Relationship: man and sound vibrations. The influence of low-frequency fields - infrasound - on the human body

Over the past decades, the number of various types of cars and other sources of noise, the spread of portable radios and tape recorders, often turned on at high volume, and the passion for loud popular music have increased sharply. It has been noted that in cities every 5-10 years the noise level increases by 5 dB (decibels).

It should be borne in mind that for distant human ancestors, noise was an alarm signal, indicating the possibility of danger. At the same time, the sympathetic-adrenal and cardiovascular systems, gas exchange were quickly activated, and other types of metabolism changed (blood sugar and cholesterol levels increased), preparing the body for fight or flight.

Although modern man this function of hearing has lost such practical significance, “vegetative reactions of the struggle for existence” have been preserved. Thus, even short-term noise of 60-90 dB causes an increase in the secretion of pituitary hormones, stimulating the production of many other hormones, in particular catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine), the work of the heart increases, blood vessels constrict, and blood pressure (BP) increases. It was noted that the most pronounced increase in blood pressure is observed in patients with hypertension and people with a hereditary predisposition to it.

Under the influence of noise, brain activity is disrupted: the nature of the electroencephalogram changes, the acuity of perception decreases, mental performance. Deterioration of digestion was noted. It is known that prolonged exposure to noisy environments leads to hearing loss. Depending on individual sensitivity, people evaluate noise differently as unpleasant or disturbing.

At the same time, music and speech that interests the listener, even at 40-80 dB, can be tolerated relatively easily. Typically, hearing perceives vibrations in the range of 16-20,000 Hz (oscillations per second). It is important to emphasize that unpleasant consequences are caused not only by excessive noise in the audible range of vibrations: ultra- and infrasound in ranges inaudible to human hearing (above 20 thousand Hz and below 16 Hz) also causes nervous tension, malaise, dizziness, changes in the activity of internal organs, especially nervous and cardiovascular systems.

It has been found that among residents of areas located near major international airports, the incidence of hypertension is clearly higher than in a quieter area of ​​the same city. With these observations and discoveries, methods of targeted influence on humans began to appear. You can influence the mind and behavior of a person in various ways, one of which requires special equipment (technotronic techniques, zombification).

Infrasound in our everyday environment

Research on the generation of infrasound and its effects on humans has unfolded in all countries of the world. Let us refer, for example, to the materials of the International Colloquium on Infrasound, held in Paris in the mid-70s. These materials comprised a collection of about 500 pages. Let's start with the sadly exotic incidents supposedly associated with infrasound. The most prominent acoustician T. Tarnoczy reported on the death of three tourists in the Bordal grotto (Upper Hungary) under conditions of a sharp change in atmospheric pressure. In combination with the narrow and long entrance corridor, the grotto was a kind of low-frequency resonator, and this could cause a sharp increase in pressure fluctuations at infrasonic frequencies.

The periodically observed appearance of “flying Dutchman” ships with dead people on board was also sometimes allegedly attributed to powerful infrasonic vibrations that occur during severe storms and typhoons. All ships should be equipped with the simplest infrasound level recorders, so that changes in the well-being of the crew can then be compared with recorded fluctuations in air pressure.

In the meantime, environmental protection specialists have limited themselves to installing, for example, infrasound receivers in upper parts“spot” buildings and at the same time discovered the following. During strong gusts of wind, the level of infrasound vibrations (frequency 0.1 Hz) reached 140 dB on the thirtieth floor, that is, it even slightly exceeded the threshold of pain in the ear in the range of audible frequencies.

The elementary particle neutrino has, as is known, enormous penetrating power. Infrasound – a kind of “acoustic neutrino” – can pass through glass and even walls without noticeable attenuation. You can imagine what not particularly healthy people feel in very tall buildings with strong gusts of wind. Typically, 15-40 Hz is taken as the upper limit of the infrasound range; This definition is conditional, since with sufficient intensity auditory perception also occurs at frequencies of a few hertz.

Currently, its emission range extends down to approximately 0.001 Hz. Thus, the range of infrasound frequencies covers about 15 octaves. Natural springs powerful infrasound - hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, electrical discharges and sharp fluctuations in pressure in the atmosphere, perhaps, do not bother people so often. But in this harmful region of infrasound, man is quickly catching up with nature and in some cases has already surpassed it.

Yes, at startup space rockets type Apollo, the recommended (short-term) value of the infrasound level for astronauts was 140 dB, and for service personnel and the surrounding population 120 dB. The meeting of two trains, the movement of trains in the tunnel is accompanied by the appearance of an infrasound plume.

Infrasound in our everyday environment. The oldest English acoustician, Raleigh Prize laureate, Dr. Stephens made reports on this topic at all international forums. Infrasonic noise produced by cooling towers of heating power plants, various devices for air suction or exhaust gas release; inaudible, but such harmful infrasound radiation from powerful vibrating platforms, screens, crushers, conveyors. Infrasonic noise in shipbuilding was devoted to big job in a Yugoslav magazine.

Technotronic techniques

In general, there are more than enough sources of infrasound. Let's now talk about what the probable mechanism of the effect of infrasound on the human body is and whether it is possible to combat this effect to some extent. The length of the infrasound wave is very large (at a frequency of 3.5 Hz it is equal to 100 meters), penetration into tissue the body is also large. Figuratively speaking, a person hears infrasound with his whole body.

What kind of troubles can infrasound penetrate into the body cause? Naturally, there is only fragmentary information about this so far. Modern science has proposed many specific ways to control human behavior, thoughts and feelings. In particular, they use:

Below-threshold audiovisual stimulation;




Ultrahigh frequency (microwave) radiation;

Torsion radiation;

Shock waves.

Let's look at the impact of infrasound in a little more detail:

Quite effective, in terms of influencing a person, is the use of mechanical resonance of elastic vibrations with frequencies below 16 Hz, which are usually not perceptible by ear. The most dangerous range here is considered to be from 6 to 9 Hz. Significant psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, which is consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain vibrations, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to be torn into small pieces. Low-intensity sound causes nausea and ringing in the ears, as well as blurred vision and unaccountable fear. Sound of medium intensity upsets the digestive organs and the brain, causing paralysis, general weakness, and sometimes blindness.

Elastic powerful infrasound can damage and even completely stop the heart. Typically, unpleasant sensations begin at 120 dB of tension, traumatic sensations at 130 dB. Infrafrequencies of about 12 Hz with a strength of 85-110 dB induce attacks of seasickness and dizziness, and vibrations with a frequency of 15-18 Hz at the same intensity instill feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and, finally, panic. In the early 1950s French explorer Gavreau, who studied the influence of infrasound on the human body, found that with fluctuations of the order of 6 Hz, volunteers participating in the experiments experienced a feeling of fatigue, then anxiety, turning into unaccountable horror. According to Gavreau, at 7 Hz, cardiac paralysis and nervous system.

Rhythms characteristic of most systems of the human body lie in the infrasound range:

heart contractions 1-2 Hz

delta brain rhythm (sleep state) 0.5-3.5 Hz

alpha rhythm of the brain (resting state) 8-13 Hz

beta rhythm of the brain (mental work) 14-35 Hz.

Internal organs also vibrate at infrasonic frequencies. The intestinal rhythm is in the infrasound range.

Medical research into the effects of infrasound on humans.

Doctors drew attention to the dangerous resonance of the abdominal cavity that occurs during vibrations with a frequency of 4-8 Hz. We tried tightening (first on the model) the abdominal area with belts. The resonance frequencies have increased somewhat, but the physiological impact of infrasound has not weakened. The lungs and heart, like any volumetric resonating systems, are also prone to intense vibrations when their resonance frequencies coincide with the frequency of infrasound. The walls of the lungs have the least resistance to infrasound, which can ultimately cause damage. Brain. Here the picture of interaction with infrasound is especially complex.

A small group of subjects were asked to solve simple problems, first while exposed to noise with a frequency below 15 hertz and a level of approximately 115 dB, then under the influence of alcohol, and finally under the influence of both factors simultaneously. An analogy was established between the effects of alcohol and infrasonic irradiation on humans. With the simultaneous influence of these factors, the effect intensified, the ability to perform simple mental work noticeably deteriorated.

In other experiments it was found that the brain can resonate at certain frequencies. In addition to the resonance of the brain as an elastic-inertial body, the possibility of a “cross” effect of resonance of infrasound with the frequency of a- and b-waves existing in the brain of every person was revealed. These biological waves are clearly detected on encephalograms, and by their nature, doctors judge certain brain diseases. It has been suggested that random stimulation of biowaves by infrasound of the appropriate frequency can affect the physiological state of the brain.

Blood vessels. There are some statistics here. In experiments by French acousticians and physiologists, 42 young people were exposed to infrasound with a frequency of 7.5 Hz and a level of 130 dB for 50 minutes. All subjects experienced a noticeable increase in the lower limit of blood pressure.

When exposed to infrasound, changes in the rhythm of heart contractions and breathing, weakening of vision and hearing functions, increased fatigue and other disorders were recorded. The impact of low-frequency vibrations on living organisms has been known for a long time. For example, some people who experienced earthquake tremors suffered from nausea. (*Then you should remember about the nausea caused by the vibrations of the ship or swing.

