Clean your nose at home. How to deal with nasal congestion

No matter what causes nasal congestion, it causes terrible discomfort and greatly complicates our normal lives. Do you want to get rid of a stuffy nose in 1 minute? We'll tell you how to do this.

How to get rid of a stuffy nose

Blow your nose through one nostril. Scientists have found that blowing your nose puts a lot of pressure on the sinus, and mucus and secretions are pulled back every time you try to blow your nose through both nostrils. Blow your nose through one nostril, closing the other with your fingers. And keep your mouth open to avoid damaging your eardrums! After blowing your nose, put a decongestant drop into your nose.

Do acupressure. There are 4 points on the face, massaging them one by one, you can solve your problem.

Point 1:

  • The first point is at the bottom of both nostrils.
  • Gently press on the nostrils in a circular motion fingers.
  • Repeat the movements 10 times.

Be sure not to pinch the nasal cartilage when doing this. You only need to squeeze the lower part of your nostrils.

Point 2:

  • It is located just above the corner of the eyes.
  • Repeat gentle circular movements 10 times.
  • Focus your attention on the sensations you receive.

Point 3:

  • It is located on the wings of the nose, just below the cartilage.
  • Massage the points with your thumb and index finger, squeezing lightly and immediately releasing.

Do this with soft, squeezing movements without causing any pain.

Points 4 and 5:

  • Points 4 and 5 are located from the outside and inside earlobes.
  • Massage them gently using light pressure. Do 10 presses.

You will need approximately 1 minute for the entire massage. If after this you are unable to completely get rid of nasal congestion, repeat the procedure after 10 minutes.

Stuffy nose: folk remedies

You can get rid of nasal congestion in just a minute by preparing nasal drops at home. To do this, you only need warm water and salt. Prepare the drops like this:

  • Add a teaspoon of salt to a glass warm water and mix thoroughly;
  • We bury salt water into the nose with a pipette, tilting the head back;
  • We wait a minute with our heads thrown back, then we blow our nose through each nostril one by one.

The use of such drops does not cause addiction, unlike medical vasoconstrictor drugs. Drops from the pharmacy dry out the nasal mucosa, which gradually causes hypertrophy (increase), and then atrophy (death). To avoid rhinitis, do not use such drops for more than 3 days.

Reader Questions

It is very important to keep the nose and the internal chambers adjacent to it clean. This is always worth remembering. After all, rinsing your nose at home is not just a hygienic procedure, but also a therapeutic one. It cleanses the nasal passages of dust, dirt, secretions, allergens, and germs that accumulate in them.

Hindus, for example, for the purpose of cleaning, regularly rinse their nose with warm water, which must be drawn in from the palm through one nostril and poured out through the other. Then the procedure is repeated in reverse.

All this, in principle, can be easily mastered by anyone and will only bring benefits. But in practice it turns out that for some this procedure is difficult and will not work the first time. Then they abandon it forever, becoming a victim of constant viral contamination. In addition, most men who use an electric razor often refuse this procedure. And with such shaving, a huge number of micro-splinters from hair cut with knives enter the nostrils, ending up in the lungs after some time. This cannot be allowed under any circumstances! But you won’t be able to avoid inhaling during the entire shaving procedure, so it’s worth thinking about how to clean your nose at home.

There is a fail-safe and fairly simple way. You need to pull a baby's pacifier onto a flexible plastic bottle, in which you first burn a hole with a hot awl. Using this design, you can rinse your nostrils with light pressure by tilting your head alternately in different directions over the sink.

In addition, at home, cleaning the nose can be done with anything you can find around the house: a teapot, a dropper without a needle, or a small bulb with a rubber tip. Considering that the nasal rinsing procedure is becoming increasingly popular, many companies are developing and producing special devices. But any device, whether improvised or purchased, should be for individual use only. Each time after the procedure it must be washed (you can just use water).

The water for such a procedure should be lukewarm, and it would be useful to salt it (half a teaspoon per half liter of water). Be sure to thoroughly dissolve the salt so that it does not damage the nasal mucosa. The same preventive procedure will help get rid of a long-term runny nose. To do this, during the onset of the disease, several times a day it is worth preparing the following cleaning solution: 0.5 tsp per 200 ml of warm water. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 1-2 drops of iodine. If this liquid is mixed well, dissolving all the ingredients, and shaken until smooth, then it will easily bring out (with your help, of course) everything that has accumulated in the nasal sinuses. This solution is perfect for cleaning the throat, which can also be rinsed with it.

