The exit of the apple tree from the fairy tale geese and swans. Musical fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Elena Rangovskaya
The script for the play new way in the verses "Geese and Swans"

The action takes place in a music hall.

For decoration, objects made by the teacher together with his children were used hands: a hut on chicken legs, grass, flowers, trees, a house, a stove, as well as ready-made costumes for the characters.

Characters :


Sister Alyonushka

Brother Ivanushka


Swan geese


Scene 1

Music is playing (Russian folk by choice). The storyteller appears.


Like in Rus'

The stories are very good.

The show begins

A fairy tale comes to visit us.

About geese-swans, and about kind people.

Everyone is happy to listen to this Russian fairy tale.

We offer you a fairy tale at new way.


In one distant village lived were: mother, father, their two children. The daughter’s name was Alyonushka, and her younger brother’s name was Ivanushka. One day, father and mother gathered in the city on business and to the fair to buy gifts. Alyonushka was left at home to look after his brother.

Music is playing. From the house come out: father, mother, Alyonushka and Ivanushka.


We're leaving for the city,

We leave the order to you.


Don't go outside the gates

Close the doors tightly!


We'll go to the fair

We'll be back in the evening.


You two are left alone

Don't indulge in this house!

Mother (addressing Alyonushka):

Be a smart girl, take care of Vanyusha,

We hit the road...

Father (shouting to Vanyusha):

Vanya, listen to your sister!


Father and mother left for the city on business. And Alyonushka’s friends ran to her and let’s call her outside.

Girlfriends appear to the music, laugh, and twirl.

1st girlfriend:

Hey Alenka, come out,

It's time for us to go to the field!

2nd girlfriend:

Sing songs, dance, play,

We won't be bored.

Girlfriends are having fun, spinning around holding hands.


Oh, and it’s boring at the gate, I’m sitting idle.

I would like to join my friends in a round dance!

What to do, how to be,

How can I keep track of my brother?

Oh, half an hour doesn’t matter,

I'll have time to come running.


Alyonushka sat her brother down on the grass under the window, gave him a matryoshka doll and gave him an order...


You, Ivashka, sit here,

Don't leave the yard.

Here's a matryoshka doll for you, play a little

I went, and you sit and don’t torture the cat!

Alyonushka takes her friends by the hands and they run away behind the curtain.


So Alyonushka left her brother to play with a matryoshka doll under the window. And she ran into the field with her friends, let’s have fun.

Music is playing. Alyonushka runs out from behind the curtain with her friends, they spin around and sing:

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out,

Look at the sky -

The stars are burning

The cranes are flying.

One-two, don't be a crow,

And run like fire!

Alyonushka and her friends run away behind the curtain. Laughter comes from behind the curtain.


While Alyonushka was playing with her friends, Baba Yaga crept up to the house where Ivanushka was sitting with her faithful servants, the geese-swans... And this is what happened...

Music is playing. Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the trees, looks closely, sniffs.

Baba Yaga:

But Vanyusha is okay

I'll start a party!

Hey, where are you, grab him

And to my hut!

Baba Yaga disappears behind the trees, and people come out from behind the curtain geese-swans and sing(to the tune “We lived with grandma...”)

Swan geese:

Lived at Yagushi

Three funny geese.

One swan and two geese

Three funny geese.

1st goose-swan:

Hello, Vanechka-friend,

Do you want to go for a ride?

2nd goose-swan:

Come out to our meadow

Let's have fun!

Music is playing geese-swans circle and sing in a whisper (same motive)

Swan geese:

Oh, they're gone geese Grandma will cook us

One gray and two white

He'll cook it if we miss it.

3rd goose-swan:

Hey, why are you sitting there - come out quickly!

Well, come to us, baby, it’s more fun together.

Vanechka throws away the nesting doll and approaches the swan geese. Geese- the swans take Vanya by the hands and, spinning with him, sing:

Swan geese:

Three cheerful geese will not bite Vanya,

One gray and two white, will be taken to Yagusa.

Vanya laughs... Geese-swans make a circle and hide behind the forest (curtain) together with Ivanushka.


Alyonushka ran home, but her brother was nowhere to be found, and began calling him.


Brother, dear, answer me,

Don't scare me, sister.

Indeed, he is nowhere to be found

What could have happened?

The wing of a swan goose appears from behind the curtain and can be heard: "Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha".


Alyonushka remembered here that people told how swan geese play pranks, small children are taken away, she began to cry. There’s nothing to do, you need to help out your brother.


Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble, Vanechka was stolen.

What should I do now, what will I tell my mother?

As soon as I walked out the door, Vanya was dragged away.

How can it be, trouble, trouble, I have to help out my brother!

Scene 2


And Alyonushka set off on her journey. She ran for a long time or a short time, but she saw the stove standing.


Cookie, cookie, tell me,

How can I save my brother?

I've been walking here all day,

Didn't you see where the geese flew?


The stove always sees everything

Only there are conditions

Eat my rye pie

You will find out everything, my friend!


I don’t want it, I don’t eat it

Neither wheat nor rye.


The stove did not answer Alyonushka. She had to run further. Whether she ran long or short, she saw the apple tree standing.


Beautiful apple tree, help me out,

I overlooked the naughty brother.

Please help me, show me the way,

Where geese-Could the swans fly away?

Apple tree:

A rosy apple, eat it Alenka,

The apple is magical, everything will be found right away.


Apple grass grass,

I won't eat it!


The apple tree did not answer, Alyonushka had to run further. Whether she ran long or short, she saw the milk river flowing along the banks of jelly.


River, river, river,

Haven't you seen where? geese-swans were flying,

Where did you land or land?


I know, I know where the geese flew,

I even know where they landed and sat down

Drink, drink, honey.

I'll tell you then.


No, I won’t make jelly,

It's just water.


The river didn’t say anything, Alyonushka ran on and ran into the dense forest. She got scared, cried, sat down on a tree stump and didn’t know what to do.


There's no one here at all!

A hedgehog appears from behind the bushes.


What happened to you?

I help people.

Tell me everything now,

I will help you out of trouble.


I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble,

I overlooked my brother.

Geese-swans grabbed,

They took him away and hid him.

Where to look for him now?

How to save him now?


It's not a problem at all

After all, I know the path.

I'll curl up in a ball

And I'll sway quietly.

You, sister, don’t yawn,

Catch up with me and know

What path will we take,

We'll get to Grandma Ezhka.

Your Vanyusha is sitting there

And he looks at the sun.


