 4 people often look at things from their own special point of view, which makes it possible for them to find details hidden from others. At the same time, this often becomes the reason for their disagreement with the majority and clashes with others. They rarely strive for material success; Being not very friendly, they are often lonely. They have the best relationships with people of numbers 1, 2, 7 and 8. The lucky day of the week for number 4 is Sunday.

5 - Mercury. 5 is the number of feelings. And people of this number are indeed extremely sensitive. By nature they are very lively, impulsive, frivolous, prone to risk, and greatly value pleasure. Usually, they are quite easily excitable and are often prone to nervous disorders. In business, people of number 5 usually succeed and recover very quickly from failures. They have the best relationships with those with the same number. The lucky day of the week for number 5 is Wednesday.

6 - Venus. This number is considered one of the happiest, since it is the sum of its divisors: 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. People of number 6 are harmonious and balanced, they encourage trust, but they are often too stubborn. They are very romantic and amorous, their interests are usually focused on home and family. They have good taste, they are very attractive, and they get along with other people quite easily. The lucky day of the week for number 6 is Friday.

7 - Neptune. The number seven is a symbol of good luck and occult knowledge. People of this number usually become philosophers and thinkers. Usually, they are immersed in their own thoughts and therefore somewhat disconnected from others. They also have a love for various types of travel. The undertakings of these people usually end successfully. The lucky day of the week for number 7 is Monday.

8 - Saturn. The strangest and most difficult number. On the one hand, it can be represented as the sum of 4 + 4, which suggests that the character of its people is doubly characterized by the qualities of people with the number 4. On the other hand, the number 8 also has its own properties. For example, it can mean grief, sadness and, at the same time, success, often of global significance. People of number 8 are distinguished by great willpower and a pronounced individuality; in communication they are characterized by external coldness and detachment, however, they are capable of the most ardent feelings. The lucky day of the week for the number 8 is Saturday.

9 - Mars. The number 9 is often considered the prevailing number in numerology, with a special, often even sacred meaning. This is due to the fact that when multiplied by any number, nine reproduces itself. For example, 9 x 4 = 36 => 3 + 6 = 9. People of number 9 are born fighters, they are active, courageous and purposeful, due to which they usually win. At the same time, people of number 9 often find themselves in all sorts of problematic situations. These people are capable of the best feelings towards loved ones. The lucky day of the week for number 9 is Tuesday.

The energy field of each person is capable of influencing the events taking place around him. It is a clot of energy filled with certain information.

Human life code can serve as the basis for building an energy field. Each person has an individual code; it is based on their date of birth. Numerology studies life codes.


The life code plays an important role in a person’s life. It consists of several numbers arranged in a certain sequence. Knowing the life code helps to obtain the most reliable information about certain qualities human character and predict events that may happen in his life.

All life code numbers have the following characteristics:

  • Unit is a symbol of independence and strong will. A person whose life code contains this number always achieves his goals. The repeating number enhances this effect. If there is no unit, then we can say that the person has low self-esteem.
  • Deuce in the personal code is an interpretation of vital energy. The more twos, the more active a person is in his affairs. The absence of a number in the life code indicates passivity and unwillingness to improve one’s situation.
  • Presence threes confirms the person is good developed intuitive qualities. It is quite possible that this type of person has strong psychic abilities. The absence of threes in the life code indicates problems in communicating with people.
  • Four indicates that a person has the ability to find mutual language with others. Two fours help their owner achieve heights in the field of sports. If life code includes four fours, this indicates a secretive character. It is quite possible that the owner of the code is a skilled charlatan.
  • Presence of the number five speaks of the kindness of a person. Such people are very patient with others, even if they sit on their necks. The absence of an A indicates that the person is rude.
  • Number six indicates the hard work and high degree of endurance of a person. Thanks to their hard work, such people often achieve great success. The absence of a six in the life code may indicate a lazy nature.
  • Seven in numerology it is considered a symbol of wild luck. Three sevens are highest degree of luck. If the number seven is absent in the life code, then we're talking about about the presence of a malleable character.
  • Eight– a number representing wealth. A person who has three eights in his code at once will gain financial independence without putting any effort into it. One figure suggests that all success will be accompanied by painstaking work.
  • Nine considered a sign of mercy and self-sacrifice. People of this type tend to help others, sometimes even contrary to own beliefs.