In addition to salt, to rinse the nose, you can use solutions of romazulan, malavit, chlorophyllipt, furatsilin, tincture of eucalyptus or calendula, infusions of various medicinal herbs.

For furatsilin solution, 2 tablets are dissolved in 1 glass of water (warm!). For other solutions (for example, calendula tincture, malavit, chlorophyllipt) - 1 tsp. The drug is dissolved in half a liter of warm water.

But it is worth remembering that constant rinsing with a salt solution that you prepare yourself at home is undesirable. It will remove nasal mucus, which performs protective function. Therefore, experts advise alternating different solutions for cleaning the nose.

Modern medicine advises regularly rinsing the nose for various diseases: runny nose, sinusitis, polyps, tonsillitis, allergies, adenoiditis. And yogis advised cleaning your nose also when headache, fatigue, poor eyesight, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, insomnia, depression and fatigue.

Rinsing the nose should begin with the nostril that breathes more freely. You need to stand over a bathtub or sink, tilt your head forward and insert the tip of the device you are using into your healthy nostril. You can only breathe through your mouth. Then gradually tilt your head, lifting the device so that water pours out of the other nostril. The entire procedure should take 15-20 seconds. Then carefully lower your head and repeat with the other nostril.

Nasal congestion occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is usually a consequence of the flu, cold or allergies. The body fighting the disease produces mucus, which causes a runny nose. Nasal congestion can be very irritating and make breathing difficult. Fortunately, nasal congestion in an adult or child can be relieved with home remedies. However, if nasal congestion is accompanied by other signs of infection, such as a runny nose and fever, you should see a doctor. Also consult a doctor if your child has a stuffy nose.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult your doctor.


Quick Measures

    Take a hot shower to quickly loosen the mucus. The steam helps thin nasal secretions and makes breathing easier. Just close the bathroom door, stand in the hot shower and breathe in the steam. You may feel relief immediately.

  1. Use a salt spray or neti pot. Saline nasal sprays come in a convenient spray bottle with aqueous solution salts, they are harmless to everyone, even pregnant women. Salt water helps flush out mucus and relieve nasal irritation.

    • Follow the instructions included with the spray. It is usually recommended to spray 1-2 times every 2-3 hours.
    • If you don't want to buy a nasal spray, you can easily make your own. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon (1.4 grams) non-iodized salt in 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) lukewarm filtered or distilled water. Fill a rubber syringe with the solution and carefully squirt a little liquid into each nostril.
    • You can also rinse your sinuses using a neti pot. However, never prepare a saline solution from plain tap water, as it may contain bacteria and amoebas that can cause life-threatening illnesses. Wash your neti pot thoroughly after use every time.
  2. Use a nasal patch to widen your nostrils. Thin white strips of the patch help widen the nostrils and make breathing easier. Place the strip on the bridge of your nose and see if it relieves nasal congestion.

    • The nasal patch is often sold as an anti-snoring patch and can be purchased at pharmacies and supermarkets.
  3. Apply warm compresses to your nose to relieve congestion. Heat expands the sinuses and thereby reduces nasal congestion. Wet the rag as much as possible hot water, which you are able to withstand, lie down and place a rag on the bridge of your nose and sinuses, so that it does not cover your nostrils. Re-wet the rag with hot water when it has cooled noticeably.

    • You may need to wet the cloth several times before you feel relief, so be patient. Try applying the compresses while you are doing something relaxing, such as listening to music or watching TV.
    • For best results, add freshly chopped pieces of ginger root to the water before dampening the cloth. Ginger helps reduce inflammation and ease breathing.
  4. Use various ointments and rubs. Most warming balms, ointments and gels contain menthol, eucalyptus and camphor, and inhaling their vapors will make you feel like you're breathing easier. However, there is not really enough data to support the effectiveness of these products for treating nasal congestion.

    • Apply the rub ointment to the neck or chest only.
    • Rubs are not safe for children under 2 years of age.
  5. Eat something spicy to temporarily relieve nasal congestion. If you have sinus congestion, consider eating something spicier than what you are used to. Spicy foods irritate the mucous membrane and thereby promote the removal of mucus from the nose. Perhaps with the help of this easy way you will be able to temporarily clear your nose.