This is due to the effect on the vestibular apparatus. And not everyone exhibits such an “effect.”) Nikola Tesla (whose name now denotes one of the basic units of measurement, a native of Serbia) about a hundred years ago initiated such an effect in an experimental subject sitting on a vibrating chair. (*There were no smart people who considered this experience inhumane). The observed results relate to the interaction of solid bodies, when vibrations are transmitted to a person through a solid medium.

The impact of vibrations transmitted to the body from the air has not been sufficiently studied. It will not be possible to swing the body, such as on a swing, in this way. It is possible that unpleasant sensations arise due to resonance: the coincidence of the frequency of forced vibrations with the frequency of vibrations of any organs or tissues. Previous publications about infrasound mentioned its effect on the psyche, manifested as inexplicable fear. Maybe resonance is also to blame for this.

In physics, resonance is an increase in the amplitude of vibration of an object when its natural frequency of vibration coincides with the frequency of an external influence. If such an object turns out to be an internal organ, circulatory or nervous system, then disruption of their functioning and even mechanical destruction is quite possible.

Are there any measures to combat infrasound?

Some measures to combat infrasound

It must be admitted that there are not so many of these measures yet. Public measures to combat noise began to be developed a long time ago. Almost 2,000 years ago in Rome, Julius Caesar banned the riding of rumbling chariots at night. And 400 years ago, Queen Elizabeth III of England forbade husbands to beat their wives after 10 pm, “so that their screams would not disturb the neighbors.”

Nowadays, measures are being taken to combat noise pollution on a global scale: engines and other parts of machines are being improved, this factor is taken into account when designing highways and residential areas, sound-proofing materials and structures, shielding devices, and green spaces are being used. But we should remember that each of us must be an active participant in this fight against noise.

Let us mention the original muffler for infrasonic noise of compressors and other machines, developed by the labor safety laboratory of the St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers. In the box of this muffler, one of the walls is made flexible, and this makes it possible to equalize low-frequency variable pressures in the air flow passing through the muffler and the pipeline. The platforms of vibroforming machines can be a powerful source of low-frequency sound.

Apparently, the use of the interference method of attenuating radiation by antiphase superposition of oscillations is not excluded here. Air suction and atomization systems should be avoided. sudden changes cross-section, inhomogeneities in the flow path to eliminate the occurrence of low-frequency oscillations. Some researchers divide the effect of infrasound into four gradations - from weak to deadly. Classification is a good thing, but it looks rather helpless if it is not known what the manifestation of each gradation is associated with.

Infrasound on stage and television?

If you look into the past, you can already notice the impact of infrasound frequencies on humans. Here are the instructions from Michel Harner’s book “The Way of the Shaman”: To enter the “tunnel” you will need your partner to accompany you with beating a drum or tambourine at a frequency of 120 beats per minute (2 Hz) for the entire time necessary for you to obtain a “shamanic state of consciousness.” ).

You can also use a tape recording of a shamanic “kamlaniya”. In a few minutes you will see a tunnel of black and white rings and begin to move along it. The speed of alternation of rings is set by the rhythm of the beats. It is known that modern rock music, jazz, etc. owe their origin to traditional African “music”. This so-called “music” is nothing more than an element of the ritual actions of African shamans or collective ritual actions of the tribe.

Most of the melodies and rhythms of rock music are taken directly from the practice of African shamans. Thus, the effect of rock music on the listener is based on the fact that he is introduced into a state similar to that experienced by a shaman during ritual actions. “The power of rock lies in intermittent pulsations, rhythms that cause a biopsychic reaction in the body that can affect the functioning of various organs.

If the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by powerful pressure of infrasonic frequencies, it can cause ecstasy in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and on the same chatots, the listener falls into a dance trance, which is similar to a narcotic one.” In the same row is ritual music itself, for example, the “meditative” music of Shoko Asahara, the head of the religious sect “Aum Shinrikyo,” which at one time was broadcast day after day by Russian radio throughout the country.

The impact of psychotronic weapons is most massive when television and computer systems are used as intermediate channels. Modern Computer techologies allow you to convert any sound (music) file in such a way that when listening, the necessary special effects arise: “...sound encoded under the alpha rhythm will help you relax, sound encoded under the delta rhythm will help you fall asleep, under the theta rhythm - to achieve a state meditation."

So is infrasound a psychotronic weapon?

The creators of superweapons based on the effects of infrasound claim that they completely suppress the enemy, causing him such “inevitable” consequences as nausea and diarrhea. Developers of weapons of this type and researchers of their terrible consequences “ate” a lot of money from the state treasury. It is possible, however, that the above-mentioned troubles threaten not an imaginary enemy, but very real generals - customers of such weapons - as retribution for incompetence.

Jurgen Altmann, a researcher from Germany, stated at the joint conference of the European and American Acoustical Associations (March 1999) that infrasonic weapons does not cause the effects attributed to it. The army and police hoped for similar things. Law enforcement officials believed that these means were more effective than chemical ones, such as tear gas. But so far, according to Altman, who has studied the effect of infrasonic vibrations on people and animals, sonic weapons do not work.

According to him, even with a noise level of 170 decibels, it was not possible to record anything special, such as involuntary bowel movements. (*I remembered that the media recently noted the successful testing of an American-made infra-scare gun. A bluff for the benefit of the “inventors” and to intimidate an imaginary enemy?)

Sid Heal, who works for the US Department of Defense on the infrasonic weapons development program, notes that the researchers have changed the formulation of the problem. Along with attempts to create prototype weapons, they are carefully studying the effect of infrasound on humans. However, at present, it is enough to add a “catalyst” at hour “X” and the program will work. The destruction of organs, artificial mutation of genes or changes in consciousness will begin. Such a “push” could, for example, be massive radiation exposure, a problem that Russian scientists and the military are worried about.

From the story of Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Kanyuk: “I headed a secret complex in Podlipkahu. He was a member of the NPO Energia (headed by academician V.P. Glushko). Pursuant to the closed Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers dated January 27, 1986, we created a generator of special physical fields. He was able to correct the behavior of huge masses of the population. Launched into space orbit, this equipment covered with its “beam” an area equal to the Krasnodar Territory. The funds allocated annually for this and related programs were equivalent to five billion dollars.”

In the summer of 1991, a committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR published an eerie figure. The KGB, the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Defense and other departments spent half a billion of the full pre-reform rubles on the development of psychotronic weapons. One task was “remote medical-biological and psychophysical influence on enemy troops and population.” Torsion, microlenton and other recently discovered particles have enormous permeability.

Generators of such fields are created, for example, in the Zelenograd laboratory. From the instructions for one of these devices: “The device is adjusted to the individual wave characteristics of a person. Obviously, it is possible to tune to the parameters of an entire ethnic group. At the same time, concentration camps are no longer needed to solve racial problems. Everything happens completely unnoticed. The object either becomes extinct or loses its national characteristics.” (By the way, according to the definition of Academician F.Ya. Shipurov, who died a mysterious death, the human soul is a wave field with measurable characteristics. This is also true for the existing “souls” of peoples).

Many scientists are concerned about the sinister capabilities of ethnic weapons. There are domestic developments “Lava-5” and “Ruslo-1”. It is indicated that in the classification of funds mass destruction(military industrial complexes use it developed countries) the item appeared: “This is a weapon that affects the genetic apparatus. In certain circles it is called “environmentally friendly” and even “humane”. Not destroying cities and often not killing people.”

There was a case when in the 90s, the American press published a series of sensational publications about the mysterious death of Indians. For some unknown reason, only members of the Navajo tribe died. The number of victims was several dozen people. So, only Indians. And only Navajo. Among the versions there is an assumption about the influence of psychotropic weapons.


Yes, humanity has not actually completely pulled the mask off the stranger called infrasound. But sooner or later this will be done. At one time, Robert Koch predicted: “Someday humanity will be forced to deal with noise as decisively as it deals with cholera and plague.” And indeed it is. Scientists from many countries around the world are solving the problem of combating noise, since it is also a source of infrasound.

All sorts of measures are being taken to “repress” both infrasound and noise. For example, in shipbuilding: the price of a ship is determined as 70-80% for its construction and 20-30% for noise insulation. Since there is now a debate among scientists about whether infrasound is still so dangerous or not, I can say without the slightest hesitation that yes, it is very dangerous. Especially if you don’t have control over it.

When studying the literature and all sorts of articles, it was concluded that the Americans are trying to convince the world that the influence of infrasound is safe, although they themselves are developing both weapons and measures to counter the influence of infrasound. How can we understand this? I think the fact itself is staring you in the face. In Russia, during this difficult time, work is also underway on both countermeasures and weapon prototypes. This is correct, since it is undesirable to stop in such research, especially since “this” is an ethnic weapon.

