Winter in the Krasnodar region. Will there be snow in Krasnodar, why is it warm in Kuban and is a real winter needed? What will winter be like in Kuban?

Among all the vast latitudes of our native Russia, the Krasnodar region seems to be the place where there is no winter. But this opinion is deeply erroneous. This area of ​​Russia has quite large expanses, each of which has its own landscape. Winter in the Krasnodar Territory also takes place, the only thing is that it is slightly different in its temperature regimes from others Russian regions.

Many tourists prefer to celebrate New Year's celebrations in cities with hot sunshine, so it becomes actual problem, what will winter 2017-2018 be like in the Krasnodar region?

The entire Krasnodar region is divided into two unequal territories, belonging to the northern and southern latitudes. South part has a longer duration and larger volume, it spreads over almost the entire territory belonging to the Black Sea. The northern latitude is equipped with mountains and plains; it is not as large as the first, but the winter period here is much cooler, and the ground is covered with a copious layer of snow. From all of the above, we can correctly conclude that in the two indicated parts Krasnodar region Winters are completely different in their temperature regimes.

The weather in the winter of 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar Territory will not differ much from all previous periods of the same time. At the moment, do as much as possible accurate forecasts will not work, more reliable data will be available at the end of autumn. But some preliminary forecasts can be made regarding what winter 2017-2018 will be like in the Krasnodar Territory according to weather forecasters.

Winter in the Krasnodar region

The territorial part of this region of our Russia belongs to a temperate continental climate. On the plains, throughout the entire winter period, strong winds are observed, which bring unpleasant sensations to people. In addition, at the time of low temperature conditions, icing of the surface layer of the earth occurs here. Due to such circumstances, winter in the Krasnodar region seems unkind and angry to many.

As for temperature conditions, the weather forecast for the winter of 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar Territory differs significantly depending on the location of the region in this southern region. For example, in the northern part of the territory there is a frostier temperature than in the southern towns. The difference can be up to 10 degrees. The southern part of the Krasnodar Territory is more temperate; it is almost impossible to see snow-covered drifts and frosty nights here, which cannot be said about northern latitudes. The same goes for the winds; in the south they dominate less than in the other part of the Krasnodar Territory.

What will winter 2017-2018 be like in Krasnodar?

  • December. The very first period of winter time in Krasnodar is practically not like a frosty moment. The average air temperature these days does not rise above minus 6 degrees. At the beginning of the month, the weather can perform miracles and surprise the population with temperatures of 0 degrees. All this concerns southern latitudes. In the north of Krasnodar it is very cool. On some days the air temperature can drop to minus 10 degrees. The first days of December, as a rule, do not become frosty, but this period differs more than any other in windiness. Black Sea coast can be proud of such temperatures in December as 0 degrees. In the middle and towards the end of December, the weather becomes cooler, and the air freezes to minus 6 degrees. As for precipitation, there is practically no precipitation here. Of course, from time to time you can observe snowfalls and rains, but most often these two types of precipitation are mixed, and the population observes hail in the coastal areas. This weather environment does not have a very favorable effect on human health; unfavorable and changeable temperature conditions have negative impact throughout the entire respiratory system.
  • January. The middle of the winter period in Krasnodar becomes cooler and more stable. In the mountain area, temperatures drop to minus 15 degrees; milder and more pleasant weather can be observed near the sea. Here the thermometer stays at minus 5 degrees. If we take the average reliable data, weather forecasters indicate the air temperature in January at minus 10 degrees. This weather is favorable for celebrating the New Year, so many tourists prefer to leave snow-covered cities for Krasnodar and enjoy the comfort warm winter. In January, only snow is observed among precipitation; rains at this time are already unlikely. At some moments, hail may fall, which can surprise with its large sizes. The winds calm down a little at this time, but this statement does not apply to northern and mountain latitudes. In these areas, strong and cold winds are still in full control.
  • The final period of winter is also stable and moderate. IN February A moderately frosty winter continues to reign, but nature is already beginning to slowly prepare for the arrival of spring. WITH The average thermometer in February stays at around minus 5 degrees, while the weather can surprise the population of Krasnodar with various surprises. Today the air temperature and environment may stop at zero, and tomorrow in nature there may be frosts down to minus 7 degrees. However, in February the bright sun already awakens, which helps to melt the snow. Of course, there are no heavy snowfalls in Krasnodar, but small snow barriers still occur. Many residents of other cities call Krasnodar February already spring month, and rightly so, because now nature is beginning active struggle winter with spring warmth. In this case, the green and beautiful spring always wins.

