The child has weak muscles, what should I do? What to do if your child has weak muscles

Often in children under one year old, such a pathology as muscle weakness occurs; it is most often associated with developmental disorders and with hypoxia, from which the baby suffered during pregnancy. But sometimes muscle weakness can be a sign of a serious illness that requires timely treatment.

Usually, a neurologist immediately detects hypotonicity if it is present, since the baby is developmentally delayed and cannot hold his head up, roll over or walk. Older children may have deformed legs and get tired quickly during physical activity. It is very important to immediately identify the pathology and begin to treat it in order to avoid serious complications in adulthood.


Hypotonia is a violation of muscle tone, in which they are always in a too relaxed state. Normally, muscles in both children and adults contract constantly to maintain normal functioning of the body. Thanks to muscle tone, a person can stand and sit, although these positions are static, the muscles still contract.

With hypotonicity, the muscles are weakened, the child cannot sit and stand normally, since the fibers simply cannot withstand such a load. If this condition is not treated, the baby cannot develop normally. In addition, hypotension can also occur against the background of serious illnesses.

Hypotonia in infants usually occurs due to birth trauma or lack of oxygen in the womb. This condition is quite correctable; for treatment, gymnastics, massage, sometimes physiotherapy, and less often drug treatment are prescribed if therapeutic treatment does not produce an effect. It is important to understand that the sooner you start treating hypotension, the faster it will pass, and the fewer consequences there will be.

As mentioned above, not always weak muscles the child talks about serious illness, quite often this is a complication of difficult childbirth and birth injuries, which is treated with massage. But it is worth considering such situations when muscle weakness is a symptom of pathology:

  • With myasthenia gravis - severe chronic autoimmune disease there is severe muscle weakness;
  • Children with Down syndrome suffer from muscle weakness and problems with their endurance;
  • There is a gene pathology, the disease is called Prader-Willi syndrome, in this case the child’s body lacks several genes, he suffers from obesity, hypotension and mental impairment.
  • With botulism, bacteria live in the child’s body and produce toxic waste products, which in turn negatively affect the muscle fibers, paralyzing them;
  • In severe forms of reactive jaundice, hypotension in infants is also possible;
  • In a disease during which collagen production is disrupted, muscles and skin become flabby and weak, the disease is called Marfan syndrome;
  • In severe cases of cerebellar ataxia, muscle weakness develops;
  • Blood poisoning;
  • Excessive intake of vitamin D;
  • Muscle dystrophy in older children;
  • Rickets is a disease where bones are destroyed due to a lack of vitamin D in the body.


Symptoms generally depend on the diagnosis, but in all cases muscle weakness is observed, the child cannot withstand physical activity. Weakness may occur throughout the body, or may occur only in an affected area, such as when one limb is not working well.

At muscle hypotonia the child cannot stand on his feet straight, he spreads them to the sides to maintain balance. Also, due to the weakness of the neck muscles, the baby cannot hold his head in a level position for a long time and constantly tilts it.

During sleep, healthy children bend their arms and legs, but with muscle hypotonia the opposite effect is observed - the limbs are straightened along the body, and this position does not cause any discomfort to the child, although it looks quite unusual. This is often observed in infants, because newborns normally have hypertonicity, which causes the fists to clench, and with hypotonicity the arms are straightened.

Also, with muscle weakness, such a sign is observed when a child is picked up, placing the palms in the armpits; in a child with muscle weakness, the arms automatically rise up and he falls down, while a healthy baby remains hanging in the arms of an adult.


Only a doctor can diagnose any disease. Therefore, parents should not hesitate to visit a neurologist and orthopedist if the child experiences muscle weakness or muscle spasm. In any case, it is necessary to undergo treatment, and what kind of treatment depends on the underlying cause.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient will be sent for blood and urine tests, and will need to take tests for antibodies. You may also need to undergo an ultrasound, CT or MRI, as well as x-rays.

Usually, to detect muscle hypotonia, an examination by a neurologist is sufficient. The doctor checks the child’s reflexes and capabilities. Children with hypotonia are developmentally delayed and the neurologist immediately sees this.


Treatment will depend on the cause of hypotonicity. Pathology in infants is treated with physiotherapeutic methods; the small patient is prescribed a course of therapeutic massage to restore muscle tone. As well as gymnastics and physiotherapy to normalize blood circulation and strengthen muscles.

If it was discovered serious pathology, then treatment is prescribed taking it into account. In this case, you will need to consult not only a pediatrician and a neurologist, the patient is referred to a cardiologist, endocrinologist, orthopedist, speech therapist and other specialists. It is very important to monitor the growth and development of the child in order to prevent future musculoskeletal disorders.

