Madonna is her real name and surname. How old is the singer Madonna

Legend of world show business, queen of the stage - these are the epithets that are awarded to this unsurpassed woman, an extraordinary personality. She knows how to attract attention and keep it. Singer Madonna is a star who needs no introduction. Fully gifted with talents, she makes you fall in love at first sight.

Star Trek

How old is Madonna? This question comes to mind when you look at her chiseled body, young face and sparkling eyes. She can be given about thirty years, no more. But facts are stubborn things, and they say that the singer was born on August 16, 1958. Thus, she will celebrate her 56th birthday this year. How old is Madonna now? 55.

The star's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She is originally from Bay City, Michigan. The blood of Canadian French (on the mother's side) and American Italians (on the father's side) flows in his veins. When Madonna was born, the family already had two children, after her three more were born. They lived amicably and piously.

The girl’s relationships with others were difficult. Madonna recalls that she was not a favorite, but she did not allow herself to be offended. The loss of her mother at an early age (she died at thirty) resulted in an expansion of her list of relatives. The father married again, thus adding another brother and sister to the family.

Dancing in the life of a celebrity

How old is Madonna is difficult to answer by looking at her body. And all thanks to fitness and dancing. Very early on, the girl persuaded her father to sign her up for ballet. Then she studied at school, the University of Michigan, but left there because the teacher persuaded her to devote herself to a career. Future Queen the stage moved to New York. The city of the Big Apple taught her to fight poverty and for her place in the sun. She danced in several groups, took part in Patrick Heronandez's world tour, and met Dan Gilroy. Together with this musician she creates the first rock band, and then the second. The recordings were a success and then fell into the hands of Sire Records founder Seymour Stein.

Madonna's development as a singer

It didn't matter how old Madonna was. She set a goal and confidently walked towards it. She personally distributed her notes among the right people at Dunsteria in Manhattan. Then she began an affair with the king of disc jockeys, Mark Kamins, who made every effort to get Warner Bros to promote the rising star. The first single, “Everybody,” gained enormous popularity and became a real hit. The success of the song was repeated by the video for it, despite the extreme minimum budget. The second single confirmed that Madonna is popular and has a great future.

Worldwide success

Madonna's perfect figure and her passion for dancing determined the direction in which the girl worked. Dance compositions were close to her, and it was they that brought her to the top of the hit parade. The singer's first album sold 19 million copies, and it is still considered the most successful. After this, the star began to be invited to act in films, she continues to perform songs and goes on her first world tour.

People were interested even then in how old Madonna the singer was, because in 1986 the first nude photos in black and white format appeared in men's glossies. True, the star, who began a serious relationship with Sean Penn, forbade their publication. The celebrity's third album received good criticism from outside and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Together with her beloved, Madonna plays in cinema and theater, records soundtracks for them, and works on remixes.

Scandalous reputation

You can tell exactly how old Madonna is by looking at her passport. The woman, who had a four-meter statue erected during her lifetime (city of Pacentro), always looks young and seductive. The break in relations with Sean Penn did not stop the singer’s victorious march. And scandals fueled interest in her. The first such case occurred during cooperation with Pepsi. The star with the chaste pseudonym used many Catholic symbols and wore very revealing outfits. An advertisement for a popular drink featuring Madonna was harshly condemned by the Vatican. As a result, the company breaks off cooperation, and the girl receives decent compensation. A year later, the star again shocks the public with a clip of erotic content.

Madonna and her professions

So, the world knows Madonna as an excellent dancer, a successful singer with in a charming voice and a brawler. But in 1992, she founded the entertainment company Maverick. Together with her partner Time Warner, Madonna releases a book with a loud title (“Sex”) and the album “Erotica,” but then she changes her style. Her passion for Kabbalah and Judaism bore fruit: the singer’s image became restrained and more chaste. Confirming her unofficial title “Queen of the Stage,” Madonna records diverse albums. And between all this, she stars in Dolce&Gabbana commercials, creates youth clothing collections with her daughter, tries herself as a screenwriter and director, and opens a chain of fitness clubs.

Madonna's personal life

Such an attractive and charming woman has always been the object of adoration of the stronger sex. Madonna had many novels and relationships, but there was also a place serious relationship. The singer entered into her first marriage in 1985 with Sean Penn. Their relationship was an example, but soon the couple began to compete with each other. He clearly didn’t like the nickname “Mr. Madonna” given to Penn by journalists. Four years later they separated. Then the star had an affair with Warren Beatty, a famous womanizer, but it did not lead to anything.