An amazing and delightful sight can be seen in the Krasnodar region only in winter - this is the color scheme of the Black Sea. The hue of the water at this time of year varies as much as possible in color variations from turquoise to dark blue, which undoubtedly attracts the eyes of local residents, as well as numerous tourists.

Krasnodar is a wonderful southern territory, where in summer and early autumn period A huge number of tourists and travelers gather. Many guests of the southern region are sure that winter simply does not exist here. But the local population claims a completely opposite opinion, because even in the territory of sunny and hot sun, manifestations of winter signs. Of course, you definitely won’t be able to watch the snow-covered snowdrifts and “plunge” into the beauty of severe frosts here, but since according to the calendar data a frosty period is planned, it won’t hurt to determine What will winter 2017-2018 be like in Krasnodar?

The geographical location of Krasnodar extends in such a way that it will be impossible to observe harsh and cold days here at this point in winter. All this is explained by the fact that the southern territory is densely washed by 2 warm seas(Azov and Cherny), moreover, it closely borders on another sultry region - the Crimean Peninsula. Thanks to this “cooperation”, frosts and snowfalls are rare in Krasnodar.

It is also necessary to point out the factor that 2017-2018 in Krasnodar will become quite unstable. Such variability is natural due to the nearby mountain range, which creates the “windy” weather conditions of the southern territory.

A deeply erroneous opinion is that Krasnodar is considered such a warm region that it is practically all year round The weather here is beautiful and sunny. It is with the arrival of winter calendar months In the southern region, strong winds intensify their force, which causes the local population to develop colds and respiratory diseases.

Despite all the important circumstances, tourists dream of visiting Krasnodar not only during the hot calendar period, but also. There are many unusual and surprising things here at this point in the year. For example, if in most Russian regions snow begins to fall in winter, then in Krasnodar, due to the activity of dry winds in the mountains, the melting of stale snowdrifts begins. By many and others interesting facts Krasnodar can “boast”, but it won’t hurt to find out in advance as accurately as possible What will the winter of 2017-2018 be like in Krasnodar according to weather forecasters?


The initial symptoms of the winter calendar moment in southern Krasnodar will appear in nature already at the end of autumn November. During this season of the year, a sharp cooling is expected, when the value on the thermometer during the day reaches -15 degrees. But with the arrival of December, relative warmth returns to nature again. According to preliminary analyzes of weather forecasters, it can be judged that the coming December will become much warmer than the previous similar month of the past year.

Concerning temperature values of a given month, then on some dates at night on the street thermometer you can see a limit of -18 degrees. Of course, during the daytime the corresponding temperature relationships will change sharply and will not “jump over” the lower threshold of -12 degrees.

Most of the December days will become moderately frosty, when during the day the thermometer will show a limit of -8 degrees, and at night the corresponding conditions will not drop below -12 degrees.

Surprisingly, it is in December that the entire territory of Krasnodar can be covered with dense snow crust. Soft and fluffy snow will smoothly and harmoniously cover the entire soil layer and confidently stay on it for about 2 weeks. Closer to the north of the southern region, the snow intensifies its activity, so local residents will be able to enjoy a truly Russian winter - skiing to their heart's content, building a huge snowman, admiring the fluffy snowdrifts.


After January takes control of the nature of Krasnodar, warmth will “fall” on the southern territory. All the snow that fell in December will quickly melt at the beginning of the month of January. The main features of this month are strong winds and variable temperature conditions.

January 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar region heralds the arrival of constant warmth. Street thermometers at night will not drop below 10 minus calendar degrees, but during the day there will often be zero marks. People living in the mountainous and northern territories of Krasnodar will be less lucky; it is there that the weather will become so changeable and very unstable that it is quite difficult to make any preliminary forecasts.