All drugs for the treatment of muscle weakness in children should be prescribed by a doctor, calculating the dosage individually. Improper use of medications can lead to severe complications And side effects, therefore, self-medication for such pathology is not recommended.

Prevention of muscle hypotonicity in infants consists primarily of healthy pregnancy. During the planning period, the mother and father should stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking, start eating healthy and balanced, and undergo examination to exclude or cure infections.

During pregnancy, a woman needs to spend enough time on fresh air, eat right and see a gynecologist in antenatal clinic, get tested regularly. If you ensure the child develops normally in the womb, many serious pathologies can be avoided.

The prognosis for muscle weakness in children depends on the diagnosis. Hypotonia caused by hypoxia usually has a favorable prognosis. With proper treatment, everything goes away without a trace, the child recovers completely.

But with diagnoses such as myasthenia gravis, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and other severe pathologies, there is no talk of complete recovery. But, if a child is treated, cared for, and developed, then he will become a full-fledged member of society and will live a normal life. The prognosis in this case depends on the parents and their efforts. The more effort they put into the health and development of the baby, the better it will be for him.

Massage (video)

There are often cases when, after the next scheduled visit to a pediatrician or neurologist, parents of a baby hear a diagnosis of “muscle hypotonicity.”

Let's say right away that there is no need to panic. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and the necessary sets of exercises, not a trace of this disease will remain.

Let's figure out what this baby's condition is?

What is hypotonia in a baby?

Muscle hypotonia syndrome in a newborn or muscle hypotonia is a condition of the infant’s muscles in which their significant weakening, at a time when under normal conditions they should be in good shape. That is, a neurologist can make this diagnosis for those babies whose muscles do not give the proper response when subjected to mechanical influence.

Let’s say that if the baby’s tone is normal, then when the arms are bent, his muscles will instantly react, and the baby will straighten his arms, placing them in a way that is comfortable and convenient for him. With reduced tone, the reaction will either take some time or will be completely absent. This is explained by the fact that the baby is simply not able to make the necessary muscle contractions.

How to diagnose muscle hypotonia syndrome?

During a routine visit to a neurologist, muscle hypotension syndrome in an infant is diagnosed quite simply. The doctor conducts several exercises with the baby, based on the results of which this diagnosis is made. All manipulations are aimed at identifying the baby’s ability to perform innate physiological reflexes.

These manipulations include:

In addition, in some cases A neurologist may prescribe the following medical examinations:

  • consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • neurosonography;
  • encephalogram;
  • collection of a complete family history;
  • dopplerography of the brain;
  • blood analysis;
  • genetic examinations.

If parents carefully monitor the condition of their child and notice the slightest changes in his behavior, then this syndrome can be determined at home. After all, hypotonia is not only muscle weakness. It also affects the general condition of the child. If there is hypotonia in an infant, the signs are:

The detection of one or another symptom does not indicate one hundred percent that the child has muscle hypotension syndrome. This is simply another reason to contact a pediatrician, who, based on a more detailed and comprehensive medical examination, will be able to confirm or refute the diagnosis, which, in turn, will allow timely treatment to begin, if necessary.

Due to the fact that hypotension in an infant directly depends on the work of the central nervous system (central nervous system) and blood circulation, the following can be distinguished: causes of this syndrome:

If treatment is not done in a timely manner, complications such as:

  • developmental delay;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • incorrect posture;
  • weakening of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, up to complete degeneration of muscle tissue.

If the baby is nevertheless diagnosed with hypotonia, then the first thing that the pediatrician and neurologist will recommend is this is special physiotherapy and massage. It is advisable to do the first few sessions with a specialist in this field. Since there is nothing complicated in such a massage, subsequently one of the parents will be able to independently carry out this procedure at home. The main thing to remember is that massage is considered the most basic and in an effective way treatment, and it must be carried out systematically.

During the massage, the baby's muscles are stressed. The massage therapist kneads and warms up the baby's body with light rubbing and stroking, and by the end of the session these movements create a calming effect.

Physical therapy or gymnastics can also take place in water. Since water affects all muscle groups in the baby, swimming with muscle hypotension syndrome has a positive effect on tone. Do not forget that a gradual decrease in the temperature of the water in which the baby swims helps to harden the child’s body.

Massage for hypotension

One of the best ways treatment of muscle hypotension syndrome is a massage. Indeed, in addition to the fact that muscle massage is a good physical activity for the child’s body, during the session it is possible to stretch all the baby’s muscles, stimulate the work of all internal organs, and increase muscle tone. Stroking and massaging the muscles of the baby's legs and arms have a positive effect on the central nervous system. It is worth remembering that during the massage it is necessary to constantly change the baby’s position, turning it on his tummy or on his back. The movements themselves should be directed from the fingertips to the center.

