When can you swim in summer? The summer weather will tell you when you can start swimming in the river.

  • With the onset of summer, the swimming season begins; not everyone can afford a trip to the sea and is content with swimming in lakes and rivers.

Despite the fact that it is quite warm outside, the water can be cold, and if you get into cold water in the heat, you may get a cramp, and not every person manages to survive; many people drown.

Therefore, you should not get into the water when it is cold, but there is a time when the water temperature is already comfortable, this happens at the end of June or at the beginning of July.

There are people who started swimming already in May, since this year the spring was very hot, at that time I only went to sunbathe.

IN different regions The weather is different, which greatly influences when you can safely climb into the river and swim.

The water in the river heats up perfectly when there are enough days warm weather from 25 and above.

That year people started swimming season much later, as there were rains and sunny days there were not so many, the weather plays a role, there is no specific month, but in May, I think, despite the warmth, it is still early, the warmth is deceptive.

If a person is prone to convulsions, he should not joke with cold water, because every day people die because of this.

Swimming in an ice hole for baptism? Where and when?

In Denmark broken dishes in no case are thrown away, but stored until the onset of New Year's Eve and give it to their loved ones. It is believed that the well-being of the one who brought them depends on the number of fragments.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Sign when not to swim

The best day for swimming in Rus' was considered Saturday - an excellent bath day on which you could wash off not only the dirt, but also the burden of the past work week. But even today, when there is no need to visit the bathhouse, since there is a shower in every home, signs about bathing have not lost their relevance.

When should you not bathe or bathe?

There are days on which swimming is considered mandatory - for example, Maundy Thursday. But there are vice versa, those when you can’t swim according to folk superstitions.

  • Anything is bad on Monday. The fewer actions you take on this day, the better. Don't start anything new, don't take on difficult work, do not swim - and you will be happy.
  • On Sunday you should also not undertake complex bathing activities.. People said that on this day you need to take care of the spiritual, and not the material, that is, cleanse your mind, not your body.
  • There should be no strangers in the house when bathing a newborn.. If a guest arrives just at this time, do not let him go before the bathing is over, otherwise the baby may get sick - that’s what our grandmothers said. To protect the child, the guest’s feet are sprinkled with the water in which the baby was bathed.

Sign - when you should not swim in natural bodies of water

Questions about swimming are usually related to lakes and rivers - according to folk beliefs, V certain days(and nights) it is not recommended to even come close to them. You can start swimming no earlier than the first buds bloom on the oak tree. Ends on August 2.

August 2

Why can't you swim after August 2? The signs on this matter are very clear. August 2 is the day of Elijah the Prophet. From this day on, as it was believed, nature begins to prepare for winter - animals make supplies for the winter, insulate their burrows, birds prepare for wintering or migrating to warmer climes. And the water in reservoirs becomes cold - swimming in it is dangerous due to hypothermia.

If you watch the weather on Elijah's day, you will notice that during the day, at dawn or closer to night, at least a few drops of rain will fall on the ground. People say that Ilya peed in the water. After August 2, the water will begin to “bloom,” so swimming in it is fraught with various intestinal and skin diseases.

A hundred years ago, people learned about when they could start swimming in lakes, rivers and ponds from the church calendar. He recommended opening the season of water treatments on Spiritual Day, which comes immediately after the Trinity Day. But today the priests themselves tell parishioners to primarily focus on real weather conditions and the forecast of the hydrometeorological center, and not on ancient traditions. Forecasters claim that the summer of 2017 in Russia will begin with moderately warm weather, so not all regions will have time to warm up to a comfortable temperature by the beginning of June. Even in Crimea and Sochi at the end of May and the first ten days of June, the Black Sea will still be invigorating and tourists will have to wait until 15-20 to fully enjoy the warm sea water.

Is it possible to swim in May in Cyprus and Crete, Spain, Greece and Tunisia - a detailed overview of the water temperature off the coast of the resorts

In many countries located in the warm Mediterranean climatic zones, a full-fledged one starts in May beach season. The air at the beginning of the month warms up to quite comfortable levels (+22…23°C), and by the second or third decade the thermometer often rises to +28°C. Doesn't lag behind sea ​​water, washing the shores of the most popular resorts. And if in the first days of May only the most seasoned tourists risk swimming, then by the end of the month ordinary vacationers also try to enter the sea waves.

