Signs of spring - waiting for warmth. Folk signs about the weather in spring

What does the coming day have in store for us? The desire to know the future is ineradicable in man. Either innate curiosity takes its toll, or the need to be confident in the future. So the inquisitive mind looks for clues in everything, including in the behavior of nature. It is difficult to say how true the signs are, but there is undoubtedly a rational grain in the long-term observations recorded in folk art.

March signs

Early spring is remembered for crying icicles on the roofs of houses, cold streams cutting through the darkened snow, and the joyful trill of birds. Among the ancient Slavs, March 1st was the day of Yarila the Sun.

In Rus', in the pagan era, the new year started on this date.

Spring was greeted with round dances and ritual songs. On Yarilin day no one worked. Real warmth, of course, is still far away, but the expectation of change is subtly in the air. Be the first to feel the weather change migratory birds: Rooks move about on the arable fields still covered with snow.

By the signs of March you can judge what the summer and the future harvest will be like.

  • Short icicles portend early summer, long ones – a protracted spring.
  • Rainy March means crop shortages. Dry - for a good harvest.
  • Frequent fogs are a harbinger of a rainy summer.
  • Snow falling in mounds on the fields during a March snowstorm is a sign of the harvest of spring crops and vegetables.
  • If the snow begins to melt on the south side of the anthill, the summer will be short and cool.
  • Crows bathe - for warmth, rooks play - for good weather.
  • Rapid melting of snow everywhere promises a wet summer.

The Slavs believed that during the first three weeks of March, Spring fights Winter. The new season is finally established in its rights on the 21st - at the spring equinox. The symbols of this day are larks and willow. Spring will be warm if birds build nests on the sunny side on March 21. This is also confirmed by the palm color. The abundance of water around will bring good harvest.

April signs

"April" - Latin name, meaning “warmed by the sun.” In some regions of Rus', the second month of spring until the beginning of the 15th century was traditionally called birch ash. This name appeared as a result of the merger of two words - “birch” and “green”.

At the row Slavic peoples The month is called in the old way: Belarusians – “krasavik”, Ukrainians – “kviten”, Poles – “kfechen”.

From this we can see that the sure signs of April are flowers. But before the crocuses, scillas, and early tulips bloom in the middle of the month, the daylight hours will become a little longer, the snowmelt will increase and the flood will begin.

As is known, the best weather forecasters- birds, animals and insects. Many weather signs in spring are interpreted based on the behavior of living creatures in April.

  • The early arrival of wagtails means warmth.
  • The crow ruffled its feathers on a branch - leading to precipitation.
  • A low-flying lapwing indicates dry weather.
  • If a bird screams in the evening, wait for it to clear up.
  • If a crow builds a nest in a tree high up, there will be a large flood.
  • Cattle roar loudly in bad weather.
  • If a spider sits in a corner, wrapped in a web, frost is coming.
  • The early appearance of bees means warmth and abundant flowering.

Spring signs often used to predict harvest. So, wet April means good arable land and an abundance of hay. A thunderstorm promises a warm summer and a nut harvest. Has the aspen blossomed? It's time to sow early beets and carrots. The aspen is all in catkins, and the hazel is in the buds - it will spoil the oats. Rain on Annunciation promises good rye, sun - a wheat harvest. If frost hits on April 7, prepare a basket for milk mushrooms.

May signs

At the beginning of May there may still be short periods of cold. They usually occur during the flowering period of bird cherry. Towards mid-May, catkins appear on birch trees. Cherries and apricots, strewn with white flowers, look like brides. Apple trees dressed in soft pink look no less romantic. Plum blossoms are striking in their variety of white and pink shades. Following the buds, leaves develop. Young greenery is initially fragile and bright. Above all this natural splendor, bees buzz together and cheerfully. The unique aroma of spring is in the air. At the end of May, lilacs bloom.

Folk signs about spring in May are as follows.

  • Moderately cold May - for the harvest.
  • A lot of cranes and beetles mean drought.
  • Frequent fogs and rains - for a fertile year.
  • If the birch leaf opens before the maple or alder, the summer will be dry.
  • Nightingales singing in a bare forest mean a crop failure for fruit trees.
  • A lot of sorrel - for a snowy and warm winter.
  • If the bird cherry blossoms before May 4, the summer will be warm.