To obtain a positive result, you must undergo at least 10 massage sessions. If necessary, their number can be increased. It is also necessary to observe the baby’s reaction, behavior and mood. If the baby is uncomfortable this procedure and calls Bad mood, gives him unpleasant sensations, he constantly cries, then you can try to reschedule the massage for another time.

Performance physical exercise also has a positive effect on the baby's condition. The main and most common ones parents can do with their children on their own:

  • put the baby on his back, take his arms and move them to the side, and then bring them together;
  • imitate boxing movements with your hands;
  • lift by the handles top part baby's body;
  • imitate riding a bicycle, alternately raising and lowering one leg and then the other.

It is worth noting that in addition to massage and physical exercise in the treatment of hypotension, physiotherapeutic procedures, tonic baths, swimming in the pool, exercises on a fitball and drug treatment prescribed by a neurologist have a strong positive effect. Also such kids for some time they are not allowed to get vaccinated.

It is important to know that the most important thing on the path to a child’s recovery is the love, care and support of mom and dad. Massage, therapeutic exercises and various physiotherapeutic procedures will do their job, and soon parents will be happy to watch how the baby begins to move much more actively and cheerfully, and the improvement in brain activity becomes more noticeable. The baby will quickly begin to learn new skills in his body, and the movements of his arms and legs will become much more energetic and conscious.

And finally, if the baby shows any signs of hypotension, then you should not panic. It is always necessary to remember that timely treatment will help not only to avoid serious consequences and worsening of the disease, but also to cure it completely in the shortest possible time.

The phenomenon of muscle hypotonicity in infants is considered quite common.

Many parents express serious concern upon hearing such a diagnosis.

Consequences and danger

The danger of decreased muscle tone is that this condition significantly inhibits child development.

That is, at a certain age he is not able to do what he is already supposed to do.

In addition, the inability of a child upon reaching a certain age to take vertical position leads to the fact that internal organs the child's body experiences significant stress, tension, negatively affects their functionality.

Bone growth slows down, muscles do not receive the load necessary for their development. This can lead to stunted growth and physical development indicators.

As a result of this, various types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, posture and gait are disturbed. Fine motor skills of the hands suffer, which subsequently leads to problems in learning to write, and, as a result, to a decrease in academic performance.

The most dangerous complication is considered to be atrophy of muscle tissue, in which the child will no longer be able to move without assistance.

Treatment methods

When an appropriate diagnosis is made, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible, while observing all the doctor’s instructions. Therapy includes the use of procedures such as gymnastics, water procedures, hardening, massage.

These activities help ensure that the muscles receive the load necessary for their development. With a properly selected treatment package, the tone of the muscle tissue is normalized, and the child is able to move normally.

It is important that initial stage procedures were carried out under the supervision of a specialist, in the future, massage and gymnastics can be performed independently at home.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage is very useful for a child suffering from muscle hypotonicity.

Gentle touches are not only pleasant for the baby, massage helps strengthen muscle tissue and its development.

It is important to work on all areas of the baby’s body; to do this, it is necessary to periodically change its position (in particular, turn it from the back to the stomach).

The massage begins with stroking the fingers, moving to the palms and hands, then with stroking and rubbing movements work on baby's arms and legs. This is followed by an abdominal massage.

To do this, the abdominal area is stroked in a circular motion clockwise. To strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles fingers are drawn from the navel up and to the sides, and then in the opposite direction.

Finally, begin with a back massage. They begin to massage it with stroking movements, then the effect will be more intense(tapping, rubbing, pinching).

The procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a day, 40-50 minutes after feeding.

Special gymnastics designed for children in the first weeks of life also have a positive effect. The exercises are very simple, but doing them regularly will help strengthen the muscle corset child, and, accordingly, eliminate the problem of reduced muscle tone.

  1. The child's arms are spread in different directions and then crossed.
  2. The same is done with the legs.
  3. The arms are alternately bent and straightened.
  4. Pulling the baby by the wrists, they try to move him to a sitting position.

It is necessary to do gymnastics 2 times a day, after (or before) the massage procedure.

About massage for hypotension in a child in this video:

Forecast from Komarovsky

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarosvsky claims that hypotension can be detected by oneself caring parents. This not a fatal diagnosis. The restoration of the baby’s muscles depends on the strength and desire of the parents.

As a rule, with timely treatment and regular activities with the child, the prognosis for the course of the pathology is favorable, that is, muscle tone is gradually restored. If there is no therapy, high risk of developing unpleasant consequences and complications.


Is it possible to prevent the development of hypotonicity of muscle tissue in a child? Of course yes.

Preventive measures need to be taken still at the stage of bearing a child.

That is future mom You must closely monitor your health, give up bad habits, eat well, and protect yourself from various types of diseases.