Almost the entire month of January will be devoid of precipitation. In the northern territory of Krasnodar, small and insignificant snowfalls are possible, but in all other parts neither snow nor rain will appear in nature.

The further towards the end of January, the more often bad weather will occur. At this moment, strong and chilly winds are not uncommon, wet hail is possible, and temperature limits will certainly “jump.”


The final winter period, February, will greet residents and guests of Krasnodar very unkindly. Frequent rains, unpleasant winds, changeable weather - all this main trend month.

If you can determine what the winter of 2017-2018 in Krasnodar will be like based on the first 2 calendar winter months, then the final moment of the corresponding time of year is more like spring. Closer to the very middle of the month of February, the sun's rays will appear more often in the sky, the peculiarity of which is not only to shine, but also to warm.

It is important to remember that in last years nature is generous with surprises, so shoot ahead of time winter clothes and it’s still not worth changing into spring clothes. The large territory of Krasnodar in February will begin to actively prepare for the arrival of spring, but in the mountainous and northern regions a snow crust may fall in the winter month, the height of which will instantly reach 50 cm. But residents of Krasnodar will not have to enjoy the harshness of nature for a long time, because already in early March from There will be no trace of signs of the winter period.

Russia is not only Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is a huge country, which means the weather in various areas will be different. For example, in the southern part of the country the entire winter will be more or less mild, while in Moscow and the Moscow region this trend will only last for the first time, after which frosts and cold weather will gradually begin. In Siberia, on the contrary, winter will begin from the very beginning very coldy.

Weather in Moscow in winter 2018

  • The New Year 2018 will delight Muscovites with snowy and slightly frosty weather. The air temperature will be about -5 degrees, and light snow will create a truly festive mood among residents and guests of the capital.
  • In January 2018, Moscow will experience mild frosts (from -5 °C to -10 °C) with heavy precipitation. In the second half of the month, the air temperature may drop to -20°C.
  • February 2018 is expected to be the coldest month - temperatures outside will range from -18°C to -25°C, and on some days the thermometer will show -30°C. By the end of the month the air will warm up to January levels.

Weather in Kuban and Krasnodar Territory in winter 2018:

  • beginning of winter (temperature from +15°С 0°С) - at the beginning of the season a slight cooling is expected, but literally in a week or two the temperature will begin to rise. According to weather forecasters, the first days of winter will give residents of the Krasnodar Territory frequent precipitation in the form of rain and sleet.
  • end of winter (temperature from +13°C to -7°C) - towards the middle of the season, a gradual cooling will begin, which will be accompanied by light snowfalls. This weather will not last long, and in the end everything will return to normal.

Weather in Siberia in winter 2018:

  • the beginning of winter (temperatures from -3° -25°C) - but residents of Siberia need to be prepared for sudden temperature changes. As for precipitation, there will not be much of it. Dry weather will last most of the winter.
  • end of winter (temperature from -2°С... to -35°С) - the end of winter will differ little from the beginning, only the temperature will drop, but its sharp changes will remain. And there will be a little more precipitation.

Weather in Crimea in winter 2018:

  • the beginning of winter (temperature from -2°C to +14°C) - at first the weather in Crimea will remain warm, snow and rain will be frequent guests. However, closer to the middle, the temperature will drop sharply and will remain so almost until the end of winter, only at the end it will warm up a little.
  • end of winter (temperature from +12° -3°C) - sudden temperature changes will be a frequent occurrence in Crimea this winter. All this will also be accompanied by wet rain.

Weather in Sochi and Adler in winter 2018:

  • the beginning of winter (temperature from +13°С +1°С) - the beginning of the season will be quite warm and stable, but closer to the middle there will be a sharp cooling.
  • the end of winter (temperature from +3°С +10°С) - but the second half of the season will be characterized by an abundance of precipitation, either rain, or sleet, or just snow.

Weather in spring 2018

The beginning of the season will greet Russian citizens with hostility, and across almost the entire territory of the country. The weather will be wet with sleet or rain. But this situation will last a maximum of a month, then it will become increasingly milder. If we talk about the northern regions of the country, then warming, of course, will come later than in other areas.