Based on the signs of spring, you can make a timely decision on planting certain vegetable crops. If violets bloom on May Day, it's time to sow radishes, carrots, dill and parsley. Clear weather on May 9, or Stepanov Day, promises a harvest of cucumbers. The period of the Swimsuit was considered the most favorable for agricultural work. If May 20 turns out to be fine, the plants planted on this day will give a good harvest.


Positive psychology 06.03.2018

Dear readers, folk signs springs are still relevant and useful in our time. Agree, it’s interesting to observe nature, notice patterns in weather changes, natural phenomena. And everything is really interconnected, and it’s not for nothing that they used to be so good at predicting the weather using signs. And now it’s never too late for us to become a little closer to our origins, to the elements around us and learn to understand them better.

Folk signs about spring will help us learn more about this time of year. About what certain phenomena portend, the behavior of animals, about what weather to expect. And our children will also be interested in discovering how accurate signs can be.

Tits are singing in the trees - warm days are coming soon

Signs about spring will help draw children's attention to changes in nature, which even preschoolers can understand. You can see a lot of interesting nature in the morning on the way to kindergarten or on a walk in the park. Watching the swelling buds and then the peeking leaves is always interesting for kids.

This section contains signs of spring for preschoolers by month.

March signs of spring

In March, day and night are measured and equal.
In March, clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
Frequent fogs are a harbinger of a rainy summer.
Dry March means fertility, rainy March means crop failure.
Thunder occurring in March is a sign of fertility.
If the snow begins to melt on the south side of the anthill, the summer will be short and cool.
Rapid melting of snow everywhere promises a wet summer.
The better the weather will be all first spring month, the better the harvest will be throughout the year.
Rainy March means crop shortages. Dry - for a good harvest.
Snow falling in mounds on the fields during a March snowstorm is a sign of the harvest of spring crops and vegetables.
The wind is not blowing snow onto the fields evenly, but in mounds - a good harvest of spring and vegetable crops is expected.
When the surface of the snow is rough in the spring, it means a harvest, and when it is smooth, it means a crop failure.
If the icicle does not have a void in the middle, then the filling of the loaves is full and rich.
If from the first days spring is wild and not shy, it will deceive, so be it.
March snow (rain) costs half of the fertilizer.

April signs of spring

Blue clouds in April mean warmth and rain.
Cattle roar loudly in bad weather.
If a spider sits in a corner, wrapped in a web, frost is coming.
The early appearance of bees means warmth and abundant flowering.
Wet April means good arable land and an abundance of hay.
A thunderstorm in April promises a warm summer and a nut harvest.
Has the aspen blossomed? It's time to sow early beets and carrots.
The aspen is all in catkins, and the hazel is in the buds - oats will be born.
Rain on Annunciation (the holy holiday of April) promises good rye, sun - a wheat harvest.
A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - to late autumn.
The water does not flow - the grass does not grow in April.
Where there is a river in April, it will be difficult to find a stream in July.
April drops and streams awaken the earth.
A strong nut ovary means thunderstorms.
Wet Annunciation – mushroom summer.

May signs of spring

Moderately cold May - for the harvest.
Frequent fogs and rains - for a fertile year.
If the birch leaf opens before the maple or alder, the summer will be dry.
If in May the birch tree opens its leaves in front of the alder tree, the summer will be dry; if the alder is in front - wet.
If it rains in May, there will be rye.
When the bird cherry blossoms in May, there is always cold.

A lot of sorrel - for a snowy and warm winter.
If the bird cherry blossoms before May 4, the summer will be warm.
How much rain there will be in May - so many years will the harvest last!

Spring is red with flowers

For schoolchildren, spring signs are interesting because they can be tested in practice: what they foretell will happen or not. In this section you will find signs of spring for schoolchildren in grades 2 and 3 regarding the habits of birds and animals, signs by day, folk signs about what spring will be like.

Arrival of spring by birds and animals

Crows bathe - for warmth, rooks play - for good weather.
The early arrival of wagtails means warmth.
The crow ruffled its feathers on a branch - leading to precipitation.
A low-flying lapwing indicates dry weather.
If a bird screams in the evening, wait for it to clear up.
If a crow builds a nest in a tree high up, there will be a large flood.
Nightingales singing in a bare forest mean a crop failure for fruit trees.
We heard the trills of a nightingale - the birch buds blossomed.
The spring molting of hares has been delayed - there will still be frosts.
The spider spins a lot of webs in the spring - for the hot summer.
A seagull flew low - the ice would break up soon.
An invasion of mice in the spring promises a hungry year.
The cuckoo crowed loudly and often - it was warm on the threshold.
Cranes, bullfinches and tits have moved into the forests - soon the beauty of spring will come to visit.
The bees began to swarm early - they called red spring to the earth.
The bear crawled out of the dead wood - spring has come.
Cranes fly low, quickly, silently - expect bad weather soon.
Ducks scream and splash - it means rain.
The cat is sleeping soundly - for warmth.