Volnukhina Anastasia

The work was carried out within the framework of RESEARCH ACTIVITIES



State Educational Institution

General secondary school No. 560

Vyborg district of St. Petersburg

Research paper in Physics

The influence of infrasound on humans

10th grade student

Volnukhina Anastasia


Tabachkova Marina Leonidovna

Saint Petersburg



Introduction…………………………………………………………………….……… 3

Chapter I. Infrasound and its sources……….....…………….……….…..…......4

Chapter II. The influence of infrasound on humans..........................................6

  1. Negative influence.………….……………..…….……...…6
  2. Positive influence…..…………………………….…..…..8

Chapter III. Research…………………………………………………………….…..…9


List of sources and literature………………………………………….……11



Interest in this topic is due to the fact that people daily encounter the influence of infrasound on them. Infrasound accompanies us everywhere: in an apartment its source can be the load-bearing walls of the house, fans, and on the street - the wind and moving vehicles. The topic “The influence of infrasound on humans,” in my opinion, is interesting, also because it reveals the positive and negative effects of infrasound on humans, and their consequences.

Relevance: Increasing number of human activities using infrasounds.

Problem: The influence of infrasounds on people.

Target: Study the influence of infrasounds on people


  1. Study written and electronic sources related to infrasounds and their impact on people
  2. Bring to the attention of classmates what diseases are caused by exposure to infrasound on the human body

Research methods:analysis of sources, sociological survey (in the form of a test)


Infrasound is always present in nature. “Infrasound is sound vibrations having a frequency lower than that perceived by the human ear, that is, below 16 Hz” (visually shown in Fig. 3) Currently, the area of ​​​​its study extends down to approximately 0.001 Hz. The main feature of infrasound, due to its low frequency, is low absorption. Due to low absorption and scattering, infrasound can travel over very long distances. It is known that the sounds of volcanic eruptions atomic explosions can circle the globe many times, seismic waves can cross the entire thickness of the Earth. For the same reasons, infrasound is almost impossible to isolate, and all sound-absorbing materials lose their effectiveness at infrasound frequencies.
Infrasonic vibrations affect the entire human body, causing resonance phenomena as a whole human body, as well as its individual parts, internal organs and systems, causing certain disturbances in the body. At the same time, a person’s total energy consumption increases, since under the influence of low-frequency vibrations average muscle tension increases. Therefore, it can be assumed that infrasound vibrations are perceived by a person as a physical load, which can be compared with other types of stress, such as physical work, heat stress, etc. Infrasound can instill in a person such feelings as melancholy, panic, a feeling of cold, anxiety , trembling in the spine. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where encounters with ghosts took place. When in resonance with human biorhythms, infrasound of particularly high intensity can cause instant death.

Of course, infrasound is also present in humans. For example, human organs have an infrasonic vibration frequency.

Infrasound operates due to resonance: vibration frequencies during many processes in the body lie in the infrasound range:

"vestibular apparatus 0.5-13 Hz

heart contractions 4-6 Hz

stomach 2-3 Hz

intestine 2-4 Hz

buds 6-8 Hz

hands 2-5 Hz" (see Fig. 1)

delta brain rhythm (sleep state) 0.5-3.5 Hz

alpha rhythm of the brain (resting state) 8-13 Hz

beta rhythm of the brain (mental work) 14-35 Hz

light 0.3-0.5 Hz

brain, liver 4-9 Hz

Infrasound is weakly absorbed by the environment, and therefore spreads unhindered over long distances. It has natural and man-made sources. Natural sources include earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, lightning, and tsunamis. Man-made - equipment created by the power of human thought and operating at a frequency of less than 20 cycles per second, for example, fans, wind generators, ship engines. There are no obstacles for infrasound. It penetrates through glass and walls. He is omnipresent, inaudible and invisible.

An example of a natural source of infrasound can also be considered the “Voice of the Sea”. "Voice of the Sea" isinfrasonic waves arising above the sea surface during strong winds as a result of vortex formation behind wave crests. Because it travels faster than the storm's area, Voice of the Sea can help predict storms in advance. For example, jellyfish, with the help of sound cones, can learn about the approach of a storm 20 hours before it arrives in their habitat and sink to the bottom.

An example of a man-made source of infrasound is road transport, railway transport, trams, industrial ventilation, jet planes(see Fig. 2)


Bad influence

Since the infrasound wavelength is very long, its penetration into body tissue will also be great. Figuratively speaking, a person hears infrasound with his whole body. Acting due to resonance, infrasonic vibrations in frequency can coincide with many processes occurring in our body.

External vibrations in the range of 6-12 Hz have the most destructive effect on our insides. At low intensity, they cause nausea, ringing in the ears, visual disturbances and unaccountable panic. Medium-intensity infrasound disrupts the functioning of the digestive organs and brain. Significant psychotropic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, which is consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain vibrations, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to be torn into small pieces. Infrafrequencies of about 12 Hz with a strength of 85–110 dB induce attacks of seasickness and dizziness, and vibrations with a frequency of 15–18 Hz at the same intensity instill feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and, finally, panic.

As we have already found out, human organs operate at different frequencies, therefore the effects of infrasounds on them will be different.

For example, doctors drew attention to the dangerous resonance of the abdominal cavity that occurs during vibrations with a frequency of 4-8 Hz. We tried tightening (first on the model) the abdominal area with belts. Resonance frequencies increased slightly, but the physiological effects of infrasound did not weaken.

Lungs, are also susceptible to infrasonic vibrations; if their frequencies coincide with the frequency of infrasound, the smallest resistance of the lung walls will lead to their damage.

If the frequency of infrasound coincides with the frequency of the heartbeat, then in the most extreme case this can lead to cardiac arrest.

An example of the accidental use of infrasound is the recorded fact:

“In the summer of 1982, meteorological balloons were launched on the deck of the icebreaker Taimyr. While preparing for one of them, the aerologist accidentally touched the shell of the inflated balloon with his face and... recoiled from a sharp pain in his ears!

And at night a fierce storm hit the Taimyr.

The future academician V.V. Shuleikin, who was on board, became interested in the strange incident and tried to find a connection between the inflatable balloon, pain and the storm. And in the end, after a series of experiments, he managed to explain everything. It turned out that the shell of the ball, inflated with hydrogen, served as a kind of resonator that amplified sound vibrations with a frequency of 6-12 Hz. They caused pain in the ears. The source of such a low frequency was a storm that raged hundreds of miles from Taimyr. This discovery made it possible over time to create a device for predicting storms (we wrote about it in UT No. 7, 1988), and most importantly, attracted the attention of scientists. Research soon showed that there are much more infrasonic vibrations in nature than audible sounds. The wind blows, sways the trees, drives waves across the sea, but at the same time creates ultra-low acoustic vibrations. Elusive small earthquakes vibrate the crust of our planet with a frequency of 0.1-1 Hz and also create an infrasound background.”

Positive influence

For a long time, infrasound was considered a negative factor for humans. But in the modern worldThey have learned to use it in some areas of medicine. For example, in ophthalmology.

Infrasonic pneumomassage has a positive effect on the activation of metabolic processes in the eye, the accumulation of RNA, and improvement of the hydrodynamics of the eye. “Infrasonic pneumomassage changes the structure of the cell membrane, increases its permeability for nutrients and drugs without damaging the membrane.” “The effectiveness of infrasonic pneumomassage has been proven for inflammatory diseases, in particular for keratitis and corneal ulcers.”

Infrasound is also used to find out a person’s pulse.

“You can’t hear infrasound, but you can see it. Soviet scientists have developed special equipment that makes it possible to record infrasounds on a tape recorder and observe them on the screen of an oscilloscope. The patient's pulse, recorded on a tape recorder, turns into a bizarre curve on the oscilloscope screen. Based on the shape of this curve, one can judge the state of health and make an accurate diagnosis of heart disease.

Comparison of pulse wave curves recorded on magnetic tape before and after treatment will allow us to judge the effectiveness of the drugs.

Infrasound equipment can record on film the work of the lungs, which occurs at a fundamental frequency of 0.25-0.30 Hertz.

During complex surgical operations, this equipment allows simultaneous monitoring of the patient’s heart function, pulse, respiration and blood pressure, which is very difficult to achieve using conventional methods.”

Infrasound is also used to detect brain diseases. It was also found that the brain can resonate at certain frequencies; the possibility of a “cross” effect of infrasound resonance with the frequency of p- and p-waves existing in the brain of every person was revealed. These biological waves are clearly detected on encephalograms, and by their nature, doctors judge certain brain diseases. It has been suggested that random stimulation of biowaves by infrasound of the appropriate frequency can affect the physiological state of the brain.

Chapter III

To conduct research on the influence of infrasound on humans, I investigated its influence on my classmates. To do this, I divided them into two groups. The first is a control group, which includes those who do not attend discos, and if they listen to music, it is quiet and for a short time. The second is the experimental group. This group included students who listen to music every day for several hours (on the way to school and back, in their free time at home, and also when regularly visiting discos). Both groups included 10 people, aged 15-16 years.