The hedgehog curled up into a ball and rolled along the path. And Alyonushka ran after him and ran to the hut on chicken legs. She sees her brother sitting there, and Baba Yaga is walking around him.

Scene 3

Alyonushka looks out from behind a tree. Ivanushka sits under the window, and Baba Yaga walks around him.

Baba Yaga:

Eat some printed gingerbread, Vanechka, son,

Work up your fat, you will have a great dinner.

Alyonushka comes out from behind the tree and approaches Baba Yaga.


Hello, Grandmother Yaga!

How are you doing in the forest?

Baba Yaga:

Hello, red maiden,

Why aren't you sitting at home?

Why did you come here?

Maybe she was thinking something?


I'm lost, I'm a grandma

It's hard to wander through the forest.

Through swamps and mosses,

I wet the dress.

Let me go Yaga

Warm up by the fire.

Baba Yaga:

Okay, so be it, come in.

Just some yarn for me.

Well, it's time for me to go.


Alyonushka went to Baba Yaga’s hut and began to spin yarn. And she herself is thinking about how she and her brother can get out of here as quickly as possible. Suddenly a mouse ran out of the hole.


You, Alyonushka, run!

No matter how bad it is.

Grandma lit the stove,

My brother and I decided to eat you.

Grab your brother quickly, run away, run away!


Alyonushka grabbed her brother and ran as fast as she could. And then Baba Yaga approached the hut.

Baba Yaga:

What, you, girl, have become quiet,

Maybe the yarn is no good?


What are you saying, grandma, I'm here,

My hands spin and spin.


Baba Yaga went to throw some wood in the stove, and meanwhile Alyonushka and Ivanushka had already run out of the forest. And Baba Yaga approached the hut again.

Baba Yaga:

What, you, girl, have become quiet,

Maybe the yarn is no good?


What, you, grandma, I’m here,

My hands spin and spin.


But Baba Yaga sensed something was wrong. I looked into the hut, and there was no trace of my brother and sister. Oh, and she got angry, she called out to her faithful servants, the geese and swans,

Baba Yaga:

Geese, geese, you are mine,

Help me out of trouble.

My brother's sister took him away

What will I eat?

Swan geese(in unison):

We fly anywhere

We're faster than ever.

You, Yagusenka, don’t cry,

We'll get our brother back now!


And they flew away geese- The swans are catching up with their sister and brother. Ivanushka saw that geese- the swans fly close, and here is a river, the banks of jelly.

Geese-swans fly behind, shouting: “Ha-ha-ha, grab it, grab it, don’t give it to anyone!”


I, Alyonushka, am afraid,

But I will not return to Yaga.

Geese are very close,

What should we do now?


River, mother, forgive me,

Protect from pursuit!


I forgave you a long time ago

Get in here quickly!

Sit here quietly,

And wait out the chase,

And while you wait,

The two of you will drink jelly.

The river hides Ivanushka and Alyonushka. Treats you with jelly. At that time geese-swans circle around the river and fly away. Alyonushka and Ivanushka thank the river and run on.

Alyonushka and Ivanushka:

River, mother, thank you from the bottom of my heart!


I, Alyonushka, am afraid,

But I will not return to Yaga.

Geese are very close,

What should we do now?


Apple tree, forgive me,

Protect from pursuit!


I will protect you from pursuit,

I'll treat you to some apples.

The apple tree hides Ivanushka and Alyonushka and treats them to an apple. At that time geese-swans circle in front of the apple tree and fly away. Alyonushka and Ivanushka thank the apple tree.

Alyonushka and Ivanushka:

To the ground from us to you,

Our bow, thank you!


I, Alyonushka, am afraid,

But I will not return to Yaga.

Geese are very close,

What should we do now?


Oven, dear, forgive me,

Save us from pursuit!


I'll save you from being chased

I'll treat you to some pies.

Rye pies,

On the fly, in the heat, in the heat of the moment.

The stove hides Alyonushka and Ivanushka and treats them to pies.


Eat, my brother, Vanyusha,

Listen to your sister!

At that time geese-swans fly up to the stove and the stove singes their wings.

Swan geese:

Ha-ga-ga, trouble, trouble,

We were lost to fire!

Geese-swans are hiding behind the stove. Alyonushka and Ivanushka go out to bow to the stove.

Alyonushka and Ivanushka:

Oven, we are with you forever,

We will be grateful!


Alyonushka and her brother came running home. They sat down on a bench, and then the father and mother returned from the city and brought gifts.


How are you doing without us?


Was everything okay?


The angry Baba Yaga wanted to eat me,

Geese-swans grabbed, they took me away and hid me!


Forgive me,

I didn’t look after Ivanushka!

Alyonushka and Ivanushka:

Pechka, apple tree and river

The hedgehog and the mouse helped,

They saved us from trouble!


I won't do this anymore

I will become obedient!

Father and mother:

Well done guys

They told us the truth.

And for your honesty,

You will be gifted.


Here's a handkerchief for Alyonushka.


Here's Vanyusha's belt.

Father and mother:

Honey gingerbreads,

Puff pastries!


There is a lie in the fairy tale, but there is a hint in it,

A lesson to good fellows.

Courage, honesty, kindness,

Evil and misfortune always win!

The final music plays and everyone comes out to bow.


1 Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization combined kindergarten 45 Sochi Scenario of the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” Senior group Sochi 2017

2 “Geese-Swans” Characters: Grandmother Father Mother Vanechka Baba Yaga Geese-swans River Fishes Stove Apple tree Hedgehogs Friends and girlfriends Grandmother: In a certain kingdom, In a certain state A mother and father lived in a bright house with a porch. Two children lived with them, Their parents loved them: Daughter and son Ivanka. She already loved her brother, in the morning she will wash herself, tell a good story or sing a song. Father We'll go to the fair, expect us in the evening. Just the two of you, don't be too naughty! Mother (to Masha) Look after Vanyatka, you are already big. Father Don't go outside the gate. Do you hear, I forbid it! Mother We will buy you new items from merchants from distant countries. Masha has silk on her sundress, Vanya has a new belt! Father, be smart, daughter, take care of Vanyusha. We're hitting the road. Vanechka comes out of the hut and hugs his mother. She strokes his head. Mother Vanya, listen to Masha! Mother and father go to the forest and hide behind the trees. Vanechka sits down near the house.

