Ascendant - ascending zodiac sign. Ascendant in natal chart

In addition to your native zodiac sign, calculated by date of birth, you are influenced by another zodiac sign - Ascendant. IN natal chart This rising sign at the moment of birth. Below are given values The Ascendant in each Zodiac sign is Francis Sakoyan.

Ascendant in Aries

Strong will in the surrounding world - mastery of the surrounding world. Aries is driven forward with intense energy and primal strength. His determination helps to carry out any intention, does not waste time, is full of enthusiasm, and the desire to excel in everything he does. He cannot help but assert himself, showing tireless energy.

Energetic behavior, punching power, feeling self-esteem, dynamics, ambition, determination, professionalism, impulsiveness, passion. Multilateral social chances for success. Fanaticism, extremism, excessive haste, unceremoniousness, grumpiness, self-centeredness, thirst for fight.

You face life fully armed, rushing into the unknown with ardor and enthusiasm. You are direct, open, assertive and usually completely honest in all your dealings. Sincere, incapable of deception, insincerity or falsehood, you give others the impression of a confident, sometimes arrogant person.

Often you lack tact and sensitivity; you may completely ignore the needs of other people, be inattentive, and selfish. You are independent and do not depend on public opinion and support, at least to the same extent as other people.

You love originality and are not afraid to be alone. You may not feel very comfortable in a team, and it is not easy for you to interact and collaborate with others. You prefer to be either a leader or a loner.

You are a doer and crave freedom, challenge and action. You tend to think clearly: either black or white, your views are somewhat simplified, and this allows you to act very decisively and confidently.

Having been inspired by an idea, you feel such impatience and excitement that you often boldly strive to implement it immediately, but at the same time, in an ill-considered, untested way. Patience and attention to detail are not your strengths.

However, you will never admit defeat, and brilliant, unprecedented achievements and discoveries await you, as well as painful defeats. It is much better for you to try and fail than not try at all.

You have contempt for the weakness and passivity of other people, as well as their desire to imitate and follow others. You are not one to follow. Others see in you a strong individuality, a person who may be daring and even shameless. You are turned to the world strong point and usually don't allow others to see your vulnerable, unprotected side.

Ascendant in Taurus

Ensuring the environment - preserving property. Investing strength in monetary enterprises and in the processing of raw materials. He loves the pleasant aspects of life and, with his creativity, creates beauty.

The desire for stability, peace and security, perseverance, firmness, homeliness, friendliness. The environment meets the internal needs of property, harmony and material assets. The “I” demands increased meaning, lives at the core of facts. Practical lifestyle.

Selfishness, thirst for pleasure, stinginess, stubbornness. You have a reasonable, realistic outlook on life, and you stand firmly on the ground (although you can sometimes have your head in the clouds in your thoughts). Others often see you as the embodiment of strength, durability, reliability and consistency.

You are indeed surprisingly consistent, since you have great endurance and do not like to make changes or improvements to your usual routine. You do everything deliberately and methodically, and have difficulty adapting to the unexpected.

Outwardly you are a soft person, but you have enormous power will and stubbornness. You go on your own and don't like to be rushed or pushed into something you don't feel confident about. It is easy to motivate you, to persuade you to do something with the help of charm, beauty, love, tenderness - but not force.

You will not fight anyone, but will simply stubbornly resist any attempt to force you to do something you do not want to do.

When you have a goal, you strive for it persistently, with incredible constancy; You can't be knocked off course. Your stubbornness often infuriates others, especially because it takes a lot of effort to get you to ignite or react to someone else's anger.

Most of the time you appear to be a calm, indifferent and unemotional person, but behind your good-natured and peaceful appearance lies great strength. When it comes to a contest of willpower, you often win simply because of your relentless persistence, which can overpower anyone.

Another reason why you are reluctant to make changes is your strong need for protection. You feel best in stable, relatively unchanging conditions and really want to have tangible evidence of your security - your own home, money in the bank, a stable position at work, etc.

The other side of your constancy is the force of habit, under the influence of which you easily fall and strive to remain in a familiar situation (at work, in the family - anywhere) long after it has lost its vitality and interest.

You have a keen appreciation for material possessions and take great joy in the ordinary comforts of life and the physical world with all its countless pleasures. You are very sensual - in a natural, healthy way - and know how to please yourself.

You experience a natural, earthly attraction to opposite sex. You are also a great connoisseur of beauty - and your tastes can be called generally accepted, classical, but not modernist.

Ascendant in Gemini

Diversity in the world around us means quick reaction, original creative thinking, distinguished in its circle by intellectual abilities. The ability to formulate their ideas scientifically and vividly, as they identify themselves with their ideas, so they have an intellectual form of expression.

Obligatory essence, joy of communication, quick perception, mental mobility, adaptability, versatility, thirst for knowledge, curiosity, passion for travel, diverse scientific interests.

Superficiality, inconstancy, boasting. You always ask about something, learn something and seem like a young, lively person, regardless of how old you really are. Your mind is always active, curious, flexible, open to new knowledge.

You are childishly enthusiastic about everything new, you learn quickly, but you can just as easily get bored. You may be a bit scattered because you have so many ideas that it's hard to keep track of them all. You crave variety, change, food for thought and an active social life.