A survey was administered at the beginning of the study. (Appendix I)

The test results showed that the guys from the control group prefer to listen to calm music with lyrical content, only three people sometimes listen to classical music. 50% of students from the experimental group listen to rock, 30% - pop music, 50% are fond of club music. All participants in the first group listen to music at moderate volume for no more than 30 minutes a day. Participants from the second group “fill” all their free time, and the volume of the rock they listen to is maximum. And what do they feel during and after listening to music? Classmates from the experimental group openly admitted that their internal organs were vibrating, they were experiencing pressure on their eardrums, and ear congestion. After listening to music, 60% of classmates from this group experience a feeling of anxiety and fear, 80% experience fatigue and weakness, and 40% experience dizziness. The results of the influence of infrasound during and after listening to music, obtained as a result of testing, are shown in the diagram (see Appendix II).

All participants in the control group chose answer a) in the fourth question and answer c) in the fifth. And, of course, they believe that it is music that has a beneficial effect on them. 60% of classmates from the experimental group consider illness to be the cause of poor health, 40% blame heavy workload at school.

Observations of the participants in the experiment showed contrasting behavior, although attention was not focused on it before the experiment began. Now it is clear that the guys from the first group are calm and reserved, they are friendly when communicating with classmates, and they react adequately to teachers’ comments. Students from the second group behave exactly the opposite. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained, and they show these qualities both in their interactions with classmates and teachers. But none of those surveyed see any harm in listening to loud music for hours


When studying literature and a sociological survey, I concluded that infrasound can really influence people in various settings (at school, at home, on the street, etc.), and also that over the past decades people have learned a lot about infrasound, its nature origin and distribution, impact on humans, etc. Not all the secrets of infrasound have been revealed to us; many questions still remain open.Yes, its effect on humans can be dangerous, but infrasound can also benefit people.It was very pleasant and interesting for me to work on this topic, since I consider it promising and extremely poorly covered for a wide range of people.


1) V.V. Sukhomlinov. Infrasound: enemy or friend? // Young technician.-1989.-No. 7.-S. 7-15.

2) E.I. Sidorenko. The use of infrasonic vacuum pneumomassage in ophthalmology: glasses Sidorenko/Nikolaeva G.V.// Russian Children's Ophthalmology.-2012.-No. 1-2.-S. 72-75.

3) Physics. 9th grade : textbook / A. V. Peryshkina, E. M. Gutnik.-M. : Bustard, 2014. - 319




picture 1

figure 2

figure 3

Appendix I

Sociological survey (in the form of a test)

(You can select multiple answers)

1. What style of music do you prefer?

a) rock; b) classic; c) pop; d) club

2. How much time do you devote to listening to music?

a) up to 30 minutes; b) from 30 to 60 minutes; c) from 1 to 2 hours; d) more than 2 hours.

3. How loud does it sound?

a) quiet; b) moderately; c) loudly; d) very loud, glass rattles.

4. How do you feel while listening to music?

a) a feeling of pressure on the eardrums, dry mouth, itchy skin;

b) pleasure;

c) sensation of vibration of the body, internal organs;

d) a feeling of pressure on the eardrums.

5. How do you feel after listening to music?

a) dizziness;

b) feelings of anxiety and (or) fear;

c) fatigue, weakness;

d) feeling of joy, high spirits.

6. What do you think caused your condition?

a) I have some kind of disease;

b) I’m tired of the heavy workload at school;

c) I listen to music for a long time and it negatively affects my health and mood;

d) I listened to calm, quiet music, which has a beneficial effect on me.

Appendix II

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Infrasound comes from Lat. infra - “below, under” - the region of acoustic vibrations with frequencies lying below the audible frequency band - 20 Hz. Infrasound is contained in the noise of the atmosphere, forest and sea. The source of infrasonic vibrations is lightning discharges (thunder), as well as explosions and gun shots. In the earth's crust, shocks and vibrations of infrasound frequencies are observed from a wide variety of sources, including from rockfall explosions and transport pathogens.

It is an integral part of the noise spectra emitted by many technological units. A characteristic feature of infrasound is its long wavelength and low vibration frequency. Infrasonic waves are little absorbed by air and can travel freely around distances. These features make it difficult to combat it, since traditional methods of dealing with noise using sound insulation and sound absorption are ineffective. At the end of the 60s. French researcher Gavreau discovered that infrasounds of certain frequencies can cause anxiety and restlessness, headaches, reduce attention and performance, even disrupt the function of the vestibular system and cause bleeding from the nose and ears. Infrasound with a frequency of 7 Hz is lethal. The ability of infrasound to induce fear is used by police in a number of countries around the world: to disperse crowds, they turn on powerful generators, whose frequencies differ by 5-9 Hz. The beats that arise as a result of the difference in the frequencies of these generators have an IZ frequency and cause in many people an unconscious feeling of fear, a desire to leave this place as quickly as possible.
Professor Gavreau became acquainted with infrasounds almost by accident. For some time now it has become impossible to be in one of the rooms of the laboratory where his employees worked. It was enough to stay here for two hours to feel completely sick: your head was spinning, you were tired, your thoughts were confused, or you didn’t even want to think about anything.

More than one day passed before the researchers figured out where to look for the unknown enemy. It turned out to be high-power infrasounds created by the ventilation system of a new plant built near the laboratory. The frequency of these waves was 7 Hz. Professor Gavreau suggested that the biological effect of infrasound is manifested if the frequency of the wave coincides with the so-called alpha rhythm of the brain.

The mechanism of perception of infrasound and its physiological effect on humans has not yet been fully established. It is possible that it is associated with the excitation of resonant oscillations in the body. Thus, the natural frequency of our vestibular apparatus is close to 6 Hz, and many people are familiar with the unpleasant sensations when riding for a long time on a bus, train, sailing on a ship or swinging on a swing. They say: “I got seasick.”

When exposed to infrasound, the pictures created by the left and right eyes may differ from each other, the horizon begins to “break,” problems with orientation in space arise, and inexplicable anxiety and fear occur. Similar sensations are caused by light pulsations with a frequency of 4-8 Hz. Even the Egyptian priests, in order to obtain a confession from a captive, tied him up and, using a mirror, released a pulsating light into his eyes. Sunbeam. After some time, the prisoner began to have convulsions, began to foam at the mouth, his psyche was suppressed, and he began to answer questions.

Visitors to discotheques experience similar effects of infrasound and flashing light, not counting even increased sound volume. It is quite possible that they do not go away without a trace, and some unwanted and irreversible changes may occur in the body.

British scientists have demonstrated that when exposed to infrasound, people experience approximately the same sensations as during “encounters” with ghosts. Such an experiment was carried out. Using a seven-meter pipe, scientists managed to mix ultra-low frequencies into the sound of ordinary musical instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, the listeners (there were 750 people) were asked to describe their impressions. “Subjects” reported that they felt a sudden decline in mood, sadness, some had goosebumps, and some had a heavy feeling of fear.

During earthquakes and movements of the earth's crust, three types of waves are generated: P, S, and L. P-waves (from the English primary) are longitudinal compression-tension waves that propagate over vast distances at the speed of sound in a given environment. S-waves (from the English secondary) are transverse, they can only propagate in rocks. L-waves (Love waves, named after the scientist who discovered them, A. Love) are similar to sea waves and propagate along the boundaries of different media at a low speed, depending on the frequency. The infrasound wave, reaching the surface of the Earth from the center of the earthquake, turns into an L-wave, which causes the numerous destructions observed. The same, but weaker, waves occur during underground nuclear explosions.

infrasound noise frequency vibration

Infrasound around us

In nature, the “Voice of the Sea” is infrasonic waves that arise above the surface of the sea during strong winds, as a result of vortex formation behind wave crests. Due to the fact that infrasound is characterized by low absorption, it can propagate over long distances, and since the speed of its propagation significantly exceeds the speed of movement of the storm area, the “voice of the sea” can serve to predict a storm in advance.

Jellyfish are unique indicators of a storm. At the edge of the “bell” of the jellyfish there are primitive eyes and organs of balance - auditory cones the size of a pinhead. These are the “ears” of a jellyfish. They hear infrasounds with a frequency of 8 - 13 hertz. The storm is still unfolding hundreds of kilometers from the coast, it will arrive in these places in about 20 hours, and the jellyfish already hear it and go into the depths.

We must pay tribute to the bionics who created an electronic automatic device - a storm predictor, the work of which is based on the principle of the “infraear” of a jellyfish. Such a device can warn of an impending storm 15 hours in advance, and not two, like a conventional marine barometer.

Infrasound quite often occurs due to natural causes: its source can be storms and hurricanes, as well as some types of earthquakes. Some animals, such as elephants, use it for communication purposes and also to scare away enemies. Scientists have recently suggested that tigers use an 18-Hz roar just before an attack to stun their prey.

Infrasound in old castles can be generated by corridors and windows if the speeds of drafts in them and the geometric parameters of the rooms coincide as required. Scientists also believe that natural infrasound can stimulate aggression and increase unrest. It is possible that this explains the connection between the increase in the number of psychoses and madness in certain areas with natural phenomena, such as the Mistral (in the Rhone Valley) or Sirocco (in the Sahara). After all, winds can also be a source of infrasound.

