What does the name Arina mean for a girl? Name Arina in different languages

Arina – very beautiful female name, which quite rare. Its history is ambiguous, and girls named by this name can boast hard work and determination.

Origin of the name

Arina is a derivative name. It was formed on behalf of Irina, which is translated from ancient Greek as “peaceful.” This means that Arina can also be described as peace-loving and friendly.

The name Arina appeared in Eastern Slavs and has survived to this day. During times Ancient Rus' this name was especially popular. This is evidenced by the abundance of proverbs mentioning the name: “Aunt Arina spoke in two,” “Three Arinas live in a year,” and others.

Another version of the appearance of the name Arina is appropriate. Once upon a time there was an Old Slavonic name Yarina; Probably, two names were formed from him: Irina and Arina.

Many Arinas have been canonized as saints: the wife of St. George the Confessor, the Venerable Arina of Cappadocia and others.


Arina is a derivative name. It was formed from the name Irina, which is translated from ancient Greek as "peaceful". This means that Arina can also be described as peace-loving and friendly.

Baby name

Arina is growing up obedient child. She loves to read, develop, and is interested in various sports sections. The girl communicates well with her peers; she has many girlfriends. Afraid of dogs and boys.

Arina's character

The owner of the name is an independent and self-confident person who is used to getting her way. She decides everything herself and has the ability to think comprehensively. She responsible person and tries not to enter into conflicts. She is sociable and has a large circle of friends. Relies only on his own strength.

Likes to work hard and by all means achieves what he wants. She has an excellently developed intuition, and although for those around her she is a simple person, this is not so.

Arina is the one about whom they say “on their own.” The owner of the name is a rather reserved person who does not like to be the center of attention, although outwardly she tries to be sociable and cheerful. Arina will never take up work until she has studied all its details and details, but she is slow in her work - perhaps because she does everything very carefully and efficiently. Arina knows how to control herself and control her emotions. Loves sweets. Afraid of dogs and insects.

Personal life and family

Arina is by nature, so her personal life may not be successful. For men it is very popular. The girl herself is not averse to having fun in men's companies. She is very jealous, but reasonable: she does not give a second chance to a man who betrayed her.

She is amorous, but for the sake of love she will not go to great lengths. As a confident girl, she knows what kind of husband she needs. Arina does not plan to get married early - her personal well-being comes first, and only then her family. But Arina - good hostess, loving wife And caring mother . Loves the comfort of home, loves to host guests. In addition, she manages to build an excellent career and achieve heights professionally.

Choice of profession

Arina loves to study: at school and university, knowledge is given to her with ease. Loves technical and exact sciences . Diplomat and lawyer are among the most suitable professions for Arina. In her work she likes to achieve high results, move up career ladder. Arina is a good leader who knows how to manage her subordinates.


In general, Arina is a strong girl, in good health. She loves sports and movement. But there may be situations when Arina suffers from stress or headaches. There are times when a girl with this name may experience outbursts of anger and rage, but in general she tries to control herself. Pathologies of the intestines and eyes are also possible. There may also be gynecological problems.

Girl's talents

Arina loves needlework: embroidery, knitting, sewing, drawing - her favorite activities since childhood. A girl with that name phenomenal memory, she is inquisitive and active. Cinema and art are areas of activity in which the girl is very interested.

Possessing grace and flexibility, the girl goes either to sports or to dancing. In addition, Arina loves swimming and gymnastics.

Gets carried away photography, studies foreign languages. But in choosing a profession she is guided only by the opinion of her parents - she listens to them unquestioningly. Arina loves her father more than her mother: she always tries to spend a lot of time with him. The girl does not show much sympathy towards other relatives: she has a reserved character and does not like being the center of people's attention.


Externally Arina - attractive girl. Men constantly pay attention to her and try to look after her beautifully. But she doesn’t like fashion and luxury. For her, the main thing is convenience and practicality, so she chooses clothes based on these qualities, and not in order to look beautiful and feminine. This also comes down to the fact that she is a thrifty person and will not just spend money. In addition, she constantly wants to show others that she is a businesslike and serious person.

Who is suitable for the name Arina?

This name is suitable for all girls born under the following zodiac signs:

  • Aries;
  • Aquarius;
  • Capricorn.

You should not give the name Arina to Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

Compatibility with other names

For Arina it will be successful marriage with the following names: , Boris, . It is better for Arina to avoid men with the names Anatoly: according to the astrological forecast, her relationship will not work out with them.