There were rumors that Madonna loves women, and actress Sandra Bernhard and model were called her partners. But the stage queen herself refutes this, speaking out for traditional relationships. Her marriage to a British director lasted seven years, and after that she dated Jesus Lusa, a young Brazilian model.

Children of a successful woman

Madonna has four children: two natural and two adopted. The eldest is the daughter of Lourdes, whose father was the singer’s personal sports trainer, but did not become her husband. At what age did Madonna give birth for the first time? The girl was born on October 14, 1996, which means the new mother was 38. In 2000, that is, at the age of 42, the woman gave birth to a son. An adopted daughter (Mercy James) and a son (David Banda) are from Malawi.

Parameters and other interesting facts

Madonna is an icon of beauty and style, the image of a confident and successful woman, a strong and purposeful person. Of course, the parameters of her figure are of interest to both fans of her work and the stronger sex. We will please both of them by revealing several interesting facts about the singer.

The star's virtually unchanged appearance is the subject of controversy among her fans. Some argue that Madonna uses the services of plastic surgeons, others believe that sports, proper nutrition and anti-aging treatments support natural beauty. The singer herself denies rhinoplasty and other medical interventions, claiming that she uses high-quality cosmetics, does hardware lifting and chemical peeling, and loves Thai massage. She also tries to avoid stress and adheres to the correct work and rest regime.

Madonna weighs only 55 kg, and all because she does not have excess fat accumulation, but consists mainly of muscle tissue, which is heavier. Daily fitness, yoga and special diet, as well as rehearsals of new show programs. In addition, the celebrity practices Pilates, karate, boxing, tennis, and horse riding.

The Queen of Pop's height is small, only 162-164 cm. But, as we see, this did not cause the appearance of complexes. A high heel or platform always accompanies Madonna (with the exception of sports training). The star easily wears heels about twenty centimeters high and looks down on everyone.

Here she is, Madonna, an inimitable symbol of the sexual revolution, emancipation and femininity!

This name is heard quite often on radio and television channels. She made her career not only thanks to talent and incredible hard work, but also to frequent scandals and shocking behavior. Today, she is famous as a producer, director, book writer and clothing designer. Many people are interested in the question of how old Madonna is, because she looks simply gorgeous, and has already accumulated a lot of merit. You will be surprised that the star was born in 1958 on August 16th in Michigan.

In 2017, Madonna is 59 years old.

Despite her age, the woman is very active image life, works hard, engages in self-development and looks simply gorgeous. In this article you will learn not only how old famous singer, but also her short biography, Interesting Facts from personal life and professional career.

Childhood years of the future star

Many people think that Madonna is a pseudonym. In fact, that's her real name.

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born into a large Catholic family and was the 3rd child of 6. They led a fairly devout lifestyle, and the girl attended Catholic school. At the age of 12, while undergoing the religious rite of anointing, she chose the name Louise, but it is not considered official.

Her mother died early. During my 6th pregnancy, cancer was diagnosed. The woman refused treatment after the birth of her child and died at the age of 30. This made a huge impression on the little girl and greatly shook her faith in God. A couple of years later, after the death of his wife, his father married for the second time. The relationship with the stepmother did not work out. The “new” mother and father had children together, which were always a priority. Although dad forced her to call her stepmother mom, Madonna considered this a betrayal and disliked her even more.

The girl's warmth at home was replaced by school. She still considers one of her teachers, Marilyn Fallows, to be an iconic person in her childhood. Despite the fact that Ciccone’s academic performance was always excellent, relationships with peers did not work out. The girl was considered strange and her peers avoided her.

Only at the age of 15 did the future star begin to get involved in dancing. Choreographer Christopher Flynn had a huge influence on the formation of her personality. While studying modern jazz, she expanded her horizons, changed her style, and not a trace remained of the former excellent student.

After finishing school, the girl decided to continue dancing at the University of Michigan. This decision shocked my father. With her brilliant mind and school performance, she could have gotten a decent profession at a prestigious university, but instead she preferred to just dance.

At the age of 17, Madonna's IQ test result was 140 points.