Here it is appropriate to recall the infrasound hypothesis for solving the mystery Bermuda Triangle, according to which the waves generate infrasound, causing the madness of the crew or even the death of people, which leads to the death of an uncontrollable ship or the appearance of legends about the “flying Dutchmen” abandoned by the crew for no reason.

In technology. All mechanisms that operate at rotation speeds less than 20 rps emit infrasound. When a car moves at a speed of more than 100 km/h, it is a source of infrasound, which occurs due to the disruption of the air flow from its surface.

In the mechanical engineering industry, infrasound occurs during the operation of fans, compressors, internal combustion engines, and diesel engines.

According to current regulatory documents, sound pressure levels in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz should be no more than 105 dB, and for bands with a frequency of 32 Hz - no more than 102 dB. Due to its large length, infrasound travels over long distances in the atmosphere. It is almost impossible to stop infrasound using building structures along the path of its spread. Personal protective equipment is also ineffective. An effective means of protection is to reduce the level of infrasound at the source of its formation. Among such events are the following:

1 increase in shaft rotation speeds to 20 or more revolutions per second;

2 increasing the rigidity of large oscillating structures;

3 elimination of low-frequency vibrations;

4 making design changes to the structure of sources, which makes it possible to move from the region of infrasonic vibrations to the region of sound vibrations; in this case, their reduction can be achieved by using sound insulation and sound absorption.;

Actions of infrasound

In general, infrasound operates due to resonance: vibration frequencies during many processes in the body lie in the infrasound range:

heart contractions 1-2 Hz

delta brain rhythm (sleep state) 0.5-3.5 Hz

alpha rhythm of the brain (resting state) 8-13 Hz

beta rhythm of the brain (mental work) 14-35 Hz.

when infrasound vibrations coincide with vibrations in the body, the latter intensify, which can lead to disruption of the organ, its injury, or even rupture into parts. The natural frequency of vibration of the human body is approximately 8-15 hertz. Roughly speaking, this means that every movement of each muscle causes a damped microconvulsion of the entire body at the frequency of its own vibrations. When the body begins to be affected by infrasound, body vibrations fall into resonance, and the amplitude of microconvulsions increases tens of times. A person cannot understand what is happening to him, infrasound is not heard, but he has a feeling of horror and danger. With a sufficiently powerful impact, internal organs, capillaries and blood vessels begin to rupture in the body.

In the range of 7-13 hertz, a natural “wave of fear” sounds, emitted by typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and prompting all living things to leave the centers natural Disasters. With the help of infrasound, for example, you can easily drive a person to suicide. The most dangerous range is considered to be from 6 to 9 Hz. Significant psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, which is consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain vibrations, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to be torn into small pieces. Low-intensity sound causes nausea and ringing in the ears, as well as blurred vision and unaccountable fear. Sound of medium intensity upsets the digestive organs and the brain, causing paralysis, general weakness, and sometimes blindness. Elastic powerful infrasound can damage and even completely stop the heart.

Infrafrequencies of about 12 Hz with a strength of 85-110 dB induce attacks of seasickness and dizziness, and vibrations with a frequency of 15-18 Hz at the same intensity instill feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and, finally, panic.

Internal organs also vibrate at infrasonic frequencies. The intestinal rhythm is in the infrasound range. Doctors drew attention to the dangerous resonance of the abdominal cavity that occurs during vibrations with a frequency of 4-8 Hz. We tried tightening (first on the model) the abdominal area with belts. Resonance frequencies increased slightly, but the physiological effects of infrasound did not weaken.

The lungs and heart, like any volumetric resonating systems, are also prone to intense vibrations when their resonance frequencies coincide with the frequency of infrasound. The walls of the lungs have the least resistance to infrasound, which can ultimately cause damage.

Brain. Here the picture of interaction with infrasound is especially complex. A small group of subjects were asked to solve simple problems, first while exposed to noise with a frequency below 15 hertz and a level of approximately 115 dB, then under the influence of alcohol, and finally under the influence of both factors simultaneously. An analogy was established between the effects of alcohol and infrasonic irradiation on humans. With the simultaneous influence of these factors, the effect intensified, the ability to perform simple mental work noticeably deteriorated. In other experiments it was found that the brain can resonate at certain frequencies. In addition to the resonance of the brain as an elastic-inertial body, the possibility of a “cross” effect of resonance of infrasound with the frequency of a- and b-waves existing in the brain of every person was revealed. These biological waves are clearly detected on encephalograms, and by their nature, doctors judge certain brain diseases. It has been suggested that random stimulation of biowaves by infrasound of the appropriate frequency can affect the physiological state of the brain.

Blood vessels. There are some statistics here. In experiments by French acousticians and physiologists, 42 young people were exposed to infrasound with a frequency of 7.5 Hz and a level of 130 dB for 50 minutes. All subjects experienced a noticeable increase in the lower limit of blood pressure. When exposed to infrasound, changes in the rhythm of heart contractions and breathing, weakening of vision and hearing functions, increased fatigue and other disorders were recorded. Studies have shown that the frequency of 19 hertz is resonant for the eyeballs, and it is this frequency that can not only cause visual disturbances, but also visions and phantoms. Many people are familiar with the discomfort after a long ride on a bus, train, sailing on a ship or swinging on a swing. They say: “I got seasick.” All these sensations are associated with the effect of infrasound on the vestibular apparatus, the natural frequency of which is close to 6 Hz. When a person is exposed to infrasound with frequencies close to 6 Hz, the pictures created by the left and right eyes may differ from each other, the horizon will begin to “break,” problems with orientation in space will arise, and inexplicable anxiety and fear will occur. Similar sensations are caused by light pulsations at frequencies of 4-8 Hz. Even the Egyptian priests, in order to achieve confession from the captive, tied him up and, using a mirror, illuminated his eyes with a pulsating sun ray. After some time, the prisoner began to have convulsions, foam at the mouth, his psyche was suppressed, and he answered questions. Infrasound can affect not only vision, but also the psyche, and also move the hairs on the skin, creating a feeling of cold.

During the experiments, it was recorded that an infrasonic gun, directing sound waves into the depths of the Earth, causes local earthquakes. In the early 1950s, the French researcher Gavreau, who studied the influence of infrasound on the human body, found that with fluctuations of about 6 Hz, volunteers participating in the experiments experienced a feeling of fatigue, then anxiety, turning into unaccountable horror. According to Gavreau, at 7 Hz paralysis of the heart and nervous system is possible. Professor Gavreau's close acquaintance with infrasounds began, one might say, by accident. For some time now it has become impossible to work in one of the rooms of his laboratory. Having not been here for even two hours, people felt completely sick: they were dizzy, very tired, and their thinking abilities were impaired. More than one day passed before Professor Gavreau and his colleagues figured out where to look for the unknown enemy. Infrasounds and the human condition... What are the relationships, patterns and consequences here? As it turned out, high-power infrasonic vibrations were created by the ventilation system of the plant, which was built near the laboratory. The frequency of these waves was about 7 hertz (that is, 7 vibrations per second), and this posed a danger to humans. Infrasound affects not only the ears, but also the entire body. Internal organs begin to vibrate - the stomach, heart, lungs, and so on. In this case, their damage is inevitable. Infrasound, even if it is not very strong, can disrupt the functioning of our brain, cause fainting and lead to temporary blindness. And powerful sounds of more than 7 hertz stop the heart or rupture blood vessels. Biologists who have studied for themselves how high-intensity infrasound affects the psyche have found that sometimes this gives rise to a feeling of unreasonable fear. Other frequencies of infrasound vibrations cause a state of fatigue, a feeling of melancholy or seasickness with dizziness and vomiting. According to Professor Gavreau, the biological effect of infrasound occurs when the frequency of the wave coincides with the so-called alpha rhythm of the brain. The work of this researcher and his collaborators has already revealed many features of infrasounds. It must be said that all research with such sounds is far from safe. Professor Gavreau recalls how he had to stop experiments with one of the generators. The participants in the experiment felt so bad that even after several hours the usual low sound was perceived as painful by them. There was also a case when everyone who was in the laboratory began to shake objects in their pockets: pens, notebooks , keys. This is how infrasound with a frequency of 16 hertz showed its power. British scientists have once again demonstrated that infrasound can have a very strange and, as a rule, negative effect on the human psyche. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where encounters with ghosts took place. An employee of the National Physical Laboratory in England, Dr. Richard Lord, and psychology professor Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire conducted a rather strange experiment on an audience of 750 people. Using a seven-meter pipe, they managed to mix ultra-low frequencies into the sound of ordinary acoustic instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, listeners were asked to describe their impressions. The “test subjects” reported that they felt a sudden decline in mood, sadness, some had goosebumps, and some had a heavy feeling of fear. This could only be partly explained by self-hypnosis. Of the four works played at the concert, infrasound was present in only two, and the listeners were not told which ones. "Some scientists believe that infrasound frequencies may be present in places that are said to be haunted, and that it is infrasound that causes the strange experiences commonly associated with ghosts - our study supports these ideas," Wiseman said. Vic Tandy, a computer scientist at Coventry University, dismissed all ghost legends as nonsense, not worth attention. That evening, as always, he was working in his laboratory and suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat. He clearly felt that someone was looking at him, and this look carried with it something sinister. Then this ominous materialized into something formless, ash-gray in color, scurried across the room and came close to the scientist. Arms and legs could be seen in the blurry outlines, and in the place of the head there was fog swirling, in the center of which there was a dark spot. It's like a mouth. A moment later, the vision disappeared into thin air without a trace. To Vic Tandy's credit, it must be said that after experiencing the first fear and shock, he began to act like a scientist - to look for the cause of an incomprehensible phenomenon. The easiest way was to attribute it to hallucinations. But where did they come from? Tandy didn’t take drugs and didn’t abuse alcohol. And I drank coffee in moderation. As for otherworldly forces, the scientist categorically did not believe in them. No, we need to look for ordinary physical factors. And Tandy found them, albeit purely by accident. My hobby, fencing, helped. Some time after the meeting with the “ghost,” the scientist took the sword into the laboratory to put it in order for the upcoming competition. And suddenly the blade, clamped in a vice, began to vibrate more and more, as if an invisible hand was touching it. The average person would think of an invisible hand as such. And this gave the scientist the idea of ​​resonant vibrations, similar to those that cause sound waves. So, the dishes in the cupboard begin to clink when the music is blaring at full blast in the room. However, the strange thing was that there was silence in the laboratory. However, is it quiet? Having asked himself this question, Tandy immediately answered it: he measured the sound background with special equipment. And it turned out that there is an unimaginable noise here, but the sound waves have a very low frequency that the human ear is unable to detect. It was infrasound. And after a short search, its source was found: a new fan recently installed in the air conditioner. As soon as it was turned off, the “spirit” disappeared and the blade stopped vibrating. Is infrasound related to my night ghost? - this is the thought that came to the scientist’s head. Measurements of the infrasound frequency in the laboratory showed 18.98 hertz, and this almost exactly corresponds to the frequency at which the human eyeball begins to resonate. So, apparently, the sound waves caused Vic Tandy's eyeballs to vibrate and caused an optical illusion - he saw a figure that was not really there.
Further research showed that under natural conditions, waves of such low frequencies can occur quite regularly. Infrasound is produced, for example, when strong gusts winds collide with chimneys or towers. Such eerie bass penetrates even the thickest walls. Especially often, such sound waves begin to rumble in tunnel-shaped corridors. So it’s no coincidence that people most often encounter ghosts in the long winding corridors of ancient castles. And with strong winds in the UK there is no shortage; over the British Isles they blow constantly.