Spring signs by day

It’s nicer for Evdokia (March 14th) – it’s been nicer all summer. If on this day the snow melts around the tree, forming circles with steep edges, spring is steep, and circles with gentle edges mean spring will be protracted (long).

If there is fog in the morning on Gregory (March 25), you can expect a large harvest of hemp and white flax. On this day, it is customary to scatter several handfuls of hemp and flaxseed around the yard as food for birds.

If a warm wind blows on Teply Alexey on March 30, the summer will be warm and wet, but if there is snow, frost and wind, the summer will be cold, and if it rains, the whole summer will be rainy.

Annunciation. The third meeting of spring (the second was on March 18). On this day, songbirds are released into the wild.

April 12 is the average flowering period for southern cherries. A sign that it is time to sow corn and beets.

On April 31, the memory of St. Ivan the New is honored. On this day, it is customary for gardeners to sow carrots and beets.

If violets bloom on May Day, it's time to sow radishes, carrots, dill and parsley. If the willow tree blooms on May 1, it’s time to sow dill, radishes, and carrots.

Clear weather on May 9, or Stepanov Day, promises a harvest of cucumbers. May 10 – clear sunrise for a windy summer.

May 13th is marked in Russian tradition with special signs. If in the evening of this day the sky is starry and a warm wind rises, then, according to a sign near Moscow, the summer will be rich in thunderstorms and warmth, and the harvest will be bountiful. IN Ryazan region It was customary to watch the sunrise on this day: if the sky in the east turns out to be clear and cloudless, summer will be good, but if the sun rises in the clouds, it will rain all summer.

May 14 – Eremey Harnesser. The beginning of a wide range of spring field work. It was noted that bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold future winter. They advised: if you sow a day earlier, you will take it a week earlier.

May 22 is St. Nicholas Day. The beginning of a real working peasant summer. Rain on St. Nicholas - expect a good harvest.

May 24 – Mokey Wet. Note: it’s wet on Mokea – it’s been wet all summer. The sunrise is crimson and rain during the day - a wet and stormy summer.

May 25 is the day of Epiphanes. They noted: if it’s morning on Epiphanes in a red caftan, then the summer will be dry and firey.

May 28 is the day of Pakhom Bokogrey. The sun is starting to get hotter. Pakhom came and there was a smell of warmth. We noticed: it’s warm on Pakhom – it’s warm all summer.

May 31 – Fedot Ovsyanik. The onset of heat. The air has warmed up. Fedot came and the earth took over its clan. Signs of the day: if Fedot has the top of an oak tree with an edge, you will measure oats with a tub.

Folk signs about what spring will be like

Short icicles in March foreshadow early summer, long ones - a protracted spring.
If the first thunder strikes with a north wind, cold spring; in the east – to dry and warm spring, with the west - to a wet spring, with the south - to a warm spring.
If the night of the Annunciation is warm, spring will be friendly.
If a woodpecker is seen in March, then spring will be late.
March has come, but the woodpecker can’t sleep (knocking), which means that spring will be late in coming.
Expect a cold, protracted spring if the first wild ducks are overly fat.
There are many tits near human habitation, which means spring will be cold.
If the rooks fly straight to the nest, it means a friendly spring.
In late autumn, winds blow from the east, which means spring will be cold.
When migratory birds fly in large flocks, it means a friendly spring.

I invite you to watch a video about the signs of spring. Watch everything with your children.

February signs for spring

According to the calendar, spring has already arrived, but it is still frosty and snowing almost everywhere. But we all want to know what spring will be like. In the old days, this was determined by the weather in February. This section contains signs in February for spring.

If February is warm, spring will feel cold.

The beginning of February is fine - expect an early and warm spring. If it happens in February a large number of precipitation, then we should expect that spring and summer will be just as rainy, and if the weather is good in February, then this portends a drought.

Fierce (February) in the rains - spring, and then summer will also be rainy.

In February, long icicles hang from under the roofs - this means it will be a long spring, soon they will all melt.