Where you can swim in May - weather forecast for Cyprus, Crete, Greece, Spain and Tunisia

  • The water off the coast of Cyprus is considered the warmest and most affectionate in the entire Mediterranean. By mid-May its temperature reaches +21…22°C, and at the end of the month thermometers record +24°C. The sea warms up the most in Paphos, Kyrenia and Ayia Napa. Larnaca and Limassol are one or two degrees behind them.
  • In Crete in May it is already warm, but not yet hot. The average daily air temperature rarely exceeds +24°C, but the water at the beginning of the month is not very encouraging (no more than +18°C). A little better situation becomes only on the 20th, so those who definitely want to enjoy beach treatments to the fullest should time their vacation in Crete by the end of May.
  • Spanish resorts can hardly be called suitable for a full-fledged beach holiday in May. The moderately warm sun simply does not have time to warm up the sea waves by the end of spring and the water temperature is in no way conducive to prolonged swimming. And if near Malaga and Tenerife to last numbers month you can still find the sea at +20°C, then in all other cities you shouldn’t even count on readings higher than +17…18°C.
  • May weather in Greece is very pleasant and mild. The average daily temperature is +22...26°C (depending on the region), and at night it no longer drops below +15...17°C. But you still can’t indulge in sea baths. During this period, the sea rarely warms up above +18...19°C, so the majority of tourists limit themselves to acquiring a beautiful and practically safe tan, and go to water parks or swimming pools at hotels and spa centers for swimming experiences.
  • Tunisia in May is quite comfortable for a holiday, however, ideal conditions does not provide for swimming. The sea off the coast of the resort at the beginning of the month warms up to +16...17°C, and in the last days of May reaches +19°C. Short thunderstorms, typical for the middle and end of the month, simply do not allow the water to warm up more and become more comfortable for vacationers.

When can you start swimming in lakes, rivers and ponds in the summer of 2017 - weather forecasters and folk signs

Folk omens advise opening the season of active swimming on Spiritual Day. This holiday, according to church calendar, follows immediately after Great Trinity and in 2017 it falls on June 5th. However, even clergy strongly recommend that their parishioners not take this information literally and be sure to take into account weather conditions and the actual water temperature in open reservoirs.

The preliminary forecast of weather forecasters says that summer in Russia will begin with moderately warm weather and in most regions located from the Center to the Northern borders of the state, the average daily temperature will not rise above +18...20°C. The water in lakes, rivers and ponds is expected to warm up to +15...16°C, and by the end of the month it will barely reach +18°C. In the south the situation will be better and hotter Sun rays will cause reservoirs to warm up to +20°C by mid-June. At the end of the month, temperatures will become even more optimistic, and from July to mid-August, even children will be able to stay in the water for a long time without the risk of freezing.

When can you start swimming in Sochi and Crimea - what is the water temperature in summer in the Black Sea

Officially holiday season on Black Sea coast starts on May 1st. In addition to pleasant weather conditions, this is also connected with a series of May holidays, which Russians strive to spend in warm southern cities. But if the air temperature in the last spring month is already quite pleasing with summer indicators, the same cannot be said about water. During the winter, the Black Sea cools down very much, and it takes a lot of time to warm it up to comfortable levels.

Off the coast of Sochi in early May, the water temperature fluctuates around +15...16°C. Regular short-term rains, which are very typical for the latter, also do not contribute to the increase. spring month. In the first days of June, the sea off the Sochi coast rarely warms up to more than +19°C, but by the middle these indicators rapidly increase to +21...23°C, and by the end of the month they sometimes reach +25°C. This pleasant trend continues until the beginning of August and gives all visitors the opportunity to swim to their heart’s content.

In Crimea the situation is similar. May pleases with affectionate warm air(+19...23°C depending on the location of the resort), and the water temperature is about +15...16°C at the beginning and up to +18...20°C at the end of the month. Traditionally, the sea warms up faster in Evpatoria, and the water remains cold longer in the north-west of the peninsula. The Black Sea becomes comfortable for almost every tourist only from mid-June, when thermometers along the entire coast record from +22°C to +24°C. In July and early August, these indicators become even higher and it is no longer possible to lure either adults or children out of the water.

When going on vacation to any body of water in the summer, both adults and children consider the opportunity to swim in a lake, river or pond. But the water temperature will not always correspond to the wishes of vacationers. Before traveling outdoors in May or summer 2017, you need to find out when you can start swimming. This also applies to travel to the Black Sea in Crimea or Sochi. These recommendations and approximate forecasts of water temperature will help you plan your trip on time.

Recovering on May holidays to bodies of water, it is worth thinking about the safety of water procedures. First of all, you need to assess the degree of heating of the water. Weighing all the pros and cons will allow you to understand whether you can swim in a river or lake in May.