    • Drink plenty of water with your meals, and carefully blow your nose after eating.
    • You can also eat chicken soup with noodles (chop some garlic into it) to strengthen your immune system and relieve nasal congestion.
  6. Take over-the-counter decongestants or antihistamines as recommended by your doctor. You may be able to ease your breathing with over-the-counter medications (depending on the cause of your nasal congestion). For a child 4–12 years old, choose a decongestant or antihistamine for children. Before taking any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Most likely, your doctor will recommend a specific drug or group of drugs for you.

    • If your nasal congestion is due to a cold, a decongestant may be appropriate. Decongestants relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasal passages, making breathing easier. They are available in the form of either tablets or oral solutions or nasal sprays. Please note that decongestant nasal sprays are recommended to be used no longer than 3 days in a row, otherwise nasal congestion may return, while oral medications can be taken for up to 5-7 days.
    • If nasal congestion is caused by an allergy such as hay fever, take an antihistamine such as Claritin, Zyrtec or Allegra (or equivalents). Antihistamines relieve both nasal congestion and other symptoms, such as sneezing. Please note that some antihistamines may make you feel tired. If you take medications during the day, choose medications that do not cause drowsiness. Do not drive a car or operate machinery until you have checked how the medication you are taking affects you.
    • For nasal congestion due to allergies, corticosteroid nasal sprays such as Flixonase, Avamys, or Nosephrine (the latter two are prescription drugs) may also help. Corticosteroids help reduce inflammation.

Changes in daily life

  1. There is no need to blow your nose too often. If your nose is stuffy, but mucus isn't coming out and you can't blow your nose, don't force yourself. Your first instinct may be to blow your nose harder to finally get rid of the excess mucus, but it's best not to do this. Blow your nose only when mucus comes out easily from your nose.

    • The harder you blow your nose, the more the delicate nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, which only worsens the congestion. Although it may seem counterintuitive, it is best not to use a handkerchief too often.
    • Naturopathic physician Zora DeGrandpre recommends the following: Don't blow your nose too hard, or your nose will bleed. If you do start to bleed, plug your nostrils with a large index fingers to stop the bleeding. Before you try to blow your nose next time, apply a hot compress or inhale steam to your nose.
  2. Drink more fluids to thin out the mucus. This will help clear a stuffy nose during illness. Try to drink plain water, herbal teas and broths, and keep a bottle or mug of water nearby so you can quench your thirst at any time.

    • Hot drinks are especially good for clearing your nose.
    • Avoid liquids containing sugar, such as juices or sodas, as they do not contain healthy nutrients and electrolytes that your body needs. Sugar also interferes with the normal functioning of the immune system.
    • Avoid drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks, as caffeine can cause dehydration.
  3. Sleep with your head elevated. Mucus can accumulate in your nose when you sleep or just lie down. If you have a stuffy nose, use extra pillows under your head or sleep in a chair.

    • If you usually sleep on your stomach or side, try sleeping on your back and elevating your head when you're sick.
  4. Avoid irritants. Irritants such as cigarette smoke can worsen nasal congestion. If you have a stuffy nose, don't smoke or be near smoking people. If your nasal congestion is caused by allergies, do your best to protect yourself from allergens such as dust and pet hair.

    • If you need help quitting smoking, talk to your doctor or call a smoking hotline.

Treatment of a child

  1. Use a saline solution to loosen mucus. Place your baby on a flat surface and place a folded towel under his shoulders so that his head is tilted back. Place a few drops of the solution into each nostril. The saline solution thins mucus, which helps clear it and make breathing easier.

    • To make your own salt solution, dilute 1/4 teaspoon (1.4 grams) of non-iodized salt in 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) lukewarm filtered or distilled water.
    • If you only have tap water on hand, boil it and wait until it cools before making the saline solution. Otherwise, there is a risk that bacteria or amoebas will enter the baby's sinuses - this can even pose a threat to life.
  2. Remove mucus to make it easier for your baby to breathe. If your child is old enough, ask him to gently blow his nose. If your child is too young, use a rubber syringe to remove excess mucus from each nostril. First, squeeze the air out of the syringe, and then carefully insert the tip into the nostril. Release the bulb to allow the syringe to suck up the mucus, then remove it from the nostril and squeeze the mucus onto a napkin or paper towel. Do the same with the second nostril.