Zodiac signs


Persistent, purposeful a girl who doesn't like to lose at anything. She has brilliant career, but due to the fact that she devotes herself entirely to work, the girl’s personal life is not going very well.


Young woman with a gentle character. Dreamy, friendly nature. A craving for creativity is possible.


Purposeful, active girl. Loves to travel. In a profession, it is important to find yourself than to earn more money.


Personality deep, with an excellent sense of humor and self-irony. The girl is very popular with men, but it is important for her to find a person with whom she could start a family.

a lion

Persistent, with the right amount of stubbornness, the girl. Loves comfort and coziness; wonderful wife and mother.


Ambiguous personality. On the one side, cheerful and open, with another - closed and silent. She is in no hurry to start a family; the main thing for her is to realize herself in her profession.


Responsible girl, loves order and consistency in everything. Thrifty, thrifty, knows the value of money - such Arins make good wives.


Born careerist. Doesn't like to get hung up on little things. She values ​​status and wealth in men. Thinks about family late.


Not a bad hostess. Hardworking, responsible. He loves order and comfort, but his personal life does not always work out well.


A girl who has a certain aggression in behavior, but despite this, Arina is so - kind and sincere person who makes it his duty to help people.


Open, cheerful, sociable. Great thirst for knowledge and travel. Successful in love.


Personality kind and soft, but there are outbursts of uncontrollable anger. Personal life does not work out in the first take: several marriages are possible.

Name day

By church calendar Arina's name day on the days when the memory of saints is honored with the name Irina. These are: April 29, January 12 and 16, August 10, 17 and 26, May 18 and 26, October 1.

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek language Arina means “peace”, tranquility, “peacefulness”.

Origin of the name: The name Arina has several origins. The most common version is that Arina is an obsolete form of the name Irina. Some given name associated with greek goddess peaceful life of "Eirene". In Rus', Arina was often pronounced as Irina, Orina or Yarina. Among the butler nobility, the name Irina was more often used, and simple peasant girls were called Arin. There is a version that Arina is Jewish name from the production word Aaron, which translates as “high,” “mountain,” “enlightened.”

IN Orthodox calendar They venerate the martyr Arina, who was the wife of St. George the Confessor.
Other forms: Irina, Yarina, Orina, Irena, Arya, Arisha, Rina, Arka, Irisha.

January – 12th, 16th;

April – 29th;

May – 18th;

August – 10th, 17th;

October – 1st day.

Characteristics of the name

The name Arina combines several qualities, such as activity, peacefulness, and determination. Women with this name are independent and confident individuals. They are not characterized by envy, prudence or severity. They are kind and sensitive, always ready to help others.

Little Arina is growing up as an open and honest girl, she is active, always in sight, and her teachers and teachers at school love her. Arina diligently carries out all assignments, studies well, attends various clubs, and loves sports. She has many friends, but very few real ones, because Arina subtly senses deception and injustice, and she will not be friends with such people. She is independent, sometimes this trait in her character can turn into stubbornness and selfishness.

Adult Arina knows how to control herself, she smart and very kind, but in some situations it can become aggressive. He always holds his own opinion, has subtle taste and always knows what he wants. Hard work and perseverance help her achieve success in life. She can sometimes be indecisive and find it difficult to express her feelings. Arina is very jealous, and some actions of close people can make her furious.

Character of the name

Arina has a unique character, in which there is hardness and softness, determination and uncertainty. Sometimes she tries to lead other people, but she is not a very good leader. She is hardworking and persistent, very responsible and jealous. Alina has well-developed intuition, she always acts thoughtfully and intelligently.

“Winter” Arina – calm, modest;

“Autumn” - kind, brave, independent;

“Summer” - decisive, persistent;

“Spring” - shy, unsure of herself.

Fate of the name

Arina has been a kind and cheerful girl since childhood; she loves to help her mother around the house or take care of her younger sisters or brothers. He studies well at school, always takes part in various school events. She is very capable, but at the same time she strongly strives for independence.

Adult Arina is very responsible, she is always ready to answer for her actions. A woman with this name is a good leader and loves to abuse her power. Arina is capable, hardworking and persistent, she always moves confidently towards her goal.
Arina has good taste, she dresses beautifully and is popular with men. She is naturally talented, draws, sings, dances well, but this remains only her hobby. Arina prefers a more pragmatic option as her main profession; she strives for financial independence, but rarely holds high positions. Women with this name can prove themselves in the field of medicine or foreign languages, can also work as a designer, hairdresser, fashion designer. Arina always finishes any business she starts. In a team, she is sociable, sincere, and will never resort to cunning for the sake of career growth.