Eloquent, intelligent, often funny and witty, you are always a fresh and interesting interlocutor. Do you enjoy meeting and interacting with many people? different people. You are friendly, love to flirt, charming, easy-going and playful.

Even if you feel bad, you can never tell from your appearance that it’s hard for you, you never look gloomy. You may appear frivolous to other, more serious individuals.

You have a sense of humor and a sense of perspective, which prevents you from taking yourself and life too seriously. Indeed, it may seem that you are frivolous and inattentive to matters that others consider very important.

In general, you perceive life mentally, objectively, and not emotionally, and you may not be very sympathetic to other people. You don't like to be burdened with too much responsibility or the burden of other people's emotions. Moreover, if you cannot understand something with your mind, logically, then you often prefer to ignore it (this also includes irrational feelings, desires and needs - yours and other people's).

Consistency and reliability are not your qualities. Your restlessness fills life with movement and change. You become nervous and fidgety if things don't move quickly enough. You are interested in everything that is happening here and now, the latest news.

Your strengths are a quick mind, eloquence, ability for languages, sophistication and sophistication in society, sociability, talkativeness, the ability to build bridges between people and ideas. You may become overly talkative if you don't have a job or activity where you can use your mental, verbal and social skills.

Ascendant in Cancer

Sensitivity to the surrounding world - emotional dependence. Hesitant, but passionate in feelings, expressed in a dramatic manner, with romanticism. The will supports emotions. Strong connection with family and family affairs.

Sensitivity, helpfulness, diligence, empathy, self-sacrifice, sense of family. A full family life, changing (mostly simple) living conditions.

You give the impression of a gentle and calm person; in relationships with others you are very careful, and only after getting to know the person well, making sure that nothing threatens you, can you open up to him. You have a strong need for emotional protection, a desire to possess, and are deeply attached to the past: inheritance, roots, family, loved ones and friends, familiar places, etc.

It can be very painful and difficult for you to make radical changes or give up what is already known and safe. You tend to cling to people, memories, everything personal and sentimental. It is very important for you to have your own home, a “safe haven”.

Your approach to life is emotional and subjective, you are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere, implicit moods and subtle feelings within and around you. Instinctive and irrational, you are often unable to give a clear, simple explanation for your actions. Something just feels right, or vice versa.

Your thoughts and opinions are colored by emotions and personal attachments. You look at life from a very personal point of view and are often unable to mentally separate yourself from your personal inclinations and prejudices.

You tend to be primarily concerned with how something will affect you and those near and dear to you, rather than with the principled side of the issue or wider social influence. For example, you can be very patriotic and believe that everything that "my country" does is right, without knowing anything about the politics and point of view of other nations. Simply put, “what is good for me and my loved ones is good” and vice versa.

You are extremely faithful to those you care about, care for and support them in every possible way, and have a very strong maternal reflex (regardless of your gender). You are considerate of others and intuitively understand people's feelings and needs. Compassionate and empathetic, you acutely feel the pain of others and are often the one people look for when they need consolation, support or help.

Your mood fluctuates and changes frequently. Sometimes you are open, and sometimes you are emotionally distant. You can communicate without words and appreciate people who are able to understand the slightest hint without the need for exhaustive explanations. You never forget either good or evil.

Ascendant in Leo

The image of the surrounding world is an individual image of the world. Full of dignity, energy, will, but often arrogant and harsh. They speak when they want, interfere in matters when they are not asked.

Conscious behavior, the need for authority, recognition, dignity, breadth of nature, openness, cheerfulness, creating a luxurious living environment. Egoism, mannerisms, boasting, one’s own personality is projected onto the world.

Very proud and somewhat vain, you like to make an impression and want to be perceived as someone special. You are not timid, not meek, not modest, you are rarely satisfied with a subordinate, insufficiently high position.

You yourself are a born leader, and do not really like to hear orders from others. You must have something of your own, something creative - some kind of project, business, something in household chores, etc. - what you could develop and implement in accordance with your by one's own desire and your point of view.

Whatever you do, you do it in a unique and dramatic way. You like the results of your work to bear your “personal stamp”. You also have a very strong sense of dignity, self-respect, and pride, and you are deeply offended if someone humiliates or shames you.

You rarely enter into confrontation with the offender - you are too proud for this - but you lose love and respect for him. You dislike pettiness and hate being rebuffed and ignored.

You admire strong individuals like yourself. With those you make friends with, you are extremely sincere, loyal and ready to do anything to make these people happy. You are very generous and generous, but your gifts are never anonymous - you expect to be recognized and appreciated for them.

You also expect from people dear to you the same extraordinary loyalty as yours. However, you often have trouble working with people who are as powerful as yourself, as you find it difficult to interact and share power. If you do not occupy a leading position, then you strive to take it and compete with those who occupy it.

You are generous and courageous, and people often come to you for support and approval. You are always turned towards your own world" best face", and rarely allow others to see you as tough, heartless or vulnerable.

You have a very strong need for love, to be admired, appreciated, praised, although at the same time you do not want others to understand how important all this is to you.

Your outlook on life is largely personal and rather self-centered. Your self-expression, self-realization and self-realization interests you more than anything else. It seems to you that if you do everything in your place the best way, then everything else will go by itself.