Any person who does not have serious knowledge in the field of numerology can determine their life code. To do this, you need to follow the basic principles of calculations.

To find out the first number of the life code, you should add up all the numbers involved in date of birth, between themselves. For example, a person was born on May 15, 1965. Therefore, the calculation will be written as follows: 1+5+5+1+9+6+5=32. This means that the first number will be 32. The second number is obtained based on the previous one.

All you need to do is connect both sides of the resulting number to each other. The result is 5. To get the third digit of the life code, you need to take the first number of your date of birth as a basis. IN in this case, this is 1. It should be multiplied by two. And then, subtract the resulting number from the result of the first example. It turns out that 32-2=30. This is the third number of the code.

To get the fourth digit, the previous indicators are added together. It turns out 3. As a result, the following life code becomes set of numbers: 325303. It is noteworthy that in most cases, the code is six-digit. Seven numbers indicate the uniqueness of a person.


Using numerology, you can make calculations about the compatibility of people. To do this you need to know their vital numbers. They are calculated by adding all the digits of the date of birth together. In the life code, this is the second number, which is the sum of the two previous digits.

Compatibility level of people is calculated depending on the compatibility of their life numbers. For example, two units are considered incompatible. But representatives of this number get along well with twos or fives. A three will be a good match for a nine or six, but will not be able to get along with an eight or four.

By name

You can also determine a person’s fate based on the number of his name. It is sufficiently defined in a simple way. Each letter of the alphabet belongs to a specific number.

By writing our name in numbers, we get a certain cipher consisting of set of mathematical symbols. They should be reduced to one single figure by adding everything together. For example, the name Natalya will be written as follows: 6121436. After adding the numbers, the result is 23.

According to the above diagrams, given number becomes unambiguous. The result is a five.

The number of the name allows you to understand the most expressed qualities of a person. In this case, the number of the name indicates that the person loves travel and has high degree mobility.

Natalya cannot sit still, they want to quickly bring their, sometimes the most unexpected, ideas to life. In addition, Natalya is an independent person who meets with great interest changes in your life.

Any name can have one number that characterizes its owner. It is given to a person at birth and for life. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the meaning of the name even at the stage of choosing it.

Many of you have probably wondered, how to calculate correctly(and maybe even voice it) individual person code. And how to call it correctly: personal, personal or individual?

First, let's figure out what it is
individuality, persona and personality.

Individuality – uniqueness, uniqueness, distinctiveness from others. Word “Individuality” consists of two parts: “individual” and “duality” . Individual - a separate, integral, indivisible life unit. Another name for an individual is individual , which can be described as isolation of the mind or special mind . Duality means duality . Thus, individuality presupposes a dual manifestation of an integral essence(its simultaneous existence in the subtle and dense worlds), which is clearly manifested in the word itself: duality of the individual . In the earthly three-dimensional world, individuality manifests itself as a personality and/or as a person, which is essentially the same thing, but not quite.

Personality - it is the totality of the internal properties of the individual as a social being, i.e. possession of socially significant qualities that are realized in public life. Such internal human properties include: temperament , as a genetically innate quality (biology, gender); character , as a result of upbringing in childhood(family, preschool institutions); social attitudes , as an internal subjective attitude towards oneself, others and the world in general (initial and high school, religious and national priorities). Thus, personality is a mask thrown over the Essence for more successful solving of life's problems.

A person - acting mask, put on by a person to fulfill roles in society, created as a result of expectations from society and learning at an early age, the ideal aspects of the personality taken to the outside world are practically adaptation, a kind of mimicry of social attitudes.

Both reflect and at the same time cover individuality, but in their own way. Personality is the totality of personal qualities of a person in general, and Persona is a part of Personality, brought to public view in its most advantageous manifestations. Both of them are focused on the manifestation of a person in society and interaction with him. Anyway, Persona and Personality are an individual bluff, a program of the Essence in the dual world for a given incarnation.

And this the program is called the Individual Essence Program and has codes that can be displayed in numbers and letters. Numerical and alphabetic codes are interconnected and flow from one to the other. At the same time, it should be remembered that on the earthly level it is possible to calculate the individuality program encoded in personality codes, but not Individuality as an Essence. Individuality is not calculated or voiced, but is the deepest inner secret of each individual, a unique highlight, a unique gift. According to the Rules of the Game, the individual hangs himself with masks of the Person and carnival clothes of the Personality, setting a goal for himself to find his own zest by gradually discarding these masks and clothes. But first, you should understand that personality traits and personal data are still masks, a kind of encoding of the Matrix.