Teachers always noted the student’s endurance in class and emotional output, but in technology, the girl was much inferior to her classmates. Due to the impossibility of being the best, Madonna tried to stand out with extravagant appearance. And soon she quit studying altogether.

The beginning of a creative career

After attending a lesson with famous choreographer Pearl Lang, the young dancer was so impressed that she set herself the goal of working in her group. The fact that she had to quit her studies and move from New York did not stop her. Based on the results of the casting, she got into the team, but did not perform in the first lineup and performed secondary dances.

Despite the fact that there was a catastrophic lack of money to live on, Madonna made her stage debut in the production of “I Never Saw Other Butterflies Again.” These were Hard times in the career of a future star. Due to a constant lack of funds, she took on any part-time work. Malnutrition and hard labour affected her physical fitness. The girl practically lost faith in herself and in her dancing future.

One of the castings was finally successful. I liked the dancer not only for her flexibility, but also for her pleasant voice. The girl quits her job in the Lang group and goes on tour with Hernandez.

At the end of the contract, she received offers to try herself as a singer. The uninteresting material and lackluster image did not attract Madonna, and she returned to New York again. Thought about musical career still remained. The future star is interested in music and begins to develop in this direction. Quite quickly, the guy teaches her to play the drums, and Madonna joins the Breakfast Club group. After working for only a few months, the singer begins to offer her material, and not finding support in the group, she leaves it.

Thanks to her role in an amateur film in 1979, after which Madonna was labeled as a former porn star, she attracted attention. They also remembered her as a singer. From this moment on, the star begins to search for himself in a musical direction, changes groups, creates his own, tries out different repertoire and tries on new images.

The efforts are starting to bear fruit. The singer signs her first contract for 5 thousand dollars and releases the hit “Everybody”. The singer's career is gaining momentum; in 1983, her first album was released, many of whose songs are already popular. It receives the title of diamond and is sold in huge quantities.

Singer Madonna finally finds her direction and begins to follow it. Songs come out one after another, take high positions in the ratings, videos are released, tours are held. At the same time, she begins her film career. Starred in several films. Trying his hand at directing.

The star's net worth is about $1 billion

Madonna's achievements

The singer is now 59 years old. Over the years, thanks to her hard work, outrageousness, luck and talent, she has achieved considerable success in many areas:

  • She has released 13 music albums, most of which received awards and incredible success with audiences;
  • Conducted 10 musical tours not only throughout the country, but also far beyond its borders;
  • She played roles in 13 films;
  • Wrote and published 7 books;
  • Received a large number of victories in music competitions, both within the United States and abroad;
  • Received 2 Golden Globe awards for Best Song and Best Actress. In total, she was nominated 6 times;
  • Received 7 wins at the Grammy competition. In total, she was nominated 28 times;
  • Singer Madonna recognized best performer years 5 times;
  • Earned the title of best female performer of the decade;
  • Her name is inducted into the Rock and Roll Musicians Hall of Fame in the United States.

Despite all her achievements, Madonna does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Although she was nominated once.

This is not all the merits of a multifaceted personality. Considering how old Madonna is today, she is actively working and receiving new titles and awards.

The singer's personal life

You can write books about her. A large number of men have come and gone from Madonna's life during all this time. Given her popularity and outrageousness, she was often credited with having affairs or relationships with various celebrities. The singer did not formalize the relationship often.

  1. The marriage to Sean Penny lasted 4 years. The relationship was not easy. Two strong personalities They couldn’t get along, and things often escalated into scandals and assault.

Madonna gave birth to her first child, daughter Lourdes, out of wedlock from Carlos Leon in 1996. The relationship with her father lasted six months.

2. Guy Ritchie was her husband from 2000 to 2008. This person greatly influenced not only the star’s creativity, but also his personal development. The marriage produced a son and they adopted another boy.

After the breakup of the family, the woman adopted a black girl. On this moment Madonna has 4 children.

A truly outstanding and multifaceted personality has already left a mark on the world musical history. Considering how old Madonna is, her hard work and outrageousness, she will delight and surprise her fans more than once.

Celebrity biographies


16.08.14 09:51

Her contribution to world culture it is impossible to overestimate: she is a living legend, evidence that perseverance and hard work can move mountains. Madonna's biography can be published as an excellent guide for those who dream of ascending to the heights of fame.