Arina has many fans, she is amorous and romantic, a little flirtatious. Before choosing a husband, Arina has many affairs, but after the wedding, she is a faithful and caring wife. In men he values ​​sincerity, honesty and masculine fidelity. Arina will never forgive betrayal; she is very touchy, but easy-going. Having entered into marriage, Arina is a wonderful and faithful wife, a loving mother. For her, family always comes first, she is a good housewife, and knows how to create coziness and comfort in the house. Arina prefers to rely on her husband in all matters, so he must be a strong and responsible man.

Positive traits of the name

Arina is cheerful, cheerful and good-natured. She is always ready to help her loved ones. Bearers of this name rely only on themselves, they are persistent and hardworking. Arina knows how to do housework and loves to receive guests.

Negative traits of the name

Arina is used to sticking only to her own opinion. She is used to achieving her goals despite any obstacles.

Name compatibility Arina

The name Arina is in harmony with the character of Aries, Capricorn, Leo. Bad relationships often develop with Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

A successful marriage for Alina is possible with Arkady, Igor, Vladimir, Boris. Difficult relationships with Oleg, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Anatoly.

The name Arina translated from Greek means “rest”, “peace”.

Origin of the name

There are two versions of the origin of the name Arina: Greek and Slavic. According to the first version, Arina came from the name Irina, which, in turn, appeared from the name ancient greek goddess world - Eirens. According to another version, the name comes from the ancient Slavic Yarin, which is a derivative of Yarilo, which was the name of the main god in Slavic mythology.

In Rus' in the Middle Ages, the name Arina was very common among ordinary people and merchants, but in the noble class the name Irina was used more.

Characteristics of the name


Little Arina is very independent child who strives for personal independence. Outwardly, the girl looks like her father, but in her soul she is a copy of her mother. Arina grows up as an introverted child, so to speak in her mind. From the outside, she may seem somewhat naive and simple, but in reality this is not so: outwardly slow and stupid, she easily learns everything new and can surpass her peers in this. Therefore, she studies well at school herself and helps others do the same. She enjoys communicating with her classmates, but she doesn’t care who she’s friends with: girls or boys. Arina is fond of sports, in particular she loves swimming. She enjoys doing homemade crafts: knitting, sewing. Arina likes to draw.


Arina is a sensible woman who can control herself, never acts spontaneously, but always thinks through the consequences of her actions. She knows what she wants and slowly but surely moves towards her goal.


Professionally, Arina can realize herself as a manager, teacher, designer, fashion designer, hairdresser, cashier, nurse. Her developed intuition allows her to feel the mood of her interlocutor, which makes her an excellent psychologist from birth.

Personal life

Arina is a very amorous person, she is constantly looking for her ideal man. At the same time, she never loses her head in love, but always looks at relationships somewhat prudently. Perhaps this is why men consider her somewhat aloof and “cool.” When Arina finds her man, she will become a devoted wife and caring mother. In solving all family issues, she will rely on her spouse, since being a leader is not her destiny. She will be more willing to devote herself to raising children and creating home comfort.

Name compatibility

The name Arina is ideally compatible with men whose names are Eduard, Stepan, Sergey, Nikolai, Leonid, Ivan, Efim, Boris, Andrey, Alexander.

Name day

Orthodox name days:

  • February 26;
  • March 7;
  • April 29;
  • May 18, 26;
  • August 10, 17, 22;
  • October 1st.

Famous people

Famous women with the name Arina: Sharapova (TV presenter, journalist), Aleynikova (actress), Martynova (skater), Makhova (TV presenter), Rodionova (tennis player) and of course Arina Rodionovna - the nanny of the poet Alexander Pushkin.

This female name is independent, although it is consonant with the more popular Arina and Irina. The meaning of the name Arisha is softer and calmer. Accordingly, its owner is distinguished by a quieter and balanced disposition, but not without its own zest.

Those who decide to name their daughter this should definitely know that the meaning of the name Arisha for a girl is fundamental. He is an independent, practical and moderately cautious person who youth decides everything and always himself.

Arishka’s parents won’t have to run around between clubs and extracurricular activities to find a hobby for their daughter. She chooses her own hobbies related to creativity and handicrafts. The most interesting thing is that the acquired skills can later become an excellent basis for a creative profession.