Judge spring and summer by February: if it’s rainy, it will be wet; and if it’s weathery, there will be a drought.

Whatever the weather will be on February 6th, such it will remain throughout the spring. Half the time left until the new harvest.

The 14th of February. If there is a starfall on this day, the spring will be soft and warm. And if the stars shine brightly in the sky, wait for a late thaw.

The beginning of spring is associated with an increase daylight hours, big amount sun rays, flowering plants and the beginning of the summer season. Some spring signs will be useful to know not only for successful planting of vegetable crops, but also for many other areas of our lives.

Folk signs on a spring theme

There are a large number of spring signs that have been preserved since ancient times. Signs about spring can be associated with the following factors:

  • weather conditions – frost, snow, rain, wind;
  • environment – ​​thunderstorm, rainbow, sunrise;
  • connection with animals, insects, birds - swallows, cats;
  • growth and flowering of plants - lilac, dandelions;
  • everyday moments - empty buckets, whistling.

Spring interesting signs:

  • a cuckoo crows on a dry tree - a sign of frosty weather;
  • melting snow on the south side of the anthill - to a cold short summer period;
  • If in early spring to see sparrows swimming, then you can wait for early spring;
  • the arrival of blackbirds promises the absence of spring frosts;
  • Migratory birds fly in a large flock, then spring promises to be friendly.

First day of spring - signs

We often look forward to the first day of spring. Some associate it with new beginnings, changes in life, or simply the beginning of the warm season and a good mood. The first signs of spring may be associated with the weather, the upcoming summer, family happiness and well-being. So, on the first day of spring you can check the effect of some signs:

  • a woman expecting a child will see the sun rise - she will have the strength to bear a healthy baby;
  • the first day of spring is warm - there may be frosts;
  • thick heavy fog- to bad weather summer;
  • fresh snow needs to be swept off the porch - this brings health and happiness to the house;
  • snow fell - to a rich harvest.

Spring equinox day - signs

It’s no mystery to anyone that folk signs about spring also accompany the spring equinox. March 20, when day equals night, is considered the time to honor the sun in Slavic mythology. There are signs associated with this day:

  1. If you spend this day well, then the year will be successful and fun.
  2. Negative thoughts could attract evil spirits and harm a person, so they should not have accompanied a person on the day of the vernal equinox.
  3. Day sun and warm weather at night - a sign of the arrival of spring and the speedy start of sowing work.

Spring wedding - signs

It can be difficult to collect all the predictions about a wedding, but the main signs of spring are easy to identify. The most popular of them is not to get married in May, otherwise, according to legend, the newlyweds will suffer all their lives. Whether this sign works or not is up to the young to decide, because there are examples of both happy and dissolved May marriages. There is a belief that a wedding in March means moving to a new place, and in April means sharing equally all adversities and happy moments, while at first family life It may be difficult, but after this period, the family will become happy.

There are signs associated with the weather on your wedding day. They can be attributed to any time of the year, but in spring the weather is more changeable:

  • it started to rain on a sunny day, which means the future family will be happy;
  • a thunderstorm has begun - unfortunately;
  • a snowy wedding day, which often occurs in March - the family will be wealthy;
  • If strong wind- life will be windy.

A fly in the house in spring is a sign

Sometimes insects act as predictions. So, the first fly in the spring is a very well-known sign. Its appearance symbolizes the arrival of warmth and the beginning of the solar period of the year. This is due to the fact that flies hibernate for the winter, and with the onset of warm spring they wake up, thereby announcing the arrival of the long-awaited time.

Wasp in the spring - a sign

Often, signs of early spring can pinpoint the beginning of this time of year. For example, not only do flies wake up in the spring, but wasps also appear. The peculiarity of this type of insect is that only the young wasp survives the winter - the queen, which begins to build a nest. When cold or unfavorable conditions This happens very rarely, so it is generally accepted that if a wasp flew out onto Fresh air and begins to build a nest - this is a sure sign of the beginning of spring.

Mosquitoes in spring - signs

If people, in most cases, greet the beginning of spring with a smile, good mood and optimism, the appearance of mosquitoes does not always evoke such emotions. People associate these insects with unpleasant bites, itching and a monotonous buzzing, but their appearance is a sign of the onset of a warm period. After all, for active life and reproduction require appropriate conditions. This prediction, like other interesting signs of spring, came to us thanks to the observation skills of our ancestors.