Virgo Ascendant

Conscientiousness in the world around us means order in the family and at work. Integrity manifests itself in practical matters. They act systematically and systematically in the development and implementation of ideas. They tend to record every little detail and analyze it accurately. Success is based on this.

the main objective- perfection. Everything that is done must be infallible. Quality is valued more quantity. Modesty, conscientiousness, caution, observation, thoroughness, correctness, simple and orderly living conditions, practical overcoming of situations.

Calculation, pedantry, ceremony, prejudice. Often exploitation of neighbors. Modest, unobtrusive, often very quiet, shy. You are the type of person who prefers to be in a subordinate position, serving as an assistant, in a supporting role, rather than in a leadership role.

You are quite modest in your assessment of yourself, demand perfection from yourself in everything and are extremely self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws and see how it could be done better.

Often you simply give up trying to do something because you feel that you cannot meet your exacting standards. You have an eye for detail and get frustrated when things aren't done quite right - usually in small things that others take to be completely insignificant or taken for granted.

You are difficult to please, and your relationships with others may suffer as a result. You are also exquisitely sensitive and very picky and scrupulous in your choice of food, clothing, friends, work, etc. Order in your environment is very important to you.

You get down to business very carefully and only after a realistic assessment of all the risky aspects and potential gains. If something is not safe enough, you are unlikely to do it. You tend to underestimate your own capabilities and experience a lack of confidence and trust in life, which hinders your spontaneity.

You have bad habit- worry about everything. On the other hand, you rarely fall on your face, and everything you do, you do very well.

Other people see you as an independent and rather reserved person. You have a lot developed sense decency. Politeness, good manners, and correct behavior are important to you.

The first thing that strikes other people is your clear, cold, objective and unemotional attitude, and although in fact you are capable of helping and caring, your sympathy is not so clearly expressed that others immediately feel it.

You may seem dry and businesslike, more conservative than you really are, deep down. You are the person from whom people around you can expect technical council or an unbiased opinion, but not emotional support.

You are very observant, intelligent, have a great desire for learning and self-improvement, but are not particularly ambitious and are often satisfied with the most ordinary, not outstanding position in life.

Ascendant in Libra

Those with a Libra Ascendant can say about themselves that they were born under the sign of Libra, since it was this sign that rose above the horizon at the time of birth. Harmony in the surrounding world is a harmonious image of life.

They usually express their personality through collaboration with others. Their actions give the impression of beauty and grace, combined with discipline, rigor and a sense of justice. Their best quality- this is the ability to enter into the position of another and understand his point of view.

They do not like loneliness, as they feel lost and left to their own devices. Sharpness of senses, mobility, sophistication, harmony, sociability. Love of art and good manners determine an elevated lifestyle.

Vanity, vanity, exaggerated self-image, fear of work, lack of independence. Income and social advancement are often at the expense of others.

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, always ready to listen different points point of view, look at a question from a different point of view. Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you are more likely to try to find points of similarity and agreement rather than highlight differences.

You often avoid extremes and one-sidedness in anything. You have a strong desire for harmonious, enjoyable relationships and embody the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and fairness.

You really want to be loved, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily influenced by other people's opinions, especially in your youth. You are so eager to please that you often neglect interests and feelings just to avoid offending others.

Sometimes they try to see far-reaching plans behind your politeness or perceive it as weak character.

Your need to establish harmony extends to both your physical environment and your self-expression. You appreciate beauty and have a natural sense of balance, symmetry and proportion.

In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style. From the furnishings of your home to your clothing choices, everything should be aesthetically pleasing, not just functional or utilitarian.

You also feel that relationships are an art, one that you are especially interested in, and you are usually very experienced in this area because you have tact and a keen understanding of other people.

Marriage matters to you special meaning, so it is extremely important for you to find the right person someone you could spend your life with. It is natural for you to be half of a close couple - you are not an independent loner. Having a partner increases your self-confidence.

However, you have a tendency to become extremely dependent on your partner - to the point that you may not be perceived as an independent person outside of the relationship. The problem for you is to find a balance between being yourself and fusion, merging with another person.

Others see you as a compliant, gentle, harmonious and generally wonderful person. This is a kind of mask with which you face the world, although for you it can be something much more. You are characterized by personal charm and restraint, lack of aggressiveness.

Your motto may be “it is better to have many friends than many enemies,” and you approach everything from a position of friendship, cooperation, and not from a position of force, conquest, or coercion.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Self-preservation in the surrounding world is the preservation of the race. They show themselves energetically, strong-willed, and are ready to take risks to achieve their goals. As a rule, it is useless to explain the impossibility of a task; they will still strive to achieve it at any cost.

Enthusiasm is fueled by intense feelings and strong determination. They are able to detect hidden sources to carry out their plans. Perseverance, diligence, readiness for action, diligence, vanity, determination, subliminal energies.

Cruelty, readiness to fight, stubbornness, aggressiveness, passion, instinctiveness, distrust, temper, violence. Often there is a violation of relationships with loved ones.

You have very strong will, proud, but also extremely secretive, it is not easy to get to know you closely. Beneath your calm exterior lies enormous emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and incredible determination.

When you want something, you achieve it without haste, but persistently and with full dedication - and usually achieve success. You are not one of those who lives easily and superficially. You want to live passionately, intensely and do not shy away from challenge, danger, facing the dark side of life, human pain and struggle.