3 (yawning) Oh, and it’s boring for me to sit idle at the gate. I wanted to go to a round dance with the girls! I'll go away for an hour, Mom won't know. leaves the hut and gives his brother a cockerel on a stick. Girlfriends Come out to us, look at your girlfriends. We'll start a round dance. Who will go around the circle faster? sits his brother down and runs to his girlfriends. A round dance is performed. Children, boys and girls, dressed in the costumes of village children, run out to the edge of the forest with joyful exclamations. They start a round dance “And I’m in the meadow.” And I am in the meadow, and I am in the meadow, (Children walk to the right in a round dance) I was walking in the meadow, I was walking in the meadow. (They walk to the right with a stomping step.) I am with a mosquito, (They walk to the left in a round dance step.) I am with a mosquito, I danced with a mosquito, I danced with a mosquito. (They walk to the left with a stomping step.) I have a mosquito on my leg, (They go to the center in a round dance step. At the end of the phrase on the syllable “ku” they stamp their feet.) I have a mosquito on my leg, (They walk back in a round dance step.) The mosquito crushed the leg. (They circle around themselves with a stomping step, their arms are along the body, their palms are parallel to the floor (wings). All the joints, (The movements of the 3rd verse are repeated.) All the joints, The joints are crushed. That's it! (Bow.) Friends, girlfriends have gone their separate ways. I'll run away quickly to Vanyushka! (Runs away.)

4 Grandmother: But trouble is already on the way, There’s no escape from trouble! The swan geese are flying and want to carry Vanya away. A village house is being erected. Baba Yaga And the boy is okay, I’ll throw a party! Hey, where are you, grab him and come to my hut! Baba Yaga hides, two swan geese come out from behind the trees and go to Vanechka. Geese-swans (singing in chorus) Lived with grandma Two cheerful geese. One is gray, the other is white, Two funny geese! The geese stop not far from the hut. Hello, Vanya my friend! Do you want to go for a ride? Come out to our meadow, let's have fun! Vanechka throws the cockerel and approaches the swan geese. They immediately grab him and drag him into the forest. Vanechka laughs. Geese-swans (singing in chorus) Two cheerful geese will not bite Vanya! One is gray, the other is white, Two funny geese! Geese-swans are hiding behind the trees. Soon he appears from there and goes to the house. raises the feather of a swan goose. (horrified) Oh, what a disaster! Vanya was stolen! What should I do now, what will I tell my mother? As soon as I walked out the door, Vanya was dragged away! Grandma didn’t find Vanya. She wandered along the path. hiding behind the trees. The house disappears. A stove appears on the right. comes out from behind the trees on the left and goes to the stove. Geese-swans fly out to the music "Geese".

5 I walked here all day long. There were all pine trees and spruce trees. Oven, tell me, where did the Geese fly? The stove The stove, oh, is standing, Smoke is pouring out of the stove, And in the stove, and in the stove, the pies are hot. Wow, got up! Wow, baked! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Don't want! I don't eat those! Donuts are not always eaten in our house. Answer right now. Where can I look for my brother? Stove My rye pie You try it first. I'll run further into the forest. Someone who will respect Where to look for Baba Yaga will just tell me so! hiding behind the stove. The stove disappears. An apple tree appears instead. appears from behind the trees on the left. What a misfortune, what a disaster! The mosquitoes are stuck! Apple tree, tell me where the geese flew? Apple Tree I'll tell you, but first try the Apple! (indignantly) In our house, sometimes Pears are eaten. Answer right now, Where should I look for my brother? Apple Tree If you don’t eat it, I won’t tell you! I'll run further into the forest. Someone who will respect Where to look for Baba Yaga will just tell me so!

6 is hiding behind the apple tree. The apple tree disappears. Instead, a river appears. A gymnastic number with ribbons is performed. comes out from behind the trees on the left. Hey, banks of honey, milky river, tell me, where is Yaga? There is urgent business for her! River I'll tell you, while you try Kiselka, drink it, milk. I don't want milk! In our house sometimes Cream is not eaten. Answer right now, Where should I look for my brother? River I'll tell you, and you eat the jelly with milk! I don’t want jelly. We must hurry! hiding behind the river. The river disappears. appears again from behind the trees on the left. There's no one here at all! A hedgehog comes out to the right. Hedgehog, where is Vanyusha? But keep in mind that I won’t eat anything! Hedgehog Right, Mashenka, go along that path. Soon you will come across the House on Chicken Legs on your way. The Hedgehog passes by Masha, and goes further and disappears behind the trees on the right, and the Hedgehog behind the trees on the left. A house appears on the right Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga comes out of the hut with Vanechka. I

7 Baba Yaga Geese-swans, come to me! approaches Baba Yaga. We are happy to serve! Baba Yaga gives Vanechka a printed gingerbread. It looks out from behind the trees on the left. Baba Yaga Eat, Vanechka the son, Printed gingerbread. Get fat quickly, you'll have a great dinner! Baba Yaga (sings) I'll ride on the forest grass! I'll lie on a hillock under a pine tree! I will catch everyone who does not listen to mother and father behind the porch, and I will eat them! Baba Yaga is hiding behind the trees on the left. After a while he peeks out from behind the trees. Geese (singing) We lived with grandma Two cheerful geese! One Chizhik, the other Fawn Two cheerful geese! Geese-swans are hiding behind the trees. Vanechka looks around. Throws the gingerbread and starts crying. Vanya Mashenka, Mashenka! Find me! Mashenka, Mashenka! Save me! I don’t want to live in the forest, I don’t want to serve Yaga! Mashenka! Runs out. I will save you, Vanyusha. Just listen to me: We need to run quickly, Maybe Yaga will catch up with us! with Vanechka hiding in the forest. After some time, Baba Yaga comes out of it and goes to her hut.

8 Baba Yaga I’ll light the stove now, It’ll be a great dinner! Just fry or bake Vanyushka, it’s not clear! Baba Yaga looks around and discovers that she is missing. Baba Yaga (menacingly) Geese-swans, here! Frightened swan geese peek out from behind the trees. Let's go, everyone! Find it and bring it back! Baba Yaga goes into the house. Geese-swans go to the forest and hide behind the trees on the left. Baba Yaga's hut disappears. A river appears on the left. He comes out from behind the trees on the right with Vanechka and hurries towards the river, looking back all the time. Mother River, forgive me for being rude! Protect from pursuit! River I forgave a long time ago. I’ll hide you, and you can eat the jelly with milk! eats jelly. Geese-swans appear from behind the trees. There they are! Grab it quickly and drag it to land! with Vanechka hiding behind the river. The swan geese run up and begin to look around. Second goose-swan Why were they here and where did they go? Apparently they ran into the forest, which means they were scared! Geese-swans disappear behind the river. Vanechka and Vanechka immediately appear from behind her. (with a bow) Mother River, thank you from the bottom of my heart! with Vanechka hiding behind the river. The river disappears. An apple tree appears in its place. Vanya and I again run out from behind the trees on the right and run to the apple tree.