Muscle hypotonia is a pathology associated with weakness of muscle tissue. Its appearance can be caused by numerous reasons that arise both in the intrauterine period of development and after the birth of the baby.

A decrease in muscle tone can be determined during an examination of the child by a specialist, however, the prerequisites for the development of the problem can also be noticed at home, observing the condition of the baby.

Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive, the therapy is based on performing special exercises and using specially developed massage techniques.

If left untreated, the consequences for the child can be very disastrous, including complete loss of motor activity.

How to do exercises on a fitball to strengthen all muscle groups baby, you can find out from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Almost all children are born with physiologically increased tone. This is explained by the fact that in the fetal position, with the limbs and chin tightly pressed to the body, the muscles of the fetus are under strong tension. In the extensors of the head and neck muscles, the tone is higher than in the flexors, so the newborn's head is slightly thrown back.

The tone in the adductor muscles of the thighs is increased, and when you try to move the legs to the sides, resistance to this movement is felt. A healthy child can spread his legs approximately 90 degrees - 45 on each side. Physiological tone lasts up to 3-3.5 months, then it gradually decreases. Normally, the tone is increased symmetrically and lasts until the period of voluntary movements, that is, up to 3-3.5 months. From 3 to 6 months, the tone in the flexor muscle groups decreases, and the tone in the extensor muscles levels out. If hypertonicity persists after six months, this is a reason to consult a neurologist.

Various complications during pregnancy, in particular placental insufficiency, birth injury, poor environment and many external factors lead to impaired muscle tone. If it is not regulated, the child begins to lag behind motor development, he has problems with posture and gait. Therefore, the task of parents is to pay attention to signs of tone disturbance in a timely manner.

You can determine the state of muscle tone not only during a child’s examination at a doctor’s appointment, but also by observing the position in which he lies and the movements he makes. Muscle tone in a newborn it is not just the basis of movements, but also an indicator of the state of the nervous system, general condition baby. Active muscle tone forms the child’s posture, passive muscle tone is determined by checking the mobility of the limbs and torso in the joints. Correct location head, torso and limbs indicates normal muscle tone. The active muscle tone of the newborn is judged by holding the child in the air face down, with his head in line with the body, arms slightly bent, legs extended.

There are three types of violations:

Hypertonicity - increased tone

Children with hypertonicity (increased tone) are usually restless, often cry, sleep poorly, react to any sound, bright light, their chin trembles when crying, and they constantly spit up. With hypertonicity, a child holds his head well from birth: his occipital muscles are tense. The legs and arms are tucked in and brought towards each other. If you try to separate them, you will immediately feel resistance. To distinguish the physiological flexion posture from the one that occurs in pathology of the central nervous system, it is necessary to perform a second separation of the limbs. If the resistance increases the second time, this is a sign of increased tone. In addition, hypertonicity is characterized by: resting on tiptoes and curled fingers. At an older age, while spasticity persists, a “skier’s gait” is characteristic; usually, such children quickly wear out the socks of their shoes.

Another manifestation of local hypertonicity is tension in the neck muscles in children and the so-called “torticollis”. Muscle protection is triggered in response to injury, overextension cervical region spine during childbirth when removing the fetus using the caesarean section. Natural childbirth when the midwife forcibly turns the head and traction (pulls) the newborn. As a result, ligaments and intervertebral discs are injured and muscles try to protect the damaged segments.

Hypertonicity occurs due to increased activity of brain structures that affect tone, this occurs when brain tissue is damaged during pregnancy or during childbirth. sometimes the reason is increased intracranial pressure or simply increased excitability of the child. It is also a sign of perinatal encephalopathy, abbreviated as PEP (increased or decreased tone of the arms or legs, increased nervous excitability, tremor of the chin, etc.). The diagnosis of hypertonicity is made if the tone of the flexors predominates more than is expected for a given age. Most often this is due to disturbances during childbirth or childbearing, viruses, etc. The tone itself is not dangerous for the child and until the 6th month it is physiological.

Externally, hypertonicity manifests itself: trembling of the chin when crying, hands clenched into fists, poor ability to straighten hands, or stand on toes. Usually the child behaves restlessly and often cries. A clear sign is a sleeping position: the child’s head is thrown back, arms and legs are pressed tightly against each other. If you try to separate them, you will feel resistance.

Treatment of hypertension

If you notice signs of hypertension, do not ignore them. It's worth seeing a doctor. If the diagnosis is made, then it is worthwhile to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system. As a rule, the state of hypo- and hypertonicity is a sign of perinatal encephalopathy, and if the necessary treatment is not carried out in time, this can later lead to impaired speech and coordination of movements, bad work limbs.