Arisha, by the way, is well versed in fashion and has excellent taste, but she is unlikely to waste time on entertainment. By researching the meaning of the name Arisha for a child, you can come to the confidence that in the future she will be at the top of life.

Knowing detailed interpretation name, it is not surprising that the girl has graceful manners and an interesting appearance. For this we should thank not only the parental genes, but also the patronage of the Higher Powers.


From an early age, Arisha embarks on a search for the ideal man. She often falls in love with pleasure, but never loses control over her feelings and does not allow a man to completely take over her.

Sometimes she can be reproached for being too cold and secretive, but if necessary for the sake of a loved one, personal preferences lose importance. She is ready for sacrifices and compromises on her part. And all because she has a hard time withstanding loneliness and always tries to have friends and fans nearby.

As for close relationships, the chosen one will have to show maximum patience. Love means more to Arisha than just quality sex. She values ​​affection, tenderness and romance, and seeks confidence and security in relationships.

If a girl meets her chosen one, she will be faithful to him for the rest of her life. But he will not forgive betrayal, and will worry about it for a very long time. You shouldn’t repent and assure of your feelings, she definitely won’t give you a second chance.

Moreover, everything will end quietly and quite peacefully, without hysterics and swearing. It matters much more to Arishechka self-respect, and she will not allow any infringement of it.


In the family, Arishka proves herself to be an excellent housewife, loving mother and devoted wife. She is extremely jealous, but is ready to do anything for the happiness of her loved ones. IN family relationships welcomes equality and mutual respect. She gets along well with her husband’s parents, loves to receive guests, but is in no hurry to return a visit.

If Aruska starts to argue, then it’s easier for hubby to give in right away. After all, a woman clearly defines boundaries that others cannot cross. If a man calmly presents serious arguments, he will easily agree with the craziest idea.

By the way, despite all the homeliness and thriftiness, Arisha rarely devotes herself entirely exclusively to the family hearth. As soon as the opportunity arises to get down to business, she immediately runs away, immediately shifting household chores to her stronger half.

Business and career

Arisha is definitely responsible and serious man. She has excellent intuition, but she rarely uses it, relying more on sober calculation and analytics. She will never act blindly or spontaneously. Work, whatever it may be, means for her an orderly and fully thought-out action.

She is endowed with remarkable organizational skills and skillfully manages a team and an entire business. In this case, it does not matter at all how many people are subordinate and how difficult the task looks. Arisha can handle everything without difficulty. True, there is one sin - the authorities greatly spoil the complex nature. But if Arishka decides to make a career, he will certainly achieve everything he wants.

As for choosing a profession, the main importance here is the opportunity to teach others something and make the world a little more beautiful. In the latter case, a child’s penchant for needlework also plays out.

She shows herself best in the professions of a teacher, designer, and stylist. Arishka has a great understanding of people, and therefore often chooses the specialty of a psychologist.

Origin of the name Arisha

Today it is quite difficult to say with certainty where this name came from. There are several main versions, which are also associated with the consonant Arina and Irina. Actually, this is where the main secret of the name lies.

Based on all existing opinions, it can be assumed that the origin of the name Arisha is Greek. Once upon a time, the Greeks worshiped a Goddess responsible for peace on earth and her name was Eirene. And, as you know, people gladly use everything divine in everyday life, remaking it in their own way.

History says that in medieval Rus', girls whose name Arisha were no less than in any other European country. This is confirmed by another version, now Slavic etymology.

After all, the Slavs had their own bright and omnipotent God Yarilo, who gave people sunlight, and therefore life itself. In his honor, many personalized interpretations appeared, including Yarina, Yarisha, Yara and Arina.

Characteristics of the name Arisha

Arisha has an extremely emotional and changeable character. Slight anxiety against the backdrop of unconditional creative talent sometimes makes her somewhat unsure of herself. However, the characteristics of the name Arisha and the favor of the talisman planet allow her to adapt to circumstances with the least damage to herself.

Despite her prudence, she intuitively selects the path of least resistance, although she believes that this is the merit of only a sober mind.

Aruska is a big dreamer, but she always strives for independence and does not allow external conditions put pressure on yourself. Considering the pros and cons of personality, all Arish are advised to pay less attention to trifles and avoid conflict situations.

The mystery of the name

  • Zodiac – Taurus.
  • Planet – Venus, Moon.
  • The stone is opal.
  • Color – pale blue.
  • Plant – lily of the valley, chestnut.
  • The animal is an owl.
  • Day - Friday.

Arisha is not included in the list of names mentioned in the calendar, but can celebrate name days for Irina - January 12, January 16, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 26, October 1.