You function well in critical situations and seek them out often because you like to feel like you're living life to the fullest.

You are very intuitive about other people and especially about their unspoken feelings and hidden motives. You usually have a strong, immediate gut reaction that later turns out to be correct.

Your approach to life is largely instinctive, and you are not always fully aware of why you feel or act the way you do. You have a very strong contact with animals, an extremely sensitive wordless channel of communication with them.

In your relationships with others, you are very cautious, sometimes even suspicious, until you get to know them well and begin to trust them. In general, trust is not easy for you. When you commit yourself to someone emotionally, be it a friend or loved one, you show extreme devotion, literally dedicate yourself to that person, but also expect the same unconditional, unwavering loyalty in return.

If someone you cared so much about ever cheats on you, then you are capable of hating as passionately as you previously loved. You don't do anything halfway. You are, in fact, completely captivated and often jealously attached to whatever or who you care about - be it a person, an idea, or a cause. You definitely have some kind of emotional fanaticism.

Because of your natural reserve, others may consider you a mystery. You place great emphasis on self-defense and often take a defensive position. You are also very magnetic, especially to members of the opposite sex.

Ascendant in Sagittarius

Integration in the surrounding world - a harmonious relationship with the surrounding world. Optimists, ambition is aimed at high goals, friendly, interested, patronizing, everything is taken for granted, they think only about themselves.

They know how to convince that they are right, defending a point of view that is beneficial to them. Their optimism is a source of inspiration for everyone who interacts with them. Joy of communication, social and religious interests, enthusiasm, sociability, love of nature, interest in sports, ability to express oneself, interest in learning and learning, sense of justice, versatility, hard work, many goals; relations with neighbors are harmonious.

Sentimentality, duality, vanity, anxiety, spontaneous mood changes. Highly spiritual, full of enthusiasm, with overflowing energy, you love adventure, change, and exploring new territories.

You feel like a prisoner if you are forced to stay in the same calm, familiar, safe little world all the time. You are restless and strive for something greater than anything you have experienced before, and you often live in your visions and dreams of the future.

You tend to believe that the grass is greener somewhere else; You like to be constantly on the move - literally or figuratively. Being an idealistic and optimistic person, you always expect something better from the future.

You like to have a goal to strive for, but once you reach it, you immediately look for another. Always in search of new opportunities, you are a gambler, ready to take risks and explore new lands. The opportunity to discover something new is what makes life interesting for you. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats.

Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot stand being “imprisoned” for a long time, and your friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibilities often weigh heavily on you, and you may seem to resist growing up in the face of the need to accept the limitations of adult life.

You are friendly and open, cheerful and playful. Your mind is philosophical, and you are often completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with enthusiasm, you may tend to exaggerate.

You often like to talk, promise something, and at the same time you are usually very convincing. You do everything broadly, by and large. You enjoy having the best of everything, and you hate stinginess and pettiness with all your heart.

Your dreams are always big. You are able to perceive big pictures, general patterns and principles, and have a good understanding of politics, business, higher education and religion.

Other people see you as a good athlete and good friend, but not always consistent and dependent. You may also be considered a wise man, because you do not get stuck in the swamp of pettiness and triviality, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities.

You are one of those who believes in miracles, the favor of fate or just luck, you are never disappointed in life and you inspire others to be optimistic about the future.

Ascendant in Capricorn

Concentration on the surrounding world is a purposeful image of life. Discipline, systematic work, hard labour, patience. Everything that is done has meaning and is aimed at achieving a practical goal. Seriousness, sobriety, melancholy and restraint.

Materialistic attitude, vanity, self-restraint, restraint, diligence, efficiency, sense of responsibility, diplomacy, toughness. All relationships with the outside world are considered from a practical point of view. Sobriety, timidity, selfishness, cunning, distrust, isolation, many conflicts with the outside world.

You are cautious, prudent, rather reserved, and approach life realistically; You will not take rash actions and you will not allow yourself to be taken over by the overly optimistic or idealistic plans of groundless dreamers.

Generally speaking, you are often very critical of such plans. Already in early age become a person of wisdom, even somewhat cynical. Often the world does not seem safe and friendly to you, and you tend to approach life with caution and moderation. In general, you are prudent, cautious and rarely a person who is at ease, changeable, open, like a child.

You are pragmatic, insightful, an excellent strategist, carefully planning your actions to achieve maximum efficiency and the best results. You are ready to work long and hard to achieve what you want, although this is not easy for you.

You don't expect anyone to take care of you and sometimes reject outside help or simply don't seek it. You are often very ambitious, but do not show it off. You generally avoid anything bright or conspicuous.

You are very responsible, reasonable, extremely concerned about your responsibilities towards other people, about how you look in society, so to speak, about your “rank”.

Others see you as mature, serious, calm, reasonable and emotionally detached. You don't like tearful sentimentality, and you won't flaunt your feelings, especially positive ones. You always like to look balanced, control yourself, and hate manifestations of weakness and vulnerability.

You respect tradition, that which has stood the test of time, and you feel that you can learn a lot from history and from older, more experienced people. Often in life you are guided by a wise teacher or father, and you, in turn, through hard work gain wisdom that you love to share with your younger ones.