9 You, apple tree, forgive me for being rude! Protect from pursuit! Apple tree I forgave a long time ago. I’ll hide you, but you eat my Apples! eats an apple. Geese-swans appear from behind the trees. There they are! Grab them! with Vanechka hiding behind an apple tree. Geese-swans run up and begin to look around. Second goose-swan Why were they here and where did they go? Apparently they ran into the forest! We sneaked up badly! Geese-swans disappear behind an apple tree. Vanechka and Vanechka immediately appear from behind her. (with a bow) My light, apple tree, I bow to you to the ground! with Vanechka hiding behind an apple tree. The apple tree disappears. A stove appears in its place. Vanechka and she again come out from behind the trees on the right and run towards her. Dear stove, forgive me for being rude! Protect from pursuit! Stove I forgave a long time ago. I’ll hide it, just eat my rye pie! takes the pie and gives it to Vanechka. Eat, Vanya, my friend, and listen to your sister! Geese-swans appear from behind the trees. with Vanechka hiding behind the stove. Geese-swans run up and begin to look around. (with a bow) Cookie, I will forever be grateful to you! with Vanechka hiding behind the stove. The swan geese appear again from behind the trees on the right.

10 Second goose-swan (crying) We will be roasted and eaten, And all jokes to you! Two familiar ducks will shelter us in the village! Geese-swans go to the stove. Geese-swans (in unison) Will not go to Yagusa Two cheerful geese! One is gray, the other is white. Two funny geese! Geese-swans are hiding behind the stove. The stove disappears. In its place appears the house of Masha and Vanechka. Vanya runs out from behind the trees and runs to the porch. Oh, we made it before dark! Mom won't know. Surely now she won’t scold us! Father and mother appear from behind the trees. and Vanechka throw themselves on their necks. Then everyone goes into the house. Father looks out of the window. Geese-swans appear from behind the trees on the right and walk towards the house. Geese-swans (in unison) Take us to live with you. We don't have a grandmother! Two cheerful geese will guard your house! Father Stay, so be it! C'mon, don't mess around! Otherwise Yaga will have to feed you, brothers! Vanechka comes out of the house. The father disappears and looks out the window. Vanechka Geese, geese! Geese-swans (in unison) Ha-ha-ha! Do you want to eat? Geese-swans (in unison) Yes, yes, yes! Well, then go into the yard, there will be food for you!

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NEW YEAR'S REPERTOIRE MIDDLE GROUP We came to visit the Christmas tree 1. It was fun along the path Our legs walked. And we came to visit the elegant Christmas tree. Oh, oh, oh! Oh no no no! The Christmas tree is big! Oh, oh, oh! Oh no no no!

One day the puppy Tyaf is walking through the forest and sees a little house at the edge of the forest, and a sad Bear is walking around it. - What are you doing, Teddy Bear? - Tyaf asked him. The bear answers dejectedly: - Oh, puppy.

Fairy tale script

"Swan geese"


Hello, dear guests,
Every year we meet you:
We give songs and dances
And good fairy tales!
And here in Rus'
The stories are very good!
The show begins
A fairy tale comes to visit us!
For the good ones, for the people
About geese-swans!

(In the foreground there is a hut, Vanya sits on a bench and plays with a pipe; Ulyana feeds the chickens, Mother embroiders, Father chops wood)

In some kingdom, in some state,

Once upon a time there lived a mother and father in a bright house with a porch,

Two children lived with them, their parents loved:

Daughter - Ulyanka, and son - Ivanka,

Ulya loved her brother and sat him down at the table,

She fed me porridge with milk and a brown pretzel.

Mother. We'll go to the fair, and you be smart,

And don’t forget about brother Ivan, Ulya.

Father. Sit at home with your brother and look after Vanyusha.

We’ll arrive in the evening and we’ll bring you some gifts.


I'll start playing with Vanya.

We will be waiting for you at home,

(Parents leave, Mashenka and Vanechka wave after them, girlfriends run out).
The music is “The Arrival of Girlfriends”

1 girlfriend . Just like at our gates, people are gathering!

2 girlfriend. Ulyana, come out and look at your friends.

3 girlfriend. Let's start a round dance, our cheerful people!

(Ulya sits her brother down, gives him a toy and punishes him)


My dear brother, listen:
Play alone, Vanyusha,
Sit here on the grass, don’t go anywhere!

Dance: At the meadow


Friends, girlfriends separated,

I’ll quickly run to Vanyusha!


Geese-swans are flying,

They want to take Vanya away!

1 swan: You are all following me

And look around

So that for Grandmother - Yaga

We brought the loot.

Swans dance

2 swan: Ga-ha-ha, ha-ga-ha,

The boy is fine at the porch.

We'll steal the boy

And we'll bring it to the hostess.

(The geese-swans carry Vanya away. Ulyana comes running, but Vanya is not there. Music plays, Ulyana looks for Vanya)


Vanya, Vanya! Answer me!

Where are you brother, show yourself!

(comes running, but Vanya is not there, running, calling):

Vanya, Vanya, answer me!
Where are you, brother, show yourself!


Ulya didn’t find Vanya,
I wandered along the path...
(Ulya wanders, a river comes out)

The girls come out with the river to the music.

River dance.


A blue river flows at the edge of the forest.
Ulechka walks along the path to the river.
And Uli has kind blue eyes,
Like a river with good blue water.


River, my little river,

Tell me without hiding:

Didn't geese fly here?

Didn't anyone laugh at you?


Eat my jelly

Your road is not easy.

Sit down, relax, tell me...

I'll show you the way.

Geese - Baba Yaga's swans

Brother Vanya was carried into the forest


I have no time to drink jelly!

We need to turn our brother back!

I must run to the forest to Yaga,

We need to help Vanya out!

(The river leaves, the apple tree comes onto the stage)
Apple tree dance.


At the edge of the forest there is an apple tree covered in apples,
Ulenka runs along the path to the apple tree...


Apple tree, my dear, help Ole!
Tell us about the geese-swans!


Eat my apple, Ulya.
It will add strength.
You pick apples from the branches,
Take them with you on the road.


I won't pick apples
I won't take them on the road.
I must run to the forest to Yaga,
I need to save Vanya!