Recommendations for swimming in May 2017 for children and adults

Good warming of water, even for shallow reservoirs, is ensured closer to the middle, and most often by the end of May. Children and teenagers should not swim in such cold water. Adults can perform water procedures, but only with feeling good. You also need to know in what month you can start swimming: for the southern regions of Russia optimal time can be considered June-July. But for other regions it is better to wait until the water warms up to 19-22 degrees (in July, August).

When can you start swimming in a lake, river, pond in the summer of 2017 - water temperature forecasts

When choosing a bathing time, you need to rely on the water temperature. This will help you understand when you can start swimming in lakes, rivers and ponds in the summer of 2017. Optimal temperature for swimming you can consider +22 or higher degrees.

Water temperature forecasts for lakes and rivers for the summer of 2017

When studying when you can start swimming in a lake in the summer, you need to rely on the characteristics of the region in which it is located. For example, you can swim on Lake Baikal from mid-July. For most rivers in Russia desired temperature reached in June. When determining when you can start swimming in the river in the summer, you need to take into account its depth and the weather over the last couple of days.

When will it be possible to swim in the pond in the summer of 2017?

Small ponds warm up much faster than rivers or lakes. They are suitable for water procedures already at the beginning of summer. When considering when you can start swimming in a pond in the summer, you need to pay attention to the landscape around the pond. The absence of trees will ensure that the water quickly warms up to 18-20 degrees in early June.

When can you start swimming in the Black Sea in Sochi and Crimea in the summer of 2017 - approximate water temperature

A trip to the sea in the summer will allow you to have a useful and healthy vacation. But before traveling to Crimea or Sochi, you should definitely find out when you can start swimming in the Black Sea and what water temperature will be there in June.

Approximate water temperature in the Black Sea in Crimea and Sochi for the summer of 2017

When finding out when you can start swimming in Crimea, you need to look at data for different cities of the peninsula. For example, in June in Feodosia the water will warm up to +20 degrees, in Sudak - up to +24. But when studying when you can start swimming in Sochi, you should pay attention to the usual water temperature for the resort. Starting in June, it will reach +20 and +22 degrees.

All of us living in northern latitudes, dreaming of hot summer days. And on a clear warm day you really want to swim. A river, lake or sea beckons us with pleasant coolness and invites us to plunge into its waters. Besides, everyone knows that nothing strengthens our immunity like swimming.

About the benefits of bathing

However, before you start the swimming season, you need to know when and for whom you can swim.

Undoubtedly, swimming is useful, the difference in air and water temperatures makes our body healthier, increasing its immunity, swimming strengthens the spine, it is extremely useful to breathe moist river water, and even more so, sea ​​air, sunbathe. Swimming relaxes overstrained body muscles while training them.

About water temperature

At what temperature is it allowed to swim without risk to health?

In general, it is not recommended to dive into water at temperatures below 22 degrees; the risk of catching a cold is too high, especially if you have a weakened immune system. Take your time to strengthen it by diving into water in early June, not yet warmed by the sun, and swimming for half a day at a time without getting out.

The main criterion for water temperature is your feeling of comfort; if you are knee-deep or ankle-deep and you are very cold, then most likely you should not continue your journey.

After swimming, it is better to dry yourself with a towel to warm up your body and avoid hypothermia.

Where to swim

It's no secret that you need to swim on a specially equipped beach? If there is a sign warning about the dangers of swimming, then it was installed for a reason. Remember this. Avoid standing water overgrown with algae and inhabited by waterfowl - you risk getting an infection.

On a wild beach, enter the water carefully; under no circumstances dive headfirst, this is a mortal risk. Enter the water gradually, examining the bottom for snags or rocks that could cause injury.

Even if you are confident in the water, it is unlikely that you should swim too far, you should not put yourself at risk, because on an unequipped beach there are no lifeguards who will come to your aid if something happens.

Who can swim and who can't

It is important to know not only when you can swim, but also who can do it and who shouldn’t.

  • You should not swim a few days after vaccination and illness if you have open wounds or skin diseases.
  • Pregnant women should approach swimming with caution. They should pay attention, first of all, to the temperature of the water, so as not to catch a cold and avoid the possibility of cramps, the cleanliness of the reservoir and their well-being.
  • Women after childbirth should not swim until the vaginal discharge stops or until the scar from the vagina heals. caesarean section.
  • During menstruation, you can bathe using tampons as a means of personal hygiene.

Also, don't swim:

  • immediately after eating,
  • in the presence of acute diseases infectious nature,
  • during exacerbations of chronic diseases.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially coronary disease, hypertension, and bronchial asthma, before starting the swimming season, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Thus, knowing when you can swim, who can swim and where, and approaching the issue of swimming wisely and carefully, you can get the maximum benefit from summer swimming, strengthen your body, strengthen your immune system and avoid all the troubles associated with diseases.