You take yourself seriously, demandingly, strictly. You expect maximum performance from yourself, and cannot afford to experiment and make mistakes.

You can be quite a stingy person, rather save and protect your money and resources, rather than showing them off, squandering them or spending them on pleasure. You spend money on quality items that will last a long time, which can be considered a profitable investment of capital, and not on frivolous entertainment.

You are characterized by asceticism to some extent. You have enormous self-discipline and self-control and can easily get by without much. Your tastes are generally simple and unsophisticated.

Although your personality may have other sides, more vibrant and filled with imagination, your face towards the world is rather moderate and conservative.

Ascendant in Aquarius

Transformation of the surrounding world - image of the surrounding world. Original, creatively independent, inspired by desires. They want to contribute to the common cause. They love jokes, pleasure, contacts.

Sweet, modest, do not like to attract attention. They want to be loved, not admired. They draw their strength from collective activities in a narrow circle of friends. Tolerance, commitment, humanity, openness, sociability, ideals, creativity, constructive abilities, knowledge of people, ability to adapt, wealth of ideas, reformism. Changing mood, lack of endurance, frequently changing goals.

A forward-looking, progressive person, you support change, innovation, the desire for progress and are often associated with something humane, with the improvement of society. You are acutely aware of the interconnectedness and interdependence that exists between all people and always relate personal motives to some larger structure.

Do you see political or public importance of your actions and dream of leaving some kind of mark on the world, or at least in your community or group. Your view of the world and approach to life are colored by the ideals of equality, justice, fraternity, human rights, etc. You are genuinely interested in the general welfare, not just your own.

Sometimes you may not notice or ignore personal needs, desires and feelings - yours and other people's - especially if they do not meet your ideals of how to feel or act. Although you do not tolerate conservative narrowness of mind, you yourself are sometimes dogmatic in your views and ideology.

You are attracted by everything advanced, the latest achievements of human thought and development, and your tastes are eclectic and cosmopolitan. You would rather call yourself a "citizen of the world" than preach the narrow limited interests of race, nation, people, family, etc.

You are much more influenced by the interests of the peer group of the time you grew up than by the influence of your parents or family. You are active in groups, communities, cultural and progressive movements.

As for personal relationships, you are friendly and show an impersonally good attitude towards others. You probably have many acquaintances, but very few truly close people, and your closeness with others is based on common ideals and principles, and not on emotional ties.

Others see you as a good friend and comrade - objective, fair, emotionally impartial. You don't show your emotions often and may be at a loss about how to respond to other people's emotions as you tend to be very rational.

You are also very independent and avoid being at anyone's disposal. You are at odds with traditional views on sex; you are more likely to have “free” views on marriage, relationships, sharing responsibilities in raising children, etc.

You feel the need to live outside the personal, domestic sphere, in interaction with a wide range of people. Maintaining family ties, close, deep, personal relationships may come second to you, after work or public affairs.

Ascendant in Pisces

The expectation in the outside world is solitude. Sensitive, compassionate, adaptable, airy, clairvoyant. What has been achieved is due to a subtle sense of underwater currents.

Their mystical insight helps them to intuitively understand human nature. They have artistic and musical talent. Willingness to help, sensitivity, empathy. Varied social activity, often contrary to their aspirations.

Solitude, depression, interference, fearfulness, timidity, incontinence, uncertainty, susceptibility to influence, willfulness, passion for pleasure, mania, illness, phlegmaticity. Accidents influence life path, which leads to numerous crises.

You are a soft, sensitive person, have a deep understanding of people, tolerance, and an unbiased approach to life. In a noisy company, in an atmosphere of competition, you often fade into the background, because you are a non-aggressive person, not of a strong type, and have an extremely negative attitude towards conflicts.

In fact, you tend to be a somewhat passive person - feel, know, expect, observe a lot, but act little. Often your way of solving problems is to let them resolve themselves or exhaust themselves, rather than using your will and not interfering.

You may be deeply religious, spiritual attitude to life - not necessarily in the orthodox sense, but as an intuitive understanding of the immensity and unity underlying all life, in comparison with which so many human desires and struggles become insignificant.

To flourish, you need a peaceful environment, and periods of quiet solitude are necessary for your emotional balance and well-being.

You are also very compassionate and cannot tolerate the torment of any living creature - not a person, not an animal, not even a plant. Perhaps as a child you were easily upset and began to cry if you hurt someone somewhere, physically or emotionally.

For you, the world of your imagination and fantasy was very real; it was a refuge for you when the outside world became too aggressive, demanding or simply uninteresting.

You are very generous and magnanimous, and people are drawn to you, sensing your compassionate nature. Often you continue to give gifts and provide for a person, even if you understand that he is abusing your relationship or becoming overly dependent on you. You overlook and forgive the weaknesses of both other people and your own. Organization and self-discipline are not typical for you.

Although you may be as intelligent as others, you do not have a rational, logical approach to life, and attempts to prove something to you using logical arguments often remain futile.

You are guided by feelings, intuition, and heart, but not by your head, which can infuriate or puzzle your more rational friends. You know for sure that life is something much more than what can be explained intellectually and put into pieces, and you are open-minded and interested in psychic phenomena, telepathy, parapsychology, etc.