Your neurologist will choose the right treatment for you. Usually this is a therapeutic massage (relaxing). Carry out 10 sessions, repeat after 6 months, relaxing gymnastics, swimming, physiotherapeutic procedures (Electrophoresis). The sooner treatment begins and the smaller child, the faster he will recover. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes medications to the child to reduce muscle tone. They can be prescribed as a diuretic to reduce fluid in the brain, sometimes dibazol can be prescribed before a massage, it relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels. B vitamins: B6, B12, Mydocalm tablets (treatment of increased muscle tone). Baths with valerian, sage, motherwort, lingonberry leaves. Alternate baths on the 4th day. You can contact a homeopathic pediatrician.

To eliminate hypertonicity, it is necessary, first of all, to relieve excess tension. In this case, the child is prescribed relaxing baths, most often with sea ​​salt or pine needles, and a gentle massage. You can do this massage yourself, naturally after consulting with a doctor and receiving recommendations on how to carry it out. It begins, with increased tone, by stroking the arms, legs, back with the dorsal and palmar surfaces of several closed fingers. You can alternate between flat (using the surface of your fingers) and grasping (with your whole hand) stroking. After stroking, the skin is rubbed in a circular motion. Place your baby on your stomach and your palm along your baby's back. Without lifting your hands from his back, gently move his skin up, down, right and left in line movements. It's like sifting sand through a sieve with your hand. Then place the baby on his back, take his hand and shake it lightly, holding the baby by the forearm. In this way, massage both arms and legs several times. Now you can move on to rocking. Grasp your child's arms just above the wrist and gently but quickly rock and shake his arms from side to side. Your movements should be fast and rhythmic, but not abrupt. Do the same with the legs, grabbing the child by the shins. Finishing the massage, just like starting it, should be done with smooth stroking.

If you have hypertension, you should avoid patting and chopping movements during massage, kneading muscles. Don't put your child in walkers and jumpers, in addition to the fact that they put too much stress on the pelvis and spine, the incorrect distribution of gravity forces in walkers does not teach the child to stand on his entire foot, the leg muscles become tense, and hypertonicity increases. If you really need to put your child in a walker, wear comfortable shoes with hard soles, and not sliders, socks or booties.

If, after the course, you do not notice any improvement, ask your doctor whether there is a need to intensify the treatment and whether it is necessary to conduct any additional studies of the baby’s body.

Hypotonicity - decreased tone

A child with low tone causes almost no trouble to parents: he is absolutely calm, sleeps a lot and rarely cries. But this is imaginary prosperity. Look carefully at how the baby lies in the crib. A relaxed posture, arms and legs spread out in different directions indicate that his muscle tone is reduced. In children with reduced tone, the legs and arms are extended at the joints by more than 180 degrees. In addition, due to muscle weakness, sucking and swallowing are impaired, and there is often a delay in motor development: Such babies later begin to hold their head up, roll over, sit, and stand.

In case of decreased tone, a stimulating massage is performed, which activates the child. It includes a large number of“chopping”, kneading movements. After traditional stroking, use the edge of your palm to lightly walk along the baby’s legs, arms and back. Then place your baby on his stomach and roll your knuckles over his back, butt, legs and arms. Then turn him over onto his back and roll your knuckles over his stomach, arms and legs. Your movements must be active and strong enough. Move from the periphery to the center, starting from the limbs: from the hand to the shoulder, from the foot to the groin.

Dystonia - uneven tone

When a child's muscles are too relaxed, while others, on the contrary, are too tense, they speak of uneven tone - dystonia. IN this option The child shows signs of hypo- and hypertonicity. Asymmetry of tone is easily detected by the uneven distribution of skin folds. This is especially noticeable when the baby lies on his stomach on a hard, flat surface. In this position, a newborn with dystonia will fall on one side, on the one where the tone is increased. The child's head and pelvis will be turned towards the tense muscles, the torso will bend in an arc.

If the tone is uneven, you should do a relaxing massage with force on the side in which the tone is lower. Exercises on an inflatable ball have a good effect. Place the child with his stomach on the ball, legs bent (like a frog) and pressed against the surface of the ball. The father or someone in the household must hold the baby's legs in this position. And you take the baby by the arms and pull him towards you. Then return to the starting position. Now take the baby by the shins and pull them towards you until the baby’s face is at the top of the ball, or the legs touch the floor. Then smoothly return the baby to the starting position. Tilt the little one forward, away from you, so that his palms reach the floor. Repeat this exercise several times forward and backward. Then place your baby sideways on the bouncy ball. Swing the ball smoothly. Repeat these exercises 10-15 times daily.

The general scheme of measures taken for dystonia is approximately as follows: a specialist marks areas of tense muscles and uses only relaxing massage techniques on them. After the massage they do special exercises aimed at stretching tense muscles. Stretching should be carried out smoothly and gently, so that it is both massage appointment, and stretching tense muscles. Additionally, warming is recommended - azokyrite boots: azokyrite (paraffin + resin).