Personal data of a person

A person is born at a certain time (date of birth), on certain place(place of birth), in a certain family (genus, surname), and he is called a certain name (name), what is voiced in sounds and calculated in numbers and, i.e. has its own alphabetic and numeric meanings, which add up to the numeric and alphabetic codes of the human personality. Using these codes you can determine personal program individual on Earth.

All this data is recorded on a person's birth certificate, passport or any other identification document. Recording personal data in documents indicates public access to this information, i.e. first name, last name, place and date of birth are focused on public use, human interaction with society. Personal data is often referred to as personal data. They are displayed in documents in numbers and letters, from which the corresponding digital and letter codes can be calculated, which in the future I will call Personal Personality Codes. These include:

Human Digital Codes

Calculated based on a person's date of birth,

Calculated by the name of the place of birth,

Digital Last Name Code (DSF), calculated by last name, which was given to a person,

Digital Name Code (DNC), calculated by name, which was the name of the person.

When summing the CCDR and CCMR, it is calculated Digital Birth Code (DBC), which is a Personal Birth Code (PBC), and by summing the DBC and DBC we get the Digital Person Code (DPC) - Personal Name Code (PKI).

Let's try to figure it out using a specific example.

So we have:

Name: Zoya;

Surname: Bortko;

Date of Birth: 12.04.1987;

Place of Birth: city ​​of Kyiv.

Let's start by calculating the Digital Birth Code, which is otherwise called The Date of Birth number, which in no way can be a personality number for the simple reason that on the same day, at the same time, many different creatures of animal, plant, mineral and, of course, are born on our planet human world. Thus, the birth number will be the same for all this huge number of animals, plants, minerals and people. And no matter how you fold it, The birth number cannot be a number that completely characterizes a person, because date of birth is only part of the general characteristics.

According to average statistical calculations, an average of 4 people are born on Earth every second, which means that in 1 minute - about 240 people. (4 x 60) people; per hour – 14400 people. (240x60); per day – 345,600 people. (14400x24).

So, on April 12, 1987, about 346 thousand people were born on Earth together with our Zoya, and all of them had the same same number Dates of Birth.

Digital Date of Birth Code (CDBC) defines a common earthly task for everyone born on the same day. Cosmograms (maps starry sky without dividing into houses) all those born on the same day will be the same. Horoscopes (star charts divided into astrological houses) will differ depending on the time of day in which a person was born. The time of birth, depending on the place of birth, is the first distinctive feature from the universal sameness of birth on the same day.

Digital Date of Birth Code (CDBC) – These are the numbers of the date of birth added together in a certain order. First, add up the numbers of the day and month of the date of birth, with the result of addition being reduced to a numerical value less than or equal to 22, then the digits of the year are added, also bringing the result to a numerical value up to/inclusive of 22, then these two results are combined, again bringing the result of the addition to a numerical value less than or equal to 22.

Day + month: 12 + 04= 16;

Year: 1987 = 1+9+8+7 = 25 = (2+5) = 7;

Total: 16 + 7 = 23 = (2+3) = 5;

Digital Date of Birth Code (CDBC) Zoe Bortko: 5.

Why should the result be 22 or less? Because 22 is the number of letters of the ancient Phoenician alphabet, which I took as the basis of ABRA, as well as the Hebrew (Hebrew) derived from it and the Kabbalistic one based on Hebrew. 22 letters – 22 numeric code– 22 archetypal cells of the Matrix – 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot – 22 astrological symbols: 12 Zodiac signs + 10 planets.

When constructing a horoscope, in order to break it down to houses - spheres of life, astrologer necessarily takes into account the time of birth accurate to minutes. To construct a horoscope, special tables are used - ephemeris, which indicate the position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac at 0 hours 0 minutes of each day according to Greenwich time. Also, to divide the cosmogram into houses, the value of latitude and longitude is required geographical location place of birth. In some astrological systems, to build a horoscope, it is enough to know the local time, and then you can calculate the vertex of the 4th house using a certain formula. That is in any case, the location of the person born is taken into account.

Few people remember the exact time of their birth, so with numerological calculation according to ABRA we won't take it into account, but We will definitely take into account the place of birth.

In our example, Zoya’s birthplace is the city of Kyiv.