Weather in Moscow in spring 2018

According to folk signs and weather statistics in March 2018 will not please residents of the capital spring weather. Snow and frost will last at least until the last ten days of March and only in last days In the first month of calendar spring, Muscovites will be able to enjoy above-zero temperatures.

April 2018 will delight Muscovites with warm and sunny weather. In the second half of the month the air temperature will warm up to +10 ... +15 degrees. Almost no precipitation is expected.

At the beginning of May, warm and dry weather will continue to delight residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. But in the second half of the month the weather may worsen - the air temperature will drop to +5...+10 degrees. The cold snap will be accompanied by heavy rainfall.

Weather in Kuban and Krasnodar Territory in spring 2018:

  • the beginning of spring (temperatures from +6°C to +18°C) - the beginning of the season will greet the residents of this region with heavy rains. Closer to mid-spring there will be a sharp warming along with rain.
  • end of spring (temperature from +17°С +27°С) - by the end of spring the temperature will gradually begin to rise, and precipitation will occur less and less often.

Weather in Siberia in spring 2018:

  • beginning of spring (temperatures from -2°С -26°С) - warm spring days in this region for a long time won't come. Most often there will be dry weather with persistent frosts, which will subside only by mid-spring.
  • end of spring (temperature from -10° +15°C) - during this period there will be sharp temperature changes. Frequent precipitation in the form of sleet or rain.

Weather in Crimea in spring 2018:

  • the beginning of spring (temperature from +6°С +14°С) - frequent precipitation, and the temperature will rise gradually without sudden changes.
  • end of spring (temperature from +12°C to +23°C) - dry and warm weather, no precipitation.

Weather in Sochi and Adler in spring 2018:

  • the beginning of spring (temperature from +8°С +18°С) - the beginning of spring will not be sunny and clear. Most often the weather will present gifts in the form of cloudy weather with rain.
  • the end of spring (temperature from +14°С +25°С) - but starting from mid-spring the sky will clear and spring will give the residents of these regions the rays of the Sun and warmth.

Weather in summer 2018

According to all forecasters' assumptions, summer will not be different from last year. The temperature increase will be gradual, the weather will be mild and not hot. Beach season, most likely, will not open until mid-June.

Weather in Moscow in the summer of 2018

In the first half of June, the air in the capital will not warm up above 20 degrees, but towards the end of the month, weather forecasters predict almost tropical heat - the temperature will rise to +33 degrees. Heavy rainfall is also expected in the second half of June.

July and August are expected to be humid and hot. The temperature will fluctuate between +27 ... +30 degrees.

Weather in Kuban and Krasnodar Territory in summer 2018

  • beginning of summer (temperature from +18°С +32°С) - at the beginning of the season there will be cloudy weather. Then it will clear up a little, and the temperature will gradually increase. Frequent rains.
  • end of summer (temperature from +26°С +36°С) - Towards the middle the weather will clear up and be hot, with rare precipitation.

Weather in Siberia in summer 2018:

  • beginning of summer (temperature from +18°С +29°С) - cloudy weather with frequent precipitation will be observed in this region. This will last about a month, maybe a little more, but from the middle the sun will appear in the sky more often.
  • end of summer (temperature from +16°С +30°С) - during this period there will be no sudden changes in temperature, and precipitation will not be frequent guests until the end of the season.

Weather in Crimea in summer 2018:

  • the beginning of summer (temperatures from +24° +34°C) - the residents of Crimea will meet the summer with rain and cloudy weather, but this will not last long, about a week, then there will be sunny and clear weather.
  • end of summer (temperature from +27° +35°C) - starting from the middle, frequent precipitation will begin, but towards the end of summer the weather will clear up again.

Weather in Sochi and Adler in summer 2018:

  • the beginning of summer (temperatures from +24°С +32°С) - as in Crimea, residents of this region will greet the first days of summer with rain and cloudy weather, but this will not last so long either.
  • end of summer (temperatures from +26°С +34°С) - but the middle and end of the season promises to be dry, only in the very last days of summer there will be light precipitation for some time.

Weather in autumn 2018

The first days of autumn will be quite unpleasant - sometimes rain, sometimes hot, sometimes cloudy, as well as sudden changes in temperature. All this will not last so long and the second month should be more or less stable. Probably autumn this year will be according to all the canons and stereotypes - rainy, cloudy, windy and cold.