Biography of Madonna

First loss

Residents of provincial Bay City, nestled on the shores of luxurious Lake Huron, did not suspect that in 1958 (namely August 16), a girl would be born into the family of a radiographer and design engineer Ciccone, who would glorify her town and be called the queen of pop music.

The mother of the family, Madonna Louise, had French roots - her great-ancestors came to conquer America from Europe, her husband Silvio was proud of his Italian ancestors. After two boys, God finally gave them a daughter. And to celebrate, they named her after her mother.

Probably the profession with her constant danger radiation caused the mother to get cancer (at that time she was pregnant for the 6th time, so she refused treatment). Time was lost. And six children were orphaned. Madonna Sr. was only 30. The future singer was never able to forgive the heavens for this loss. Just as I couldn’t understand my father - he got married after 2 years of widowhood, it was difficult for him to raise such a crowd alone. The stepmother, Joan, turned out to be a real despot, she gave birth to two more children, and all her love was directed towards them. So Madonna's childhood was not easy. She was bullied by her brothers who were addicted to drugs. Having seen all sorts of horrors, she herself swore to ever succumb to this destructive passion.

Difficulties of growing up

Catholic schools gave way to secular schools for the girl, where she was able to try herself in student plays for the first time (her mother sang well and knew how to play the piano; Madonna, who was similar to her in appearance, also inherited a pleasant voice).

The father did not like the young Madonna's ballet classes; he wanted a profession for her that would bring her a guaranteed piece of bread. With her excellent grades (they say that the schoolgirl’s IQ was 140 - an incredibly high figure!) she could have entered any educational institution, but decided to act in her own way.

After school, the girl studied dancing at the University of Michigan. Then she left for New York. Fate continued to test the future star. Part-time work in choreographic groups brought in pennies, Madonna lived from hand to mouth, huddled in closets, but did not give up.

Talent plus perseverance

In 1982, young Madonna became a member of the Breakfast Club group (she played percussion instruments). Ambition took its toll: she wrote songs, performed them herself, mastered the guitar and showed herself as a leader. In general, I “pulled the blanket over myself.” A contract with a producer was a great happiness for the aspiring soloist, and in 1983 she was able to release her first album.

That disc, "Madonna", did not become very a bright event V musical world, but after the release of “Like a Virgin” they started talking about her as a new star. The compositions topped the charts, they were played on the radio, they were sung along, and listened to countless times. The album sold 26 million copies. This is how she stepped onto the first step of her fame, and from then on Madonna’s biography resembles an endless, vibrant music video.

The disc “True Blue”, born in 1986, consolidated the unexpected resounding success of the singer. The public was looking forward to new works, eager to attend concerts where the performer gave her all - to the point of exhaustion.

Some argue that at first the star was shocking - she exploited sexual images and “flirted” with religious symbols. But talent, incredible perseverance and a constant desire for self-improvement did their job.

Ups and downs

Were in creative biography Madonna has its ups and downs. Anti-premium " golden raspberry"called her the worst actress of the century (the films "Who's That Girl", "Body as Evidence" were failures, unflattering comments were made about her role in the "Bond" film "Die Another Day", her last work on the screen - "Swept Away" - was terrible "). However, the musical film about the second wife of the Argentine president, who did a lot for the country and sadly died early from cancer - “Evita” - became a real cultural phenomenon. The song for the comic film "Dick Tracy" performed by Madonna was awarded an Oscar.

Madonna's personal life

First marriage, first daughter

The passionate feelings our heroine felt for Sean Penn were overshadowed by scandals that even led to fights. Madonna's personal life turned out to be an eternal "action". The young husband was not ready for life together, and when two such hot temperaments collided, “pieces of paper literally flew through the back streets.” The singer did not endure the beatings for long. Having married in 1985, 4 years later she divorced the actor.

On the set of Dick Tracy, the director and performer became interested in her leading role, Hollywood legend Warren Beatty, but Madonna limited herself to just an affair and did not marry the artist.

Her daughter's father became her Cuban boyfriend Carlos Leon in 1996 (the diva would break up with him six months later). Madonna's daughter was named Lourdes, she has already celebrated her 19th birthday, and she has a joint business with her mother - her own clothing line.

It was during that period that she became acquainted with Buddhism, yoga, and Kabbalah (since then Madonna has been an adherent of this teaching).

New albums, millions earned, and finally won a Grammy gave strength to the performer.