Sign - lilac blooms in spring

Sometimes, on the contrary, signs associated with spring do not go unnoticed. It’s so difficult to pass by the extraordinary flowering bushes of lilac or bird cherry and enjoy the enchanting smell. You can get pleasure from this phenomenon if a person does not have allergies. The flowering of plants is directly related to the onset of spring. At positive temperatures and the first sun rays The buds swell, the first leaves appear, and then the flowers. Depending on the region, flowering may begin at different periods- in the southern part of the country already in April, and in the northern part - in May or June.

In most cases, bird cherry blooms earlier. The appearance of its flowers is often accompanied by a slight cold snap. When installed warm temperature Lilac blossoms in the air - this is a sure sign of spring, and in some regions, summer. In addition to the arrival of warmth, other signs are associated with lilac:

  • the bush symbolizes harmony, tranquility and protection from evil spirits, especially if the plant is planted near the house;
  • the smell of lilac calms and provides an opportunity to relax;
  • you have the opportunity to see a flower with five petals - it will come true.

Sign - seeing a squirrel in early spring

Sometimes folk signs associated with spring can be completely unexpected. So, when you see a squirrel in a park or forest, you can’t always be happy. According to popular wisdom, this is a sign of unfavorable events in the future. There are also, for example, if the newlyweds decided to get married in the spring and met a squirrel while walking on their significant day, their family life will be long and happy.

Folk signs about the weather in spring

Let's list the most famous spring weather signs:

  • if the birch tree gives off a lot of sap, then you can expect a rainy summer;
  • another sign bad weather summer – early spring;
  • dandelions bloom early - for a short summer;
  • a large number of cobwebs in the spring is a sign of a hot summer;
  • there is a saying-sign: dry March, but damp April, and cold May - a grain-bearing year;
  • after meeting a hare in the forest white you can expect snow to fall;
  • thunderclaps at the very beginning of spring may precede cold weather;
  • if lightning flashes in the sky, but there is no thunder in the spring, the signs say that you can expect a dry summer;
  • the birds began to build a nest on the sunny side - perhaps a cold summer.

These and other weather signs in spring will be of interest to those who want to check their truth. It was not for nothing that in ancient times people determined the weather and the start time of sowing or harvesting not by the calendar, but by signs and clues from the surrounding world. There are many predictions of weather, harvest, family well-being happiness and signs of spring are no exception here. Many of them have been tested over the years and considerable experience, some remain invisible to the human eye. To believe in them or not, or at least follow them, each person decides for himself.

Thunder in early spring - before the cold.
When the surface of the snow is rough in spring, it means a harvest, and when it is smooth, it means a crop failure.
If the icicle does not have a void in the middle, then the filling of the loaves is full and rich.
On a foreign land even spring is black, on our own land even winter is green.
If from the first days spring is wild and not shy, it will deceive, so be it.
If the first thunder strikes with a north wind, it means cold spring; in the east - to a dry and warm spring, in the west - to a wet spring, in the south - to a warm spring.
It’s nicer for Evdokia (March 14) - it’s been nice all summer.
The snowdrifts are already beginning to melt: “Avdotya the Ivy is flattening the snow,” people say. According to popular belief, if on Eudokea it's raining or snow - the summer will be rainy, and vice versa, a sunny day on March 14 foreshadows a good, dry summer.
If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, the summer will be dry.
Long icicles - for a long spring.
The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
March 22 - 40 saints and martyrs in Rus' baked spring birds from dough - larks, starlings, waders. In the minds of the Slavs, birds on their wings brought spring.
If the snow melts around a tree, forming circles with steep edges, spring is steep, and circles with gentle edges mean spring will be protracted (long).
If the rooks fly straight to the nest, it means a friendly spring.
Cranes fly low, quickly, silently - expect bad weather soon.
The icebreaker wagtail will arrive, and in 12 days the river will flow.
As soon as the hazel is decorated with earrings, the ground will no longer freeze; you can sow radishes, poppy seeds, cornflowers, and marigolds.
Since March 25 (the day of Gregory, the Pope), a sign about fog is associated among the people. If there is fog on Gregory in the morning, you can expect a large harvest of hemp and white flax. On this day, it is customary to scatter several handfuls of hemp and flaxseed around the yard to feed the birds.
If a warm wind blows on Teply Alexey on March 30, the summer will be warm and wet, but if there is snow, frost and wind, the summer will be cold, and if it rains, the whole summer will be rainy.
Clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
March snow (rain) costs half of the fertilizer.
If in the spring there are long and thick icicles (and there are a lot of them) - it means a spring harvest.
He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.
Where is the border between pure and muddy water- the fish bites best.