You are not as structured and rigid in your relationships as many other people, which gives you the opportunity to see different points of view and accept them all as valid. This can lead to ambiguity, uncertainty and confusion in your approach - or there can be a very flexible, holistic path to achieving any goal.

What is the Ascendant (rising sign)?

The rising sign, otherwise called the ascendant, is the sign of the Zodiac that rises on the eastern horizon at the time of a person's birth. If you know a person's time of birth, you can calculate the ascendant online for free.

It is believed that if the ascendant falls closer to the beginning of the sign, then its influence will be more pronounced in the person’s personality. The same thing happens if the Sun is at weak position on the birth chart (if it is as if the person was born at night). It is also assumed that the influence is weaker if a person is born towards the end of the ascendant sign, at the moment before the next sign comes out.

Since the Ascendant sign is determined by the time and place of birth of a person, it represents the environment and conditions that may influence the individual during his childhood, and this is considered as an important and essential sign, just like the Sun and Moon signs, because all aspects in the chart penetrate this sign.

The Ascendant tells us what kind of mask we put on in public, this is the first impression we make when meeting people. Often, if a person is confused by how others describe him, it is because they are describing that aspect of his personality. The Ascendant is present in the appearance and personality of a person, sometimes going as far as influence physical characteristics. The sign becomes tangibly expressed in the person’s image, style and demeanor. This is also reflected in the way a person acts. Some astrologers believe that the sign becomes weaker after a person reaches 30 years of age, as his confidence in who he is grows.

The ascending sign manifests itself in the first personal traits that are inherent in a person, in how he reacts to the environment.

Like the zodiac signs, the ascendant falls into one of the following categories: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Fire rising signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, appear to be energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic. They are usually perceived as friendly, uncritical, and tolerant. Earth rising signs: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are considered practical and safe. They may seem a little timid or cautious and serious. Air rising signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are good at communication. They thrive in the company of other people and are friendly, but can be independent or aloof. Water rising signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are seen as emotional, intuitive and sensitive. These people usually hide their true feelings and emotions, they feel the need to protect themselves from the outside world and present themselves to others in a way that does not feel like they are at risk.

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Zodiac sign has a huge impact on temperament, appearance human, on the pattern of origin major events. Unconsciously, a person chooses this particular profession or makes acquaintance with certain people under the influence of the zodiac. The sign affects luck, position in the family or in society.
The influence of planets and stars on daily life. All people born on earth have two zodiac signs. One depends on the calendar dates of birth, the other is determined accurate time of birth. Zodiac sign, determined by the time of birth is called ascending. Thanks to rising sign a person has individual behavioral characteristics. It is he who determines the forms and characteristics of the individual’s contact with the outside world.
Knowing your ascending zodiac will help determine the type of personality that has a serious influence on a person’s life position, makes it possible to adjust traits character and form your own style.

The influence of the ascending zodiac sign on a person’s fate and character

Rising zodiac also called ascendant. This zodiac is directly related to the human physical body. Ascendant determines how a person is perceived by the people around him, he sets the outer side of the manifestation of personality, creates that very distinctive “zest”, image.
The first feeling that arises when looking at a person is created by the influence ascending zodiac. This one zodiac determines one’s own human “I”, level of independence and self-awareness.
Rising zodiac, as it were, puts a mask on a person by which the world around him evaluates him. It's like the front door, inner world person.
Ascendant is taken as the basis for constructing a horoscope, since its other main parameters are built from it. Therefore, if a person sets out to build his real astrological horoscope, he needs accurate information about time of birth, and accurate to the minute.
Construction horoscope Quite a fun activity. You should not be upset if a person who wants to build his destiny according to horoscope, does not know the exact period of his birth. Man is the main astronomical figure, therefore he himself, without help horoscopes, can create his own destiny.

How to find out your ascendant sign?

Synthetic sign and ascendant have a strong influence on a person's character. It is possible that in the first field of the horoscope ascendant there is another sign different from the solar one, or the planets are located in such a way that it turns out synthetic sign , which significantly influences a person, his behavior and outlook on life. Do you think that the description of the characteristics of the sign does not suit you and that horoscopes are nonsense? This can be corrected; by the end of the article, your opinion will completely change.

Almost every person knows their zodiac sign. And reading his description in different books, he often understands that this description is not always suitable for him. This is possible because sometimes the sun sign (the one that everyone knows) does not match with ascendant or synthetic sign. Sometimes a synthetic sign describes our character much better than a solar one.

Often a person is perceived not as a representative of his sun sign, but through his synthetic sign. A synthetic sign is a certain conventional total unit depending on the elements and crosses in which the planets are located. Each zodiac sign belongs to one of the elements (fire, earth, air, water) and to one of the crosses (cardinal, fixed, mutable). For personal horoscope we count the number of planets in each element and in each cross. As a rule, there are the most planets in any element and cross. This will be our synthetic sign. If you want to know what synthetic sign you have and whether there is one at all, contact me and I’ll tell you. You can also calculate it yourself by building your horoscope using. Then we look at which elements and crosses predominate in the horoscope and using the table you can find your synthetic sign, which affects your character. It may happen that there will not be any clear predominance of signs and elements.