Apple Tree sighed and was silent...
And Ulya ran further.



(The curtain opens. Covered counters, sellers behind the counter)

First seller:

Attention! Attention! Attention!

A fun party is starting!

Hurry up, honest people,

The fair is calling you!

Second seller:

To the fair! To the fair!

Hurry up everyone here!

There are jokes, songs, sweets

We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

Third seller:

What does your soul desire -

You will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts

You won't leave without purchasing!

Fourth seller:

Hey, don't stand at the door

Come visit us soon!

People gather -

Our fair is opening!

Dance fair

(During the dance, sellers offer their goods. Father and Mother buy gifts for the children. Mother and Father leave).

The curtain closes, the scenery changes for Pechka to come out.

Stove dance

(The stove kneads the dough)


Stove, wow! costs,
Smoke is pouring out of the oven.

And in the oven, and in the oven
The pies are hot!
Wow, got up!
Wow, baked!

(The pies are baked and the stove treats everyone to pies)


Oven-darling, help me,
Tell Ule about the swan geese.


The pies are good
I treat you with all my heart!


I won't eat pies
There is a more important matter:
I must run to the forest to Yaga,
I need to save Vanya!

(Masha runs away, Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga:

At Grandma's, at Yagusi's
No girlfriends and no friends.
And for this reason I
I got myself some geese!
And I am Baba Yaga, bone leg.

Geese-swans, fly,
Bring me Vanyusha!
He will live with me,
It will serve me faithfully.

(To the music, the geese fly in with Vanya, leave and fly away)

Baba Yaga: (Examines)

Come on, Vanya, show yourself!
Come on, Vanya, spin around!
Entertain grandma
Sing for me, dance!

(Vanechka teases and makes faces)

Baba Yaga:

You tease, you play naughty!
This is where you will live now,
You will serve me, Yaga.
You can play cones...
I'm tired, I'll go to bed.
(Baba Yaga goes to the stove)


And Yaga went to the stove,
Vanya sat down to guard her.
But Vanya is very scared,
We know this ourselves.
Vanya goes to the forest,
Vanya is calling Ulenka.

(Vanya runs away while Baba Yaga sleeps, cries, calls Ulya)


Ulenka, Ulyana, find me!

Ulenka, Ulyana, save me!
I don't want to live in the forest
I don't want to serve Yaga.

(Ulya runs in)


I will save you, Vanyusha,
Just listen to me:
We need to run quickly
Maybe Yaga will catch up with us!

(Ulyana takes Vanya by the hand and they run)


There is a stove with pies at the edge of the forest.
Ulya and Vanechka are running along the path to the stove.

Ulya and Vanya:

Hide us, dear little stove!

(The stove hands the pies to Ulyana, Ulyana takes it for herself and Vanya)


Hide quickly!


The stove hid Ulyana and Vanya, and the swan geese flew past.

Ulyana and Vanya:

Thank you, stove!


There is an Apple tree with apples at the edge of the forest.
Ulenka and Vanechka are running along the path to the apple tree.

Ulyana and Vanya:

Hide us, dear Apple Tree!

(Apple tree hands Ulyana apples, Ulyana takes it for herself and treats her brother)

Apple tree:


Yablonka hid Ulyana and Vanya, and the swan geese flew past.

Ulyana and Vanya:

Thank you, Yablonka!


At the edge of the river a blue river flows,
Ulya and Vanechka are walking along the path to the river.

Ulyana and Vanya:

Hide us, dear river!

(Rechenka offers Ulyana a drink of jelly, Ulyana and Vanya bend over and drink)


Please hide quickly!


The river hid Ulyana and Vanya, and the geese and swans flew, flapped their wings and flew away with nothing.

Ulyana and Vanya:

Thank you, river!



Ulya and Vanya ran home, and then mother and father returned from the fair.

(Children run up to their parents and hug)


How did the boys behave? Speak one for all!


Do not worry it's okay.


Mom, can I have a nut?


Accept gifts, sort out gifts,
Our Ulenka handkerchief ,
And Vanyusha has a pretzel!


Come out and dance
Stretch your legs!

Final dance in pairs “Kalinka”


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.
A lesson to good fellows!
Who honors their parents?
Doesn't hurt the younger ones!
To him be glory and honor and respect.

SCRIPT of a musical fairy tale"Swan geese"

(preparatory group)



    Less often the sun shines with warm rays,
    A flock of birds flies to the south, parting with us.

    Frequent rain outside the window, the sky is crying like a cloud,
    The leaves are yellow all around: it’s Autumn, that means.

    We are not afraid of rain and cool, gloomy days.

We will sing and have fun, holding hands and spinning.

    Look, like in the picture, the scarlet grapes are burning.

These are thin mountain ash trees trying on their outfit.

    The sun is scattering sparks, the falling leaves are spinning.

And on the golden branches the raindrops tremble.

    All the paths and paths seem to be in colorful patches.

It is Autumn who walks carefully with colors in her hands.

    The sun is shining in the sky, the sun warms the sky,

Both on the hill and on the hummocks - mushrooms grew everywhere!

    Autumn is a wonderful time! Kids love Autumn!

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there!



    Everything around is just like in the picture: birches and aspens

They are dressed in gold. So, Autumn is somewhere nearby!

    Where is the golden autumn? Here is a riddle, here is a secret.

We’re singing songs here, but she’s still not there.

    We won’t wait long, we need to invite Autumn to come to us.

Let's shout together, more cheerfully:

CHILDREN(in chorus): Autumn, come soon!


AUTUMN: Hello my friends! Gold autumn I.

Do you like it when I come?

I bring beauty everywhere.

I was a little delayed on the way, still working and dressing up.

I distributed multi-colored scarves to all the aspens.

I dressed everything up, gilded the dark forest!

It became as bright as day, the leaves there were burning with fire!

I came to your holiday to sing and have fun,

And I want to make strong friends with everyone here!


    The sun shines gently, smiles tenderly.

It was Autumn who came to visit us - she is beautiful!

    We all really like the beauty of autumn.

You are beautiful, you are generous, and rich and wise.

    Golden autumn, we welcome you,

And we all sing a song together.



Thank you for the song, it’s very interesting to be with you!

I came to you today and brought with me a FAIRY TALE!

Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to each other, the fairy tale enters the house again

In an amazing outfit, multi-colored, painted,

Here heroes come to life, miracles soar around.

I love the fairy tale very much, and I give it to you.

About geese-swans and about different people.

The performance begins, a TALE comes to visit us!