    • Roll a scarf into a small cone and use it to clear your nostrils. Not Insert cotton swabs into the child's nose.
  3. Lubricate the skin under your irritated nose with coconut oil - this will help moisturize dry skin and relieve irritation due to frequent nose blowing. In addition, coconut oil has antimicrobial effects.
  4. Place menthol and eucalyptus bath salts in a sink or bowl of boiling water. Drape a towel over your head and the edges of the sink or bowl. Inhale the steam until the water cools to relieve nasal congestion.
  5. If you don't have high temperature, try to breathe fresh air. Sometimes it helps.
  6. Use salt water. Just dissolve a little table salt in a glass of warm water. However, do not add too much salt to avoid dry throat.
  7. Warnings

  • Please note that some people should not take decongestants containing pseudoephedrine.
  • Be careful when using steam and steam inhalers as hot steam can cause painful burns.
  • When making your own saline solution for a nasal spray or neti pot, use filtered or distilled water to prevent bacteria or amoebas from entering your nose. If you only have tap water on hand, boil it and wait until it cools before making the saline solution.
  • Do not use hot steam humidifiers as they may harbor bacteria.

When you have a runny nose, you should definitely rinse your nose to remove any mucus that has accumulated in it. Solutions for cleaning the nasal sinuses wash away mucus and germs and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Most often, the question of rinsing the nose arises either when colds, or during allergies. Both diseases bring a lot of trouble to a person. Due to nasal congestion, insomnia appears, the head and bridge of the nose begin to ache.

The need to rinse the nose during illness is due to various factors, such as:

  • accumulation of stagnant mucus in the sinuses, which needs to be disposed of;
  • cleansing the nasal cavity from pathogenic microorganisms;
  • disinfection of mucous membranes;
  • elimination of congestion;
  • relieving inflammation and swelling.

It is necessary to rinse your nose during all illnesses that are accompanied by a runny nose and mucus discharge from the sinuses.

But still, in some cases, rinsing the nose can be a dangerous procedure that you should refrain from:

  • inflammatory processes in the ears;
  • deformation of the nasal septum;
  • predisposition to nosebleeds;
  • severe swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the nasal cavity (cysts, polyps);
  • intolerance to a certain category of rinsing drugs.

In all these cases, an alternative to nasal rinsing will be required.

Is it possible and how to use saline and saline solutions?

Saline solutions are considered one of the safest means for treating a runny nose in both children and adults. Of course, even here there are restrictions, for example, an allergy to the drug, a tendency to bleed, and so on. You can ask your doctor about contraindications.

For an adult

Adults can rinse their sinuses with saline if there are no contraindications. It is not recommended to decide on the procedure on your own. You should consult your doctor on this issue. You can also ask him about contraindications.

The easiest way to clear the nasal passages of mucus accumulated in them is a solution of table salt. You can also use sea salt, but provided that it is natural, without dyes or flavors.

Making a saline solution is very simple. To do this you will need a glass of warm water and 1 tbsp. table salt. Dilute the salt in water and put it into a syringe. Tilt your head to the side and rinse one nostril with the solution. It is better to carry out the procedure over a cup or sink. Rinse the second nostril in the same way. Rinse your nose sea ​​salt You can follow the same recipe.

To kid

You can also rinse your child’s nose with saline solution if there are no contraindications. The procedure will clear the child’s nasal passages, relieve congestion and disinfect the nasal cavity. Special attention You should pay attention to rinsing the baby’s nose. You can only use pharmaceutical saline solutions prescribed by your pediatrician. It is very difficult for small children to rinse their nose, since the child begins to squirm and does not allow the procedure to be carried out.

How to rinse your nose at home

You can rinse your nose at home, but you must follow the technology so as not to harm the mucous membrane. For the convenience of the procedure, you can use a regular syringe without a needle. The pharmacy also sells special devices in the form of a watering can. A liquid for cleaning the nose from accumulated mucus can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Aqualor not only helps cleanse the nasal sinuses, but also moisturizes the mucous membrane, washes away pathogens, and relieves inflammatory process and swelling. A few days after using the product, improvement is noted.

An adult should rinse with Aqualor while sitting or standing, tilting his head to the side:

  • You need to insert a spray bottle into one nostril;
  • spray the product and then blow your nose;

For some time after the procedure, a large number of mucus. This is a normal reaction of the body.

Children under 2 years old need to clean their nose differently:

  • put the child on his back and spray Aquolor into one nostril;
  • then sit the baby down and clean the nose with cotton swabs or an aspirator;
  • do the same action with the other nostril.