Muscle tone is a variable value. You can make sure that it is normal using posotonic, or, to put it simply, residual, reflexes. You can check them yourself.

How to determine hypertonicity, hypotonicity and dystonia.

Sitting down by hands

Place the child on his back, on a hard, flat surface, take him by the wrists and gently pull him towards you, as if sitting him down. You should feel moderate resistance as you extend your elbows. If the child's arms straighten without resistance, and in a sitting position, the stomach is strongly protruded forward, the back is like a wheel, the head is tilted back or lowered down - these are signs of decreased tone. If you cannot move your child's arms away from the chest and straighten them, this, on the contrary, indicates hypertonicity. As the child grows older, in response to pulling on the arms, the child will try to pull himself up and sit down.

Step reflex and support reflex

Take the baby under the arms, “put” him on the changing table and slightly tilt him forward, forcing him to take a step. Normally, the child should stand on his full foot with his toes straightened. And when bending forward, the newborn imitates walking. If the baby crosses his legs and rests only on his toes, this is a sign of increased tone. This reflex gradually fades away and by 1.5-2 months it practically disappears. If a child older than 2 months still has a step reflex, this is evidence of hypertonicity. Instead of standing, does the newborn crouch, take a step on strongly bent legs, or refuse to walk at all? This indicates decreased tone. If a child stands on tiptoes with one foot and dances with the other, this is dystonia.

Symmetrical and asymmetrical reflexes

Place your baby on his back with your palm under the back of his head and gently tilt the baby's head toward your chest. He should bend his arms and straighten his legs. Then place the baby on his back and slowly, without force, turn his head towards his left shoulder. The child will take the so-called fencing pose: extend his arm forward, straighten left leg and bend the right one. Then turn the child’s face to the right - he must repeat this pose, only in its “mirror” version: he will stretch it forward right hand, straighten the right leg and bend the left. Asymmetric and symmetric reflex gradually disappear by 2-3 months. The presence of these reflexes in a three-month-old child indicates increased tone, and their absence in the first two months of life is, on the contrary, a sign of decreased tone.

Tonic reflex

Place the baby on his back on a hard surface. In this position, the newborn’s extensor tone increases, he tries to straighten his limbs and seems to open up. Then turn the child onto his stomach, and he will “close” and pull his bent arms and legs under him (the tone of the flexors increases on the stomach). Normally, the tonic reflex gradually disappears by 2-2.5 months. If it is absent in a newborn, this indicates decreased tone. And if by three months the tonic reflex does not go away, this is a sign of hypertonicity.

Moro and Babinski reflexes

The Moro reflex involves throwing your arms out to the sides when overexcited. And the Babinski reflex is expressed in the reflex extension of the toes when the foot is irritated or tickled. Normally, both reflexes should disappear by the end of the 4th month of life.

Stiffness in the limbs

This symptom occurs both in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and in neurogenic pathologies. And also for children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is most often associated with damage to the brain, less often to the spinal cord. Muscular hypertension is accompanied not only by increased tendon reflexes and the appearance of pathological signs, but also by excessive movements. Severe muscle hypertension from the first days of life occurs with congenital destructive brain lesions. In these cases, muscle tone significantly exceeds physiological tone, there is general stiffness, sometimes contractures in large joints, and limitation of spontaneous movements. The reason for the appearance of muscle hypertonicity: the mother suffered an intrauterine infection during pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, group incompatibility of the blood of the parents, Rh conflict. Also, muscle hypertonicity occurs in children born in asphyxia, traumatic birth, and at an older age - with delayed psychological development.

If muscle tone and associated reflexes do not undergo changes appropriate to the baby’s age, this is a reason to consult an orthopedic doctor and neurologist. Firstly, if parents suspect something is wrong, contact a doctor without delay. Secondly, perform global electromyography using special equipment.