Famous people named Arisha

  • Radionova (1989) – tennis player.
  • Aleynikova (1943) – Soviet actress.
  • Sharapova (1961) TV presenter, journalist.

Name Arisha in different languages

Knowing about the related origin, it is not difficult to understand how this name is translated. The traditional translation of the name Arisha is “peace” and “rest.” In Hebrew it also means "enlightened" or "teacher." Translation is also offered:

  • in Chinese – 阿亦沙
  • in Japanese –アリシャ
  • in Ukrainian – Yarisha

Name forms

  • Full name: Arisha.
  • Derivatives - Arina, Irina, Yarina, Yara, Yarisha.
  • Diminutive - Arishka, Arishechka, Yarochka, Aruska.
  • Declension – Arishi, Arishe, Arishoy.
  • Church in Orthodoxy - Irina.

Arina has been smart and energetic since childhood. She loves active activities and travel. The owner of this name is sociable, it is easy for her to meet people and make friends. At the same time, it is difficult to do business with her; such a girl defends her own point of view to the end and rarely compromises.

Origin of the name Arina

According to one version, the female name Arina is an obsolete form of the word. Translated from Greek, it means “peace”, “calmness”. In myths Ancient Greece there is the goddess of peace Eirene. It is believed that in honor of her they began to call girls Arin, and later - Irina.

According to another version, the name Arina comes from Slavic words:

  • Yarina;
  • Yaronega.

The origin of these ancient names is associated with the Slavic sun god Yarila.

According to the third version, Arina is female uniform male Jewish. The name translates as “bright mountain”, “exalted”, “mentor”, “seer”.

According to one version, the name Arina is of Slavic origin and is associated with the name of the pagan sun god Yarila

Forms of the name Arina

Short name forms:

  • Aryukha;
  • Rina;
  • Rena;
  • Arch;
  • Rinka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Arinka;
  • Arisha;
  • Aryusha;
  • Arisya;
  • Arinya;
  • Arishka.

When writing a poem about Arina, you can use the following rhymes: picture, reason, core, web, top.

Related names

People often called Irins Arins. This appeal was also popular in the 18th century among peasants and merchants. The name Ira was more common among nobles. Later the following forms of the name became independent:

  • Rina;
  • Rena;

Photo gallery: forms named after Arina

Arina - full form named after Rina - short form named after Arina Arish - an affectionate version of addressing Arina Ira - a shortened form of Arina, which later became an independent name

In Orthodoxy there are saints with the name Arina, so when baptizing girls they can be called that.

Transliteration for international passport - ARINA.

Table: name in other languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The name Arina harmonizes with the following middle names:

  • Kirillovna;
  • Alekseevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Pavlovna;
  • Yuryevna.

Nickname options for social networks

When starting a personal channel on Youtube or an Instagram account, Arina can use the following nicknames:

  • ar1na;
  • a_rishenka;
  • yarina;
  • arisha.

Patron saints of Arina, name day dates

In Orthodoxy there are several patron saints of girls with this name:

  • righteous Arina, wife of Saint George the Confessor;
  • Venerable Arina of Cappadocia;
  • Blessed Queen Arina.

People said about the days of commemoration of the three saints: the first Arina breaks the banks, the second plants plants, the third cranes fly away.

Venerable Arina of Cappadocia is one of the patron saints of girls with this name

Name days of the owners named Arina:

  • January 12;
  • January 16;
  • April 29;
  • May 18;
  • 26 of May;
  • 10th of August;
  • August 17;
  • August 22;
  • August, 26th;
  • October 1st.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities of the name:

  • peace-loving, benevolent, sincere;
  • in difficult times she is always ready to come to the rescue;
  • purposeful and executive;
  • good hostess.

Negative qualities:

  • intractable;
  • stubborn.

How does a name affect a child's character?

Arina is growing up as a calm and obedient girl; she does not cause her parents much trouble. Energetic, but prefers calmer games, reading or drawing to catching up and jumping ropes.

The bearer of this name has an excellent memory, and she is also very inquisitive. He gets along well with his peers and chooses boys more often than girls as friends. Arina studies diligently and diligently. Having started a business, he will definitely bring it to the end. He devotes a lot of time to development, strives to gain knowledge for his future profession.