The advantage of Aqualor is that it contains only natural ingredients, so it can even be used to treat runny nose in pregnant women and women during breastfeeding.

Dolphin, as a rule, is produced separately for adults and children. But the difference is mainly in the volume of the bottle. Dolphin is produced in the form of a powder, with the help of which a means for washing the sinuses from mucus is prepared.

Dolphin helps clear the nostrils of secretions, flushes out bacteria, relieves inflammation and swelling, and creates a protective membrane on the mucous membrane. Dolphin also restores water-salt balance.

The disinfecting effect of the drug is achieved due to iodine and sodium chloride in the composition. In addition, licorice and rosehip extracts soothe the mucous membranes and increase immunity.

How to rinse with Dolphin:

  1. First of all, the sinuses need to be cleared of mucus. Otherwise, you won’t be able to rinse your sinuses. Before starting the procedure, you need to blow your nose well.
  2. You also need to relieve swelling, which will prevent the penetration of the drug. To do this, you need to instill any vasoconstrictor drops.
  3. You need to tilt your head down over the sink.
  4. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  5. Place the device, which is sold along with the drug, against one nostril and squeeze it so that the liquid evenly enters the nasal passage.
  6. At the first stage of the procedure, you need to use a quarter of the total portion of the medicine.
  7. Then carefully remove the hand with the device from the nostril.
  8. Exhale sharply to get rid of mucus (do not pinch your nostril when exhaling).
  9. Repeat the same steps with the other nostril.

It will be much more difficult to rinse your baby's nose. Even an adult does not always manage to clear his sinuses correctly right away, and even more so for a child. In addition, the procedure is burdened by the fact that it will be unpleasant for children, and it is very difficult to explain its necessity to the baby. The procedure is no different from the process of cleaning the mucous membrane of an adult.

How to rinse your nose during illness

It is necessary to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose. This will allow you to heal faster. You can rinse mucus-clogged sinuses with various medications. As a rule, they are prescribed by an otolaryngologist or therapist, depending on the disease. It is not recommended to purchase medications from a pharmacy on your own.

With a runny nose

A runny nose can be caused big amount diseases, therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to find out the cause of its occurrence. What medications can be used for a runny nose:

  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Solin;
  • Quicks;

Recipes will also work traditional medicine. But before using them, you must do an allergy test. Lubricate your wrist with the solution; if irritation and itching do not appear after a few hours, you can rinse. You can use beet juice, string, calendula, chamomile. Many medicinal herbs have an antiseptic effect, so they will help relieve inflammation and swelling.

Procedures can be performed no more than 5 times a day for several days in a row. If no improvement occurs over a long period of time, then it makes sense to consult a doctor again. Surgery may be required.

For sinusitis

For sinusitis, you can rinse your nose with saline solutions, which are sold in any pharmacies. These may be drugs such as:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Quicks;
  • Humer;
  • Solin;
  • Marimer.

You can also prepare rinsing solutions yourself. For this purpose they are used salt, decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, sage or chamomile) and linden honey.

Majority pharmaceuticals sold in spray form. Some medications are produced as solutions, sold with special devices for rinsing the nasal sinuses. Before rinsing your nose if you have congestion, you should consult your doctor. Any independent treatment can lead to a deterioration in health.

Washing with saline solution has its own characteristics. Helpful Tips:

  1. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 30 minutes before going outside. But if there is no need, then the first ones are better stay home during sick days.
  2. You need to clean your sinuses regularly, but not more than once every 2 days.
  3. You need to clear your nose not only during an exacerbation of upper respiratory tract diseases, but also during chronic nasal diseases as a preventive measure.
  4. The salt concentration for cleaning a child’s nose should be half that for an adult.
  5. Infants and children under 3 years of age should not rinse their noses with syringes and other devices that deliver liquid under strong pressure. This can damage the baby's septum and nasal mucosa.

Pregnant women should refrain from the procedure until a doctor prescribes it; even such a seemingly safe procedure can have a negative impact on the fetus.

A runny nose should be treated immediately after the first symptoms appear, so that the disease does not become chronic. Both adults and children need to clean their noses of mucus. This will allow you to heal faster. There is a large number medicines which are prescribed by a doctor. Can also be used saline solutions, which are no less effective in the treatment of sinusitis.