Folk signs for April

Folk signs for April

April dresses the whole earth in flowers, calls all people to joy, and crowns the trees with leaves.
Warm April, wet May - that means there will be a harvest.
April is rich in water; if there was a full moon on Epiphany (January 19), there will be a large flood of rivers.
Spring will shed like a river - you won’t see a drop; in autumn it will sift - scoop it up with a bucket.
April with water - May with grass.
The early rise of bees - for the red spring.
A lot of sap flows from the birch - by late autumn.
Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.
When the birch leaf opens in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is in front of the birch, the summer will be wet.
A lot of beetles - to drought. (Khrushchev is a beetle with lamellar antennae).
The first thunder is loud - for vigorous bread.
The first thunder with a north wind is a cold spring, with an east wind it is dry and warm, with a west wind it is wet, with a south wind it is warm (northern part of Russia, Siberia).
There are a lot of cobwebs flying - summer will be hot.
In the cold spring there is a hail-damaging summer.
A strong nut ovary means thunderstorms.
A cuckoo crows on a dry tree - it means frost.
Ducks scream and splash - it means rain.
The cat is sleeping soundly - for warmth.
April 1st. Daria was opened for a month. These days in Rus', huts were whitewashed.
April 2. The buds of the southern apricot tree are ready to bloom.
It is a small misfortune to serve an ungrateful person, but a great misfortune is to accept a service from a scoundrel.
Any of our shortcomings will be more forgivable than the tricks we go to to hide it.
A person's merits should not be judged by his good qualities, but by how he uses them.
April 4 - Vasily - sunny.
April 7 - Annunciation. Third meeting of spring. (The second was on March 18). On this day, songbirds are released into the wild.
April 9 is Matrenin's day. Turnips were selected for seeds.
April 12 is the average flowering period for southern cherries. A sign that it is time to sow corn and beets.
April 14 - Marya - Play the ravines.
Cherry trees are blooming in the south of Russia.
It's time to plant melons, watermelons, and pumpkins.
April 18 is the day of Fedul the windy man. They said: “Fedula feels warm.”
Before “Fedul”, housewives do not dare to open the windows that have been caulked for the winter: “Before Fedul, the windows are wide open - you will block the way for spring warmth!”
On April 19 - the day of remembrance of the Monk Eutyches and the martyr Jeremiah - calm weather foreshadows a good spring harvest: “On Eutyches, a quiet day - for the harvest of early, spring crops.”
There will be rain on Akulina (April 20) - viburnum will be good.
April 21 - “Rodion brought water.” IN middle lane In Russia, on Rodion, they plowed the land for oats. In the south of Russia, lilacs bloomed on this day.
April 23 - St. George's Day.
They said: “On Yuryev’s day the moon is young, the sowing of spring crops will be even. Early frosts are expected, and if the moon is bad, there is no need to rush with sowing - there will be no frosts until late autumn.”
April 24 is the day of Antipas the flood.
April 25 is the day of St. Basil of Pari. Spring soars the earth. Vasily is a serious saint. These days they said: “Turn out the shafts, throw the sleigh on the road.”
April 29 - Irina-urvi shores. The spring waters have subsided, the river banks are knotted, and the hazel trees are gathering dust.
April 31 - the memory of St. Ivan the New is honored. On this day, it is customary for gardeners to sow carrots and beets.