Little Arina prefers not outdoor games, and reading

The influence of a name on the character and fate of an adult

Pavel Florensky believes that Arina is quite reserved and is friendly and delicate when communicating with people. She rarely makes hasty decisions. Practical, always plans her actions. The girl’s strong-willed character allows her to overcome any difficulties on the way to her goal. The owner of this name is difficult to anger; she is patient and modest. A wonderful friend who knows how to sympathize and support at the right time.

According to Boris Khigir, Arina is very independent, she is used to solving all problems without outside help. The girl inherited this feature from her mother, but she took after her father in her charming appearance. Arina is a meek and shy young lady. He has a good understanding of people. At work she is attentive and neat, but very slow, and in critical situations she cannot gather herself.

Talents and hobbies

Arina leads active image life, loves to travel, go to nature and relax with friends. At the same time, this girl is not averse to staying at home and spending time reading an interesting detective story. He prefers noisy companies, likes to invite people to visit him for various celebrations. He is interested in psychology and self-development.

Professions, business and career

Arina with young age studies diligently and makes plans related to future profession. She considers fulfillment at work to be hers. main goal and is ready to devote not only work time to her career, but also personal time. The following professions are suitable for the owner of this name:

  • technologist;
  • engineer;
  • designer;
  • architect;
  • fashion designer;
  • psychologist;
  • lawyer;
  • diplomat

Diligent and persistent Arina can become an excellent lawyer

This girl is delicate and polite. Her character is conducive to activities related to communication and consultation with people. In addition, Arina is responsible and efficient, she knows how to calculate the situation several steps ahead. She can become a successful entrepreneur. It is important for the bearer of this name to collaborate with someone; she needs to work not alone, but together with partners.

Arina has the makings of a leader. She is not inclined to make illusory plans and set unrealistic goals for herself. The girl gets along well with her superiors and subordinates. This is a wise leader who tries to solve all problems peacefully.


Arina has a fairly strong immune system, so she rarely gets sick. But such a girl should pay attention to her condition nervous system. It is important for her to give herself more time to rest, learn to relax and stick to a sleep schedule. Also, the owner of this name may have problems with vision; she should regularly visit an ophthalmologist.

Love, sexuality, marriage

IN love relationships Arina is prone to drama. She is in search of extraterrestrial love and believes that feelings can be eternal. A girl with this name gives her chosen one comfort and warmth, tries to do everything to make her beloved’s life better than before he met her. Rina prefers romantic, beautiful courtship, but rarely gives in to feelings if she doesn’t find in a person what she really needs.

Arina adds intimacy to relationships great importance and strives for everything to be perfect in sex. She is very charming even without special effort capable of charming any man. Representatives of the stronger sex appreciate her for her openness, endless optimism and initiative.

Such a girl builds relationships on mutual understanding and trust. Arina is absolutely selfless and when choosing a partner she will not pay attention to his social status and financial situation.

Arina builds relationships on love and trust; the financial situation of her chosen one usually does not bother her

Arina is a wonderful housewife, all family members value her and treat her with respect. The girl devotes a lot of time to raising children. She prefers to give the reins of power in a couple to her husband. The owner of this name is an excellent cook, but to cook any cooking masterpiece, she has to fight her own laziness.

It is important for a girl named Arina to feel that her husband and children need her. She finds it difficult to tolerate her husband’s coldness, rudeness, and inattention. In life, independent and independent Rina can completely dissolve in family matters, so she needs her work and care to be noticed and appreciated.