Vic Tandy published the results of his work in the Society's journal physical research. John Balderston was rehearsing a play at the Lyric in which the time of action was to be transferred from the present day to 1783 during one darkening of the stage. How to make the "leap" psychologically and emotionally effective - Wood proposed to solve this problem. His idea was that a very low note, almost inaudible but vibrating the eardrum, would produce a feeling of "mystery" and convey the desired mood to the audience. This was accomplished using an organ "super pipe" longer and thicker than those used in church organs. They decided to test the trumpet at a rehearsal. Only Wood, Leslie Howard, Balderston and director Gilbert Miller in the audience knew what was going to happen. A scream from a darkened stage signaled a break of 145 years. Wood's "inaudible" note was included here.

An effect similar to that which precedes an earthquake ensued. The glass in the candelabra of the ancient Lyric began to ring, and all the windows began to rattle. The whole building began to tremble, and a wave of horror spread to Shaftesbury Avenue. Miller ordered that “such and such” organ pipe be immediately thrown out.

Application of infrasound

Some time ago, in magazines devoted to Hi-End audio, a description of an acoustic system (speakers) with unusual high quality sound and a smooth amplitude-frequency response and the absence of transient distortions in the filter sections separating different speakers: low-frequency, mid-frequency, high-frequency. This was achieved using an unusual design. The design of the column included two absolutely identical ultrasonic emitters, aligned in phase. One of them emitted ultrasound of a certain frequency, for example (not exactly reported) 40 kHz. An ultrasonic signal, frequency modulated by a signal from the input of the speakers, that is, a musical signal, was supplied to another speaker. As a result of the superposition of ultrasonic radiation in the air in front of the column, resonant detection of the acoustic signal occurred. According to the developers, the system had very good sound, which changed little depending on the location of the listener. For unknown reasons, the system did not gain further popularity, possibly due to the harmful effects of ultrasound on human health and the integrity of structures. Powerful infrasound generators are now made on this principle. According to the Defense News weekly, work on prototypes of combat infrasound generators is almost complete. American Technology Corporation has developed four types of infrasonic weapons, which were tested in November 1999 at the Quantico Test Site (Virginia).

Two of them are designed to arm a single fighter, the other two are mounted on standard army transporters. All types of these combat generators produce infrasound with an intensity of 120 to 130 decibels. This level provides high selectivity of attack and allows you to direct the sound “beam” to a specific target, including an individual person. Now our special services deny the existence of sound weapons on Russian territory. However, in 2001 the State Duma adopted an amendment to federal law“On Weapons”, which prohibits the use in our country of “objects whose destructive effect is based on infrasonic or ultrasonic radiation” for any purpose other than military. Infrasound is the cause of disasters. The fact is that in the World Ocean there are huge reserves of methane hydrate - methane ice. It is a conglomerate of water and gas, consisting of clusters of 32 water molecules and 8 methane molecules. Methhydrates are formed where seabed released through cracks in the earth's crust natural gas. The infrasonic wave, having enormous energy, destroys the methane ice, and methane gas is released into the water. Craters emitting methane were discovered by the research ship Polar Star (Germany) in the Laptev Sea and off the coast of Pakistan in 1987. The gas-water mixture formed when methane is released has a very low density, and a ship caught in this zone can suddenly drown. Likewise, an airplane flying over such a place can unexpectedly “fall” deeply into an air pocket and hit the surface of the water. It is believed that many unexplained disasters of ships and planes are associated precisely with the unpredictable release of methane from the depths of the sea.

Infrasonic oscillations in the Earth's atmosphere are the result of numerous causes: galactic cosmic rays, gravitational effects of the Moon and the Sun, meteorite falls, electromagnetic radiation and corpuscular flows from the Sun, as well as geosphere processes. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with optical inhomogeneities of the atmosphere can lead to the generation of acoustic vibrations in a wide frequency range. It should therefore be expected that the rhythm of solar activity should appear in the spectrum of atmospheric oscillations. This may determine the well-known connection between solar activity and biosphere processes.

IZ fluctuations in the atmosphere are also associated with seismic activity, and they can be both an external influence on the preparatory processes and their result. The connection between the intensity of seismic processes and solar activity was discovered when analyzing global seismicity and 11-year solar cycles. It is now believed that this connection occurs through cyclonic activity in the atmosphere.

In the IKI LC, as a result of the analysis of infrasound spectra obtained in the period 1997-2000, annual, seasonal, 27-day and daily periods of oscillations were discovered. The hypothesis about an increase in infrasound energy with a decrease in solar activity has been confirmed. The maximum annual infrasound energy was observed in 1997, when solar activity was at a minimum; a similar thing was observed with its short-term (5-10 days) changes. Studies of IR spectra before and after large earthquakes have shown their characteristic changes before large earthquakes. As a result of experiments on observing electromagnetic responses to acoustic disturbances in the atmosphere created using a mobile acoustic emitter, the connection between infrasound and geomagnetic variations has been proven.

Thus, the Sun, the interplanetary medium, the atmosphere and the lithosphere represent a single system, and IR waves play a significant role in the processes of their interaction.

In accordance with the classification given in SN 2.2.4/ “Infrasound in workplaces, in residential and public premises and in residential areas,” infrasound affecting humans is divided into:

1. by the nature of the spectrum:

a. broadband infrasound, with a continuous spectrum more than one octave wide;

b. tonal infrasound, in the spectrum of which there are audible discrete components. The tonal character of infrasound is established in octave frequency bands by the excess of the level in one band over neighboring ones by at least 10 dB;

2. according to time characteristics:

a. constant infrasound, the sound pressure level of which changes during the observation time by no more than 2 times (by 6 dB) when measured on the “linear” sound level meter scale on the “slow” time characteristic;

b. non-constant infrasound, the sound pressure level of which changes during the observation time by at least 2 times (by 6 dB) when measured on the “linear” sound level meter scale on the “slow” time characteristic;

Effect of infrasound on humans

The hygienic problem associated with the impact of infrasound on the human body arose relatively recently - in the 70s. The adverse effect of infrasound on the human body manifests itself primarily in mental disorders, negative effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and other body systems, and the vestibular apparatus. A reaction specific to the action of infrasound is imbalance.

Infra noise is perceived by a person mainly as physical activity: fatigue occurs, headache, dizziness.

Infrasound with a force of over 150 dB is completely intolerable to humans; at 180 - 190 dB, death occurs due to rupture of the pulmonary alveoli.

The harmful effects of infrasound on the human body are aggravated when the frequency of infrasound vibrations coincides with the natural frequency of a particular organ. Resonant frequencies for humans are in the range of 4…15 Hz. Infrasound with a frequency of up to 10 Hz causes resonance phenomena on the part of large internal organs - the stomach, liver, heart, lungs.