Hypotonia, muscle flaccidity in a child. Vanga's recipes

  • Make sure that children walk barefoot as often as possible in the summer without interrupting their connection with the earth. Let your children go outside in the summer not only barefoot, but also naked. Let them get scratches and play everywhere to develop protection against all diseases. In addition to washing, children definitely need to wash their feet every evening.
  • Add 20 g of sulfur to 400 g of honey, thoroughly lubricate the child’s body with this mixture and massage. The massage should be done by a specialist. After this, the child should sweat three times. Change clothes, wrap them up well and let them sleep.
  • In the spring you need to make ten baths with a decoction of fresh walnut leaves.
  • Keep their food mostly liquid. Don't punish children with dry food.
  • For muscle weakness in children, add 20 g of sulfur to 400 g of honey, thoroughly lubricate the child’s body with this mixture and massage. The massage is performed by a specialist. After this, the child should sweat three times. He needs to be changed, wrapped up well and allowed to sleep.
  • Vanga successfully used clay to treat lethargic and weakened children. Clay renews all weakened cells, provides the body with trace elements and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, etc.) in the most digestible form. It contains exactly the mineral salts that we lack, delivering them in doses that best suit our body. In addition, clay absorbs all toxins, poisons, putrefactive gases, excess acid and removes them from the body, completely cleansing it.
    Vanga believed that weakened, lethargic children, as well as all anemic children with lymphatic diseases, suffering from lack of minerals people should drink clay water constantly. The normal dose for children is 2 teaspoons of clay powder per day. Take in the morning, immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed.
  • For a sick child with flaccid muscles, Vanga prescribed bathing in hot spring water, for example, soda, arsenic, bitumen or sulfur water. Sea water is also useful.
  • You can place cups on the first vertebra and place the sick child in a bath with heated oil.
  • To treat this disease, Vanga used oats (cereals, whole oats and oat grain flour, green plants (the tops of 20 cm long stems are collected during the heading period)), as well as straw.
    Oat decoction: oatmeal (200 g) should be soaked in cold water(0.5 l) a few hours before preparing the decoction. And then cook for 15 - 20 minutes. It is better to use a decoction of oats with honey, 1/4 cup 2 times a day before meals for 2 - 3 weeks. For 1 glass of decoction – 1 teaspoon of honey.
    Green oat juice: Pass the green parts of the plant through a juicer or meat grinder. Children take 1/4 cup 2 times a day before meals for 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Every day, the child should eat at least a few spoons semolina porridge(if you are not allergic to it). It works well on bones, muscles, gastrointestinal tract. Give young children warm milk to drink, mixed with fresh milk. raw eggs: Take 1 egg for 2 glasses of milk and shake the mixture well. You need to teach your child to drink milk 3 times a day. The results will be wonderful.
  • Use walnuts for bathing weakened children. Brew leaves for bath walnut. 250 grams of leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered and poured into a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees.
  • Bath your children in a decoction of milkweed. This will give them strength. 250 grams of milkweed leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered and poured into a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees.

For hypertension, relaxing baths with soothing herbal mixtures will help.

Hypotonia in infants is a common occurrence. Many parents begin to panic when a pediatrician makes such a diagnosis. In order for the child to recover as quickly as possible, it is necessary to find the cause and undergo an examination. After which the attending physician selects the optimal treatment option, which must be strictly adhered to.

In the mother's belly, the baby assumes a fetal position. In this case, the limbs are in a bent position, the fingers are clenched into a fist. After birth, muscle hypertonicity is observed for several months. But the arms and legs can be easily straightened and the fists unclenched.

Hypotonia in infants is manifested by a weakened muscle state. Most often, the diagnosis is made after the muscles do not respond to stimulation or exposure to foreign objects.

The pediatrician should bend the baby's arm. If he has healthy muscle tone, then in response he will straighten it and take a position that is comfortable for him. If there is a disease, the reaction does not occur at all or after a certain period of time. This is due to the inability of the muscles to function properly.

Lethargy and weak muscle tone are the first signs of pathology

Signs of hypotonia in an infant are expressed by insufficient tension in muscle tissue. He becomes lethargic, and his limbs are almost always straightened.

For a long time, you may experience a reluctance to move or roll over.

The main manifestation of the disease is lethargy. But in some cases it cannot be diagnosed immediately.

Parents may complain about problems with breastfeeding– or sucks inactively.

Each feeding is difficult for him - weakened facial muscles make the sucking reflex difficult. He suffers from absence muscle tension, which prevents the head from rising to a vertical position. It is difficult for a child to learn to crawl, walk or pick up objects.

When the baby begins to make his first attempts at walking, he instinctively uses his legs bent at the knees for balance. The sick child tries to place them as wide as possible. In addition, he may notice prolapse of the tongue, intermittent breathing, and a drooping lower jaw.

10 reasons for weak muscle tone in a child

Bad habits during pregnancy have a detrimental effect on fetal development

Problems with the central nervous system and blood supply to the body lead to decreased muscle tone in infants.

It is slightly less common than hypertonicity. But at the same time it has its own peculiarities of occurrence.

  1. labor, which occurs with a lack of oxygen, suffocation, injury to the fetus;
  2. premature birth;
  3. some diseases that a woman suffered during pregnancy;
  4. maternal abuse during pregnancy and nicotine;
  5. disrupted diet of the baby;
  6. low fetal weight at birth;
  7. weight loss after infectious diseases;
  8. abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus;
  9. diseases transmitted by inheritance;
  10. excess vitamin D in the body.