You can also look at your characteristics by finding out what sign you have on the ascendant. Ascendant, being the cusp of the first field of the horoscope, is considered a symbol of personality, a symbol of one’s own “I”, characterizes temperament, character, behavior, type of reaction of feelings to external stimuli. The Ascendant is the rising degree on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Ascendant is the sign at the beginning of the first house and it determines appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, build, height, hair color, clothing style, choice of image. Even when choosing what color to dye his hair or what color of contact lenses to buy, a person acts as the sign on the Ascendant tells him. The sign and planets in the first field of the horoscope influence the choice of profession, especially in the area where certain external data and physical characteristics are needed; a person’s physical activity and propensity for any kind of sport also depend on this. It is important for an astrologer to know the influence of zodiac signs and planets on a person’s appearance. This knowledge allows one to clarify and verify the correctness of the time of birth and is crucial when the time of birth is unknown. But it should be remembered that the ascending sign (Ascendant) affects the external, but not the internal manifestation of the personality.

Determining the rising sign by appearance

First you need to understand the male or female signs belongs to the ascending sign. Masculine signs lengthen the limbs, the face, and make one grow taller. The movements are energetic, the gait is fast. They endow a person with openness, frankness and sincerity in expressing feelings, love for everyone’s attention, and smiling. Female rising signs shorten limbs, height, and make the face round or square. Restraint is evident in behavior. They prefer not to express their thoughts, but to keep them to themselves; they try to stay away from everyone’s attention. The smile is restrained, shy and sometimes ironic.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) refer to male signs. A fiery rising sign gives a large build, broad shoulders, large facial features and a love of sports. Such people speak loudly, strive to be the center of attention, and are prone to monologue. An airy rising sign, it lengthens the limbs, makes the face and figure thinner, and gives a more youthful appearance. The person is sincere, sociable, prone to dialogue. Not as energetic and excitable as fire signs, they enjoy being the center of attention, but will not impose themselves.

Feminine signs include the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). A water sign on the ascendant gives a rounded physique and shortens the arms and legs. Such people are emotional, prone to violent manifestations of emotions, express their feelings openly, while keeping what they think to themselves. They love to talk heart to heart. Earth rising signs may have a square body or head shape. The subject is reserved, little emotional and silent, and will never frankly say what he thinks. He tries to remain in the shadows; excessive attention confuses him.

In addition to all of the above, the appearance is influenced by the planets in the first house, as well as the aspects of the planets to the elements of the first house.

Sun increases muscle mass, gives hair red shades. A person wants to be the center of attention, believes that the whole world revolves around him.

Moon makes a person round, small, caring, kind.

Mercury Lengthens the limbs, gives excessive talkativeness.

Venus It simply softens, it does not affect growth and complexion. Venus gives a person softness, creates an external harmonious image, a pretty face, and a peaceful character.

Mars makes a person more energetic, courageous, active and assertive.

Jupiter magnifies, enlarges. Eyes and hair are light. The character clearly shows generosity and optimism.

Saturn creates a deficit in appearance. Deficiency of height, weight, size. People with Saturn in the first house look older than their years, their facial features are small. The behavior shows modesty, hard work, and perseverance.

Uranus increases height, makes hair and eyes darker. Such people are inventors by nature, always open and selfless.

Neptune reduces physical forms, but increases spirituality in a person. Increases receptivity, daydreaming and secrecy. A person with Neptune in the first house can make a secret out of nothing.

Pluto, standing in the first house gives a quick reaction, increases self-confidence, the nose becomes individual, large, the hair becomes fuller with reddish tones.

I am a tarot reader, numerologist, parapsychologist, astrologer. I predict events using various decks of cards. I compose numerological and astrological horoscopes. I will be happy to help you understand a difficult life situation in your personal life, work and business, and give good advice based on your interests. Work experience - more than 16 years.

“I consulted several times. Svetlana “looks into water.” After communication, a feeling of calm remains. Thank you!”* - Teresa, 38 years old

Astrology is my life's work. I began to learn its basics while still at school. By now I have accumulated vast experience and knowledge; now I not only practice myself, but also teach students. If you want to get advice from an experienced professional astrologer, I am always at your service.

“Natasha! Thank you very much for your attention and responsiveness, for your understanding and good words. You inspire hope.”* - Natalia, 42 years old

I am a horary astrologer. I specialize in issues of love, relationships, work, money, career. As well as situations related to real estate, business, relocation, travel. I’ll tell you whether it’s worth taking the planned actions, look at the attitude of others towards you and make a forecast for the future. Work experience - more than 15 years. Attention: before contacting me, please read the article in my profile “How to ask a horary question correctly.”

“Excellent expert. Answers questions competently and completely, explains the reasons for the situations that arise. She is very pleasant and tactful in communication. I enjoyed the consultation. I wish you success and prosperity, Arina!”* - Anna, 40 years old

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Tata Bakhtiar has the widest arsenal of tools that can help a person solve his problems. The rare gift of empathy helps her anticipate events and convey information so that a person not only knows the answers, but also hears them. She was a mentor to the participants of the project "S clean slate"You can see for yourself the amazing sensitivity of the expert - read about her practices and techniques, and you will understand that Tata will make every effort to help you.

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Astrology is the main tool I use for consultations. Thanks to my knowledge, I will help you understand existing problems and find the right solution for them. Feel free to contact me for help - I will be glad to see you!