Table: compatibility with male names

AlexanderArina and Alexander may have a passionate romance. They have a lot in common, they are interested in each other's company. But if this union is based only on feelings, the euphoria may disappear over time and the partners will prefer to separate.
DmitriySuch a marriage is usually short-lived, although the characters of Arina and Dmitry are very similar, they are both independent and freedom-loving. Relationships can be ruined by jealousy and misunderstandings.
SergeyThe union of this couple is built solely on friendly relations. There is nothing wrong with this for them. On the contrary, their family tandem will become stronger over the years, as the partners trust each other and treat their other half with respect.
AndreyA wonderful union. There is no leader in their family; they decide and do everything together. The relationship between Arina and Andrey is built on mutual understanding and support. Together they overcome all obstacles on the way to their desired goal.
AlexeiArina and Alexey enjoy each other's company. They do everything together. The couple has a rich and varied life, lovers often travel. The spouses have many joint plans, which they are in a hurry to bring to life. The birth of a child will further strengthen their union.
EugeneThis relationship can become ideal. Arina and Evgeniy understand each other perfectly, they have a similar way of thinking. If the spouses want to open their own business, the business has every chance of becoming successful and profitable. In the family, the leader for the most part is the wife, and the husband provides her with complete freedom actions.
MaksimThe spouses have similar interests. They can do meditation, psychology, and spiritual practices together. Arina becomes a kind of mentor for Maxim. Such an alliance can last quite a long time.
VladimirAt the very beginning, the relationship is full of calm and mutual understanding. But gradually Arina gets tired of the monotony, and Vladimir wants comfort and a delicious dinner. If they want to maintain the union, the partners will have to become more tolerant of each other.
DenisThe couple is harmonious, Arina and Denis understand each other well. The partners do everything in concert and amicably. Such relationships can be very strong and long-lasting.
ArtyomArtyom and Arina have similar characters, each is a little rebel at heart. It is extremely important for a couple to find or develop common hobbies: sports, travel, recreation. Otherwise, their love of freedom will prevail over their feelings, and this may lead to separation.
NovelPartners with absolutely different beliefs and outlook on life. Arina and Roman often have disagreements and conflict situations, in which everyone is trying to prove that they are right. Such unions are usually short-lived.
IgorThere is no stability in this couple, both partners are very hot-tempered, do not strive for home comfort, each wants to take a leadership position. All this leads to separation.
VladislavThis union can be quite successful. Vladislav has an excellent sense of humor, he loves emotional meetings and leisure. Arina is a wonderful housewife and mother. Such a family can be happy and strong.
VitalyConstant quarrels and misunderstandings between Vitaly and Arina will most likely lead to a quick breakup. If spouses learn to tame their ardor and come to general decision, separation can be avoided.

Significant years of Arina’s life

In Arina’s life, the most significant years are: 19, 23, 30, 33, 35, 44, 48, 51 and 62.

This name is mentioned in Maxim Leonidov’s poem “Arina the Ballerina”.

Table: name matches

PlanetVenusTalented and energetic people. They strive to establish friendly and close relationships in almost all areas of their lives: in the family and at work. Relationships with people are built solely on trust and mutual understanding.
Zodiac signTaurusDreamy, romantic natures. They prefer peace and tranquility. Purposeful and strong-willed. Very neat, efficient, diligent. Loyalty is valued in relationships.
ElementEarthExtremely prudent and far-sighted people who take their assigned tasks seriously. They do not commit rash acts. Realists, not prone to romantic actions.
Number9 Purposeful and persistent, they achieve their goal if they really want it. Such people have an excellent sense of humor, they are very witty. They love to teach and impose their own opinions.
ColorYellowHave phenomenal memory, talented and multifaceted. Thinking outside the box helps them create new ideas, which they rush to turn into reality. Very strong-willed, persistent, prudent, they carefully consider the situation, calculate all options for solving the problem.
Totem animalTermiteSymbol of impermanence. Very active, constantly on the move. They love it when life is full of impressions and bright, memorable moments.
TreeChestnutA solar tree radiates the energy of life and helps against various diseases.
PlantLily of the valleyA symbol of good nature, love, mutual understanding and joy.
StoneTopazStone of fate, test of endurance. The ability to adapt to any living conditions. Suitable for people who are not afraid to take risks to achieve success.
MetalPlatinumHelps to find peace and tranquility. Arina is recommended to wear this metal not only at celebrations, but also in everyday life.
SymbolCandleThe personification of home comfort, the warmth of the stove and the light of hope.
MascotNecklaceSymbolizes eternity
Auspicious dayFriday
Unfavorable dayTuesday

The meaning of each letter of the name

A is a symbol of beginning, perseverance, energy. The desire for physical and spiritual improvement. This helps them to be more courageous, independent, and open. They have the makings of a leader.

P - propensity for self-development. Very inquisitive people, trying to learn the secrets of the world. Talented individuals, they always have a lot of ideas, which they systematically translate into reality.

And - this letter indicates spirituality, a subtle sense of beauty. This feature is reflected not only in their clothing style, but also in their habits, gestures and manners. Realistic, sharp and straightforward. Sometimes these qualities prevent you from making strong friendships and long-term relationships.

N - rebellious character. They are very intractable people, it can be difficult to agree on anything with them. They carefully monitor their physical and mental state. They are diligent and diligent at work.

Five letters in the name mean that Arina has abilities in the humanities. They are sensitive, know how to understand art: painting, music, literature. Such people are sociable, they have many like-minded people.

When was Arina born?

Winter Arina is intractable, stubborn, principled. In most cases, she gets herself into trouble. When communicating with people, she is often reserved and taciturn.