Folk signs for May

The Old Russian name of the month is “traven”.
Grasses are beginning to turn green everywhere and foliage is developing.
May is cold - a grain-growing year.
If you get married in May, you'll be at peace, you'll be in trouble for the rest of your life.
Getting married in May means toiling all your life!
Rain in May - wait for the harvest.
Cold and windy May is good for the harvest. Unreliable May warmth.
May 1 - the flowering of willow indicates the beginning of sowing dill, radishes, and carrots.
May 5 - this onion, it is from seven ailments.
May 6 - swallows arrive and plow the arable land. They drive the cattle out into the field.
May 10 - clear sunrise - for a windy summer.
May 11 - the memory of the Holy Apostles Jason and Sosipater, according to custom, began to collect Birch juice. It is sweet and quickly begins to ferment, which is why it is called “hoppy”: “A drunken birch tree is intoxicated with hops!” Village healers collect birch sap not for delicacy, but for treatment. Birch sap especially helps people suffering from fever. But before this, according to legend, it was necessary to bathe the patient in rainwater or, even better, to rub him with March winter snow.
The sunny day of May 11 serves best omen that the patient's fever will go away. On this day, it was customary to go out on the road and wait for the warm wind from noon. This wind, in the minds of healers, is also healing. As soon as it started to blow South wind, the healers put out their amulet towards him and, with special whispers, drove the wind into them, so that later, placing the incense on the patient, they could heal him.
May 12 - the day of the nine martyrs - was also considered a day of treatment. A special conspiracy was read over the patient, which combined pagan beliefs and the Christian church canon.
May 13th is marked in Russian tradition with special signs. If in the evening of this day the sky is starry and a warm wind rises, then, according to a sign near Moscow, the summer will be rich in thunderstorms and warmth, and the harvest will be bountiful. In the Ryazan region, it was customary to watch the sunrise on this day: if the sky in the east turns out to be clear and cloudless, summer will be good, but if the sun rises in the clouds, it will rain all summer.
May 14 - Iremey-Harness. The beginning of a wide range of spring field work.
It was noted that bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold future winter. They advised: “If you sow a day earlier, you will take it a week earlier.”
The concern is to grow a good harvest and preserve it.
May 15 - the nightingale sang thoroughly - spring began to wane, and summer - to profit.
May 16 - if the bird cherry has many flowers, the summer will be wet.
On May 17, cabbage seedlings were planted, observing the ancient custom of protecting the future harvest: they took a cracked pot out to the garden beds and put a nettle bush pulled out nearby (with roots) inside. This was done in order to protect the seedlings from envious people and from the evil eye. When planting cabbage, they said: “Seedling seedlings, don’t be long-legged, but be pot-bellied, don’t be empty, but be tight, don’t be red, but be tasty, don’t be old, but be young, don’t be small, but be big.” .
May 19 - Ion-Goroshik, Ibn-Rosenik, Ion-Borage.
They noted: “A clear day on Jonah means a harvest of cucumbers.”
If Ion the Pea has dissolved the dew, it means a harvest of vegetables.
May 22 is the day of “St. Nicholas”. The beginning of a real working peasant summer. Rain on “St. Nicholas” - expect a good harvest.
May 23 - digging roots for potions. Medicinal herbs are prepared.
May 24 - Mokey Wet. They noted: “It’s wet on Mokea - it’s been wet all summer.” “The sunrise is crimson, and during the day it rains - for a wet and stormy summer.”
May 25 is the day of Epiphanes. They noted: “If it’s morning on Epiphanes in a red caftan, then the summer will be dry and firey.”
May 26 - Lukerya Komarschitsa. Mosquitoes appeared. There will be warming at night. Mosquitoes are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure. When decreasing atmospheric pressure mosquitoes change their flight level.
It is believed that mosquitoes are favorite treat swallows Therefore, swallows also transfer their flight downwards. Looking at the low-flying swallows, we say: “This is for rain,” and we are mostly right. Bad weather is brought by cyclones and atmospheric fronts, which are connected with them. As they approach, the atmospheric pressure decreases. Most often, cyclones come from the Atlantic and Mediterranean. When long filaments of cirrus clouds with curved edges appear in the west - they are called “cirrus claws” - expect rain. Cirrus clouds are followed by cirrostratus clouds, covering the sky like a veil; they gradually turn into altostratus and nimbostratus clouds, from which it rains in summer and snow in winter. “Nimbus” clouds lag behind cirrus clouds at a distance of approximately 400 km. On average, the speed of movement of cyclones and clouds is 25-30 km per hour. This means that 12-15 hours after the appearance of cirrus clouds, expect rain. When there is a significant drop in atmospheric pressure in a swamp, gases come out of the soil, forming gurgles in the swamps. Compare the flight of swallows with the state of the sky and, correcting for gurgling, make your own weather forecast.
May 27 is Sidor's day. “There is a severko (north wind) on Sidora and it’s like that all summer,” the summer will be cool. Swifts and killer whales will arrive and bring warmth.
May 28 is the day of Pakhom Bokogrey. The sun is starting to get hotter. “Pakhom came - it smelled warm.” They noted: “It’s warm on Pakhom - it’s been warm all summer.”
May 31 - Fedot Ovsyanik. The onset of heat. The air has warmed up. “Fedot came - the earth began to take over its clan.” Signs of the day: “If Fedot has the top of an oak tree with an edge, you will measure oats with a tub.”