Weather in Moscow in autumn 2018

In September, warm, dry weather will set in - the air temperature is expected to be +23...+26 degrees.

In October 2018 the real one will come Golden autumn- no precipitation and warm autumn weather at +15...+18 degrees.

The rainy season will not last long in 2018 - literally the first two weeks of November will be dry heavy rainfall in the form of rain and sleet, and by the beginning of December frosty snowy weather with average temperature-5...-10 degrees.

Weather in Kuban and Krasnodar Territory in autumn 2018:

  • beginning of autumn (temperatures from +17°С +28°С) - at first rain and cloudy weather are expected in this region, but after a week it will be sunny and clear.
  • end of autumn (temperature from +6°С +23°С) - but towards the end of autumn it will be more often rainy and windy here.

Weather in Siberia in autumn 2018:

  • the beginning of autumn (temperatures from +5°С +23°С) - but in this region, on the contrary, the first days will still be sunny, but after a week or two it will begin to rain, wind, and cloudy weather.
  • end of autumn (temperature from +9°С -17°С) - there should be no sudden changes in temperature, there will be a gradual cooling, and snow is expected at the end of autumn.

Weather in Crimea in autumn 2018:

  • the beginning of autumn (temperatures from +12° +27°C) - but spring will give the residents of Crimea the first few sunny weeks. However, starting from mid-autumn, the weather will suddenly deteriorate and rain, wind and cloudy weather will begin.
  • end of autumn (temperature from +13°C to +4°C) - from the middle of the second month of autumn until the end of the season, frequent precipitation and windy weather are observed.

Weather in Sochi and Adler in autumn 2018:

  • beginning of autumn (temperature from +15°С +28°С) - the first week of autumn will be with thunderstorms and heavy rainfall, but then it will return to normal. The temperature will not have sudden changes and will gradually begin to drop.
  • end of autumn (temperature from +18°C to +5°C) - the second month of autumn will be characterized by cloudy weather, but with rare precipitation, but in the third month there will be everything - wind, cloudiness, and rain.

Despite the fact that the real Russian winter is still too far away, many Russian residents are already worried about the weather at this time of year. At the same time, it is important to find out any nuances regarding the winter period, because not only the normal life of each individual person, but also of everyone depends on the air temperature and the amount of precipitation during this period. settlements. And since the winter months on the territory of our state can take place for a wide variety of “motives”, it is worth finding out in advance what the winter of 2016-2017 will be like in Krasnodar.

Basic information

Naturally, when announcing a long-term forecast for next winter, it becomes clear that it may be inaccurate and may even change dramatically with the arrival of winter itself. But the assumptions are intended only to provide guidance for the future season. The territory of Krasnodar is marked temperate climate and the frequent arrival of cyclones. Despite the fact that winter in this region is usually cold and very long, in 2017 everything will change a little. This may be due to global warming or some other factors, but from early December to mid-March the air temperature should not be too low. This means that the next winter in the Krasnodar region will be mild and even warm.

Usually weather forecasters talk about cold and severe weather in advance.
winter, for which it is worth starting to prepare in advance. But now it's the other way around. That is why there are suggestions that the cold season in Krasnodar will not be so cold. Of course, there will be periodic frosts, and temperatures will sometimes start to reach -15 degrees, but this will be rare. Usually winter nights here are very cold, but during the day the temperature becomes above zero. Do you understand how this ends? Of course, ice! By the way, such weather will increase the risk of illness for weather-sensitive people who suffer from problems with the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system.

A monthly weather forecast for this region will help you understand the weather in the Krasnodar Territory in more detail.

December 2016

At the very beginning of winter, at the end of 2016, the entire territory of the Krasnodar Territory will be under the influence of an anticyclone. During this period, dry winds may arrive from Kazakhstan, which is why the total amount of precipitation in the region will be at a minimum. As a result, the whole month will pass relatively calmly with air temperatures often above zero. At night there will be slight frosts of no more than 6 degrees below zero, while in daytime the air should warm up to +5. Sometimes precipitation may appear in the form of rain or sleet. At the same time, everyone who wants to celebrate New Year Among the snowdrifts, you should be disappointed in advance - above-zero temperatures will continue until 2017.