Once upon a time there lived a mother and father and two children -

My daughter’s name was Mashenka, my brother’s name was Vanechka.

Mother and father gathered for the Fair one day.

Before leaving, they give the children instructions.

MOTHER: We will go to the Fair, expect us in the evening.
You two stay alone, don’t be too naughty!

FATHER: Look after Vanyusha, you’re already big.

Don’t go outside the gate, you hear me, I forbid it!

MOTHER: Don’t go to your friends, daughter, look after Vanyusha!

Clean the house and milk the cow.

FATHER: Be smart, daughter, take care of Vanyusha.
We're hitting the road. Vanya, listen to Masha!

MOTHER: We will buy you upgrades from merchants from distant countries.
Masha - a red sundress, Vanya - a new belt!

FATHER: Let's buy sugar and honey and look at the people there.

We’ll bring a lot of goodies, well, now it’s time to hit the road!

(MOTHER and FATHER wave, say goodbye and leave)



Noise, fun, loud laughter - this is a Fair for everyone!

Stop sitting and being bored! Everyone go to the Fair!

Look at the product and show yourself!



Whatever your soul desires, you will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts, you won’t leave without buying them!

SELLERS COMING OUT: (with trays)

    We are traders - peddlers! We are funny entertainers!

There are threads! There are reels!

Come and buy it, darling girls!

    Who wants pies, hot pies!

Hot, hot, ten kopecks for a couple.

    Pretzels and buns, ringing whistles,

There are birds on a stick, small birds!

    People! Come here! Look at the scarves.

One is red, the other is blue,

Well, the third one is so good, buy it with your own penny!

FATHER: Ay, tari - tari - tari, I’ll buy Masha amber!

If I have any money left, I’ll buy Masha some earrings.

If I have some pennies left, I’ll buy Masha some spoons.

MOTHER: Ay, swing - swing - swing! Let's buy some rolls for the kids!

For my son - boots, to run on his feet,

Vanechka will walk and wear new boots.



So I brought water, cleaned the house,

I milked the cow, fed brother Vanya,

I’d rather sit down and look at my friends.

They just want to have fun, but I have to work.

Hear, they call me and wave, they don’t dance without me.


    We woke up early, it was just getting light outside the window.

Let's go to the treasured clearing to dance in circles!

    Sing songs and dance, we won’t be bored!

    Come out, Masha, from the gate, come out, Masha, into the round dance.

MASHA: No, girlfriends, I can’t, I’m guarding brother Vanya!
GIRLFRIENDS (together):

Come to us quickly, Masha! We sing, play, dance!

MASHA: Oh, and I’m bored sitting at the gate doing nothing.
I would like to go to a round dance with my friends!
I’ll go away for an hour, my mother won’t know.

(to his brother) Don’t go anywhere, do you hear, brother Ivanushka?

Here's a matryoshka doll for you, play a little

VANIA: Go Mashenka, take a walk, don’t forget about me.

I will wait for you and will not miss you.

AUTUMN: Beyond the river all year round girlfriends dance in a circle.
And as soon as they sing the song, their feet start dancing!


    Where are you guys, grooms, accordion players, shepherds?

    Come quickly, it will be more fun with you!

    We'll go to the meadow and start a round dance!



I need to continue the tale... Oh, someone is rushing towards us, guys!

The nose is hooked, a stick is in the hands and the back is slightly hunchbacked.
She is also lame: her leg is made of bone.
He runs around in a mortar with a broom, his name seems to be Yaga.

PICTURE 4 "BABA YAGA" ( Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the tree)



Well, why are you sitting there, not trembling, not squeaking?

Or haven’t you read fairy tales, have you heard about me?

You know me, I'm glad! But we still need to remind you:

I am Baba Yaga, Bone Leg!


Granny and Yagusi have no girlfriends and no friends.

So that I wouldn’t be sad, I got myself geese.

The swan geese said that they had seen the little boy here.
It’s like he’s all alone, so I’ll eat him.
Geese - swans, fly! Bring me Vanyushka!

Come back right on time, while I sleep for an hour (leaves).


VANIA: Where is Mashenka-sister, the sun is setting behind the forest.

Oh, the swan geese are flying, they are circling above me!

AUTUMN: But trouble is already on the way, there’s no escape from trouble!

The swan geese are flying and want to carry Vanya away.



Ha-ha-ha! Ge-ge-ge! We serve Grandma Yaga!

We live, we don’t worry, we are friends with music!


    Fairy-tale geese lived with grandma,

The geese were angry, angry and did not like children. Shh!

    We washed the geese's feet and drank from the gutter!

And the geese faithfully served the very evil grandmother. Shh!


    Hello, Vanya my friend! Do you want to go for a ride?
    Come out to our meadow and let's have fun!

    Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga, nice boy on the porch.

We'll pick up the boy and bring him to his owner!

    Hey, why are you sitting there, come out quickly!
    Well, come to us, my friend, it’s more fun together!

Vanya approaches the swan geese.

AUTUMN: Only everyone saw them, geese into the sky - and disappeared.




Where are the geese? Where are the geese? How sad I am, grandma!


    Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga! Hello, Grandmother Yaga.

    They brought you Vanyusha, you can eat it for lunch!

    We tried our best to bring Vanya on the wings.


For lunch, thank you everyone, I'll eat it today.

I’ll cook the boy and feed you some stew.

I love boiled children more than roasted sunflower seeds.

Come on, Vanya, turn around! Show yourself to Grandma Yozhka!

I’ll see what you are like, will there be anything for me to eat?!

Yes, there won’t be any broth here... I’ll go look for some seasoning...

Geese, geese, you are not sleeping, and watch over Vanyusha!




MASHA: (singing) And I’m in the meadow, and I’m in the meadow,

I walked through the meadow - (2 times),

In the forest with girlfriends, in the forest with girlfriends

I left unnoticed - (2 times).

My girlfriends have left, I’ll quickly run to Vanyushka!

Here I am, where is my brother? Maybe in the house on the bed?

Maybe he hid in the closet? What will I answer to my mother? (searches)

Oh, how much fun I had, but I forgot about Vanya.

Brother, dear, answer me, come back to me as soon as possible!


Did Baba Yaga really take away brother Vanya?

The sun is setting...

MASHA: I’ll hurry to help my brother!

AUTUMN: She went into the forest all alone, she cried bitterly...




Mashenka walked like this for a long time and wandered into a clearing.

In that clearing there is a hut, and Yaga the old woman lives in it.

MASHA: Here is the hut, I see my brother. Vanya, honey, I’m so glad.