With and without Richie

In mid-1998, together with her then friend Andy Bird, the singer attended a party with Sting. There she met with director Guy Ritchie, a British man who would later become her husband and change Madonna’s personal life, and very much so!

In 2000, Madonna moved in with her lover, and the couple's son Rocco was born in August of the same year. She became fascinated by British life, enjoyed getting to know the traditions of a new country, but did not forget about work - in 2001, a world tour took place, which attracted sold-out audiences.

Alas, the second marriage did not become a union “to the grave” (although in addition to Rocco, an adopted black son, David, appeared in the family): in the fall of 2008, it became known about the couple’s breakup. Soon the star adopted a girl from Malawi, Chifundo Mercy, and her British wife was replaced by her Brazilian boyfriend Jesus Luz. In 2010, Madonna began dating dancer Brahim Zeiba. And at the beginning of 2017, the media started talking about how Madonna and Sean Penn were seeing each other more and more often. Maybe they decided to restore a marriage that collapsed many years ago?

Her fortune is estimated at almost $1 billion, and she has her own chain of fitness clubs. Film “We. We Believe in Love,” which the singer staged, was scolded to smithereens, but she still has so many new ideas! The world will be surprised more than once by the phenomenon called Madonna!

Singer Madonna - a real queen American stage. Moreover, she can boast not only that she sings. Madonna is also a fashion designer, director, producer and acclaimed writer. It is true what they say: a talented person is talented in everything. And the very story of this woman’s life, one might say, is a direct embodiment of a dream. Madonna's story shows that self-confidence and hard work will help you rise to the top, even if you are at the very bottom. One of the main facts about her is that Madonna was able to become a real sex symbol of the last century.

Currently, the outrageous singer has not lost her popularity and charisma. Thanks to which she was and remains one of richest women in the world with the appropriate level of influence.

Madonna is a singer with character. And even despite her not very young age, this versatile creative personality still has an impressive army of fans, not only among men, but also among women. The latter, by the way, are most often interested in what the performer’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Madonna is one of the most popular questions regarding the singer. Especially considering how popular plastic surgery is among American stars.

We inform you that this year Madonna is going to celebrate her sixtieth birthday. But the fact that she was able to maintain this level of activity is not surprising. After all, in her youth she was a cheerleader, even despite her small height. With a height of 163 cm, she now weighs 54 kg. Photos of Madonna in her youth are still easy to find on the Internet - she was and remains a very beautiful woman.

Biography and personal life of Madonna

The singer's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She was born in August 1958. Her father, Silvio Ciccone, worked as a design engineer at the Chrysler automobile plant. And my mother, Madonna Louise Ciccone, took x-rays.

The girl was a modest excellent student, but this role was shattered at a school talent competition when Madonna turned 14. She went on stage in a swimsuit, and her body was smeared with fluorescent paint. Dance to a song The group Who turned out to be quite cheeky. She lost the competition and was hit at home. House arrest, and at school she was called a whore for a long time. Madonna herself recalled that then on stage she “found herself” and realized who she should be. And the concept of a “modest whore” stuck with her in her career.

The debut album “Madonna” was released in the summer of 1983 and received mixed reviews from critics. Most of them reproached the aspiring singer for being too sexy and argued. That she won't last long on stage.

Madonna's biography and personal life have always attracted a lot of attention from fans. The woman is already famous for the fact that she had a huge amount romantic relationships, and she was married only twice. Moreover, often the men were younger and even much younger than herself. Madonna never had a happy and strong relationship.

Filmography: films starring Madonna

The actress's filmography expanded quite rapidly, but this part of her career did not develop as well as the musical one.

Madonna can be seen in such films as “Visual Search”, “Shanghai Surprise”, “Broadway Bloodhounds”, “Dangerous Game” and others.

Madonna's family and children

In Madonna's life there were countless romances with different men- public or not. Some were even a few years younger, but the age difference never bothered the singer, and she calmly appeared with her boyfriends in front of the camera. Madonna's family and children are a rather sensitive topic. Officially, the artist was married to actor Sean Penn and director Guy Ricci. But both marriages ultimately ended in painful breakups.

Meanwhile, Madonna gave birth to only one of her two natural children while married. She gave birth to a son from Guy Ricci, but her daughter became an “illegitimate” child from her personal trainer Carlos Leon. The singer was in a relationship with him several years before her marriage to Ricci.