January 2017

With the advent of 2017, the temperature situation will not change much. The entire Christmas holidays will be spent in slush, sleet and even fog. Next, light frosts will begin, which will alternate with thaws and rains. At the end of the month, heavy snowfalls will occur, which will cause the appearance of ice on the roads of the region. At night, the air temperature will drop to a maximum of -12 degrees, while during the day it should remain at 0.

February 2017

With the onset of the last winter month the situation will change almost radically. Winter, which in Krasnodar literally hid behind rain and light frosts, will show its character in full force a few weeks before its end. It is at this time that stable frosty weather will set in, which will be accompanied by frequent and prolonged snowfalls. In some villages, the height of snow drifts will reach 0.5 meters, which will literally completely block passage on some sections of the roadway. But severe frosts are not expected even at this time. This weather will last literally 10 days, after which spring will come to Krasnodar. According to forecasters, it will be possible to begin sowing work on these lands in mid-March.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the long-term forecast for the coming winter simply cannot give a 100% guarantee that only such weather will occur in the designated area. Perhaps something will change before the start of this period, and the relatively warm weather will be replaced by severe frosts. But for now these are just unconfirmed assumptions. But signs will help you draw your conclusions regarding weather conditions in the winter of 2017.

Folk signs

Want to know what weather you can really expect this winter? Check the hydrometeorological center's forecast using well-known signs.

1. If the forest cracks, like logs on fire, it means the frosts will linger for a long time.

2. If the New Year takes place in warm and snowy weather, then the coming summer should be warm and rainy.

3. If on the last day of the year there is a clear sunset and there is frost, then the cold will not soon give way to spring warmth.

4. If the rain begins to drop on February 1 and the day itself is warm, then spring will be early and friendly. Otherwise, there may be snowfalls until the end of the month.

6. If there is a snowstorm outside on February 2, then the same weather will last throughout Maslenitsa. In addition, this sign promises late frosts in the spring.

7. If a squirrel tries to stock up big amount nuts for the winter, which means the entire winter season of 2016-2017 will be very harsh.

8. The more fruits there are on the rowan tree, the colder the next winter will be.

9. If the first snow fell on the ground before October 8, then winter itself will begin on November 21. Moreover, if the ground is dry at this time, then this snow will lie for a very long time, and if it is damp, it will soon melt.

11. A thin skin is noticeable on the flowers of the bulb, which means that the coming winter will be mild, and if it is rough and thick, severe frosts cannot be avoided.

12. The first snow is dry - summer will be warm.

13. If the first snow falls when there is not a single leaf left on the cherry tree, then the coming winter will come very soon.

14. If the leaves on the trees do not fall for a very long time, and the leaves have not yet turned yellow in November, the winter will be late and very mild.

15. Maslenitsa frosts foretell cold march and rainy May.

16. What is the weather like outside on New Year’s Day, the same is usually observed on Old New Year’s Day.

Krasnodar Territory is a territory with a relatively warm climate. That is why the local winters have not been characterized by severe frosts for a long time. It is hoped that in 2017 the situation will not change dramatically, and residents of this region will not have to stock up on bear skins or countless heaters in order to survive until spring. But you can know about this for sure only when this very winter comes, or at least at the moment when it will be possible to judge this period from folk superstitions.

According to the majority of Russian residents, in the southern regions of the state there can be no talk of any real winter. No, in fact, the announced time of year, of course, is coming and some of its main “symptoms” may even appear. That's just the real one winter's tale, with frosts, impenetrable snowstorms and impassable snowdrifts, is truly alien here. Is it true? To understand this issue in more detail, you should find out what kind of winter it will be like in 2017-2018 in Krasnodar, the weather forecasters’ forecasts about which are already ready to be disclosed.

General information

Because of their geographical features, Krasnodar region is considered a relatively warm region of the Russian Federation, because it is washed by the waters of the Black and Azov seas, and also borders on the equally beautiful Crimean Peninsula. According to official information, the territory of the declared part of the country is located in a temperate continental climate, but due to the nearby mountain range, temperature regime Krasnodar is subject to frequent “mood changes”.