Spring proverbs and sayings

Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin and tenacious.
Spring is a woman's work (squirrel of canvases).
Spring will show everything (with the melting of ice and snow).
Spring is red during the day (that is, not all the time).
Spring and autumn they ride a piebald mare. (with white spots like snow)
Spring is red, everything goes.
Spring is red and summer is miserable.
Spring has come - everything has gone.
Spring flies from the earth (quickly leaves).
Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.
In the spring there is no land, in the summer there is hard work, in the fall there is no road, in the winter there is a cold winter.
In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; In autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.
In spring the wind comes from the crown, in autumn from the ash tree (archang.).
In spring the rain steams, in autumn it wets.
In spring, even the hare is listening.
In the spring, whatever the river sheds, you won’t see a drop; In the fall it will be sifted with chintz - at least scoop it with a bucket.
In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.
Spring day to move for seven (about thaw).
Spring ice is like someone else's hut threshold (unreliable).
The spring feast takes (took) cabbage soup.
The spring feast is crushed with cabbage soup.
It's spring time - I ate and from the yard.
Dry March and wet May make good bread.

It begins on March 22, the day of the spring equinox, and ends on June 22, the day of the summer solstice. Judging this somewhat differently folk calendar: on Candlemas (February 2) “winter meets summer,” and already on February 11 “winter knocks the horn off.”

However, the first meeting of spring was celebrated everywhere on March 1. And people noticed: if streams flowed to Evdokia, expect the first grass in the first ten days of May, and they did not even pay attention to the fact that after this day the snow could pile up “higher than a standing dog.”

The second meeting in the spring was held on March 9th. On this day, the arrival of the first feathered guests from across the distant seas was expected, and “larks” were baked, dough buns in the shape of birds. This is what the proverb says: “A sandpiper flew in from overseas and brought spring from captivity.”

A truly national holiday was the third meeting of spring - the Annunciation, which in the old days was celebrated on March 25. They thought that “I had overcome the winter, but the sleigh either wouldn’t make it for a week, or it would take a week.”

The day of May 1 in Rus' was called the harness, since everywhere, except only northern regions, harrows and plows touched the steamy spring soil.

With the beginning of the arable land we finally said goodbye to winter.

Early flight of bees - to the red spring.

Geese are flying high - there will be a lot of water; they fly low - few.

The rooks have sat on their nests and will go out to sow in three weeks.

If the ducks arrive fat, it will be cold and long.

The cuckoo began to crow - there would be no more frost.

The lark comes to the warmth, the finch to the cold. The wood lark has flown straight to the nest - get to work on the garden.

The mole always knows in advance what the water level will be in the river. With this in mind, he builds his home. And its hills are never flooded with water in the spring.

Before a large flood, the warbler builds a nest high.

A duck makes a nest on a high bank before a large flood.

The first thunder with a north wind means cold spring; in the east - dry and warm; in the west - to wet; in the south - to warm.

When the month in spring seems reddish, it means great warmth and thunder.

When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives.

But in the spring, what will summer be like? Will it be productive and favorable to the peasant? Or maybe the rain will rot the entire harvest or the sultry sun will dry it out? And people noticed a lot...

If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.

An observant person was given useful tips and trees, and birds, and animals.

If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree, then the summer is expected to be rainy.

If the birch grows pubescent, expect a dry summer, and if the maple grows, expect a wet summer.

If lightning flashes in early spring but there is no thunder, the summer will be dry.

In the cold spring there is a hail-damaging summer.

If the first - thunder thundered early in the morning - the summer will be moderate; if at noon - warm and fertile; In the evening it will be warm, but autumn will be cold.

Snow melts in the spring on the northern side of the ant heaps - the summer will be warm and long, and if on the southern side it will be cold and short.

If there is no more water in the rivers in the spring, the summer will be hot.

In the spring there are a lot of networts flying - for a good summer.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

If a lark builds a nest in a hole, the summer will be dry, and on the hillock it will be rainy.

A steppe harrier builds a nest next to a swamp - for a dry summer, in the steppe - for a rainy one.

However, wait for good weather, hope for it, but don’t make a mistake yourself - and the farmer firmly grasped this truth. Therefore, we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work fertilizing the arable land.