VANIA: Let’s run away quickly, Masha, to our native house, to our village.

The fire burns brightly, the stove burns hot.

Grandma Yozhka will cook me, and she will fry you, Masha.

MASHA: (takes Vanya by the hand)

We need to run quickly, maybe Yaga will catch up with us!


AUTUMN: The geese went to bed early, but they didn’t save Vanya!

Where is Vanya? Eh, you geese! You'll get it from Yagushi!


BABA YAGA: Robbed! Deceived! They snuck out from under our noses!

I just can’t find the words, I’m trembling with anger!

What are you standing for? What are you waiting for? March in pursuit, you won't find it

I want a boy - then you will be in terrible trouble!

Geesefly awayBaba Yagaleaves



Lo and behold, the stove is standing on the green edge.

She bakes pies and cheesecakes herself,

Fragrant smoke comes from the stove.

AUTUMN: There is a stove in the meadow, the girl says to her:

MASHA: Stove, dear stove, take pity on us,

STOVE: I’m at the stove, the pies are hot.

Wow, they're up, wow, they're baked!

Come, I invite you, I’ll treat you to some pies.

AUTUMN: To make it more fun, start singing a song quickly!


STOVE: Eat the pie, friends, then I will help you!


We will eat your pie, just hide us, my friend!



    How can we get into this oven without burning our wings?

    We’re just wasting our energy, and we can’t fly without children!

    How long can you look for them? We must fly away, brothers!

(The geese-swans fly away, Masha and Vanya appear)






AUTUMN: It’s hard for Masha and Vanechka to walk through the forest,

The children met a river on their way.

RIVER: I am the milk river and the banks of sour milk,

I am a river, a fast river, a silver river.

I run over the pebbles and sing my song.


    River, river, river, where are you going?

Tell us, little river, what are you singing about?

RIVER: My fast waves run over the pebbles,

They bring fragrant milk to the children.

    River, river, river, jelly bank,

We want to play with you, my friend.

RIVER: Stand next to the white wave.

I will lead everyone along the stones with me!

RIVER leads children like a snake

AUTUMN: The fast river is murmuring, the girl says to her:

MASHA: River, dear river, take pity on us,

The geese and swans are close, cover us quickly.

RIVER: The water is gurgling all day long, I know what your problem is.

Sit here quietly and wait out the chase.

I'll hide you, but in the meantime, drink some jelly.

(gives a mug of jelly, covers it with a scarf)


SWAN GEESE: Let's fly around that forest,
Let's take another look!

VANIA: You helped us a lot, saved us from the geese!

MASHA AND VANYA: We thank you and say “thank you”!

RIVER: I was glad to help you, hurry up, night is coming soon.


AUTUMN: The children crossed the river and green Forest went.

Here is a forest apple tree, bending its branches to the ground.


I am a forest apple tree, I grow in a clearing.

I'm standing here all alone, that's why I'm so sad,

I’ll lower the branches and treat you to an apple.

Take my apple and everyone come out and play.


AUTUMN: There is an apple tree in the forest, the girl says to her:

MASHA: Apple tree, dear, have pity on us,

The geese and swans are close, cover us quickly.

APPLE TREE: Hide, children, quickly from the geese-swans.



    Ha-ha-ha! Lunch is gone! There were children, suddenly they are gone...

    We were just here and where did they go?

    Apparently they ran into the forest, which means they were scared!

AUTUMN: The geese circled around screaming, only dropping their feathers,

They shouted and made some noise, to no avail, and flew away...

(The geese-swans fly away, Masha and Vanya immediately appear)

MASHA: The geese didn’t notice us, let them fly to their grandmother.

VANIA: You helped us a lot, saved us from the geese!

MASHA AND VANYA: We thank you and say “thank you”!

APPLE TREE: I was glad to help you, hurry up, night is coming soon.


Vanya, dear brother, let’s hurry home quickly!





We returned home with an overflowing bag.
Have you, children, been waiting for us for a long time?
Were you not sad or bored? (MASHA AND VANYA NODD)

MOTHER: Lots of different products
We brought it to you from the market. (handing out gifts)
MOTHER: Come on, daughter, wait! I don’t understand, what’s wrong with you?!
MASHA: I’m guilty before you, I didn’t take good care of my brother.
The geese flew here and wanted to carry Vanya away.

FATHER: How did you save Vanya? Did you take trouble away from home?

VANIA: The River, the Apple Tree, the Stove helped us escape:
They showed us the way and protected us from the geese.

FATHER: (Vana)

Take the bell, son, and ring it loudly for the whole world:
There will be a holiday in our house,

Call harder, you prankster!


Gather, guests, in a circle, everyone who came is our friend!
There will be a celebration until the morning, have fun, kids!




From that time on, they all lived without troubles for many years.

I’m sorry to upset you, the fairy tale needs to end,

And for the fact that you tried, listened and smiled,

I thank you very much and I will give you gifts -

The apple tree brought her gifts for the children.

(Brings out a basket of apples.)

The miracle stove surprised me and treated me to pies.

(Pies are taken out of the oven.)

Well, and the river - sweet tea, drink, and remember the fairy tale!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows!

And now it’s time to say goodbye, although it’s a pity to leave.

Come visit us more often, we always welcome guests!


Natalia Batarykina

Children's opera based on Russian folk fairy tales« Swan geese»

Department of early aesthetic development With. Alexandrov – Guy



Vanya - son

Geese- swans group of children

Girlfriends and friends of Mashenka



Forest - group of children

Baba Yaga.


Village hut;

Baba Yaga's hut;

The stove is cut out of a box, easy to put on and move;

Apple tree - with apples on both sides scenes;

River - draped with fabric blue color, artificial lilies and beautiful green leaves of aquatic plants.

Act one.

Picture one. In the center scenes"flows" a river, in the background there is a scenery depicting a forest. In the foreground scenes, on the left side, there is a village hut. Vanechka is sitting on a bench playing with pebbles. The introduction sounds (Annex 1). Are flying out Swan geese(dance improvisation)


Geese-swans are flying.

They want to know everything.

High they fly

And they look at Vanechka.

Here they fly over the river,

They sing their song.

Sounds "Vocalization of Geese-Swans" Appendix 2. Vanechka waves geese-swans hand, smiling. To repeat geese fly away.


Flew off into the clouds

Let's go to Vanya for now.

Father and Mother, Mashenka come out of the house and approach Vanechka.

Picture two. (Appendix 3)

Parents' departure in the village.

Father. We'll go to the fair

Buy gifts for you.