Possible complications

Treatment of muscle hypotonicity in children cannot be delayed. Otherwise, serious consequences may arise. For example, its development after birth may be inhibited. He begins to hold his head up, crawl or sit later than his peers. The disease can lead to curvature of the spine or weakened posture.

Lack of treatment provokes weakening of the musculoskeletal system, the appearance muscular dystrophy. Children who have recovered from hypotension subsequently exhibit excessive flexibility and plasticity.


Only highly qualified specialists can identify muscle hypotonia in newborns: a geneticist, a pediatrician, a neurologist, a cardiologist, an orthopedist, and a pediatric physiotherapist. An inexperienced doctor can only harm the baby’s health with prolonged and ineffective treatment.

Therapy for the disease consists of special gymnastics and massage. At first, the procedures should be carried out under the supervision of professionals, but after acquiring the necessary skills, parents can do this on their own.

In case of hypotension, a drug is prescribed, the use of which promotes the proper growth of the child’s muscle tissue and stabilizes the development of the nervous system.


Systemic exercises and massage will help cope with the problem

Massage for hypotension should be carried out using high physical activity. This leads to stimulation of the skin and warming of muscle tissue.

In addition, the procedures have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs.

Massage movements of the limbs and the whole body have a positive effect on nervous system. Depending on the child’s condition, he should be placed on his stomach or back. It is very important to ensure that all parts of the body are involved in the procedure.

The duration of one session is approximately ten minutes. If necessary, the attending physician may increase the time. Massage movements begin with the fingers, slowly moving to the surface of the back. In this case, it is necessary to apply light pressure on certain areas of the body in order to stimulate bioactive points.

During the session, the muscles are worked through rubbing, stroking, light pinching, and tapping. In the video you can see how to massage a child, including for neurological problems.

During the massage, it is necessary to monitor the baby's behavior. If he behaves restlessly, then the session should be rescheduled for another time. Some actions may make him uncomfortable. In this case, you should consult your doctor. He will be able to select other equally effective movements.


The famous doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky considers therapeutic exercises for hypotonia in infants effective method treatment. In addition, water procedures have a beneficial effect on the work and strengthening of all muscle groups.

Water exercises must be mandatory, because... strengthens the chest muscles in the best possible way

They can be combined with contrast hardening. But the sessions must be strictly supervised by specialists. What water temperature should be when bathing a baby - read.

Some gymnastic exercises In case of muscle hypotonicity in a baby, you can do the following on your own:

  • The baby is placed on its back. The arms are first moved apart, and then the right one is brought behind the left one and vice versa.
  • In the same position, the child is taken by the upper limbs, slowly bent and straightened at the elbows.
  • Taking the baby by the hands, you need to lift him to a sitting position. This exercise is done slowly and carefully so that the muscles have time to tense.
  • The legs rotate gently, simulating riding a bicycle.
  • The lower limbs need to be straightened and the “scissors” exercise should be done, slowly gaining amplitude.

In specialized institutions, a large rubber ball (fitball) is used during treatment, which has a beneficial effect on the muscles:

  • The baby is placed on his back and, holding his tummy, makes jumping movements up and down.
  • The child is placed in a prone position. The ball is gently rolled back and forth. The exercise is repeated until the baby begins to bend his legs when moving forward.

These exercises must be done daily in conjunction with massage. This will allow for a short time restore muscle tone - the legs and arms will become stronger, the child will begin to hold his head.

Not only massage and therapeutic exercises can improve the condition of a baby. In some cases, the doctor may recommend physiotherapeutic procedures and medication.

Water procedures, which should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist, have a beneficial effect on strengthening muscle tissue. Walking in the fresh air is a must. When to start walking with a newborn in winter and what rules should be followed - topic.


Preventive measures for muscle hypotonicity in infants should begin during pregnancy planning. Parents need to eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid alcoholic drinks, nicotine. Important role During this period, a full examination is carried out, which is aimed at identifying genetic and infectious diseases.

After birth, the baby needs periodic comprehensive medical examinations and consultation with a local pediatrician for the slightest changes in behavior. Daily exercise and swimming will help maintain your baby’s health and strengthen muscles.

To prevent hypotension in a child, it is necessary to develop fine motor skills. This will not only concentrate the baby’s attention, but also strengthen the muscle tissue of the limbs. For classes, you can use mosaics, plasticine, and various educational games with your fingers.

Particular attention should be paid to the baby's nutrition. When compiling a daily menu, the attending physician must take into account the characteristics of the sick child. After all, with food he receives most of the nutrients and vitamins that are necessary for proper growth and development.


According to Komarovsky, muscular dystonia in an infant will not lead to serious complications if the optimal treatment is selected in time. Parents, for their part, must provide the child with proper care, surround him with care and love.