Usually, foothill areas suffer from eternal temperature changes, since it is here that foes are most often found - warm and dry winds that constantly penetrate the entire valley area. Distinctive feature The final situation is considered to be cold air currents descending from the mountains. As a result, both of these opposites meet, heat up and cause winter time melting snow in the mountains.

If we talk about the immediate forecast for the future Krasnodar winter, heavy amounts of precipitation are expected, which, due to the “registration” of the previously mentioned foehns, will still not last long. It remains only to describe in more detail weather in each of the months of the coldest time of the year on the marked lands, to make it easier to plan a vacation if necessary.


Despite the fact that the whole of December promises to be relatively warm, it is worth starting to prepare for the first manifestations of winter in Krasnodar at the end of November. It should be noted right away that December 2017 will be colder than last time, although you should not be afraid of too much cold. Even on the coldest nights the thermometer will not drop below -18 degrees.

Oddly enough for this region, its entire territory will be covered with a soft blanket of snow for several weeks, starting from the northern part of the region. In some places you can even find very impressive snowdrifts. Good timing to enjoy winter to the fullest: it’s time for sleds, skis and other New Year’s fun.

With all this, the southern regions of Krasnodar will not receive the long-awaited snow, and they will have to celebrate the New Year as usual: with the wind and sea breeze.


Compared to its predecessor, the next winter month and the first period of the new year promises to be very warm. Although, we should not forget about the favorite fun of this time of year: unexpected surprises of nature.

Initially, fairly warm and calm weather will reign. The temperature should not drop below -15 degrees at night, the wind will almost completely stop, and you can simply forget about precipitation for several weeks. Mountainous areas, of course, are not so lucky, while near the sea the temperature rarely drops below -10 degrees.

From the second ten days of the month they will begin strong winds, bringing with them heavy rainfall. In the north they will manifest themselves in prolonged snowfalls, while the southern regions of Krasnodar will be bathed in another winter rain. In some cases, hail may occur. It turns out that the mountainous area of ​​Krasnodar in January will be a great place to practice the usual winter sports, while in the south you can simply relax from the bustle of the city, enjoying the healing sea ​​air. Is it worth reminding that both options for such pastime are more than beneficial for health?


Against the backdrop of such mild two winter months, February should turn out to be completely similar to the usual Russian March. In fact, this time will show the well-known confrontation for leadership, which begins annually between two competing ladies - in winter and spring. What exactly will such a conflict be expressed in? IN large quantities precipitation, which captured almost the entire territory of the region in snow captivity a week before the actual end of winter. Closer to the northern part, at this moment the temperature will be very cool with strong and bitter frosts. In some cases, the height of the fallen snow cover can reach up to 50 centimeters, which is simply amazing. Agree, such changes are unusual for these lands.

True, such a miracle of nature will last no more than 10 days, and with the arrival of March, the Krasnodar region will begin to rapidly revive from a protracted winter hibernation.

Folk signs

In the old days, when no one knew about weather forecasters and the work of the hydrometeorological center, people learned to predict weather conditions based on the state of nature itself. Here are a few simple tips, with the help of which you will be able to make your forecasts for the near future.

1. The New Year will come during a snowy season, but warm weather, next summer will be rainy and not too hot.

2. If there is frost on the last day of the outgoing year, the cold will continue for a very long time.

3. If a snowstorm begins on the second day of the last winter month, similar weather will continue throughout Maslenitsa.

4. The first snow is dry, summer will be hot, and if wet, rainy.

5. If the leaves on the trees do not turn yellow for a very long time and do not fall off until December, winter promises to be short-lived and mild.

This kind of winter, not too cold, comfortable and very familiar to this area, is expected with the advent of 2018. Compared to other regions of Russia, such weather conditions are considered the most acceptable for successful winter holiday. Of course, it all depends on the specific geographical location one place or another, but in general outline the picture is extremely simple - to spend unforgettable New Year holidays, you just need to come to Krasnodar, taking with you all the bad things that have accumulated in your soul over the whole year. Here, problems will disappear in a few days, and the warm southern sun will help you stock up on enough positive energy for further work achievements.