Mother. You take care of each other

Don't go anywhere!

Masha I will play with Vanya!

We will be waiting for you at home!

Appendix 4. at the introduction a horse appears and screams: "I-go-go", tsks and takes his parents away. Vanechka and Mashenka wave their hands.

Girlfriends run out. (Appendix 5).

1st girlfriend. Masha. Masha!

Let's go play!

Sing songs and dance around the birch tree!

Mashenka. No, I can’t, because my little brother Vanechka is still with me.

2nd girlfriend. Then we’ll make Vanya happy and sing him a song.

(girlfriends and friends sing a song “Let’s go to the garden for raspberries”)

Vanya. Mashenka, I'm tired, I want to sleep.

3rd girlfriend. Oh, you lie down here on the grass, and we’ll sing you a lullaby.

1. Kitty, Kitten, Kitten,

Kitty with a gray tail.

Come, Kitty, to spend the night

Rock our baby.

Vanya falls asleep.

1st girlfriend. Let's go Masha for a walk in the forest. Vanya has fallen asleep, he won't run away anywhere.

Masha. He really fell asleep and won’t run away. Let's go, girls, to the meadow and dance in circles.

They run away. Appendix 2, vocalization of swans. The swans take the sleepy Vanya and take him to Baba Yaga.

Girlfriends, friends and Mashenka come out. Song- staging“Like ours at the gate”, on children's musical instruments . Afterwards everyone runs away.

Appendix 8

Masha Friends and girlfriends have separated!

I’ll quickly run to Vanyushka.

(Runs away to the village house, but there is no brother. Appendix 9 sounds)

Masha Vanya, Vanya! Answer me!

Where are you brother, show yourself!

Leading. Masha didn’t find her brother,

She wandered along the path.

(Masha goes to the river, appendix 10)

A blue river flows along the edge of the forest.

Mashenka is walking along the path.

Masha, tell me, little river,

How to find brother?

To Father and Mother

Come home with him.

(River sings. Appendix 11)

River Eat my jelly,

Your road is long.

Sit down, relax, I’ll tell you...

I'll show you the way.

Baba Yaga's swan geese

Brother Vanya was taken into the forest.

(answer to Masha Rechka, appendix 12)

Masha I have no time to drink jelly!

We need to turn our brother back!

I must run to the forest to Yaga

I need to save Vanya.

(Mashenka runs to the apple tree, appendix 9, without vocal accompaniment.)

Masha. Blueberry apple tree.

Help Masha!

About geese-swans

Tell Masha!

Appendix 14

Apple tree. (singing) Eat my apple, Masha.

I know about your grief.

You pick apples from the branches,

Take them with you on the road!

Masha. I won't pick apples.

I won't take it on the road.

She must run to the forest to Yaga.

I need to save Vanya.

(Masha runs to the stove, appendix 10, without vocal accompaniment.)

Masha. Stove, my dear,

Help Masha!

About geese and swans

Tell Masha!

Stove. (singing). (Appendix 15)

Stove. Wow, it's worth it

Smoke is pouring out of the oven,

The pies are hot.

Wow, got up!

Wow, baked!

Uh, uh, uh, uh. !

Masha. I won't eat the pie!

There is something more important to do!

I must run to the forest to Yaga,

I need to save Vanya!

Act two.

Decoration: hut on chicken legs, tree stump, fly agarics. Sounds music. Baba Yaga looks out of the hut window and finally appears. She is dressed in fashionable full skirt, an apron with fly agarics, a shawl on the shoulders, a red scarf on the head, tied in a knot above the forehead.

Baba Yaga's aria is performed. (Appendix 16).

Baba Yaga. At grandma's, at Yagushi.

No girlfriends and no friends.

And for this reason

I got myself some geese.

Chorus. And I am Baba Yaga,

Bone leg!

Wow, wow! I'll fly!

Swan geese, fly!

Bring me Vanyushka!

He will live with me.

He will serve me, Yaga.

Where geese7 Where are the geese?

How sad I am, grandma!

(appear geese with Vanya)

Where is Vanyushka? Brought?

Shoo! Let's go, let's go, let's go!

(shoos away the geese)

Come on, Vanya, show yourself!

Come on Vanya, spin around)

This is where you will live now.

You will serve me, Yaga!

You can play cones,

I'm tired, I'll go to bed.

Leading. And Yaga went to the stove.

Vanya sat down to guard her.

Vanya just became scared.

You and I know about this.

He went to the magical forest

That forest is a miracle of miracles.

Children come out with branches in their hands. Children use their movements to depict scary, gnarled trees of a magical forest. Appendix 18. Vanya walks between the trees. Vanya's crying sounds

Appendix 19.

Vania. Mashenka, Mashenka!

Find me!

Mashenka, Mashenka!

Save me!

I don't want to live in the forest

I don’t want to serve Yaga!


Mashenka runs out. "Masha's answer to Vanya". Application 12

Masha I will save you, Vanyusha.

Just listen to me:

We need to run quickly

Maybe Yaga will catch up with us!

Mashenka and Vanya are running. Sounds music(Appendix 9) no vocal performance. Run up to the river

Children. (Turn to the river),Hide us, my dear, river!

River. Please!

Application sounds 2.9 geese

Children (run to the apple tree.) Hide us, apple tree!

Apple tree. Please!

Application sounds 2.9 geese- the swans are trying to catch up with the children.

Children (run to the stove.) Hide us, stove!

Stove. Please!

Application sounds 2.9 geese- the swans are trying to catch up with the children

Children. Thank you!

The children are running home.

On stage hut. Application 5 sounds, the children run up to the house.

Repetition of Appendix 4. Parents arrive.

Mother and Father. Hey, little horse, take us home.

Hurry up, hurry up and go!

It was just the two of us at the fair,

We are bringing gifts for the kids!

Masha and Vanya run to their parents and hug. everyone stands in front of the audience and sings. (Appendix 20)

All. Sang fairy tale we are now,

We made you happy!


Leading. The fairy tale is a lie. Yes, there is a hint in it!

A lesson to good fellows!

How good it is that in childhood

You still have a long time to warm up

Clinging to someone with a heart,

Forgetting about everything:

They'll wake up soon in the morning

And immediately smile

They will reach out to the window

And it’s spring outside!

With a big toy breast

Play and believe in miracles

Seeing fairy tale everywhere

And all your dreams

Gifted by mom

Gifted by dad

May you be their joy

And they are proud of you. (T. Odintsova)

Thanks a lot, everyone!