Madonna's son - Rocco John Ricci

Madonna's son, Rocco John Ricci, is the singer's own son and second child, whom she gave birth to in 2001, while in her second marriage to director Guy Ricci. The boy grew up like all children and studied well at school. But, as with many children of famous parents, Rocco began to have behavior problems as he grew older. Booze, nightclubs and everything that goes with it. Until, in the end, it's all over a huge scandal, the reason for which was that Rocco is a drug addict.

It is now known that seventeen-year-old Rocco found work as a courier, lives separately from his mother and even entered into a relationship with a girl named Kimberly Turnbull.

Madonna's adopted son – David Banda Malave Ciccone-Ricci

Madonna's adopted son, David Banda Malave Ciccone-Ricci, was adopted by the couple in 2005. A dark-skinned boy from Malawi immediately attracted attention from the press. And the reason was that the process of adopting a child from Africa turned into a real scandal.

When all the documents were prepared and Madonna was about to take the child, the boy’s relatives suddenly showed up and wanted in every possible way to prevent the singer from taking David away from Malawi. But in the end everything ended well, David Ciccone-Ricci still found for himself new house and a big family.

Madonna's daughter - Lourdes Maria Ciccone

Madonna’s own daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone, became the artist’s first-born and her “illegitimate” child. The singer gave birth to a girl from her personal trainer Carlos Leon, with whom she was simply in a relationship at that time. But the wedding, although unplanned, still did not take place. As a result, the girl remained with her mother.

Now she is already 21 years old. Like her older brother, the girl attracts the attention of the press for a not very pleasant reason. The previously beautiful and extravagant girl, who was even called a “mini-Madonna,” completely stopped taking care of her own appearance, thereby becoming a real find for the yellow press.

Madonna's adopted daughter - Mercy James Ciccone

Another one stepdaughter Madonna - Mercy James Ciccone was also cast in an opera from Malawi, Africa. Let us remember that this is where we come from. Foster-son artists - David. But the registration of guardianship over the girl began after the singer’s divorce from her last husband.

It is worth noting that even in this case there were scandals. In many newspapers, the news of another unexpected guardianship was called a “case of selling children.” And the whole point is that in Malawi at that time it was forbidden to place children under the care of foreign “parents”. However, Mercy also left with Madonna for America and now lives with her star mother.

Madonna's ex-husband - Sean Penn

Madonna's ex-husband Sean Penn and the singer herself met back in 1985, when the performer was in a relationship with the singer Prince. This happened on the set of one of the artist’s videos, and the woman quickly became interested in the actor, who was a couple of years younger than her. They got married that same year, but the marriage fell apart four years later.

It is known that some time later Penn sneaked into the singer’s house and brutally killed her. But Madonna managed to escape and get to the police station. Penn denied the beating, although the woman's injuries spoke for themselves. The singer asked not to open a criminal case, since her ex always had poor anger control.

Madonna's ex-husband - Guy Ricci

Madonna's ex-husband, Guy Ricci, met his future one in 1998, at a party with singer Sting. During the conversation, it turned out that the aspiring director was ten years younger than the artist, and he came to the party just to meet Madonna, since he knew in advance that she would be there.

They got married in 2000, and very soon the singer gave birth to a son, Guy. Five years later, the couple adopted a boy from Africa. Their marriage lasted eight years. The real reason The divorce is still unknown, but there are rumors that the man was simply fed up with his wife’s strong passion for bondage. But there were no official statements.

When the singer was just starting her career, none of the fans thought to doubt natural beauty this woman. But the years passed, and the woman still did not age. Hot photos of Madonna before and after plastic surgery are easy to find on the Internet.

Photos in a swimsuit, for example, or photos allegedly leaked online where the singer is naked. Although it was officially presented to fans only practically bare chest Madonnas. The performer herself completely denies the fact of surgical intervention, but medical specialists agreed that the singer had a facelift and nose job. In addition, he does not disdain the famous “beauty injections”.

Madonna's Instagram and Wikipedia

Instagram and Wikipedia of Madonna exist in full. The singer’s official Instagram profile publishes photographs from magazine covers, photos with her children, nature shots and announcements of future performances. In total there are about 3.5 thousand photos and videos. And 11.5 million fans subscribed to the performer’s page.

As for Wikipedia, there you will see brief information about herself and her family, as well as full list awards and a lot of information about career development. Up to the chronology of music album releases. In any case, this information will be interesting and useful to all fans of this outrageous artist.

Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica, Madonna, Louise Veronica Ciccone) was born in 1958, in the month of August, on the 16th in the city of Bay, Michigan. Currently height 162 cm, weight 54 kg. Bust (figure) parameters and dimensions (girth): chest volume 92 cm, waist volume 61 cm, hips volume 87 cm. Shoe size feet 39. Eye color green. Hair color is light brown. By religion she is a Kabbalist, formerly a Catholic.

Ciccone's father Silvio is an engineer at Chrysler and General Motors. After the death of his wife (Madonna Fortin), citizen Ciccone married the maid Gustafson Joan, who subsequently gave birth to two children.

Ciccone's mother Madonna Fortin (Madonna Fortin Ciccone, born in 1933) is a technical engineer in the X-ray room. She is a French Canadian by nationality. By religion she is a Jansenist (French Catholic movement). She died in 1963 from breast cancer (probably due to radiation exposure at work).

There are five brothers and sisters.

Studied at St. Andrew's, St. Frederick's, Western high school(West), in higher school Adam in Rochester (Adams), at the University of Michigan. Since 1973 she studied ballet and choreography.

Since 1978 she has lived in New York. She worked as a dancer for Pearl Lang. She worked part-time in eateries and as a model for filming. In 1979, she was noticed by producers Perrelin and Van Lieu and collaborated with them in Europe for a year.

She was a drummer in the band Breakfast Club. Then, in 1980, she founded her own group “Madonna and the Sky”, later “Emmy”. Since 1981, Barbon collaborated with Camille, who became her manager.

Since 1982 he has been collaborating with Stan Seymour. As a result, cooperation with Warner Brothers continued right up to 2009. The first album entitled “Madonna” was released in 1983. She received all kinds of Grammys (as many as 7!) and Golden Globes. There were also golden raspberries. The song of the same name, from the second album, “Like a Virgin,” was included in the two hundred most iconic songs in the Rocknroll Hall of Fame. “Like a Prayer” from the third album of the same name was ranked 3rd in the history of popular music by the British magazine New Music Express, and 2nd by VH1.

And always some song from her subsequent albums, like “Bedtime Stories”, “Ray of Light”, “Music”, “American Life”, “Confessions on a Dance Floor”, “Hard Candy” and “MDNA” took pride of place a prize place in some chart.

She starred in Specific Victim, Visual Search, Desperate Search for Susie, Who's That Girl, Dick Tracy, and the documentary Madonna. Truth or Dare" (in our box office "In Bed with Madonna"), in " Dangerous game”, in “Body as Evidence”, “Best Friend”.

In 2007, she filmed “Dirt and Wisdom” with the vocalist of the group “Gogol Bordello” Nikolaev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, better known under the pseudonym Evgeniy Gudz (his mother’s maiden name). In 2010 she filmed “We. We believe in love." In 2013, the short film “SecretProjectRevolution”.

In 1973, she dated Long Russell (born in 1956).

In 1979, she lived with Dan Gilroy (the head of the little-known rock band Breakfast Club).

In the same 1979, she lived with Stephen Bray, a drummer.

In 1983, she lived with John Benitez, nicknamed “Marmalade.”

From 1985-08-16 (this is her birthday, by the way) until January 1989, she was married to Penn Sean.

According to unconfirmed information, in 1988 she had a relationship with Bernhard Sandra (Sndra Bernhard, 1955-06-06).

In 1990, she lived with Beatty Warren (Henry Warren Beatty, 1937-03-30, director), but refused to marry him.

In 1992, she had a relationship with Van Winkle Robert Matthew (1967-10-31), better known as Vanilla Ice.

In 1996, in October, on the 14th day, actor and fitness instructor Leon Carlos gave birth to a daughter, Leon Lourdes Maria Ciccone (to put it simply, Lola Leon).

In 1998, she lived with Andy Bird, an actor and screenwriter from the UK.

From 2000 to 2008 behind Richie Guy. In 2000, in August, on the 11th day, she gave birth to her son, Richie Roco. There is also Richie Ciccone's son, David Banda, adopted on 2008-05-28 (born 2005-09-24) and Ciccone Cifundo's daughter, Mercy James, adopted on 2009-06-12 (born 2005).

Since 2010, he has also been cohabiting with break performer Zeba Brahim.