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I will help you understand the most pressing and pressing issues with the help of astrology and gypsy cards. I use Tarot cards in cases where confirmation is needed in resolving an issue. Additionally, I use numerological and astrological charts for forecasting various situations. My abilities have been passed down through the generations from my great-grandfather, with more than 27 years of experience.

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I'm a tarot reader. My professional experience is more than 17 years. As a professional fortune teller, with the help of cards I will conduct for you a detailed analysis of the past, identify the reasons for the current situation in the present, reveal the secrets of the future, and help you avoid problems and conflicts. Contact me with any questions that concern you - I will be happy to help!

“Lanochka, thank you for the consultation, which I was very pleased with! Everything is on point! Thank you for your kindness and humanity! Good luck, love and kindness! Before new meeting, and she will definitely be!”* - Olga 51, 56 years old

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I am a psychic, tarot reader. Successful practical experience - more than 20 years. I will conduct a detailed analysis of your future and present. I will help you find the right answers by tuning to your energy, name, date of birth or photo. I will try to achieve the desired result in resolving your issues.

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I am a psychic, clairvoyant, tarot reader and seer. Tarot cards, as well as Runes, help me look most deeply into your problem and help solve it. Often the way out of a difficult situation lies on the surface, but it is not always possible to see it for yourself. Call me, I will help you!

“Maria is an amazing expert. In my opinion, she uses a unique approach in her professional work! I am very pleased, I feel that part of the solution has been found after talking with you! I will call again! "* - Elena, 32 years old

I am a parapsychologist, astrologer. I work with subtle energies in the “Field of Consciousness” and “Field of Design”, using various unique esoteric tools and practices, as well as my own proprietary techniques. I have the power to see the past and present, to adjust and improve the lines of fate of the future. I will give you the best recommendations for improving situations and relationships in the family and at work, for correcting what seems impossible to correct. I assure you, there are no hopeless situations! Experience: more than 30 years. I only work on Astro7.

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I have extrasensory abilities, the gift of foreseeing a situation and its development. As a clairvoyant, I will look at the present and future, I will try to analyze the situation and choose the most correct solution to your question. I practice in in this direction more than 20 years. I only work for Astro7!

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I am a psychic, runologist, tarot reader and clairvoyant. My purpose is to help you find the answer to your question and thereby lead you to your desired goal. I will help you select the right decision any life situation, taking into account your interests. Accurate forecast of the future using runes and arcana of the Tarot. Professional help. Work experience – more than 7 years.

“Alexandra, a great expert! The situation is described and sorted out, everything is accurate and true. I really enjoyed the consultation. I will definitely contact you again. Thank you very much!!!”* - Evgenia, 40 years old

I am a psychic and esotericist. I quickly and accurately tell fortunes using Tarot cards, runes and coffee grounds. I provide assistance in difficult situations, I give answers to any questions: love, family, business, career. I make horoscopes for family and marriage. Work experience - more than 35 years.

“Linochka, thank you so much! You are the best expert, it’s a pleasure to communicate with you and you give the necessary advice, and most importantly, everything you say comes true.”* - Irina, 35 years old

I will come to your aid in any situation where you need advice, a hint or an outside perspective. I am a clairvoyant and fortune teller. I will make a Tarot reading, help you understand romantic relationships, help you choose the path to resolve the conflict and understand the quirks of your Destiny. Call and remember: there are no unsolvable situations! Work experience - more than 28 years. I only work for Astro7!

“Nelina is an amazing expert! She clearly sees the situation, moreover, quickly finds solutions! I ordered a wax casting “Putting things in order in life.” The result was not long in coming! The situation has changed radically, big changes have taken place in my life, and I have emerged from the crisis situation with dignity. Thank you very much, Nelinochka! This is a miracle! It’s a blessing that there are such wonderful experts on Astro7!”* - Larisa, 57 years old

I am a psychic and a hereditary clairvoyant. I work with By higher powers. They help me see the present, past and future. I have had the gift of clairvoyance since birth. With my help you can decide important problem related to love and finance! Call and you will receive an answer to your life question from the Higher Powers.

I am a psychic, tarot reader. My experience practical work- 20 years. In my work I use various Tarot decks, runes, and a pendulum. You can contact me with any questions you may have. Any problem can be solved, the main thing is faith and the desire to make changes in your life.

“Incredibly large amount of information! The description of the situation is accurate. The short-term forecast came true. I’m very glad that such an expert appeared on Astro7)) Thank you very much, I will contact you more than once!”* - Elena, 42 years old

I inherited my psychic abilities from my family and have been successfully using them for more than 35 years. I use astrology, Tarot cards, and read information from photos. I remotely review and correct energy. I interpret dreams. I make individual forecasts in business, finance, and personal life.

“People and specialists like you are very rare! Thank you for your understanding and participation!”* - Irina, 29 years old

I am a parapsychologist, finalist of the 5th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, leading expert “ Mystical stories" I work with human information fields, using numerology, astrology, Tarot, runic practices, Feng Shui techniques and a number of ancient esoteric practices for a comprehensive analysis of the situation and specific solutions to problems. Clairvoyant and fortune teller. Work experience - more than 10 years.

“Julia, bravo!!! Everything is exactly right! From the communication and information received, I get the impression that there has been a resolution to a long, painful situation and a radical change in worldview!”* - Marina, 45 years old