Long-term exposure to infrasound 4...10 Hz can cause, for example, chronic gastritis, colitis, persisting for a long time after the cessation of its influence.

When a person is exposed to elevated levels of infrasound, along with the indicated signs, breathing difficulties are also observed, apparently associated with vibration of the chest and resonance phenomena; nausea due to irritation of receptors in various organs; thermoregulation disorders, expressed in the occurrence of chills and chill-like trembling; visual disturbances; various autonomic reactions caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamus and others.

Frequency of various symptoms observed during short-term exposure to infrasound high level(120-135 dB)



Fatigue, weakness (including severe weakness)

Feeling vibration of the body and internal organs

Feeling of fear


Feeling of pressure on the eardrums, stuffy ears

Senesthopathy (deceptive, unreal sensations)

Autonomic disorders (pallor, sweating, dry mouth, itchy skin)

Mental disorders (spatial disorientation, confusion, etc.)

Difficulty swallowing

Visual impairment (blurred vision)

Feeling of suffocation

Speech modulation

Breathing problems

Chill-like tremor

Methods to combat infrasound

Infrasound can travel long distances due to its low absorption in the atmosphere and its ability to bend around obstacles. The large wavelengths characteristic of infrasound determine their pronounced diffraction ability, and significant vibration amplitudes allow them to influence a person at considerable distances from the source.

To organize protection against infrasound, it is necessary to use an integrated approach, including constructive measures to reduce infrasound at the source of formation, planning solutions, organizational, medical preventive measures and personal protective equipment.

The main measures to combat infrasound include:

1. Isolation of objects that are sources of infrasound, separating them into separate rooms.

2. Use of observation booths with remote control of the technological process.

3. Increasing the speed of machines, ensuring the transfer of maximum radiation into the region of audible frequencies.

4. The use of infrasound mufflers with mechanical wave frequency conversion.

5. Elimination of low-frequency vibrations.

6. Increasing the rigidity of large structures.

7. Introduction into technological chains of special damping devices of small linear dimensions, redistributing the spectral composition of vibrations to the region of higher frequencies.

8. Use of hearing and head protection against infrasound - noise suppressors, headphones, pressure helmets, etc. (the damping ability of which at low frequencies is much lower than at high frequencies). To increase the effectiveness of protection, it is recommended to use a combination of several types of protective equipment, for example, noise-cancelling headphones and earplugs.

9. Application of a rational regime of work and rest - introduction of 20-minute breaks every 2 hours of work when exposed to infrasound at levels exceeding the normative ones.


Over the past decades, we have learned a lot about infrasound, the nature of its origin, its distribution, its impact on humans, its use as a weapon, etc. Not all the secrets of infrasound have been revealed to us; many questions still remain open. Subsequent generations will have to look for answers to them; they will certainly lift the “veil” of secrets that nature is now hiding. Robert Koch once predicted: “One day humanity will be forced to deal with noise as decisively as it deals with cholera and plague.” And indeed it is. Scientists from many countries around the world are solving the problem of combating noise, since it is also a source of infrasound. All sorts of measures are being taken to “repress” both infrasound and noise. This makes a big difference. Now there is a debate between scientists about whether infrasound is still so dangerous or not. I can say with a high degree of probability that he is dangerous. Especially in hands that cannot control it and monitor its non-proliferation (here we mean infrasonic weapons). In the future, infrasound will be able to bring many benefits to humanity, the main thing is to use it correctly and competently.


1. "Physical Encyclopedia" Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov, Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia, 1990, (second volume).

2. “Combating noise and sound vibration”, Moscow, 1989, (pp. 53-59).

3. “Voscillations of the vascular wall under the action of infrasound”, Boenko I.V., Fraiman B.Ya., Voronezh, 1983, (pp. 1-8).

4. "Occupational diseases", V.V. Kosarev, S.A. Babanov, Moscow, 2010, (pp. 113-119).

Posted on Allbest.ur


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    Important revolutionary leaps in the evolution of the Earth's nature. Their role in the historical development of biological and geological processes. Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures, technical methods and means. Infrasound sources.

    test, added 10/23/2010

    Acoustic vibrations of air and the impact of acoustic fields on humans. Maintaining the optimal state of the physical habitat. Noise as one of the environmental pollutants. The impact of infrasonic vibrations on the human body.

    presentation, added 03/21/2013

    Basic methods and means of collective and individual protection in relation to the protected object. Combating noise at its source. Reducing noise along the propagation path. Protection from ultrasound and infrasound. Calculation of sound-absorbing linings.

    abstract, added 06/14/2011

    General information about noise, its sources and classification. Measurement and standardization of noise levels, the effectiveness of some alternative methods for reducing it. The impact of noise on the human body. Harmful effects of elevated levels of infrasound and ultrasound.

    course work, added 12/21/2012

    Sound, infrasound and ultrasound. The influence of infrasound and ultrasound on the human body. Noise pollution and reduction of acoustic background. Permissible noise level in the apartment. Maximum permissible noise levels at workplaces in enterprise premises.

    abstract, added 03/27/2013

    The effect of noise, ultrasound and infrasound on the human body. Characteristics, standardization, vibration control methods. Methods of protection against the negative effects of noise on humans. Electromagnetic fields and radiation in the radio frequency and optical range.

    test, added 07/06/2015

    Ensuring information, biophysical, energy, spatial-anthropometric and technical-aesthetic compatibility in the “man-machine” system. Investigation and recording of accidents. Natural and artificial sources of infrasound.

    test, added 10/21/2014

    Infrasound as a region of acoustic vibrations with frequencies below the audible frequency band - 20 Hz, its characteristic features and classification depending on the impact on the human body, standardization. Measures to combat infrasound.

The influence of infrasound on the human body. At the end of the 60s. French researcher Gavreau discovered that infrasounds of certain frequencies can cause anxiety and restlessness, headaches, reduce attention and performance, even disrupt the function of the vestibular system and cause bleeding from the nose and ears. Infrasound with a frequency of 7 Hz is lethal. The ability of infrasound to induce fear is used by police in a number of countries around the world: to disperse the crowd, powerful generators are turned on, the frequencies of which differ by 5–9 Hz. Beats arising due to differences in the frequencies of these generators have

IZ-frequency causes in many people an unconscious feeling of fear, a desire to leave this place as quickly as possible.

Professor Gavreau became acquainted with infrasounds almost by accident. For some time now it has become impossible to be in one of the rooms of the laboratory where his employees worked. It was enough to stay here for two hours to feel completely sick: your head was spinning, you were tired, your thoughts were confused, or you didn’t even want to think about anything.

More than one day passed before the researchers figured out where to look for the unknown enemy. It turned out to be high-power infrasounds created by the ventilation system of a new plant built near the laboratory. The frequency of these waves was 7 Hz. Professor Gavreau suggested that the biological effect of infrasound is manifested if the frequency of the wave coincides with the so-called alpha rhythm of the brain.

The mechanism of perception of infrasound and its physiological effect on humans has not yet been fully established. It is possible that it is associated with the excitation of resonant oscillations in the body. Thus, the natural frequency of our vestibular apparatus is close to 6 Hz, and many people are familiar with the unpleasant sensations when riding for a long time on a bus, train, sailing on a ship or swinging on a swing. They say: “I got seasick.”

When exposed to infrasound, the pictures created by the left and right eyes may differ from each other, the horizon begins to “break,” problems with orientation in space arise, and inexplicable anxiety and fear occur. Similar sensations are caused by light pulsations with a frequency of 4–8 Hz. Even the Egyptian priests, in order to achieve confession from the captive, tied him up and, using a mirror, sent a pulsating sunbeam into his eyes. After some time, the prisoner began to have convulsions, began to foam at the mouth, his psyche was suppressed, and he began to answer questions.

Visitors to discotheques experience similar effects of infrasound and flashing light, not counting even increased sound volume. It is quite possible that they do not go away without a trace, and some unwanted and irreversible changes may occur in the body.

British scientists have demonstrated that when exposed to infrasound, people experience approximately the same sensations as during “encounters” with ghosts. Such an experiment was carried out. Using a seven-meter pipe, scientists managed to mix ultra-low frequencies into the sound of ordinary musical instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, the listeners (there were 750 people) were asked to describe their impressions. “Subjects” reported that they felt a sudden decline in mood, sadness, some had goosebumps, and some had a heavy feeling of fear.

During earthquakes and movements of the earth's crust, three types of waves are generated: P, S, and L. P-waves (from the English primary) are longitudinal compression-tension waves that propagate over vast distances at the speed of sound in a given environment. S-waves (from the English secondary) are transverse, they can only propagate in rocks. L-waves (Love waves, named after the scientist who discovered them, A. Love) are similar to sea waves and propagate along the boundaries of different media at a low speed, depending on the frequency. The infrasound wave, reaching the surface of the Earth from the center of the earthquake, turns into an L-wave, which causes the numerous destructions observed. The same, but weaker, waves occur during underground nuclear explosions.