Vesennaya Arina is a creative person. She is strong-willed, purposeful, prudent, moral, she always knows what she wants to achieve, but sometimes she lacks the determination to take the first step. Such a girl has well-developed intuition.

Arina, born in spring, is creative and strong-willed, but her self-confidence always needs to be maintained

Summer Arina is an ambitious, purposeful and good-natured woman. Always ready to help in difficult times. Absolutely selfless. She has her own unique style, which she uses not only in clothes, but also in the design of her apartment. An excellent cook and a hospitable hostess.

Autumn Arina is attentive and efficient. Able to predict the outcome of different life situations. He makes plans in advance, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Calm, balanced, it is difficult to anger her.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn energetic, persistent, cheerful girl. When she gets the urge to start new project or implement some idea, she strives to involve in this as much as possible large quantity of people. Soulful and sincere.
TaurusScrupulous, attentive to details. Very modest. The realization of her desires can sometimes be delayed for indefinite time. However, the girl does not give up on her plans and persistently achieves her goals.
TwinsA little absent-minded, but extremely active and cheerful person. It seems that life is seething around Arina-Gemini, work is in full swing, but in most cases this is just an imitation of serious activity.
CancerAn impressionable, mysterious and shy woman. Somewhat constrained and complex. He is often afraid to make decisions and express his thoughts publicly. In society, it is not uncommon to agree with someone else’s opinion, even if you do not agree with it. In company she prefers to remain inconspicuous and silent.
a lionPowerful, headstrong, straightforward. Her decisions are not subject to discussion; the girl’s selfishness is visible in every action. Arina-Leo does not know how to feel and respect people, she perceives people as a means of achieving personal goals.
VirgoReasonable, purposeful, executive. Even in the most boring and monotonous work, Arina-Virgo shows imagination and brings her amazing ideas to life. An independent woman, she is not used to relying on anyone. Rarely makes rash decisions. For such a girl, a career and a decent income are important.
ScalesModest and sensitive, with excellent manners. A good-natured and peace-loving woman. She is sociable and optimistic, easily makes new acquaintances, and feels comfortable in any company. Arina-Libra is a good conversationalist, able to sympathize and support others.
ScorpionShe is impressionable and temperamental, but cannot hold a grudge for long. Loves to be the center of attention. In relationships with people she is extremely intractable, but in case of a mistake she is able to admit her mistake. A charming and graceful woman, not without charm. She has many friends and fans.
SagittariusPower-hungry, proactive, charming. Arina-Sagittarius has the makings of a leader. In her work she knows how to delicately insist on her opinion; her colleagues and superiors treat her with respect. Such a girl is purposeful and strong-willed, all her desires will soon come true.
CapricornCarefully thinks through his actions and statements. A calm and somewhat secretive woman. I am ready to devote most of my time to work. Arina-Capricorn often neglects proper rest. But if a girl meets a man whom she truly loves, professional activity may fade into the background.
AquariusVersatile, well-mannered, with excellent manners. He doesn't like to waste words and always keeps his promises. Arina-Aquarius has an excellent sense of humor, she is sociable, it is easy for her to communicate with people, since such a girl can infect anyone with her optimism.
FishWayward, selfish nature. Her principles are very strict and severe. She considers herself incredibly charming and sophisticated. Expects 100% attention and absolute admiration from a man.

Famous people with this name

Women with this name who left their mark on history:

  • Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva - serf, nanny of Alexander Pushkin;
  • Arina Sharapova - Russian TV presenter, journalist;
  • Arina Tanemura - Japanese artist, creator of famous manga;
  • Arina Martynova - Russian figure skater, two-time Russian champion;
  • Arina Sobakina - Russian ballet dancer, one of the first professional Russian ballerinas;
  • Arina Ushakova - Russian figure skater, international master of sports of Russia;
  • Arina Postnikova - Russian actress theater and cinema;
  • Arina Aleynikova is a Russian actress.

The name Arina is mentioned in the song “Doll” by the group “Ivanushki International”.

Photo gallery: famous Arinas

Arina Martynova - Russian figure skater Arina Postnikova - Russian actress Arina Rodionovna - Alexander Pushkin's nanny Arina Sharapova - Russian TV presenter Arina Tanemura - Japanese mangaka

Arina is demanding of other people, gives a fair assessment of their actions, and she herself also strives to strictly adhere to the rules established in society. She gives in and suppresses her ego only when the fate of a person depends on her decision. Values ​​honesty and loyalty.