Kyiv = 11+18+15+6 = 50

Digital Code of Place of Birth Zoe Bortko (CCMR): 5.

The calculation of the names of places of birth, like all other words, in ABRA is carried out in Russian, since I drew an analogy between the letters of the ancient Fic alphabet only with the letters of the modern Russian alphabet, so as not to create confusion and discrepancies.

If the city was renamed , for example, like St. Petersburg, which in the past was called Leningrad, and before that Petrograd, you need to calculate for a specific person the name of the city under which he was born, i.e., if he was born in Leningrad, then Leningrad, and if in St. -Petersburg, then St. Petersburg, and if in Petrograd, then you need to consider Petrograd, because when the sound of the name changes, it changes digital code, and the sound changes when the conditions of the problem change.

Digital Code of Place of Birth (DNBC) defines a common earthly task for everyone born in the same place , those. the place of birth, as a certain point on the planet, determines distinctive features this place from other points-places on Earth, each of which has its own name, and therefore its own sound, and its own digital code.

Calculating the date of birth is quite simple; to do this, you need to add up all the numbers of the birthday.

For example, a person whose birthday is May 11, 1981 needs to do the following: 11 = 1+1 = 2.

Life number (birthday) values

1 – a person with all the necessary traits of a leader. At any time, in absolutely any situation, you try to bring the matter to the end, not retreating until all possible options for solving a particular problem have been exhausted. You are always ready to take the initiative and take control of the situation. You have excellent businessman skills and could achieve great results in highly significant areas or big business.

Find your birthday number to find out what it means:

  • Birthday number 1 - for those born on the 1st
  • Birthday number 10 - for those born on the 10th
  • Birthday number 19 - for those born on the 19th
  • Birthday number 28 - for those born on the 28th

2 – this birthday number characterizes you as a restrained, balanced person, a supporter of permission conflict situations by finding a compromise. You often contradict yourself and often strive to interfere in the affairs of others, which is more often

  • Birthday number 2 - for those born on the 2nd
  • Birthday number 20 - for those born on the 20th
  • Birthday number 29 - for those born on the 29th

3 – since early age you have amazing ability catch everything on the fly. You easily perceive and assimilate new knowledge. An incredibly talented person in many areas of activity, capable of much. However, to achieve your goals you need significant support from others. You live in the present and don't think about tomorrow.

  • Birthday number 3 - for those born on the 3rd
  • Birthday number 12 - for those born on the 12th
  • Birthday number 30 - for those born on the 30th

4 – you are a person who avoids risks, treating many things with trepidation and caution. You are very hardworking and persistent, capable of achieving a lot on your own without relying on anyone. With all this, the number 4 does not guarantee you a bright future if you do not set high goals for yourself, but it lays in you a solid foundation for further development and a lot of skills that are suitable for many specialties.

  • Birthday number 4 - for those born on the 4th
  • Birthday number 13 - for those born on the 13th
  • Birthday number 31 - for those born on the 31st

5 – you are ruled by a constant attraction to everything unusual, previously unknown. You are inspired and filled with enthusiasm, and do not like to stay in one place for a long time. Wherever you are, you feel at home. Adventure and travel are like a drink for you

  • Birthday number 5 - for those born on the 5th
  • Birthday number 14 - for those born on the 14th
  • Birthday number 23 - for those born on the 23rd

6 – the birthday number of a sincere, open, reliable person. You are ready to take instructions and the work entrusted to you with full responsibility. You consider one of the main tasks in life to make a name for yourself and achieve high success in anything. The self-control and composure with which you are ready to achieve success does not arouse the sympathy of others and creates in you the image of a hypocrite.

  • Birthday number 6 - for those born on the 6th
  • Birthday number 15 - for those born on the 15th
  • Birthday number 24 - for those born on the 24th

7 – a diligent, creative person with a poetic soul and some oddities. The owner of an analytical mind, brilliant imagination and very developed intuition. With the birthday number 7, people are often born who are inclined to become musicians, composers, artists, philosophers, poets or writers in the future.

  • Birthday number 7 - for those born on the 7th
  • Birthday number 16 - for those born on the 16th
  • Birthday number 25 - for those born on the 25th

8 – a number symbolizing limitless possibilities for doing business. You are enterprising and fearless before any type of activity, especially in commercial environment. Obstacles and difficulties in life path are not obstacles to development; on the contrary, they enhance your ability to work. You have good management skills and the ability to lead a team.