Infrasound is the cause of disasters. The fact is that in the World Ocean there are huge reserves of methane hydrate - methane ice. It is a conglomerate of water and gas, consisting of clusters of 32 water molecules and 8 methane molecules. Methane hydrates form where natural gas is released on the seabed through cracks in the earth's crust. The infrasonic wave, having enormous energy, destroys the methane ice, and methane gas is released into the water. Craters emitting methane were discovered by the research ship Polar Star (Germany) in the Laptev Sea and off the coast of Pakistan in 1987. The gas-water mixture formed when methane is released has a very low density, and a ship caught in this zone can suddenly drown. Likewise, an airplane flying over such a place can unexpectedly “fall” deeply into an air pocket and hit the surface of the water. It is believed that many unexplained disasters of ships and planes are associated precisely with the unpredictable release of methane from the depths of the sea.

Infrasonic oscillations in the Earth's atmosphere are the result of numerous causes: galactic cosmic rays, gravitational effects of the Moon and the Sun, meteorite falls, electromagnetic radiation and corpuscular flows from the Sun, as well as geosphere processes. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with optical inhomogeneities of the atmosphere can lead to the generation of acoustic vibrations in a wide frequency range. It should therefore be expected that the rhythm of solar activity should appear in the spectrum of atmospheric oscillations. This may determine the well-known connection between solar activity and biosphere processes.

IZ fluctuations in the atmosphere are also associated with seismic activity, and they can be both an external influence on the preparatory processes and their result. The relationship between the intensity of seismic processes and solar activity was discovered when analyzing global seismicity and

11 year solar cycles. It is now believed that this connection occurs through cyclonic activity in the atmosphere.

In the IKI LC, as a result of the analysis of infrasound spectra obtained in the period 1997–2000, annual, seasonal, 27-day and daily periods of oscillations were discovered. The hypothesis about an increase in infrasound energy with a decrease in solar activity has been confirmed. The maximum annual infrasound energy was observed in 1997, when solar activity was at a minimum; a similar thing was observed during its short-term (5–10 days) changes. Studies of IR spectra before and after large earthquakes have shown their characteristic changes before large earthquakes. As a result of experiments on observing electromagnetic responses to acoustic disturbances in the atmosphere created using a mobile acoustic emitter, the connection between infrasound and geomagnetic variations has been proven.

Thus, the Sun, the interplanetary medium, the atmosphere and the lithosphere represent a single system, and IR waves play a significant role in the processes of their interaction.

Hearing is of great importance for learning speech, developing intelligence and psyche, especially in childhood. Hearing plays a key role in communication between people.

The organ of hearing is formed by three sections: the outer - the auricle and the external auditory canal, the middle - three successively connected auditory ossicles: the hammer, the incus and the stapes, and the inner ear - the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth lying in it (cochlea). The middle ear communicates with the nasopharynx through the auditory (Eustachian) tube.

Causes of hearing loss:

  • genetic and congenital abnormalities of ear development;
  • diseases during pregnancy (rubella, influenza, etc.);
  • transferred children's viral infections(measles, scarlet fever, mumps, meningitis);
  • purulent otitis media;
  • damage to the auditory nerve;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • tumors;
  • noise trauma;
  • exposure to toxic chemicals (including alcohol, nicotine, drugs);
  • exposure to drugs toxic to the organ of hearing - salicylates, quinine, aminoglycosides, diuretics (furosemide and ethacrynic acid);
  • exposure to certain anticancer drugs;
  • and etc.
  • The first symptoms of hearing loss:

  • speech intelligibility impairment;
  • frequent requests to repeat a phrase;
  • difficulties in communication and using the telephone;
  • difficulties in perceiving high frequencies (women's, children's voices, birdsong);
  • increasing the volume of the radio and TV.
  • If any of the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

    The biological impact of acoustic vibrations on humans depends on the following factors:

  • intensity level dB);
  • the main carrier frequency, as well as the acoustic spectrum, if other frequencies are present in addition to the carrier frequency;
  • vibration forms: harmonic vibrations, pulses with a steep front, N-form waves, etc.;
  • duration of exposure t, duration of pulse rise ts and number of pulses;
  • individual characteristics of the object, environmental conditions, the presence of body vibrations simultaneously with infrasound, which are transmitted to the object mechanically through supporting surfaces, etc.
  • The influence of sound and noise on humans

    Our hearing organ, overloaded with the high noise of the modern city, suffers from the use of headphones (headsets), telephones, and players. Under the constant sharp blows of sound waves, the eardrum vibrates on a large scale. Because of this, it gradually loses its elasticity and a person’s hearing becomes dull.

    If the intensity levels of perceived sounds are within the capabilities of human speech - 70 dB, then such sounds will not cause any pathological changes. Sounds and noises above 70 dB become unpleasant to the ear. If the volume exceeds 90 dB, then such noise, especially long-term, can be harmful to health. Constantly listening to music through headphones, a person begins to go deaf without noticing. By gradually increasing the volume, a person brings the sound to a dangerous level of 90 dB (the noise of a subway train) or more, when the sound from the headphones is audible to the person who is nearby.

    The effect of ultrasound on humans

    The influence of infrasound and vibration on humans

    Infrasound is always present in nature. Infrasound pressure usually ranges from 10 -2 to 5 Pa. Very powerful infrasonic waves (with a frequency of 0.1 Hz), formed during the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883, as well as during the explosion in the Tunguska region in 1906, circled the globe several times.

    There are a large number of natural sources of infrasound radiation. As a rule, the intensity of such radiation is at least an order of magnitude less than infrasound from nuclear explosions.

    The study of infrasound began during the First World War in connection with gunfire. And only in the 70s of the 20th century, based on various experiments, researchers established that both natural and artificial infrasound can have a strong impact on the state and behavior of people. It can even destroy industrial and civilian sites.

    High-intensity infrasound is created not only during volcanic eruptions, but also during earthquakes. You can also point out many other phenomena - tornadoes, strong storms, lightning discharges, etc., in which infrasonic waves arise. Infrasound waves are observed during periods of high geomagnetic activity: the infrasound period is 40–80 s, the amplitude is about 0.1 Pa. The origin of these fractional hertz infrasounds is possibly related to the formation of shock waves.

    In recent years, research has confirmed the hypothesis of search activity of muscles when constructing movements. So, for example, for a particular type of movement - maintaining a vertical posture of a person - the continuous activity of certain muscle groups is necessary. At the same time, the muscles, changing their tension, seem to be searching in the process of minimizing the deviation of the general center of gravity of the human body from the equilibrium position.

    As a result of the search activity of the muscles, the general center of gravity of the body carries out continuous oscillations. It is important that the stabilogram (dependence of the projection of the deviation of the general center of gravity on the horizontal plane) represents undamped oscillations. The frequency spectrum of these oscillations, which has maxima in the frequency ranges 0.5; 1.0; 10 Hz, does not depend on changes in such biomechanical parameters of the subject as weight, height, size of the support contour, and is determined only by the operation of the system that determines the regulation of movements. Therefore, there are certain areas of exposure frequencies that are especially “unpleasant” for this system and have the greatest impact on the human condition.

    Infrasonic vibrations affect the entire human body, causing resonant phenomena of both the entire human body and its individual parts, internal organs and systems, causing, depending on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of infrasound and the duration of exposure, certain disturbances in the body. At the same time, a person’s total energy consumption increases, since under the influence of low-frequency vibrations the average muscle tension increases. Therefore, it can be assumed that infrasonic vibrations are perceived by a person as a physical load, which can be compared with other types of load, such as physical work, heat load, etc.

    During infrasound exposure, the human body experiences a rhythmic change in pressure (compression-decompression effect). In this case, the mechanoreceptors of internal organs and tissues, muscles and skin are irritated, as a result of which a number of shifts occur in the body by reflex.

    The most common physiological effects observed during the action of infrasound vibrations on the human body are changes in breathing rhythms and heartbeats, upset stomach and central nervous system, and headaches.

    Based on the nature of the biological impact of infrasound, three main zones can be distinguished:

    1. Zone of “information” influence. This is an area of ​​relatively weak infrasounds that have a long-lasting effect on an object. The energy of infrasound plays a secondary role here and infrasound should be considered as certain signals entering the body from the outside. The external manifestation of the “informational” impact of infrasound can be a feeling of anxiety, unpleasant sensations, increased fatigue, weakening of memory, psychological changes, etc.

    2. Zone of physiological changes. The energy factor of infrasonic vibrations plays an important role here. At relatively low acoustic energies, the impact of infrasound manifests itself primarily in functional disorders of the hearing organ, as well as the vestibular apparatus, causing ringing and pain in the ears. Balance and coordination of movements deteriorate, the clarity of vision changes, the voice changes, and the threshold of hearing for sound frequencies increases. At higher acoustic energies, headaches, dizziness, nausea, coughing, breathing problems, etc. occur. After the cessation of infrasonic influences, these symptoms may disappear after some time without visible consequences.

    3. Zone lethal effect infrasound. At extremely high acoustic levels, perforation of membranes, enlargement of the lungs, rupture of the alveoli and cessation of breathing, brain damage and of cardio-vascular system. These phenomena can lead to death or long-term failure.
